on location: south O
melinda hughey
New Orleans Embraces Voluntourism
Tour groups do
their part to rebuild
the storm-damaged city.
Student volunteers in New Orleans get time to explore the French Quarter.
“In 2008 our festivals enjoyed record-
nating an instrument to a school band,
Katrina roared through the Crescent
breaking numbers.”
building a playground. We try very hard
City nearly three-and-a-half years ago, the devastation left in her wake
But that’s not all. Convention busi-
to match up the tour groups with a proj-
ness is booming. The city played host to
ect that suits them. It is a process for
prompted dire forecasts of a recovery
the American Heart Association (AHA),
that might not occur for years, if ever. In
the most prominent citywide convention
those days and weeks following the na-
in 2008, for Scientific Sessions this past
are countless numbers of church groups,
tion’s worst-ever natural disaster, few
November. The AHA/American Stroke
student groups, leisure groups and con-
could have anticipated the outpouring
Association (ASA) International Stroke
vention delegates, not to mention offi-
of aid from volunteer groups converging
Conference was held last February. The
cials from some of the country’s leading
on the city armed with the desire to help
convention picture for 2009 looks even
tour companies and other hospitality
and tourism entities. In April nearly 350
Today, thanks in no small part to
Yet for all the success stories, there
At the center of this wave of laborers
travel professionals convened for a full
that generous and continuous surge of
remains plenty of recovery work to be
day of badly-needed repair in Louis
manpower, New Orleans is flourishing,
done. “There is not a day that goes by
Armstrong Park as part of the Tourism
according to Lisa Holland, tourism sales
since Katrina that we don't get a request
Cares project, accomplishing more in
manager of the New Orleans Metropoli-
for a group to do some type of service
one day than the park's staff could have
tan Convention and Visitors Bureau.
project,” Holland said, “whether it be
completed in several months, according
gutting a home in the Ninth Ward, do-
to the organization's website.
“New Orleans is thriving,” she said. 40 February 2009
And even though conditions
hours to spare and others can contribute
rebounded to near pre-Katrina volume,
throughout the city are steadily improv-
an entire day. We are here to help them
conventional leisure tour traffic has been
ing, the need for assistance is perhaps
find the right organization to meet their
slow to return, "but they are beginning
greater than ever because demand for
to pick up," Holland pointed out).
assistance in new disaster hot spots like
Holland said some hotels in the city
Ideas for service abound and are as
Galveston and Houston are stretching
have offered specially priced "Volun-
close as the voluntourism link on the
the volunteer pool thin. Holland main-
tour" packages. "We ask that groups
New Orleans Convention and Visitors
tains a lengthy laundry-list of local or-
contact us here at the CVB so we can
Bureau website's homepage [neworlean-
ganizations welcoming volunteers.
help them find a hotel to suit their
scvb.com or foreverneworleans.com].
"Group leaders calling about includ-
budget and needs. Hotels routinely let us
Group leaders can click on links that
ing a service project in their itineraries is
know when they can offer the best rates,
generate a comprehensive listing of vol-
a near-daily occurrence," Holland said.
so we work to match the groups and the
unteer opportunities not only in Greater
"Even fam trips are doing this. The
New Orleans, but throughout South
groups don't typically stay over any ad-
While most tour companies are not
Louisiana and areas demolished by Hur-
ditional days, but they will include some
currently listing "voluntour" itineraries
of their budgeted time to give back to
in their catalogs, Holland said sample
the area. It has truly been incredible. I
itineraries combining volunteer activities
Lisa Holland, Tourism Sales Manager,
would say 80 percent of the leisure
with more traditional touring elements
New Orleans Metropolitan CVB,
groups are offering this to their mem-
are available by contacting her at the
800-748-8695, ext. 5053;
bers. Some groups have a couple of
bureau. (While convention traffic has
lholland@neworleanscvb.com. LGT
ricanes Rita and Gustav as well. For further information, contact
February 2009 41
on our radar: south O
ALABAMA To celebrate the Year of Alabama History campaign in 2009, the Alabama Tourism Department has published the 94-page brochure Historic Alabama: A Guide to Landmarks and Events. It gives insight into the history of 163 towns and cities across the state and features more than 700 museums, events and historically significant sites. The publication features Civil War and Civil Rights sites, places of aviation and space exploration, Native American civilizations, and remnants of pioneer life in Old Alabama Town in Montgomery, Pike Pioneer Museum in Troy and Huntsville’s Constitution Village, the
American Idol is the latest attraction at Disney’s Hollywood Studios in Florida.
birthplace of Alabama. Special emphasis is being placed on historical attractions and museums in the 2009 Alabama Vacation Guide. [800-252-2262,
show. [disneyworld.com] Disney’s Wide World of Sports at
to the grounds and museum will be free; there will be a charge for the simulators
Florida’s Walt Disney World has an-
and IMAX movies.
nounced plans to build a 160,000-
square-foot bowling stadium, which
seating and a restaurant. When not
The television and pop culture phenom-
being used for tournaments, the sta-
As the first major addition to the Ken-
enon American Idol debuts in January
dium would be open to the public. It is
tucky Horse Park’s International Mu-
as the newest attraction at Disney’s Hol-
expected to open in early 2010 and
seum of the Horse since its opening in
lywood Studios theme park at Walt Dis-
host the 2011 United States Bowling
1978, the new Arabian horse galleries
ney World Resort in Florida. Guests will
Congress Open Championship.
will open this fall. The expansion,
be able to experience the challenge of
[407-939-4263, disneyworldsports.com]
funded by the Purebred Arabian Horse
will include 100 lanes, stadium-style
auditioning, the rush of performing on stage or the thrill of judging the per-
Trust and American Arabian horse comGEORGIA
munity, will increase the Lexington mu-
formances. The experience will include
The new National Infantry Museum
seum’s permanent exhibition space by
an audition process in which guests per-
and Soldier Center at Patriot Park opens
nearly 30 percent. The museum will re-
form in front of a Disney’s Hollywood
March 20 on a 200-acre campus linking
ceive collections of art and artifacts
Studios producer for the chance to be
Fort Benning and Columbus. Galleries
from the Arabian Horse Trust and Ara-
cast in the theme park show. If shown to
in the 190,000-square-foot museum will
bian Horse Owners Foundation. A spe-
have that star quality during the screen-
tell the Infantry story from pre-Revolu-
cial exhibit in 2010, A Gift from the
ing process and after backstage prepara-
tionary days to the present. Featured
Desert: The Art, History and Culture of
tion—working with a vocal coach, hair
will be a 3-D IMAX theater, simulator
the Arabian Horse, will be featured in
and makeup—it’s lights and showtime
attractions and themed restaurant. The
the museum’s changing galleries. Run-
for the lucky guest in front of a live au-
campus will include a World War II
ning from June 1 through the Alltech
dience and panel of judges. Performers
Company Street, Memorial Walk of
FEI World Equestrian Games (Sept. 25-
with the highest number of votes will
Honor and seven-acre parade field for
Oct. 10), it will be the most comprehen-
compete in an end-of-day grand finale
Infantry school graduations. Admission
sive exploration ever of the significance
42 February 2009
of the horse, and particularly the Ara-
designed to create interaction between
tion. The exhibition presents original
bian horse, on Near Eastern cultures.
tour guides and their passengers while
artwork, including drawings and car-
The 2010 Games at the Kentucky Horse
informing visitors of the city’s unique
toons, plus puppets and props. The cur-
Park mark the first time the event has
culture. Contact Lisa Holland at 504-
rent major exhibition (through July 5),
been held outside of Europe. [800-678-
566-5053 or at lholland@neworlean-
Raoul Dufy: A Celebration of Beauty,
8813, kyhorsepark.com]
scvb.com. [neworleanscvb.com]
features the artist's colorful paintings
The Louisville Convention & Visi-
and his equally celebrated textile de-
tors Bureau has introduced its first fam-
signs, used by leading French dress de-
ily reunion planning kit, entitled “A
The Mississippi Museum of Art in Jack-
signers. American Masters of the
‘How to’ Planning Guide for Family Re-
son presents Jim Henson’s Fantastic
Mississippi Gulf Coast (April 11-July
unions & Gatherings in Louisville.”
World, an exhibition running from Dec.
12) examines the works of such artists
Since many reunion planners start plan-
19, 2009, to March 14, 2010.
as George Ohr and Walter Anderson.
ning at least one to two years ahead, the
The show offers a rare glimpse into the
[601-960-1515, msmuseumart.org]
48-page, full-color kit includes a two-
imagination and creative genius of the
year, step-by-step planning guide and
creator of Kermit the Frog, Big Bird and
timetable, sample itineraries, sample
hundreds of other characters. The Mis-
The Wilmington/Cape Fear Coast CVB
worksheets, and forms and other useful
sissippi native expressed his ideas
offers a new group planning kit called
tips. The CVB’s planning assistance in-
through a variety of visual forms, clever
“Follow the Leader.” It showcases His-
cludes sending a lead to local hotels for
dialogue, songs, comic bits and anima-
toric Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure
sleeping and meeting rooms, one Louisville souvenir per attendee, one complimentary visitor guide per room blocked on peak night and a local vendor list for customized family reunion Tshirts, entertainment, photographers, decorators, caterers, etc. [800-626-5646, ext. 471, gotolouisville.com] LOUISIANA The New Orleans CVB has announced the launch of the “NOLA Destination Fun Kit,” an innovative and interactive learning tool designed specifically for motorcoach tour participants. Tour operators are encouraged to notify the CVB of future motorcoach groups visiting the city. Tour escorts will be mailed an informational package that will include a “Jazzed about New Orleans” music CD and a “Forever New Orleans” promotional video, plus an Official Visitors Guide and the CVB’s Motorcoach Rules and Regulations brochure. The CVB will also deliver the “NOLA Destination Fun Kit,” a set of New Orleans trivia questions and prizes LeisureGroupTravel.com
February 2009 43
on our radar: south O
museum’s collections. Exhibits draw heavily on the 1862 Battle of Fredericksburg. Included are a simple wooden door marred by the bullet of a Union soldier, diaries and letters written by battled-scarred soldiers for their frightened families, and weapons on display for the first time in more than a decade. The exhibit Fredericksburg at War tells the personal stories of Fredericksburg residents shattered by war, focusing on the aftermath of the Battle of Fredericksburg. Also on display is a rare collection of historic money, both paper and coin, in the vault of the bank formerly at this location. Galleries above the main lobby feature objects that depict the area’s Replica of Titanic’s Grand Staircase in Pigeon Forge.
20th century history. [800-260-3646, fredericksburgareamuseum.com] WEST VIRGINIA
Beach and Wrightsville Beach. Content
Black Bear Jamboree, Miracle Theater
Harpers Ferry and surrounding commu-
includes descriptions of area attractions,
and WonderWorks on the north end of
nities will celebrate the Sesquicentennial
guided tours and cruises, maps and cli-
Pigeon Forge. The attraction will display
of John Brown’s Raid this year with
mate information. Attractions include
hundreds of priceless Titanic artifacts in
more than 65 events from April to De-
the Battleship North Carolina, historic
20 galleries on two decks that will also
cember. The sesquicentennial is among
house museums and beaches. The guide
contain replicas of the Grand Staircase,
the American Bus Association’s Top 100
also provides theme itineraries and de-
a first-class suite, a third-class cabin and
Events in North America in 2009. Most
tails on group-friendly accommodations
a Marconi wireless room. Each visitor
activities will be in Harpers Ferry Na-
and restaurants, festivals/events and
will receive a boarding pass bearing the
tional Historical Park and Jefferson
group services provided by the CVB.
name of a real Titanic passenger or crew
County. John Brown, an abolitionist, at-
[866-266-9690, ext. 113,
member and will be able to touch an
tacked the federal arsenal in Harpers
cape-fear.nc.us] .
iceberg, experience the chill of 28-degree
Ferry in 1859 to secure arms and muni-
water, sit in an actual life boat, “steer”
tions to free area slaves. Brown was cap-
the ship and send an SOS message.
tured, tried for treason against the
Titanic Pigeon Forge, a towering ship-
Commonwealth of Virginia and hanged.
shaped museum/attraction devoted to
The raid was a failure but made Brown
the world’s best-known ocean liner, is
a martyr. At the Jefferson County Mu-
coming to East Tennessee. Christening
seum in Charles Town, groups can see
of the 30,000-square-foot structure that
Fredericksburg, home to some of the
the wagon that carried Brown to his ex-
will resemble the romantic, ill-fated
most devastating battles in Civil War
ecution and desk from his jail cell.
cruise ship will be in the spring of 2010.
history, has opened the Catherine W.
Groups can also visit the Jefferson
It is a $25-million project of Cedar Bay
Jones McKann Center at the Fredericks-
County Courthouse, where he was tried,
Entertainment, the parent company of
burg Area Museum & Cultural Center.
and the site where he was executed.
the Titanic attraction in Branson, Mo.
The new center joins the existing Town
[johnbrownhf.com, wvtourism.com]
Home port is a site on the Parkway near
Hall in exhibiting and interpreting the
44 February 2009