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The Definitive Guide to PARENT CHAPERONES
Whetherit’s your first time recruiting a parent chaperone for your next field trip or your 20 th , this complete guide has you covered with all the do’s and don’ts
By Lisa Shames
Field trips are often some of the most anticipated days of the school year for students but can sometimes be a source of anxiety for teachers and organizers. We get it; finding a great chaperone isn’t easy. Plan a better field trip for everyone by employing parent chaperones and watch your hectic day transform into an unforgettable experience not only for students, but for any adults who tag along for the ride.
• Start recruiting early as most parents’ schedules are busy, especially during the week.
• Send out a mass email or letter home with students with the date of the field trip far in advance. This allows parents to take off work and plan accordingly.
• Encourage parent participation by describing the trip in detail.
• Know what qualifications and expectations you have in advance which will eliminate any hard feelings while ensuring the best possible trip experience for everyone.
• Highlight the educational and recreational benefits of the event and how the parents can be directly involved in their child’s learning.
• Make sure your chaperones are dressed appropriately and remind them to arrive with all the necessary field trip essentials (including a lunch, if not provided).
• Print out schedule/itinerary for the day, as well as any maps or directions needed.
• If students are required to complete an assignment, provide chaperones with that homework.
• Provide chaperones with your contact information in case of emergency.
• Provide chaperones with a short description of each child: name, hair color and color of clothing will all help chaperones keep an eye on each child and better track down a lost student.
• Make chaperones feel more welcome by introducing them to each other and encouraging parent involvement once you reach your field trip destination – parents should not be bystanders.
• Post-trip be sure to properly thank your chaperones by sending a thank-you note home with their child within a week after the outing along with any photos that were taken. Chaperoning should be more than just herding students around; it should be a way for parents to connect with their child’s education and experience the interactive learning.
• Ensure there are enough adult chaperones going with you. The number needed relates directly to how many students are going, but there should never be less than two adults per group.
• Do make sure to keep groups as small as possible. Even the most organized of chaperones can feel a little overwhelmed with a herd of children to look after, especially if the field trip venue is large and crowded. Keep groups to under 10 students per chaperone.
• Assign parent chaperones to groups with their child, which will make the day more fun for them both. Children are more likely to behave when their parents are around.
• Within groups, assign student partners to increase students’ accountability and minimize the chance of losing someone.
• When taking attendance throughout the day, ask students to give their partner a high-five. That way, a child’s absence is more likely to be noticed.
• If the trip is mixed gender, make sure there is at least one adult for each.
• When choosing chaperones, the most important piece of advice to remember is don’t worry about hurting feelings. Parent chaperone choices should be based on which individuals would make the best chaperone – not which parent emails you the most or the nicest parent of the bunch.
• Safety of the group and the logistics of the trip should be the top priority, so the most responsible parents are the best choices as well as the parents who maintain a positive attitude no matter the situation. If all willing chaperones are equally qualified, picking names out of a hat is the best method.
• Just like in the theater, it’s a good idea to have an ‘understudy’ ready to step in in case a scheduled chaperone can’t make the trip. ■
Chaperone Recruiting
√ Have experience working with adolescents
√ Be willing to help plan and facilitate activities
√ Able to attend all pre-tour meetings
√ Assist with documentation needs such as passports and visas
√ Prepared to spend money on items not covered in tour
√ Be able to chaperone small groups of students on flights or tours
√ Be able to follow all tour guidelines in respect to student expectations
Chaperone Trip
√ Be on call 24/7 in case of emergency
√ Assist with student disciplinary matters
√ Responsible for small groups of students throughout tour
√ Help facilitate curfews and room checks at night
√ Stay behind if a student is too ill to participate in the day’s activities
√ Accompany a student home in case of severe illness
√ Make sure students are ready at the proper time
√ Monitor activities during free time
√ Willingness to accompany students on free day excursions
√ Ability to take over the group if the lead teacher cannot complete the tour