E&E jan feb issue 2011

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ireland’s leading environment & energy management publication





C o n t e n t s


- 18-20 E NERGY P OINT

News from home and abroad.

Latest energy developments in Ireland and overseas.

PA G E 7



Ireland well advanced towards achieving EU waste objectives.

PA G E 2

SEAI Energy Show 2011.

Belfast Harbour aims to become leading UK renewables hub.

Laura Burke, director, EPA.


PA G E 1 9

Reductions in Irish air pollutants.


Wind energy.

Wind generation not increasing wholesale electricity prices.

- 4 R ECYCLING EU moving towards ‘recycling society’ but room for further progress.

PA G E 3 Air quality.


- 21 E NERGY E FFICIENCY Improving energy efficiency a priority for Irish companies.

PA G E 2 1 Energy efficiency.

Improvements in Ireland’s water quality. Managing Director: Colin Murphy Sales Director: Ronan McGlade

EPA report shows a significant reducton of E.coli in drinking water.

Editor: Mike Rohan Sales Manager: Don Sheridan Production Manager: Susan Doyle



SEAI Energy Show 2011 - Open up to smart energy solutions.

Environment & Energy Management is published by Premier Publishing Limited, 51 Parkwest Enterprise Centre, Nangor Road, Dublin 12. Tel: + 353 1 612 0880 Fax: + 353 1 612 0881 E-Mail: ronan@prempub.com Website: www.prempub.com London Office: Premier Publishing Limited, CTS, 34 Leadenhall Street, London, EC3A 1AT Tel: 0171 247 3238 Fax: 0171 247 3239 Premier Publishing Limited can accept no responsibility for the accuracy of contributors’ articles or statements appearing in this magazine. Any views or opinions expressed are not necessarily those of Premier Publishing and its Directors. No responsibility for loss or distress occasioned to any person acting or refraining from acting as a result of the material in this publication can be accepted by the authors, contributors, editor and publisher. A reader should access separate advice when acting on specific editorial in this publication!

Energy Show 2011 Previews.

Design, Origination and Separations by Fullpoint Design (057) 8680873


PA G E 5

Specialist hazardous waste services from SRCL.

Water quality

Printed by W&G Baird. Annual Subscription (UK and Ireland) € 79 Overseas Subscription € 108






Ireland Well Advanced Towards Achieving EU Waste Objectives reland is well advanced in achieving most of the EU waste recovery IAgency’s and recycling targets, according to the Environmental Protection National Waste Report 2009. However, the report urges

gets for packaging waste, waste electrical goods, the first objectives under the Landfill Directive and also continued efforts to divert biodegradable waste from landfill, objectives under the new Waste improve the penetration of source separated waste collection services Framework Directive,” comments Laura Burke, firector of the EPA’s Laura Burke, director of the (3 bin), and prevent waste arising from all sectors of society. In 2009, municipal waste generation in Ireland fell by a further Office of Climate Change, Licensing EPA’s Office of Climate Change, Licensing and 8.4% following a 5% reduction the previous year. These changes and Resource Use. are in line with reductions in GDP and personal consumption “While the reductions in waste gen- Resource Use. levels. The amount of biodegradable municipal waste landfilled eration and the improvements in fell by 11%, leaving Ireland within 143,000 tonnes of meeting its recovery seen in 2009 are welcome, we must continue to focus EU Landfill Directive diversion target for 2010. Household on resource efficiency to ensure that when economic growth does waste generation fell by 3% in spite of an increase in population; return, it is not accompanied by a surge in waste generation,” she 70% of packaging waste was recovered and there was a decrease adds. of 62% in construction and demolition Significant progress has been made in waste. managing municipal waste in Ireland and “There has been a significant reducthe report clearly shows that Ireland is tion in the amount of municipal waste expected to meet a key EU target for divertgenerated in Ireland, from a peak of ing biodegradable municipal waste from almost 3.4 million tonnes in 2007, to landfill in 2010. However, the targets for less than 3 million tonnes in 2009. 2013 and 2016 will be more difficult to The economic downturn is having a achieve. Urgent and sustained actions are marked effect on waste generation, required if Ireland is to meet these EU tarparticularly in the commercial waste gets, including the further roll-out of and construction and demolition waste source-segregated collections, recovery of streams. Ireland is also making good Urgent and sustained actions are required if Ireland is organic waste and development of infraprogress towards achieving its EU tar- to meet EU targets. structure for the pre-treatment of municipal ENVIRONMENT

European Commission Seeks Environmental Fines Against Ireland The European Commission is taking Ireland back to the European Court of Justice for failing to implement an earlier ruling concerning developments that may harm the natural and man-made heritage of the countryside. Two years after the judgment, Ireland has still not adopted legislation to address the issue. The European Commission is referring the case back to Court and asking it to impose a lump-sum fine of more than €4000 per day for the period between the first Court ruling and the second Court ruling and a daily penalty payment of more than Eur33,000 per day for each day after the second Court ruling until the infringement ends. The case refers to a European Court of Justice 2

ruling against Ireland in November 2008. This found that the thresholds for undertaking an environmental impact assessment for certain types of projects, including the restructuring of rural landholdings and water management projects for irrigation or land drainage, were too high. They did not take enough account of sensitive countryside features. This led to loss of wetlands and other habitats and the destruction of archaeological remains without any environmental impact assessments ever being required.


B&Q Becomes First UK Retailer to Buy 100% Responsibly Sourced Wood After a campaign that spans over twenty years when B&Q became a founding partner of the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council), the international group, has become the first major UK retailer to achieve its goal of only buying timber products from proven responsible sources. Last year just over 90% of B&Q’s timber products were traceable to responsible sources and from February, the UK’s largest home improvement retailer can ensure that 100% of timber in its products, can be traced back to well managed sources. NATURAL RESOURCES

£4 Million EU Funded Geological Project A £4million EU funded geoENVIRONMENT & ENERGY MANAGEMENT, JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2011

logical project to carry out further analysis of Northern Ireland’s natural resources has been launched. The cross-border Tellus Border project has been funded by the INTERREG IVA development programme of the European Regional Development Fund, which is managed by the Special European Programmes Body. This is the largest of the latest awards under the Environment theme of INTERREG IVA and is part funded by the Department of the Environment in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government. The Geological Survey of Northern Ireland will manage the project in partnership with Geological Survey of Ireland, The Queen’s University, Belfast and Dundalk Institute of Technology. The project is an extension of the award-winning Tellus




Reductions in Irish Air Pollutants he EPA has published information T on Ireland’s position in 2009 in relation to meeting the 2010 obligations under the National Emissions Ceilings Directive (NEC Directive). The figures show the trends for four key air pollutants - sulphur dioxide (S02), nitrogen oxides (N0X), volatile organic compounds (VOC) and ammonia (NH3) - over the period 1990 to 2009.

S02, N0X, VOC and NH3 are responsible for long-range transboundary air pollution such as acidification, eutrophication and groundlevel ozone pollution. The European Community, through the National Emissions Ceiling Directive, limits emissions of these four pollutants by 2010 through country specific national ceilings. Commenting on the figures Dr Mary Kelly, director general of the EPA, says: “EPA emission data for 2009 show that Ireland is already in compliance with the 2010 limit for three of the four transboundary air pollutants. This reflects the success of initiatives such as the incentivisation of sulphur-free transport fuels; the use of cleaner natural gas; the ban on bituminous coals and IPPC licensing controls. Despite reducing N0X emissions 31.3% between 1990 and 2009, these emissions – which are mainly due to increased numbers and use of road vehicles - continue to pose a problem.” The main sources of N0X emissions in Ireland are the transProject in Northern Ireland, which produced new maps and digital data of soils, rocks and stream waters of the whole of Northern Ireland. CONSERVATION

New Study Exposes Failure of Zoo Regulation Throughout Europe Initial findings of The EU Zoo Inquiry 2011, the most comprehensive investigation into the licensing and performance of zoos across the EU, has revealed the systemic failure of governments, competent authorities and enforcement agencies to ensure that European zoos meet their legal obligations to species conservation, education and animal welfare. Produced by international wildlife NGO, the Born Free Foundation, on behalf of ENDCAP, The EU Zoo

port sector and power generation. Emissions have decreased by 31% between 1990 and 2009 and by 16% in the last year alone. Despite this significant reduction, these figures show that, based on 2009 results, Ireland would exceed its 2010 N0X ceiling of 65 kilotonnes by 24 kilotonnes (37%). Power stations are the principal source of S02 emissions in Ireland. S02 emissions have reduced considerably between 1990 and 2009. These latest estimates indicate a decrease of 82% over the period 1990 to 2009. reland’s national emission ceiling for S02 under the NEC Directive is 42 kilotonnes to be achieved by 2010. Emissions of S02 in 2009 at 32.7 kilotonnes are already compliant with this 2010 ceiling. The main sources of VOC emissions in Ireland are solvent use and transport. VOC emissions decreased by 41% between 1990 and 2009. reland’s national emissions ceilings for VOC is 55 kilotonnes to be achieved by 2010. Emissions in 2009 at 52.2 kilotonnes are already compliant with the 2010 ceiling. The agriculture sector accounts for virtually all ammonia emissions in Ireland. NH3 emissions increased by 2% between 1990 and 2009 in comparison with an allowed maximum increase of 10% under the National Emission Ceiling. reland’s national emission ceiling for NH3 is 116 kilotonnes to be achieved by 2010. Emissions since 2003 have already been compliant with the 2010 ceiling.

Inquiry 2011 is an independent study which evaluates the degree to which EC Directive 1999/22 – the Zoos Directive – has been implemented and enforced.

awarded ISO 14001 for environmental management systems by the NSAI (National Standards Authority of Ireland). The company-wide environmental management system has allowed MartinBrower Metroplex Ireland, which is the exclusive distributor of food products to over 100 McDonald’s restaurants across the island of Ireland, to identify waste reduction opportunities, energy efficiency measures and offer greater protection of the environment.



Martin-Brower Metroplex Ireland Awarded ISO 14001 Martin-Brower Metroplex Ireland, a leading distributor of food products to the restaurant retail sector, has been

New Rules on Labelling of Hazardous Substances in Construction Products Building materials containing hazardous substances will have to be clearly labelled to protect the health and safety of build-


ing workers and other users, under a new regulation on the EU-wide sale of construction products recently approved by the European Parliament following an agreement reached with Council. Following pressure from MEPs, the ‘declaration of performance’ required for every construction product under the new rules will have to include information on hazardous substances, as required by the 2006 REACH Regulation, so as to meet health and safety standards and make the contents clear to all users. CARBON MANAGEMENT

ManageCO2 Launches UK's First 'All in One' Carbon Management Software Irish company ManageC02 3




EU Moving Towards 'Recycling Society' But Room For Further Progress he European Commission has pubT lished a report on Member States' performance in the prevention and recycling of waste. This shows that some Member States have made excellent progress, but that we are still some way from achieving the long-term goal of becoming a 'recycling society' – one that not only avoids producing waste but also uses it as a resource.

The report shows that in most Member States overall waste generation seems to be increasing (or at best stabilising) but at a lower rate than economic growth. Over the last ten years municipal waste generation has stabilised at around 524 kg per year per person, although household consumption has

has developed and launched what it claims is the UK’s first ‘all-in-one’ carbon management software. The cloudbased solution can track and report on an organisation’s international carbon footprint and has an energy management module that allows for real-time energy monitoring of electricity, gas and oil consumption. This allows companies to identify high usage areas, such as data centres, lighting or specific areas within buildings, and to instantly calculate and validate the return on investment for areas of energy reduction. The system was created in response to simplifications to the UK Government's Carbon Reduction (CRC) Energy Efficiency Scheme and a gap in the market for an in all one approach to energy management.


increased by around 16% during the same period. More could be done to reduce the absolute generation of waste. For example, 25% of food bought by EU households is thrown away. Some 60% of this waste could be avoided, saving each household around Eur500 per year. There are huge differences between Member States. Recycling rates vary from a few percent up to 70%. In some Member States landfilling has virtually disappeared, in others more than 90% of waste is still buried in the ground. This shows a significant margin for progress beyond the current EU minimum collection and recycling targets.


Ireland’s Environment Continues to be of High Quality Despite the difficult economic circumstances during 2010 Ireland’s environment continues to be of high quality, according to the EPA’s End of Year Statement for 2010. ”The EPA has a clear focus on what it needs to achieve as the Agency charged with overseeing environmental protection in Ireland. Limiting and adapting to climate change and making an effective transition to a green economy remain priorities for the EPA and for Ireland’s citizens, communities, businesses and government,” says Dr Mary Kelly, director general of the EPA. “Significant on-going investment will be required to resolve waste, water and air issues and much work remains to be done in the areas of transport, energy and agriculture to ensure that economic growth, when it returns, is sustainable.” Explaining the importance of environmental protection, Dr Kelly adds: “It is crucial that Ireland keeps environ-

mental protection centre-stage. Ireland’s environment is a key strategic asset for the country, which we must protect, manage and invest in to secure a healthy society and a strong, low-carbon and greener economy into the future. The transition to a genuinely low carbon and resource efficient economy has substantial benefits, not only for the environment, but also for the health and wellbeing of society.” In terms of investment, the recent water shortages illustrate how fragile the country’s infrastructure can be. “We need to continue to invest in Ireland’s green infrastructure, including waste water treatment and waste management facilities, so that the basic building blocks for a clean and well-protected environment are in place and functioning properly,” she points out. On the issue of climate change Dr Kelly comments: “Major challenges still exist in achieving real reductions in greenhouse gases which should not be underestimated. The EU 2020 target is particularly difficult for Ireland to achieve as it excludes those sectors covered by the Emissions Trading Scheme and applies to agricul-


ture, transport, residential and other sectors, where it is much more difficult to achieve reductions.” She continues: “Developing policies and measures which see Ireland significantly increasing energy efficiencies and its use of alternative energy sources is crucial. We need radical changes in practice in all economic sectors particularly energy, transport, and agriculture, and in our own lives. We also need a better understanding of climate change which is where research comes in.”

Dr Mary Kelly, director general of the EPA.


Improvements in Ireland’s Water Quality he latest report by the Environmental Protection Agency has found evidence of improvements in water quality in Ireland. However, continued actions across a range of sectors are needed if Ireland is to achieve its European water quality obligations. The report, ‘Water Quality in Ireland 2007 – 2009’, is a comprehensive review which covers 13,118 km of river and stream channel (1,700 rivers), 222 lakes, 89 estuarine and coastal water bodies and 211 groundwater monitoring stations.

or potentially eutrophic. In terms of area, approximately 5% of tidal areas was polluted. Some significant improvements were noted where new wastewater treatment plants had been installed recently – such as Sligo and the Garavogue estuary.


Rivers In rivers, 70% of channel is in good condition, but measures are needed to restore the quality of the 30% that was found to be polluted. The number of seriously polluted river sites was down to 20 – half that seen in 2004-2006. Increased investment in wastewater treatment has helped to eliminate some of this serious pollution. The number of fish kills was significantly down on previous periods, with 72 incidents

reported in 2007-2009, compared with 120 incidents in the previous three year period. Lakes Lakes are generally in good condition with over 90% of lake area in satisfactory condition, but 25 lakes were still in poor or bad status – mainly due to excess phosphates causing algal blooms. Estuaries Of the estuaries assessed, 85% were unpolluted, while 15% were classed as eutrophic

Groundwaters Monitoring of groundwaters showed a significant drop in the overall concentration of phosphates and nitrates during the period 85% of groundwaters were in satisfactory condition - but there was an upward trend in the detection of faecal coliforms – apparently due to increased rainfall in the period. Micheal O Cinneide, director, EPA Office of Environmental Assessment, comments: “In comparison with other EU member States, Ireland has better than average water quality. While there is evidence of an overall improvement in water quality in Ireland, further actions are essential if we are to achieve our water quality targets for 2015 and 2021 as required by the Water Framework Directive.” I

EPA Report Shows a Significant Reduction of E.coli in Drinking Water here has been a 50% reduction in the detection of E.coli in Irish public drinking water in the last two years, according to a new report by the Environmental Protection Agency. This is the EPA’s third report on drinking water quality since new regulations were introduced in 2007 providing for a greater level of consumer protection. The regulations require all local authorities to notify the EPA where there is a potential risk to human health, and to comply with directions given by the EPA. Commenting on the report Dara Lynott, director, EPA Office of Environmental Enforcement, says: “The EPA targeted a reduction in the detection of E.coli in drinking water in recent years and today we are seeing the success of this programme with a 50% reduction in two years. Despite this reduction investment needs to be maintained to bring detection levels in line with other EU countries.”


Safety of Supply Almost 250,000 monitoring tests against national and EU standards are carried out on the safety of our drinking water annually. In relation to the safety of our drinking water, this comprehensive testing regime shows: • E. coli was detected at least once in 27 out of 944 public water supplies in 2009. This figure is down from 39 in the previous year (2008). • The number of private group water schemes where E. coli was detected dropped from 134 in 2008 to 87 in 2009. However, des-pite this improvement, 17% of private group water schemes were contaminated at least once during 2009. • Overall compliance with the chemical standards was at 99.2% in 2009. This is a drop from 99.5% in 2008 because of poorer compliance with the new trihalomethanes standard. • Compliance with some indicator parameters, in particular compliance with aluminium and turbidity parametric values, remains an area for improvement. Security of Supply In relation to the security of water supplies

(that is, the management of the risks from the source water, through the drinking water treatment plant and supply network to our taps): • The EPA had identified 339 supplies in need of remedial action in early 2008 and placed them on a Remedial Action List. Of those, 42 per cent (142) have been removed as the necessary remedial actions have been completed. This includes the public water supplies in Limerick, Galway and Waterford cities which were upgraded in recent years. • At the end of 2010 there were 264 supplies on the EPA’s Remedial Action List. This includes 67 new supplies added to the list since it was first published in 2008. • Boil water notices or restrictions of use were put in place on 53 supplies serving approximately 93,000 persons in 2009. Adverse weather conditions in November 2009 alone led to the imposition of boil water notices on 10 public water supplies. • 44 legally binding directions were issued by the EPA to 16 local authorities in 2008 and 28 legally binding directions to nine local authorities in 2009. I



For use in: • Residential Estates with central heating supply • Multiple Dwellings and Blocks of Flats • Municipal Buildings • Administration Buildings • Industry • Sport Facilities • Hospitals


The annual Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland’s Energy Show takes place at the RDS in Dublin on March 30th and 31st.


he two day event is a business only trade exhibition showcasing leading suppliers of sustainable energy products and services and featuring a series of seminars covering the most current and topical developments facing the sector both nationally and internationally. Now firmly established as the annual national showcase for the Irish energy sector, the theme of this years Show is “Open up to Smart Energy Solutions’ highlighting the business potential from this area and how smart energy solutions can deliver real cost saving results for business. In what remains a very challenging period for businesses, both large and small, there is a greater call for sustainable energy solutions that can make a difference to a business bottom line. There is also a growing expectation around the ‘smart economy’ as one of the key drivers for future economic growth. Businesses are now looking at how to harness the potential of this smart economy for investment and job opportunities. The Energy Show provides the ideal forum to showcase the latest in innovative renewable energy solutions, network with like-minded businesses and hear how a low carbon future will bring a range of opportunities for business in the area of energy efficiency, technology, innovation and renewable energy. Challenges The coming years will be a period of

Ireland but from across Europe and visitors in attendance can expect to see companies such as Clarke Energy, Edina, Crowley Carbon, Energia, Ecological Building Systems, Mitsubishi Electric, to name but a few.

change for everyone as society moves away from energy-intense, fossil fuel based practices and lifestyles. We must engage a future with smart new technologies and intelligent use of resources. Businesses must find ways to address the carbon challenge without sacrificing international competitiveness. The success in reducing fossil fuel dependence will be an indicator of a business’s ability to address and adapt to all of the challenges associated with energy and indeed to identify the opportunities. Originally held in 1996, the Energy Show has seen huge amounts of change in the Irish energy sector in recent years. It is now the premier trade exhibition for the Irish sustainable energy sector highlighting the diversity of energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions in Ireland. The event attracts a diverse array of exhibitors not just from

Emerging Technologies The Energy Show will also feature an extended electric vehicle and emerging technologies area profiling and displaying the latest large transit vans and cars available on the market as well as new emerging technologies such as ocean energy. In addition to the trade exhibition, SEAI will present a comprehensive seminar programme detailing the latest energy saving and business opportunities available to businesses of all sizes. Details on the seminars will be available on www.seai.ie/energyshow. Attendees are expected from across a wide range of backgrounds with the event specifically aimed at businesses or individuals with a professional interest or responsibility for energy use and will be a unique and invaluable source of information for all. The show will run on Wednesday, March 30th from 9:30am to 7pm and on Thursday, March 31st from 9am to 5pm. For further details on SEAI’s Energy Show 2011 and how your business can exhibit as part of the show visit www.seai.ie/energyshow. Some of the exhibitors at Energy Show 2011 are profiled on the following pages. I




powerPerfector – Voltage Power Optimisation (VPO)® powerPerfector Ireland Ltd., a member of the Gowan Group brings Voltage Power Optimisation to the Irish Market. How would you like to cut your company’s energy bills and carbon emissions by 15%? How about doing it using one simple technology? A fit-and-forget product that automatically reduces your electricity consumption by 15%, lasts for 30+ years yet pays for itself in 2-4 years, never requires maintenance and can be fitted with minimum fuss in just a few hours? The Financial Times called this the ‘Green Holy Grail’ – welcome the powerPerfector So just how is it done? powerPerfector is fast making a name as the reference for Voltage Power Optimisation (VPO). VPO optimises the voltage entering a building meaning a clear reduction in energy usage. The voltage levels in the Irish Electricity Network can be anything up to 245V, and yet the optimum level required by most machinery is 220V. This additional voltage is not only being consumed unnecessarily, but it also puts considerably


more strain on machinery meaning they run less efficiently, fail more often and have a shorter life expectancy. For example, a 230V light bulb will only achieve 55% of its life if supplied with 240V. By optimising voltage, powerPerfector will: • Reduce energy use by up to 15% • Reduce carbon emissions by up to 15% • Reduce peak maximum demand by up to 15% • Protect electrical equipment from power spikes/transients up to 25,000 volts • Reduce maintenance costs • Suppress harmful harmonics that damage sensitive electronic equipment • Life expectancy of 30 years+ with 15 year guarantee • Achieve ROI figures of 25% to 50% typical

powerPerfector technology has already taken the UK and Japanese markets by storm, saving UK clients an incredible ?80 million and 440 million tonnes of CO2 since launch. For 2 years running, the company has featured in the Fast Track 100 List of fastest growing UK companies and the client list includes household names from Tesco to Burger King, 3M to RBS.



EXPANDING OPTIONS IN THE FIGHT TO REDUCE CARBON EMISSIONS Studies have shown that a large percentage of the fossil fuel energy used in homes, office buildings, schools, factories etc goes into the heating of water and the environment in general. However, once ‘used’ this water is just flushed into the local sewer network. This ‘wastewater’ offers a source of renewable energy having been shown to run normally at a higher temperature than local ambient conditions, often between 12 and 15 Celsius. So, the fossil fuel energy used to create this heat in the effluent is, at present, literally wasted, which in turn means additional carbon emissions for no useful purpose. With as much as 25% of the energy used to heat the buildings etc being lost to this wastewater/effluent, the question then arises does this heat have to go to waste or can it be A schematic of the Therm-Liner system recycled and reused in operation. some way to further minimise the need to use carbon-loaded fuels unnecessarily. The answer is yes! Under the right circumstances the recycling of the heat energy recovered from effluents can lead to up to 75% reduction of ‘existing fossil fuel’ energy consumption. Technology now exists that can achieve this heat recovery and recycle heat that would normally be wasted. How is this achieved? The answer is with the help of a new product, Therm-Liner, from Uhrig Kanaltechnik GmbH! How It Works With effluent flows running at higher than local ambient temperature, the Therm-Liner V4A heat exchanger unit is designed to minimise heat energy lost to environment. The heat exchange unit sits in the sewer pipe invert so that the effluents flow directly over A Therm-Liner V4A heat exchanger unit. them. By connecting the Therm-Liner to a heat pump on the surface, which circulates heat extraction fluid through the Therm-Liner Elements, the Heat Energy from the wastewater is transferred to a local ‘power’ station, where it is recycled and re-utilised. At the surface plant, heat from the effluent can also be used to warm water which in turn can be used as part of centralised local area heating system for local buildings such as council offices, social housing, schools or industrial sites and factories. These target consumers should be normally within 300 m of the heat source (in this case the sewer pipes) and heat pump circulation system. Having passed over the Therm-Liner elements, the wastewater/effluent in the sewer flows undisturbed onwards on its normal path. Recycling the ‘waste’ Installing the Therm-Liner system via existing heat in this way reduces manholes.

the need for the buildings connected to the system to use ‘new’ additional fossil fuel energy to maintain good working environments or to heat water for production process etc, so ultimately reducing the need for carbon-loaded energy use. It should perhaps be pointed out that the heat recovery system does not produced new electricity but simply transfers what would be ‘waste’ heat back into the system for reuse. Renewable Energy The recovery process can be termed ‘heat recycling’ or ‘renewable energy’ due to maximisation of and increase in the effectiveness of the power or fossil fuel energy which was initially used to heat the water which was then introduced into the sewer system with a higher temperature. The easy to install Therm-Liner heat recovery elements are designed and shaped to fit the most commonly used pipeline formats, through existing accesses so eliminating the need to excavate, A circular sewer pipe during including circular, egg-shaped and other installation. shapes as necessary ideally starting at a nominal diameter of 800 mm, but there are solutions for smaller diameter pipes also. The design also makes it possible to adapt installations to suit changing client needs and demands. The heat extraction fluid passing through the Therm Liner is circulated around the heat exchanger by low-power pumps in the ‘transfer station’ on surface. In the transfer station, a heat exchanger passes the recovered heat into a local centralised heating system at temperatures of between 40 and 60oC, which in turn is passed to buildings on the system where it is fed directly into their normal central heating systems to heat water for washing, showering and central heating within the buildings. The Therm-Liner system has been used in countries across Europe, including Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland and others and has provided data feedback A completed installation in an confirming its heat energy recovery egg-shaped sewer pipe. capabilities and cost effectiveness.

The pipe work arrangement for an installation in a kindergarten.




HAROLD ENGINEERING allow us to control multiple compressors installation in an energy efficient manner for both IR and competitor machines. The success of our intelliflow valve in system pressure reduction and allowing maximum usage of storage capacity has also proved a worthy tool in the pursuit of energy reduction. In relation to heating, Harold Engineering have over eighteen hundred Roberts Gordon low intensity burners in the market delivering approximately 40% energy savings versus conventional heating systems.

Harold Engineering has delivered highly efficient solutions in relation to compressed air supply and commercial heating throughout Ireland. The introduction of our Ingersoll-Rand Nirvana range of variable speed compressors 9 years ago was the “first to market” true variable speed drive compressor. With no unloaded running costs its benefits in relation to energy reduction are second to none. With our heat recovery options available on Nirvana and fixed speed compressors, 90% of power input is recoverable in space heating and 82% recoverable with the introduction of our ERS units (to heat water). The introduction of our X4I and X8I system controllers

www.haroldeng.ie / 01 25 75 100

WORCESTER, BOSCH GROUP Worcester, Bosch Group, is a leading manufacturer of high efficiency heating and hot water appliances for the home. As part of the worldwide Bosch Group all Worcester products are designed, manufactured, sold and distributed with the quality and reliability that is synonymous with the Bosch name. Worcester’s extensive fuel efficient boiler range includes; natural gas, oil-fired and LPG products. The award winning Greenstar range of high efficiency condensing (SEDBUK A rated) combi, regular and system boilers have been developed to suit every domestic application. Each is available with a selection of heating

controls and installation accessories to suit any household or lifestyle requirement. More recently the company has also developed its product portfolio to include renewable heating technologies: the Greenskies solar water heating system, Greenstore ground source heat pumps and Greensource air to air and air to water heat pumps, provide environmentally friendly, low-carbon solutions to domestic heating and hot water provision. For further details on any of our products, or to request literature please visit www.worcester-bosch.co.uk

ENERGY MONITORING The readily identifiable Hanley name is synonomous with Industry in Ireland & the UK. Hanley Energy have been providing turnkey Automated Energy Measurement & Targeting solutions for Industry for the past five years and have saved our customers over €2 million in energy costs. Our abilty to install intelligent building management systems as part of the AM&T system automates the energy reduction process and allows our customers to do business

in a more efficient manner. We also provide AM&T solutions for the Retail, Commercial & light Industrial sectors. Hanley Energy are ISO 9001:2008 certified. Contact us today! Hanley Energy Ltd Unit 4 Millmount Development Centre Millmount, Drogheda Co Louth T. +353 41 9805928 F. +353 41 9805932 Email: energy@hanleyenergy.ie WEB: www.hanleyenergy.ie

KENBAY ELECTRIC BIKES Kenbay Electric Bikes is a 100% Irish owned company based in Tallaght, Dublin. We offer benefits to all types of people through the use of our battery powered ‘pedal assist’ bikes. Whether you’re a commuter looking to escape the traffic but not sweat up hills or just want to get around without paying increasingly excessive petrol prices, we can help you out! Our bikes are available through the ‘Cycle to Work Scheme’ with which you can save up to 50% off the cost... getting rid of the second car has never been more affordable. There is no need for insurance, road tax or a driving licence, so anyone can enjoy the freedom and stress free enjoyment of a Kenbay electric bike.


We also provide conversion kits so you can take your own bike and make it electric, meaning if you have a bike you never use, you can save it from rusting away in the shed. This again reduces the cost so you don’t spend more than you have to. Tie this in with the few cents it costs to charge the battery and you can have many kilometres of motorized transport with running costs of next to nothing. Contact: Kenbay Electric Bikes, 35 Second Avenue, Cookstown Ind. Est., Tallaght, Dublin 24. Ireland. +353(0)1-4510077 www.electricbikes.ie e mail:: info@electricbikes.ie



MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC IRELAND - Celebrating 30 Years in Ireland

Since 1981 when Mitsubishi Electric set up in Ireland we have seen unbelievable progress and major changes. This year we are celebrating 30 years in Ireland. Over the last 30 years, air conditioning professionals all over Ireland have insisted on the leading edge technology and unrivalled choice of Mitsubishi Electric Air Conditioning. So quiet and comfortable you won't even know they're there. We offer air conditioners for large facilities, small offices, retail premises and homes. From the versatile M-Series and the easy-to-install Mr. Slim range to flexible City Multi models and energy saving Lossnay heat exchange systems, there's a Mitsubishi Electric climate control system to suit every application. Mitsubishi are now looking forward to the next 30 years bringing with us our corporate vision “Changes for the Better” which will see a host of new renewable products and a green initiatives. One such initiative, which has been to the forefront of Mitsubishi policy over the last number of years, is the ‘Green Gateway Initiative’. The Green Gateway Initiative has been created by Mitsubishi Electric as the Company’s proactive response to climate change. In Ireland, Mitsubishi Electric will actively use its market footprint to influence people’s buying decisions and help businesses and consumers make the right choices. The Green Gateway Initiative is a formalisation and acceleration of the practices that the Company already employs. The Green Gateway Initiative was developed as a wider part of the Corporation’s Environmental Vision 2021 initiative. This makes commitments to reduce CO2 emissions from product use by 30% by 2021 and expand development of power generation that does not emit CO2. As Mitsubishi Electric in Ireland look to the future, our commitment to green initiatives and our renewable products is very much to the fore for the company in Ireland. Using Mitsubishi Electric’s Ecodan air source heat pump to provide domestic and commercial space heating and hot water, it is possible to greatly reduce CO2 emissions and reduce running costs. Using proven heat pump technology widely used in the heating and cooling industry,

Ecodan upgrades naturally occurring energy from the air and uses this to provide heating and hot water. Heat pump technology has been used around the world for decades and Mitsubishi Electric have developed this technology for domestic and commercial application to produce Ecodan - one of the most advanced, efficient heating systems available today. Another leading technology is our Mitsubishi PV (photovoltaic systems) panels where Mitsubishi Electric is one of the few providers that manufacture all of the individual components the cells, the panels and the inverters to offer complete reassurance on quality, performance and reliability. As Mitsubishi Electric in Ireland celebrate 30 years we are excited about what we can achieve over the coming years. Areas such as Air Conditioning, Robotics, Industrial Automation and PV panels will play a key role in all our futures contributing to enhancing the quality of life and creating a better tomorrow.

Authentic can reduce your business energy usage, helping you to increase profits How well does your business manage energy? Apply now for (SEAI funded) free site assessment: Delivers immediate savings with 90 days follow-up support. Authentic has been on the SEAI panel of independent energy advisors since 2007. As independent consultants, we reduce business energy usage, increasing your profits. Efficiency gains are delivered: • At no cost to you • With increased profit to you • And a reduced GHG and CO2 Foot Print

To reduce your business energy costs with low and no-cost actions, call 01 230 5018 Contact details Authentic Energy Management Services Block 4 Harcourt Centre Harcourt Road, Dublin 2 01 230 5018 www.authentic.ie web@authentic.ie




GENTRACK: Building Smarter Communities With Specialist CRM Tools For Energy Utilities behaviours regarding energy consumption and Smart Grids are transforming the landscape communicating the customer’s role in achievof energy industries and households globally. ing greater energy efficiency in the UK.” Deployment of smart meters, Gentrack continues to work communications networks and new collaboratively with energy utilities generation software applications continue to actively involved in smart grid trials and gain momentum as the industry looks for deployment programmes. As a key player in new ways to manage consumer demand and the smart grid game, Gentrack has committed grid performance. to continued investment in its next generation In a demonstration of its leadership posibilling and CRM tools where the customer is tion in the race to smart grid success, pivotal to achieving smarter communities. Gentrack has recently launched a new “Customer are critical to smart grid success. release of its Gentrack Velocity smart billing Utilities need the right vendor relationships and CRM system, designed specifically for and specialist tools to understand consumpenergy utilities looking to put the customer tion behaviours, to drive innovative demand at the centre of their smart grid strategy. side initiatives and deploy a range of smart “Gentrack Velocity’s CRM capabilities energy products to meet consumer’s changing are designed with the smart grid in mind, energy requirements. Our specialist software ensuring utilities have the tools to products enable utilities to drive these smart understand and engage with customers initiatives.” around energy consumption and household He elaborates: “We’re in the game for the energy efficiency,” says Gentrack CEO James long term and we have spent many years Docking. delivering smart software to energy industries. “We continue to innovate using a set of Building smarter homes will be the result of powerful workflow engines and giving ‘real time’ information to households communication tools to enable utilities to when they need to make decisions. Developing establish new customer touch points, and to Gentrack CEO James Docking. and deploying smart tools for utilities to engage with customers in new ways such as enable this vision is what really excites the people in this business.” Social Media, in-home displays and SMS.” The growing world of social media is a new paradigm for many energy utilities looking to engage with customer’s online, and remains as a key focus of R&D for Gentrack’s smart CRM tools. James Docking continues: “Around the world there are 2-3 new Twitter accounts activated every second and over 50 million tweets recorded each day. There are 350 million active Facebook users, up 40% over the ‘Real time information and last 6 months. As a customer touch point, social media will be key to utilities need to building smarter communities’ - embrace these new channels using smart Gentrack, Smart Billing and billing and CRM tools for messaging and online collaboration, CRM software for utilities. encouraging new

KELLIHERS LIGHTING Kellihers Lighting is a progressive lighting company which has 22 branches nationwide, has four lighting showrooms Dublin,Cork,Galway and Tralee. In the various lighting branches we have 12 trained lighting personnel. Our company has exclusive rights to 15 different lighting agency lines ranging from Disano Fosnova to OMS.We also have an in house autocad designer who offers a complete lighting design service from commerical to industrial. All designs comply with the latest CIBSE guides.We offer lighting energy audits that are tailored to the customer's needs giving them the best value for money and is extremely cost effective on the payback time on the luminaires, we try to adhere to a 1-3 year pay back on all our energy saving lighting.

In our lighting portfolio our products range from the most cost effective led luminaires to induction highbay luminaires,also in our extensive ranges we carry a variety of sensors ranging from pir to microwave. Our company thrives to compete in every aspect of energy saving lighting and are renowned for our excellent service. Kellihers Electrical Lighting Division, M50 Business Park, Ballymount Road Upper, Dublin 12. Phone: 00353 1 429 72 31 Fax: 00353 1 456 67 20 Moblie:00353 86 855 29 36 Email: philip.collison@gexpro.com Moblie:00353 86 817 06 59 Email: richard.o'mahoney@gexpro.com




OCCUPANCY SENSORS FROM BEG LUXOMAT® BEG Luxomat® is one of Europe’s leading suppliers of occupancy sensors. We are a family owned firm committed to cost reduction and environmental protection. We have one of the largest range of products available, ranging from the simple motion detectors right through to KNX solutions. This enables us to provide you with the right product for your application. We take care over the design of our products, so as well as great performance the products are designed to be easy to install. For example with our separate mounting plates for the surface products allows the installer to wire in the base plate and then simply snap the sensor head into place. With our remote control you can set the controls, run on time and lux level, from the ground saving the need for a ladder With over 30 years in providing sensor solutions for saving energy and providing control, you can be confident that our products will provide the performance that you require. Our occupancy sensors have been installed throughout the world, providing energy efficiency and control to thousands. Applications range from simple control in Toilets and stores rooms to corridors to constant light control in offices through to KNX systems in hotels. Installations in the UK, include the

University of Oxford, Eurostar terminal in Ashford and the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors HQ in London. We are here to help, whether you need help with product selection, or require your drawings marked up, please give us a call on 0870 850 5412, or email at info@beguk.co.uk.

U VALUE INSULATION To keep up to date with an ever changing market, we at U Value Insulation are continually adapting and developing to meet your needs. One such product we have introduced to our range is Thermawalk. Thermawalk is a rigid laminate product which allows for storage and access in your attic space. It is designed using extruded insulation and moisture resistant chipboard which gives a very high load capability. It is easy to fit, tongue and grooved, and meets building regulations. It allows you to freely access your ever valuable storage space, without having to compromise on your insulation requirements. Made from natural common flax and hemp fibres, the Biofib Duo range is another product we have added to our range. It is specifically designed for healthy and comfortable insulation for your home. It combines the recognised qualities of hemp and flax, which gives it a high thermal efficiency, for optimum protection against cold in the winter and

heat in the summer but also good sound insulation for a calm and serene atmosphere. Due to their plant structure, hemp and flax plant fibres are naturally able to regulate moisture. This means that they are able to absorb part of the ambient moisture and release it when the atmosphere is too dry. Biofib duos ability to breathe is a natural air-conditioning system for rooms and protects materials that are sensitive to moisture (such as plaster). Biofib duo is therefore ideal for the breathing wall concept applied to Timber Frame Houses. Natural and anti-allergenic, Biofib duo is easy to install (not irriting to the hands and eyes and no dust in your respiratory system). Once installed, it gives your home a healthy environment without producing volatile organic compounds. For more information, you can contact any of our team on 01 8612000, email info@uvalue.ie or visit our website, www.uvalue.ie.

ESB Electric Ireland ESB Electric Ireland is the new name for ESB Independent Energy, ESB Customer Supply and the ESB Energy Services businesses. ESB’s supply businesses were required to change their names as part of the Commission for Energy Regulation’s (CER) recent paper on ‘The Roadmap to Deregulation’. This was one of a number of regulatory measures introduced by the CER in order to bring about a more competitive energy market in Ireland. ESB Electric Ireland represents the energy and dynamism that we will bring to the energy market by constantly providing innovative products and services for our customers. Contact: Sean Walsh Sponsorships ESB Electric Ireland. (01) 702 7498 Sean.walsh@esbelectricireland.ie




DALKIA – Ireland’s leading Utilities and Energy Management Services Company Leader in Utilities and Energy Management, Dalkia guarantees you utilities & energy savings, CO 2 reduction and maintenance savings. Within our approach to Energy Management, we design, build, finance, operate & maintain utility schemes (including CHP) as well as lighting, heating & cooling systems, for a variety of public offices, organisations and buildings. We focus on the effective use of utilities through our demand side energy management programmes. As an ESCO (Energy Service Company) Dalkia

organises finance for projects designed to improve energy efficiency and maintenance costs. With over 450 highly skilled and motivated staff throughout the island, Dalkia delivers utilities, energy, lighting and maintenance solutions to public and private sector organisations. Our contact details are: 145 Lakeview Drive, Airside Business Park, Swords, County Dublin, Ireland. Tel: +353 (0)1 870 1200 Fax: +353 (0) 1 870 1201. Website: www.dalkia.ie E-mail: info@dalkia.ie

DANLERS controls for Simply Saving Energy DANLERS manufacture a range of controls for lighting, heating, ventilation and air conditioning loads. All DANLERS products are quick and easy to install and commission. They are ideal for energy saving in offices, factories, hospitals, schools, leisure centres, corridors, washrooms etc. A comprehensive range of DANLERS energy saving products will be exhibited at The Energy Show on Stand J6 including: • PIR occupancy switches - detect movement within their vicinity and the load is switched on and off accordingly. All models in the range have

adjustable time lag settings and adjustable photocell override. • Time lag switches - with an adjustable time lag before automatic switch off. 2 or 3 wire versions, plated or grid formats, interior or exterior versions. • Outdoor security switches - ideal for security, energy saving and convenience. • HVAC controls - PIR thermostat controls, Heater boost switches. Also on show: Photocells, Radio remote controls, Dimmers. For details of DANLERS products contact our Irish distributor Excel Lighting on: +353 (0)91 553300.

Edina – The leading Power Generation Specialists in Ireland With over 25 years experience, and more than 210MW of embedded gas fired generation across Ireland and the UK, Edina is the leading specialist gas and diesel generator supplier in Ireland. Edina is the sole distributor for MWM engines in Ireland and the UK. MWM manufacture bespoke gas engines used in CHP systems the world over, and are renowned for their efficiencies, support and reliability. Edina presents leading edge products, quality service and support provided by its highly skilled employees as they meet the highest standards of today’s business practices. Edina’s head office based in Dublin, with other branches in Cork, Lisburn, Derry and Manchester. Edina is strategically based to offer full national support.


Offering a full range of plant from 5 kVA to 5 MVA, for either temporary solutions or embedded power generation, Edina can deliver a tailored solution efficiently, on time and within budget. Edina offers cost effective ways to increase your company’s economic viability and maximise your energy savings. Edina’s proven track record on numerous power generation projects, coupled with their unrivalled after-sales customer care, has proven to be a winner with public bodies and multinational corporations alike. For more information contact Cathal Longwill, Edina 00 353 863831564 or sales@edina.ie Web www.edina.ie



Specialist Hazardous Waste Services From SRCL RCL is one of Ireland’s leading specialS ist hazardous waste service companies. Known as SRCL in Europe, the company is a subsidiary of Stericycle Plc which was established in Chicago in 1986. A NASDAQ quoted company; Stericycle is the world’s largest infection control and waste management company worth over Eur2.3 billion and services over 400,000 customers worldwide. In Ireland most of the group companies were established in 1999. SRCL has since integrated the operations of Sterile Technologies Ireland, Eco-Safe Systems, Veterinary Environmental Management and Transafe to create one of the most competitive and versatile specialist hazardous waste service providers on the Irish market.

SRCL operates two EPA licensed processing facilities in Ireland, one of which is a hazardous waste transfer station, and holds multi regional waste collection permits. Whilst the core business is the collection and processing of healthcare risk waste, the company also manages chemical and pharmaceutical waste on behalf of SemiState, pharmaceutical and electronic companies. Handling Healthcare Risk Waste Biosystems is SRCL’s reusable sharps container service. A significant proportion of the sterile Healthcare Risk Waste (HRW) stream is comprised of disposable sharps containers. Biosystems has been established for the last 26 years in the US where reusable sharps containers are used by 93%

of the sharps market in the North Eastern US. SRCL has invested heavily in the development of a Biosystems plant at its Kylemore facility. This for the first time will enable the company to offer a reusable sharps container service to the Irish medical sector. Each Biosystems sharps container used will help divert 600 traditional disposable sharps containers from landfill. It is anticipated that Biosystems will also reduce the tonnage of healthcare risk waste dramatically and eliminate the cardboard, plastics and pallets associated with disposable sharps containers. Apart from the enormous environmental benefits, the programme will result in immediate savings for the waste producers. I



renewable energy from ESB Independent Energy


www.esbie.ie 01 - 862 8300 www.esbie.co.uk 0845 - 309 8138



Belfast Harbour Aims to Become Leading UK Renewables Hub Belfast Harbour and DONG Energy, a world leader in offshore wind farms, are combining to establish a new hub for the burgeoning offshore wind energy sector. As part of the project, Belfast Harbour is to fund and build a new £40 million, 450m quay and 50-acre logistics space on the County Down side of the Harbour. The project would create up to 300 full time jobs and 150 construction posts. If a final agreement is signed, DONG Energy will use the facility to pre-assemble both the turbines and their foundations. The scheme represents one of the Harbour’s largest ever capital investment projects. Peter Gedbjerg, DONG Energy vice president and UK country manager, power, says: “We hope to achieve a long and fruitful relationship with Belfast Harbour. The possibility of a tailor-made facili-


Record 51% Growth For EU Offshore Wind Power in 2010 With 308 new offshore wind turbines installed in 2010 - an increase of 51% in installed wind power capacity on the previous year - offshore wind power experienced a new record growth in Europe. In total, 883 Megawatt (MW) of new capacity, worth some ?2.6 billion, were installed in 2010 in nine wind farms in five countries, making a total of 2,964 MW. The installed offshore wind power capacity now supplies the equivalent of 2.9 million average EU households with electricity – comparable with the amounts of power consumed by the cities of Berlin and Brussels together – from a total of 1,136 offshore wind turbines. In a normal wind year they would produce 11.5 Terawatt hours (TWh) of electricity. These figures are published by the European Wind Energy 18

Association (EWEA) in its European offshore wind industry - key trends and statistics 2010. They show the UK to be European (and world) leader, with a total installed offshore wind capacity of 1,341 Megawatt (MW). The UK is followed by Denmark (854 MW), the Netherlands (249 MW), Belgium (195 MW), Sweden (164 MW), Germany (92 MW), Ireland (25 MW), Finland (26 MW) and Norway with 2.3 MW.

Wind Energy to Save Irish Consumers up to €100m per year in Electricity Costs by 2020 Wind energy generation will deliver savings to Irish consumers of Eur100 million by 2020, the most detailed analysis to date into

ty to make the installation of offshore wind turbines even more efficient fits perfectly with DONG Energy’s goal of bringing down the construction cost of renewable energy.” Over the next 20 years it is expected that 11,000 new offshore wind turbines will be built in UK and Irish territorial waters at a cost of about £100 billion. With almost a quarter of the planned turbines located within 150 nautical miles of Belfast, the Harbour area is well placed to become a major centre in the rapidly expanding offshore wind sector. In addition to turbine assembly operations, there may also be opportunities to attract turbine manufacturers to Northern Ireland, helping to lay the basis of a Marine Energy Park that would create significant numbers of new high-value-add jobs and inward investment. the value of the sector has revealed. The report, commissioned by IWEA (Irish Wind Energy Association) in conjunction with Wind Skillnet, was compiled by international strategic and analytical consultancy Redpoint Energy. It found that an 11.5% reduction in wholesale electricity prices will be achieved through delivering 45% of the overall generation mix from wind by 2020. Titled ‘The impact of wind on pricing within the Single Electricity Market’, the analysis focused solely on the impact that wind generation has on two components of consumer bills; wholesale electricity prices and renewables support. The study reveals that wind generation is already having a significant impact on energy costs, with the total savings to consumers set to reach Eur36.6 million in 2011. Wind energy currently accounts for approximately 12% of Ireland’s electricity needs. Under the scenarios studied, consumers are shown to pay less


through the support mechanisms than the savings they make from lower wholesale power prices. Dr Michael Walsh, chief executive of IWEA, adds: “This report demonstrates that wind generation does not add cost in today’s market, nor indeed in the future. In fact, it reduces the cost of generating electricity plus the price to the end user. We have separately quantified the costs to the consumer of developing new transmission lines to connect wind generation. Comparing the costs expected in the Grid 25

renewable energy from ESB Independent Energy E N E R G Y

www.esbie.ie 01 - 862 8300 www.esbie.co.uk 0845 - 309 8138



Wind Generation Not Increasing Wholesale Electricity Prices A new study on the Irish electricity system has revealed that the growing levels of wind generation on the Irish electricity network are not adding to the wholesale price of electricity. The report by grid operator EirGrid and the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, uses detailed modelling tools to look in detail at the wholesale prices in the Irish electricity system in 2011, which has a total annual value of almost Eur2 billion The analysis showed that wind generation lowers wholesale prices by over Eur70 million, which almost exactly offsets the costs of the Public Service Obligation (PSO) levy and other costs associated with the generation of wind energy. The study clearly demonstrates that wind energy is not contributing to higher wholesale electricity prices on the Irish electricity system. Wind generators have high capital costs, but as they do not consume fuel they have no short-term costs. By displacing higher cost fossil fuel generation, wind energy tends to reduce the wholesale cost of producing electricity, the study has found. When balanced against other costs, the overall cost impact of wind is less than half of one

percent, which is within the study’s margin of error. The increased use of wind energy on the Irish electricity system increases Ireland’s security of supply and ensures a more diverse fuel supply in the long-term. Dermot Byrne, chief executive of EirGrid, says: “Reliable, economic and sustainable power is crucial to Ireland’s future. Renewable energy can play an important part in the energy mix but it is important to continuously look at the effect on prices of all sources of energy, in the interest of consumers. This report is a significant contribution to that.” Dr Brian Motherway, chief operations officer of SEAI, remarks: “It is important that our energy debates are based on solid facts and clear evidence. This detailed analysis answers an important question – that exploiting our strong wind energy resource comes at no additional cost. It is right that we keep a focus on energy costs, and it is very good news to see that we can capture the benefits of wind energy without having to pay extra for them. And as fossil fuel prices increase the economic benefits become more significant.”

development plan with a business-as-usual scenario we find that customers will save almost Eur100m per year. This is because the saving in wholesale process of Eur256m greatly outweighs the costs of PSO support of Eur52m and the annual costs of new network of Eur108m in 2020.”

polymer that cross links and bonds to the paint surface and only adds an estimated 4oz to the weight of the aircraft. The coating reduces the build up of debris on the aircraft's structure, leading edge and other surfaces; thus reducing drag on the surface of the aircraft. The manufacturers of the coating estimate that it could reduce easyJet's fuel consumption by 1-2%. The airline has coated eight aircraft and will compare their fuel consumption with the rest of the fleet during a 12 month trial period

can be used not only in new buildings but also in existing housing. The micro-combined heat and power system can make a significant contribution to decentralised energy supply in Germany where there are approximately 12 million suitable houses.


New Micro CHP System For Domestic Use Vaillant, the heating and ventilation specialist, and vehicle manufacturer Honda have introduced a new micro-combined heat and power (mCHP) system for Europe. It is the first European system with highly efficient gas engine technology for use in single-family homes. The mCHP system simultaneously produces environment-friendly heat and electricity and will be available in Germany by mid-year under the product name Vaillant ecoPOWER 1.0. The highly efficient technology


EasyJet Tests Nano Technology For Fuel Efficiency EasyJet, the UK's largest airline, has become the first commercial airline to trial a revolutionary nano-technology coating on its aircraft aimed at reducing drag and increasing fuel efficiency. The ultra thin coating, already used on US military aircraft, is a


Energy Management Firm Endeco Attracts €800,000 in Funding An innovative new Irish compa-


ny has attracted €800,000 in funding to drive the growth of its business at home and abroad. Founded by chief executive Michael Phelan, Endeco Technologies has invented and developed a range of wireless smart energy management technologies which it is already selling into the retail sector. The investment in Endeco was led by the ?53 million AIB Seed Capital Fund which is comanaged by Dublin BIC, the enterprise development organisation. Additional funding was raised through Enterprise Ireland and private investors. Endeco says it already has a strong influx of business and plans to create 30 new jobs by 2012. The company is actively seeking applications from sales and marketing professionals with Irish and UK experience ideally in the area of software systems. Endeco’s product involves smart building technology. The Irish company has recently deployed its products in a num19

renewable energy from ESB Independent Energy E N E R G Y

www.esbie.ie 01 - 862 8300 www.esbie.co.uk 0845 - 309 8138



Flogas is Right on Target For Applegreen Flogas is now supplying the LP Gas required to power the CHP (combined heat and power) units located at the six Applegreen motorway service areas on the M1 at Lusk and Castlebellingham and the M4 at Enfield. Each location is fifty times the size of an average service station and on a par with the most advanced sites in continental Europe. Each service area is equipped with cafes and restaurants as well as showers, toilets, playgrounds, baby-changing and bottle-heating facilities. Working in conjunction with the Flogas Energy Solutions team, the implementation of a CHP solution on each site, powered by LP Gas, has resulted in the efficient production of electricity which is more cost-effective than buying from the National Grid. Operating on LP Gas, which is clean, virtually odourless and soot-free, the CHP unit allows for the simultaneous generation of water heating, central heating and electricity in a single process. This not only reduces energy costs but also minimises the impact on the environment. The flexibility of LP Gas enables the catering facilities to use it for cooking too. ber of small and medium sized retail outlets in Ireland with positive results. The product has demonstrated that it can save retailers up to 25% on their energy costs by using wireless sensors and automated control of energy intensive electrical equipment such as refrigeration, lighting, heating and air conditioning in stores.

national sales manager, Flogas Ireland. Flogas is supplying the LP Gas to power the combined heat and power units (CHP) at the six Applegreen Motorway Service Areas.


OpenHydro has now raised Eur15.4million over the past twelve months from existing shareholders and new investors.

Bord Gais Energy Invests in OpenHydro

Bord Gais Energy is taking a shareholding in OpenHydro, the Irish tidal renewable energy company. OpenHydro and Bord Gais Energy have also formed a joint venture focused on the development of a utility scale tidal farm off the coast of Ireland. Bord Gais Energy will initially invest Eur1million in OpenHydro, which specialises in the design and manufacture of marine turbines for generating renewable energy from tidal streams. Bord Gais has also agreed to invest a further Eur1million on achievement of certain milestones relating to the tidal farm development. “We are delighted to have secured this investment from Bord Gais Energy and to have established this exciting new joint venture focused on Pictured are: Michael Phelan (centre), chief the development of executive of Endeco; sales & marketing director Ireland’s first utility scale Tom Bean and Alex Hobbs of Dublin BIC, tidal farm,” comments Investment Partner of AIB Seed Capital Fund. James Ives, chief execu20

Joe Barrett (left), operations director for Applegreen, and John O’Donoghue,


Changes to Legislation to Encourage Anaerobic Digestion in Northern Ireland

tive at OpenHydro. “The additional funds will be used to support OpenHydro’s continued expansion in turbine production and deployment capability.” John Mullins, chief executive of Bord Gais, says: “This investment - and the formation of the joint venture to develop utility scale tidal generating capacity off the coast of Ireland - will support our ambition to achieve early mover advantage in tidal energy development in this country. We are delighted at the opportunity to work with OpenHydro, which is an industry leader in this technology, and to be at the fore front of the development of marine renewables.”


Northern Ireland Energy Minister Arlene Foster has welcomed European Commission State Aid approval for proposals to increase support for smallscale renewable electricity. The European Commission has ruled that electricity generated from anaerobic digestion can now receive up to double the support currently offered under the Northern Ireland Renewables Obligation (NIRO). Subject to approval by the Northern Ireland Assembly, the change in legislation will increase the ROC levels for electricity generated from anaerobic digestion from the current two ROCs per megawatt hour for all sizes to four ROCs per megawatt hour for generating stations up to 500kW capacity and three ROCs per megawatt hour for stations between 501kW and 5MW.


Improving Energy Efficiency a Priority For Irish Companies ver half of all Irish companies have O taken action to improve their energy efficiency in the last three years and only one third of these actions have involved a capital spend, according to a new survey from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI). Details of the survey reveal that reducing energy costs is a key priority for Irish business and where energy efficiency initiatives were implemented, most businesses achieved average energy cost savings of 12%. The survey of 1,000 large, medium and small businesses across the country also showed that over 45% of medium and large companies now have a dedicated employee or group of employees managing energy consumption and running initiatives in businesses to increase energy efficiency. This demonstrates the rise in energy awareness amongst business in recent years and the potential for employment in this area as more companies invest in dedicated resources for energy management. According to Brian Motherway, chief operations officer of SEAI: “More businesses are actively seeking to reduce their energy costs. Businesses participating in our

programmes have reduced their costs by an average of 10%-20%. However, it is also evident that many companies are not taking the necessary action despite the opportunity for economic gains. A further ?300

million of energy savings can be achieved if all of Ireland’s small to medium sized enterprises start to better manage their energy use.” SEAI through its small business assessment service has supported over 2,000 businesses in the last three years. Companies can apply for a free energy assessment to review their energy use and a specialist energy advisor is appointed to help them assess their energy use and identify opportunities for savings. Experience shows that there are always savings opportunities, often at little or no investment required. For example, a shopping centre management company in Tuam reduced its energy use by almost 30% after installing timers and controls for its heating systems, upgrading the lighting system and installing power factor correction equipment. A golf club in Kildare saved over 10% on its energy costs within just three months of contacting SEAI by making adjustments to its heating system and installing lighting controls and sensors. For more information visit www.seai.ie/business. I

Flogas Forks Out the Right Solution For Diageo logas has won the contract to supply LP Gas for the new LP Gas-powered F fleet of forklifts at Diageo Baileys Global Supply warehouse on the Nangor Road in Dublin. Up until the changeover, the forklift fleet had been running on electric batteries and analysis showed that the charging process was taking eight hours, was very labour-intensive and each battery operated at a reduced capacity during its last hour of power. On top of this, they were experiencing lower battery performance in their latter part of their five year life. It all added up to a regular drop in performance levels, an unsatisfactory scenario in a warehouse with such a high volume of traffic. Followed a detailed analysis and evaluation, the Flogas Energy Solutions team recommended a switch to LP Gas powered forklifts. Like electricity, they offered a clean, virtually odourless and soot-free solution, all critical factors in an indoor warehouse with consumable products but also came with a host of other benefits. Diageo opted for forklifts with permanently mounted LP Gas tanks and a Flogas bulk gas refuelling unit. The storage of LP Gas on site meant instant refills and subsequently no downtime. The switch also meant an extended engine life, no manual handling, high level engine performance, low CO2 emissions and low running costs. Due to the success of the changeover at Nangor Road, Diageo has now made the switch from electric to Flogas LP Gas forklift trucks at its Belfast facility. I

Pat O’Brien, logistics manager, Diageo Baileys Global Supply; James Smith, technical services engineer, Flogas Energy Solutions; with model and reality TV star Vogue Williams at the photocall to highlight the changeover to Flogas LP Gas powered forklifts at the Diageo warehouse at Nangor Road, Dublin.



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