National construction summit 2017

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Construction Summit 2017 Solid Foundation – Stronger Future

RDS, DUBLIN - 14th June 2017 Engineering Summit 2017













Facility Management & Maintenance Show

Making Industry Work

Smart & Green Building Expo



Design & Planning Expo 2017 | RDS, Dublin

Solid Foundation Stronger Future

#Rebuild17 ‎@ConstructSummit

Main Stage – Construction Times Name


9.50 - 10.00 Chairman

Opening Remarks

10.00 - 10.20 Tom Parlon, Director General, CIF

Constructing Ireland 2030 - The construction industry’s role in shaping Ireland’s Future

10.20 - 10.40 Hugh Wallace, Director, Douglas Wallace Architects

Sustainability equals height and density to deliver social responsibility.

10.40 - 11.00

Michael Dall,Construction Market Analyst, Barbour ABI

Coffee Break and Networking

11.00 - 11.30 11.30 - 11.50

Roland O’Connell, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Savills

11.50 - 12.10 Enda Luddy, Managing Director, CBRE 12.10 - 12.30

The outlook for UK Construction

Tom Moloney, Managing Director, Construction Information Services

TBA The Impact of Technology on the world of Commercial Property Construction Activity Pipeline for the Irish Construction Sector

Benedict Zucchi and Phelim Devine, Architect Principal /Design Deputy and Project Director, BDP/ A sustainable vision for the new children’s 12.30 - 12.50 National Paediatric Hospital Development Board hospital (NPHDB) Lunch Break and Networking

12.50 - 1.50 1.50 - 2.10

Robert Canavan, Senior Planner, Western Region, BAM Contractors

Preparation, fitting the square peg into the round hole

2.10 - 2.30

Donal Murphy, Head of Infrastructure and Credit Investments, ISIF

Infrastructure – commercial investments, with impact

2.30 - 2.50

Mark Foley, Managing Director Coillte Land Solutions

Infrastructure for a DeCarbonised Ireland

2.50 - 3.10

Malachi Sweetman, Senior Associate, Construction Group, Maples and Calder Solicitors

Current Legal Issues in the Construction Industry

3.10 - 3.40

Coffee Break and Networking

3.40 - 4.00 Raoul Empey, Sustainability Advisor, Sustineo

The Reality of Climate Change and the Role of Ireland’s Construction Sector

4.00 - 4.20 Chairman

Closing Remarks


Construction Summit 2017 Solid Foundation – Stronger Future

RDS, DUBLIN - 14th June 2017 All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

Main Stage – Engineering Times Name


10.00 - 10.20 Chairman

Opening Remarks

Colin Foley, E&I Site Lead / Maintenance 10.20 - 10.40 Supervisor, Janssen Sciences Ireland UC

A CQA (Construction Quality Assurance) approach to a large scale Biotechnology Project Build for Electrical / Instrumentation

10.40 - 11.00

Donal Hubbard, Lean Sensei and Blackbelt, Hsigma, Ireland

Measurement System Analysis (MSA)

Coffee Break and Networking

11.00 - 11.30

Jon Rittgers (BSME CEng MIEI LSSBB), Product 11.30 - 11.50 Technology Development-Systems Reliability Engineer, HP Inc

New Product Development and the Role of System Reliability

11.50 - 12.10 Matthew Stead, Director, Resonate

Laboratory noise and vibration design for highly sensitivity Electron Microscopes and Quantum Computing facilities

12.10 - 12.30

Barry O’Donovan, Environmental & Sustainability Officer, ABP Cahir

Resource efficiency in the meat processing industry

Lunch Break and Networking

12.30 - 1.50 1.50 - 2.10

Eddie Kilbane, CEO, Dataplex Data Centres Limited

Data Centres as a Secure Location from Cyber Attack, what to do?

2.10 - 2.30

Rajni Kant, Head of Sales & Strategic Initiative – Product Engineering Services, EMEA

Engineering Outsourcing and Trend

2.30 - 2.50 Tony Horan, President, ACEI

Current themes for Consulting Engineering in Ireland

2.50 - 3.10 Dr. Sogol Fallah, Project Engineer, Arup

Offshore Foundations Used in Renewable Energy Infrastructure

Coffee Break and Networking

3.10 - 3.40 3.40 - 4.00

Vasileios Lyritzis, Quality Assurance Automation Project Lead, Siemens A.G

Closing Remarks


4.00 - 4.20 Chairman

Observation about Quality Assurance in the Engineering World

Engineering Summit 2017

Making Industry Work

All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

Main Stage – The Smart & Green Building Expo Times




Opening Remarks

9.40 - 10.00

David Purdon, BIM/AEC Technical Consultant, Diatec

Technology: Driving BIM adoption and innovation into the future.

10.00 - 10.20

Professor Karsten Menzel, Chair for Information Technology in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (IT in AEC), UCC’s School of Engineering

The Strategic Role of BIM

10.20 - 10.40

Jo Wallwork, Senior Project Manager and BIM Lead, Turner & Townsend

“Setup – the key to successful delivery of a BIM project”

10.40 - 11.00

Dr. Markus Helfert, Director Business Informatics Group, DCU

Building Information in Smart Environments –Use Cases and IT Architecture

9.30 - 9.40

Coffee Break and Networking

11.00 - 11.30 11.30 - 11.50

Raoul Empey, Sustainability Advisor, Sustineo

The Reality of Climate Change and the Role of Ireland’s Construction Sector

11.50 - 12.10

Shane Brodie, Consultant, MacArdle McSweeney Associates Environmental

Expedition BIM-to-BIM: The automated convergences of real and virtual worlds through an "open" cyberphysical system.

12.10 - 12.30

Hadeel Safaa, KTP Asociate - BIM Development Coordinator, McAvoy group LTD

Digital Technologies - Academia to industry

12.30 - 12.50

Marion Jammet,Business Development Manager, IGBC

Measuring the Sustainability of New Irish Housing The Home Performance Index

Lunch Break and Networking

12.50 - 1.50 1.50 - 2.10

Benedict Zucchi and Phelim Devine, Architect Principal /Design Deputy and Project Director, BDP/National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (NPHDB)

A sustainable vision for the new children's hospital

2.10 - 2.30

Professor Karsten Menzel, Chair for Information Technology in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (IT in AEC), UCC’s School of Engineering

Smart Buildings

2.30 - 2.50

Jarleth Heneghan, Partner, Projects and Construction, William Fry Solicitors

The legal implications of BIM in Ireland

2.50 - 3.10

Jason Doherty, Programme Executive, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI)

Implementing Excellence in Energy Efficient Design (EXEED)

Coffee Break and Networking

3.10 - 3.40 3.40 - 4.00

Sandra Gannon, Product Architect and Designer, IBM, Watson IoT

Move over smart buildings, cognitive buildings are here & are disrupting your business

4.00 - 4.20


Closing Remarks

Smart & Green Building Expo All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

The Architecture, Design and Planning Expo Times Name


10.20 - 10.40 Chairman

Opening Remarks

Sherry Perreault, Head of Ethics and Lobbying 10.40 - 11.00 Regulation, Standards in Public Office Commission

Seeking support for planning and zoning? How to ensure your actions comply with the Regulation of Lobbying Act

Coffee Break and Networking

11.00 - 11.30

Raymond Tutty, Associate Director, Commercial 11.30 - 11.50 Planning, Savills

The Effect of National Planning Frameworks on Delivery of New Development. Lessons from the UK

11.50 - 12.10 Robin Mandal, Director , Robin Mandal Architects

How conservation impacts on development

12.10 - 12.30

Micheál Mahon , Managing Partner, MGM Partnership

Professor Karsten Menzel, Chair for Information Technology in Architecture, Engineering and 12.30 - 12.50 Construction (IT in AEC), UCC’s School of Engineering


Smart Buildings

Lunch Break and Networking

12.50 - 1.50 1.50 - 2.10 Alan Fogarty, Partner, Cundall

WELL Done: One Carter Lane- the first certified WELL project in Europe.

William Power MCIAT, BIM / Technical Manager, 2.10 - 2.30 Reddy Architecture + Urbanism /Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists

Impact of Change in The Construction Industry

2.30 - 2.50 Ulrik Raysse, CEO, ARROW Architects

The Next Wave

2.50 - 3.10 Oliver Heath,Founder, Oliver Heath Design

The Science and Style of Biophilic Design – improving the human connection to nature in the built environment

3.10 - 3.30 Chairman

Closing Remarks



Design & Planning Expo 2017 | RDS, Dublin

All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

The Facility Management, Maintenance and Operational Efficiency Expo Times Name


10.00 - 10.20 Chairman 10.20 - 10.40

Opening Remarks

Nick Andrews MSc, Facilities Manager, National College of Art and Design

Engagement of Facilities Management with BIM

Jon Rittgers (BSME CEng MIEI LSSBB), Product 10.40 - 11.00 Technology Development-Systems Reliability Engineer, HP Inc

New Product Development and the Role of System Reliability

Coffee Break and Networking

11.00 - 11.30 11.30 - 11.50

Jason Doherty, Programme Executive, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI)

Implementing Excellence in Energy Efficient Design (EXEED)

11.50 - 12.10

Donal Hubbard, Lean Sensei and Blackbelt, Hsigma, Ireland

Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Laboratory noise and vibration design for highly sensitivity Electron Microscopes and Quantum Computing facilities

12.10 - 12.30 Matthew Stead, Director, Resonate

12.30 - 12.50

Brian Cassidy, Senior Executive Engineer, Housing Maintenance Department, Cork City Council

Renovation and vacant houses.

Lunch Break and Networking

12.50 - 2.10

Brian Ahern, Senior Executive Engineer, Road 2.10 - 2.30 Management Office, National Public Lighting Management Team

Irelands National Public Lighting LED Retrofit Project

Colin Foley, E&I Site Lead / Maintenance 2.30 - 2.50 Supervisor, Janssen Sciences Ireland UC

A CQA (Construction Quality Assurance) approach to a large scale Biotechnology Project Build for Electrical / Instrumentation

2.50 - 3.10 Chairman

Closing Remarks












Facility Management & Maintenance Show All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

Seminar 1 Times

AM: Business Intelligence & Market Research/Meeting Irelands Housing Needs PM: Finance and Funding/Tax



Business Intelligence and Market Research Michael Conaghan, Senior Director of Project Management, CBRE

The Occupier Lifecycle - Turning Real Estate into Real Advantage

10.00 - 10.15

Rhona Quinn, Chairperson, QMAC Construction Ltd.

Growing Through a Recession

10.15 - 10.30

Marie Hunt, Executive Director, CBRE

Latest Trends in the Irish Commercial Property Market

10.30 - 10.45

Ted Laverty, Founder and CEO, Onlinetradesmen

Home Improvement Trends in 2017

10.45 - 11.00

Jeanette Mair, Project Manager, CIRI

CIRI – an introduction to the Construction Industry Register Ireland

9.45 - 10.00

Coffee Break & Networking

11.00 - 11.40 11.40 -11.55

Wayne Dignam, Managing Director, Tender Team

Growth in a growing market

Meeting Irelands Housing Needs 11.55 - 12.20

Hugh Brennan, Chief Executive,Ó Cualann Co-housing Alliance CLG

Cooperative, Affordable Housing. A case study.Building communities – not just houses.

12.25 - 12.35

Healy Hynes, Owner & Managing Director, REA Hynes

The Future of the First Time Buyer.

12.35 - 12.50

Aidan McGeown, Founder and Managing Director, Rethink Homes

Rethink Homes: Solving the Property Crisis for First Time Buyers

Lunch Break & Networking

12.50 - 2.00 2.00 - 2.15

Damian Brennan, Consultant Building Surveyor, WikiBuild

WikiBuild – The Industry working together

Finance and Funding 2.15 - 2.30

Leah Pittam, Managing Partner, Progressive Fiancial Services

Funding Construction Projects with Pensions.

2.30 - 2.45

Tom O'Reilly, Head of Partnerships, Linked Finance

Building Better Business Loans - Innovative finance for the construction industry

2.45 - 3.00

Patrick Bamming, Tax and Legal Department GermanIrish Chamber, AITI Chartered Tax Adviser (CTA)



All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

Seminar 2 Times

AM: Health and Safety PM: Building Environment and Quality Control



Brian Molloy, Inspector, Health & Safety Authority (HSA) Construction Stage Health and Safety Plan

10.00 - 10.15

Clare Flynn, QEHS Consultants, CG Business Consulting

Key Changes ISO 45001 vs OHSAS 18001

10.15 - 10.30

Sean Fennell, CEO, Initiafy

Change Management: Introducing and Adopting Online Safety Training Technology in a Workplace (Shift from Traditional to Digital)

10.30 - 10.45

Natalia Shiel, CEO, Pavanumobility Ltd

Minding the Gap

Health and Safety 9.45 - 10.00

Coffee Break & Networking

10.45 - 11.40 11.40 -11.55

Kieran Linehan, Managing Director, Ayrton Group

Update on the PSDP & PSCS roles in Construction, H.S.A. expectations & recent court case fines.

11.55 - 12.10

Nigel Ashcroft , Principal/ Chairman, Terawee Safety Services& IOSH Ireland Northwestern District

Mechanisms of Cancer and Cancer Risks in Construction

12.10 - 12.25

Emmet Kearney, Business Development Manager,TWi

Case Study: Creating usable safety documentation that works

12.25 - 12.40

Vivienne Murtagh, QEHS Consultants, CG Business Consulting

The Importance of a Health & Safety Management System (OHSAS 18001)

12.40 - 12.55

Fergus Cullen, Managing Director, Innovection

Advances in Chemical Decontamination of the Eyes and Skin

Danny Proctor and Philip Cranley, Managing Director/ Quality and Environmental Manager, PestPlus Ltd

'Pest Control in the 21st Century'

12.55 -1.10

Lunch Break & Networking

1.10 - 2.00 Building Environment and Quality Control 2.00 - 2.15

Michael Gillen , Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Bridgestock

Quality Wins!

2.15 - 2.30

Maureen Marsden, Senior Acoustic Consultant, Resonate Acoustics

Sound Testing Do's and Don'ts: Lessons learned from similar mandatory testing in the UK

2.30 - 2.45

Brian Martin, Irish Sales Manager, Renson

Indoor Air Quality

2.45 - 3.00

Dr Thomas Brennan , Managing Director, Consurv Building Ltd

Challenges facing the building Profession post Celtic Tiger

3.00 - 3.40

Coffee Break & Networking

3.40 - 3.55

Emmet English, Director, Resonate Acoustics

SMART monitoring for large construction sites

3.55 - 4.10

Archie O'Donnell, Energy and Sustainability Specialist, i3PT Certification

The vital link between Building Compliance and quality assurance

4.10 - 4.25

Chris Dilworth, Acoustics team Director, AWN Consulting

Planning for Noise

All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

Seminar 3 Times

Skills and Training /Sales, Marketing and Branding



Sales, Marketing and Branding 9.45 - 10.00

Gerard Tannam, Brand Builder, Islandbridge Brand Development

Building Bridges to New Markets

10.00 - 10.15

Paul Reardon, Chief Operations Officer, BlueChief Social

Bringing your brand into the Digital Landscape

10.15 - 10.30

Jack Murray, CEO & Founder, All Good Tales

Mastering the Art of Storytelling in Business'

10.30 - 10.45

Ronan McGrath, Founder, Elevation Construction Network

Elevation Construction Network & How SME’s in the Construction Industry Can Work together to Gain Growth

Coffee Break & Networking

10.45 - 11.40 Skills and Training 11.40 -11.55

Antoinette Rourke,Lecturer Department of the Built Environment , DKIT

11.55 - 12.10

Ed Molloy, Independent Management Consultant, Post crash Leadership challenges to avoid another Advanced Organisation and Management Development bust Ltd.

12.10 - 12.25

Donagh O’ Mahony , Head of the Department of Physical Sciences , Cork Institute of Technology

How Science and Engineering could work together to build our STEM resource in Ireland

12.25 - 12.40

Valerie O'Keefe , CEO,Clarity Vision & Purpose Consulting

Building High Performing Teams in the Construction Sector. HR and Change Management Interventions that work.

12.40 - 12.55

John Kelly, Centre Manager, The National Construction Training Centre

Construction Training at The National Construction Training Centre

Collaborate to Educate – Let’s bridge that gap!

Lunch Break & Networking

12.55 - 2.00 2.00 - 2.15

Brian Mulligan, Programme Manager, Centre for Online Learning , IT Sligo

Online Learning and the future of CPD in Engineering

2.15 - 2.30

Karl Milne, Operations Director, Seetec

JobPath part of the recruitment solution.

2.30 - 2.45

Nicaise Ishimwe, Applications specialist @Emovis Tech Ireland

Bridging the gender gap in STEM

2.45 - 3.00

Trevor McSharry, Head of Department,Civil Engineeering & Construction, IT Sligo

Construction Skills gaps and up skilling online part time opportunities.

3.00 - 3.15

Jamie Groom, Director, Propel Consult

How to attract Irish migrants back home to the Construction Industry

All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

Seminar 4 Times

AM: Sustainable Engineering PM: Sustainable Construction



Sustainable Engineering 9.45 - 10.00

Moin Hanif, Academic, Consultant and Businessman, DIT

PV integrated Devices, Design & Production at reduced costs

10.00 - 10.15

Guy Serbin,Research Officer, Environment, Soils and Land-Use Department, Teagasc Crops, Environment and Land Use Programme, Johnstown Castle, Co. Wexford, Y35 TC97

An agricultural and environmental remote sensing satellite program for Ireland: Mission benefits and requirements

10.15 - 10.30

Mark Boda, Industrial Engineer/Founder, Solofy Limerick

Sustainability enabled by product iteration, parallel development and optimised manufacturing.

10.30 - 10.45

Ben Costelloe, Former Senior Lecturer, DIT

Common Heat Recovery Opportunities

10.45 - 11.00

David MavroudisBSc MSc PG Dip. Spec. Env. Eng. MIEI, Consultant | Strategist | Design & Project Manager, David Mavroudis Design & Project Management

A 2000 year old Zero Energy water supply and distribution technology

Coffee Break & Networking

11.00 - 11.40 11.40 -11.55

John Conaghan, Senior Wind Engineer, Gaelectric Technical Services

ZephIR LiDAR Wind Measurement Technology – A developers experience

Sustainable Construction 11.55 - 12.10

Matthew Branch,Engineering Team Leader, Verde LED

LED Lighting and New Construction Lighting Design

12.10 - 12.25

John McPeake B.Eng. MIEI, Area Specification Manager, Wavin

Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) – Attenuation and Soakaway design solutions.

12.25 - 12.40

Barry Mc Cullough MRICS - Technical Advisor, Sika Ireland Limited

Sustainable Roofing Solutions, More Value Less Impact

12.40 - 12.55

Lloyd Scott,Professor, DIT

Embedding Sustainability in AEC sector: A Changing landscape

Stephen Dempsey – Founder and Managing Director – EcoVolt Limited

JouleTherm CeP – Carbon Nano Technology embedded onto gypsum plasterboard for the electrification of heat

12.55 - 1.10

Lunch Break & Networking

1.10 - 2.15 2.15 - 2.30

Rachel Murphy, Sales Director, NP Liquid Glass Systems Ltd

Sustainable Solutions for Inside and Outside the Home

2.30 - 2.45

Stuart Nelson, Founder, Jigsaw Consulting

The Climate and Tools for Innovation, Creativity and Problem Solving.

2.45 - 3.00

Patrick Larkin, MD, Ballinlaw Domestic Systems Ltd.

Think Green in Construction for the Future

Coffee Break & Networking

3.00 - 3.40 3.40 - 3.55

Oliver Fogarty, Connections and Developer Services, Greater Dublin Regional Manager, Irish Water

Irish Water - Connections and Developer Services

3.55 - 4.10

Phil Kane, Country Manager, Eaton

Eaton xStorage Systems

4.10 - 4.25

Denis Hevey, Phychologist

The Future of Beings in a Changing Workplace® “Wellbeing under Construction” sustainable

All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

Seminar 5

Smart Buildings & Construction

Times Name


Smart Buildings & Construction 9.45 - 10.00 Sandro Cafolla, Design By Nature

Biodiversity and Infrastructure

10.00 - 10.15

Paul McCarthy, Business & IT Consultant, RGC Technologies

Getting started with the 'Internet Of Things'

10.15 - 10.30

George Harold, CEO and co-founder, Integrated Facilities Solutions

Building Information Management from Design & Construction to Operations

10.30 - 10.45

Jonathan Argue , Technical Specialist: Geomatics, Topcon Ireland

Topcon’s 3D Point Cloud Acquisition Methods

10.45 - 11.00 Will Ferguson, co-founder and COO, VT Networks

How the Internet of Things will revolutionize the construction industry

Coffee Break & Networking

11.00 - 11.40 11.40 -11.55

Marion Jammet, Business Development Manager, IGBC

Life Cycle Assessment & Environmental Product Declarations: What You Need to Know

11.55 - 12.10

Gary Nixon, Business Development Manager, Integrated Environmental Solutions Limited

Better Buildings/Smarter Cities – Reducing Energy and Costs with Integrated Building Performance Analysis

12.10 - 12.25

Michael Durnin, Head of Digital Construction, Murphy Surveys Ltd.

Geospatial Services for Digital Construction

Caroline Keane, Project Delivery & Construction 12.25 - 12.40 Project Management Solution Consultant, Bentley Systems International

Bentley Advancing The World of Infrastructure

12.40 - 12.55 Bobby Gallagher, Managing Director, DFM Systems

Integrating BIM with Digital Safety files and Project Handover Documents

12.55- 1.15

Richard Kowalski,Technical Director at O'Reilly Concrete

BIM model as a Project Management tool

All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

Seminar 6 Times

AM: Legal, Regulations and Standards PM: Mediation and Dispute Resolution



Legal, Regulations and Standards Olga Gaffney, Senior Solicitor, AMOSS Solicitors

An overview of the EU General Data Protection Regulation

10.00 - 10.15

Clare Cashin, Partner, Phillip Lee

The Construction Contracts Act 2013

10.15 - 10.30

Steven Flynn, Founder and CEO, Skytango

Valuing Compliance: How Drones Integrate On-Site

10.30 - 10.45

Killian Dorney, Associate, Maples and Calder Solicitors

Construction Contract T&Cs – clauses you need to consider in today's market

10.45 - 11.00

Helen Duffy RIAI RIBA, Director, MLM Ireland

BCAR in 2017 : Pitfalls and FAQs

9.45 - 10.00

Coffee Break & Networking

11.00 - 11.40 11.40 -11.55

Yvonne Wylde, Manager, NSAI Standards Technical, BE CEng, ME, MIEI

NSAI and the Construction Industry – what NSAI is doing for you

11.55 - 12.10

Mark Regan, Managing Partner, Regan Solicitors

Mediation/Conciliation in Construction Disputes, An Overview.

12.10 - 12.25

Bryan Carroll, Managing Director, Masonary Fixings

Steel to concrete connections - current European standards

12.25 - 12.40

John Hogan & Sharon Pennick, Partner/Associate, Leman Solicitors

Getting your development sold– how to speed up the contracting and conveyancing process for new homes.

12.40 - 12.55

Damien McKay, Director, HD McKay Consulting Engineers

CE Markings & The Construction Products Regulations.

Lunch Break & Networking

1.00 - 2.00 2.00 - 2.15

Brendan Guildea BL, Barrister- at- Law, Law Library Ireland

Recent developments in construction site accident liability

2.15 - 2.30

Eoin O'Herlihy B Tech (Ed.), M.Eng, CEng MIEI, MIES, Managing Director, O'Herlihy Access Consultancy

The implications of the Building Control Amendment Regulations 2014 on Accessibility and Universal Design

Mediation and Dispute Resolution 2.30 - 2.45

Joe Behan, Managing Director, Behan Dispute Resolution

The Changing Face of Dispute Resolution in Construction

2.45 - 3.00

Arran Dowling Hussey, Barrister, The Bar of Ireland

The Mediation Bill- is it relevant to the construction industry?

All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

Seminar 7 Times

AM: Building Machinery, Materials and Technology PM: Design, Surveying and Project management



Building Machinery, Materials and Technology 09.30- 09.45

Hung Phung, KTP Associate Structural Design for modular, Queen’s University Belfast

Modular and the future of construction

9.45 - 10.00

Amir Tabakovic, Strategic Research Proposal Co-ordinator, Research Enterprise and Innovation Services, Dublin Institute of Technology

Self-healing Asphalt for Road Pavements

10.00 - 10.15

Shauna Coyne, Chief Operations Officer, SkyClad Ltd

Modular Living Into The Future.


Andrea Renzi, Co-Founder / Sales Director , 3D to Sell


10.30- 10.45

Carol Tallon, Strategist, Property District, Dublin

Embracing Disruption: Preparing for a Digital Construction Economy

10.45 - 11.00

Adam Morgan Fletcher, Senior Major Projects Engineer, Groundforce

A Comparison of Hydraulic Propping against structural steel & ground anchors & a look at Ground Force Major Projects.

11.00 - 11.15

Thomas Holden, National Technical Manager Concrete Products, Roadstone

Roadstone’s fabric first approach for compliance with Part L

11.15 - 11.30

Phil Nicholls, Managing Director, Medatech Ltd

Modern Software for the Construction Sector Coffee Break & Networking

11.30 - 11.40 11.40 -11.55

Diarmuid Healy, Associate, Curtains.

Concrete Creations – How lessons from small scale making informs designs of large scale buildings technology

11.55 - 12.10

Henry O'D Thompson, Conservation Builder, The OldBuilders Company

Importance of Lime and compatible materials in old and historic buildings technology

12.10 - 12.25

Leona Hill, Director, Edgeways Immersive Solutions

How Virtual & Augmented Reality will change the Construction Industry technology

12.25 - 12.40

Thomas McGrath, Chief Executive, Cognition

Intelligent Operations? How to release the value trapped inside your organisation… and still be home for dinner.

12.40 - 12.55

Conan O Ceallaigh, Post-doctoral Researcher, National University of Ireland, Galway.

Research and Innovation in Timber Construction

Daragh Mulcahy, Founder SERCAA

Construction Leads Pipeline Management

12.55- 1.10

Lunch Break & Networking

1.10 - 2.00 2.00 - 2.15

Sorcha Dillane, Account Executive, Mallon Technology.

Visualising your Data: Improving Productivity with a Web GIS

2.15 - 2.30

Bill Miller, Sales and Commercial Director at STEICO UK

STEICO and the Growth of Engineered Wood Products

Design, Surveying and Project management 2.30 - 2.45

JP Hilliard, Associate Director, Lafferty Project Managers

‘The refurbishment, redevelopment and rejuvenation of 1970’s type buildings in Dublin city centre – The challenges facing a Project Manager using relevant case studies’ project management

2.45 - 3.00

Alan Connolly, Principal Transportation Planner, Pinnacle Consulting Engineers

'Accessing the future - the challenge of delivering feasible and cost effective transportation solutions to provide access for new development'

3.00- 3.15

Ronnie Fleming, Director, Software Support Group Ltd

Work in Progress are you in full control

3.15 - 3.30

Paul Cronin, Architectural Specialist, Ardex Ireland

Tiling Works: Leisure Facilities, Heavily Trafficked Areas and Problem Solving

All presentations/timetables are subject to change. Please check with onsite event timetable on the day.

Speakers Adam Morgan Fletcher Senior Major Projects Engineer Groundforce, England Studied Civil Engineering at Leeds Metropolitan University, and I have been for the past 7 years, my role is Senior Major Projects Engineer I design and manage temporary works schemes on large civil, infrastructure and commercial projects, with a specialist focus on temporary propping and earth retaining support systems. I love the outdoors, adrenaline sports and travelling.

Aidan McGeown Founder and Managing Director Rethink Homes Aidan is the Founder and Managing Director of Rethink Homes which aims to revolutionise the home buying journey for first time buyers. Aidan is a Law Graduate of Queen’s University Belfast and has 4 years’ experience in both Retail and Corporate Banking including Construction & Development Finance.

Dr. Amir Tabakovic´ – Strategic Research Proposal Co-ordinator, Research Enterprise and Innovation Services, DIT Amir is a Strategic Research Proposal Coordinator in Dublin Institute of Technology. Prior to taking up this post at DIT, he worked as a researcher in UCD and Delft University of Technology, where the focus of his work was evaluating recycling technologies for asphalt pavement rehabilitation and development of selfhealing technology for asphalt pavements.

Archie O’Donnell Energy and Sustainability Specialist, i3PT Certification Archie O’Donnell is i3PT Certification’s Energy and Sustainability Specialist. Archie has 18 years’ experience in Architecture as a BREEAM AP, Passivhaus Consultant and NSAI accredited Thermal Modeler. Archie works as Assigned Certifier on Modular and off site construction projects. His research focus in on leveraging quality and collaboration benefits through construction industry digitization. Antoinette Rourke M.Sc. P.Grad. Dip. L&T, B.Sc. Hons – ICIOB, Dundalk Institute of Technology, Lecturer, Department of the Built Environment

I am a lecturer in the Department of the Built Environment within the School of Engineering at Dundalk Institute of Technology, since September 2000 and deliver modules in a number of areas including Planning & Development – Built Environment & Tourism, Strategic & Environmental Services, Drawing & Design Practice, Construction Specification, as well

as acting as a supervisor in final stage Construction Technology Projects as well as Building Surveying projects and dissertations. I have a passion for education at all levels but have a keen interest in encouraging more people into the many careers available in the Construction Sector.

Arran Dowling Hussey Barrister The Bar of Ireland Arran Dowling-Hussey is a practising Barrister, Arbitrator and Mediator. He edits the Construction, Engineering and Energy Law Journal of Ireland. Arran is a former full time member of the School of Law of Dublin City University.

Alan Connolly Principal Transportation Planner, Pinnacle Consulting Engineers Alan is the Principal Transportation Planner with Pinnacle Consulting Engineers across Ireland and The UK. He graduated from University College Dublin with B.E (Hons) in Civil Engineering in 2007 and is a registered Chartered Engineer with Engineers Ireland. Alan has extensive experience in Transportation and Roads projects. He has worked in both consultancy and municipal government environments, delivering projects through all key stages including feasibility, planning and construction.

Alan Fogarty Partner Cundall Alan is a Sustainability Partner in Cundall and heads up their specialist environmental building physics group. He is a chartered Building Services Engineer who has specialised in passive building design and low carbon systems. He lead the implementation of the WELL Building Standard for Cundall’s London office fit out, the first certified WELL project in Europe. In Cundall he established a research group to test ideas such as the integration of plants in buildings, their Biophilic benefits including their ability to improve air quality to yield carbon reduction. From this lead to the development of the IEQube air quality sensors and air quality monitoring service.

Andrea Renzi Co-Founder / Sales Director 3D to Sell Andrea and Mauro both have a strong Sales and Marketing Background. Both Italians of origin, they have been living in Ireland for a long time. Andrea, with a degree in Marketing, moved from Rome to Dublin in 2015. He previously worked as an ICT Sales Consultant for 3 years before starting his own business in Rome, where he was promoting online a

large portfolio of properties for short term corporate rentals. When Andrea and Mauro met in Ireland in 2015 decided to put together their own experiences in promoting properties online. They understood the importance of 3D and Virtual Reality technology as a powerful Marketing tool, both to acquire more business from Property Owners and to reach more qualified (and remote) Buyers/Tenants. The result of this experience is, which offers a range of innovative 3D and VR Solutions to Professionals who want to lead the way in the new Property-Tech Sector.

Barry Mc Cullough MRICS Sika Technical Advisor NI Barry Mc Cullough is the Sika Ireland Technical Advisor for Northern Ireland and has worked with Sika for the last 4 years. Barry is also a fully qualified chartered Building Surveyor and has worked in a number of private practice and consultancy roles prior to joining Sika in 2013.

Ben Costelloe Former Senior Lecturer DIT Ben Costelloe is a former senior lecturer at Bolton Street DIT where he specialised in building systems engineering and applied thermodynamics. He was for ten years Head of Discipline of Energy and Building Systems Engineering at DIT. Prior to his lecturing career he gained extensive experience in consulting engineering practice as a design engineer. He is currently a self-employed engineer and researcher. He is a registered Chartered Engineer for 35 years and holds a PhD in mechanical engineering from UCD and a masters degree from Brunel University (London). His research interest is in low energy heating and cooling systems and he has published extensively on his research work in evaporative cooling systems.

Bobby Gallagher Managing Director DFM Systems Bobby Gallagher, founder of InControl Ltd – t/a DFM Systems, has worked in the construction industry for over 35 years and has developed considerable experienced in Estimating, Sales, Design and Project Management in large multi national organisations before setting up InControl Ltd in 2004. Bobby recognised the benefits that computer applications bring to the Constructions Industry and was the first Chairman of the Autocad Association of Ireland. He has built DFM Systems into one of the most widely recognised and respected Digital Documentation Delivery companies, providing services in Ireland, UK, Middle East and Australasia.

Summit 2017 Solid Foundation – Stronger Future

Speakers Barry O’Donovan Environmental & Sustainability Officer ABP Cahir Barry is an environmental and sustainability officer with ABP Food Group, one of Europe’s leading, privately owned, food processors. Resource efficiency is at the forefront of his work and this involveswater usage, fossil fuel consumption, waste management, renewable energy, supply chain sustainability, positive behavioural change and communication campaigns.

Brian Martin Irish Sales Manager Renson I have been in the construction industry for 20 years with a wide range of knowledge and experience in Façade Technologies, Insulation performance, concrete products manufacturing, air quality and ventilation.

Bill Miller Sales and Commercial Director STEICO UK Bill has over twenty years’ experience in the construction industry. His last three and a half years have been spent building the Steico brand and distribution network in the UK and Ireland. Previous to this he spent ten years as Sales Manager – Building Systems with OSB/Chipboard manufacturer Norbord. In Ireland Bill has had a long standing business relationship with distributor Wood Concepts who stock and supply Steico I Joists and flooring systems.

Bryan Carroll Managing Director Masonary Fixings Over the past 30 years there have been vast developments in how steel to concrete connections are implemented. This has evolved from simple but conservative beginnings to complex but precise calculation methods today. Bryan will present a summary of these developments and guide you through the current European standards for pre and post fixed connection systems.

Brian Mulligan B.E., M.E.D. Programme Manager, Centre for Online Learning, Institute of Technology Sligo Brian Mulligan graduated as a Civil Engineer in 1978 from University College Dublin and later with a Masters in Engineering Design (Manufacturing). His early employment was mostly in mathematical modelling and simulation and the application of information technology within engineering. He is currently on secondment as a Programme Manager responsible for online learning development in the Centre for Online Learning at the Institute of Technology Sligo where he has lectured since 1984.

RDS, DUBLIN - 14th June 2017

Brian Cassidy – Senior Executive Engineer, Housing Maintenance Department – Cork City Council Brian is responsible for the delivery of Cork City Councils, Social Housing Vacant Recovery Program, Deep Retrofit Strategy, contract response maintenance program and procurement. The City Councils project to bring vacant properties back into productive won the award for best local authority initiative at Engineers Irelands 2016 Excellence awards.

Brendan Guildea BL- Barrister

Brendan was called to the bar in 2011 and runs a general practice in Dublin and on the Eastern Circuit. He worked for Practical Law Company in London during 2011/2012, which is where he was first exposed to construction law.

Brian Molloy Inspector Health & Safety Authority (HSA) Brian Molloy is an Inspector with the Health & Safety Authority since 2006 and has over 20 years of experience in the sector. Brian joined the Authority as a Construction Inspector and has also worked in the Construction Policy Unit before moving to the TCB Unit where he has developed the construction section of

Caroline Keane – Project Delivery & Construction Project Management Solution Consultant, Bentley Systems International Caroline Keane is solution consultant in Project Delivery & Construction Project Management to Archtiects, Engineers and Construction professionals in Ireland & the UK at Bentley Systems International. Caroline’s primary focus is how project collaboration, the connected data environment & BIM technology in construction can enable companies to reduce risks, reduce costs and create more efficiency in their daily operations to build the world of infrastructure today.

Carol Tallon Strategist Property District, Dublin Carol Tallon is the author of the Irish Property Buyers’ Handbook series from 2011 to 2015 and several business titles to date. She has been involved in the construction and property industries for more than a decade and has worked as a strategic consultant – at operational and project levels – with Government departments, industry representative bodies, private developers, construction companies, auctioneering firms and media outlets.

Clare Cashin Partner Phillip Lee Clare Cashin is a partner in Philip Lee’s litigation group. Clare practices in both contentious and noncontentious construction law, advising employers, contractors, designers, public authorities and private entities. She specialises in disputes with experience in all forms of ADR from mediation to conciliation and arbitration. Clare’s litigation experience ranges from judicial review procurement challenges to a range of construction disputes in the High Court, Supreme Court and Court of Appeal. Clare also specializes in the area of construction health and safety advising clients on regulatory issues and litigation in this regard. Clare lectures in Trinity College Dublin and University College Dublin and she is a contributor to various periodicals in the area of construction law. She sits on the committee of the Health & Safety Lawyers Association of Ireland.

Clare Flynn QEHS Consultant CG Business Consulting Clare has a solid work experience portfolio and track record of working in local government and health authorities.Demonstrating keen monitoring, investigating and enforcing skills using strict observation, sampling and recording methodologies. Having graduated from DIT in 2015, Clare has worked since then within the Environmental, Health and Safety profession including working on environmental and health and safety projects with Rossmore Civils and Rosebank Retail Park.

Chris Dilworth Acoustics team Director AWN Consulting Chris Dilworth has responsibility for the Acoustics team in AWN Consulting. He is a European and Chartered Engineer with a BEng with First Class Honours in Electroacoustics from the Department of Applied Acoustics at the University of Salford. He is a corporate member of Engineers Ireland and the Institute of Acoustics with over twenty-five years’ experience in the field of acoustics; he has been a consultant since 1989.

Colin Foley – E&I Site Lead / Maintenance Supervisor,Janssen Sciences Ireland UC. An accomplished and BSc qualified Engineering Professional with 24 years of experience, working with leading multi-national corporations including Pfizer, Eli Lilly, BioMarin & Janssen (JnJ) Group. I have held key roles in the areas of Engineering Design, Construction, Commissioning, Plant Maintenance and Production support in the API Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical industries.

Speakers Dr Conan O’Ceallaigh Post-doctoral Researcher, National University of Ireland, Galway Dr Conan O’Ceallaigh is a Post-doctoral Researcher working with the Timber Engineering Research Group at the National University of Ireland, Galway. Conan obtained his PhD from the National University of Ireland, Galway in 2016 while investigating the use of Irish-grown timber in the manufacture of engineered wood products. Conan is currently researching the use of Irish-grown timber in Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) panels and their use in multi-story timber construction.

Daragh Mulcahy Founder SERCAA Over 20 years’ experience in the construction industry as a QS and a project manager for a wide range of projects. Also over 20 years’ experience in the IT industry specialising in customer relationship management systems specifically cloud-based. In 2011 Daragh founded SERCAA specialising in the Zoho platform. SERCAA has been very successful with over 400 customers. The business has matured and the strong relationships with Zoho has created new opportunities to sell our own white label products using the Zoho platform.

Damian Brennan Consultant Building Surveyor WikiBuild I’m a Consultant Building Surveyor that has worked specifically in building defects going on 20 years. Having cut my teeth on Farmleigh House and Castle Hyde, I experienced too many people receiving the wrong information and getting poor workmanship carried out. Frustrated by only helping out 3-4 homeowners a year, pro-bono, I established WikiBuild in the hope to help out 000’s. In 2016 I decided to launch WikiBuild in a mammoth bid to educate and guide homeowners on what to do, what not to do and who can do the specific tasks required. David MavroudisBSc MSc PG Dip. Spec. Env. Eng. MIEI Consultant | Strategist | Design & Project Manager David Mavroudis Design & Project Management

David is a multi-disciplinary Built Environment professional / consultant from Carlow with 20 years of experience, including internationally in the MENA region (Libya prior to 2011). David specialises in the research, design and project management of projects integrating water, energy and transport efficiencies attained through passive planning practices for sustainable development.

Diarmuid Healy Associate Curtins Diarmuid is a structural engineer with award winning practice Curtins. Having spent 7 years in their London office he now heads their Dublin office. In 2013 Diarmuid established Setworkshop, a company which experiments with concrete. He believes the knowledge gained from working hands on with concrete has benefited many of his projects with Curtins.

David Purdon BIM/AEC Technical Consultant Diatec, Ireland My background is in Industrial Design and AEC . Using Autodesk software since 1994 when it was introduced as AutoCAD R13 and have worked in the Autodesk channel since 2000 as a trainer, support engineer, and Technical Specialist while expanding into IT, Cloud and Virtualisation. I have used most Autodesk Software from 3DS Max to Civil 3D. I am an Authorised Autodesk Technical Specialist and Recently Certified in BIM through the RICS.

Denis Hevey Lead Coach/Consultant & Founder/CEO Positive Performance Academy Denis’s expertise in leadership & talent development through real engagement with optimal performance is internationally highly acclaimed. His work, in consulting, coaching & speaking, purposefully & passionately aligns him with people & organisations who really want to be the best at what they progressively do. Denis’s expertise is grounded in science, yet essentially guided by practical common sense of his real career & life experiences. He is an ICF Accredited Coach & holds a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology specialising in optimal human functionality. His professional credentials are complimented by a ‘hands-on’ rich reservoir of practical business expertise & leadership experiences in top business organisations &a former distinguished military career with Defense Forces Ireland & UN.

Damien McKay Director HD McKay Consulting Engineers Damien has over 20 years of experience in engineering and construction projects, with a recognised expertise in building regulations, and the need for transparent monitoring and clearer guidelines. He is probably best known for his work on Pyrite and Mica and was the leading expert interviewed by RTE for their Prime Time special on Mica. He has worked with a range of private and public sector bodies, and Projects he has worked on include: Curran Quay Development at Larne Harbour

£4.5million; Clar Barnesmore Gap road Realignment €20million; Knockvalley Sewer £2million and Bundoran Link Road Euro Monospace 600k; Finisklin Industrial Park, Sligo €1.5million.

Donagh O’Mahony Head of the Department of Physical Sciences at CIT Dr Donagh O’Mahony works at the Cork Institute of Technology, where he is acting head of the Department of Physical Sciences, which offers industry-focused level 6/7/8 programmes through hands-on labintensive learning. The department works closely with the industrial sectors such as BioPharmaChem and Energy to deliver skilled graduates in the areas of Applied Physics and Instrumentation, Instrument engineering, Analytical Chemistry and Environmental Monitoring.

Don Hubbard Lean Sensei and Blackbelt HSigma, Ireland Don Hubbard, Lean Sensei and Blackbelt in Six sigma has been using statistics to model Manufacturing and Business process since being trained on Statistical Process Control by Ford Motor company in 1986 while working for Champion Spark plugs at Naas. Don has extensive experience in both Automotive industry and Medical Device industry and has presented courses on Lean and Six Sigma in Japan, USA, Europe and Ireland. He was trained by Renault to become a Kaizen Leader in 1993, by Philip Crosby to be a Quality Education Instructor in 1994 and by Six Sigma Academy to become a Blackbelt in 2006.

Donal Murphy – Head of Infrastructure and Credit Investments, Ireland Strategic Investment Fund (ISIF) Donal Murphy is Head of Infrastructure and Credit Investments at the Ireland Strategic Investment Fund (ISIF). The ISIF mandate is to invest on a commercial basis to support economic activity and employment in Ireland. The Infrastructure and Energy markets are key areas of activity for the ISIF with a range of investments already made and in the active ISIF pipeline. Prior to working for ISIF, Donal was Head of Project Finance Ireland at Bank of Ireland.

Eddie Kilbane CEO Dataplex Data Centres Limited Eddie Kilbane is the Co-Founder and CEO of Dataplex Data Centres Limited. Eddie has spent the last 19 in Data Centre and Fibre Network development. Eddie has been involved in Data Centres and Fibre Network developments in Ireland, UK, USA, Bulgaria and Malta and is at the front of the development of the next breed of Data Centres with the innovation required for modern day facilities with free air cooling solutions,

Summit 2017 Solid Foundation – Stronger Future

Speakers power utilisation and a modular approach to Data Centre Design and development.

Eoin O’Herlihy Managing Director O’Herlihy Access Consultancy Eoin O’Herlihy is an independent accessibility and Universal Design consultant. He provides expertise, training, research and facilitation on accessibility and Universal Design policy, strategy and practice to Architects, design teams and contractors, Government Departments and agencies, local authorities, thirdlevel institutions, professional bodies, Disability Organisations and other national and international groups in the private, public and voluntary sectors. Eoin is currently the Principal Access Consultant and Trainer with O’Herlihy Access Consultancy (www. and provides accessibility advice for Disability Access Certicate applications for projects ranging from schools, Courthouses, Retail, Commercial, healthcare to mixed use developments.

Dr Emmet English Director Resonate Acoustics, Ireland Dr Emmet English is Director of Resonate Acoustics, a consultancy that provides clear, straight forward and practical solutions to potentially complex noise and vibration problems. Resonate Acoustics,in collaboration with Munisense, deliver custom monitoring solutions that allow their customers to extract information from their measurements in real-time. Emmet has worked as a professional acoustic consultant on over 200 projects in Ireland, the United Kingdom, Australasia, the Middle East and the USA. Emmet specialises in acoustics and vibration, with expertise in a variety of areas such as environmental noise, vibration isolation and design, building acoustics design, and transportation noise.

Emmet Kearney Business Development Manager TWi Emmet is the Business Development Manager of TWi. He is an experienced civil engineer who has held senior positions with companies across a number of industries including engineering, bio/pharma, and technology, which gives him a great blend of corporate and start-up experience. Before joining TWi, he was a co-founder of a technology start-up, and prior to that, he was the Managing Director of a multinational BioPharma product testing company, and the Irish leader of a global engineering, testing and inspection company.

Enda Luddy Managing Director CBRE Ireland Prior to his appointment as MD in 2013, Enda, a valuation & portfolio management specialist, established CBRE’s Property Management division,

RDS, DUBLIN - 14th June 2017

oversaw the development of a new Building Consultancy department, providing PM, Building Condition Surveys, Fund Monitoring & Space Planning services & established a specialised Professional Services team handling rent reviews, lease renewals & rating advice across all occupier sectors of the Irish CRE market. Enda, a family man from Co. Wicklow, is a keen cyclist and an avid online reader of all things tech / future vision related.

Fergus Cullen Managing Director Innovection Ltd., Ireland Having previously worked in the field of personal protective equipment I then moved into the area of chemical burn management, chemical injury decontamination and chemical risk assessment. In 2006 I founded Innovection Ltd to develop the Irish Market for Diphoterine and Hexafluorine solutions which decontaminate chemical splashes in the eyes and on the skin.

George Harold CEO and co-founder Integrated Facilities Solutions CEO and co-founder of Integrated Facilities Solutions, an award-winning company with over 20 years’ experience of managing building information for blue chip clients from Design & Construction Collaboration right through to the co-ordination & delivery of Project Close out & Handover information.

Gerard Tannam Brand Builder Islandbridge Brand Development Gerard, a strategic planner and brand builder, has a soft spot for the all important but often ignored customer. His company, Islandbridge brand Development was set up in 2004 to work closely with clients to develop a brand framework and tool kit which helps them build new relationships and strengthen existing ones, gain competitive edge and grow their business. Islandbridge has built bridges to market withAtlantic Projects Company, Quinn Downes Mechanical Engineers, and AMI (Advanced Manufacturing Ireland). For more information on Gerard and his unique take on brand, visit www, or https://www. Guy Serbin – Research Officer Environment, Soils and Land-Use Department Teagasc Crops, Environment and Land Use Programme Johnstown Castle, Co. Wexford, Y35 TC97

Dr. Guy Serbin is a Research Officer with Teagasc. He holds B.Sc. and M.Sc degrees in geology from Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Beer Sheva, Israel, and a Ph.D. in Soil Science from Utah State University in Logan, Utah, USA. His area of research includes satellite-based agricultural and environmental remote sensing, including operational sensor requirements. Since graduating and before coming to Ireland for

employment with Teagasc, he conducted research for the USDA Agricultural Research Service, and provided analysis of crop conditions for the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service.

Hugh Wallace Director Douglas Wallace Architects Hugh has over 30 years experience in the Interior Design / Architectural industry and is world renowned for his insight and knowledge as a leader in design. Working alongside the Client to assess and define a project, Hugh’s primary focus is on the direction and successful delivery of the most appropriate and effective vision for each individual project. He is able to draw on practical knowledge and experience gained across a number of significant developments in the Retail, Commercial and Hotel sectors.

Hugh Brennan Chief Executive Ó Cualann Cohousing Alliance CLG Hugh Brennanisthe CEO and cofounder with William Black ofÓ Cualann Cohousing Alliance CLG. Building communities not just houses. Hugh’s vision is for fully integrated, mixed income affordable housing and he believes that we must change the way we address housing needs in Ireland today. Ó Cualann is currently building 49 Affordable Co-operative homes for owner occupiers with support from Dublin City Council. This project of A2 rated homes was heavily oversubscribed. Members who sign a common charter have expressed a desire to live in a Community where they get to know their neighbours before they move in; where they all look out for each other, where their mortgages do not cripple them, where the houses are built to the best international standardsand energy bills are lowand where they feel safe and secure. They are actively exploring other opportunities in Ireland.

Healy Hynes Owner & Managing Director REA Hynes Healy Hynes is a second generation property consultant with over 25 years experience in the sector. Healy has worked with clients nationwide on a range of projects and is a regular contributor to national media.

Helen Duffy RIAI RIBA Director MLM Ireland, Ireland Helen Duffy is an Architect and Director of MLM Ireland. MLM Ireland are a leading provider of independent third party Assigned Certifier services and Compliance Consultancy. With 25 years of experience working with Building Regulations in the UK, Northern Ireland and Ireland, Helen is well placed to advise upon Compliance, Building Control and processes

Speakers Hadeel Safaa KTP Associate – BIM Development Coordinator, McAvoy Group LTD. Knowledge Transfer Partnership Associate at Queen’s University of Belfast and the McAvoy Group, working to investigate the potentials of Level 3 Building Information Modelling in the KTP and investigating innovative ways of utilizing Digital Technologies in offsite construction by working as a BIM Development Coordinator for the McAvoy Group. She is also an External Lecturer at Queen’s for the MSc of Building Information Modelling and Project Management course. The first live Offsite Modular BIM project She contributed in for the McAvoy group have been shortlisted for the Irish BIM Innovation awards 2016 and She was also nominated for Queen’s University Staff Excellence Awards 2017.

Hung Phung KTP Associate Structural Design for modular, Queen’s University Belfast Hung Phung is a KTP Associate Structural Design for modular. His role is to research about better modular system and its advantage for construction. He has been involved in using wind tunnel for analysis of modular units during transportation and installation. He is doing research of alternative material for modular construction. He is developing structural analysis with the BIM model to reduce the design time and improve the accuracy as well as material efficiency.

Jeanette Mair Project Manager of CIRI, the Construction Industry Register Ireland Jeanette Mair is Project Manager of CIRI – the Construction Industry Register Ireland. CIRI is an official online register, supported by Government, of competent builders, contractors, specialist subcontractors and tradespersons who undertake to carry out construction works. Its objective is to be recognised as the primary online resource used by consumers in the public and private procurement of construction services.

Jon Rittgers (BSME CEng MIEI LSSBB) Product Technology DevelopmentSystems Reliability Engineer, HP Inc. Jon has a BSME from Kansas State University and is married with a son completing a MAI at TCD. He is a CEng MIEI and a certified LSSBB. Jon holds 12 US patents. He is currently working as a Senior Print System Reliability Engineer with HP Inc., Leixlip.

Joe Behan Managing Director Behan Dispute Resolution Joe is an experienced Mediator, Conciliator, Adjudicator, Arbitrator and Consulting Engineer practicing in Ireland, the UK, and the Middle East. He is an expert

in Public Consultation and Stakeholder Engagement. Joe sits on numerous Irish and International dispute resolution panels, lectures in NUI Maynooth and sits on five Boards including ISME and KWETB.

Jarleth Heneghan Partner – Projects and Construction, William Fry Solicitors Jarleth Heneghan is a partner in William Fry’s Projects & Construction Department and a leading construction and projects solicitor. He advises on contentious and non-contentious matters for public and private clients on all aspects of construction procurement, PPP and infrastructure. He has extensive experience of litigation and arbitration (domestic and international) and other alternative means of dispute resolution and rescue financing. Jarleth is also a chartered surveyor (FRICS, FSCSI) and is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (FCIArb), MCIOB and accredited CEDR mediator. He is a qualified solicitor in both Ireland, England and Wales.

Jason Doherty Programme Executive, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) Jason is a Programme Executive with Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI). He is primarily working on the development of SEAI’s EXEED Certified Programme along with the implementation of SEAI’s ISO 50001 Energy management system standard. Jason graduated from National University of Ireland, Galway and Dublin Institute of Technology with a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and a master’s degree in Energy Management respectively.

Jack Murray Founder All Good Tales, Ireland Jack is a media innovator with over 20 years’ experience in the Irish communications Industry. In 2006 he purchased the Irish Media Contacts Directory. Over the last ten years, he transformed the business to MediaHQ. In 2016, Jack had his eureka moment and created All Good Tales, after realising that communications were evolving to a golden age of storytelling, and those with the best stories succeed. He is a native of Ballinasloe, he lives in Harold’s Cross, Dublin with his wife, two daughters, and dog called Maxi Lopez.

John Conaghan Senior Wind Engineer Gaelectric Technical Services John is the Senior Wind Engineer with Gaelectric Technical Services and is responsible for Gaelectric’s wind measurement strategy and energy production assessments across Gaelectric’s portfolio of projects in Ireland. John is a Chartered Engineer, having 10 year’s experience in the renewables industry and holds a BEng (Hons) degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of Ulster, Jordanstown.

John Kelly Centre Manager – The National Construction Training Centre John Kelly is the Centre Manager for The National Construction Training Centre based in Mount Lucas, Daingean Co. Offaly. He has been working with Laois/ Offaly Education and Training Board since 2006. John has been involved in the set up and delivery of new and innovative training programmes to address the high unemployment rates in the Midlands since 2010.

JP Hilliard Associate Director Lafferty Project Managers JP Hilliard is an Associate Director in Lafferty Project Managers with over 22 years’ experience. JP has worked across a wide variety of industry sectors including Commercial, Retail, Residential, MixedUse, Education, Fit-out and Telecommunications. JP was the lead project manager on Eircom’s award winning HQ, The Oval development, Cumberland House redevelopment and is currently lead PM on the redevelopment of Blanchardstown SC.

John McPeake B.Eng. MIEI Area Specification Manager Wavin John McPeake B.Eng. MIEI is a Civil Engineer with 30 years’ experience. As the Area Specification Manager for Wavin he is responsible for providing technical assistance across the extensive Wavin portfolio of both the above ground and the below ground solutions to Architects, Consulting engineers, along with Civil and M&E contractors.

Jonathan Argue Technical Specialist: Geomatics Topcon Ireland A voice for geospatial technology solutions, innovation, education and training in Ireland’s construction industry. Jonathan delivers Topcon’s ethos of ‘With you all the way’ throughout Ireland. He uses his education, MSc Geospatial Engineering from DIT and BSc (Hons) Building Surveying from DKIT, and experience to improve the construction process by tutoring clients about the appropriate application of new technology and deriving lean surveying workflows.

Jo Wallwork Senior Project Manager and BIM Lead Turner & Townsend Jo Wallwork is a Project Manager with Turner & Townsend, she’s been with the company for 10 years with the last 4 being in the Dublin office where she has developed a specialism in BIM. She’s the current co-chairperson for Ireland’s Eastern BIM Region and activity promotes the benefits of BIM.

Interview Area

H17 H18


Market & Business Intelligence

B17 F20

National Construction Summit Main Stage

Smart & Green

K18 K18a

H14 H15

BUilding Expo Smart & Green Building Expo


Main Stage

Main Stage



F16 G16

Outside Display Area

K20 K21A K21 K22

F15 G15

B11 C11 B10 C10

D16 E16

H13 I14 J17 K17



H11 I12


A16 A15

D17 E17

J16 K16


Health and Safety Building Environment and Quality Control

B9 B8A B8 B7


F13 G13

Buildings BIM

F12 G12


J14 K14

L15 M9

J13 K13



F11 G11





D11 E11


F10 G10

Facility Facility Management Mananagement & Maintenance Show T


D12 E12

A11 A10

Media Area

L16 M10

J15 K15


L14 M8


J12 K12


J11 K11











Main Stage

L13 M7


Legal, Tax Policy & Standards



L12 M6

H7A I7A J10 K10

D10 E10




D8 E8





L11 M5





Fiat Van



C2 C1









L9 M3



L8 M2


Verde Led Trailer

L7 M1

Fiat Van




D4 E4

Design & Planning

Main Stage Expo 2017 | RDS, Dublin


Main Stage




D3 E3

A1 A2

D1 E1










L3 L2


Information nformaatio Po oint

Architecture and Design/ Planning, Surveying & Project Management Conservation & Restoration/ Building Machinery, Materials & Technology

Catering A

N1 N1A N2


J4 K4

Planning, Surveying, Architecture & Design


Reg Desk Speaker Reg Desk

Outside Display Area

Hall 1 Entrance Lobby

Reg Desk


National Engineering Summit 2017 Making Industry Work Summit Main Stage R D S , D U B Main L I N - 1Stage 4th June 2017


Speaker & VIP Room Upstairs Up






Construction Summit 2017 Solid Foundation – Stronger Future



Engineering Summit 2017

Making Industry Work




Smart & Green Building Expo






Expo 2017 | RDS, Dublin

Media Partners

CONSTRUCTION SUMMIT FLOOR PLAN - FEATURED EXHIBITORS C11 Flooring Providers I14 Greenday Environmental & PestPlus Ltd C9 Greenday Environmental & PestPlus Ltd D16 Grasstec Geomatics E16 Grasstec Geomatics B7 Go Rentals M2 Grip Doctors D1 Ground Force E1 Ground Force I7A GROW F10 Health & Safety Authority (HSA) L2 Herbst Software A1 Hitechniques Ltd K19 HILTI I7 Husqvarna D8 iDomus Construction E8 iDomus Construction D11 IE Domain Registry CLG E11 IE Domain Registry CLG H11 IFS J16 Intreo K16 Intreo F5 Innovection Ltd B6 Integrated Environmental Solutions Limited N1A IT Sligo Online L11 Irish Water J1 Keystone Insurance G4 Kiernan Structural Steel I5 L8 The Logo Shop H7 Lokring Northern M1 Masonry Fixings L7 Masonry Fixings C4 McSharry Bros Ltd – Hitachi J4 MDI Medical Ltd G10 Medatech UK K3 MGM Partnership F13 Mount Lucas National Construction Training Centre L13 The Noel Group H13 National Standards Authority of Ireland F12 Onlinetradesmen J15 O Reilly Concrete Group A2 Petrochem Pipeline Supply G5 Pipelife Ireland Ltd G1 Portakabin Ireland F6 Proflo Ltd. G6 Proflo Ltd. B8 PVC Fabrications ltd L3 Q-Fitz



Supported by

K5 53ten Communications F11 Acoustic GRG Ireland Limited E4 Acorn Insurance L5 ACEI K13 Alternative Energy L6 ARDEX Ireland Ltd B17 Avita Communications K20 Bentley Systems International Ltd I10 Blueface B4 Bradley Brand J12 Brady & Associates F8 Brother K1 BSS Building Staff Solutions J11 Calnan Containers K11 Calnan Containers L15 Calor Gas L16 Calor Gas M9 Calor Gas M10 Calor Gas D4 Carlisle Solicitors – Get Paid Faster N2 Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists F9 CG Business Consulting Ltd / Software Support Ltd C01 Ciall I1 Cloudstrong I9 Heliguy G9 Construction Information Sevices B15 Construction Industry Federation G14 K17 Consurv B1 CPAS M6 Cunningham Covers H8 Cork Plastics B3 Dawson-Wam J8 Design By Nature G12 DFM Systems F15 Diatec F16 Diatec B8a DJI Design + Construct M5 EcoVolt J10 Edgeways K10 Edgeways B9 Elevation Construction Network G15 Embassy of Poland G16 Embassy of Poland L9 Enviroeye Engineering Ltd I4 ERS Computer Solutions Ltd C6 Exactal C7 Fireblock


Design & Planning

RDS, DUBLIN - 14th June 2017 Sponsors



Facility Management & Maintenance Show

F1 QualEpass E12 Randox Laboratories Ltd F14 Renson M8 Regan Solicitors H4 RGC Technologies Ltd B2 Servisource Recruitment Limited H3A Spectac International K8 Sercaa Ireland C10 Select Access Safety Systems H1 Sika Ireland Limited M3 SIP Energy F4 SP Group L9 Skills For Work B11 Sleepless Server Solutions I12 Snickers Workwear F20 Sonitus Systems J5 South Coast Sales D10 Sturdy Products Ltd D3 TAL Construction J3 Tender Team I8 Topcon K4 TWi D17 Typetec J13 UCC IRUSE (Informatics Research Unit for Sustainable Engineering) H14 VT Networks C2 Wavin L4 The Wear Group Ltd. H5 Welltel Ireland G8 Weslin Construction B10 WikiBuild A3 Wood Concepts G13 Xtratherm N1 Xetec C3 ZUTEC Outside displays Eaton Electrical Systems Ltd Spectac International On-Site Refueling Fiat Chrysler Automobiles Ireland DAC Inside Displays Verde LED Fiat Chrysler Automobiles Ireland DAC

Summit 2017 Solid Foundation – Stronger Future

Speakers John Hogan Partner Leman Solicitors John Hogan is a co-founder of Leman Solicitors and is the head of the Real Estate Department. He advises on all aspects of commercial property including sales, leases, financing, acquisition and tax based restructuring. Recently he has advised a number of joint venture partners on acquisition, development and structuring of property investments and developments. He has worked on development finance and construction projects including all aspects of professional team engagements, warranties and development management.

Jamie Groom Director Propel Consult Bahrain/Ireland Jamie Groom has been working in recruitment for over 15 years and is one of the founding directors of Propel. He is a self-starter with a proactive, flexible approach to problem solving. He brings a high level of enthusiasm and client-focus to each assignment. His main focus over the last 6 years has been senior and executive level positions in the Engineering & Construction industry in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain. Jamie has built relationships with many leading indigenous and multinational organizations throughout Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the wider MENA region. Professor Karsten Menzel – Chair for Information Technology in Architecture, Engineering & Construction (IT in AEC),UCC’s School of Engineering

Professor Karsten Menzel is the Chair for Information Technology in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (IT in AEC) at UCC’s School of Engineering. He is well known for his interdisciplinary work aiming to embed information technologies into engineering processes; being part of an international trend established by world class institutes such as Stanford University, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, MIT, or the Technical University in Munich.

Karl Milne Operations Director Seetec Employment & Skills Ireland Seetec is contracted by the Department of Social Protection to deliver the JobPath service in the northern half of the country. The Department referred 60,000 clients to JobPath in 2016. JobPath is a payment by results contract.

Killian Dorney Associate Maples and Calder solicitors Killian is an associate in Maples and Calder. He has a broad range of experience in contentious and noncontentious construction matters, with a particular focus on construction related insurance matters. He

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advises clients on drafting project documentation as well as on various dispute resolution processes including ADR. Specialising in the construction sector, Killian acts primarily for employers, contractors and consultants, as well as their insurers.

Kieran Linehan Managing Director Ayrton Group Kieran established Ayrton Group (formerly Health & Safety Services) in 1993. Ayrton group now employ over 100 professionals, in all aspects of construction, as well as other safety roles. His qualifications include an MSc from Loughborough University & Diploma from UCC. Having first joined IOSH in 1995, Kieran is a Chartered Safety Practitioner & became a Chartered Fellow of IOSH (the Institution of Occupational Safety & Health) in 2009. Kieran has been a member of the National Executive of NISO, as well as founder member of the IOSH Committee. With a long established background in the manufacturing & construction sectors, Kieran has a wealth of knowledge regarding Project Management, Design & Safety Management Systems, along with what is required to in- still safe systems of work in all workplaces.

Leona Hill Director Edgeways Immersive Solutions Leona has a first in BSc (Hons) in Information and Communication Technologies and Diploma in Professional Practise with Commendation. Before starting her degree path, she worked for 5 years in IT support and infrastructure for a variety of construction companies. Alongside gaining a degree she started up her business, Edgeways. Initially focusing on software and web development however in the past two years the business has expanded and focused on new technologies such as Virtual and Augmented Reality.

Leah Pitttam Managing Partner – Progressive Financial Services, Ireland Independent Financial Advisors specialising in pensions and investments. Self Directed Pensions in the area of property for single schemes or multiple joint ventures between two or more pensions schemes. Gearing/Leveraging against property via normal investment or pensions schemes. Executive Income Protection, Shareholder Protection, and Keyman Insurance.

Lloyd Scott Professor Dublin Institute of Technology A Senior academic at DIT Lloyd teaches Sustainable Construction to undergraduate and post graduate students. He is a Professor of Practice at the College of Architecture, University of Oklahoma. He has published extensively and serves as Associate Editor on the

International Journal of Construction Education and Research. He a research fellow at the Sustainable Institute at Leeds Beckett University.

Marion Jammet Business Development Manager, IGBC Marion is responsible for membership development at the IGBC and coordinates various projects, including EPD Ireland. The objective of this project is to raise awareness about embodied impacts in the construction sector and to promote EPDs. Marion’s working background is in project management and policy, with previous roles in Dublin Chamber, Eurochambres and the European Parliament.

Mark Boda Industrial Engineer / Founder, Solofy, Limerick – Ireland An industrial engineer dedicated to solving inefficient practices for environmental sustainability through technological advancement. Mark is a global explorer, having visited over 24 countries.With extensive knowledge in Information technology spanning nearly a decade, having worked on both physical and virtual products in multiple industries across 3 continents.

Matthew Branch Engineering Team Leader Verde LED LED Industry professional with almost 10years experience in LED design and application, covering both the Retail sector as well as the Commercial & Industrial sector. Trained as a Semiconductor Physicist (PhD), and with experience in Product Management and LED Design.

Micheál Mahon – Managing Partner, MGM partnership, Chairman of Quantity Surveying Group of The Society of chartered Surveyors Micheál Mahon, MSCSI, MRICS is a chartered Quantity Surveyor and chair of the Quantity Surveying Professional Group of the society of chartered surveyors Ireland, with many years of industry and expertise. Micheál is also founder and Managing director of MGM Partnership, a leading chartered project management practice with offices in Dublin and Wexford.

Dr. Markus Helfert Director Business Informatics Group Dublin City University, Ireland Dr. Markus Helfert is Director of the Business Informatics Group at Dublin City University, and a Senior Lecturer in Information Systems. His expertise includes Building Information Management, Cloud Computing, Enterprise Architecture and Smart Cities. He advised companies in Ireland and internationally on IT Innovation and Information Management.

Speakers Malachi Sweetman Senior Associate, Construction Group, Maples and Calder Dublin Malachi advises employers and contractors on all aspects of construction contracts, from tendering to negotiation of contract terms, to claim and risk management during the contract and the bringing or defending of claims after the contract has concluded. In disputes, Malachi frequently acts as advocate for his clients in arbitration or conciliation and works closely with his clients in preparing claim documents, taking witness statements and instructing experts.

Maureen Marsden Senior Acoustic Consultant Resonate Acoustics, Ireland Maureen Marsden is an Acoustic Engineer with 20 years experience in acoustics across a broad range of sectors including: building acoustics, transportation and industrial acoustics. She worked within the UK following the change to the Building Regulations in 2000 that required similar mandatory sound insulation testing to demonstrate that the minimum sound insulation performance standards were met.

Marie Hunt Executive Director CBRE More than 20 years ago, Marie Hunt established the research department at CBRE Ireland, which is now regarded as one of the most authoritative sources of property information in the Irish market. A regular commentator in the Irish media on property matters, Marie produces a range of property market publications and carries out specialist consultancy work on behalf of a broad range of institutional, private and public sector clients of the Irish business. Marie is an Executive Director of CBRE in Ireland and a member of CBRE’s EMEA Research board. Marie is a chartered surveyor and a Fellow of the Society of Chartered Surveyors, Ireland. In each of the last two years, Marie has been shortlisted in the Image Magazine Irish Businesswoman of the Year awards.

Michael Conaghan Senior Director of Project Management CBRE Michael Conaghan is a Senior Director with CBRE who are the world’s largest real Estate company. Michael is based in Dublin and is the Account Director for CBRE’s largest dedicated Project Management Account in EMEA for a world leading technology client within CBRE’s Global Workplace Solutions Team.

Matthew Stead Managing Director, Resonate (Australia) Matthew is the Managing Director of Resonate Acoustics and has over 25 years’ experience;

specialising in environmental noise, low vibration design, building acoustics design and transportation noise. A prolific author of technical papers, Matthew is actively involved in the industry and is the current Chairman of the Association of Australian Acoustical Consultants and a former Federal Councillor of the Australian Acoustical Society.

Mark Foley Managing Director of Coillte Land Solutions – Coillte Mark Foley joined Coillte in August of 2008 as Managing Director of Coillte Land Solutions. Land Solutions is the venturing arm of Coillte with responsibility for the creation of medium and long term commercial returns by adding value to Coillte’s land assets. The business provides land solutions across a range of sectors, with a particular emphasis on support for national policy objectives, and has made major contributions in the renewable energy and telecommunications sectors in recent years.

Michael Gillen Chairman & CEO Bridgestock Care Ireland Michael Gillen is Chairman and CEO of Bridgestock Care, Irelands National Quality Management Systems (Q-Mark) Award Winners 2016. Michael has led Bridgestock to excel in the provision of care services at home and abroad through an unfaltering commitment to the companys core values and level of service and will share the ingredients for success with the audience.

Michael Durnin Head of Digital Construction Murphy Surveys Michael Durnin has over 15 years extensive experience in executing and managing large survey, hydrographic and infrastructure projects, specialising in tunnel, light rail, monitoring, geodetic networks and implementing lean efficient workflows. Michael is currently Head of Digital Construction and Monitoring and is also working on Luas Cross City Project acting as Chief Surveyor with the Sisk Steconfer Joint Venture.

Michael Dall Construction Market Analyst, Barbour ABI Lead Economist at construction market analysts Barbour ABI, with responsibility for providing detailed coverage of the UK economy with specific focus on the construction sector. Since joining Barbour ABI in 2013, Michael is responsible for providing monthly updates to clients and subscribers to Building magazine on the key economic, political and financial changes that impact the UK economy and construction. He also works with several major construction companies to help them understand the implications of market trends and macroeconomic changes for their business. Frequently quoted in the national media on the

construction sector’s performance, Michael has also appeared on various media outlets including Sky News and the BBC.

Moin Hanif Academic, Consultant and Businessman – DIT Moin Hanif an Academic, Consultant and Businessman received his B.Eng. (Hons) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from The UoN, UK, in 2007, and his Ph.D. from DIT, Ireland, in 2011. He was a Postdoctoral Researcher at Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, UAE, from October 2011 to 2012. From November 2012 to December 2016, he was a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Electrical Engineering, UCT, South Africa (SA). Since January 2016, he is a full time Faculty at DIT, Ireland and concurrently since March 2017 he is also a visiting academic at UJ, South Africa.

Mark Regan Managing Partner Regan Solicitors Mark is the managing partner at Regan Solicitors. He has practised as a commercial lawyer for the past 21 years and was the senior partner in the Commercial and Litigation Department of another commercial law firm for 15 of those years. He has since established his own firm and brand as Regan Solicitors with a view to providing and expanding his existing client base with a more bespoke and efficient service. He is highly regarded in the area of Company and Corporate Law and has a particular niche in advising Manufacturing Companies on Compliance, EU directives, Product Liability and Health and Safety .

Nick Andrews Facilities Manager at the National College of Art and Design Nick is the Facilities Manager at the National College of Art & Design. Nick has over 10 years’ experience in the engineering and construction industry in both Ireland and the United Kingdom, specialising in Project Management and Facilities Management. Nick has a BSc in Sustainable Control Technology and an MSc in Facilities Management. Nick has previously been a member of the Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estates Management.

Natalia Shiel CEO Pavanu Mobility Ltd. Ireland, Co Offaly CEO Natalia Shiel is a business studies graduate with 10 years’ experience as a business manager and retail entrepreneur. She is a founding member of the Pavanu team and no stranger to the demands of building a business from scratch. As she puts it: smooth sailing is only a dream for a startup. We have to work extremely hard to get results. We promote and facilitate products and environments that are inherently accessible to everyone and are

Summit 2017 Solid Foundation – Stronger Future

Speakers all the more productive and profitable for it. In a nutshell – “Accessibility” in our built environments is a genuine case of having your cake and eating it and our aim is help other businesses get their slice!”

Nigel Ashcroft – Principal Terawee Safety Services & Chairman IOSH, Ireland Northwestern District Nigel Ashcroft graduated from the University of London with BSc (Hons) Microbiology in 1977. Early career in Cancer research, which continues to be an interest, focusing on Health and Safety in 1979. Moving to Ireland in 1997 became an OSH Consultant, DipSHWW in 2005. Chairman of IOSH Ireland Northwestern District.

Nicaise ISHIMWE Applications specialist Emovis Tech Ireland Telecom engineer by background, Nicaise Ishimwe is an Application specialist-QA at Emovis Tech Ireland, a subsidiary of Abertis group that designs and operates free-flow tolling systems and smart-mobility solutions. Nicaise also currently leads the Ireland chapter of Women in Tech Africa, an organisation that aims to create a pipeline of female leaders and encourage more girls to choose STEM fields.

Olga Gaffney Senior Solicitor AMOSS Solicitors Olga is a Senior Solicitor in AMOSS Solicitors and is highly experienced in several key areas of law including commercial law, commercial and residential property, landlord and tenant law, and banking law. Olga is also a lecturer, tutor and examiner with the Law Society of Ireland and also lectured on the MA in Literature and Publishing, NUI Galway in the areas of “Intellectual Property Law” and “Technology Law”.

Oliver Heath Founder Oliver Heath Design Oliver heath is an Architectural and interior designer and a recognised global expert in Biophilic Design. His work is expressed in number of mediums including the built environment, writing and the media, having worked for a number of television channels including BBC, ITV channel 4 and the National Geographic channel. His last book Urban Eco Chic (Quadrille) sold over 30,000 copies in 6 languages. He has acted as a spokesperson for the likes of the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC), the Energy Saving Trust (EST) and the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP).

Oliver Fogarty – Connections and Developer Services, Greater Dublin Regional Manager, Irish Water Oliver Fogarty, BE, Chartered Engineer, is a civil engineering graduate of University College Dublin

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with a wide range of experience in the water services sector gained through various roles in both the private and public sectors. Since 2014, Oliver has been the Connections and Developer Services Manager, in Irish Water, for the Greater Dublin Region.

Phelim Devine – Design Director/Deputy Project Director of the National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (NPHDB) Phelim Devine is Design Director/Deputy Project Director of the National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (NPHDB) since January 2014. The NPHDB is responsible for the Design, Planning, Building and Equipping of the new Children’s Hospital on the St James’s Hospital campus which includes two Satellite Centres on the Tallaght and Connolly Hospital campuses. The new children’s hospital represents the largest single investment in any healthcare capital project in Ireland.

Phil Kane Country Manager Eaton, Ireland Phil Kane is Country Manager for Eaton in Ireland. In this role, Phil is responsible for implementing Eaton’s commercial strategy and managing relationships with Eaton’s key customers and distribution channels in the region. Phil has years of experience in business to business sales and project management and has comprehensive knowledge of technology solutions having specialised in this area since 2008.

Paul Reardon Chief Operations Officer BlueChief Social Paul is an expert on bringing brands into the digital landscape, through the use of innovative marketing techniques in areas such as psychology and branding. An entrepreneur from the age of 18, Paul advanced to the COO position within a year of working at Bluechief and is currently launching an Influencer Marketing Agency – The

Patrick Bamming – Tax and Legal Department German- Irish Chamber, AITI Chartered Tax Adviser (CTA) Patrick Bamming is an AITI Chartered Tax Adviser. He has been part of the DEinternational team of the German-Irish Chamber since 2006 and is the Head of the Tax & Legal Department. Patrick advises more than 100 construction companies in being tax compliant in Ireland and Germany. He has considerable experience in advising non-resident contractors working in Ireland on the operation of Relevant Contracts Tax, VAT and the Double Tax Agreements. In addition, he has helped to ensure Irish companies in Germany apply for an exemption from the German construction withholding tax and to be tax compliant while working in Germany. Patrick has a German university business degree (Diplom

Kaufmann) and is an is a qualified with the Irish Tax Institute, as an Irish Tax Adviser.

Paul Cronin Architectural Specialist Ardex Ireland Paul has 15 years experience in the flooring Specification market, he is delivering CPD’s to the top Architects in the country on a weekly basis. His technical expertise and experience gives him a industry knowledge second to none. Backed up by quality products and brands in Ardex and BAL and a professional on-site support team.

Philip Cranley Quality and Environmental Manager, PestPlus Ltd Richard Kowalski is a construction professional specialised in design and manufacturing of precast concrete structures with over 25 years of experience. Studied structural engineering and construction management at Technical University of Gdansk. Joined O’Reilly Concrete in 2005. Recently works on adopting and full utilisation of IT in design, manufacturing like BIM and Virtual Reality.

Phil Nicholls Managing Director Medatech Ltd Phil Nicholls provides top-level leadership for the UK and Australian operations with a specific responsibility for sales. He firmly believes the company’s mission is to deliver a variety of creative, inclusive solutions to satisfy customers’ dynamic IT needs. He graduated from Exeter University as a Mechanical Engineer and remains a Chartered Engineer with I.Mech.E. He has held many positions in industry from Design Engineer in the aerospace industry to IT Manager in the shipbuilding industry. After some time as a consultant in a large ERP consultancy he teamed up with Meir Gabay to create Emerge IT in 2001 which changed its name in 2015 to Medatech UK.

Patrick Larkin MD Ballinlaw Domestic Systems Ltd MD – Ballinlaw Domestic Systems Ltd. Roland O’Connell Chairman Savills Roland was appointed Chairman of Savills in October 2014. He joined the firm in 1981 and during this time he was primarily responsible for the Office Agency Department. He has advised numerous high profile clients in their search for office property in Ireland, including State

Speakers Street for their new Dublin HQ. This was the largest city centre office transaction since the Citi HQ deal in 1999 – a deal in which Roland was also involved. More recently he secured the letting of city centre HQ’s to Facebook and Yahoo! He is also a past President of the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland.

Ronan J McGrath Founder – Elevation Construction Network, Co. Wexford Elevation Construction Network is a one of a kind, award winning Construction specific portal & network. We help construction businesses thrive by generating growth sales & structure through sharing leads & industry knowledge to elevate your business to the next level. Elevation offer a unique opportunity for businesses operating in the construction industry to network and benefit from referral marketing between members who share the same customers, but who offer noncompeting services, while also developing their business.

Richard Kowalski Group Technical Director O’Reilly Concrete Ireland Upon successful completion of a masters degree in Urban Planning from UCD, Raymond moved to London to take a role with the global real estate services provider Sa

Raymond Tutty Associate Director Planning Division Savills (UK) Limited Upon successful completion of a masters degree in Urban Planning from UCD, Raymond moved to London to take a role with the global real estate services provider Savills. Now a chartered town planner with ten years experience, Raymond provides commercially focused planning advice meeting the specific needs of private sector clients.

Rajni Kant Head of Sales & Strategic Initiative – Product Engineering Services, EMEA Specializing in new business development, Account Growth and market expansion • 18+ Years of International Work Experience in Aerospace & Defence, Automotive, Industrial Manufacturing, Telecom and utilities combined with business-management skills to drive gains in revenue, market share and profit performance. • Strong track record of scaling up businesses by defining and executing robust strategy and operational models to driving customer centricity, industry focus and new ideas in applying technology for business innovation.

Raoul Empey Sustainability Advisor Sustineo, Ireland Raoul completed his training as a Climate Reality Leader under former U.S. Vice President Al Gore in 2015. He is now part of a global network of leaders committed to solving the climate crisis. His business –Sustineo– specialises in low carbon projects and the quantification of its projects’ sustainability benefits through numbers. It does this using techniques such as life cycle assessment (LCA), measurement & verification of energy savings, and carbon footprinting. Sustineo is a member of the Irish Green Building Council and is currently involved in assessing the sustainability aspects of a number of construction projects in Ireland. All of Sustineo’s projects enhance environmental awareness, save energy and reduce emissions.

Ronnie Fleming Director Software Support Group Ltd. Ronnie is co-founder and Director of Software Support Group. He has over 30 years of professional experience in IT, supplying and supporting software to the ConstructionIndustry. One challenge he has noticed is the control of Work in Progress. He will give insight on what he has found.

Robin Mandal Director Robin Mandal Architects Robin is the Director of Robin Mandal Architects, which has been in existence for 38 years. He is a former president of the RIAI and have Grade 1 accreditation as a Conservation Architect. Since setting up in practice in 1979, Robin has been recognised as being a leader in design led pragmatic practice, with particular conservation skills, combining an understanding of the built heritage and contemporary architecture. Robin Mandal established his practice in 1979 with the intention of providing high quality architectural services from a small organisation. Since its formation, it has been recognised as being a design led pragmatic practice.

Rachel Murphy Sales Director NP Liquid Glass Systems Ltd. NP Liquid Glass Systems Ltd provides surface protection using the latest advancements in Nanotechnology. Rachel has headed up sales since she joined her father in running the company in 2014. With a keen interest in both construction and conservation this role was the perfect fit for Rachel. NP Liquid Glass provides high quality and affordable surface protection which is sustainable, environmentally friendly and toxin free. With a

large range of applications, from preventing damp penetration to anti-graffiti protection and restoration work, the role is varied and sees Rachel working all around the country on commercial projects, historic sites and new builds.

Robert Canavan Senior Planner Western Region BAM Contractors A native of Galway, Robert has worked in the construction industry for thirty years. He has worked in Ireland, the U.K, Poland and short stints in Qatar. For the past eighteen years he has worked as a planner for several of the large main contractors in Ireland.

Steven Flynn Founder and CEO Skytango Steven Flynn is an Emmy-award-winning filmmaker as well as a producer, director, director of photography, editor, one of the world’s first licensed commercial civilian drone pilots. With a background in electronics and photography, he honed his skills to form his own post-production company in 1996. Among his past clients are PBS, DISCOVERY, TRAVEL CHANNEL, HGTV.

Sandra Gannon Product Architect and Designer IBM, Watson IoT Ireland Sandra Gannon is a Product Designer and Architect in the Watson Internet of Things (IoT) business unit in IBM. Sandra has worked in software development for nearly 12 years in a number of roles such as Information Developer, Lead Information Developer, Scrum Master, and Release Manager. Sandra’s primary role as Product Designer and Architect is to work with customers to validate their business needs and to designs product changes using the latest technology that exceed their expectations working specifically on Building Information Modeling (BIM) and cognitive buildings. Sandra is a fair weather cyclist and is training for half marathons.

Shane Brodie Consultant – MacArdle McSweeney Associates Environmental Shane is a 28 year Construction and IT industry veteran. For 24 years, up to June of this year, Shane worked for Intel Ireland working for the last 7 years in large strategic construction project delivery, focusing specifically on contract procurement and management. Shane was one of the three original architects of the BIM strategy for Intel’s refurbishment project. Prior to his contract management role Shane spent 15 years in IT management at Intel where his focus was on all aspects of enterprise mobility architecture and implementation. Prior to joining Intel Shane worked in the UK on large infrastructural projects with a focus on Mechanical and Electrical commercial construction management.

Summit 2017 Solid Foundation – Stronger Future

Speakers Sandro Cafolla Owner Manager Design By Nature Sandro Cafolla T/a Design By Nature has 30 years experience sowing wildflowers on infrastructure projects in Ireland His photographic show covers project design to seed sowing and aftercare. From Ballymore Homes to Roadbridge, From Corrib gas to motorways, Sandro has done it all. He will answer specific questions and share new insights into ISO 14001, 26000, Breeam.

Stuart Nelson Founder Jigsaw Consulting Stuart works with organisations to solve problems and develop an organisational Growth Mindset. Stuart bring over 20 years’ experience managing teams, coaching, training, and consulting, to the analysis and improvement work he carries out. Using tools from Lean, Six Sigma, and Design Thinking, and techniques such as coaching, mentoring and training, he is in a unique position to guide the person and the process through the change cycle. Stuart holds 3rd level qualifications in Psychology, Innovation, Lean, and Six Sigma and has researched and published in Leadership, Psychological Safety, and Employee Engagement. He is an approved provider of the Enterprise Ireland Lean offer.

Shauna Coyne Chief Operations Officer SkyClad Ltd, Ireland & United Kingdom Shauna is the Chief Operations Officer for SkyClad Ltd Ireland & United Kingdom. Having studied Business in college, Shauna began working in the family business in 2010. SkyClad manufacture Steel Frame Buildings, which include Industrial, Commercial, Agricultural, Refrigerated Buildings and cold stores. They also manufacture and construct containerised units and Structural Insulated Panel’s (SIP) for application in SIP panel modular housing.

Sharon Pennick Associate Leman Solicitors Sharon Pennick is an associate in Leman Solicitors’ Real Estate department. Sharon’s primary specialities are the acquisition of development land, development finance and planning and environmental law. Sharon has recently advised private equity investors, borrowers, developers and institutional investors. Sharon is the current Chair of the Urban Land Institute Ireland’s Young Leaders committee.

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Sean Fennell CEO Initiafy Sean Fennell is a Co-founder and CEO of Initiafy – a safety training and contractor management software company headquartered in Dublin and with offices in London, New York and Toronto. He has been part of the safety world for over 10 years, working closely with construction companies in Europe, North America and globally, such as Balfour Beatty, Lendlease, Gilbane and Powergen.

Sherry Perreault Head of Ethics and Lobbying Regulation, Standards, Public Office Commission Sherry Perreault was appointed Ireland’s first Head of Lobbying Regulation by the Standards in Public Office Commission in May 2015. In September 2016, her role was expanded to include responsibility for overseeing the administration of ethics and electoral legislation. In her current role, Ms Perreault oversees the administration of the Regulation of Lobbying Act, the Ethics in Public Office Acts and the Electoral Acts on behalf of the Standards in Public Office Commission. She serves as Registrar of Lobbying, with delegated authority for operations and compliance, advice and guidance, investigations and enforcement, and communications and outreach.

Dr. Sogol Fallah Project Engineer Arup Sogol graduated from Sharif University of Technology with B.Sc. in Civil Engineering in 2008 and M.Sc. in Geotechnical Engineering in 2011. In 2015 Sogol finished her PhD in Civil Engineering at University College Dublin (UCD). Sogol has extensive lecturing experience at UCD and has worked with consultants as geotechnical engineer.

Sorcha Dillane Account Executive Mallon Technology Sorcha Dillane is an account executive for Mallon Technology. Recently graduated from UCD Smurfit School with a Masters in Business Management, Sorcha has 4 years’ experience working in the IT sector which she has used to deliver expert GIS consultancy & mapping services to clients in the public & private sectors.

Stephen Dempsey Founder and Managing Director EcoVolt Limited EcoVolt design and manufacture electric heating, hot water and control products. They recently released to the market their innovative JouleTherm CeP product. JouleTherm CeP is a 24V Carbon Nano Coating applied onto gypsum plasterboards to create radiant / infrared

heating panels. Producing a surface temperature of 50⁰C on 1 meter square area of plasterboard with an energy consumption of 350W/M2, the technology aligns itself very well with the integration of P.V Solar, energy storage systems and off peak electricity tariffs.

Tom O’Reilly Head of Partnerships Linked Finance Tom O’Reilly been involved with some of the most exciting names in the areas of finance and technology, including Groupon, SumUp and Holvi. Throughout his career, he has worked to bring the benefits of better technology to Irish SMEs. His current role as Head of Partnerships at Linked Finance is all about helping local businesses to access the funds they need to grow. Linked Finance is Ireland’s leading P2P lending platform. It connects great local businesses who need loans with a vibrant online lending community. This is about using technology to make business lending better.

Dr Thomas Brennan Managing Director Consurv Building Ltd. I am the founder of Consurv Building Limited based in Monaghan. I have devoted the greater part of my life to developing and researching methods of non-destructive treatment and protection of historic buildings and family homes. I have pioneered several non-intrusive exploratory techniques which has greatly reduced damage and costs normally associated with general inspection methods. With a doctorate in conservation studies and a Bachelor’s Degree in Building Surveying, I can maintain and maximise the effectiveness of existing building stock and ensure that proposed buildings meet appropriate standards. I have been actively involved in many European research projects including: European Research on Cultural Heritage, Histoclean and the ARCCHIP Programme funded by the European Parliament.

Ted Laverty Founder and CEO A seasoned technology and business professional, Ted Laverty has worked in a number of technology businesses at both a managerial and C-Level that include IBM, CacheFlow (Australia) among others. He founded the OnlineTradesmen group in 2006 and has grown it to becoming the largest home services marketplace in Ireland. The group also includes leading online retailer and membership SaaS provider

Thomas McGrath Chief Executive Cognition As Managing Director for Elutions Inc, Thomas industrialised Operational Intelligence solutions using automated advanced analytics. An experienced board advisor, latterly as a Director at KPMG in London,

Speakers Thomas held several leadership roles including Head of Transformation at Mouchel plc, and at Hedra plc. He was strategic advisor on Regulated Industries at Grant Thornton and was Head of Performance at Mayor of London, responsible for overseeing a significant amount of world-leading projects.

Tony Horan President ACEI Tony Horan is the President of the Association of Consulting Engineers of Ireland (ACEI) and is the Group Managing Director of O’Connor Sutton Cronin, a multi-disciplinary engineering consultancy practice. A Chemical Engineering graduate from UCD, Tony has over thirty five years’ experience in all aspects of civil and transportation engineering, planning and project management. He also holds qualifications in Civil, Environmental, Transportation and Industrial Engineering as well as in planning and international sales.

Trevor McSharry – Head of Department, Civil Engineeering & Construction – IT Sligo Trevor McSharry is the Head of Department of Civil Engineering and Construction at IT Sligo. Over the last six years in this role, he has provided academic leadership and led the development and successful launch of a portfolio of accredited online part time programmes for the construction sector.Trevor is a Chartered Engineer and holds an MBA. As a certified Project Management Professional (PMI), he has over 20 years of industrial and academic experience to a senior management level and worked in the Food, Electronic, Nuclear, Pharma and Biotech industries.

Tom Parlon Director General at Construction Industry Federation (CIF) Tom Parlon is the Director General of the Construction Industry Federation (CIF). Before joining the CIF, Tom served as a TD for Laois – Offaly and as Minister for State at the Department of Finance from 2002 until 2007. As Minister he was responsible for the Office for Public Works (OPW). From 1997 to 2001, Tom was President of the Irish Farmers Association (IFA), having previously held several other positions with the association.

Thomas Holden National Technical Manager Concrete Products – Roadstone Thomas Holden Roadstone, National Technical Manager Concrete Products 26 years experience with Concrete and Concrete products experience in marketing, sales, production, Product development, Quality and Technical, worked on Major national construction projects – commercial and infrastructural.

Tom Moloney Managing Director Construction Information Services (CIS) Tom Moloney is the Managing Director of Construction Information Services. The company has been the lead provider of project information for Ireland for over 43 years. Since acquiring the company in 2002, Tom has taken the company from the traditional medium of the printed CIS Report to the provision of a real-time online information system, which is continuously enhanced using the latest available technology.

Ulrik Raysse CEO ARROW Architects ARROW Architects is a private architecture firm with offices in Copenhagen and Oslo. Founded by Ulrik Raysse in 2013, whose high level of expertise, knowledge and talent has led multidisciplinary international teams to success at Henning Larsen Architects, he is known for his many significant achievements such as being awarded with the European Centre of Architecture 40 under 40.

Vivienne Murtagh QEHS Consultant CG Business Consulting Graduate member of IOSH (Institute of Occupational Safety and Health) for continuous improvement and commitment to health and safety practice and procedures. Vivienne has several years’ experience in working in a medium to large organisations implementing & maintaining ISO Management Systems incorporating Quality, Health and Safety and Environmental standards. She enforced a rigorous mind-set in Health & Safety with every member of staff. Many tasks were undertaken including the training of new employees for induction & manual handling & also co-ordination of the company training plan to ensure all employees were up to dates with QEHS requirements.

Vasileios Lyritzis Quality Assurance Automation Project Lead, Siemens A.G. Vasileios Lyritzis, is a Siemens A.G QA Automation Project Lead. He received his Bachelor Degree in Computer Science at T.E.I of Peiraeus in Athens and Master Degree in System on Chip Design at K.T.H Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.He has over 15 years experience in various different industries, including 9 years in Industrial Cyber Security sector in Siemens.

Valerie O’Keeffe CEO Clarity Vision & Purpose Consulting Valerie is a Strategic Planning and Change Management consultant with over 20 years experience

devising and implementing interventions for her clients. She works with Corporate and SME clients, helping them to reposition, manage uncertainty and capitalise on growth opportunities. She has significant experience supporting clients in the Construction and Property Sectors. Prior to running her own business she was a Board member of AIB Corporate &Commercial Banking.

Wayne Dignam Managing Director Tender Team Wayne Dignam is an excellent bid writer, bid manager, strategist and commercial manager. Over the past ten years he has helped companies in many sectors throughout Ireland and abroad to win business and grow by delivering hundreds of millions of euro in successful bids. William Power – MCIAT BIM / Technical Manager Reddy Architecture + Urbanism / Chartered, Institute of Architectural Technologists

William has worked in the AEC industry for over 15 years, with experience ranging from on site construction to office based design. He completed a Master’s Degree in Architecture: Advanced Environmental and Energy Studies in 2012 and is currently undertaking a Master’s Degree in Building Information Modelling Management. William currently specialises in the use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) to develop technical design and construction information for projects, typically for tender on medium to large scale projects. Currently his research area is looking at how BIM technologies can assist design teams provide more sustainable buildings, as well as the impact of changes in methods of design and construction on the AEC industry.

Will Ferguson Co-founder and COO VT Will Ferguson is the co-founder and COO of VT. VT has deployed a nationwide internet of things (IoT) network using Sigfox technology, which allows simple sensors and devices to communicate small amounts of data to the cloud. There are interoperable Sigfox networks in 32 countries and counting.

Yvonne Wylde Manager, NSAI Standards Technical, BE CEng, ME, MIEI Yvonne is responsible for NSAI standards activity in the traditional areas such as gas infrastructure, electro technical and construction. Before joining NSAI Yvonne, worked in both the public and private sector, in UK and Ireland on residential and commercial developments and in construction product and regulatory compliance.

Summit 2017 Solid Foundation – Stronger Future


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53TEN is a full-service marketing agency led by Fionnuala Kilbane, a technical communications specialist with a career spanning over 20 years in business and engineering. Fionnuala’s skills includes an ability to understand technical terminology and communicate with the public. Services include strategic planning, media relations, and event management – Address : Shore Road, Cashel, Achill, Co. Mayo Tel: 0863688898 Website:



For more than 60 years, ARDEX has been a quality leader for the flooring and tiling industries, the brand of choice for installers and distributors. ARDEX today is still an independent family-owned business. Ardex Building Products Ireland LTD Unit 622 Northwest Bus Pk Phase 3 Ballycoolin D15VN36 Tel: (01)8809214 Email Website:



Alternative Energy are based in Omagh Co. Tyrone. We have been designing and installing Solar Pv Arrays since 2013.

office at St Augustine Street, Galway. We are dedicated to achieving excellence through our advanced administration systems and committed to providing all our clients with a consistently high level of client service. Tel: 1890 800 222/091 894426 Website: ASSOCIATION OF CONSULTING ENGINEERS OF IRELAND L5

The Association of Consulting Engineers of Ireland (ACEI) is the voice of Irish consulting engineering sector. Committed to professional standards and ethics, ACEI represents member firms’ interests and liaises with government and other bodies on behalf of the industry. Address: 46 Merrion Square, Dublin 2 Tel: +353-1-642 5588 Website:




Acorn Insurance (a subsidiary of Acorn Life Group Ltd) is an Irish owned company with a registered



Based in the centre of Dublin we’ve built a reputation as the go-to accountants when it comes to technology and software. Not only are we qualified Accountants but we’re one of the few firms in Ireland that are also Chartered Tax Advisers meaning we provide our clients with real value in the form of effective tax advice rather than just crunching numbers.


We are specialists in all aspects of noise control and able to supply and install a wide range of systems to meet specific budgetary and aesthetic requirements. Acoustic GRG Ireland, Unit 4C Aran Business Park, Blessington, Co. Wicklow, W91 R728 Tel: (045) 403 909 Website:


Tel:+44 (0)28 82 250160 Website:

Bentley Systems International Limited 2 Park Place, Upper Hatch Street Dublin 2, D02 NP94, Ireland Tel:+353 1 436 4600 Website:

Please visit our website to find out more about us

We service the domestic, commercial and development markets all over Ireland. We have successfully completed installations on schools, caravan parks, agricultural buildings, commercial buildings, GAA clubs, domestic properties and development projects.

Bentley offers comprehensive solutions for the collaborative design, construction and delivery of infrastructure projects of any scales or complexity


Providers of IP Telephony, Hosted Phone Systems, Fibre Broadband and Wi-Fi Networking Solutions to over 500 customers across Europe Avita Communications, Gray Office Park, Galway Retail Park, Headford Road, Galway, H91 WC1P Tel: 1890-511411 Website:



Bentley Systems is the world’s leading software provider dedicated to Advancing Infrastructure.


Blueface’s award winning cloud telephony platform provides better business communications for over 20,000 organisations of all sizes worldwide. 10/11 Exchange Place, IFSC, Dublin 1 Tel: 00 353 1 524 2000 website:



Strong brand have strong margins. We believe good branding creates dynamic, ever evolving and meaningful relationships with customers. Andrew Bradley Managing Director 109 Q House, Furze Road, Sandyford, Dublin 18, D18 P642 Tel: +353 (0) 1 293 7787 Website:

Exhibitors BROTHER


Brother has been operating in Ireland since 1958 and is a member of the Brother Global Group.Their vast range of information and communication products includes Printers, All in one Machines, Fax Machines, Label Printers and Scanners together with Brother original consumables and accessories.Recently Brother developed a New Business Segment which delivers next generation products focusing on the “document application business”, “Managed Print Solutions” and “cloud based solutions”. Brother Ireland DAC, Unit 37, Boeing Road, Airways Industrial Estate, Santry,Dublin 17, D17 E893, Ireland Tel: 01 2411900 Website:



Building Staff Solutions (BSS) is one of Ireland’s leading recruitment specialists. We provide permanent and temporary staffing solutions in Construction, Industrial, Mechanical & Electrical, Financial Services, working with some of the largest companies and organisations in Ireland and the UK. BSS Building Staff Solutions, 27-30 Merchant’s House, Merchant Quay, Dublin 8. Tel: +353 (0)1 707 1012 Website:



Carlisle Solicitors have a wealth of expertise and experience in successful debt recovery and enforcement at District Court, Circuit Court and High Court level. We focus on providing our clients with swift, systematised and cost-effective legal solutions to debt recovery problems. Carlisle Solicitors, 34 Westmoreland Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. Tel: +353 1 653 3370 Website:


J11 & K11

The Calnan Group have been established for nearly 40 years and are at the forefront of the Irish and European markets as leaders in sales and rental of new/used containers and production of anti-vandal units (static or mobile). We specialise in modifying and refurbishing containers to custom made solutions, which is carried out in one of our two factories located in Meath and Cork. Brook Lodge, Glanmire, Co. Cork. Tel: (021) 4820260 Website: Email:


L15, L16, M9 & M10

A leading supplier and distributor of LPG in Ireland for the past 80 years, allowing customers who are located off the grid use LPG gas for power in their homes and businesses. 12 Long Mile Rd, Drimnagh, Dublin. Tel: 1850 812 450 Website:



CG Business Consulting is Ireland’s leading management system consultancy firm specialising in designing, implementing and upgrading of ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems, ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems and OHSAS 18001 Health and Safety Management Systems. 1A Hume Centre, Park West, Dublin 12. Tel: 01 6204121 Website: THE CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGISTS (CIAT)


The Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (CIAT) is the lead qualifying body for Architectural Technology and represents those practising and studying within the discipline. CIAT qualifies Chartered Architectural

Technologists, MCIAT, and professionally qualified Architectural Technicians, TCIAT. 397 City Road,LondonEC1V 1NH Tel: +44(0)20 7278 2206 Wesite: E-mail:



Irish software consulting company, specialising in the implementation of Business Management (ERP) & Reporting Software for the Construction industry. 8/9 Westmoreland Street, Dublin 2, Ireland Tel: +353 1 417 9683 Website: E-mail:



We help organisations achieve breakthrough business results using cloud technology. Founded in 2011, CloudStrong is Ireland’s & UK’s largest Microsoft cloud specialist, delivering a beautiful customer experience. Tel: 01-5240302 Website: email:



When conservation is a key factor we can bring our extensive experience to review Protected Structures with the ability to give accurate Historical Analysis with a view to Stone Conservation. Our teams skills make us a wise choice for Project Management and Health & Safety and Schedule of works in the Conservation field. Conservation House, Gallagh, Clontibret, Co. Monaghan Tel: +353 (0) 47 80450 Email: Website:

Summit 2017 Solid Foundation – Stronger Future

Exhibitors CONWAY.TV

RDS, DUBLIN - 14th June 2017

(CERS), and Construction Industry Retirement Trust Scheme (CIRT). G14 provides a total communication solution, supplying fibre broadband, fibre TV, interactive IPTV and wholesale / export of TV & white goods. With over 40 years of experience we can find the best solution for your sector, Residential , Hotel , Corporate , Healthcare and Nursing homes.


Since its formation in 1969, Cork Plastics has established a reputation as one of the leading innovators and manufacturers of high quality plastic products for the construction, building and agricultural sectors.


8 The Mall, Beacon Court, Sandyford, Dublin 18 Tel: +353 (0)1 2999200 Website: E-mail:


CPAS provides specialist professional pension administration services to the construction sector. Clients include the Construction Workers’ Pension Scheme (CWPS), Construction Workers’ Sick Pay Trust, Construction Executive Retirement Savings


Construction House, Canal Road, Dublin 6. D06 C6T2 Tel: 01 – 4066000 Website: E-mail:

As Ireland’s largest Autodesk Partner we deliver Autodesk software, accredited training & consultancy through our applications specialists in the areas of BIM for Building and BIM for Infrastructure. Head Office, Unit 17 Seapoint Building, 44/45 Clontarf Road,Dublin 3. (Also offices in Galway & Cork) Tel: 01-8530661 Website: Email –




Glenshane Ind. Park, Maghera, BT46 5DR, UK Tel: +44 2879 642 638 Website: E-mail:


F15 & F16

A solutions provider of software, hardware, support, training, consultancy & consumables to the Architecture, Engineering, Construction & Facilities Management sector.

Cunningham manufacture clever protective covers for the Irish Construction industry. A few solutions to highlight; Storage/Transport rollover tarpaulins, concrete curing blankets, Nets, Safety bales, bespoke ratchet straps, roofing sheets.

Construction Information Services (CIS) is Ireland’s leading provider of business intelligence to the Construction and Allied Industries. Founded in 1972, the company is now celebrating 45 years providing comprehensive, researched, verified and real-time information on all building projects throughout Ireland – North and South.




Little Island, Cork, Co. Cork, Ireland Tel: (353) 21 4510610 Website: E-mail:


CPAS, Canal House, Canal Road, Dublin 6 Tel: +353 (1) 407 1400 Website: Email:

Construction Industry Federation is the only construction employers representative body for the construction sector of all disciplines and organisation sizes in Ireland.

Tel : 01841 77 88 Website:




DAWSON-WAM are specialist civil engineering and piling contractors with offices in Dublin, Belfast, London, Manchester and Edinburgh with operations throughout the UK and Ireland. The company undertakes both small and large scale civil engineering and piling projects for residential, commercial and public authorities with budgets ranging from €10k to €20M. Lisdoonan, Belfast Road, Saintfield, N. Ireland BT24 7EP Email: Tel: (+44) 028 9081 3105 Website:

We create bespoke concepts for clients, finding new ways to emphasise brand identity through interior spaces. We provide ‘already stretched’ architects and design teams with visualisation / detailing / specification support, especially when our role is project delivery. Lower Ground Floor, 52 Mount Street Upper, Dublin, D02 FW58, Ireland Tel: +353 1 661 9314 Website: E-mail:



Biodiversity? Native Sourced Irish Wildflower Seed Mixtures The cheapest way to Green Infrastructure ISO 14001, ISO 26000, Breeam, From Roads, Wind/Solar farm, Pipelines, Housing landscapes Pharma to Mining. 30 years as market leaders. Monavea, Crettyard, Carlow, Ireland. Tel: 00353 56 4442526, Website:

Exhibitors DFM SYSTEMS


DFM SYSTEMS is a well established company operating in many parts of the World including Ireland, UK, GCC Countries, New Zealand and Australia providing a comprehensive service in the production and management of Project Handover Documentation for the Construction Industry.Our products include both paper based solutions and electronic / digital solutions. Suite 4, Grange Road Office Park, Grange Road, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16 Tel: +353 (0) 1492 6623 Website: ELEVATION CONSTRUCTION NETWORK


The only construction industry specific network that helps elevate your business to the next level, through sales, development and structure.

can be with your company and clients. Experience first-hand developments of local properties that have used Virtual Reality developed from 2D plans then to fully customisable VR and then the final built house. 60 Tandragee Road, Armagh BT60 1TQ Tel: 0044 7446045042 Website:


G15 & G16

We are the first point of contact for companies looking for business partners in Poland and best value for money. If you are looking to buy Polish goods/services or move to Poland we will help you succeed.

Eaton is a diversified power management company that provides energy-efficient solutions to help our customers effectively manage electrical, hydraulic and mechanical power. Unit F10 Maynooth Business Campus, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland Tel: +353 (0) 1 629 22 22 Website:

Embassy of Poland Contact person: Przemek Buczkowski 4 the Vicarage, St. John’s Road, Dublin tel.: +353 01 269 13 70 e-mail: website:


J10 & K10

Learn what VR and AR is and how you can apply it to the different areas within the construction industry. See the predictions for the future uses of these technologies and how cost effective it


EcoVolt are designers and manufacturers of electrical heating products, domestic hot water systems and control systems. Our flagship project is our JouleTherm CeP 24volt carbon graphite electric paint heating system. 142A Slaney Close / Glasnevin Industrial Estate / Dublin 11 / Ireland Tel : +353 1 5240 387 Website:



Exactal develops CostX BIM & 2D estimating software, the faster, smarter and more accurate solution for the Irish construction industry. Level 3, 25 Bruton Lane, London, W1J 6JQ Contact details: +44 (0) 203 597 7566 / Website:



Enniscorthy Enterprise Centre, Milehouse Road, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford Tel: 087 7805660 Website: E-mail:



ERS IT Solutions will be exhibiting our highly successful Team Konnect Cloud and Mobile Application Platform. Team Konnect puts you in full control of your resources to create new projects, assign tasks, share centralised files, receive notifications, and synchronize everything across all devices. Blanchardstown Corporate Park, Unit 5 Block 8, Cruiserath, Dublin 15 Tel:+353 1 885 9500 Website: E-mail:



Specialist manufacturers of multipurpose steel doors and windows with performance enhancing features including; Fire and Blast Resistance, Acoustic properties, Enhanced Security and Cleanroom Compatibilities. Udaras Industrial Estate, Ballymakeera, Co. Cork P12 HK51 Tel: 026 45560 Web: Email:



Fiat Professional are one of Europe’s largest manufacturers of Light Commercial Vehicles. The Fiat Professional brand has always been a business built on competent and motivated people, professionals serving professionals. Come visit our stands to explore our range of options available for you and your business. Tel: 01 4034416 Website:



Set up in 1998, Flooring Providers act as Commercial Flooring Distributors. Working with established leading manufacturers, we pride ourselves on offering the highest level of service in the industry. Unit 4, East Coast Business Park, Donore Road, Drogheda, Co. Louth,A92 KH52 Tel: +353 (41) 984 5522

Summit 2017 Solid Foundation – Stronger Future


RDS, DUBLIN - 14th June 2017

Improve sales performance to generate more business.



Vehicle rental and leasing fleet management. Insurance available. Specialists in long term leasing including full maintenance with be-spoke vehicle fit-out. Address: Newhall, Naas, Co. Kildare Contact details: Colin O’Brien 1890 909 000 or Website:


D16 & E16

Grasstec Geomatics is a division of Grasstec Group which was founded in 1996. With over twenty years in business Grasstec Group has grown steadily to the point where a wide range of services is provided to the Commercial & Agricultural Sector in Ireland, the UK & mainland Europe. Kilpatrick, Ballyclough, Mallow, Co Cork, Ireland. P51 V5RK Tel: +353 (0)22 27610 Website: GREENDAY ENVIRONMENTAL & PESTPLUS LTD

I14 & C9

Greenday Environmental drainage service was established in 1997. Based in the Leinster region, we supply a range of services to commercial customers throughout Ireland.

Tel: 01 254 9915 Website:


Unit D4, Citylink Business Park, Old Naas Road Dublin 12 Website: Tel: 01 450 9778 Website:, Tel: 01 533 4230



Grow offers customised development programmes for sales teams with a simple, measurable goal:

D1 & E1

Groundforce is the leading specialist equipment rental provider in Ireland. From locations in Lisburn, Clane and Portlaoise, Groundforce deliver solutions in excavation support, piling, pipe testing, trenchless technology, confined space safety and excavation safety training. Groundforce, Central House, Beckwith Knowle, Otley Road, Harrogate, HG3 1UD Tel: 1890 882364 Website: E-mail:




At Heliguy, we have always been focused on specialisation, combined with a high level of support. We have been working with drones since 2009. We have evolved our business, expanding the technical and training teams to build more units and to train customers in what we already knew, therby giving them a head start in the evolving services sector. We reinforced this with CAA accreditation and other external processes such as ISO 9001. Unit 9, Jupiter Court, Orion Business Park, Tyne Tunnel Trading Estate, North Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE29 7SE, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 191 296 1024 Website:



The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) has overall responsibility for the administration and enforcement of health and safety at work in Ireland.

At Hitechniques we’re on a Mission to deliver the Perfect Customer Experience with the latest measurement technologies. We not only deliver the solutions, we also create better work efficiency, faster project completion, and a more friendly work environment.

Metropolitan Building, James Joyce Street, Dublin 1 Tel: 1890 289 389 Email: Website:

U17 Block Q, Grants Road, Greenogue Business Park Rathcoole, Co. Dublin, EIRE Tel: 353-1-2572323. Email: Website:


PestPlus is an Irish Owned Pest Management Company in partnership with Greenday Environmental.




Herbst Software is a leading provider of integrated business management software, designed specifically for the engineering and manufacturing sectors. Available modules include job costing, handhelds, BOMs, and more… See engineering/ for additional information.” 2nd Floor, Ballymount House, Parkway Business Centre, Ballymount Dublin 24 Tel: +353 1 450 9329


Hilti design and manufacture leading-edge technology, software and services, which power the professional construction industry. A global company, based in over 120 countries with more than 23,000 employees. Address: Unit C4 North City Business Park, Finglas, Dublin 11 Telephone: 1850 287 387 Website:

Exhibitors HUSQVARNA


Our wide range of handheld heavy-duty machines includes petrol, hydraulic, pneumatic and electric cutters. You can always find a perfect machine and tool for any challenge. Liffey Distributors Limited, 309 Northwest Business Park, Ballycoolin, Dublin, Ireland Tel: 01 824 2600 Website:


service from the Department of Social Protection. Intreo is a single point of contact for Employers and Jobseekers.

The IEDR is the registry for .ie Internet domain names and maintains the database of .ie registered domain names. We have been managing the .ie country code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) namespace since 1991. Our work includes protecting, supporting and promoting the online presence of all .ie domain names.



Institute of Technology Sligo, Ash Lane, Sligo, F91 YW50, Ireland Contact details: Brian Mulligan Centre for Online Learning Institute of Technology Sligo, Ash Lane, Sligo, F91 YW50, Ireland Work: +353719137327 Mobile: +353(0)87 219 2070 Website


IE Domain Registry CLG, 2 Harbour Square, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin Tel: 01 2365 430 Website:



IFS are leading specialists in digital construction information, providing software & service solutions for the whole building & asset lifecycle. Integrated Facilities Solutions, Unit 11, Block 8, Blanchardstown Corp Park, Dublin 15, D15 AX6K, Ireland Tel: +353 1 809 7262 Website: Key contacts: CEO – George Harold COO – Kieran Beggan


J16 & K16

A new name and a better service. It is a new


IRUSE is committed to realising the goal of energy efficient buildings through a combination of

Institute of Technology Sligo is Ireland’s leading provider of accredited online education, with over 70 programmes primarily in Engineering, Manufacturing Construction and related Scientific areas.

D11 & E11



Innovection is Ireland’s leading provider of Chemical First Aid and Decontamination Products. We have more than 15 years successful experience in Chemical Risk Prevention, Management and Chemical De-contamination procedures, through our close co-operation with Laboratory Prevor. Unit 2, Santry Hall Industrial Estate, Santry, Dublin 9, Ireland Tel:+353 1 642 4211 Website: E-mail: INTEGRATED ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS LIMITED

IES is recognized as a world leader in 3D performance analysis software used to design thousands of energy efficient buildings across the globe. 4th Floor, Castleforbes House, Castleforbes Road, D01 A8N0, Ireland Tel: +353 (0) 1875 0104 Website: E-mail:

Simulation (CFD, whole building and reduced order modelling), Building Information Modelling (IFC BIM) and Systems integration and optimisation. Contact: Dr. Marcus Keane, Director, Email:, Tel: +353 (0)91 49 2619


D8 & E8

Central Europe building solutions – utilising prefabricated glue-lam solid timber structures, meet the highest quality and ‘eco’ standards, reduce build timescales and exceed customer expectations. 3 Oldtown Manor, Cavan, Co Cavan Tel: 087 9705600, 049 4368867



Since Irish Water assumed responsibility for water services in 2014, the Connections and Developer Services (CDS) has managed new and upgraded water and wastewater connections in partnership with the Local Authorities. For further details see connections/ or phone 1850 278 278 Address: Blackwater House, Mallow Business Park, Mallow, County Cork, Ireland



Our mission is to help the world succeed & we mean business. Our purpose is to empower success, create happiness & inspire the world for a thousand years.

Summit 2017 Solid Foundation – Stronger Future


RDS, DUBLIN - 14th June 2017

We hire exceptional people who demand excellence, dare to be different and dream about changing our world. Keystone Insurance, Newry Road, Lisdoo, Dundalk, Co Louth LoCall: 1890 987 600 Website: E-mail:



Kiernan Structural Steel Ltd, Carrigglas, Longford N39 VN23, Co. Longford, Ireland Tel: +44 7720 952725. Website:


The Standards Commission oversee the implementation of the Lobbying Register, monitor compliance, provide guidance and investigate and pursue breaches of legal requirements. Address: Standards in Public Office Commission, 18 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2 Tel: 01-639 5722 Website: E-mail:



The Logo Shop has its showroom based down on the Lr. Lucan Road, Co. Dublin. • Suppliers of Embroidered + Printed clothing for the past 20 years. • We sell Corporate Clothing, School-wear, Sportswear & Leisure wear. 22 Hills Industrial Estate,Lucan,Co. Dublin. Tel: +353 1 628 0092 Website: E-mail:


Lokring mechanical, weld equivalent pipe & tube connectors provide a high integrity cost effective alternative to a welded connection.

For nearly 30 years Kiernan Steel has provided the Irish market with all types of Structural Steel from design, fabrication to installation. From our 20,000sq meter modern facility in Longford we can cater for all requirements for the Irish market. Today we will showcase a new innovative product, the Sin Beam, which may be of interest to your expanding business going forward.



Due to its unique “Elastic Strain Pre-Load” design the Lokring connection provides a dynamically live loaded joint which doesn’t compromise the integrity of the system. Unit 5, Block 2, Souter Head Road, Altens Industrial Estate, Aberdeen, AB12 3LF, Scotland. Tel: 0044 1224 878877


Mcsharry bros plant sales have been around for 4 decades. During that time they have had a strong relationship with Hitachi construction machinery. Hitachi is 1 of the market leaders in mini midi and 13 ton plus excavators. Now they are opening in Kilcock Co Kildare as they want to be committed to the Dublin market and surrounding counties. Special offers on mini excavators will be promoted at theRDS exhibition 2017. Website:


M1 & L7

Supplying fixing, cutting and drilling solutions to the construction industry in Ireland for 40 years. We are the exclusive distributor in Ireland for fischer fixings and Spit cartridge and gas tools. We are also distributors for the Suretwist remedial crack stitching system, END tek screws, Tyrolit diamond drilling & cutting products & Metabo drilling machines. Unit 83, Cherry Orchard Industrial Estate, Dublin 10, D10 P381 Tel: +353 1642 6789 Website: E-mail:




MGM Partnership, Chartered Quantity Surveyors & Chartered Project Managers in a leading professional practice providing services to all sectors of industry. 49 North Main Street, Wexford, Ireland. Tel: 053-9174007 24 Priory Business Park, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin. Tel: 01-2835905 Website: E-mail: MOUNT LUCAS NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION TRAINING CENTRE

MDI Medical is an Irish medical device company that supplies Ultrasound equipment, Patient Monitoring and Vital signs products, Diagnostic devices and Clinical IT systems to the Irish marketplace, including Northern Ireland. MDI Medical sells medical products manufactured by best-in-class companies. MDI Medical Ltd. Kells Business Park, Kells Co. Meath Tel: 046 924 8500 Email: Website:



The NCTC at Mount Lucas is a Construction Based Training Centre complete with a fully simulated Work site. National Construction Training Centre, Mount Lucas, Daingean, Co. Offaly. Tel: +353 1 533 2552 Website: E-mail:



NSAI (National Standards Authority of Ireland) is Ireland’s official standards body. We are the national certification authority for CE Marking and provide a certification service to

Exhibitors enable business demonstrate that Irish goods and services conform to applicable standards 1 Swift Square, Northwood, Santry, Dublin 9, Ireland, D09 A0E4 Tel: +353 1 807 3800 Website: E-mail:



Noel Construction is the specialist construction recruitment division of the Noel Group providing permanent, temporary and contract recruitment solutions to the construction sector. Noel Construction, St. Johns House, High Street, Tallaght Village, Dublin 24. Website: Tel: +353 (0)1 461 0740


We are committed to providing strong local representation and great customer service.As a member of the Small Firms Association, we understand the issues effecting rural and urban Ireland and are proud to support a broad range of partner organisations. Unit 17 Old Quarry Campus, Northwest Business Park, Tel: +353 1861 2781 website:



O’ Reilly Concrete were formed in 1939 and in recent decades have expanded their original sand and gravel business to become one of the largest precast manufacturers in Ireland and the UK. O’Reilly Concrete, Larchfield, Kingscourt, Co. Cavan, Republic of Ireland Tel: +353 (0) 42 966 7237 Website:


Our aim is to make it easy for property owners to find qualified and reliable tradesmen in a few simple steps – while helping those tradesmen to grow their businesses. By submitting jobs details, property owners get quotes from interested tradesmen on their PC’s or mobile phones. Unit 14, Churchtown Bus. Park, Churchtown, Dublin 14, Ireland. Tel: 01 4877380 Website:


Petrochem Pipeline Supply is one of Ireland’s largest PVF distributors leading the market in Pipes , Valves and Fittings in both stainless steel and carbon steel and including a complete range of sanitary tubes , fittings , valves and gaskets . We are a leading national Stockist and Distributor for both Process and Sanitary Valves, Instrumentation, Actuation & Control reaching to all industries in Ireland including Food ,Brewing and Dairy together with Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Water, Wastewater and Energy . To find out more about Petrochem please go to our website





Pipelife Ireland Limited (QPL) has been in the business of producing quality goods for the Plumbing, Construction and Agricultural sectors for forty five years, specialising in the extrusion of polyethylene pipe for these applications.

pipe systems as well as pipe fittings, valves, coupling, adaptors, repair clamps, manhole covers, gully gratings ,drainage channels and all associated fittings. Brennan’s Yard, College Lands, Rathcoole, Co. Dublin. Tel: (0)1 2510388 Website:


Comprehensive range of tough, secure, antivandal galvanised steel buildings available to hire for every construction site. Quality-assured Portakabin service. Roseville Business Park, Turvey Avenue Donabate, Co Dublin, K36 K759 Tel: +353 (0)1 808 5055 Website: E-mail:




An authorised Priority Software ( partner, Medatech UK has been providing ERP systems to customers in the UK and Ireland since 2001, offering marketing & sales, installation and ongoing customer support and service to a fast-growing customer base. Co Kerry, Ireland Tel: 0035 3866642245 Website: Contact: Patrick McCarthy, patrickmccarthy@


White’s Cross, Cork Tel: +353 21 488-4700 Website: E-mail:



Manufacturer distributor of siphonic and gravity soil waste and sewer duct systems, uPVC HDPE/ Channel drain/ Air vent roofing systems/ grease traps/ F6 & G6

Our business ethos is to provide premium products direct from source at a competitive price straight to you the customer. We specialise in the distribution of ductile iron, pvc & polyethylene

PVC Fabrications ltd. Briar hill, Waterfall, Cork Tel: 021-4885881 Website: E-mail :

Summit 2017 Solid Foundation – Stronger Future


RDS, DUBLIN - 14th June 2017

natural air ventilation products. QUALEPASS


QualEpass is a fast and easy way for Real-time Management and Checking of credentials, certificates, training records and inspections of both workers and equipment.

18 Dungarvan Business Park, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford Tel: +353 58 20005 Website:


We help organisations stay compliant with regulations, reducing the risk of prosecution and heavy penalties. QualEpass. Copperfield, Clonagh East. Tullamore. Co. Offaly. Tel: 057 932 0669 Website:



Randox Testing Services is a market leader in the Forensic Toxicology and Drug and Alcohol testing industry. Our expertise is relied upon by safetycritical companies worldwide. Through utilising innovative multiplex drug and alcohol screening methods our complete service guarantees reliable, accurate and cost-effective results. Randox Laboratories Ltd., 55 Diamond Road, Crumlin, Co. Antrim, United Kingdom, BT29 4QY Tel: +44 (0) 28 9447 0682 Email: Website:



Regan Solicitors are based in Dublin 2 and Rathfarnham. We provide an innovative legal practice that offers good quality commercial legal advice and cost effective solutions to private individual clients in all areas of law. No. 4, The Eden Centre, Grange Road, Dublin 14. Tel: + 353 (0)1 687 4100 E: Website:



RENSON®‘s mission is the ongoing development and manufacturing of commercial and residential



Established in 1999 Servisource Recruitment is a leading national and international supplier of permanent, contract and temporary construction staffing solutions. We also provide health screening and employee health solutions to businesses nationwide.

Roadstone is the leading manufacturer and supplier of building materials in Ireland. Since our foundation in 1949, Roadstone has been at the cutting edge of the construction industry in Ireland and our commitment to our core values remains steadfast. Today we are as dedicated as ever to providing unrivalled product quality, reliability, innovation, choice, sustainability and customer service.

Quayside Business Park, Mill Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth Tel: 1800 603 604 Website:

Cookstown Rd, Fortunestown, Dublin Tel: +353 1 404 1200 Website: E-mail:

Select Access specialise in the Specification, Design, Installation, Recertification and Training of all Safe Access Systems when it comes to Working at Heights and Roof Safety protocols.



Modular software solutions for Construction, Engineering, Facilities Management, Maintenance Management and Field Service. RGC Technologies Ltd., 26 Sandyford Office Park, Blackthorn Avenue, Sandyford, Dublin 18 Tel: +353 1 6636 999 Website: E-mail:



Kingswood Business Park, Baldonnell, Dublin 22. Tel: 014642534 Website:



Leading Irish Provider of Data Backup, Email, Disaster Recovery, Internet Connectivity and Security to businesses of all sizes throughout Europe. Gray Office Park, Galway Retail Park, Headford Road, Galway, H91 WC1P Tel: 1890-511444


SERCAA Business Applications LTD is Business Consulting and IT company that specialise in the Configuration, Training & Support of Zoho CRM. SERCAA’s HQ is based in Ireland and have worked closely with over 500 customers worldwide. SERCAA’s close relationship with Zoho has allowed them to develop their own products. This has led to the development of multiple Vertical CRM applications. Glenair Stables, Priory Road, Delgany, Co Wicklow, Ireland Tel: 01-901-1344




Confidence in your Skills for Work (SFW) In every workforce there are employees who don’t possess the confidence to put themselves forward for general training opportunities. Participation in Skills for Work gives employers the chance to provide appropriate and quality training to employees and in turn gives employees the opportunity to build on the talents they already possess.

Exhibitors For more information on the wide range of SFW courses visit, email info@ or phone 01 4529 600.



For over twenty years, Snickers Workwear has been supplying Irish businesses with workwear that delivers the comfort, functionality and durability your company demands. Our service line range, high-visibility garments, gloves and Solid Gear & Toe Guard safety footwear ranges will also be on display for complete head to toe protection. Visit us at stand I12 to see the full range and to enter our competition. Snickers Workwear Ireland, Unit B5 Calmount Business Park, Ballymount, Dublin 12, Ireland 00 353 (1) 409 8400



Sika Ireland supplies a complete range of innovative products for problem solving in all aspects of building construction and refurbishment. Our Industrial division supplies a range of high performance industrial adhesives used by the Automotive, Marine and Truck Body Building Industries. Sika House, Ballymun Industrial Estate, Dublin 11 Tel: +353 1862 0709 Website:



Spectac International is a leading stainless steel manufacturing company specialising in the designing, manufacturing and installation of stainless steel vessels, tanks and turnkey solutions in the Brewing, Distilling, Food & Beverage, Chemical and Pharmaceutical industries. Spectac International, Finnabair Business Park, Dundalk, Co. Louth, A91X786, Ireland Tel: +353 (0)42 9330490 Website:



SIP Energy Ltd is Irelands only manufacturer of Structural Insulated Panels – an advanced form of timber frame construction which sees walls and roofs delivered to site as solid, pre-insulated and airtight components, erected onsite quickly. Specialising in the delivery of Low Energy, NZEB and Passive superstructures, SIP panels allow for higher quality buildings with greatly reduced time-on-site, and so keeping costs under control. SIP Energy, Athenry, Co. Galway, Ireland Tel: +353 (0)91 874290 Email: Web:


Sonitus Systems provide user-friendly and reliable noise monitoring systems. Founded in 2007 to provide cost-effective noise monitoring instrumentation to regulatory authorities, the company has expanded and evolved allowing us to offer a full range of noise management services. Unit 1A, Trinity Enterprise Campus, Pearse Street, Dublin 2, Ireland Tel: +353-1-6778443 Website:



Software Support Group Ltd. supply and support Maximizer Customer Relationship Management Software. Maximizer CRM is an on premise or web based application which has been customised to manage: • Contacts • Business Relationships • Sales Opportunities • Quotations

SP Group are leading manufacturers & suppliers of quality temporary protection and scaffold products used in the construction industry for flooring contractors, scaffolders and building trades in the construction market. We are based in Antrim, Northern Ireland with distribution centres in Republic of Ireland, mainland UK and Europe.



Our extensive range of products includes but is not limited to plumbing products, pump spares, and even universal transition couplings which allows you to join lead, copper, galvanised steel, stainless steel and PVC to each other and to any PE or MDPE pipes. No. 1 Doughcloyne Industrial Estate, Sarsfield Road, Wilton, Cork, Ireland Tel: +353 (0)21 434 6143 Website:


SP Group, Western House, Rathenraw Industrial Estate, Greystone Road, ANTRIM, BT41 2SJ Tel: 0044 (0)28 9442 8611 Website:

G1 Calmount Park, Ballymount, Dublin 12, D12 TH56 Tel: +353 1 297 3322




Sturdy Products Ltd are leading rotational moulded specialists producing high end construction products for 35 plus years. Sturdy Products Ltd., Blessington Industrial Estate, Blessington, Co. Wicklow. Tel:+ 353 (0)45 865044 E mail:



TAL Construction specialises in piling services, underpinning and subsidence directly in the public and private sector. Established in 1991, TAL Construction was one of the first companies

Summit 2017 Solid Foundation – Stronger Future


RDS, DUBLIN - 14th June 2017

to specialise exclusively in foundation remedial works in Ireland.

accurate, user-friendly content, which can have a positive impact on your operational efficiencies.

Unit 3, City Link Park, Forge Hill, Co. Cork T12 K446 Tel: 021-4345999 Website:

Tel: +353 (0)21 2428800 Website: Email:


Tender Team have helped hundreds of companies in the construction and engineering sectors to win hundreds of millions of euro in contracts. They are Ireland’s leading bid consultancy, with a range of bid support and training programmes tailored for their clients. In 2016 Tender Team helped companies win over €200m in construction projects.

A wholly Irish owned private company employing over 30 staff, Typetec is one of Ireland’s leading IT managed services and hosted IT providers. With over 35 years experience supplying technology and IT services, Typetec is well placed to satisfy the most exacting of customer requirements. Allowing your company to do business without any IT boundaries. Unit G6, Calmount Business Pk, Ballymount, Dublin 12. Tel: 01 500 9000 Website:

19 Magennis Place, Dublin 2, Ireland Tel: 353 01 679 7170 Website:





Topcon is the positioning partner for construction and geo-businesses in Ireland, offering precision technology that delivers increased efficiency across the workflow. With tailored support across a number of specialisms, including surveying, civil engineering, machine operation, Building Information Modelling and education, Topcon helps professionals to work smarter. Contact: Jonathan Argue Address: Unit 276, Block F, Blanchardstown Corporate Park 2, Ballycoolin, Dublin 15 Phone: 01-897 5900 Email: Website:



The Wear Group Ltd roofing solutions has been in operation since 1994 in Ireland. It has built up an impressive client base through our reputation of high quality work in the commercial sector. We employ the most skilled trades people, best suppliers, and advanced technology, which with nearly 20 years of experience is what keeps us at the forefront of the industry. Our profile of clients extends to Irish Distillers, Diageo and DAA to name but a few. We will be exhibiting infrared Themography and a drone used for our flying surverys. Call by our stand today! Tel: 046 9244066 /+353-(0)87-2414066 Website:


TWi is a leading provider of technical writing and information design solutions, serving some of the largest companies in ICT, MedTech, BioPharma, and Utilities. We transform complex information about products, services, and processes into clear,

VERDE LED, headquartered in Ireland, is a market leader and one of the largest commercial LED Lighting manufacturers and suppliers in Europe. VERDE LED has a global presence in the pharmaceutical, industrial, data centre, call centre, retail and commercial/office sectors.

Email: Tel: +353 21 4861577 Website:



VT is the exclusive operator of the Sigfox Internet of Things (IoT) network in Ireland. VT, DCU Alpha, Old Finglas Road, Glasnevin, D11 Website: Phone: +353 (0)1 5328958



Focusing on quality design and certification, VERDE LED product meets the most stringent specification requirements globally.


Wood Concepts is Ireland’s largest distributor of timber products. From builders’ grade to decking, softwood, scaffolding, hardwood, flooring, specialist fire retardant products and everything in between, we have been supplying the trade for over 30 years. 23 Town Centre Mall, Swords, Co. Dublin, Ireland Tel: +353 1 840 8388 Website:



Xtratherm manufactures a range of innovative rigid thermal insulation for new build and refurbishment construction projects that deliver proven sustainable solutions to achieving Passive, Building Regulations Part L and Low Carbon Fabric efficiency standards. Xtratherm Ltd, Liscarton Industrial Estate, Kells Rd, Navan, Co. Meath Telephone: 046 90 66000 Website: E-mail:



Wavin Ireland manufactures and distributes market leading, independently certified systems

Exhibitors for residential, non-residential and civil engineering projects. Our systems include above and below ground drainage, hot & cold plumbing, underfloor heating as well as a comprehensive stormwater management system. Check out our new BIM Revit files on Connect to better @ Dublin Rd, Balbriggan, Co Dublin, K32 K840 Tel: +353 1 8020200



Welltel are a leading provider of business communications solutions including VoIP, Fibre Optic Broadband and Phone Systems. Welltel Ireland Ltd. Victoria House, 4-6 Haddington Road, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 2541800 Website:


B16 & N1

Managing and servicing assets and your maintenance teams or contractors is easy with FlexMaint Maintenance Software. With every screen customisable by the user, you decide how simple or capable your own software should be. Hosted or installed, it uses web browsers so it’s available on any device. An offline app completes the product capability. Fitzwilliam Terrace, Strand Rd, Bray, Co. Wicklow Tel: +353 1 276 0635 Website: E-mail:



Building Knowledge for 18 years WIKIBUILD


A source for free answers in domestic construction for homeowners; impartial advice & guidance compiled by independent contributing professional’s #wikibuildit #getintouchtogetonboard

The company develops online solutions, which provide the user with a complete overview of all project information across all phases of the building process, through a single online platform.

Website: Tel: +353 1 531 0300


Zutec provides Construction Management Software in a Common Data Environment (CDE), to clients in the engineering, construction and facilities management industries.


Email Tel +353 (0)1 2013565 Website Twitter LinkedIn ZutecGroup

Weslin Construction Ltd are building and civil engineering contractors operating across Ireland . Having established itself in 2000 the company guided by ISO management systems and a strong construction team can deliver expertise and experience to each project providing a peace of mind to all of its corporate clients. Address: Unit 4 Ringwood Centre, Damastown, Dublin 15, D15 A303. Tel: 01-8261122 Email: Website:

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