2024 Swan Valley Magazine

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Sample local spirits, from new and bourgeoning distilleries

STUNNING SCENES Capture memories in the most picturesque places

I N E Y A R D S S I N C E 1 8 2 9
4 FRESH PRODUCE Taste the flavours of each season, direct from growers HIGH SPIRITS

A coffee, tea, and chocolate lovers' paradise. Come in for a free coffee-tasting experience and roasting demonstration. While you're here, make sure you stop by our relaxing Kafe and try our delicious brunch menu or enjoy a coffee and cake overlooking our idyllic lake and vineyard.

Opening Hours 9:00 am - 5:00 pm | 7 days a week 4752 West Swan Rd, West Swan Ph: (08) 9250 8599

2 / SWAN VALLEY MAGAZINE / swanvalley.com.au


THE SWAN VALLEY beckons visitors from near and far to bask in the beauty of its lush surrounds and indulge in the fruits of its artisan activity. With its rolling vineyards, expansive blue skies and the flowing Swan River running throughout, the Valley’s captivating landscape is one that draws visitors in and encourages them to stay. It’s a place where the clock shouldn’t be watched and precious time spent with family and friends is cherished.

In the Valley, chefs, growers, winemakers, brewers and distillers flourish here. You’ll find fresh produce, artisanal beverages and fine wine permeate the region — all of which can be sampled straight from the bounty of cellar doors or over a lavish, long lunch.

Creatives are certainly no strangers here either. Discover vibrant boutiques abundant in artisan wares; while bustling markets and captivating galleries can also be found. Ample fresh air activities and tasty treats call for excitement. Not to mention the plethora of dreamy locations you’ll find here, to say ‘I do’.

From family-friendly escapes to intimate luxe retreats, there’s a place to stay for all kinds of folk. Whether it’s planned or on a whim, for the afternoon or a whole week, the Swan Valley is your place to escape.

Editor Tori Wilson


Designer Cally Browning

Sales and Advertising Natalie du Preez


Printed by Vanguard Print

Contributors Danielle Austin, Tom de Souza, Sarah Schmitt, Caitlin Scott, Sue Yeap

Cover Image Jarrad Seng

Published by Vanguard Publishing for City of Swan

S W A N V A LL E Y V I N E Y A R D S S I N C E 1 8 2 9 MAGAZINE © 2024
4 / SWAN VALLEY MAGAZINE / swanvalley.com.au NAWS IR V ER Irwin St He n le y S t tS t reboR GeorgeffSt Pa r k St tS yarruM Wo ollc ot t St ainCasuarWoollcottSt G oe erg S t dE draw S t tS nodoosI dRnaSwstWe V i n e S t Ba rret t St wayRail Cres Fore s t Rd Dougla s Rd Mc Donald St Ri ve r Rd Be ry l Av e Nola n Av e Hadd rill Rd B isde e R d Ha rdwick Rd Loton Rd dR erooM Logu e R d Pa dbur y Av e Padb ur y Av e dR cisrepmaC Robi n so n Rd W illia m St evA yorfeL Argyle St Stoc k Rd Stoc k Rd dR yelmorB M o r t i m e r N e w R d P o r t R d dR ireguG CamargueDr Copl e y Rd lCathedra veA Pa db ur y Av e wayliRa ePd eviOl Rd tdSraLenn Le n n a r d S t Len n a r d S t evA yorfeL wayliRa ePd ywH nrehtroN taerG rD reillepmurD dR cisrepmaC rnDtoerEg The Prom M i l l h o u s e R d Gnangara Rd Henr yS t anoroC Wy C h a t uae P l E l l e n b r o o k D r rDnaiurtAs eylenH evkAoorB John S t CRdesur Leake St SwanSt MemorialAve Whiteman D r E tsa edP yawliaR Maisie St dR nignoW Mulber ry Cres dRmeyH Bullsbrook 16 km Chit te ring 38km Ne w Norc ia 10 4k m Ce rv ante s2 02km Geraldto n3 93km Middle Sw an He rne Hill He nley Broo k Mi ll en do n Bask er vill e Brigadoo n Uppe r Sw an Be lhus Elle nbrook Av el ey The Vine s Av el ey Sh o ppin g Centre WHITEM AN PA RK INSE TM AP DrumpellierDr elMuss olPo dR Whiteman Dr East White man Park Entrance Re fe r to inse t ma p SW AN VA LLE YC ENTR AL SW AN SE TT LERS MA RK ET Stat e Eque strian Centre THE VINES RESORT Th eV in es Golf &M in i Golf Muscat sR es tau ran t M aa i Br idge Pa rk Be ll s Rapids (1 km ) Mussel Po ol Rakich s St or e Al l Sa in t s Chur ch Th eT ri be Th eL olly St op L ot 11 3V ineyar d Ac co m modation Sw an Va lleyHeig ht s Po plar s Fa rmstay Th eS wa n Va lley Re trea t Sw an Va lley Villas Th eS wa n Va lley Hote l Ni va li sB &B Thie My Chre e Re trea t Stre lley Broo k Fa rmhous e Aintre e Co tt ag e Settle rs Re st Fa rmstay El Dorado Fa rm St ay Sw an Va lley To uris tP ar k Th eS ebel Sw an Va lley Willow Co tt ag e Il lusionar y Ar t Ba tt iste ss a St udio Handcra ft Bright Pr es s Villag eA rt Ga ll er y Celtic Sw an Fu rnitur e Ga ll er y Na tura l is t Ya ga n Me m oria l Pa r k Pa ntba l Sk i rmi s h Sw an Va ll e y Cuddly An i mal Fa rm WA Re p ti l eP ar k La se rCor ps Supa Golf The Lily Fa rm Re vo lution s M us eu m He r itag eT ram Ri de s Ca v er sham Wi l dl i fe Pa rk Tr a ct or Museum Mo to r Muse um of W A Be l ls R apid s Look ou t (3 km ) Pe rt h' s Outbac k Spla sh (1 9k m) Vint ag eT rai n Ri de s Pe da lP la y Ma s hB rewin g Duck st ei n Brew er y Va ll ey Social Bail ey Brew in g Co Tx ok o Brewin g Fu nk Brew sh ed Sl umdo g Brewin g The Na ke d Fo x Si n Gi n Dist il le ry AmberChes Spirits Distiller y Lim eb urne rs & Gini ve rsit y Baudin ’s M acadam ia s G& A Al va ro Rangevie w Vi ne ya r ds Sw an vi l le Citrus So r gi ov anni 's Pr oduc e Sw an Stre et Vine ya rd Th eO ld Shed Grapes on Sw an Kafare l a’ sV i ney ard Sw an Va ll e y Si s te r s Pr o duce Ca f e an dC hale t s Pa dbur y Pi ckings Ali' sV ne ya rd Th e Bill y Goat Shed Sw an Va lley Fr es h Fr ui t Mo rish Nuts Mond o Nougat W i ndarra Hone y The Hous eo fH oney an dM eadery Sw an Va ll e y Chilli es Ba r re t t La ne Th e Ra w Spac e Pe rt h Th e Ol iv eE stat e an dT ea r oo m Li ly Fa r m Hous e Th e Ma llard Duck Ol d Yo u ng 's Ki t ch en SubZer o Ge lato Th eS wans Re stauran t St ew ar t 's Re s ta uran t The He nley Brook Th e Abbe y Dog' sB reak fast Ca f e Th eS ilve rO ak Indian Ca f e& Re staura nt M r s Rabb i t Te aroo m s Sw an Va ll e y Statio n Th eC of fe eH ut Joey's Sw an Va l le yD i ne r Shalom La di es Cafe an d Boutique Cham pagn e& Gumboots Vi l lage Ca f é Ol d Yo ung' s Dist il le ry Crook ed Sp ir e Co ff ee an d Ar tH ou s e St el la Gela to Bask erv ill e Ta ve rn Th eT andoor i Bistro Ge rr y’ s De li Ty le r’ sV ineyar d Heaf od Gl en Wine ry Black Sw an W i ne ry an dR es tau ran t Li tt l eR iv e r Wine ry Sittel la Wine ry an dR es t aurant Ug l y Duck ling Wine s Wind yC re ek Es t at e Jarrah R idge W in es Edge comb e Winery Ma nn Uppe rR e ac h Wine ry an d Co tt ag e Ha rr is Or gani c Wine sa nd Sp irit s John Ko so vich Wine s Tw i n Hi l l W i ne s Fa be r Vine ya r d La mont ’s Wine ry Ol iv e Fa rm Wine s Ho ly M ar y Ce llar s Ta li jancic h Wine s Va l le y W in es Albion on Sw an Vine ya rd &C halets AmberChe s Es t at e Sw an Va ll ey Wine s Ca adenia Beauty Brookl ei gh Estate Damage d Good s Disti llin gC o Gu ildford Cour thouse (c .1 86 6) Cn rM eadow an dS wa nS ts , Gu ildfor d Open 7d ay s , 9a m– 4p m T: (+ 61 8) 0792 8899 E: tovisi e@rcentr swan a..w v.go au DARDEAW RASTAULIA’ SBES T EENTRRCTOVISI 2019
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Yo ur one-stop shop rvfo isitor informatio n, maps , s,souvenir digital gi ft ca rd sa nd personalised advice . We value your feedback .L eave us a review aGvi oogle, Fa cebook or Tr ip sor.Advi
6 / SWAN VALLEY MAGAZINE / swanvalley.com.au 36 46 44 40 54 22
ISSUE 4 / 7 SWAN VALLEY MAGAZINE | ISSUE 4 CONTENTS 8 14 16 3 Welcome to the Swan Valley 8 What's New EAT // DRINK 14 Fruits of the Valley 16 Ladies Who Lunch 20 Goodies from Guildford 22 European Escapes 26 Into the Evening 28 Mix it Up 30 Wines to Make the Headlines 33 All About Beer OUT // ABOUT 36 A Gift from the Valley 40 Most Instagrammable Locations 44 Day Dates 46 Embrace the Elements 49 A Celebration of Culture 50 A Full House 54 Wine on the Water 56 Weddings 62 Relax & Retreat

in the Swan Valley WHAT ’S NEW

A fresh wave of places to eat, drink, stay and celebrate have set up shop in the Swan Valley in the past 12 months and here are some we recommend making your way to, pronto!


The long-awaited opening of Woodcutters Restaurant at Nikola Estate has delivered the venue a sophisticated food offering to match winemaker Damian Hutton’s award-winning wines.

Head chef Trent Dawson’s menu is inspired by the region’s rich agricultural heritage, drawing on an abundance of locally-grown seasonal produce. Smoked, charred and flame-kissed vegetables complement meats dry-aged at the estate.

“The contemporary Australian menu highlights our region’s nuanced culinary culture,” says Trent. “We are ensconced in a thriving agricultural area and have

all these incredible ingredients at our fingertips. Western Australia has the best scallops I have ever seen. They will feature on our menu, alongside the abundance of fantastic seafood we have here.”

Pizzas and breads are baked in the woodfired oven, while the historic original wine cellars now house a preserves program featuring pickles, ferments, vinegars. This gives the kitchen access to out-of-season flavours derived from produce harvested in its prime. Woodcutters is open for lunch Wednesday to Sunday and for dinner Friday and Saturday. nikolaestatewines.com.au/pages/ woodcutters

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Woodcutters Woodcutters Restaurant

The Lemon Room

This quaint little shop in the heart of Guildford is home to a carefully curated collection of locally made art, artisan wares and bespoke clothing. Previously The Artists Nook, Talitha Simon opened its doors as The Lemon Room early 2024.

Being a young mum herself, Talitha focuses on supporting women and mums, with the majority of products made by local female artisans. bio.site/thelemonroomau

Baba and Dida’s Café Marketplace

From humble roadside stall to European market and café, Tony Tolich last year realised his dream of reinventing his family’s produce stand. Originally known as Tolich’s — and renamed in honour of his parents, meaning grandparents in Croatian — Baba and Dida’s Café Marketplace is one of the Swan Valley’s longest-running original fresh fruit and veg vendors.

You’ll still see the smiling faces of Tony’s parents Mira and Mate around the store, while Tony is busy serving customers seeking freshly-picked figs, rockmelons, watermelons, grapes and more. You can now stay for a coffee, cake or toastie under the vines, with plans for more regular events, entertainment and Balkan food


The café is generally open Friday to Sunday and the market, which also sells olive oils, bread and condiments, trades Thursday to Sunday, subject to change. facebook.com/Babaanddidas

Damaged Goods Distilling Co.

Giving new life to the wasted and unwanted has reaped early rewards for Damaged Goods Distilling Co. Just a few months after launching in 2023, its Smashed Apple Aperitivo made the WA

Good Food Guide’s top 10 spirits list among established competition.

“To get recognition for our products so early on is incredible,” says co-founder and distiller Tim Laferla. “Some distillers take years to finesse their product to a level of achieving that kind of success. Awards may or may not mean a lot to fellow distillers… but to us, it takes on an extra meaning. It’s vindication. We might make spirits from food “waste”, but quality and flavour are at the heart of everything we do.”

Damaged Goods distinguishes itself by working with product such as apple pulp from Funk Cider, citrus husks from Citrus WA and unsellable Sweeter Bananas.

Tim says the Gone Bananas Vodka is the most technically difficult product to make.

Perth-born bartender Tim and cofounder/partner, Berlin-born chef Pia Papenfuss, met in Sydney while working at Daniel Alvarez’s restaurant, Fred. They chose to set up in the Swan Valley to be closer to family and local growers. “The Swan Valley and Perth Hills have an abundance of amazing produce, of which a lot goes to waste,” Tim says.

They have been experimenting with grape skins from Swan Valley wineries, rejected stone fruits, and would like to see what can be done with stale bread, avocado seeds and coffee grounds. A collaboration series turning waste from venues into a unique spirit is also on the cards.

“As long as it has flavour and/or fermentable sugars, it can be used,” Tim says.

Want to get a taste of what Tim’s talking about? Book in for a 45-minute tasting from Friday to Sunday, which for $15 includes spirit tastings showcased neat, mixed and with garnish. damagedgoodsdistilling.com.au/pages/ourdistillery

Copper & Oak Liquor Merchants

Having opened its doors in an historic Guildford building in 2022, Copper & Oak Liquor Merchants have been quick to prove their prowess, picking up the Best New Small Business at the Chamber of Commerce Swan Business Awards 2023. This boutique bottle shop has a strong focus on Swan Valley and Perth Hill wines, with a

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Baba and Dida's Café Marketplace

Kangaroo Safari at The Vines

dedicated Swan Valley wine section featuring local favourites. Claiming to have one of the best craft beer selections in the state, its whisky and gin range is also enviable. copperandoak.com.au

Mrs Rabbit Tearooms

Go down a rabbit hole of sweet delights at Mrs Rabbit Tearooms. Previously the Cottage Tearooms, this quaint cottage offers guests the chance to indulge in baked goods and high teas inside, on the verandah or in the garden.

Owner Katherine Kissack was inspired by farmhouse life in Corrigin, her love of Georgian and Edwardian history, and a pet

dwarf lop rabbit she had for eight years.

“They are very curious, selective and charismatic animals yet very nurturing and loving,” she says. “I have always collected rabbit ornaments and envisioned creating a fictional house stuck in time of sorts.

“Many love the name and often say ‘oh yes, it is like a rabbit warren in here isn’t it’ as they make their way around the different rooms... either way, it is certainly memorable.”

Mrs Rabbit’s most popular items are scones with homemade mixed berry jam and double cream, available every day.

High teas are bookable Wednesday to Saturday. You will also find classic cakes, sandwiches, gifts and homewares. mrsrabbit.com.au

The Vines Resort unveils a distinctive experience for visitors eager to admire Australia’s national animal up close, the Kangaroo Safari. This new attraction offers an intimate encounter with Australia’s iconic kangaroos on a sunset buggy tour across the resort’s golf course. General manager Phil Richards emphasises that the safari blends adventure with the luxury and hospitality synonymous with The Vines Resort. Visitors will learn about kangaroo behaviour from expert guides against a backdrop of the sun casting a golden glow over the landscape. Finish the day with optional dining or time upon its state-of-the-art mini golf course. vines.com.au

Little Vines

With its parasol-lined entry, abundance of greenery and flowing artificial wisterias, Little Vines is arguably the most Instagrammable café in Guildford.

“We added them with the intention of creating a beautiful, unique setting — we must admit, we didn't know how popular the spot would become,” says owner Luke Milanko.

“We love to see all the photos online from everyone.”

Part of the Gardens of Guildford development and a sibling to Little Guildford, Luke said he was inspired to

10 / SWAN VALLEY MAGAZINE / swanvalley.com.au WHAT'S NEW
The Lemon Room Copper and Oak Liquor Merchants Kangaroo Safari

open the former family garden (his parents Lou and Elaine of the once, but now closed, local's favourite Louie’s Pizzeria still live upstairs) due to customer curiosity.

“We always had people coming down the alley wanting to sit out the back, and we thought the area was too beautiful to let sit unused,” Luke explains.

Little Vines offers à la carte breakfast and lunch and bottomless brunch and lunch options, with the spicy margs the most popular cocktail to sip among the vines.

Down the track Little Vines will open on Friday and Saturday nights, with spit roasts and barbecues on the cards for winter. gardensofguildford.com.au/little-vines

Lily Farm House

The Swan Valley’s newest wedding venue, Lily Farm House, has come to life following a major transformation — turning what was the home of The Lily Farm owners into a fully licensed function centre.

“We built a space that complemented the natural beauty of the Swan Valley; choosing rammed earth, glass and timber, we created a timeless space,” says Tracy Hoffman.

With soaring ceilings and an ample natural light, the venue is available for birthdays and engagements, although weddings are the main focus, with evening weddings the most popular.

Wedding menus include Italian, Indian and vegan options served on custom wooden boards down the centre of the tables.

“Our vision was of families sitting down to a shared feast, chatting around the table and enjoying each other’s company,” Tracy explains. “We felt our menus needed to be multicultural to reflect our lives and the food we all enjoy.”

Little Vines

Contemporary beverage packages include regional wines sourced from Clandestine Vineyards, including sister brand Break Free’s natural and lo-fi wines, including the Bliss Bomb Swan Valley Pet Nat. Tracy and husband Tim have been married for more than 30 years and were thrilled the first wedding they hosted took place on their own anniversary, marking the official opening of this captivating space. lilyfarmhouse.au

The Treehouse Pizza Bar

Taking full advantage of the stunning outlook over vineyards that run down to the river, The Treehouse Bar at Upper Reach was the realisation of a longstanding dream for owners Laura and Derek Pearse.

Just a stone's throw from their Upper Reach Restaurant, the relaxed setting offers an alternative ambiance with equally as outstanding wines.

Open weekends only, it offers woodfired Neapolitan styled pizzas using local ingredients, straight from a handmade oven. Linger for a beer or wine and cheese, in a casual deck setting around a giant Marri tree.


Swan Valley Serviced Apartments

Finding accommodation in the Swan Valley can be tricky during peak season when visitors flock to bask in the sunshine among the vines. The opening of Swan Valley Serviced Apartments is helping to welcome more guests to enjoy the spoils of a Swan Valley staycation.

Strategically located between Midland and the wineries and attractions of the Valley, there are 20 one- and two-bedroom apartments offering flexibility of bedding configurations and “self-catering serenity”.

With short and long stays available, the apartments offer all you need for a relaxing stay including full kitchen and laundry facilities. swanvalleyapartments.com.au

12 / SWAN VALLEY MAGAZINE / swanvalley.com.au WHAT'S NEW
Lily Farm House The Treehouse Pizza Bar Swan Valley Serviced Apartments

Funk Drinks Co

If you’re familiar with the Swan Valley, there’s a good chance you know Funk Cider and have sampled some of its tasty apple-based beverages. What you might not know is Funk have been producing some equally as tasty beers since 2019. To acknowledge the expansion of their beverage offerings, Funk rebranded as Funk Drinks Co in December 2023.

“As we moved to this amazing new site where the Brewshed (in Henley Brook) is, our portfolio of drinks expanded. We started making more beers and we also started making preservative-free wines to honour the history of the centenary vines on site and the Swan Valley,” says the Funk team.

As Funk’s foray into beer progresses, it’s next move is to release its first batch of beers in cans, available as takeaways from its venues and through select bottle shops.

“Our first beer to be released is the Passionfruit Fresh Ale — made with 75kg of real passionfruit in each batch. This beer won seventh best beer in WA at the WA Good Food Guide Awards. We were stoked about that!”

Visit funkdrinks.co/pages/brewshed

The Tapas Bar

After years of speculation and much anticipation, the former Cheese Barrel site next to Olive Farm Wines finally reopened over Easter 2024 as The Tapas Bar.

Owner Mark Harrison, who runs popular tour businesses Pink Bus and Black Swan Tours, has added a new commercial kitchen and extended the building.

The tapas fan says he saw a unique opportunity in the Swan Valley to “offer something different to pub fare without being ‘high-end’ food.”

Expect to find patatas bravas and chorizo alongside popcorn crocodile with Asian spices, and Shark Bay tiger prawns with saltbush, pepper berry and garlic. The emphasis is on WA produce, with the crocodile from Queensland an exception.

Wines at The Tapas Bar are exclusively from Olive Farm, with offerings from Swan Valley beverage makers including Funk Drinks Co, Sin Gin, Old Young’s, and Swan Valley Brewery.

The Tapas Bar is open daily from 11am to 5pm with extended trading until 9pm Friday and Saturday.


AmberChes Spirits Distillery

The newest kid on the block in the spirits world of the Swan Valley, AmberChes Spirits opened its distillery in Baskerville early March, welcoming visitors for a tasting of its award-winning range. Taking over the site that was once Swan Valley Gin Company and Pandemonium Estate, this lush setting is the ideal spot to sit back with a good cheese board and gin and tonic in hand.

When it comes to its spirits, co-owner and distiller Alicia Rheeston-Stewart has been honing her craft since 2020 when she first began distilling, and says supporting local is key to her recipes.

“Our fruit gins are produced using local fruit that is distilled, and unlike a lot of fruit gins we don’t add any artificial flavours or sugars to sweeten them, so all the fresh fruit flavour comes from the real fruit through the distillation,” she says.

Of its range, the Botanical Gin is its most heavily awarded, having won multiple international gold medals as well as a Master Medal at the Global Gin Masters in 2022. Try your hand at distilling and visit AmberChes for its Gin Making Masterclass. Visit amberchesdistillery.com.au

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The Tapas Bar AmberChes Spirits Distillery


Taste your way through the Valley, one season at a time, with a plethora of fresh produce to sample.

In the fertile and scenic Swan Valley, the rhythm of nature's four seasons orchestrates an abundance of diverse produce for visitors and locals alike to sink their teeth into.

With your sights set on seasonal goods, meet the warm-hearted locals, vignerons, and farmers, whose generational wisdom fosters an array of fresh, seasonal produce bursting with genuine taste.

As you wander the Valley, indulge in the freshest, crispest table grapes delivered straight from the grower's hands at roadside stalls, or savour the homemade vincotto. Relish in the seasonal tapestry of gem squash, eggplants, apricots, tomatoes, melons, citrus, asparagus, and perfectly ripened mangoes. Here, the honey is as pure as the intention behind it and available to buy directly from the beekeeper, for an unadulterated delight.

Fresh From the Vines

Traditional and new wave grape varieties alike draw visitors in from far and wide, continuing the legacy of viticulture as a cornerstone of the Swan Valley’s charm and economy. Table grape season generally runs from late December to mid-April. Some of the main varieties of table grapes grown in the Swan Valley are Flame Seedless, Crimson Seedless, Scarlotta Seedless, Sweet Celebration, Dawn Seedless, Midnight Beauty, and Autumn Crisp.

Marlene Katich
House of Honey

As well as the new wave of seedless grapes, the old world traditional vintage varieties of Muscat, Currants and Cardinals continue to be grown and are still a firm favourite for many.

The joy of 'pick your own' experiences awaits, offering an unforgettable day under the sun. During summer months, pick your own grapes fresh from the vines from Ali’s Vineyard, Grapes on Swan, Kafarela's Vineyard, Swan Street Vineyard, Padbury Pickings, Swan Valley Fresh Fruit and Swan Valley Sisters.

At Swan Street Vineyard — The Old Shed, in addition to its sun-ripened grapes, pluck luscious figs straight from the branch on select ‘pick-your-own’ days, typically running from late January to March. Call ahead to confirm.

Swan Valley Sisters also hosts special picking days for citrus fruit direct from the orchard (July – Sept), asparagus (Sept –Mar) and mangoes and figs (Feb – Mar). Bookings are essential.

While at Baudin’s Macadamias, you can book a tour of the orchard and processing plant (Feb – Dec) to bite into your own freshly picked buttery macadamias, with a satisfying crunch. Pick half a kilo to take home and snack on later.

Kato's 3000 is another farm-fresh institution and a must-visit for grape lovers. Matt and Marlene Katich specialise in growing around 15 varieties of seedless table grapes, which they pick fresh of their vine in season. The farm shop also offers melons, pomegrates and select fruits seasonally, along with a range of artisinal fresh fruit ice creams, like rasperry and figs with salted maple syrup.

While many are best served fresh, not all artisinal delights disappear when the season stops. Sample gin infused with local cumquats, enjoy iconic Australian macadamia nuts, discover the sweetness of honey, the richness of olive oils, and the comfort of farm-fresh eggs; any time of the year. There are so many tantalising treats to discover, whenever you look.

As many produce experiences sing to the melody of the seasons, they may vary yearto-year. Call ahead to confirm dates and availability.



Summer radiates with high-quality fresh produce, heralding in the crunchiest grapes and an array of sun-kissed fruits.

Watermelons, rockmelons, tomatoes, sweet corn, mangoes, figs, peaches and apricots are just a few of the treasures grown under clear blue skies in the clean fresh air of the Swan Valley. Bite into the biggest ruby red figs at Rangeview Vineyards and savour the crisp crunch of a vine ripened melon from one of many roadside stalls.


Autumn brings a cooler reprieve, signalling the end of vintage and grape harvest and the beginning of planting for the next season's bounty. You will see the grape vines being pruned ready for dormancy over the colder winter months. Other growers are starting to plant peas, broad beans, herbs and other fruits and vegetables in preparation for a spring harvest. March is also when pumpkins, mangoes and pomegranates ripen in the Swan Valley. The unique pomegranate fruit, sought after by chefs, is delicious fresh or made into syrup.


Winter sweetens with strawberries at their peak, along with citrus such as oranges, limes, mandarins, lemons and cumquats — all ripening on the trees in their juiciest forms.

Stalls such as West Swan Fresh, Tolich and Nguyen supply plush strawberries direct from the fields, while freshly pressed olive oils and aromatic purple garlic also grace us with their goodness.


Spring awakens with the emergence of asparagus spears, heralding a time of verdant growth and the buzzing of busy bees collecting nectar for honey. Both green and purple asparagus flourish in the Swan Valley in spring. Broad beans, peas, zucchini, beetroot, rhubarb and eggplants are in abundance. Spring wildflowers appear on the scarp. Plum, peach and apricot trees are in full blossom.

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Swan Valley Sisters


It’s time to get your besties together for a long lunch in the Swan Valley, where choices abound, writes Sue Yeap.

Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, a baby shower, or are simply overdue for a catch up, the Swan Valley offers an abundance of places to indulge with your friends over a lavish lunch.

Be rewarded with award-winning beverages, local produce served with passion, and picturesque vineyards that provide the perfect backdrop to capture the moment.

Lamont’s Swan Valley Winery

Ladies’ lunches have always been a thing at Lamont’s and chef-owner Fiona Lamont says it’s a popular choice for hens’ celebrations during the busy wedding season from around October to April.

Opt for a wine flight or mini degustation to kick things off. “The flight consists of three wines paired with three small tastes for $30 per person. It’s a great way to start the day,” says Fiona.

“Our mini degos help bring a more structured lunch into the mix, including four wines paired with four larger portioned morsels. This comes in at $70 per person over a two-hour period.”

The mini degustations are held on the

Sittella Sandalford Wines

first Saturday of every month or can prebooked for 12 or more people. Diners can also book tables in the rustic garden to enjoy wine with seasonal share plates such as the signature tempura whiting fillets. Visit lamonts.com.au/swan-valley-winery


Lunch on the balcony at Sittella overlooking the picturesque grounds and lake never goes out of style. With rolling green lawns and lush gardens, it’s no wonder Sittella is such a popular place to propose, being the ideal backdrop for the occasion.

The winery's restaurant, with its elegantly rustic charm, offers a warm and inviting ambiance that complements the natural beauty surrounding it. Whether you choose to dine al fresco on the terrace, with the gentle breeze cooling the air, or inside the beautifully appointed dining room, your lunch at Sittella's restaurant will be guaranteed to feature fresh produce.

Chef Mike Price changes the menu each month but expect to find classic dishes such as free-range chicken breast with green pepper corm sauce, and the Sittella

signature brandy snap basket filed with strawberries, ice cream and passionfruit sauce.

And nothing starts a meal at Sittella better than a glass of bubbles from its acclaimed sparkling program.

Sittella offers midweek specials of exceptional value, at $45.50 for a set three courses.

Visit sittella.com.au/Restaurant

Sandalford Restaurant and Bar

The multi award-winning venue offering indoor and alfresco dining is a favourite with both locals and visitors to the Swan Valley, offering considered menus catering to all diets.

“We have many gluten-free, vegetarian and pescatarian dishes on our à la carte menu each season, and we have a complete and separate vegan menu guests can select from,” executive chef Alan Spagnolo says.

“(Guests) seem to love the freshness and flavour of Western Australian seafood dishes such as our Shark Bay bugs or the shellfish spaghettini with saffron and arugula butter — and our seasonal market fish is always very popular.”

Sandalford’s Margaret River Rosé


created from Shiraz grapes (a pure strawberries and cream style) and Swan Valley 1840 range Rosé (a dry, vibrant style) are popular lunch accompaniments.

Alan says traditional Swan Valley varietals like its 1840 range Verdelho and Chenin Blanc also go down a treat over a long lunch in the sunshine.

On weekdays the Restaurant and Catering Australia’s Awards for Excellence

2023 restaurant of the year offers a five-course mini degustation, The Estate Culinary Journey, for $95 per person. Visit sandalford.com

Old Young’s Kitchen

Cocktails are a must when lunching at Old Young’s Kitchen, given it is next door to the globally recognised Old Young’s Distillery.

The restaurant, one of five finalists for Restaurant of the Year at the 2024 WA Good Food Guide Awards, allows executive chef Rohan Park to share his passion for local produce and native ingredients. A must-try is the crocodile chorizo with black garlic and wild rosella.

For lunch groups, Rohan suggests “going the full Australian dining experience by ordering the feed me tasting menu”.

House signature spirit serves are available by the carafe, with the Pavlova Vodka with raspberry soda a hit with the ladies and anyone seeking something refreshing and a little sweet. There’s also a good range of Swan Valley wines.

It would be remiss not to start or end with a spirit tasting next door but bigger groups may prefer to book a short

guided Distiller’s Flight at their table. The place to sit in good weather? Right under the vines, of course.

Visit oldyoungskitchen.com.au

Upper Reach Winery

Locavores are well catered to at Upper Reach Winery Restaurant, with head chef Ryan Fels sourcing 85 to 90 per cent of his produce from WA.

In cooler months, Ryan suggests an entrée pairing of Pedro Ximenez braised pork cheeks with smoked almonds and Keller’s Farm sourdough with the 2022 Upper Reach Tempranillo. For mains, try cauliflower, taleggio, mascarpone and Denmark truffle risotto with a 2023 Upper Reach Verdelho.

When it warms up, Ryan’s pick is chargrilled Abrolhos Island octopus, romesco sauce and guindilla peppers with a glass of 2023 Upper Reach Reserve Chardonnay. An always popular main is his spiced citrus duck leg with burghal, barberry, roast capsicum, and walnut, paired with the 2022 Upper Reach Gig Grenache.

Book early to get the best views from a terrace table.

Visit upperreach.com.au/restaurant

18 / SWAN VALLEY MAGAZINE / swanvalley.com.au EAT // DRINK
Upper Reach Winery Restaurant Old Young's Kitchen

RiverBank Estate

From corporate events, weddings and birthdays, to baby showers and romantic dates, RiverBank Estate is the ideal spot for any lunch occasion — particularly a ladies’ lunch that is long and lavish.

Tucked away in Caversham, RiverBank’s vineyard runs down to the Swan River, creating a magnificent vista from the moment you arrive.

Pre-book platters to enjoy on trestlestyle tables under the vines, or opt to indulge in the award-winning à la carte menu.

RiverBank Estate has earned a solid reputation and won multiple Gold Plate awards for its Italian-influenced dishes, steaks dry-aged inhouse, and fresh WA seafood from its four tanks.

Try chef Frank De Janeiro’s handmade gnocchi with blue swimmer crab and Wheatbelt yabbies, Carnarvon baked scallops, or a Harvey Rose Mallee sirloin on the bone — with the option to add half a marron. Bring an appetite to tackle the epic seafood platter for two.

If you visit in spring or summer, bubbles or a dry Rosé are the drinks to order. Visit riverbankestate.com.au

Something for the wh e family 9 LOCATED IN BEAUTIFUL
RiverBank Estate RiverBank Estate



“I've never been a fan of typical pancakes. I admired the soufflé look… however, the eggy taste didn't suit my palate,” explains owner Helena Tran. “Collaborating with our chef, we crafted a delightful hybrid between a pancake and sponge cake. To add a unique twist, I opted for lemon curd, drawing inspiration from the popularity of our lemon meringue tart.

“The quest for a healthy breakfast led me to incorporate fig granola, while the addition of freshly made honeycomb not only enhanced the flavour but also elevated the visual appeal.

Get your hands on these top tantalising goodies, iconic to the historic town of Guildford. By SUE

uildford is often referred to as the gateway to the Swan Valley, and one well worth pausing at.

Classified as a historic town by the National Trust of Australia, this charming town seamlessly melds heritage allure with a burgeoning foodie scene.

Located conveniently along the train line, embark on your Guildford adventure by immersing yourself in the scenic beauty of the nearby Swan River, verdant parks, and meandering along the iconic

Heritage Walking Trails.

After whetting your appetite with exploration, indulge in the delectable offerings awaiting you, from specialty coffee and tasty treats to hearty meals in historic pubs and late-night burger runs to Alfred’s Kitchen.

To kick-off your culinary journey, here are some of our favourite Guildford goodies to sink your teeth into…


Padbury’s Café Restaurant

If it’s possible for one item to put a business on the map, the Meringue Munro Pancakes at Padbury’s are just that. The perfection of these Insta-famous fluffy delights started in 2016 but they continue to delight the brunch crowd daily.

“The goal was to create a pancake that not only tasted delicious but also looked spectacular for our relaunch.”

Despite the different spelling, the aesthetically pleasing pancakes were named after Marilyn Monroe.


Guildford Town Bakery

It looks like a typical country bakery, but Guildford Town Baker’s creativity goes beyond pies, bread, and cream buns.

“Our best doughnut seller would have to be the pretzel doughnut,” says owner Lauren Armandi. “It may just be shaped like a pretzel, but pair it with a vanilla glaze that's not too thick, and that fluffy donut — it's a match made in heaven.”

Lauren worked at the bakery for five years before buying it with mum Maree and sister Kayla Ferguson at the end of

20 / SWAN VALLEY MAGAZINE / swanvalley.com.au
Guildford Town Bakery Padbury's Café Restaurant

2022. Although not a baker by trade, Lauren and Maree had intensive training from the previous owner. Maree also has a strong food background, having worked at the bakery and as a cook at Guildford Grammar School, where her mother and grandmother had been catering managers.

“It's been really lovely learning from someone who had 20-plus years’ experience, and I just hope that we can keep that quality product and great customer base,” Lauren says.

Another Guildford Town Bakery favourite is its take on the cinny bun/ scroll. There’s classic cinnamon, apple and sultana, a daily savoury such as spinach and feta, and occasionally, a Biscoff bun.

“It includes Biscoff custard, Biscoff spread and is topped with a Biscoff glaze.

It’s perfect for the people that go bananas for that spread.”


Little Guildford

At Little Guildford, the chips should be mandatory, not optional, they’re that good.

“We use local royal blue potatoes which are cut fresh daily,” says owner Luke Milanko.

The chips can be ordered from the lunch menu as a side or come with another crowd favourite, the pulled pork burger. You’ll also find them with the BLT, steak sandwich and open chicken sandwich.

Sticking with potatoes, a unique all-day brunch favourite is the “eggs on fire” — poached eggs with chilli, coriander, jalapeno, and yoghurt, served on potato cakes.


The Guildford Hotel

The historic hotel has an on-site smoker named Thomas, in which the resident pitmaster smokes low and slow at 75°C, resulting in tender and juicy meats topped with homemade rubs and bastes.

If you can’t decide what to have, this $130 platter delivers the goods. Grab some mates with a healthy appetite and share 1kg of butterflied beef brisket, Albany pork butt, house-spiced half chicken, and smoked sausages, served with condiments and seasonal sides including Boston beans and mash.

ISSUE 4 / 21 Email: guildford@copperandoak.com.au Address: 124 Swan Street Guildford WA Phone: 08 9377 3311 Website: copperandoak.com.au “Best New Small Business” Chamber of Commerce Swan Business Awards 2023 Massive range of Swan valley wines! Huge Selection of Craft beer! One of Perth’s largest Stockists of Whisky, Rum & gin! Copper & Oak is an independent family owned award winning liquor store. Located on the corner of Meadow & Swan street in Guildford. Also with an outlet in Tuart Hill.
The Guildford Hotel Little Guildford

When in need of an escape, visit the Valley where a range of European-esque experiences await, ready to transport you to the Med.


With a consistently mild climate, picturesque countryside scenes and a fervent foodie culture, you'd be forgiven for confusing elements of the Swan Valley with that of Europe. It’s no coincidence the Valley is home to a thriving wine industry where a wealth of European grape varieties flourish. A commitment to quality coffee,

fresh produce and a drive to experience food in a way that transcends simple fulfilment of biological needs is also equally pervasive here.

So, if it's the finer things in life you crave, visit the Valley and indulge in the delights of a Europe while in the southern hemisphere with these inspiring European-esque experiences.

Croatia Calls

Skip the lengthy travel to partake in Croatian viticulture, and head instead into the heart of the Swan Valley for a day of wine tasting and incredible pastries.

Start your day with a stop by the wholesome and inviting Baba and Dida's Café Marketplace. Join operators the Tolich family for a breakfast of fresh local fruit and European-style pastries. The team warmly welcomes visitors with homemade and fresh-from-the-oven baked goods including burek, doughnuts, crêpes and continental rolls to purchase. There is, of course, coffee on offer, and you’re encouraged to savour it the Croatian way. The café’s providore-like offerings are begging to be perused while you sip on your morning latte. These

22 / SWAN VALLEY MAGAZINE / swanvalley.com.au EAT // DRINK
Keller's Farm John Kosovich Wines

offerings include not only fresh, in-season produce, but olive oil, jams and wine vinegar.

After a morning of melt-in-your-mouth pastries, make your way to John Kosovich Wines in Baskerville. A true family business, the winery has been led by a Kosovich for three generations, with three Kosovich brothers initially purchasing the land and planting the first vines in 1922.

The property’s second-generation owner, John Kosovich, made the bold decision to pursue the planting of dry white and red varieties, recognising both the changing tastes of local drinkers and the suitability of the Swan Valley climate. As a result, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chenin Blanc and Verdelho grapes were planted in 1962, with Chardonnay grape vines planted in the following decade.

The winery is now helmed by Arch Kosovich, who learned the business from his father. Arch has put his own mark on the wines, and has made a name for the winery for his award-winning Chenin Blanc.

With the winemaker role being passed down the generations, the focus of John Kosovich Wines has remained the same — with emphasis on good quality fruit and clean, fresh wines that harkens back to the family’s Croatian roots.

“The focus has always been on gentle treatment of the fruit to ensure that the finished wines are fresh, clean and vibrant. Cold fermentation, refrigeration, stainless steel and modern equipment has replaced concrete tanks and manual basket presses,” explains Arch.

are synonymous with Croatia’s viticulture industry are well-replicated in the Swan Valley thanks to its rich soils, according to Arch. Both regions, he explains, have the ability to produce wines across a wide range of flavour characteristics.

“Both produce wine styles from dry whites and light reds to sparkling wines, full-bodied reds, sweet dessert wines, and fortified wines. Our use of traditional varieties to achieve wines of similar pedigree is something we share with Croatia.”

While Croatia is renowned for its fullbodied reds, John Kosovich Wines has excelled in producing outstanding white wines, and you’d be remiss to leave the grounds without sampling the award-

Once you've sipped your way to satisfaction, round out your afternoon by stopping by Keller’s Farm to procure some pastries to take home. The Keller family open their homestead market to the public each weekend, selling authentic European pastries, including zopf and a Swiss chocolate bread stick. You can also grab a loaf of fresh sourdough — take your pick from several variations — and some homemade quince paste or jam to spread on top. Seasonally, the family will also have local produce for sale, as well as farm-fresh eggs.

A Taste of Tuscany

With its mild climate and extensive viticulture, the Swan Valley has long drawn comparisons to the temperate and bountiful Tuscan region. It’s no surprise

explore WA’s funkiest cidery and brewery! behind the scenes production tour. scan qr code to learn more & book. use code SWANMAG to get $10 off learn more about the story of funk, from cold pressing juices in the wheatbelt to the brewshed, their boutique way of making drinks with real local fruits and learn about the cidermaking and brewing processes from a whole new perspective. +enjoy a perth cider whilst at it. funkdrinks.co @funkbrewshed brewshed@funkdrinks.co
Baba and Dida's Café Marketplace

then that the Pinelli family chose the region as their new home when they immigrated to Australia, bringing with them not only their family, but also authentic Italian winemaking traditions.

A Tuscan-inspired day in the Valley would therefore be incomplete without a wine tasting at Caversham’s Pinelli Estate

“Swan Valley wine, like the Italian wines, are similar in style, being full-flavoured and softer in tannins, making for great early drinking,” explains winemaker Daniel Pinelli.

The Pinelli team have been pouring tastings for Swan Valley visitors since the 1980s, and have won awards not only for their premium vines but also for their cellar door experience. Nods to not only Italian wines, but also Australian and French, are immediately evident, with the line-up including award-winning vinos such as the Breanna Rosé, Verdehlo Reserve and Chenin Blanc Reserve.

The family has long believed that great wines start in the vineyard, and so the art of viticulture runs deep here. According to Daniel, it’s a skill his parents learnt in their homeland, before settling in Australia.

“They taught us about the importance of carefully tending to the grapevines to produce fully flavoured grapes from which to make great wine.”

A few glasses of vino deep, it’s a great time for some classic Italian fare. Nearby Pasta in the Valley offers an extensive list of

authentic pasta dishes, alongside a front row seat to the venue's pasta-making operations.

The restaurant offers a lengthy list of sauces, including pomodoro, puttanesca, marinara, and carbonara funghi, served with your choice of freshly made pasta. Options include fresh gnocchi, linguini, pappardelle, tubettini, penne, and a spinach fettuccine. You can also opt for a premium pasta dish, such as the beef cheek ravioli or garlic chilli prawn pappardelle. In traditional Italian dining style, alongside the primi pasta course the restaurant offers a list of secondi meat dishes and dolce desserts. With the menu necessitating

a lot of house-made pasta, the team is pumping out dough and rolling sheets — with guests offered a front row view of the process while enjoying dinner.

Wind up your day in the Valley with a stop by Mondo Nougat, a confectionermeets-provedore in nearby Herne Hill. The Mondo team create their namesake nougat to a traditional Italian recipe, brought over with the Romeo family from Calabria, with an added Australian influence, offering varieties including macadamia and honey or cranberry and pistachio.

Alongside the meringue-based sweet, there’s a tempting array of Italian treats including homemade gelati and biscotti. Such goodies are made to generationsold family recipes that Romeo family patriarch, Alfonso, brought with him to Australia from Calabria.

Eager to share the secrets of their Italian heritage with Swan Valley locals and visitors alike, Mondo’s nougat operations are on view to guests. From the viewing area, watch the expert confectioners whisk egg whites and honey to create their airy nougat.

Santé in the Swan Valley

Spend a day living the vive la France lifestyle in the Swan Valley by dining on exquisite pastries and sipping French champagne at Maison Saint Honore’s Caversham location.

While the patisserie gained recognition with its melt-in-your-mouth macarons — which you’ll definitely want to save space for — the Parisian café also offers a full menu of French-inspired breakfast options. From traditional French pastries, including pain au chocolat, escargot and madeleines, to both sweet and savoury crêpes and cheesy croque monsieurs, all complemented with an espresso or your coffee of choice.

Following a decadent breakfast, make your way to Lancaster Wines in West Swan. With its lengthy tree-lined driveway and meticulous rows of vines decorating the grounds, Lancaster’s grandiose entrance belies a surprisingly casual rustic experience within. At Lancaster, the cellar door is housed in a tin and timber tasting shed, welcoming visitors to take a seat at

24 / SWAN VALLEY MAGAZINE / swanvalley.com.au
Pinelli Estate
Mondo Nougat

its outstretched bar or around ageing wine barrels. While Lancaster offers a range of red and white wines, we recommend you keep the Parisian vibes going with a glass of something sparkling and dry. The NV Sparkling White is a blend of Chenin Blanc, Sauvignon Blanc and Muscat Gordo Blanco grapes, processed in the style of traditional French champagne. Also try the NV Sparkling Rosé for a more Australian take on a glass of bubbles.

To accompany your wines, you may want to curate your own grazing board from a lavish selection of cheese, meats and antipasto including paté, olives, dips and preserves. Or, on select weekends,

complement your bubbles with platters of freshly shucked oysters.

Finish off the day with a wine tasting at Little River Winery, with views comparable with hat of Bordeaux or Provence. Here, the de Tastes family have brought their traditional French wine heritage to the Swan Valley, producing small batch wine with French flair.

Maison Saint Honore Little River Winery


As the evening unfolds, settle in at one of the Swan Valley’s top spots to dine after dusk where the food is wholesome and the ambiance inviting.

As the sun sets over the Swan Valley and the sky slowly shifts from blue to blazing pinks and oranges to a star-studded black, visitors are welcomed to experience another side of the region's culinary delights. Away from city lights, whether you’re with the whole family or on an intimate date, the Swan Valley is an inviting destination to dine after dusk. So, after a long day of discovering the Swan Valley and its many attractions, its only wise you pull up a chair at one of the area's evening restaurants for a meal and a nightcap.

Wild Swan at Mandoon Estate

With its innovative fine dining modern Australian menu, Wild Swan at Mandoon Estate has become known as one of the Swan Valley’s chicest after-hours dining choices. The menu marries native ingredients and seasonal produce for symbiotic flavour pairings, in an approach that head chef Anthony Power says reflects the multicultural influences of modern Australian cuisine.

“We love using native ingredients in inventive ways, often mimicking classic pairings with a modern twist. This fusion of tradition and innovation allows us to create dishes that surprise and delight our guests, showcasing the best of what Australia has to offer on the plate,” says Anthony.

Wild Swan has gained a reputation for its creative use of ferments, with the technique on display in the restaurant’s newly introduced Rankin cod dish. The Pilbara-sourced fish is complemented by a fermented tomato water, made by repurposing offcuts from a tomato dish, and combining them with roasted fish

bones, kombu and katsuobushi to create a flavourful dashi. It’s clever cooking that speaks to Anthony’s ability to employ creativity and technique to extract great depth of flavour.

“To elevate our flavours, we incorporate fermentation techniques that imbue depth and complexity into each dish. Additionally, we pay meticulous attention to creating a diverse array of textures, ensuring a delightful sensory experience with every bite.”

Visit mandoonestate.com.au/eat-drink/ wild-swan

26 / SWAN VALLEY MAGAZINE / swanvalley.com.au
Black Swan Winery & Restaurant Padbury's Café Restaurant Wild Swan at Mandoon Estate

Padbury’s Cafe Restaurant

Perhaps better known as a day-time spot for early-rising brunchers, after-dark Padbury’s Cafe Restaurant transforms into a chic wine bar that invites intimate conversation over a heady glass of vino. Owners Michael and Helana Tran intended the space as a romantic option along Guildford’s main street.

From the creepers climbing the red brick exterior of the heritage-listed Padbury’s Store and Residence building to the chandelier adorned ceilings, the space is thoughtfully curated and artfully presented. This attention to quality carries through to the menu, evident in small touches. The Padbury’s team describe its menu as traditional Australian, a collection of “delicious, fresh and wholesome meals”, with options including a house-made gnocchi and a date, sundried tomato and feta stuffed chicken.

Visit padburys.com.au

Black Swan Winery & Restaurant

Offering one of the Swan Valley’s best night-time dining experiences, alongside incredible wine and gorgeous vineyard views, is Black Swan Winery & Restaurant. From the comfort of the timber homestead, guests are offered an incomparable view over the estate’s vineyards and wineries, alongside an impeccable meal.

The menu combines Australian, French and Mediterranean cuisines using fresh and seasonal local produce in a bid to champion the best of the region. Director Robyn Meloury describes the dishes as friendly and uncomplicated, but ultimately sophisticated. She recommends the seafood dishes to visitors, in particular the squid ink pasta or seafood platter.

“With freshness being the key element, the crayfish are brought in alive. We use Exmouth prawns, Albany oysters, and local squid,” says Robyn, describing its seafood platter.

Visit blackswanwines.com.au

Kappy’s Italian Trattoria

From the red check cloths adorning the tables to the bottles of wine lining the walls, Kappy’s Italian brings rustic Italian

charm and cosy bistro vibes to Guildford’s main strip.

Being a family-run business, the menu speaks to tradition, using recipes handed down through generations. These classic dishes and techniques are elevated by the freshest, local Swan Valley produce. The result? Meals that are hearty and flavourful, refined, and full of love.

With a lengthy list of antipasti, pasta, meat and seafood dishes available, you’d be remiss to come without an appetite.

The authentically made desserts are a truly decadent taste of Italy. Select from a diverse array including a mascarponebased tiramisu, lemon custard profiteroles, and an ice cream cassata speckled with candied fruit and chocolate. Alongside a glass of locally made wine, it’s the perfect way to cap off a day in the Swan Valley.

Visit kappys.net

The Sandalford Restaurant and Bar Renowned for its high quality service and high-class menu, The Sandalford Bar and Restaurant is the ideal spot to take someone special. As evening falls and the sun begins to set, it casts a soft glow

across the 185-year-old vineyards as guests indulge on a European inspired, modern Australian menu with fine wines.

Awarded 2023 Western Australian Restaurant of the Year, you can expect some delicious seasonal dishes at this sophisticated venue. In autumn, we recommend the honey roasted Genoa fig and almond tart to start.

“Fresh, in-season Genoa figs are glazed with honey and roasted, served on a puff pastry and almond tart, with a smooth whipped goat’s cheese and lemon zest curd. A beautiful dish that when eaten with every element, hits all the senses: sweet, acidic, aromatic, smooth and textured,” says executive chef Alan Spagnolo.

The quince trifle is fantastic to finish, layered with vanilla custard and Marsala jelly. As the seasons turn, expect something different but equally as delightful.

Look out for their evening degustations, hosted regularly throughout the year.

Visit sandalford.com

ISSUE 4 / 27
Sandalford Restaurant and Bar


Pick up few bottles of your favourite Swan Valley spirits and bring out your inner mixologist with these inspiring cocktail recipes.


A reinvention of the classic Spritz cocktail, this sophisticated and captivating blend combines a trio of distinct flavours to create a memorable drinking experience. Crafted by expert mixologists, this cocktail embodies the perfect balance of sweet, sour, and fizz.


60ml Smashed Apple Aperitivo

90ml Funk Perth Cider (dry apple cider)

30ml soda water

Garnish: Fresh apple slices


Add the three ingredients into an empty wine glass.

Top with cubed ice and garnish with slices of fresh apple.


An all-time favourite among the Giniversity bar staff, Lady Marmalade is a little sweet and sour. It blends the bold Giniversity Barrel Aged gin, blushed red from Shiraz barrels, with citrus and sticky marmalade. It’s the perfect afternoon refresher with attitude.


30ml Giniversity Barrel Aged

60ml grapefruit juice

15ml lime juice

1 Tbsp orange marmalade

Garnish: Orange and rosemary


Shake all of the ingredients together with ice, then strain into a glass filled with fresh ice.

Garnish with a wheel of orange and sprig of rosemary.

Impress your tastebuds with the bright and tangy flavours found in this simple and refreshing summer beverage.


60ml AmberChes Lemon Vodka

30ml fresh lemon juice

15ml simple syrup

Soda water

Garnish: Lemon wheel


In a cocktail shaker, add AmberChes Lemon Vodka, fresh lemon juice, and simple syrup. Add ice to the shaker and shake vigorously for 15-20 seconds until well combined.

Fill a highball glass with ice and strain the cocktail into the glass. Top with soda. Give the cocktail a gentle stir to combine. Garnish with a lemon wheel and serve.

28 / SWAN VALLEY MAGAZINE / swanvalley.com.au EAT // DRINK


A refreshing cocktail to beat the heat. Great Northern Distillery has twisted up the classic mojito by using its spiced dark rum; Maiden Voyage Spiced Gold. Infused with lemon myrtle and roasted wattle seeds, Spiced Gold gives a gorgeous citrus burst and rounds out the palate with a waxy and nutty tone.


30ml Maiden Voyage Spice Gold

4 fresh mint leaves (crushed in hand)

2 lime wedges (squeezed and left in glass)

Soda or lemonade

Garnish: Mint and lime wedge


Muddle the mint, lime and Maiden Voyage Spice Gold in a glass.

Add ice and top with soda (or lemonade).

Garnish with a mint sprig and lime wedge.


Sweet, bitter, rich and toasty; Cold Drip Coffee Vodka is the backbone of this decadent yet refined cocktail. Averna Amaro adds a bittersweet sensation with some spice and, finally, a dash of salted agave syrup rounds things off.


30ml Old Young's Cold Drip Coffee Vodka

30ml Averna (amaro)

7.5ml salted agave syrup

Garnish: Honey Joy (or orange peel)


Stir and strain ingredients over ice into a rocks glass. Garnish with a Honey Joy.


Sloth is a perfect gin for lazy summer days with pronounced juniper, plus coriander, cardamom and a hint of lemon myrtle. Let the botanicals sing when mixed in this simple martini.


70ml Sloth Gin

10ml dry vermouth

Tsp finger lime

Garnish: Lemon or lime twist


Pour dry vermouth over ice in a Nick and Nora glass.

In a separate glass, stir gin and ice until very chilled.

Place a tsp of finger lime caviar in the bottom of the glass.

Garnish with a lemon or lime twist.


This refreshing blend of Herbee Vodka and Caprice Rosé is summer favourite with its tropical touch of mango and peach syrup to balance.


15ml Herbee Vodka

75ml Caprice Rosé

30ml Peach Monin syrup

300ml frozen mango (1 full short cocktail glass)

Garnish: Cocktail cherry, mint, dash of Caprice


Chill a coupe glass while preparing the cocktail. Add the ingredients into a blender and blend. Add a small scoop of ice and blend again.

Pour into the coupe glass. Add a dash of Caprice Rosé.

Garnish with skewered cocktail cherry and sprig of mint.

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Taste some of the best drops of the Valley, starting with the winners of the 2023 Swan Valley Wine Show.

The oldest wine region in Western Australia, and home to more than forty wineries, the Swan Valley is synonymous with quality drops that are well deserving of a place in any home cellar. With its temperate climate and rich soils, year after year it delivers on producing world-class expressions of classic varietals, whilst continuing to push the boundaries with experimental and alternative vinos.

For proof, look no further than the results of the annual Swan Valley Wine Show, the ultimate list of the region’s premier wines and winemakers to look out for and tick off on your next Swan Valley trip. Maintaining its reputation as Western Australia’s most awarded winery, Mandoon Estate was the big winner of the 2023 Swan Valley Wine Show. The winery took out not only the coveted Most Successful Producer, but also scored

awards for Best Non GPZ Wine for its Mandoon Reserve Chardonnay 2022, Best Rosé for its Mandoon Discovery Mouverde Rosé 2023, and Best Sparkling for its Mandoon Reserve Sparkling 2015. It was also awarded the City of Swan award for the highest average score across its wines.

The impressive award tally is a real testament to the overall quality of Mandoon Estate’s wines. With fifteen years under its belt, the winery has a consistent approach and style for its wines, but the vintage each year is the real influence over what gets selected for bottling, explains senior winemaker Ryan Sydano.

“Our styles are set now but vintage variations will depict each year's outcome. Each wine has come out of a clear vision and the vineyards are selected and managed to suit this,” says Ryan.

For Ryan, who brings two decades of experience in winemaking to Mandoon Estate, the intensive and painstaking processes are a gratifying undertaking. “Making the people love to drink, and using all my senses in the process, is extremely rewarding.”

Another major contender, Upper Reach Winery was awarded Best Single Red Varietal and the Liquor Barons Trophy for Best Regional Wine of Show, both for its Upper Reach ‘The Gig’ Grenache 2022. This tantalising Grenache and Shiraz blend

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Mandoon Estate
We take great care in nurturing and growing our grapes, and thus use primarily estate grown fruit to ensure that we have maximum control ~ Derek Pearce, Upper Reach Winery


expresses floral yet savoury and spicy notes on the palate, with hints of plums, sweet fruit and a medicinal vanilla finish. On the nose, expect notes of raspberry, redcurrant and cherry, finishing with mocha and chocolate.

It is the careful cultivation of their vines, says Upper Reach, that underpins their award-winning wines.

“Great wine starts in the vineyard,” says winemaker Derek Pearse. “We take great care in nurturing and growing our grapes, and thus use primarily estate grown fruit to ensure that we have maximum control.

Fruit quality is of paramount importance.”

While the winery's signature style is carried through to ensure consistency for customers, Derek explains it is the grapes and all their seasonal discrepancies, that dictate the final result. Derek embraces the unique combination of science and art that winemaking calls for, taking a meticulous approach to vineyard management. Estate-grown fruit is handpicked to ensure the best grapes are used, and wine is handmade in small batches, allowing each wine to reflect the vineyard and vintage.

Mash Brewing and Kitchen provides a laid back, family friendly venue to enjoy their award winning handcrafted beers and ciders, with a selection of local wines, spirits and cocktails.

The food is passionately prepared in an open kitchen with tasty seasonal menus. Visit today and enjoy the family friendly atmosphere.

Kids eat FREE* Fri/Sat from 5pm. Open 7 days.


10250 West Swan Road Henley Brook
Ph: (08) 9296
The Swan Valley Wine Show is a testament to the calibre of Swan Valley wineries, worthy of awards. Sandalford Wines Sandalford Wines

Taking a similar approach, Sandalford Wines, which was awarded Best Shiraz for its Sandalford 1840 Shiraz 2022, also credits careful management of vines and fruit harvest as key to a world-class wine.

“My approach to winemaking is noninterference,” says winemaker Ross Pamment. “It’s all about the fruit and using indigenous fermentation by existing microflora.”

The winning Shiraz boasts a palate of ripe fruits, overlaid with layers of savoury spice, mocha and cedar that add complexity. With that ripe flavour profile in mind, Ross says the biggest decision involved is when to harvest the grapes.

To this end, the grapes are handpicked and cold-soaked for three days, before being pressed. The wine is fermented for fourteen months in French oak barrels before bottling, but is held in bottle for a further two years before release. The wine drinks well in its youth, says Ross, but really promises reward after ten-plus years of cellaring.

“I’m delighted every day by our estates’ old vines, the passion of the viticulture team here, and the outcomes we are able to achieve each vintage,” says Ross.

Rounding out the red awards was Sittella, taking out Best Red Wine Blend for its Sittella Avant Garde ‘El Vivero’ Rouge 2023, a field blend plucked from the estate’s nursery comprising Grenache, Touriga Nacional, Mencia, Graciano and Tempranillo grapes. This delicious wine is truly unique, exuding red floral notes and aromatics. Not stopping there, Sittella also took home awards for Best Varietal Dry White or Dry White Blend with its Sittella Museum Silk 2015, and Best Fortified for its Sittella Liqueur

Muscat NV.

Elsewhere in awarded whites, the Best Chenin Blanc was awarded to John Kosovich Wines with its John Kosovich Chenin Blanc 2019, set to be released in July this year. The wine, says senior winemaker Arch Kosovich, rests in bottle for five or six years before release, to allow bottleaged characters a chance to show.

“The wine is made with longevity in mind so we make sure the acidity is bright and the wine is as fresh as possible at bottling,” says Arch.

Arch describes the wine as having hints of toast and ripe apple on the aromatics, with a soft and full mouth feel that allows layers of flavour to linger, noting it will appeal to drinkers with a keen eye for wine with more complexity and flavour development.

Having grown up learning the family business, Arch has a distinctive appreciation for the art of winemaking,

and the industry at large.

“Wine is much more than just a glass of the product, but it is a sense of place or a snapshot of a certain year.

“Our approach to the wines is to let the fruit shine as much as possible with minimal winemaker intervention or pushing boundaries too far. We choose to use oak in a subtle way and to not be excessive with extraction in regards to our reds.

“We hope to show the qualities of our vineyards and to express the regional characters in our wines.”

Add these impressive wineries to your list of spots to stop on your next Swan Valley visit. Scan the QR code for the full list of winners.

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John Kosovich Wines
Hop your way through the breweries of the Valley, with good brews, good food and a good approach to beer found at each stop.

There’s something in the air in the Swan Valley that attracts top brewing talent and results in some of the state’s best brews, full of flavour. Fresh ingredients and fresh mindsets give way to innovation and exceptional brewery experiences to be discovered. No one’s complaining about the views either. With a bounty of breweries to hop through, here’s a look in at what some are all about…

Funk Brewshed (Funk 2.0)

Brothers Dustin and Michael Martin first started off their foray into beverages with a cold-pressed juice label, before figuring that fermented fruit equals alcohol! The creation of Funk Cider seemed a no brainer. Since, they’ve even introduced



beer into their repertoire, prompting a name change to Funk Drinks Co and the opening of the Funk Brewshed (Funk 2.0) in Henley Brook in 2022.

Brewer Michael O’Rourke says their long-standing relationship with WA’s fruit growers means their beers and ciders always have fresh and delicious, natural flavours.

“Our point of difference is the fruit. Because of the history with juices, and then the cider, we have a deep connection with a lot of fruit growers across WA.

“A lot of other brewers experiment with essences and syrup, but with ours you can really tell there are no preservatives. It really smacks you in the face with a full-on

fruit flavour,” says Michael.

Michael says the two venues, Funk Brewshed and House of Funk in Caversham, means there is plenty of room for experimentation.

“From an artistic and creative perspective, it’s a great place to work. If mangoes are in season, I can grab a few straight from the fruit juices and whack them in a brew, put them on tap and see how people like them.”

Funk Brewshed features sophisticated but approachable pub food, which are a perfect match for Funk’s beverages. Think plates designed to share, including cauliflower fried in cider batter with chilli and spring onions, or the lamb shoulder served in cider jus.

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Funk Brewshed
Beers are craft, locally-inspired recipes, most of them brewed using slow-fermentation onsite.

Txoko Brewing

Txoko, pronounced Cho-Ko, as in chocolate, is a Basque word used to describe a small commune of people who usually gather once a week to cook using different, experimental methods, drink lots, and enjoy one another’s company.

This brewery reflects exactly that ethos. Nestled right in front of the Darling Ranges, and a short drive from Bells Rapids, it’s a stunning spot to enjoy a constantly rotating range of fresh beer with wood-fired pizza, or dine a-la-carte in the fully licenced restaurant.

The menu has a diverse offering, reflecting the multicultural nature of the business and the community it serves. From slow-cooked BBQ ribs and chicken

salted chips to Madras curry and rice, their menu spans a world of flavours. Some of the produce is grown on-site in aquaponic grow-beds, where others are sourced from local producers.

Beers are craft, locally-inspired recipes, most of them brewed using slowfermentation onsite. True to their name sake, the folks at Txoko are not afraid to experiment, and dive into the realms of barrel aging, even propagating strains with grape skins to discover new and unique flavours.

Brewer Gabriel Rodriguez Urrutia-Shu, or Gabriel Jnr, says they are currently experimenting with wild fermentations of local flora, as well as English ale yeasts.

“I’m a big fan of the English ales. They are smooth and cosy, great for these cooler months. Wild fermentations are

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Txoko Brewing Valley Social Mash Brewing

fun, you never know what you’re going to get flavour-wise and it’s a great expression of locality. You’re literally tasting the Swan Valley, and you won’t get the same flavour profile anywhere else,” he says.

“It’s also imperative for small and local producers to work together in these more complex times.”

Valley Social

The theme at Valley Social is everything green. Owner Paul Mavor, a pharmacist, has been researching the potential of medicinal cannabis as a treatment for years. He’s well aware of the health benefits of hemp, which include protecting the brain, boosting heart health, and improving skin conditions, and almost all of the beers are infused with hemp seeds.

This gives it flavour, says brewer, Tarik Sammler, with the additional health benefits meaning that you can drink beer that is good for you!

“Every beer has hemp seed. We roast the hemp seed for some time to bring the flavours out,” he says.

Initially from Germany, beer has long been a part of who Tarik is. He brings the German 500-year-old philosophy of Reinheitsegot, or purity law, to Valley Social. The statute limits German beer brewers to just four primary ingredients: malt, hops, yeast, and water, and guarantees a clean, pure taste.

Tarik is also proud to use carbon dioxide only from the natural fermentation of the beer, which is good for the environment, and your head, he says.

“Some beers, you might feel sick the day after drinking a lot. That comes from artificial CO2. All the bubbles we have in our beers are from their own fermentation, which makes it really easy to drink and healthy too,” Tarik says.

“I’m really proud to have this working. It’s good for the planet, and keeps it as clean and healthy as possible.”

Mash Brewing

Mash Brewing is a family-owned craft brewery in the Swan Valley, and have played a pivotal role in pioneering Australia’s craft brewing scene.

Since 2006, they have been creating exceptional beer, many of which have won various awards and accolades. Under the leadership of brewers Adrian Godwin and Craig Hill, Mash continues to push the boundaries of modern brewing, with fresh new special releases like its barrel-aged Blackbird Barely Wine.

Their brewpub has a range of expertly brewed beers and delectable food, mostly a seasonal, modern-Oz menu, which includes pork belly bites, tacos, bao buns, and lemon pepper squid. Kids eat for free on Fridays and Sundays!

Homestead Brewery

You’ll find Homestead on the stunning grounds of Mandoon Estate. The vantage point from the alfresco offers an impressive view over the estate’s sweeping green vineyards and jacaranda trees, and on to the banks of the upper reaches of the Swan River.

Head brewer Stuart Taylor says its ethos towards brewing is reflected by the traditions of its brewkit — manufactured by Kaspar Schulz who are the world's oldest brewery equipment manufacturer based in Germany.

“As such we make beers with history in mind, producing classic European styles, true sours, lagers and, thanks to being on site with a winery, some mixed ferment products as well — products that are blended with wort/beer and wine/grape

juice,” says Stuart.

“We still make modern favourites such as IPAs, dessert stouts and hazies but they don't define the brewery and will find them in rotation alongside a plethora of seasonal beers.”

On tap, you’ll find its flagship Kaiser's Choice Hefeweizen, a classic German wheat beer with pronounced banana and clove aroma, cloudy in appearance. There’s also a Munich lager, Australian ale and the Homestead Lager, which is best paired with a Wagyu rump steak, duck fat kipfler potatoes, and pepper glaze.

Bailey Brewing Co

Bailey Brewing Co is a brewery created by a family, for families.

Dad, Steve Bailey, and sons, Dan and Geoff always loved their beer, and afternoons spent sharing a drink and food with friends and rellies were always their most cherished. They wanted to create their own space, where they could bring that same experience to you and your family, and in 2019 they bought a pretty big backyard in the Swan Valley and began creating their own space.

It had to reflect who they were and what they loved. It would be perfect, no fuss, simple. Easy drinking craft beers, with simple fresh food and an afternoon out that wouldn’t leave you with a hole in your wallet. The result is a space that they hope your family will love just as much as they do.

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Mash Brewing


Journey through the Valley and take a little piece home to a loved one, with these inspiring gift ideas.

As you make your way through the Swan Valley, discover endless produce purveyors, talented artisans and unique boutiques that inspire, intrigue and delight the senses. Behind each door, you’re bound to unveil new gems you’ll wish to share with your family and friends. While they may not be with you to sample all the beautiful artisan produce available, there’s no reason you can’t take a little piece of the Valley home to them to share your experience.

With this gift guide in hand, find the perfect present to tell the story of your adventure through the Valley.

The Tribe

This bright and colourful boutique showcases everything from contemporary homewares and prints, to stylish women’s clothing and statement jewellery pieces, to luxurious body creams and scented candles.

A diffuser by Flowerbox Home Fragrance is one of our favourite gift ideas. The local mother-son duo behind

this product craft aesthetically beautiful and functional home fragrances. Visit thetribeswanvalley.com.au

The House of Honey & Sticky Spoon Café

Filled with sweet scents of honey and dripping with all things bee-related, The House of Honey & Sticky Spoon Café is a stand-out stop to collect an undeniably Swan Valley gift. Sample the award-winning range of locally produced honey and admire the bees in action before selecting something to take home to your loved ones.

We recommend the Premium Honey Scroll — a delicious gift of Jarrah, Redgum and Karri honey, made by the House of Honey’s very own bees and packed neatly in a wooden scroll. Visit thehouseofhoney.com.au

Morish Nuts

A must-visit for all who come to the Valley, Morish Nuts is aptly named for its decadent delights. From chocolate and caramel-coated nuts to peanut brittle and macadamia crunch, its mouthwatering range of sweet and savoury nut

36 / SWAN VALLEY MAGAZINE / swanvalley.com.au
from the
Maison Saint Honore House of Honey Morish Nuts Mondo Nougat

combinations will have you hooked.

The Premium Caramel Coated Cashews is a must-try, or select from a wide range of gift hampers for a diverse mix of these delicious treats.

Visit morishnuts.com.au

Mondo Nougat

At Mondo Nougat, watch as delicious pieces of nougat are created before your eyes before selecting your favourite flavours to take home. Made using traditional Italian techniques and fine Australian honey, macadamias, almonds and pistachios, you’ll find it hard to narrow the choice down.

The Mondo All Star Hamper makes for a great gift, with a Mondo Cooler Bag, Bambino Gift Tin, All Star Selection Gift Pack and Assorted Original Nougat Bites included.

Visit mondonougat.com.au

The Guildford Book Exchange

You could easily get lost for hours in this glorious little rabbit hole of books. While its selection varies depending on what new finds are made, it often has everything from pre-loved books to vintage comics, plus vinyl records to vintage sewing patterns.

A vintage comic book is great find to gift to those with a keen interest. Or, if you know someone who loves their vinyl, scour the record section for a nostalgic chart-topper.

Visit gbeonline.com.au

Maalinup Aboriginal Gallery

Admire beautifully crafted and authentic Aboriginal artworks exhibited in this gallery space. Collections of jams, olive oil, herbs and spices made using local native plants are also available for tasting and purchase.

A beautiful gift to consider is a piece of high-quality napery. Made in Australia and hand-painted by local Aboriginal artists, the designs are original, vibrant and eye-catching.

Visit maalinup.com.au

Basic Elements

Known for its incredible range of antique shops, you could spend all day in Guildford trawling through isles in search for treasure.

Begin with Basic Elements, where you’ll always find its signature wooden ducks scattered throughout the shop. Carved out of bamboo roots by a tribe in Central Java, they are full of quirky personality and make for a truly unique gift that lasts. Visit basicelements.com.au

George’s Furniture Restoration

Embark on a journey through time at George’s Furniture Restoration nestled in historic Guildford. Stepping into this

quaint establishment feels like stepping into a bygone era, where craftsmanship and attention to detail reign supreme. Among the treasures awaiting discovery lies a unique collection of uranium glass, a coveted item for collectors. Infused with low and safe levels of uranium, this glassware exhibits a mesmerising green glow under UV light, adding an enchanting allure to any collection.

Visit georgesfurn.com

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The Guildford Book Exchange Basic Elements Maalinup Aboriginal Gallery

Boutique spirits

Within the Swan Valley lies a treasure trove of distilleries, each beckoning with the promise of locally crafted spirits waiting to be sampled. Embark on a sensory adventure as you meander through this renowned region, where artisans pour their passion and expertise into every bottle.

Among the myriad of options, Sin Gin's playful and unique offerings stand out. Select the deadly sin that best describes the person you’re purchasing for or opt for a vibrant crowd pleaser, its delightful

Perth Pink gin.

Old Youngs' Pavlova Vodka also promises to be a truly distinctive gift, blending the sweetness of meringue with the vibrancy of summer fruits for a taste that's both sophisticated and unforgettable.

As you journey through Swan Valley's spirited landscape, indulge in tastings, savouring the flavours that reflect the essence of this vibrant locale. When you find that perfect bottle, take it home as a cherished memento of your exploration, a testament to the craftsmanship and

creativity found within the heart of the Swan Valley.

Visit swanvalley.com.au/eat-drink/ distilleries

Maison Saint Honore

Experience the essence of French indulgence at Maison Saint Honore, a patisserie where every bite is a journey through France. From breakfast to lunch, delight in exquisite pastries and macarons in a charming café setting. When considering something special to take home, don’t leave without the ultimate gift of decadence — a beautifully packaged box of macarons in a wooden scroll. Visit maisonsainthonore.com/swanvalley

The Swan Settlers Market

The Swan Valley Settlers Market is situated the heart of the Swan Valley. At this lively community hub, you’ll find range of friendly and passionate local artisans, producers and growers selling their carefully crafted or cultivated wares. Travel down memory lane as you take in the colourful rustic and vintage décor and gifts of Annie’s Collective Wonderland. Select a few pairs of colourful handmade statement earrings to give as a gift, and grab some of the scrumptious homemade delights on offer to take away with you. Visit swansettlersmarket.com.au

38 / SWAN VALLEY MAGAZINE / swanvalley.com.au
Boutique Spirits George's Furniture Restoration The Swan Settlers Market


Caversham Wildlife Park boasts the largest privately owned collection of native wildlife in Western Australia. This world-class attraction prides itself on offering unique interactive experiences with Australia’s most interesting animals while maintaining the laid-back Aussie touch.

Visitors receive personalised service by wildlife professionals dedicated to exceptional service, ensuring their visitors receive the best opportunities for animal interaction, information and photographs.

Open 7 days, 9am – 4:30pm daily

Located within Whiteman Park

Ph: (08) 9248 1984 www.cavershamwildlife.com.au

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Instagrammable MOST LOCATIONS

Capture memorable moments to some of the best backdrops in the Swan Valley at these picture-perfect destinations.

Bells Rapids

The Swan Valley is renowned for its stunning backdrops of rolling vineyards and endless natural beauty. It’s any photographer's dream, but you don’t have to be a professional to capture a shot worthy of sharing. Spend a day in the Valley and you’ll be showered with instagrammable opportunities. From intimate moments picnicking in dappled sunlight under grape vines to adventurous scenes of raging river waters and hiking rugged hillsides. Whatever your story, let us guide you to the most instagrammable locations to include in your next trip to the Swan Valley.

Bells Rapids

From full flowing rapids and lush waterfalls to shady trees and mellow streams dappled with rocks, wherever you look Bells Rapids overflows with insta-aesthetic. Visit early in summer when rich sunset colours reflect in perfectly calm waters. Post rains, the winter time brings iconic scenes of wild raging rapids. Capture the excitement and feel a rush as you walk across the bridge or beside the water’s edge. Hike the trails

for the romance of rolling hills and be left breathless with vista views across wild rockface.

Txoko Brewing

Sitting on the edge of the Darling Ranges, Txoko offers spectacular views of the surrounding hills and vineyard. Set the scene by enjoying a meal in the alfresco area or set up a picnic under the trees. Capture charming insta-perfect images of your children and pets playing freely around the grounds, or friends cheersing with joy. When the sun begins to go down,

a golden glow illuminates the sky, until dipping behind the Darling Ranges.


If you are looking for old world glamour then Sittella is where you will capture the mood perfectly. Stroll past the elegant front gates and wander down the lush grassy hill to the gazebo. Overlooking the dam, it offers tranquil views that will take your breath away. Lush grape vines and bushland make for the perfect backdrop to your insta-story of romance. For more decadence and elegance take in the

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Oakover Wines & Grounds Txoko Brewing

tranquil views from the restaurant balcony while you enjoy a sumptuous meal.

Oakover Wines and Grounds

The grounds at Oakover Wines are the perfect blend of charm and casual elegance. While here, enjoy an extravagant wine tasting or a freshly roasted coffee sampling by Fiori. Once you are finished indoors, spend the rest of your day with friends enjoying a picturesque picnic spread on the banks of the lake. Think of imaginative moments of play on the grass or ticking along on the paddle boats. Whichever activity you choose, Oakover offers wide open space and a captivating backdrop for moments worth remembering.

RiverBank Estate

Rolling vineyards and full wine glasses are always instagramable. Throw in long table lunches, old-world stone masonry and panoramic views, and you will find your

insta-wow moment. Laid-back luxury and romantic charm are what you will discover exploring RiverBank Estate, and you won’t be short on beautiful backdrops to choose from.

Maali Bridge Park

You will no doubt feel inspired to capture

breath-taking scenes on the shady banks of Maali Bridge Park. Set up your intimate picnic in this lesser-known Swan Valley location, taking advantage of its beautiful backdrop. Sit beneath the branches of spectacular trees while warm dappled sunlight creates a tapestry of light on the ground and the river gently flows beneath the bridge.

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RiverBank Estate Upper Reach Winery
Maali Bridge Park

Upper Reach Winery

Sunlight drips through the tree canopies as you sip your Chardonnay and gaze across the lush rolling vineyards at Upper Reach Winery. Whether you are sitting in the restaurant, or closer to nature in the alfresco area with a spread of beautiful food across your rustic wooden table, there are many picturesque angles here for your perfectly curated story. Perhaps take a stroll through the grounds beneath the splendid eucalyptus trees. Whatever your intention, you will capture the moment beautifully in this elegant landscape.

Nikola Estate

Nikola Estate transforms into a breathtaking spectacle during the jacaranda season in November, when its landscapes are painted with vivid shades of lilac and purple. The blooming jacarandas create a stunning natural canopy, with the sun's rays casting ethereal light through

their delicate blossoms, contrasting against the estate's lush greenery. Perfect for a midsummer's Insta shoot.

Lancaster Wines

Lancaster Wines comes alive in autumn, offering a stunning tableau that captures the essence of the season's beauty. As

the vineyard's leaves turn into a mosaic of warm gold, amber, and crimson, they create a striking contrast against the backdrop of the rustic winery and its rolling landscapes. This enchanting scenery, enhanced by the soft autumn glow, provides a perfect setting for wine enthusiasts and visitors to capture memories in the best possible light.

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Sittella Nikola Estate Lancaster Wines

Experience an intimate activity with your someone special — from the first date to a 50th wedding anniversary.


With its incredible landscapes and award-winning restaurants, the Swan Valley practically begs couples to pack a basket of local produce and enjoy a picnic date under sweeping native jarrah trees, or partake in a candlelit dinner and glass of world-class wine.

For special occasions, however, there’s plenty of unique experiences on offer to really impress your significant other. Whether you’re looking for a day of pampering and relaxation or want to explore the region’s wineries and distilleries in style, the Swan Valley is the perfect getaway for an unforgettable date day.

Swan Valley Retreat Day Spa

Surrounded by lush bushland, the Swan Retreat makes for a stunning and tranquil setting for a luxe in-house day spa experience. Amidst the incredible beauty and still quietude of the Swan Valley, Swan Valley Retreat beckons those seeking a special experience with their partner to indulge in a pampering here.

The spa offers several packages for couples, all designed to induce relaxation and a deepened sense of connection.

The Signature Spa Package for Two is a decadent stand-out. Enjoy 3.5 hours of intense relaxation, including an exfoliating body brush massage and organic facial. Following your treatments, you’re invited to enjoy the serenity of the surrounds from a private outdoor area over an antipasto platter and, if you choose, a bottle of bubbles.

Visit swanvalleyretreat.com

Brookleigh Day Spa

From the moment you descend down Brookleigh Estate’s impressive drive and towards the stunning French chateauinspired limestone homestead, it’s clear you’re in for a lavish experience. Nestled within the estate you’ll find Brookleigh Day Spa, which invites you to partake in its invigorating spa packages and wellness inspired health retreats.

Couples’ spa packages come inclusive of an overnight stay at the resort, giving you the opportunity to explore the exquisite grounds and take a refreshing dip in the pool.

There are several packages to select from, including the Romantic Escape package which will see you and your partner indulge in a romantic couples massage during your stay. Enjoy complimentary bubbles and chocolate and the estate’s signature grazing breakfast. If you want to step it up, the Anniversary Accommodation package offers you both a massage and full body scrub, as well as dinner for two and a bottle of sparkling wine for a well-deserved toast.

Visit brookleighbeautyandspa.com.au

44 / SWAN VALLEY MAGAZINE / swanvalley.com.au
Swan Valley Retreat
Brookleigh Day Spa

Perth Luxury Tours

Cruise the Swan Valley in style and comfort from the back seat of a luxury vehicle with a tour for two from Perth Luxury Tours. Be chauffeured through the region and admire the picturesque scenes of the Valley, experiencing the best local wine and produce along the way.

Keep it simple with a standard wine tour, stopping at some of the region’s most popular wineries for tastings or a decadent lunch, or work with the team to curate an itinerary to your taste. Explore wineries, restaurants, breweries, cheese and chocolate productions, and artisan markers, with the team happy to share insider knowledge of lesser-known local spots. Visit perthluxurytours.com/swan-valleywine-tours

Up Close and Local

Touring the Swan Valley doesn’t get much more personal than a bespoke day out, built exclusively around your tastes as a couple. With an Up Close and Local private tour, you’ll be transported around the beautiful landscapes of the region, taking in breathtaking scenery as you


Wine and dine your way through the Swan Valley on an intimate couples

traverse an itinerary of individualised stops, perfectly planned just for you.

Wine lovers can opt for tastings and vineyard tours, foodies might choose to sample local chocolate, cheese and nougat or relax with an indulgent lunch, while culture seekers might immerse themselves in the rich history of the region. With the expanse of the Swan Valley to explore, each tour is as unique as the couple that books. Visit upcloseandlocaltours.com.au

Sin Gin Distillery Tour

For the gin lover in your life, an afternoon sipping on some of the Swan Valley’s best distils is sure to be a winner. Visit Sin Gin’s Herne Hill operations to sample the

house-made range of gins, with a tasting experience including a guided walkthrough of ten of the distillery’s tipples.

The tasting includes Sing Gin’s seven ‘Deadly Sin’ gins, alongside the Original Sin and Perth Pink gins, and the aquavit. For a small additional fee, you can also upgrade your package to include a crisp gin and tonic on arrival.

For an even more personalised experience, book in to make your own gin and leave with bottle of bespoke gin that captures the essence of the day. You may even wish to exchange bottles with your loved one for the ultimate romantic gesture. Visit singindistillery.com.au/pages/ distillery-experiences

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tour. Sin Gin Distillery Tour Up Close and Local Perth Luxury Tours


Experience the beauty of Swan Valley’s natural scenes with these invigorating outdoor activities.

From streams and waterfalls found upon the edge of the Darling Scarp to the glorious Swan River flowing through the Swan Valley, the region is bursting with invigorating natural scenes to immerse yourself in. The best way to do so? By finding an activity that inspires you to get out and embrace the elements. Whether you’re tempted by immaculate greens, by moving your legs metronomically, or paddling upon glassy waters; it’s time to get active and out among nature.

Brimming with nature reserves and scenic bushland, hiking is one of the most obvious ways to get active in the Swan Valley and Whiteman Park is a standout spot to begin your walking journey, particularly with the family in tow. This unique conservation area covers nearly 4000 hectares of natural bushland and recreational attractions for all ages. The Werriliyup Trail (2.5km), Goo Lorto

Trail (3km), Wungunga Trail (4.3km) will each take you through scenic parts of the park. You’ll also discover an incredible interactive Children’s Forest to inspire the kids' inner forest guardian. With over

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Bells Rapids
GoGo Active Tours

30 picnic and shade shelters, both in the Village and Mussel Pool, pack a wholesome meal and stay for the day among the friendly kangaroos and wallabies. For something a little more special, check out the tram rides or hire a Pedal GoKart to explore the 14km of shared use pathways through the bushland. Whiteman Park is also home to the iconic Caversham Wildlife Park where you can get up close to native animals (entry fees apply).

Wandoo Heights is another natural space beckoning walkers to wander its unspoiled beauty. This bushland reserve is part of the Darling Escarpment and was left in its original state because it was unsuitable for farming. It is now a flora and fauna haven and, when you visit, it feels like you are stepping back into the past, featuring an old cottage and remnants from another era still standing. The Wandoo Heights Walking Trail (2–3.5km) traverses thick, luscious bushland, and in the spring the wildflowers at Wandoo Heights are some of the most spectacular you will find. Bull banksia, kangaroo paw, cat’s paws, everlastings and orchids are just some you can expect to spy.

Noble Falls, located just a few kilometres from Gidgegannup, offers tranquil and majestic picnic grounds on the banks of the Wooroloo Brook. The Noble Falls Walk Trail around the brook is a leisurely 3.5km in length and takes you to the bubbling falls. Eucalyptus and paperbark trees line the banks and through winter, the falls will be in full force. When the springtime arrives, you will discover blankets of wildflowers in bloom.

If you enjoy the thrill of water rapids, then make sure you pay a visit to Bells Rapids. Here you will find two walk trails along the edges of the Avon River. In winter the rapids run wild and give a thrilling display. During warmer months the waters are calmer and offer a tranquil place to connect with nature. The River Walk takes you 2.5km along the edges of the river while the Goat Walk is a 3km loop and involves steep inclines and loose gravel sections.

If walking is less your style and you move best to the melody of water, a kayak tour awaits in the Swan Valley.

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Rivergods Kayak Adventures
Experience extraordinary moments and be left breathless with the beauty of your surroundings ...

Rivergods Kayak Adventures and GoGo Active Tours both provide half day scenic kayaking tours up the stunning Swan River from Mandoon Estate. As you glide through the serene waters, take in the majesty of the surrounding landscape, spot beautiful wildlife in their natural habitat and learn about the history of the area.

There's also Off the Beaten Track Tours which offers a ‘Kayak, Wine & Dine Experience’, taking kayaking to the next level. Leaving from Woodbridge Riverside Park in Guildford, this half-day tour takes you on a gastronomic adventure paddling down the Swan River to Mandoon Estate. Work up an appetite on the water before enjoying a private wine tasting followed by

a feast of delicious woodfired pizzas in the Homestead Brewery.

Got your own kayak? Launch it yourself from Middle Swan Reserve or Fishmarket Reserve and gently glide along the Swan, exploring in your own time.

For those with a taste for the finer things, a day on the green at The Vines Resort is an unbeatable option. It's home to two equally challenging 18hole courses with unparalleled views. Surrounded by lush native bushland, expect to be teeing off to an audience of kangaroos and cockatoos. Designed by renowned golf architects, Graham Marsh and Ross Watson, expect championship courses that demand respect.

Alternatively, for something a little

more light-hearted, attempt Supa Golf, located at Swan Valley Hotel complex. It's a new take on golf that will bring joy to all. This modified form of golf uses oversized heads and giant golf balls. It is mini golf with a difference and guaranteed a lot of fun and laughter. There are two nine-hole courses with bunker and water traps to provide a little more of a challenge.

Whether you’re a solo adventure, prefer to tackle activity with friends or aspire to get the family out together, there’s an activity for you to dive into. Experience extraordinary moments and be left breathless with the beauty of your surroundings when embarking upon an active adventure in the Swan Valley.

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Whiteman Park Supa Golf The Vines Resort


Maalinup Gallery at the historic Mandoon Estate exhibits a rich tapestry of Aboriginal culture, with each artwork singing its own story. By DANIELLE COSTLEY

Overlooking the majestic Derbarl Yerrigan / Swan River from its heritage-listed abode, Maalinup Gallery is proudly showcasing the rich heritage and artistic prowess of Indigenous Western Australians.

Stepping through its doors, visitors are greeted by a kaleidoscope of colours — intricate dot paintings, stunning landscapes, and exquisite pieces crafted by Aboriginal artists from Western Australia. Works that reveal a profound connection to country. This cultural oasis is the vision of our very own ‘bushtucker queen’ and Wardandi Bibbulmun elder, Dale Tilbrook.

“Artists paint our country in so many guises, which is revealed through this ever-evolving art collection that inherently showcases their deep connection to the land,” says Dale.

Many Noongar artists, as well as artists from Juluwarlu in the north-western community of Roeburne, are currently exhibited at the gallery. There’s Dennis ‘Noongali’ Kickett, Yvonne Bell and Joanne Parfitt.

Joanne paints landscapes in the Carrolup style, drawing on her childhood experiences at Carrolup where she was encouraged to paint beautiful depictions of landscapes, expertly capturing the different aspects of light, shade, sunset,

sunrise and moonlight.

In contrast, Dennis paints about his life and family upbringing in York, while interlacing these works with his mother’s connection to the desert in his rich and vibrant landscapes.

Yvonne’s dot painting artworks burst with exquisite hues, illustrating the vivid colours of her life on various textures, exploring the themes of her upbringing by the turquoise waters in Bremer Bay to the colourful kaleidoscope of the Wheatbelt’s wildflowers.

As visitors wander through the gallery, they are invited to reflect and celebrate the diversity of Aboriginal culture. In each brushstroke of a painting lies a connection to the land or the flavours of the bush.

“Each piece tells a story,” Dale reveals. “Through this gallery, the stories of our people and our country can be celebrated and preserved for generations to come.”

This is just a small selection of the artistry available at Maalinup, as Dale will continue to exhibit other local artists, whether established or emerging. But Maalinup is more than just a gallery; it's a cultural hub, a place of learning and connection. Dale hosts regular art workshops, bushtucker tastings and storytelling sessions, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the rich tapestry of Aboriginal culture.

“Essentially, we are an Aboriginal

Cultural Centre. Our workshops are an immersive experience of Dreamtime stories and understanding the origins of Aboriginal art and the evolution of dot painting,” says Dale.

“All participants paint masterpieces to take home with them, whether it’s on a canvas or a rock. We provide iconography sheets to provide inspiration for their artworks, but they can paint what they like. It’s their creation after all.”

Dale couldn’t think of a more picturesque place to work from than in this heritage-listed building that dates back to 1895, perched on the banks of the Swan River, or Derbarl Yerrigan in Noongar language.

“It seems fortuitous that the opportunity arose for me to open Maalinup Gallery at this historic site, as my very first art gallery was also in a building from the same era,” she fondly recalls. “I had a small boomerang business in the school master’s house at the West Swan Primary School.”

The cultural centre is a reflection of, not just our fascination with the sensory aspects of Aboriginal cuisine, but also the vibrant hues of our country and its unique cultural stories. Stories that Dale will continue to reveal with one piece of artwork at a time.

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Gather the kids and hit the road for a refreshing family mini-break in vineyard country, still within city limits.

So, you want to take the family away for a few days but don’t fancy a long drive? You need somewhere with plenty of things to do, places to eat, and accommodation that won’t break the bank? If you're travelling from Perth and surrounds, the Swan Valley ticks all of the boxes for a staycation and is easy to get to

whether you’re coming from the city, the suburbs, or even further afield. We’ve put together a three-day, two-night itinerary to get the most out of your Swan Valley stay and captivate the whole family. Times and days of activities can be mixed and matched to suit where you’re staying but we’ve loosely grouped some favourites along West Swan Road and Great Northern Highway, to keep things simple.


You’ve packed your bags and have your sights set on your Swan Valley escape. Coming from Perth and surrounds, you’re close enough to fit in a few activities before check-in, starting your family getaway along West Swan Road.

Margaret River Chocolate Company is a favourite with families and visitors, open daily from 9am, except Christmas. The café has a big, covered verandah, making

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Swan Valley Sisters
Swan Valley Station

it a great spot to stop for breakfast, a light lunch, cake or chocolate fondue, no matter the weather. Enjoy free samples, see production through the viewing window, and stock up on some treats such a giant freckles and quokkas.

Let the kids work off some energy at Swan Valley Station — a unique nursery, gift shop and café. There’s a big undercover playground with slide, swings, and cubbies to hide in. Meet farm animals including goats, donkeys, and chickens, or walk around the marron lake and sculpture trail. BYO fishing gear if you want to try your luck catching silver perch (for a fee).

For an interactive lunch experience, make your way to Pasta in the Valley Parents can park themselves under the shady alfresco while kids play nearby in the covered playground. Pasta in the Valley has pizza, pasta and more for dine-in, take away and even drive through. Let the kids work for their food at a Mini Chef class,

available Tuesday to Sunday from 9–11am and 2–4pm. In a 15-minute session, they’ll roll 300g of pasta to take away.

After lunch, it’s time to check in to your accommodation. A couple of options popular with families to consider:

The Vines Resort is the Swan Valley’s only full-service resort, making it the place to stay if your family enjoys having access to a pool, onsite day spa, golf, mini golf, and restaurants. To start the day with a full stomach before venturing out, have

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Margaret River Chocolate Company The Vines Resort Pasta in the Valley
The Swan Valley ticks all of the boxes for a staycation and is easy to get to whether you’re coming from the city, the suburbs, or even further afield

breakfast at Muscats. Resort Rooms have two queen beds suitable for a family of four, and apartments are also available to book.

A rustic treasure, Settlers Rest Farmstay allows guests to embrace history and nature. The fully restored turn-ofthe-century farmhouse is one of the few of this unique style remaining in the Valley. It can sleep up to eight in three bedrooms and is a favourite with young families because of the friendly animals onsite, including horses, sheep, alpacas, chickens, goats and cows.

Located among vines and citrus trees behind their popular produce café of the same name, Swan Valley Sisters’ chalets offers four modern, self-contained units including one that is wheelchair accessible. Take in the country air as you wander up to the café each morning for coffee and baked treats. Seasonal fruit picking is

available to guests.

The award-winning SubZero Gelato serves scoops of small batch, fresh fruit gelato and sorbet, with seasonal specials served around summer and special events. For an added thrill, kids can slide out of the play ice cream truck into the sandpit. When dining out on a weekday, you’re likely to find more breweries open at night than wineries. If staying in the West Swan Road area, two reliable favourites are conveniently located across the road from each other.

The Henley Brook, aka The Hen, is a restaurant known as “Swan Valley’s Local Roost”. With share plates, burgers, pizzas, classic pub grub, regular kids’ activities, and an expansive nature playground, you can’t go wrong.

Designed with families in mind, Bailey Brewing Co has a classic Aussie backyard

feel with arguably the best playground in the Valley, built around multiple repurposed vintage vehicles. Expect simple fare such as wings, burgers, and pizzas, accompanied by Bailey’s awardwinning range of beers. It’s also open for breakfast on weekends.

At the other end of West Swan Road, Homestead Brewery at Mandoon Estate is a stand-out Swan Valley venues, open breakfast, lunch and dinner, seven days a week. It promises “food is like our brews — full of big, bold, balanced flavours”.


Rise and shine! Get ready to embrace another day in the Valley.

If you’re staying in summer, grape picking is a must-do activity and generally available from December to February, depending on the vineyard and the weather.

Popular spots include Padbury Pickings and Grapes on Swan. Seedless grapes are the most popular to pick; BYO scissors. The picking season usually lasts a little longer at Swan Street Vineyard — The Old Shed, which also offers old world seeded varieties as well as figs, eggs, and condiments for purchase.

Drop your bounty back to your accommodation or make sure it’s packed in a cold esky for the day.

For animal lovers, it’s worth allowing a whole morning or afternoon to explore Caversham Wildlife Park, privately

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Cuddly Animal Farm
Oakover Grounds

owned and operated by the Thorne family since 1988. The expansive attraction in Whiteman Park is home to more than 200 species, making it the largest private wildlife collection in WA. Daily activities include the farm show, meet the wombat and friends, and kangaroo and penguin feeding. Limited koala holding is available for an additional fee; booking in advance is advised.

Visitors can get up close and personal with alpacas, rabbits, chickens, miniature horses, goats, pigs, ponies and more at Swan Valley Cuddly Animal Farm There are daily bucket and bottle-feeding sessions as well as tractor and train rides, bouncy castles, and a merry-go-round. There is a café as well as barbecue and picnic facilities for plenty of lighter lunch options. Alternatively, depending how long you’ve spent with the animals, you might be looking for a dine-in lunch spot, dinner spot, or both.

For something a little fancy but still family friendly, Sandalford Wines is open daily for lunch, and for dinner Friday and Saturday nights. There’s a cute playground based around a wine barrel for the kids, with indoor and alfresco dining options.

Meanwhile, Oakover Grounds is a classic option for families, with its casual atmosphere, interactive aqua bikes to take upon its glimmering lake, swings, and nature hunt activity sheets. It offers breakfast and lunch from Wednesday to Sunday, with dinner on Friday and Saturdays.


Is it over already? Check out and then head out for a final breakfast to remember. Joey’s Swan Valley Diner, Oakover Grounds and Taylors in the Valley are your best bets for breakfast if staying around or exploring Great Northern Highway. If you’re heading home via West Swan Road, we suggest a detour via Caversham to Maison Saint Honore for pastries, crêpes, macarons in more colours than the rainbow, and plenty of space to play.

Take the long way home to pack in some more Swan Valley flavours and experiences.

Start the morning at The House of Honey with honey scones or gelato on the deck, honey sampling inside, and the chance to see a working demonstration hive. The House of Honey regularly holds classes from beekeeping to candle making.

WA’s oldest chocolatier, Whistler’s Chocolate Company, is a sweet spot

to say goodbye. There’s an enclosed playground, café, chocolate sampling, and all sorts of goodies like rocky road, fudge, and chocolate pretzels for the trip home.

If you have energy to burn on your last day, you could instead plan a full day at Perth’s Outback Splash. Octopus Bay is the place to play for toddlers, open September school holidays through April. In summer, set up camp around the sprays and water cannons of Splash Island, while thrill seekers can hit the slides.

Fancy something more exotic without needing a passport? At Outback Splash, the new Lagoon area offers a lavish oasis with a resort-style pool, palm trees, sun desks, and private cabanas for hire. Plus, year-round, multiple mazes and mini golf await for an afternoon of family fun. *Opening hours vary. Always check individual business websites or social media for opening times, or visit swanvalley.com.au

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Perth's Outback Splash House of Honey Maison St Honore


on the

With a glass of fine wine in hand and the gentle currents of the Swan River beneath your feet, discover the Swan Valley's enchanting allure aboard a luxurious wine cruise with Captain Cook Cruises.

As the early Perth sun casts its golden rays overhead, the Swan River sparkles invitingly, and the city's famed mild climate seems to whisper an invitation just for you: embark on a serene journey down the river, destined for a day steeped in the art of wine tasting. The Swan Valley is dotted with delightful

wineries and inviting cellar doors, but to traverse these waters by boat is to see them through new eyes. Captain Cook Cruises has meticulously crafted experiences that weave together the finest elements of the Swan Valley — the taste of sumptuous wines, the pleasure of gourmet fare, and the pleasure of cruising the glimmering river.

Begin your adventure at the Barrack Street Jetty, where the Captain Cook crew welcomes you aboard with warmth and efficiency. Settling in with morning refreshments — a steaming cup of tea, coffee, or perhaps a freshly baked muffin — you'll soon find the wine begins to flow and the journey truly starts.

As the vessel glides along, expect to indulge in an exquisite selection of Western Australia's wines, a prelude to the renowned offerings of the Swan Valley you're set to explore. With each bend of

the river, while gums stand sentinel on the banks and families enjoy the sandy shores, taste the essence of the region — a crisp Sauvignon Blanc from Margaret River’s Altus Rise, a honeyed late harvest Verdelho from Manjimup’s PEOS Estate, a bold Cabernet Merlot from Alkoomi, and a peppery Shiraz from Byron & Harold Estate.

Paired with a platter of the finest local cheeses and charcuterie, this is just the beginning.

After your palate is acquainted with these fine wines, be invited to bask in the river's beauty from the open-air deck, embracing the sun's warmth as you make your way deeper into the heart of the Swan Valley. Your destination? The venerable Sandalford Wines, one of the state’s oldest wine producers. Here, transition from the embrace of the river to the halls of history, stepping through Sandalford’s storied cellar

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The day's experience concludes as you gently cruise back towards the city, the boat now filled with the soft hum of contented guests

door into a world where wine and time intertwine.

In the seclusion of the Sandalera Room, surrounded by the noble watch of French oak barrels, Sandalford’s experts guide guests through a tasting of their most celebrated wines. Each sip comes with a story, each glass a discovery, and with a lavish grazing table to complement the tasting, your senses will rejoice in the symphony of flavours.

Once the indulgence of lunch has settled, head back to the sunshine, where the vineyard unfolds before you in rows of verdant glory. The air is alive with the joy of the valley as you sample Sandalford’s post-lunch libations, each wine expressive of the Valley.

To finish a glorious day of tasting the Valley, gently cruise back towards the city, the boat filling with the soft hum of contented guests. Delight in a final

array of sweets served by The Captain Cook team, while the melody of live entertainment fills the air, inviting you to join in the revelry.

As the journey ends, step off the boat, back at the city centre jetty, where the evening holds more to experience, if you wish to continue into the night. The bars and restaurants of Perth await, offering you the perfect nightcap to an inspiring day in the Swan Valley.


For those seeking a second tour another time, the team at Captain Cook also offer the Taste of the Valley tour. After cruising into the Valley, you’ll disembark and join a coach tour, enjoying a lunch at Homestead Brewery accompanied by beer, wine or cider, partake in a wine tasting over a cheese board at Lancaster Winery, all capped off with a quick stop at the local outpost of the Margaret River Chocolate Company to pick up a few decadent sweet treats. Following your jaunt around the picturesque Swan Valley, you’ll be returned to the boat in time to enjoy the afternoon cruise back to the city.

Both cruises start at $235 per person, with a small additional cost to upgrade to the premium beverage package. For full details and to book, visit captaincookcruises.com.au

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Be inspired by the breathtaking scenes of Swan Valley weddings, as each season unfolds.

In the Swan Valley, each season holds the promise of offering its own spectacular display of colour, atmosphere and beauty. Fresh blooms burst forth in the crispness of spring, dazzling stars can be admired across warm summer nights, golden foliage and still air graces us in autumn, while vibrant, green scenes surround on cosy winter days. With so many spectacular moments to marry in the Swan Valley, these select venues offer a taste of how bride and grooms to-be could curate their own special day, as guided by the four seasons.

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Surrounded by sweeping views of picturesque vineyards and with barrel-lined rooms to hosts intimate feasts, Sandalford Wines is an iconic Swan Valley wedding destination. Upon early spring, the enveloping trees begin to bloom, the grass is lush post-

winter rains and, later in the season, budburst commences in the vineyards. For their Sandalford wedding, bride and groom Leah and Mitch selected the Merlot Lawn outside for their ceremony space and canapés, making the most of the soft spring light. As the sun set and the temperature dropped, they took to the Estate Room, indoors, for their roundtable banquet reception; an intimate space to dance into the evening.

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Set amongst towering gum trees that filter dappled light throughout the simple ceremony space, new Swan Valley wedding venue Lily Farm House is a breathtaking summer spot to say ‘I do’.

Inside, its stunning blend of natural rammed earth walls, high ceilings, and sophisticated glass and timber features make for an enchanting space to indulge in a long-table banquet. While the charming courtyard dressed with festoon lights calls for continued celebration under the stars.

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Winner of the 2023 Gold Plate Awards for weddings, The Vines is a truly lavish and picturesque place to tie the knot in the Swan Valley.

In autumn, sunshine graces guests with a gentler heat and the air is often still. The changing colours of the surrounding vines and the sky’s golden glow at dusk make for a captivating backdrop for capturing memories. Meanwhile, kangaroos grace the resort grounds, delighting guests.

Bride and groom Monique and James selected the Garden Pavilion as their ceremony space, followed by the Barrett Lennard room for their reception

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The Vines Resort Photography MITCH & TIJANA


RiverBank Estate

With Mediterranean-style, old stone walls framing the entrance, and views of vineyards for miles from the back, RiverBank Estate will take any bride and groom’s breath away.

In winter, the scenic surrounds are vibrant and green, while a crispness permeates the air. Making the most of this verdant expanse while protecting from the elements, a transparent marquee can be erected over the lush lawn space and studded with twinkling fairy lights for an enchanting atmosphere. The live outdoor fire cooking station, alongside old vine premium reds is enough to warm the soul, until making your way into the warm and welcoming restaurant space to continue on into the night.

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Swan Valley Wedding Expos

7 July 2024 & 23 January 2025

The Swan Valley has a venue to cater for any size, style or taste for your ceremony or reception. Intimate wineries, warm inviting restaurants and stunning function centres dish up delectable food accompanied by award-winning local wine and beer. Discover the venue that’s right for you at the Swan Valley Wedding Open Day in July or the Swan Valley Twilight Wedding Expo in January.

100 Barrett St, Herne Hill WA 6056 | 08 9296 2600 weddings@sittella.com.au | www.sittella.com.au

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The Vines Resort Sittella Winery and Restaurant is located on a picturesque landscape nestled in the heart of the Swan Valley wine-growing region, with the Darling Range escarpment as a backdrop. The Mediterranean styled earth rendered buildings capture the essence of modern Italy, with sweeping views over our vineyards, and provide the ultimate location from which to host your wedding and make it a truly memorable experience.


Views of rolling vineyards, farms home to friendly animals, or luxurious spa resorts are all on the cards when choosing where to stay in the Swan Valley. By

When dreaming of your ideal getaway, sometimes all you want is an easy escape, requiring minimal effort where you can simply relax and recharge in a soothing environment. Just 30 minutes from Perth, the Swan Valley beckons visitors to bask in its blissful serenity, with convenient accommodation options that are easy and indulgent.

Select your ideal Swan Valley retreat from among some of our favourite

sanctuaries, with everything from hibernation-ready cottages to peaceful winery stays, decorated with vineyards visible from the doorstep.

Maya Maya at Mandoon Estate

Acknowledging the Traditional Owners of the land and reflecting its commitment and connection to Country, Mandoon Estate has changed the name of its picturesque on-site accommodation to ‘Maya Maya’ — meaning 'camp' in

the language of the local Whadjuk Noongar people. To commemorate the rename, local artist Samaja Miller, a young Aboriginal woman from the Minang and Kaneang communities, was commissioned to create its new hotel logo, representing ‘the camp, the soil, and the Swan River’.

Maya Maya at Mandoon Estate is nestled perfectly between the Swan River and estate vines for an idyllic Swan Valley stay. The boutique development

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Swan Valley Retreat Maya Maya at Mandoon Estate
Maya Maya at Mandoon Estate

offers 32 studio-style rooms, with light, contemporary fitouts that flow out into private patios or balconies. Some rooms have views over the 127-year-old Verdelho vines, while others look out over manicured lawns stretching down to the river. This peaceful escape is situated within a natural bush setting, yet remains only 200 metres from Mandoon’s cellar door, Homestead Brewery, fine dining restaurant Wild Swan, and Maalinup Aboriginal Gallery.

Swan Valley Retreat

The Swan Valley Retreat is a serene day spa, offering three exclusive rooms for the ultimate escapism. Their most luxurious option, the ‘Wine Barrel’, is a cylindrical building of warm timber panelling, with a private sauna and a hot tub on the deck.

The ‘Cabernet’ and ‘Merlot’ rooms also include a private spa bath outside; however, they share a spacious separate sauna. All of the accommodation decking overlooks peaceful farmland, where sheep and alpacas

roam near an picturesque dam.

A retreat should be a reprieve for the mind, body, and soul. Staying at the Swan Valley Retreat relaxes your body with various spa treatments, calms your mind with quiet seclusion from the world, and soothes your soul by giving you permission to engage in truly restful activities. In winter, spa manager Rosie Hill says guests can take a glass of wine and sit on the verandah or in the hot tub, just watching the rain hit the dam. “It’s quite mesmerising,” she says.

Upper Reach Spa Cottage

According to co-owner Laura Pearse, Upper Reach Winery is one of the few places in Western Australia where you can stay in the original worker’s cottage in the middle of a working vineyard. The early1900s cottage, situated amongst the vines, is where Laura and her husband Derek lived when they bought the winery in 1996, just two young wine-lovers with a vision. Today, the successful winery also has a cellar door and a high-end restaurant.

Upper Reach Cottage is the only house on the property, so after 5pm guests have the place to themselves. “You can sit on the deck and see the sun setting over the vineyard and the high bank of the Swan River, it’s stunning,” says Laura.

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The Vines Resort Upper Reach Spa Cottage

The self-contained cottage is a cosy hideaway with a log-burning pot belly stove and timber floorboards throughout, a place where you can watch the movements of the winery around you. However, for a more active day, wine tastings are just 150 metres away. Winery tours can be arranged and three other wineries are also within walking distance.

The Vines Resort

Everyone has their ideal vision when hearing the word ‘retreat’. While some may picture a cabin in the forest, others won't settle for anything less than a resort complex that takes them away from reality — a place with endless experiences to satisfy their active appetite. The Vines Resort is sprawled over 270 acres,

featuring an extensive golf course, luxury spa, fully stocked gym, squash and tennis courts, swimming pool, and several cafés and restaurants.

It’s an incredibly dreamlike location where kangaroos and ducks, and the odd emu opt to spend their time. The accommodation has 103 rooms in a two-storey complex surrounding a central vineyard. Each room has a courtyard or balcony, with groundfloor rooms ‘almost guaranteed’ to feature a kangaroo on their doorstep in the morning. Restful spaces are incorporated into the resort, like the ‘koi moat’, which runs along the front and can be crossed via small bridges, and the outdoor bar that sparkles with fairy lights in the evening.

Willow Cottage

At Willow Cottage, guests can escape to a tranquil hideaway that still has the attractions of the Swan Valley just down the road. The private two-bedroom cottage is designed for hibernation, with a fully equipped kitchen, cute home office, and plenty of cosy spots for curling up. As co-owner Amanda Johnson says, “I’ve had people stay for three days and not actually leave the cottage, they just sit outside and read.”

The charming interior is inspired by Johnson’s English background, she explains. “We’ve tried to give it a real cottage feel. It’s very English to have wallpaper — gives it that more old-fashioned look.”

The outdoor spaces are also carefully curated, with a spacious backyard bordered by lush ivy-covered fences, featuring a timber deck and a pergola strung with festoon lighting. Guests can follow the vibe of the day, with several outdoor seating choices, including a wine barrel table, a comfy couch area, and a stone table beneath a quirky chandelier. There’s also a barbeque, plus pull-down blinds and a basket of blankets for all-weather use.

Settlers Rest Farmstay

Farmstays are some of the most fulfilling accommodation finds — places where you can take the whole family, yet still fully decompress from daily life. Settlers Rest Farmstay accommodates up to six guests in a classic weatherboard farmhouse from the early 1900s. It is located in a little pocket of the Swan Valley, just off West Swan Road.

The beautifully restored farmhouse is rustic and homely and the owners intentionally don’t offer WiFi, encouraging guests to ‘disconnect and reconnect’.

Settlers Rest Farmstay is a place to slow down and experience traditional farm life, with guests exploring the property at their own pace. As co-owner Corinne Reside says, “You can do as much or as little as you want.”

Begin the day by collecting fresh eggs for breakfast, and in the warmer months follow this up with swimming in the river or fishing from the licensed private jetty. As a ‘farmstay’, the property wouldn’t be complete without animals for the children to interact with, so there are also sheep, two goats, a friendly cow, and sleek show horses housed in nearby stables.

64 / SWAN VALLEY MAGAZINE / swanvalley.com.au OUT // ABOUT
BLISS From quiet farmstays to luxury resorts, the Swan Valley beckons visitors to stay, relax and retreat. Settlers Rest Farmstay Willow Cottage

Staying over in the beautiful Swan Valley? Check out Maya Maya at Mandoon Estate – boutique luxe accommodation just a short stroll through the historic vines to all that the estate has to offer.

Not just weddings and events here at Mandoon, ideal for 1 or 2 night stays, welcoming couples as well as families and friends with interconnecting one and two-bed rooms available on request. Breakfast in a brewery – you just know it’s going to be a great day!

10 Harris Road, Caversham WA 6055 (08) 6279 0555 | reception@mayamaya.com.au mandoonestate.com.au/maya-maya


West Swan Road, Henley Brook | Ph: 9296 6090 info@blackswanwines.com.au |

ABN:97081673743 Save10%onany FullorHalfdaytour operatedbyus. (Directbookingsonly)

Usecode: APTValley23 whenbookingonline oroverthephone.


• Authentic artisan crafted wood-fired sourdough and Swiss breads

• Fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits

• Homemade jams and preserves

• Mueslies and dehydrated fruits

• Juices, free range eggs and a variety of local produce and homemade goodies.

Set in the heart of the Swan Valley, this recently refurbished cottage offers that ‘country feeling’ within minutes of all the local amenities.

• Open 8am to 4pm each weekend. 104 Victoria Road, Dayton Mob: 0448 972 477 www.kellersfarm.com.au 112 Millhouse Road, Belhus WA 6069 0438 876 027 willowcottage112.com.au

ISSUE 4 / 65
Luxurious hotel rooms
Self contained apartments Cafes & Restaurant | 18 hole golf course | Mini golf Day spa
Hair salon
| Swimming pool + much more
& conference facilitie available
Unbeatable views and ambience • 7 days for lunch and bar beverages. Dinner – Fri & Sat Scrumptious Mediterranean and modern Australian food On tap & boutique beers, wide choice of wines, spirits and cocktails The perfect venue for functions and special occasion events. • Great for families. Dog friendly. Live music weekends (variable).
Email:info@aussieperthtours.com.au Address:64/269HayStreet,EastPerth,6004


Conveniently located 20km from Perth and Perth Hills, BIG4 Perth Midland Tourist Park is perched on the edge of the beautiful Swan Valley. Close to Chapel Farm & Sandleford Wineries, and the famous Red Hill Auditorium. Our park is a popular choice for wedding guests, concert goers and holidaymakers exploring the region. Boasting a range of accommodation options to suit all budgets, camp and caravan sites. Clean modern amenities with a recreation room loaded with free activities for the kids. We’ve got everything you need for a comfortable and enjoyable stay. Contact our friendly staff today to secure your booking!

Pet Friendly Sites I Pool/Spa I Kid Friendly Recreation Room I Peddle Karts for Hire

Phone: 1800 673 457

6 Toodyay Road, Middle Swan www.midlandtouristpark.com.au


The Taphouse The Taphouse


Nestled on the banks of the Swan River, in the heart of the Swan Valley! Delicious Aussie pub grub, local WA beer on tap, premium WA wines, 18-hole mini golf plus kids playground and lots of wide open space.

Hamersley Road, Caversham Open Thursday to Sunday 11am to 5pm taphousemulberryestate.com.au

34 Hamersley Road, Caversham Open Thursday to Sunday 11am to 5pm taphousemulberryestate com au

perfect venue for a celebration, whether it be big or small, or even just for a relaxing day out in the

/ swanvalley.com.au
Ph: 0419 741
E: bookings@pastainthevalley.com.au www.pastainthevalley.com.au Online ordering available via our website Ph:
741 936 E: bookings@pastainthevalley.com.au www.pastainthevalley.com.au Online ordering available via our website
Swan Valley EST. 1937 Established in 1937, Twin Hill Wines is a family winery, full of old style charm and character Enjoy our range of red and white table wine, luscious fortified wines, including our popular bulk Tawny, gourmet cheeses and olives, in a friendly relaxed atmosphere. Open: Wednesday - Sunday 10am - 4pm 1093 Great Northern Hwy, Baskerville T: 0438 956 329 • www twinhillwines.com.au
W f

The Swan Valley Visitor Centre

ISSUE 4 / 67 is your one-stop shop for ever ything you need to know about the Swan Valley and Guildford Open
E: visitorcentre@swan.wa.gov.au
/theswanvalley @theswanvalley
Give the gift of the Swan Valley with a digital gift card! GIFT CARD
7 Days from 9am-4pm T: (+61 8) 9207
W: swanvalley.com.au You’ll find the Swan Valley Visitor Centre in the Guildford Courthouse (c. 1866) at the corner of Meadow and Swan Streets, Guildford. Be sure to leave our sta a review via Google, Facebook or TripAdvisor. • Visitor information • Maps and brochures • Souvenirs
• Digital gift cards • Personalised ser vice and advice
68 / SWAN VALLEY MAGAZINE / swanvalley.com.au Visit whitemanpark.com.au or call 08 9209 6000 to plan your next visit @whitemanpark Discover the treasures in our museums Explore the Park Join a tour Meet the wildlife Whiteman Park So much more than just a park.

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