The Encyclopedia Of Swedish Punk 1977-1987

Page 1




About the author Peter Jandreus was born in Malmö, Sweden, in 1974. Growing up in a silent home with no music and in a family not owning one single record, he later devoted his life to explore every possible way of getting drowned in vinyls and CDs... In short, he grew into an extreme music fan and into an archivist with THAT eye for small details. A complete geek one would say... This is his first book.


INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................................................... 9

TERMS USED IN THIS BOOK.............................................................................................................................................. 11

DISCOGRAPHY DESCRIPTION......................................................................................................................................... 13

THE SWEDISH PUNK PIONEERS...................................................................................................................................... 14

A -

– avskum.................................................................................................................................................................. 17


B -

bad boo band

– bösös..................................................................................................................................................... 41

About the photos

C -

charlys slavar

– crude ss................................................................................................................................................ 59

Copyright is reserved for each respective photographer. In those cases where we have received photos directly from a photographer or managed to identify the photographer in other ways he is being credited on or next to the photo. Remaining photos without credit are all used courtesy of the respective bands. If any photographer lacks credit - please contact the publisher for correction in future editions.

D - d.n.a – dt & the stoodes............................................................................................................................................... 69

E -

premium publishing Sankt Göransgatan 159 Box 30184 se-104 25 Stockholm, Sweden phone: +46 8 545 689 20 e-mail: graphic design: Janne

Stark image repro: Mats Sellin photo research: Peter Jandreus & Janne Stark editing: Ulf Henningsson & Janne Stark production ass.: Liska Cersowsky & Roger Holegård project manager: Wille Wendt printed by: Bulls

Graphics, Sweden & Otto Silk 115 g isbn: 978-91-972712-3-3 paper: Tom

first edition: ©

internal ab

2008 premium publishing - a div. of

Front sleeve artwork used by kind permission of Vicious Visions. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any other form or by any mean, electronic, digital, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder.

ebba grön

F - G -


H -

hs art

I -



– existenz......................................................................................................................................................79

– four mandarins...................................................................................................................................................... 91 - - göteborgs sound.................................................................................................................................................. 95 – huvudtvätt......................................................................................................................................................101

55 – intimate............................................................................................................................................................107 – jonström. .....................................................................................................................................................111

J -

the join

K -


L -

lars langs

– köttgrottorna...................................................................................................................................................113 – livin’ sacrifice. ...........................................................................................................................................133

– moderat likvidation..........................................................................................................................................139

M -


N -


O -


– nyx negativ...................................................................................................................................................149

– otakt....................................................................................................................................................................153

P - p.f. commando – pöbel möbel........................................................................................................................................155

Q -

R -

quiet men

– quizz kids..................................................................................................................................................173

raped teenagers

– rövsvett...........................................................................................................................................175

S - s.o.d – sötlimpa.............................................................................................................................................................197

T -


U -

ugly zquaws fanor

–tuppjuck.................................................................................................................................................................227 – usch............................................................................................................................................241

V -


– von gam...........................................................................................................................................................247

W -



Z -

zeb and the fast ones

åskådarna. .....................................................................................................................................................................258

– zäpo.......................................................................................................................................255

Å -

COMPILATION ALBUMS....................................................................................................................................................259

PERIPHERAL BANDS...........................................................................................................................................................289

MUSICIANS INDEX..............................................................................................................................................................300

About the author Peter Jandreus was born in Malmö, Sweden, in 1974. Growing up in a silent home with no music and in a family not owning one single record, he later devoted his life to explore every possible way of getting drowned in vinyls and CDs... In short, he grew into an extreme music fan and into an archivist with THAT eye for small details. A complete geek one would say... This is his first book.


INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................................................... 9

TERMS USED IN THIS BOOK.............................................................................................................................................. 11

DISCOGRAPHY DESCRIPTION......................................................................................................................................... 13

THE SWEDISH PUNK PIONEERS...................................................................................................................................... 14

A -

– avskum.................................................................................................................................................................. 17


B -

bad boo band

– bösös..................................................................................................................................................... 41

About the photos

C -

charlys slavar

– crude ss................................................................................................................................................ 59

Copyright is reserved for each respective photographer. In those cases where we have received photos directly from a photographer or managed to identify the photographer in other ways he is being credited on or next to the photo. Remaining photos without credit are all used courtesy of the respective bands. If any photographer lacks credit - please contact the publisher for correction in future editions.

D - d.n.a – dt & the stoodes............................................................................................................................................... 69

E -

premium publishing Sankt Göransgatan 159 Box 30184 se-104 25 Stockholm, Sweden phone: +46 8 545 689 20 e-mail: graphic design: Janne

Stark image repro: Mats Sellin photo research: Peter Jandreus & Janne Stark editing: Ulf Henningsson & Janne Stark production ass.: Liska Cersowsky & Roger Holegård project manager: Wille Wendt printed by: Bulls

Graphics, Sweden & Otto Silk 115 g isbn: 978-91-972712-3-3 paper: Tom

first edition: ©

internal ab

2008 premium publishing - a div. of

Front sleeve artwork used by kind permission of Vicious Visions. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any other form or by any mean, electronic, digital, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder.

ebba grön

F - G -


H -

hs art

I -



– existenz......................................................................................................................................................79

– four mandarins...................................................................................................................................................... 91 - - göteborgs sound.................................................................................................................................................. 95 – huvudtvätt......................................................................................................................................................101

55 – intimate............................................................................................................................................................107 – jonström. .....................................................................................................................................................111

J -

the join

K -


L -

lars langs

– köttgrottorna...................................................................................................................................................113 – livin’ sacrifice. ...........................................................................................................................................133

– moderat likvidation..........................................................................................................................................139

M -


N -


O -


– nyx negativ...................................................................................................................................................149

– otakt....................................................................................................................................................................153

P - p.f. commando – pöbel möbel........................................................................................................................................155

Q -

R -

quiet men

– quizz kids..................................................................................................................................................173

raped teenagers

– rövsvett...........................................................................................................................................175

S - s.o.d – sötlimpa.............................................................................................................................................................197

T -


U -

ugly zquaws fanor

–tuppjuck.................................................................................................................................................................227 – usch............................................................................................................................................241

V -


– von gam...........................................................................................................................................................247

W -



Z -

zeb and the fast ones

åskådarna. .....................................................................................................................................................................258

– zäpo.......................................................................................................................................255

Å -

COMPILATION ALBUMS....................................................................................................................................................259

PERIPHERAL BANDS...........................................................................................................................................................289

MUSICIANS INDEX..............................................................................................................................................................300

INTRODUCTION A seed is sown Sometime during the fall of 1986, I happened to find myself in my favourite record store Record Heaven that was located in Malmö. The guy behind the counter was playing the new Rövsvett EP to a costumer. Utterly bemused by what he heard he laughed as he read the song titles out loudly while skipping away between the songs. I bought the record. Prior to this, the only punk I had heard was, by comparison, considerably more easy-listening, with the likes of Ebba Grön and Sex Pistols. So, returning home with the Rövsvett record it was quite obvious I didn’t really understand this chaotic type of music at first. But gradually, the record with its ingenious lyrics grew to become one of the greatest hardcore records of all time for me. Right there a seed was sown. Many years later, that purchase got me started on this crazy crusade of digging up every punk record ever released in this elliptical country. Almost ten years later I read in the 90s rock magazine Backstage that an encyclopaedia of Swedish hard rock was in the making. A certain Janne Stark was the author. I really don’t remember how it all happened but all of a sudden I was in contact with Janne’s publisher Wille Wendt, who invited me to come up to Stockholm. I spent a couple of days at his office trying to act a little less disorderly punk than I probably was at the time. Wille believed in me despite the fact that I had very little material finished at the time. We signed the contract and all of a sudden I was involved in one of the stupidest projects I’ve ever got myself into.....

Disaster struck A project as complex as this one, with all the different elements that need to fall into place, wasn’t the easiest task to fulfil around 1996-1997. You have to keep in mind, that this was somewhat before the internet had become our favourite source of communication and library of information. It was also a time before one could conveniently burn CD-Rs at home. A sacred tool indeed. Now, I’ve never been much of a hotshot when it comes to computers and after some time my computer even broke down. This was just about as bad as it could ever get. All my biographies and the scanned material were lost. Imagine my frustration. So, what did I do? I gave up. Today, however, it is safe to say that it was the best thing that could ever happen. Why? Well, because, even though I thought otherwise at the time, I totally lacked knowledge of quite a few of the bands from the early days. To illustrate this, it is worth mentioning when I first got into contact with a great information exchange buddy – Peter Kagerland. He really made me realise my shortcomings by sending me a tape with stuff I had never heard of.

Being much older than I, Peter’s knowledge of the first wave of Swedish punk quite naturally extended my own. I’m glad that I got to know him. Apart form being an invaluable source of help to me we even became good friends over the years. Hence, he’s high up on the thank you list. So, due to these circumstances, what you’re holding in your hands right now is actually an improved version of the book. Also, without the help of friends with computer skills far beyond my own this book would never have seen the light of day. Thank you Mats and Carl, what would I ever do without you...

Basically, nobody but me will be completely satisfied That is just the way it is. During the process of writing, it soon became quite clear to me that nobody except me will probably be 100 percent satisfied with my selection of bands to be honoured with a biography in this encyclopedia. The same goes for the bands that I have excluded. When it comes down to how you look upon this matter, it is only your personal opinion of what sounds punk or not that inevitably will guide you in the end. That is the starting point that I have had ever since I initiated this project more than a decade ago. Although, I have to say that even my own opinions have vacillated a little from time to time. Occasionally, I have experienced great ambivalence, whether to include some of the bands or not. Even now that the work is completed I have a few regrets. But let us leave it at that. I will probably be sufficiently occupied with all the forthcoming discussions about which bands should or should not have been included. So, my selection of bands to be included in this book is based on what I consider to be punk music. In other words, the music has to be punk rock or its subgenres. In some cases, bands may have been closely associated with a certain punk scene at the time when they were active, although this does not qualify for an entry. The definitions are therefore strictly based on the music. This does not mean that punk is only music to me. It can be a cultural pattern (though, most often anti-cultural), a way of life, an attitude, a political platform or whatever you want it to be. That is the nice thing about it! You choose for yourself what you want it to do for you. It can however never be elitist. It is against its nature. But, on the other hand, what am I then doing, writing this book? No gods no masters... Having said this, you might wonder what do I consider to be punk music. Well, when it comes to the first generation of punk I have rejected bands that sound too much new wave or power pop. These two genres were

INTRODUCTION A seed is sown Sometime during the fall of 1986, I happened to find myself in my favourite record store Record Heaven that was located in Malmö. The guy behind the counter was playing the new Rövsvett EP to a costumer. Utterly bemused by what he heard he laughed as he read the song titles out loudly while skipping away between the songs. I bought the record. Prior to this, the only punk I had heard was, by comparison, considerably more easy-listening, with the likes of Ebba Grön and Sex Pistols. So, returning home with the Rövsvett record it was quite obvious I didn’t really understand this chaotic type of music at first. But gradually, the record with its ingenious lyrics grew to become one of the greatest hardcore records of all time for me. Right there a seed was sown. Many years later, that purchase got me started on this crazy crusade of digging up every punk record ever released in this elliptical country. Almost ten years later I read in the 90s rock magazine Backstage that an encyclopaedia of Swedish hard rock was in the making. A certain Janne Stark was the author. I really don’t remember how it all happened but all of a sudden I was in contact with Janne’s publisher Wille Wendt, who invited me to come up to Stockholm. I spent a couple of days at his office trying to act a little less disorderly punk than I probably was at the time. Wille believed in me despite the fact that I had very little material finished at the time. We signed the contract and all of a sudden I was involved in one of the stupidest projects I’ve ever got myself into.....

Disaster struck A project as complex as this one, with all the different elements that need to fall into place, wasn’t the easiest task to fulfil around 1996-1997. You have to keep in mind, that this was somewhat before the internet had become our favourite source of communication and library of information. It was also a time before one could conveniently burn CD-Rs at home. A sacred tool indeed. Now, I’ve never been much of a hotshot when it comes to computers and after some time my computer even broke down. This was just about as bad as it could ever get. All my biographies and the scanned material were lost. Imagine my frustration. So, what did I do? I gave up. Today, however, it is safe to say that it was the best thing that could ever happen. Why? Well, because, even though I thought otherwise at the time, I totally lacked knowledge of quite a few of the bands from the early days. To illustrate this, it is worth mentioning when I first got into contact with a great information exchange buddy – Peter Kagerland. He really made me realise my shortcomings by sending me a tape with stuff I had never heard of.

Being much older than I, Peter’s knowledge of the first wave of Swedish punk quite naturally extended my own. I’m glad that I got to know him. Apart form being an invaluable source of help to me we even became good friends over the years. Hence, he’s high up on the thank you list. So, due to these circumstances, what you’re holding in your hands right now is actually an improved version of the book. Also, without the help of friends with computer skills far beyond my own this book would never have seen the light of day. Thank you Mats and Carl, what would I ever do without you...

Basically, nobody but me will be completely satisfied That is just the way it is. During the process of writing, it soon became quite clear to me that nobody except me will probably be 100 percent satisfied with my selection of bands to be honoured with a biography in this encyclopedia. The same goes for the bands that I have excluded. When it comes down to how you look upon this matter, it is only your personal opinion of what sounds punk or not that inevitably will guide you in the end. That is the starting point that I have had ever since I initiated this project more than a decade ago. Although, I have to say that even my own opinions have vacillated a little from time to time. Occasionally, I have experienced great ambivalence, whether to include some of the bands or not. Even now that the work is completed I have a few regrets. But let us leave it at that. I will probably be sufficiently occupied with all the forthcoming discussions about which bands should or should not have been included. So, my selection of bands to be included in this book is based on what I consider to be punk music. In other words, the music has to be punk rock or its subgenres. In some cases, bands may have been closely associated with a certain punk scene at the time when they were active, although this does not qualify for an entry. The definitions are therefore strictly based on the music. This does not mean that punk is only music to me. It can be a cultural pattern (though, most often anti-cultural), a way of life, an attitude, a political platform or whatever you want it to be. That is the nice thing about it! You choose for yourself what you want it to do for you. It can however never be elitist. It is against its nature. But, on the other hand, what am I then doing, writing this book? No gods no masters... Having said this, you might wonder what do I consider to be punk music. Well, when it comes to the first generation of punk I have rejected bands that sound too much new wave or power pop. These two genres were

not really established as genres during the early days. But like always in history things have to find their right place before you can sort them out. But again, this does not mean that I am trying to minimize the importance of the bands that chose different ways of enhancing the Cultural Revolution going on in 1977. This means however, that those who got stuck with the original sounds of the punk movement and has not been able to accept that it since then has developed and divided into different subgenres are most likely to feel estranged by some of the terminology used in this book. The second generation is a little easier to sort out as most of the 80s bands had a pretty clear picture of what they thought was punk or not and usually played more or less in the same direction. Keep on reading and you will find this out.

The general selection I have tried to dig up every band that released at least one record or appeared on a split release before 1987 had ended. My aim has been to make an encyclopedia of the first ten years of punk bands that did so. Consequently, bands that existed and only released cassettes during this period are not mentioned. I’m not using the word demo in this case. This term is used to describe recordings that were not released with a cover which is more suitable when it comes to punk and its D.I.Y. ethics. Some of these bands that didn’t release any vinyl are mentioned in the chapter on page 259 about various compilation records. Four bands, however, that should have been mentioned in the book considering the criteria above have been excluded since they are more or less much more a phenomenon of the nineties. These bands are; Coca Carola, Totalitär, Los Bohemos and 23 Till. These four deserve much more to be included in a follow up book.

How much are the records worth? One thing is for sure, collecting records these days isn’t what it used to be. Online auctions like EBay make it possible to buy records that, prior to this phenomenon, few had ever seen or heard. Nowadays, you can also download just about everything, no matter how rare the original pressing may be. Records that once could only be found at record fairs or on rarity lists at excessive prices are now just a few clicks away. It is so easy! All you need is a computer to get the music and a lot of money to get the vinyls. All this has made both demand and accessibility change rapidly. Semi-rare records that very few people had heard of before suddenly skyrocketed, while some stuff that had always been considered to be rare actually went down in value. And then there’s the fact that you can hardly sell certain records at online auctions anymore whereas the same titles still sell for their former value in second hand record shops. This of course also goes the other way round, some records are sold at ridiculously high prices on the internet and at the same time they are to be found a lot cheaper in record stores. In a way it has become two different markets but with the same stuff.


These new circumstances, created by the use of the web, are of great importance to everybody interested in the rare records market. I have evaluated all the records that I mention in the book and this is done on basis of this. The 10 graded scale makes the lowest number the less valuable and the highest the most valuable. It applies to a standard stock copy. A team of consultants was used, consisting of Johnny Christiansen and Stefan Renström. They sure made this a lot easier – thank you for making this part of the book as good as it ever could become! Cheers to and thank you to all the other collectors and dealers that has kept me going and surviving in this helter skelter world of punk records; Fredrik ”Far” Ljung, Tobias Beament, Daniel Dellemyr, Martin Cannert, Joakim ”mint condition” Gävert, Lars Sjögren, Isse Samie, Fredrik ”Gamen” Åstrand, Patrik Caganis, Lennart Berglind and Anders Håkansson. Also a last minute thank you to Micke Fransson.

Working with the biographies Writing history always involves a certain amount of complex problems. Who remembers most clearly what really happened? How many views of the same story can you dig up? In most cases many years have passed and one does not always remember everything crystal clear. Therefore I cannot guarantee whether the content in the biographies is in accordance with the truth or not. All the information is the conclusion of what people have shared with me. As far as possible, when needed, I have tried to get first hand information from the bands. I have also carefully been reading fanzines and other magazines, newspapers and the (not always) so flawless internet sites founded over the years. In other words, I’ve worked very hard to get all the details right. Sometimes my search for the correct facts have been a little crazy, like making ten phone calls just to get one lousy surname or a release year. Most of the people that helped me I probably have forgotten over the many years but thank you Mats Bodenmalm, Anders Selin and Bo Magnusson. Last but not least I wish to thank Ensio Matela for his time helping me to get the language much more correct and Victoria Nilsson for understanding why I had to do this, you are one of a kind!

TERMS USED IN THIS BOOK 77 Punkrock with the typical sound from 1977 much like Sex Pistols, The Clash, Ramones and according to the author particularly pure in UK youngsters Eater.

CROSSOVER Just in the middle of Thrash metal and HC there are bands like DRI and SOD.

CRUST A kind of heavier, more modern version of Käng, often a little more progressive and not as minimalistic. Example: Amebix, Tragedy and His Hero is Gone.

DARK WAVE A darker version of New wave, kicking off with Joy Division.

GARAGE ROCK 60s influenced rock.

GOTH ROCK Similar to Dark wave but heavier and with an updated 80s sound.

HC Second generation punk; faster and rougher with screaming/shouting vocals.

HARD ROCK Traditional hardrock.

HEAVY METAL Not as blues based as traditional hard rock and not as fast and heavy as Thrash metal but something in between; like Iron Maiden and Judas Priest.

KÄNG Thank you all at Premium, especially Roger Holegård for always being there whenever I had a problem, Janne ”if you skip lunch you can work 25 hours a day” Stark for a smashing layout and great additional help with the biographies and Wille Wendt for believing in me.... I for one didn’t....

HC like Discharge played it.

MELODIC HC Punkrock with a HC beat like Bad Religion and NOFX.

NEW WAVE Peter Jandreus

A more theatrical and experimental version of 77-punk, like for example Pere Ubo, Gang of Four.

OI! The strange phenomenon when punk, football and the movie “A Clockwork Orange” creates a subgenre to punk. 11

not really established as genres during the early days. But like always in history things have to find their right place before you can sort them out. But again, this does not mean that I am trying to minimize the importance of the bands that chose different ways of enhancing the Cultural Revolution going on in 1977. This means however, that those who got stuck with the original sounds of the punk movement and has not been able to accept that it since then has developed and divided into different subgenres are most likely to feel estranged by some of the terminology used in this book. The second generation is a little easier to sort out as most of the 80s bands had a pretty clear picture of what they thought was punk or not and usually played more or less in the same direction. Keep on reading and you will find this out.

The general selection I have tried to dig up every band that released at least one record or appeared on a split release before 1987 had ended. My aim has been to make an encyclopedia of the first ten years of punk bands that did so. Consequently, bands that existed and only released cassettes during this period are not mentioned. I’m not using the word demo in this case. This term is used to describe recordings that were not released with a cover which is more suitable when it comes to punk and its D.I.Y. ethics. Some of these bands that didn’t release any vinyl are mentioned in the chapter on page 259 about various compilation records. Four bands, however, that should have been mentioned in the book considering the criteria above have been excluded since they are more or less much more a phenomenon of the nineties. These bands are; Coca Carola, Totalitär, Los Bohemos and 23 Till. These four deserve much more to be included in a follow up book.

How much are the records worth? One thing is for sure, collecting records these days isn’t what it used to be. Online auctions like EBay make it possible to buy records that, prior to this phenomenon, few had ever seen or heard. Nowadays, you can also download just about everything, no matter how rare the original pressing may be. Records that once could only be found at record fairs or on rarity lists at excessive prices are now just a few clicks away. It is so easy! All you need is a computer to get the music and a lot of money to get the vinyls. All this has made both demand and accessibility change rapidly. Semi-rare records that very few people had heard of before suddenly skyrocketed, while some stuff that had always been considered to be rare actually went down in value. And then there’s the fact that you can hardly sell certain records at online auctions anymore whereas the same titles still sell for their former value in second hand record shops. This of course also goes the other way round, some records are sold at ridiculously high prices on the internet and at the same time they are to be found a lot cheaper in record stores. In a way it has become two different markets but with the same stuff.


These new circumstances, created by the use of the web, are of great importance to everybody interested in the rare records market. I have evaluated all the records that I mention in the book and this is done on basis of this. The 10 graded scale makes the lowest number the less valuable and the highest the most valuable. It applies to a standard stock copy. A team of consultants was used, consisting of Johnny Christiansen and Stefan Renström. They sure made this a lot easier – thank you for making this part of the book as good as it ever could become! Cheers to and thank you to all the other collectors and dealers that has kept me going and surviving in this helter skelter world of punk records; Fredrik ”Far” Ljung, Tobias Beament, Daniel Dellemyr, Martin Cannert, Joakim ”mint condition” Gävert, Lars Sjögren, Isse Samie, Fredrik ”Gamen” Åstrand, Patrik Caganis, Lennart Berglind and Anders Håkansson. Also a last minute thank you to Micke Fransson.

Working with the biographies Writing history always involves a certain amount of complex problems. Who remembers most clearly what really happened? How many views of the same story can you dig up? In most cases many years have passed and one does not always remember everything crystal clear. Therefore I cannot guarantee whether the content in the biographies is in accordance with the truth or not. All the information is the conclusion of what people have shared with me. As far as possible, when needed, I have tried to get first hand information from the bands. I have also carefully been reading fanzines and other magazines, newspapers and the (not always) so flawless internet sites founded over the years. In other words, I’ve worked very hard to get all the details right. Sometimes my search for the correct facts have been a little crazy, like making ten phone calls just to get one lousy surname or a release year. Most of the people that helped me I probably have forgotten over the many years but thank you Mats Bodenmalm, Anders Selin and Bo Magnusson. Last but not least I wish to thank Ensio Matela for his time helping me to get the language much more correct and Victoria Nilsson for understanding why I had to do this, you are one of a kind!

TERMS USED IN THIS BOOK 77 Punkrock with the typical sound from 1977 much like Sex Pistols, The Clash, Ramones and according to the author particularly pure in UK youngsters Eater.

CROSSOVER Just in the middle of Thrash metal and HC there are bands like DRI and SOD.

CRUST A kind of heavier, more modern version of Käng, often a little more progressive and not as minimalistic. Example: Amebix, Tragedy and His Hero is Gone.

DARK WAVE A darker version of New wave, kicking off with Joy Division.

GARAGE ROCK 60s influenced rock.

GOTH ROCK Similar to Dark wave but heavier and with an updated 80s sound.

HC Second generation punk; faster and rougher with screaming/shouting vocals.

HARD ROCK Traditional hardrock.

HEAVY METAL Not as blues based as traditional hard rock and not as fast and heavy as Thrash metal but something in between; like Iron Maiden and Judas Priest.

KÄNG Thank you all at Premium, especially Roger Holegård for always being there whenever I had a problem, Janne ”if you skip lunch you can work 25 hours a day” Stark for a smashing layout and great additional help with the biographies and Wille Wendt for believing in me.... I for one didn’t....

HC like Discharge played it.

MELODIC HC Punkrock with a HC beat like Bad Religion and NOFX.

NEW WAVE Peter Jandreus

A more theatrical and experimental version of 77-punk, like for example Pere Ubo, Gang of Four.

OI! The strange phenomenon when punk, football and the movie “A Clockwork Orange” creates a subgenre to punk. 11

POP Plain regular pop.

POP-PUNK Pop with a fast paced punkbeat, very, very close to Power pop but a band like Buzzcocks just isn’t Power pop.

POWER POP More intense and driving than regular pop, sometimes close to punk but not as aggressive and angry. Two different examples would be Blondie and Television Personalities, the latter (and its likes) is however since the early 90s more often labelled Indie pop.

PROGG The Swedish political music movement during the 70s had its own sound. Examples: Nationalteatern and Hoola Bandola Band.

PROGRESSIVE Progressive rock, not necessarily political as above. Like King Crimson, Yes and Genesis.

PUB ROCK Sometimes close to 77 but a little more laid back. Closest relative: Power pop. A good example is Eddie and the Hot Rods.

PUNK ROCK Similar to 77 but with an 80s sound.

ROCK Plain regular rock.

ROCK N ROLL Fast rock, based on the 12 bar blues scale and the standard licks that goes along with it.

STREET Oi! but with more serious lyrics.

THRASH METAL The punky type of metal invented by Metallica, Anthrax, Exodus and similar.


DISCOGRAPHY DESCRIPTION Year of release. ?= uncertain

Sleeve symbol

Format Title. Albums and EPs are in caps

Label and catalogue number

1981?  Title A/Title B......................................................................................... 7”..........Label NO4 Style. — Comments. 1982 o ALBUM TITLE........................................................................................LP..........Label NO2 Song title 1/Song title 2/Song title 3 1982 m EP TITLE..................................................................................................EP..........- - Song title 1/Song title 2/Song title 3 Style. — Comments. Musical style

Valuation 2HH 4HHHH 3HHH


FORMAT 7” - 7 inch single 12” - 12 inch extended play EP - 7 inch EP LP - 12 inch LP 2LP - Double album CD - CD 2CD - Double CD CDS - CD single

SLEEVE SYMBOLS  - The record was released with art/picture sleeve and the sleeve is depicted in the book o - The record was released with art/picture sleeve and the sleeve is not depicted in the book m - A re-issued record which was released with art/picture sleeve and the front sleeve is the same as the depicted original

VALUATION 1H Record with minimal value 2HH 3HHH 4HHHH 5HHHHH 6HHHHHH 7HHHHHHH 8HHHHHHHH 9HHHHHHHHH 10HHHHHHHHHH Extreme rarity with very high value

The most genuine Swedish rock genre there is... Often has a metal influence attached and was refined during the early 90s. Famous godfathers: Asta Kask and Strebers.



POP Plain regular pop.

POP-PUNK Pop with a fast paced punkbeat, very, very close to Power pop but a band like Buzzcocks just isn’t Power pop.

POWER POP More intense and driving than regular pop, sometimes close to punk but not as aggressive and angry. Two different examples would be Blondie and Television Personalities, the latter (and its likes) is however since the early 90s more often labelled Indie pop.

PROGG The Swedish political music movement during the 70s had its own sound. Examples: Nationalteatern and Hoola Bandola Band.

PROGRESSIVE Progressive rock, not necessarily political as above. Like King Crimson, Yes and Genesis.

PUB ROCK Sometimes close to 77 but a little more laid back. Closest relative: Power pop. A good example is Eddie and the Hot Rods.

PUNK ROCK Similar to 77 but with an 80s sound.

ROCK Plain regular rock.

ROCK N ROLL Fast rock, based on the 12 bar blues scale and the standard licks that goes along with it.

STREET Oi! but with more serious lyrics.

THRASH METAL The punky type of metal invented by Metallica, Anthrax, Exodus and similar.


DISCOGRAPHY DESCRIPTION Year of release. ?= uncertain

Sleeve symbol

Format Title. Albums and EPs are in caps

Label and catalogue number

1981?  Title A/Title B......................................................................................... 7”..........Label NO4 Style. — Comments. 1982 o ALBUM TITLE........................................................................................LP..........Label NO2 Song title 1/Song title 2/Song title 3 1982 m EP TITLE..................................................................................................EP..........- - Song title 1/Song title 2/Song title 3 Style. — Comments. Musical style

Valuation 2HH 4HHHH 3HHH


FORMAT 7” - 7 inch single 12” - 12 inch extended play EP - 7 inch EP LP - 12 inch LP 2LP - Double album CD - CD 2CD - Double CD CDS - CD single

SLEEVE SYMBOLS  - The record was released with art/picture sleeve and the sleeve is depicted in the book o - The record was released with art/picture sleeve and the sleeve is not depicted in the book m - A re-issued record which was released with art/picture sleeve and the front sleeve is the same as the depicted original

VALUATION 1H Record with minimal value 2HH 3HHH 4HHHH 5HHHHH 6HHHHHH 7HHHHHHH 8HHHHHHHH 9HHHHHHHHH 10HHHHHHHHHH Extreme rarity with very high value

The most genuine Swedish rock genre there is... Often has a metal influence attached and was refined during the early 90s. Famous godfathers: Asta Kask and Strebers.






Framför Flötet

Shit Kids





Töreboda Asta Kask





Brutal Personal




Happy Farm, Rif Ugly Squawz Fanor

Absurd, Anti-Cimex, Attentat, Disarm, Göteborg Sound, Injektion, Knugens Håf, Libresse, Liket Lever, Perverts, The Roines Kvartett, Rukorna, Shitlickers, Skitslickers, Slobobans Undergång, Terminalpatienten, TT Garderob 100

Borås Råttorna

Anti-Cimex, DNA



Glo, Oss, Shas


Bizex-B, Bugs, Ex-Pop, Force Majeur, Lars Langs, P.F. Commando, Quiet Men, Russian Submarines, Slam



Asocial, Bad Boo Band

Crude SS


Bombanfall, Headcleaners, N-Liners, Rune Strutz, Rävjunk, Tripple Cripple Dom Där, Intimate, Rita Rem, T.S.T



Gollywog, Rövsvett

Bösös, Dom Där, Kåmejnis Kallsånger


Uppsala Västerås


Arroganta Agitatorer, Existenz, Noncens, Snobbslakt, Svettens Söner

Charta 77, N.O.S, The Past, Zynthslakt


Anti-Hundmina, Pöbel Möbel, Sixten Redlös, Tant Brun

Anders Ångest, The Join, Pinheads, TBC



Bull Stomp Combo


Missbrukarna, Trogsta Träsk

Etiquette Mona, SOD




Homy Hogs



Snagg, Åskådarna

The Bristles, D.T.A.L, Razzia


ABKK, Badboll, The Baiters, Bandage, Bitchboys, De Class, Desperate Livin’, Dom Fåglarna, Dom Vässade, Dr Zeke, DT And The Stoodes, Ebba Grön, FDS, Fega Påhopp, Four Mandarines, Grisen Skriker, Hangover, Hasses Med Sussies, Incest Brothers, Inge Val, Jonström, Kessler Jugend G.M.B.D, Klägg, Kramp, Krapotkin, Krixhjälters, KSMB, Köttgrottorna, Livin’ Sacrifice, Masters, Mob 47, Otakt The Pain, Pink Champagne, Pojkfan Trilskas, Protes Bengt, Pärlor, Quizz Kidz, Raw Animal, Razzia, Revolt, Rolands Gosskör, Rude Kids, Skälby Örjans, Spion 13, Stockholms Negrer, Travolta Kids, Tredje Könet, Trekant, Trojne, Tuppjuck, Urban Släke, Urrk, Usch, Warheads, Watabout, Zeppo & The Zepp Zepps



Anti-Cimex, Besökarna, Mizz Nobody, Moderat Likvidation

Urban Släke

Dom Där


City Kent, Stry & Stripparna, TT Reuter

Södertälje Terror


Betraktarna, Kriminella Gitarrer, Swankers PMS

Hovmantorp Von Gam

Perstorp Betraktarna


Bromölla 57 Kez

Akut Skjut, Profan Relik


Nasty Boys, SOD


ABC 80, Arsenik, Brigad 45B. De Anhöriga, Ingron Hutlös, Nyx Negativ, Stepping Stones, Unter Den Linden


Bröderna, Faxe


PQ Rockers

Sabotage 81, Vicious Visions


Lars Langs

Bedrövligers, Sarah Coffman

Svea Skandal

Tre Muskler

Rock Set

HS Art




Sandviken Bollnäs Traste & Superstararna

Arabens Anus, Avskum

Burned Brains, Little Big Muff, Sötlimpa


The End




Brånda barn, Charlys Slavar, Headcleaners, Massmedia, Pizzoar, Vacum






Nobby Tåfjutt, Sune Studs

Tre Man Stark


P-Nissarna, Protes Bengt


Åmål Munkedal



Strängnäs Strebers


Anti-Cimex, Bizzmacken, Blitzen, Ewing Oi, Headcleaners, IQ 55, Mackt, Raped Teenagers, Spy, WBT, Zeb And The Fast Ones



Kontaktlim, Minx, WC


Apa, Epidemi, Rebell

Dom Där, Intimate, Rita Rem, T.S.T


Kurt i Kuvös, SOD





Framför Flötet

Shit Kids





Töreboda Asta Kask





Brutal Personal




Happy Farm, Rif Ugly Squawz Fanor

Absurd, Anti-Cimex, Attentat, Disarm, Göteborg Sound, Injektion, Knugens Håf, Libresse, Liket Lever, Perverts, The Roines Kvartett, Rukorna, Shitlickers, Skitslickers, Slobobans Undergång, Terminalpatienten, TT Garderob 100

Borås Råttorna

Anti-Cimex, DNA



Glo, Oss, Shas


Bizex-B, Bugs, Ex-Pop, Force Majeur, Lars Langs, P.F. Commando, Quiet Men, Russian Submarines, Slam



Asocial, Bad Boo Band

Crude SS


Bombanfall, Headcleaners, N-Liners, Rune Strutz, Rävjunk, Tripple Cripple Dom Där, Intimate, Rita Rem, T.S.T



Gollywog, Rövsvett

Bösös, Dom Där, Kåmejnis Kallsånger


Uppsala Västerås


Arroganta Agitatorer, Existenz, Noncens, Snobbslakt, Svettens Söner

Charta 77, N.O.S, The Past, Zynthslakt


Anti-Hundmina, Pöbel Möbel, Sixten Redlös, Tant Brun

Anders Ångest, The Join, Pinheads, TBC



Bull Stomp Combo


Missbrukarna, Trogsta Träsk

Etiquette Mona, SOD




Homy Hogs



Snagg, Åskådarna

The Bristles, D.T.A.L, Razzia


ABKK, Badboll, The Baiters, Bandage, Bitchboys, De Class, Desperate Livin’, Dom Fåglarna, Dom Vässade, Dr Zeke, DT And The Stoodes, Ebba Grön, FDS, Fega Påhopp, Four Mandarines, Grisen Skriker, Hangover, Hasses Med Sussies, Incest Brothers, Inge Val, Jonström, Kessler Jugend G.M.B.D, Klägg, Kramp, Krapotkin, Krixhjälters, KSMB, Köttgrottorna, Livin’ Sacrifice, Masters, Mob 47, Otakt The Pain, Pink Champagne, Pojkfan Trilskas, Protes Bengt, Pärlor, Quizz Kidz, Raw Animal, Razzia, Revolt, Rolands Gosskör, Rude Kids, Skälby Örjans, Spion 13, Stockholms Negrer, Travolta Kids, Tredje Könet, Trekant, Trojne, Tuppjuck, Urban Släke, Urrk, Usch, Warheads, Watabout, Zeppo & The Zepp Zepps



Anti-Cimex, Besökarna, Mizz Nobody, Moderat Likvidation

Urban Släke

Dom Där


City Kent, Stry & Stripparna, TT Reuter

Södertälje Terror


Betraktarna, Kriminella Gitarrer, Swankers PMS

Hovmantorp Von Gam

Perstorp Betraktarna


Bromölla 57 Kez

Akut Skjut, Profan Relik


Nasty Boys, SOD


ABC 80, Arsenik, Brigad 45B. De Anhöriga, Ingron Hutlös, Nyx Negativ, Stepping Stones, Unter Den Linden


Bröderna, Faxe


PQ Rockers

Sabotage 81, Vicious Visions


Lars Langs

Bedrövligers, Sarah Coffman

Svea Skandal

Tre Muskler

Rock Set

HS Art




Sandviken Bollnäs Traste & Superstararna

Arabens Anus, Avskum

Burned Brains, Little Big Muff, Sötlimpa


The End




Brånda barn, Charlys Slavar, Headcleaners, Massmedia, Pizzoar, Vacum






Nobby Tåfjutt, Sune Studs

Tre Man Stark


P-Nissarna, Protes Bengt


Åmål Munkedal



Strängnäs Strebers


Anti-Cimex, Bizzmacken, Blitzen, Ewing Oi, Headcleaners, IQ 55, Mackt, Raped Teenagers, Spy, WBT, Zeb And The Fast Ones



Kontaktlim, Minx, WC


Apa, Epidemi, Rebell

Dom Där, Intimate, Rita Rem, T.S.T


Kurt i Kuvös, SOD


Stockholm Ola Löhman – guitar, vocals magnus Torsell – synth gustavo Ekelund – bass Erik gunnarsson – drums ABKK must have been one of the first hardcore bands in Sweden, at least live when they always forced themselves to play as fast as possible. Take the track ”Ronny” and speed it up and you’re getting close, but then again there’s the manic and bizarre synth sounds, making it perhaps the most odd and unique band in this book. The first single is also wanted by both punk collectors and collectors of minimal synth. How is it even possible to combine these two genres? But it’s basically the result of the fact that Magnus happened to have a synth and were very much into electronics. The band lasted between 1978 and 1982.

EFmD - 4


The second single was more or less a backlash to the earlier speedy punk. The band did lots of gigs, all in the Stockholm area. ABKK also released a cassette. Gustavo was also in the more experimental band Gpj. Erik was found in Dagens Ungdom. Compilation featuring the band: “Killed By Death #007”.

Futurax music - FUT-s-1

1981?  ronny/mörker ....................................................................................... 7” .........EFmD 4 Impossible to describe. Punk with weird syntheseizer sounds. 1982  Sömnlös/Om.......................................................................................... 7” .........Futurax music FUT-s-1 Not punk anymore. This one is very dark. 6




Stockholm Ola Löhman – guitar, vocals magnus Torsell – synth gustavo Ekelund – bass Erik gunnarsson – drums ABKK must have been one of the first hardcore bands in Sweden, at least live when they always forced themselves to play as fast as possible. Take the track ”Ronny” and speed it up and you’re getting close, but then again there’s the manic and bizarre synth sounds, making it perhaps the most odd and unique band in this book. The first single is also wanted by both punk collectors and collectors of minimal synth. How is it even possible to combine these two genres? But it’s basically the result of the fact that Magnus happened to have a synth and were very much into electronics. The band lasted between 1978 and 1982.

EFmD - 4


The second single was more or less a backlash to the earlier speedy punk. The band did lots of gigs, all in the Stockholm area. ABKK also released a cassette. Gustavo was also in the more experimental band Gpj. Erik was found in Dagens Ungdom. Compilation featuring the band: “Killed By Death #007”.

Futurax music - FUT-s-1

1981?  ronny/mörker ....................................................................................... 7” .........EFmD 4 Impossible to describe. Punk with weird syntheseizer sounds. 1982  Sömnlös/Om.......................................................................................... 7” .........Futurax music FUT-s-1 Not punk anymore. This one is very dark. 6




Göteborg robert Hammond – vocals, guitar Julle Aurell – bass Claes “Putte” Pettersson – drums

The band was short-lived as Robert jumped on the drug train. He never got off and died in 1992 (R.I.P). Julle joined Abcess Exil. Today it is to be feared that he, like Robert no longer is among us. He seems to have disappeared somewhere between Amsterdam and South America. Compilations featuring the band: “Gbg Punk” and an untitled EP on Åminne Räckords.

In the beginning they had a fourth member behind the microphone but soon enough settled for the trio format. Sometimes punk poet “De-De” was on stage with them, reading anarchy poems. A demo was cut just before the 7”, where Julle and Robert had switched instruments. They were probably the most political band in Göteborg at the time. That pissed off a lot of people, especially as they romantisized the RAF.

Akut Skjut means something like “can’t wait to fuck your brains out”. Pulsating beat JÖr 04

1982  AbSTrACT ............................................................................................EP .........Pulsating beat JÖr 04 röde raf/besviken/Jag vill leva Punkrock.


4HHHH - AQT 001

Even though they only existed about a year and only did a handfull of gigs they have gained some worldwide attention. ABSURD was actually called Rövsvett at first. They also did a reunion gig in 1993.

måns Christensen – guitar, vocals Ari Skyttä – bass Peter magnusson – drums

markus ”mackan” mustafa – vocals Stefan Johansson – guitar mats Persson – guitar Nicklas Palmkvist – bass Per ”Lillen” Åberg – drums

This band started in 1980. During their six years of existance they gigged a lot in southern Sweden. In Karlstad, skinheads stormed the stage and practically chased the band out of town. They can be found on various of compilation tapes. The band had a reunion gig in 2003. Markus played with Gosh (funky hard rock).

They were also real troublemakers, picking a fight with practically everyone that happen to come in their way. The band toured with ATTENTAT around 1981–82, in southern Sweden.



Compilations featuring the band: “Gbg hardcore”, “Killed By Hardcore #3”.

1984  Leva i smyg/Svart .................................................................................. 7” .........- AQT 001 Punkrock.



Umeå Tomas Carneheim – vocals mikael ”Nylle” Nylander – guitar Tomas ”Amilion” Nilsson – bass Per ”Larry” Normark – drums Started playing in the fall of 1979 and lasted until 1982, just after a short break when Tomas Nilsson played with Dagen D. They only intended to play EBBA GRöN-covers at a Lucia party, but just kept on going. The band never got to play further south than Norrland.

bullshit - 002


1982  AbSUrD.................................................................................................EP .........bullshit 002 blodig stad/Fred på jorden/bojkotta Coca Cola/Anarki nu! HC. — Insert.

ANDERS ÅNGEST once played at the local IOGT (temperance organisation) premises. Just as the band was playing at its best the guy from IOGT who booked them appeared on stage trying stop the gig as he thought Tomas C was drunk. It is no coincidence the straight edge movement became big in Umeå in the 90s as the temperance movement has always been a strong force in that area. 10HHHHHHHHHH

Albons -


The band never received a lot of press attention until they made a reunion gig in 1996. Per and Mikael also played with popsters Nylle Och Nallarna. Ångest means: anxiety.

1980  ANDErS ÅNgEST ..............................................................................EP .........Albons Flickan/Just när allt är så roligt/mitt hjärta. 77.


Göteborg robert Hammond – vocals, guitar Julle Aurell – bass Claes “Putte” Pettersson – drums

The band was short-lived as Robert jumped on the drug train. He never got off and died in 1992 (R.I.P). Julle joined Abcess Exil. Today it is to be feared that he, like Robert no longer is among us. He seems to have disappeared somewhere between Amsterdam and South America. Compilations featuring the band: “Gbg Punk” and an untitled EP on Åminne Räckords.

In the beginning they had a fourth member behind the microphone but soon enough settled for the trio format. Sometimes punk poet “De-De” was on stage with them, reading anarchy poems. A demo was cut just before the 7”, where Julle and Robert had switched instruments. They were probably the most political band in Göteborg at the time. That pissed off a lot of people, especially as they romantisized the RAF.

Akut Skjut means something like “can’t wait to fuck your brains out”. Pulsating beat JÖr 04

1982  AbSTrACT ............................................................................................EP .........Pulsating beat JÖr 04 röde raf/besviken/Jag vill leva Punkrock.


4HHHH - AQT 001

Even though they only existed about a year and only did a handfull of gigs they have gained some worldwide attention. ABSURD was actually called Rövsvett at first. They also did a reunion gig in 1993.

måns Christensen – guitar, vocals Ari Skyttä – bass Peter magnusson – drums

markus ”mackan” mustafa – vocals Stefan Johansson – guitar mats Persson – guitar Nicklas Palmkvist – bass Per ”Lillen” Åberg – drums

This band started in 1980. During their six years of existance they gigged a lot in southern Sweden. In Karlstad, skinheads stormed the stage and practically chased the band out of town. They can be found on various of compilation tapes. The band had a reunion gig in 2003. Markus played with Gosh (funky hard rock).

They were also real troublemakers, picking a fight with practically everyone that happen to come in their way. The band toured with ATTENTAT around 1981–82, in southern Sweden.



Compilations featuring the band: “Gbg hardcore”, “Killed By Hardcore #3”.

1984  Leva i smyg/Svart .................................................................................. 7” .........- AQT 001 Punkrock.



Umeå Tomas Carneheim – vocals mikael ”Nylle” Nylander – guitar Tomas ”Amilion” Nilsson – bass Per ”Larry” Normark – drums Started playing in the fall of 1979 and lasted until 1982, just after a short break when Tomas Nilsson played with Dagen D. They only intended to play EBBA GRöN-covers at a Lucia party, but just kept on going. The band never got to play further south than Norrland.

bullshit - 002


1982  AbSUrD.................................................................................................EP .........bullshit 002 blodig stad/Fred på jorden/bojkotta Coca Cola/Anarki nu! HC. — Insert.

ANDERS ÅNGEST once played at the local IOGT (temperance organisation) premises. Just as the band was playing at its best the guy from IOGT who booked them appeared on stage trying stop the gig as he thought Tomas C was drunk. It is no coincidence the straight edge movement became big in Umeå in the 90s as the temperance movement has always been a strong force in that area. 10HHHHHHHHHH

Albons -


The band never received a lot of press attention until they made a reunion gig in 1996. Per and Mikael also played with popsters Nylle Och Nallarna. Ångest means: anxiety.

1980  ANDErS ÅNgEST ..............................................................................EP .........Albons Flickan/Just när allt är så roligt/mitt hjärta. 77.


Munkedal Urban Andersson – vocals, guitar Thomas blomquist – guitar magnus Johansson – bass mikael Karlsson – drums The four members were school mates and the band only existed for a couple of years. They recorded a cassette before the EP and were also featured on some compilation tapes.

Toner och buller - T&b 001


Anti-avans means: anti profit.

1984  mED SvErIgE I TIDEN ......................................................................EP .........Toner och buller T&b 001 Folkförtryck/riv baracken/Kommersiell musik/Stilla natt/m. 77. — Insert.


Skövde/Göteborg/Linköping/Malmö Photo: Sebastian Todor

Nils “Nillen” Andersson – vocals Joakim “Jocke” Pettersson – guitar Tomas “Freke” Jonsson – bass, vocals Charlie Claesson – drums mats “Conrad” Skånberg – bass Sixten Andersson – bass robert “Lefty” Jörgensen – bass Clifford “Cliff” Lundberg – guitar Juan Louis Huhta – percussion


bullshit 001


A 001


malign massacre -


Distraught SKY 5


A kind of funny thing is that with each new release the insecticide company Anticimex contacted the band and required an explaination to the band’s choice of name. The band repeatedly had to explain that they were a rock band and not a competitor in the insecticide business. However, the company never seemed to be able to remember this. Basically, the band could have used the same standard reply letter throughout the 80’s in their dealings with Anticimex. However, real legal problems struck with the release of the “Absolute” LP. As a result; all future re-issues were renamed “Country of Sweden” and had different artwork. One likes to think that the liquor company would benefit from sponsoring the band instead of hassling them. The band must have had problems rehearsing the last years of their existence. Jonsson lived in Linköping, Cliff in Malmö and the other two members in Göteborg. Maybe it contributed to the final split of the band. ANTi CimEx got an invitation to play at the Marquee in London but Cliff thought it was a prank and replied with a not-so-serious fax. Marquee never tried to make contact again.

Named after a Swedish insecticide company ANTi CimEx soon got the reputation that they never played sober and that their concerts mostly ended in chaos. Bonni from ASTA KASK actually sang for a while in the very beginning. The constant search for a bass player continued to haunt the band throughout their existence. An EP and a cassette were released while the band was still living in Skövde. The first EP was released before they had made any gigs at all. The songs on the EP can also be found on the compilation “Eat My Brain Go Insane”. After “Anarkist attack” they all moved to Göteborg, except for Nillen who formed DNA. Jonsson took over the mike and new bass player was Conrad. “Raped Ass” was released. For the tracks on “Really Fast Vol 1” and “Vägra för helvete” new bass player “Cutting” (R.I.P.) joined. These were all from the same recording session. On the third EP Sixten replaced Conrad, and after this Conrad was back again. Confusing? At this point they did a couple of chaotic trips to Finland.

Back home, Jocke decided to quit and yes, he played on the MLP under the name “Ronald”. At this point, Cliff from mODERAT LiKViDATiON and Black Uniforms was asked to join the band but he declined. So, they split up... However, after a couple of years the tools were picked up again with new bass player Lefty. CBR Records got the band booked to the Hultsfred festival, but when they heard what type of music they played their appearance was cancelled. Other people say the festival crew was more or less afraid to book them... Even though ANTi CimEx lasted more than ten years, not many gigs were made compared to how many records they released. An estimate would be about 50 or so. Most of them were done in Sweden but (apart from the British tour) they went to Finland three times in 1984, -85 and –92.

ANTi CimEx is featured on the following compilations: “Eat My Brain Go Insane”, “Afflicted Cries In The Darkness Of War”, “Birkagården”, “Vägra för helvete”,”Really Fast Vol. 1”, “Is This Tough Or What”, “Gbg Hardcore”, “Varning för punk” and “Let’s Have A Riot In Sweden”. To support the release of the 1986 MLP, they went on tour in England. Before every gig they used to drive around and look for pieces of junk metal for Juan to use as percussions during the gigs. In Leeds, they opened up for Discharge who just had released their disappointing “Grave New World” LP. The Leeds crowd didn’t really like the new metal approach of Discharge and they went outside to get garbage bins that they threw at the band! ANTi CimEx, however, was at their best at this point and they really delivered the goods. Scandicrust really began increasing in popularity in the 90s. In England, among other countries, ANTi CimEx became more or less an institution. The English tour was ground breaking.

After the final split in 1993, Cliff formed Drillerkiller which pretty much continued were ANTi CimEx left off musically. Jonsson did about the same in Wolfpack. Charlie joined Not Enough Hate and today he is found in Troublemakers. Cliff has also had a project called Perukers. Sixten played with Full Metal Jacketz and is now found in GBG Punx. Bizarre facts: In the mid 90s, Cliff´s old studded leather jacket could be found for sale in a record shop in Malmö for lots and lots of money... (!) Today, ANTi CimEx is perhaps the most well known band in this book – at least in a worldwide perspective.


Munkedal Urban Andersson – vocals, guitar Thomas blomquist – guitar magnus Johansson – bass mikael Karlsson – drums The four members were school mates and the band only existed for a couple of years. They recorded a cassette before the EP and were also featured on some compilation tapes.

Toner och buller - T&b 001


Anti-avans means: anti profit.

1984  mED SvErIgE I TIDEN ......................................................................EP .........Toner och buller T&b 001 Folkförtryck/riv baracken/Kommersiell musik/Stilla natt/m. 77. — Insert.


Skövde/Göteborg/Linköping/Malmö Photo: Sebastian Todor

Nils “Nillen” Andersson – vocals Joakim “Jocke” Pettersson – guitar Tomas “Freke” Jonsson – bass, vocals Charlie Claesson – drums mats “Conrad” Skånberg – bass Sixten Andersson – bass robert “Lefty” Jörgensen – bass Clifford “Cliff” Lundberg – guitar Juan Louis Huhta – percussion


bullshit 001


A 001


malign massacre -


Distraught SKY 5


A kind of funny thing is that with each new release the insecticide company Anticimex contacted the band and required an explaination to the band’s choice of name. The band repeatedly had to explain that they were a rock band and not a competitor in the insecticide business. However, the company never seemed to be able to remember this. Basically, the band could have used the same standard reply letter throughout the 80’s in their dealings with Anticimex. However, real legal problems struck with the release of the “Absolute” LP. As a result; all future re-issues were renamed “Country of Sweden” and had different artwork. One likes to think that the liquor company would benefit from sponsoring the band instead of hassling them. The band must have had problems rehearsing the last years of their existence. Jonsson lived in Linköping, Cliff in Malmö and the other two members in Göteborg. Maybe it contributed to the final split of the band. ANTi CimEx got an invitation to play at the Marquee in London but Cliff thought it was a prank and replied with a not-so-serious fax. Marquee never tried to make contact again.

Named after a Swedish insecticide company ANTi CimEx soon got the reputation that they never played sober and that their concerts mostly ended in chaos. Bonni from ASTA KASK actually sang for a while in the very beginning. The constant search for a bass player continued to haunt the band throughout their existence. An EP and a cassette were released while the band was still living in Skövde. The first EP was released before they had made any gigs at all. The songs on the EP can also be found on the compilation “Eat My Brain Go Insane”. After “Anarkist attack” they all moved to Göteborg, except for Nillen who formed DNA. Jonsson took over the mike and new bass player was Conrad. “Raped Ass” was released. For the tracks on “Really Fast Vol 1” and “Vägra för helvete” new bass player “Cutting” (R.I.P.) joined. These were all from the same recording session. On the third EP Sixten replaced Conrad, and after this Conrad was back again. Confusing? At this point they did a couple of chaotic trips to Finland.

Back home, Jocke decided to quit and yes, he played on the MLP under the name “Ronald”. At this point, Cliff from mODERAT LiKViDATiON and Black Uniforms was asked to join the band but he declined. So, they split up... However, after a couple of years the tools were picked up again with new bass player Lefty. CBR Records got the band booked to the Hultsfred festival, but when they heard what type of music they played their appearance was cancelled. Other people say the festival crew was more or less afraid to book them... Even though ANTi CimEx lasted more than ten years, not many gigs were made compared to how many records they released. An estimate would be about 50 or so. Most of them were done in Sweden but (apart from the British tour) they went to Finland three times in 1984, -85 and –92.

ANTi CimEx is featured on the following compilations: “Eat My Brain Go Insane”, “Afflicted Cries In The Darkness Of War”, “Birkagården”, “Vägra för helvete”,”Really Fast Vol. 1”, “Is This Tough Or What”, “Gbg Hardcore”, “Varning för punk” and “Let’s Have A Riot In Sweden”. To support the release of the 1986 MLP, they went on tour in England. Before every gig they used to drive around and look for pieces of junk metal for Juan to use as percussions during the gigs. In Leeds, they opened up for Discharge who just had released their disappointing “Grave New World” LP. The Leeds crowd didn’t really like the new metal approach of Discharge and they went outside to get garbage bins that they threw at the band! ANTi CimEx, however, was at their best at this point and they really delivered the goods. Scandicrust really began increasing in popularity in the 90s. In England, among other countries, ANTi CimEx became more or less an institution. The English tour was ground breaking.

After the final split in 1993, Cliff formed Drillerkiller which pretty much continued were ANTi CimEx left off musically. Jonsson did about the same in Wolfpack. Charlie joined Not Enough Hate and today he is found in Troublemakers. Cliff has also had a project called Perukers. Sixten played with Full Metal Jacketz and is now found in GBG Punx. Bizarre facts: In the mid 90s, Cliff´s old studded leather jacket could be found for sale in a record shop in Malmö for lots and lots of money... (!) Today, ANTi CimEx is perhaps the most well known band in this book – at least in a worldwide perspective.


really Fast -


Hardcore horror h.r.r. 002


Cbr Cbr 121 C

1981  ANArKIST ATTACK ...........................................................................EP .........bullshit OO1 Svaveldioxid/Heroindöd/Drömmusik/Anti-cimex HC/käng. — Insert. 1983  rAPED ASS ............................................................................................EP .........A OO1 When The Innocents Die/War machine/Total Silence/Cries Of Pain/raped Ass Käng. 1984  vICTImS OF A bOmbrAID ..............................................................EP .........malign massacre/Anti-cimex Desperate Hours/game Of The Assholes/victims Of A bomb raid/Set me free Käng. — Originals has silver lettering and printing on both sides of cover. 1986  ANTI CImEX.........................................................................................LP .........Distraught SKY 5 Prelude E-minor/Criminal Trap/Time to?/make my Day/ Smell of Silence/Painkiller/Set me Free Käng. 198?  rAPED ASS ............................................................................................EP ......... really Fast Re-issue. 1986  rAPED ASS ............................................................................................EP .........Hardcore horror h.r.r. 002 Re-issue with different cover. 1989 m vICTImS OF A bOmbrAID ..............................................................EP .........Hardcore horror Insert. Re-issue. 1990  AbSOLUTE COUNTrY OF SWEDEN ..........................................LP .........Cbr Cbr 121 Under The Sun/going Down/Sister Daylight/Share my Life/ Wheel Of Light/Daughters Of Pride/1990/Fear my Nerves/ Doing Time/rose Käng. — Insert. 1990  AbSOLUTE COUNTrY OF SWEDEN.............................................CD .........Cbr Cbr 121 CD-version with different cover and the 6 LP as bonus. 1992  FUCKED IN FINLAND ......................................................................EP .........Arda TAr 020 Braincell Battle/Dogfight/Make My Day. Käng. — Live. Also with black and white sleeve version.

Cbr Cbr 121



Arda TAr 020


v vinyl Japan DISCLP 7








Distortion DISTCD3


Underground records 001


Distortion DISTLP57


1993  SCANDINAvIAN JAWbrEAKEr ....................................................LP .........vinyl Japan DISCLP 7 4HHHH Braincell Battle/Only In Dreams/Dogfight/Hatred/Scandinavian Jawbreaker Part I/Scandinavian Jawbreaker Part II/New blood/ Pain (You bring me)/Of Ice/Heading For Hell/rust Never Sleep/ Nailbiter Some metal influences. — Inner sleeve. 1993  mADE IN SWEDEN ..........................................................................CD .........Distortion DISTCD3 3HHH Criminal Trap/Tome To/going Down/Sister Daylight/make my Day/Under the Sun/When the Innocent Die/Pain Killer Käng — Live. 1995 m rAPED ASS ............................................................................................LP .........Distortion DISTLP9 4HHHH Black, purple or red vinyl with insert. First pressing has top opening. Contains the 2nd and 3rd EPs. Same cover as A 00 . 1997 m ANTI CImEX/SKITSLICKErS (split) .................................................7” ....... - 4HHHH Svaveldioxid/Heroindöd/Drömmusik/Anti-cimex Bootleg. Same cover as Bullshit 00 . ????  gAINKILLEr ......................................................................................... LP ....... Underground records 001 3HHH Straight To Hell/Wave Of Fear/Dead Struggle In A burning Hell/ Progeria Power/I skuggan av ett krig/Krossa NrP/victims Of A bombraid Bootleg. Contains the first EP and LP plus bonus demo tracks. 2000  COUNTrY OF SWEDEN .................................................................LP .........Distortion DISTLP57 4HHHH Black or gray vinyl with insert. Re-issue. 2000 m COUNTrY OF SWEDEN ......................................................................CD .........Distortion DISTCD57 3HHH Featuring the 6 Distraught LP as bonus. 2007  SCANDINAvIAN JAWbrEAKEr..........................................................LP .........a2oa2o 004 4HHHH Käng — Re-issue with different cover. 2007  FUCKED IN SWEDEN ..............................................................................LP .........a2oa2o 005 4HHHH Käng. — The two previous live records on one album. 2007  THE rECOrDS 81-86................................................................................LP .........a2oa2o 006 4HHHH Käng — Compilation. 2007 q THE DEmOS 81-85 .....................................................................................LP .........a2oa2o 011 4HHHH Käng — Compilation.

a2oa2o 004


a2oa2o 005


a2oa2o 006



really Fast -


Hardcore horror h.r.r. 002


Cbr Cbr 121 C

1981  ANArKIST ATTACK ...........................................................................EP .........bullshit OO1 Svaveldioxid/Heroindöd/Drömmusik/Anti-cimex HC/käng. — Insert. 1983  rAPED ASS ............................................................................................EP .........A OO1 When The Innocents Die/War machine/Total Silence/Cries Of Pain/raped Ass Käng. 1984  vICTImS OF A bOmbrAID ..............................................................EP .........malign massacre/Anti-cimex Desperate Hours/game Of The Assholes/victims Of A bomb raid/Set me free Käng. — Originals has silver lettering and printing on both sides of cover. 1986  ANTI CImEX.........................................................................................LP .........Distraught SKY 5 Prelude E-minor/Criminal Trap/Time to?/make my Day/ Smell of Silence/Painkiller/Set me Free Käng. 198?  rAPED ASS ............................................................................................EP ......... really Fast Re-issue. 1986  rAPED ASS ............................................................................................EP .........Hardcore horror h.r.r. 002 Re-issue with different cover. 1989 m vICTImS OF A bOmbrAID ..............................................................EP .........Hardcore horror Insert. Re-issue. 1990  AbSOLUTE COUNTrY OF SWEDEN ..........................................LP .........Cbr Cbr 121 Under The Sun/going Down/Sister Daylight/Share my Life/ Wheel Of Light/Daughters Of Pride/1990/Fear my Nerves/ Doing Time/rose Käng. — Insert. 1990  AbSOLUTE COUNTrY OF SWEDEN.............................................CD .........Cbr Cbr 121 CD-version with different cover and the 6 LP as bonus. 1992  FUCKED IN FINLAND ......................................................................EP .........Arda TAr 020 Braincell Battle/Dogfight/Make My Day. Käng. — Live. Also with black and white sleeve version.

Cbr Cbr 121



Arda TAr 020


v vinyl Japan DISCLP 7








Distortion DISTCD3


Underground records 001


Distortion DISTLP57


1993  SCANDINAvIAN JAWbrEAKEr ....................................................LP .........vinyl Japan DISCLP 7 4HHHH Braincell Battle/Only In Dreams/Dogfight/Hatred/Scandinavian Jawbreaker Part I/Scandinavian Jawbreaker Part II/New blood/ Pain (You bring me)/Of Ice/Heading For Hell/rust Never Sleep/ Nailbiter Some metal influences. — Inner sleeve. 1993  mADE IN SWEDEN ..........................................................................CD .........Distortion DISTCD3 3HHH Criminal Trap/Tome To/going Down/Sister Daylight/make my Day/Under the Sun/When the Innocent Die/Pain Killer Käng — Live. 1995 m rAPED ASS ............................................................................................LP .........Distortion DISTLP9 4HHHH Black, purple or red vinyl with insert. First pressing has top opening. Contains the 2nd and 3rd EPs. Same cover as A 00 . 1997 m ANTI CImEX/SKITSLICKErS (split) .................................................7” ....... - 4HHHH Svaveldioxid/Heroindöd/Drömmusik/Anti-cimex Bootleg. Same cover as Bullshit 00 . ????  gAINKILLEr ......................................................................................... LP ....... Underground records 001 3HHH Straight To Hell/Wave Of Fear/Dead Struggle In A burning Hell/ Progeria Power/I skuggan av ett krig/Krossa NrP/victims Of A bombraid Bootleg. Contains the first EP and LP plus bonus demo tracks. 2000  COUNTrY OF SWEDEN .................................................................LP .........Distortion DISTLP57 4HHHH Black or gray vinyl with insert. Re-issue. 2000 m COUNTrY OF SWEDEN ......................................................................CD .........Distortion DISTCD57 3HHH Featuring the 6 Distraught LP as bonus. 2007  SCANDINAvIAN JAWbrEAKEr..........................................................LP .........a2oa2o 004 4HHHH Käng — Re-issue with different cover. 2007  FUCKED IN SWEDEN ..............................................................................LP .........a2oa2o 005 4HHHH Käng. — The two previous live records on one album. 2007  THE rECOrDS 81-86................................................................................LP .........a2oa2o 006 4HHHH Käng — Compilation. 2007 q THE DEmOS 81-85 .....................................................................................LP .........a2oa2o 011 4HHHH Käng — Compilation.

a2oa2o 004


a2oa2o 005


a2oa2o 006



PErIPHErAL bANDS Here are all the rest of the records that are more or less related to pure punk music:

22 FÖR MÅNGA 1982 o 22 FÖr mÅNgA .................................................................................LP .........Futurax FUT 22 New wave.

62 1/2 1982 o Titta hit ................................................................................................... 7” .........- CTr-382 rock/77. maximum rock ‘N roll mrr 001


Arda CDrEX CD 102


Thrasher TmS vol. 3


96 % 1983 o Fotomodell............................................................................................. 7” .........Noon SNS-831 Dark wave 77.

2760 1980 o Numbers ..............................................................................................12” .........Adventure Adv mp 100 rock reminiscent of later Clash, esp. the songs found on “Let It Out” compilation LP.

ABC 80 1980 o Pop i radion ........................................................................................... 7” .........rocklaget rOSLA tre Powerpop. — They released one more 7” but it is nowhere close to punk.


Ägg-55 198? Ägg Ä


birdnest b irdnest bIrDCD025

198?  WE DON’T NEED NUCLEAr FOrCE .........................................LP .........mulleimer mULLEImEr 015 bristles International hardcore compilation. — Insert. 1999  WE´rE ONLY IN IT FOr THE mONEY – 20 YEArS OF mASSPrODUKTION ................................................................................................................CD .........massproduktion mASS CD 86 vacum/Krunch/brända barn various genres. 1984  WELCOmE TO 1984 ........................................................................CD .........maximum rock n roll mrr 001 bristles/Huvudtvätt International hardcore compilation. — Insert. 1990  WILD rAW AND bEAUTIFUL ......................................................CD .........Arda CDrEX 102 brutal Personal various genres. 1984  WILD rIDErS OF bOArDS.............................................................LP .........Thrasher TmS vOL 3 Slam International hardcore compilation. — The complete cat # is “Thrasher Magazine Skaterock Vol Three”. 1986?  WOrLD WAr III .................................................................................LP .........- WW1 Crude SS/rövsvett International hardcore compilation. 1999 o ÄggrÖrAN 4...................................................................................CD .........Ägg Ägg-40 Skäms/rövsvett various punk styles. 2004  ÄggrÖrAN 6...................................................................................CD .........Ägg Ägg-55 Köttgrottorna various punk styles. 1992?  ÄvEN vACKrA FÅgLAr SKITEr .................................................CD .........birdnest bIrDCD025 Köttgrottorna/Charta 77/Strebers/The Past various punk genres. 1992 m ÄvEN vACKrA FÅgLAr SKITEr .................................................2LP .........birdnest bird025 LP-version. 2


1982 o The Swedish Way Of Life.................................................................... 7” .........Pang PSI 044 Incredible single - has all the elements; primitive out of tune guitars, sloppy playing, terrible English accent sung way out of tune. Still, it’s just a rock record, too slow pace to pass for a punk release. .

ALIEN BEAT 1980 o ge mig mer ............................................................................................ 7” .........mandarine mr-S 5 Power pop.

ALLAN LADDS 1979 o 13 år ........................................................................................................ 7” .........- AL-IS Power pop/77. 1981 o 1981......................................................................................................... 7” .........Pippaluck PLS 2 Power pop/rock.

ANDRÈE & THE DANCERS 1981 o russian girl............................................................................................ 7” .........bitrax ramp bXS 101 Pop-punk/rock.

BABIES 1984 o Tomrum .................................................................................................. 7” .........Nacksving Tr45-27 Quite dark rock/pop/punk. The punk element was dropped on later records.

BAKRUS 1979 o blå ljus ......................................................................................................7” ....... bakrus bAK 001 rock ‘n’ roll/rock. 1980 o Nettan ......................................................................................................7” ....... bakrus bAK 002 rock/77.

BEAT LESS 1980 o I natt .........................................................................................................7” ....... Forsaljud Fols 10 Power pop. 2

PErIPHErAL bANDS Here are all the rest of the records that are more or less related to pure punk music:

22 FÖR MÅNGA 1982 o 22 FÖr mÅNgA .................................................................................LP .........Futurax FUT 22 New wave.

62 1/2 1982 o Titta hit ................................................................................................... 7” .........- CTr-382 rock/77. maximum rock ‘N roll mrr 001


Arda CDrEX CD 102


Thrasher TmS vol. 3


96 % 1983 o Fotomodell............................................................................................. 7” .........Noon SNS-831 Dark wave 77.

2760 1980 o Numbers ..............................................................................................12” .........Adventure Adv mp 100 rock reminiscent of later Clash, esp. the songs found on “Let It Out” compilation LP.

ABC 80 1980 o Pop i radion ........................................................................................... 7” .........rocklaget rOSLA tre Powerpop. — They released one more 7” but it is nowhere close to punk.


Ägg-55 198? Ägg Ä


birdnest b irdnest bIrDCD025

198?  WE DON’T NEED NUCLEAr FOrCE .........................................LP .........mulleimer mULLEImEr 015 bristles International hardcore compilation. — Insert. 1999  WE´rE ONLY IN IT FOr THE mONEY – 20 YEArS OF mASSPrODUKTION ................................................................................................................CD .........massproduktion mASS CD 86 vacum/Krunch/brända barn various genres. 1984  WELCOmE TO 1984 ........................................................................CD .........maximum rock n roll mrr 001 bristles/Huvudtvätt International hardcore compilation. — Insert. 1990  WILD rAW AND bEAUTIFUL ......................................................CD .........Arda CDrEX 102 brutal Personal various genres. 1984  WILD rIDErS OF bOArDS.............................................................LP .........Thrasher TmS vOL 3 Slam International hardcore compilation. — The complete cat # is “Thrasher Magazine Skaterock Vol Three”. 1986?  WOrLD WAr III .................................................................................LP .........- WW1 Crude SS/rövsvett International hardcore compilation. 1999 o ÄggrÖrAN 4...................................................................................CD .........Ägg Ägg-40 Skäms/rövsvett various punk styles. 2004  ÄggrÖrAN 6...................................................................................CD .........Ägg Ägg-55 Köttgrottorna various punk styles. 1992?  ÄvEN vACKrA FÅgLAr SKITEr .................................................CD .........birdnest bIrDCD025 Köttgrottorna/Charta 77/Strebers/The Past various punk genres. 1992 m ÄvEN vACKrA FÅgLAr SKITEr .................................................2LP .........birdnest bird025 LP-version. 2


1982 o The Swedish Way Of Life.................................................................... 7” .........Pang PSI 044 Incredible single - has all the elements; primitive out of tune guitars, sloppy playing, terrible English accent sung way out of tune. Still, it’s just a rock record, too slow pace to pass for a punk release. .

ALIEN BEAT 1980 o ge mig mer ............................................................................................ 7” .........mandarine mr-S 5 Power pop.

ALLAN LADDS 1979 o 13 år ........................................................................................................ 7” .........- AL-IS Power pop/77. 1981 o 1981......................................................................................................... 7” .........Pippaluck PLS 2 Power pop/rock.

ANDRÈE & THE DANCERS 1981 o russian girl............................................................................................ 7” .........bitrax ramp bXS 101 Pop-punk/rock.

BABIES 1984 o Tomrum .................................................................................................. 7” .........Nacksving Tr45-27 Quite dark rock/pop/punk. The punk element was dropped on later records.

BAKRUS 1979 o blå ljus ......................................................................................................7” ....... bakrus bAK 001 rock ‘n’ roll/rock. 1980 o Nettan ......................................................................................................7” ....... bakrus bAK 002 rock/77.

BEAT LESS 1980 o I natt .........................................................................................................7” ....... Forsaljud Fols 10 Power pop. 2



1981 o Volympop............................................................................................ EP........ Profit PRO 001 Power pop/77.

1981 o Mitt kompani...........................................................................................7”........ Fest produktion FEST01 Power pop/77.



1980 o Människor av plast..................................................................................7”........ Plast PL-01 Power pop with punky attitude.


1980 o 1982 o

1985 o BOHEMIA............................................................................................... LP........ Funhouse Punk rock/Rock.



1981 o GNISTRANDE SNÖ............................................................................ EP........ Stage and music S&M 8103 Almost made it to get a biography but it really is a power pop release.

1979 o Hey............................................................................................................7”........ Bronto BFS 179 Garage rock.Very very close to 77 punk.


DAGENS UNGDOM........................................................................... EP........ Mistlur MLR-9s New wave. pick-nick på en bilparkering................................................ LP........ Mistlur MLR-26 New wave.

1978 o Radioaktiv.................................................................................................7”........ GBG GBG 003 Pub rock. 1979 o Ett fall för John Drake...........................................................................7”........ GBG GBG 006 Pub rock/77. 1980 o Non stop Stockholm.............................................................................7”........ Nacksving 45-9 Ska rock/Pub rock.

1979 o 1980 o 1980 o 1980 o




Sven Jerrings röst...................................................................................7”........ Jäktskivan Jäkt-001 The A-side is 77. Solglasögon..............................................................................................7”........ Sonet T-10004 The A-side is 77/Pop. SPOTLIGHT........................................................................................... LP........ Sonet SMP-2 Includes the above single. DOCENT DÖD.................................................................................... LP........ Sonet SLP-2669 Also includes the above single. Avoid everything past this.

1977 o BUTTER UTTER................................................................................... EP........ Leonid Brezjnev 01 Rock ‘n’ roll/Rock/77.

1986 o DÖDEN.................................................................................................. LP........ Karsudden PSYK 001 Pure noise.



1980 o 1980 o 1981 o


Forgotten Heroes..................................................................................7”........ Adventure ADVSP 100 The A-side may interrest 77 collectors as it´s fast paced new wave. THE END................................................................................................ EP........ Adventure ADVSP 101 New wave. EUROPOP............................................................................................... LP........ Adventure ADVLP 102 An odd mix of garage rock and new wave.

1982 o 1982 o

Honcho Bongo........................................................................................7”........ Stranded REK 014 Garage rock. Om jag vore kung (över hela världen)...............................................7”........ Stranded REK 017 Fast rock but not enough attitude to to be labeled punk.


1979 o Punky Reggae..........................................................................................7”........ Sonet T-7958 Exactly as the title says. His other records are reggae.

1980 o Livet stinker.............................................................................................7”........ Jäkt Jäktskivan 003 Power pop.



1982 o Eget liv.......................................................................................................7”........ Rosa honung ROSA-7 SP New wave/77.

1979 o Observation galen..................................................................................7”........ Silence zing 108 New wave/77. Later records are synthesizer based.



1981 o Hantverk...........................................................................................LP..........PBF PBF 001

1989 o Dammsugarrock.....................................................................................7”........ Dean Records DEAN S19 For 77 completists.

CROMPOJKARNA 1987 o Hon bor i väggarna................................................................................7”........ Massproduktion MASS Z-33 Basic rock/punk. Later records are rock.

CYCLON B 1979 o Kris............................................................................................................7”........ Ego produktion CB-1 Rock/77. B-side is a Who cover.


The track “Punkplonk” is a punk parody with extremely funny lyrics!

FÅ KÄNDA MÄN 1983 o Lag och rätt.............................................................................................7”........ MNW MNWS 76 Rock with a rebel attitude.

GALLER 1984 o Fjättrad...........................................................................................MLP........ - Rock/Goth.




1981 o Volympop............................................................................................ EP........ Profit PRO 001 Power pop/77.

1981 o Mitt kompani...........................................................................................7”........ Fest produktion FEST01 Power pop/77.



1980 o Människor av plast..................................................................................7”........ Plast PL-01 Power pop with punky attitude.


1980 o 1982 o

1985 o BOHEMIA............................................................................................... LP........ Funhouse Punk rock/Rock.



1981 o GNISTRANDE SNÖ............................................................................ EP........ Stage and music S&M 8103 Almost made it to get a biography but it really is a power pop release.

1979 o Hey............................................................................................................7”........ Bronto BFS 179 Garage rock.Very very close to 77 punk.


DAGENS UNGDOM........................................................................... EP........ Mistlur MLR-9s New wave. pick-nick på en bilparkering................................................ LP........ Mistlur MLR-26 New wave.

1978 o Radioaktiv.................................................................................................7”........ GBG GBG 003 Pub rock. 1979 o Ett fall för John Drake...........................................................................7”........ GBG GBG 006 Pub rock/77. 1980 o Non stop Stockholm.............................................................................7”........ Nacksving 45-9 Ska rock/Pub rock.

1979 o 1980 o 1980 o 1980 o




Sven Jerrings röst...................................................................................7”........ Jäktskivan Jäkt-001 The A-side is 77. Solglasögon..............................................................................................7”........ Sonet T-10004 The A-side is 77/Pop. SPOTLIGHT........................................................................................... LP........ Sonet SMP-2 Includes the above single. DOCENT DÖD.................................................................................... LP........ Sonet SLP-2669 Also includes the above single. Avoid everything past this.

1977 o BUTTER UTTER................................................................................... EP........ Leonid Brezjnev 01 Rock ‘n’ roll/Rock/77.

1986 o DÖDEN.................................................................................................. LP........ Karsudden PSYK 001 Pure noise.



1980 o 1980 o 1981 o


Forgotten Heroes..................................................................................7”........ Adventure ADVSP 100 The A-side may interrest 77 collectors as it´s fast paced new wave. THE END................................................................................................ EP........ Adventure ADVSP 101 New wave. EUROPOP............................................................................................... LP........ Adventure ADVLP 102 An odd mix of garage rock and new wave.

1982 o 1982 o

Honcho Bongo........................................................................................7”........ Stranded REK 014 Garage rock. Om jag vore kung (över hela världen)...............................................7”........ Stranded REK 017 Fast rock but not enough attitude to to be labeled punk.


1979 o Punky Reggae..........................................................................................7”........ Sonet T-7958 Exactly as the title says. His other records are reggae.

1980 o Livet stinker.............................................................................................7”........ Jäkt Jäktskivan 003 Power pop.



1982 o Eget liv.......................................................................................................7”........ Rosa honung ROSA-7 SP New wave/77.

1979 o Observation galen..................................................................................7”........ Silence zing 108 New wave/77. Later records are synthesizer based.



1981 o Hantverk...........................................................................................LP..........PBF PBF 001

1989 o Dammsugarrock.....................................................................................7”........ Dean Records DEAN S19 For 77 completists.

CROMPOJKARNA 1987 o Hon bor i väggarna................................................................................7”........ Massproduktion MASS Z-33 Basic rock/punk. Later records are rock.

CYCLON B 1979 o Kris............................................................................................................7”........ Ego produktion CB-1 Rock/77. B-side is a Who cover.


The track “Punkplonk” is a punk parody with extremely funny lyrics!

FÅ KÄNDA MÄN 1983 o Lag och rätt.............................................................................................7”........ MNW MNWS 76 Rock with a rebel attitude.

GALLER 1984 o Fjättrad...........................................................................................MLP........ - Rock/Goth.





Abrahamsson, Christer “Klister” .............................Epidemi .................................................................................................................. 86 Abrahamsson, Peter ....................................................gollywog ............................................................................................................... 96 Agefjord, bengt ............................................................The End ................................................................................................................. 86 Ahlberg, Peter ..............................................................mizz Nobody ...................................................................................................... 143 Ahlén, Olle ....................................................................Nobby Tåfjutt band ........................................................................................... 150 Ahlquist, mikael “rullis” .............................................The roines Kvartett ......................................................................................... 183 Akre, björn ...................................................................Urban Släke......................................................................................................... 243 Albinsson, Lars “Lars bizarre” ..................................Tre man Stark..................................................................................................... 236 Allin, börje ....................................................................Asocial ................................................................................................................... 27 Almgren, Pelle “bH” ....................................................Stoodes (DT & The Stoodes), Warheads .............................................215, 253 Alonzo, michael/mikael ..............................................KSmb, Stockholms Negrer......................................................................113, 213 Alonzo, Totte ................................................................De Class, Stockholms Negrer ..................................................................72, 213 Alsén, Olle “Olle Oskuld” .........................................rita rem.............................................................................................................. 182 Altsjö, Jan.......................................................................mackt ................................................................................................................... 139 Anderberg, Fredrik......................................................bristles, D.T.A.L.............................................................................................. 52, 70 Anderhorn, mikael “micko”.......................................Noncens .............................................................................................................. 151 Anderson,viking “gårdån” ........................................Knugens Håf ....................................................................................................... 118 Andersson, Anders ......................................................Trogsta Träsk ...................................................................................................... 238 Andersson, bengt “binky C” .....................................Little big muff ..................................................................................................... 135 Andersson, björn.........................................................rune Strutz ......................................................................................................... 188 Andersson, bo “bojan” ...............................................Pizzoar ................................................................................................................. 165 Andersson, bobbo.......................................................bugs ........................................................................................................................ 56 Andersson, Christer ...................................................Watabout ............................................................................................................ 253 Andersson, Danne.......................................................bitch boys ............................................................................................................. 46 Andersson, David ........................................................Puke ...................................................................................................................... 170 Andersson, Fredrik .....................................................Profan relik ........................................................................................................ 168 Andersson, Hasse “Egon” ..........................................Epidemi .................................................................................................................. 86 Andersson, Håkan .......................................................Noncens .............................................................................................................. 151 Andersson, Jan .............................................................Four mandarines, Pain ................................................................................93, 157 Andersson, Jerker “Jerra” ..........................................Traste & Superstararna .................................................................................... 233 Andersson, Joakim.......................................................Existenz, Swankers PmS .............................................................................89, 224 Andersson, Johan .........................................................Zäpo ..................................................................................................................... 257 Andersson, Jörgen “Jojje” ..........................................Sixten redlös ..................................................................................................... 202 Andersson, Laban “Lollipop”.....................................Little big muff ..................................................................................................... 135 Andersson, Lars-Åke ..................................................Intimate................................................................................................................ 110 Andersson, magnus “bullen” .....................................PQ rockers ........................................................................................................ 168 Andersson, martin.......................................................reklamation ........................................................................................................ 179 Andersson, mats “matte”...........................................bugs ........................................................................................................................ 56 Andersson, Niklas .......................................................WC....................................................................................................................... 252 Andersson, Nils “Nillen” ............................................Anti Cimex, D.N.A. ....................................................................................... 20, 69 Andersson, Nisse.........................................................Quizz Kidz .......................................................................................................... 173 Andersson, Patrik “Putå” ...........................................Pöbel möbel ....................................................................................................... 172 Andersson, Pelle ..........................................................Kramp .................................................................................................................. 119 Andersson, Per “Pelle Lakritsbåt” ............................rita rem.............................................................................................................. 182 Andersson, Pjär “Fatso” .............................................Arabens Anus ....................................................................................................... 25 Andersson, roger........................................................Past, The............................................................................................................... 158 Andersson, Sixten .......................................................Anti Cimex ........................................................................................................... 20 Andersson, Sören “Sir N”..........................................Incest brothers .................................................................................................. 107 Andersson, Sören g ...................................................rävjunk ................................................................................................................ 191 Andersson, Tomas........................................................Slobobans Undergång ....................................................................................... 209 Andersson, Tomas “Kisa” ...........................................gollywog ............................................................................................................... 96 Andersson, Tomas “Tompa”.......................................Asocial ................................................................................................................... 27 Andersson, Tommy ......................................................bull Stomp Combo ............................................................................................. 57 Andersson, Tony...........................................................Kontaktlim .......................................................................................................... 119 Andersson, Urban .......................................................Anti-Avans ............................................................................................................ 20 Andersson,viktor “ville vakum” ..............................Framför Flötet...................................................................................................... 94 André, Leif.....................................................................Pizzoar ................................................................................................................. 165 Andrén, Lars .................................................................Skitslickers/Shitlickers ...................................................................................... 205 300

Anklev, Dick ..................................................................rebell ................................................................................................................... 179 Antehag, Ola “Zeb” .....................................................Zeb And The Fast Ones ................................................................................... 255 Aspeborg, mikael .........................................................bull Stomp Combo ............................................................................................. 57 Aspnäs, Håkan ..............................................................Asocial ................................................................................................................... 27 Aurell, Julle ....................................................................Abstract ................................................................................................................. 18 Axelsson, magnus ........................................................mackt ................................................................................................................... 139 Axelsson, Tomas ...........................................................Quizz Kidz .......................................................................................................... 173 batong, Peter “TP” ......................................................Tre man Stark..................................................................................................... 236 beck, mikael “Häck” ....................................................PQ rockers ........................................................................................................ 168 bengtsson, bengt .........................................................Tripple Cripple ................................................................................................... 238 bengtsson, Håkan ........................................................badboll ................................................................................................................... 41 bengtsson, Lars-Olof “LOb” .....................................göteborg Sound, rukorna ........................................................................98, 188 berg, Kenneth ...............................................................Pinheads, Sötlimpa .....................................................................................161, 227 berge, Stina ...................................................................Pink Champagne ................................................................................................ 163 berggren, Tommy “T.b” ...............................................Asocial ................................................................................................................... 27 berglin, Fredrik.............................................................bombanfall ............................................................................................................ 50 berglind, micke .............................................................russian Submarines .......................................................................................... 189 berglund, mats “mumsig” ...........................................Sarah Coffman.................................................................................................... 199 berglund, micke “maskin” ..........................................bizex b ................................................................................................................... 48 berglund, Olle “Olle Ond” ........................................grisen Skriker ...................................................................................................... 96 berglund, Per ................................................................moderat Likvidation ......................................................................................... 146 bergman, mikael...........................................................Charta 77 .............................................................................................................. 60 bergquist, Jörgen..........................................................Shas....................................................................................................................... 200 bergquist, Kristina “Kicko” ........................................Usch ..................................................................................................................... 244 bergsten, Frank ............................................................rövsvett .............................................................................................................. 192 bergstrand, Jan .............................................................Skabb .................................................................................................................... 204 bergstrandh, Peter .....................................................Travolta Kids....................................................................................................... 234 bergström, Pelle...........................................................bröderna ............................................................................................................... 56 bertilsson, Håkan “Frukten” .....................................russian Submarines .......................................................................................... 189 bertling, Sissi .................................................................Dr Zeke ................................................................................................................. 77 bexell, Jerry ...................................................................Arroganta Agitatorer .......................................................................................... 26 birlev, Lars .....................................................................Etiquette mona .................................................................................................... 87 bjernefeldt, Jan .............................................................rukorna ............................................................................................................... 188 bjurén, magnus “bjurre”.............................................Asta Kask .............................................................................................................. 29 bjurgård, Stefan ............................................................bandage ................................................................................................................. 43 björk, Erik .....................................................................Trekant................................................................................................................. 237 björk, Joakim ................................................................blitzen .................................................................................................................... 50 björk, mikael .................................................................brutal Personal..................................................................................................... 53 björk, Patrik “Putte” ...................................................Klägg ..................................................................................................................... 117 björk, Thomas ..............................................................Slam ...................................................................................................................... 207 björklund, Christer “muttis” .....................................P.F. Commando, Quiet men .....................................................................155, 173 björklund, Jon “Jonte”.................................................Stoodes (DT & The Stoodes) ......................................................................... 215 björklund, mike (see granditski, mike)...................Quiet men........................................................................................................... 173 björklund, Peter ...........................................................Attentat ................................................................................................................. 34 björkroth, magnus “manne” ......................................Disarm ................................................................................................................... 73 björnbom, Freddie “Figgis” ........................................rIF......................................................................................................................... 181 björnehult, Staffan .......................................................rock Set .............................................................................................................. 182 björnevad, rolf “Solo” ................................................rune Strutz ......................................................................................................... 188 blomberg, Fredrik “Ztikkan” .....................................Strebers ............................................................................................................... 217 blomgren, Christer .....................................................Perverts ............................................................................................................... 159 blomquist, mikael “micke menlös” ..........................Asta Kask, Strebers .....................................................................................29, 217 blomquist, Thomas ......................................................Anti-Avans ............................................................................................................ 20 bluckert, Jan ..................................................................Four mandarines.................................................................................................. 93 blåman, mattias ............................................................bösös...................................................................................................................... 58 bohlin, Anders “Plutten” ............................................Skäms ................................................................................................................... 206 bohlin, Johan .................................................................Force majeure ...................................................................................................... 93 bohman, magnus ..........................................................Snagg .................................................................................................................... 211 bomberg, Johan ............................................................Sixten redlös ..................................................................................................... 202 borg, Johan “gasten” ..................................................Svea Skandal ....................................................................................................... 223 borg, mats “mats mums” ...........................................grisen Skriker ...................................................................................................... 96 borg, micke ...................................................................Livin’ Sacrifice..................................................................................................... 135 borg, mikael (see Hansson, mikael) .........................Lars Langs ........................................................................................................... 133 borgh, Jan ......................................................................Spion 13............................................................................................................... 212 30




Abrahamsson, Christer “Klister” .............................Epidemi .................................................................................................................. 86 Abrahamsson, Peter ....................................................gollywog ............................................................................................................... 96 Agefjord, bengt ............................................................The End ................................................................................................................. 86 Ahlberg, Peter ..............................................................mizz Nobody ...................................................................................................... 143 Ahlén, Olle ....................................................................Nobby Tåfjutt band ........................................................................................... 150 Ahlquist, mikael “rullis” .............................................The roines Kvartett ......................................................................................... 183 Akre, björn ...................................................................Urban Släke......................................................................................................... 243 Albinsson, Lars “Lars bizarre” ..................................Tre man Stark..................................................................................................... 236 Allin, börje ....................................................................Asocial ................................................................................................................... 27 Almgren, Pelle “bH” ....................................................Stoodes (DT & The Stoodes), Warheads .............................................215, 253 Alonzo, michael/mikael ..............................................KSmb, Stockholms Negrer......................................................................113, 213 Alonzo, Totte ................................................................De Class, Stockholms Negrer ..................................................................72, 213 Alsén, Olle “Olle Oskuld” .........................................rita rem.............................................................................................................. 182 Altsjö, Jan.......................................................................mackt ................................................................................................................... 139 Anderberg, Fredrik......................................................bristles, D.T.A.L.............................................................................................. 52, 70 Anderhorn, mikael “micko”.......................................Noncens .............................................................................................................. 151 Anderson,viking “gårdån” ........................................Knugens Håf ....................................................................................................... 118 Andersson, Anders ......................................................Trogsta Träsk ...................................................................................................... 238 Andersson, bengt “binky C” .....................................Little big muff ..................................................................................................... 135 Andersson, björn.........................................................rune Strutz ......................................................................................................... 188 Andersson, bo “bojan” ...............................................Pizzoar ................................................................................................................. 165 Andersson, bobbo.......................................................bugs ........................................................................................................................ 56 Andersson, Christer ...................................................Watabout ............................................................................................................ 253 Andersson, Danne.......................................................bitch boys ............................................................................................................. 46 Andersson, David ........................................................Puke ...................................................................................................................... 170 Andersson, Fredrik .....................................................Profan relik ........................................................................................................ 168 Andersson, Hasse “Egon” ..........................................Epidemi .................................................................................................................. 86 Andersson, Håkan .......................................................Noncens .............................................................................................................. 151 Andersson, Jan .............................................................Four mandarines, Pain ................................................................................93, 157 Andersson, Jerker “Jerra” ..........................................Traste & Superstararna .................................................................................... 233 Andersson, Joakim.......................................................Existenz, Swankers PmS .............................................................................89, 224 Andersson, Johan .........................................................Zäpo ..................................................................................................................... 257 Andersson, Jörgen “Jojje” ..........................................Sixten redlös ..................................................................................................... 202 Andersson, Laban “Lollipop”.....................................Little big muff ..................................................................................................... 135 Andersson, Lars-Åke ..................................................Intimate................................................................................................................ 110 Andersson, magnus “bullen” .....................................PQ rockers ........................................................................................................ 168 Andersson, martin.......................................................reklamation ........................................................................................................ 179 Andersson, mats “matte”...........................................bugs ........................................................................................................................ 56 Andersson, Niklas .......................................................WC....................................................................................................................... 252 Andersson, Nils “Nillen” ............................................Anti Cimex, D.N.A. ....................................................................................... 20, 69 Andersson, Nisse.........................................................Quizz Kidz .......................................................................................................... 173 Andersson, Patrik “Putå” ...........................................Pöbel möbel ....................................................................................................... 172 Andersson, Pelle ..........................................................Kramp .................................................................................................................. 119 Andersson, Per “Pelle Lakritsbåt” ............................rita rem.............................................................................................................. 182 Andersson, Pjär “Fatso” .............................................Arabens Anus ....................................................................................................... 25 Andersson, roger........................................................Past, The............................................................................................................... 158 Andersson, Sixten .......................................................Anti Cimex ........................................................................................................... 20 Andersson, Sören “Sir N”..........................................Incest brothers .................................................................................................. 107 Andersson, Sören g ...................................................rävjunk ................................................................................................................ 191 Andersson, Tomas........................................................Slobobans Undergång ....................................................................................... 209 Andersson, Tomas “Kisa” ...........................................gollywog ............................................................................................................... 96 Andersson, Tomas “Tompa”.......................................Asocial ................................................................................................................... 27 Andersson, Tommy ......................................................bull Stomp Combo ............................................................................................. 57 Andersson, Tony...........................................................Kontaktlim .......................................................................................................... 119 Andersson, Urban .......................................................Anti-Avans ............................................................................................................ 20 Andersson,viktor “ville vakum” ..............................Framför Flötet...................................................................................................... 94 André, Leif.....................................................................Pizzoar ................................................................................................................. 165 Andrén, Lars .................................................................Skitslickers/Shitlickers ...................................................................................... 205 300

Anklev, Dick ..................................................................rebell ................................................................................................................... 179 Antehag, Ola “Zeb” .....................................................Zeb And The Fast Ones ................................................................................... 255 Aspeborg, mikael .........................................................bull Stomp Combo ............................................................................................. 57 Aspnäs, Håkan ..............................................................Asocial ................................................................................................................... 27 Aurell, Julle ....................................................................Abstract ................................................................................................................. 18 Axelsson, magnus ........................................................mackt ................................................................................................................... 139 Axelsson, Tomas ...........................................................Quizz Kidz .......................................................................................................... 173 batong, Peter “TP” ......................................................Tre man Stark..................................................................................................... 236 beck, mikael “Häck” ....................................................PQ rockers ........................................................................................................ 168 bengtsson, bengt .........................................................Tripple Cripple ................................................................................................... 238 bengtsson, Håkan ........................................................badboll ................................................................................................................... 41 bengtsson, Lars-Olof “LOb” .....................................göteborg Sound, rukorna ........................................................................98, 188 berg, Kenneth ...............................................................Pinheads, Sötlimpa .....................................................................................161, 227 berge, Stina ...................................................................Pink Champagne ................................................................................................ 163 berggren, Tommy “T.b” ...............................................Asocial ................................................................................................................... 27 berglin, Fredrik.............................................................bombanfall ............................................................................................................ 50 berglind, micke .............................................................russian Submarines .......................................................................................... 189 berglund, mats “mumsig” ...........................................Sarah Coffman.................................................................................................... 199 berglund, micke “maskin” ..........................................bizex b ................................................................................................................... 48 berglund, Olle “Olle Ond” ........................................grisen Skriker ...................................................................................................... 96 berglund, Per ................................................................moderat Likvidation ......................................................................................... 146 bergman, mikael...........................................................Charta 77 .............................................................................................................. 60 bergquist, Jörgen..........................................................Shas....................................................................................................................... 200 bergquist, Kristina “Kicko” ........................................Usch ..................................................................................................................... 244 bergsten, Frank ............................................................rövsvett .............................................................................................................. 192 bergstrand, Jan .............................................................Skabb .................................................................................................................... 204 bergstrandh, Peter .....................................................Travolta Kids....................................................................................................... 234 bergström, Pelle...........................................................bröderna ............................................................................................................... 56 bertilsson, Håkan “Frukten” .....................................russian Submarines .......................................................................................... 189 bertling, Sissi .................................................................Dr Zeke ................................................................................................................. 77 bexell, Jerry ...................................................................Arroganta Agitatorer .......................................................................................... 26 birlev, Lars .....................................................................Etiquette mona .................................................................................................... 87 bjernefeldt, Jan .............................................................rukorna ............................................................................................................... 188 bjurén, magnus “bjurre”.............................................Asta Kask .............................................................................................................. 29 bjurgård, Stefan ............................................................bandage ................................................................................................................. 43 björk, Erik .....................................................................Trekant................................................................................................................. 237 björk, Joakim ................................................................blitzen .................................................................................................................... 50 björk, mikael .................................................................brutal Personal..................................................................................................... 53 björk, Patrik “Putte” ...................................................Klägg ..................................................................................................................... 117 björk, Thomas ..............................................................Slam ...................................................................................................................... 207 björklund, Christer “muttis” .....................................P.F. Commando, Quiet men .....................................................................155, 173 björklund, Jon “Jonte”.................................................Stoodes (DT & The Stoodes) ......................................................................... 215 björklund, mike (see granditski, mike)...................Quiet men........................................................................................................... 173 björklund, Peter ...........................................................Attentat ................................................................................................................. 34 björkroth, magnus “manne” ......................................Disarm ................................................................................................................... 73 björnbom, Freddie “Figgis” ........................................rIF......................................................................................................................... 181 björnehult, Staffan .......................................................rock Set .............................................................................................................. 182 björnevad, rolf “Solo” ................................................rune Strutz ......................................................................................................... 188 blomberg, Fredrik “Ztikkan” .....................................Strebers ............................................................................................................... 217 blomgren, Christer .....................................................Perverts ............................................................................................................... 159 blomquist, mikael “micke menlös” ..........................Asta Kask, Strebers .....................................................................................29, 217 blomquist, Thomas ......................................................Anti-Avans ............................................................................................................ 20 bluckert, Jan ..................................................................Four mandarines.................................................................................................. 93 blåman, mattias ............................................................bösös...................................................................................................................... 58 bohlin, Anders “Plutten” ............................................Skäms ................................................................................................................... 206 bohlin, Johan .................................................................Force majeure ...................................................................................................... 93 bohman, magnus ..........................................................Snagg .................................................................................................................... 211 bomberg, Johan ............................................................Sixten redlös ..................................................................................................... 202 borg, Johan “gasten” ..................................................Svea Skandal ....................................................................................................... 223 borg, mats “mats mums” ...........................................grisen Skriker ...................................................................................................... 96 borg, micke ...................................................................Livin’ Sacrifice..................................................................................................... 135 borg, mikael (see Hansson, mikael) .........................Lars Langs ........................................................................................................... 133 borgh, Jan ......................................................................Spion 13............................................................................................................... 212 30

Do you get nostalgic shivers down your spine when someone mentions the word punk? Are you a real geek when it comes to record collecting? Have you ever wondered what was out there – deep in the underground of the Swedish punk scene? Then this book is for you… Find out everything you want to know about well known acts such as Ebba Grön, KSMB, Attentat, Anti Cimex, Mob 47, Asta Kask and Strebers. But also about every other band that ever released a record during the first ten years of punk music! In this book you will find all the facts: line-ups, hometowns, biographies and complete, fully illustrated discographies with all sleeves depicted in full colour. The discographies detail variations in vinyl pressings and covers, coloured vinyl existence – and just about everything else of interest for any serious collector of Swedish punk records. Finally you get to see the full output from legendary bands such as Vicious Visions, Shas, Absurd, Kriminella Gitarrer, 57 KEZ, Kessler Jugend, Bad Boo Band and other similar acts. Over the years, early Swedish punk has obtained a cult reputation among music fans all over the world and some records fetch ridiculously high prices at auctions. Those records were often pressed in very small numbers by private labels. This book includes Premium Publishing’s established price guide indication ratings, showing the current status among collectors for each and every entry! It has taken the author, Peter Jandreus, some ten years to collect the massive amount of information contained in this book. Premium Publishing is now very proud to present the definite reference guide to all the recording acts during the first ten innovative years of the Swedish punk era!

Colour. Illustrated. 320 pages.


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