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Staff Farewells
Joanna Gray (nee Tugwell) was an integral part of the PLC Boarding community during her 11 years at the School. With a teaching background, Jo joined the PLC Boarding House in 2011. She was acutely aware of the challenges that boarders and their families faced and placed much of her focus on establishing strong connections with community stakeholders. Throughout her time, Jo was Coordinator to a wide range of year groups from Year 8 through, in her final years, Year 12. Each year group benefitted from her firm, but fair approach and thrived in her care.
She possessed a strong sense of professionalism in her approach to all facets of boarding and took every opportunity to build upon her skills and to stay up to date with all current trends. Above all, Jo felt privileged to be a part of PLC Boarding House and her role in contributing to shaping young women to become strong and independent world citizens. Jo will best be remembered for the dedication she demonstrated each and every day; fostering outstanding relationships through exemplary pastoral care.
With a background as a Chinese Language Teacher, Anna commenced at PLC in 2009 initially in the role of ILT Curriculum Integration Manager. In September 2010, Anna was appointed to the role of Director of Information and Learning Technologies, for PLC and Scotch, a role which sat on the Senior Leadership Team/ Executive of both Schools and which was responsible for leading the ILT strategy and managing the relevant teams at each School for curriculum integration and technology infrastructure.
During her almost 12 years at PLC and Scotch, Anna made a significant contribution to the delivery of ILT strategy and aligning the technology platforms across both schools, consistent with the PLC and Scotch Memorandum of Understanding, to enable the delivery of cross-campus classes.
Anna is an innovative and strategic leader, and her ability to look at an issue from a different perspective was highly valued by the PLC Senior Leadership Team.
Sandra Otranto
Sandra was born in a tiny village in Portugal, moving to Australia as a small child. She is very close to her family and has never lost sight of the hardships her parents went through to make a better life.
Sandra commenced at PLC in January 2008 in the Finance department, in the role of Accounts Officer. In October 2009, this role changed to Accounts Officer –Collections, and she remained in this role for the balance of her tenure at PLC, a total of just over 14 years.
Her background gave her empathy with the PLC families that she had contact with in the course of her role, a role which she undertook with dedication and sensitivity for those families who found it more difficult than others to give their children a PLC education.
Anyone who visited her office would have seen that she is a keen follower of the Fremantle Dockers, and is in fact quite knowledgeable about the game of AFL. In between raising her son and daughter, Sandra has been working for several years towards a Juris Doctor at Murdoch University.
As a team member she was always willing to accept any task, especially if it meant researching and learning something new. She would always roll up her sleeves with whatever was needed when other team members were overloaded.
Staff Farewells
Rokiyah Bin Swani Indigenous Scholarship Programme Co-ordinator
Emily Brown Theatre Arts Production Assistant
Jason Chiriac Technology Support Officer
Linley Flugge Uniform Shop Assistant
Felicity Gairns Boarding House Assistant
Joanna Gray Boarding House Year Group Co-ordinator
Frances Hannington Boarding House Weekend Co-ordinator
Tehan Harvey Accounts Officer - Payroll and Payables
Krysti Hodges Junior School Teacher
Anna Hu Director or ILT
Charlotte Krause Maths Teacher
Nat Medhurst
Head of Sport
Gabriella Murphy Uniform Shop Assistant
Susie Myers
Education AssistantSpecial Needs Senior School
Sandra Otranto Accounts OfficerCollections
Vivi Phan-Tran People and Culture Co-ordinator
Taylor Rickard ILT Co-ordinator
Michael Rourke
Languages Teacher
Sara Green Drama Teacher
Emily Smrcek HPE Teacher
Bauke Snyman Head of Drama
Clare Thomson Boarding House Year Group Co-ordinator
Amelia Turner Education AssistantJunior School
Kylie Yacopetti Publications, Marketing and Media Co-ordinator
Sadie Yoxall
Boarding House Year Group Co-ordinator
Jade Zimmerman Music Administration Assistant