Welcome to the 2023 Annual Report for Presbyterian Villages of Michigan (PVM). We appreciate you taking a few minutes to review these highlights from our non-profit, faith-based and community focused senior living and aging services organization.
At the forefront of all that was achieved in the past year were our Mission, Vision, and Core Purpose…
Our Mission. Guided by our Christian heritage, we serve all seniors creating new possibilities for quality living.
Our Vision. We will continue to transform senior living and services, enhancing the communities we serve.
Our Core Purpose. We create diverse environments, programs and services where seniors are able to achieve their best possibilities and purposes in life.
These important statements, along with our beliefs and values, guide and inspire our daily actions.
Dr. Louis J. Prues 2023-2025 PVM Board Chair
Roger L. Myers PVM President & CEO
In the pages that follow you will see great examples of how our daily actions are having significant positive impacts across Michigan. Positive impacts for older persons, positive impacts for families and neighbors and positive impacts for numerous communities.
These positive impacts extend from Detroit to Flint, from Holly to Harbor Springs, from Redford to Rosebush, from Pontiac to Port Huron, from Bay City to Battle Creek, from Westland to Warren, from Jackson to Onaway, and MANY other wonderful communities.
These positive impacts are in the form of senior living communities, as well as with home and community based services. All that we have accomplished is made possible with our countless dedicated stakeholders. Stakeholders, including you!
Finally, in our valued partnerships with these stakeholders, PVM is widely recognized for leadership and advocacy that are making a meaningful difference by enhancing the quality of life for thousands of individuals.
Thank you!
With sincere appreciation and gratitude,
Rev. Dr. Louis J. Prues PVM Board Chair
Roger L. Myers PVM President & CEO
P.S. In 2025, we will be celebrating PVM’s 80th anniversary of our leadership, advocacy, and positive impacts. Please join us in the many upcoming special events that are being planned.
Dear Generous, Thoughtful, and Caring Donor:
Because of your thoughtful donation to the PVM Foundation, an older adult is better off today and into the future. Your donation made the following possible:
• PVM’s Resident Emergency Help Fund helped over 90 older adults with low and fixed incomes weather medical emergencies and financial hardship;
• Resident Activities for older adults with low incomes: from trips to the Tigers Game to health/wellness classes, and much more;
• Your donations provided the funding to construct private telehealth suites in many PVM Villages. Now a doctor’s visit is only a click away;
• A brand new dining and gathering lounge at The Village of Westland. All because of your donation;
• Your donations to PVM’s Campaign for the Ages has raised $13.5M. These funds will help bring affordable healthcare and housing options to 1,200 older adults in Flint, Westland, Port Huron, and Pontiac;
• Beautiful music now fills The Village of East Harbor’s campus. Your donation paid for a state-of-the-art outdoor sound system;
Without you choosing to donate to the PVM Foundation, these things could not happen…THANK YOU for making that choice.
Your gift makes a difference each day. On behalf of the older adults you have helped, thank you so much!
Please continue your generous support. It is doing wonderful things!
Thank you for caring,
James S. Gompers,
Board Chair, Presbyterian Villages of MI Foundation
Paul Miller, CFRE
Presbyterian Villages of MI Foundation
9 In partnership with the McFarlan Charitable Corporation, closed on financing and began construction on the renovation of 268 apartments at McFarlan Villages in Flint while bringing increased affordability for many residents through HUD and Flint Housing Commission subsidies. The project will also bring supportive services through collaboration and a food program to the campus.
9 Closed on financing and began construction on the Westland PACE Center. In partnership with PACE Southeast Michigan, the almost $11M project will provide health and wellness services to approximately 250 low-income seniors annually. The new Center will be on the campus of PVM’s existing Village of Westland and will provide services to its residents, as well as the surrounding community.
9 In partnership with the Port Huron Housing Commission, PVM began construction of 90 units (45 apartments and 45 cottages) at The Village of Lake Huron Woods in Fort Gratiot Township.
9 In partnership with Wallick Communities, closed on financing of Dr. Violet T. Lewis Village to create 105 new apartments of affordable housing in Detroit.
Occupancy is a key factor for any senior living organization; PVM averaged 91.3% system-wide occupancy in 2023. PVM strives to provide positive impacts not just for our residents but also for the greater community. We share our expertise on aging through informational resources and programs. This includes workshops on elder care, navigating senior living options, and support groups. PVM recognizes that a strong community benefits everyone, and our outreach programs are a testament to that philosophy.
• Celebrated Perry Farm Village’s 20th anniversary.
• Opening of The Birches at Perry Farm Village providing 20 assisted living studios which will serve both Perry Farm Village and the greater Harbor Springs area.
• Lake Huron Woods Village groundbreaking event that will provide 45 affordable apartments and 45 new cottage homes to Fort Gratiot Township.
9 Recruitment of 224 new employees throughout 2023, during a challenging labor force climate.
9 Obtained consistent feedback from data on WeCare Connect related to employee experience over their first 6 months of employment to address employee retention.
9 Successful retreat for executive leadership.
9 Increase in staff appreciation at The Village of Westland by managers and staff through service excellence cards. This resulted in a noticeable increase in morale.
9 Increased use of expedited hiring process, where applicable, to offer immediate contingent hiring.
9 Increased wages for select positions to enhance our competitive approach and positively impact recruitment and retention.
PVM President and CEO Roger Meyers and Residents at the PACE Westland Groundbreaking
9 Successful Luncheon to Say Thanks with over 122 Shining Stars across PVM, and Top 10 Shining Stars.
9 Implemented new training topics, updated training materials, and increased online training for staff of The Village of Westland, to include cultural competence, working with individuals with physical disabilities, annual waiver program, and critical topics to strengthen employee knowledge and skills.
9 Increased new hire orientation sessions.
9 Continued opportunity for employees and leaders to access the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice (DEIJ) resources on the PVM Intranet.
9 Consistent Service Excellence sessions to engage employees with understanding their responsibility to the core values: Listening, Relationships, Accountability, and Respect.
9 Project Management and Financial Oversight
• Successfully managed all Facility Advancement (FA) projects, including major initiatives at Court St. 700 & 800, and Lake Huron Woods.
9 Infrastructure Upgrades and Innovation
• Replaced 80% of firewalls and switches within the PVM system, improving baseline wireless and network performance to 150 MB or better.
• Collaborated with technology leaders to integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other innovations for future technology projections.
9 Cybersecurity Enhancements
• Upgraded cybersecurity tools and policies for enhanced protection.
• Implemented new tools and procedures, including tightened password policies, strict data access controls, and increased awareness campaigns on cyber fraud.
9 Cost Reduction Initiatives
• Reduced mobile cell usage costs by 20% annually.
• Achieved 5% annual cost reduction in direct technology purchases through suppliers.
• Reduced dependence on outsourcing by 20% annually through in-house troubleshooting and replacement of cameras
9 Regional Presentations: PVM Risk Management presented best practices in claim prevention to a regional group of senior housing risk managers, empowering them to identify and mitigate exposures at their facilities.
9 Insurance Renewal Success: Secured a property insurance renewal with a cost increase below the national average (20% vs. 30-50%) aimed at ensuring proactive maintenance and claim prevention.
• Transitioned five sites from primary digital telephone carrier (T1) phone systems to self-hosted Asterisk Internet Protocol system, reducing annual village phone charges by 20%.
Community Engagement and Professional Development
• Conducted on-site visits to PVM communities, educating residents on cyber safety and innovation.
• Actively participated in the Community Information Online Consortium, leveraging 40 years of technology experience.
9 Strategic Planning and Future Initiatives
• Focused on building Wi-Fi 6 communication platforms to improve the performance of Wi-Fi networks.
9 Superior Risk Management: Received a significant policyholder dividend due to overall outstanding performance relative to peers at Caring Communities Insurance Company.
9 Collaboration in the Senior Living and Aging Services Field: PVM actively participated in a national work group challenging memory care norms and a state work group dedicated to improving the adult foster care model. This demonstrates PVM’s commitment to continuous improvement and collaboration.
U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) approved Service Coordinator Supportive Service Plans in several Project Rental Assistance Contract (PRAC 202) financed budgets to expand services that address some of the highest unmet needs, namely chronic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension. Services provided include weekly exercise classes, addressing cardiovascular health, strength, balance, and flexibility. It will also include healthy eating classes, grief support groups, education, and other activities that will enhance the quality of life of the seniors in our Villages.
9 Renewed partnership and increased Village participation from three to seven Villages with Wayne County Senior Companion Program, sponsored by Methodist Children’s Home Society Family of Services (MCHSFS) allowing residents to volunteer, at their respective Villages, by engaging in resident activities and receiving a stipend. The program provides part-time, work-based training opportunities for older workers in local community service agencies and assists program participants in obtaining unsubsidized employment.
2023 was a challenging year financially for the PVM system. The senior living and long-term care industry was disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic through a combination of devastating impacts on frail residents, changes in market response to senior living and long-term care service offerings, significant operating cost increases, and increased regulatory requirements. A substantial impact on PVM was inflationary costs, primarily from market compensation increases in retaining and recruiting employees.
PVM’s 2023 system-wide revenues were $87M, without including PACE Programs. Revenues for PACE Programs were $176M for PACE Southeast Michigan and $21Mfor PACE Central Michigan.
PVM received management agreement approval from Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA) to manage operations for Alpena Pines.
9 The Village of Holly Woodlands received a Superior rating on the Management Occupancy Review (MOR). The highest rating HUD provides on file compliance audits.
9 The Village of Woodbridge Manor honored Paul Bridgewater, former President and CEO of the Detroit Area Agency on Aging (D.A.A.A.), by dedicating the front lobby in his name.
9 Lynn Street Manor received $140,000 from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to develop an onsite Telehealth suite for residents.
The PVM Board of Directors established a Task Force on Financial Sustainability and Strategic Growth to undertake a comprehensive systemwide financial assessment. The Task Force charge includes balancing financial, mission, social, and other outcomes that fit with the current strategic direction of PVM while balancing future growth against that assessment.
PVM’s system revenue grew to $87M, with significant grant revenue recognized in 2023 of over $7M towards the Campaign for Ages projects. PACE Southeast Michigan and PACE Central Michigan experienced solid revenue growth during 2023 of 15% and 33% respectively.
9 The cottages (Ivy and Rose) were remodeled and brought up to date to give a fresh look and feel to the interior. The internal spaces were redesigned and repurposed to make sure they were functioning well for the residents and the staff.
9 Introduced Tovertafel Tables to residents in memory care and assisted living apartments in The Village of Westland. This device enables residents living with dementia to be more social and interactive by utilizing technology to engage with other residents and their families.
9 After missing a few years, Rosebush Manor brought back our annual Community Band Fest outdoors, with lunch and entertainment. Residents, family members, board members, and community members were invited and joined us for a fun afternoon.
9 State Representative Jerry Neyer came for a visit and tour of Rosebush Manor.
9 PVM Foundation’s 2023 Friends & Family fundraiser raised $5,800 for the residents of Rosebush Manor.
9 The East Harbor Nursing Center continued to maintain its five-star status from Medicare for all of 2023 amidst the changes in quality that make it tough to receive 5-star status.
9 Received approval to bill for outpatient therapy services provided at the Wellness Center. This opened up a lot more opportunities for serving not only our East Harbor residents but also seniors from around the area.
9 Successful annual state nursing survey. The assisted living and memory care areas are licensed (HFA) by the state as well. The HFA had their annual survey and received zero citations.
9 New flooring was installed in the main dining, lobby, and main hallway enhancing the visual appeal of the entrance of The Village of Westland.
9 600E dining room was relocated and expanded to host more residents as well as be a community and entertainment space for residents and visitors.
9 One efficiency apartment was completed as a mock space to utilize as a model. As part of the renovation plans, the entire 600E hallway will consist of these efficiencies once the upcoming renovations of the campus start.
9 Rosebush Manor partnered with Central Michigan District Health Department (CMDHD) for our annual Vaccine Clinic. Residents, family, and board members were able to participate in this clinic.
9 Rosebush Manor was a recipient of a grant from the Mt. Pleasant Area Community Foundation, for our outdoor pavilion.
9 Rosebush Manor also received a federal grant for a telemedicine suite inside our facility. This grant is being used to build a telemedicine suite for residents and community members to use for appointments in-house via technology.
9 Collaborating with the local township supervisor to obtain three or four acres of the 28 acres of land next door to the East Harbor property for bike riding, walking, and nature trail.
9 We received several Pinnacle Awards for 2023 as best in class. We also consistently received high marks from the Pinnacle Resident satisfaction surveys and remained a top performer in their national database.
During 2023 our partnerships with Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) continued to expand geographically and serve more participants, as follows:
PACE Southeast Michigan: Our partnership with Henry Ford Health (HFH), opened its eighth Center in Clinton Township (Macomb County) and received approval to develop a ninth Center in Westland (Wayne County) on The Village of Westland campus. Construction began in 2023 and will be completed during 2024 with the Center opening in the fall. PACE Southeast Michigan is now serving almost 2,000 participants living in Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties. In the coming few years, it is anticipated that we will be serving well over 3,000 individuals. For more information on PACE Southeast Michigan, please visit www.pacesemi.org.
Our centers:
• Clinton Township Center
• Dearborn Center
• Detroit Centers (Thome and Greydale)
• Eastpointe Center
• Pontiac Center
• Southfield Center
• Sterling Heights Center
• Westland Center
PACE Central Michigan: our partnership with the Michigan Masonic Home (MMH), received approval to increase the number of participants at the Mt. Pleasant Center (Isabella County), as well as to develop a second Center in the Houghton Lake area.
Westland PACE Center Construction
Construction of the new Center is expected to begin in 2024. PACE Central Michigan is serving about 250 participants living across several counties in mid-Michigan and will be growing to serve over 400 individuals. For more information on PACE Central Michigan, please visit www.pacecmi.com
PACE Northeast Michigan: Our partnership with the Northeast Michigan Community Service Agency (NEMCSA) received final approval from the State of Michigan to develop this new program that will serve Michigan’s northeastern region. PVM also received a special $5M appropriation from the State. The joint venture between PVM and NEMCSA has been established, with Jeff Meden selected as the Executive Director. The Alpena (Alpena County) PACE Center will be constructed during 2024, and participants will begin to be served by early 2025. Initially, this program will serve 150 participants.
Through its widely recognized unique interdisciplinary model of comprehensive and integrated healthcare, PACE enables frail older persons to live with greater independence and at higher quality of life in their homes and apartments, to largely avoid (in most cases) the necessity of living in institutional settings. For more information on PACE, please visit the PACE Association of Michigan at www.pacemichigan.com and the National PACE Association at www.npaonline.org
The PVM system is blessed with over 200 volunteer leaders who exercise important governance responsibilities with the individual senior communities Boards, with system-wide committees, with our PACE partnerships, the PVM Foundation Board, and the PVM Board of Directors
During 2023, the following individuals joined the PVM Board of Directors:
Carolyn Hastings
Dr. Thomas Jankowski
John Lovegren
Amy Rinkle
Yvette Aline Meko Tchonang
Mark Boyle and Marcia Nunn also joined the PVM Foundation Board in 2023.
Rev. Dr. Louis J. Prues began his service as the Chair of the Board of Directors on January 1, 2023, and he will continue in that capacity through December 31, 2025.
The following individuals concluded their long and distinguished service on the PVM Board of Directors at the end of 2023:
Henry Johnson Duane Lewis Ted Payne
Thank you for your service to PVM!
A listing of the 2024 members of the PVM Board of Directors and the PVM Foundation Board of Directors is included below. All system-wide Board Members are listed on the PVM website, in other community publications and are often included with photos publicly posted at the respective communities.
Presbyterian Villages of Michigan 2024 BOARD OF DIRECTORS
Rev. Dr. Louis Prues, DMin, PhD
Board Chair
Kenneth Hollowell
Board Vice Chair & Finance Committee Chair
David Imesch
Facilities Advancement Committee Chair
Johnnie Jackson
Strategic Planning Committee Chair
Dr. Thomas Jankowski, PhD
Governance Committee Chair
Martha Nield
Operations Committee Chair, Board Secretary
Roshunda Price, JD, CPA
Audit Committee Chair
David Frauenheim
Audit Vice Chair & Facilities Advancement
Committee Vice Chair
Carolyn Hastings
Strategic Planning Committee Vice Chair
Gary Ley
PVM Board Representative to the PVM Foundation Board
John Lovegren
Finance Committee Vice Chair
Amy Rinkel
Operations Committee Vice Chair
Nathan Sheffer
Governance Committee Vice Chair
Presbyterian Villages of Michigan Foundation 2024 BOARD OF DIRECTORS
James S. Gompers, Board Chair
Robert R. Schroeder, Vice Chair
Bruce Blalock, Treasurer
Linda Bomberski, Secretary
Paul J. Miller, President
Mark Boyle
Nathan Conway
John Denler
Paul Hubbard
Henry Johnson
Thomas E. Kimble
Duane M. Lewis
Marcia Nunn
Bruce Blalock
Board Treasurer
Katrina Summersett, BSN, JD
Board Assistant Secretary
Dr. Gwendolyn Graddy, MD
Dr. Lynda Jeffries, PhD
Dr. Aaron Lundgaard
Yvette Aline Meko Tchonang
Charles Tommasulo
Dr. Geneva Williams, EdD
James S. Gompers
Roger L. Myers
Robert Peterson
Debra Romalia
John E. Utley
Michelle Williams
Rev. Dr. Louis Prues
Roger L. Myers
Presbyterian Villages of Michigan Executive Team
Barbara Bear
Executive Director of Perry Farm Village
Bruce Blalock
Senior Vice President of Finance and Obligated Group Operations
Kesha Daniels
Vice President of Housing
Kamel Elkadri
Vice President of Dining Services
Audra Frye
Director of Sales and Marketing
Jessica Gross, RN.
Administrator Village of Rosebush Manor
Kahlia Harper
Executive Director of McFarlan Villages
LaDonna Holley
Senior Vice President HR & Chief Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice Officer
Mark Kronner
Chief Technology Officer
Paul Miller, CFRE
President of PVM Foundation
Roger L. Myers
President & CEO
Katrina Summersett, BSN, JD
Director of Risk Management & Quality, and Corporate Compliance Officer
Ian Wiesner
Senior Vice President of Facilities Advancement
Please Note: Individuals with interest in being considered for service on a PVM affiliated governing Board should contact the Board Chair of the specific community or program, or the community’s administrator/executive director, or the Chair of the PVM system-wide Governance Committee (Dr. Thomas Jankowski), or Chair of the PVM Board (Rev. Dr. Louis Prues) or Chair of the PVM Foundation Board (Jim Gompers) or Paul Miller (President of the Foundation) or Roger Myers (PVM’s President & CEO).
Alpena Pines
Battle Creek
The Village of Mill Creek
Bay City
The Village of Hampton Meadows
Chesterfield Township
The Village of East Harbor
Clinton Township
The Village of Peace Manor
Delta Manor
Hartford Village
The Thome Rivertown Neighborhood
The Village of Bethany Manor
The Village of Brush Park Manor Paradise Valley
The Village of Harmony Manor
The Village of Oakman Manor
The Village of St. Martha’s
The Village of University Meadows
The Village of Woodbridge Manor
Dr. Violet T. Lewis Village (313) 270-9150
McFarlan Villages
Fort Gratiot Township
The Village of Lake Huron Woods 810.385.9516
Harbor Springs
Perry Farm Village 231.526.1500
The Village of Hillside 231.526.7108
The Village of Holly Woodlands
The Village of Spring Meadows 517.788.6679
The Village of Sage Grove 269.567.3300
Lynn Street Manor 989.733.2661
The Village of Oakland Woods 248.334.4379
The Village of Redford 313.541.6000
The Village of Rosebush Manor 989.433.0150
The Village of Warren Glenn 586.751.5090
The Village of Our Saviour’s Manor 734.595.4663
The Village of Westland 734.728.5222
For more information about a Village near you, visit www.pvm.org or call 248.281.2020.
Diversity and Inclusion is the Heart of Our Business!
Non-Discrimination Policy
PACE Southeast Michigan
Serving all of Macomb county, and most of Wayne and Oakland counties
PACE Central Michigan Serves 51 zip codes, which include all of Isabella, Clare, Gladwin and Roscommon counties, as well as most of Gratiot County, approximately half of Montcalm and Midland counties, and smaller portions of Mecosta, Osceola, Bay, Arenac, Ogemaw, Crawford and Missawkee counties.
PACE Southeast Michigan2 PACE Central Michigan3 Villages1
1 Some villages and programs are in collaboration with other organizations
2 In collaboration with Henry Ford Health System
3 In collaboration with Michigan Masonic Home
4 In collaboration with the Northeast Michigan Community Service Agency, coming in 2024/2025 PACE Northeast Michigan4
25200 Telegraph Rd Suite 400 Southfield, Michigan 48033-7496 (248) 281-2020 | pvm.org
Presbyterian Villages of Michigan complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, and protected veteran status.