BOUNDLESS: Adventure

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Welcome to Boundless, Volume VI: Adventure. Each chapter is a new stage of your quest. With each page, explore the endless world of Presentation High School’s creativity through art, design, photography, and literature. All works showcased are made and selected by students. We cannot wait for your Boundless Adventure!

Your directors, Anusha Jain and Olivia Tumacder

All images and writing are the property of each artist and may not be reproduced or copied without permission.

Setting Sail........................................................9 A New Town....................................................18 Friends And Foes..........................................30 Into the Wild.................................................40

Lynnea Jeung

Lynnea recently graduated from ArtCenter College of Design with distinction and a BFA in Graphic Design, specializing in branding, packaging and leadership. She is currently a graphic designer for Pressed Juicery, working on visual identities for both wholesale and retail. Her past internship experiences include Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) and a design agency on the Amazon team.

Hey, it’s Mia!

I am so grateful to still be part of Boundless. I graduated from Presentation in 2023 and now attend Boston University, majoring in Business Administration (Marketing) and minoring in Visual Arts. I’m currently involved in two BU student-led magazines: The Buzz and Off the Cuff. Starting this summer, I will be a graphic designer for a custom clothing company called Merch Pier. You can check out my work here: I’m so excited to see everyone’s work!

Mia Overbo

These are alumni in creative fields who have donated their time to review our student selections. After reviewing the selected work from each cateogry, they have chosen the top pieces that they felt stood out as exceptional work!


This piece was inspired by “The Great Wave” by Hokusai

Ally Nguyen, Ceramics

Lost at Sea

Fear. Have you ever heard your head ring with alarm as you rapidly looked around for parents that were nowhere to be seen? My vision had become blurry with tears as I failed to spot them in the mob of people swelling around me like the ocean. I dropped my mom’s hand resulting in it being swept out to sea, seemingly lost forever. It was hard to breathe and my heart pounded so hard I could hear it echo in my ears. In my panic I was able to remember one lesson my parents taught me: if you ever get lost, don’t move.

I stayed shaking at a bench, rapidly looking around, thinking of what I should do. Except I couldn’t think of anything other than the possibility of losing my family forever. A young girl sobbing and clinging on a bench for dear life, must have attracted attention because a nice woman approached me.

She wielded a steaming churro, smelling of warm dough, cinnamon, and sugar. It was a comforting smell. She crouched to my eye-level asking me the standard questions: “Are you lost? Where are your parents?” She had such a sweet comforting look in her eyes that I felt more at ease and was able to give her an answer, though I was still crying my eyes out. She waved at her family, saying they can go on without her and sat down with me on the bench. She asked how my parents looked and where I saw them last, so I pointed vaguely towards the gift shop mumbling through my tears.

That’s when I saw my mom frantically looking around, with such a panic that you’d think there was an ax murderer chasing her. Our eyes locked and she ran over in a hurry, hugging me as soon as she arrived. I cried in relief, clinging to her shirt strongly enough for it to break. The panic in my heart left as she warmly embraced me. She thanked the kind woman immensely, squeezing her tight. After she was released from the hug and a short conversation with my mom, the woman walked away with her churro waving goodbye and off to find her family.

As we walked towards the gift shop she asked why I let go of her hand. I remember embarrassingly admitting that I saw the Lightning McQueen animatronic that we mentioned wanting to take a picture with earlier and ran towards it, but when I turned back they weren’t there. She said that my dad had made the suggestion of going to the gift shop and buying gifts for family friends, and that she didn’t notice me leaving her side even as they walked over there. She looked angry as she picked through different Cars characters on the shelves. “I can’t even believe it. I thought you were with him, and he thought you were with me,” she huffed as she put the toys on the counter by the register. We walked out of the shop, to see my dad and little brother standing out there waiting for us.


We walked along the path, looking over a big body of water. Streams of it swayed through the air like dancers, the colorful lights making it shine with vibrant colors with the Disney Castle in the distance. I squeezed my mom’s hand tight as I walked with my family, happy that they weren’t lost at sea.

After this terrifying experience at Disneyland, I have not been lost since, except one time at a grocery store. I have learned to stick close to my family in public spaces and that I won’t be nearly as lucky for a kind woman to help me each time. So what I’m trying to say is try not to get lost, in any way it can mean, and seek help when you need it.

Elephant Seals 1

Wong, Photography

Taken on a Sony Powershot SD880 in Atascadero, California



Turtle Phuong Hoang, Flameworking Tiger Olivia Tumacder, Watercolor & Colored Pencil

Underwater Anonymous, Acrylic


By the Sea

A mug that encompasses the beauty and unpredictability of the sea- as reflected in the seashell pattern and the layering of glazes.


Glazed Platter Anonymous, Ceramics

Behind the Wharf. Point Lobbs Olivia Tumacder, Acrylic

One two three four five

She counted until she got to ten

She waited patiently

Counting the people in the room

Counting her blessings

Counting counting counting

She would count until she felt better

She would count the seconds until she was in the group again

One two three four five people told her she was strong today it might be ten tomorrow she counted until the numbers blocked out her thoughts maybe if she counted forever everything would stop

One two three four five

Numbers Anonymous
Murmuring Sneha Arun, Photography


Allie Ellis, Photography


Nat Wong, Photography

Untitled Alexa Vincent, Ink and Pastels


Flower Vase


I wish to consume poetry.

I don’t just mean to analyze, I need to feel its taste on my tongue. The texture—is it rough, or soft?

Cold, or warm?

Whole, or broken?

I need to feel how it sits in my stomach, how I tear it apart. If my body accepts or rejects it.

I want to see the residue it leaves on my fingers, ink-stained fingers, and crumbs of words collect on my lips.

I need to see if the poem tastes sweet, or bitter. Or if it burns my tongue to the point of numbness.

Teeth Anusha Jain, Colored Pencil
color barf Arushi Kharbanda, Acyrlic spill Stella Pham, Photography

Hoi An

The night always glows in Viet Nam s historic city of lanterns

Hoi An

Hoai-Trang Hoang, Digital Art


It was the summer I wasTwelve

It was the summer I was Twelve

When the billboard in Illinois said:


I saw it through the windows I kept open because the sheets stuck to my skin with sweat, when I peered out to catch the cool breeze and saw you playing basketball in your driveway and wished I could join you. Bounce, Bounce, Hoop.


I saw it when I walked to my pre-algebra class at 8 in the morning, tugged hard on the warm door handle and saw you holding your schoolbag and water bottle and wished I could walk with you.

Step, Step, Creak.


I saw it behind my kite at the park, as I followed the wind with my reel, turned, and saw you cracking sunflower seeds in the gap between your front teeth and wished I could eat them with you.

HELL IS REAL. I saw it but it was the summer I was twelve and I wished I could be with you.



I want to put the laundry in the machine, Watch it spin and take it out when it is warm.

Fold it, sleeve to sleeve, Put it in your drawers

Wait for you to wear them.

I want to take the dishes to the sink, Scrape off the remnants of our meals. Put the mugs and bowls in the dishwater, Wait for the blinking lights, Put them in the cabinets

Wait for you to drink out of them.

I want to go to the market,

Turn over the apples for brown spots, Put the best in the plastic cart,

Wheel them home,

Put them in the refrigerator

Wait for you to eat them.

How ironic and rare, that my mother is ashamed of me because I want to do chores.


25 Briella
Palladino, Photography

New York

Sophie E, Photography

The Spotlight Cat

Zara Ansari, Photography Anna Chow, Photography After the Rain

Anonymous, Ceramics

Mia Cali, Photography
Anusha Jain, Colored Pencil Senior Portrait

Three short words and eight simple letters, yet Madeleine can’t ever seem to force them out of her mouth. They sit at the back of her throat, itching as she repeatedly opens and closes her mouth, waiting for them to appear.

She turns from Claire and stares out the window, fingers still intertwined under the table. The words loom over her head, beating on her brow. If they were to slip from her mouth, everything could go to shit. The precarious balance she’s established with Anne would be destroyed within seconds, it’s not worth it.

So she settles for small actions and desperate prayers hoping that Claire will notice. If she’s lucky, maybe even feel the same.

Short acrylics glide across Madeleine’s palm, and she runs her thumb over the jewels she had pressed lovingly into the fake nails. She’d spent hours hunched over, squinting at Claire’s hands as she aligned gems, drew patterns, and brushed glitter. A pass of a thin brush, leaving behind swirls of pink and purple. I love you. Mirrored red hearts on Claire’s pinkies. I love you. Seungmin’s warm breath drying the polish, blowing softly. I love you. I love you. I love you.

Polish Anonymous Anonymous, Digital Art Untitled


Laura Yeh, Digital Art

Catch a Break

Superhero teens need to take a break after fighting crime, preferably with a burger in hand. This piece depicts original characters.


Phineas andFerb

In the land of summer, where adventures unfurl, Lived Phineas and Ferb, with a plan to whirl. With imaginations wild and hearts full of zest, Every day was a quest, each one the best. Phineas, the brain, with ideas galore, Ferb, the silent partner, always wanting more. Together they’d build, invent, and create, From rollercoasters to spaceships, their dreams inflate. Their sister Candace, always on their tail, Trying to bust them, but often to no avail. With Perry the Platypus, undercover and sly, Fighting Dr. Doofenshmirtz, with schemes that defy. From Danville to outer space, their journeys unfold, With friends by their side, adventures never old. They’d dance with aliens and travel through time, Each escapade a rhythm, each moment a rhyme. So here’s to Phineas and Ferb, forever in play, Teaching us to seize the day, come what may. With laughter and fun, they’ll always endure, In the world of imagination, forever pure.

Anonymous, Photography Bee
Phuong Hoang, Flameworking Glass Beads


Heidi Chang, Photography
Laura Yeh, Mixed Media Burning Village

The Game


Mallory Fidrych, Photography

Stella Pham, Photography


Hoai-Trang Hoang, Digital Art


I Know Him

Walking up the road, I see him.

He asks for a drink, that I shouldn’t give. He tells me about his water of life; that those who drink it gain life eternal. He recounts my life; He sees me. He forgives me. He knows me.

He guides me, through the ups and downs of life. He tells me to forgive others, and to be more understanding of those I wronged. He knows about my life, and helps me, even when I am the one who needs to be forgiven. He sees me. He forgives me. He knows me.

He shows mercy, and is forgiving. He inspires hope, and offers salvation. He is the Messiah, and I know Him.


Absence vs Presence


Li, Mixed Media Leila Sharafkah, Acrylic Evening Stroll


In the words of John Muir, “In nature, one receives far more than he seeks”. Mountain-related activities such as hiking, mountaineering, and rock climbing, have not only helped me discover a love for the outdoors, but have also taught me when to keep pushing, and when to accept circumstances as they are. My dad and I attempted Mt. Shasta in July 2023, but high winds on day 2 caused us to turn around close to the ridge. This photo shows the clouds rolling in on day 1!


Anonymous, Acrylic

45 Anonymous,
Photography Morning Beauty
Nina Locsin, Acrylic Shoes



Do you remember?

The memories have begun to fade of the soft hush of evening, descending upon empty classrooms, touched by a benediction and claimed at last by my mother. Indeed, I do remember the car drive home, my cheek pressed upon a cold window and beyond gentle darkness ruffled only by the unfurling of candles, car lights passing along the roadpeople I shall never know, mere teardrops in a vast sea and how such brilliance illuminated rain upon the glass, two beads of liquid silver chasing one another in the night, driven by cold wind, merging and becoming one, plunging into shadow - gone. And I, perhaps the happiest I shall ever be, save in a dream, wishing and fearing nothing, knowing only of soft warmth and the silent, silent beating of tires, my very heartbeat upon the road.

Keila Pando, Ceramics
Amelie Sedlack, Ceramics
Monet Water Lilies Sculpture Laura Yeh, Digital Art Tuna Nigiri

Anonymous Covet

Most covet the inventions of humanity.

Money, that thing which has driven many to murder and more to madness – or fame, that seducer which has oft brought more misery than joy – or status, that high seat of kings and queens perched so unstably upon a precipice that their glory topples before a summer breeze, a breath of wind, the feathered shaft of an enemy’s arrow.

Yet I covet none.

I first knew when a storm blew in from the west, and clouds gathered in gray, looming masses upon the mountain peaks. The wind blew with passionate vehemence, and rain whipped the earth in black droves –and yet when a fork of lightning came, casting the heavens into searing brightness, its light illuminated a single bird with a battered wing, borne aloft by some mighty inner fire, defying the wind and the driving rain.

Alas, I do not know its fate after the lightning faded – perhaps its skeleton lies in some drowned ditch in a forgotten road. And yet – and yet, in that moment I wished with frightening intensity to feel the fury of storm beating upon my back like a war drum.

I wished for the impossible.

I want the beautiful litheness of a cat, the thrumming blood of a dog, the graceful wits of a fox, and the passionate love for life of the mouse, struggling in the death-jaws of an owl.

I cannot attain such things.

The yearning shall remain unanswered in a locked heart, straining for liberty from that weight of uncertainty, a cry that shall die without an echo in the great city-streets and alleyways which are mine.

Iva Barbir, Photography
Brooke Gumbos, Photography Mirrors


Manaasa Ramprasad, Photography WhitneyRidge Hana Forzano, Photography

Lead Directors:

Anusha Jain

Olivia Tumacder


Tiana Do

Art Jurors

Team Lead: Ti Pham

Anusha Jain

Olivia Tumacder

Tiana Do

Ti Pham

Phuong Hoang

Laura Yeh

Mallory Fidrych

Literature Jurors

Team Lead: Sasha Wang

Tiana Do

Shreeya Goyal

Presentation High School

2281 Plummer Avenue, San Jose, California

President Holly Elkins

Principal Kristina Luscher

Moderator KateDeak

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