Pres Gazette

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Sam Browne chosen to represent Ireland at the World Debating Championships in South Africa!

Report by Principal Ken Whyte

This year’s Leaving Certificate results, once again highlight the huge benefit to our students of the educational ethos and methodologies in Pres.

The play being presented this year is’ Translation’ by Brian Friel. Rehearsals are in full flight and are being directed and produced by Kieran Ahern.

The average CAO points achieved by all students was 421. Within this average 40% of our students achieved over 450 points, with 26% of students achieving over 500 points!

Under the guidance of Eanna Ó Loingsigh, Debating continues to attract very strong support with weekly gatherings and participation in competitions. Chairman of the Debating Society, Sam Browne has been chosen to represent Ireland in international competitions this year. We wish Sam the very best of luck in South Africa.

In the Junior Certificate; results this year were, excellent again. National averages were well beaten by our students. In rugby, training has commenced for the current season with over 100 U14s joining the Pres rugby family. We wish them the very best. Congratulations to Peter O’Mahony (LC Class of 2009) who has captained Munster in recent games. Well done Peter! In October 2011, PBC Rowing Club celebrated its 25th anniversary with a superb function in the Maryborough House Hotel attended by many past members. We congratulate the Club on its continuing success and wish them well in the years ahead! Cricket continues its long proud tradition in Pres with Dermot Giltenan continuing his great work. Training is on Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings with up to 20 attending.

SHARE continues to thrive with the Executive selected from amongst our 5th Year students. The annual fast and collection continues to be an outstanding success and much credit goes to all the 5th and 4th Year students who participate with the huge support of Br Martin and his team. In conclusion, all of the above emphasises our belief in the importance that a strong work ethic and balance in a student’s life will play in his personal development and success. This work ethic is as important after school hours as during the school day and in all that we do.

Ken Whyte Ken Whyte Principal

PresLink As transition year students, new responsibilities and challenges are imperative to developing as a person and becoming a contributing member of society. Every year a group of twenty students have the opportunity to be part of the PresLink Committee and make sure all runs smoothly. The success of PresLink in raising money for disadvantaged people in third world countries to date has been astonishing, and we as committee members, helped by the guiding hands of some insightful members of staff, have been bestowed with the daunting task of making sure the brilliant work done by all committees preceeding us is maintained! We have exciting plans for fundraising this year, but whether or not they pay off is yet to be seen. With these plans goes all the tried and trusted fundraisers, such as the imminent Christmas bag-pack for 2nd and 3rd Years and a Movie Day for 1st Years which has already taken place. This year, there is a first for PresLink planned also. In 2012 we are planning to take part in a joint fundraiser with Brebeuf College, Toronto, Canada. We have been in contact with people from this school with strong links to the Presentation Brothers regarding plans for a ‘Penny Push’ to take place in both schools. The aim of this fundraiser is to collect as many small coins as possible within a time period, all in friendly competition to see which school can raise more. As you can see, we have ambitious ideas, I just hope we have the ability to make them a success. Even though I have only been part of PresLink for a few months, I am already finding it a beneficial and valuable experience and I am amazed at some of the things I have been told regarding just how much PresLink have helped in building schools and aiding education in places such as Ghana. For the remainder of the year the committee aspires to match, if not improve on the exemplary work done by previous year groups! Cormac Dineen, Chairman

4th Year PresLink Committee 2011-2012 Back row (l-r) Donagh McCarthy, Ultan Hill, Darragh O’Connor, Cormac Dineen (Chairman), Jake O’Donovan, Jack Sreenan, Kevin Keohane, Donal Beecher, Jack Hayes and James O’Callaghan. Front row (l-r) Conor O’Donovan, Cian Collins, Neil Collins, Denis Desmond, Don O’Mahony, John Higgins, Conor Flanagan and Jamie Diggin. Unfortunately not included in the photograph are Chris Stanley and Ross O’Neill.

Very best of luck to Sam Browne in the World Debating Championships It’s been an unimaginably successful debating year thus far in Pres. The Society is at the strongest it’s been in recent memory: 4 individual speakers are through to the quarters of the Munster Schools’ Debating; we’ve represented Ireland at the Erasmian European Parliamentary Debate in Rotterdam in September; we also travel to Braga, Portugal next March with a delegation of 8 to represent Ireland at the European Youth Parliament ; we were very successful at the Model United Nations in UCC this year, with three of our speakers winning awards, and for the first time in a full fourteen years, a member of our Society has been chosen for the Irish team to take part in the World Debating Championships in South Africa - take a bow our honoured Chairman, Mr Sam Browne! And the above just pertains to debating at Senior Level! Junior debating continues to thrive, boosted by the twenty five 1st Years who have signed up to the Society. We have held rounds of the Cork Schools’ Junior Mace in the school, which is run on a league basis and the 1st Round of the Cork City School’s Knockout will be held shortly in the school. Competition has really hotted up for places on the teams which has added to the intensity of the debates in school every Friday afternoon. The standout feat of this debating year, however, has to be the news of Sam Browne’s selection for the World Debating Championship in South Africa. Sam himself has this to say of the process: ‘You know the feeling of dread and fear and undeniable excitement in the pit of your stomach when you’re watching a penalty shoot-out; conversion attempt on a try; deuce in tennis; a burned stone in curling? God help you? Well that’s a little how National trials feel. I can’t quite relate this to a non-debater, but imagine you’re put on the spot and asked to extemporise a logically sound seven minute speech justifying terrorism as a legitimate political tool? Trials were essentially brutal in that respect. Over the course of the process, I was assigned the role of proposing the legalisation of drugs, introducing gender quotas in parliament, and (my personal favourite) granting children the right to euthanasia. Regardless of parental consent. Yes, some of these may sound insane, but therein lies half the fun of debating: you get to lie, say things you don’t mean, inhabit the minds of the craziest conservative, the most bleedinghearted liberals and almost anyone in between. After you’ve jumped through the hoops, they make the cull. Of all the speakers that tried out from all over the country, they pick five, and somehow I was one of them. So from now until January, I’m up every Saturday at 6.00am, on the train to Dublin, preparing for the World Schools Debating Championship in Cape Town beginning on January 12th. Representing Ireland and Pres in a competition with over 1,000 competitors, organisers and spectators from around the world. I like to think it’s worth the penance!’ On debating in general, Sam has this to add: We’re inclined to believe it has some value as a pursuit, nerdy as it is! There’s something of real benefit to being able to construct a rational, well put together argument. Being able to analyse things and think about them and express that in an emotional rhetoric, etc ( and yes, it is solely responsible for my last three girlfriends!). Now I’d hate for this to look like an attention-grabbing ‘join debating’ type letter, (anyone who does want to join, please do, by the way, plenty of competitions left in the year) but what I would say is that it’s probably worth thinking about. Maybe at University level, maybe not at all, but (and this will make you gag) I think it’s generally worth thinking in greater depth about things and challenging yourself (You were warned!) As ever, our thanks to Mr Ó Loingsigh and also our immense gratitude must go to Mr Brian Hasset, former World University Debating Champion, who has given freely of his spare time to coach the Seniors for this year’s Munster Philosoph. Finally, a Very Happy Christmas and Sam Browne Prosperous New Year to all our members and the Pres community at large.

Pres happy to support the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind

In late 2010, the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind Committee set about organising the annual fundraiser to raise much needed money for the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind. We had decided that we would hold a bake sale and both an easter egg raffle and a raffle for sporting items including a football signed by Roy Keane and both a ball and a jersey signed by the entire Munster Rugby Squad. Both the raffle and the cake sale were a great success and in total we raised g1,000. The money raised will go to the training of a Guide Dog, who will be of invaluable service to a person with sight loss. Once again on behalf of myself, Ms Walsh and the Committee, I would like to extend my most sincere gratitude for all the support to a very worthy cause. Dan O'Mahony

New PBC Student Council 2011 / 2012

The newly elected PBC Student Council Back (l-r) Des Barry, Rory Sreenan, Brian Casey, Paul Collins, Martin Farrell, Mark Lisson, Fiachra Kelleher, Patrick Walsh and Brian Treacy. Front (l-r) Colin Kenna, Dan O’Connor, Caolan O’Flynn, Jeff Jones, Jack Marks and Will Dennehy.

Back (l-r) Stephen Quirke, Dan Hobbs, Colm Keena, David Power, Eoin Kenrick, Conor Morley, Robert Dyson, Stephen Maguire, Glenn O’Driscoll, Eoin McSweeney and James Daly. Front (l-r) Oisín Kidney, Kieran O’Driscoll, Andrew Sommerfield, Alan Courtney, Andrew Cusack, Gavin O’Herlihy and Killian Downes. Unfortunately Art Kelleher was absent when the photo was taken.

SHARE hoping for more success this Christmas In 1969, Br Jerome Kelly came home from missionary work and became principal of PBC. He set up various workshops for students where were encouraged to think of different ways they could improve their local community. Senior students walked through the lanes and side streets of Cork to try and identify any problems. While on the main streets, the city was bustling, but the dreary alleys shocked the students. Elderly citizens lived in derelict tenements in terrible conditions, forgotten by the world. At Christmas in 1970, 12 students set up a crib on St Patricks Street and fasted to raise money and awareness of the horrible living conditions of Cork's poor elderly. They decided to call this project Students Harnessing Aid for the Relief of the Elderly, and so SHARE was born. Since then SHARE has grown and now accommodates 19 schools around Cork in its collection every Christmas and houses 167 people across all its complexes. While the crib has now been moved to Daunt Square, the aim of SHARE remains the same: it is not just to provide funds for these various projects, but also to provide hope and give support to all the struggling elderly in today's world. We provide companionship and help to those living in SHARE. We visit residents on a weekly basis to ensure they always have company and someone to talk to. We attend masses and events to ensure that we are all connected to the SHARE community. This has become a rewarding experience both for ourselves and for the venerable that we help. SHARE aims to bring help and hope, homes and happiness to the lonely elderly of Cork. It has become a tradition to see SHARE collect every year around Christmas and the current Executive wishes to continue this custom. This year, SHARE will be collecting on the streets of Cork for the 42nd time since its founding in 1970. We launch on the evening of the 15th of December and finish 9 days later on Christmas Eve. We hope to have as many people collecting as possible this year, and we are expecting a huge contribution as usual from Pres lads. It is vitally important that we have as many 4th and 5th Year students collecting as possible, as without their much appreciated support, SHARE would not get the number of people on the streets that we need to have collecting. This year's Executive look forward to our time collecting as we know that we are helping so many vulnerable people. Every year SHARE is a success because of the fantastic contribution of Pres pupils. We hope that this year we have the same response, so that we can continue to make SHARE prosper and help the forgotten people of Cork. Eoin Mac Sweeney


Justin Ahern

Transformation The dawn of a new light approaches us Our souls altered by a year passing Some things taken, others lost As we crouch to hide below a blanket of shame Which we think guards us from an indestructible evil. But how wrong we are to think it will leave. It builds And builds with swipes, of cards that bring both the Treasures of greed and the traits of justice. Yet maybe treasures are not the only things lost. The precious jewel of morality has become worn and tarnished. Life itself is no longer normal. The ore of our hearts plunges to the seabeds of oceans of darkness. Our skies covered and horizons invisible. We search for a path, a path of light. To take us to those times of joy. Where nothing wasn't or ever was. A vast land of life to which we owe our existence. This simplicity, which can mend our minds and rebuild our hills of sorrow.

In around April of last year, our English teacher Mr O'Riordan presented us with an interesting challenge. RTÉ were holding a poetry competition on their radio show which was divided up into various categories. One day in class, Mr O'Riordan gave us all a sheet containing the information for the Junior Category (1st to 3rd Years). He asked us to create a poem, as we were studying poetry at the time and send it to the provided e-mail address. So that is what I did. I spent around a hour that night just thinking about how I should write the poem. I came to the conclusion that I wanted to write something that would almost force the readers to think about the poem and what the words meant. The theme of the poem was to be ‘Ireland 2011’. Of course the first thing that springs to mind is our countries current financial state. I chose this as the main idea of the poem. I wrote practically the entire poem using metaphorical language. This was my chosen method of trying to get the reader to investigate into my poems time meaning. The following day I e-mailed the poem to RTÉ, hoping that they actually got it. Nothing was said of the poems or the competition for another three weeks. On an average Friday morning, I was enjoying an art class when Mr O'Riordan entered the classroom. He reminded us of the competition, as most of us had forgotten it. He continued on to say that a fellow teacher was on their way to school that morning and had heard my name, school and the name of my poem being announced on the radio. He said that my poem had been highly admired by the judges and they felt it should be aired. I was absolutely flabbergasted! I never came close to winning anything and now all of a sudden the class was applauding my apparent success. I thought to myself ‘this can't be real, they're only joking or something’. But it soon became clear that this was no dream. Throughout the rest of the day, students and teachers came to me to congratulate me. I was even mentioned on the intercom. I was overjoyed and downloaded RTÉ radios iPhone app that evening just to make sure it was real. But alas, it was. I think that entering that competition, although I did not win, was one of lifes little surprises. I have to thank Mr O'Riordan for giving me that sheet of paper last year or else none of this would have happened. I would also like to thank the school for being so kind and, basically, happy for me. But before I start an acceptance speech for winning the noted prize for literature, I'll just end by saying that I am very happy and lucky that things turned out the way they did! Justin Ahern

Maths Week winners (l-r) Adam Coholan, Jonathon Peters, Bobby Bournemann and Dan O’Mahony

Maths Week 2011 in PBC The aim of Maths Week is to celebrate maths and as is the norm in PBC, enjoy Maths. Maths doesn’t make simple things complicated, it makes complicated things simple! The 1st Years created some inspiring and colourful posters depicting ‘maths thoughts’. The posters were displayed around the school promoting awareness and appreciation of Maths and its many applications in everyday life – the angle that Ronan O’Gara’s drop goal made with the goal post comes to mind. The winners of the 1st Year Maths Poster Competition were Ruairi Collier, Criofan Guilfolye, Matthew O’Meara and Emmet Twohig. Both 1st and 2nd Years were introduced to on-line maths games and learnt a lot while having fun. All 3rd Years participated in a maths table quiz where it was ‘proven’ that team work is worthwhile when solving mathematical problems. The winning team was from Class 3/2 and consisted of Ian Coleman, Cian Davis, Caolan O’Flynn and Graham Smith. The 4th Years assessed the maths in the film ‘The Da Vinci Code’. Students rose to the challenge of the Maths puzzles that were called out over the intercom and posted throughout the school during the week. Separate questions were assigned to both Junior and Senior levels. Congratulations to the Junior Winners Adam Coholan and Dan O’Mahony; and well done also to Bobby Bournemann and Jonathan Peters who won in the Senior Category. Maths Week was a great success. Many thanks to both the staff and pupils who entered into the spirit and ‘proved’ MATHS = FUN!

Maths Table Quiz winners from Class 3/2 (l-r) Graham Smith, Cian Davis, Caolan O’Flynn and Dan Coleman

Cricket is thriving in Pres!

Photo shows the undefeated Pres winners of the U13 League and Cork Schools Blitz of 2011 (l-r) Rory Copplestone, Conor Murphy, Aidan Kelleher, Ronan Mulcahy, Ryan O’Connell, David Walsh and Martin Keohane

The 2011 season saw a record number of Pres boys selected for Munster at various age levels. The Munster U13 squad involved five Pres lads Ian Coleman, Cian Carey, Areeb Mian, Martin Keohane and Aidan Kelleher. At U15 level, James Mulcahy, Hugh O’Brien and Areeb Mian were capped with Hugh O’Brien the outstanding bowler. Finally at U17 level Cian Scannell and Hugh O’Brien together with Noelie Cronin were picked with Cian Scannell selected as captain. Noelie Cronin was the best bowler in the Leinster League Competition in which they defeated YMCA, Halverstown, North Kildare and tied with Leinster CC. Their only loss was to a very strong Merrion side. A truly great achievement. The schools blitz for U13 players was held early in the season involving six schools. Pres were the winners, undefeated in all games. Ryan O’Connell, Martin Keohane and skipper Aidan Kelleher were consistent in their performances especially considering they only took up the game this season. The same team also won the Munster U13 league, again being unbeaten throughout the season. At more senior level Chris Banon and Tim Clifford established themselves on the Cork County senior side. Clifford has developed into an excellent slow left arm bowler who can also bat. Banon is viewed by many astute judges as a future international prospect. A powerful hitter of the ball with superb temperament. Much credit must be given to Kevin Bray (past pupil) for his great coaching in Pres during the winter months. Ross Durity (another past pupil) did tremendous work with the boys during the cricket season. Pres is indeed lucky to have two highly gifted coaches. This has certainly made life for me as an aging coach very easy. In Pres we are always looking for new players and it is hoped boys in 1st and 2nd Years in particular will come to coaching sessions in the gym this winter. allocated times are every Friday from 3.15pm to 4.15pm and Saturday mornings from 10.30am to 1.00pm. Finally it would be quite remiss of me not to mention the huge support and constant encouragement for cricket in Pres especially from Principal Ken Whyte and Deputy Principal Aidan Twomey. As a result, cricket is in a very healthy state in the school with a bright future. Dermot Giltinan Cricket Coach

A hugely successful PBC Rugby Tour to Argentina PBC Senior Rugby Squad enjoyed an exhausting, yet hugely productive tour of Argentina and Uruguay last June. A party of 46 boys, comprising of 4th and 5th Year students travelled south, these numbers being supplemented by coaches, staff members and a number of parents. The tour schedule was tightly packed and intensive, but everyone was keen to emphasise the development role of the tour in preparing the squad for next year’s Senior Cup. The first three days were spent acclimatising after such a long flight (Dublin-Madrid-Buenos Aires), in all, over 24 hours travelling. The group unwound on reaching Buenos Aires by settling into our hotel, going to watch Ireland-Macedonia on TV and then a very welcome Argentinian steak at a local restaurant. Sunday morning saw the boys visit a local theme park for a few hours downtime and this was followed by a visit to the Hurling Club, a sports club set up by Irish expatriates in Buenos Aires over a hundred years ago! This was one of the off field highlights of the tour with Pres students combining with local boys to serve up a very entertaining hurling exhibition. While the boys later decamped for the night to their hotel, the adult members of the group had a hugely enjoyable and interesting visit to a local soccer match between local kingpins, River Plate and Colon at the River Plate Stadium. The real focus of the tour however was the rugby and this began in earnest in a set of games v Newman College in Buenos Aires, alma mater of Puma great, Felipe Contepomi. Pres’ cause was not helped by some unfortunate injuries which necessitated tinkering with both match day squads. Typically however, Pres put that adversity behind them to put in two highly resilient performances against very strong and physical opponents, both games, alas, ending in narrow defeats. The party moved on the following day to Rosario, where we had the pleasure of meeting former Munster legend, Federico Puchiarello. ‘Fede’ proved to be a huge hit, coming across as a very funny and engaging personality who gave freely of his time to the entire tour party. The matches in Rosario versus local club Gimnasia, were a real eye-opener, given the pace and skill levels that were on display. The most heartening aspect of both these games was that the Pres boys were more than capable of holding their own in this company, emerging as convincing winners in both encounters. The tour party then moved country, getting the River Plate ferry from Buenos Aires to Montevideo, the capital city of Uruguay. The welcome and hospitality from local club Carrasco, had to be seen to be believed and will live long in the memory. For this set of games Pres U17 played the locals, while the U18 side had the honour of taking on the Uruguay national U20 side. The biggest fear of the Pres coaches at this juncture was that of player fatigue, which allied to the ferocity of the physical challenges, might prove their undoing. The U17 team unfortunately ran out of ‘juice’ v Carrasco, shipping a number of late scores but the U18 side produced a monumental second half performance, overcoming a ten point half time deficit, to run out convincing winners 20-10. The obligatory ‘Oggy’ followed from Denis ‘Hega’ Hegarty as the tour group reflected on a job well done. Tired, emotional, but very happy!!! Pres rugby tours in the past have had the effect of galvanising the Senior squad for what lies ahead the following February and March. It is our fervent hope that bonds forged in adversity on foreign fields will prove pivotal to returning the Senior Cup to Pres come Patrick’s Day. In closing, a few words of thanks must be shared. Huge kudos must go to tour organisers, Caleb Sheehan and Damien Philpott, who put in massive time and effort above and beyond the call of duty to ensure this tour was a success. To all the coaches and staff members who were invaluable in helping out, even for the most mundane of tasks. To the parents who travelled, their friendship, good humour and support was very much appreciated. To our excellent tour guides, Ignacio and Enrique, whose professionalism and expertise on all things local in Argentina meant that we had few problems of any consequence while on the ground there. To the Gods who allowed the volcanic ash cloud to move away from Montevideo long enough for us to depart, saving on a few potential trips to the divorce courts if we were delayed for any longer!!! Finally to Will Foley, tour captain, and his squad, you were tremendous ambassadors for Pres, Cork and Ireland. Very well done!!!

The Pres rugby party before their tour to Argentina and Uruguay, Summer 2011

Rugby in Pres continues to go from strength to strength. There are currently in excess of 100 pupils in 1st Year and over 80 pupils in 2nd Year training and playing rugby in the college every week. Over two thirds of the entire student body are involved in playing and coaching rugby in the college. There are more than forty coaches, teachers, parents and past pupils (old and new), helping with fifteen teams in Pres and our strength lies in our numbers. I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all the coaches who give willingly of their time and efforts and to acknowledge the efforts of the playing population in PBC whose commitment is second to none. We in rugby would also like to thank and acknowledge the superb support we get from parents on and off the field. We would also like to thank and acknowledge all our sponsors who continue to invest in and support PBC rugby. Thanks to all! Our U14 squad, as can be seen in the centre pages, is in a very healthy state and have had great success thus far this season with victories over St Munchins, Castletroy, Rockwell and English touring side Bishops. We are looking forward to a few trips to Dublin in the New Year to take on the big schools in Leinster. Our U15 have made huge improvements from the beginning of the year and were very unfortunate not to qualify for the knock out stages of the McCarthy Cup. They are looking forward to taking on the Dublin schools in the New Year and also taking on the might of London Irish in February. Our Junior and Senior sides have had great success in both their first and second sides and we are very hopeful as we look forward to another cup campaign in the New Year. We would like to wish our Bowen Shield side all the best in the Semi Final of the competition as they take on Rockwell in a replay of last years' match in Wilton. PBC rugby has had great representation at both Provincial level and National level again. Max Abbott, Aiden Slattery, Ryan Callanan, Rory Fenton, Cian Murphy involved with the U18 squad in Munster; Ross McCarthy, Will Foley, Paul Derham involved with the U19 squad; and Steve Dinan, Seamus Glynn, Rory Scannell involved with the U20 squad. Well done lads. Pres rugby is very proud of you all! We would like to take this opportunity to wish all coaches, players, parents and supporters a Very Happy Christmas and a Joyous and Prosperous New Year. You can follow all our exploits on the rugby link of our school website, which is updated weekly Brian MacMathĂşna, Games Master, PBC Rugby

A very successful Munster Senior Schools Swimming Championship for Pres!

Well done to PBC’s finest in the pool (l-r) Angus Gill, Gary O’Donovan, Matthew Curtin, Tim Daly, Alex McNulty, Dan Hobbs and Tim O’Callaghan

Seven swimmers from Pres travelled to UL on 6th November recently. Angus Gill: Got 4th in 100m Back Crawl and 2nd in 100m Breaststroke in the Junior Category Alex McNulty: Got 5th in 100m Back Crawl and 12th in 100m Front Crawl in Senior Category Dan Hobbs: Got 1st in 100m Breaststroke and 3rd in 100m Front Crawl in Senior Category. Tim O’Callaghan: Got 6th in 100m Back Crawl and 15th in 100m Front Crawl in Senior Category Matthew Curtin: Got 6th in 100m Butterfly Senior Category Gary O’Donovan: Got 3rd in 100m Back Crawl and 9th in 100m Butterfly Senior Category. Tim Daly: Got 3rd in 100m Back Crawl and 9th in 100m Butterfly Senior Category The Pres FreeStyle Relay team of Dan Hobbs, Alex McNulty, Matt Curtin and Tim Daly came second. The Pres Medley Relay team of Dan Hobbs, Tim O’Callaghan, Matt Curtin and Tim Daly also got second. We did very well in this Gala winning one Gold Individual; two Relay Silver; three Silver Individual and two Bronze Individuals.

Chinese Language and Culture Class for Transition Year students in Pres From September 22nd onwards, our TY students started their adventure of Chinese language and culture with their teacher Jing Feng, School of Asian Studies & Confucius Institute, UCC. This is the fifth year we have this course in our college. This course aims to introduce students to the fascinating world of China. Both elements of the language as well as exploring the culture of the country are covered. There are fifteen students chosen to take part in this course in this semester. Up to now, the students have learnt basic Chinese like greetings, introducing themselves, asking where does someone from etc. Besides, basic introduction of China, Chinese traditional festivals and customs, Chinese educational system and students’ life, Chinese zodiac animals were introduced as well. The students also tried Chinese calligraphy with the traditional calligraphy brush.

Class 1/1 of 2011 Back row (l-r): Shane McGrath, Donal Sheehan, Jack Murphy, Tommy Holohan, Mark O’Leary, Ben Carroll, Eoghan Nyhan, Will Cogan, David Hogan, Michael St Ledger, Bryan Cotter and Luke Guerin. Middle row (l-r): Jack O’Donovan, Tony Cusack, Des Barry, Patrick Fennel, Luke Ryan, Jack Madden, Adam McAuliffe, Seán McCormack, Matthew O’Meara and Luke Corbett. Front row (l-r): Ben Molloy, Fergal O’Brien, Cormac O’Connell, Brion O’Sullivan, Andrew O’Riordan and Kieran Nugent.

Class 1/2 of 2011 Back row (l-r): Conor Sexton, Daire Cournane, Seán Sweeney, Owen O’Sullivan, Peter Sylvester, Rory Sreenan, Cian Fitzgerald, Kevin Morris, Patrick Kennelly, Daniel Gallagher and Conor Burke. Middle row (l-r): Timothy Bradley-Gratton, Ray Murphy, Seán Creedon, Emmett Twohig, Tom Gleeson, Oliver Costello, Paul McGlone, Alan O’Keeffe, Cathal O’Sullivan and Oscar Dennehy. Front (l-r): Jamie Thornhill, Leo Cheung, Jack Murray, Kevin Quirke, Roshan Baig and Sam McCarthy. Absent: Jack O’Sullivan.

First Year students of 2011 We warmly welcome all our new First Years and hope they enjoy their years in Pres.

Copies of the 1st Year class photographs are available to purchase. Please visit for details.

Class 1/3 of 2011 Back row (l-r): Dara O’Callaghan, Caomh Glavin, Cillian Barry, Matthew Hayes, James MacSweeney, Eoin Downey, Aidan Hanley, Ross O’Brien, Paul Kennedy, Kevin Pearse and Liam O’Connell. Middle row (l-r): Richard O’Dwyer, Mark O’Gorman, Harry Dillon, Kieran Moloney, Jack Blake, Reggie Kavannagh, Jamie Tingle, Criofan Guilfoyle, Fionnán Cremin, Cian O’Connor and Tom Fitzgerald. Front row (l-r): Gunjeet Ahluwalia, Daniel Joyce, Jack Wrixon, Andy Liu, Ruairí Collier and Brian O’Sullivan.

Class 1/4 of 2011 Back row (l-r): Thomas O’Connor, Criostóir Corkery, Ross Howell, Dara McSweeney, Owen Winters, Rory Duggan, Conor Walsh, Ben Costigan, Ronan O’Driscoll and Mark Murphy. Middle row (l-r): Jack Keenan, Mark Cunningham, Eoun Touhy, Brian Hallissy, Michael Buttimer, Matt Coroon, Eoin O’Flynn, Cillian Hanley, Paul Collins and Barry Shanahan. Front row (l-r): Brian Mulcahy, Ben Cronin, Shane Hill, Pier Matthew, David Casey and Conor McCarthy. Absent: Gary Bradley

Celebrating 25 years of PBC Rowing Club

Photo shows (l-r) Albert Maher, Richard Kehoe, Shane O’Neill, Michael Hurley and Stuart Britton, 1990

Many students have rowed competitively in Pres colours over the last 100 years or so. In fact, there are photographs of winning crews going back to 1904 in the College’s corridors. It would have been quite common for Pres rugby players to keep fit over the summer months by taking up rowing at one of the local clubs, and competing for those clubs at various regattas. At one time in the 1950s/60s there were over twenty schools competing. These included Rockwell College, St Colman’s Fermoy and St Finbarr’s Farrenferris. However on October 27th 1986 Pres Rowing Club was registered and affiliated to the Irish Amateur Rowing Union, now Rowing Ireland, for the first time. In the intervening years, over 250 students have joined the club and each one is an important part of what the last twenty five years was all about.

Robert Cronin and Breffny Morgan Junior 18 Mens Double Scull Champions 2002

Robert Cronin Junior 18 Mens Single Scull Champion 2002

From little acorns... The winning Pres Junior Men’s crew, Galway 1992

Pres Rowing truly appreciates the input and support of school management, Boards of Management and school staff, and in particular all those involved in rugby. The approach to sport in general is a very healthy one and rugby and rowing have never had problems surviving side by side. It is important in education that as many pupils as possible involve themselves in extra curricular activities. It gives a balance to school life and all participation is constantly encouraged. In the club’s short history, we have been successful at local regattas, provincial honours and have won four National Championships. Breffny Morgan was the first PBC member to win a Championship simply because he rowed in the bow of a double scull which crossed the line first, back in 2002. He was partnered by Robert Cronin. Robert captured the second championship less than 24hrs later when he won the Singles title.

Gavin and Graham Sheehan, Junior 18 Mens Pair Champions 2005

Junior 18 Mens Pair Champions 2010 John Griffin and Kevin Neville with coaches Brian O’Keeffe and Fran Keane

Tour to Christchurch, Virginia, USA 2004

In 2005 the Sheehan twins, Gavin and Graham won the Pairs title and in 2010 John Griffin and Kevin Neville won the Pairs title again. Barry O’Sullivan is the one constant from that time in 1985 when we borrowed UCC equipment and started our journey. It’s my bet, most past members were coached by him at some stage, probably at beginner level. It was an introduction to rowing which was pleasant and you were convinced to continue. Finally, over the years I’ve missed many close finishes and entire races because I was looking through the video lens at the time. With that in mind Michael Hourigan, a past member, took my many old VHS tapes and put together a short 25min video to give a flavour of the last twenty five years and to include as many participants as possible. The YouTube link is

Pres RC at the London Metro Regatta 2011 (l-r) David Coleman, Seán O’Sullivan, Colm Keena, John Griffin, Kevin Neville, Kevin Keohane, Oisín Kidney, Niall Crowley and Thomas Sheehan

The Rowing Coaches

Preparing for battle, 1987

The following coaches gave their time, and in lots of cases, still give their time to coaching. The club and school owes them a huge debt of gratitude: Pat Casey, Mick O’Callaghan, Gary Neff, Shane O’Neill, Colm Joyce, Mick Callanan, Seamus Gilroy, Pat O’Mahony, James O’Reilly, Hugh O’Brien, Fran Keane, Brian O’Keeffe, John Keohane, Colm Keohane, Eoin Hennessy, Cathy Hennessy, Steven Hayes, John O’Donovan, Matthew Maguire and many more past pupils who have helped in one way or another over the years. A million thanks to you all! Here’s to the next twenty five years of more successful Pres rowing! Michael Hennessy

Notre Semaine française: le 17 au 21 octobre Notre deuxième semaine française ici dans l’école a été un grand succès. On avait organisé plein d’activités pour les élèves: des quiz, des pièces de théâtre et des films. Les élèves de première et de quatrième années avaient fait des posters et des dossiers excellents. On a decoré le théâtre avec des drapeaux français pour créer une ambiance française. Il y avait aussi des pains au chocolat, du chocolat et des bonbons pour les élèves! Le grand quiz organisé par French Teachers Association a eu lieu cette année dans notre théâtre, jeudi soir le 20 oct. Nous avions 24 équipes d’élèves de toutes les écoles de cork, et l’ambiance était absolument super. Notre assistante formidable Sabrina de Poitiers a lu toutes les questions, et Scoil Mhuire a fini dans la première position. On espère que nos élèves ont vraiment aimé cette semaine.

Transition Year Photography Module expedition to Fitzgerald’s Park

Pres lads ready to shoot on their recent expedition (l-r) John Barry, Barry McGrory, Eoin Molloy, John Moynihan, Niall Hartnett, Eoin Hurley, Brian McCarthy, Ciarán Dorney and Kevin Keohane.

SciFest 2011 The science department had its busiest week of the year so far from November 14th - 18th when a wide range of workshops and lectures were arranged ie Super Furry Animals (PBC Theatre); Cosmic Careers (CIT); ‘Health & Fitness (PBC Theatre); Forensics (Chemistry Lab); Science Field Trip (Fota); The Smallest Electronic Circuits Ever Made (PBC Theatre); Senior Science Quiz (UCC); The Digestive System & Nutrition (PBC Theatre); 1st Year Science Quiz (PBC Theatre). Current 6th Year students took part in the SciFest Science Fair held in the CIT, where despite competing for the first time, managed to win three awards. Shane Doyle and Seán Philips won the NCE-MSTL Maths in Science Award and were runners-up in the Group Projects Award. Cathal Dennehy and Ruaidhrí Ó Mhurchú won the ESERO Ireland Discover Space Award. Well done to all students! 4th Year Physics Students - Cosmic Careers 4th Year physics students attended presentations on the different paths to careers in Space Technology. There was the added bonus of a talk from current astronaut Greg Johnson who flew the last mission of the Discovery Space Shuttle before it was retired. They also heard from people born and /or working in Cork who have made a significant contribution to this exciting field, showing our teenage students that the sky is no longer the limit when it comes to their career prospects.

Congratulations to the winners of 1st Year Quiz during Science Week (l-r) Conor Walsh, Mark Cunningham, Eoin Touhy and Jack Murphy

Lego Robotics Competition 2nd Year science students Kane Collins, Paul Crowley, Breaninn Ó Mathuna and Timothy Peters kick start work on their entry for the CEIA Schools Lego Robotics Competition. They will build a robot that will compete in a variety of tasks in a county wide challenge. The competition will take place in February with the winners going on to national and even international events. We wish them the best of luck! Super Furry Animals This is one of the ‘Science Live RDS talks for 2011’, Catherine Daly arrived with a huge selection of Irish mammals. She began by introducing each animal and then began the amazing invitation to the audience to come down and have a rub of the animals. It was wonderful and rare to see the entire family of foxes: the dog fox, the vixen and a cub all expertly stuffed and to be able to touch them. Otter, badger, mink, pine martins, stoats, rabbits and hares were all there to study up close and personal. A PowerPoint lecture about each animal followed. In answer to questions about her collection, she told us how she embarrasses her daughter by stopping to examine any roadkill she comes upon, always prepared with the gloves and the shovel, and her taxidermist on speed-dial! Ms Lynch

Another very successful rowing season for Pres RC At the start of a new season and with winter training underway, it is now time to look back and reflect on another very successful season for Presentation College Rowing Club. The 2010/2011 season proved an impressive one, with regatta season running from April right up to the National Championships in the middle of July, with the school picking up wins at two out of the three ‘Heads-of-the-River’ attended and seven out of seven regattas across all grades. April (National Schools Regatta, Skibbereen Regatta and Limerick Regatta) The first regatta of the year was the National Schools Regatta in April which saw the school pick up two well deserved wins at this event for the first time. Pres beat the fancied Bish crew from Galway Kevin Neville and John Griffin who won bronze in the to win the Senior Fours and proved comfortable Junior Mens Pair at the National Championships 2011 winners in the Senior Pair. Skibbereen Regatta the following day proved another success picking up a win in the Junior 18 four. At the end of April, Limerick regatta saw our successful Junior 18 Pair of Kevin Neville and John Griffin win the Senior Pairs event in convincing style. The Junior 15 Quad also recorded an important victory. May (Lee Regatta and Sculling Ladder) Lee regatta on the Marina proved a useful exercise for our younger crews and some good results including wins from David Keohane, Brian Keohane and Martin O’Farrell. After a number of tough challenges John Griffin went onto win the Novice Category in the Cork Sculling Ladder and subsequently went on to represent Cork in the National Sculling Challenge in October where he finished second. Well done again John! June (London Metropolitan Regatta and Athlone Regatta) The Junior 18 squad travelled to England for London Metropolitan Regatta at Dorney Lake, home of Eton College and venue of the 2012 Olympic rowing events. The Pres pair of John Griffin and Kevin Neville again showed their class by winning the Intermediate Pairs event which for a junior crew was an exceptional achievement. Congratulations again lads! Very well done!

John Griffin being presented with his prize by guest speaker Moss Finn at the Sculling Ladder Awards Night at St John’s Central College.

The school travelled to Athlone for its next competition where Kevin Neviile and John Griffin completed the double winning both Junior and Senior Pairs. Other wins included a superb victory by Kevin Keohane and Niall Crowley in the Junior 16 Double Sculls. Very well done to all the lads!

Photo shows (l-r) John Griffin, Kevin Neville, David Coleman, Kevin Keohane and Niall Crowley who represented Munster in the InterProvincial Regatta in Limerick in September.

July (Cork Regatta, Irish Trials, National Champs and Home Internationals Glasgow) The last regatta of the season before the Champs was held in Farran Woods and saw the school win both the Novice and Junior 18 Fours. This regatta also incorporated trials for selection to the Irish senior crews for the Home Internationals to be held in Glasgow at the end of July. John Griffin and Kevin Neville, having missed out on selection for the Irish Junior Squad due to injury, took the last available opportunity to qualify and grabbed the chance with both hands finishing in fourth place and securing them a place in the senior Irish Four and Eight. The two lads went on to put in some great performances representing Ireland in the Home Internationals in Glasgow. David Coleman secured the coxes seat in the Irish Junior Four and Eight and along with Kevin Neville and John Griffin represented Ireland for the second year in a row. David went onto record a great victory coxing the Irish Four to gold. Well done again to David for landing the gold! After an injury plagued season, defending champions Kevin Neville and John Griffin, performed superbly managing to win their semi-final easily and finishing in bronze medal position in the final. The Junior 18 Four of Colm Kenna, Kevin Keohane, Niall Crowley and Seamus O’Donovan put in a great performance and were unlucky not to make the final. These four will have another chance for glory next year as they are all underage again. We are expecting a lot of exciting rowing from these lads in the next year. Pres v Castletroy Boat Race The inaugural boat race between the schools was held on the Marina. Pres proved comfortable winners but, as Casteltroy are a developing club, it is expected that they will provide much stiffer opposition in the years to come. It is hoped to travel to Limerick this coming season for a return challenge. Italy Trip Our Junior 16 squad travelled to Italy for their annual end-of-season training camp which again proved to be a huge success. InterProvincial Regatta Five students, Niall Crowley, Kevin Keohane, John Griffin, David Coleman and Kevin Neville, were selected to represent Munster in the InterProvincial regatta held in Limerick at the end of September. Thanks to all the coaches, athletes, parents and school staff that put in so much work both on and off the water. We are very grateful for all their efforts. Fran Keane, Senior Rowing Coach

History in Pres Last September, our history class was given the challenge of writing letters both to the national newspapers and to Minister for Education Ruairi Quinn TD about the changes and possible abolishment of the Junior Certificate History course. Ronan McCarthy and I were lucky enough to have our letter published in the Irish Examiner on the 30th September 2011. Special mention must go to the other students in our class who all got responses from the minister’s department and to our teacher Ms Walsh who gave us the challenge to express our opinion on the matter. Alex Crean

Photo shows (l-r) John Browne, Cian Russell, John Fennel, Peter O’Brien, Ronan McCarthy, Luke Prendeville, Mark Dalton, James Aherne and Seán Hanley

Gaeilge sa Choláiste - Clár raidió Ghlac buachaillí ó Choláiste na Toirbhirte pairt i gclár raidió a craoladh le déanaí. Fuair an scoil cuireadh ó Ghael Taca (eagraíocht a spreagann muintir Chorcaí gaeilge a úsáid), aon rud a bheadh ag tarlú sa scoil a chur ar an gclár. Os rud é go ndeachaigh imreoirí rugbaí na scoile go dtí An Airgintín,mí an mheithimh seo caite, rinne roinnt buachaillí clár faoin dturas. B’iad Liam Ó Foghlú, Ian Ó Síoda, Seamas Mac Ghlinn agus Brian Mac Thréinfhir a rinne é. Tháinig beirt ó Ghael Taca go dtí an scoil chun taifeadadh a dhéanamh roimh ré. Cuireadh ceisteanna orthu faoi na rudaí suimiúla a tharla. Labhair siad faoi na hÉireannaigh atá ina gcónaí san Airgintín. D’imir siad cluiche iománaíochta i gcoinne The Hurling Club. Bhí siad ag caint faoi na cluichí rugbaí a d’imir siad. Labhair siad faoin mbochtanas a chonaic siad chomh maith leis an saibhreas. Chuaigh sé i bhfeidhm ar na buachaillí cé chomh háthasach is a bhí na hÉireannaigh san Airgintín bualadh le grúpa a tháinig ar cuairt ón saenthír. Craoladh an clár go háitiúil.Bhain na leaids an-taitneamh as an gclár a dhéanamh.

Sa phictiúr seo Brian Mac Thréinfhir, Ian Ó Síoda, Seamas Mac Ghlinn agus Liam Ó Foghlú

6th Year art students visiting the Crawford Art Gallery (l-r) Jason Cheung, Kevin Lucey, Ian Long, Ryan Underwood, Rory O’Connell, Josh Barrett, Gary Beecher and Richie Harrington

Paul Crowley and Timothy Peters getting ready for the CEIA Schools Lego Robotics Competition

Astronaut Greg Johnson (NASA) speaking to 4th Year Physics students at CIT

Congratulations to the winners of the 1st Year Maths Poster Competition (l-r) Ruairi Collier, Criofan Guilfolye, Matthew O’Meara and Emmet Twohig

1st Year Sports Day 2011

Peter Stringer, Simon Zebo and Peter O’Mahony giving words of encouragement at the Sports Day

Wishing the brightest futures to soccer internationals Brian Lenihan and Fiachra Kelleher

Down Memory Lane

Presentation Brothers College Cork Winners of the Munster Schools’ Senior Cup 1917-18 Back (l-r) T Murphy, L Reid, DJ Kelleher, J Sullivan, F Cotter and S Barry. Middle (l-r) H Callanan, G Kinmonth, D Browne, C Nolan (captain), J Ryan, E Hyland and FA Foley. Front (l-r) T O’Shea and R Gallagher.

Reflection All people and things are interdependent. The world has become so small that no nation can solve its problems alone, in isolation from others. That is why I believe we must cultivate a sense of responsibility based on love and compassion for each other. We must recognise that the suffering of one person or one nation is the suffering of humanity. We must therefore develop a sense of responsibility for each other’s condition, we must see that hurting someone else, or inflicting pain on other people, cannot bring happiness or peace of mind. Only the development of compassion and understanding for others can bring us the tranquillity and happiness we all seek.

Address of HH the Dalai Lama of Tibet to the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania, Vilnius

Design: Charlie Neville t 431 4244

October 1991

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