Digital Publishing Guide by Presspad

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Proudly presented by


Digital Publishing Guide authors: Paul Nowak – @nejt Wojt Szywalski – @wojteksz Bart Zimny – @BZimny Sylvia Szpuga – @szpuga Eva Ginko Published in 2013 by PressPad On the web: Please send errors to

Copyright © All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher.

FOREWORD Building a business for “free” is a very big challenge, probably the biggest challenge that a firm and its management can face. It is, therefore, especially pleasing that Apple has joined the group of companies offering some of their products for free.

Of course, “free” is almost never really free. Several decades ago, “free lunch” was free only because the food was so heavily salted that diner visitors had to order a (paid, how else?) drink. These days, it is no longer necessary to add salt to food in order for parts of products to be offered for free. Google offers e-mail and a search engine for zero dollars in order to learn more about us and to be able to highlight better ads. PressPad provides


Paul Nowak CEO PressPad


free magazine templates in exchange for promotion on Twitter or email. Apple is offering its world-class apps for free in order to increase the demand for manufactured devices and to draw more users into its ecosystem.

What does a free operating system and iPrograms for PressPad clients mean? I wondered about the significance of Apple’s conference on Oct 2013 to our customers. Certainly, the number of iPads sold is a solid confirmation of the direction in which the market is tending and of


what can be expected in the near future. 170 million iPads in just over three years is much, much more than anyone could have predicted. The statement uttered by Apple from the podium – “Who remembers netbooks?” – perfectly summarizes iPad’s strength today. The second thing I noticed yesterday is free iWork software. Redesigned Pages are especially dear to us, because many of our customers compose their professional-looking magazines today using this program. We are already working to convert our free (free?) template to a version that will be editable in Apple’s Pages. We hope that the free Pages will inspire potential magazine and comics publishers to publish their content on iPads and Androids. If we can help in this process, we will be delighted.

Paul Nowak CEO PressPad


We will add Your Magazine to the App Store for $0, today!

Magazines go mobile here.





BUSINESS Convince Your Boss About Mobile Publishing


Make Your Digital Magazine App Profitable


What Have We Learnt in our Mobile Experiment


Become a PressPad Partner!


DESIGN 6 Golden Rules To Design Successful Digital Magazine


4 of the best and low-cost tools for Designing and creating PDF’s


Your iPad Magazine Can Look Like That on Apple IOS7


There Are Lots of Great Selling Covers…Make Sure Yours is One


of Them! How to Use Our Professional, Free Magazine Templates


MARKETING & SALES Is Digital Publishing a Great Content Marketing Technique


5 Things on How to Improve Your Digital Magazine Sales


Fastest Way to Increase Sales of Digital Magazine


New Feature: Use Magazine Sample to Help You Sell More



HOW-TO’S How To Publish a Brilliant Children’s Book on iPad


How to Write an Effective Magazine App Description?


How To Publish Comic Book Online


How Does the System of Tiers Work in Apple?


What Happens when You Order a Free iPad App with PressPad


THE ERA OF DIGITAL PUBLISHING The Washington Post Bought by Jeff “in 20 Years, Print Newspapers Will Be All but Extinct” Bezos


10 Reasons Why Self Mobile Publishing Tool is the Best Way to Get Your Magazine Published on iPad


What It Would Be Like to Build a System for Publishing


Magazines on Mobile Devices Tablet User’s Habits. Discover More About E-readers.






Convince Your Boss About Mobile Publishing

Mobile Publishing is a necessary pivot for many titles. For some titles, it is the first medium for entering the market. In this article you will find out which arguments to choose, and how to present them in order to get your boss to like mobile publishing. After all, going mobile is a great way to reach new readers.

11 Mobile Publishing is a very strong trend, which is supported by changes in the business model of many publications. We have already witnessed the change of the distribution model and the transition to digital platforms, such great titles as Life or the NYT. Earlier this year, eMarketer made a prediction that “This Year, All Publishers Go Mobile”. To convince your boss to come onto the App Store platform, present the information, which you will find below, in an appropriate form, relevant for your organization.

1. Provide Market Brief More and more magazines discover mobile publishing. Smartphone and tablet users willingly use their devices to read the titles, which could be read in print until recently or which were never printed. According to a research conducted by “Alliance for Audited Media”, the year 2013 is a breakthrough because every American publisher plans to appear on mobile platforms, and by 2014 four out of ten

12 publishers expect to generate at least 10% of their revenue from mobile publications.

Mobile reading opens up new business opportunities, which is why more and more companies, that have no publishing experience, try to fill this huge niche more boldly by publishing magazines, specialized buswiness content, and even books, which are a paid subscription of following chapters. The development and popularization of mobile technology (post PC era), and above all, the increasingly great popularity of Apple mobile devices have a huge influence on this strengthening trend. iPad and iPhone users are at the top readers and customers when it comes to mobile content.

Almost 500 million of iPad and iPhone users have their credit cards linked to their accounts in App Store and they are used to payments. According to the research conducted by ‘Alliance for Audited Media’ iPad stays at the top of the devices, for which digital publications with paid access are published. What is interesting is that iPad and iPhone come in the first two positions, what classifies Apple users as the largest group, at which mobile publishing is targeted.

13 Publishers now want to, first of all, appear on mobile devices, and eventually, move completely into the mobile reality.

Key takeaways: ¬ 100% of publishers will format their content for mobile in 2013. ¬ The iPad saw the greatest percentage of publishers charging for content across publication categories. ¬ Apple remains a primary device-maker for media consumers. ¬ Download full AAM raport.

2. Highlight Advantages Mobile publishing is an attractive market, in terms of the possibility of generating revenue. One of the most interesting methods of monetizing the content is renewable subscription in App Store. In addition, users of Apple hardware more willingly make micropayments on a platform they know, where their payment details are preconfigured. As a result, it lowers the barrier of entering the process of buying, which is, in itself, frictionless sales. Subscription model of digital magazines distribution combined with the increasing number of iPad/iPhone

iPad and iPhone come in the first two positions, what classifies Apple users as the largest group, at which mobile publishing is targeted.

14 users let you reach the consumption-oriented client, who is used to micropayments in the App Store ecosystem, which he knows well.

Key takeaways: ¬ Growing Sales Building customer loyalty through a subscription model in the App Store. It is easier to sell subscriptions across a large and well-targeted number of iPad and iPhone users. ¬ A low barrier of entering mobile publishing with PressPad Publishing printed content you can, easily and at small expense, start publishing your magazine in App Store – without any technical abilities. From a PDF file you receive, you can create in PressPad a mobile app, which we publish in App Store for you. We take care of every technical aspect, including managing and maintaining the application in App Store. ¬ Effective promotion by Push Notifications We offer our publishers the ability to send up to 5 Push Notifications in a month to the readers, informing them about, new releases or placing other promotional content

Apple sales raport for the second quarter of 2013 (Q2’2013) confirms that there was a huge increase in mobile users: “The Company sold 37.4 million iPhones in the quarter, compared to 35.1 million in the year-ago quarter. Apple also sold 19.5 million iPads during the quarter, compared to 11.8 million in the yearago quarter (…)”


3. Show Opportunities There are many possibilities. If you are a publisher of a magazine, you can easily prepare a digital edition in PDF file, which we will transform into a native iOS application and put it into the App Store. Thanks to our new business model, we do it for free – you can read more about it here.. However, if the company is not a publishing house, then with the involvement of minimum resources, you can prepare a couple of specialist articles and enclose the whole thing in one PDF file with a designed cover. Anyone who will start now with mobile publishing, will reach a competitive advantage in the future (in the future there will be much more mobile publications, so the publishers will have to put more effort in order to be recognized by readers). If a customer downloads your application with a magazine now, he/she will not have to download it in the future and the next issue will download itself automatically directly on his/ her iPad thanks to our application.

If you have any questions click “chat with us” on our website, and if you would like to take the opportu-

Key takeaways: Publish magazines about business Topical consumer magazines Comic books are a great niche, thanks to a unique user experience regarding rotating and zooming pictures.

nity to publish your magazine in App Store now, totally free of charge, just fill out the registration form.


4. Enter the decision-making process Now, the most important thing. In order to convince your management to enter the world of mobile publishing, you have to speak about advantages, which are evident to every decision making division and implement your message in the decision-making process in the company. This is important especially if the organization has a well-developed structure of competence and your boss might have several superiors above him/her. Prepare a document that comes into company workflow In the headline, introduce the flow of decision-making people, who should get to know with a document e.g.: VP =>COO =>GM =>M =>You Establish a clear goal: “Enter a billion-dollar market” Emphasize the greatest benefit with one sentence, for example: “Revenue growth by 10% per annum” In a tabular form introduce the advantages of implementing mobile publishing (the last column should contain a statement of expenses) Organize a meeting or make the document you have prepared enter the workflow Follow up We have prepared an example of an outline of such document for you for free. Tap here to download.


Make Your Digital Magazine App Profitable If you are seriously thinking about turning a profit with your digital magazine, you should start selling. There are, however, various ways of selling digital products. You can start charging your readers for access to your digital magazine, or you can provide it for free, generating exclusive, high quality traffic to your online store.

18 Both sales strategies work well but there are few things every strategy has in common and which you should know about. In this article I will highlight five areas you must focus on in order to make your digital magazine profitable.

1. Deliver value Surely there is a market need your magazine can, and should, fulfill. For example, there are lot of people passionate about fashion, so you can assume that beautiful, exclusive photos are what mainly grab their attention. Find the right angle and provide your readers with what they find most valuable. It can be literally anything. Give it a try.

Tip #1: Use Google Search to check what interests people the most.


2. Choose the right distribution platform You can run your magazine as a website, but there are better ways to deliver a value proposition to your readers. A properly chosen distribution platform speeds up your digital publishing business, as well as gathering special, well-profiled customers who are already willing to read and actively seeking a new reading experience. At PressPad we find the Apple App Store to be a great distribution platform. It offers millions of readers who can become your loyal customers when they find your magazine. We believe that publishers of all sizes should have the possibility to offer their magazines on the App Store. Since we have changed our model of cooperation with magazines, you can get your magazine to the App Store for free with PressPad.

3. Build loyalty and trigger sales Put coupons into every second issue of your digital magazine and feel confident mentioning this on the cover. Not only does it trigger sales, but it can also encourage customers to choose a subscription over a single issue purchase! Under-promise and over-deliver. Do your best to provide freebies and giveaways for subscribers, and people will love you. To accomplish this, offer space exchanges of your magazine to bloggers and other content creators.

20 Tip #1: Offer a free sample issue of your magazine on popular blogs like – you’ll build traffic and improve your position in Google search results.

Tip #2: Offer a special edition of your magazine as a “daily deal” with “deals” distribution channels so your magazine’s iPad App will reach hundred of thousands of subscribers.

4. Build credibility Your iPad magazine app can be profitable Set up a schedule and publish new issues according to it. That way your readers will get used to your release cycle, and checking for new issues will become a habit. This is how you build a history of your magazine, so you can offer bundles of archive issues for every new subscriber.

Tip #3: Learn about more best practices in selling digital magazines.

21 Actually, subscribers to your magazine App will gain access to a full archive of past editions. That can be a great marketing tool for your magazine business.

Tip #1: Attract consumers of digital magazines with your free samples on Issuu.


5. Invite your readers Yes, invite them. Telling people about what you do is one of the best things you can start with, promoting your digital magazine yourself. These days our friends and people from all walks of life are easily accessible online via social media networks. Tip #1: Use monitoring tools to monitor keywords in realtime (i.e. “fashion world”, “new look” etc.) to be able to reply instantly to your potential subscribers.

Tip #2: Subscribe to interest groups on the LinkedIn network. Use the search field to find the best places to talk about your iPad magazine. New technologies are changing the way people think, behave, and act. They also create opportunities for making profit online. At PressPad we believe that digital publishing is among the forces shaping the future, making our world more open and colorful. Join us for free.


Mobile Experiment: What Have We Learnt in Past 48 Hours


August 2013 we launched a simple experiment, which was supposed to verify a certain hypothesis and to help us simplify the way we settle accounts with the publishers. The response of magazine publishers made us (delicately speaking) frightened: we received hundreds of mails with requests to be included in the experiment, and one of the publishers even threatened us a little! Just to remind you: we made a proposal to magazine publishers to make a free iPad and iPhone application for them, in exchange we would keep the first 199 USD that the application earns each month. From USD 200 above the income is transferred to the publishers with-

24 out any interests charged by us. We are extremely grateful for the support you show towards us. At the same time, we are aware that this means a great responsibility on our part. In the next few days we have a lot of work to do concerning the basics of our business in order for us to know whether the model we proposed in the experiment should not be our key one. We decided to include in the experiment all publishers who applied and will apply in the next few days. This way, we are going to increase the sample group on which we verify the hypotheses and nobody will be omitted.

Today and tomorrow two things will happen: 1. Every Publisher who replied to our offer will get the information concerning the next steps to be taken. 2. In order to simplify a little the procedure of applying, please register in Press Pad, using this special link register?type=experiment Thanks to that link you will be able to create an account, enter your issues into the panel and easily order the application for your magazine. And we will know that you are in the “experiment� and we will not require any payment for adding the application.

25 Below we compiled the answers for most frequently asked questions. If you have any other queries, please write at: We will answer all of them. You can also follow us/ask questions at Twitter @presspadapp or at Facebook:

Frequently Asked Questions If a magazine is free of charge, does it qualify for this offer? The proposed model works only in case of paid issues/ subscriptions of a magazine. If you are willing to introduce a fee for your magazine on mobile devices, we are able to include your magazine in our offer. Providing extra or full version content via a mobile application could be a good solution. Do I need to commit at any point? No. Neither in case of our standard subscription plans, nor the experimental one do we use long-term agreements. What if I want to resign from PressPad? Should you decide to stop using PressPad, your application will be removed from App Store. However, your PressPad account will not be closed in order to:

26 1. Continue with the support for the readers who have already downloaded your application from App Store and have it installed on their devices. 2. Provide you with the access to your archive sales reports. We do not charge any fees for such accounts and you may always reopen them. Do I receive sales reports? Detailed reports on every previous month are displayed in your panel on the 10th of each month. There is also a live estimate number of all downloads available in the panel all month long. Does PressPad offer subscriptions? Yes. The readers may purchase single issues or 1, 2, 3, 6 or 12-month subscriptions (you need to select at least one option). Once I get a subscription, may I receive current and future issues exclusively (for six months or a year) without an access to archive issues at the same time? Unfortunately, not. Apple does not allow for such solution. Would my app be available on Apple’s Newsstand, or just in the App Store? We do add applications to Apple Newsstand, it is a de-

27 fault option. It is possible to choose a standard application however, in this case you miss several bonuses connected with Newsstand technology: subscriptions, background downloading, pushing new issues onto readers’ devices, etc. Newsstand is a default choice of most readers and publishers. If I make less than $199, do you just keep it as fee? So I could make nothing, and not get charged at all? That’s right. It’s us who take the risk in the case of your magazine making less than $199 a month. That’s why our goal was, among other things, to educate publishers on how to increase sales on mobile devices, so that both sides are satisfied (read our blog!). Is this planned for other platforms, as well? We currently make applications for the Apple iPad/ iPhone. Support for Android is planned for launch in about six weeks. We will most likely enable Android support without fees within the same model. We will have a more concrete answer closer to the launch. Support for other platforms will come after Android (Kindle, Windows Phone, BlackBerry). Is this an international offer? Yes, it is. We aren’t planning on adding any locationbased restrictions.

28 Who is doing all the uploading – you or me? Each publisher needs to register a PressPad account and upload their magazine issues in PDF format themselves. The panel is very simple to use, and the work requires no more than 2-3 minutes per month (Note: use this link to register, so that we know you’re taking part in this experimental offer). Do you take PDF files? Yes, PDF is the format we use within the applications. How do I get paid? Via electronic transfer or PayPal? When are the monthly payments made? We use PayPal for payments. We process payments during the week after the 10th of each month (when the sales report is generated). If the 10th falls on the weekend, we start sending the publishers their money on the following Monday. Is there a free trial period available? No trial period is available for this offer. However, as mentioned before, there are also no long-term contracts or cancellation fees. To get your iPad app, register a PressPad account via this link, upload your magazine issues in PDF format, order the application and wait for us to contact you.

29 Can I have a look at any sample applications published by PressPad? Of course. Search for “presspad� in the App Store, and most of our apps will appear. Alternatively, download these few examples directly (we picked the free ones to save you the unnecessary expense): Jack Kirby Collector Tickle The Imagination Kiteboardign Magazine

Upon placing the order, we contact each publisher individually if anything requires clarification. If you have any questions, please contact us at We will answer any question.


Do You Work in DTP?

Become a Partner!


In PressPad, we follow the principle 1 + 1 = 3. This is the way in which our product is created, the way in which we consult new ideas, and also try to cooperate with clients. We believe that our knowledge of mobile applications marketing and our clients’ excellent content will be able to get through the TOP PAID rankings in stores with mobile applications. Now, to a group of people with whom we want to cooperate very closely, we would like to invite companies and professionals from the field of Desktop Publishing (DTP). Over the last few months we have tested how such cooperation proceeds, and today we are convinced that all parties can benefit from it.

How does the cooperation with PressPad take place? DTP companies and PressPad have a very similar client: a magazine publisher. We think that PressPad can supplement the offer of DTP companies and therefore influence their value proposition. When a client of DTP company becomes a PressPad subscriber, in exchange, we give the DTP company 50% of our profit. What is more, PressPad manages the communication with the magazine publisher and his future service.

Aren’t mobile applications a threat to DTP field? We understand why, from the perspective of DTP field,

32 mobile applications may be readily perceived as a threat. The result of designers and professionals’ work dealing with the print is the order of a printed magazine, while mobile applications need neither a printing house nor paper. However, from the experience, we can see that over 50% of our clients treat mobile applications as a supplement of a paper magazine. Moreover, thanks to mobile applications, more readers can find out about a magazine, and some of them also order paper editions. Furthermore, the files which leave DTP studio are simultaneously materials for creating mobile applications in PressPad. Thus, the cooperation with DTP companies is extremely important to us.

How to become a PressPad Partner We made efforts to help DTP companies easily start the cooperation with PressPad. Today we have released a dedicated website on which the interested will find a description of a program, necessary marketing materials, profit calculator, the status of financial statements, and more. You can find this website at

33 ship-center.

What are the benefits of joining PressPad program We make efforts to keep our actions transparent all the time, and information available to everyone. For this reason, on the Partnership Center website, we made all the information on the statement with DTP companies publicly accessible. The basis for cooperation is trust. DTP company must trust PressPad that it will deliver a high-quality product to its clients. We are working in digital publishing for over two years now, and delivered hundreds of magazine applications to the market. For us, it is extremely important to cooperate with reliable partners as well, therefore we reserve the right to screen Partner requests. Every magazine publisher who will become a PressPad client, acts in favour of the Partner from whom he had come. The benefit from the subscription gained in this way is divided 50/50 between DTP company and PressPad. Most importantly, this agreement lasts as long as the magazine remains the client of PressPad. I encourage every DTP company to have a look at our offer.

Paul Nowak CEO PressPad





Golden Rules To Design Successful Digital Magazine If you are going to publish your digital magazine on mobile devices, then, in this article, you will find out (having in mind a couple of universal design rules) how to prepare a popular, good looking, recommended magazine which is read with pleasure and which works on Apple mobile devices with iOS7.


36 Your native PressPad app is a virtual kiosk and, at the same time, a reader visible in News Stand which allows readers to look through successive digital issues. A great advantage of such a solution is that you can put every issue in your PressPad publisher panel in a PDF format and subscribers of your magazine will instantly see successive issues on their tablets or smartphones.

The FastCompany magazine accurately noted in the article “Your App is Your Brand Now” that “If you don’t have an app you risk being effectively invisible to the fastest growing audience of customers: More than a billion app users already exist, and that market is growing at nearly 30% every year.” The guardian Case Study Known titles have already gone to mobile platforms. The case of The Guardian is one of the most famous. Its mobile app is a perfect complement to the printed magazine. Not only the title itself has gone to mobile platforms but also they adapt their publishing platform to new customer expectations.

37 Obviously, you don’t have to invest millions of dollars to appear on the mobile platform with your magazine but the case of the Guardian is interesting and instructive for every digital magazine publisher. The Guardian Digital Magazine on iPad - PressPad blog Here is an excellent presentation that outlines how The Guardian newspaper created its iPad version. This has a lot of good advice for anyone who wants to go mobile.

If you want the digital edition of your magazine read on mobile devices to make use of the potential of mobile devices fully and to make the User Experience the most valuable, stick to the following rules while creating a PDF of your magazine. 1. Layout The magazine has to be legible. Use one or two column layout in order to have a magazine which is legible and good looking. Mobile applications on smartphones and tablets allow you to view magazines in portrait or landscape modes. In the case of portrait mode only one page can be displayed and in the case of landscape mode two pages can be displayed at the same time. That’s why it is so important that every page keeps the 4:3 ratio This allows, both in vertical as well as in horizontal mode, to use the whole displace space. What’s more, it


creates additional opportunities of building great User Experience because in landscape mode you can get an extra (central) column formed by putting together the two smaller columns on adjacent pages. To select the optimal column width you can use the Golden Ratio principle used successfully in the art of design. Another interesting idea is to use a grid (grid), where each element is a preview of the next articles and has interlinks with which you can easily jump to the location in the magazine. If your magazine or other publication consists of multiple pages this type of grid can be a nice variation for the reader, who also serves as the internal menu.

Hint: Recommended page size: 2048 x 1536px


2. Illustrations and Photos What would reading on a tablet be without being able to enjoy beautiful illustrations. The first and one of the most important illustration in the magazine is the cover of the magazine, which has to draw the reader’s attention, and in the case of digital publishing has to trigger sales. Beautiful pictures are generally a big expense, especially for a young magazine/startups. Such projects as Unsplash come to help with beautifully cropped, high quality pictures, which are free to use.

Hint: Reduce size of the pictures bigger than 250ppi to 150ppi

3. Typography Proper fonts use is essential and typography itself is viewed as a secret knowledge. Nothing could be further from the truth. Well-chosen fonts, which create words correctly formatted with spaces not only make the reading easier but also affect the positive reception of a magazine as a professional one.


I’ve listed the key features of good typography below, based on Butterick’s Practical Typography. Point size should be 15-25 pix­els on the web. line spacing should be 120–145% of the point size. The average line length should be 45–90 char­ac­ters (in­ clud­ing spaces). Avoid goofy fonts, mono­spaced fonts, and sys­tem fonts, especially times new roman and Arial. Put only one space be­tween sentences. Never use underlining, un­less it’s a hyperlink. Use cen­tered text sparingly. Use bold or italic as lit­tle as possible. All caps are fine for less than one line of text. Use first-line indents that are one to four times the point size of the text, or use 4–10 points of space be­ tween para­graphs. But don’t use both. If you use justified text, also turn on hyphenation. In a doc­u­ment longer than three pages, one ex­cla­ma­ tion point is plen­ty.

Hint: Be aware that pixels (px) are not the same as points (pt), where sizes of fonts are defined. You’ll find the appropriate converter here.

4. Quality The magazine shouldn’t look like a “digital reprint”, nor should the website. People are used to using the internet for free. A mobile magazine is an optimal mix of ex-

41 clusive content and great user experience served by Apple mobile devices. What’s more, customer pays for value added content and unique experience, that’s why, while exporting your digital magazine to a PDF file, do not flatten text and embed all fonts. This will ensure a consistent layout even on devices which don’t have the fonts used in the magazines.

Hint: These treatments will ensure that your agazine will provide the same experience on every device.

5. Performance Any new issue of the magazine must be downloaded by your reader on his/her tablet or smartphone. Therefore, it is good to optimize the PDF file in terms of size (not to exceed 50MB). You just have to remember to: Downsample images above 225ppi to 150ppi Do not embed thumbs

6. Sale in App Store A user who visits the website of your magazine in App Store is only one step away from making a purchase decision. In PressPad we ensure that every publisher will

42 appear on the product page in App Store without the need to own a developer account and without the need to pay anything to Apple Inc. We take care of everything so that publishers can focus only on their publishing process.

Factors stimulating sales of digital magazines: Ability to subscribe to a magazine Competitive pricing model for a subscription (read about Apple pricing models) Magazine preview, which is generated by us but we are open to suggestions of our publishers. Free sample of a magazine in a truncated version “preview”..

KEY TAKEAWAYS: • Recommended page size – 2048 x 1536px (4:3 ratio) • Reduce size of the pictures bigger than 250ppi to 150ppi • Use interlinks to navigate among inner content • Use free samples with promotional codes • Attract customers with competitive subscription price • Attract customers with preview screenshots


4 of the Best and Low-cost Tools for Designing and Creating PDF Files.



Some of our customers want to find the way to publish while limiting the costs. Most of the magazine designers use InDesign and there is no doubts that it is great, but still pretty expensive software. We’ve made a small review of low budget and professional designing tools and we hope this will help you to choose the right one.

Serif PagePlus x-7

iStudio Publisher

There are different types of DTP (Desktop Publishing) software available nowadays, either as online or downloadable versions. The purpose of these applications is to enable users to create magazines,

44 brochures, posters, books, newspapers or flyers. Exporting/importing the Portable Document Format (PDF) files is possible as well. While most DTP programs are quite expensive, the cheapest – and some even free – among them are listed below, along with their corresponding tools and plug-ins.

Free/Open source 1. Scribus: Scribus has been released under

- Context menu for the canvas, with options

the GNU General Public License.

toactivate viewing or to insert vector graph-

It is 100% free and can be easily downloaded

ics directly.

from its website You can

- Can open and fully edit PDFs.

create all manner of great looking documents with this easy to use and powerful DTP ap-

Template availability:

plication, which can easily compete with the

- Added many more templates donated by

leading commercial and expensive DTP pro-


gram, which is Adobe InDesign. Scribus has

- Template descriptions and categories are

plenty of options to choose from to achieve

translated to different languages.

best results. Images: Interface and usability:

- Connection with stock image database.

- One-click color management.

- Non-destructive image effects.

- Document preview without frame borders

- Good handling of clipping paths and layers.

and guides, and many more viewing options.

- The following image formats can be im-

- A search feature for the document outline.

ported: PNG, JPEG, EPS, GIF, TIFF, EPS and

- Many options to speed up and automate the


insertion of frames (such as the Sticky Tools

- Image management.

option, or the Insert Frame dialogue).

- Import SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) im-

- Enhanced Scrapbook.


45 2. Inkscape: Inkscape has been released

- A given object can display up to 4 hints

under the GNU General Pub-

while editing with a single tool.

lic License. It is 100% free

- Comes with a complete mouse and key-

and can be easily downloaded from its web-

board reference in SVG and HTML.

site Inkscape is an easy

- Can open and fully edit PDFs.

to use open source vector graphics editor, which uses the W3C standard Scalable Vector

Template availability:

Graphics (SVG) file format. It can easily com-

- Creation of web templates.

pete with Adobe Illustrator, Xara X or Corel-

- Extraction of vector images from a PDF


file. - Can create SVG documents.

Interface and usability: - Universal keyboard accessibility.


- Convenient editing on the canvas.

- All vector transformations, scale, rota-

- Has come a long way in terms of usability

tion and positioning (minus skewing) have

since the start of the project.

keyboard shortcuts with consistent modi-

- Keyboard shortcuts and toolbars docked


within the editing window can reduce the

- The most common operations (such as z-

number of floating dialog boxes.

order, transforming, zooming) have con-

- The toolbar at the top of the window always

venient one-key shortcuts.

displays the controls relevant to the current

- The Alt key transforms by 1 screen pixel


at the current zoom, and Shift multiplies

- Provides floating tooltips and status bar

the transformation by 10.

hints for all buttons, controls, commands, keys, and on-canvas handles.



3. Serif PagePlus X-7:

PagePlus X-7 developed by Serif Europe is a

- eBooks are compatible with Kindle and all

proprietary, commercial software application

other stores.

available for purchase from the website www. for $105.24. You can create

Template availability:

all manner of great looking documents with

- Professional templates, unbeatable value.

this easy to use and powerful DTP applica-

- Everything you need for the web and print.

tion, which can easily compete with the lead-

Stunning templates perfect for your busi-

ing commercial and expensive DTP programs,

ness, club or charity, available online as well

which are Adobe InDesign and Microsoft Pub-

as in print.

lisher. PagePlus X-7 has plenty of options to choose from to achieve best results.

Images: - Advanced photo editing lab and image cut-

Interface and usability:

out studio.

- Supports page layers and master pages.

- Logo studio with graphic design tools.

- Supports page layout with full freedom. - Supports professional PDF/X-3 output for print shops. - Can open and fully edit PDFs. - Able to import Microsoft Word 2013 files with maintained layouts.


4. iStudio Publisher iStudio Publisher has been developed by iStudio Software, a UK based company. It is a proprietary, commercial software application available for purchase from the website for $45. It is a truly great publishing app, meant to be a cheap and user-friendly alternative to the expensive and complicated DTP applications available on the market. Interface and usability: - Frequent software updates. - Auto Save feature. - Stack dumps resymbolized to enable Crash Reporter. - If no documents are open, clicking Dock icon now shows Task Chooser. - Drag in PDF content. Template availability:

Images: - Images can be manipulated: stretched, scaled, tiled and cropped. You can also rotate, resize and alter position of any image within its containing shape. - Any part of an image lying outside its shape remains hidden, so you can just focus on the parts that matter. - You can resize or move the image by hand with the new image tool. - The program can do all the hard work for you with the alignment and fitting options. What is your favourite tool for creating and designing magazine content? Let us know about your private reviews. To check how to create pdf for newsstand app see: The easiest way to create your own magazine app – infographic.

- Preconfigured templates can be downloaded for publication from a dedicated template site.

To check how to create pdf for newsstand app see: The easiest way to create your own magazine app – infographic. Publisher has been developed by iStudio Software, a UK based


Your iPad Magazine Look Like on Apple i

Can That iOS7



When Apple introduced a new mobile operating system iOS7, our team had just finished working on a new version of the mobile magazine application. This PressPad application allows subscribers to download and read digital magazines published by our editors. In this article we disclose the appearance of our new mobile application optimized for iOS7. Apple has released its new, innovative operating system iOS7, introducing many interesting features such as the Control Center, AirDrop for iOS and smarter multitasking. But what catches the eye the most is a brand new, beautiful user interface with icons designed in the style of flat design, and referring to the current color trends. Apple’s new mobile system provides a completely new user’s experience, better than ever. In accordance with the direction set by Apple, we are testing a new version of our mobile application

in the PressPad, which is compatible with the iOS7 interface. We can boast about its appearance just now, which fits well with the new system from Apple. This makes reading the publication on iPad even more pleasant. The new PressPad application is also a brand new promotional opportunity for our customers. Now, with the ability to share magazine covers in Social Media, the subscribers themselves promote available titles from the Publisher by sharing the beautiful graphics within the circle of friends


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Q: Is the current version of the PressPad App supported on iOS7?

new iOS7. The new version will be available soon. All our publishers will be informed.

A: Yes, the current version of the PressPad App is supported on the

Q: Do the subscribers of my magazine must install

9:43 PM






Tickle the imagination subscription style magazine newsstand App




Once upon a time / January 2013





BUY $0.99


Old Hollywoon / June 2013

BUY $0.99


Anniversary edition / July 2013



Fall is comming / October 2013 85

52 PressPad one more time after the installation of iOS7? A: No, this is not necessary. Subscribers can use the current (old) version of the application PressPad. However, after the release of the new version, we suggest sending Push Notification to the subscribers with information that the new version of the application is ready for download. Q: Why then do you pay so much attention to the details in the new look of iOS7? A: In the PressPad we are aware that the user experience is just as important as the functionality of the application. User experience of the application should be compatible and should fulfill the experience offered by the device’s operating system in such a way that reading magazines was a unique experience. Q: Why should I install a new version of PressPad on iOS7 if the current version works well?

A: The new interface of the PressPad App interacts with the interface of the new mobile system for Apple mobile devices. Our new application code has also been optimized for iOS7 to ensure stability and optimal user experience. App Store Newsstand Q: What is PressPad? A: PressPad is a self-service iPad publishing platform. Register to start your iPad magazine with branded newsstand app, subscriptions and Push Notifications. With our new business model you can exist in the App Store with your commercial digital magazine at no additional cost. Open a free account and send us your magazine in a PDF format. Q: If my digital magazine purchases 5000 subscribers, will you charge additional fee for the transfer? A: No. We do not charge any additional fees for the transfer, or

53 hosting. Q: Can I place the discount coupons inside my digital magazine to encourage users to buy the subscription? A: At the moment it is only possible by putting an active link to the external promotional content, for example, to the previously generated a Facebook entry that contains the password, or promotion code in your magazine’s PDF. Tip: Using the tool that shortens links (e.g. or, you cangenerate a shortened link and optionally download and place the QR code that leads to the mentioned entry or promotional website.

Q: Do you offer a White-Label solution? A: Yes. You can publish your mobile magazine in the application under your own brand. PressPad is then the supplier of technology and our brand is nowhere visible.

We are fully transparent to your subscribers. To learn more about White-Label solutions email us or visit our home page and start a chat with a consultant.

On PressPad, the publishers have access to detailed sales data and their magazine downloads. Possession of such data allows for building funnels and optimising sales processes. Get your magazine to the App Store for free with PressPad.


There Are Lots of Great Selling Covers‌ Make Sure Yours is One of Them!

55 In order to help our publishers sell more, today we introduce into our offer quite a surprising item: to current clients we offer a “tuning� of their magazine covers. Sounds atypical? Read on for details. We did not expect ourselves, that such a service could attract customers. Until, during a conversation with one of the clients, we suggested her several changes to the cover, which could increase sales. It did and she loved the work we did.

56 What does the cover sale? The fact that the cover sales the magazine does not require an explanation. In the “old days� a client saw only covers at a kiosk before he decided to pick up a particular title. Today the role of a cover at digital kiosks and mobile app stores has hardly changed. Where does a user see a cover? On Apple devices and in the Android system a cover and description are the first things that a reader comes in contact with. On the basis of these two elements they make a decision whether to download your or your competition’s magazine. In the newer iOS systems, for instance iOS 7 in the App Store a reader can simply see only a cover. This rectangular piece of graphics has to be very solid in order to sell your magazine.

After downloading a magazine app to his device, a reader browses available issues and decides which ones to buy. Here also nearly the entire decision is made on the basis of a cover.

57 Is changing a cover the solution to poor sales? Of course not! There is no single thing which solves all problems. As with free magazine excerpts, a solid description, a good title of a magazine and many other elements, a cover influences client’s decision. What do you know about covers? All of our clients are magazine publishers. We have added over a hundred magazine apps to the App Store, which have published over one thousand editions in total. We know which covers sell better, what should appear on them and in what order. We also have an excellent inhouse designer who understands mobile publishing like no other. I want a new cover, what should I do? To order a redesign of your cover, visit presspadapp. com/magazine-cover-redesign and attach your current cover or simply a description of what should appear on the new one.

For current PressPad clients the service costs $29. If you would like to order a redesign of your cover but you are not our client, the service will cost you $99. This is per cover price.


How to Use Our Professional, Free Magazine Templates

Get Free Mag


If you’re thinking about changing the looks of your digital magazine or you’re simply looking for a professional layout as an inspiration – we have some good news for you. Now you can download beautiful magazine templates. The whole thing have been prepared by PressPad designers, we offer you all the templates with

the covers for free, and what more – you can use them for commercial purposes. What’s inside After downloading the free package to your device, you will get a .zip archive. After unpacking the archive, a new folder called “PressPad_all_templates” will be created. It will contain four catalogues with magazine templates.

gazine Templates for InDesign


Attention: You don’t have InDesign? Scroll down, I have something also for you! Every catalogue contains the following: • Magazine’s Cover • 14+ page layouts • Fonts • Sample images • * .indd files for InDesign • *.idml files for older versions of InDesign • Templates in PDF format • We have also included our 1-page ad. If you like our work, you can run this ad in your magazine linking back to

With the help of our templates you will start your magazines in no time.

Types of available templates PressPad_template_1

This is a template of a bloody red color balanced with white in which the shades of red underlined with black greatly combine with sans serif headlines font. This template will fit perfectly “manly”-themed, masculine magazines.


Enthusiasts of food will love this template. Created in pastels, bright blues and palette of pinks, bring a feeling of freshness and lightness which perfectly fit pictures of meals. All you culinary bloggers – the field is left clear for you! You already have the content, now it’s time for the next step, or rather a jump with our free magazine apps for bloggers offer.

61 PressPad_template_2A

This underground template is unusual itself. Shades of yellow lighting up the darkness greatly resonate with serif fonts, building exceptional mood. Lifestyle magazines with this template will certainly arouse interest among the readers, as well as encourage readership among those undecided. PressPad_template_2A

This template, thanks to its warm colors, is dedicated mostly to female magazines. The feminine touch comes with warm oranges, yellows and pinks, and guarantees positive reception of the magazine with perfect presentation of its content. To use templates described above just open them in Adobe Indesign (if you have older version use .idml file also available in the

package). If you want to download your own Indesign template package, like our Facebook fanpage.

Tip #1 You can use any font you have. You can find free fonts in different formats online. One of the great sources is FontSquirrel which offers fonts available to use in your magazine.

What if I do not have Adobe Indesign Google Docs Magazine Cover Temoplate - how to use 1. This is your magazine’s interactive cover template 2. Make a copy onto your Google drive in order to be able to customize it 3. Change the name if you want, and press “OK”. If you don’t have Adobe Indesign you can also use our free template package. Every template is available in PDF, so you can see what and how was done by our

62 designers. Just for you we have prepared an interactive template for creating covers which you can use with the free Google Docs suite. Just click the following links Cover Template 1, Cover Template 2 which will take you to the Google Drawing Document containing interactive cover template. This template will allow you to prepare a professionallooking cover for your magazine. To be able to use Google Docs Cover Templates, click Menu > File > Make a copy‌ (Ref. image #2) and press ok (Ref. image #3) Now our template is all yours, and should be visible in your docs folder.

Tip #2 Do you know that you can modify the colors of your chosen digital magazine template? For you new color to be coherent, use free Adobe Kuler. Set big solid color squares for basic colors used in template (i.e. black, red, white)

and rotate the color picker towards your favorite colors to get a new, coherent color palette.

If you like our initiative – don’t hesitate to write us a comment on Facebook or Tweet your friends about us so they can also check it out.





Is Digital Publishing a Great Content Marketing Technique? In 2013

many companies suddenly realized

their position in Google was on the constant decrease and the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques they used to implement were gradually becoming less and less effective. On the other hand, those web sites and enterprises whose main focus was on the content were growing and doing better and better.

65 Frankly speaking, I don’t know whether the change was imposed by Google itself (due to the search algorithm alterations), or whether it simply is an outcome of some more general changes in the Internet and the way modern societies view the web. One thing that is certain: the final user benefits from those changes.

Content Rocks Long After it is Released

66 Before I took up my PressPad adventure in 2011, I had to do with publishing and content. I used to be the author of a very popular blog in Poland for many years. During 6 years of running Apple Blog I produced nearly 2 million words which made up a unique content. Today, after almost 2,5 years of closing it down, the blog’s web site is still visited by several thousand readers a month, directly from the search engine listing. The unique content actually becomes more and more powerful over time! I discovered it by chance browsing through the blog’s statistics, and I was shocked by the fact it still was so frequently visited. From that moment on, I use this story to prove how important a unique content is for establishing a long-lasting relation with the readers (or customers in case of companies).

Introducing Content Marketing Digital Publishing as Content Marketing TechniqueContent marketing has always been of interest to marketers. However, it has never been as powerful as it is today. Only a couple of years ago content strategy was treated as a too long-term operation which couldn’t guarantee quick investment return or measurable results.

67 Thanks to the changes mentioned above, content has been on the revival for several years now. Companies more and more often decide to invest in unique content and more attention is put to it (certainly, what also proved helpful was the appearance of many analytic tools allowing for an easy measurement of the influence content has got on sales).

Digital Publishing as Part of Content Strategy The fundamental role of content marketing is for the content to reach the readers interested in it. They can be found in a traditional offline way, via tens of online channels, as well as mobile devices. The growth of the mobile market is great news for content marketers too. Only today almost a half of Facebook interactions come about via mobile devices. Moreover, those who ‘like’ their friends’ holiday photos, at the same time browse through the news and read other information using the same device. If the companies want to be serious about their content consciousness, their presence on mobile devices should be seen as obligatory. PressPad collaborates with many companies publishing their own magazines or catalogs on iPads and iPhones as part of their content affords. Thanks to being part of iOS Newsstand they literally get to their readers’ pockets (pun intended).


5 Things on How to Improve Your Digital Magazine Sales


Are you wondering now how to increase your magazine’s income? This article is just for you. We will talk about the best kind of sales out there, which is subscription. What to do in order to make customers more willingly choose subscriptions over single issues? How to reach them? What determines their decision? Read further to find the answers.

1. Determine who your model reader is While you are completing your brand new issue of your Magazine, you are sure to know who you’re speaking to, who is the recipient of the content included in it. It is worth to note this knowledge down and verify it periodically. It will help you with taking actions the effect of which will be the optimization of the sales funnel, which in turn will feed through to the number

70 of your magazine’s subscriptions, thus the increase in income. In order to determine your model reader, you should answer the following questions: • Which gender dominates among the subscribers of your magazine? (Some subject areas are typically male or female) • Readers of what age will be the most interested in your magazine? (You will choose the adequate language and promotion methods depending on the age group) • Where do your best subscribers live? (It is important whether your periodical interests global readers or not) E.g. subject areas related to ways of fighting alligators will probably engage only residents of Florida. • What can be the other related interests of your model reader? (You will determine an accurate and popular promotional hashtag) What you’ll write down might turn out to be solely an assumption but that doesn’t matter, create at least one model character and give it an identity, e.g. Jonathan Doe. An example character might look like the following:


Name: Jonathan Doe Gender: male Age: 35 Location: USA, Florida Interests: Web design,

hunting alligators

Having created a few of such model “customer characters”, you will be able to conduct consistent activities aiming to increase the “sales” of the magazine on numerous fields. After some time, you will see for yourself which character is the closest to your “most precious” reader.


2. Check the design elements that influence sales Now you know the model subscriber of your magazine, so check if the Magazine’s front elements, such as the cover and application’s name are appealing enough. In this case, the design sells by itself , as the cover is an element which is the visual factor that engages users the most, and influences their purchase decision. Paradoxically, a magazine with a high-quality cover can still successfully distinguish itself in the tangle of poor creations.

3. Verify the price The knowledge of your model subscriber’s location allows for a strategic approach to the issue of valuating your magazine’s application which is to appear in App Store. iPad and other Apple devices users are loyal customers accustomed to micropayments. An interesting approach is setting a fractional price such as $0.99, $1.99 etc. Check whether this kind of solution works for your magazine. If, however, you’re already done publishing your first magazine, move on to your PressPad publisher’s panel and generate a sales report. Keep the Pareto principle in mind, which in this case can be interpreted as the following:

73 80% of your income is generated by 20% of customers. Basing on the report’s content, you will discover the countries from which you have received the highest number of subscriptions. Thanks to that, you can draw the right conclusions, whether or not and in which direction to modify the price.

4. Promote your magazine for free Having clearly specified the model readers of your magazine, you can pretty accurately assume which social network to start your promotional activities in. Who Uses Facebook - Pew Research Center Study “A demographic portrait of creators and curators and users of various social media services” – study by Pew Research Center Inform your potential subscribers of upcoming issues where communities have already been formed. In order to do that, publish entries and answer questions in places like: Interest groups in the LinkedIn network. Open interest groups on Facebook.

74 Slideshare. Publish samples of your magazine along with the links to App Store here. Quora. Write reviews, and while answering questions, try to weave such expressions as: “we have brought up/ elaborated on this topic in our magazine…, here is a link for the interested” in. Twitter, Google plus, Facebook pages. Build the subscribers community here. Work out your own efficient method of communication, however, remember to use 1 constant hashtag, so that the reader can find you easily using it. Remember to send a Push Notification to your current subscribers after publishing a new issue. Here at PressPad, we allow you to send up to 5 Push Notifications for free.

5. Check the sales effects periodically The subject of increasing the number of subscribers is closely connected to promotion and marketing, as well as building a community of subscribers in Social Media, and also the tuning of each upcoming issue of your magazine. Because this is a complex activity , it is worth to approach as a process, and clearly describe each consecutive action to be taken after a new issue is

75 published. Thanks to the formation of such promotional process, with each publishing cycle, you will be able to check the impact of introduced innovations and modifications on the number of subscriptions/sales.

New issue

Push Notification

Social Media Updates

Quora harvesting/ answering

Remember to make changes gradually, step by step. New Sample Your Social Media Slide Share Update Pages You will notice what works and what doesn’t. Check

the sales results in set intervals of time and introduce changes periodically.

Groups on Linkedin/ Facebook

On PressPad, the publishers have access to detailed sales data and their magazine downloads. Possession of such data allows for building funnels and optimising sales processes. Get your magazine to the App Store for free with PressPad.



Way to increase

Sales of

Digital Magazine


There are many advantages of digital editions over traditional ones: direct-to-reader sales, access to the global market, or the incomparably lower costs of publishing. Today we will focus on a feature of digital editions that is less obvious, but impossible to ignore: the ability to monetize back issue archives.


he traditional publishing cycle doesn’t really account for the monetization of back issues. The older issues would be available in the archive on special order, but for most of the time, they will either be ground and turned into new paper or go up in smoke.

How Digital Archive Works Digital editions are not burdened with storage costs, nor are they an added cost of the mobile application itself. Bits and bytes will fit anywhere and require no

warehouses, pallets, low humidity conditions, or limited sun exposure. However, publishing back issues is not a natural course of action for the publishers. We see this on a daily basis – when we start working with a new magazine, the publisher uploads only one or two issues to the application. Despite many years worth of history and thousands of valuable articles from the archive, publishing them is not a natural response and is often omitted.

78 That is one of the reasons why one of our goals in PressPad is to share our knowledge and experience with digital publishing. Therefore, we can wholeheartedly recommend uploading some, or even all back issues to your iPad magazines.

The Advantages of Selling Back Issues 1. Having a choice between two competing magazines, the readers’ decision will be somewhat facilitated when they see a well-stocked archive in one of them. Knowing that the magazine has been coming out for some time creates a sense of security, make a choice easier, and can make for a good sales pitch (“magazine published since the year 1995). 2. Back issues can be an excellent basis for upselling – a

process known in online and traditional sales can now also be utilized by mobile magazine publishers. An ideal reader buys the latest issue each month, but that is basically where the sales possibilities end. When presented with the possibility, that same reader could possibly purchase one or two older issues in addition to the current one. As a result, the average earnings from a paying reader will be higher, with virtually no additional costs to the publisher. 3. In order to entice a reader to browse and possibly purchase back issues, their price can be slightly lowered. However, such action entails potential risks, which ought to be considered: News content doesn’t have much lasting value and will not be interesting to a reader

79 at only a slight discount. The value of such content to the reader can go slightly beyond research and archive, so the archive should be heavily discounted in order for it to have sales potential. By contrast, the discount level of time independent content should be considered. Engaged young women will be very interested in purchasing an older issue of a bridal magazine that describes specific issues important to them at that moment. Weddings don’t change over time that dynamically in terms of organization, so content that is created today will most likely also be valid in half a year’s time. A trap: discounting too quickly will decrease sales of current issues. We have seen cases where a publisher of a monthly magazine had decided to reduce the price of an older issue by half when the

new one got published. As a result, the profits dropped, since the readers had been waiting until the next month to buy an issue at half the price.

Summing up Naturally, the archive is built over time by itself. 12 issues will be awaiting new readers after a year of publishing in a newsstand. If, however, a title has been issued for longer and it just got its mobile application, then there’s no reason for the reader to not have access to the back copies. Publishers using PressPad are not limited in terms of amounts of issues published monthly. We encourage and recommend for all the past and current content to be uploaded to the iPad edition and made available to the users.


Use Magazine Sample to Help You Sell More When you buy a car, you can do a quick test drive around the block to check whether everything is working right and the ride is smooth. PressPad now gives your readers the same option. You can upload a full (paid) issue, free preview/sample, or both! In 2013, our focus is on helping you sell more via your iPad app. We have plenty of tips lined up for you, but today is different—today we are sharing a new feature in PressPad that can help you sell more in no time.

People like to take a look before they make buying decision and free, quick to download sample is a great way to achieve that.

Why are magazine samples important for my sales?

When you sign in to your account and EDIT any issue you have already uploaded, you will see two tabs:

This feature is very powerful: it

requires only couple of minutes from you to prepare a sample issue in PDF format, but it can be instrumental in helping your readers make decisions.

How do I upload a sample of my issue?

1.Issue details 2.Free sample When you select Free sample,

81 you will see an option to upload a sample issue. Once uploaded, your sample will go live immediately OR when you choose to publish main issue.

for a particular issue, PressPad will recognize it automatically and will immediately add a new button with the price. An example is shown below.

Good practices for magazine samples

If you haven’t already signed up for PressPad, do so today and enjoy your iPad application while growing your sales!

1. Samples are small magazines that are representations of full issues. You have complete freedom when it comes to choosing the content of your sample issue—select the pages that will sell your full issue best. 2. When you export your PDF file, don’t forget to include a cover and table of contents. 3. Readers will have to download samples to their devices. Make sure PDF file is optimized for fast download.

How does my magazine sample look on a reader’s device? If you choose to upload a sample





How To Publish a Brilliant Children’s Book on iPad For several weeks you have been writing to us ever more often, asking about possibilities for publishing a children’s books on iPad. If you are an author of a children’s book or a publisher, from this article you will learn how to publish a book on Apple mobile devices with no knowledge of programming required.

84 Tablets have entered our lives for good. Research conducted by “YouGov� shows, that in Great Britain more and more women become owners of tablets and it is women, who are the main users of tablets, and the number of these devices itself is growing on a global scale (e.g. in the second quarter of 2013 Apple sold nearly 20 million iPads). This is probably one of the factors contributing to the fact, that tablets reach the hands of the youngest users ever more often. Also, a tablet increasingly becomes a toy in the hands of younger and younger kids. We believe, that this excellent tool, which in the hands

of a conscious parent can introduce a child to the magical world of fables, at the same time stimulates the child’s development and integrates the parent and the child in play. We see in this a huge potential of publications for

85 children on iPad. Why? Because using an iPad is as intuitive as using a book. Moreover, a child can explore stories presented in lovely

pictures by enlarging selected elements and moving them in different directions with their little fingers.



Self Publishing on iPad Step by Step In order to publish a children’s book on iPad divide it into chapters. Add a beautiful cover for each chapter, that will interest a parent, as well as a child. Each chapter is a separate PDF file, which will be offered to the book’s subscribers. Send all PDF files containing chapters (or start with the first) to your PressPad account. Set the subscription price for all the chapters (if you wish you may also set a separate price for each chapter). We will publish your book chapter after chapter in the App Store as a native application, which every iPad or iPhone user will be able to buy directly from his/her device. Here is the best part: you will not invest a single cent in your app, we will make it ready for free.

Lovely pictures and beautiful covers make a book more attractive. Kids love stories told by colorful pictures and they can jump into them right away during manual interaction with graphics with parent assist.

According to Carole Leach, who is a writer of children’s books at Diamond Books “A book is dressed by the cover”. I liked this metaphor so much, that I have decided to talk to illustrators about children’s book covers. My conversation partner was Jason Buhagiar who is an illustrator of children’s books and various publications. Jason Buhagiar is a Maltese digital illustrator. He has studied and graduated in graphic design, but has chosen the career of an illustrator instead.

Hi Jason, I am going to ask you a few questions about children’s publishing and your work. Can you elaborate on what is the main goal of de-


signing a cover picture for children’s book? Jason: The book cover needs unique creativity in ways to surprise the audience and also need to be attractive and excite the reader about the book. The book cover should depict the spirit of the book. This is done with images, color, and text. The images may be an illustration or photograph that shows a main component of the story. The graphics might show the main characters, an important object, or an event

from the story. When looking for a book cover idea, the designer may want to look at successful book covers of books in the same genre. However, designers should avoid copying other book covers. Instead, they should consider how they can improve upon existing covers and make them unique to the book.

Are there any special techniques illustrators use while working on children’s book? Jason: The illustration and text should reflect the mood of the book. For example, the font for the text of a children’s book is often rounded and playful. Classic literature often uses traditional serif fonts on the book covers. Color is an important decision when creating ideas for book covers. Even if the prospective readers are not aware of its influ-

88 ence, color affects our attitudes towards objects. The covers for children’s books are typically of bright, cheery colors that would be attractive to children .

Does a cover should catch kids’ or parents’ attention? Jason: We are told, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Well, children do it all the time. A child’s first impression of a book is usually shaped by the pictures. So involve children in choosing books with wonderful, eye-catching illustrations that beg to be explored. Conduct “picture walks” through books by leafing through the pages to look at the images and discussing what you see before you read. That way, the illustrations will draw in even the most reluctant reader.


How to Write an Effective Magazine App Description? With efficient ASO (App Store Optimization) of your app, you can increase the sell of magazine app in App Store. It is important to give proper and deep concern to the description, which is supposed to be appealing, clear and easy to find by visitors. There are some important tips how to write an appropriate and vivid app description for the App Store:

Pay attention to the first few lines The first lines are the most important for your app to feed. Those first lines are a great advantage to make informative and concise description. This also consequence in good first impression which make your audience press ‘more’ button. We mare it so crucial since first lines are visible on iPad or iPhone screen along with app icon. Include the most important features of you app in these lines, like it’s key gimmick that make it so appealing and useful to the readers. Any

90 award winning fact or good review is also worth to mentioning. Make sure that the top message is catchy enough to persuade the users to click the “more” button to read full description.

Make the app social by including links of your profile It is reasonable to give the link of your website, blog, Facebook Page, YouTube Channel or Twitter. Just choose the most valuable place on the web, where user can get more information about your activity. Never include extended URL’s.

Make your international markets local By this technique you can reach globally with your app. Translate your description to different languages and promote download by various users. Translation must be standard and clear for better feeding.

Mention the reviews from famous persons or websites In present days it means a lot. Visitors always search for review before take any action. They always pay much attention to family and friends referral. Put some important

91 review about your magazines in description. People always search for reviews and trust in blogs. Positive review from trusted link will give your app more downloads so add the user positive review, testimonials or accolades in the end.

Include every feature of app next to its benefit but omit unnecessary content Don’t make your description with lots of unusual content and overflooded keywords, always look for the quality not quantity. To keep the audience read your apps screenshots, you need to explain the actual content, most relevant feature and essential information of your apps. Include star ratings, special app features and press mention.

Underpromise – Overdeliver Explain the actual benefits of the feature and don’t overpromise. Best policy is to keep the benefit to the point and make it easy for understand. Always give priority to the visitor’s perspective because they need to experience the smoothest user’s yourney and solid structure of benefits.

Attractive bonuses You can offer cool bonuses to the users of your apps, prior

92 to download that. Sometimes it is worth to publish one teaser issue for free to let the ipad users check how your magazine looks like on their device.

Correct form Never use extra white space between texts and pay attention to avoid spelling and grammatical errors. Don’t use special signs as ★ or ♣ as now it is not allowed in AppStore. Be careful with the technical language and don’t use it if unnecessary.

Define the audience Choose the category of your app wisely and stick to it. It could be annoying for users to receive too much updates. In each category there is a top list which is the first thing users will see while browsing. It is also connected with the age of users who can download your magazine app. They will receive the notification to confirm the age before downloading. Hope that all those tips help you to make really efficient magazine app description. If you still don’t have one or need a piece of advice, feel free to ask PressPad for support. Good luck with getting top ten.


How to

Online free!

1 of 1


If you are a comic strip author and your creations don’t end up in the drawer, consider reaching millions of Apple mobile device users. You can’t lose on publishing your works on the iPad, especially when we do it for you for free now here at PressPad. If you create your own online comic and you’re wondering how to reach Apple device users with it or you just want to get your comic known at App Store, this article will give you some tips on what to focus your attention on while creating a PDF file which we will then process at PressPad into a native iPad application, free of charge.

Reading digital magazines and comic strips on the iPad is a very pleasant experience. You can zoom in on each page as much as you like, relishing the graphic details. It is an experience impossible to recreate with traditional printed issues. In order for your digital comic strip to get positive reception from App Store users, remember to pay attention to:

95 Graphics quality Text legibility Possibly small size of the PDF file In order to achieve that, follow the steps below.

1. Do not flatten text If you create your comic by hand, you can skip to section 3 right away. If you create your comic with graphics software, do not flatten text when exporting your strips to PDF format. Flattened text becomes an ordinary bitmap, creating a bigger resulting file. With bigger zooms, individual pixels are noticeable, which is also called the stairs effect.

2. Embed all fonts

Go to “Advanced” tab and set 0% at Fonts > Subset fonts when percent of characters used is less than:”

96 Remember to embed font files to the PDF being created. It is especially important if you use non-standard fonts in your digital comic. It is just as you’re suspecting, if the PDF reader software (e.g. Adobe Acrobat Reader) cannot find the fonts used in the comic, it will use the most matching ones available on the given device, which is not always a good idea. You can also convert fonts to be included in the prepared PDF file to curves but it is not advised to do so because of the lower quality of typography, noticeable especially on devices with lower resolution displays. If you don’t have the font file or you don’t know where to find it, try to look for a matching one on the Font Squirre website. There you will find free fonts for commercial use.

3. Downsample images Your comic strips consist mainly of graphics and photos being a background for illustrating stories told, or scanned drawings. Keep in mind that the more highresolution graphics, the bigger the size of your strip’s PDF file, and the more megabytes to download, the longer the time required to download the file. Even fractions of a second matter here. Try to recall yourself browsing the last 10 web pages, probably a

97 part of them didn’t even load completely. Now you see that download time plays a major role, so try to keep your output PDF files below 50 MB. In order for that, make sure to reduce the resolution of image files used to at least 150 ppi.

The PPI unit defines the image resolution in pixels per square inch. The higher the PPI value, the bigger the resolution, thus bigger the image file size. In order to scale down all images in the PDF file being created, follow the steps below:

From the top bar menu, in Photoshop navigate to the menu Image > Image Size…. In the new window, change the unit to “ppi” and input the correct value (e.g. 150),

98 and then confirm by clicking the “ok” button. Regarding inDesign select “File > Export” from the top bar menu, then set “Adobe PDF Preset [High Quality Print]“.

Now, go to “Compression” tab and set the “Colour Images” and “Grayscale Images” for “Bicubic Downsampling to” 150 pixels per inch for images above 225ppi.

99 Select Colour Conversion

In the “Output” Tab, set “Colour Conversion” to “Convert to Destination (Preserve Numbers)” and set “Destinatinon” as sRGB.

Done. Now you can export your digital comic strip to a PDF file and then send it to us via your free PressPad account. After a few days, your comic strip will find its way to App Store. We’ll also offer an InDesign plug-in for interested publishers, which enables them to publish new issues directly from Adobe software to their iPad and iPhone application.


4. Do not embed thumbs

inDdesign: From the top bar menu, navigate to the “export” then select PDF print. Uncheck the “Embed Page Thumbnails” option in the Options field of the “General” tab.

The limitation to the size of your comic’s output PDF file comes solely from the time which the user is willing to invest into downloading the application. Your application could be as big as even 1GB but would you like to download a comic strip of such size? In order to save as much space as possible, get rid of all unnecessary additional options which the majority of

101 PDF file generators have turned on by default. One of such options is the file content preview image. It can comprise quite a big part of the output file so if you’re using Adobe inDesign, you can safely turn this option off.

Don’t worry if you’re not good with technical stuff. Should the need arise, we will optimize your PDF for you and we’ll even correct your comic’s cover . However, you will then have to wait a little bit longer for your native comic application in App Store, so it’s worth working on the details yourself. A comic is an incredible form of message, often created by enthusiasts from all corners of the world. If you want to create your own comic, you don’t have to possess amazing drawing skills. What counts is: Engaging story Expressive character Interesting background Enjoyable digital issue, ensuring high quality experience

You can also use tools for designing comic strips available online.


Create your own comic with Marvel Heroes

Marvel shares a simple tool on its website, with which one can create own short stories (comic strips) or whole notebooks (comic books) featuring the heroes of the cult Marvel comic books.


It is an extensive editor for designing comic strips. You can use a large set of premade characters. What’s more, you even have control over the characters’ facial expressions.

If you are a comic strip creator, you definitely need to contact us. We will publish your comic (for free) as a native iPad application which your readers will be able to download and buy all over the world.


How Does the System of Tiers Work in Apple? Have you ever wondered why you never come across app costing 10 cents in the AppStore? The reason for that is very simple. Apple charges from 30 to 40 per cent of a commission from each purchase of an app. It is understandable since the AppStore is a professional selling platform. In order to avoid very small sums of money in financial settlement a system of tiers has been introduced. A developer (app author) has the right to settle the price for their product by choosing the right tier. There are almost 100 tiers. For instance, Tier 1 is equal to $0.99 but also â‚Ź0.89. The price of a tier for each

country is settled according to the table.

How does it work in PressPad? After registering in the PressPad and uploading the magazine’s PDF file a proper tier should be chosen. The selected sum of money is the price for the final user. We advise to study the table with tier prices in advance. To make it more simple we provided in our panel tier rate in dollars. However, one should remember that the AppStore cal-

104 useful while publishing special editions or archive issues. In such a case you can set a specific price of issue you choose or even make it available for free.

Alternative Tiers

culates the sums according to the mandatory currency. For instance, if the price of an app magazine is 0.99 US for AppStore users registered in USA, the same magazine will cost 0.89 EUR for the ones in Europe.

Can I change the price of a magazine? You can settle the price for each magazine separately. It is especially

At the end of June Apple introduced alternative tiers. Check the table below. They are introduced to inify prices for AppStore users from USA, Canada, Australia and Europe. The only change is in Euro zone. Alternative Tier 1 = â‚Ź0,99 = $0.99. We realise that could be a bit complicated. Thats why we are here to help. If you have any questions leave the comment or write us here.

Use this code to register for 30 minutes free consultation from PressPad experts Call at our US toll free number

+1 (888) 712-0331

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What Happens when You Order a Free iPad App with PressPad Since we have changed our model of cooperation with magazines, we receive more orders for iPad applications than ever before. That is why we are going to devote one blog article to explain the whole process of ordering of iPad magazine: what happens at the backstage, what we are doing for the publishers, why and where is Apple engaged and what happens when an application with your magazine is ready in the App Store.

107 In PressPad, every publisher who decides to cooperate with us, receives an Apple iOS Newsstand application. Every magazine receives one application, so if you have three different magazines, you will

receive three different applications. Win-win. Thanks to the latest changes in the model of settling accounts with clients, these applications are free of charge for the publisher. There are also no payments for keeping the application in the App Store, for its development or sales interests.


1. Ordering an iPad magazine with PressPad To order an application, the publisher has to:

1. Create a free account in PressPad system. The account is created via a web browser and it could be done by any person in the publishing house, since there is no special knowledge required and the only thing needed is an internet browser. 2. Upload at least one magazine in PDF format and determine its price. 3. Send the order – In the last stage, the publisher fills in the name of their magazine, its description, chooses the subscription price for the readers and sends the order to PressPad.

2. Preparation stage in PressPad When all information from the publisher is sent to us, we proceed to building their application for iPad and iPhone. We use a well-known and reliable template that we have developed over last 2 years, and that enables us to proceed to the next stage of the process after a couple of minutes. In this stage, we can still contact the publisher in order to discuss some doubts, complete the description, etc.. The publisher can also upload more editions of their magazine into the panel. Uploading archive editions is a very good sales technique. There is no limit for the publishers as to the number of editions, so there is nothing that could prevent them from upload-

109 ing all editions ever published into the panel.

3. Submitting the magazine into review in the App Store When the application is ready, we submit it to Apple App Store. If the publisher did it on their own, they would need an Apple developer account ($99/year), some knowledge on the submission process, IT and much time. Thanks to the cooperation with PressPad, the publisher does not have to worry about anything connected with Apple. We submit several dozens of magazines into App Store every week. It affects two things: We know exactly which of the dead-ends are to be avoided and what to do in order to go through App Store review without hiccups Since we submit so many applications to the store, Ap-

ple pays more attention to us and approves our applications more quickly. We still remember that the first application that we submitted was waiting for review for more than a month. Today, it takes a couple of days maximum! An important remark: Apple does a technical review of the software, it does not revise the content of the magazine. The process is uniform for magazines, games, utilities, books, and any other software that is submitted to App Store.

4. The application is ready for sale When Apple finishes the review, the magazine’s application becomes available in the App Store. Since it is us that are informed by Apple about that fact, we pass the information to the publisher.

110 The publisher gets a link to their application and a set of several pieces of advice that will help them to inform their readers about the new form of the magazine and to start with the sales. From this moment, the application is available in App Store and the readers all over the world can download and buy single editions as well as subscriptions.

5. Monthly settling of accounts After the 10th day of each month, sales reports are automatically generated in publisher’s panel. On that basis, we pay the publishers the money earned by their magazines. In the new model of cooperation between publishers and PressPad, we keep the first 199 dollars earned by the application each month. Thanks to that fact, the publishers avoid payments for using PressPad and the payment process becomes much simpler.

6. Why we pay as much attention to the sales of the magazines as the publishers do? Most importantly, if the magazine does not earn the 199 dollars in a particular month,

111 PressPad does not require that the publisher to supplement the due amount. We do it for three reasons:

8% 6% 4% 2%

To simplify the payment process and be more transparent We calculated that such model is rentable for us And, this is a reason for us to have an additional motivating factor to increase the sales of our magazines. Thanks to this simple operation, we care for good sales of each magazines as much as if it was our own application.. That is why we write this blog, share our knowledge about digital publishing and answer all questions of the publishers. Start your iPad magazine app with PressPad for free »





The Washington Post Bought by Jeff “in 20 Years, Print Newspapers Will Be All but Extinct� Bezos Jeff Bezos Bought The Washington Post. But So Did Amazon Facts first: Jeff Bezos, charismatic CEO of the internet giant Amazon, buys The Washington Post. Interesting side of that transaction is how media pundits covers that story for past two days. They focus mainly on Bezos buying The Post with his own money, and tried to guess what a man like him can do with a paper like The Post. We were very happy to see a piece by Cade Metz on Wired today about Bezos/The Washington Post though. Wired is not

involved in newspaper business and they tend to see things from a different angle. And Metz clearly saw that although Bezos bought The Post with his own money, the only reason for that is to merge it with Amazon from the outside.

Read the whole story on wired. com



Reasons Why Self Mobile Publishing Tool is the Best Way to Get Your Magazine Published on iPad

There are small and medium publishing houses which still are in two minds whether to join digital revolution or not. Some are sceptical about publishing magazines and newspapers on tablets and claim that it still is an expensive and painstaking job. However, the fact is that using such tools as PressPad it is really easy to have your magazine app available on mobile devices.


1. Time saver By using PressPad or other self mobile publishing tool, setting up the magazine app available in App Store takes less than a week. The only thing a publisher needs is the content in a PDF file. Simply upload it to PressPad panel and we take care of the rest. You don´t have to worry about encoding, design, or further edition of the app (bug-fixing or updating).

2. Money saver The fact that the app is programmed by an external company, allows to cut the app production costs, such as employing additional workforce. Moreover, we all know that printing costs constitute the biggest part of a publishing budget. Hence, some publishing houses resign from printed versions of their magazines after starting on the mobile market.

3. Less work, more independence After setting up an account on PressPad you will quickly realize that it is very easy to manage. Once your app is set up, uploading the following issues of your magazine will take, depending on your Internet connection, from a few seconds until one minute. You are the one

116 to decide when to publish a new issue of your magazine. You have got the possibility of sending information about a new issue to your subscribers anytime you want. We recommend sending all the notifications in the evenings when most users switch their tablets on.

4. Global reach of your content presspad reaches globeThe magazines available in App Store immediately gain global ground. Every day we observe that our customer´s publications are downloaded worldwide. No matter where your office is located you have got the chance to find readers all around the world.

5. Additional sales channel App Store is an effective and successful sales and distribution platform. On May 16, 2013 we could observe a record-breaking number of 50 billion apps downloaded from App Store. Great marketing strategies Apple applies to its products, works for promotion your own applications too.

6. Closer bond between a publisher and a reader Digital sale has got a great advantage facilitating communication between a customer and a seller. Using so-

117 cial media such as Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram to build up a dialogue with your readers is essential. Moreover, PressPad allows for direct communication with your old subscribers via Notifications. You will find more on this tool here.

7. Easy sales monitoring The tool allowing you to publish your content on mobile devices by yourself also serves for constant observation of the readers´ behaviour, the number of the downloaded apps, particular issues´sale, as well as the days when your readers are most active. This knowledge may be helpful in your product development. You will find more on reports delivered to you by PressPad here.

8. Digital publishing is environmentally friendly Printing is the most expensive part of magazine and newspaper publishing. Thanks to mobile publishing you can cut printing costs and avoid surplus. Additionally, it is now common knowledge that natural sources for paper production are scarce and that the threads connected with logging are serious. Opting for digital publishing you become eco-friendly.


9. Be the forerunner Don´t wait until your competition starts gaining profits from having their magazine app first. And even if it already is so, remember you can have your magazine available in Apple Store within several days.

10. Small and medium publisher-friendly If you look carefully at the above, you will surely notice that self mobile publishing tool is a perfect solution for small and medium publishing houses. It is essential for them to act effectively and economically at the same time. It is them who need a userfriendly tool which will make their work easier and allow to develop their product. If you know what we are talking about, we are looking forward to collaborating with your magazine.


What It Would Be Like to Build a System for Publishing Magazines on Mobile Devices If in 2011 I had known what I know today, I probably wouldn’t have decided to start PressPad. This is a brief answer to the question raised in the title. Today we love what we do with mobile publishing but the beginnings have not been easy. And this is the stage with which a publisher who wants to build their own tool for publishing magazines on mobile devices has to deal.

120 I get this question a lot. How much will it cost? Is it worth doing? I’ve identified four areas that in all probability may create great difficulty for everyone who is trying to build and launch one’s own magazine app.

Assumption I assume that a publisher who makes an attempt to build their own tool has or is able to buy certain IT competences. Such a small assumption virtually excludes from the very start writing the system on one’s own but let’s forget about it for a second and let’s see what would happen if the hypothetical publisher was an IT company at the same time.

A painful process of knowledge gaining


As I’ve written at the beginning, if I went back in time 2 years, I would say a lot of interesting things to myself. One of them is that It’s impossible to plan, implement and maintain an IT system according to one’s plan. Me and my cofounders had previously had outsourcing companies and we knew that planning in the case of IT is very tough. However, building something in the situation when we were clients turned out to be even more difficult. Two biggest traps that we encountered were re-evaluating specifications and get-


121 ting ourselves into a dead ends once every coupe of days. As for the former trap, its symptom is that we’re planning a perfect product in the situation in which we should plan the one possible to be implemented with the current budget/team. The latter trap depends on the team’s abilities – even we, despite having years of experience in IT, wasted weeks on features that clients didn’t even use.


Unpredictable costs and time Estimating time of the project and indispensable budget stems directly from the previously mentioned paragraph. We’ve spent half a million dollars to build PressPad. Luckily, our R&D is situated in Cracow, Poland, in the country in which employment costs are incomparably lower than in the West or in America (it’s owing to the costs of living, not because we pay unreasonably low fees).




We are extremely lucky Your R&D to live in Cracow, Poland.

We estimate that building PressPad in America would cost around 3 million dollars so far. The second trap is time. In this case location isn’t important any more. We’ve been on the market for a bit more than two years but we can see that 10 months of this period were wasted. Of course, we haven’t been able to make such an observation until now and there’s nothing left for us but to cope with it and optimise processes in the future.

Learning through iteration One of the most interesting things that have happened to us during the last two years is connected with iterations. We’ve learned that it is indispensable to present the product in the A version in order to

123 get some feedback and start working on the B version. And so it goes on and on. When we started building a publishing platform we spent months before we presented the 1.0 version to the world. We found out almost right away that more than half of all those months were spent on features nobody needed. The process has been repeated up to now and the only difference is that the periods are getting shorter and we’re wasting less and less time.

Bonus: technology doesn’t matter As a bonus to all the thoughts I’ll add one very important content thing: after 2 years with PressPad we’ve learned that success is often determined by content, the way of reaching the client, or communication. It is very rarely due to technology.

the way of reaching clients

& communication

Conclusions I do realise that I’m in no position to give such a statement but I’m still going to say it: don’t waste your time on building systems that can be bought for $199 per month. Publish your magazine as soon as possible and devote the time and money you’re going to get back to reaching clients and marketing your mobile app.

Paul Nowak CEO PressPad


Tablet User’s Habits. Discover More About E-readers. People always give priority to the device that is easy to handle and convenient for use. Tablet is a one piece mobile computer with touch screen aid to use by their users easily and can watch and read any information conveniently. Tablet shipment grows 142.4% in first quarter of 2013 worldwide. About 90 million people will use tablet within 2014 and 58% is happy and very satisfied during reading from own tablet. Here are some numbers that will help you better understand e-readers behaviour. When they are reading?

What they are reading?

Tablet usages by time in a day with % of users are as follows: 5% – from 2 to 5 am 18% – from 5 to 8 am 33% – from 8 to 11 am 34% – from 11 to 2 pm 59% – from 5 to 8 pm 53% – from 8 to 11 pm 22% – from 11pm to 2 am

Users read and access various contents through their tablet. 71% users like to read from own tablet rather than other devices. 41% use internet in tablet for reading. Users use it for reading e-books magazine newspaper, buying apps, shopping, watching movies and many more.

125 41% – weather forecast 51% – magazines 41% – newspapers 51% – e-books 54% – watch video 58% – watch video and music. 54% – use different apps 50% – access social network or communication

What is the percent of men and women among tablet users? 51% female 49% male 23% kids prefere reading on mobile device to traditional print.

What age they are? In second Quarter of 2011 a demographic evaluation among ereader in tablets are as follows: 7% – between ages 13-17 10% – between ages 18-24 18% – between ages 25-34 14% – between ages 35 – 44 21% – between ages 45 – 54 30% – 55 years and older

Which magazines are the most popular on tablets? Esquire, Men’s Journal, Sports illustrated, Time, Bloomberg

Business Week, Fortune.

How much time they spend on reading? 85% spent average 1.6 hours daily during watching TV and tablet, and 66% spent 1.2 hours during watching TV simultaneously with PC and Tablet. 30% users spent most of the time with tablet and 74% use to read daily with their tablet, averaging 14 hours per week. Weekly usage percentage in hours is as follows 15% – 1 to 3 hours weekly 17% – 4 to 6 hours weekly 20% – 7 to 10 hours weekly 30% – 11 to 20 hours weekly 11% – 21 to 30 hours weekly 7% – 30+ hours weekly Average 13.9 hours weekly


Tablet is the leisure time device. It is worth noting that kids and people in middle age are the most promised e-magazines targets. Also as we see a lot of tablet owners use many device simultaneously. This is very important to make the magazine app well designed which helps to gain user’s full attention.

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