Flight! Magazin - Computerpilot Dec 2012

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Volume 16 Issue 2 - June/July 2012 - usa $9.95


lets you discover

all of Switzerland!

Mutleys Hangar: A UK Based FS Community FSLabs Interview: We Talk With Lefteris Kalamaras Letter from the Editor: New Owner, New Team And New Elan Reviews • DC-6B by JustFlight • Lugano X Flylogic • Infinite Flight on iPad New Review Rating System: Coming Soon Prepar3D Updates: Version 1.3 Explained Flying the B-25: Commemorate Doolittle’s Raid Mike Ray: Emergency Descent (reprint) And Much More... Check Our Website Also! ALL THIS AND MORE IN THE WORLD’S #1 FLIGHT SIMULATION MAGAZINE

CPM. V16I2

r e d a e R e h t r o f r e g r e M A T

he two oldest magazines for flight simulation joined forces this spring for the benefit of all those who have been reading these two magazines for many years. Together the two publications are able to offer you an even broader variety of topics, product tests, interviews and events, as well as more exclusive information. And now the well-known and popular authors that our readers have come to know and appreciate will be featured in both magazines, together with a whole group of new authors!

a strong base of loyal readers. The new joint publication will reach more than two-thirds of all flight simulator fans worldwide, both in print and on the Internet. Both magazines will also be expanding their online content. There are currently more than 15,000 visitors to the Flight! website every day, a goal Computer Pilot has adopted for its new website. Why not take a look yourself! You can find daily reports, interesting downloads, background information from the flight simulations scene, personal interviews and a forum for Computer Pilot fans.

The merger of the two magazines is also a challenge. Robert Ferraro, who has been the publishing director at Computer Pilot for many years, and I held talks that led to the new publication with a worldwide presence. Computer Pilot is now the only flight simulation magazine available worldwide – independent, critical and unique. The editorial team includes the popular experts from past years, as well as new, highly motivated authors. The team will be directed by François A. Dumas who has a high level of patience, experience and the necessary perspective for the future.

As with any merger, we have been experiencing a few hiccups at the start. The launch of the subscription service was delayed due to difficulties in transferring data. We place a strong emphasis on excellent quality service. This is why we have Pam Jakubowski as in-country contact partner in the US in order to be able to quickly react to any of our subscribers needs. But in all honesty we have to admit that it will take a few issues before all the processes have been ironed out. A merger of this size in the world of flight simulation is and continues to be a challenge. We are determined to meet this challenge in the best interests of our customers.

The layout of Computer Pilot will continue to be produced in Australia. The majority of the articles still originates in the USA. Computer Pilot was already the market leader and the strongest, most popular magazine for the hobby of flight simulation before the merger. The merger with the German-language Flight! Magazin (formerly FlightXPress) further strengthens this position. Flight! can look back at 130 printed issues, a colorful history since 1999 and

Our entire team, which is made up members from all over the world, hopes you enjoy the first joint issue of Computer Pilot. We look forward to receiving your feedback and responses so that we can continue to improve our magazine for you. Marc Goergen: Publisher

From the Editor Welcome to the very first Computer Pilot Magazine issue ‘new style’, new owner and new editors. ‘New many things’ actually, as you will soon notice. You have already read the introduction from Marc Goergen, the new owner, publisher and managing editor, so let me just add my ‘2 cents editor story’ to that. Many of you will know me from the past 35 years ‘on-line’ and ‘in print’ as reviewer, writer, forum manager, blogger and publisher of add-ons for MSFS. Self-employed since 2005 and extremely busy making ends meet ever since, I really wasn’t waiting to accept yet another job. BUT, when Marc asked me to pick up the Editor-in-Chief role for Computer Pilot Magazine, and made it a prerequisite for the take-over, how could I possibly refuse? After all I had been writing for over 8 years for CPM, am a total flight simulator nut and make most of my money nowadays with writing. AND like all of you I would just hate to see CPM disappear altogether! I am certain that 99% of the subscribers agree with me that whatever the problems in the past, CPM always has published wonderful articles about the hobby and has some great contributors writing for it. Well, THAT will not change! We are fortunate to retain most of the existing writers and their incredible knowledge and experience. We also retain the 84 pages filled with great information, and the bi-monthly publishing sequence - for now. And yes, the digital version for subscribers will still be there too. BUT... quite a few other things WILL change! For the good. We already have DOUBLED the number of contributors and will be adding a lot of new talent. We are also changing the order of content. You’ll get to the IMPORTANT articles a lot quicker in future and will no longer have to leaf through many pages of ads first. In our next issue we will introduce the same Review Rating System as in our sister publication, the German Flight! Magazin. We will use other printers, cutting some of the cost that were way too high, while maintaining a sufficiently high quality level. We’re set on having more content over a BROADER range of products, and aspects of the hobby. We feel some areas are currently not sufficiently covered, like home cockpit building, Prepar3D, X-Plane and other non-MS simulators, add-on development and freeware products. AND maybe most important of all, especially in this re-launch period, we will change the way we COMMUNICATE with you, our loyal readers. Computer Pilot will be much more INTERACTIVE from now on. We have set up a new WEBSITE with the main intent to be able to provide you with timely news about the magazine. We have also opened a FORUM where you can read the latest announcements regarding the organization, the magazine and its contributors AND where we invite you to provide us with ideas and tell us what you like and heck, even what you don’t like if it so happens ! Last but not least we are also committed to REPLY all of your emails promptly. One of my main tasks these past 3 months has been just that; answering mails about subscriptions, delivery, subjects and other questions and remarks. From now on you not only have an Editor-in-Chief, but also a Community Manager. Both Marc and I are intent on making this re-launch of Computer Pilot Magazine a success, although we full well know it will not be easy. It is a very expensive undertaking in a shrinking niche market, with a lot of competition from the Internet. But we KNOW there is still a MAJOR community out there of people LOVING their hobby just like we do ourselves. And we also KNOW that a lot of those people really love to have a freshly printed and heavenly smelling glossy in their hands every two months. Don’t worry, I won’t take up this much space in future ‘From the Editor’ articles, but I just wanted you to know that we’re here for you with new ideas, new plans, new focus and new ‘elan’. Happy Reading! François A. ‘Navman’ Dumas Editor-in-Chief and Community Manager Computer Pilot Magazine

Supplement your reading in Computer Pilot Magazine

by visiting the Computer Pilot web site at www.computerpilot.com The brand new website provides lots of information to new subscribers and also provides existing subscribers with additional services For subscribers • Renew your subscriptions on-line • Notify us of address changes • Get your electronic copy (pdf) for FREE • Additional content NOT printed in the magazine General services include: • Easy on-line subscription service • Access to the editorials • Access to our free support forums • Regular news flashes on FS topics • Other community services, such as events lists ...and much more !

Bookmark our web site and visit it frequently. It will enhance your reading of Computer Pilot Magazine.


http://www.computerpilot.com Computer Pilot Volume 16 Issue 2, June/July 2012 (ISSN 1324-7336) is published bi-monthly by maui artwork S.A., 30 route de Longwy, 4750 Pétange, Luxembourg. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to MZVdirekt GmbH, Sternstr. 9-11, 40479 Düsseldorf, Germany.

• Publisher: Marc Goergen (maui artwork – Luxembourg) • Editor: Francois A. ‘Navman’ Dumas • Layout & Design: Tony Liatos - rectifiergraphics.com.au In This Issue: Joseph Thompson, • Contributors Doug Horton, Mark Avey, Daniel Lopez, Rob Scott, Bill Stack, Francois A. Dumas, Bernd Schulzkoehling, David Smith, Urs Wildermuth, Mike Ray, ‘Old Codger’, Brandon Howell, Chuck Bodeen

• Subscriptions: Computer Pilot

c/o MZVdirekt GmbH & Co. KG Sternstr. 9 - 11 40479 Düsseldorf Germany service@computerpilot.com For Europe: Rene Siepen For USA: Pam Jakubowski

Submissions: • Editorial news@computerpilot.com Inquiries: • Advertising Stefan Widdau

maui artwork advert@computerpilot.com

• Website: www.computerpilot.com • General E-Mail: editor@computerpilot.com Any information, advice, maps, charts, tables • Disclaimer: and other information published in this magazine is exclu-

sively for use with PC flight simulations. The publisher does not accept any liability for any accident or incident arising from any information conveyed or implied in this publication.

• Copyright: © Copyright 2012 Computer Pilot / maui artwork Luxembourg Incorporating maui artwork. All rights reserved. None of the information in this magazine may be reproduced in any form or stored via any electronic means without the express permission of the publisher.

• Cover Price: USA: $9.95*. • Subscriptions: Computer Pilot is published bi-monthly • • •

Australian Annual Subscriptions: USD$ 49.95 US Annual Subscriptions: USD$ 39.95 Other International Subscriptions: USD$ 49.95 or visit www.computerpilot.com

by: maui artwork – Luxembourg • Published 30 route de Longwy 4750 Pétange Luxembourg www.maui.lu

offices: • Editorial Zuiderhout 55 1695 AT Blokker The Netherlands

* Recommended Retail Price only Computer Pilot is an international magazine, produced in Europe and distributed worldwide.

CPM. V16I2



10 Majestic Sweetness - DC

-6 Revi

ew Joseph Thompson, one of our new writers, has taken a long look at the recently published DC-6B from JustFlight in the UK. Joseph this wonderful old lady thinks that you get at a bargain price and was real pleased with it. Judge for yourself from this feature article.

16 Mutleys Hangar - commu

nity review Mutleys Hangar is a website , founded and maintained by Joe Lawford in the UK and catering for a thriving on-line community. Rob Scott on this site, explaining what has written a report it is, how it came to be, and may want to join! what it’s future is. You

19 “Commercial” Version of X-Plane 22 AeroflyFS - feature article

Francois received a copy of the new AeroflyFS simulator aircraft for a spin over Swit and took some of its zerland. Since he’s a fan of the mountains (and lives in the Alps for part of the year) he may be a tad biased, but he also knows what to look for ! Aerofly FS seems to be an interesting new contender on the flightsim market.


27 Managing Risk - Bill Sta

ck Bill wrote a story about some of the dangerous airfields that can be fou all over the world. Man nd y of these can be found as add-on scenery for FSX nowadays, allowing you to try your hand at landing safely in some of these remote and strange plac es.

30 Prepar3D - 1.2 and 1.3


34 Infinite Flight - Review


38 Lugano X - Airport Revi


es Doug Horton has been following development of the Lockheed project and reports on the Martin Prepar3D recent updates. Prepar3D as you may know is the Lockheed improved version of FSX/ESP and seems to be the way forward for Microsoft Flight simulator customers and developers .

iPad simulator Mark Avey has loaded Infinite Flight onto his iPad and kindly on his findings. A ‘simulator made us a report ’ on an iPad (and iPhone) may from the outset, but Mark not sound very serious was surprised by the program findings in this report! and its quality. Read his


Yet another review, this one of a nice little airport for FSX, situated in the wonderful country of Swit zerland. Urs Wildermuth, our Swiss editor of Flight Magazin, is a pilot himself ! and has written a detailed report on this Flylogic product.

44 Old Bold Pilot - by ‘Old


45 ing on VATSIM 46 Helicopters in North Qu


dger’ ‘Old Codger’ is the pseudon ym of a pilot and on-line friend of the editor. He has tons of experience in both real aviation and flight simulation and sometim writes about it. Here is one es of his stories that may amu se you, as it did us. Fly


sland A story by David Smith who made a real helicopter flight to compare his experience some time ago and set out and photos with the Flight Simulator. He even repainted the Robinson 44 to make it look even more real when copying the flight at his desk ! Ho rton’s Hints

Continuation of Doug’s tips and tricks to make best use of your flight simulator program and add-ons.

53 Interview - Lefteris Kal



aras of FSLabs An interview with the founder and owner of Flight Sim Labs company is based in Greece , or FSLabs for short. The and Lefteris was one of the founders of PMDG before started his own company he . After the success of their much applauded Concorde FSX they are now working for on a wonderful model of an Airbus A320. Lefteris tells what we can expect this year us !

56 Flying the B-25

A story by Bernd Schulzkoehling about flying the (MAAM) B-25 another member of our expanding in FSX Bernd is yet article about this great aircraft group of new writers and has written a very nice . Fits in nicely with the recent commemoration famous Doolittle Raid ! of the

60 Lian Li Test Bench - Hardw

are Review Doug Horton had been busy last products, just before Computer year with testing a whole range of hardware Pilot ‘closed down’. So we’re with all his articles. Here trying to catch up now ’s one about a setup he uses to test other hardware. Corsa

64 ir Headphones - Review by Doug Horton 68 Solid State Caching - Ha rdware Review 72 Mike Ray - Emergency De scent Mike already published

this in the January/February issue of Computer Pilot Maga but since that issue never zine, got printed we thought to repeat it here for those of collecting Mike’s wonderful you series. Like many of the ‘old continue to work with CPM crew’ Mike has agreed to , so expect new material from him going forward. Bes

80 t of Aircraft 81 Best of Scenery

HelsinkiVantaa Airport by A-Flight While at the Captain’s Dinner at the Aerosoft flight simulator conference in Munich earlier this year, I met with a young man from Finland, Aleksi Lindén. He told me he was working on a model of Vantaa Airport (Helsinki, Finland). Since he was the guest of Aerosoft, I figured he’d be working for them and sure enough, Vantaa Airport is going to be released in their series of Mega Airport X.

s m a not That’s how A-Flight was formed. Daniel is creating the AFCAD, including all the approaches, for the scenery and Aleksi is the lead tester and technical advisor for the product, as well as taking care of a big part of the communications work. As a private pilot who often flies to the airport in real life, Aleksi has brought a lot of valuable advice to bring the scenery very close to its real-world counterpart.

Here’s some data about the upcoming title: Mega Airport Helsinki X is a product made by A-Flight, which is a new company in the business. Mega Airport Helsinki X will be released later this year for Microsoft Flight Simulator X by Aerosoft.

Aleksi told me they were working on making it the BEST textured scenery on the planet. Now, young people tell me lots of things and after almost 60 years I’ve seen and heard a lot, so pinches of salt are in order. But... truth be told they ARE showing some VERY nice pictures of the upcoming airport and are certainly in the league of the Bill Womacks of this earth.

The scenery includes many fantastic features, such as:

A-Flight team consist of three people at the moment. Antti Haka and Aleksi Lindén from Finland, and Daniel Scherer from Germany. Antti is the founder of A-Flight and as a professional 3D graphics designer and a long time flight simulator user starting from the days of FS 5.1, he is responsible for all 3D modeling and texture work. Few years back he started learning the FSX SDK, first to just extend his hobby, but in 2011 he decided to start creating his first full scenery, and decided to go all the way instead of just doing some small improvements to the default FSX airports.

• Accurate photo scenery of the Helsinki-Vantaa airport area • Custom made, extremely high-detail ground/pavement textures for accurate representation of the real airport • Built in shadowing techniques that does not hurt your performance like the default shadowing engine does • Accurately modeled buildings after hundreds of hours research and photographing • Realistic night texturing and lighting • Seasonal ground textures A-Flight can be found on the Internet here: www.a-flight.com

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