Special Reports - Nuclear Commerce

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Special Report 06 | December 2014 Nuclear Commerce – fundamentals Security, politico-military, legal and socio-economic aspects


Anis H. Bajrektarevic Anis H. Bajrektarevic is a Professor and a Chairperson for International Law and Global Political studies at the Austrian IMC University of Applied Sciences. He is editor of the NY-based Addlton’s GHIR Journal (Geopolitics, History and Intl. Relations), as well as the Senior Editorial member of many specialized international magazines, including the Canadian Energy Institute’s Journal Geopolitics of Energy. For the past 15 years, prof. Anis has organized dozens of public events by hosting numerous heads of missions to the IAEA and CTBTO, many of them while being in the Board of Governors as members or chairing that key IAEA body. Nuclear issues have been extensively discussed at these public events when professor was hosting ambassadors of the US, Russia, China, France, the UK, India, Korea/ROK, Japan, Iran, Israel, Brazil, Turkey, Egypt, Indonesia, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, Australia, South Africa, Mexico, Argentina, Ukraine, Italy, Germany, Spain, Sweden, and many other countries that use nuclear technology. For the same period, professor also organized some two dozens of study visits for his students to the Vienna and Geneva based safety/security-related organizations (such as OSCE, IAEA, CTBTO, OOSA, ECE, DA Com., ITU, WMO, IRC, etc.) Contact: anis@bajrektarevic.eu

Petra Posega Petra Posega is a master`s degree student on the University for Criminal justice and Security in Ljubljana. She obtained her bachelor`s degree in Political Science- Defense studies. Contact: posegap@live.com

Introduction 06 The Power of Atoms and Nuclear Physics 08 Nuclear Fission Nuclear Fusion

Military Applications of Nuclear Technology The Other Side of the Military Nucleus Primary Energy Mix and Primary Energy Supply with a (double) Environmental Twist

Changing the Patterns of our PEM- Age 28 of a Nuclear Renaissance? Nuclear Commerce Markets 34 and the Future Potentials

The Nuclear Commodity Market 36 Nuclear Plant Construction- Fundamental Considerations Nuclear Safety

The World of Atoms 44 and its Legal Framework

The International Atomic Energy Agency The Non-Proliferation Treaty

The Nuclear Commerce Regime


The IAEA framework The Zangger Committee The Nuclear Suppliers Group The Wassenaar arrangement UN Security Council Resolution 1540



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