Game & Hunt - January 2015

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Cover / Voorblad

ALLErLEI / MIsCELLANEOUs WILD & JAG 20 jaar gelede WILD & JAG VIEr FEEs! ByLAAG – Oewerhengelaar

9 11 & 18 61

WILD / GAME The black rhino


JAG / HUNTING Jagwenke – Noodhulp vir die jagter (1) Kalahari-skoonheid (1) Jaggeleenthede Huntings’ Contentious Issues Jagfotogalery

24 29 50 56 70

GEWErE & AMMUNIsIE / GUNs & AMMUNITION Wildman se groot saamtrek Bullet Talk Kalibers en ammunisie − Die .35-kalibers The all new Savage Axis II XP Package Toonbankstories (2) Ballistic innovation Air rifles – Field Target shooting (5)

12 20 34 38 41 44 48

WILDprODUKsIE, -BEsTUUr & -BEMArKING / GAME prODUCTION, rANCHING & MArKETING Veilings – Gemiddelde wildpryse 2014 Wildlife ranching and food security Unyati / Wintershoek sê dankie Wetgewing – Ontslag van werknemers Economy – Can farmers cope with unknown external developments? Monitoring game-ranch management Rodent control Bekommernis oor broodboomstropery Indringerplante Ondernemerskap

74 79 85 88 106 114 121 123 125 129

NATUUr & BEWArING / NATUrE & CONsErVATION Predators & Farmers International Wildlife Ranching Symposium addresses concerns Kaapse dekriet Wildwyshede 2 – So taai soos ’n ratel

132 135 136 140

GErEELD / rEGULAr & ALGEMEEN / GENErAL Teken in en wen! / Subscribe and win! WILD & JAG digitaal en op Facebook! Chasa – Vrystaat Jagters 4x4 – Sleephaakprobleme Kook saam – Bosvark op die spit Books Organisasies – Kontakbesonderhede

26 27 54 143 145 149 151

Uit die Woord U het baie dinge geskep, Here, die aarde is vol van wat U gemaak het, en tog, U het alles in wysheid geskep – Ps 104:24.

WILD & JAG is ʼn onafhanklike maandelikse publikasie vir die breë wildbedryf in Suid-Afrika, wat die sinergie tussen wildproduksie, jag en bewaring bevorder. Jagters, wildboere en natuurbewaarders word bedien met gehalte- informatiewe artikels en rubrieke. Hoewel WILD & JAG nou saamwerk met die georganiseerde jagters-, wildproduksie- en natuurbewaringsorganisasies, is dit redaksioneel en finansieel onafhanklik. Alle kopiereg van die inhoud word voorbehou. Geen deel

Of the six black rhino subspecies, Diceros bicornis bicornis occurs in the semideserts of Namibia and the Namib-Karoo and Diceros bicornis minor from the South African bushveld to southern Tanzania. J du P Bothma gives guidelines on managing this endangered animal. photo: © Martin Harvey / Afripics

mag op enige wyse gereproduseer word sonder skriftelike toestemming van die uitgewer nie. Kort uittreksels (maksimum 60 woorde) mag sonder toestemming gebruik word, mits volledige erkenning aan die skrywer en die publikasienaam en -datum gegee word. Die redakteur behou die reg voor om artikels te verander en/of te verkort. Die uitgewer aanvaar geen verantwoordelikheid vir die inhoud van advertensies nie. Die mening van medewerkers is nie noodwendig die mening van die blad nie.

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REDAKSIONEEL • EDITORIAL Hoofredakteur & Uitgewer • Editor-in-chief & Publisher Jan van der Walt / Bestuurder • Manager: Advertensies, Bemarking, Expo, TV-reeks & MASTERSHOT Advertising, Marketing, Expo, TV Series & MASTERSHOT Hennie van der Walt Tel: (012) 348-5550 / Sel/Cell: 083 452 2145 Produksieredakteur • Production editor Lynette van Hoven Tel: (012) 348-5550 / Assistentproduksieredakteur • Assistant Production editor Ilse Davis Mederedakteurs • Co-editors Jag, Wapens & Ammunisie • Hunting, Guns & Ammunition: Jokl le Roux Voertuie • Vehicles: Francois Rossouw Dieregesondheid • Animal Health: Dr Johan Kriek Wildbestuur • Wildlife Management: Prof Wouter van Hoven

PRODUKSIE • PRODUCTION Uitleg & reproduksie • Design & reproduction: Karen vd Merwe Taalversorging • Language Editing: Lynette van Hoven / Elfriede Ainslie Kunskonsultant • Art consultant: Alan Ainslie Drukker • Printer: CTP Drukkers Kaapstad Webwerf • Website: Johan Meintjies /

ADVERTENSIES & BEMARKING ADVERTISING & MARKETING Jan van der Walt / Hennie van der Walt Ann Olivier Tel: (012) 348-5550 / Faks/Fax: 086 502 5526 KLEINADVERTENSIES / SMALLS Lindie van der Westhuizen 082 471 8272 / Tel: (012) 348 5550 / EXPO & Bemarkingskoördineerder • EXPO & Marketing Co-ordinator Hanlie Delport 082 908 2295 / Tel: (012) 348 5550

BESTUURDER: Administrasie, rekeninge & intekening MANAGER: Administration, accounts & subscription Wendy Greeff Tel: (012) 348-5550 Faks/Fax: (012) 348-5551 / 086 656 4217

VERSPREIDING • DISTRIBUTION Hazel Luüs RNA Tel: (011) 248-3639 /

UITGEWER • PUBLISHER JLO UITGEWERS • JLO PUBLISHING vir Jan Louis Ondernemings BK • for Jan Louis Enterprises CC (CK/92/19549/23) Posbus / P.O. Box 35299, Menlo Park 0102 1ste Vloer/ 1st Floor, The Hillside 318, Lynnwood, Pretoria 0081 Tel: (012) 348-5550 (Ma-Vry / Mo-Fri) Faks/Fax: (012) 348-5551 E-pos/E-mail: Web:

GAME & HUNT is an independent monthly publication for the broad game industry in South Africa, promoting the sinergy between game production, hunting and conservation. Hunters, game ranchers and nature conservationists are served with quality informative articles and columns. While GAME & HUNT operates in close cooperation with organised hunters, game production and nature-conservation organisations, it is editorially and financially independent. Copyright of all content is reserved. No part of the publica-

Jan van der Walt Hoofredakteur / Editor-in-chief

JAGsTryDpUNTE ONNODIG Met “Die vryheid om te jag” as visie, lewer Stephen Palos, voorsitter van die SA Jagterskonfederasie (Chasa), in hierdie uitgawe ʼn insiggewende en omvattende bydrae oor die jagterskwessies wat deesdae kort-kort kop uitsteek en dikwels ondeurdagte debatte tussen bedryfsgenote aan die gang sit. Hy ontbloot die skynheiligheid van jagters wat in die algemeen besware het teen die teel van diere wat spesifiek vir die jagmark bestem is, maar terselfdertyd verdoem hy onheilighede wat wel plaasvind waar oningeligte buitelandse jagters se dollars op bedrieglike wyse bekom word. Die verskil tussen “moord” op geblikte leeus en die jag van leeus wat in gevangenskap geteel is en volgens norme en standaarde gejag word, word duidelik uitgebeeld. Die mikpunt is om hierdie praktyk so wettig en deursigtig te maak as enige ander jagte wat aangebied word. Stephen kyk ook na die kontroversiële teel van kleurvariante en huiwer nie om te erken dat daar reeds ʼn toenemende vraag na kleurvariante by jagters is nie, wat verder behoort te groei as pryse ʼn verwagte daling bereik. Hy lig ook uit dat daar onder huidige praktyke nie ʼn gevaar bestaan dat die spesies wat tans volop is as gevolg van kleurvariante, bedreig word nie. Hy bied ʼn alternatiewe siening oor “modern geteelde” trofeë en kom tot die slotsom dat volhoubare benutting vir beide vleisjag en trofeejag geld. Die wyse gevolgtrekking is dat verskilpunte onderling deur verteenwoordigende organisasies uitgeklaar moet word en dat daar nie skietgoed aan die “anti’s” deur onderlinge struwelinge gegee word nie.

HUNTING’s CONTENTIOUs IssUEs UNNECEssAry With “The freedom to hunt” as vision, Stephen Palos, chair of the SA Hunters’ Confederation (Chasa), provides an informative and comprehensive insight into those hunters’ issues that have been surfacing frequently and quite often lead to ill-considered debate between industry associates. He reveals the hypocrisy of hunters that generally object to the breeding of animals specifically for the hunting market, but, at the same time, condemns the wrongful practices where ignorant foreign hunters’ dollars are taken through deceptive means. He clearly differentiates between the “murder” of canned lions and the hunting of lions bred in captivity and hunted according to norms and standards, with the aim to make this practice as legal and transparent as any other hunts offered. Stephen also looks at the controversial breeding of colour variants and does not hesitate to acknowledge that there is already a growing demand for colour variants from hunters, which should increase even more when prices start to decrease as is expected. He also stresses that there is no danger that species that are in abundance are put at risk by colour variants through current practices. He offers an alternative view of “modern-bred” trophies and reaches the conclusion that sustainable utilisation applies to both meat and trophy hunting. The wise conclusion is that contentious issues should be cleared up amongst representative organisations and that the “antis” should not be given leverage through these points in dispute.

tion may be reproduced in any way without the written permission of the publisher. Short text extracts of not more than 60 words may be used without prior permission provided the author, the magazine name and date of publication are acknowledged. The editor reserves the right to change and/or shorten articles. The publisher accepts no responsibility for the content of advertisements. The opinions of contributors are not necessarily those of the magazine.

From the Scriptures How many are your works, LORD! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures – Ps 104:24.

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sustainable hunting ‘has the ability to support livelihoods and cultures’ sustainable hunting and fishing, including falconry, as part of protected area management, have the ability to support livelihoods and cultures, increase food security, generate income, maintain wildlife numbers within the ecological and social carrying capacity of the environment, and build crucial local support for the conservation of biodiversity and habitats.


his was the conclusion reached at a joint panel discussion presented by the FAO and the CIC entitled ‘Protected Areas and Sustainable Hunting and Fishing’ in November 2014. The discussion formed part of a session on Supporting Human Life during the World Parks Congress of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in Sydney, Australia. “In the past, local people were often excluded from protected areas, making it difficult or impossible for them to accept protected areas that forced them to leave their lands and deprived

them of the possibility to harvest appropriate renewable natural resources. However, times are changing and the concerns and needs of local populations are beginning to receive the attention they deserve. Part of these concerns is the right to sustainably harvest fish and wildlife in and around protected areas.” In his keynote speech the advisor to the minister of environment of Estonia, Hanno Zingel spoke of the importance of addressing the needs and aspirations of local people in the planning of protected areas and gave an insight into the legislation governing hunting and fishing in protected areas in Estonia, where both activities are allowed in certain categories of protected areas and under specific conditions. Later, the session examined the role of hunting and fishing in the planning and management of protected areas, whether these activities could support local community-based development and how management could maintain the wildlife habitat and hence a valu-

WILD & JAG Januarie 2015

able food source. Colgar Sikopo from Namibia looked at whether well-managed hunting and fishing in some or all of the IUCN categories of protected areas could be permitted as a basic right for people living in and around these protected areas. Scott Dowd then used a Brazilian example to address whether hunting and fishing in and around protected areas helped provide income for local people and finances for protected area management. This was followed by an example from the Philippines, presented by Merlijn Van Weerd and Marites Gatan-Balbas, on how the benefits perceived by protected area managers and decision makers match those of the local communities. Lastly, Dr Madeleine Nyman of Finland looked at what, from her experiences, were the main differences between the positive and negative biodiversity impacts of sustainable hunting and fishing in protected areas as compared with other recreational activities in these areas.



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20 Jaar gelede ‌. Die redakteur se eerste kommentaar

Redakteur Jan van der Walt se eerste kommentaar soos dit verskyn het in die eerste uitgawe van SA WILD, Vol/1 Desember 1994

WILD & JAG Januarie 2015


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GAME & HUNT January 2015

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‘JAG NODIG OM spEsIEs sE WAArDE TE VErsEKEr’ Wiaan van der Linde van Wintershoek Safari’s en Jan van der Walt. Wiaan was die gasspreker tydens WILD & JAG se noenmaal ter viering van die tydskrif se 20ste bestaansjaar.


iaan van der Linde, visepresident van die WRSA, het tydens die noenmaal wat ter herdenking van WILD & JAG se 20ste bestaansjaar gehou is, gesê Jan van der Walt het ’n baie belangrike rol gespeel in sy eie visie vir die bedryf en die wyse waarop hulle hul onderneming op Wintershoek bedryf. (Vir meer oor die herdenkingsfunksie kyk bl 18.) “Jan publiseer wat hy dink belangrik is vir die wildbedryf en gee erkenning aan alle fasette daarvan. Hy het deur al die uitdagings sterk gestaan en aanbiedinge van mediahuise van die hand gewys, net omdat hy sy onafhanklikheid wou behou.” Wiaan het verwys na die eerste raad wat wildboere verteenwoordig het, waarby Jan ook as bestuurder betrokke was. Hy het interessante knelpunte uitgelig wat tydens die raad se kongres in 1982 op Golden Gate geopper is, en uitgewys hoe sommige vandag nog relevant is, onder meer: • Eienaarskap van wild (Dit is in die vroeë 1990’s uitgesorteer.)

Staatsondersteuning van die wildbedryf (Die laaste twee jaar het die situasie begin verbeter.) • Oorregulering • Eenvormige permitstelsel (Dit is steeds ʼn probleem.) • Bewareas • Rol van die trofeejagter. • Bemarking van wildsvleis (Die potensiaal daarvan om groot inkomste te genereer is toe al raakgesien. Dit bly steeds die grootste potensiaal van die bedryf, veral as in ag geneem word dat daar tans meer wild [16 miljoen] op privaat plase is as beeste [14 miljoen]. Wildsvleis kan die sekuriteit en volhoubaarheid van die bedryf verseker. Twintig persent van alle rooivleis wat in die wintermaande verbruik word, is wildsvleis.) Wiaan is van mening dat jag ’n groter rol as teling speel om die waarde van alle spesies te verseker. Sou dit verander, sal daar ’n afname in getalle plaasvind. Hy het interessante statistiek genoem oor wildveilings, wat

WILD & JAG Januarie 2015

getoon het hoe die pryse van sekere spesies gegroei het. Die hoogste prys wat byvoorbeeld vir ’n witrenoster tydens die Natal Game Auction op 20 Junie 1994 betaal is, was R88 000; daarteenoor het ʼn witrenostervers R600 000 behaal op WRSA se wildveiling wat in Mei 2014 op Bela-Bela aangebied is. Die hoogste wat vir ʼn njala betaal is tydens die Natal Game Auction was R2 500, maar in Maart 2014 het ’n njalabul vir R500 000 onder die hamer gekom tydens WRSA se veiling in Mkuze. Ten einde die wildbedryf volhoubaar te maak, moet daar gepoog word om die buitelandse jagmark te laat groei – WRSA, die regering, Phasa en die toerismebedryf moet saam gesels en beplan. Wat die plaaslike mark betref, het Wiaan gesê, moet daar saam met jagtersverenigings beplan word, realistiese pryse moet gevra word, die beeld van die bedryf moet by die publiek verbeter en die verkope van wildsvleis moet aangemoedig word.



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