Jeanne d'Arc Living Magazine - ISSUE 7 (2015) New life for your kitchen

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L i fest yle i n a C l ass of it s O w n


THEME: New life for your

7th issue 2015 US $13.95 €9,95

kitchen 5 different decors in the style

• • • •

Grilled seafood Amazing hostas Homemade ice cream Room divider made from old doors • Old riddles • Miniature bouquets

Brocantes We've visited markets in France & Belgium

summer homes Wonderful

from romantic white to French charm

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Dear Reader

Now t h a t s u m m e r i s a t i t s p e a k , m a n y o f u s a re o n s u m m e r vacation. Some travel out into the world – perhaps a quick trip t o So u t h e r n Eu ro p e w i t h s c h e d u l e d f l e a m a rk e t v i s i t s s o u n d s enticing? To many of us, a trip like that is the ultimate vacation. Plenty of amazing flea market finds seasoned with an abundance o f d e l i c i o u s f o o d , i n c re d i b l e l i t t l e i n n s a n d h o t e l s a n d s c e n i c s u r ro u n d i n g s . It ' s t r u l y a n e x p e r i e n c e t o g i ve yo u r s e l f i f yo u h a ve a n i n t e re s t i n v i n t a g e i t e m s . A n d s o m e p re f e r t o re l a x a little closer to home; catch up on some of the things that have long been on the wish list. Check out Dor te's idea for how to m a k e a ro o m d i v i d e r o u t o f o l d d o o r s . If yo u ' re d re a m i n g o f m a k i n g ove r yo u r k i t c h e n , t h i s i s a p e r f e c t t i m e t o s t a r t t h a t p ro j e c t . T h i s t i m e o f ye a r yo u c a n e a s i l y s e t u p a t e m p o r a r y outdoor kitchen or make dinner on a small grill. The evenings are long and light so you'll have many extra working hours at your disposal. And you'll also have time to enjoy a fe w days off in-between. In this issue we've put together plenty of inspiration f o r a n y o n e w h o w a n t s t o re n e w t h e i r k i t c h e n u s i n g f u n a n d affordable solutions that make a per fect DIY project. If you're more into just relaxing during your time off, we give you recipes for the most delicious homemade ice cream and instr uctions for lovely, small summer bouquets that you can easily tie after going on a hike. Or simply lounge in a hammock or on the beach and enjoy the many wonder ful summer homes we have to show you.

Lonnie & Vivian

Have an awesome summer – and happy reading!


No. 7 · 2015

Published by Jeanne d’Arc Living

Lonnie Würtz Jensen

Cover photo: Anneke Gambon.

Vivian Christensen

Chief Editors: Vivian Christensen · Email: Lonnie Würtz Jensen · Email: Editorial Office:: Jeanne d’Arc Living ApS Houmarksvej 92, Kondrup · 8920 Randers NV · Danmark · Tel: +45 36932010 Mail: · · Graphics & Layout: Flower Arrangers: Photos & Styling: Food, Text & Styling: Proofreading: Handyman: Advertising Director:

Rikke Daugaard Thiel

Lonnie Würtz Jensen & Helle Routhe Lonnie Würtz Jensen & Dorthe Hviid Lonnie Würtz Jensen & Dorte Palsgaard Vivian Christensen, Rikke Vinter, Dorthe Hviid, Rikke Daugaard Thiel Vera Jensen Ole Sørensen Mail:

Dorte Palsgaard Translation into Swedish, English, Dutch, German, Finnish & French: Translation into Norwegian: Linda Rønsholm.

Rikke Vinter

Dorthe Hviid

The editorial office disclaims all liability for possible errors. Likewise, the company is not liable for errors in recipes, instructions, etc. Since the magazine is sold in many countries throughout the world, the editorial office accepts no responsibility for the applicable laws and regulations of said countries. The reader is solely responsible for consulting with local authorities. Articles and pictures in the Jeanne d’Arc Living Magazine may not be used in sales activities without prior permission. Lending and renting of the magazine for profit is prohibited. The editorial office accepts no responsibility for content, articles and other materials which are submitted without invitation. Distribution: The magazine is sold through arts and crafts, flower and lifestyle shops. A list of our retailers can be found on our website under the ”magazine” tab. If you wish to sell the magazine in your shop, please contact

Helle Routhe


If you have questions, comments or ideas, please write to our editorial staff or find us on our blog - or on facebook: www.facebook. com/jeannedarcliving - Here you can get an idea of life behind the scenes at Jeanne d’Arc Living.


4. Angie's dream

Page 22. Homemade ice cream Page 30. New life for the old wagon seat Page 32. Amazing hostas Page 38. Room divider made from old doors Page 43. Crochet work Page 49. Theme – New life for your kitchen Page 50. A change would do you good Page 54. A daring choice Page 60. Amazing transformation Page 66. Raw & French Page 72. Clean lines Page 78. Create the style Page 80. The column Page 82. Old riddles Page 86. French charm in Belgium Page 102. Barbecued shellďŹ sh Page 108. Miniature bouquets Page 112. A fairytale gem Page 130. Brocantes - at markets in France & Belgium 5

Photos & text: Pia van Spaendonck. Editing: Rikke V & Lonnie.

Angie' s Dream


A n g i e l o v e s w h i te a n d h a s d o n e so fo r m a n y y e ars. Lu c k ily he r h u s ba nd, J o b , sh a re s h e r p a s si o n . F o r y e ars th e two o f them ha v e s h a re d a v e r y sp e c i a l i n t e re s t in old th in gs, so m e th i n g thei r h o u s e i s c e rt a i n l y c h a ra c t e rize d by. T h e co u pl e l i v es i n a l o ve l y h o u se i n b e a u t i fu l Sc h le swigHol s te i n , G er ma n y. Th e i r ho m e i s f i l l e d wi t h wo n d e rfu l , o l d fl e a m ark e t f in ds o f w h i c h th e m a j o ri t y b y fa r i s i n v a ri o u s sh ade s of wh i te a l th o u g h wi t h a fe w t o u c h e s o f ro s e an d n atu re . In te r i o r de s i g n i s n o t j u st a n i n t e re st t o t h e c ou ple – it's a l i f es ty l e. Ang i e s t a rt e d a b l o g – d e c o d re a msc om e tru e . bl o g s po t. c o m – a fe w ye a rs b a c k a n d a l so wrote a book o n i n te r i o r de s i gn a n d d e c o ra t i o n : " D re a m s c om e tru e " . So mu c h o f thei r t i m e i s sp e n t o n i n t e ri o r d esign . W h e n it c o me s to r es t o ri n g t h e o l d fu rn i t u re , Jo b ste ps in . H e ha s the r e qu i r ed p a t i e n c e a n d p re c i s i o n , n ot to m e n tion a g r ea t a f f e c ti o n fo r t h e o l d p i e c e s a n d t h e ir h istor y.


W h e n y ou c h oose to liv e in su c h wh ite and l i ght su rrou n din gs as A n gie an d Job h av e , it's i mpor tant to c re ate som e lif e in all th e wh ite su rf ac e s. O ne way to do th at is by c h oosin g dif f e re n t sh ade s of wh i te. You can also patin ate som e of th e su rf ac e s with gr ay or pai nt th e m with ou t c ov e rin g th e su rf ac e c om pl etel y. Thi s c re ate s som e play of c olors to th e sh ade s of whi te. Be h in d th e won de rf u l c h aise is an old door. It's been pain te d wh ite an d th e n patin ate d with a pal e gr ay – a n ic e e x am ple th at it doe sn 't tak e m u c h to c reate i nter es t on a wh ite su rf ac e . A n oth e r v e r y n ic e an d fun detai l is th e win dow on th e wall. N ote th e be au t i ful panel ed m oldin g arou n d th e win dow. I t's of te n th e s mal l detai l s th at re ally pu t th e ic in g on th e c ak e .



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