Women's Elevation Magazine - July 2015

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dontre hamilton

tamir rice

freddie gray

david felix

john crawford

jordan davis

michael brown

WElevate. WEpromote. WEinspire.

Special Edition: #BlackLivesMatter|July Issue 2015


State of the Union:

We The People... natasha mckenna

meagan hockaday

Miriam Carey

rekia boyd tanisha anderson

kathryn johnston

yuvette henderson

aiyana stanley jones

in this issue

IN EVERY ISSUE 4 from the founder Stop asking “Why?” and start asking “What can we do to bring awareness & change?”

6 do you know her name? Violence against Black women is often ignored by the media

12 in memoriam We take a moment to remember those who were taken in the Emanuel A.M.E. Church shooting

14 cultural appropriation The idea it’s cool to be black, unless you have to be, seems to be prevalent in society today

18 recipes Some delicious recipes to start and end your day right

44 spiritual corner Don’t hide your light - let it SHINE for all to see!

FEATURES 22 state of the union: we the people A special section on #BlackLivesMatter and the current state of America

24 when a christian has a stomach ache Contributed by Jennifer Eden

28 it is not safe to be black in america Contributed by Sharion Sade Brooks

32 if i was murdered today Contributed by Aronya Waller

36 #istillchoosetoleadwithlove Contributed by TaJuan “TeeJ” Mercer

38 am i not america? Contributed by DeLisha Sylvester

in this issue


THIS MONTH’S CONTRIBUTORS Kara Frison WE Magazine contributing writer www.softwordsbrighteyes.blogspot.com

Aronya Waller WE Magazine contributing writer

Zalika Brown Food Contributor

Shannon Clark Graphic Designer www.srichardscreative.com

Stock art courtesy of freepik.com and sxc.hu

WElevate. WEpromote. WEinspire. www.WomensElevationMagazine.com

From the Founder

DELISHA SYLVESTER With this issue we decided to focus on the issues that are affecting our country. It is important to not only inspire others, but also focus on what people are dealing with on a day to day basis. We cannot pretend that our country is uncovering what has been swept under the rug for so long. In the last few weeks we’ve seen so many black men and women die. Of course the question “Why?” comes up, but we know this answer. Racism is and has always been plaguing our society. Now that is being pushed to the forefront we need to stop asking why and start asking “What can we do?” “What can we as individuals do to help?” “How can we use our own talents to bring awareness and change?” I don’t have the answers, but what I do know is that silence is just as bad doing nothing. The more you share, the more you have constructive dialogue, and the more you connect with others that are helping the cause the more change you will be able to see. With this issue I hope you learn something, I hope that you connect with those that have shared their views, and as always.... Happy reading

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