Game & Hunt - December 2015

Page 1

VOL 21/112


Vol 21/12

Other Southern African Countries

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BWB Bull at first light



Johan Calitz

Bontebok back from the brink


– Passionate Innovation



Hartmann se sebra

Grondhervormingsake lol




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Inhoud Contents

Cover / Voorblad Die Hartmann se sebra is een van Afrika se taaiste diere om te jag. Ondanks die feit dat hulle tans slegs tot een kontinent, nl Afrika beperk is, het hulle op die uitgestrekte vlaktes van Noord-Amerika ontwikkel as twee verskillende groepe sebras − Grevy se sebra en die berg- en vlaktesebras. Lees meer op bl 30. Foto: © Mark Wardle / Alamy / AfriPics Geweer: Strasser bl 64


WILD & JAG 21 jaar gelede – Jag WILD & JAG 21 jaar gelede – Wild WILD / GAME

Die bontebok

58 107 14


Anno Hecker passed away in Germany 7 Jagwenke – Noodhulp vir jagters: Tropiese en ander veldsiektes 27 Those big ones are still out there! 38 Africa’s Sportsman Show 42 Heart of the Huntress 48 HARTMANN SE SEBRA Spesie-spesifieke jag – Die Hartmann se bergsebra 30 Hartmann se sebra in die Khomas Hochland 51 Bull at first light 60 Nuutskepping in wildveilings 66 Jaglegendes – Johan Calitz 68 Jaggeleenthede 73 Chasa: Stephen Palos Letter 74 The Border Hunting Club 75 Jagfotogalery 78 GEWERE & AMMUNISIE / GUNS & AMMUNITION

Swarovski’s EL Range 10x42 Merkel Ultimate “Veldskiet” Gong Challenge Bullet Talk Kalibers & ammunisie – Die megakalibers: .500’s en .600’s BHA Grouping Competition, Tzaneen Toonbankstories – ’n Tyd van nabetragting … Strasser – Passionate Innovation

8 18 20 35 45 55 64


Veilingsuitslae 84−85 Veilingsverslae: WRSA 121 Legislation – What to do if arrested 67 Lewendewild-handel – Genetika onder die vergrootglas 88 Changing global dynamics 90 Risikobestuur van wild – Diere se keuse van besluit – Toepassing 92 Land Reform – Reaction to new legislation 96 Tebogo Mogashoa Wildboerdery 98 Ekobos – ’n Kosbare hulpbron 100

Uit die Woord

“Dra mekaar se laste, en gee op dié manier uitvoering aan die Wet van Christus.” Gal 6:2.

Grondhervorming – Toekomsstrategie Land financing Managing variation in game breeding Villa Crop – New partnership Gehalte-wildsvleis (7) – Vries Bontebok – Back from the brinks Leeubedryf wil sy huis in orde kry

102 105 115 117 130 132 136

Wildbemarking-advertensies – indeks



Natuurlewe-pitkos – Ongenaakbare obsessies Proactive Anti-poaching – Perimeter, gate and and security Indringerplante – Bestuur van inheemse indringerplante Deel 7 Herkoms van SA wildname (5) Weskusbetowering – Dorre kraaltjieveld

109 110 118 124 126


Briewe Teken in en wen! / Subscribe and win! WILD & JAG digitaal en op Facebook! 4x4 – Die Kalahari bly mooi Kook saam – Koue wildsvleisbord vir Kersete Boeke Organisasies – Kontakbesonderhede

13 24 25 170 172 176 177


WILD & JAG is ’n onafhanklike maandelikse publikasie vir

op enige wyse gereproduseer word sonder skriftelike toestem-

die breë wildbedryf in Suid-Afrika, wat die sinergie tussen

ming van die uitgewer nie. Kort uittreksels (maksimum

wildproduksie, jag en bewaring bevorder. Jagters, wildboere

60 woorde) mag sonder toestemming gebruik word, mits

en natuurbewaarders word bedien met gehalte- informatiewe

volledige erkenning aan die skrywer en die publikasienaam en

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-datum gegee word.

Hoewel WILD & JAG nou saamwerk met die georganiseerde

Die redakteur behou die reg voor om artikels te verander en/of te

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inhoud van advertensies nie. Die mening van medewerkers is

Alle kopiereg van die inhoud word voorbehou. Geen deel mag

nie noodwendig die mening van die blad nie.



Hoofredakteur & Uitgewer • Editor-in-chief & Publisher Jan van der Walt / Bestuurder • Manager: Advertensies, Bemarking, TV-reeks & MASTERSHOT Advertising, Marketing, TV Series & MASTERSHOT Hennie van der Walt Tel: (012) 348-5550 / Sel/Cell: 083 452 2145 Redakteur: Jag, Wapens & Ammunisie Editor: Hunting, Guns & Ammunition Stefan Fouché Redakteur: Spesiale artikels • Editor: Special articles Ilse Davis, Produksieredakteur • Production editor Lynette van Hoven Tel: (012) 348-5550 / Assistentproduksieredakteur • Assistant Production editor Itha Kieser Mederedakteurs • Co-editors Voertuie • Vehicles: Francois Rossouw Dieregesondheid • Animal Health: Dr Johan Kriek Wildbestuur • Wildlife Management: Prof Wouter van Hoven PRODUKSIE • PRODUCTION Uitleg & reproduksie • Design & reproduction: Karen vd Merwe Taalversorging • Language Editing: Lynette van Hoven / Elfriede Ainslie Kunskonsultant • Art consultant: Alan Ainslie Drukker • Printer: Paarl Media Midrand Webwerf • Website: Johan Meintjies /

ADVERTENSIES & BEMARKING • ADVERTISING & MARKETING Jan van der Walt / Hennie van der Walt Ann Olivier Tel: (012) 348-5550 / Faks/Fax: 086 502 5526 KLEINADVERTENSIES / SMALLS Lindie van der Westhuizen 082 471 8272 / Tel: (012) 348 5550 EXPO & Bemarkingskoördineerder • EXPO & Marketing Co-ordinator Hanlie Delport 082 908 2295 / Tel: (012) 348 5550 BESTUURDER: Administrasie, rekeninge & intekening MANAGER: Administration, accounts & subscription Wendy Greeff Tel: (012) 348-5550 Faks/Fax: (012) 348-5551 / 086 656 4217 VERSPREIDING • DISTRIBUTION Hazel Luüs RNA Tel: (011) 248-3639 /

UITGEWER • PUBLISHER JLO UITGEWERS • JLO Publishing vir Jan Louis Ondernemings BK • for Jan Louis Enterprises CC (CK/92/19549/23) Posbus / P.O. Box 35299, Menlo Park 0102 1ste Vloer/ 1st Floor, The Hillside 318, Lynnwood, Pretoria Tel: (012) 348-5550 (Ma-Vry / Mo-Fri) Faks/Fax: (012) 348-5551 E-pos/E-mail: Web:


Die gerapporteerde stelling van minister Nkwinti ná afloop van die ANC se algemene raadsvergadering in Oktober 2015, naamlik dat dit nou dié party se amptelike beleid is dat boere Jan van der Walt die helfte van hul plase met hul werkers moet deel, het boere Hoofredakteur / Editor-in-chief in onsekerheid gedompel. Dit is teenstrydig met die minister se onderneming tydens ’n vergadering van die georganiseerde landbousektor op 22 Mei 2015. Dié onderneming het onder andere behels dat grondeienaars toegelaat sal word om hul eie vennote te kies, dat daar nie ’n enkele model sal wees nie en dat daar insentiewe sal wees om deelname aan te moedig. Agri SA se dienooreenkomstige standpunt is vroeg in Oktober 2015 aan ’n ministeriële taakspan voorgelê. By die ter perse gaan van hierdie tydskrif het Agri SA nog nie uitklaring van die ANC gekry oor dié party se presiese bedoeling met hul verklaring nie. Behalwe dat ons populistiese uitsprake van die regering te wagte kan wees met die dalende lidmaatskap van die ANC en ’n verkiesing op hande, bestaan die wesenlike gevaar dat die regering wetgewing sal deurforseer om hul doel te bereik en dat boere hulle tot die howe sal moet wend. Onlangse uitlatings deur die topampsdraers van die ANC oor die magte van die howe is egter nie gerusstellend nie. Ons regering het reeds gewys dat hy in staat is om die howe te ignoreer en die integriteit van senior regsbeamptes onder verdenking te plaas met uitlatings soos “die howe is nie die ANC se baas”, “hooggeregshowe se negatiewe narratiewe teen die regering” en “As die hof reëls begin dikteer aan die parlement – dis om te oorreageer”. – Pasopa wena!

Ons wens al ons lesers – jagters, wildboere en bewaarders / liefhebbers van ons natuur – liefde, vrede en vreugde toe oor die Kerstyd. The reported statement of Minister Nkwinti following the ANC National General Council meeting of the ANC in October 2015, namely that it is now the party’s official policy that farmers are to share half their farms with their labourers, has left farmers with a great deal of uncertainty. This contradicts the minister’s undertaking during a meeting of the organised agricultural sector on 22 May 2015. This undertaking entails, among other things, that landowners be allowed to choose their own partners, that there will not be a single model, and that there will be incentives to encourage participation. Agri SA’s corresponding statement was submitted to a ministerial task team early in October 2015. At the time of going to press of this magazine, Agri SA had not yet received clarification from the ANC as to what exactly the party meant by their statement. Apart from the fact that we could expect populist utterances from government with dwindling ANC membership and the forthcoming elections, there is a real danger that government will force legislation in order to achieve its goal and that farmers will have to turn to the courts for help. However, recent statements by top ANC officials about the powers of the courts are anything but reassuring. Our government has already showed that it is able to ignore the courts and cast suspicion on the integrity of senior legal officials with remarks such as “the courts are not the master of the ANC”, “supreme courts’ negative narratives against government” and “If the court starts laying down the rules to parliament – it boils down to overreaction”. – Pasopa wena!

We wish all our readers – hunters, game ranchers and conservationists / lovers of our nature – love, peace and joy during the festive season.

GAME & HUNT is an independent monthly publication for

tion may be reproduced in any way without the written per-

the broad game industry in South Africa, promoting the sin-

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served with quality informative articles and columns.


While GAME & HUNT operates in close cooperation with or-

The editor reserves the right to change and/or shorten

ganised hunters, game production and nature-conservation

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organisations, it is editorially and financially independent. Copyright of all content is reserved. No part of the publica-

content of advertisements. The opinions of contributors are

WILD & JAG DESEMBER 2015 not necessarily those of the magazine.

From the Scriptures “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” – Gal. 6:2.




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Rolf D Baldus


nno Hecker has died at the age of 87 years in his home in Germany on 12 October this year. Anno had been a tsetse control officer, a lecturer and a project leader at the wildlife college in Tanzania between 1955 and 1968. Upon his return to Germany, he was the forester in charge of a forestry district for another 23 years. Situated in the Eifel, a low mountain range in Western Germany, this forestry district is now a national park with excellent red deer and wild boar populations. Anno had always been a passionate hunter – in Africa and likewise in Germany. Growing up as the son of a wellknown church painter in Cologne, he studied forestry in post-war Germany. In 1955, he accepted the invitation of his wife’s uncle to go to Tanganyika, the former German colony, and manage eucalyptus plantations. But that turned out to be a flop, and the greenhorn signed on instead as a tsetse control officer. His task was now mainly to cull all kind of wildlife in order to fight the tsetse flies. Thus young Hecker learned big-game hunting from scratch. Two years after independence, the College of African Wildlife Management, Mweka, was established near Moshi at the foot of Kilimanjaro. The Federal Republic of Germany assisted

Photo: This is Africa! Rowland Ward Publishers

Anno Hecker Passed Away in Germany

the running of the college as part of its development cooperation. Anno became the responsible German project manager and also worked as a senior lecturer. He was also the instructor for the practical hunting training. His hunting skills are legendary and still remembered in Tanzania. At the Hunting Fair in Dortmund, Germany, a Tanzanian Wildlife director, one of his former students, said, “This man knows more about big game and African hunting than anybody else at the whole exhibition.” He had spoken in English, and the response is typical of Anno, who responded by saying, “How good that hardly anyone here understands English.” Anno himself recounts some of his adventures in the many articles that he wrote for hunting magazines and in his book, This is Africa! (Rowland Ward 2007). This book, subtitled Thorns, thirst and tsetse flies, also shows his dry and profound humour. The laugh lines were always visible on his face. His 13 years in Africa were the best ones of his life, he told me once. Africa did not let go until the very end. “Nowhere is the sky bluer than in Africa,” he wrote as dedication in my copy of his book. Between 1970 and 2002, he set out from the Eifel for an African safari every year. Either he visited his daughter Katharina,


who has inherited the artistic talent of her grandfather and works as one of Africa’s best taxidermists in Pretoria, or he went hunting in the east, south or west of the continent. “Anno Hecker has rendered outstanding services to the Federal Republic of Germany,” wrote the permanent secretary of the German ministry for economic cooperation to Anno when he retired from his work at the Mweka Wildlife College in 1968. Once again a typical reaction from Anno, and I pass over to him: Surely a noble gesture but admittedly not as much appreciated as the words of an old, illiterate tracker from the Luwegu River in the Selous. In the 1980s, when a friend had wounded an elephant, I asked our professional hunter, a Maasai, whether he would allow me to finish off the wounded beast, which had gone into the thick stuff. The Maasai handed over his .458 FN Mauser with pleasure for the coup de grâce. On entering the thicket, Mfupa, the withered old tracker, wanted to guide me, an offer I kindly declined, as I preferred to go alone on probably the last elephant hunt of my life. Whereupon Mfupa, with a respectful look in his eyes, remarked in Kiswahili, ‘Huyu, huyu ni Mzee ya zamani – ah, this one is still one of the old ones from very long ago.’” 3


Product Test – Stefan Fouché A 29,5” trophy waterbuck taken in Namibia with the assistance of the Swarovski EL Range 10x42

Swarovski’s EL Range 10x42

Local South African distributor of Swarovski Optik, Whylo, has been kind enough to supply me with one of their rangefinding binoculars to test. The destination was Hoodia Hunting Ranch in Namibia, where I would target a trophy waterbuck.


lthough the company is well over 100 years old, the first Swarovski binoculars, a 6x30 model, saw the light in 1935. They progressed to produce the best binoculars ever made by Swarovski, the EL models, which hit the shelves in 1999. Rangefinding binoculars only became available later. A few years ago, the EL Range was launched, the best binoculars Swarovski has to offer with a built-in rangefinder. Two models are available, namely the EL Range 8x42 W B and the EL Range 10x42 W B. We tested the 10x42 model, as I thought it to be the more versatile of the two because of the magnification. With a 6,3˚ field of view, you are also not restricted and can see 11 m wide at 100 m – more than sufficient when stalking a trophy animal. I was absolutely amazed by the optical clarity of this specific model. The detail that one can make out at various distances is unbelievable. I was hunting a waterbuck bull in Namibia in fairly open terrain. The 10x magnification and crystal-clear optics really helped me to pick out a nice trophy. I was fortunate enough to bag an exceptional 29,5” bull at 200 m. The 10x42 model weighs a mere 880 g (without the battery and neck strap) and handles very comfortably due to the open-bridge design that allows for a wraparound grip. Swarovski says it will range up to 1 350 m, something I also tested in the bush. Large rocks roughly the size of a car can easily be measured up to 1 200 m while gemsbok and black wildebeest herds were ranged up to 900 m, all offhand with no rest. Single impala and springbok were ranged up to 450 m with no problem whatsoever. Thanks to the new FieldPro package, the EL Range 10x42 will also impress with the enhanced strap connector, integrated objective lens and eyepiece covers, as well as the new, distinctive measurement button for even more precise operation. These can be ordered at an additional cost from your local dealer. We tested the EL Range on springbok over sandbags and individual animals were ranged in excess of 900 m. The Swarovski EL Range is a truly exceptional product and comes highly recommended. Retailing for around R45 000, it sounds a bit steep, but be ready to make a dent in your credit facilities once you have used one of these! For enquiries, please contact Brad at Whylo on 0861 005 903. 3

The new EL Range model

Scan here to see the Swarovski EL Range in action in Namibia, taking the waterbuck mentioned in the article.





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Ahead of you: challenges in the form of long distances and steep terrain. In your hand: the perfect combination of ergonomic design and outstanding optics. The EL Range makes an impression with razor-sharp images and precise angle and range measurement. Carefully designed in every detail, these binoculars, combined with the new FieldPro package, also set a new benchmark in terms of comfort and functionality. When seconds are crucial – SWAROVSKI OPTIK.



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9 16.09.15 14:19



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