Mobile Academy For Teachers
How to raise children as independent and self-directed critical thinkers.
session 1.
Some school programs are based on assumption that at school students should simply rely on what they are told. There are many reasons, though why K critical thinking is useful in every school field.
Critical thinking: • improves students' learning skills, • prepares students forjjobs that don't exist yet (but will exist when your students will enter the job market), • helps people make sound decisions about personal and civic affairs, and • makes education less passive and more interactive.,
You will need
1 2 3
A notebook and a pencil Internet access
A balloon or a small plastic bag
Task 2. Observe a balloon
Carry out another experiment:
Blow up a balloon or plastic bag (make sure that there are no holes. Blow it up fully, so that it
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resembles a balloon.) Bring the balloon or bag close to a source of sound (e.g. a radio). What did you observe?
Task 1 & 2. Answer You probably felt your larynx (task 1) and the balloon (task 2) vibrating. What caused the vibrations? Can other
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which you could “see� or feel a sound?
Write them down.
Drawing conclusions from observation When the observation and analysis are carried out correctly, the students will come to an understanding of what sound is INDEPENDENTLY. They will also be able to USE this knowledge in another context.
Task 4. Make a device
1 Stretch the plastic wrap and place it over the bowl so that it is very taut.
2 Pour the grains or sugar onto the cling wrap.
If students can find valuable information around them, they will be able to think critically. If students can think critically, they will be able to learn. Memorizing facts that they haven’t understood is ineffective. Being able to observe, and to ask “what”, “how” and “why”, and look for answers ensure the ability to learn lifelong.
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