Best Holistic Life Magazine - Best Holistic Life Magazine April 2023

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April 2023










Laneice McGee

Jana Short




LaTonya Baker

Julie De-Lucca Collins

The Magician &

A Whaleandofthe a Tale

The Monster:




Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Lawyer®



Taylor Sappington


BEAUTY OUT | Jusakas

August is like the Sunday Of Summer!

EDITING Best Holistic Life Magazine BEST HOLISTIC LIFE LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Cover Image © Alondra Vega @alondravegaphotography Chief Editor: Jana Short Editors: Dr. Dixie Short, Jessica Schreib Layout: Jessica Schreib U Schreib.Design, Germany. Images: If not otherwise specified, images belong to the creator of the articles. Any reproduction, publication or distribution is copyright infringement.



Jana Short is a renowned global influencer & an award winningmindset coach. She is an NLP, RTT Practitioner, best selling author, public speaker, host of Oh, My Health… There is HOPE! Podcast, and Best Holistic Life magazine editor. Jana currently works creating online global influencers, teaching her clients to remove blocks holding them back and how to start that love affair with their potential online clients. She has recently been recognized and featured on the cover of San Francisco Soeleish Magazine 2022, Los Angeles Entrepreneur Magazine September 2021 issue as Los Angeles #1 Mindset Coach two years in a row. Monica Garg’s “Influential Women of the World-Global Influencers” 2020, Las Vegas Entrepreneurs Magazine “Top 25 Entrepreneurs for 2020” issue, and the cover of December’s Best Holistic Life magazine. Jana is getting the message of hope out into the world in a huge way, changing the world one inspiring story at a time.

Catch Jana on:

! /BestHolisticLifeMagazine " /janashortofficial # /c/OhMyHealthThereIsHOPE


Best Holistic life April 2023


CONTENT Cover Story 60

Health & Beauty Inside & Out

Mindset 19

How To Communicate In A Way You Are Proud Of


Real or not real?


Decision Making Paralysis is REAL


April Fool? Compare The 10 Ways We Sabotage Ourselves!


Spend money on experiences, not things!


3 Ways to Become Hard to Kill Like a Navy SEAL


Mindset: A Chain Reaction


Revive And Thrive: Overcoming Trauma By Rediscovering Your Creative Genius


Using Instagram to Generate Amazing Leads For Your Business

Inspiration 9

In My Corner: KO'ing Ageism Paradigms


A Whale of a Tale and The Near-Death Experience


How do YOU get featured on Magazine covers?


A New Kind of Snack... Movement Snacks


The Secret Ingredient To Go From Ordinary To Extraordinary In Your Relationships


Art of Your Spring Clean with the Science of Ayurveda


Making sense of the Akashic Records


Successfully rich people secrets


Changing Confidence: One Habit at a Time


4 Essential Skills You MUST Have To Succeed As An Entrepreneur


3 Companies in the Front Seat of Giving Back to Communities


Awakening through Breathwork


Using Instagram to Generate Amazing Leads For Your Business


Embrace the Bad: Why We Should Welcome Negative Feelings and Say Goodbye to Toxic Positivity


tA B l e o f co n t e n t


Body And Health



Are You A Ticking Time Bomb?


The Magician and The Monster: How mold may be making a meal out of you


YOU Can Rewire Your Brain for Happiness!


How Hormonal Birth Control is Wrecking your Sex Drive, Gut Health, Thyroid, and More!


"Self Love Wrapped in Boundaries"


The Mysteries Of Menstruation


A Small Bite with Big Consequences: The Hidden Epidemic of Tick-borne Illness



How Your Yoga Mat is Your Mirror


The Beginner's Guide to a Plant-Based Diet


Tired after Waking Up?! This could be Why…!


Perimenopause and Menopause: How to Use Exercise to Reduce Symptoms



Crunch Or Not To Crunch? Diastasis Myths Every New Mom Should Know About


How to Supercharge Mitochondria for Unlimited Energy

Oil Of The Month 85

How much do we love Lavender?

Recipes 92

Apirl's Seasonal Recipes to Help you Live Your Best Life!

From The Team 117

ASK SHERYL! What Can I Do To Have Younger Skin?


Monthly Energy Update


At-Home Endurance Workout


Best Holistic life April 2023




the Tea

D i pA l s H A H

@spiritawakenings "The Body Whisperer"

GAil Gensler

DAWnA cAMpBell @dawnacampbell811 The Mind Whisper

MArK AntHonY

@psychiclawyermarkanthony Psychic Lawyer, Best Selling Author

KiM Hope

n At H A l i e B ot ro s

Dr. DiXie sHort

@AskDrDeeDNM Doctor of Natural Medicine

tHeresA BYrne

@thebon_vivantgirl The Bon Vivant Girl


pAt r i c i A r i l e Y

@Gailgensler Pro aging fitness enthusiast

@hopeforyourfitness Certified Nutrition and Personal Training Coach

@judybrierhahn Functional Medicine Coach Owner of Hahn Holistic Health

@MDRLABS Founder MDR & Clientel

pA U l i n e coX

AnDreA scHWAWrtZ

Dr. lUlU sHiMeK

Brittinie WicK

@paulinejcox Functional Nutritionist

l .Y. M A r l o W

@lymarlow Author, Influencer,.Host of Stop Living with Monsters Podcast

JUlie MicHelson Autoimmune Coach

@a.b.s.mindbody Health Coach

@drlulushimek/ Naturopathic Physician and expert in genetic health

@brittiniewick_fitness Health Coach & Fitness Trainer Picked Top Fitness Coach

elenA BieDert

tAY lo r s A p p i n Gto n

WilliAM BrAnUM

https:// Coach

AMBer Winn

@the_inner_love_coach Life Coach

@tayloredwellbeing Muliti-modality Practitioner

VirGiniA oMAn Mental Health Counselor

@William.r.branum Naked Warrior Recovery

MUneeZA AHMeD Medical Intuitive


Best Holistic life April 2023


Each and every one of us is exposed to stress throughout our lives. In fact,

when you experience adrenal fatigue is that it takes at least four years to

stress has become a daily part of most of our lives. The painful reality is

correct it. Now while that might not seem like a big deal on paper. Individuals

that stress in and of itself cannot always be avoided. In some cases, a little

with adrenal fatigue experience insomnia, depression, brain fog, chronic

stress from time to time can even be beneficial for our health. Regrettably,

fatigue, weakened immune system, hair loss, dull skin, muscle fatigue,

most of us experience high amounts of stress over prolonged periods of

digestive issues, and more! Now, imagine years of that. Things take on a

time. As a result, our bodies are forced into a near-constant state of alert

whole new light and no one wants to experience anything like that.

while there are some people who think it is beneficial to stay in a state of

So how can we prevent this from becoming our story? Well, short of

high alert, research has shown it can have damaging side effects.

moving to the middle of nowhere and cutting off most of our interactions

When our bodies are unable to relax they respond to every sound and

with others it is not likely that we can eliminate stress entirely. Luckily,

light. As a result, falling asleep becomes next to impossible. Our bodies are

there are things we can do to help our bodies process this excess stress.

hardwired to protect themselves. In an attempt to do this, they identify

Detoxing regularly is one of the best ways to remove any built-up toxins

anything that can be seen as a threat. Unfortunately, our bodies are unable

in our bodies. But there are even certain foods that can help us naturally

to distinguish a physical threat from an emotional one. When this happens

reduce stress. For example, citrus fruit, berries, sweet potatoes, broccoli,

even something as simple as a looming deadline becomes as terrifying as a

and more. Different teas can help too! Try cinnamon, chamomile, citrus,

burning building. Given how our bodies have evolved to multiple deadlines,

ashwagandha, stinging nettle, and more. There are even more ways to help

bills, traffic, and the never-ending to-do list our bodies are forced to

keep your stress in check. As my gift to you, there is a stress reduction-

function drowning under the weight of excess stress.

free gift below.

What happens to our bodies when left in this high-stress exposure? Our

Get Started Today

bodies, whether we realize it or not, are constantly working even during

Keeping your body free of toxins and free radicals is necessary to maintain

our times of rest. However, typically when we rest our bodies switch over

a healthy life and a healthy mind. There are tons of foods you can add to

to essentially a “night crew”, think of it like a B team. When our bodies

your regular diet to help your body with its critical detoxifying processes.

feel like they are under attack they keep their A team on board to pull a

If you are looking for a safe and all-natural way to detox your body at home

double shift. Basically, the body keeps its best team on staff until they are

be sure to check out my Balancing Abundance Program. Because detoxing

no longer able to perform. Understandingly enough, things can and do fall

is so important and realistically everyone should be doing it on at least a

through the cracks. Once things have moved past our body's self-defense

seasonal basis I have taken the time to put together a program to help you

things really start to fall apart. Stress naturally increases inflammation in

do just that. Here’s the thing, I know working with me one-on-one can

our bodies. This process prevents our bodies from getting the nutrients

seem difficult to get into (due to limited space) and I wanted to be able

they need while also removing harmful toxins from within. As a result, our

to give everyone an additional solution that has no limits. You deserve to

bodies are now forced to wage war on numerous sides with an exhausted

be happy, healthy, and successful at everything you do so here are some

force. It is only a matter of time before everything falls apart.

recipes to help set you up for success!

One of the most common side effects of prolonged stress is adrenal fatigue. Our adrenals serve a vital role in our health, they produce and regulate

Need A Hand?

critical hormones that signal our body's responses. The worst part is that

Connect with Dr. Dee:

Are YoU A ticKinG tiMe BoMB?

Meet Dr. Dee and Access Her FREE Coaching Page



Best Holistic life April 2023


How does one go about changing a paradigm? I've always been a big

We're gonna throw a dash of sexism on top of the ageism??? Please.

fan of Joel Barker, who is a renowned futurist, author, and lecturer.

You see this type of mindset in business as well, particularly during

He's gone in depth as to how people can topple a paradigm and

the hiring process. Companies all around the world are incentivized

replace it with a new one. He states that one of the core reasons why

to hire younger candidates in lieu of older, more experienced ones.

paradigms are so tough to get past is because many people believe

Is it because they're cheaper? Companies assume they can handle

that the future is "an extension of the past." This is the way things

technology better? I've always said that one of the root causes of

were, this is the way things are, and this is the way things will be. It

marketing campaigns not featuring midlife men and women is because

is far from impossible to illicit change however, no matter how deep-

the ones crafting the ads are young and unable to see through our

seeded a paradigm is.

lens. There's no midlife perspective in the room where these decisions

"Paradigm Pioneers," as he calls them, must have intuition, courage,

are being made, and in turn, we're not represented on billboards,

and commitment. These people have thick skin, a calculated approach,

magazines, commercials, etc.

and are hard-working. They are usually on the outer fringes of society.

Paradigms on paradigms on paradigms, basically. That's what me

There will surely be trials and tribulations; the first one through the

and my fellow midlife influencers are taking on each and every day.

wall always gets bloody, as they say. But they are steadfast, for no


one said breaking down a paradigm would be easy.

I've been chasing this dream of mine for a few years now. When I

I consider myself a "Paradigm Pioneer." My target? Ageism in the

started, I was just a 59-year-old boxing aficionado who loved fashion

fitness apparel space as it relates to marketing and advertising.

and travelling. I knew next to nothing about the midlife influencer

Luckily, I'm not alone!

community; I was just passionate about changing the mindset on

The Problem(s)

aging around fitness and wanted to see if I could make a difference.

I've talked at length about how ageism is a prevalent theme in the

Fast forward to today however, and I find myself drawing inspiration

fitness apparel industry. You won't see a woman in midlife like me on

from my fellow influencers who share the same ultimate goal as me.

the walls of a Lululemon store. People my age are not expected to box

These people are DYNAMITE. I had no clue there was such a supportive

or lift weights or be an overall beast in the gym. Even though plenty

and rock-solid community of influencers like me who also want to

of us are, the paradigms about people my age and fitness still exist.

see these ageism paradigms end. I like to think I have the intuition,

This type of mindset also exists in business and fashion.

courage, and commitment needed to end this mindset, as Joel Barker

You ever see ads for "anti-aging" products? I bet you have, because

highlighted. But I'm certainly not alone in this pursuit.

they're everywhere. This term in itself is ageist. What's wrong with

It certainly hasn't been easy and I’m cognizant of the fact that I might

aging? Nothing! The idea that aging=bad is the core of the paradigms

not see my goal accomplished in my lifetime. With a little help from

I'm trying to get over. "Anti-aging" should be replaced by "aging well"

my fellow "Paradigm Pioneers" though, we can KO ageism paradigms

or "aging gracefully." It happens to everyone; why are we acting like

and leave our legacy for future generations.

it's a virus that must be treated before it spreads? And let's not even begin with how women are taught to fight the aging process, while men are celebrated for looking more "distinguished" or "dashing."

Connect with Gail Gensler: @gailgenslerofficial on Instagram

i n MY co r n e r : Ko ' i n G A G e i s M pA r A D i G Ms

Living Your Best Life Series



Best Holistic life April 2023


A W h A l e o f A TA l e A n d T h e n e A r-d e AT h e x p e r i e n c e

This April over a billion Christians worldwide will celebrate Easter.

soul theory provides the scientific basis for eternal life.

The Resurrection of Jesus is the most beloved, mysterious, inspiring,

Since ancient times there have been accounts of people who died

controversial, and well-known story of someone who died and

and lived to tell about it. Tales of these “resurrections” baffled

returned to physical life.

physicians and religious leaders alike. We now know them as Near-

The purpose of this article is not to advance one belief system over

Death Experiences (NDE) which occur when someone dies and that

another. However, the triumph of eternal life over physical death is a

person’s electromagnetic soul separates from the body yet that

universal concept central to belief systems worldwide.

person’s awareness remains intact.

Faith teaches the soul/spirit/consciousness pre-exists the physical

Most accounts of NDEs describe traveling through a tunnel into a

body, comes into the body and then lives on eternally after the body

brilliant light, the life review where the experiencer evaluates his

dies. Physics proves energy is neither created nor destroyed, only

or her entire life within moments, meeting spirits of deceased loved

transferred from one form to another. Neuroscience has proven the

ones, and encountering an infinite all-knowing and loving intelligence

brain has the most sophisticated electromagnetic field in the human

so intense, that even the word “God” is too limiting to describe this

body. During my research I developed the term “electromagnetic


soul” to describe what we really are which is pure consciousness that

One of those people is me. At age four, I died and after several minutes

is eternal electromagnetic energy. I also believe the electromagnetic

of CPR was resuscitated. In my book “The Afterlife Frequency” I



Best Holistic life April 2023

describe in detail how what I encountered in those moments

on “The Jimmy Kimmel” show hailed as “The Modern Day Jonah.”

beyond this world has shaped the direction of my life.

Maybe Jonah was swallowed by a whale—it’s only fair to mention

Perhaps the earliest recorded NDE is the Book of Jonah from the

this story for the benefit of readers who interpret scripture

Old Testament. Jonah, was a Hebrew Prophet who lived in the


8th Century BC. He was instructed by God to preach in the city of

Recently, there have been two major developments in the

Nineveh located in modern day Iraq.

field of NDEs. The first occurred in February 2022, in Tartu,

Like today, the turmoil in the Iraq of Jonah's time didn't make it

Estonia. An elderly man suffered a stroke and was rushed to the

a popular vacation destination. Instead, Jonah hopped on a ship

hospital. While his brain waves were being monitored by an EEG

headed for Spain. A storm struck and when Jonah told the crew he

(electroencephalogram) he suddenly had a massive heart attack

disobeyed God, they promptly tossed him overboard just in time

and died.

for a large aquatic creature to swallow him. For three days Jonah

This was the first time in history a human brain was monitored

lay in the creature’s belly before it vomited him up. Jonah emerged

by an EEG at the precise moment of death. Doctors were stunned

a changed man and resumed his spiritual mission to Nineveh.

by the massive spike in his brainwaves just as he died. His brain’s

Is Jonah’s story a metaphor for a Near-Death Experience? In Jonah

electromagnetic field went off the charts!

2:6-10 the prophet wrote, “To the roots of the mountains I sank

The second major development was in November, 2022 when

down; the earth beneath barred me in forever. But you, Lord my

researchers at New York University released the “Lucid Dying

God, brought my life up from the pit. When my life was ebbing

Study.” This involved 567 men and women at 25 different

away, I remembered you, Lord, and my prayer rose to you, to your

hospitals in the US and UK. The subjects’ hearts stopped beating

holy temple.”

and then CPR was administered while their brainwave activity

The “holy temple” has been interpreted as one of the three levels

was recorded. Researchers recorded a massive spike of brainwave

of Heaven described in scripture. The First Heaven is sky, Genesis

activity in all subjects.

7:11, the Second Heaven is the realm of the stars, Exodus 32:13 and

One in five survivors reported lucid experiences of death which

the Third Heaven is the abode of God, 2 Corinthians 12:1.

appeared different from hallucinations, dreams, illusions, or

Was Jonah swallowed by a whale, or did he drown but survive?

delusions. The lead researcher Sam Parnia wrote, “These recalled

Drowning victims who’ve been resuscitated have been thoroughly

experiences and brain wave changes may be the first signs of the

documented in the 20th and 21st centuries.

so-called near-death experience, and we have captured them for

Or was Jonah really swallowed by a whale as described in

the first time in a large study…Identifying measurable electrical

scripture? According to Cetology, the field of Marine Biology

signs of lucid and heightened brain activity, together with similar

which studies whales, the esophagus of even the largest whale is

stories of recalled death experiences, suggests that the human

roughly 5 inches (12.7 cm) in diameter. So, Jonah being swallowed

sense of self and consciousness, much like other biological body

by a whale is impossible, right? Maybe not, which brings us to

functions, may not stop completely around the time of death.”

Cape Code, June 2022. Lobster diver Michael Packard was diving

I’ve dedicated my life studying the science of spirit communication,

off Provincetown, Massachusetts. Suddenly he felt a huge shove.

NDEs, supernatural phenomena and ancient mysteries. My father,

Everything went completely black. He was engulfed in the mouth

a NASA Engineer and US Navy SEAL once told me, “There’s no

of something enormous. At first, he thought it a great white shark,

such thing as a mystery, there are only questions for which we do

but he felt no sharp teeth. Nevertheless, the massive pressure was

not yet have the answer. If enough research, focus, and funding is

crushing him.

put into a question we will eventually have an answer which will

“I’m done—I’m dead,” Packard thought horrified he’d never see

be explained through science.”

his children again. Then suddenly he saw a light as he was vomited

These discoveries appear to validate my electromagnetic soul

from the mouth of a humpback whale. Luckily for Packard,

theory and may be an important step toward scientific proof of

humans aren’t on a humpback’s menu. Perhaps the whale was

the triumph of eternal life over the darkness of physical death. If

disgusted by the strange yucky tasting human in its mouth.

so, that is certainly one enlightening whale of a tale!

If this happened in ancient times, you ended up in scripture. When it happens in the 21st Century, you end up like Michael Packard did

Connect with Mark:

A W h A l e o f A TA l e A n d T h e n e A r-d e AT h e x p e r i e n c e



Best Holistic life April 2023

THE MAGICIAN AND THE MONSTER: HOW MOLD MAY BE MAKING A MEAL OUT OF YOU BY TAY LO R S A P P I N GTO N How are you sitting here having a coherent conversation… I’m a bit shocked… These words tickled my conscious and my ears as they, in slow motion, left the lips of the doctor I was working with at the time. Dr. Fishman. He was 80 and didn’t look a day older than 65. He was conventionally trained in family practice and when his wife fell severely ill with Lyme his life changed and so did his trajectory. I never wish hardship on anyone AND am grateful to those who take their hardship and transmute it to magic, like he did. Well past the age of 60 he became a functionally trained and Lyme literate physician, leaving much of what he learned in his original training in the past as he and his practice progressed. He was spear heading the care that was to support me through my experience with Lyme.

Life had, once again, dropped me at the feet of a diamond in the ruff. I have had SO MANY amazing mentors and it was my body and the dis*ease it was experiencing that led me to them. Drink that in with me for a moment, small sip it, so it can be savored… your greatest trials and tribulations can lead to a great story of triumph.. if you allow it. Most of us get caught up in identifying with a state of the body… calling it disease and owning it as our own… Maybe the greater invitation is to be focused on not the dis*ease itself but the experience of and with it, without attachment. He captivated my attention as he continued to review the results of my test and looked at me in astonishment in the in between moments. One thing every practitioner who supported me came to learn… I was relentless… I would find one piece of the puzzle and DIG to find the right support in the reintegration of that piece and then I would start another looking for the next scattered piece There was no “I don’t have time” or “This is too hard” or “I can’t afford it” I couldn’t afford not to take action as the time that I did have was being wasted away by symptoms that kept me from living and nothing seemed harder or costlier than that.

t H e M A G i c i A n A n D t H e M o n s t e r : H o W M o l D M AY B e M A K i n G A M e A l o U t o f Y o U



Best Holistic life April 2023

It amazes me how often people will chose to live in their

main goal in life is to decompose organic matter to create

own misery due to the fear of change up until that change

nutrients for new crop…mold..more so mycotoxins.

becomes inevitable.

I was terrified and relieved…

It’s almost always more painful when we delay the

And so began the many years, yes, I said years…. 5 to be


exact…process of personal remediation

I had been digging into mold toxicity-this was in 2017

This meant my home

when it wasn’t the up and coming shiny new object being

This meant my belongings

subjected to the marketing taking place in the alternative

This meant my body

space as it is today.

There were a lot of ups and double the downs. There was a

Resources we more limited than they are today but plentiful

lot of progression looking like regression There was a lot

enough that I knew I was dealing with something deeper

of supplements AND medication There were many tools

than Lyme and…there was a good chance mold was it.

required and acquired over time to create a healthy home

I went from finished basements as a kid, to beach condos,


old character homes that flooded in college, to affordable

This was about a personal endeavor in committing to

apartments after graduation.

relentlessly educating myself on the ways with which mold

Fast forward to that present moment and my mornings

exposure occurs and the impact it has on people like YOU…

were met with kicking my feet over the bed waiting for them

who are just like me!

to warm up so I could walk on them with a balanced gate.

In 2022 mold is getting a lot more attention than it

My feet often felt like there were thousands of shards of

previously has. With this good comes questionable.. many

glass gripping the bottom of them.

don’t have all the details causing them to misspeak and (un)

I was only able to workout (3) times a week for 10 minutes

intentionally… mistreat Sick building syndrome is real Our

or I’d blow up with inflammation

foods are riddled with products not fit for consumption,

Then there were the mood swings… unpredictable… often

including mold.

embarrassing… always uncontrollable… I’d often throw my

Many of our medications are derivatives of it Many touted

phone or some other object out of frustration.

healthy products feed it (mushrooms) If you perpetually feel

I was destructive; and, this destruction externally, reflected

like a stranger in your own home, your body.

the internal destruction that was occurring.

If you have vague and ambiguous symptoms that are often

I’d often forget if I had turned off the stove which led to

perplexing and eventually just placed in a bucket If you’ve

having to take a picture to remind myself when I’d forget…

experienced inexplicable weight gain or loss along with


moods that operate as a pendulum.

And so many things in between I was 28 years old….

Take this as your sign to take action. Mold and the madness

I had had an abundance of exposures.

that accompanies it is real and real detrimental.

My tests spoke clearly…from aflatoxin to gliotoxin to

BIG hugs T

citrinin and many in between. My body was being broken down by a microorganism who’s

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