IMPACT - IMPACT 2023 Quarter 1

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WIN . BUILD . SEND The appearance of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) visual information does not imply or constitute DoD endorsement.
Going Mobile Read about how Cru Military has taken up the call to not only spread the gospel, but to build up believers in the faith. What it means to be a Christian in the military Pg 4 Find out what Cru Military is doing to help military marriages. Learn how Cru Military is developing a mobile app for the SFRS Booklets. Pg 6 Culture Shaping the Warrior ®
Disciple Making Building Godly Marriages

It’s all about new and exciting beginnings.

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” — Isaiah 43:19 ESV

God is in the business of making things new. At Cru Military ® we get to witness this “business” every day as we see lost sinners becoming new men and women in Jesus Christ. Marriages are being renewed, families are being restored, and new relationships are being formed. We also get to see new ministry opportunities being revealed, new resources being developed, and new partnerships being made.

I am encouraged when I hear the stories from the front lines. God is increasingly granting us favor with installations, training locations, duty stations, both in the US and in other countries, and with the Chaplains and commanders who oversee these places — many where we previously did not have access.

It is incredible what can happen in only one quarter... Whether it’s a group of Soldiers professing faith in Jesus, a couple’s marriage being saved, or a new ministry location start-up, we can all celebrate the victories that God has given — that I believe He will continue to give!

God tells His people, “I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you” (Ezekiel 36:26).

New things are happening because we serve an awesome God. It is such an exciting time! God is at work! And we get to share some of these amazing stories in this quarter’s IMPACT.


Table of Contents

Read stories about Spiritually Fit — Ready to Serve® (SFRS) Booklets, and the impact they’re having.


U.S. Marine Corps Cpl. Cornell Mcclure, waits for the next event during a MCMAIC culminating event. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Chandler Stacy.

Copyright, © Cru Military ®, 2023 Published by Cru Military


Opposite leaf: U.S. Marine Corps recruits with Echo Company, 2nd Recruit Training Battalion prepare for the Eagle, Globe and Anchor Ceremony. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Dylan Walters.

All images acquired through Shutterstock unless otherwise noted.

All Scripture quotations are from the English Standard Version unless otherwise noted.

Read stories about how Cru Military is helping to encourage and build up strong and faithful marriages.

Managing Editor

Joey Payne

Creative Director

Joel Martinson

Contributing Writers

Edward Amponsah

Gantumur Badrakh

Jeff Bearden

Otgontsetseg Bold

Delgertsetseg Chimeddorj

John McIntosh

Beth Runkle

Godefroid “Fred” Sindayigaya

Contributing Editors

Alan Schuster

Karen Austin

the cover
stories from around the world.
Cru Military® IMPACT is a quarterly publication highlighting ministry initiatives and
for mobile
How SFRS Booklets are Creating New Opportunities
Solid Foundation
— An International Story
What is a Faithful Warrior? 06 Going Mobile — Developing a New
devices 08
10 Building
Distance Remained
Through the Gospel of John 14 Go & Make Disciples of All Nations — Multiplying Disciples Internationally
Military® is engaged in building military members and their families up in their faith all around the world. Read some of our stories. Discipling 13

Warrior Culture Shaping the

As a member of the U.S. Armed Forces, you are a warrior and a member of an elite team. This team is responsible for defending your nation from those who seek to do it harm. You are also a warrior for God’s purposes. But before you can discover the plan and purpose God has for your life, you need to personally know the God who created your warrior heart.

From the Spiritually Fit - Ready to Serve booklet

Each Sunday, as my wife Melissa and I, along with other Cru Military® team members, walk into the Reception Battalion at Fort Benning, Georgia, a flood of memories runs through my mind. I think back to when I was sitting in the same Reception Battalion over 37 years ago. I remember the anticipation, the anxiousness, the uncertainty, and the unsureness of

my decision to join the United States Army. I think back to what I wished I had known as a young Private and how I wish someone had taught me how my decision to become a Soldier fit into God’s plan for my life. My desire is for newly arriving trainees to learn early on in their Army career what it took me years to learn.

Trainees from the 198th Infantry Brigade conduct urban operations room-to-room clearing. U.S. Army photo by Patrick A. Albright.

Arriving at “Reception”

When new trainees arrive at Fort Benning for OSUT (One Station Unit Training), they spend the first few days at the Reception Battalion to get their pay started, uniforms issued, shots in the arm, the buzzed haircut, and a real quick realization that their life is about to change drastically. It can be quite a culture shock. They are typically at Reception only one Sunday before they ship to their basic training unit. But many, while they are there, take the opportunity to attend a Chapel service and Spiritual Fitness class. At the Reception Battalion Chapel Service, the Cru Military team serves as greeters and ushers and provides each new arrival with a Bible and a Spiritual Fitness Kit (pocket New Testament, SFRS booklet, prayer card, decision card, and a note of encouragement from some local church ladies). During this time, the Cru Military team strives for excellence in everything we do. We want to set a tone at their first chapel service experience that will create a desire in them to continue to attend Chapel services and the

Basic Training

Spiritual Fitness classes led by Cru Military during their 22week stay at Fort Benning.

The lesson we teach for the Spiritual Fitness class at the Reception Battalion is a hybrid of two sections from the SFRS book: “Identity of a Faithful Warrior” and “How To Know God.” We use this lesson to affirm their decision to join the Army. We explain to them that according to Genesis 1:27, they are created in the image of God, and then show them that one of those images found in Exodus 15:3 is that of a Warrior. We use these verses to relate to them that if we’re created in God’s image and He’s a Warrior, that means He created them with the heart of a warrior, and that’s what brought them to Fort Benning. We tell them that God created them for a purpose and that He has a plan for their life. We affirm for them that being at Fort Benning is part of that plan and that discovering His purpose for them begins with knowing God personally.

Once these new arrivals ship to their basic training unit, we continue to disciple them for the next 22 weeks they are in OSUT (if we can hold a class in that unit).

One night after a class, the affirmation of God creating them to be faithful warriors became evident as a group of Soldiers came up to us. This group was about to graduate and move on to their first assignment. They wanted us to know that the classes had helped them get through this most challenging part of their life. The group pointed out one of the Soldiers who was greatly impacted by the “Identity of a Faithful Warrior” lesson. They encouraged him to tell us his story.

The Impact!

He said that when he arrived at Fort Benning, he wasn’t sure that becoming a Soldier was what he was supposed to do, even feeling that he had made a wrong decision and had considered quitting. He went on to say that he was a Christian when he came to Fort Benning, and when he heard the lesson on the “Identity of a Faithful Warrior,” it was a turning point for him. He realized that God had called him and brought him into the Army to serve His purposes in the world and that Fort Benning was part of the plan to get to that purpose. He said after the class that he strived to be the best Soldier he could be. His “battle buddies” told us that his efforts were

to be rewarded at their graduation ceremony with him being recognized as the Distinguished Honor Graduate for this training cycle, the highest recognition a basic trainee can receive upon completing their training.

What an incredible opportunity the Cru Military team at Fort Benning has to help shape the Warrior culture for God’s glory as these brand-new Soldiers go all over the world and live out the purpose God has for them in the context of the United States Army.


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