• House committee reveals more brazen Biden bribery, money laundering
By John FriendThe House Oversight and Accountability Committee has released a devastating bombshell report on Joe Biden (aka “The Big Guy”) and the Biden family, thoroughly exposing the corrupt business dealings and influence peddling that netted Biden, his family members, and associates millions of dollars.
Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), the Oversight and Accountability Committee chairman, issued a memo in early May and spoke to the media about the latest corruption revelations, which continue to mount for the Biden family as the left-wing arm of the mass media downplays or ignores the story.
Comer and his colleagues on the committee subpoenaed four banks tied to the Biden family, receiving thousands of pages of documents. The latest financial records reviewed by the committee relate to “the Biden family’s influence peddling and business schemes,” and indicated that “the Biden family, their business associates, and their companies received over $10 million” in corrupt deals from foreign nationals while Biden was vice president under then-President Obama.
“We have now established a network of over 20 companies formed by the Bidens and their associates,” the committee explained in a Twitter thread announcing the latest details of their
much-anticipated investigation. “Most of these companies were limited liability corporations (LLCs) and formed when Joe Biden was vice president. Based on the financial records we have obtained … we can now confidently trace at least $10 million in total from foreign nationals’ and their related companies going to the Biden family, their business associates, and their companies.”
The LLCs were formed almost exclusively in Washington, D.C. and Delaware, where Biden served as a senator from 1973 until 2009 before joining the Obama team. Rob Walker and James Gilliar, two business associates of Biden’s disgraced son Hunter, were involved in setting up and managing the
LLCs, the committee says.
The Bidens “used business associates’ companies to receive millions of dollars from foreign companies,” the committee revealed. “In some instances, Biden associates would receive significant deposits from foreign sources into their bank accounts and then transfer smaller, incremental payments to Biden bank accounts.”
The “complicated and seemingly unnecessary financial transactions” demonstrated that there was a “concerted effort to conceal the source and total amount received from the foreign companies,” it was alleged.
As the noose ostensibly tightens on the Biden family and their corrupt business practices and influence peddling operations, former President Donald Trump continues to be hounded in legal cases. There are currently 11 ongoing civil and criminal cases pending against Trump which will no doubt impact the former president’s 2024 political campaign, where he is currently leading the polls among registered Republican voters.
Earlier this week, Trump was ordered to pay $5 million to E. Jean Carroll, a longtime journalist who claimed Trump raped her in the mid-1990s. Carroll’s baseless accusations have been largely unsubstantiated with legitimate evidence, with the jury absurdly finding that, while she did not prove Trump raped her, her legal team did prove Trump “sexually abused and defamed her.” Trump has denounced the ruling, insisting the judicial and legal system is “rigged” against him, and has vowed to appeal the ruling.
The blatant corruption on display within the Biden family and the politicization of the justice system are now the hallmarks of American “democracy.” The radical left and Democratic Party more broadly have proven they will use every underhanded tactic to advance their political agenda. ★
Why were U.S. intelligence officials meeting with pedophile Jeff Epstein?
See page 4
Ron DeSantis signs bill designed to criminalize “anti-Semitism.”
See pages 8-9
“Woke” leaders, soft-on-crime DAs spur mass exodus of top companies.
See page 12
See page 22
You Don’t Have to Be White to Be a White Supremacist?
In case you haven’t noticed, being white these days is not in vogue. Polar bears are heading for year-round hibernation, scared to come out of their dens. Arctic foxes are heading south so their fur doesn’t change to an unsightly shade of white. In many states—where a print edition of the phone book is still available—the phone companies are dividing them in half: one portion for the white pages, and one for the oppressed people of color pages. (Asians are still listed in the yellow pages.) White bread, white sauce, white potatoes, white raisins, and white rice are off the menu at politically correct restaurants, replaced with a more “apropos” item or banished from the menu forever. Yes, being white is as out of style and out of place as Crazy Horse at a 7th Cavalry reunion.
But why? Are we really so bad? Should I be ashamed of my wanness? According to members of the U.S. government and left-wing news outlets, the answer is emphatically “yes.” They want everyone to know that whites are the worst thing that God has ever created—worse even than Castor oil or tapioca pudding. But there is one thing they consider even more heinous than being white, and that is being a “white supremacist.” The funny thing is, you don’t even have to be white to be a white supremacist these days.
Take, for instance, the case of Mauricio Garcia, who shot and killed eight people and wounded seven more in Allen, Texas, recently. Garcia is certainly not your typical Nordic Nazi, but, since he shot people and was politically incorrect, he is now not only white, but a white supremacist. As proof of this, authorities point to his social media statements: “[Garcia] was consumed by racist, antiSemitic, and misogynist hate.” Yet his victims were from all walks of life—black, Hispanic, Asian, Indian and white, men and women, young and old.
No matter. The media insists he was a white supremacist and explained that he had a jacket that had the letters RWDS imprinted on the front breast. They allege this is an acronym for Right Wing Death
Squads, allegedly some kind of fascist Chilean messaging but, for all I know, it stands for Raul’s Wings and Dessert Stand.
If it surprises you that Garcia is really a white supremacist, fear not. Joan Walsh of The Nation makes this easy for us poor saps to understand the “power” that comes with white supremacy:
That the alleged Allen, Texas, shooter is a white supremacist named “Garcia” confused a lot of right-wingers. It shouldn’t have. … It’s sad but it shouldn’t be shocking that a troubled 30-something named Garcia might want to grab that power for himself. He has company: Look at Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio, convicted of seditious conspiracy for his role on Jan. 6, or anti-Semitic incel Nick Fuentes. Both have Hispanic heritage.
Fuentes is clearly a European American with Spanish roots. Tarrio is clearly an Afro-Latino and more of a lover of Western culture than the white supremacist he is alleged to be. After all, he is a black man by the generally accepted definition.
But being black doesn’t stop you from being a white supremacist, either. Just ask Larry Elder. During Elder’s race for governor of California in 2022, as you will remember, Los Angeles Times columnist Jean Guerrero described Elder as a “white supremacist.” A professor at Cal State Los Angeles said Elder was “the black face on white supremacy” during an event for Gov. Gavin Newsom.
In 2016, “Asian white supremacist” Heon “Hank” Jong Yoo was arrested in Texas by federal agents. Yoo had shown solidarity with the secessionist cause of the Confederacy and posed in Revolutionary War garb. This makes him white.
So, it matters not what race or creed you are. If you commit a crime these days you can be assured you will be characterized sooner or later as a white supremacist.
It wasn’t so long ago, when a crime was committed, the news media, in an attempt to actually
help catch the perpetrator, would identify the race of the suspect. Today, all we hear about when a criminal is non-white is his height, weight and clothing. That does us little good when we are on the look-out for a 5-foot nine-inch man wearing blue jeans, a baseball cap and tennis shoes. Knowing the race of the suspect certainly helps, I think you will agree.
But how that changes when the suspect is white. Take for instance the headlines from the case of 84year-old Andrew Lester of Kansas City who, tragically, out of fear, shot a black youth who had come to his door: “White man claims he shot a black teen who mistakenly rang his doorbell because he was scared”; “Here’s the white homeowner accused of shooting a black teen who rang his doorbell”; “White homeowner charged in front-door shooting of black teen in Kansas City”; “Police charge white man for shooting black teen boy who had wrong address”; and so on and so on.
Now take the example of six-year-old Kinsley White in North Carolina who was shot, along with several family members, when her basketball rolled into a black neighbor’s yard: “Man allegedly shoots girl, six, and her parents after ball rolls into his backyard”; “Six-year-old girl, parents shot after basketball rolls into man’s North Carolina yard”; and “North Carolina man arrested in Florida after allegedly shooting three people.”
The only reason the world “white” came up in any of those headlines was because the last name of two of the victims was actually White!
So what is going on here and why is the mainstream media purposely stoking anti-white hatred, identifying the race of a white suspect but not a minority suspect? I suppose we should look to South Africa to see how this all might turn out—and that is a scary story that is not going too well for white people. ★
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News You May Have Missed
Who Controls the Nukes?
Bipartisan legislators from both chambers of Congress backed legislation in early May that would formally prohibit artificial intelligence software from being able to launch nuclear weapons. Department of Defense policy already states a human must be “in the loop” for critical decisions. The new bill, called “the Block Nuclear Launch by Autonomous Artificial Intelligence Act,” would codify that policy, preventing the use of federal funds for an automated nuclear launch without “meaningful human control.”
Using AI for ‘Bad Things’
Award-winning scientist Geoffrey Hinton is credited with being a foundational figure in the creation of artificial intelligence (AI). Amid the ongoing arms race to make radical new advances in AI in Silicon Valley, Hinton warned of the risks his life’s work may present to humanity. In April, Hinton resigned from Google. On May 1, Hinton told The New York Times in a lengthy interview: “It’s hard to see how you can prevent the bad actors from using it for bad things.”
On April 27, while on a visit to Israel, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed an expansive new “hate crime bill” for Florida into law that even many of his supporters are saying is anti-First Amendment. After meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, DeSantis signed the law that critics argue could lead to the prosecution of anyone who even so much as hands out a flyer that someone else doesn’t like. (See pages 8-9 for more.—Ed.)
More Censorship
Ever wonder why you’re not getting honest information about the war in Ukraine? Left-wing reporter Lee Fang gave an explanation for this during a recent interview with a top Ukrainian intelligence official. The Ukrainian told Fang how he exploits a partnership with the FBI to push U.S. social media companies like Facebook to takedown what he calls “Russian disinfo.” According to Fang, this includes “everything that is against our country.” llia Vitiuk, head of the Department of Cyber Information Security in the Security Service of Ukraine, told Fang: “Once we have a trace or evidence of disinformation campaigns via Facebook or other resources that are from the U.S., we pass this information to the FBI, along with writing directly to Facebook.”
We Told You So
Glenn Greenwald has linked Fox News’ firing of the network’s most popular talk show host, Tucker Carlson, to Ukrainian President Volodymyr
Zelensky’s threat to blacklist the Murdoch family. As evidence, Greenwald cited a recent report by writers Max Tani and Morgan Chalfant, who say Carlson’s firing was connected to a “previously unreported” phone call weeks before between Zelensky and Fox News executive chairman Rupert Murdoch. “This article strongly suggests that the Murdochs talked to Zelensky, and Tucker’s opposition to the U.S proxy war in Ukraine was a major factor in his firing,” wrote Greenwald.
We’re Doomed
U.S. Navy officials announced in early May that the military agency has invited an active duty “drag queen” to be a its “digital ambassador” as part of a drive “to attract the most talented and diverse workforce” and combat plunging recruitment. Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley, who identifies as “non-binary,” was appointed as the first of five Navy digital ambassadors in a pilot program.
Hypocrite Can’t Take Anymore
Outgoing Chicago Mayor Lorie Lightfoot said that the city cannot handle any more of the illegal immigrants Texas is planning to send this month. She claimed that Chicago just doesn’t have the resources to house these lawbreakers. In the last year, Texas has only sent about 2,500 illegal immigrants to Chicago, so imagine how bad it must be for the small towns on the U.S. border that have been inundated by millions of illegal immigrants in the last few years. In the past, Lightfoot has been a vocal supporter of illegal immigration.
It’s Really That Bad
A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association has found that violence is so bad in Chicago that, by the age of 40, half of all residents in the Windy City will have witnessed a shooting. In addition, more than 7% of blacks and Latinos and 3% of whites will have been shot by the age of 40.
Liberal Hypocrites
A new study published March 28 finds that white liberals in the U.S. and UK tend to avoid living in racially diverse neighborhoods and are more likely than even white conservatives to move away from ethnically diverse communities.
FBI Sitting on Biden Bribery
On May 3, Senate Budget Committee Ranking member and long-time whistleblower advocate Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman Sen. James Comer (R-Ky.) released a public letter they sent to the FBI that demands it produce an
unclassified record alleging a criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Joe Biden and a foreign national. “The information provided by a whistleblower raises concerns that then-Vice President Biden allegedly engaged in a bribery scheme with a foreign national,” said Comer. (See our front-page story for more.—Ed.)
Drug-Addled Deadbeat Dad
As disgusting as this story is, the mainstream media won’t discuss it, so we have to. On May 1, President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, appeared in an Arkansas courtroom to ask the court to reduce his child support payments to the former stripper who gave birth to his child four years ago. The mother, Lunden Roberts, wants Hunter jailed because he has been refusing to pay what he owes, claiming he’s not making any money these days. The president’s son denies he’s even the father, claiming he has no recollection of having a relationship with the woman due to his drug-addled past. A court-ordered DNA test in 2019 confirmed the child is his.
Closing Schools Failed Kids
For anyone struggling to wonder why kids in the U.S. have fallen even farther behind in math and language compared to the rest of the industrialized West, we need only look at the number of weeks U.S. schools closed compared to other countries. During the Covid pandemic, U.S. schools closed for 77 weeks. By comparison, Israel shuttered schools for 33 weeks, the UK shut down for 27 weeks, and France closed for two weeks.
You Can’t Make This Up
On May 8, an Ohio judge ruled that male transsexual Darren Glines could not be guilty of three different incidences of indecent exposure as he walked around naked in front of women and girls on multiple occasions in the women’s room at a local YMCA. In his ruling, the judge let Glines go because, according to the judge, the defendant’s obesity covered up all signs of his male anatomy.
Placebo Effect
A recent study on new technology that electrically stimulates the brain to resolve depression found that more people improved in the placebo group than the treatment cohort. The brain stimulation study was also published in Lancet Psychiatry and was led by scientists at the University of Nottingham, UK. In that study, all participants had moderate to severe depression and had already taken medications without success. Strikingly, 42% of the participants achieved full remission from depression in the placebo group and only 30% in the group that received actual brain stimulation.
Why Did They Meet With Sex Trafficker?
High-profile elites—including current CIA director—connected to Jeff Epstein
By John FriendIrevelations that will surely inflame speculation about billionaire sex offender and suspected elite blackmailer Jeffrey Epstein, who reportedly committed suicide while in jail in New York City facing charges of sex trafficking of minors in Florida and New York in 2019, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) recently reported on a trove of previously unreleased documents connecting Epstein to several high-profile individuals, including current CIA director William Burns.
The WSJ report relies on previously unreported information discovered in Epstein’s personal private calendar and “thousands of pages of emails” from 2013 to 2017, revealing meetings with several notable names such as Burns, who met with Epstein three times in 2014 while he was deputy secretary of state under thenPresident Barack Obama, and Kathryn Ruemmler, who served as principal deputy White House counsel and then White House counsel to Obama.
Ruemmler had “dozens of meetings” with Epstein following her service in the Obama White House before becoming a top lawyer with Goldman Sachs in 2020. Epstein apparently planned for Ruemmler to join him on a trip to Paris in 2015 and again on a 2017 visit to his private island in the Caribbean.
Burns, who became CIA director
in 2021 under President Joe Biden, met with Epstein in Washington in 2014 and again at his townhouse in Manhattan. According to the WSJ, Epstein and Burns met for lunch in August 2014 at the office of law firm Steptoe & Johnson in Washington. Epstein later scheduled two meetings in September to meet with Burns in his Manhattan residence, with notes that Epstein’s personal driver would take Burns to the airport following one of the meetings.
A spokeswoman for Burns said that the current CIA director recalls being introduced to Epstein in Wash-
Epstein: Dead Men Tell No Tales
By Dylan Howard, Melissa Cronin and James Robertson. Here is the full and unedited story behind the sick life and mysterious death of Jeffrey Epstein that is being called one of the most significant scandals in American history. He was the billionaire financier and close confidant of presidents, prime ministers, movie stars and British royalty—the mysterious self-made man who rose from blue-collar Brooklyn to the heights of luxury. But while he was flying around the world on his private jet and hosting lavish parties at his private island in the Caribbean—possibly monitored by multiple intelligence agencies including the Mossad—he was also secretly masterminding an international child sex ring—one that may have involved the richest and most influential men in the world. After his arrest on sex-trafficking charges, it seemed Epstein’s darkest secrets would finally see the light. But hopes for true justice were shattered when he was found dead in his cell in New York. Softcover, 232 pages, #859, $23 plus $5 S&H inside the U.S. from TBR, P.O. Box 550, White Plains, MD 20695. Call 1-877-773-9077 toll free to charge, Mon.-Thu. 8-4 ET. Order online at
ington by a mutual friend and briefly meeting Epstein in New York.
“The director does not recall any further contact, including receiving a ride to the airport,” Burns’s spokeswoman bizarrely told the WSJ, without elaborating on what the meetings were focused on or why Burns would meet with a convicted pedophile and sex trafficker in the first place.
The WSJ also revealed that Epstein met with Noam Chomsky, a legendary left-wing activist and critic who taught at the Massachusetts Institute for Technology, Ehud Barak, a longtime Israeli politician who once served as prime minister, Leon Botstein, president of Bard College, Woody Allen, the iconic Hollywood filmmaker whose career has been dogged by allegations of pedophilia, and even Ariane de Rothschild, the chief executive of the Rothschild Group.
“Some of the names had previously been linked to Epstein, a hugely influential Jewish donor who used his largesse to obscure what investigators uncovered years ago as an elaborate underage sex trafficking ring,” the Jewish Telegraph Agency reported recently. “Epstein met with thousands of people over his career and the presence of their names does not itself indicate any evidence
of misdeeds.”
Indeed, the documents obtained by the WSJ do not reveal the purpose of any of the meetings between Epstein and the influential figures mentioned, and many of the meetings alluded to or scheduled on Epstein’s calendar have not been verified to have actually occurred.
However, most of the individuals identified in the report indicated that they met with Epstein due to his immense wealth and political connections.
Nevertheless, the meetings between Epstein and the various highprofile figures mentioned occurred after Epstein had been convicted in 2008 for a sex crime with an underage minor, where he served a luxury prison sentence and was registered as a sex offender. Prior to that, federal and state investigations into Epstein’s purported ties to child trafficking and prostitution, blackmail operations, and other shady dealings stalled or were sabotaged.
Alexander Acosta, a former federal U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Florida based in Miami who later served as President Donald Trump’s secretary of labor, cut Epstein a sweetheart non-prosecution plea deal in 2007 after having been told to “back off,” according to a bombshell report published as Acosta was being interviewed for the secretary of labor position. Acosta indicated that Epstein was “above his pay grade,” and was connected to intelligence.
“I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone,” Acosta explained to his interviewers representing the Trump administration, a comment that has seemingly confirmed long held suspicions that Epstein worked as a Deep State operative to blackmail and influence high-profile politicians, corporate leaders, and other influential people on behalf of the Mossad or CIA or, perhaps, both.
The fact that some of the most high-profile individuals in Washington and around the world, including the current director of the CIA, were meeting with Epstein—even after he was arrested for child sexual abuse—is concerning to say the least. ★
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Disarm the IRS, De-Militarize the Bureaucracy, and Dismantle America’s Standing Army
By John WhiteheadWhat does it say about the state of our freedoms that there are now more pencil-pushing, bureaucratic (non-military) government agents armed with weapons than U.S. Marines?
Among the agencies being supplied with night-vision equipment, body armor, hollow-point bullets, shotguns, drones, assault rifles, and LP gas cannons are the IRS, Smithsonian, U.S. Mint, Health and Human Services, FDA, Small Business Administration, Social Security Administration, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Education Department, Energy Department, Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and an assortment of public universities.
Add in the Biden administration’s plans to swell the ranks of the IRS by 87,000 new employees (some of whom will be authorized to use deadly force) and grow the nation’s police forces by 100,000 more cops, and you’ve got a nation in the throes of martial law.
We’re being frog-marched into tyranny at the end of a loaded gun. Make that hundreds of thousands of loaded guns.
According to the Wall Street Journal, the number of federal agents armed with guns, ammunition, and military-style equipment, authorized to make arrests, and trained in military tactics has nearly tripled over the past several decades.
As Adam Andrzejewski writes for Forbes, “the federal government has become one never-ending gun show.”
While Americans have to jump through an increasing number of hoops in order to own a gun, federal agencies have been placing orders for hundreds of millions of rounds of hollow point bullets and military gear.
For example, the IRS has stockpiled 4,500 guns and five million rounds of ammunition in recent years, including 621 shotguns, 539 long-barrel rifles, and 15 submachine guns.
The Veterans Administration purchased 11 million rounds of ammunition (equivalent to 2,800 rounds for each officer), along with camou-
flage uniforms, riot helmets and shields, specialized image enhancement devices, and tactical lighting.
The Department of Health and Human Services acquired 4 million rounds of ammunition, in addition to 1,300 guns, including five submachine guns and 189 automatic firearms for its Office of Inspector General.
According to an in-depth report on “The Militarization of the U.S. Executive Agencies,” the Social Security Administration secured 800,000 rounds of ammunition for their special agents, as well as armor and guns.
The Environmental Protection Agency owns 600 guns. The Smithsonian now employs 620-armed “special agents.”
Even agencies such as Amtrak and NASA have their own SWAT teams.
We should be alarmed that government agencies are being turned into military outposts.
As James Madison warned, “We are right to take alarm at the first experiment upon our liberties.”
Unfortunately, we’re long past the first experiment on our freedoms, and merely taking alarm over this build-up of military might will no longer suffice.
Nothing about this de facto army of bureaucratic, administrative, nonmilitary, paper-pushing, non-traditional law enforcement agencies is necessary for national security.
Moreover, while these weaponized, militarized, civilian forces which are armed with military-style guns, am-
munition, and equipment; trained in military tactics; and authorized to make arrests and use deadly force— may look and act like the military, they are not the military. Rather, they are foot soldiers of the police state’s standing army, and they are growing in number at an alarming rate.
This standing army—a national police force—vested with the power to completely disregard the Constitution and rule by force is exactly what America’s founders feared, and its danger cannot be overstated.
This is exactly what martial law looks like—when a government disregards constitutional freedoms and imposes its will through military force, only this is martial law without any government body having to declare it: Battlefield tactics. Militarized police. Riot and camouflage gear. Armored vehicles. Mass arrests. Pepper spray. Tear gas. Batons. Strip searches. Drones. Less-than-lethal weapons unleashed with deadly force. Rubber bullets. Water cannons. Concussion grenades. Intimidation tactics. Brute force. Laws conveniently discarded when it suits the government’s purpose.
The militarization of America’s police forces in recent decades, which has gone hand in hand with the militarization of America’s bureaucratic agencies, has merely sped up the timeline by which the nation is transformed into an authoritarian regime.
Now we find ourselves struggling to retain some semblance of freedom in the face of administrative, police,
and law enforcement agencies that look and act like the military with little to no regard for the Fourth Amendment, laws such as the NDAA that allow the military to arrest and indefinitely detain American citizens, and military drills that acclimate the American people to the sight of armored tanks in the streets, military encampments in cities, and combat aircraft patrolling overhead.
This quasi-state of martial law has been helped along by government policies and court rulings that have made it easier for the police to shoot unarmed citizens, for law enforcement agencies to seize cash and other valuable private property under the guise of asset forfeiture, for military weapons and tactics to be deployed on American soil, for government agencies to carry out round-the-clock surveillance, for legislatures to render otherwise lawful activities as extremist if they appear to be anti-government, for profit-driven private prisons to lock up greater numbers of Americans, for homes to be raided and searched under the pretext of national security, for American citizens to be labeled terrorists and stripped of their rights merely on the say-so of a government bureaucrat, and for pre-crime tactics to be adopted nationwide that strip Americans of the right to be assumed innocent until proven guilty and creates a suspect society in which we are all guilty until proven otherwise.
Don’t delude yourself into believing that this thinly veiled exercise in martial law is anything other than an attempt to bulldoze what remains of the Constitution and reinforce the iron-fisted rule of the police state.
This is no longer about partisan politics or civil unrest or even authoritarian impulses.
This is a turning point. If we are to have any hope of salvaging what’s left of our battered freedoms, we’d do well to start by disarming the IRS and the rest of the federal and state bureaucratic agencies, de-militarizing domestic police forces, and dismantling the police state’s standing army. ★
Famous Quotations on Money & Banks
from Historical Records unveil one of the greatest deceptions in history.
Compiled and edited by Conrad E Lebeau—Feb.13, 2023.The following are excerpts from a 4-page brochure of “Famous Quotations on Money.” You can obtain a Free Copy of this brochure.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild, who founded the Bank of England said:
“Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who makes its laws.” (1)
Edmund Burke, British Statesman stated:
“The greatest threat to freedom everywhere is the unlimited concentration of power anywhere.”
Thomas Jefferson in a letter to George Logan in Nov. 1816:
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”
“The issuing power (of money) should be taken from the banks, and restored to Congress and the people to whom it belongs.” (1) (2)
President Andrew Jackson said the following to the Money Changers who approached him:
“Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! (2)
Milwaukee Sentinel Headlines, July 9, 1968:
“Big Bank Probe Urged - Handful Controls Industry” This article is based on a report of the House Banking committee chaired by Hon. Wright Patman about a handful of the nation’s biggest banks through trust departments controlled or had substantial stock holdings in over 2000 corporations.
The full text of this report is published in my book on “Money Creation” (14)
Abraham Lincoln:
“The money power preys upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent the autocracy, and more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces, as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes.” (8)
Thomas Edison:
“If our nation can issue a dollar loan, it is capable of issuing a dollar bill. The factor which makes the loan valid is the same which would make the dollar good...both are promises to pay, but one enriches the usurers and the other would help the people.” (4)
A Brief Summary
The quotations on this page are a few excerpts from more than 25 in my 4-page brochure. From a banker’s perspective, this is “forbidden knowledge.” It is so because it speaks truth to power and exposes banking as one of the most corrupt Ponzi-schemes ever invented in the history of the human race. Lawful money is only cash (currency and coins) that by law is legal tender for the payment of all debt —public and private.
Today’s banking is just a record keeping system. The only real money is cash. Borrowers enable banks to make loans beyond their customer’s deposits when they accept these credit instruments (checks, drafts, lines of credit, debit, credit cards) in lieu of cash.
Solutions—What You Can Do
Besides the 4-page brochure of “Famous Quotations on Money” I have written a onepage solution to the current debt crisis in Congress as a Petition. It has two proposals. One is “The Federal Reserve OverDraft Protection Act” and “An Act of Congress to print United States Notes” in denominations from $1 to $1000 with one Billon Notes to be $100 bills with the image of President Kennedy on them.
Get Your Free Copy Here!
__Send me one free copy of the 4-page “Famous Quotations on Money and Banks” brochure and the one-page Petition to Congress.
___$10 enclosed. Also send me a copy of your book on “Money Creation.” This includes three “Famous Quotations on Money” brochures and the Petition. Write to: Conrad LeBeau PO Box 270041, West Allis, WI 53227 414-231-9817 •
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“Ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.” —John F. Kennedy’s most famous quote, January 20, 1961