Jeanne d'Arc Living Magazine - ISSUE 2 (2011) Beautiful Homes this Spring

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Jeanne d’Arc Living magazine

2nd Edition 2011 9,95 €

B E AU T I F U L H O M E S The

Jeanne d’Arc Living magazine 2nd edition 2011

Lobelia Hjem AS Gosen 28, 5253 Sandsli, Tlf: 98632367


Focus: children’s Create the Style:


F rench C hic Delicious Danish Specialties Tu l ip s & But t er c up s

The Best Tips & Ideas

Next Issue Out on February 25, 2011.

Jeanne dg n ’ i A v i r L c c L r i BEA v A i ’ n d g e U n n T a I FEUS TH M e J L H I S O OM H S Life

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in a Clas s of its O wn



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Dear Reader

We can fi nally truly sense that we are heading towards lighter times and note that spring is in the air. We can feel the desire to come out of our snug and cosy winter hideaways, which we have stayed in over the past months. We feel like cleaning, airing out, tidying up and moving the furniture around. Planting spring fl owers in pots. Getting dirt under our nails‌ we can hardly wait. But hold off just a bit with the outdoor activities. We would like to encourage you to start by waking up spring indoors. Freshen up your home with a good spring cleaning. This will make you feel so good. Perhaps the walls could also do with new paint? Move your furniture around and remove all of your knick-knacks. Have a look with fresh and critical eyes using only that, which you really like. Pack everything else away in boxes or sell it. For example use the money on a pair of new pillows for the sofa or couple of new decorations, which you have had your eye on. Make new arrangements. Often things can take on a different character in new arrangements. In this issue of the magazine we give you lots of inspiration for giving your home a make-over. The theme in this issue is children’s rooms, but the ideas can be used everywhere in your home. Finish off by bringing in fresh tulips and buttercups. You cannot help but get in the spirit of spring! Happy reading!

Lonnie and Vivian

Contents Side

3. Elegant Buttercups


12. House Of The Winds


22. Shopping: French Country Chic


23. Old Telegrams


28. Rustic Rye Bread

Page 32. Open Sandwiches Page 37. Hjelholt Woollen Mill Page 47. Main Theme: Children’s Rooms Page 48. The Girls’ Paradise Page 55. Martin’s Room

Jeanne d’Arc Living


MagaZine Nr. 2 - 2011

Published by Jeanne d’Arc Living Editors: Vivian Christensen Mail: Lonnie Würtz Jensen Mail: Graphic Designers: Lonnie Würtz Jensen & Bjarke Røschmann Norwegian, Swedish, English, Dutch and German Translations: Flower Arranger: Susanne Sølvsten Photo & Styling: Lonnie Würtz Jensen, Bjarke Røschmann & Anette Støvring Christensen

Page 59. Marcus’ World Page 65. Shopping: Bold Boys Page 66. Shopping: Lovely Princesses Side

67. Oskar the Pirate


70. Mathilde’s Room

Page 75. A Fairytale Page 78. Tulip Time Page 85. Rustic Icons Page 89. Country Style at Franssohnska Farm Side 103. Sinful Sugar Side 108. Shopping: French Chic Side 109. French Chic Side 123. Embroidered Pictures Side 129. White and Romantic Side 140. Make Your Own Gardening Table Side 144. Pregerminating Side 149. Crocus

Text & Styling: Vivian Christensen & Dorte Palsgaard Advertisement Sales: Kristian Mikaelsen Mail: Editorial Office: Jeanne d’Arc Living ApS Houmarksvej 92, Kondrup 8920 Randers NV, Denmark Tlf: +45 36932010 Mail: Distribution: The magazine is sold through arts and crafts, flower and lifestyle shops. A list of our dealers is found at our website under the “magazine” tab. If you wish to sell the magazine in your shop, contact Graphical Production: ARCO Jeanne d’Arc Living disclaims all liability concerning misprints, faulty directions, incorrect recipes and the like. As this magazine is sold throughout the world, Jeanne d’Arc Living cannot be held liable for any local or national rules or laws in force of any country. Resting upon the reader is the responsibility to consult the appropriate authorities. All articles and pictures in the magazine are owned by Jeanne d’Arc Living and can therefore not be used without expressed written permission. Lending and renting of the Jeanne d’Arc Living Magazine for profit is in no way permitted. Jeanne d’Arc Living waives all responsibility for letters and objects or articles of value submitted without invitation.

Elegant Buttercups

-As beautiful as Roses

Photo, Text and Flowers: Lonnie Würtz Jensen. Flowers: Susanne Sølvsten. Styling: Vivian Christensen/Jeanne d’Arc Living

What is more wonderful here in February than a large bouquet of buttercups? Or a large pot filled with beautifully coloured buttercups welcoming you at the entrance of your home? Right now is high season using cut flowers in lovely bouquets and decorations as well as putting them in pots.They are even Buttercup: Ranunculus reasonably priced. This graceful flower is absolutely one of our favourites. It is one of the few flowers, which has the same enchanting expression as roses and peonies. Fill your home with these beauties and feel the springtime spirit increasing around you. 3

Buttercups, which are in the ranunculus family, come in loads of colours and varieties and there are more than 300 different kinds. Many of them grow wild. The buttercup, which we all know, is one of them. In the later years there have come many secondary varieties, which have both larger flowers and a height, which suits bouquets. Also various smaller types have been grown in pots again with larger flowers. They can be purchased in most flower shops during this time of year. When in pots they are most beautiful when placed in a room, which a bit cooler. Actually the plant thrives outside even down temperatures near the freezing point. So you can advantageously have then outside in pots and in flower boxes during the spring. You can also plant them yourself in the garden. However, they are 4

incredibly difficult. We have tried ourselves many times, but without success. The bulbs are to be planted in the early summer and the plants will bloom late in the summer. They need to be dug up and stored for the winter, since they do not tolerate frost. The colour spectrum spans from yellow, orange, red and Bordeaux to cooler whites, light pink and aubergine nuances. Some varieties are even multicoloured. One of the most beautiful is white with plum-coloured markings.

Buttercups are also beautiful in bouquets, but in particular as a single flower in a vase or a bottle. Therefore, you get a lot of value for your money when you buy a bunch of buttercups. 5

Care Indoors during the Spring: In bouquets they keep like most other flowers, so about a week if the water is changed every day. Always place the bouquets somewhere cool at night so that they last longer. In pots they need to be watered often and kept moist. They need to be kept where there is light, but not directly in the sun. If you observe these few rules, you can actually keep a pot with buttercup for a long time. When it has finished flowering you can try planting it out in the garden and see if have more success than we did. It is a good idea to thread them when using them in decorations. The stalk is hollow, so therefore it can be difficult to use oasis foam, if the stalk is not threaded first. Decoration in Centrepieces: What you need: various buttercups, freesia, wax plants, eucalyptus, bridal tulle, excelsior (wood shavings), steel wire, oasis foam. 6

What you do: Start by letting an oasis foam absorb water. Cut the flowers and let them absorb water. Thread the buttercups and large pieces of bridal tulle and excelsior. Now make the decoration. Start at the top and move outward and



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