Jeanne d'Arc Living Magazine - ISSUE 6 (2009) Evocative Christmas Homes

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French Living

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Jeanne d’Arc Living magazine 6th Edition 2009

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magazine A l it t le M aster piece B eaut i f u l ly Wrapped M a r velous Or n a ment s C h r ist mas Tree D u Jou r

Delightful Decorations Christmassy Cupcakes Snow White Snowberries French Times Past Hot Christmas Drinks Follow us into the most WONDERFULLY EVOCATIVE CHRISTMAS HOMES

Dear Readers, The year is slowly drawing to a close,

J e a n n e d’Arc Living

and the Magazine will soon have been around for a full year. And what a year it has been! It is overwhelming to us, how you all have taken an interest in the magazine, and how demand has skyrocketed. It is a wonderful feeling to know that our thoughts, ideas and concepts have been embraced by you, our valued readers. We are extremely privileged in the way that we are free to follow our hear t s . We are able to do what we are passionate about, without having to compromise in any way. We are quite confident that our passion and emotions have been projected into the very magazine that you are holding before you right now. We hope that our magazine will you to follow your heart and dreams during 2010.


As a token of our appreciation to you all, we’ve decided to come out 8 times during the year of 2010. This means that you will be exposed to even more homes, ideas and scenes, all true to the French/Nordic s t y l e .

When you visit the homes of friends or relatives, once in a while you’ll come across a home that really stands out. For instance, a home that really embraces the Christmas s p i r i t . The homes we’ve visited while working on this issue all managed to sweep us away. While writing the articles and looking through the pictures, we noticed that the ornaments used for decorating for Christmas would often be quite simplistic, and not necessarily expensive. That’s the true Christmas spirit. The way these fairly inexpensive ornaments create a comprehensive Christmas a t m o s p h e r e, is by numbers. Placing plenty of decorations all over the house is what it’s all about! Two or three Christmas decorations look adorable, but they won’t really do the job! Every room of the house needs to take part in the festivities. A few fir branches here and there, a couple of fir cones on a table or counter or perhaps a basket of inviting apples. Wax candles and d e l i g h t f u l l y scented spices such as cinnamon also add to the mood. Little things do indeed count! We like to spend a Sunday making decorations with our families. Making decorations from old newspaper and scraps or perhaps baking forms is always good fun. Also, it gives you a chance to spend time with your ones.


Absorb the ideas and embrace the fact that the forest is a wonderland of free decorating materials. Use whatever Christmas ornaments you have lying around, and supplement with whichever items you’re able to find in nature. Spend time with your partner, your children and your friends and relatives. That is in fact what Christmas is all about! Being together! However, we do tend to forget that in our efforts to obtain perfection. With that notion in mind, allow us to wish you a very merry Christmas, and a We shall see you in 2010!

happy, rewarding New Year!

Lonnie & Vivian 1

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02-11-2009 14:25:29

Co n t e n t s : Page 3. French Times Past Page 9. Form Cakes Page 15. Decorative and Practical Forms Page 16. Christmas Forms Page 21. Generations of Creativity Page 41. Marvelous Ornaments Page 42. Adorable Advent Decorations of Christmas Page 48. Hot Christmas Drinks Page 53. Christmas in the Old Barn Page 68. 1 Cupboard - 3 Possibilities Page 80. Snowberries White as Snow Page 87. Anne’s Christmas Page 96. The White Winter Page 101. Lotta’s Christmas Home Page 115. Christmas Tree Du Jour Page 127. A Little Masterpiece Page 134. Marvelous Ornaments Page 135. Wonderfully Wrapped Page 139. Clothes We Love Page 141. A Study with Room for It All


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Jeanne d’Arc Living No. 6 - 2009 Published by Jeanne d’Arc Living Editors: Vivian Christensen Lonnie Würtz Jensen Graphic Designer & Translator: Bjarke Røschmann Flower Arranger: Susanne Sølvsten Decorator: Anette Støvring Christensen Advertisement Sales: Mail: Styling and Text: Vivian Christensen Mail: Layout and Photo: Lonnie Würtz Jensen Mail: Editorial Office: Jeanne d’Arc Living ApS Houmarksvej 92, Kondrup 8920 Randers NV Denmark Phone: +45 36932010 Mail: Distribution: The magazine is exclusively sold through Jeanne d’Arc Living’s retailers. A complete list of retailers can be found at under ”magazine”. If you wish to distribute this magazine, please contact Graphical Production: Datagraf Buchs

02-11-2009 12:02:09

Text and Photo: Lonnie Würtz Jensen/Jeanne d’Arc Living Styling: Vivian Christensen/Jeanne d’Arc Living Location: Livsstil på Sparregaard,

Fr e n c h Ti m e s Pa s t Authentic, vintage ornaments or the like really bring out the delicate, French Christmas spirit in sitting rooms. Underline the spirit by adding greenery or suitable, smaller ornaments.


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02-11-2009 12:02:13

Mi s ch i e v o u s Cu rt a i n s:

A breezy org anza cur tain g races the window with its delicate design. We decided to decorate this one with vintag e, silver glass balls and a fine crowber r y vine. Ver y g raceful and simple. See previous pag e.

A Gr ace f u l Gar l and:

A g arland of dried Hydrang ea g reets visitors. Underline the vintag e style with silver y glitter and an old, pur ple ribbon. An old rosar y acts as the finishing touch.


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02-11-2009 12:02:14

H o w t o Cr e at e t h e Style:

A Eucalyptus Festoon:

If you want your Christmas to be coloured by the French vintage

You will need blooming Eucalyptus twigs, steel wire, jute string and some

style, there are a few simple ground rules as to what fits and what

0,5 mm copper bobbin wire. Start out by cutting off a length of jute string.

doesn’t. Pewter ornaments, old pearls, old paper, silvery glitter and tinsels

This determines the final length of the festoon. At one end, fasten the steel

really underline the genuine vintage style. Vintage fabric, paper roses, old

wire and make a loop from which to hang the festoon. Wrap the steel wire

ribbons, lace and bobbin lace complete the scene. There are plenty of

around the jute string, make an identical loop at the other end of the string

decorative items around, both old and new that complement the theme. You

and cut off the remaining steel wire. Cut the Eucalyptus and other greens

should stick to light and delicate nuances such as white, crème, pearl, rose

into suitably sized pieces and make a number of differently sized bouquets.

and pastel colours. When you collect greens, think olive twigs, eucalyptus,

Fasten the bobbin wire to the middle of the string and start by tying down

squarrosa, lichen-covered twigs, dried oak foliage, cedar, silver fir and moss.

to large bouquets to make the festoon look bulkier at the middle. Carry

Add silver, bevel edged glass, antique pewter, old mirrors, wirework and last

on tying gradually smaller and smaller bouquets onto the string until you

but not least, antique, French, religious symbols. If the major part of your

reach one end. When you finally reach the loop, start over from the middle

decorations are vintage, you’ll achieve the best looking result.

and repeat the process for the other half of the festoon. The flowers will change colour and dry out within a few days, leaving you with an absolutely gorgeous festoon.

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02-11-2009 12:02:18

Oa k - Le af Gar l a n d :

T his g arland is entirely made up of dried oak twigs pe pped up with a bit of silver glitter to add a classy touch. It is a ready-made piece, but you could easily make one yourself next year. T he twigs are cut off the trees during summer while the leaves are still beautiful and g reen. After collecting them, dr y them and tie them to the straw ring right away.

Homemade Christmas Decorations:

We’ll teach you how to make your own vintag e-look crackers for decorative pur poses or for hanging on the Christmas tree. T hey are made from tulle, old paper, lace paper, silk paper, unrolled toilet rolls, various old pictures, or naments, pendants and old, silver festoons.

Old lace paper will look the best by far, but new lace paper can be soaked in coffee and left to dr y to give it a bronzed vintag e look. Glue the paper onto the toilet roll. On top of this, glue the lace paper and then the tulle. T he paper and tulle should extend a bit fur ther than the edg e of the toilet roll. Tie an old ribbon or a piece of festoon at each end of the cracker to finish it off. It is not time to decorate the cracker. You can put four or five layers of silk paper on top of each other and make a number of incisions from either side, with a couple of millimetres spacing. When you are done, you can glue it onto the cracker. Glue a few pictures, pendants, or naments or the like onto the centre of the cracker to spice it up. Wrinkle up all the frayed edg es to make them look older. Finish it off by adding silver glitter.


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