Directors Direct Writers Writing 2-3 Page anaylsis

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Preston Ezell T101 Friday 9:05am

2-­3 Page Analyses

For my project I chose to write an article about media and how it is a living

artifact that is affecting our everyday lives. More specifically I chose the subject of film and how movies affect society psychologically. I brought up the questions of why we watch movies, how we watch movies, and what we get from watching movies. In this article I also listed an experience of my own that reflects the topics I cover in my article. I talked about the experienced I received after watching the movie Fight Club, and how it sort of released me. I used to live extremely cautiously, which in turn left me with a very hindered way of experiencing life completely. Tyler Durden, Brad Pitt’s character in the film, had two lines that really spoke to me.

“It is only after disaster that we can be resurrected,” and “it is only after we’ve lost everything, that we’re free to do anything.” These lines spoke to me, and told me that I need I was not free in a sense. This relates to Media Life, because it is a look into a specific media source. Media Life, from what I understand so far, is a class that is trying to get the point across that the world is now digital. It is trying to tell everyone that the creation of all media is sourced from the people, and that source from the people is sourced from all media. So in this way media and its relation to the people is an infinite cycle that bounces back and forth off of one another. In this sense one can see that we live in a media life. Really without our control the media

that is created also creates us, and now more and more that media is getting more specific to each individual. Ads for instance are being generated to users based on a collection of what that users interests are. Once again, in this sense, people create media and media creates people. This is ultimately what I think Media Life is all about; we live in a Media Life, because our lives generate the media and the media generate our lives. It is a paradox that is endless and incapable escaping or being avoided. Also, this is how my paper relates to Media Life. I take this endless cycle and apply is specifically to movies. I talk about how movies are written based on the lives people in this world lead, and based on the movies that people see, they lead (either on purpose or accident) specific lives. So perhaps I am on the dot with Media Life, or perhaps I am completely off. However, one thing is for certain – the article that I wrote was a very interesting topic indeed, and I am sure that it is worth the read, and worth a quality period of analysis afterward. I think that Media Life is one of the, if not the, most important courses that anybody could take at any university. The reason that I think this is that everyone, whether they are conscious of it or not, is being affected by their media, and everyone, whether they are conscious of it or not, is affecting their media.

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