City Of Fallen Angels

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our HERO, standing behind a bar and smoking a fat cigar, waits silently in the dark of the night, with only the moon through broken windows to dimly light the room and shadows to cover his face. HERO (V.O) (puffing his cigar, not speaking) Between life and death, there is pain. Between the living and the dead, there is sorrow.(looks at photo) 2



In a memory, AMY, our hero’s wife, is waking him up after a long anniversary night, spread legged across his torso. From our hero’s perspective, we see he is very tired and has a blurry vision, as he is just opening his eyes. AMY (staring at him full of love, talking seductively sexy) If I didn’t have legs... would you still love me? HERO Yes AMY If I didn’t have skin... would you still love me? HERO Yes AMY What if I couldn’t see you? HERO I’d give you my eyes AMY What if I didn’t have lips? HERO I’d kiss your neck




AMY (slowly leaning in for a passionate kiss) What if I didn’t know how to love? HERO I’d teach you Amy and her husband are about to make love when their 10 year old bursts in the door. GARRETT Mommy! Mommy! AMY (frustrated at the interruption) Yeahh baby? GARRETT There’s a man at the door! He said he has something for you. AMY I bet it’s Janet (to her husband) Alright, I’ll be right down. Amy kisses her husband as he holds her from going downstairs. Laughing in a playful attitude Amy rolls off the bed and walks downstairs, as Garrett continues his play with his airplane. A fumbling around is heard downstairs and Amy’s fading scream, men in black masks rush up to the bedroom, take to boy and punch our hero in the face to knock him out cold. 3



Back to reality our hero blows smoke into the picture and puts it back into his clothing. A strong wind blows through the bar blowing out his cigar. He strikes a match across the bar and puts it up to his face, where we see, in red and black, his face and a zombie behind him, seemingly unseen by our hero. He keeps calm and collected as he takes his last drag off the cigar and the zombie tries to attack. Hero spins around and jabs the cigar in the eye of the zombie. HERO (pulling a shotgun from his back) Between angels and demons, there’s me. (firing at the monsters head)

3. The flash from the barrel lights up the room, where we see dead bodies, head down on the bar, skin eroding, blood smeared. The screen fades as sounds of sprinting, bullets hitting the ground, gunshots, and zombie screams are heard. The title comes in. 4



Downtown exploring for useful items to aid him in his mission on Earth, Hero comes by an explosion from a nearby building; ducking to the ground. A gang from Earth find him and hold him at gunpoint. HERO Jesus Christ! (taking cover) LENNY And the mouse takes the cheese (pointing a gun to the back of Hero’s head) GANGSTER 2 I think we caught ourselves a juicy one! (chuckling wildly) LENNY Drop your belongings boy HERO (non-respondent) LENNY You Fuckin stupid or somethin? GANGSTER 2 Yeah, you an idiot? Drop your shit son! HERO Fuck you. LENNY Son of a bitch, we got a hard ass. Well we’re gonna have to let Arnold know how things work round here. GANGSTER 2 Get him Lenny! Lenny cocks his shotgun and gets ready to shoot Hero, right before though, SCARLET, the leader of the two thugs, grabs the barrel of the shotgun.




SCARLET Lenard, might I ask where you acquired this weapon? LENNY The barber shop, behind the counter, why the fucks it matter? SCARLET Well if you were the expert you are so acclaimed to be, you would have noticed this barrel’s steel is not high grade enough to handle a shot. LENNY Well ISCARLET AND had you fired it, you would have no longer had the finger that we both know you love to point. LENNY But weSCARLET No buts, run along. Lenny and the other gangster turn around like little children scolded by their mother and walk away. Scarlet turns toward Hero. putting her hand out for a shake. SCARLET You’re new here, I’m Scarlet. HERO Not too new. SCARLET New enough. How long? HERO Excuse me? SCARLET Your tattoo,Semper Fidelis. How long did you serve? HERO 15 years. Do you have a military background?



5. SCARLET No, but its in my family. HERO Must be hard raising a family here... SCARLET It was, too hard. (Silence) So what brings you to this beautiful planet?




They begin to walk down the LA streets to scarlets apartment, as the day diminishes. HERO The US government sent me... I’m somewhat of an expirement. SCARLET Science? HERO Well I guess you could say that... I’m here to test these monsters. SCARLET How so?... HERO They want to improve them, they want improve us. All the experimenting that caused this hell wasn’t enough for all beaker fillers... the experiments that created the super being zombies here went on to create a serum thats purpose is to make the US soldier, a super soldier. SCARLET So basically what the zombie experiments original intentions were. HERO Exactly, and they wanted to test the new experiment versus the old experiment, hence me.




SCARLET So do you support this here? Everything they use Earth for? HERO No, not at all, they took my family. SCARLET I’m sorry... Scarlet and Hero pass a playground outside the apartment complex and Hero stares at it stopping his motion. SCARLET You alright? (no response) Hey.. HERO I’m sorry, I’m fine. 6



Hero and Scarlet walk into a run down apartment complex. Two guards dressed in swat uniforms from dead police men are posted outside the elevator. The guards nod to Scarlet and let her and Hero through. She presses floor 8 and the doors close. HERO Do you really think that’s necessary? SCARLET What’s necessary? HERO These monsters aren’t smart enough to work the elevators. SCARLET They’re not for the zombies. HERO Then what are theySCARLET People like you. There is an awkward silence as they both finish the elevator ride without another word. Upon arriving at the 8th floor, (CONTINUED)



the doors open to reveal a well-kept floor. SCARLETT leads the way as HERO follows behind, peeking into each room. On the left, an armory full of enough weapons and explosives to take on a small army. On the right, a room full of scientific lab equipment. Next to that room is one filled with recreational equipment. HERO spots a pool table and dart board before having his investigation interrupted by SCARLETT. SCARLET (opening a door) Home Sweet home, feel free to relax, while I get some drinks. HERO walks inside the room to see a homely room with a couch, fireplace, television, kitchen, etc. He sits at a round wooden table, and sees to find a series of pictures of a single man in many different environments and outfits, smiling. HERO Who’s this? SCARLET (O.S.) Who? HERO The boy in these pictures Now sitting at the table with Hero. SCARLET Oh... that my husband. HERO I’m sorry SCARLET No it’s okay... he’s away from here, why be sorry from that? HERO What happened to him?... SCARLET Well... it was our 6 year anniversary, and he wanted to take me somewhere special... like that’s possible here... (insecure laugh) silence




SCARLET He blindfolded me and took me into the basement of this apartment complex... he... he had been searching LA for the past 2 years finding items to decorate the room... to look just like my old room... HERO That’s very sweet. SCARLET (getting upset) He was so excited to show me he forgot to lock the door behind him... and one of them got in. Scarlet stops speaking, to hold back tears. HERO He sounds like a great man SCARLET He just told me to run... I watched him be eaten alive, and just ran away... Silence, they both take a shot of whiskey. SCARLET He wanted to save the human race. HERO The human race can’t be saved. SCARLET The government lied, they’re leading everyone to believe that this outbreak is out of their hands, that their doing "everything to stop it" HERO They trust their powers, people pull together in tragedy, and the government took advantage of that. SCARLET What if I told you we could get the truth out and blow the lid off all of this?



9. HERO What do you mean? SCARLET Here look at these

Scarlet hands Hero the folder of documents sits up in interest of his reaction. Hero opens up the folder and begins shifting through each piece of paper. Scarlet eyes him with a look of hope and nervousness. SCARLET Do you understand now? ZINS Enterprise is responsible for the outbreak. They’ve created a biological weapon which can wipe out a city in a matter of days. The government wants to use these "things" to take over the other nations. HERO So what do you want me to do about this? Kill all the zombies? Take down my own government? I have sympathy for you and your "ragtag survivors", but this isn’t my business to deal with. The only thing which is keeping me from running head onto into the horde is the hope that my son and wife are still alive. Yeah, it sucks for the millions of lives that were destroyed from this. I can see that. But I can’t die here. SCARLET But your enhancements, your ability to do things that no human could ever naturally accomplish. You’re all that can help us. I’ve grown up my whole life here, and I’ve seen these monsters day in and day out... they’re changing, getting stronger, and smarter. More and more die here and soon there will be no life left. HERO Maybe, but there is still a hope that I’ll make it back to my son and my wife, and there’s not a thing in this world, or any other that will lead me off my path home. (CONTINUED)


10. SCARLET Fine, but when these monsters are released on other nations, what then? HERO I’ll worry then. SCARLET Well you are a bold man, I’m going to bed, there is a room down the hall for you to sleep... HERO Thank you. SCARLET I wish I could say the same.

HERO grunts and stands up, finishing his drink and grabbing the bottle of whiskey. He walks out into the hallway, finds the room with a bed in it, and passes out. 7



A hazy voice is heard, spoken with enough vigor to hold authority, and enough calmness to hold intelligence. The voice says. "Do you understand?" HERO is sitting in a chair, looking at a document. He looks up at the man. HERO I go to this planet, and test these things, and record the data. A face to the voice is shown, it is COLONEL RAXDRIN. His face tells stories of war, burtality, violence, and hardships through the multiple scars and disfigurations seen. RAXDRIN That’s right boy. You do this for me, you get to see them again. But, if you want this happy heartfelt reunion, you do exactly what it says on that paper, no questions asked. Also, you may run into... RAXDRIN is cut off by yelling and what appears to be fighting outside the room. Suddenly, the door bursts open as a man wearing scrappy clothes bursts in seemingly from the future. (CONTINUED)



MAN Don’t listen to them! You can’t do this! They all die! Life dies! You can’t do this to us! Save us! save us! RAXDRIN Guards! don’t let him speak! Shut him up! Two GUARDS run in carrying assualt rifles and grab MAN W/SCRAPPY CLOTHES. He continues to shout and scream. HERO looks at him with a face of horror and fear. RAXDRIN pulls out his pistol, puts it to MAN W/SCRAPPY CLOTHES’ head, then pulls the trigger. Cut to black as the gunshot is heard. 8



Hero is violently woken in a cold sweat, panting from his vivid dream. He looks around in horror for a few short seconds, but as he calms himself, he comes to a realization of what he must do. He gets out of bed and walks to a window to stare out at the moon. the scene fades to black. as hero says in the darkness "I’ll make things right, I promise you." 9



Riding in on a motorcyle on a cliff over looking the military research facility. The Hero and Scarlet get off and survery the surround base, holding silenced weapons in their hands. HERO It doesn’t look like the easiest entrance. SCARLET Don’t worry, I’ve studied this complex for years... a couple tunnels, vents, back hallways, and were right into the controll room. HERO Just show me the way. (Hero cocks his shotgun)





The Hero and Scarlet are walking though a dimly lit tunnel. Both are wading though waist deep water. SCARLET We are almost there, there will be a service entrance just up ahead, leading into the maintenance room. There wont be any guards, and since most of the process is automated i doubt there will be anyone ther.... The hero puts his hand over Scarlet’s mouth HERO (whispering) Quiet, there’s somthing in here with us. A dozen half decomposed zombies burst from the water behind them. HERO Go! The Hero runs and fires his shotgun, as the zombies run towards them. Scarlet periodically turns to fire her two automatic pistols as she runs. At the door she types a security code into the door, and both quickly enter through, and the door closes behind them. 11



The room is covered with machinery and piping. Scalet is bent her forearms resting on her thighs as she catches her breath. The hero is standing, paitentiantly waiting for her average human fatigue to dissmiss her. SCARLET Step one (breathing deep) is complete. HERO What’s next? SCARLET (standing upright now, reloads her two automatic pistols) The Emergency room is at the center of this level. It allows access to (MORE) (CONTINUED)



SCARLET (cont’d) the emergency broadcast system, transport shuttles, and in there, is the fusion bomb. HERO (loading more shells into his shotgun) How do we activate it? SCARLET We’ll have to bypass the security locks on the launch sequence, enter the virus to override the fail-safe engine, and that’s that. HERO What are our chances of actually accomplishing this? SCARLET Well, not too high... but it’s a straight shot, just stay on course. HERO Godspeed. 12



A GUARD in patrolling the hallway, and Scarlet and the Hero wait for him to pass the corner as they spin around it and jab a blade into the chest of the guard, holding his mouth and silently letting his body fall to the ground. SCARLET The room should be right down this corner. They turn the corner to find a patroll of guards sprinting to their location, they have been found out. They take cover behind seperate walls and take a good look into each others eyes. They know exactly what they need to do, Scarlet lies on the ground and slides across the floor into the hallway of guards, firing hero machine pistols as Hero climbs above to the piping system and enters the emergency room through the ceiling.





The room is large and filled with computer monitors encircling a a large Fusion Bomb the towers like a pillar in the center of the room. There is a door leading to the emergency to one of transportation room. The Hero walks up to one of the bomb and runs his fingers across the metal as Scarlet enters the room. SCARLET (she pushes a few buttons on the console) These are the transmitting controls, when you’re ready to record just press this. (she points to a button) I’ll be in the next room, just let me know when you’re finished... but hurry, it won’t be long before they arrive. Scarlet walks out the door into the emergency transportation room. The Hero walks up to the console and presses the button to record. HERO My Dearest Amy... What to say in such little time... I just want you to know that I’m sorry, I’m sorry that I can’t make it back to you and Garrett... I’m sorry it has to be this way... If it could have played out any different you know we’d be together. You’re the water inside my lungs sweetheart, I couldn’t have done any of this without you... You saved everyone, not me. Tell Garrett that his father is very proud him. Tell him I love him. Amy, I love you. I’ll be waiting for you. The Hero presses the button to send the recording and wipes the tears from his eyes. HERO I’m ready. Scarlet and the Hero walk over to another computer to activate the bomb. Loud banging is at the door. A countdown begins. "10, 9, 8.."




SCARLET Who knew this is how it’d play out for us. HERO People with such beautiful lives, have to die in tragic endings. SCARLET This is the end. HERO Come here, this is a beginning. The two kiss as fire and explosions engulf them in slow motion, and planet Earth explodes. 14

INT. MULTIPLE HOUSES, DINERS, AND BARBER SHOPS ON THE NEW PLANET - DAY 14 A news report comes on the television explaining the story going on at the moment revealing the government and the things that Hero did on the Earth. The scene is switching between the new planet and explosions of Earth as a voice over of a news reporter reveals the documents and truth about the Zombie experiments. AMY I love you Howie.

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