School Improvement Plan 2019-2020

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School Improvement Plan 2019-20

Priority: Learning, Teaching and Assessment QIs 1.2, 2.2, 2.3, 2.7, 3.1, 3.3 Actions

Improvement Drivers


Impact / Evidence

Revise Curriculum Rationale, following a full curriculum consultation, which enhances curricular pathways from S1-S6.

School Leadership School Improvement Teacher professionalism

CS, Sep – Oct19

I: Clearer curricular pathways inform improved course choice booklets and processes E: Curriculum Consultation carried out. E: New Curriculum Rationale produced.

Develop classroom practice through focus on key learning priorities (Planning for Purpose, Learning Intentions/Success Criteria and Questioning to develop higher order thinking)

JA, Learning Team Aug 19 – Jun 20

I: Students better understand the what, how and why of lessons, and are better able to develop higher order thinking skills E: Effective professional learning incorporated into school IS/CATs E: Increase in number of courses planned using PfP approach E: Lesson observations and annual student survey show that all lessons integrate LIs/SC that use new school approach, and increased number of staff using effective questioning techniques

Improve literacy and numeracy interventions programme

JA, HC Sep 19 – Jan 20

I: Improved student literacy and numeracy levels better allow students to access the curriculum E: Improvement in BGE levels achieved in both literacy and numeracy

Develop staff Digital Literacy skills through ELC training and new inschool provision of professional learning opportunities

CS, GE Oct 19 – Jan 20

I: Flexibility, relevance and engagement improve in the student learning experience. E: Lesson observations and staff and student surveys show improved staff confidence in use of digital learning approaches. E: Google data shows increased use of digital learning approaches

Better embed the Careers Standard within subject learning

Better meet student needs by further implementing GIRFEC approaches. (Restorative practices; reducing lateness, non-attendance and exclusion; consistency of behaviour management systems) z:\final sip 2019-20 .docx

YB, Oct 19 – Mar 20

YB, Sep 19 – Jun 20

I: Students better able to develop skills for work E: Clear subject approaches embedded in CA Improvement Plans, with milestones embedded into CA CAT programmes E: Student surveys show greater awareness of the Careers Standard I: Students feel included, engaged and involved E: PT and whole-staff training on restorative practices E: New school approach to reducing lateness E: School data shows reduced TBCs, improved attendance and maintenance of low exclusion levels. E: More effective school behaviour management system in place E: SEE Survey shows improved inclusion data 2

Priority: Tracking and Attainment QIs 1.5, 2.3, 3.2 Actions

Improvement Drivers


Finalise school approach to assessment and moderation planning in the BGE

School Leadership School Improvement Teacher professionalism Assessment of Children’s progress Performance Information

GC, Leader Opp I: All staff aware of roles and development needs in improving S1-3 Sep – Mar 19 assessment. I: Effective assessment and moderation provides greater confidence for staff in deciding BGE levels E: Existing school research into effective assessment and moderation completed and school approach finalised in clear, concise policy. E: CAs finalise Assessment and Moderation plans for agreed parts of each CA’s BGE curriculum.

Finalise new approach to identification of levels in BGE and tracking of progress over time/interventions for BGE and Senior Phase

Impact / Evidence

GC, Att Manager, EW Aug – Dec 19

I: Student surveys show greater awareness of levels and work required to improve I: Reduced workload for staff as a result of amended Senior Phase tracking approach E: New school approach to identification of BGE levels in place E: New tracking of literacy and numeracy levels in place E: New school approach to BGE and Senior Phase interventions in place with much greater evidence from subjects, pupil support and SMT of effective interventions

Develop use of Pupil Equity Profiles with all staff, ensuring greater focus on lowest 20%, LAAC and ASN.

Att Manager Sep – Dec 19

I: Greater staff awareness of pupil circumstances leads to improved interventions and, in turn, attainment, for students facing significant barriers to learning E: Professional learning incorporated into whole school IS/CAT provision E: Staff survey reveals clearer understanding of student needs and effective interventions

Ensure all two year courses have an appropriate gradient of learning.

GC, Sep – Nov 19

I: Students benefit from more consistent learning experience in two year courses, and are better prepared for course work and examinations E: New school policy identifies agreed subject approach to gradient of learning for each H/N5 subject

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Priority: Self Evaluation QIs 1.1, 1.3, 2.3 Actions

Improvement Drivers


Impact / Evidence

Further develop EMT engagement with school’s programme of ongoing self-evaluation.

School Leadership School Improvement Teacher professionalism Performance Information Parental Engagement

JR, EMT Aug 19 – May 20

I: Greater role for Principal Teachers in self-evaluation process leads to more meaningful and effective improvement outcomes E: Programme of EMT engagement with self-evaluation E: New PT/SMT remits in place E: School approach to new subject review programme agreed and piloted E: Clear improvement identified and acted on.

JR, EMT Sep – Dec 19

I: Staff able to identify meaningful and achievable improvements in classroom approaches, and implement them. E: Revised lesson observation approach in place and used by EMT in visits E: Clear improvements in classroom approaches identified and implemented.

Enhance the role of parents and students in self evaluation

GC, GD, Leadership Opp Sep – Nov 19

I: Parents and students able to provide meaningful feedback to improve the classroom experience E: Two new approaches to improve parental engagement considered, decided on and implemented E: Student Council reorganised to focus on the improvement of the classroom experience E: Increased student feedback within CAs and lessons is documented and acted upon.

Provide additional leadership opportunities for S1-3 students

JR, Columba group, Leadership Opp Sep 19 – Mar 20

I: Greater leadership opportunities for S1-3 students increase skills, wellbeing and sense of belonging E: Columba 1400 group lead expansion of leadership opportunities for S1-3 students, documenting current provision, and improved position at end of year E: Student survey confirms improved opportunities E: Clearer evidence of greater student voice in ongoing selfevaluation processes.

Ensure staff know how to meaningfully self-evaluate their practice

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East Lothian Review Action Points: Evaluation of Progress Actions completed School Action



Carry forward to SIP 2019/20?

Extend S5 Mentoring

Mentor programme for S5 students

Not extended. No staff capacity.


Build capacity to support learning and differentiation for groups of learners who face barriers to their learning to ensure equity of outcomes for all.

YB agreed with EPS on implementation of Circle materials in session 19-20


Pupil Support CAIP

DYW Embedding of the Careers Standard within the classroom

Establish DYW Champions Group. Priority in next year’s SIP



Establish in-school processes for reducing exclusions

Share approach with staff prior to work in Jan-Jun. New approaches implemented



Introduction of new awards for current S4-6 cohort

Minor changes made, specifically at N3/4 level, to maximise tariff scores of S4-6

No capacity to take forward. Focus, instead on maximising attainment through presentation.

Yes, as part of full Curriculum Review

Clarify interim Learning Pathways in S1-6 for 18-19 course choice process

Interim pathways agreed and integrated into 18-19 course choice process, meaning families and students are able to make better choices regarding next steps.

Subject pathways clarified. Whole-school pathways to be established next session.

Yes, as part of full Curriculum Review

Introduction of new awards for 2019 course choice

All PTs informed enough to alter S3-6 subject offer. Broader offer of courses/awards available to all students, and specifically N3/4 students.



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Production of Interim lesson visit pro forma

Feedback from EMT supports the use of the form as an effective way of getting into classrooms and assessing the quality of learning and teaching

Done. Feedback to be gathered in February.


Produce strategy to renew refocus on Planning for Purpose, Learning Cycle, and Making Thinking Visible.

Clear strategy in place for start of 2019. Strategy allows more coherent approach to development of professional learning.

Currently taking place. Focus now on LI’s and planning.


Build capacity to support learning and differentiation for groups of learners who face barriers to their learning to ensure equity of outcomes for all.

Decisions made on implementation of Circle Materials


Pupil Support CAIP

Change course choice processes to involve students and families more coherently

New process of family members attending course choice interviews introduced, to ensure families more directly involved in the process.

Implemented for S3.


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East Lothian Review Action Points: Evaluation of Progress. Actions where progress has been made, but more has to be done School Action



Next Steps

Carry forward to SIP 2019/20?

Full analysis of curricular contributions to tariff points

New understandings shared with EMT, and inform presentation level changes. New understandings also inform course offerings for 19-20


CS to analyse curriculum in August to determine whether offer and pathways have improved.

CS to take forward

Change approach around interventions for S4/5/6 students

SMT and Guidance meet to discuss tracking concerns at each window and prioritise actions (involving young people and parents)


Strategic SMT and EMT agenda item.


Consideration of principles, curriculum rationale and design of S1-3 Curriculum.

Interim Curriculum Rationale in place prior to introduction of Common School Day. Greater clarity around importance of principles informs subject-level course design.

Started. School visits taken place.

CS to complete

CS to take forward

S3 Options choices to be analysed and amended to ensure they contribute to subject learning pathways

Each S3 Option has a clear rationale, based on National/ELC benchmarks. Clear understanding of contribution of each S3 Option’s contribution to student learning pathway.

Ongoing. Greater clarification provide in S2-3 Core Choice process.

CS to complete


Integrate better use of data into course choice process

SNSA data and internal school literacy and numeracy data used, in conjunction with learning pathways, to inform course choice process. Students able to plan next steps more effectively


CS and GC to decide next steps

CS and GC to take forward

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Change Professional Learning programme to support new strategy to develop ALC, MTV and ELC Review Learning, Teaching and Assessment Action Points

Programme develops staff in ways that can be demonstrated by new Quality Assurance approaches

CAT/ IS sessions in place

JA to progress PLPL aspect. GC/JR to progress new quality assurance processes.

JA to take forward PLPL JR/GC – changes to QA processes

Design and implement new Quality Assurance processes

New processes introduced as a result of range of quality assurance approaches (below)


EMT to finalise approach


Training for PTs and SMT in quality assurance, supportive challenge, having difficult conversations and prioritising improvement

EMT feel more confident in having challenging difficult conversations related to QA


GC / JR to complete


Ensure staff know how to meaningfully self-evaluate their practice

Staff more aware of how to reflect on their practice both as part of the Classroom Visit programme (visit 2) and the Lesson Observation process


JR to progress


Clarify nature of staff responsibility and accountability to all staff

EMT discussion and agreement on way forward related to self-evaluation of classroom practice; staff role in leading improvement and change and role of middle leaders in leading change


JR to progress


Gather best practice around BGE tracking and monitoring

Dependent on ELC approach, discuss with other ELC and BOCSH schools approaches


GC to progress


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Establish in-school processes for reducing exclusions

Twilight sessions providing training in Restorative Approaches in the Classroom.

Exclusions significantly reduced. Restorative practices work now a priority.

YB to progress

YB to take forward

Build capacity to support learning and differentiation for groups of learners who face barriers to their learning to ensure equity of outcomes for all.

To introduce and develop Nurture based approaches

Staff in place. Nurture room and programme to be established.

YB to progress

Pupil Support CAIP

Strengthen staff role in school self-evaluation

Staff feel fully involved in the process of selfevaluation in relation to the formation of the next SIP

About to happen

DYW Embedding of the Careers Standard within the classroom

Plan individual interventions at subject level

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YB to progress



East Lothian Review Action Points: Evaluation of Progress. Actions where no progress has been made School Action



Work with primary colleagues to ensure common understanding of achievement of a level (with a focus on national and ELC benchmarks)

School and cluster approaches to moderation introduced. Key staff in each CA able to share new understandings with rest of CA.

Ongoing. Cluster focus on Literacy 15 January.

SMT meet with John Hands

SMT better informed about how to analyse data around tariff points.

To be arranged.

GC to progress

GC to organise

Finalise S1-3 Leadership offer for 19/20

Leadership offer agreed, and plans in place to implement.

Waiting for conclusion of Columba Academy

JR and Columba 1400 group to progress


Work with external partners to prioritise actions for improvement

YB to meet and discuss priorities and potential supports with ELC ASN manager

YB to progress

YB to take forward

Ensure all two year courses have an appropriate gradient of learning

Approach to two year courses analysed and short policy produced for each H/N5 subject Students benefit from more consistent learning across both years of two year courses.

Develop a new assessment and moderation policy based on national best practice.

Clear, concise policy finalised. All staff aware of roles and development needs in improving S1-3 assessment.

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Now about to happen

Next Steps

How will this impact on CAIPs? GC to take forward with Cluster and as part of Self Improving Schools work




Clarify approaches to improving assessment, moderation and tracking in S1-3

Approach based on ELC thinking/policy agreed by EMT. EMT aware of way forward

Introduce new approach to S1-3 Tracking and Monitoring

New approach integrated into WTA, shared with staff in August and all staff able to more effectively track S1-3 attainment


Provide professional learning for all staff around assessment and moderation.

Assessment and Moderation incorporated into school learning programme and evidenced in new assessment and moderation policies for aspects of S1-3 curriculum.


Production of final observation pro forma

Final pro forma supports lesson observations that improve learning, teaching and assessment, and provide support for having constructive, and sometimes difficult, conversations. Changes to practice agreed with staff

EMT Discussion


Ensure CAIPs are a key feature of departmental meetings

PTs review their CAIP with their CA at least once a month. Minutes of CA meeting reflect this has been done. Staff more aware of CAIP priorities

EMT Discussion


Decide on additional awards that students undertake in study time where appropriate

Additional awards integrated into study time resulting from wider opportunities choices.

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GC to progress




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