“ad of the day adobe knows what your marketing is doing, even when you have no clue | adweek”

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Ad of the Day: Adobe Knows What Your Marketing Is Doing, Even When You Have No Clue

A mysterious traffic surge is not what it seems. If you're at Advertising Week in New York this week, chances are you'll see this new Adobe commercial quite a bit. The good news is, Goodby, Silverstein & Partners has produced another winner for the company. The spot, for Adobe Marketing Cloud services, will run at 64 seminars and events during Advertising Week, and is also airing all this week on CNBC and Bloomberg. (It's Adobe's first TV buy in 10 years.) And it humorously makes the case that the Marketing Cloud's suite of services—from campaign analytics to a media optimizer and more— could help you avoid disastrously misinterpreting your customer data and give you a better handle on just who, exactly, is clicking on those banner ads of yours. The fictional product in the spot—a set of hardbound encyclopedias—is the kind that seems eminently unlikely to enjoy a sudden sales spike. But that's just what happens— or at least, it appears to. The punch line at the end of the ad reminds you not to make too many assumptions where your marketing is concerned. "Do you know what your marketing is doing? We can help," says the copy at the end.

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