“at the tribeca film festival, new movies let you choose how the story unfolds”

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At the Tribeca Film Festival, New Movies Let You Choose How the Story Unfolds

At a recent screening of Possibilia, a new short film about an excruciating breakup that premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival, the movie’s two directors sat crouched over a glowing MacBook on the stage to the right of the screen. Every few seconds, small boxes — representing different narrative choices — populated at the bottom of the movie screen. Each time these boxes appeared, one of the two directors would warn the audience that the experience was about to change. With the click of a button, the actors onscreen — Alex Karpovsky, of the HBO show Girls, and Zoe Jarman — would go from having a quiet conversation at their kitchen table to breaking valuables in their home. Unlike other interactive experiences, there was question posed or pause to wait for the screen to load. The conversation flowed seamlessly into an entirely different dramatic scene. It was almost as if the bearers of the laptop had willed the breakup themselves. “I’m self-conscious about screening this movie in this theater, because I’d rather you’d be touching it,” Daniel Scheinert, one of the film’s directors, said as soon as the lights came on. “It’s not a funny three-act structure film that’s supposed to send you out of the theater laughing and high-fiving your friends. It’s built to be an experience where you put on headphones and you discover things and you’re confused and you’re implicated in the story and you’re like, ‘Oh, no, it’s my fault they’re still breaking up.’ ” Most good movies are filled with moments we wish we could prevent ourselves. Mu-

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