Scary or cool? Directors can track how that film makes you feel Behind the scenes: What happens when you wear a biosensor to the movies? CNET's Stephen Shankland traveled to Cannes to find out.
Graphics show individuals' reactions to films at the New Directors' Showcase at the Cannes Lions conference. Stephen Shankland/CNET
CANNES, France -- Therapists the world over advise people to get in touch with their emotions. Now a London startup called Studio XO hopes to profit from the idea -- starting with a splashy demonstration of what happened when 2,300 people all shared their feelings at once. The event here on Thursday came during ad agency Saatchi & Saatchi's annual New Directors' Showcase at the Cannes Lions conference for the marketing and advertising industry. Since 1991, Saatchi & Saatchi has shown an hour-long reel of new moviemakers' work, and this year it picked Studio XO, which combines bio-sensor technology with fashion, to add a new emotional dimension to the experience. At the "Feel the Reel" event, the audience's emotional state became part of the show itself. Data gathered from bio-sensor wristbands was piped into computer animation technology that showed individual and collective emotional responses. "We're breaking down the fourth wall," the barrier that ordinarily separates the audience from what's happening on stage, said Studio XO co-founder Nancy Tilbury. As digital sensors and wearable computing spread beyond R&D labs into the mainstream computer industry, emotions could become a much more explicit part of our lives. Studio XO hopes emotion monitors will become as common as fitness monitors today. Dell is examining emotions for reshaping