The trust nicolas cage gets wacky in pitch black heist comedy the guardian

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The Trust review: Nicolas Cage gets wacky in pitch-black heist comedy

Nicolas Cage could very well become the next celebrity target of US police unions for his involvement in The Trust, a slickly executed dark comedy that sees the Oscar-winner play one of the most corrupt cops to grace the screen in recent memory. The feature directorial debut from music video directors Ben and Alex Brewer (they won an MTV Video Music Award for Justin Bieber’s Where Are U Now), sees the actor return to the desert terrain of the film that netted him an Oscar, Leaving Las Vegas, to embody a man so giddily demented only Cage could play him. Cage is Jim Stone, a thickly mustached and bored police officer working in the evidence room of the Las Vegas Police Department. He maintains a friendly work rapport with David Waters (Elijah Wood), his equally as passive colleague, who’s reeling from a recent breakup with his wife. When Stone discovers an unusually high bail receipt in connection to a recent drug bust the pair witnessed, he begins to hatch a plan to find the source of the money, enlisting Waters to act as his partner. Waters, following some persuading, hops on board, and together, after doing some sleuthing, the duo hatch a plan to rob a vault built into the freezer of a small grocery store. Of course matters go awry from the get-go.

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