2024 Fall Newsletter

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Dear Members,

All of a sudden, here we are at the end of golf season…but what a great season we had at Priddis Greens this year!

I would like to start by congratulating our Club Management and their teams on a job well done this season. Thank you to the Turf Care Team…the course was in amazing condition despite starting with some winter damage and wet conditions which caused a slow recovery to some of those damaged areas. Thank you to the Golf Operations team…tee time access was improved by adjusting the online booking process and drastically reducing no-shows; the ability to bring guests was improved with the new “Have a Day” events proving to be very popular and, as always, the member events the team organized and put on for the Club were great successes. Thank you to the Food & Beverage team…F&B absolutely shone this year in terms of quality of food, consistency and service level. Thank you to the Administrative and Club Operations Teams for keeping everything running like clockwork while juggling many balls, jumping through hoops and leaping tall buildings. All teams achieved their results while wearing big smiles and contributing to an upbeat and positive environment around the Club.

I would also like to extend a particular thank you to all the member volunteers for all your selfless hours volunteering for events, participating in various committees and serving on the board. The Club cannot function without the level of volunteerism we are lucky to have, and everyone should give themselves a huge pat on the back for jobs well done, making Priddis Greens a great place to play golf and hang out.

This year the Board Committees were very busy. The Long-range Planning Committee worked with GGA Partners on Focus Groups and Member Surveys to determine what our members really want in our Club and have now embarked on creating a Master Plan to rejuvenate the Club’s facilities. The Membership Committee laid all the groundwork for us to achieve a major decision to eliminate third-party membership sales and restore the Sellers’ List as the only mechanism for buying/selling memberships. The Finance Committee has continued to direct our finances in a solid and prudent manner, focusing on ensuring we are properly funded as a Club, preparing for the future and building a capital reserve. The Governance Committee carried out a time-intensive exercise re-organizing and cleaning up all our bylaws and policies to make them easier to access and follow and in constructing the bylaw amendments required for the successful vote moving us forward in how we sell memberships. The vote turnout for the latter was unprecedented in Club history and thanks to all members for stepping up and voting on this important issue.

In keeping with being indicated as a priority in the GGA focus groups and survey, the Club’s capital budget for the coming year is focused mainly on golf course improvements. The main items in the capital budget are slit drainage for Raven holes 1 and 5, continued bunker improvements and a pumping station replacement on the Hawk course (hole 2). These items comprise about 83% of the capital budget. Since the amount needed for these items exceeds the board’s approval limit, we will ask the membership to vote to approve the proposed capital budget later this month. It will be funded by capital supplied by normal contributions from dues, membership sales and contributions from the continuing capital levy. The remainder of the capital levy will continue to grow our capital reserve as we work towards completing the Master Plan and identifying the specific projects that will come out of that.

I hope you all have a great winter and come back ready to take on the golf courses when they open in the spring. Don’t forget that there are plenty of reasons to come to the Club during the winter months. The Performance Centre will be open; golf lessons and workshops will be ongoing; cross-country ski and snowshoe trails will be available to members once the snow has settled in, and Food & Beverage will operate on a limited schedule during the winter months.

Have a great winter!

directors & management

club committees

Membership (Board)

Roger Maslen

Brad Maheu

Dan Kolibar

Will Grisdale

Gordon Keon

Doug Hamatami

Dave Evans

Matt Entwistle

Ron Laugher

Chad Thomlinson

LRP (Board)

Tim Wardrop

Jason Baba

Roger Maslen

Brad Maheu

Chris Minnema

Maggie McGee

Rob Hozjan

Bas Wheeler

Lee Raffey

Adam Henning

Chad Thomlinson

Finance (Board)

Michael Hodgson

Tim Wardrop

Ken Baron

Todd Heavisides

Rob Hozjan

Brad Trumble

Victor Lough

Darcy Michailuck

Chad Thomlinson


Project Devel. (Board)

Jason Baba

David Donaldson

Jason Baba

Dave Gladney

Paul Kemp

Al Hazard

Fabrizio Carinelli

Darcy Michailuck

Chad Thomlinson

Green (Operations)

Chris Prodahl

David Donaldson

Crandell Ruholl

Diane Main

Brian Head

Nick Pothier

John Wilson

Jordan Earl

Cam Huard


Golf (Operations)

John Wilson

Michael Linn

Shannon Schrader

Ryan Russell

Don Bauer

Graham Purves

Chris Prodahl

Brad Cooke

House (Operations)

Joseph Laskowski

Dan Gallacher

Ravi Dhaliwal

Linda Loughlin

Trudi Thomas

Maggie McGee

Kristan Goodwin

Erin Rowley

Hugh Hamilton

Tom Spatola

JASON BABA Vice-President
ROSS BABCOCK Past President
JOHN WILSON Head Golf Professional
CHRIS PRODAHL Golf Course Manager
MATT ENTWISTLE Club Operations Manager
JOSEPH LASKOWSKI Clubhouse Manager

long-range planning committee

The Long-range Planning Committee (LRP) was active during the summer with our consultant GGA Partners in reviewing the focus groups and member strategic survey results. The summaries of both projects were communicated to members and are available here

The membership was very clear that the golf course experience is the #1 priority at Priddis Greens. This has always been the case at Priddis and will continue to be in the future. However, a majority of members also expressed interest in 3 other priorities:

• Casual lounge/pub indoor dining space

• Expanded driving range and practice facilities

• Outdoor casual dining facility

Furthermore, certain practical aspects of our aging buildings must be addressed in the short to medium term. This includes addressing many inadequate back-of-house areas, such as the kitchen, which was originally designed as part of an 18-hole clubhouse facility.

The LRP is now in the process of starting a Master Plan for Priddis Greens. This is a large and important project which is important for the future of our Club. This plan will eventually encompass the golf courses, practice facilities, clubhouse, concessions, turf care facilities, and on-course buildings. The Master Plan will incorporate member feedback received this summer and ensure the Club is prepared for the future.

As members also know, we are exploring the possibility of purchasing adjacent land. Although there are no further updates on this project at this time, the LRP and board feel that this is an opportunity that may only occur once in our Club’s lifetime and is, therefore, worth exploring. The Executive Committee and Management continue to work with the landowners on a potential option to purchase agreement, which would give the club the appropriate time to evaluate the land and water rights restrictions and perform other due diligence activities. It is important to understand that no decision to acquire the land would be made without membership approval.

There have been many important investments into Priddis Greens over the past 40 years, which has made it the Club that it is today – one of the premier golf clubs in Calgary.

Any new investments will be made with the same due care and consideration with the goal of enhancing the members’ experience while keeping up with our competition.

LRP Committee Co-Chair LRP Committee Co-Chair

finance committee

Throughout the golf season, the Finance Committee has been very involved in working with our management team mitigating to the extent possible the very slow start to our golf season. Poor weather throughout May and into June, and again toward season’s end was felt in several areas. Key indicators include that rounds played were down significantly after May and June ultimately landing at 4% below the previous year, and two corporate tournaments were cancelled. Starting off the season tracking well below our operating budget revenues meant being aggressive on cost saving measures wherever possible to stay on track. We are pleased that as we approach fiscal year-end, we will finish close to our original budgeted figures.

On the positive side of the ledger, we are pleased with the passage of the Bylaw change concerning membership turnover. This provides much more control and certainty for management, which has been reflected in our budget process for the coming year.

Capital Reserves and Levy | The Club is in a strong position compared to our peer group in the Calgary marketplace when it comes to the state of our capital income. By adding the capital levy in 2023, the Club now has an appropriate level of capital funding to fund obligatory maintenance capital needs for our existing assets on and off the courses. Prior to the introduction of the levy, the Club was not able to fund basic maintenance capital over the next 13 years (forecasted deficit was over $10M). Please note however, that the current level of funding and accumulating reserves is not sufficient to build capital for aspirational projects such as a refresh of the clubhouse or enhanced practice facilities. We felt it prudent to both initiate the current capital levy amount in 2023 and to continue that in the coming years to maintain that strength and ensure our two courses remain at the forefront of our offering to current and prospective members. Continued investment in the courses and our other facilities is the only way to ensure the Initial Membership Fee is supported and provides a healthy flow of new member interest in Priddis Greens.

Global Golf Advisors | As noted in other reports, the work of GGA Partners (Global Golf Advisors) has been extremely helpful to the Committee in supporting our direction and efforts. We look forward to working closely with the Long-range Planning Committee as their work evolves and provides direction for the Club into the future that will require financial evaluation of proposed maintenance and aspirational enhancement projects.

2025 Budget | While final details for the 2025 Operating and Capital Budgets are still in process, we have worked diligently to provide guidance and direction to both management and the Board on these important deliberations for the coming year, and feel we have struck a good balance between the needs and wants of our members and our management team, and the responsibility to run the Club on a prudent and responsible basis.

In Summary | As Co-Chairs, we would like to express our thanks to our committee members for their diligent efforts throughout the past year, and of course to Darcy Michailuck for his expertise and stewardship. As a group we feel that Priddis Greens continues to be in a strong financial position and manages the Club’s affairs in a prudent and professional manner.

membership committee

As our golf season closes, we can look back and appreciate the great course conditions we had this year. Once we got May and June out of the way we had great weather to enjoy the season.

The Membership Committee had a very busy year. We set our objective to bring Bylaw amendments to the membership that would return control of membership sales to the Club. The Committee and the Board had heard it loud and clear that members were frustrated that they could not get fair market value when selling their membership and the Sellers’ list had become dysfunctional.

It was important that we identified some new options for members who wish to sell their membership such as the Non-Active dues status and the ability to transfer your membership to a family member. I wish to thank Gordon Keon, Doug Hamatani, Will Grisdale and Dave Evans for their contributions to the Committee. A special thank you to Dan Kolibar, who reviewed and drafted new policies and bylaws, and to my Co-Chair Brad Maheu, who drafted the communication documents that were made available to the members. From the Management side, I’d like to thank Ron Laugher, who brought insight about the current market demands of golf memberships and to Chad Thomlinson and Matt Entwistle, who reminded us of current practices. Lastly, I’d like to thank the members of Priddis Greens who voted on this motion. When all the votes were counted, 88% of the membership cast their ballot, which was by far the largest turnout for a member vote in history. This gave us a very strong mandate in which 76.8% were in favour of the motion.

Now that the motion passed 24 members who were on the Sellers’ list have removed their names, thus reducing the list to 73. Ron Laugher reports that he has had numerous enquiries by people interested in memberships, and we are optimistic that the Sellers’ List will reduce quickly over the next year. We have already welcomed one new member since the change who purchased a membership for $40,000, thus our member who had been sitting number one on the Sellers’ List for quite some time has been removed.

Going forward, the Membership Committee will be focusing on ensuring that the Club continues to transact 35+ memberships each year.

Have a great winter everyone!

Membership Committee Co-Chair

Brad Maheu

Membership Committee Co-Chair

a big thank you to our team

Please join us in recognizing your team of excellence at Priddis Greens this past season. We truly appreciate your hardwork and dedication to the Club while enriching lives through golf. Thank you!

club administration

food & beverage

golf operations

JAY MYREN Teaching Professional
JENNIFER HA Teaching Professional
JOSEPH LASKOWSKI Clubhouse Manager
TATJANA MILLER Restaurant Manager
SHAE PEDERSEN Asst. Restaurant Manager
SADIE WILKIE Events Manager
CHRIS SHAVE Junior Sous Chef
CAM LATIMER Retail Manager
WANDA MOFFATT Assistant Retail Associate
DANI POUPART Retail Manager
CHAD THOMLINSON General Manager Club Operations Manager
RON LAUGHER Sales Manager BRAD RAMSDEN-WOOD Building Maintenance Supervisor

turf care

welcome new members

Please join us in welcoming the following Equity & Corporate Associate Members who joined the Club since August:

• Bertus Eksteen

• Vanessa Mannix

• Brandon Martindale

• Martin Lapointe

• Kurt Varangu

• Calvin Raessler

• David Pope

• Michael Bironski

• Jeffrey Hunter

• Susan Spencer

• Felipe Giraldo

• Mark Wilson

• Real Phaneuf

• Ross Salmon

• Eric Schertzer

• Murray Bodnar

• Steve Jakubec

• Michael Cook

• Gerry Hrap

• Daniel Simunic

• Joel Eisenkirch

• Charet Chahal

• Terry Napper

• Andrew Heighton

• James Kameka

• Kathleen McCrum

• Alison Carter

• Steve Sousa

• Terence Houston

CHRIS PRODAHL Golf Course Manager
JORDAN EARL Raven Superintendent
MATHEW GUY Hawk Superintendent
DAN GLEASON Assistant Superintendent
CAMERON HUARD Assistant Superintendent
STEPHEN LOCKHART Irrigation Manager
GARY TAYLOR HR & Safety Manager
MERV LOVIE Equipment Manager
BRAD ALCOCK Assistant Mechanic
LESLIE KOHLMAN Assistant Equipment Technician
KERRY LOCKHART Horticulturist

charity classic

The 2024 Priddis Greens Charity Classic kicked off with a wonderful gala evening at the Azuridge Estate Hotel, where, once again, we were fortunate to have beautiful weather and a great turnout. For 26 years, the Charity Classic has been a significant donor to Southern Alberta’s own Prostate Cancer Centre. With over $8 million raised, this event has been instrumental in this world-class facility’s ongoing success and growth. In 2024, the Charity Classic added another $300,000 from participants and a number of generous donors. Many thanks to all the teams, donors, volunteers and members. Organizing and executing such a marquee event is truly a team effort. Our management team at Priddis Greens is second to none in delivering a memorable experience for everyone involved each and every year.

The 2025 edition will see some exciting changes as AGAT Laboratories, through their AGAT Foundation, has agreed to become the title sponsor for the Charity Classic. We are very excited that the addition of their support will secure the ongoing success of the Charity Classic and contribute to our desire to be bigger and better than ever!


Congratulations to all members who scored an ace or albatross during the 2023 season. Many of these individuals attended an exclusive dinner to honour their achievement and received a commemorative gift. Please join us in recognizing the following:

• Mark McCarthy

• Louise Taguchi

• Lloyd Heine

• Laina Bodnar

• Claire Chanyi

• Kyle Hoeght

• Nick Pothier

• Rick Di Danieli

• Mark Allen

• Matthew Walsh

• Alan Gate

• Peter Chan

• Michael Schitthelm

• Andy McWilliam

• Thomas Anderson

• Chris NG

• Nevin Burne

• Rob McLeay

• Gerald Stoddart

• Lynne Ramsay

tournament champions

• Jon Grigg

• Dale Schitka

• Kam Lam

• Pat Peters

• Ken Hull

The full slate of member events in 2024 were well attended with a great mix of competition and comaraderie. In recognition of those victorious members from this season’s latest tournaments, please join us in congratulating the following (see below and next page):

junior parent child

solheim cup

Team World

Rosalyn Rosenthal

Steph McWilliam

Marianne Bell

Joanne McDonald

Laina Bodnar

Judy Angevine

Gina Van Ieperen

Rose Hallstrom

Linda Mader

Deborah Coppock

Lynda Holizki

Laurie Coopersmith

TOBIN HAYWARD Father/Daugther
LILY HAYWARD Father/Daugther
AUBREY GOODWIN Mother/Daugther

mixed club champions

sr. men’s member guest

Team Maheu

Cliff Lawrick

Bryan Shettler

Mike Lukawitski

Richard Mastel

Brad Maheu

Gerald Stoddart

Don Rostad

Gerrard McInnis

Harry Reid

Brian Myck

Gordon Keon

Rick Boyle

Scott Elsby

Brian Murray

Ian Sharp

Kris Eyolfson

Tobin Hayward

Murray Fox

Boyd Hall

Paul Roberts

Ken Baron

Darrell Danyluk

Jaques Roy

Kevin Hinz

Kam Lam

Michael Stapleton

Rob Armstrong


GREG CAHOON Black Tee Div 1
MATTHEW PAVEY Black Tee Div 2 Low Net
JON SAGI Blue Tee Div 1 Low Net
GARY COOPER Blue Tee Div 2 Low Net
PAT PETERS White Div Low Gross
mixed fall classic

green committee

The Green Committee met in mid-October to discuss several important topics, including a review of the 2024 golf course conditions and playability, winterization plans, an update on fall projects, and highlights of the proposed 2025 budget. The committee’s primary role is to provide feedback from the membership to ensure we continue delivering exceptional experiences.

Winter Preparation | Preparing the golf course for winter involves a series of essential tasks that typically take 14-17 days, depending on weather conditions. Although this year’s weather was not perfect, it worked in our favour, allowing us to complete the necessary work efficiently. Below is a summary of the key tasks that must be completed sequentially for optimal winter protection:

• Irrigation system and on-course washroom blowout (4 days)

• Aerate and top dress greens (4 days)

• Aerate and top dress tees and approaches (3 days)

• Spray snow mold prevention products (8-10 days)

• Tarp select greens (4 days)

• Remove all on-course accessories (3 days)

• Leaf and debris cleanup (8 days)

• Install wildlife fence around greens (5 days)

• Aerate and top dress fairways (6 days)

Hawk 2 Irrigation Pumphouse Renovation | The pumphouse next to Hawk 2 has been removed, and excavation is underway to replace the inlet and overflow. Led by Irrigation Manager Steve Lockhart, this project includes the replacement of the aging pumps, wet well, and overflow system. The control panel will also be fully upgraded to modernize the system and ensure efficient operations. The plan is to have the new concrete poured and the building in place for the start of the upcoming season, ensuring reliable irrigation for the course.

Completion of these tasks ensures the golf course is well-protected and positioned for a strong start in the spring. Stay tuned to Member Central for updates on our winter activities once we have finalized our winterization, and as snow begins to cover the course.

golf committee

The 2024 Golf season was memorable and another busy year with over 57,000 total rounds. The superb weather that started in early July contributed to another great year for golf. Please see below some golf stats from the 2024 season at Priddis Greens:

• First day of golf May 9th

• Last day of golf October 14th

• 158 days of golf

• 57894 rounds played in 2024 down from 60460 in 2023 difference of 2566

• 3979 less rounds in May 2024 than May 2023

• 84% of all rounds played were by members; up from 83% in 2023

• Most rounds played by one member was 140

• 21 members played 100 rounds or more

• The median number of rounds was 30

• No shows improved by 65% in 2024 from 2023 from 1673 to 583

• Late cancellations improved by 42%

• We operated at 87% capacity for the year

• Average round time on the Hawk was 4:09

• Average round time on the Raven was 4:10

• We had 49 events, 23 members events, 10 Match Plays and 8 weekly leagues

• We ran 8 corporate events plus the Charity Classic (two tournaments cancelled)

The consensus was that the booking system was better in 2024 than in 2023 and that tee time access was improved. Contributing to these results was an improvement in the number of no-shows and late cancellations, as identified above, but certainly, the target would be to have zero no-shows. Not having league play on long weekends and into September improved tee time access. Not running leagues in September contributed to 300+ available spots per week for all members. Implementing the “Have A Day The Priddis Greens Way,” where members on designated days, could bring three guests, was well received, and the plan would be to continue these days in 2025.

The plan for 2025 is to eliminate four corporate tournaments from the golf calendar. This will help to improve member access again. The net result of eliminating these events will be about 1300 additional spots available on the tee sheet for all members and guests.

Participation in member leagues was consistent with 2023 numbers. Member tournament participation levels increased with the Men’s and Senior Men’s (9% and 4% respectively). Ladies and Junior tournament participation levels were the same as last year. The Golf Operations team was strong this season with a continual focus on member engagement. This will continue for 2025 as we look forward to continuous improvements in all areas. The coaching and lesson programs again showed growth under the leadership of our amazing group of Teaching Professionals, Eric Locke, Jay Myren and Jenifer Ha. We are proud to announce the AJ McCoy has transitioned to becoming a full-time coach and Teaching Professional. We look forward to all the great programs and initiatives the Teaching Professional will introduce for the 2025 season.

Thank you for your attention to the pace of play, it is a very important focus of our daily procedures. We will continue to use Tagmarshal to help with this important initiative.

We wish you the very best over the winter and hope to see you at the Club. As always, if we can help with anything, we are available to service your needs. The focus as always will be to improve and escalate member services and improve member engagement.


Head Golf Professional

house committee

The Food and Beverage department had an incredible 2024 season with many changes and positive feedback from members and the community alike. Despite starting the season with 50% of the core management team being new to the club and a very slow start to the golf season, the Food and Beverage department finished on a very positive note.

The membership survey results were stellar this year, with an overall improvement of 11% in membership satisfaction. Chef Epi and his team of sous chefs, Hyosang Kim and Chris Shave, worked tirelessly throughout the year to over-deliver, as did the entire front-of-house service team led by Tatjana Miller and Shae Pedersen.

On-course concessions saw a huge improvement in consistency and value with the addition of the Hawk 9 BBQ, running the full season without interruption and labour shortages. The $3 Beef Sliders and “Al Capone Style” Italian Sausage on a bun were huge hits and will continue next year. So rest assured, when you need a bite to eat before hitting that long back nine, you will do so with your thirst quenched and an easy-to-eat snack. We must show great gratitude to Sadie Wilkie, who arrived on board with little time to learn and adjust as the new Events/Concessions Manager, grabbing the “bull by the horns” and making it all work. All of the on-course events went off flawlessly this year, which is a testament to her work ethic and ability to learn on the fly.

The Wine Club, which unfortunately took a back seat to all the changes that transpired, particularly with me being new to my role and focusing on the bigger picture of getting a feel for the overall operations and getting to know the people and culture of the PG golf community, is back in full swing as of this fall with one wine dinner and tasting under our belts. I look forward to restoring the club to its past levels while adding renewed interest and value to the Wine Club in 2025. The final event of 2024 will be a California wine tasting on Friday, November 29th, and 2025 will start with a big bang with the Caymus Wine Dinner in late February. Limited seating as always, so be sure to keep an eye open for updates and times.

As in prior years, The Grandview will remain open, with dining Wednesdays through Saturdays from 4 pm to 8 pm. We look forward to Pub Night returning on Thursdays and Date Night Wednesdays with “2 can dine for $99.” Chef Epi will be sure to entice your taste buds with his creativity.

As for me, I would like to take the time to thank all of you, members and co-workers alike, who have welcomed me with open arms and made the first eight months of my transition such a joy. Being a part of the PG community has been a wonderful experience, and I cannot wait to enter the 2025 season with all of you and continue to improve upon such an incredible year!

ladies’ executive

As our 2024 season has ended, it gives me great pleasure to thank each and every Priddis Greens Golf & Country Club Ladies Member for helping to make our season a huge success!

This past season we successfully achieved record attendance and participation in all leagues and tournaments throughout the season. We welcomed several new members and were so pleased to have them join us weekly.

I would like to take this opportunity to “Thank” the executive that worked diligently together to make this season special. Rose McWilliam, your guidance was appreciated beyond words. Stephanie, Jan, Jo-Ann, Malinda and Shannon…. Thank You!

As the winter months will soon be upon us, I wish for you to have a healthy, safe winter and see you all in the spring.


A special thanks to Darcy Michailuck for capturing the excellence of Priddis Greens as seen throughout this publication.

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