Lincolnshire Pride Apr 2014

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APRIL 2014







LincolnshirePride T H E







Great Days Out for Families

What’s On this Summer The Event at The Collection Fashion - Food and Drink Weddings - News - What’s On



Eating Out

Spring Homes

Exploring our market towns

Spring dining in Lincolnshire

30 pages of home ideas

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{Page 20}

{Page 52}



Sir David Attenborough

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LincolnshirePride T H E







Great Days Out for Families

Welcome to April’s Lincolnshire Pride, and with the better weather upon us, we’re delighted to this month present a What’s On in Lincolnshire guide, with recommendations for open gardens, stately homes and other events to ensure family fun throughout spring and summer.

What’s On this Summer The Event at The Collection


Eating Out

Spring Homes

Exploring our market towns

Spring dining in Lincolnshire

20 pages of home ideas

{Page 15}

{Page 20}

{Page 52}


Fashion - Food and Drink Weddings - News - What’s On

Sir David Attenborough

This month’s cover: Tony Cornish captured this month’s cover image of Gunby Hall near Spilsby. The hall hosts its Orchard Open Day on 22nd April and Easter Daffodil Trail on 20th and 21st April.

Pride Magazines Elm Grange Studios East Heckington, Boston Lincolnshire PE20 3QF

Elsewhere, we visit Grantham and discover plans for the town’s development, and meet Sir David Attenborough, as he opens the new Joseph Banks exhibition at The Collection in Lincoln.

Tel: 01529 469977 Fax: 01529 469978 Web:

Also this month, we enjoy local food, with a visit to the Sebastopol Inn, and enjoy local Asparagus too. With this, and lots of ideas for spring homes and gardens too, we all hope you enjoy this edition! Why not follow us on Facebook? You can keep up to date with any news we may have for our lovely magazine! Follow us on Twitter so you can read our tweets. We’ll let you know what’s going on and keep you well informed!


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With best wishes from the Lincolnshire Pride team... Publisher: Julian Wilkinson. General Manager: Ian Bagley. Executive Editor: Rob Davis. Features Editor: Ceri Jackson Customer Care Manager: Mandy Bray. Accounts Manager: Sue Bannister. Sales Manager: Zoie Wilkinson. Sales Executives: Jayne Broughton, Elaine Hall, Liz King, Carissa Clay, Rachel Jones, Emily Brown, Sami Millard, Andy Taylor, Lauren Chambers, Chloe Griffiths, Emma Barrett, Rachel Monk, Hayley Scott. Sales Support: Jo Leadbitter, Amy Whiley, Emily Rippin. Distribution Manager: Paul Dixon.

Enjoy Lincolnshire Pride, read it cover to cover. Pick it up, put it down and when you have finished with it pass it on. When everyone has had a good read, pop it in the recycle bin!

Days Out



Sir David

Our What’s On guide for the spring and summer months, with plenty of ideas for family days out.

Enjoy the taste of spring at Minting’s Sebastopol Inn and Abbey Parks near Boston.

Great ideas for spring homes this month with featured property and products from local businesses.

David Attenborough at the VIP opening of The Collection’s new Joseph Banks exhibition in Lincoln.

SPRInG 2014


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Send your press releases and county news to: Rob Davis via

David Dimbleby welcomed at Scunthorpe’s Question Time Flooding, the EU and Scottish independence all tackled in Scunthorpe as locals put questions to panel... Scunthorpe’s Baths Hall recently hosted BBC’s flagship current affairs programme Question Time, raising issues like flooding, Scottish independence and children smoking in cars. At a time when the military was being deployed to help flood victims in the home county, and in light of December’s North Lincolnshire floods, the panel were questioned as to which village was worst affected when the Humber burst its banks. None of the five panellists could answer the question - though David Dimbleby himself correctly answered South Ferriby, which was met with great applause. Panel members included Home Office Minister Damian Green MP,

The world’s hottest pizza, in Sleaford

Lincolnshire is awarded 2015’s British Cycling Road Race and Time Trials event Event will celebrate 60th Annual Lincoln GP race...

Shadow Employment Minister Chris Bryant MP, UKIP’s Janice Atkinson and Daily Telegraph blogger Cristina Odone. Scunthorpe’s hosting of the programme followed Boston’s turn in the spotlight in November, in which Spalding poet Benjamin Zephaniah was joined by Vicky Pryce, former wife of disgraced cabinet member Chris Huhne, and most controversially, Nigel Farage. That debate focused primarily on immigration. The programme is recorded in a single take, in front of a live audience of around 160 at around 8.30pm, before being broadcast at around 10.30pm. It was first broadcast in 1979, and has been hosted by David Dimbleby since 1994.

Lincoln will host the British Cycling Road Race and Time Trial championships in 2015, to coincide with the 60th annual Lincoln Grand Prix Cycle Race. The Time Trial Championships for women, men under 23 and elite men will be held on Thursday 25th June in the Wolds on an interesting and challenging circuit near Louth.

Sleaford’s Little Italy pizzaria has teamed up with Grantham’s Bindi restaurant, home to The Widower (at one time the world’s hottest curry), to offer the world’s spiciest pizza. Already the pizza has appeared in national newspapers and a German TV crew recently filmed challengers trying to finish one. Death By Pizza measures 12,000,000 on the Scoville scale of ‘hotness,’ compared to police-grade pepper spray which measures a mere 5,000,000!

The road races on Sunday 28th June will be based on the well known and exciting Lincoln Grand Prix circuit with an added starting loop taking both the women’s and men’s events out of the City through the West Lindsey District Council area, before joining the Grand Prix circuit to complete the distance. Male competitors will cover a total distance of 125 miles, the women 68 miles before the finish in Lincoln's Castle Square.


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Send your press releases and county news to: Rob Davis via

New ‘Artist in Residence’ debuts this month at Grantham’s Belton House Silversmith Angela Cork will really shine in new role... Grantham’s Belton House will this month have its own artist in residence - silversmith Angela Cork. From April to early November, visitors to Belton House will discover an exhibition of Angela’s work and on most Saturdays, they will see her in action. Moreover, visitors will be invited to enter a prize draw to win a silver beaker specially made during Angela’s residency. The beaker will be inspired by the architecture and regency era of Belton House itself.

New 40-acre nature reserve near Mablethorpe will provide coastal habitat

Angela Cork is one of Britain’s most innovative silversmiths and part of a prestigious elite represented in The Goldsmith Company’s collection, which will be lending masterpieces to Belton House too.

Blue lights, camera, plenty of action: Police Interceptors will be back...

Huttoft Marsh site will be managed by Wildlife Trust, anticipated species include rare Lapwing bird... Mablethorpe will be home to Lincolnshire’s newest nature reserve as Pride goes to press, with work underway on a new 40 acre site at Huttoft Marsh. The area of rough grassland, redundant drains and unmanaged scrubland is being transformed into a coastal grazing marsh, with wetland features, scrapes and undulating sand dunes. A series of shallow scrapes will create pools and wet grassland, which will attract all kinds of wildfowl and wading birds. Throughout the winter it should draw in flocks of golden plover, lapwing, curlew, brent geese, whooper swan and little egrets. As spring turns to summer, there is the potential for species such as


reed bunting, reed warbler, marsh harrier and redshank, as well as frogs, damselflies and dragonflies. To provide opportunities to view wildlife, a perimeter path with viewing screens and a hide will be created. The path will also link into the existing excellent network of footpaths around the Coastal Country Park area. The work on Huttoft Marsh nature reserve is being overseen by Coast and Wash Warden, Dave Miller. Councillor Colin Davie, Executive Member for the Environment at Lincolnshire County Council, said: “Over the coming years we’ll work with the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust to keep investing in the area and will create a sanctuary for all kinds of animals, birds and plants.”

Lincolnshire’s police officers will feature in future episodes of the reality TV series Police Interceptors, with series six shown recently on Channel Five. Filming for the programme’s seventh series has already begun whilst series eight will be filmed later this year. Produced by Raw Cut TV, Director Steve Warr says; “Working with Lincolnshire's elite units gives us a unique view of real crime prevention in progress and the incredibly tough and dangerous job the officers carry out on a daily basis.”

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Designer eyewear... non-designer prices.

Designer frames from Paul Smith and Moscot just two of the famous names available at O’Briens.

43/44 Wrawby Street, Brigg, North Lincolnshire DN20 8BS Tel: 01652 653 595. Web:

Call for an appointment or pop in to view our latest designer eyewear.


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LANDLORDS TAKE NOTE Tim Shaw, Partner of Hodgson Elkington LLP Chartered Surveyors, updates us on an important piece of legislation change which will affect commercial landlords and the ability to recover rent arrears. From the 06th April 2014, the Common Law Remedy of Distress, whereby a commercial landlord could enter a tenant’s premises, and seize and sell the tenants assets to recover rent arrears will be replaced by a new statutory process Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery (CRAR). Step 1: Written Warning Notice Enforcement Agents must provide 7 days’ notice of an intended action. The notice should include: • Specified details of the debt • The date the notice was issued • Contact details of the Enforcement Agent • Methods of payment Step 2: Taking Control of Goods The Enforcement Agent can attend at the demise premises on any day of the week between 6am and 9pm, provided the tenant has been given 7 days advance notice. The new Act replaces Walking Possession with a Controlled Goods Agreement. A Controlled Goods Agreement will state that the Enforcement Agent is in control of the goods and they cannot be disposed of by the tenant without authority from the agent. Step 3: Re-entry after a Controlled Goods Agreement In order to re-enter the premises an Enforcement Agent must give 2 clear days’ notice of re-entry. Re-entry must occur between 6am and 9pm unless the business operates outside of these hours. Step 4: Sale of Goods There is now a statutory requirement to obtain a valuation before selling goods. This must be given by an independent and qualified valuer. The notice of sale must be within 12 months of taking control of the goods and there should be a minimum notice period of 7 days for the sale to be valid. The notice of sale must contain: • Details of the proposed sale • The Enforcement Agents details • All relevant reference numbers • The amount outstanding at the date of the notice • A date and time by which the outstanding sum must be paid to prevent the goods being sold Aside from the basic steps above, there are a number of other important changes which commercial landlords should be aware of. • The Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery procedure can only be used to collect pure rent. The procedure cannot be used to collect service charge or insurance rent. • With regard the premises, the property, or any part of it must not be a dwelling and must be solely used for commercial purposes. • For the Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery procedure to be used a Lease must be in place. This is defined as a tenancy in law including a tenancy at will. The tenancy must also be evidence in writing. The process of Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery cannot be used when a tenant has a Licence Agreement. These are important procedures which a Landlord must get right in order to secure outstanding rent. Failure to do so, will mean the Landlord is in breach of the procedure and the ability to recover outstanding rent, will be prejudiced. For further details of the Commercial Management service provided by Hodgson Elkington LLP, please contact Tim on 01522 698989 or

Hodgson Elkington LLP 1 Oakwood Road Doddington Road Lincoln, LN6 3LH

Telephone: 01522 698989 Fax: 01522 683939 Email: 9

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Staff at The Collection with The Mayor of Lincoln, Councillor Pat Vaughan and Sir David.

THE EVENT David Attenborough at The Collection Television naturalist Sir David Attenborough was recently the VIP guest at the official opening of The Collection’s new exhibition, Sir Joseph Banks - A Great Endeavour. The exhibition is a collection of artefacts and drawings from the botanist and explorer’s work, arranged chronologically, celebrating the life of one of Lincolnshire’s most important sons. Having just returned from Borneo, where he was filming for his latest series - which will air on the BBC later this year Sir David is the patron of the Sir Joseph Banks Society, based in Horncastle. He gave a knowledgable keynote speech about the importance of Banks’s contribution to science. The exhibition has been made possible thanks to a donation of £140,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund.


David first met reporters before opening the exhibition.

Prom, ParTy & EVEning WEar sPECialisTs Eight minutes from lincoln City Centre

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Attenborough at The Collection

Prof. David Stockey and staff from the heritage Lottery Fund.

Sir David Attenborough opens the Joseph Banks exhibition at The Collection in Lincoln.

Martin hill OBE (left) Leader of Lincolnshire County Council.

Tony Worth (right) Lord Lieutenant of Lincolnshire.

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TRAVAIL EMPLOYMENT GROUP Formed in 1977, Travail Employment Group is a national recruitment organisation with a network of 28 branches stretching from Scotland in the north to London & Brighton in the south. Grantham is a multidiscipline office, we recruit across a wide range of sectors, supplying staff for light industrial unskilled work, office support personnel, technical and skilled contractors, and executive personnel, to name but a few. We are locally owned and managed with an experienced committed team and this is greatly reflected in the superior standard of service offered by us. With over 12 years recruitment experience in our branch, we pride myself on offering professional cost effective recruitment solutions. Call Travail for a free confidential service on 01476 577248 or email your details in confidence to

TRAVAIL EDUCATION We are a dedicated Education Recruitment Agency that specialises in finding Primary and Secondary Teachers, SEN Teacher, Covers Supervisors and Teaching Assistants positions in schools in Lincolnshire on both short and long term supply and permanent positions. We have over 18 years’ experience within this industry and have built excellent relationships with schools in the County. We offer competitive daily rates of pay and the option to claim back expenses. Our team of dedicated Education Professionals are available to discuss our service further on 01476 570716 or email

THE ADDAMS FAMILY The senior class of the Guildhall Arts Centre’s youth drama group ‘D2E’ return with the hit musical comedy The Addams Family in May, with a three night run of the show! The Addams family delight in the macabre, completely unaware that people find them frightening. Wednesday Addams has done something truly horrifying: she’s fallen in love with a man from a respectable family, who has never been introduced to her ‘interesting’ relatives. Everything will change for the whole family on the fateful night they host a dinner for Wednesday’s “normal” boyfriend and his parents. With fantastic new songs and all your favourite Addams characters, this hilarious show straight from a smash hit run in the USA is not to be missed! The show starts at 7.30pm on Thursday 1st – Saturday 3rd May, with tickets at £7.50 & £6.50 concessions. To book, visit or call 01476 406158. 12

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The sights and sounds of

Grantham... Mentioned as a Royal Manor in the Domesday Book, the historical town of Grantham has come a long way over the years, and is a great place for those seeking a great fun day out... Words: Ceri Jackson.

Image: John McDonald.

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Grantham Described as a Royal Manor in the Domesday Book, Grantham has come a long way since the days when it was known as a coaching town for kings and noblemen, and is now bursting at the seams with things to do... With a population of over 40,000, Grantham has a wealth of historical footnotes, playing host to a number of well known figures. Most significantly, it was the birth place of Britain’s first woman Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher Even if the town is still wrangling with whether to commemorate her with a new statue. Scientist Sir Isaac Newton attended at the Kings School, as did William Cecil, the first Lord Burghley who became the most powerful statesman in the area during Elizabeth I’s reign. Grantham was also home to Britain’s first police woman, Edith Smith, who began her duties in 1915.

Belton Horse trials and Lycetts Grantham Cup.


Many famous visitors and royalty have stayed in the town over the centuries. Travellers such as Daniel Defoe remarked that ‘this is a neat, pleasant, well-built and populous town.’ Charles Dickens stayed at the former George Hotel, which he mentioned in Nicholas Nickleby, and where he reportedly wrote Bleak House. Today, there’s an abundance of things to do throughout the year in and around Grantham with a great choice of places to visit. There is a fantastic selection of parks and open spaces to enjoy a lazy afternoon or two. A number of local attractions sit on Grantham’s doorstep: you can go paintballing or karting at Ancaster, visit Belton House, Belvoir Castle and enjoy Grimsthorpe Castle situated between Grantham and Bourne. Enjoy The Belton House Horse Trials from 4th to 6th April, and you can enjoy a walk around the gardens and majesty of the regency property itself while you’re there. Later on in the year you can take part in the Gravity Fields Festival. Launched by South 14

Kesteven Discount Council to celebrate the life and discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton, this innovative festival includes a dynamic and creative programme of science, arts and heritage, taking place in September. Grantham has an expanding and developing town centre, with many thriving shops, indoor shopping centres such as Downtown Superstore at Gonerby Junction, and a bustling Saturday street market. There’s also a Farmers’ Market on the second Saturday each month, and soon Grantham will see Marks & Spencer return to the town centre which could prompt more multinational retailers to come to the town, as well as a new multi-screen cinema, too.

St. Wulfram’s Church Constructed in the early 1300’s, St Wulfram’s has one of the finest steeples in the country, standing at 282 feet. The church is dedicated to a 7th century missionary born about 650 AD in Paris. Visit the Chained Library and Crypt Chapel. The windows, with wonderfully varied tracery, contain fine Victorian and modern glass.

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Out & About Around Grantham... 1

Boothby Pagnell Manor This historically important Norman manor is just five miles from Grantham and there are four main rooms which can be viewed. To book an appointment, call 01476 585374.


Harlaxton Manor This manor masterpiece was built in the 1830’s. It is now a private residential college, and guided house tours for groups can be made by calling 01476 403000.


Ellys Manor House Visit this rare and magical architectural gem a Tudor wool merchant’s house, built in the Flemish style, with fabulous late medieval wall paintings. For details, see


Woolsthorpe Manor This is the 17th century birthplace of Sir Isaac Newton,

who carried out some of his works here. There is also an interactive science discovery centre in the grounds which explains his life and theories. Visit


Belton House This is a National Trust owned restoration country house with 25 rooms open to view, 1,300 acres of landscaped gardens, woodland adventure playground, wildlife discovery centre and much more!


Grimsthorpe Castle A treasure house built in 1540 for a visit by Henry VIII. There is plenty to enjoy such as the castle itself with state rooms, collections, tapestries and paintings, 3,000 acres of

landscaped parkland, gardens, adventure playground, a cycle trail and hire shop. Visit


Belvoir Castle A romantic 19th century turreted castle set high on a hill and is home to the Duke of Rutland. Take a look round the state rooms, art treasures, formal gardens or the Royal Lancers Museum. You can also enjoy a bit of jousting and re-enactments, and family events are held on a regular basis. See For more ideas for family days out, see out What’s On guide later in this edition...

Easton Walled Gardens

Wyndham Park This delightful park has been awarded the prestigious Green Flag status for a second consecutive year. As well as a relaxing walk, you can also visit the Old Pavilion Tea room, outdoor paddling pool, two bowling greens, tennis courts, model boating pool, playground and sensory garden.

Manor Stables Craft Centre Manor Stables is set in the beautiful village of Fulbeck, and they offer a unique centre for traditional and contemporary crafts.

Woolsthorpe M an


There is also a gift shop, tea rooms a master saddler and woodcraft. Visit the centre’s website;

Easton Walled Gardens Walk round twelve acres of nationally important gardens beautifully restored set in a delightful valley just off the A1. This garden is 400 years old with a selection of walks, drifts of bulbs, sweet peas, roses, meadows and cottage gardens. You can enjoy a light lunch and tea served overlooking the gardens. Visit www.easton

Harlaxton Manor 15

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Grub in Grantham

Places to Eat Recommended restaurants and perfect pubs to appease your appetite after a busy day sight-seeing!


he Blue Pig Inn is a beautiful and cosy Tudor pub with low beams, two open fires, and stripped stone and flagstones. The food is traditional English pub fayre with everything from sandwiches and wraps to the usual pub favourites. There are also a host of speciality pork dishes which is quite appropriate considering its name.

Easter Egg Trai

l at Belton Hous e

The Events Diary... 4th to 6th April, Belton horse Trials and Lycetts Grantham Cup:

The Chequers at Woolsthorpe is The Good Pub Guide’s Lincolnshire Dining Pub of the Year. A quaint 17th century country dining pub situated in the unspoilt Vale of Belvoir amid rolling green hills and picture postcard villages. The quintessential English inn is welcoming with roaring log fires and a cosy atmosphere, and in the summer offers a pretty garden for al fresco dining with views of Belvoir Castle. They offer award winning cuisine, and you can dine in what was the original village bakery, now called The Bakehouse. If you’re a fan of hot and spicy foods with fresh flavours, you must pay the Bindi Indian restaurant a visit. They have a selection of innovative and creative yet traditional dishes in a bright, spacious and vibrant restaurant with a contemporary edge. Bindi offers an extensive menu, inspired by authentic home-cooking. Whether you love hot and spicy, fruity, creamy or tangy tastes, Bindi’s Indian food is in a class of its own. Every dish is freshly prepared using the finest quality Asian food spices and ingredients. Owner Muhammed Karim joined forces with Nick Woods, the creator of the ‘World’s hottest’ Infinity Chilli, to create the World’s hottest

curry, The Widower. Our Editor, Rob Davis tried this curry in June, and reported, between tears, that it’s hot. Very, very hot! Since its invention, Muhammed has prepared it over 700 times - just four people have managed to finish it. Do you dare give it a try?!

Many of the top event riders from the UK and Europe will be competing for the Lycetts Grantham Cup, and there will be other equine competitions such as the Inter-Hunt Relay, Unaffiliated Dressage and Pony Club Mounted Games as well as the showcase Stallion Parade. Entry also includes access to the grounds of Belton House, the adventure playground and more.

10th & 11th April, Guildhall Arts Centre Lego Workshop: With Lego bricks, the possibilities are endless and this workshop for children between five and 12 will fuel their imagination! 10th April, 10am-12.30pm and 1.30pm-4pm.

Willow Dragonflies Workshop: Make a dragonfly from willow with experienced tutor Sue Kirk. This workshop is aimed at children 10 years or older, and accompanying adults are welcome to come along too. 11th April, 10am-12pm, 12.30pm-2.30pm, and 2.30pm-4.30pm.

16th April & 17th April, LOV Festival The LOV Festival is an exciting celebration of theatre, music, film, art, design, craft, dance and comedy organised for and by people aged between 12 and 25 at Guildhall Arts Centre.

19th to 21st April, Easter Trail Enjoy a family easter trail at Belton House. There’s also a Mini Chick Trail for tinies! Every child gets an egg, and there will be family activities in the Discovery Centre. £2 entry for each child.

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RESIDENT PARTNERS ARE JAYNE HARRISON, ROBERT CLARK AND EMMA CLAYDEN. Jayne deals with all aspects of Employment Law, Robert specialises in dealing with Disputes and Emma offers help and advice on Corporate matters.

Starting at the top of the stairs: Maz Dudley, Vicky Reeds (3rd from top) and Sarah Horsfield (5th from top) can help you on Wills, Lasting Powers of Attorney and any Probate matters. Jo Chidlow deals with all aspects of Family matters. Trainee Solicitor Sophie Tindall is currently gaining experience in the Corporate department and also working with Raj Blackburn who can advise you on all Commercial Property matters and Ena Barker can help you when buying or selling your home.

Brewing Success for Chattertons

Chattertons can offer an extensive range of legal services and independent financial advice. With offices in Boston, Grantham, Horncastle, Lincoln, Newark, Sleaford, Spalding and Stamford it is one of the largest firms in Lincolnshire and across the East Midlands. The firm has been established for over 200 years and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. SRA No 44948 and Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA No 119495.

Contact the Grantham office on 01476 591 550 or visit 17

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APRIL 2 014














ISSUE 141 ISSUE 1 41

s Great Days Out for Familie

What’s On this Summer Sir David Attenborough Grantham Exploring our market towns {Page 15}

Eating Out Spring dining in Lincolnshire {Page 20}

Fashion - Food and Drink On Weddings - News - What’s

Great Days Out for


ion The Event at The Collect

What’s On thiFamilies s Summer The Event at The Coll Sir David Attenection borough Spring Homes 20 pages of home ideas {Page 52}

Fashion - Food and Drink Weddings - News - What’s On

Eating Out

Spring dining in Lincolnshire

{Page 20}

Spring Home s

20 pages of home ideas

{Page 52}


Grantham Exploring our market towns

{Page 15}

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...and discover why we’re still the number one county magazine.


Find out more or subscribe online at

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The Sebastopol Inn... Since its new owners arrived in 2011 Minting’s Sebastopol Inn has come on leaps and bounds. That’s thanks to the dedication and passion of owners David, Dianne their son, head chef Nick.... and of course, their mascot - Snoopy the Westie!

Local ingredients: We enjoyed a new addition to the menu - a visually striking dish of pan fried turbot with spinach, polenta, home-smoked bacon and butter sauce.

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RESTAuRANT OF ThE MONTh Left: Home-cured salmon with pickled beets and horseradish cream. Right and Below: The traditional pub and restaurant, which dates back to the 16th century, provides a warm and cosy dining experience.


Left: Rolled ox tongue with piccalilli and bread crisps. Below: Orange and almond cake with dark chocolate ice cream and caramelised pistachio.

hen the Reed family re-opened The Sebastopol Inn in August 2011, it marked the start of their success story. The historic pub prides itself on using local suppliers and ingredients, and provides a relaxing dining experience with high quality food. The original part of the building is probably one of the oldest surviving pubs in Lincolnshire, dating back to the 16th century. Originally a mud and stud cottage, it was first licensed in 1836 by local farmer, George Cartwright. It was known quite simply as ‘the beerhouse’ by locals, until shortly after the Crimean War when a soldier celebrating his safe return fell into a nearby dyke and drowned. During the inquest he was referred to as the brave infantryman from Sebastopol, and thus ‘The Sebastopol Inn’ name stuck. The Reeds have since brought the pub back to life after it had stood desolate and boarded up. The journey began with a complete renovation from top to bottom, but they have retained the traditional pub feel with an open fireplace and slate flooring in the bar area. With ceilings lined with rickety beams and an adjoining old range, the two small snug areas are ideal for cosy, casual dining. The converted stable towards the back can cater for up to 40 and has a vibrant, modern red colour. It makes an ideal room for private parties and functions. Originally from Lancashire, the family moved to the area after head chef Nick’s growing desire to run a place of his own - and he definitely brings a lot of expertise to the table. Having worked in kitchens since he was 16, from gastropubs to fine dining restaurants, he has an immense knowledge of food and which ingredients work well together. He creates the menus using his experience and passion to prepare innovative dishes. The family has always been keen to utilise the numerous local growers and producers by sourcing the very best local produce and ingredients, such as nearby Minting Park Farm which provides high quality meat. Real ale fan David works 21

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Sample M enu £ STARTERS Caramelised Onion & Cheddar Tart £6.00 With leaves & shoots, and extra virgin rape seed oil. Rolled Ox Tongue With piccalilli and bread crisps.


home-Cured Salmon £6.50 With pickled beets and horseradish cream. Box Baked Camembert for Two £12.00 With home-made olive & tomato focaccia, balsamic onions and chutney.

£ MAINS Pork Shoulder £14.00 Minting Park Farm pork shoulder with roast pepper & chickpea stew, crackling and kale. Pumpkin & fennel arancini £11.00 With parmesan cream, rocket and pine nuts. Chargrilled venison haunch steak £14.00 With smoked beetroot & barley risotto, pickled shallots and kale. Minting Park Farm Rib-Eye £18.00 Chargrilled, with triple cooked chips, roast cherry tomatoes, leaves & shoots.

£ DESSERTS Apple Parfait £6.00 With nut & oat crumble, caramelised apple and balsamic syrup. Orange and Almond cake With dark chocolate ice cream and caramelised pistachio.


hot chocolate fondant With cinder toffee and peanut butter ice cream.


Selection of Lincolnshire Cheese £7.00 With Modens’s plum loaf and homemade apple & tomato chutney.

£ SERVICE TIMES Tuesday to Saturday: 12-2.30pm, 6-10pm Last orders for food is 2pm & 9pm. Sunday: 12-4pm Last orders for food is 3pm.

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RESTAuRANT OF ThE MONTh with 16 local brewers to supply the guest ale, and he never repeats a cask. Each beer clip is lined proudly on the wall in the bar area, with 110 in total so far.

For our main course, we were delighted to try a new addition to the menu - pan fried turbot with spinach, polenta, home smoked bacon and butter sauce.

The extent of their success can be measured by the fact that at the recent Select Lincolnshire – Love Food awards they won not only the 2014 Pub of the Year award but also the Taste of Excellence award for Best Pub Food.

When the plate arrived, we were impressed just how visually striking the dish was - perfectly cooked, the mild flavours of the turbot were beautifully complemented by the kick of the sauce.

Working on the same menu for lunch and dinner Nick ensures the dishes are constantly evolving with the right ingredients, creating an array of mouthwatering flavours to try. If you’re looking for a relaxed atmosphere coupled with exquisite attention to detail then you are definitely in for a treat. Virtually everything that reaches the diner’s plate has been prepared from scratch. From starters to desserts to the delicious bread, ice creams, stocks and sauces... everything is made by hand in Nick’s kitchen.

The slow roast paprika pork shoulder came on top of a luscious roasted red pepper and chickpea stew. Moist and tender, the pork flaked away and the smells were absolutely mouth-watering. We fell in love with the handmade crackling pillow.

With seven starters, 10 mains and seven desserts to choose from we were spoilt for choice, but eventually decided on the home cured salmon with horseradish cream and pickled beets for starter. The yellow and purple beets added an infusion of colour on the plate, and the sweet refreshing taste was perfect with the salmon.

Now on to dessert! The orange and almond cake came with homemade dark chocolate ice cream and caramelised pistachio nuts. The burst of citrus with almonds created a refreshing twist to the perfectly moist, soft cake. The homemade ice cream was creamy and full of intense flavour, whilst the pistachios added a sweet crunch to the texture. Next we tried another new addition to the menu - an apple parfait with nut and oat crumble, caramelised apple and balsamic syrup. A particular favourite of ours - it was the perfect dessert to finish with.

Our second option was the rolled ox tongue, which provided a great taste of the countryside. Nick’s homemade piccalilli gave a tangy contrast. The bread crisps were a great addition to the dish and allowed us to get well and truly stuck in, mixing the delicious flavours together.

The Reed family are now entering their third year since bringing the restaurant back to life and The Sebastopol Inn provides a fantastic service with a smile. The award winning restaurant offers a comfortable and friendly dining experience and amazingly innovative food using local suppliers and ingredients.

Mascot: Snoopy the Westie Opposite: Apple parfait with crumble, caramelised apple and balsamic syrup.

THE SEBASTOPOL INN Minting, near horncastle

The Sebastopol Inn Church Lane Minting Horncastle LN9 5RS To book a meal call

01507 578577

From Lincoln – Take the A158 signposted to Skegness. five miles after Wragby, turn right to Minting and follow the brown tourist signs. From Skegness – Follow the A158 signposted to Lincoln. Five miles after Horncastle, turn left to Minting and follow the brown tourist signs. From Woodhall Spa – Although there is a more direct route, the least ambitious way is to proceed to Horncastle, pick up signs to Lincoln, and follow route as from Skegness above. Or enter LN9 5RS in your sat nav and enjoy the country drive!

Find out more online at


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HAVE YOUR CAKE & EAT IT The Cake Lady is back in town, creating distinctly delicious edible works of art... Rebecca Callow isn’t just a cake maker. She is a cake maker extraordinaire who is back open for business following the floods in Boston. Based in Wormgate, Boston - the newly opened cake and tea shop, The Cake Lady radiates classic vintage glam. With over 16 years of experience, Rebecca has an abundance of knowledge, passion and creativity which really sets her apart. “I have always loved baking - it’s not just my job but my passion. I create edible works of art for my customers, whether for a christening, birthday, wedding - if you have a special occasion, I can make the cake.” She always keeps her customers in mind, and nothing is out of the question. Starting at £50, the possibilities for cakes are endless, bound only by your imagination. 24

If you just want to sample a taste, you can stop by The Cake Lady’s tea room Tuesday to Saturday for a slice of cake and a cup of loose leaf tea. “I wanted to bring something different to Boston. Somewhere you can sit and relax with friends, enjoy a cup of tea from vintage china while you listen to cafe music and watch a cake being made and decorated.” The Cake Lady was awarded the New Business of the Year award in Boston Enterprise Week a year after opening. Rebecca was ecstatic, but following the floods, began to re-evaluate the business. “It was an opportunity for me to regroup, re-evaluate and improve.” That’s exactly what Rebecca has done. The Cake Lady is back, stronger than ever with a new look shop and new logo. “I’ve renewed determination about the shop, and I am so excited to be open for business again!”

More information: Speak to Rebecca Callow, The Cake Lady on 07840 400682 or visit Rebecca’s website at

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d a e H s Queen T H E




Don’t be a fool this month... ...enjoy high quality pub restaurant dining for a bargain price!

Early Bird dining at The Queen’s Head this month; from 6pm-7pm you’ll enjoy a choice of main courses and a selection of puddings with after dinner coffee for just £13.95 per head... you’d be an April Fool not to love that offer!

Just off the A17 at Sleaford, NG34 9NU Call 01529 305743 or see


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Abbey Parks Farm Shop East Heckington’s Abbey Parks is a must-visit venue for people who respect the provenance and quality of local ingredients. But don’t forget, it’s also a compelling dining option for spring, with a bistro that offers everything from afternoon coffee and home made cakes to high quality à la carte dining!


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Food & Drink

with Abbey Parks


e really are fans of East Heckington’s Abbey Parks, and in particular, the warmth of Ros and Sophie Loweth at front of house, and the talent, in its kitchen, of head chef Anthony. The farming family moved to the county in 1986 and opened the farm shop and deli on the 500 acre arable farm a little later in 2002.

options. During our visit, these included two soup options, two pâté options and our featured starter of ham hock and caper terrine. Main course options include belly pork, rump steak and gammon steak, a gourmet burger and fishcakes of salmon, haddock & parsley, as well as our pan-friend duck breast which was served with a redcurrant reduction, dauphinoise potatoes and roasted celeriac.

Opposite: Our main course of pan-fried duck was served with dauphinoise potatoes and roast celeriac. Above: Assiette of citrus - lemon syllabub, citrus sponge and home made blood orange sorbet.

Abbey Parks’s provision of food goes well beyond its bistro status. There are two dining rooms; the Abbey Parks opens its gelato parlour this spring, and has main farm shop, and the garden room, added in a new outside catering operation with a suite of outside 2004 taking the total number catering equipment, crockery and bespoke menus... of covers in the bistro to over 60. The bistro produces dishes more akin to a fine dining restaurant, though eschewing formality in favour of rustic tables, log burners and countryside decoration, with dressers full of retro china, wicker baskets suspended from above and farming ephemera all around. A permanent menu of brunch options, paninis, ciabatta, baked potatoes, main courses and home made desserts is available seven days a week from 9am4.30pm with Sunday lunch available from 12.30pm. There’s also a specials board which changes daily and comprises around ten à la carte main course

Our dessert was an assiette of citrus with lemon syllabub, citrus sponge and blood orange sorbet. The farm shop last year began to create its own sorbets and gelato ice creams. Spring 2014 will see Abbey Parks open its ice cream parlour up, offering up to 20 different flavours of home made ices. The company will also be serving them in the Select Lincolnshire marquee at this year’s Lincolnshire Show, with some of its more imaginative flavours including Toblerone, Mini Egg and Lemon Meringue.

>> 27

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>> Ice creams and the desserts at Abbey Parks are made in house, with the overall quality and appearance of these, and its main courses, more akin to a fine dining restaurant than a farm shop bistro. New this year, Abbey Parks can now provide the same quality cuisine for dinner parties, weddings, meetings and other functions with a new outside catering operation. The firm has its own mobile kitchen equipment and can create bespoke menus for customers wanting to cater for between 10 and 120 guests. Also taking place this month is the bistro’s Mothering Sunday and Easter Sunday promotions featuring a special menu comprising rolled rib of beef - booking is essential given the quality of dining at Abbey Parks!

Ice creams and the desserts at Abbey Parks are made in house, with the overall quality and appearance of food more akin to a fine dining restaurant than a farm shop bistro... Above: Ham Hock Terrine with Piccalilli. Left: The Garden Room at Abbey Parks Farm Shop’s bistro. Above/Right: The Farm Shop.


Find Out More... ABBEY PARKS FARM SHOP AND BISTRO Visit Abbey Parks on A17 at East Heckington, Boston PE20 3QF, or call 01205 821610 or see

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New Spring/Summer Menu now available

Come and enjoy a delicious meal in our beautiful restaurant VISIT OUR NEW WEBSITE FOR ALL OUR MENUS.

Riby Road, Grimsby N/E Lincolnshire DN41 8BU.

Tel: 01469 561302 29

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MOTHER’S DAY HAMPERS AT ABBEY PARKS FARM SHOP What better way to spoil your mother this year than with a hamper filled with all of her favourite things, it’s something she will enjoy on the day and for much longer after that and will earn you lots of brownie points! Abbey Parks Farm Shop hampers make wonderful presents as they are created specifically with the person in mind, they are unique and show great thoughtfulness and the best bit, we do all the hard work for you! Call in and feast your eyes on all of our wonderful products, some very practical, others very luxurious and some totally radical, pick what you like the most or think the person the hamper is for will love and we will fill and wrap the hamper beautifully. Alternatively give us a call or drop us an email indicating what sort of products you would like in your hamper or the sort of person the hamper is for and we can create, wrap and send the hamper out for you. We are also celebrating Mothering Sunday with a delicious Sunday Lunch menu, treat your mother and all the family to a home cooked roast without having to lift a finger, the cosy atmosphere of the restaurant will make you feel like you are at home but with no washing up to do once all the feasting is over. Menu available online. Abbey Parks Farm Shop is a little country haven filled to the rafters with delicious delicacies, home grown vegetables, locally sourced products, an excellent cheese counter, local meats, antiques, gifts and much more.


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SEE OUR NEW LOOK… THE BEST WESTERN OAKLANDS HALL HOTEL AND ITS TEAM ARE ExTREMELY PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE ONCE AGAIN WON THE AWARD FOR ‘BEST RESTAURANT IN LINCOLNSHIRE’ THIS IS THE LATEST IN A STRING OF AWARDS INCLUDING OUR RECENT AA ROSETTE. We have received various Accolades over the past year including three Awards for our Comfy Duck Bistro: All of which have acknowledged us as the Best Restaurant in Lincolnshire through separate publications. We are now boasting a fully refurbished hotel with only a handful of bedrooms to be completed. Work has been going on since February 2012 and within the last two years we have seen over £1,000 000 worth of investment put in by our directors. The photographs you see are from a recent shoot which was kindly done by David Walker ‘Jacksnappa’ who spent a day with

our team and took a variety of shots in hopes to fully capture the vast improvements that have been made. “The popularity of the Oaklands has increased by a staggering amount since the relaunch back in May 2012. We would like to thank all of our loyal customers, we hope that you will continue to support us and share in our success.” Barry Flint, General Manager. The best way to really see the difference is to come in and take a look for yourself. We look forward to seeing you soon.


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Sample Dishes

JuST DESSERTS This month you’ll get your ‘just desserts,’ as we ask some of the county’s most talented chefs to champion their favourite puddings... Photos: Rob Davis

Deconstructed vanilla cheesecake with home made sorbet The Finch Hatton Arms, Ewerby near Sleaford 01529 460363,


Dark chocolate marquise with vanilla meringue and cherry with home made sorbet The Chequers, Gedney Dyke 01406 366700 >> Sticky toffee pudding with butterscotch sauce White Hart Hotel, Boston 01205 311900 32

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Eton Mess with home made raspberry sorbet Red Lion at Bicker 01775 821200


Duo of poached pears coated in dark chocolate Generous Briton, Brant Broughton 01400 272119


Chocolate brownie with whole hazelnuts and home made pistachio ice cream, chocolate sauce and amaretto biscuit crumb Farndon Boathouse, Newark 01636 676578 33

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THE LIMES THAI COOKING SCHOOL COME AND ExPERIENCE AUTHENTIC THAI COOKING AND LEARN HOW TO MAKE REAL THAI FOOD... We are situated about 1 mile outside Boston at Cowbridge on the Horncastle Road. The school is combined with the Limes Bed and Breakfast and we offer weekend breaks including B&B and the Thai cooking experience which would include the dinner. The Thai cooking lesson comprises of 1 ½ hours instruction. Where our visitors can participate in the cooking of exotic Thai dishes. Sunny who is our resident chef explains each stage of the process in preparing and cooking delicious Thai menus. We normally cater for parties of 5 to 12 at each lesson so you will need to get a party together to make it an interesting and enjoyable experience. The whole programme takes about 3 hours depending on how long visitors take over their meal. The cost per person is £29. We can also cater for private dinner parties for 10 to 20 people. Call Tom or Sunny on 01205 311254 for more details.


GEORGE ——————————————



L E A D E N H A M A Family Run Country Establishment Offering High Quality À la Carte Dining Sunday lunches from £8.95 700 whiskies from across the British Isles

High Street, Leadenham, Lincoln LN5 0PN Tel: 01400 272251 • Web:

Advertise in the number one county magazine.





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spring dining: Cornish crab starter with pickled cucumber and preserved lemon mayonnaise.

fine dining for spring at

Stapleford Park Our last visit to Stapleford saw Martin Furlong, head up the kitchen at the country house hotel, between Grantham and Melton Mowbray. Six months on, we went along to see how the dining room has changed under his tenure...

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restaUrant of tHe MontH

Left: Loin of venison with chestnut purée, parsnips and Savoy cabbage. right: The Grinling Gibbons dining room received a facelift a few months ago and is a comfortable, plush environment in which to enjoy Stapleford’s fine dining à la carte menu.

above: Stapleford Park’s comfortable lounge. Left: Pan fried sea bream with clam and spring onion chowder. Below: Our chocolate mousse dessert was a rich, dark treat with Grand Marnier ice cream.


ur last visit to the beautiful country estate of Stapleford Park occurred just over six months or so ago. At that time, Martin Furlong was preparing to take the reins from previous Head Chef Dave Ellams. This month we paid the venue another visit to see how Martin has influenced the 11 strong brigade, and to find out what will be on the restaurant’s spring menus. Dating back to 1336, the country house was reconstructed in 1633 and was extended in 1894 when owner Lord Gretton added the grand looking frontage you’ll see today... that is, once you’ve swept past the estate’s church, through the leafy grounds, under the archway and through the wrought iron gates to reach the main entrance. Flanked by parterre hedging with a Union Flag flying, it’s a grand façade and it’s just as grand inside, with a large reception hall, massive inner hall with grand staircase, champagne bar, lounge, and the main Grinling Gibbons dining room, named after the architect whose carvings dominate a comfortable and plush place to dine, with crisp linens and polished silver. The restaurant definitely qualifies as fine dining, with its à la carte restaurant menu available from 6-9.30pm seven days and for Sunday lunch from 12 noon to 2.30pm. Stapleford Park has phased out lunchtime dining in the Grinling Gibbons, but has refreshed its Pavillion clubhouse used by its golfers, to offer a less formal alternative. There are seven starters, eight main courses and six desserts on the evening menu, evolving constantly, and prepared by a very dedicated team which produces everything from bread to petit fours in house. 37

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Sample M enu £ STARTERS rabbit terrine Pressing of milk-fed rabbit with golden sultana and carrot salad.


trout Rilette of sea trout with roquette mousse and crème frâiche.


foie gras £12 Pan fried foie gras with caramelised pear, quince purée, and hazelnut dressing.

£ MAINS duck Barbury duck breast with crispy duck leg, caramelised turnip, root vegetables and confit potatoes.


Venison £31 Loin of venison with chestnut purée, parsnips and Savoy cabbage. Mackerel Scottish mackerel with warm potato salad and horseradish.


Châteaubriand For two with dauphinoise potato, béarnaise and seasonal vegetables.


£ PUDDING assiette of Citrus £9.50 Trio of citrus with lemon tart, blood orange jelly and citrus pastilles. Cheesecake Vanilla cheesecake with blueberries and sloe gin.


soufflé Apple crumble soufflé with apple sorbet and English custard.


Cheese Board Selection of British and French cheeses with grape chutney.


£ OPENING TIMES À la carte served daily between 6.00-9.30pm, seven days a week. Sunday lunch service 12noon-2.30pm.

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restaUrant of tHe MontH

“Spring is a great month to dine at Stapleford Park.” says Martin. “We’ve a range of lamb dishes, with asparagus, berries and rhubarb all grown in the area. We’re currently looking to start a herb garden and grow a little more of our produce on the estate itself, but for now, we’ve some excellent suppliers.” During our visit, we enjoyed a light, fresh starter of Cornish crab served with pickled cucumber and preserved lemon mayonnaise, as well as a pressing of milk fed rabbit terrine with carrot salad. Our main courses were sea bream served with clam & spring onion chowder, and loin of venison sourced from Peterborough Game with a beautiful, bright accompaniment of chestnut purée, parsnips and Savoy cabbage. Our desserts beautifully demonstrate Martin’s insistence that his menus should feature, at the same time, a few options that are more formal, with immaculate presentation, like our glossy, rich chocolate mousse, as well as dishes that look a little more deconstructed; in our case a lemon tart with caramelised top, berry pastilles and blood orange jelly. It’s a colourful, dramatic and fun dessert that looks brilliant and boasts some really powerful flavours. Definitely a recommendation for spring dining!

The restaurant’s wine list is nothing short of an education, with around 300 bins, priced from a merry £30 to extravagant bottles weighing in at several thousand pounds from the owner’s private cellars. Not only is the hotel one of the best dining rooms in the area, there’s also plenty to do during a weekend treat or a day visit during the warmer weather. Falconry, shooting, off-road driving, golf on the hotel’s Capability Brown landscaped course or a treatment or two in the hotel’s Clarins spa - based in the old stables - make Stapleford Park a must-visit venue, even beyond the excellent dining on offer. During our visit a guest was waiting in reception for his partner to join him. We struck up a conversation and I asked if it was his first time at the venue. “Oh yes. We come from Yorkshire, and we had no idea it existed. We sort of stumbled across it. Its absolutely wonderful. Great food and an absolutely gorgeous place!” we grinned and nodded knowingly. His reaction is typical of someone emerging from the peaceful, luxurious and high end (but still great value) hotel. It’s so close to home, but it feels like it’s a million miles away. If you haven’t been for a while, do treat yourself to a visit this spring!

STAPLEFORD PARK HOTEL stapleford, near Melton Mowbray

Stapleford Park Country House Hotel & Sporting Estate Stapleford, Melton Mowbray Leicestershire, LE14 2EF To book a meal call

Getting There Easily: Travelling from Rutland take the B640. At the junction with the A606, take the first exit signposted Nottingham. After five miles, at the crossroads, turn right signposted Whissendine. Turn left onto Whissendine Road signposted Little Dalby after another mile. Then follow the brown signs for Stapleford Park.

01572 787000


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TheWineCellar By George! English wines? The French may well think les rostbifs are on a hiding to nothing, but we know differently! On St George’s Day, the 23rd April, we think an English tipple is just the thing to quench your thirst for wine and patriotism!

Our Gift Subscriptions last a whole year

Jenkyn Place Brut 2009 Sparkling White £28.50

Chapel Down English Rose 2012 £10.99

Bolney Estate Cuvée Noir Brut 2010 £20.99

Meopham Valley Sparkling Rosé Brut 2009 £23.49

Henners Brut Vintage Sparkling 2009 £27

The idea of English ‘champagne’ is probably enough to make the French faint. But whilst champagne retains protected geographic status, Hampshire’s blend of chardonnay, pinot noir and pinot meunier is produced on chalky terroir so it’s as authentic as the real stuff in all but name.

A true ‘English rose’ with aromas reminiscent of strawberries, redcurrants and hawthorn. The palate is delicate and soft with enticing fruit characters and nicely balanced acidity. Great served chilled with a barbecue and a salad on a summer afternoon, blending pinot noir and rondo.

How’s this for an rebellious wine? An English drop that’s also a sparkling red! Warm aromas of stone fruits and ripe blueberries lead to a wonderful creamy richness from an 18 month ageing and a lingering summer fruit palate with a hint of spice on the finish - almost like a summer pudding.

A sparkling rosé produced in Kent that’s a real treat for the summer months. With pinot noir and chardonnay grapes it has a fruity strawberry and raspberry scent, a ceaseless mousse and a dry, sophisticated flavour. It’s also really lovely with seafood or strawberries and cream.

Another English ‘champagne’ in all but geography, produced in East Sussex. This one invokes the English countryside with aromas of elderflower and citrus. Wonderfully balanced with flavour of verbena, apples and brioche. A fabulous fizz for this summer’s parties!

every single month in 2014!

Our featured wines are available from the county’s best independent wine merchants, or buy directly from their respective vineyards.


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Local Asparagus

The Taste of Saint


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right: Visit a farm shop like Abbey Parks for the freshest, highest quality asparagus. Below: It’s good to support growers like Farndon Fields.


t’s one thing we Brits do best… Asparagus. Just ask St George this month; our crop is hailed by leading chefs as the best in the world, so be sure you don’t miss out on its relatively short season of just seven to eight wonderful weeks. Think summer... think asparagus!

St George’s Day, on 23rd April, represents the beginning of the English asparagus season - but how to use a bumper crop? Our recipes suggest ways of employing one of the most eagerly anticipated vegetables of the spring and summer months...

Forget enjoying asparagus just once or maybe twice when it’s in season, this sensational home-grown ‘super food’ comes packed with nutrients, bursting with taste… and a surprising sexual punch! A truly versatile veg, asparagus is delicious in all sorts of different dishes – for lunch, dinner and even breakfast! For those who’ve only ever considered asparagus as a luxurious accompaniment to a main course, it’s time to think again! There are numerous ways to taste British asparagus and when it’s on the shelves, there’s absolutely no reason why it can’t be enjoyed two or three times a week (or even everyday!) in all sorts of recipes, perfect for every meal time. How about a lazy Sunday brunch of scrambled eggs topped with

melt-in-the-mouth asparagus spears tossed in butter? Or a light lunch of asparagus, bacon and poached egg salad with a mustard dressing? The options are endless for dinner; why not whip up an asparagus, tomato and mozzarella pizza for the family or impress dinner guests with pan fried fillet of beef with roasted asparagus and red pepper and horseradish hollandaise? Asparagus is traditionally served simply steamed or lightly boiled and is delicious either way, but it can also be roasted, chargrilled, barbecued or stir-fried. Or how about the easiest way of them all, simply eating asparagus raw, in a summer salad? 43

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Local Asparagus

“You can also substitute the goats’ cheese with a good Montgomery cheddar or some rich blue cheese such as Roquefort...”

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ASPArAGuS tart witH roCket A great option for a healthy summer lunch. It’s hugely versatile as really you can add almost any topping to it and use the oven or grill as your vehicle to make it wonderfully gooey and crispy... Serves Four Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 15 minutes

Ingredients 1 tbsp flour 375g ready rolled puff pastry Half a bundle (approx. 125g) British asparagus, trimmed and cut into 2 inch pieces Salt for seasoning 3 tbsp (approx. 75g) sun dried tomatoes, roughly chopped, plus 1 tbsp oil from the jar 125g goats’ cheese, crumbled 2 handfuls of rocket Balsamic vinegar, to drizzle

Preheat the oven to 230°c. Cut the pastry into four rectangles and place onto a floured baking tray. Score the edge of each rectangle with a sharp knife. Mix the asparagus with the sun dried tomatoes and a little of their oil. Divide the asparagus and tomatoes between the four pastry rectangles and top each with goat’s cheese. Place in the oven for 12-15 minutes. Remove from the oven. Toss the rocket in a little balsamic vinegar and place on top of the tartlets.


Cigars Cooking time: 20 minutes Preparation time: 15 minutes Serves: 16 sharing

Ingredients 2 bundles of British asparagus 4 sheets of ready-made filo pastry 50g butter melted 2 handfuls of grated parmesan Salt and Black pepper

Pre-heat the oven to 190°c Cook the asparagus in well salted water, cooking it for only one or two minutes once it has come back to the boil. Drain and cool the asparagus in cold water. Cut the asparagus 2/3 of the way down.

Take one sheet of filo pastry and brush it lightly but thoroughly all over with butter. Cut each piece into four. Place each asparagus spear along the bottom of your filo piece and roll snugly but not over tightly. Picking it up with your fingers brush the outside with butter again, then scatter the grated parmesan thoroughly over the top of each cigar. Season and bake for 15-18 minutes.

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Local Asparagus


eggs & HaM

Toasted sourdough bread is a great brunch option or a fabulous light lunch. Try this suggestion, served with grilled asparagus, Serrano ham and lovely yummy poached eggs... Serves 4 Preparation time: 10 minutes Cook time: 10 minutes


Preheat the oven to a low heat, and whilst it’s warming up, put a medium sized pan of salted water on to boil, add a splash of vinegar.

2 bunches of asparagus trimmed 4 large free-range eggs 4 thick slices sourdough bread 4 to 8 slices Serrano or Black Forest ham Salt and cracked black pepper Extra virgin olive oil for drizzling

Put a griddle pan on to heat, when the pan starts to smoke, start grilling the asparagus. You may need to cook this in two or three batches depending on the size of your griddle. It will only take a couple of minutes for the asparagus to be cooked. Once all of the asparagus is cooked, season and set aside in the warm oven.

Top Tipple:

By now the water should be boiling. Crack the eggs one at a time carefully into the water. They will take a couple of minutes to cook. Start toasting the slices of sourdough.

By way of a wine tip, Dawn Davies, Sommelier at Selfridges in London suggests pairing this dish with a Chablis such as Alain Geoffrey – available from all good local wine retailers. 46

Next, remove the eggs from the water. Divide the toasted sourdough between four warm plates, then top with the ham, asparagus and a poached egg. Finish with cracked pepper and extra virgin olive oil.

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“One of the simplest methods to prepare asparagus is to steam for around three minutes until just tender and toss with a knob of butter, a little grated lemon zest (if you like citrus flavours) and a light sprinkle of sea salt...�

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“Try to enjoy your asparagus with a wine that doesn’ t conflict with its ‘ g reen flavour’ - Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Grigio, White Zinfandel, Beaujolais and Pinot Noir should all work very well...” 48

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Local Asparagus


witH teriyaki saUCe This beautifully flavoured dish is ideal as a different way to present steak during barbecue season. It can be prepared in just 10 minutes which also makes it a quick, satisfying midweek meal... Serves Two Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 15 minutes

Ingredients For the Teriyaki sauce 75ml soy sauce 75ml mirin, Japanese sweet rice wine 75ml sake 1 tbsp sugar

For the rest 2 x 150g rib eye steaks 1 tbsp vegetable oil plus a dash more for cooking the British asparagus Sea salt and black pepper 1 packet of British asparagus, trimmed of woody ends Pinch of Togerashi seasoning (optional, you could also use cayenne pepper) White and black sesame seeds to serve.

To make the Teriyaki sauce, combine all ingredients in a saucepan. Stir the mixture well. Put it on medium heat and bring to a boil. Turn the heat down to low and simmer for a couple minutes. Stop the heat and cool the mixture. It’s now ready to use but if you have any left you can store the sauce in a clean bottle in the fridge. Heat a griddle pan until really hot and almost smoking. Rub the steaks with the oil, salt and pepper. Griddle the steaks for two minutes on each side so that they’re medium rare. Leave to rest. While the beef is resting rub the British asparagus with a little oil then lay on the griddle and grill for a couple of minutes, turning every now and then until they start to soften but still have ‘bite’ and have little chars on them. Split the asparagus between two plates. Carve the steaks into 1cm strips and lay on top of the Asparagus pouring over the meat juices left from resting. Cover each steak with a few tablespoons of Teriyaki sauce and sprinkle with the Togerashi if using and sesame seeds.


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Restaurant of the Mont


lies Great Days Out for Fami

r What’s On this Summe


Exploring our market towns {Page 15}

Eating Out Spring dining in Lincolnshire {Page 20}

Spring Homes 20 pages of home ideas {Page 52}

ilies What’s On this Summe r

Oundle Exploring our market towns {Page 15}

Eating Out Spring dining in Rutland {Page 20}


Sir David Attenborough

Great Days Out for Fam ilies

Fashion - Food and Drink On Weddings - News - What’s


The Event at The Collection



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The House on a Hill in historic LincoLn 52

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Restoration: the property is situated in Lincoln, next to Edward King house and the medieval Bishop’s Palace with its vineyard. it has four double bedrooms, an en suite with master and dressing room and two reception rooms. it’s currently on the market with savills for £700,000.


LincoLn’s vEntnor housE can cLaim onE of thE BEst Locations in thE uPhiLL arEa of thE city. it’s situatEd nExt to thE 12th cEntury BishoP’s PaLacE and thE diocEsE of LincoLn’s Edward King housE, ovErLooKEd By thE cathEdraL. a wELL-considErEd rEfurBishmEnt has crEatEd a BEautifuL country homE that is, ParadoxicaLLy, right in thE hEart of thE city. 53

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favourite expression with estate agents is ‘location, location, location.’ This month’s property has probably the best location in the city of Lincoln, on Ventnor Terrace, right next to Edward King House and the medieval Bishop’s Palace.

The land on which the house stands is the site of an ancient orchard, the property dates back to the early 1850’s and the owner has a file of original documents and vellums pertaining to its history including the first notice of sale by the builder in 1852. “I completed a full refurbishment. The layout didn’t flow and there were some terrible ‘improvements’ dating back from the 1970s.”

Above: the dining room features porcelain flooring and a slate fireplace. doors in the property were all relocated to align them, creating a flow of light and air through the property’s downstairs reception rooms.

The property is situated on a steep slope and commands, in one direction, unprecedented views of the Palace and the Cathedral, The refurbishment included the removal of a dated porch, and in the opposite direction, the reinstatement or replacement of skirtings, cornices, ceiling panoramic views of Lincoln’s skyline, with the roses, and the stripping and rewaxing of the original doors... Collection & Brayford Pool both visible on the horizon. The owner’s refurbishment included the removal of Its owner is a local who worked in London for an a dated porch, the reinstatement or replacement investment bank before returning to the county. of skirtings, cornices and ceiling roses, and the stripping As a child, the owner’s family lived on Steep Hill - and and rewaxing of the property’s original doors. she would play in the adjacent garden. She always loved Whilst the emphasis was on the reinstatement of original the house, referring to it as ‘the walled garden’ like the features, the owner wanted to open up the property, children’s book. to ensure it flows and better suited modern living. When an opportunity to purchase it in the mid 2000s A patio courtyard was created and the back of the arose, she was outbid, only to receive a phone call a house was entirely remodelled to accommodate an year later whilst working in Hong Kong. The owners Italian designer kitchen by Biefbi. It features solid had deferred their decision to sell for a year, and gave cabinetry and Okite engineered quartz toppers, with the current owner first refusal. Not that she moved in quality appliances by Bosch, Siemens and Liebherr; immediately, though... first there was a full refurbishment a double oven, built in dishwasher and US style fridge which included rebuilding chimneys, replacing the freezer, as well as creating a separate utility room roof, rewiring and replumbing, taking out the rear and cloakroom. servant’s staircase and changing the layout significantly.


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Above: a macassar lacquered kitchen has solid cabinetry and engineered quartz surfaces. Left: the drawing room has an Edwardian ďŹ replace rescued from cornwall. it was brought up to Lincolnshire and fully restored. Left: the master bedroom has built-in storage, an en suite and dressing room.


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The property’s drawing room is beautifully light, painted in a subtle ivory with restored cornices and ceiling roses, plus bespoke storage and a fireplace that the owner found in Cornwall and had restored. A variety of French and English antique chairs and sofas were purchased from Hemswell and have been restored and upholstered in wools and linen fabrics by Zoffany and Sanderson. The dining room has a slate fireplace and Victorian mahogany storage, with the owner adding French doors to the bay window and a ceramic tiled floor. Upstairs, meanwhile, are four bedrooms arranged over two upper floors. Upon moving in, the owner removed a second staircase to facilitate the creation of a large en suite in place of the staircase and hallway. The master suite also includes a dressing room, whilst one of the second floor bedrooms features a balcony with views over the vineyard. The south facing walled garden is terraced, and has been landscaped to take advantage of the spectacular views. It contains producing apple, pear and plum trees. There’s also a Victorian propagating shed, and spectacular views... after all, few properties can boast a scheduled ancient monument adjacent to the grounds. 56

Ventnor House Uphill Lincoln Style: Beautifully restored victorian town house in uphill Lincoln with stunning views, adjacent to Bishop’s Palace. Receptions: two, currently arranged as drawing room and dining room. Bedrooms: four, master with en suite and dressing room. Other features: utility room, orchard, terrace.

situated in conservation area with full refurbishment, and modern kitchen. Guide Price: £700,000 Estate Agency: savills Lincoln, doddington road, Lincoln Ln6 3sE Tel: 01522 508 900. Web:

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Inspiration and Ideas for your Home and Garden

A1, Markham Moor, Retford DN22 0QU 01636 822000 Wednesday to Saturday o the A1 signed to Lincoln A57 then take the turning to Retford A638 - come in and browse, we’re really friendly!


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ALI CARROTT SOFT FURNISHINGS aLi carrott soft furnishings was EstaBLishEd By aLison ovEr 15 yEars ago and has grown continuousLy EvEr sincE... Husband Ian joined the company 10 years ago and now works alongside ali making it a true family business. the work room and the recently converted showroom are based in converted barns outside the village of Bicker in south Lincolnshire where ali and her team produce bespoke curtains, blinds, pelmets swags, and tails as well as cushions, bed throws, headboards, in fact anything that is made out of fabric. ali carrott soft furnishings offer a complete service, design, measuring, fabric supply, make up & fitting. customers are more than welcome to call in and view their extensive collection of fabric books (over 400 at the last count) with ian or ali at hand to help and guide clients through the entire process of fabric choice and window dressing design, alternatively you can make an appointment with ian and the process can be done in the comfort of your own home. alongside the soft furnishings ali carrotts also offers a selection of quilting and patchwork fabrics and a range of classes.


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Product Selection: tina Barkway. Photography: rob davis.

Landon tyler hanging tealight holder on curled stand £6.


this season’s most on-trend colour is seafrost blue, which can look great when employed in both modern and traditional homes. it works well with contrasting colours like retro mustard yellow or vibrant orange, or when paired with other shades of blue for a cool, soothing effect.

Below is sixty six, a modern classic sofa in fleck blue from g Plan’s vintage collection Large sofa £1,275. small sofa £1,170, armchair £715, footstool £305. available in 16 additional colours, with option of 11 different scatter cushions too.





>> morning walk picture with white bevelled frame, approx 75cm square £69.

woodwick candles from an in-store selection. small £16, large £22. tradewinds scent, blended by hand from sustainable soy wax in the uK.

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Homes and Gardens


>> Blue glass bottle £4.99, crackle glaze seafrost vase £9 and box with lid £3.99, three tealight holders with votive finish £1.50/ea. mum & anemone vintage mug £16.

thomas Kent mantel clock, six inch diameter £19. London clock company in cream £50 and small towchester alarm clock £10.

with Oldrids & Downtown

>> super soft Bedeck mohair throw in aqua 140cm x 185cm £225. Bedeck natalia cushions 30cm x 30cm £40/ea. >>


walton Lifestyle check tablecloth £25. napkins (Pack of 4) £15.

ashley & Burwood oil Lamp from £26. votive effect apothecary bottle £4.99, recycled glass vases approx 30cm tall £2.50/ea. << Blue pillar candle £7 and Landon tyler stoneeffect wooden candle holder approx 50cm tall £10. >> All products shown here are from Oldrids and Downtown: Downtown Furnishing Store, Wyberton Chain Bridge, A52, Boston, PE21 7NL. Tel: 01205 350505. Downtown Superstore, Gonerby Junction, A1, Grantham, NG32 2AB. Tel: 01476 590239. Downtown Lincoln, Tritton Road, Moorland Way, Lincoln, LN6 7TN. Tel: 01522 500588. Oldrids Gainsborough, Lindsey Centre, Market Place, Gainsborough, DN21 2BP Tel: 01427 612346.

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Spring Homes & Gardens

with Elizabeth and Stevens


<< Items for a gent’s study; leather globe, approx 75cm tall £99, resin horse, approx 30cm £23.75. Leather football £28. Pair of cast iron brogue paperweights £48. Leather baseball £POA. Antique binoculars £POA, leather bound notebooks from £9. Poison bottles £5/ea.

Wall clock from a selection, approx 60cm diameter £45. << Faux leather chests in small (not shown) medium £120 and large £165 with wood trim and snakeskin texture. << Union flag postbox (back) £36, British made flag cushion with royal crest (40cm x 30cm) £14.99. Larger postboxes from £195.


>> Dovecote in reclaimed wood £32.50. Trio of resin birds £15.

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Elizabeth and Stevens


for Spring Homes and Gardens


Picnic blanket (back) 145cm x 183cm in pure wool, made in Wales £70, baby blanket in pink/blue check £18.75 each (foreground) £18.75. Terracotta candle with three wicks £12. Trio of birds in resin £15. Tea light holders, from left; votive silver £4.50, hanging glass tea light 18cm x 10cm £5, tea light holder with hemp rope handle £5.75, large pillar candle jar £10.50. Fleur de Lys pot shown here with narcissus £9.50.


English stoneware doghounds approx 95cm tall £395/ea.

Adams style rams head urn, terracotta coloured, made of reconstituted stone £95. King and Queen English stone wall pots planters £46/pair. Art Nouveau cherub wall faces £12/ea. >> Vintage packing boxes, original not reproduction; call for availability £POA.

Elizabeth & Stevens is one of our favourite retailers for the county’s period homes. It was founded three years ago by Julia and Steve Blockley, who specialise in wholesale and retail interiors products as well as props for TV and film. The retailer has a selection of gift items, cards, throws, blankets, notebooks and other ‘finishing touches’ from under £5, as well as larger items of antique, reproduction and hand-made English furniture. Elizabeth and Stevens stock a selection of Bronze sculpture that includes life size stags and boxing hares. The company also has a large choice of replica vintage post boxes alongside collectable original ones which they sell around the world via their mail order site. Whether you’re looking for a larger piece or a few quirky retro finishing touches, or a gift; you can browse the showroom and garden yard and will be guaranteed a warm welcome and a helpful shopping experience. Find Out More: The Showrooms, Great North Road, Markham Moor, Retford, Nottinghamshire DN22 0QU. Tel: 01636 822000. Or shop online at:

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Bespoke Curtains & Soft Furnishings 20% discount on Sandersons Fabrics and Wallpapers between 11th March & 8th April...

Timeless Interiors Old Town Hall, High Street, Spilsby PE23 5JH Telephone: 01790 754477

Unsurpassed Quality, Affordable Craftsmanship Bespoke Kitchens, Bedrooms and Bathrooms - full project management and free quotations

Peter Jackson Cabinet Makers Ltd Devereux Way, Horncastle LN9 6AU

Tel: 01507 527113 W: E:



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Keep Calm and

Go Coastal This month, we look at creating a calm and relaxing beach holiday style home with neutral decor and accessories with a slight nautical twist. Words: Ceri Jackson.

Biarritz Tea Towel The Linenworks tea towel available from Elizabeth Stanhope.

Earn Your Stripes Beautiful selection of country stripe cushions from the Sanderson Home Madison collection. For stockists visit

Halo Effect This Denby Halo dinner set is perfect for anyone’s dining room table! Selection available from the Denby store at Springfields.

Ahoy Matey Authentic Models Cabin Porthole Mirror available from Occa, ÂŁ149.

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George Table Lamp Part of Halo’s beautiful lighting range, the George Table Lamp has a glass lantern style in antique rust. Check stockists at Halo.

“We love these Wicker Log Carriers!” Elizabeth Stanhope.

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Beach Living: This fabulous throw is made of soft brushed cotton, with a big bold stripe and twisted tassel fringe. It not only looks great on your bed or sofa, but can be used as a blanket for the garden, park or beach. The White Company, ÂŁ85.

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Enlightening Experience Beige and Cream chandelier. Available from Elizabeth Stanhope.

Beautiful Aromas Woodwick candles are made from soy wax, so you can enjoy the beautiful aromas for longer. We recommend At The Beach with scents of tropical citrus, coconut and cool sea breezes, or try Pure Comfort, an infusion of sun dried linen with satin musk and delicate fruity tones. Available from local stockists.

Glass Hurricane with Hemp Handle These lamps are so versatile, and the handles are flexible so they can be hung up. Use a candle or even flowers to add colour. Elizabeth & Stevens, £95.

Freshwater Bay Natural Cotton Cushion Casual cushion in natural tones is perfect with fresh stripes and interesting textures. Laura Ashley, £24.

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Metal Sorting office for incoming post with metal label. Dotcomgiftshop, £29.95.

This month we love... “Add character to your kitchen with these cool yet chic treasures!” Ceri Jackson, Features Editor

What’s for dinner...? Flower Power Cath Kidston Painterly Rose Ceramic Flour Shaker and Rolling Pin. Available from local stockists.

We love this personalised vintage wood chalkboard! Add your family name to add a personal touch., £38.

Upper Crust Dualit 4-Slice toaster with warming rack in Canvas White Available from Chilli Peppers Cookshop.

Hide and Chic This Lounge Cowhide chair is perfect for a beach house near the seaside with a chic, contemporary twist., £869.

Nordic Ware Teacakes and Candies Pan Perfect for making pretty cakes and chocolates. Oldrids, £26.60.

Jazz Club... Rug from The Jazz collection, featuring elegant transitional hand crafted decorative rugs made in the finest materials. The beautifully coloured Ikat inspired designs are refreshingly unique. Size in stock: 10x8. Available from The Rug Studio, £6,375.

orb Metal Cage Ceiling Light in a slate grey finish. Perfect for an attractive statement light fitting. Elizabeth & Stevens £80.

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Stressless Windsor Sofa with Mayfair Recliner available from local stockists. Prices starts from £1,529.

A cool palette of creams and greys create the perfect beach holiday home vibe and there’s no need to panic - with this selection of Farrow & Ball paints, you’re covered!

Farrow & Ball, French Gray No. 18


Farrow & Ball, Purbeck Stone No. 275

Farrow & Ball, Ammonite No. 274

Farrow & Ball, James White No. 2010

Farrow & Ball, Wevet No. 273

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Three of The Best

Bean Bags Create a relaxed atmosphere in your home office with these ‘best of the bunch’ bean bags!

Travel The World Travel the world from the comfort of your home, thanks to this marvellous super comfy map-print bean bag. £75, John Lewis.

Podcast Around The World In 80 Days...

This knitted pod makes a great contrast to the usual bean bag. It does not lose shape, but makes an eye catching place to sit! Between £70-£100, Next.

Pair up this Globe with the John Lewis map bean bag shown opposite. Elizabeth and Stevens, £35.

Elegant Console Table featuring soft grey painted finish and black top. Comes with two soft-close drawers with solid brass handles, and two smaller internal drawers. John Lewis, £999.

Flower Power White vase available from Oldrids.

Snuggle up Snuggle up in this faux fur beanbag. A fun alternative, the short textured pile looks just like real sheepskin. £275, The White Company.


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Susie established her soft furnishing business 10 years ago and specialises in beautiful top quality blinds, curtains, fabrics, soft furnishings, as well as headboards, poles, rugs, lighting, mirrors and much more. We are proud to say that everything is made in house in a beautiful converted barn on the farm by 3 highly experienced seamstresses. Due to the business growing from strength to strength Susie is now pleased to offer a full interior design service, this is all in house where we can help you decide on room scheme, colours, fabrics and furniture. We realise how over whelming some projects can be and we are here to help. Wooster Interiors also does contract work as well as residential. Please call to arrange a suitable time to visit the showroom or alternatively Susie is happy to come to your home and discuss schemes in the comfort of your own surroundings. Please visit our website


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Think small, think different... If you’re looking to save space, or want an alternative way to present flowers and plants, why not create a quirky, unique garden with unusual containers?

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hether you’re short on garden space, or looking for an alternative way to present your plants or flowers inside or out, using or making unique and quirky containers is a great way to add a bit of character to your garden. The joy of pots and containers is they are easy to move and you can create an ever-changing canvas throughout the year. They can provide bursts of colour which take centre stage, or have a more passive role and become a neutral backdrop to create layers in your garden. Making your own can give your garden a personable touch, and there are so many advantages to using containers to grow your plants: you can add your own character or style, a splash of colour or statement. They are a great way of filling annoying gaps, and if you are a novice gardener they can give you an opportunity to practice before tackling a larger space. It is also a great way to get the children involved. There are no restrictions on the type of containers you can use - wellington boots, glass bottles, wire stands, colanders, hanging baskets, old stone sinks, or even egg shells. The options available are endless; be as creative as you want! Dainty Tea Cups and Kettles Dainty cups and saucers, and kettles can create small, pretty gardens to brighten up your day inside or out. You can use any to suit your style! To prepare, drill a hole in the base of each cup using a hand drill or add a small amount of gravel. Being careful not to overwater should keep the plants healthy. Use Alpine plants as they adapt to harsh conditions including low temperatures, dryness, and a short growing season.


Main: Recycle old tins or farming ephemera to create rustic planters. Alternatively, these zinc planters are from Red Lily. Right: When stone planters are a little tatty, or lichen covered, they adopt an established, rural look that looks great in cottage gardens. Far Right: Anything can be used as a plant container... even wellington boots!

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Jobs for April £ Beware of late frosts and keep vulnerable plants and new shoots protected at night. Don’t be tempted to put out tender bedding plants until much later in the month and even then be prepared to cover it if necessary.

£ Continue with the spring cleaning. Hoe your borders and get rid of those weeds.

£ Now the soil is warming up and things are starting to grow, add general purpose fertiliser before covering with mulch especially in borders, fruit and vegetable patch and your containers. If you have already mulched draw it back if you can, tease the soil a little, add fertiliser and replace the mulch.

£ Create any new beds and borders. £ Tidy those pond plants - remove all dead plant residues, divide pond plants and get rampant varieties back under control. Put new plants in baskets with fresh pond soil and give them special water plant fertiliser granules by the roots in the soil.

£ Clean and repair your garden tools, and check garden furniture for any rot. When it is warm enough, treat sheds, fences and trellis with wood preservative.

£ Wage war on slugs and snails! They love tulips and delicacies such as young shoots of delphiniums, so use pet-friendly slug pellets, drench the ground with liquid slug killer to exterminate slugs below the surface. 87

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GARDENING Wire Stands Simple wire cages can be transformed using flowers. You could use something a bit more quirky to add character, such as a rusty vintage bike with flowers in the basket, or a cake stand can create a pretty centrepiece with dainty flowers. Use large wire stands to store more containers - a great way to incorporate different plants and add a vintage French villa feel to your home or garden. Hanging Baskets If you have limited space, hanging baskets are an ideal way to create a garden. Colanders are a great way to make quirky hanging baskets - all you need to do is add lining, potting mix and your plants. Hooks and chain should be available to buy from your local DIY store. Bird cages are a fun way to hang flowers too. Miniature Eggshell Gardens These are a great way to get the kids involved with gardening! Pastel-coloured eggs filled with different miniature flowers and moss are a great way to make small gardens. Use a knife to cut the top off each egg, pour out the contents and rinse. Make a small hole in the bottom with a pin, and spoon potting mix into each egg making sure there will be enough room for the plants. Put one plant in each egg - make sure you choose plants with small roots and water regularly. You can display them in vintage cups to brighten up your table, and the best part is they are so quick to make so you can change the plants on a regular basis.

Top Right: Simple wire cages make great containers, and cake stands can be used as stunning centrepieces. Right: Vintage kettles and glass bottles make great containers and can add a rustic edge to your garden. Above: Miniature egg shell gardens are a great way to involve the children in gardening and can create quirky table decoration displayed in vintage egg cups.


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Adam and Kerri Fenn... Enjoy your special day, as it comes and goes in a flash that’s the advice of this month’s bride. From a birthday proposal with a special Millie’s Cookie message to a dream winter wedding, they share their special moments... Photos: Contact:

Dean Street Photography Studios 01572 757643,

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gi ant cook ie an d a h it w e m d te en es pr m “A da ‘ Ker ri w ill you id sa it x bo e th ed en op I w hen w as so ex cite d! ” I g in ic e th in ’ e? m ry m ar

e bl ac k dres ses “ O ur brid es m ai dsd crweaorm flo w er s. ” w ith pink an

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“When you start planning your wedding, try not to stress out and just relax; it will all come together perfectly on the day...!”


dam and I met ten years ago at college. We were friends for a while before we got together; we were just meant to be! When he proposed on my birthday in October 2011, I was so happy. My guilty pleasure is Millie’s Cookies. I’m obsessed with them, so for my birthday Adam got me a giant cookie and when I opened the box it said ‘Kerri will you marry me?’ in the icing. I was so excited; I said ‘YES!’ straight away! We had quite a long engagement of just over two years before we got married. Having this time helped us to save so we could have the perfect wedding, and we knew we wanted a winter wedding, so December was our month. Looking back I found it quite hard planning our wedding. It wasn’t necessarily stressful, but because we work long hours it was hard to find the time to fit everything in and plan the details. I couldn’t do it again, but I did really enjoy looking at different ideas and inspiration. We had strong ideas of what we wanted so when we found everything, it all came together

really well. Having more time to plan definitely made it easier to fit everything in. The first thing we booked was the venue. We wanted somewhere a bit different where we could do the ceremony and reception together in one place as we didn’t want a church wedding. We chose the Orton Hall Hotel. It used to be an old stately home so it had the perfect character which was just what we wanted. When it came to finding my perfect wedding dress, I had no idea what style I wanted. I went with my mum and best friend, and after trying many different dresses, I fell in love with my A-line Benjamin Roberts dress. It was a champagne colour to suit the winter theme. I had the straps added, and changed a few details such as the flower to a pearl and crystal embellishment. In the end it was perfect. The bridesmaids wore black dresses with pink and cream flowers, and at first Adam wasn’t too keen but after showing him a few photographs he soon changed his mind. When it came to the night before the wedding, I stayed at the hotel. I felt absolutely fine, it

The Ceremony and Reception: orton Hall Hotel 01733 391111 Wedding Cake: Cake Kabin Photographer: Dean Street Photography www.andycross Florist: Greensleaves

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was only when I was waiting with my Dad and the acoustic guitarist started playing our song that the nerves kicked in. I was petrified walking down the aisle; I had no idea where to look and was conscious I was walking too fast, but that all changed when I saw Adam. When we were saying our vows, it felt like it was just the two of us... it was a very intimate moment together. 70 guests attended the ceremony and reception. Adam has quite a small family whereas my family is quite large - but we invited everyone we wanted to be there, and we had a great mix of friends and family. When it came to the speeches, I remember crying during Adam’s - we’ve known each other for years, so when he called me ‘his bestest friend in the world,’ I broke down in tears. There were also some really funny moments - his best man made him wear a ‘dancing queen’ outfit on his stag do and he had the photographs printed on to big card and he brought the outfit along too. That definitely caused some laughs! With our wedding day being such a whirlwind, we wanted a nice, relaxing honeymoon after so we decided on the Dominican Republic. It was absolutely 96

Images: Dean Street Photography www.andycross

brilliant and it was lovely to spend some quality time together with each other We’d like to thank Vanessa from The Wedding Market Shop for all her help. We got most of the things for our special day from her shop so we’d like to thank her for all her help. We’d also like to give a special thanks to our parents who have been so supportive. My advice for any brides planning their big day? Enjoy your special day, as it comes and goes in a flash! When you start planning your wedding, try not to stress and relax as it will all come together perfectly on the day.

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Bespoke & Made to Measure Suits by a Savile Row Tailor, Andrew Musson

Andrew J Musson Bespoke Tailor of Lincoln


Tel: (01522) 520142


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Wedding Cake Tips






Make a Statement: Every bride wants to be centre stage on her wedding day... but your wedding cake should stand out too, with bold splashes of colour; it’s all about 2014’s ‘colour of the year,’ Radiant Orchid.


Mix It Up: Gone are the days of same sized tiers and shapes. Create an exciting and intriguing wedding cake using different heights, widths and shaped tiers.


Sponge Combo: It’s the year of the sponge (bye bye, fruit cake!), and couples 3 are starting to choose even more adventurous flavours - such as cocktail inspired tiers, chocolate, and even lemon or carrot cake. Frill Seekers: Romantic frills and ruffles are a continuing trend this year - mimicking the folds of delicate wedding dresses.

4 98

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Love is Sweet: Brides looking for a more relaxed atmosphere are now using styled sweet tables and dessert bars. These are a great way to incorporate your favourite edible delights complimenting your wedding theme.


Painted Cakes: Hand-painted cakes are a hot trend this year - anything goes with this style and it gives couples the opportunity to create their very own piece of art.


’Naked Cakes’: More and more brides are opting for a rustic themed wedding, and naked cakes are the answer. Uncovered sponge cakes with layers of buttercream and jam, decorated with flowers.


Cupcakes: Many brides are opting for cupcakes instead of traditional wedding cakes. You can add an array of colours, textures and flavours with these little delights. Some of the top trends for 2014 include coral, 1920’s Gatsby-inspired and English Garden cakes.


Modern Geometrics: Geometric prints are on-trend for 2014 weddings, and wedding cakes can exhibit this style too. They incorporate structured patterns and elegant, clean lines in their designs.



Rise of the Bespoke Cake: More and more couples want their 10 wedding to be more personal, and a reflection of their individuality. They want to look back on their photographs, and say “That was so us!” Creating a bespoke wedding cake is a great way to achieve this.

For more wedding cake ideas, visit 99

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Happily Ever After... A passion for travel and an enthusiasm for working with people makes Andy McRobbie the perfect professional to photograph your big day. This month he oers his tips for choosing a wedding photographer to capture your happy ever after...

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rides naturally look to cut costs when planning their wedding day, but too many brides compromise on their wedding photography, with some disasterous consequences. However, wedding photography needn’t be expensive, and after the cake has been eaten and the flowers are past their best, your photographs are what remains of your day, an aide memoire of the happiest moments of your life.

opposite: A professional photographer will know how to pose a bride properly and will be able to work in all weather conditions. Above/Left: Design skills when compiling your wedding album and retouching techniques in postproduction are skills that enthusiastic amateurs simply can’t match.

“Trusting your wedding photography to a wellmeaning relative or friend is potentially disappointing.” says Andy McRobbie, who photographs weddings across Lincolnshire and Rutland. “Professional photographers are used to working around bright sunlight, which can cause harsh shadows and they have contingency plans for wet weather. They have the skills and expertise needed for post-production improvements to your photos and for album design.” A member of the Society of Wedding Photography Professionals, the British Professional Photographers Association and the Royal Photographic Society, Andy took a year out travelling with world with his wife after completing a degree in physics. He discovered stunning landscapes across Australia, South East Asia and the United States, but says he was most inspired by the personalities of the people he came across. “The colour and character of the people I came across was really amazing.” says Andy. “It inspired a long-standing love of capturing people on film children, people at work, brides... and so a serious hobby eventually became a profession.”

“These days I love shooting weddings. I shoot around 40 a year and it’s like going to a party every weekend! Anyone looking to book their photography should ensure their photographer is just as enthusiastic. They should be someone you can spend the whole of your wedding day with and get on well with. On your day, a bride will spend more time with her photographer than with her groom, so a good rapport is important.” “Technical skills and real creative flair are important too, from ensuring the subtle tones of a dress come through on an image, to professional retouching like smoothing skin tones.” “My packages start from just £625 with all-day coverage of your wedding and a bespoke album with 80-100 images, so a professional photographer needn’t be expensive, but it’s the only surefire way to ensure the memories of your day are preserved forever.”

Find out More: Andy photographs brides across Lincolnshire and Rutland. He is available for portrait, wedding and commercial photography work. For more information call 07790 581 333 or see www.amba


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arie worked with high street names such as Monsoon, Boots PLC, next Directory, Mothercare, Panache, George at ASDA, Marks and Spencer, Debenhams Direct and many others. He specialised in children and adult fashion. "you must have a lot of patience to photograph children." "yes, they are a challenge, but my approach is essentially to let them be themselves and have fun. Look at my web site and see what I mean." you worked out of your nottingham studio in the 90s. Did you photograph any weddings during that period? "no I never entertained them at all. Wedding photography was still quite formal in the 90s and when people demand a less formal reportage style. I had that look in my fashion folio for years, so it was an easy transition." What would you bring to the wedding Album? "Well to start with I love weddings, everyone is having a good time, and I capture that on a long focus lens so my style is unobtrusive natural imagery. With shared copyright, between the couple and myself, gives them the freedom to create their album”.


Garie did have a unusual phone call out of the blue in December last year, when a bride said she had been married for two weeks, and when they got back from honeymoon their wedding photographer announced that something went wrong and she had no photographs from the wedding day. They were devastated. Garie met them both at the wedding venue in Surrey and reconstructed the wedding day just with the bride and groom. This is what the bride had to say; “Dominic and I received the USB and we just wanted to express how over the moon we are. We really are so thrilled that we now have some lovely photos! We are only gutted it cost £800 for our wedding day photographer as your photos really highlighted what a shabby job she had done!! Thank you again so so much!!” Annie With months of organisation and planning, your wedding day will go very quickly and you are left with the images that should enhance the occasion and bring back memories of the day. So choose your photographer carefully.

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Spring Jewellery


with You and Beyond

>> Swarovski Fuchsia Pen: Swarovski pen filled with fuchsia pink Swarovski crystals; £25.


Jersey Pearl Emma Kate Necklace and Earrings Beautiful filigree sterling silver and genuine fresh water pearl necklace; £69 and earrings; £49.

Hot Diamonds Heart Locket: Memoirs Heart Locket Pendant by Hot Diamonds. Sterling silver necklace and locket pendant with a real diamond; £79.95.


>> Daisy Necklace & Bracelet: Sterling silver and gold plated necklace with Daisy detail; £77 and matching bracelet; £162.

>> Pandora Charm: openworks heart charm. Each heart is crafted from sterling silver and centred with a beautiful pink cubic zirconia; £55.


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You and Beyond of Stamford

Diamond Fire Earrings: Sterling silver earrings with royal blue cubic zirconia; £82. >> Bering Watch: A beautiful watch with mother of pearl dial and Swarovski elements; £99.

<< Thomas Sabo: Rose quartz charm bracelet. Sterling silver and rose quartz bracelet ready to add up to three charms; £29.95.

Stamford’s You and Beyond Jewellery, is the area’s one stop destination shop for designer jewellery in Stamford, Lincolnshire. From charm bracelets to watches, if you’re looking for stylish, premium jewellery from a passionate retailer then look no further, we have it covered. Since opening its doors in 2010 and starting with just one small cabinet of Pandora, the shop has absolutely thrived and has built up a beautifully innovative store, home to over 20 different brands. Combining this with unparalleled customer service from fully trained and passionate staff, the shop believes it gives its customers the best shopping experience possible... go and see for yourself! Find out More: 14 St Mary's St, Stamford, Lincolnshire PE9 2DF. Tel: 01780 755996. Web:

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with Asembo of Stamford

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THE FACIAL THAT REALLY WoRKS... natasha Parker, of Stamford hair and beauty salon Asembo, this month celebrates the business’s first anniversary with a brand new treatment - the perfect facial treatment for spring. Most facials are relaxing and enjoyable, but ESPA's high-end enzymatic treatment is also designed to maintain skin health too...


e all love facial treatments, and even basic treatments offer a relaxing experience. But high end facial treatments like Asembo’s new ESPA-powered Enzyme Facial when you enjoy them regularly, can really help to maintain healthy skin too. Naturally Beautiful Asembo’s new Enzyme based treatment promises to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, even out pigmentation and leave skin feeling refreshed and revived, banishing blemishes and stripping away dead skin. The treatment is the closest you can get to a glycolic chemical peel, but unlike those harsh treatments, its natural mineral composition is gentle on skin, using botanical extracts and enzymes derived from pumpkins. That means less chance of a reaction or puffy redness; so you can enjoy a treatment that’s just as powerful, without the painful, red and incredibly sore side-effects. “It’s a superb treatment, gentle and luxurious, yet incredibly effective.” says Natasha. “Having opened Asembo in April 2013, after 15 years in the hair and beauty industry, it’s the perfect way to celebrate our first year on Stamford’s St Leonard’s Street.”

“Asembo’s new Enzyme Facial promises to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, even out pigmentation and leave skin feeling refreshed...”

“We’ll be launching our new, flagship facial this month with a special offer of six treatments for the price of five.” “Facials which take away the top layer of dead skin cells aren’t recommended in high summer because they leave skin open to sun damage, but taken in April or May, ideally in a series of three or four treatments, they’re an ideal way to improve your skin’s health and appearance, just in time for holidays and the sunny weather.” New Treatments Asembo marks its first year anniversary not only with its new flagship facial, but with a new range of mineral whole body tanning treatments from Mii. “The philosophy of the business is to provide natural treatments.” says Natasha. “Previously we’ve rejected tanning brands because they’re all chemical based. But in Mii, we’ve found a brand that’s unique and suits our ethos; it’s naturally based with plant extracts and will last around seven days.” “We’re also launching our new range of ESPA wraps this month. Again, naturally based and derived from sea minerals.” “They’re the ideal treatment this month, and will ensure you look great in time for summer. Combined with gentle exfoliation and a soothing scalp massage, it’s a treatment you’ll really enjoy, too!” “We definitely recommend enjoying these treatments this month - you’ll achieve great results just in time for summer, using natural products that are effective, but also kind on your skin.” says Natasha.

£ Find Out More... £ Asembo is a hair and beauty destination this month celebrating its first anniversary, being opened in its Grade II listed Stamford premises by natasha & James Parker in April 2013. £ The business has nine unisex hairdressing stations and uses Redken and Mizani hair treatments, ESPA and Jessica beauty treatments and a range of grooming treatments for men - these include a popular range of cut-throat hot towel shaves and massages. Asembo is based at 20 St Leonard's Street, Stamford PE9 2HN. Call 01780 765337 for more information or visit


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The best of

both worlds T

he only private hospital facility in Lincolnshire, where profits are returned to the NHS for the benefit of all local NHS patients. Patients enjoy privacy and individual attention whilst having the reassurance that The Bostonian is adjacent to the sophisticated services of The Pilgrim Hospital, with its expert diagnostic and emergency medical and surgical facilities.

H Award Winning Sleep Apnoea Service Please visit our website to view the full range of services we offer Comfort & Peace of Mind The Bostonian is the private wing of Pilgrim Hospital and is set in its own grounds and gardens. There are 19 en-suite single rooms with digital TVs and telephone. Our dedicated housekeeping team ensure continually high standards of cleanliness and hygiene.

Professional Expertise Almost any condition can be treated at The Bostonian by our dedicated team of professionals – most of our Consultants live only minutes away. We welcome self referral and provide 24 hour medical cover.

Range of Payment Options Available We deal with all the major insurance companies and also offer Fixed Price packages for the uninsured.

The Bostonian Private Wing, Pilgrim Hospital, Sibsey Road, Boston, Lincs PE21 9QS Telephone: 01205 360606 / Facsimile: 01205 311442 • ISO 9001:2008 accredited


Pilgrim Hospital’s Private Wing

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The Eye Care Centre

Left: Kevin Davison is lab manager at Spalding Eye Care Centre and fabricates all of the company’s glasses in house. Above: The practice is based on Spalding’s Sheep Market.



Stylish Sunglasses for Summer With its in-house laboratory, Spalding’s Eye Care Centre can ensure your choice of designer frames are hand-tinted and 100% UV protected, so you’ll enjoy summer in true clarity... For more information: Visit The Eye Care Centre, Sheep Market, Spalding, Lincolnshire PE11 1BH. Alternatively, call 01775 722141 or see


his summer, enjoy the bright sunny months in glare-free clarity with tinted prescription sunglasses created in house by Spalding’s Eye Care Centre. The business was established in 1990 with an in-house laboratory designed to provide a start-to-finish service for its customers. Not only do customers enjoy a full sight test with the latest equipment, their prescription is made in-house at the laboratory which cuts down considerably the amount of time it takes for a customer to receive their glasses. Computer controlled milling machines cut lenses down to the desired size and shape, and then, Lab Manager Kevin Davison can hand-tint the lenses to a customer’s desired strength and colour, create graduated tints or install polarised or Transitions Signature lenses to help mitigate the effects of bright sunshine all summer long. The Eye Care Centre also has a range of 20 new frames to add to their dedicated sunglasses range this month, as well as designer glasses frames from names like Ted Baker, Anna Sui, Calvin Klein, Converse and Morgan. Also making their debut this month is a range of designer frames from Valentino, and the company is also a supplier of the Silhouette rimless and semi-rimless range which, in conjunction with in-house bespoke lens fabrication, enables you to choose the exact size and shape of your glasses. The firm’s lab and its dedication to quality will enable you to find a solution that’s comfortable and effective so you can enjoy the sunshine all summer long!

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OUR PATIENTS LEAVE US FEELING THRILLED WITH THEIR NEW SMILE… “Dr Colin Sutton is a magician, move over Harry Potter!” S. Atherton


glancing in the mirror as I find it hard to believe the transformation Colin Sutton has performed.

Needing a good dentist I mentioned this to a friend one day and was amazed to learn that my friend had implants and had been treated by Colin Sutton at the Dental Health Centre in Grantham. You see my friend has beautiful teeth that look so natural and real it never occurred to me that they were not.

I can only say that if you are thinking about dental implants – stop thinking about it, do it! I might also add that I live almost a four-hour round trip from Grantham but would travel much further to be treated by this excellent dentist who I cannot recommend highly enough. Colin Sutton is a magician, move over Harry Potter!

love my teeth and my new smile. Mr. Colin Sutton at The Dental Health Centre, Grantham has worked his magic.

Along I went full of apprehension and was given such confident and calm treatment by Colin Sutton that having already seen his work I felt that if anyone could sort out my teeth then here was the man to do it.

Call us for an informal chat or please visit us for a free 30-minute initial consultation with Colin Sutton.

I am not the bravest of people and can honestly say that the treatment (Straumann dental implants) does not hurt and the outcome has transformed the way I feel about myself. I now have beautiful, natural looking teeth and can eat with confidence. I no longer dread going out for a meal or eating in company - previously my teeth were so loose I could only eat soft food. Now I cannot stop smiling and keep

The Dental Health Centre, 3 Avenue Road, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG31 6TA. Tel: 01476 594480, or see

114 Colin Sutton BDS

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WIN - an amazing wedding worth up to £25,000. Simply join for free. When you join UKbride, you’ll also enjoy... Free wedding tips and advice. A free engagement photoshoot. Free wedding planning software. Monthly competitions. Access to our lively forum.

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Dispensing opticians rob and hannah have extensive spectacle lens knowledge. They discuss occupation and hobbies with you before they recommend a spectacle lens type. freeform varifocals and wrap around lenses are a speciality at The Oculist. bespoke lenses can be designed to suit your occupation maximising your area of clear vision. The combination of these lenses with hard wearing anti-reflection coatings set you up to have amazing clarity whatever you are looking at. The Oculist also has an impressive range of contact lenses. “Varifocal contact lenses are increasingly popular. Lots of our patients like the freedom of choosing whether they wear their glasses or wear contact lenses.” says dispensing optician hannah. “we can fit you with daily replacement lenses, two weekly lenses or monthly lenses. we also fit hard lenses”.

It’s hard to imagine using the words “different” and “optician” in the same sentence but it’s instantly obvious when you visit The Oculist that things are a little different. Clean lines and vibrant colours welcome you to the boutique environment. The impressive chandelier and restored parquet floor almost make you forget that you are in an Opticians.

Children's eyewear is thought of along the same lines as adult eyewear. "we want our children to look amazing in their eyewear. glasses are a huge change for children so we want them to be confident and comfortable with their choice. I have worn glasses since I was five so I understand exactly how they feel". says Manager/ Dispensing Optician rob. "we get their lenses specially made so that they are not thick and heavy."

Eyewear is exhibited like art in a gallery, fully accessible for you to try on at your leisure. The music and the smell of freshly ground coffee add to the ambience. The staff are enthusiastic and friendly, instantly make you feel at ease. They obviously love what they are doing and complement each other well as a team. The honesty when helping you with a style consultation is surprisingly refreshing. “ You are an advert for us everywhere you go wearing Oculist eyewear. If you choose a frame that we think is wrong for you we have to let you know. If your choice is wrong then you are a bad advert. we would rather not sell you a frame than let you buy the wrong one” says director gerry Sondh. gerry’s goal in 2007 was to change the mindset for people when buying glasses. he wanted to make the experience fun and exciting rather than dull and necessary. “People often get bored when they are choosing glasses and settle on a pair because they have limited availability or just can’t be bothered looking anymore. At The Oculist you will have lots of lovely frames choices to excite you. The hardest choice will be which frame to have first!” 116

The combination of the ambient atmosphere backed up with a comprehensive selection of eye services makes The Oculist an attractive package. It is different and unique and well worth a visit. Call now 01733 555 621 and book an appointment and prepare yourself for the complete eye experience.

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Gap Outlet at springfields


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GAP OuTleT AT sPRINGFIelDs brAND hAS fAShION COVErED fOr ThE whOLE fAMILY ThIS SPrINg... This season includes a soft, playful colour palette highlighted by elevated fashion details and grounded in Khakis. Including our classic cropped trousers offered in an array of neutral and spring colours. A fresh, nautical take on stripes can also be seen throughout the spring collection. Our spring collection encourages men to head outside and look great while doing it, with the perfect seasonal colours and soft, lightweight fabrics for simple, easy layering. for the kids you’ll find bold splashes of colour alongside oversized dots, iconic floral print and a nod to nautical creating the perfect look for a playful spring. finishing the collection is our baby product featuring ginghams, plaids and floral to brighten up the season for any child.

Springfields Outlet Shopping offers up to 75% off rrPs every day on big brands which include M & S Outlet, Clarks, body Shop, Thornton’s and Nike factory Store. Plus you’ll love new stores radley London and bench. In addition to the great choice of 55 outlet stores there’s frEE entry to over 25 acres of beautiful festival gardens. Events are held throughout the year, see for details. And complete your visit at one of our eateries including frankie & benny’s, Costa Coffee or the new Subway. springfields Outlet shopping, A16 spalding. upto 75% off every day. Prices are correct at the time of going to print, prices may vary and products featured available while stocks last and subject to availability.


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EVE & rANShAw Spring is set to be an exciting season with old favourites and the debut of some new names in fashions... eve & Ranshaw are committed to providing you with the latest trends and our key brands this month include – gerry weber, Taifun, Masai Clothing, Joules, Laura Ashley and Seasalt. New to our fabulous collections this season are Nomads, Ana Monza and Two Danes. Customer service is at the heart of Eve & ranshaw so whether you are looking for something for that particular occasion, holiday wardrobe or are in need of a quick fashion ďŹ x we endeavour to make your shopping experience an enjoyable one. 120

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AgAThA ONE Of ThE LArgEST INDEPENDENT bOuTIquES IN LINCOLNShIrE Agatha is one of the largest independent boutiques in Lincolnshire, voted by british Vogue as one of the ‘best boutiques in britain’. Agatha is an exclusive stockist of many premium brands including; Paul Smith, Ted baker, MaxMara weekend, barbour, gestuz, the store has recently introduced a premium accessories department boasting brands such as Paul Smith, Vivienne westwood, Ted baker and ugg. Agatha offers a relaxing environment and fantastic advice, creating a unique shopping experience. There are many services including; gift wrapping, gift vouchers, personal shopping, layaway service, host an event, an alterations service plus Click and Collect.

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Spring Style for Children

with Bo Peep Boutique >> Levis jeanswear; magenta baby hoodie for girls from six months to 18 months £27. Denim jacket from 12 months to 12 years from £38.


below is a frugi organic cotton t-shirt with bear motif from a range for three months to six years, £15.

Sarah Louise dress with all over butterfly pattern for girls around 12 months, £48. >>

Pampolina t-shirt with butterfly print design and sequins, from two years to six years, £29.95. >> frugi striped romper suit from babies sized from newborn to 24 months, £20. >> far right; Cakewalk mint jeans for girls from two years to seven years £29.95. Cakewalk sunflower print t-shirt from two years to six years £29.95.


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ThE wISh LIST Spring Style for Children with Bo Peep Boutique of Lincoln >> Little April showers? No problem! hatley horse play umbrella with child-safe design, 58cm x 71cm. £12. Play raincoat for girls aged two to eight years £31. Play wellies from size five to 11 with easy-on handles £22. Other designs for girls and boys include butterflys, flowers and tractors.

Bo Peep Boutique is celebrating its six month anniversary as Pride goes to press, having been founded by mum of two Emma Graham.

>> frugi party dress in green with beach print for babies aged three months to 24 months £26, or girls three years to six years £28. blue seagull motif t-shirt for boys aged three to six months. Made in Cornwall £15. Shorts and shirt from a selection by frugi available in store.

“I found it really difficult to source unique, stylish and well made clothing for my children when I became a mum.” says Emma. “So the business was born out of my frustration. The products I stock are from all over the world including the Best of British using orgainc cotton and finest Italian leather.” Emma stocks clothing for boys and girls from premature and newborn to 12 years, plus a range of accessories like shoes by Lelli Kelly, Hatley and Vivienne Westwood. Emma also recognised the need to provide internet-prices but with all the advantages of a local, independent boutique; there’s a toy corner for children, fitting rooms that are child friendly plus good pushchair accessibility. Find Out More: Bo Peep Boutique, Burton Road, Lincoln, LN1 3LW. Call 01522 529318 or shop online at

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bO PeeP

CHILDREN’S BOUTIQUE Bo Peep Boutique of Burton Road, Lincoln is now launching their Spring Summer collections including the brightest raincoats on offer by hatley. The practical yet fun outerwear range for boys and girls includes matching wellies and umbrellas. for Spring Occasions we have a selection of exquisite celebration wear and Chic outfits and accessories for babies and older girls.

we are also adding new collections to the website where customers can browse and purchase at their leisure at www.bopeep


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Is this you? If you’re a ‘first thing I think about when I wake up’ go-getter, a “let’s make it better,” a cold coffee drinker, a mid-morning thinker, a missed lunch groundbreaker, an afternoon risk taker, a falling to sleep with your spreadsheet reader... You’ll appreciate an equally dedicated marketing leader.


APRIL 2014







LincolnshirePride T H E








er What’s On this Summ

Grantham Exploring our market towns {Page 15}

Eating Out Spring dining in Lincolnshire {Page 20}

Spring Homes 20 pages of home ideas {Page 52}

What’s On this Summ er Oundle Exploring our market towns {Page 15}

Eating Out Spring dining in Rutland {Page 20}


gh Sir David Attenborou

Great Days Out for Families

Fashion - Food and Drink On Weddings - News - What’s


n The Event at The Collectio



Restaurant of the Month


Great Days Out for Families

Spring Homes 20 pages of home ideas {Page 52}

To advertise in Pride Magazines call our friendly team on 01529 469977.


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BARRY POSTON This month Barry Poston reflects on the legacy of poor weather and its implications for farmers across Lincolnshire and Rutland for their arable crops...


ost local farmers minds over the last two to three months have been occupied with dealing with the excessive rainfall their farms had received. However farmers in our part of the country have had nothing like the quantity of those on the western side of the UK, where considerable flooding has taken place on the Somerset levels and the Thames Valley areas, mainly due to the rivers not being able to deal with the increased quantity of water.

Most of these drainage boards were set up by our predecessors and we farmers are indeed fortunate to have the advantage of their foresight and work. Local farmers will be hoping for some sun and winds to dry their saturated soil before sowing and planting can take place.

The eastern side of the country had not completely escaped the water problem following the high tidal surge late last year, which breached the east coast and caused flooding to domestic properties closer to home.

One concern I have, at this early spring stage, is how well the land will ‘work.’ I strongly suspect that with the battering from the heavy rains the soil will not easily come down to a fine tilth, and seedbeds for crops will be difficult to obtain.

Implications of flooding for local farmers could mean the loss of 40%-60% of pea crops, the decimation of potato and brassica crops, and a food shortage for livestock, as well as the ruination of land which could be used for future years’ crops.

I think farmers will have to be patient and wait for good conditions. ‘Well sown is half grown’ has always been a belief in my farming life, although it is always annoying to see your neighbour at work, as in life, patience is a virtue.

Much has been said and written about possible solutions, and my own personal view is that there is no doubt how fortunate we are in this area to have a whole series of Drainage Boards, composed mainly of local farmer, employing exceptional managers and engineers, who know our area well and provide a continuous service of maintenance to our dykes and drainage pumps.

With the arrival of spring there is, nonetheless, a sense of optimism to be found on the county’s farms. New born lambs shall soon be gambolling about, and with daffodils and spring bulbs soon to make an appearance in our gardens and on our farms, we hope this season will be a good one for our hard-working food producers.

Words: Barry Poston.


With regular clearance of rubbish and silt, the drains and rivers are kept in good condition and are generally able to deal with any excessive weather.

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with Barry Poston

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OUT & ABOUT fun foR fAMiLies April and May present the perfect opportunity to go out and about as a family. Here we present a guide to what to do in the spring and summer months and our guide to the best open gardens in the area... Words: Rob Davis & Ceri Jackson.

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Hardys Animal Farm

Treat the kids this easter...

Fun For Families We know that keeping the kids entertained over half term can sometimes be hard, so we’ve taken a look at some of the best places to visit where you can spend some quality time together... Words: Ceri Jackson.

£ Hardys Animal Farm Hardys Animal Farm is a great day out in over seven acres of Lincolnshire countryside, and just 10 minutes walk from the beach so you can even go for a paddle! Feed the goats, cattle, and other animals, and teach your children about modern farming. There is plenty of space for the kids to burn off energy in the adventure playgrounds or outdoor fort, or you can relax in the tearooms with a hot drink or a bite to eat. If the sun is shining, you will be able to enjoy a cart ride around the farm with Gemma the Shire Horse or Fergie the Tractor. Admission is £6.25, and children under three are free. Family tickets are available. Visit

£ Twinlakes Theme Park Discover fun round every corner at Twinlakes, the beautiful park tucked under the Wolds. It is packed with acres of action, rides, indoor play centres an outdoor waterpark and animals galore. From the Labyrinth Centre Zone, Buccaneers Island Zone and Creepy Critters Zone to the Gauntlet Falconry Centre and Red Rooster Zoo Farm - it is guaranteed to be a great day out for the whole family. Visit for more information and ticket prices.

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Out and About

Get Crafty & Creative... We take a look at some at the best places where you can get crafty with the kids... National Centre for Craft & Design Natureland Seal Sanctuary

Take part in a variety of workshops involving felt toys and creatures, like Dinky Designers and Listen, Make & Create. 01529 308710.

Pots of Fun Pots of fun is great fun for all the family and you don’t have to be an artist to create your very own masterpiece!

£ The National Parrot Sanctuary The sanctuary has over 1,700 birds, and is a perfect place for parrots and parakeets. Not only will you see the UK’s largest collection of parrots, there is also an array of different mammals, reptiles and species of birds at the zoo. Discover the family of meerkats, the ring tailed lemurs and the amazing coatimundis. You can hear the Australian alarm clocks of the kookaburras and dotted around the zoo are the elegant cranes. That’s just a few of the wonderful creatures you will meet! Admission is £7.95 per adult, and £7.50 per child. Family tickets are available. Visit Twinlakes Theme Park.

Creation Station

£ Natureland Seal Sanctuary Natureland in Skegness is known for rescuing and rehabilitating orphaned and injured seal pups. Since opening, Natureland has helped and returned to the wild many other unusual animals too, including dolphins and whales, a ‘lost’ walrus and pelican, and many oiled seabirds and injured birds of prey. At the sanctuary you will be able to see the seals at the different stages of their rehabilitation and hear about the rescue work during their feeding times. It isn’t just seals either! Watch the amusing antics of the penguins, see the tropical butterflies, squirm at the reptiles and creepy crawlies, feed the goats in the Pets Corner and marvel at the beautiful tropical fish in the aquarium. Admission is £7.80 per adult, and £5.20 per child. There are also family tickets available. Visit

it’s all about having a go at the Creation station there’s a range of classes for children to learn arts and crafts, or take part in an arty party.

Get Buggy! Why not drop in with the family for an interesting bug session followed by fun craft activities at Rutland Water. £3 for each participant.

Creations Pottery As well as dropping in for an art activity like pottery or decopatch, there are workshops and Baby & Toddler art and craft play sessions.


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Sacrewell Farm & County Park

£ Rutland Falconry & Owl Centre Housing a fascinating collection of hundreds of birds of prey from all round the world, the centre provides a natural setting for owls, hawks, falcons, buzzards, eagles and vultures. With maturing ponds, a purpose-built wild bird feeding station and a variety of nesting boxes – this really is a paradise where a mix of bird species sing all year round. You can view the birds on display in their habitats, take a woodland walk, or get up close and personal with birds of prey! We also recommend using binoculars to catch glimpse of the fallow deer, muntjac, foxes, badgers and other animals. Admission is £5 per adult and £3.50 per child. Children under 5 are free of charge. Family tickets are available. Visit

Rutland Falconry & Owl Centre

Wicksteed Park

£ Sacrewell Farm & County Park

£ Wicksteed Park

Jump on a tractor ride to learn about the work they do at Sacrewell Farm, feed the friendly animals and make the most of the indoor and outdoor play areas.

Located in 150 acres of Grade II parkland, Wicksteed Park boasts rides, playgrounds, lakeside walks, and the UK’s busiest narrow gauge railway.

At the small animal Village and Discovery Centre you can see smaller animals like guinea pigs, rabbits and chicks, and you can have a go at milking the dummy cow too! There is also the Sacrewell Mill, which dates from about the middle of the 18th century.

It has one of the biggest free playgrounds in Europe, and the fairground has a mixture of classic rides like the carousel and pirate ship. If you want a bit of action, then the Arena is the place for you! Here you will find lots of rollercoasters perfect for thrill seekers. For water lovers, visit The Lakeside and row over the Wicksteed Lake, or ride the original Waterchute from 1926.

Make sure you see the Shire horses, visit the ducks at Mill Pond, or go on the Wildlife Trail a great way to explore the natural history that surrounds Sacrewell Farm. Before you leave, stop by the Mill House and Garden where you can sit and relax in the truly beautiful English garden and enjoy a scrumptious cream tea. Admission is £7.50 per adult, and £5.50 per child which includes gift aid. There are also family tickets available. Visit 138

Jump on the Monorail for fantastic views, or try out Mr Wicksteed’s Cars great for the younger crowd. The Wicksteed Park Railway is one of the most iconic features at the park, and over 15,000,000 people have taken to its rails since it first opened in 1931. Visit for information and ticket prices.

More Great Places to Visit £ Batemans Brewery Tour Take a tour of the brewery based in Wainfleet.

£ Conkers Award winning attraction at the heart of the national forest.

£ Pigeons Farm A great day out with lots of farm animals and birds.

£ Nene Valley Railway A heritage railway.

£ Sundown Adventureland A well established theme park for all the family.

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Your ticket is valid for a whole year so visit time and time again at no extra cost.

sounds and even smells of the times with the interactive displays.

Tickets cost £13 for one adult, and £11 per child. Family tickets are also available. Visit

Join the fishermen in the Freeman’s Arms and experience the moving deck, visit the dockside shop, and enjoy some delicious fish and chips!

£ The Collection

Three ‘Must See’

Museums to Visit... Keep the kids learning and their minds active this easter... £ National Space Centre From the moment you catch sight of the Space Centre’s futuristic Rocket Tower, you'll be treated to hours of discovery and interactive fun.

Come face-to-face with the area’s earliest inhabitants and heritage through artifacts displays and reconstructions, activities, touch-screen games, and the kids can dress up in authentic historical costumes too! Take a discovery backpack into the galleries or try one of the quizzes or trails, before exploring the art collections in the Usher Gallery and relaxing in the cafe. For younger visitors, discover Play - a free activity centre that encourages learning through play. Admission is free. Visit

£ Fishing Heritage Centre

There are six galleries to explore, crammed full of space suits, rockets, satellites, meteorites and so much more!

Take a leaf out of The Duchess of Cambridge’s book, and visit the Fishing Heritage Centre in Grimsby.

Visit the Sir Patrick Moore Planetarium combining the latest video technologies, sound and computer animation to immerse you in a 360º cinema experience.

Sign up as a crew member and find out what life was like for trawlermen in the 1950’s. As you go on a journey of discovery, you can experience the sights,

Climb aboard the Ross Tiger trawler moored adjacent to the museum, where you can listen to tales told by the trawler guides about their days out at sea. There are two exhibition rooms at the museum and both are free of charge and suitable for all ages. The kids can even get dressed up! Ahoy mateys. Tickets cost £6 for one adult, £2 per child. Family tickets are available. 01472 323345.

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SKEGNESS NATURELAND SEAL SANCTUARY natureland is situated on skegness seafront and has a specialised collection of animals including seals, penguins, meerkats, tropical butterflies (April to october), tropical birds, sea life exhibit, aquarium, reptiles, pets corner and many more. Known world wide for its rescue of orphaned baby seal pups that become stranded on beaches around the Wash and has been successful in rearing and returning to their natural environment a large number of these beautiful creatures. feeding time is a great favourite with both children and adults. The seals like to show off their talents to the visitors and an informative talk is given on seals, Penguins and seal Rescue work, whilst they are being fed. The meerkats are one of natureland’s newest arrivals. Watch them foraging for food and basking in the sunshine. Another children’s ’favourite is the Pets Corner where goats, sheep, rabbits, guinea pigs and chickens can all be hand fed with food available from the Gift shop. Large displays of tropical marine and freshwater fish and smaller displays of local marine invertebrates make the Aquarium a fascinating and educational experience. snakes, scorpions, crocodiles and tarantula spiders plus other reptiles and insects inhabit the Tropical House. These are all made to feel at home by the jungle sound effects. When you have seen all there is to see, you can relax in the refreshment area or browse through the beautiful souvenirs in the Gift shop. natureland takes pride in it’s commitment to the care of animals and welcomes the opportunity to share this knowledge with our visitors.


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s spring arrives, it’s a perfect time get outside and learn a new skill. Rutland Water is regarded as one of the finest trout fishing lakes in europe and it’s right on our doorstep. Why not get involved this season and learn the art of fly fishing. Rutland fly fishing Adventures offers fun and friendly, award winning fly fishing courses, trips and expert guiding for individuals, couples, parent and child options and groups on this world famous lake, from bank or boat, choose from half or full day activities. Rutland businesses can bring colleagues for a team building day or reward clients with some time on the water, or how about an unusual stag day event, fishing from boats. For all details see or Rob Waddington on 01572 722422


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Organically Managed: Hedgehog Hall, Tilton.

OPEN GARDENS What could be nicer than spending some time appreciating the area’s most beautiful gardens? How about doing so knowing that you’re supporting some of the most worthwhile charities at the same time? This month sees the release of the National Garden Scheme’s annual Yellow Book - a comprehensive guide to Open Gardens in our county...

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Open Gardens

Around the County

The NGS’s Little Yellow Book has over 3,700 gardens across the UK, and 750,000 visitors last year raised over £2.5m for charity. This month sees the first of the participating gardens inviting visitors to appreciate their beauty, and most offer teas and home made cakes, cuttings and plant sales, all to raise money for charity. If you’re looking for a place to go on a warm spring afternoon, these are our pick of the NGS’s Open Gardens for April and May... Hammond Arboretum

Burghley House Private South Gardens

open 23rd March and by appointment in April. A site of just under 2½-acres containing an unusual collection of trees and shrubs, many from francis Hammond’s original planting dating from 1913 to 1936 whilst headmaster of the school. species from America, China and Japan with malus and philadelphus walks and a moat. Robert Smyth Academy Market Harborough, LE16 7LG.

on 12th and 13th April the Private south Gardens at Burghley House will open for the nGs with spectacular spring bulbs in park like setting with magnificent trees and the opportunity to enjoy Capability Brown's famous lake and summerhouse. entry to the Private south Gardens via orangery. The Garden of surprises, sculpture Garden and house are open as normal. Admission £3.50/adult, £2/child, Stamford PE9 3YJ.

Tresillian House, Melton Mowbray

Easton Walled Gardens

open from April, by appointment, and in May. secluded garden on southern side of Melton Mowbray. ¾ acre garden re-established by new owner between 2009 and 2012. Beautiful blue cedar trees, excellent specimen tulip tree. Parts of garden original, others reinstated with variety of plants and bushes. original bog garden and pond. Vegetable plot. Parts left uncultivated with wild cowslips and grasses. Dalby Road, Melton Mowbray LE13 0BQ. Tel: 01664 481997.

open friday 18th April. 12 acres of 400yr old forgotten gardens undergoing extensive renovation. set in parkland with dramatic views. 16th century garden with Victorian embellishments. italianate terraces; yew tunnel; snowdrops and cut flower garden. David Austin roses, meadows and sweet pea collections. Cottage and vegetable gardens. 1m off A1 at Grantham, signposted B6403.

£ oPen GARDens Remember to take a camera to picture features, ideas or particular plants that have inspired you for your own garden. Most gardens that open for the nGs have a small entry fee, so remember to take some change with you - naturally the entrance fee goes to charity. Don’t be afraid to ask the owner for the names of particular plants or for cuttings. Open Gardens are as much about the exchange of ideas as appreciation for the garden itself! You can obtain a copy of the nGs’s Yellow Book - or send one to a friend or family member as a thoughtful gift! see over to find out how.


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A Grand Day Out... The area also has gardens and stately homes that create a grand day out for the whole family not too far from home... Barnsdale Gardens, Oakham 38 gardens spread over eight acres, founded by BBC Gardener’s World’s Geoff Hamilton in 1983. Open seven days, £7/adults.

Belton House, Grantham 35 acres of gardens at the National Trust owned stately home. Open daily, guided walks on 24th May. Italian gardens with orangery and picturesque fountain, Dutch gardens with lavender and topiary.

Deene Park, Corby Located near Corby, off A43 just past Stamford. Open 18th May and other times TBC. Interesting garden set in beautiful parkland. Large parterre with topiary designed by David Hicks echoing the 16th century decoration on the porch stonework, long mixed borders, old-fashioned roses, Tudor courtyard and white garden.

Grimsthorpe Castle, Bourne Open 13th April, with 15 acres of formal and woodland gardens incl bulbs and wildflowers. Formal gardens encompass fine topiary, roses, herbaceous borders and unusual ornamental kitchen garden.

Gunby Hall, Spilsby Eight acre National Trust managed garden once Tennyson’s Haunt of Ancient Peace.


Look out for villages getting together to organise an open Garden event with several homes open to the public at the same time...

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Open Gardens

Around the County

Willow Cottage, Burgh le Marsh open 18th, 21st and 23rd April. Warmly, welcoming english Cottage Garden, painters palette of natural planting. Meandering pathways to discover, tranquil spots where you’ll long to linger. This is a beautiful setting for afternoon tea, and a hidden gem not to be missed! Six miles west of Skegness at Burgh-le-Marsh,

Goltho House, Market Rasen open 27th April. 4 ½-acre garden started in 1998 but looking established with long grass walk flanked by abundantly planted herbaceous borders forming a focal point. Paths and walkway span out to other features including nut walk, prairie border, wild flower meadow, rose garden and large pond area. Off A15 near Wragby, LN8 5NF.

Hedgehog Hall, Tilton on the Hill eight miles west of oakham, open on 4th and 5th May. Half acre organically managed plant lover’s garden. steps leading to three stone-walled terraced borders filled with shrubs, perennials and bulbs. Lavender walk, herb border, spring garden, colour themed long border and serpentine island bed packed with campanulas, astrantias, sanguisorbas, roses, clematis and Main: The nGs guide will help you find open Garden events across the county. Far Left: Grimsthorpe Castle’s parterre hedges. Left: Gain ideas and inspiration for your own garden by exploring other people’s gardens. Right: The formal Pool and Knot Garden at Barnsdale gardens features four beautiful bronze statues.

Many of the county’s open Garden events include plant stalls, cuttings for sale and of course, teas with delicious home made cakes. 750,000 open Garden visitors last year raised £2.5m for charity last year...

many more. sheltered walled courtyard filled with hostas, ferns and wisteria. Loddington Toad, Tilton LE7 9DE. Tel: 01162 597339.

Barleythorpe Gardens, Oakham open 4th May, visit three beautiful gardens in this Rutland village. Dairy Cottage with interesting and unusual shrubs and spring bulbs. The Lodge features mixed flowers within walled garden, and Barleythorpe House, on Manor Lane offers both water and woodland. flowering shrubs, small lake and woodland walk. One mile from Oakham on A6006 LE15 7EQ.

Grantham House, Castlegate, Grantham open 4th May, delightful secret garden in a medieval setting. Created by plantswoman Lady Molly Wyldbore-smith and in the process of restoration. five acres of unusual trees and shrubs with colour themed herbaceous borders. features incl gravel garden, iris walk and box parterre. Woodland area carpeted with bulbs and in the orchard, a wild flower meadow Barnsdale plant stall. Off A607 opp Church Street.

Braunston & Withcote Gardens open 11th May, two miles south of oakham. start your visit at Quaintree Hall in Braunston, an established garden surrounding the medieval hall. Continue on to Preston Lodge, to see an extensive garden surrounding a beautiful ironstone Lodge in a picturesque country setting. Dramatic views across a small valley to mature woodland beyond, this garden features small formal gardens surrounding the house, sweeping lawns planted with spring bulbs and mown walkways into woodland. Located in Braunston and Withcote, LE15 8QS.

Whissendine Gardens, Oakham open 25th May. Two beautiful gardens in this Rutland village. The old Vicarage and Whissendine Cottage. Five miles North of Oakham, LE15 7HG.

Finding Out More THE NATIONAL GARDEN SCHEME The nGs publishes The Yellow Book, a guide to over 3,700 gardens - the so-called ‘bible’ of garden visiting. order a copy for £9.99 online at or call 01483 211535.


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A RIVER NENE ADVENTURE Another hiring season is about to start and at nene Valley Boats it's a busy time. This small family firm has been hiring holiday boats on the River nene for 7 years but for the 2014 season they have moved downriver from their small rural base, into oundle Marina Village. "its going to be an exciting year for us" says Carol Macintyre who together with her husband Dan Jones, runs the small fleet of narrowboats. "We love the quietness of the nene. it's never busy even at the height of summer and because its so peaceful you see so much more of the wildlife." Their boats can accommodate up to six people and full tuition on how to drive one comes as part of the package. "some customers have done a lot of cruising and others have done none - they all get a handover that suits their experience” says Dan who has helped countless novice boaters through their first river lock. “We want our customers to feel confident and stay safe on the river so we spend time with them making sure they know the ropes. That way they'll be sure to have a relaxing holiday.” nene Valley Boats is open from April until the end of october and offers a range of three, four and seven night breaks for anyone wanting a taste of boating life. Their website has suggested routes for different lengths of trip and there is a mobile app full of useful information to guide holidaymakers up and down the river. Boat holidays are great for families or friends who want to enjoy the great outdoors but with the comforts of home.


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, What s On...





This spectacular musical adaptation at Guildhall Arts Centre in Grantham tells the tale about the boy who never grows up. Let your imagination take you to Neverland, and meet Lost Boys, Indians and villainous Captain Hook – and his silly sidekick Smee! With enchanting songs, plenty of fun and laughter and a sprinkling of fairy dust, this is the perfect afternoon out. Wednesday 16th April at 2pm; tickets are £7.50 or £26.00 for a family of four. 01476 406158

The Vasari Singers will be performing in the Chapter House of Lincoln Cathedral on Saturday 26th April at 7.30pm.

Nina Kristofferson’s Billie Holiday Story Overview is back by popular demand. This five star, must-see piece of work at Grimsby Auditorium on Wednesday 16th April is a magical, unique and inspiringly outstanding cocktail of songs and stories from Billie Holiday’s life stirring the haunting memories that plagued her. Nina is accompanied by an amazing band, featuring Billie’s greatest hits. Tickets are from £26.90.

The Vasari Singers is one of the leading chamber choirs in the UK, entering its 32nd year. It is acclaimed for performing choral music from a wide range of styles and eras, from the Renaissance to contemporary with passion and sensitivity to exacting standards and considerable acclaim. 01522 561600 0844 871 7615

£SWAN LAKE The Vienna Festival Ballet return to Blackfriars with the ballet, Swan Lake. Experience wonderful costumes, scenery and top choreography from this very prestigious ballet company. Sunday 20th April at 5pm. Tickets from £12.50. 01205 363108

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Tuesday 8th April to Wednesday 16th April

Eastival for children... this month LinCoLn DRiLL hALL, LPAC AnD thE CoLLECtion hAVE ComE toGEthER to PREsEnt A FABULoUs WEEK oF ARts EVEnts AnD ACtiVitiEs FoR ChiLDREn...




Following a sell-out 2012 tour and three Olivie Award nominations, Dillie Keane, Adele Anderson and Liza Pulman celebrate 30 years of Fascinating Aïda with a brand new show at LPAC on Friday 11th April at 7.30pm.

A special fundraising concert for the Mayor of North Lincolnshire’s Charity Appeal, benefiting When You Wish Upon A Star and RAF Benevolent Fund.

Expect topical new songs hot off the press and outrageous old favourites, as Fascinating Aïda continue to grow old disgracefully! Tickets are £19.50. 01522 837600

On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, The Royal Air Force Swing Wing Band presents the music of James Bond. Formed in 1989, Swing Wing features the melodies of a truly golden age in music, when Swing meant much more than a piece of playground equipment. The Band has appeared all over the UK, often sharing centre stage with many of Britain’s most illustrious musical figures including vocalist Lee Gibson, celebrated jazz saxophonist Tommy Whittle and the late, great Kenny Baker. They will be performing on Friday 4th April at The Baths Hall in Scunthorpe. Tickets are £15. 0844 8542776

Lincoln Drill Hall, LPAC and The Collection have joined forces to present a week of arts events and activities for children across the city. They will bring together some of the very best theatre, dance, workshops, films and music available for children and families! Activities at the Drill Hall include a family concert by The Busch Ensemble, a family folk day and barn dance as part of The Full English Project, Tutti Frutti’s new show ‘Monday’s Child’, and a Diddy Disco. There will also be a number of children’s films, and workshops with local artists including Pete the Music Man. A number of events will be taking place at the Lincoln Performing Arts Centre including a Hiccup Theatre and Meeting Mr Boom theatre piece and there will be family workshop days at The Collection. The full programme is to be announced, so keep checking online for updates. Tickets for each event will be available from the Lincoln Drill Hall, LPAC and The Collection. Full event listing and prices will be confirmed online, information is correct as Pride goes to press. Call 01522 873894 or see

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New SUV: The XC60’s 2014 refresh brings a new engine range plus a stylish new interior.


Volvo XC60... A few years back, the swedish manufacturer promised ‘no more stuffy, sober, boxy models!’ these days Volvo produces cars with both the safety credentials for which it’s renowned, and charisma too... its small 4x4 is the latest example!


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number of years ago, the small SUV - or Sports Utility Vehicle was born. Land Rover’s Freelander and Honda’s CRV led the charge. A 4x4 style body with two or four wheel drive, provided a little extra ground clearance for country lanes and an elevated driving position for a feeling of safety.

The Swedes are fighting back with a new XC60, and the results are impressive. It’s pricey, and so probably more suited to compete with the Evoque and premium offerings from Audi and BMW, rather than the cheaper Qashqai and CX5.

Above: spec wise, all models from the entry-level sE have four electric windows, electric mirrors, parking sensors, Bluetooth, cruise and climate control.

That means the Volvo has to be seen as a premium product to justify its £31,000-£43,000 price tag.

The company fought back with its XC90 model, with seven seats and yacht-like proportions, and later it added the smaller XC60 to its stable. It also promised cars with more charisma, and by and large, modern Volvos have a bit more panache than their forebears.

There are four engines from launch; a 2.0 five cylinder diesel with front wheel drive, a 2.4 five cylinder diesel with all wheel drive and 163hp, a 2.5 five cylinder diesel with 215hp, and a 3.0 V6 petrol with 304hp. The latter sprints to 60mph in 6.5 seconds, but achieves a pitiful 26.4mpg. Our recommendation is the entry level all wheel drive model, which achieves 53mpg in manual form, reaches 60mph in 10.5 seconds and will reach 120mph flat out. There’s an automatic gearbox option too, with a 10mpg penalty, so our advice is to stick with the standard six-speed self-shifter.

The XC60 has been getting a little long in the tooth, and there’s a long list of competitors snapping at the car’s heels: Nissan’s brand new Qashqai, Land Rover’s Freelander and especially its Evoque model, plus Mazda’s CX5, Honda’s latest CRV, Audi’s Q3 and BMW’s X3 model all want a piece of the action.

Spec wise, all models from the entry-level SE have four electric windows, electric mirrors, parking sensors, Bluetooth, cruise and climate control. There’s a sporty version of this trim, R-Design, with 18” wheels and sports seats. SE Lux and R-Design Lux models add electric leather seats, xenon headlights, auto lights and

It’s easy to see why SUVs became popular, but the poor old family estate car fell out of favour as a result, and one of the biggest casualties of that change in the market was Volvo, whose big, sober, safe, boxy estate models suffered.



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Volvo XC60

wipers. SE, SE Lux, R-Design and R-Design Lux models are also available as Nav variants too, with European sat nav and voice control.

Volvo XC60 Price: £30,735 - £43,550. (D4 AWD sE Lux nav £36,285). On Sale: now. Engines: 2.0V5 diesel 163hp, 2.4V5 diesel 163hp, 2.4V5 diesel 215hp, 3.0V6 petrol 304hp. Economy: 53.3mpg comb. (2.4V5 diesel, manual). Equipment: Climate control, cruise control, four electric windows, 5” screen, DAB/UsB/Aux audio, Bluetooth.


Our recommendation, then, is the SE Lux Nav four wheel drive with the 163hp, 2.4 diesel engine and manual gearbox. However, at £36,285, you could, instead, have a range-topping Qashqai with more boot space, and items of spec like 360° cameras, and heated seats... plus nearly £10,000 change! You could also have a Range Rover Evoque in Pure Tech spec with the firm’s brand new nine speed gearbox, and will have £2,000 change... and therein lies the Volvo’s problem. The Qashqai brings great value to the table, whilst the Evoque sports a coveted Range Rover badge. When Porsche releases its Macan small off-roader, it’ll bring immense driving pleasure and badge kudos, too. The Evoque by comparison is also a stunning looking car. With its rakish roofline, new bronze shade and a contrasting black roof, or bright red paint job with a white roof, it can look really dramatic and fun. Equally, with any of the dark blue or silver paint colours, it looks just as good, in a more restrained way. The XC60, on the other hand, is always conservative. Being a car of Swedish extraction, there are four winter packs with heated seats, steering wheel, washer jets and windscreen. Xenon headlights, bending headlights and snow socks are all included too. Of slightly more use in our neck of the woods and for the car’s intended market is integrated child booster seats, built into the car’s rear seats, and available for just £300.

The one additional option we’d choose is a Driver Support Package which includes pedestrian and cyclist detection, adaptive cruise control, collision warning, road sign sensing and automatic braking - at £1,900 it’s expensive, but you’ll recoup the cost by avoiding just one minor accident. Inside, the XC60 is perhaps able to make a better case for itself. A wrap-around fascia, intuitive heating controls and funky dashboard all look great. There’s lots of space around the climate control dials, which leads to an uncluttered dash, but as a consequence, there’s lots of fiddly smaller buttons in between, with tertiary heating and infotainment buttons all mixed in together, which hardly aids usability. Interior niggles are a shame, because the materials are generally of high quality and Volvo’s seats are always regarded as the most comfortable and supportive on a long drive, compared to any other manufacturer. The Volvo has a premium feel with its chrome bodywork. Likewise, its engines are impressively quiet under idle and gentle acceleration. Only when worked hard does the engine sound harsh, and it’s cleaner than Land Rover’s engines too. Comfortable, quiet and practical, the latest incarnation of the XC60 is a good all-rounder. It drives well and is refined beyond its sector. There’s plenty of technology and a premium feel, but in comparison to its competitors, it does look expensive... and perhaps a little conservative, too.

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iven the availability of suitable land within the Lincolnshire region for renewable energy projects, along with the European Commission’s recent statement to Britain that the current level of state support for renewable energy sources must be phased out by the end of the decade, now would seem to be an opportune time to explore options for your land or property. So, if you’re thinking of investing in a wind turbine, a solar farm, an anaerobic digester or biomass boiler what about the risks of such a project? Getting your renewable scheme into the right corporate structure should be one of your first considerations and a good start, both from an investment point of view as well as allocating risk. In practise, this means choosing between incorporating a limited liability company (the most common structure for renewables joint ventures), opting for a partnership, or simply entering into a purely contractual arrangement with a supplier. Irrespective of which corporate structure you choose, you’ll be presented with a raft of legal documentation that you’ll be expected to sign up to, this may include joint venture, bank finance, supply and maintenance agreements. Before entering into these documents, it is important to read through them with the eye of an eagle so that you fully understand the implications, for example, of the sun not shining enough for your solar panels to achieve projected returns, or of your large rotating wind-driven ‘garden ornament’ generating noise over and above that warranted, resulting in neighbourhood complaints. Whichever corporate vehicle you choose will influence your level of risk and given that there could be tax implications you should speak to a knowledgeable accountant at the earliest opportunity. Read the small print of any contracts presented to you and if in any doubt seek legal advice from a renewable energy specialist lawyer. In doing so, not only will you be contributing to reducing CO2 emissions but you will be able to 'breathe a little easier' knowing you have protected your assets and minimised your risks as best you can.

The Lincolnshire Energy Awards seek to recognise the achievements of companies and organisations throughout the county who are positively seeking through their activities or products to either have an impact on energy efficiency and consumption, reduce the volume of emissions into the environment, embrace renewable energy technology, or save on valuable resources through recycling or refurbishment activities. The awards will celebrate the advancements in green technology as well as excellence and innovation in sustainable business practices and will highlight and showcase the contribution and value to society made every day by those working in this sector. AWARD CATEGORIES • Energy Champion • Large Energy Business of the Year • Small/Medium Energy Business of the Year • Innovative Development of the Year • Construction Project of the Year • Renewable Energy Installer • Agricultural Renewable Provider of the Year • Skills and Training Provider of the Year • Exporter of the Year Please contact Helen Bell on 01522 781493 or at for more information on the Lincolnshire Energy Awards or visit the website LincsEnergyAwards

Helen Bell

“Important decisions deserve a specialist response...” Our teams are here to provide specialist advice on a range of legal issues you may encounter including:

COMMERCIAL SERVICES • Agency and distribution • Business Start Up • Business crime • Buying and selling businesses • Company Constitutions • Contracts • Copyright & intellectual property rights • Debt recovery services • Financing • Franchising • Joint Ventures • Shareholder & partnership agreements • Terms of trading • Renewable Energy

Telephone: 01522 781493 Email: 153

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Chill out, in the Caribbean...

Don’t WoRRy BE HAPPY When Columbus stumbled upon the islands of the Caribbean he discovered a beautiful destination drenched with year-round sunshine! From the white sands of st Lucia or Antigua, to the distinctive culture of Barbados there’s something to suit everyone looking for their perfect holiday getaway! Words: Ceri Jackson.


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Explore the beautiful protected bays and coral reefs of the Caribbean. There are plenty of sites to choose from.

The Caribbean islands boast an array of white sandy beaches, the perfect place to relax and soak up some sun!

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Caribbean Cocktails: the Caribbean is celebrated as the spiritual home of rum, and it has been intertwined with its culture and heritage for nearly 400 years. there is a modest rhyme, originating from the shores of the Caribbean that says: “one of sour, two of sweet, three of strong, four of weak.” these poetic words make up the first ever rum punch recipe. since then, bartenders have been evolving and adapting ingredients to satisfy our senses and conjure up pure heaven in a glass. here we give you some of the the most popular rum cocktails to try that will allow you to unwind and savour the true taste of the Caribbean.

A Caribbean Classic... the perfect start to a fun evening has to be the classic Mojito, a refreshing mix of white rum, lime, mint leaves and club soda.

Jamaica... Jamaica is well known for its laid back party atmosphere and reggae music, and they have a lot of famed beverages. Rum has an official classification system, categorised from light and clear to rich and dark varieties. Planter’s Punch combines dark rum, lemon juice, grenadine syrup and Angostura bitters making a potent mix of 44.7% alcohol, herbs and spices that come from trinidad and tobago. Another must is an Old Jamaican, with the fresh taste of mint and lime, rum, syrup and Angostura bitters topped with a splash of champagne.

Barbados... Barbados plays home to one of the oldest rum distilleries in the world: mount Gay Rum, which has been in operation since 1703. you can take a tour of the distillery, which will please rum fans! make sure you try a Rum Punch - full of flavour with lime juice, syrup, rum and add a dash of Angostura bitters.

Antigua... home to many notable celebrities like Eric Clapton and Richard Branson, Antigua has a rich history. the island’s most famous crop is the black pineapple, which is green when it’s at its most ripe stage. make sure you try an Antiguan Smile, with rum, crème de banana and fresh pineapple juice from the island.



Chill out in the Caribbean


With a rugged eastern coastline by the Atlantic, and a western coast lapped by the gentle waves of the Caribbean Sea, Barbados is the ultimate beach destination. 21 miles long and 14 miles wide, there is a distinct West Indian culture with arts, theatre, music and nightlife. The capital city of Bridgetown offers great shopping, galleries and theatres. There’s also a number of historical, architectural and natural interest sites. Party in St Lawrence, where bars and nightclubs rub shoulders with old rum shops and karaoke dens. Oistin’s Fish Fry is a must on a Friday or Saturday, where hundreds flock for an opportunity to enjoy the very best local food. A two week stay in April for two adults will cost around £6,000.


Laid back St Lucia is the place to lounge in your hammock and enjoy total relaxation. Wonderful white sandy beaches, mountainous interior and lush rainforest set it apart. The popular holiday resorts are on the north-west shore with sheltered white sand beaches and quaint fishing villages. On the west you’ll find luxury hotels tucked away with fabulous views of the Pitons – two towering volcanic plugs. The Atlantic side of the island is good for nature lovers and the southern tip of the island is popular for kite and windsurfing. There’s definitely plenty of activities for adventure-lovers.

It will cost around £6,400 for a two week stay in April for two adults.


Antigua boasts white sandy beaches, jaw-dropping views, protected bays and coral reefs, small coves, one of the most beautiful natural harbours in the world and an abundance of land and sea tours. You’re guaranteed fun-filled days with snorkelling, deep sea fishing, golf, rainforest adventures, historical tours, scuba-diving, hiking and sailing to name a few! A two week stay for two will cost around £5,800.


Jamaica is a beautiful tropical island full of stunning scenery, sandy beaches and lush rainforests. You can enjoy a variety of activities, and climb the spectacular cascading Dunn’s River Falls, swim with dolphins, or go ziplining through the rainforest canopy. The beaches are a lure for many, especially Negril with its seven-mile white sand beach, lively Ocho Rios with its collection of beaches for sun-worshippers, and Montego Bay with calm waters. There is a strong musical culture, and the Jamaican cuisine is a pot of flavours reflecting the different cultures that have influenced the island over the years. A two week stay in April for two adults will cost around £7,500.

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Enjoy a romantic meal by the sea with breaktaking views.

Below/Left: there’s lots to do in Jamaica, including swimming with dolphins! Below/Right: the Caribbean islands are the perfect place to relax and unwind together.


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NAVENBY TRAVEL An independent travel agency in Lincolnshire is proving that the high street travel agency still has an important role to play in helping to plan and book clients’ holidays. navenby travel opened its doors 4 years ago, and in this time has built a reputation in the area as a business that can offer service levels and choice that you don’t get in every high street travel agency. owner and manager suzanne Bracegirdle has been in the travel industry all her working life-in hotels, overseas as a tour company representative and in other travel agencies “when the opportunity came along to open my own agency in the village where i live, i jumped at the chance. i had no idea that there would be such a positive response from customers and that the business would be so successful.” navenby travel is part of the Freedom travel Group, a consortium of independent agencies that offer full ABtA and AtoL protection, so clients can feel reassured that every holiday is fully protected. independence means that suzanne and her colleagues Jilly and April are not tied to selling holidays from any particular company. “Being impartial means that we can look at exactly what people want” suzanne said. “We like to make sure that the holiday is right for the customer. Even if people are looking for advice and not sure where they want to go, we can help. We offer great value for money in every holiday that we sell, if you can’t visit us in person, give us a call or e-mail me; i promise you won’t be disappointed!” Navenby Travel is open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Saturday and at other times by appointment. Call on 01522 811844, e-mail or visit at 36 High Street, Navenby, Lincoln LN5 0DZ



MARCH 2014

APRIL 2014











LincolnshirePride T H E


The Event at The Collect ion

What’s On this Summer

Spring Homes


Country homes for families {Page 52}

Spring Style Fashion from local retailers {Page 116}

Sir David Attenborough Grantham Exploring our market towns {Page 15}

Eating Out Spring dining in Lincolnshire {Page 20}

Fashion - Food and Drink Weddings - News - What’s On Spring Homes 20 pages of home ideas {Page 52}

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- Conservation Grimsby’s TV Station Weddings Willow Weaving - Spring



A P£3.70 RIL


{Page 18}



Great Days Out for Familie s

Rediscover Grantham

Sir Joseph Banks

The county’s best restaurants





Lincolnshire History

Spring Dining









LooKinG AFtER yoUR CAt in thE FAmiLiAR sURRoUnDinGs oF yoUR oWn homE... Cosy Cats and Pet to Vet are two unique services aimed at making life easier for pet owners. Cozy Cats can care for your cat in your own home while you are away on holiday, on a business trip or in hospital. Vets agree that cats remain more relaxed and happier when visited at home rather than being shut up in the unfamiliar environment of a cattery with many other cats within sight and earshot, which is stressful to your cat. Every cat is an individual and we tailor our visits to suit both you and your cat’s needs, and rest assured all our staff are long term cat lovers and owners who will ensure your cat gets the best care it deserves while you are away. you can book for any number of visits from a one off, to over a month at a time, if we hold your keys all year round, in an emergency we can call in to your cats at a moment’s notice if needed. in addition to looking after your cat we can also care for your small pets, and we operate a Pets to Vet service throughout the local area on request. it’s a cost effective way of transporting your pet if you cannot drive yourself. We are not an agency and do not take on students or casual helpers. our service is competitively priced with single visits from £10/day, and we are fully insured. We care when you can’t be there! For more information see 07582893303 or find out more online at


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THE EVENT Sparkledust Valentine’ s Ball... Love was in the air at Sparkledust’s annual Valentine’s Ball, one of Lincolnshire’s most well-attended society events with around 300 guests. Around £8,000 is raised each year by a team of organisers who this year chose Callum Pite’s Smile Charity as one of their beneficiaries. An evening comprising a three course meal, dancing and fun games all featured on a night that is now in its seventh year.

Images: Darren Garwood.

The Sparkledust Ball, organised by a committee of nurses and businesspeople, is now in its seventh year.


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THE EVENT Sparkledust

Valentine’ s Ball...

Over 300 people attended the event as Boston’s PRSA.

The event raises around £8,000 a year for local charities.

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Crosswords... CRYPTIC CROSSWORD Test your lateral thinking skills with this month’s Cryptic Crossword. Each puzzle has a set of perplexing clues to unravel, and as every lover of logic knows, the frustration is all part of the fun!

ACROSS 7. Unholy pact due to shake-up at the top (4,5) 8. Dragon's lost its heat? (5) 9. Quality of Lord Bragg's speech on aid led to reform being added to agenda, finally (9) 10. Community in the bosom of Abraham is holy (5) 12. A paper's letters are published (6) 13. Judge retired in the Valleys? (8) 14. Deep and stormy bay — an endless minute (7) 17. Edits references to bloody deeds (7) 20. American text edited so as to avoid public scrutiny (2,6) 22. Determined to be successful, probably after taking power (6) 24. Newspaper for a safe job in the City? (5) 25. Disaffected agents join red revolution (9) 26. Newspaper articles on traditional music (5) 27. Dogs (not bitches) don't bark? (9)

DOWN 1. Delay of an hour on the way out to Oxford? (4-2) 2. Observer's leader writer on point of candour (8) 3. Mirror restrained, one says? It never happened! (6) 4. Something to tuck into, a bit of fun, you might say, inside back page (7) 5. Something fishy in letter from Athens, beginning with moneymaking scheme (6) 6. Front page with perhaps "Horse In Tent" cover … (8) 11. … could be stallion in newspaper report (4) 15. Silly chap, Spooner, to polish a divan, say (8) 16. Times backs predecessor of man at the top (4) 18. Diver (a Pole) takes gold (8) 19. Sun in shock report! Boatman follows it (7) 21. The Clash produced a very loud version of "Shaft" (6) 22. Drink: shock report! (6) 23. Guardian retrospective on royalty (6)


1. Characterised by internal strife (8) 5. Party disciplinarian (4) 9. Water as vapour (5) 10. 17th-century French painter (7) 11. Area of piracy in earlier days (7,5) 13. Plain cotton cloth (6) 14. Individual firing from cover (6) 17. Half (5,3,4) 20. (From now) into the future (7) 21. Compound of oxygen and another element (5) 22. Projectile (4) 23. Very happy (8)

1. Agitate (4) 2. It's struck in snooker (3,4) 3. Where I don't want otherwise desirable developments (2,2,8) 4. Referee (6) 6. Athos (anag) — plant (5) 7. Hole in tyre (8) 8. Hidden part of the mind (12) 12. Metal framework or raised platform (8) 15. Pope (7) 16. Container — ship (6) 18. Not so many (5) 19. Stagger — dance (4)





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