R&S Pride SEPTEMBER 230.qxp 12/08/2021 09:06 Page 34
OAKHAM’S MAYOR It’s been an odd time to be elected Mayor, with Zoom meetings and fewer events making local democracy less visible. Happily, post-Covid, Zoe Nealson is looking forward to getting out and about to make a difference to the town and inspire young people to become involved in shaping the town’s future... Images: Rob Davis. Tell us about growing up in Rutland...
I was born in Aldershot in 1982. My dad was in the Coldstream Guards so we moved around frequently when I was young. My mum grew up in Oakham and had a large family living here, so after my dad passed away, my mum bought a house opposite her parents’ house and moved my sister and I here in 1989. I was then raised in Oakham surrounded by family until I left for university in Birmingham at 18. After I graduated, I stayed in Birmingham and worked in HR and training for charities and local government until I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2012. At this point I was medically retired and returned to Oakham which I have always thought of as home. I now live here very happily with my wife and our three young children. What led you to join the Council?
I joined Oakham Town Council in 2018. I had been looking for a way to give back to the town and community that I love, when a chance encounter with an old school friend made me realise that Oakham Town Council was the place to do this. There was a current vacancy that the council were co-opting on to, and so I applied and was accepted. Having MS means that there are days where I really struggle, MS is a neurological
condition affecting the brain and spinal cord and so it can cause problems in any part of the body. I have mobility issues and these can be exacerbated by heat, infection or stress. MS is progressive and I am aware this means as I get older its possible I will be wheelchair bound or suffer sight loss or motor function deterioration, this is why I am so grateful to have this opportunity now while my condition is stable and manageable. Being a town councillor has given me a sense of purpose and I am driven to perform well in my mayoral year. I really care about Oakham and its people and want to make a positive contribution while I can.
The role is essentially split in to two parts. In one half, you are the chairman of the council, leading meetings and working closely with the town clerk to ensure accountability and efficiency within the council. The other half is being ‘The Mayor,’ this is a sort of ceremonial/ambassadorial side which allows you to represent the town at various levels both within Oakham at concerts and events and in other towns. What’s the role of the town council?
Town and Parish councils have the same powers and act within the same legislation, the only difference is that a town council has an elected mayor and covers a larger area.
What does the role of Mayor involve?
One of my priorities this year is to build a stronger relationship with Rutland County Council. However, I think its important for Oakham to have a separate council as we can then focus directly on positives and improvements that can benefit the town.
I was seconded and won the ensuing vote eight to three and I was pleased to discover that the other members of the council had so much faith in me.
Oakham Town Council is directly responsible for maintaining several of the open spaces in Oakham. These are Cutts Close Park, Royce’s Recreation Ground, Willow Crescent Playground and Centenary Field.
To be elected Mayor you have to receive a nomination from within council at the Annual General Meeting. I was extremely honoured to receive a nomination from Dave Romney, the outgoing Mayor.
When I first joined the council I hadn’t considered becoming Mayor but I quickly realised it was an opportunity that would allow me to represent my home town in a proactive way.
We organise events like the summer concerts in Cutts Close and we are always open to hearing about community initiatives that we may be able to support. >>
Main: It’s been a busy year for Zoe, marrying Rachel during lockdown and becoming Mayor of Oakham in May. Here she talks about her career, family and her beloved town.