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News & Notes
Join host Claudia St. John – keynote speaker from the 2024 IA&B Women’s Conference – for this upcoming webinar. There is no cost for IA&B agency members and company partners to attend. Registration is required.
The Power of Positive Feedback Wednesday, Nov. 6 | Noon-1 PM
Delivering positive feedback is one of the most fundamental and impactful behaviors that supervisors or managers can embrace. Yet, all too often, we forget the power of positive feedback and miss opportunities to both connect with and empower and inspire others. This session explores positive feedback, what it is, what it is not, and how to use it effectively at home and at work.
Save your spot.
IABforME.com/women-in-insurance | 800-998-9644, option 1
More Delaware workers’ compensation policyholders will become eligible for experience rating beginning on Dec. 1. Prepare by watching the recorded webinar – produced by IA&B and Travelers – which details the real-life effects of the changes on agencies and their customers. Learning about the changes may help you retain customers or gain new ones.
Triggered by Senate Bill 306, the changes are intended to improve plan performance through better predictive accuracy. The changes should lead to:
▲ A better transition for risks that move between the Merit and Experience Rating Plans, and
▲ A limit of debit modifications for the smaller, more volatile, risks compared to the current plan.
Other notable items include:
▲ Split point/loss limit: The plan runs on variable split points based on expected loss amounts ranging from $10,000 to $300,000. This is different from the current plan, which ranges from $30,405 to $553,000.
▲ The introduction of the max mod formula to ensure a reasonable level of stability for year-to-year changes.
IA&B will release the webinar in Agent Headlines.
Questions? Contact: Claire Pantaloni, IA&B VP-Advocacy 717-918-9202, ClaireP@IABforME.com
IA&B member agencies and company partners continued this Delaware insurance tradition on Sept. 19 in Smyrna, DE. Thank you to everyone who joined us!

IA&B VP-Tim Wonder (pictured) and Career Services Director Heather Ulrich attended the annual event, hosted by the Insurance Club of Pittsburgh, on Oct. 9.