Primary Agent - October 2023

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Get to know the recipients of the fourth annual IA&B Young Agent Award – Kristen McArdle, Maria Metcalfe, and Kyle Rheiner. IA&B recognizes these exceptional young insurance agents for their commitment to their profession and their community.



IA&B recognizes four additional young agents as Movers & Shakers: Jessica Entwistle, Reagan Fisher, Ashley Stafford, and Katie Zurawka.

MONTHLY 2 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 3 CLAIRE-IFICATION 4 COVERAGE CORNER 6 NEWS & NOTES 25 UPCOMING EDUCATION IA&B is the premier resource and champion for independent insurance agents in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware. Periodical postage paid at Mechanicsburg, PA and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Insurance Agents & Brokers, 650 Wilson Lane, Suite 200, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055. Primary Agent (ISSN 1543-3110), Permit # 638-620, Issue # 2023-10, is published monthly by IA&B Service Group Inc., a subsidiary of IA&B. Copyright 2023. All rights reserved. No material October be reproduced in whole or in part without written consent of the publisher. The information in this publication is general in nature and not intended to serve as legal, accounting, financial, insurance, investment advisory or other professional advice as to any reader’s particular situation. Users are encouraged to consult with competent legal, financial, insurance, investment advisory and/or other professional advisors concerning specific matters before making any decisions. We disclaim any responsibility for any decisions or actions by readers. Statements of fact and opinion in Primary Agent are the responsibility of the authors alone and do not imply an opinion on the part of the officers or the members of IA&B. Participation in IA&B events, activities and/or publications is available on a non-discriminatory basis and does not reflect IA&B endorsement of the products and/or services. OCTOBER
JOIN US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: and B and B IA&B Podcasts can be found at: 1 |


In a Primary Agent issue dedicated to young agents, let me highlight where IA&B has been focused on the next generation:

▲ For the fourth year, IA&B has given a Young Agent Award to three very deserving individuals, one in each of our states. I have the privilege of getting to know these award winners, and what an impressive group we have this year. Our three winners (who you will meet in later pages) each have their own success story, and each will be wonderful stewards of IA&B’s youth movement in the coming year.

▲ After a hiatus, IA&B’s Young Agent Conference was back inperson and was a resounding success. Over 130 young insurance professionals gathered in Lancaster, PA to learn, network and have fun. This event has always been a highlight for us at IA&B, and to be together again has brought that energy back.

▲ IA&B hosted our second annual Intern Day in July (on National Intern Day), and the event is growing. Nearly 30 college interns were brought together and exposed to the independent agent channel, as well as real-world training. This smart, inquisitive group showed that students are planning on a career in insurance.

▲ A great deal of progress has been made on IA&B’s insurance school, one of the pillar initiatives of our recent strategic plan. The school will teach insurance and business basics, so that students will come out licensed and with a strong foundation. This time next year we will be close to opening the doors and bringing graduates to our member agencies.

A strong young agent program has always been a focus at IA&B, but this year we have really ramped it up. We are investing heavily in the future of the independent agent channel – an investment that is going to provide a return for our member agents.

Onward & upward,


650 Wilson Lane, Suite 200

Mechanicsburg, PA 17055

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Sarah Brown, CIC, CRM, AFIS - Chair

Keller Brown Insurance Services | Shrewsbury, PA

Andrew Enders, Esq. - Vice Chair

Enders | Harrisburg, PA


Lisa Parry Becker, CPIA

Parry Insurance

Langhorne, PA

Greg Bennett

Famous & Spang Associates

Aberdeen, MD

Kate Dawson, CPIA

Ferri Dawson Insurance

Murrysville, PA

Len Gieseler, LUTCF

Evans Hauseman & Richard, Inc. Pottstown, PA

Bruce D. Kraft, AAI, CIC

Arbor Insurance Group

Allentown, PA

Debra McAfee

McAfee Insurance Agency, LLC

Wilmington, DE

Shayne McIntosh, CIC

JPI Insurance Associates

Dillsburg, PA

Chris Miller, CIC

Miller Insurance Protection Team

Jonestown, PA

Michael Papa, CIC, MBA

Diversified Insurance

Industries, Inc.

Hunt Valley, MD

Bill Purdy

Purdy Insurance Agency, Inc.

Sunbury, PA

Kent Reynolds, CIC

Blue Ridge Risk Partners LLC

Hagerstown, MD

David Rivell, CIC, CRM

Element Risk Management

West Chester, PA

Jason Rodriguez

Prominent Insurance Svcs

Wilmington, DE

Donna Roper

E K McConkey & Company York, PA

Candace Shoupe, AAI, AIC

CBM Insurance Agency

New Castle, DE

Bob Smyrl, CIC

Robert L. Smyrl, Inc.

Hatfield, PA

Michael Thomas

Lighthouse Insurance Svcs

Gambrills, MD


Mike Ertel (PIA)

AP Benefit Advisors, LLC dba The Jacobs Company |

Columbia, MD

Mark Monroe (IIABA)

Griffith Insurance, LLP | West Chester, PA

Diana Hornung (IIABA)

IOA National, Inc. | Wilmington, DE

2 OCTOBER 2023


IA&B Vice President - Advocacy Claire Pantaloni, CIC, CISR Are you a member with a question? Contact Claire to find the answer at 717-918-9202 or


Is the use of signature flags, highlighters, or x-marks to identify where the client is supposed to sign an E&O issue?


The use of signature flags, “X” designations, or “sign here” highlights is ubiquitous. It is not a violation of law, and is not, per se, an E&O “no no.” Signature flags are convenient and available in paper as well as in electronic form. The E&O risk is that when using a “sign here” flag, the producer could see one of his customers later claim that he was misled into signing something that he did not intend to sign or selecting a limit that he did not intend to select, or that the producer directed him to pick the wrong coverage.

To mitigate this risk, an agency using a “sign here” flag could do the following:

First, and stating the obvious, take precautions to ensure that the line they are asking the client to sign is the correct one.

Second, attach a cover letter putting the customer in a more active role:

▲ Explain to the customer that the flags reflect the customer’s coverage selections, and

▲ Ask the customer to let the producer know if they notice a discrepancy, have changed their mind about any of the selections, or have questions.

When the client signs the application, he or she is attesting to the accuracy and truth of the information

in the application. This is a defense that will be used in E&O claims.

If, like most agencies, you are using an electronic signature product, note that an electronic cover letter or a customized message can generally be added quite easily.

A sample cover letter is also available to IA&B members to use as is or to insert in the e-signature product. Visit:

This document is not a legal opinion and should not be relied upon as such. The intent of this document is to provide a general background regarding the topic or topics discussed, not to provide legal advice. Producers and agencies should consult an attorney regarding specific situations and specific questions with respect to the topic or topics covered in this document. Neither the Insurance Agents & Brokers nor any of its employees shall be responsible for any errors or omissions regarding any statements made in this document, nor any errors or omissions regarding any statutes, regulations, court rules, and/or any other government documents cited in this document.

An audio version of this article is also available as a podcast 3 |


If a customer damages a rental car, does their personal auto policy (PAP) cover the damage? If you read consumer articles about this, the answer is almost always “Yes,” but the real answer is “Maybe” or, more accurately, “Yes and No.” Perhaps in an upcoming column we’ll talk about the coverage caveats when renting autos since insureds can often find themselves footing four-figure bills.

There are also situations where damage to other non-owned autos,

for example, those owned and insured by other household family members, are not covered by the user’s PAP, at least without endorsing the coverage. This is another issue we might explore in a future column and that I referenced in the last column about kids at college. [Editor’s note: See primary_agent/docs/august-2023.]

However, consider the following four actual claims involving two different non-owned auto

situations where coverage was denied by the PAP insurer:

An insured was driving a loaner car while his Cadillac was being serviced at the dealer. Unfortunately, he had an at-fault accident that resulted in $37,000 in damage to the loaner vehicle. The dealer’s garage policy paid for the physical damage but then subrogated against the customer, and the claim was denied under the customer’s PAP.

4 OCTOBER 2023

In a similar situation, the insured was provided with a loaner car while his Acura was in the shop. The vehicle was damaged to the tune of $6,500 while parked and unoccupied. The dealer’s insurer filed a claim against the customer’s PAP insurer, and it was denied.

In a different non-owned auto situation, an insured was test driving a car from a used car dealer and hit a deer. The dealer’s insurer paid for the damage but subrogated against the customer whose PAP insurer denied the claim.

In a similar scenario, the insured was test driving a new car and had an at-fault accident. Again, the dealer’s insurer sought physical damage coverage from the customer’s PAP, and the claim was denied.

Before continuing, let me say that these types of claims are covered every day by many insurers under the physical damage coverage of the insured’s PAP. And, in some states or under some policies, coverage for non-owned autos is governed by the liability portion of the policy. But not in the four claims cited above.

In each of these four claims, the basis for denial by the insurer under “ISO standard” PAP language was the Other Insurance clause which said:

However, any insurance we provide with respect to a “non-owned auto” shall be excess over any other collectible source of recovery including, but not limited to:

1. Any coverage provided by the owner of the “non-owned auto”;

2. Any other applicable physical damage insurance;

3. Any other source of recovery applicable to the loss.

In all of the claims cited above, because the vehicle owner had a “collectible source of recovery,” the insurers would only pay for the deductibles on the dealers’ policies and the PAP insureds were on their own for the difference.

In the last claim, the insurer also cited proprietary policy language that said that the customer’s PAP, “… does not cover a non-owned car while being used or maintained in any auto business by anyone.” The ISO PAP also has an “auto business” exclusion, but it applies only to persons “engaged in the ‘business’ of” selling, repairing, servicing, storing, or parking of autos.

Again, you have probably had scores of claims like this paid by PAP insurers, but clearly this isn’t always the case. The best solution for this would be for commercial auto policies’ subrogation clauses to, like the ISO PAP, prohibit recovery from permissive users. However, given that the customer (and likely the dealer) has no control over this, this is probably impractical.

A contractual hold harmless between the dealer and customers is a possibility, as might be a legislative remedy as found in some states. In the meantime, have you surveyed your auto markets to see how they handle these and other non-owned auto situations?

Til next time!

Bill Wilson, CPCU, ARM, AIM, AAM is the founder and CEO of and the author of seven books, including “When Words Collide…Resolving Insurance Coverage and Claims Disputes.” He can be reached at

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LIVE CE WEBINAR Learn more about auto coverages in this upcoming webinar.
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An audio version of this article is also available as a podcast


We offer our sincere thanks to the following member agents who recently ended their terms on the IA&B Board of Directors. Their contributions of time and expertise helped to provide strategic direction for the organization, which will benefit our membership for years to come.


As of Oct. 1, 2023, all Maryland licensees selling Flood, Homeowners’, or Commercial Property insurance must obtain at least 2 hours of flood-related CE. Previously, this requirement only applied to those who sold Flood insurance.

IA&B offers “Flood Insurance, FEMA, and the NFIP,” a live webinar approved for 3 FLD CE credits in Maryland. It will be offered next on Nov. 1, 2023.


The Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner recently approved the Pennsylvania Compensation Rating Bureau’s (PCRB) modifications to its experience rating methodology. Effective April 1, 2024, the changes are meant to improve the predictive accuracy of the rating plan and to incentivize worker safety. Of note:

Eligibility for experience rating will drop from $10,000 to $5,000 in premiums. eventregistrations/?eventId=6606



The Delaware Compensation Rating Bureau (DCRB) proposed an overall change in loss costs of -7.24% and in residual market rates of -11.18% effective Dec. 1, 2023. At the time this publication went to print, the Department of Insurance was reviewing the filing.

Effective Jan. 1, 2024, National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) renewal policies will require Agent and Agency National Producer Numbers (NPNs). Due to renewal processing times, policies will need to be updated with NPNs in advance of the new year.

In addition, some WYO carrier systems may not be able to populate the necessary NPNs and could require additional lead time to incorporate the information on the policy. Watch for communication from your WYO carrier in the weeks ahead.

As a reminder, NPNs have been required for new NFIP business since spring 2019.

Variable split points will be introduced to act as a per-accident limit for actual primary losses.

Annual caps are changing through a transition period.

According to the PCRB during talks with IA&B, projections show that smaller risks in particular are expected to receive markedly higher credibility.

This change is an excellent opportunity to revisit your and your staff’s familiarity with experience rating in general and mod worksheets in particular. Agents understanding the modification may have a competitive edge over those who don’t. Watch for an IA&Bmember webinar on the topic in advance of the effective date. (See PCRB Circular 1799.)


Congratulations to the recipients of the fourth annual IA&B Young Agent Award –Kyle Rheiner, of Arthur Hall Insurance in West Chester, PA; Kristen McArdle, of McArdle Insurance Agency in Columbia, MD; and Maria Metcalfe, of Bellevue Insurance Services, in Wilmington, DE. These three rising stars in the independent agent community were selected for outstanding commitment to their profession and community.

Award Criteria:

▲ Employed for one year or more by an IA&B Member in PA, MD, or DE

▲ Licensed P&C agent

▲ 40 years old or younger

▲ Made community contributions through volunteering or service

▲ Example of emerging-leader status in the field

▲ Participated in IA&B events, education, or other happenings

Learn more about these exceptional young insurance professionals on the following pages, as well as in the video posted at and on IA&B’s social media accounts.

Young Agent Award winners (left to right): Kristen McArdle, Maria Metcalfe, and Kyle Rheiner.
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Thank You to Our Sponsors

The Young Agent Award is made possible with the support of these generous companies.

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Kristen McArdle, cic

Columbia, MD

Principal Agent Age: 38 Years in Industry: 15

How did you get your start in the insurance industry?

When I was three years old, my dad opened a scratch agency after working for years in claims and sales for a carrier. I got my insurance license when I was in college and worked summers in the family business. After college, I decided to work in the hospitality industry on cruise ships. After three years of working long hours, I realized that the insurance industry would provide me with much more stability than working on ships. I came back 13 years ago and perpetuated the agency along with my brother in 2017.

What does your typical workday look like?

I’m involved in every aspect of the agency. I work with sales and servicing of personal lines and commercial lines accounts, oversee our marketing and social media, track claims and loss ratios, manage our staff, and everything in between. A large part of my job is wearing many different hats depending on the day … so it keeps every day interesting!

What’s your favorite part of your job?

My favorite part of the job is the people – both staff and clients. When you work in a client-facing atmosphere, you know that no two days will be the same. It is incredibly, intrinsically rewarding when you get to know the families that you protect. Each year when I get holiday cards from clients, I know that they truly see us as trusted advisors and value what we do for their family. This is the biggest compliment we can receive.

What’s the best professional advice you’ve received?

The best professional advice that I’ve received is to treat the customer how we would want to be treated, and to be honest when you don’t know an answer. There is a lot of information that we need to know. So if you’re not sure about something, a client will respect and trust you more if you’re honest about the need to do some research and get back to them. It is always best to do your due diligence, rather than fluff your way through an answer.

What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?

I am extremely proud of the role I played as a member and chair of Erie Insurance’s Sales and Marketing Task Force. For four years, I sat on a task force with agents from all over Erie Insurance’s footprint to discuss the challenges and wins that we face every day. I led the Task Force for two years and was able to see valuable change in the systems that are used by agents every day. My time on the Task Force was invaluable to my career.

Unrelated to my professional accomplishments, I was awarded Erie Insurance’s Giving Agent Award twice for the volunteering and outreach that I do outside of the office for Johns Hopkins Cancer Center and Johns Hopkins Children’s Center. I have done two 150-mile bike rides to raise money for cancer research at a local level and have volunteered for years for the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center Radiothon to raise money for the pediatric care at Hopkins. Those are things I love doing in my spare time, and to be recognized by Erie for that was really heartwarming. They also made sizeable donations to the two charities on my behalf, which is amazing.

Continued on page 21

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McArdle Insurance Agency, Inc.
12 Member of the ProAssurance family of companies. Congratulations to Kyle Rheiner, this year’s IA&B PA Winner! fresh outlooks. better outcomes. is a registered trademark of Eastern Insurance Holdings, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of ProAssurance Corporation. © Copyright 2023 302-227-2501 CONGRATULATIONS Mover & Shaker Ashley Stafford

Maria Metcalfe, cic,cisr elite,cisr

Wilmington, DE Account Executive Age: 40

Years in Industry: 13.5

How did you get your start in the insurance industry?

I graduated from college with a degree in sports management and had hopes of working for one of the Philadelphia professional sports teams. The only jobs available were in entry-level ticket sales and that did not really appeal to me. I ended up at a student loan consolidation company, but right before the recession started, I was laid off.

My neighbor asked if I had ever thought of working in insurance. She worked at an insurance agency and said there was stability and significant career opportunities in the field. She reviewed what I would have to do to get my insurance license and lent me her insurance books. I studied for and passed my P&C licensing exam.

Eventually, a temp agency hired me for a temp position as an account executive with Bellevue Insurance Services. Lee [Dotson], the agency owner, looked at my situation as positive. He could teach me how he wanted things done, so he gave me a chance to prove myself.

What does your typical workday look like?

This was one of the questions I asked when I interviewed with Bellevue. Lee chuckled and said there was no such thing. That still rings true today.

One constant part of my day is meeting with Lee every morning. We discuss what we have going on that day, review new and renewal accounts we’re working on, and decide how best to handle any issues. After the meeting, I check my voicemails and new emails and handle anything that is urgent. Then I work on the follow-ups for the day in my management system. I spend most of my day servicing new and existing accounts, but at any point this could

change on a dime. I end my day with compiling a to-do list for the next day.

What’s your favorite part of your job?

Definitely the clients that I work with. I love helping people. Our industry is based on service, and that is something that gives me fulfillment every day. Each day is different because all my clients are so different. It keeps me challenged to know how to communicate and work with all different kinds of people.

What’s the best professional advice you’ve received?

There is a quote, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.”

You need to have a plan for what you want in life. Having a plan and setting goals are your roadmap to success – your personal GPS.

I set professional and personal goals for myself every year. They are written down and kept on file in the office. When you put pen to paper, you become accountable for your goals. On those not-so-easy days, you remember what your plan is and what you are working toward, and it helps push you to the finish line.

What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?

I am very honored and humbled to receive the Young Agent Award. Besides this award, my CIC designation is the professional accomplishment I am most proud of. I set a goal to complete my CIC designation within two years, which I did. Those three initials are a big deal to me.

Continued on page 21

Bellevue Insurance Services, LLC
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Count on UFG Insurance for easy quoting, dependable service and skilled underwriting expertise from a team dedicated to your fast-paced BOP needs. When a small business turns to you, turn to us. Think UFG. © 2023 United Fire & Casualty Company. All rights reserved. THINK UFG for small business success LIMITED-COOKING RESTAURANTS SERVICES CONTRACTORS RETAILERS OFFICES DISTRIBUTORS INSURANCE

Kyle Rheiner, cic

Age: 39 Years in Industry: 11

How did you get your start in the insurance industry?

I had a newborn at home and was wasting a lot of time commuting to a job I wasn’t passionate about, so I decided to “dare mighty things.” I resigned from a large, Corporate America financial services company to start life over from scratch as an independent agent in order to create the life I envisioned for our family.

What does your typical workday look like?

The day starts early with fitness, meditation, reading, and journaling. From there, I get my daughters on the bus and get to work, wherever it may be that day – the office, home office, or on the road. I check in with my team, see what they need assistance with, and let them know what I need assistance with.

If I complete my three major tasks in a day, that’s a win. I set goals for the week and communicate with the team so we can chip away at them together throughout that week. I “time block” tasks to avoid interruptions. There might be a large presentation I’m working on, calling clients or targeting prospects, reviewing renewals with my team and underwriters, working through situations with my clients – but ultimately, there’s lots of phone calls and problem solving on a daily basis. Mondays and Fridays tend to be office days with the middle of the week being out and about.

When the day is done, it’s dinner with the family, coaching my daughters, watching the Phillies, reflecting on the day … repeat.

What’s your favorite part of your job?

Seeing others succeed. I love working with and providing value to our team and our clients. Each day is typically different, and that keeps things interesting and exciting. The flexibility of schedule and the ability to create your own destiny is alluring, and it’s great to see our staff and clients creating great experiences for themselves and their families.

What’s the best professional advice you’ve received?

“Think about what you want your life to look like at age 65 and work backwards into how to achieve that.” Also, “Raise your standards.”

What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?

Becoming a shareholder at Arthur Hall Insurance, in my favorite town, and in my favorite niche. Also, earning my CIC designation and having the opportunity to be on the cover of two insurance magazines has been validating and exciting.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Still focused on daily improvement: setting new goals and achieving them; always improving myself, my family, fitness, mindset, and our agency; and helping others. Daily, I write in my journal that my “why” is to “provide experiences and inspire others” – and that’s what I hope to do.

Continued on page 23

Arthur Hall Insurance West Chester, PA Agency Principal, Food & Beverage Practice Leader
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IA&B also recognizes four additional young insurance professionals as Young Agent Movers & Shakers. Growing interest in the Young Agent Award – and an impressive pool of nominees – prompted the creation of this additional recognition category. Congratulations to these recipients!

Shakers . . APPLY TO BE AN AGENT: WWW.GUARD.COM/APPLY/ Not all Berkshire Hathaway GUARD Insurance Companies provide the products described herein nor are they available in all states. Visit to see our current product suite and operating area.
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Age: 36

Agency: Liberty Insurance Agency

Location: Pittsburgh, PA

Job title: Head of Personal Insurance, Marketing and Operations

Years in the industry: 8

Best part of your job:

Collaborating to help better the client and employee experiences. I am honored to be surrounded by innovative, driven professionals committed to bettering the industry and our collective experiences. This motivates me to stay passionate and solutions driven. The future remains bright when we stay focused on betterment.

Biggest professional accomplishment:

Being recognized by IA&B as both a woman leader within the industry in March 2023 and as a Mover and Shaker at the Young Agent Conference in 2023.

Fun fact about you:

I taught myself how to play violin at age 11. I also play flute and want to learn piano.


Age: 32

Agency: Winstead Insurance Agency

Location: Elkton, MD

Job title: Managing Partner, Personal Lines Agent, Commercial Lines Agent, Sales and Marketing Director

Years in the industry: 4

Best part of your job:

Building relationships with clients. Everyone has a unique story, and I enjoy talking with folks from all walks of life. Working in a small office, I get to be part of all aspects of insurance, and there’s always something new to learn.

Biggest professional accomplishment:

When I first started, our office didn’t have an organized way to capture leads or to market ourselves through digital platforms. After years of hard work and trial and error, we built a solid lead-generating machine that has really accelerated our business.

Fun fact about you:

I grew up in California and the South, which brings a confusing vocabulary to everyone I meet. I frequently say “Y’all” and “Dude” in the same sentence. I live on a homestead with my wife and daughter where we have a large garden, pigs and chickens, and an orchard.

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f • 8 256 9 52 • @ f © 2023 AMERISAFE, Inc. AMERISAFE, the AMERISAFE Logo, and SAFE ABOVE ALL are registered trademarks of AMERISAFE, Inc. All rights reserved. W f RK R ’


Age: 36

Agency: Williams Insurance Agency

Location: Rehoboth Beach, DE

Job title: Personal Lines Manager/Advisor

Years in the industry: 2

Best part of your job: Being entrusted by my clients to finalize their policies and ensure their assets are fully protected.

Biggest professional accomplishment: Promotion to Advisor after only two years of experience in the industry.

Fun fact about you:

I was paid for a role in the John Adams miniseries on HBO. Great show, a must-see!


Age: 38

Agency: Howard Hanna Insurance Services

Location: Pittsburgh, PA

Job title: Operations Manager

Years in the industry: 11

Best part of your job:

My passion has always been helping others, and it is the focus of my career. I enjoy assisting clients with understanding the importance of the coverage they are purchasing. I also help our internal team with any challenges that come up in their day to day. Witnessing others on the team recognize their potential and seeing their confidence grow are also extremely rewarding.

Biggest professional accomplishment:

Obtaining my AINS designation. I started working on this a few years back, and with hard work and determination, I was able to complete it in March of this year. The additional knowledge gives me more to share with clients and our team.

Fun fact about you:

I love animals and being outdoors. Maine and Montana are two of my favorite places to escape to. Great scenery and plenty of creatures! |
Congratulations to Maria Metcalfe for being chosen the winner of the Delaware’s IA&B Young Agent Award. Interested in becoming a partner? Reach out today. Tim Wonder IA&B VP-Membership 717-918-9223 BECOME A PARTNER TODAY Thank You Thanks to these partners for supporting the independent agent network. PLATINUM PARTNERS Acuity Erie Insurance Keystone Millers Mutual Insurance Penn National Insurance Plymouth Rock Assurance 20 OCTOBER 2023

Kristen McArdle

Continued from page 11

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

In 10 years, I see myself still working in our agency, but with more clients and a decade of additional experience and stories to tell!

What tips would you share with someone just starting out in our industry?

For anyone entering this industry, I would give them the advice to stay on top of education and market trends. Insurance agents are a dime a dozen, but setting yourself apart with knowledge is the key to thriving. This industry is so unique because you have the power to make it what you want. If you are constantly learning about everything you can offer, you will have the tools to provide the best products and best advice to protect your clients.

If you weren’t working in insurance, what would be your dream job?

I’m lucky that I already had a little bit of a dream life before coming into insurance. I traveled the world for three years working in events and hospitality on cruise ships, so digging roots was that much sweeter for me. I suppose if I weren’t in insurance, I would love to be an interior decorator or a realtor. I love looking at homes!

Maria Metcalfe

Continued from page 13

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I love what I do and want to remain on the agency side servicing and writing accounts. I have been so fortunate to have a mentor that has shaped my career to where it is today. I would someday like to pay that forward and work with younger agents as a mentor.

What tips would you share with someone just starting out in our industry?

Find someone in the business who has the heart of a teacher who you can learn from. Someone who will not only teach you about insurance principles and coverages but also how to develop relationships with clients and carriers. That is priceless in this industry. I have been so lucky to have had this from the beginning of my career with my agency principal.

I would also encourage them to take advantage of all the educational opportunities that are available. My mentor was a driving force behind me pursuing my designations, especially my CIC. We are required to have continuing education credits for our license, so why not make the most of it by selecting a designation that you can work toward? It not only adds value to you, but it adds value to your agency or company as well.

Lastly, I would say to find something that sets you apart from your competition. Be willing to go that little extra mile to provide a unique service to your client. They will remember it.

If you weren’t working in insurance, what would be your dream job?

I love football, especially the Philadelphia Eagles. I would love to work in a front-office position with the Eagles that deals with affluent season ticketholder gameday experiences. I also love high-end designer handbags and have quite a few in my collection. I would love to work for one of the major fashion houses, like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, or Versace, on their creative design team designing handbags.

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Congratulations Maria Metcalfe Congratulations Maria Metcalfe Delaware's Young Agent of the Year (302) 246-2400
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For personalized service, CONTACT KEVIN HORD, CIC, CPCU, ACLS, MBA 800-998-9644, ext. 209 IA&B Members: Shopping E&O? ▲ We have the plans that agencies need. QUESTIONS? CONTACT TIM WONDER, IA&B VP-MEMBERSHIP 7 17-918-9223 | TIMW@IABforME.COM 8 GREAT MEMBER BENEFITS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Legal & Compliance Resources Classes & Online Training Marketing, Branding & Websites Political Advocacy HR & Hiring Solutions Insurance for Your Agency Industry News Market Access & Carrier Relations WAHVE is an innovative contract staffing solution that matches retiring professionals to fill your staffing needs. TIRED OF RECRUITING, HIRING, OR TURNOVER? Contact Bill Hunt at WAHVE today! • 646-807-4372 ext. 3757 *Mention your IA&B membership for a discount on set-up fees. • You will be the agency of record on all policies • No initiation or monthly fees • Low to no volume commitments • Standard commission rates • 100% ownership of expirations • A broad mix of standard and niche markets that are state specific Are you looking for MARKET ACCESS? Contact Tim Wonder, VP - Membership • 800-998-9644, ext. 351 24 OCTOBER 2023
EARN CE WITH IA&B EDUCATION SCHEDULE PRIMARY AGENT Editor: Karen Robison 717-918-9209 Contributing editors: Jennifer Ross, Megan Fioretta, Sarah Haas Sales Account Executive: Nick Heller | 609-273-8493 CLASSROOM DATE TOPIC LOCATION Oct 3CISR Commercial Casualty II Newtown Square, PA Oct 4Commercial Lines Mechanicsburg, PA Oct 17CISR Commercial Casualty I Linthicum Heights, MD Oct 17-18James K. Ruble Graduate Seminar King of Prussia, PA Oct 24-26P&C Licensing Mechanicsburg, PA WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Altiery Gingerich Insurance Agency LLC Lewistown, PA George A Reed Agency Pittsburgh, PA Dewberry Insurance Agency Wilmington, DE Barnes Bollinger Insurance Services Inc Westminster, MD ASSOCIATE MEMBER Secure24 - ADT For information about membership or benefits, contact: Tim Wonder, VP-Membership 717-918-9223 OCTOBER 2023 Register today! 800-998-9644, option 1 LIVE WEBINARS DATE TOPIC TIME Oct 4William T. Hold-Commercial Lines 8 AM-4 PM Oct 5Claims That Will Convince Your Insured to Enhance Their Homeowners Coverage 9 AM-12 PM Oct 5 Covering Online Fraud and Employees Who Turn Out to be Crooks 1-4 PM Oct 11CISR-Commercial Casualty I 8 AM-3:45 PM Oct 11 Hour w/ Sam: Mastering the Coverage Symbols in a Bus. Auto Policy 2-3 PM Oct 12Bots, Crypto, Weed & Other Risks You Never Imagined Insuring1-4 PM Oct 17-18James K. Ruble Graduate Seminar 8 AM-5:15 PM Oct 17 Lurking: Surprises In the Contractor’s CGL Policy & Endorsements to Watch Out For 1-4 PM Oct 18CISR-Commercial Property 8 AM-3:45 PM Oct 19Chris Amrhein’s “Adventures in Aging”: Social Security & Other Retirement Income Solutions 1-4 PM Oct 24Fourteen Personal Lines Issues To Know Before It’s Too Late 9 AM-12 PM Oct 24Why Good People Do Bad Things: A Deep Dive Into Agency Ethics1-4 PM Oct 25CISR-Personal Auto 8 AM-3:45 PM Oct 25 Hour w/ Dave: All-Things Ordinance or Law (Personal & Commercial) 2-3 PM Oct 26Homeowners Deep-Dive: Know About the Most Recent Forms9 AM-12 PM Oct 26 Agent’s E&O: Duties, Best Practices, Operations, Workflows, Certs 1-4 PM Oct 31Property & Liability Endorsements to Fortify Farm Risks 9 AM-12 PM 25 |
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