Poultry Industry Yearbook 2013

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POULTRY INDUSTRY YEARBOOK 2013 Industry organisation news/reviews Industry personnel listings Company guide and Buyers guide Australia and New Zealand

Poultry Digest

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YEARBOOK CONTENTS ACMF: Chicken remains the most popular meat.....................................4 AECL: Building capacity and capability in the egg industry ...........................5 Poultry CRC – 2012 achievements...6 Industry Personnel: Australia and New Zealand................................7-14

Andreas Dubs ....... “The past 12 months have brought with them a lot of activity and some changes, but overall the chicken meat industry continues its steady growth” ....page 4

Industry Organisations: Australia and New Zealand..............................14-15 Companies Guides: Australia, New Zealand and Overseas..............18Buyers Guide: Australia, New Zealand and Overseas...............18-21 Animal Health.................................22 Consultants.......................................22 Feed Ingredients......................23-25

James Kellaway ....“The egg industry and egg market continue to grow at a rate not reflected by other agricultural industries” ....page 5

Housing..............................................26 Layer Chickens.................................27 Poultry Shed Equipment..........27-29 Premixes.........................................30 Poultry Processing Equipment......................................30

Primary Media C D Supplies Pty Ltd ABN 88 091 560 557

7 Kerns Road, Kincumber NSW 2251 Ph: (02) 4368 2220 Mob: 0419 235 288 or 0409 944 472 Email: rembery@iinet.net.au www.primarymedia.com.au The Poultry Industry Yearbook 2013 is compiled by the staff of Primary Media and is a supplement to the December/January Issue of Primary Media’s Poultry Digest. While all care has been taken compiling these listings, Primary Media accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions. Additional copies of the Poultry Industry Yearbook 2013 are available at $10 each, by sending your details and cheque to Primary Media, Poultry Industry Yearbook, 7 Kerns Road, Kincumber, NSW 2251.

Mingan Choct ..... “Our research programs tackle the major challenges facing Australian poultry production” ....page 8



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ACMF – Chicken remains the most popular meat


he past 12 months have brought with them a lot of activity and some changes, but overall the chicken meat industry continues its steady growth. Given the largely local market of our industry, this growth is driven by an equally sustained increase in the per capita consumption of chicken meat. With 43.9kg of chicken meat having been consumed per person in Australia in 2010-11 and a similar result expected for 2011-12, Australians now eat more chicken meat than beef, a trend that is mirrored in other countries across the world. The biggest news in the industry in 2012 was without doubt the announcement that Mr Bob Ingham had decided to put the company up for sale. The Ingham family has been instrumental in getting our industry to where we are today and we owe Bob Ingham a great debt of gratitude for all that he, his father and his brother Jack have done for the poultry meat industry. The sales process is still underway at the time of writing and so the outcome is not yet known. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that the company will remain one of the main players in the Australian poultry industry. The past year will also go down in history as the year when we had a number of unrelated incidents of avian influenza in two duck farms, a turkey farm and, most recently, a layer farm. These events have tested the system that we have in place jointly with the States and the Commonwealth to deal with such occurrences. All in all, the outcomes were encouraging in that, in each instance, the virus was detected at the very early stage, when it was limited to a single farm and extensive surveillance and tracing proved that the virus had not been able to spread beyond the initial farm. These small-scale and quickly-controlled outbreaks, while disruptive and costly, are also reassuring in that they demonstrate that the biosecurity measures in place and the procedures at all levels of government and within the poultry industry are up to the task. However, we should also use them as a timely reminder that breaches of biosecurity can easily happen and ongoing vigilance

and commitment to good biosecurity routines are essential. These incidents have also shown how relatively minor outbreaks can have quite devastating effects on international trade, at least in the short term. We may only export five percent of total poultry production but when these exports are held up by quarantine restrictions and substantial uncertainty, it makes it very difficult for all of our processing operations. Good progress has been made with the implementation of the primary production and processing standard for poultry meat. While it took longer than anticipated for States to establish the respective legislative framework, it is now expected that by early 2013 the new standard will be in place nationally. The general concern about animal welfare in livestock industries has further increased over the past year.

“Overall the chicken meat industry continues its steady growth� The unacceptable circumstances with some live exports and the on-going discussion at the political level about density on free-range layer farms, while not directly relevant to our industry, has created an environment in which intensive livestock production is criticised more generally. These criticisms are not based on specific facts or science; rather they stem from emotional arguments largely fuelled by organisations whose ultimate objective is the abolition of all animal-based industries. Of course we respect the right of individuals to take this view and to not eat meat. However the large majority of people enjoy eating meat and our aim is to ensure that these people have ready access to the excellent meat protein source that is chicken. We recognize that different consumers face different circumstances, needs, prefer-


Andreas Dubs, Executive Director, Australian Chicken Meat Federation Inc ences and priorities and we therefore are keen to offer a range of products and production methods. It is equally important to ensure that it is easy for consumers to make an informed choice. While few would disagree with this statement, we find that sometimes the need for competitors to differentiate their offerings can work against this aim and make it more confusing for consumers. ACMF will continue to assist consumers in making the choice that suits their circumstances through the provision of information on our website. Go to www.chicken.org.au as well as other communication channels and will promote the concept of clarity and transparency with industry participants as well as major customers, such as the supermarkets, fast food chains and other retail outlets. Challenges remain, and no doubt there will be further change and adaptation facing the industry in 2013. It is encouraging to note that the overall outlook for the chicken meat industry remains very positive, as we work at both grower and processor levels to provide the healthy and nutritious products Australians are enjoying in increasing quantities. I wish you and your families a successful and satisfying 2013.

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AECL: Building capacity and capability in the egg industry


ver the recent past, the Australian Egg Corporation Limited (AECL) has been designing and instituting programs aimed at building industry capacity and capability to accommodate increased industry growth. This is an essential long term aim if we wish to ensure the egg industry is able to continually grow and respond to the production and market challenges in the foreseeable future. The egg industry and egg market continue to grow at a rate not reflected by other agricultural industries. In 2012, egg consumption closed at 214 eggs per capita on an MAT basis, up from the 5-year average of 194 eggs representing an increase of 10%. National retail egg sales reflected a greater increase growing by 6% on 2011 volumes and 9% on 2011 values due to higher unit pricing reflected at the POS. This compares to the 5-year average where national retail egg volumes increased by 19% with values increasing by 25%. This increase in sales reflects the heightened demand in the market for eggs generated through category advertising and promotions undertaken by AECL, branded promotions initiated by some egg producers and efforts by supply chain partners to build product turnover and sales revenue. On a segment basis, cage eggs declined in volume by 3% in 2012 but represented 51% of the retail market while free range eggs increased by 18% on 2011 volumes to represent 37% of the retail market. Barn-laid eggs increased by 16% and only represent 10% of the retail market. The retail market represents approximately 50% of the total egg market which includes foodservice and eggs for processing. The egg industry has responded by increasing egg production to total 396.7 million dozen eggs in 2012, up by 1.2% on 2011 levels, which equates to the industry producing more than 13 million eggs each day. This is up by 16% on the 5-year average and an increase of 51% on the egg production recorded just a decade earlier. With an expanding egg market and growing egg industry, it is essential that the egg industry preserves and builds on its ability to increase capacity and capability through training, education and extension thereby being able to continually adopt new technologies, capital infrastructure and

James Kellaway, Managing Director, Australian Egg Corporation Limited

modern techniques to ensure productivity and efficiency growth on-farm and throughout the supply/demand chain. In partnership with the Australian Government, AECL has been developing meaningful on-farm Certificate III and diploma training programs specifically designed and applicable for egg producers and the egg industry.

“The egg industry and egg market continue to grow at a rate not reflected by other agricultural industries” To date, 48 students have been enrolled in the Certificate III course with 16 graduating to date. This course includes formal instruction on environmentally sustainable work practices; poultry welfare requirements; vertebrae pest control programs; and maintaining health and welfare of poultry. In terms of the Diploma course, 21 are currently enrolled who have been receiving instruction in managing OH&S practices; planning, reviewing and implementing Quality Assurance; and how to develop a marketing plan – to name a few. This training and capacity building of our egg producers and their staff with the assistance of the funds provided by the

Australian Government will help ensure that the egg industry can meet the growing needs and demands of an increasingly discerning market place. On-farm extension is critical to seek adoption and take-up or technology transfer of research outcomes and innovative solutions to address issues in any egg production business. AECL has complemented its training initiative by providing egg producer access to a farm extension service to assist deliver productivity improvements on-farm. This service includes the development and use of the EggBiz program and the Hen Support program which have been in development. In addition to our training initiative, we have also been active in schools, principally at the year K-6 levels. These seven years of education are a prime time in the development of school children and their understanding of where food comes from. A number of studies have shown the ever increasing city/country divide as greater numbers of Australia’s population become further removed from where their food is sourced from and the production of it. The AECL-initiated All About Eggs schools program, while resource intense, is proving a huge success in teaching primary school-aged children about the benefits of eating eggs and how eggs are produced in an interactive and fun way. AECL is also supporting the researcher community by part-funding and therefore ensuring the capacity of research talent is available to the egg industry over longer term. This includes fulfilling our commitments under the National RD&E Strategy for poultry whose partners include the egg and chicken meat industries represented through AECL, the Rural Industries Research & Developpment Corporation (RIRDC) and the Poultry Co-operative Research Centre or CRC. AECL has attempted to design a training, education and extension continuum for all facets of the egg industry and will continue to build our capability over the short to medium term. AEL considers this to be critical to meet the market growth and industry challenges of today and tomorrow.



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Poultry CRC – 2012 achievements


he Poultry CRC now has 37 participants, representing over 95% of the Australian poultry industry. Our research programs tackle the major challenges facing Australian poultry production. This involves three programs, each with integrated research, development and education components: • Program 1, Health & Welfare, uses leading-edge science to deliver poultry health products and evidence-based welfare methodology to industry, • Program 2, Nutrition & Environment, undertakes research to link the fundamental aspects of feeding to environmental outcomes, and • Program 3, Safe & Quality Food Production, is aimed at controlling foodborne illness related to poultry products. The CRC received an Australian Collaborative Innovation Award in May 2012 and the World’s Poultry Science Association’s Education Award in August 2012 (this global award is presented only once every four years). Winning awards of this calibre serves to highlight the strength of the CRC model, where solutions can be achieved by working co-operatively. We have made significant progress in 2012, including reaching a commercialisation agreement for our sex determination technology, seeing the first sales of a fowl cholera vaccine (Vaxsafe PM) and exceeding our goals for scientific publications. We are negotiating with commercial partners regarding vaccines against necrotic enteritis and the use of one of our patented outcomes, a chicken immune system molecule called Interferon Lambda, as a

Mingan Choct, CEO of Australian Poultry CRC vaccine adjuvant. The CRC is confident that we will see these important discoveries move from research to the development phase in 2013. The impacts of these deals will be significant for the poultry industry in Australia and globally. Two research projects were finalised in 2012, with real outcomes for the Australian poultry industry. Dr Ali Ghorashi developed a DNAbased test that may detect, and distinguish between, serious avian pathogens. Dr Valeria Torok’s project resulted in the identification of five organisms, two of which affect bird performance negatively and three positively. Predicting bird performance via qPCR assays, to enable adjustment of diet to improve that performance, is a very challenging task requiring further time and funding.

The Poultry CRC’s Education milestones are progressing extremely well. Our highly successful Internship Program has seen three young veterinarians employed by end-users, taking the number of interns employed by end-users to six since our commencement. The interns are having a significant impact, not only in delivering timely flock health management, but also in providing training to up-skill the industry workforce via accredited Vocational Education and Training programs. This program has drawn plaudits from industry participants. The ongoing success of the ‘Teachers’ Resource Kit’ in Australian schools has seen it now sent to over 550 schools. The kit aids the teaching of agriculture in schools, promotes poultry in a positive manner and delivers the food security message by giving students an appreciation of where their food comes from. The CRC’s communication activity focuses firstly on end-user engagement, so that our research and education outcomes are utilised immediately, and secondly on public outreach activities aimed at delivering credible poultry science and production information to the world. Poultry Hub (poultryhub.org) now attracts over 85,000 unique hits per month and around 3,000 page views per day. The Hub’s popularity in classrooms and in developing countries continues to grow. Submissions to Poultry Hub are most welcome (you can contact: admin@poultrycrc.com.au). To keep abreast of the Poultry CRC’s progress, please visit poultrycrc.com.au and subscribe to the ‘eChook’ newsletter.



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Industry Personnel: Australia and New Zealand 2013 POuLTRy INDuSTRy yEARBOOK Antonio, Brett Position: Managing Director Qualifications: BBus (Mgt)/LLB,GAICD Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd, 66 Antimony Street, Carole Park QLD 4300 PO Box 475, Goodna QLD 4300 Telephone: +61 (7) 3723 9875 Fax: +61 (7) 3271 3080 Mobile: 0427 035 443 E-mail: b.antonio@becfeedsolutions.com.au Arzey, Dr George Position: Senior Veterinary Officer & Technical Specialist Poultry Qualifications: BVSc, BSc, DipEd, MSc Address: Elizabeth McArthur Agricultural Institute, Woodbridge Road, Menangle NSW 2568 Telephone: (02) 4640 6402 Mobile: 0411 109 215 Fax: (02) 4640 6300 E-mail: george.arzey@agric.nsw.gov.au Specific interests: Infectious largnotiacheitis; vaccination against Newcastle disease; importation protocols; poultry welfare; disease investigations, Registrar NSW Salmonella Enteritis Accreditation Scheme, therapeutic and biological products evaluation, therapeutic and biological registration, risk assessment – poultry pathogens. Avian influenza – Australian and global scene. Beazleigh, Ray Position: General Manager – Jabiru Agribusiness Pty Ltd Address: PO Box 83, Bowral NSW 2576 Telephone: (02) 4861 5325 Fax: (02) 4861 1410 Mobile: 0418 201 629 Email: ray@jabiru8.com Bennett, Mark Position: National Territory Manager – Poultry Address: Pfizer Animal Health Australia Pty Ltd, 38-42 Wharf Road, West Ryde NSW 2114 Mobile: 0427627774 Email: mark.bennett@pfizer.com Bigeni, Gerry Position: Managing Director, Patarker Pty Ltd Address: 8 Robertson Place, Jamisontown NSW 2790 Mobile: 0415 255 931 Black, Steven Position: Field Service Technician Address: Pfizer Animal Health Australia Pty Ltd, 38-42 Wharf Road, West Ryde NSW 2114 Mobile: 0437627000 Email: steven.black@pfizer.com Blackall, Patrick J Position: Research Manager, Poultry CRC, Principal Research Fellow, Qld Alliance for Agriculture & Food Invoation Qualifications: BSc, PhD, FASM Address: EcoSciences Precinct, PO Box 46, Brisbane Qld 4102 41 Boggo Road, Dutton Park Qld 4102 Telephone: +61 7 3255 4298 Fax: +61 7 3846 0935 Mobile: 0407 038 253 E-mail: p.blackall@poultrycrc.com.au Pat.Blackall@deedi.qld.gov.au Specific interests: Avian bacteriology; improved diagnosis of infectious coryza and fowl cholera; rapid and specific detection of avian bacterial pathogens; pathogens in the environment.

Blake, Steve Position: Sales Representative Qualifications: B Appl Sc Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd, 66 Antimony Street, Carole Park QLD 4300 PO Box 475, Goodna QLD 4300 Telephone: +61 (7) 3723 9800 Mobile: 0428 520 038 Fax: +61 (7) 3271 3080 E-mail: s.blake@becfeedsolutions.com.au Bradshaw, Wayne Position: Managing Director Address: JEFO Australia Pty Ltd PO Box 8146, Toowoomba MC Qld 4352 Telephone: (07) 4630 1500 Fax: (07) 4630 1200 Mobile: 0429 301 500 E-mail: wbradshaw@jefo.com Website: www.jefo.com Bryden, Wayne Position: Head of School, Animal Studies Qualifications: Professor Address: University of Queensland, Gatton, Qld 4343 Telephone: (07) 5460 1257 Fax: (07) 5460 1444 Mobile: 0413 808 830 E-mail: hos@sas.uq.edu.au Website: www.animalstudies.uq.edu.au Specific interests: Animal nutrition, toxicology, plant associated toxins, mycotoxins, fungal ecology, amino acid and metabolism. Burgess, Graham W Position: Reader – veterinary microbiology Qualifications: BVSc, PhD, MACVSc, QDAH Address: Dept of Microbiology and Immunology, James Cook University, Townsville, Qld 4811 Telephone: (07) 4781 5472 Fax: (07) 4781 6833 E-mail: graham.burgess@jcu.edu.au Specific interests: Veterinary microbiology and immunology, diagnostic techniques, particularly Marek’s disease, Newcastle disease and other viral diseases. Cadwallader, Stephen Position: Sales Manager Australia/New Zealand Qualifications: 15 years experience in poultry installations and sales Address: Auckland, New Zealand Fax/Mob NZ: +64 (0)2 1525942 Mobile Aus: +61 (0) 417005462 E-mail: scadwallader@bigdutchman.com Cameron, Chris Position: Nutritionist, Ace Livestock Consulting Address: PO Box 108, Cockatoo Valley SA 5351 Telephone: (08) 85246082 Fax: (08) 8524 6890 Mobile: 0408 505 236 Email: chris@acelive.com.au Campbell, Grant W J Position: Senior Veterinary Pathologist Qualifications: BVSc, MSc Address: Queensland Department of Primary Industries & Fisheries, Tropical and Aquatic Animal Health Laboratory, 180202 River Boulevard, Oonoonba Qld 4811 PO Box 1085, Townsville Qld 4810 Telephone: (07) 4760 1549 Mobile: 0488 686 961 E-mail: Grant.Campbell@dpi.qld.gov.au Specific interests: General avian diagnostic pathology with particular interest in histopathology. Molecular biology/genetics. Genetic/DNA vaccination.



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Carter, Richard (Rick) Position: Technical Services Manager – Pacific Qualifications: BAgSc, MSc, PhD Address: Kemin (Aust) Pty Limited, Suite 6/7, 694 Pacific Highway, Killara NSW 2071. Telephone: (02) 9844 5700 Mobile: 0412 888 485 Fax: (02) 9418 2544 E-mail: rick.carter@kemin.com Website: www.kemin.com Specific interests: Enzyme applications; salmonella control Choct, Mingan Position: CEO Qualifications: BSc, MSc, PhD Address: Poultry CRC, PO Box U242, University of New England, Armidale NSW 2351 Telephone: (02) 6773 5121 Mobile: 0409 606 521 Fax: (02) 6773 3050 E-mail: mchoct@poultrycrc.com.au Website: www.poultrycrc.com.au Specific interests: New season grains for broilers, feed enzymes; antibiotic replacement; cannibalism in layers; feed grain quality; non-starch polysaccharides; energy metabolism Chuah, Bernard Position: Supply Chain & Administration Manager Qualifications: BSc, MBA Address: Biomin Australia Pty Ltd, PO Box 2344, Carlingford NSW 2118 Telephone: (02) 9872 6324 Mobile: 0414 610 889 Fax: (02) 9872 5139 E-mail: bernard.chuah@biomin.net Website: www.biomin.net Clark, Christine Position: Sales Manager – Southern Region Address: Auspac Ingredients, Unit 1, 84-92 Barnes St, Tamworth, NSW 2340 Telephone: (02) 6762 7708 Mobile: 0429 662 519 Fax: (02) 6762 7709 E-mail: christine@auspacingredients.com.au Clohesy, Steven Position: Regional Manager, Vic, WA, Southern NSW Address: Stockyard Industries, 54 King St, Clifton Qld 4361 Telephone: (07) 4697 3344 Mobile: 0427 733 141 E-mail: steven@stockyardindustries.com Colenso, Paul Position: Regional Manager, Qld, NSW Qualifications: B. Applied Science (Rural Tech) Address: Stockyard Industries, 54 King St, Clifton Qld 4361 Telephone: (07) 4697 3344 Mobile: 0427 583 997 E-mail: paul@stockyardindustries.com Cowieson, Aaron Position: Director, Poultry Research Foundation Qualifications: BTech, MSc, PhD Address: Poultry Research Foundation, University of Sydney, 425 Werombi Road, Camden NSW 2570 Telephone: (02) 9351 1612 Mobile: 0487749803 Email: aaron.cowieson@sydney.edu.au Specific interests: poultry nutrition, feed additives, digestive biochemistry, ingredient quality Cox, Jon Address: Spanlift Buildings, PO Box 22, Mount Gambier, SA 5290 Telephone: (08) 8723 4321 Fax: (08) 8723 2725 Email: jon.cox@spanlift.com.au Website: www.spanlift.com.au Cronin, Greg Position: Senior Lecturer in Animal Behaviour and Welfare Science Address: Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney, Private Bag 4003, Narellan NSW 2567 Telephone: +61 2 9351 1629 Fax: +61 2 9351 1693 E-mail: greg.cronin@sydney.edu.au



Cuff, Phil Position: Animal Proteins Manager Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd, 66 Antimony Street, Carole Park QLD 4300 PO Box 475, Goodna QLD 4300 Telephone: +61 (7) 3723 9840 Mobile: 0428 520 035 Fax: +61 (7) 3271 3080 E-mail: p.cuff@becfeed solutions.com.au Cummings, Bob Position: Senior Electrician & Controller Technician Address: Specialised Farm Services, 3/30 McCotter Street, Acacia Ridge Qld 4110 Telephone: (07) 3276 1993 Fax: (07) 3276 1995 E-mail: chookservice@bigpond.com Website: www.specialisedfarm.com.au Custodio, Sam Position: Technical Sales Manager – Southern Australia Address: Biomin (Australia) Pty Ltd, PO Box 856, Sunbury VIC 3429 Telephone: (02) 9872 6324 Fax: (02) 9872 5139 Mobile: 0425 055 684 Email: sam.custodio@biomin.net Website: www.biomin.net Davis, Mark Position: Commodity Trader, Vegetable Proteins Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd, 66 Antimony Street, Carole Park QLD 4300 PO Box 475, Goodna QLD 4300 Telephone: +61 (7) 3723 9846 Mobile: 0419 636 937 Fax: +61 (7) 3271 3080 E-mail: m.davis@becfeedsolutions.com.au Daykin, Shane Position: Regional Manager, South Australia Address: Stockyard Industries, 54 King St Clifton Qld 4361 Telephone: (07) 4697 3344 Mobile: 0427 733 141 E-mail: shane@stockyardindustries.com Dickson, Cassie Position: Graduate Nutritionist Qualifications: BSc Animal Science Address: Lienert Australia Pty Ltd, 8 Roseworthy Road, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150 Email: cassie.dickson@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Di Clemente, Luigi Position: Director Address: Farm Mark Pty Ltd 2/19 Success Street, Acacia Ridge Qld 4110 Telephone: (07) 3274 6372 Fax: (07) 3274 2372 E-mail: luigi@farmmark.com.au Website: www.farmmark.com.au Doubleday, Jonothon Position: Director Address: Auspac Ingredients, Unit 1, 84-92 Barnes St, Tamworth, NSW 2340 Telephone: (02) 6762 7708 Mobile: 0428 662 510 Fax: (02) 6762 7709 E-mail: jonothon@auspacingredients.com.au

Dubs, Andreas Position: Executive Director, Australian Chicken Meat Federation Inc Qualifications: BSc (Hons), MBA, PhD Address: PO Box 579, North Sydney NSW 2059 Telephone: (02) 9929 4077 Fax: (02) 9925 0627 Mobile: 0432 925 933 E-mail: andreas.dubs@chicken.org.au Website: www.chicken.org.au

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Duns, Rob Position: Managing director – Dunogan Farm Tech P/L Qualifications: HDA Address: Dunogan Farm Tech P/L, PO Box 195, Tamworth NSW 2340 Telephone: (02) 6766 9909 Mobile: 0418 660 266 Fax: (02) 6766 9977 Email: robduns@dunoganfarmtech.com.au Website: www.dunoganfarmtech.com.au Specific interests: Equipment supply for commercial egg production. Edwards, Megan Position: Nutritionist, Ace Livestock Consulting Address: PO Box 108, Cockatoo Valley SA 5351 Telephone: (08) 85246082 Fax: (08) 8524 6890 Mobile: 0408 505 911 Email: megan@acelive.com.au Fisher, Lynell Position: Technical Manager Qualifications: B Appl Sc (Equine Studies), Cert. Vet Nurse Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd, 66 Antimony Street, Carole Park QLD 4300 PO Box 475, Goodna QLD 4300 Telephone: +61 (7) 3723 9875 Fax: +61 (7) 3271 3080 Mobile: 0418 782 866 E-mail: l.fisher@becfeedsolutions.com.au Forman, Saul Position: Field Service Technician Address: Pfizer Animal Health Australia Pty Ltd, 38-42 Wharf Road, West Ryde NSW 2114 Mobile: 0429116362 Email: saul.forman@pfizer.com Francis, Wayne Position: Regional Sales Manager, Novus International Mobile: 0417 317 963 Office: (02) 9719 1466 Fax: (02) 9719 1463 Email: wayne.francis@novusint.com Fraser, Rob Position: Vegetable Proteins Manager Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd, 50 & 66 Antimony Street, Carole Park QLD 4300 PO Box 475, Goodna QLD 4300 Telephone: +61 (7) 3723 9845 Fax: +61 (7) 3271 3080 Mobile: 0423 426 764 E-mail: r.fraser@becfeedsolutions.com.au Gannon, Kate Position: Veterinarian Qualifications: BVMS Address: Portec Veterinary Services, PO Box 2112 Carlisle North WA 6101 Telephone: (08) 9361 5550 Mobile: 0407 082 934 Fax: (08) 9361 5558 E-mail: kate@portec.com.au Website: www.portec.com.au Specific interests: Pig and poultry health, welfare and management, food safety, tertiary education and stockperson training. Gannon, Neil Joseph Position: Chief Operating Officer Qualifications: B.Sc.Agr (Hons), PhD Address: Biomin Australia Pty Ltd, PO Box 2419 Toowoomba QLD 4350 Telephone: (02) 9872 6324 Fax: (02) 9872 5139 Mobile: 0458 634 554 E-mail: neil.gannon@biomin.net Website: www.biomin.net Grech, Tina M Position: Animal Nutritionist Qualifications: Ba App Sc (Ag) Address: Lienert Australia Pty Ltd, 8 Roseworthy Rd Roseworthy SA 5371

Telephone: (08) 8521 0623 Mobile: 0407 608 179 Email: tina.grech@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Grimes, Tom Position: Veterinary Consultant Qualifications: BVSc, PhD, MASM, MACVSc Address: Grimes Consultancy Pty Ltd 29 Tradewinds Ave, Paradise Point Qld 4216 Telephone/Fax: (07) 5529 6146 Mobile: 0416 257 524 Email: tomgrimes1@bigpond.com Specific interests: Poultry disease diagnosis and control; avian vaccine production and testing; prudent antibiotic use; flock productivity improvement; food safety; import and export of poultry products and biologics. Hampson, David John Position: Professor of Veterinary Microbiology Qualifications: BVet Med, PhD, DSc, FASM, FRCPath, FAAM, FRCVS Address: School of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences, Murdoch University WA 6150 Telephone: (08) 9360 2287 Fax: (08) 9310 4144 E-mail: D.Hampson@murdoch.edu.au Specific interests: Intestinal spirochaete infections of chickens; wet litter; necrotic enteritis; bacterial infections of poultry. Vaccines and diagnostics for intestinal spirochaetes. Healey, Kevin Position: Research & Development Manager Qualifications: BSc, Dipl.FDA, M App Sc, MSc (Biotech) Address: IAH Sales Pty Ltd, 18 Healey Circuit, Huntingwood NSW 2148 Telephone: (02) 9672 7944 Fax: (02) 9672 7988 Mobile: 0417 269 193 Email: khealey@iahp.com.au Website: www.iahp.com.au Specific interests: Probiotics for pigs and poultry, feed additives, premixes, coccidiostats, disinfectants. Henry, Matt Position: Country Manager Australia Address: Kemin (Aust) Pty Limited, Suite 6/7, 694 Pacific Highway, Killara NSW 2071. Telephone: (02) 9844 5700 Fax: (02) 9418 Mobile: 0439 136 602 Email: matthew.henry@kemin.com Website: www.kemin.com Horn, Rowland George (Rowly) Position: Sharp-End Advisor Qualifications: Hawkesbury Diploma in Agriculture Address: 8 Ann Place, Bligh Park, NSW 2756 Telephone: (02) 4572 0318 Fax: (02) 4572 0328 Mobile: 0409 772 045 Email: rowly@rowlyhorn.com Website: www.rowlyhornservices.com Specific interests: Analysing chick hatchings data, market forecasting. Problem solving, nutritional and farm management advice including pullet replacement programming, feed mix formulations, ingredient purchasing policy and performance benchmarking, developing HACCP food safety, quality management programs and auditing Horwood, Frankie Position: Managing Director, Agritech Australia Address: PO Box 257, Galston NSW 2159 Telephone: (02) 9653 3344 Fax: (02) 9653 3355 Mobile: 0487 048 747 Email: frankie@agritechaustralia.com Hovers, Ton Position: Chief Operations Officer Qualifications: MSc Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd, 66 Antimony Street, Carole Park QLD 4300 PO Box 475, Goodna QLD 4300 Telephone: +61 (7) 3723 9829 Mobile: 0457 786 228 Fax: +61 (7) 3271 3080 Email: t.hovers@becfeedsolutions.com.au



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Hughes, Bob Dr Position: Senior Research Scientist Qualifications: BSc, Grad DipApplStats, MAgSc, PhD Address: SARDI Pig & Poultry Prod Institute, Nutrition Research Laboratory, Roseworthy Campus, University of Adelaide, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8303 7788 Fax: (08) 8303 7977 E-mail: bob.hughes@sa.gov.au Specific interests: Energy metabolism of broilers, feed enzymes, layer nutrition, gut microflora. Isaac, David Position: Nutritionist/Technical Officer Qualifications: DVM MRCVS Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd, 66 Antimony Street, Carole Park QLD 4300 PO Box 475, Goodna QLD 4300 Telephone: +61 (7) 3723 9844 Mobile: 0400 603 483 Fax: +61 (7) 3723 3080 E-mail: d.isaac@becfeedsolutions.com.au Jamieson, Lisa Position: ANZ Monogastric Business Unit Manager Address: Elanco Animal Health, 112 Wharf Road, West Ryde NSW 2114 Telephone: +61 2 9878 7757 Fax: +61 2 9878 7720 Mobile: +61 447 456 308 Email: jamiesonli@elanco.com Karaconji, Branko Position: Technical Services Manager Qualifications: DVM,MAHM Address: Pfizer Animal Health Australia Pty Ltd, 38-42 Wharf Road, West Ryde NSW 2114 Mobile: 0448055159 Email: branislav.karaconji@pfizer.com Kelly, Chris Position: Senior Electrician & Controller Electrician Address: Specialised Farm Services, 3/30 McCotter Street, Acacia Ridge Qld 4110 Telephone: (07) 3276 1993 Fax: (07) 3276 1995 Email: chris@specialisedfarm.com.au Website: www.specialisedfarm.com.au Kelly, Damien Position: Southern Sales Manager Address: Lienert Australia, 8 Maynard Ave, Bendigo VIC 3551 Telephone: (03) 5448 5740 Mobile: 0417 700 666 Email: damien.kelly@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Kerin, The Hon John Position: Poultry CRC Chair Qualifications: BArts, BEconomics, Hon Doc Ag Science, Hon Doc Letters, Hon Doc Sc, Member of the Order of Australia, 2001, Centenary Medal 2001 Address: Poultry CRC, PO Box U242, University of New England, Armidale NSW 2351 Telephone: (02) 6773 4078 Fax: (02) 6773 3050 Email: chair@poultrycrc.com.au Kite, Vivien Position: Research Manager Qualifications: BRurSc, PhD Address: Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, Chicken Meat Program, PO Box 579, North Sydney NSW 2059 Telephone: (02) 9929 4077 Fax: (02) 9925 0627 E-mail: vivien.kite@chicken.org.au Lahm, Matt Position: Sales Representative Address: Lienert Australia Pty Ltd, 8 Maynard Drive, Bendigo VIC 3551 Telephone: (03) 5448 5740 Mobile: 0437 056 369 E-mail: matt.lahm@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au



Lambeth, Philip Position: Director Address: Auspac Ingredients, Unit 1, 84-92 Barnes St, Tamworth, NSW 2340 Telephone: (02) 6762 7708 Mobile: 0428 662 512 Fax: (02) 6762 7709 E-mail: philip@auspacingredients.com.au Lawlor, Chris Position: Director Address: IAH Sales Pty Ltd, 18 Healey Circuit, Huntingwood NSW 2148 Telephone: (02) 9672 7944 Fax: (02) 9672 7988 Email: clawlor@iahp.com.au Website: www.iahp.com.au Specific interests: Probiotics for pigs and poultry, feed additives, premixes, coccidiostats, disinfectants. Liddell, Brian Position: Managing Director – Linco Food Systems Pty Ltd Address: 49 Prince William Drive, Seven Hills, NSW 2147 Telephone: (02) 9624 2055 Fax: (02) 9624 4604 Mobile: 0414 236 729 E-mail: brian@linco.com.au Website: www.linco.com.au Lienert, Nick Position: Managing Director Address: Lienert Australia, PO Box 65, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150 Fax: (08) 8524 8001 Mobile: 0407 836 908 Email: nick.lienert@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au M’Gee, Denis Position: Technical Sales Manager – Northern Australia Qualifications: BSc, M.Ag.Sc Address: Biomin Australia Pty Ltd, PO Box 453, Ramsgate NSW 2217 Telephone: (02) 9872 6324 Fax: (02) 9872 5139 Mobile: 0400 722 260 E-mail: denis.mgee@biomin.net Website: www.biomin.net McCann, Craig Position: Feed Medication Officer Qualifications: GDipAgribus, MBus Address: Pfizer Animal Health Australia Pty Ltd, 38-42 Wharf Road, West Ryde NSW 2114 Mobile: 0419031161 Email: craig.mccann@pfizer.com McFarlane, Rob Position: Technical Sales Manager Address: Alltech (NZ) Limited, 70 Mihini Road Waitakere 654 New Zealand Telephone: +64 9 837 3243 Fax: +64 9 837 3243 Mobile: +64 27 667 7744 E-mail: rmcfarlane@alltech.com Website: www.alltech.com McNaught, Mike Position: Sales Manager Australia/New Zealand Qualifications: 25 years experience in poultry installations and sales Address: Auckland, New Zealand Mob NZ: +64 (0)2 1893333 Mob Aus: +61 (0)428271056 E-mail: mikemc@bigdutchman.com Malloy, Michael D Position: National Sales and Marketing Address: Sarus Pty Ltd, PO Box 499, Forbes NSW 2871 Telephone: (02) 6851 1747 Direct: (02) 6851 1747 Mobile: 0412 905 720 Fax: (02) 6851 2134 E-mail: info@sarus.com.au Website: www.sarus.com Specific interests: Feed conveying and animal husbandry equipment and disinfectants. Martin, Paul Position: Sales Representative Southern Region Address: Auspac Ingredients, Unit 1, 84-92 Barnes St, Tamworth, NSW 2340 Telephone: (02) 6762 7708 Mobile: 0417 259 908 Fax: (02) 6762 7709 E-mail: paul@auspacingredients.com.au

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Mathews, Peter Position: Manager Director Address: Australasian Agricultural Services PO Box 2301, Wellington Point Qld 4160 Telephone: +61 (0) 7 3396 0166 Mobile: +61 (0) 408 260 406 Fax: +61 (0) 7 3396 0266 E-mail: peter@ausagservices.com.au Website: www.ausagservices.com.au Specific interests: Planning for equipment requirements for hatchery and farming operations for all poultry types.Consulting to the poultry industry on all aspects of management and husbandry issues. Meads, Nigel Position: Technical Sales Manager Address: Alltech (NZ) Limited, 70 Mihini Road Waitakere 654 New Zealand Telephone: +64 9 837 3243 Fax:+64 9 837 3214 Mobile: +64 21 892 561 E-mail: nmeads@alltech.com Website: www.alltech.com Meaney, Bruce Position: Nutritionist Address: Lienert Australia, PO Box 65, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150 Fax: (08) 8524 8001 Email: bruce.meaney@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Meaney, Darryl Position: National Sales Manager Address: Pfizer Animal Health Australia Pty Limited, 38-42 Wharf Road, West Ryde NSW 2114 Mobile: 0419594922 Email: darryl.meaney@pfizer.com Mendeleil, Ilia Position: Manager, Australia and New Zealand Health & Nutrition – feed additives Address: Evonik Australia Pty Ltd, Suite 33, 1 Ricketts Rd, (PO Box 656) Mt Waverley VIC 3149 Telephone: +61 3 8581 8406 Mobile: 0400 173 812 Telefax: +61 3 9544 5002 E-mail: ilia.mendeleil@evonik.com Miller, Kym Position: Business Manager, National Feed Solutions Address: PO Box 6370, Wetherill Park B/C NSW 2164 Telephone: (02) 9609 7922 Fax: (02) 9609 7923 Mobile: 0439 066 054 Email: kym@nationalfeedsolutions.com.au Website: www.nationalfeedsolutions.com.au Miller, Dr Yvette Position: Veterinarian Qualifications: BVSc, PhD Address: Unit 1, 8 Tomlinson Road, Welshpool WA 6106. PO Box 2112, Carlisle North, WA 6101 Telephone: (08) 9361 5550 Fax: (08) 9361 5558 Mobile: 0428 479 000 Email: yvette@portec.com.au Website: www.portec.com.au Specific interests: Pig and poultry health, welfare and management, training, research. Mills, Greg Position: Livestock Officer – Industry Development Address: Intensive Livestock Industry Development Unit, Industry & Investment NSW, 87-89 Frome Street, PO Box 209, Moree NSW 2400 Telephone: (02) 6750 6312 Fax: (02) 6752 4859 Mobile: 0488 491 648 Email: greg.mills@dpi.nsw.gov.au Website: www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Specific interests: Farm business management, decision support tools development, agricultural extension. Moore, Michael Position: Policy Project Officer Address: GPO Box 1671, Adelaide SA 5001 Telephone: (08) 8463 3289

Fax: (08) 8463 3366 Mobile: 0401 122 096 Email: michael.moore@sa.gov.au Specific interests: Poultry industry development in South Australia; production and processing; welfare Morrow, Christopher John Position: Technical & Marketing Manager Qualifications: PhD, BVSc, Address: Bioproperties Pty Ltd, 36 Charter St, Ringwood Vic 3134 Telephone: (03) 9876 0567 Mobile: 0417 548 879 Fax: (03) 9876 0556 E-mail: chris.morrow@bioproperties.com.au Website: www.bioproperties.com.au Mottram, Malcolm Position: Managing Partner Qualifications: BAg. Sci Address: Feedworks Pty Ltd, PO Box 369, Romsey VIC 3175 Telephone: (03) 5429 6458 Mobile: 0407 366 118 Fax: (03) 5429 5327 E-mail: mal.mottram@feedworks.com.au Website: www.feedworks.com.au Murray, Peter Position: Manager/Director Qualifications: Experience Address: Allfarm Animal Health, 2 Glendale Ave, Hastings VIC 3915 Telephone: (03) 5979 4488 Mobile: 0402 105 229 Fax: (03) 5979 4499 E-mail: allfarm@allfarm.com.au Website: www.allfarm.com.au Specific interests: Nutrition and product development. Nairn, Kim Position: Veterinarian Qualifications: BVMS Address: Portec Veterinary Services, PO Box 2112 Carlisle North WA 6101 Telephone: (08) 9361 5550 Mobile: 0429 960 051 Fax: (08) 9361 5558 E-mail: kim@portec.com.au Website: www.portec.com.au Specific interests: Pig and poultry health, welfare and management, food safety, tertiary education and stockperson training. Naylor, Adam Position: General Manager Qualifications: BSc (Hons) MscAg (Nutrition) Address: Alltech Biotechnology Pty Ltd, 64-70 Nissan Drive, Dandenong Sth VIC 3175 Telephone: (03) 9767 2800 Mobile: 0417 177 237 Fax: (03) 9791 6423 E-mail: anaylor@alltech.com Website: www.alltech.com Nettle, Nick Position: Sales Director Address: Novus Nutrition Pty Ltd, PO Box 1028, Dubbo NSW 2830 Telephone: (02) 6882 4324 Mobile: 0438 153 105 Email: nick.nettle@novusint.com Website: www.novusint.com.au Nicholson, Shane Position: Northern Sales Manager - Monogastic Address: Lienert Australia Pty Ltd, PO Box 6489, Toowoomba West, QLD 4350 Telephone: 1800 649 231 Fax: 1800 649 336 Mobile: 0427 200 262 Email: shane.nicholson@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Nilon, Shem Position: Area Manager NSW Address: Stockyard Industries, 54 King St, Clifton Qld 4361 Telephone: (07) 4697 3344 Mobile: 0448 026 956 E-mail: shem@stockyardindustries.com



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O’Brien, Nathan Position: National Sales Manager Address: Lienert Australia Pty Ltd, 28 Durham Street, Forbes, NSW 2871 Mobile: 0427 772 575 Email: nathan.obrien@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au O’Rorke, Ronnie Position: Field Service Technician Address: Pfizer Animal Health Australia Pty Limited, 38-42 Wharf Road, West Ryde NSW 2114 Mobile: 0419648433 Email: ronnie.ororke@pfizer.com Olley, Mark Position: Regional Director Qualifications: B.Agr.Sci Address: Biomin Australia Pty Ltd, PO Box 5233, Maroochydore QLD 4558 Telephone: (02) 9872 6324 Fax: (02) 9872 5139 Mobile: 0437 076 615 Email: mark.olley@biomin.net Website: www.biomin.net Pearson, Doug Position: Equipment Manager Address: Feedworks, PO Box 369, Romsey VIC 3434 Mobile: 0408 735 185 Website: www.feedworks.com.au Peebles, Mark Position: General Manager Qualifications: B.Appl.Sc (Rural Tech) Address: Lienert Australia Pty Ltd, 1 Gartrell Street, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150 Mobile: 0400 174 722 E-mail: mark.peebles@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Pena, Jorge Position: Technical Sales Manager Address: Alltech Biotechnology Pty Ltd, 64-70 Nissan Drive, Dandenong Sth VIC 3175 Telephone: (03) 9767 2800 Mobile: 0418 791 270 Fax: (03) 9791 6423 E-mail: jpena@alltech.com Website: www.alltech.com Peters, Douglas C Position: Director Address: Imexco Australia Pty Ltd, Lot 2 Winta Road, Tea Gardens, NSW 2324 Telephone: (02) 4997 2045 Fax: (02) 4997 2085 E-mail: imexco@imexco.com.au Website: www.imexcoinc.com Pollock, Geoff Position: Business Manager Qualifications: B.App.Sci (Rural Technology) Address: Westvet Wholesale Pty Ltd, PO Box 2112, Carlisle North WA 6101 Telephone: 1800 791 270 Mobile: 0488 242 001 Fax: (08) 9361 5575 E-mail: geoff@westvet.com.au Website: www.westvet.com.au Specific interests: Products for pig and poultry production; production management and training; herd recording and data analysis Pritchard, Michael Position: Biosecurity Manager Qualifications: MBT MRIPHH Address: Lienert Australia Pty Ltd, 70 Kissing Point Rd, Turramurra NSW 2074 Telephone: (02) 9144 4574 Mobile: 0407 764 850 Fax: (02) 9144 4574 E-mail: michael.pritchard@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Proudman, Fiona Position: Nutritonist Address: Lienert Australia, PO Box 65, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150



Fax: (08) 8524 8001 Email: fiona.proudman@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Ravindran, Ravi Position: Professor of Poultry Science Qualifications: BSc (Agric), MSc, PhD Address: Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health, Massey University, Palmerston North NZ Telephone: +64 6 350 5528 Fax: +64 6 350 5684 E-mail: V.Ravindran@ massey.ac.nz Specific interests: Gut microflora management; feed enzymes; amino acid nutrition; feed evaluation. Reece, Dr Rodney Leon Position: Veterinary Pathologist Qualifications: BVSc MSc PhD FACVSc, Registered Specialist in Avian Medcine (Poultry) #S91 Veterinary Pathologist Address: NSW Department of Primary Industries State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory Elizabeth Macarthur Agricultural Institute, PB 4008 Narellan NSW 2567 Telephone: (02) 4640 6543 Fax: (02) 4640 6400 E-mail: rod.reece@dpi.nsw.gov.au Website: www.dpi.nsw.gov.au Specific interests: Avian pathology; infectious stunting syndromes; proventriculitis, avian wildlife diseases, toxicoses, exotic diseases, new and emerging diseases, laboratory testing, imports-exports. Reeves, John Position: National Market Manager Qualifications: B.Bus, MBA Address: Pfizer Animal Health Australia Pty Limited, 38-42 Wharf Road, West Ryde NSW 2114 Mobile: 0412264497 Email: john.reeves@pfizer.com Richards, Stuart Position: Veterinary Consultant Qualifications: BVSc Address: Allfarm Animal Health, 2 Glendale Ave, Hastings VIC 3915 Telephone: (03) 5979 4488 Fax: (03) 5979 4499 Email: allfarm@allfarm.com.au Website: www.allfarm.com.au Specific interests: Product development and regulatory compliance Roan, Liz Position: Education Manager Poultry CRC Qualifications: BEd, Grad Dip IT Address: Poultry CRC, PO Box U242, University of New England, Armidale NSW 2351. Telephone: (02) 6773 4078 Fax: (02) 6773 3050 E-mail: eroan@poultrycrc.com.au Roberts, David John (Dave) Position: Director/Sales & Marketing Manager Qualifications: DipAgSc (LAC) Address: Think Livestock, 16 Grevillea Rd, Huntly Vic 3551 Telephone: (03) 5448 8942 Mobile: 0417 127 321 Fax: (03) 5448 8943 E-mail: daveroberts@thinklivestock.com Website: www.thinklivestock.com Specific interests: Vaccination and water medication technologies Roberts, Juliet Position: Associate Professor Qualifications: BSc (Hons) PhD Address: School of Environmental & Rural Science, Woolshed Building (W49), University of New England, Armidale NSW 2351. Telephone: (02) 6773 1995 Fax: (02) 6773 3922 E-mail: jrobert2@une.edu.au

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Runge, Geof Position: Leader – Skills Training Development (AECL) Address: PO Box 96, Wamuran Qld 4512 Telephone: (07) 5496 6896 Mobile: 0438 966 896 Fax: (07) 5496 6894 E-mail: geofrunge@bigpond.com Specific interests: Farm staff skills and knowledge development. Ryan, Eddie Position: Managing Director Qualifications: Registered Building Practitioner Address: Ryan-Ryte Enterprises Pty Ltd, 4 Frankston Gardens Drive, Carrum Downs VIC 3201 Telephone: (03) 9782 5515 Fax: (03) 9782 5512 E-mail: admin@ryan-ryte.com.au Specific interests: Design and construction of poultry housing with minimum transition tunnel (MTT) ventilation control equipment; supply and installation of poultry equipment; upgrading of existing poultry houses. Scammel, Deborah Position: Sales Representative Address: Lienert Australia Pty Ltd, 1 Gartrell Street, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150 Mobile: 0400 515 182 E-mail: deborah.scammel@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Schwenke, Fred Position: Business Unit Director Qualifications: B.Agr Sc, MBA Address: Pfizer Animal Health Australia Pty Ltd, 38-42 Wharf Road, West Ryde NSW 2114 Mobile: 0417844231 Email: fred.schwenke@pfizer.com Shaw, Rod Position: Sales Manager – Southern Region Qualifications: Livestock Officer Certificate Address: CCD Animal Health Unit 2, 84-92 Barnes Street, Tamworth NSW 2340 Telephone: 1300 791 009 Mobile: (02) 0418 170 573 Fax: 1300 798 005 Email: rod@ccdanimalhealth.com.au Website: www.ccdanimalhealth.com.au Sherwood, David Position: Sales Manager Qualifications: BApp Sc (Agriculture) Address: CCD Animal Health Unit 2, 84-92 Barnes Street, Tamworth NSW 2340 Telephone: 1300 791 009 Mobile: (02) 0487 777 089 Fax: 1300 798 005 Email: david@ccdanimalhealth.com.au Website: www.ccdanimalhealth.com.au Simmons, Martin Position: National Sales Manager, OEC Address: 2-32 Billabong St, Stafford QLD 4059 Telephone: (07) 3352 6677 Direct: (07) 3318 5108 Fax: (07) 3356 2805 Mobile: 0411 601 814 E-mail: martin@oec.biz Website: www.oec.biz Specific interests: Fostering development of poultry industry Smith, Matthew Position: Director Asia Pacific Address: Alltech (NZ) Limited 70 Mihini Road, Swanson, Waitakere 654 New Zealand Telephone: +64 9 837 3243 Mobile: +64 21 681 388 Fax: +64 9 837 3243 E-mail: msmith@alltech.com Website: www.alltech.com Sommerlad, Michael Qualifications: Dip Ag (UNE) Address: Poultry Works, PO Box 10, Deepwater NSW 2371 Telephone: (02) 6734 6222 Mobile: 0427 070 863 Fax: (02) 6734 6227 E-mail: michael@poultryworks.com.au

Spragg, John Position: Executive Officer Address: Stock Feed Manufacturers’ Council of Australia PO Box 383, Beaconsfield VIC 3807 Telephone: (03) 9769 7170 Mobile: 0402 831 843 E-mail: jspragg@sfmca.com.au Spragge, Andres Position: Sales Representative Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd 50 & 66 Antimony Street, Carole Park QLD 4300 PO Box 475, Goodna QLD 4300 Telephone: +61 (7) 3723 9800 Mobile: 0427 154 412 Fax: +61 (7) 3271 3080 E-mail: a.spragge@becfeedsolutions.com.au Steinborner, Luke Position: National Sales Manager, National Feed Solutions Address: PO Box 6370, Wetherill Park B/C NSW 2164 Mobile: 0439 066 006 Fax: (02) 9609 7923 Email: luke.steinborner@nationalfeedsolutions.com.au Website: www.nationalfeedsolutions.com.au Stewart, Dr Geoff Position: Professional Placement Coordinator Qualifications: DipAppSc(Hons) BAppSc (Hons) PhD Address: Faculty of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Veterinary Science, University of Queensland, Gatton Qld 4343 Telephone: (07) 5460 1457 Fax: (07) 5460 1499 E-mail: geoffrey.stewart@uq.edu.au Specific interests: Education/extension/communications, welfare, behaviour, egg quality, layer housing systems, environmental issues. Stout, Rudi Position: Owner Address: Premium Agri Products Pty Ltd 40a Silvia Street, Hornsby NSW 2077 Tel (02) 9477 5536 Fax (02) 9476 1750 Email: rudi@premag.com.au Tensen, Melina Position: Scientific Officer - Farm Animals RSPCA Address: Po Box 265, Deakin West ACT 2600 Telephone: (02) 6282 8300 Email: mtensen@rspca.org.au Website: www.rspca.org.au Tinworth, David Position: Director Address: Bioproperties Pty Ltd, 36 Charter Street, Ringwood VIC 3134 Telephone: (03) 9879 0039 Mobile: 0418 334 766 Fax: (03) 9876 0556 Email: david.tinworth@bioproperties.com.au Website: www.bioproperties.com.au Underwood, Greg Position: Managing Director Qualifications: BVSc (Hons) MACVS, PhD Address: Hy-Line Australia Pty Ltd PO Box 647, Maitland, NSW 2320 Telephone (02) 4934 5577 Direct: (03) 5426 4442 Mobile: 0448 542 648 Fax: (03) 5426 4445 E-mail: gregunderwood@hyline.com.au Vella, Joseph Mathew Position: Managing Director – Protective Fabrications Address: 1045 Silverdale Road, Werombi NSW 2570 Telephone: (02) 4653 1293 Mobile: 0418 965 369 Fax: (02) 4653 1130 Email: joe_vella@protectivefabrications.com.au Specific interests: Poultry curtain requirements; interior exterior; winchable; suspension components; winches manual and auto; fully installed or in kit form; all work and fabrics fully guaranteed; free range layer systems and advanced cool pad design.



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Walkden-Brown, Steve W Position: Professor Qualifications: BVSc (Qld), PhD (Qld) Address: Animal Science W49, University of New England, Armidale, NSW 2351 Telephone: (02) 6773 5152 Mobile: 0413 107 973 Fax: (02) 6773 3922 E-mail: swalkden@une.edu.au Specific interests: Managing pathogen load in litter; Marek’s disease; poultry health and production, infectious diseases research esp isolator studies. Warner, Mick Position: Poultry CRC Communication Officer Address: PO Box U242, University of New England, Armidale NSW 2351 Telephone: (02) 6773 3767 Mobile: 0457 733 450 E-mail: mwarner@poultrycrc.com.au Waters, Julian Dr Position: Business & Nutrition Consultancy Qualifications: BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD, CBiol, MSB, RNutr, CPAg, MNZIPIM Address: PO Box 59142, Mangere Bridge Manukau 2151 New Zealand Telephone: +64 9 636 4425 Mobile: +64 21 996 196 Fax: +64 9 636 4425 Email: jwaters@cybernet.co.nz Weare, Jason Position: Sales Representative Qualifications: BSc (Agriculture) Hons Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd, 66 Antimony St, Carole Park Qld 4300 PO Box 475, Goodna, Qld 4300 Telephone: +61 (7) 3723 9896 Mobile: 0400 696 163 Fax: +61 (7) 3721 3080 Email: j.weare@becfeedsolutions.com.au Wilhelm, Kym Position: Corporate Account Manager Address: Lienert Australia, PO Box 65, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150 Fax: (08) 8524 8001 Mobile: 0409 600 377 Email: kym.wilhelm@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au

Williams, Rob Position: Business Development Consultant Address: Biomin Australia Pty Ltd, 1506 Old Cleveland Road, Belmont QLD 4153 Telephone: (02) 9872 6324 Fax: (02) 9872 5139 Mobile: 0458 782 866 Email: rob.williams@biomin.net Website: www.biomin.net Wright, Cameron Position: Premix Supervisor/Nutritionist Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd, 66 Antimony St, Carole Park Qld 4300 PO Box 475, Goodna, Qld 4300 Telephone: +61 (7) 3723 9825 Mobile: 0418 491 124 Fax: +61 (7) 3721 3080 Email: c.wright@becfeedsolutions.com.au Wright, Chas Position: Purchasing Manager Address: Lienert Australia, PO Box 65, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150 Fax: (08) 8524 8001 Mobile: 0438 889 012 Email: chas.wright@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Wundke, Rohan Position: Technical Manager Qualifications: BApp Sc (Ag) Address: Lienert Australia, PO Box 65, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150 Fax: (08) 8524 8001 Mobile: 0409 087 624 Email: rohan.wundke@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Youil, Rima Position: R&D and Operations Manager Eimeria/ R&D Manager Bioproperties Qualifications: PhD Address: 1. Eimeria Pty Ltd, 250 Princes Hwy, (UniMelb Veterinary Science Precinct), Werribee VIC 3030 2. RMIT University, Plenty Road, Building 223, Level 1, Bundoora VIC 3083 Telephone: (03) 9731 2235 or (03) 9925 6609 Mobile: 0418 563 925 Fax: (03) 9731 2235/ (03) 9925 6609 E-mail: rima.youil@bioproperties.com.au Website: www.bioproperties.com.au

Industry Organisations: Australia & NZ 2013 POuLTRy INDuSTRy yEARBOOK Australian Egg Corporation Limited Address: Suite 4.02, Level 4, 107 Mount Street North Sydney NSW 2060 Telephone: (02) 9409 6999 Fax: (02) 9954 3133 Email: enquiries@aecl.org Website: www.aecl.org Managing Director: James Kellaway Telephone: (02) 9409 6906 Mobile: 0411 417 180 Email: james@aecl.org Finance & Corporate Services Manager/ Company Secretary: Sue Hardwick Telephone: (02) 9409 6904 Email: sue@aecl.org Communications Manager: Kai Ianssen Telephone: (02) 9409 6909 Email: kai@aecl.org Program Manager R&D: Angus Crossan Telephone: (02) 9409 6908 Email: angus@aecl.org Program Manager Marketing: Yelli Kruger Telephone: (02) 9409 6907 Email: yelli@aecl.org Project Manager: Heather Palmer Telephone: (02) 9409 6905 Email: heather@aecl.org Program/Office Assistant: Lorraine Mills Telephone: (02) 9409 6999 Email: lorraine@aecl.org



Board of Directors: Jeff Ironside, AECL Chairman Russell Ware, AECL Deputy Chairman John O’Hara Frank Pace Zelko Lendich James Kellaway, AECL Managing Director Australian Chicken Meat Federation Inc Address: Level 7, 122 Walker Street PO Box 579, North Sydney NSW 2059 Telephone: (02) 9929 4077 Fax: (02) 9925 0627 Email: acmf@chicken.org.au Website: www.chicken.org.au Executive Director: Andreas Dubs Telephone: (02) 9929 4077 Mobile: 0432 925 933 Email: andreas.dubs@chicken.org.au Deputy Executive Director: Vivien Kite Telephone: (02) 9929 4077 Mobile: 0407 284 133 E-mail: vivien.kite@chicken.org.au Executive Assistant/Office Manager: Gordana Baci Telephone: (02) 9929 4077 Email: gordana@chicken.org.au

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Executive: Gary Sansom: President ACMF/ Executive Officer ACGC Kevin Radich: Immediate Past President ACMF/APIA Ben Wells: Chairman NSW CMC Des Hindson: Chairman SA CMC Gary Ekert: President ACGC Mike Rozen: Chairman QLD CMC Andreas Dubs: Executive Director Len Brajkovich: Chairman WA CMC RIRDC – Chicken Meat Program Address: PO Box 579, North Sydney NSW 2059 Telephone: (02) 9929 4077 Fax: (02) 9925 0627 Research Manager: Vivien Kite, Address: PO Box 579, North Sydney NSW 2059 Telephone: (02) 9929 4077 Fax: (02) 9925 0627 E-mail: vivien.kite@chicken.org.au Program Coordinator: Helen Moffett, Address: PO Box 4776, Kingston ACT 2604 Telephone: (02) 6271 4145 Fax: (02) 6271 4199 E-mail: Helen.Moffett@rirdc.gov.au Chairperson: Gary Sansom, 82 Hawkins Rd, Jimboomba Qld 4280 Telephone: (07) 5546 9235 Fax: (07) 5546 0070 E-mail: sanfield1@bigpond.com Advisory Committee Members: Dr Pat Blackall, University of Queensland Address: GPO Box 46, Brisbane Qld 4001 Telephone: (07) 3255 4298 Mobile: 0407 038 253 E-mail: p.blackall@uq.edu.au Dr Rod Jenner, Golden Cockerel Pty Ltd, Address: PO Box 142, Cleveland Qld 4163 Telephone: 07 3206 6444 Fax: 07 3206 6999 Email: rod.jenner @goldencockerel.com.au Dr Tom Grimes, Grimes Consulting Pty Ltd, 29 Tradewinds Ave, Paradise Point Qld 4216 Telephone/Fax: (07) 5529 6146 Mobile: 0416 257 524 E-mail: tomgrimes1@bigpond.com Greg McDonald, Inghams Enterprises Pty Ltd, Address: 168 Heath Rd, Leppington NSW 2179 Telephone: (02) 8777 1501 Mobile: 0408 611 738 E-mail: gmcdonald@inghams.com.au Margaret MacKenzie, Inghams Enterprises Pty Ltd, Address: PO Box 1100, Browns Plains Qld 4118 Telephone: (07) 3290 4644 Fax: (07) 3290 4471 E-mail: mmackenzie@inghams.com.au Greg Hargreave, Baiada Poultry, PO Box 21, Pendle Hill NSW 2145 Telephone: (02) 9842 1131 Fax: (02) 9896 5724 Mobile: 0418 118 031 E-mail: greg_hargreave@baiada.com.au Dr Peter Groves, Zootechny Pty Ltd, Address: PO Box 49, Austral NSW 2179 Mobile: 0418 118 005 E-mail: zootechny@bigpond.com Poultry Cooperative Research Centre Address: PO Box U242, University of New England Armidale NSW 2351 Telephone: (02) 6773 3051 Fax: (02) 6772 3050 Email: info@poultrycrc.com.au Website: www.poultrycrc.com.au Chief Executive Officer: Mingan Choct Telephone: (02) 6773 5121 Mobile: 0409 606 521 Email: mchoct@poultrycrc.com.au Executive Assistant: Helene Dawson Telephone: (02) 6773 3051 Mobile: 0427 722 764 Email: hdawson@poultrycrc.com.au Finance Manager: Geoffrey Fairy Telephone: (02) 6773 3450 Mobile: 0400 473 450 Email: gfairy@poultrycrc.com.au Communications Manager: Mick Warner Telephone: (02) 6773 3767 Mobile: 0457 733 450 Email: mwarner@poultrycrc.com.au Commercial Manager: Lloyd Thomson

Telephone: (02) 6773 2691 Mobile: 0407 075 936 Email: lthomson@poultrycrc.com.au Education Coordinator: Liz Roan Telephone: (02) 6773 4078 Mobile: 0448 888 410 Email: eroan@poultrycrc.com.au Australian Chicken Growers’ Council Address: GPO Box 12009, Brisbane Qld 4003 Company Secretary: Gary Sansom Telephone: (07) 3837 4747 Fax: (07) 3236 4100 E-mail: gary@qff.org.au VFF Egg Group President: Brian Ahmed Telephone: 1300 882 833 and 0412 558 152 E-mail: bahmed@vff.org.au Website: www.vff.org.au Vice President: Tony Nesci Address: VFF Egg Group, Farrer House, Level 5, 24 Collins St, Melbourne Vic 3000 Telephone: (03) 9207 5555 Fax: (03) 9207 5500 E-mail: eggs@vff.org.au Free Range Egg and Poultry Australia Ltd Address: PO Box 37, Marong Vic 3515 President: Meg Parkinson Telephone: 0408 514 048 E-mail: frepa@frepa.com.au Vice President: Bruce Remington Telephone: 0408 339 013 Victorian Farmers Federation Chicken Meat Group Telephone: (03) 9207 5572 Fax: (03) 9207 5500 President: Mike Shaw Address: 890 Derril Rd, Moorooduc Vic 3933 Telephone: (03) 9207 5561 Fax: (03) 9207 5576 E-mail: mshaw@vff.org.au Vice President: Collin Peel Treasurer: Anthony Accianito Manager: Ian Blyth Office Manager: Bridget Brennan Address: 6 Farrer House, 24 Collins Street, Melbourne Vic 3000 Telephone: (03) 1300 882 833 Fax: (03) 9207 5500 E-mail: vff@vff.org.au World Poultry Science Association – Australian Branch Address: c/- PO Box 4155, West Armidale NSW 2350 President: Julie Roberts Telephone: (02) 6773 1995 Fax: (02) 6773 3922 E-mail: jrobert2@une.edu.au Vice President: Dr Rider Perez-Maldonado Telephone: (07) 3879 6630 E-mail: riderperez@optusnet.com.au Secretary: Dr Kapil Chousalkar Telephone: (08) 8313 1502 Fax: +61 (8) 8303 7956 E-mail: kapilchousalkar@adelaide.edu.au Treasurer: Stephen Walkden-Brown Telephone: (02) 6773 5152 Fax: (02) 6773 3922 E-mail: swalkden@une.edu.au Poultry Industry Association of New Zealand Inc. Address: 1st floor, 96D Carlton Gore Road, Auckland Telephone: (09) 520 4300 Fax: (09) 520 1553 Mobile: +64 27 221 8228 E-mail: michael@pianz.org.nz Website: www.pianz.org.nz Chairman: Andrew Stevens Executive Director: Michael Brooks Egg Producers Federation of New Zealand Inc. Address: 1st floor, 96D Carlton Gore Road, Auckland Telephone: (09) 520 4300 Fax: (09) 520 1553 Mobile: +64 27 221 8228 E-mail: michael@pianz.org.nz Website: www.eggfarmers.org.nz President: Michael Guthrie Executive Director: Michael Brooks



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AUSTRALIAN COMPANIES SUPPLIERS GUIDE The following companies are suppliers of goods and services to the poultry industry AgRICULTURAL AUTOMATION See our advertisement on page 27 4/32 Collins Road, Dromana VIC 3936 PO Box 92, Dromana VIC 3936 Tel (03) 5987 2870 Fax (03) 5981 0876 Email: info@agriculturalautomation.com.au Website: www.agriculturalautomation.com.au AgRITECH AUSTRALIA See advertisement page 22 PO Box 257, Galston NSW 2159 Tel (02) 9653 3344 Fax (02) 9653 3355 Mobile: 0487 048 747 Email: info@agritechaustralia.com ALLTECH BIOTECHNOLOgY PTY LTD See our advertisement on page 23 64-70 Nissan Drive, Dandenong Sth, Vic 3175 Tel (03) 9767 2800 Fax (03) 9791 6423 E-mail: alltechaustralia@alltech.com Website: www.alltech.com AUSPAC INgREDIENTS PTY LTD See our advertisement on page 23 unit 1, 84-92 Barnes St, Tamworth NSW 2340 Tel: (02) 6762 7708 Fax: (02) 6762 7709 Email: sales@auspacingredients.com.au AUSTRALASIAN AgRICULTURAL SERVICES P/L See advertisement page 27 34 Millennium Place, Tingalpa Qld 4173 PO Box 2301, Wellington Point, Qld 4160 Tel +61 (0)7 3396 0166 Fax +61 (0)7 3396 0266 E-mail: peter@ausagservices.com.au Website: www.ausagservices.com.au 18


BIg DUTCHMAN INTERNATIONAL gmbH See our advertisement OBC Representatives for Australia: Stephen Cadwallader Tel +64 9 422 3476 Fax +64 9 422 3475 Mobile +61 417 005 462 (Australia) E-mail: scadwallader@bigdutchman.com Australasian Agricultural Services Pty Ltd Tel +61 7 3396 0166 Fax: +61 7 3396 0266 peter@ausagservices.com.au Stockyard Industries Tel +61 7 4697 3344 Fax +61 7 4697 3532 Email: marcusj@cefn.com.au Werner Grundmann Inverleigh, PO Box 54, VIC 3321 Tel +61 418 552 776 Fax +61 3 5265 1486 Mike McNaught 86a Hastings Rd, Mairangi Bay 0630 North Shore Auckland Tel +64 2 189 3333 E-mail: mikemc@bigdutchman.com

BIOMIN (AUSTRALIA) PTY LTD See our advertisement on page 23 PO Box 2344, Carlingford NSW 2118 Tel (02) 9872 6324 Fax: (02) 9872 5139 Email: office.australia@biomin.net Website: www.biomin.net BIOPROPERTIES PTY LTD See our advertisement on IBC and page 22 36 Charter Street, Ringwood Vic 3134 Tel (03) 9876 0567 Fax (03) 9876 0556 Website: www.bioproperties.com.au CCD ANIMAL HEALTH See our advertisement on page 22 Tel: 1300 791009 Fax: 1300 798005 Email: ccdsales@ccdanimalhealth.com.au Website: www.ccdanimalhealth.com.au

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CHAMBERLAIN AUSTRALIA PTY LTD (grifco Precision Products) See advertisement page 27 15 Dell Road, West Gosford NSW 2250 PO Box 6106, West Gosford NSW 2250 Tel (02) 4323 3877 Fax (02) 4323 3882 E-mail: poultry@chamberlainanz.com Website: www.chamberlainanz.com CHANTECLAIR FARMS (Feed Extender) See our advertisement on page 27 490 Quakers Hill Parkway, Quakers Hill NSW 2763 Tel (02) 9837 1984 Fax: (02) 9626 6097 Mobile: 0417 488 404 Email: sales@chanteclair.com.au Enquiries: Protective Fabrications: (02) 4653 1293 Rowly Horn Services: (02) 4572 0318 Mobile: 0409 772 045 DSM NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS See advertisement page 30 41 Edison Road, Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 Tel (02) 6922 7015 Fax (02) 6922 7381 Website: www.dsmnutritionalproducts.com DUNOgAN FARM TECH PTY LTD See advertisement page 27 8 Bellevue Crescent, Tamworth NSW 2340 PO Box 195, Tamworth NSW 2340 Tel (02) 6766 9909 Fax (02) 6766 9977 Rob Duns Mobile 0418 660 266 Email: robduns@dunoganfarmtech.com.au Website: www.dunoganfarmtech.com.au EVONIK AUSTRALIA PTY LTD See advertisement page 24 Suite 33, 1 Ricketts Rd, (PO Box 656) Mt Waverley, VIC 3149 Tel +61 3 8581 8406 Telefax +61 3 9544 5002 E-mail: iliamendeleil@evonik.com Website: www.degussa.com.au FARMMARK PTY LTD See advertisement page 28 2/19 Success Street, Acacia Ridge QLD 4110 Tel (07) 3274 6372 Fax (07) 3274 2372 Website: www.farmmark.com.au

FEEDWORKS See advertisement page 24 PO Box 369, Romsey Vic 3434 Tel (03) 5429 6458 Fax (03) 5429 5327 E-mail: mal.mottram@feedworks.com.au QLD: Eagle Farm Tel (07) 3260 1070 Fax (07) 3260 1071 Email: david.cadogan@feedworks.com.au HY-LINE AUSTRALIA PTY LTD See our advertisement page 27 unit 14 1st Floor, 116 High Street, East Maitland NSW 2323 PO Box 456 East Maitland NSW 2323 Tel (02) 4934 5577 Fax (02) 4934 5579 E-mail: hylineadmin@hyline.com.au Website: www.hyline.com.au Sales: Tel (03) 9879 9049 Fax (03) 9876 3825 E-mail: chrisrowell@hyline.com.au Mobile: 0418 356 909 IMEXCO AUSTRALIA PTY LTD See our advertisement page 28 Lot 2 Winta Road, Tea Gardens NSW 2324 Ph: (02) 4997 2045 Fax: (02) 4997 2085 Email: imexco@imexco.com.au Website: www.imexcoinc.com JABIRU AgRIBUSINESS PTY LTD See our advertisement page 25 PO Box 83, Bowral, NSW 2570 Tel (02) 4861 5325 Fax: (02) 4861 1410 Mob: 0418 201 629 E-mail: admin@jabiru8.com JEFO AUSTRALIA PTY LTD See our advertisement page 23 PO Box 8146, Toowoomba Mail Centre Qld 4352 Tel (07) 4630 1500 Fax (07) 4630 1200 Mobile 0429 301 500 E-mail: wbradshaw@jefo.com KEMIN (AUST.) PTY LIMITED See our advertisement page 24 Suite 6-7, 694 Pacific Highway Killara NSW 2071 Tel (02) 9844 5700 Fax (02) 9418 2544 Website: www.kemin.com



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LIENERT AUSTRALIA PTY LTD See our advertisement page 30 PO Box 65 Roseworthy SA 5371 Tel (08) 8524 8150 Fax (08) 8524 8001 Email: admin@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au LINCO FOOD SYSTEMS PTY LTD See our advertisement page 30 49 Prince William Drive, Seven Hills NSW 2147 Tel 1300 4 LINCO (1300 454 626) or +61 2 9624 2055 (Outside Australia) Mobile +61 414 236 729 Fax +61 2 9624 4604 Email: sales@linco.com.au Website: www.linco.com.au LOHMANN LAYERS AUSTRALIA See our advertisement page 27 PO Box 571, East Maitland, NSW 2323 Tel (02) 4933 0075 Fax (02) 4934 5579 Email: admin@lohmannlayers.com.au Website: www.lohmannlayers.com.au METROWEST See our advertisement page 28 70 Belmont Avenue, Belmont WA 6103 Tel + 61 (8) 9416 0666 Fax + 61 (8) 9277 4911 Email: david.ahlquist@metrowest.com.au www.metrowest.com.au MSD ANIMAL HEALTH See advertisement Inside Front Cover 91-105 Harpin Street, Bendigo East VIC 3550 Free Call 1800 033 461 Website: www.msd–animal–health.com.au NATIONAL FEED SOLUTIONS PTY LTD See our advertisement page 25 PO Box 6370, Wetherill Park BC Ph: (02) 9609 7922 Mobile: 0439 066 054 Email: kym.miller@nationalfeedsolutions.com.au Website: www.nationalfeedsolutions.com.au



OUTBACK ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROLS P/L See our advertisement page 28 Brisbane: Martin Simmons Tel (07) 3352 6677 Fax (07) 3356 2805 Email: sales@oec.biz Website: www.oec.biz OEC NSW: (Joe) 0418 965 369 OEC Bendigo Vic: (Rod) 0418 509 551 OEC SA: (Gordon) 0412 126 610 PATARKER PTY LTD See our advertisement page 28 Gerry Bigeni - Managing Director 8 Robertson Place, Jamistown NSW 2750 Tel (02) 4732 5520 Fax (02) 4732 5275 Email: michael@patarker.com.au Website: www.patarker.com.au POLYTEX See our advertisement page 29 28-30 Masset Ave, Leeton NSW 2705 PO Box 860, Leeton NSW 2705 Tel 1300 059 003 Fax 1300 858 626 Email: info@polytex.net.au Website: www.polytex.net.au POULTRY WORKS See our advertisement page 23 PO Box 10, Deepwater NSW 2371 Tel (02) 6734 6222 Mobile 0427 070 863 Email: michael@poultryworks.com.au PREMIUM AgRI PRODUCTS PTY LTD See our advertisement page 25 40a Silvia Street, Hornsby NSW 2077 Tel (02) 9477 5536 Fax (02) 9476 1750 Email: rudi@premag.com.au PROTECTIVE FABRICATIONS See our advertisement page 29 1045 Silverdale Rd, Werombi NSW 2570 Tel (02) 4653 1293 or (02) 4643 1013 Fax (02) 4653 1130 Email: joe_vella@protectivefabrications.com.au R & Dg SANDAY PTY LTD See our advertisement page 26 40 Glenning Road, Glenning Valley NSW Tel (02) 4388 9222 Fax (02) 4388 9333 E-mail: ron@rdgsanday.com Website: www.rdgsanday.com

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RYAN-RYTE ENTERPRISES See our advertisement page 29 4 Frankston Gardens Drive, Carrum Downs VIC 3201 Tel (03) 9782 5515 Fax (03) 9782 5512 Email: enquiries@ryan-ryte.com.au SANTREV POULTRY DEVELOPMENTS See our advertisement pages 16/17 & 26 unit 2/266 Brisbane Street, West Ipswich QLD 4305 Tel 1300 815 888 Mobile 0411 469 493 E-mail: enquiries@santrevpoultry.com Website: www.santrevpoultry.com SARUS PTY LTD See our advertisement page 29 Wongajong Rd, Forbes NSW 2871 PO Box 499, Forbes NSW 2871 Tel (02) 6851 1747 Fax (02) 6851 2134 E-mail: info@sarus.com.au Website: www.sarus.com.au SPANLIFT BUILDINgS PTY LTD See our advertisement page 29 PO Box 22, Mount Gambier SA 5290 Freecall 1300 234 321 Tel (08) 8723 4321 Fax (08) 8723 2725 E-mail: sales@spanlift.com.au Website: www.spanlift.com.au SPECIALISED FARM SERVICES See our advertisement page 29 3/30 McCotter Street, Acacia Ridge Qld 4110 Tel (07) 3276 1993 Fax (07) 3276 1995 STOCKYARD INDUSTRIES See our advertisement page 29 54 King Street, Clifton QLD 4361 Tel (07) 4697 3344 Fax (07) 4697 3532 Mobile 0427 601 605 E-mail: marcusj@cefn.com.au THINK LIVESTOCK See our advertisement page 22 16 Grevillea Road, Huntly Vic 3551 Tel (03) 5448 8942 Fax (03) 5448 8943 Mobile 0417 127 321 Email: daveroberts@thinklivestock.com Website: www.thinklivestock.com

NEW ZEALAND AND OVERSEAS COMPANIES SUPPLIERS GUIDE ALLTECH (NZ) LIMITED See our advertisement on page 23 70 Mihini Road, Swanson Waitakere, 654 New Zealand Tel +64 9 837 3243 Fax +64 9 837 3243 E-mail: alltechnewzealand@alltech.com Website: www.alltech.com BIg DUTCHMAN INTERNATIONAL gmbH See our advertisement OBC Representatives for New Zealand: Stephen Cadwallader Tel +64 9 422 3476 Fax +64 9 422 3475 Mobile +61 417 005 462 (Australia) + 64 2152 5942 (New Zealand) E-mail: scadwallader@bigdutchman.com Mike McNaught, 86a Hastings Rd, Mairangi Bay 0630 North Shore Auckland Tel +64 2 189 3333 E-mail: mikemc@bigdutchman.com Landmore Agri Ltd 4 Ranfurly Street, Otorohanga 3900 Tel +64 7 873 8900 Fax +64 7 873 8905 E-mail: johnm@landmore.co.nz Malaysia: BD Agriculture (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd No. 20, Lorong Keluli 1B Kawasan Perindustrian Bukit Raja Seksyen 7, 40000 Shah Alam Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia Tel + 60 3 33 61 5555 Fax + 60 3 33 42 2866 E-mail: bdasia@bigdutchman.com Website: www.bigdutchman.com DSM NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS See advertisement page 30 New Zealand Tel 0800 954 512 Fax (03) 684 7632 VENCOMATIC See advertisement page 26 Meerheide 5 5521 DZ Eersel, The Netherlands Tel +31 497 517 300 Fax +31 497 517 364 Website: www.vencomatic.com Vencomatic Asia: Klongtoei, Bangkok Tel/Fax +66 22593473 Email: niels.geraerts@vencomatic.com



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ANIMAL HEALTH Vaxsafe® HVT Vaxsafe® IB Vaxsafe® IBD Vaxsafe® MG Vaxsafe® MS Vaxsafe® ND Vaxsafe® PM Vaxsafe® RIS Vaxsafe® ST Vaxsafe® SBH Eimeriavax 3m Eimeriavax 4m


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(organic selenium)

(phytase) ECOCELL


(for (for toxins) toxins)


(oregano extract) ACIDAL ACIDAL


(enzymes) (betaine)

Yucca Yucca ucc (yeast)

FEEDMINS (jabiru gold) gold)

Larvadex Lar adex Larv


(acidifiers) (acidifiers) (SalMate Omega 3)

Axtra Axtra XB (enzymes)

(organic minerals) (In feed control) fly co ntrol)

‘fly flyy and die’ fl di die

(fly baits) baits)


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Kemin (Aust.) Pty Ltd

Suite 6-7, 694 Pacific Hwy Killara NSW 2071 Tel: (02) 9482 2357 Fax: (02) 9482 1837 Web: www.kemin.com FEED INGREDIENTS 24


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Jabiru Gold Natural and Synthetic Pigment blends.

“The Producers No. 1 Choice for Uniformity of Quality Yolk Colours� w w w w w w w w w w w w w

Jabiru Gold Natural Liquid Pigments Jabiru Gold Natural Dry Pigments Jabiru Gold blend of Natural and Synthetic pigments both in liquid and dry form Jabiru Natural Red pigment in liquid and dry form Jabiru Natural Yellow pigment in liquid and dry form Jabiru Red 10% Synthetic Canthaxanthin in liquid form Jabiru Astaxanthin 10% dry for Aquatic pigmentation Commercially Proven Throughout Australia Producers No 1 Choice for Yolk Pigmentation Efficacious, and Highly Stable in dry and liquids Non Toxic, and easy to include into your layer and broiler rations Specialised Multi Filling Liquid Applicators available on request The most cost effective way to pigment egg yolks and broilers

Ray Beazleigh, Jabiru Agribusiness Pty Ltd

ABN. 17 117 945 141

PO Box 83, Bowral NSW 2576 Telephone 02 4861 5325 Mobile 0418 201 629 Fax (02) 4861 1410 E-mail ray@jabiru8.com


Suppliers of Elite nutrition and solutions

Ph: (02) 9609 7922 Fax: (02) 9609 7923 Kym: 0439066054 Luke: 0439066006 kym@nationalfeedsolutions.com.au luke@nationalfeedsolutions.com.au

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Don’t miss out on next year’s Poultry Industry Yearbook. Call Pete Bedwell on 0419 235 288 or (02) 4368 2220 Email: rembery @ iinet.net.au FEED INGREDIENTS 2013 POULTRY INDUSTRY YEARBOOK


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The ORIGINAL designer and builder of the genuine clean skin shed with no exposed trusses, columns or internal bracing. • • • • • •

Fully experienced in all aspects of poultry shed design and construction We provide only the highest quality materials and workmanship New free range and egg shed designs available Guaranteed performance, quality and innovative design. Reliable, honest and friendly advice Over 35 years experience

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No project too large Don’t be fooled by cheap imitations Fully licensed interstate Competitive prices References available

Contact us and find out why we are the largest poultry shed builders in Australia and at the cutting edge of design.

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Ron Mob: 0404 489 573 Office: (02) 4388 9222 Email: ron@rdgsanday.com web: www.rdgsanday.com

Complete Solutions in Poultry Equipment Vencomatic is a global supplier of innovative and sustainable housing solutions for the poultry sector. The flexible and turnkey solutions of Vencomatic offer large possibilities for a wide range of poultry production concepts. With our knowledge and expertise, we support poultry managers to get the best results.

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Hy-Line Australia Pty. Ltd. Unit 14, 1st Floor, 116 High St, East Maitland NSW 2323 PO Box 456, East Maitland NSW 2323

Tel: (02) 4934 5577 Fax: (02) 4934 5579 Email: hylineadmin@hyline.com.au Website: www.hyline.com.au Email: chrisrowell@hyline.com.au Mobile: 0418 356 909



Call to order our free colour catalogue or view our range on the website

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T: 07 3396 0166

Ph: (03) 5987 2870 Fax: (03) 5981 0876 info@agriculturalautomation.com.au www.agriculturalautomation.com.au

Suppliers of equipment & spare parts for all types of poultry operations across Australia, NZ, Fiji & Pacific Islands

F: 07 3396 0266

Feed Extender for poultry feeding systems ELECTRIC WINCH SPECIALIST • CURTAIN RELEASE – (CHOOK SAVER) WINCHES • FEED LINES • DRINKER LINES • SIDE CURTAINS • INLET CURTAINS • MINI VENT • SINGLE SHUTTER • DUAL SHUTTER • RIDGE CAP • RELIABLE • AFFORDABLE • 2 YEAR WARRANTY • FULLY AUSTRALIAN MADE Contact Grifco for a great price on winches that will “change your life” as quoted by Pig & Poultry farmers Australia wide

Phone (02) 4323 3877 CENTRAL COAST NSW www.chamberlainanz.com poultry@chamberlainanz.com

• Reduce waste and increase performance with the feed pan extender (patent pending). • Fits most popular feed pan designs • Easy to install • Saves a minimum of 10gm of feed per bird per day, improving performance in layer sheds • 100% return on cost in 42 days (typical shed conditions) Enquiries: Joe Vella, Protective Fabrications (02) 4653 1293 Rowly Horn Services (02) 4572 0318 / 0409 772 045 LAyER CHICKENS/POuLTRy SHED EQuIPMENT 2013 POULTRY INDUSTRY YEARBOOK


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Supplier for: • Vencomatic Nest and Alternative Production • Cumberland Feeders/Drinkers • Prinzen Egg Packers/ Hatchery Equipment • Cumberland/Hired Hand Ventilation and Heating • Cumberland silos and fill systems • Turnkey Building and Shed Designs • Vencomatic egg conveyors • Ciemme Automatic Chicken Harvesters • Ciemme Ercolino Forklift/loader • Replacement parts for all brands of equipment Visit our new web page www.imexcoinc.com Lot 2 Winta Road Tea Gardens NSW 2324 Tel: 02 4997 2045 imexco@imexco.com.au

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2/19 Success St Acacia Ridge QLD 4110 Ph: 07 3274 6372 Fax: 07 3274 2372 office@farmmark.com.au SKOV ventilation - system design and technical support Feeding and feed weighing systems – supply & design Roxell feeding & drinking equipment Water treatment system Energy saving solutions Supply, install and service www.farmmark.com.au


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Distributors to the poultry and pig industries for the following -

Supplying Equipment You Can Trust Outback Environmental Controls Pty Ltd LOCATIONS: OEC Head Office BRISBANE Martin Simmons Ph: 07 3352 6677 Fax: 07 3356 2805 OEC - South Australia Gordon Barolo Mobile: 0412 126 610 OEC - Bendigo Rod Ryan Mobile: 0418 509 551 OEC - NSW Joe Vella 0418 965 369 Ezypan - Feeders Rotem - Controllers Plasson - Feeders & Drinkers LB White - gas Heaters Tefen - Mediators Van gent - Layer Nests AussieFog - Cooling Systems PTN - Minivents PA1000 - Feeder and Drinker Winches AL700 - Vent Winches Bird Mesh - Nylon

www.oec.biz reception@oec.biz


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Fancom Ventilation & Fan Systems Roxell Feeding & Watering Ziggity Watering Equipment Hired-hand Heating Spaceray Heating Evaporative Cooling Systems Storage Silos Nesting Systems Titan Fans For more information contact:

PATARKER PTY LTD Phone: 02 4732 5520 Fax: 02 4732 5275 AH: Gerry 0415 255 931

Equipment, sales, install + service + parts • Complete Poultry equipment. • Feeders; silos; cross augers. • Drinkers. • Ventilation. • Controllers. • Heating. • Curtains exterior; interior; black out. • Evaporate cooling pads, paper, poly. • Layer cages & nesting systems, barn & free-range. • Building supplies bulk, steel; insulation; panel; roofliner. Protective Fabrications 1045 Silverdale Road, Werombi NSW 2570 Ph: (02) 4653 1293 (02) 4643 1013 Fax: (02) 4653 1130 Email: joe_vella@protectivefabrications.com.au

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POuLTRy THE POULTRY INDUSTRY WITH... ! ""#$% & '! "( # $ % $ $ )% ' SHED EQuIPMENT



Building Contractors and Distributors with over 36 years experience in the Poultry Industry. Major Distributors for: • Ryan-Ryte feeders & Evaporative cooling systems • Titan fans • Fancom • Roxell • Vencomatic • Prinzen • Ziggity • Impex • Hired Hand Contact Details: 4 Frankston Gardens Drv Carrum Downs, VIC 3201 Ph: +61 3 97825515 Fax: +61 3 97825512 DEBONING SYSTEMS



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Manufacturers of high quality Vitamins, Enzymes, Eubiotics & Carotenoids for Poultry VITAMIN/MINERAL PREMIXES

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Wagga Office:

PH: 1800 649 231 FAX: 1800 649 336 EMAIL: admin@lienerts.com.au


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DSM Nutritional Products










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Va x s

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Vaxsafe速 PM is a new product funded by the Australian Poultry CRC for the Australian poultry farmer to help control Fowl Cholera. This live vaccine offers significant improvements in control of Pasteurella multocida (PM) over previous vaccines. Its broad protection means it is the first stop for PM control irrespective of what PM you have.

Phone (03) 9876 0567 Fax (03) 9876 0556 bioproperties.com.au Brought to you by Bioproperties to help prevent blood from staining the wattle* *Apologies to Henry Lawson

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Hit the bull’s eye! The modular climate and

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Big Dutchman International GmbH, Germany, Tel. +49-4447-801-0, Fax +49-4447-801-237, big@bigdutchman.de, www.bigdutchman.com, BD Agriculture (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., Tel. +60-3-33615555, Fax +60-3-33422866, bdasia@bigdutchman.com, www.bigdutchman.com, Australasian Agricultural Services Pty. Ltd., Tel. +61-7-33960166, Fax +61-7-33960266, peter@ausagservices.com.au, Stockyard Industries, Australia, Mobile +61-427601605, marcusj@cefn.com.au, Representatives for Australia & New Zealand, Stephen Cadwallader, Mobile +61-417005462 (AUS), Mobile +64-21525942 (NZ), scadwallader@bigdutchman.com, Mike Mc Naught, Mobile +61-428271056 (AUS), Mobile +64-21893333 (NZ), mikemc@bigdutchman.com, Representative for New Zealand, Landmore Agri Ltd., Mobile +64-276880317, johnm@landmore.co.nz

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