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PIG INDUSTRY YEARBOOK 2013 Industry organisation reviews Industry personnel listings Supplier company guides
Pork Journal
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Big D Big Dutchman: utchman: No. worldwide N o. 1 w orldwide With top products prooducts for successful succeessful pig breedingg and finishing.
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Andrew Spencer..... “ There have been some positive and important outcomes for the pork industry during the past year” ...........4
Australian Pork Limited (APL) – a year in review ..............................4 Pork CRC – different by choice ...5 Industry Organisations: Australia and New Zealand.........................6 Industry Personnel: Australia and New Zealand................................8 Companies Guide: Australia & New Zealand ......20-23
Buyers Guide: Australia & New Zealand ......24-29 Animal Health.........................................24 Breeding Stock...........................25 Diagnosic & Pregnancy Testing Equipment..................................24
Roger Campbell..... “We know Australian producers can achieve world class performance” .................5
Feed Ingredients...................25-27 Piggery Shed Equipment.......27-28 Premixes...............................28-29 Stockfeed...................................29 Waste Management...................29
Primary Media
Pork Journal
C D Supplies Pty Ltd ABN 88 091 560 557 7 Kerns Road, Kincumber NSW 2251 Tel +61 (0) 2 4368 2220 or 0419 235 288 Production: 0409 944472 Email: rembery@iinet.net.au Website: www.primarymedia.com.au
For an on-line version of the Pig Industry Yearbook send your email address to rembery@iinet.net.au The Pig Industry Yearbook is compiled by the staff of Primary Media and is a supplement to the Nov/Dec 2012 Issue of Primary Media’s Pork Journal. While all care has been taken compiling these listings, Primary Media accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions. Additional copies of the Pig Industry Yearbook 2013 are available at $10 each, by sending your details and cheque to Primary Media, Pig Industry Yearbook, 7 Kerns Road, Kincumber NSW 2251 Australia
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Australian Pork Limited (APL) – Pork industry year in review
ANDREW SPENCER CEO, Australian Pork Limited
he year just gone has been another challenging one for the industry and Australian Pork Limited (APL). Resource limitations due to the erosion of our levy income by inflation (as well as the shrinkage of the industry since the profitability crisis of 2007–08) has meant that we have had to adjust how we perform some of those services that are expected of us by our constituents, Australian pork producers. Nevertheless, there have been some positive and important outcomes for the industry during the past year contributing to our goals for a competitive, sustainable and responsible Australian pork industry. Market issues Pork prices over the past year have again shown a significantly different trend to what we are traditionally used to. In contrast to the normal dip in prices during the middle of the year, the last two years have seen a much flatter price maintained through the full 12 months. The new stability that we see is likely due to a number of different factors, including a greater proportion of our production being contracted through dedicated supply chains (itself perhaps facilitated by the different and
changing standards of production demanded by major players at the retail end of the market). Pig slaughter numbers have been slowly growing during the year and has resulted in around 85,700 slaughters more than a year ago (to the end of October), which is growth of around 1.8%. Pig meat production meanwhile has grown for the calendar year at 2.5%. The impact of the different standards of pig production being sought by the two major retailers will continue to be felt in the market, but not always in a predictable way. Compensation for the differentiated product is hopefully one factor supporting prices and will continue to do so. Export business remains relatively depressed into our most interesting markets, Singapore and New Zealand. The strong Australian dollar and competition from other markets (including from cheap frozen product) continues to limit our opportunities.
“There have been some positive and important outcomes for the pork industry during the past year” Asian and Pacific markets are the destination of higher volumes of lower-value export products such as offal. This results in the total value of our export trade declining. Imports are as strong as ever, which is disappointing considering that there have been signals in the market that our share of Australian consumer processed pork products may have been increasing. Movements in trade stocks can provide some explanation of trends in apparent product consumption, so we will be continuing to monitor our successes in securing increases in share of Australian product, especially in the processing sector (ham, bacon and smallgoods) highlighting the significant difference between Australian grown and imported pork. The differences we will point out will be
things such as higher welfare standards, leading the world on sow stall free, environmentally friendly less carbon foot print and the like; all significant points of difference compared to imported pork. Global grain market dynamics The most significant concern for the industry looking forward is the steep rise in global grain prices since the end of June. We know that when this last happened in 2007, the industry went through a very stressful period of financial losses resulting in an exodus of producers and 15% of our production base disappearing. What is clear is that pork prices in the short term unfortunately have almost nothing to do with costs of production. Only when financial strain forces a shift in production volumes will we fully see the price compensation necessary to cover the increase in grain prices. In our pork industry, this takes some time due to the lag between the decision not to mate a sow and the result in the market the best part of a year later when pig numbers are subsequently reduced. We will however be trying to build awareness in the market as to the impact of the grain prices on forward supplies. This can hopefully result in more forward contracted buying positions being taken, impacting positively on today’s pig prices. Strategic plan 2010-2015 Within our present operating environment, there are two significant and noteworthy deviations from the assumptions in the APL Strategic Plan 2010–2015. Firstly, at the time of drafting the Strategic Plan, there had been an assumption of a marketing levy increase of $0.75 per slaughter pig, to come into effect on the 1st July 2012. In the discussions at board level leading up to seeking the approval of the industry to this increase, it was decided that a phasing in of the increase over four years was likely to be seen as more acceptable by pig producers. This has now been achieved with the first tranche of the levy increases of $0.30 per slaughter pig implemented as of the 1st July 2012. CONTINUED ON PAGE 19 w
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Pork CRC – Different by choice
ustralia’s pork industry fared better than most in 2012, with relatively static prices at reasonable levels and feed costs generally under $350/tonne, although the drought in the USA pushed grain prices considerably higher in the latter part of the year and 2013 will be more challenging. Indeed, herd feed efficiency will be a major factor determining success in 2013 and Pork CRC research suggests the two areas to concentrate on are using AusScan to measure grain digestible energy (DE) and to ensure grains are processed to maximise energy/nutrient utilisation. A large grain breeding project conducted across Australia by DAFWA and others further confirmed the massive variability in wheat and barley DE levels and pretty much established that using average or book values in diet formulation is largely a waste of time and almost certainly leads to poor, or unpredictable, growth performance and poor cost effectiveness. Along similar lines, a number of surveys of milling practices showed that many mills and producers are not grinding their grains adequately, which leads to poor grain utilisation. Based on our knowledge, grains should be milled to an average particle size between 0.65 and 0.75 mm to ensure near maximum feed efficiency. Pork CRC benchmarking results for 2011-2012 showed that, on average, reproduction is improving, but herd feed efficiency has remained rather static, with the better herds achieving excellence in both areas. So, we know Australian producers can
achieve world class performance and it is now a matter of getting everybody doing it and this will be the challenge for our benchmarking project in 2013. The major objective of the CRC for High Integrity Australian Pork is, of course, to work with industry to differentiate Australian pork based on how our pigs are housed and raised (enhanced welfare), the quality of our pork, reducing the carbon foot-print and reducing antibiotic use in the industry. The four Programs in the CRC for High Integrity Australian Pork are: 1. Confinement free sow and piglet management (Program Leader: Dr Ray King) 2. Herd health management (Program Leader: Dr Brian Luxford) 3. Healthy pork consumption (Program Leader: Dr Darryl D’Souza) 4. Carbon-conscious nutrient inputs and outputs (Program Leader: Dr Rob Wilson) We are already seeing increased demand for pork from sows housed in ‘confinement free’ systems and by differentiating how we produce pork we will have a genuine opportunity to increase demand for Australian fresh pork and to recapture some of the manufacturing market currently dominated by imported pork.
“We know Australian producers can achieve world class performance” I also wouldn’t rule out capturing some of the top end international markets, but this depends on ensuring Australian pork is high integrity and unique. Initially, the changes will revolve around the housing of gestating sows and we learned from the two group housing solutions workshops held in Toowoomba and Melbourne in 2012 that group housing can be made to work and that there is no single right way of doing it. I believe the workshops took the fear out of transitioning from stalls to group housing and we’ve since learned that many producers who’ve made the change are achieving their best ever reproduction levels. The question is which system might provide the greatest market and animal welfare advantages in the longer term and
what are the ‘secrets’ to success in each system. The Pork CRC R&D program in this area is quite expansive and in 2013 we will provide the industry with the relative welfare and reproductive merits of the industry and Coles definitions of stall-free and, hopefully, identify the constraints and opportunities for each. We will also inform industry of the effects on sow performance and welfare of factors such as floor space, diets and feeding strategies, mixing strategies and other simple interventions at mixing. Longer term projects are looking at the genetics of group housing, so much activity is underway and the workshops have allowed the Pork CRC to align with industry in the area of housing and managing gestating sows. The Pork CRC also has a number of projects on alternative farrowing accommodation, because it is almost certain that confinement free production will eventually encompass the farrowing component of production and we need to get ahead of the curve. In Program 3 we’ve completed the first phase of a comprehensive evaluation of eating quality pathways for Australian pork. The work by the University of Melbourne has established the effects of numerous factors, including sex, aging, cooking, and cut (meal) on the ranking of pork by consumer panels. The outcomes demonstrate that pork has a relatively high fail rate (not desired by consumers) and that this is affected by sex (higher for intact males), the cut (higher for the loin than other cuts) and cooking temperature. Interestingly, however, was the fact that cuts from all sexes and across all categories were ranked as premium or even platinum quality (very desirable). The information is the first available to the industry on how pork is perceived and on the factors that affect this perception. It is now a matter of tracking the pathways that lead to pork ending up in the different eating quality categories and establishing how the proportion ranked in the higher quality categories can be increased and/or the pork labelled and sold accordingly. It’s exciting research and the first step in ensuring consistency in the quality of Australian pork. All programs are now up and operating and 2013 will be a year of new discoveries CONTINUED ON PAGE 30 w
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Pig Industry Organisations: Australia 2013 PIG INDUSTRY YEARBOOK Australian Pork Limited CEO: Mr Andrew Spencer Address: PO Box 4746, Kingston ACT 2604 Telephone: (02) 6270 8888 Fax: (02) 6285 2288 E-mail: apl@australianpork.com.au Website: australianpork.com.au Chairman: Mr Enzo Allara Directors: Mr John Coward Mr Aeger Kingma Mrs Kathy Grigg Ms Kay Carey Mr Geoff Starr Mr Andrew Johnson Mr Brian Luxford Mr David Plant General Manager, Marketing: Mr Peter Haydon General Manager Finance & Administration: Mrs Christine Quick General Manager, Research & Innovation: Dr Darryl D’Souza General Manager, Policy: Ms Kathleen Plowman General Manager, Communication: Ms Emily Mackintosh
CRC for High Integrity Australian Pork PO Box 466, Willaston SA 5118 Website: www.porkcrc.com.au Fax: (08) 8313 7686 Chief Executive Officer: Dr Roger Campbell Telephone: (08) 8313 7683 Mobile: 0407 774 714 Email: roger.campbell@porkcrc.com.au Business Manager: Mr Geoff Crook Telephone: (08) 8313 7684 Email: geoff.crook@porkcrc.com.au Research Manager: Mr Graeme Crook Telephone: (08) 8313 7973 Mob: 0417 805 422 Email: graeme.crook@porkcrc.com.au Finance Manager: Mr Richard Westmacott Telephone: (08) 8313 7685 Email: richard.westmacott@porkcrc.com.au Office Administrator: Ms Rebecca Smith Telephone: (08) 8313 7743 Email: rebecca.smith@porkcrc.com.au Board members: Dr John Kinery, Chairman Ms Kathryn Adams Ms Sandra Di Blasio Mr Rod Hamann Prof Simon Maddocks Mr Dennis Mutton Prof John Pluske Mr Kenton Shaw Mr Andrew Spencer Mr Chris Trengrove Dr Robert van Barneveld Dr Hugh Wirth
Australasian Pig Science Association Website: www.apsa.asn.au Address: c/- Ms Karen Moore (APSA Secretary) Pork R&D Group, Department of Agriculture & Food WA Locked Bag 4, Bentley Delivery Centre WA 6983 Telephone: (08) 9368 3636 Fax: (08) 9474 1295 E-mail: karen.moore@agric.wa.gov.au President: Dr Darryl D’Souza Address: PO Box 148, Deakin West, ACT 2600 Telephone: (02) 6285 2200 Fax: (02) 6285 2288 E-mail: darryl.d’souza@australianpork.com.au Vice-president: Dr David Cadogan Address: PO Box 369, Romsey Vic 3434 Telephone: (03) 5429 6458 Mob: 0409 049 793 E-mail: david.cadogan@feedworks.com.au Secretary: Ms Karen Moore Telephone: (08) 9368 3636 Fax: (08) 9474 1295 Email: karen.moore@agric.wa.gov.au Treasurer: Dr Megan Trezona Telephone: (08) 9368 3606 Fax: (08) 9474 1295 E-mail: megan.trezona@agric.wa.gov.au Editor: Rob van Barneveld Telephone: (07) 3290 6600 Fax: (07) 3290 6900 Email: rob@barneveld.com.au
NSW Farmers’ Association Pork Committee Address: Level 6, 35 Chandos St, St Leonards NSW 2065 PO Box 459, St Leonards NSW 2065 Telephone: (02) 9478 1000 Fax: (02) 8282 4500 Email: brownj@nswfarmers.org.au Website: www.nswfarmers.org.au Chairman: Ean Pollard, Young Telephone: (02) 6383 4206 Fax: (02) 6383 4240 Mobile: 0438 834 206 Email: westmill2@bigpond.com Committee members: Nathan Sandral John Gaskin Mal Gett Edwina Beveridge Robyn Gillespie Neil Franks (Not a member? Call 1300 794 000 to find out why you need to be.)
Queensland Pork Producers Inc.
Address: P O Box 114, Mareeba Qld 4880 Telephone: (07) 4092 3014 Fax: (07) 4092 3946 Email: robyn.boundy@bigpond.com President: John Coward Vice President: Robyn Boundy Directors: Paul Brosnan, John Riley, Paul Taylor
Victorian Farmers Federation Pig Group
Address: 24 Collins Street, Melbourne Vic 3000 President: John Bourke Telephone: (03) 5857 2381 Fax: (03) 5857 2381
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Email: bourke1@iinet.net.au Executive officer: Brian Krull Telephone: (03) 9207 5524 Fax: (03) 9207 5500 Email: bkrull@vff.org.au Website: www.vff.org.au
South Australian Farmers Federation Commerical Pork Section Address: PO Box Halifax Street, Adelaide SA 5000 Telephone: (08) 8410 7233 Fax: (08) 8211 7303 E-mail: info@saff.com.au Website: www.saff.com.au Chairperson: Mr Butch Moses Mobile: 0428 642 243 Vice Chairperson: Mr Matthew Starrick Junior Vice Chairperson: Mr Paul Fiegert COMMITTEE: Rod Hamann Nick Lienert Barry Lloyd Lindsay Walker Marinus Bos
West Australian Pork Producers Association (WAPPA) Address: Suite One, Pastoral House, 13 Camden Street, Belmont WA PO Box 687 Belmont WA 6104 Executive Officer: Russell Cox Mobile: 0428 293 095 Telephone: (08) 9479 7315 Fax: (08) 9479 7317 Email: russell@wappa.com.au Website: www.wappa.com.au
Australian Pig Breeders Association Ltd Address: Federal Secretary, PO Box 189, Kiama NSW 2533 Telephone: (02) 4232 3333 Fax: (02) 4232 3350 Email: janelle@lbcentre.com.au Website: www.lbcentre.com.au NSW: Janelle Johnson, PO Box 189, Kiama NSW 2533 QLD: Mrs M Anderson, PO Box 267, Hivesville Qld 4612 SA: RAS of SA, PO Box 108, Goodwood SA 5043 Victoria: Paulette McIntosh, 73 Boards Rd, Strathmerton Vic 3641 WA: Ms G Frost, PO Box 156 Gnowangerup WA 6335
Pig Industry Organisations: New Zealand 2013 PIG INDUSTRY YEARBOOK NZ Pork (The New Zealand Industry Pork Board) Address: PO Box 4048, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Email: info@pork.co.nz Telephone: (04) 917 4750 Fax: (04) 385 8522 Chief Executive Officer: Owen Symmans Email: owen.symmans@pork.co.nz Deputy Chair: Steve Kidby Directors: Ruth Lee, Rick Christie, Ben Voice Marketing Manager: Campbell Naish Accountant: Bronwyn Shields Policy & Issues Manager: Frances Clement Research & Innovation Manager: Grant Boston Marketing Executive: Sharon Bowling Communications Manager: Sarah Crysell Communication Assistant/Business Support: Libby Clifford
New Zealand Pig Breeders Association Address: c/o FWB Miller, Motukarara, RD2, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand Telephone: (03) 329 7861 Fax: (03) 329 7122 Mobile: 0274 351 280 Email: bru.miller@xtra.co.nz President: N. A Dunlop Vice-President: J I Cooley Secretary: FWB Miller Committee: M.A. Oliver
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Industry Personnel: Australia & NZ 2013 PIG INDUSTRY YEARBOOK Ahern, Timothy Position: National Pig Business Manager Qualifications: BSc (Hons) BVSc (Hons) Dip Reprod Sci Address: Pfizer Animal Health Australia Pty Ltd, 38-42 Wharf Road, West Ryde, NSW 2114 Mobile: +61 418 124 664 Email: timothy.ahern@pfizer.com Website: www.pfizeranimalhealth.com.au Allara, Enzo Position: Chairman Australian Pork Limited Address: PO Box 4746, Kingston ACT 2604 Telephone: (02) 6270 8888 Fax: (02) 6285 2288 Website: www.australianpork.com.au Andersen, Mike Position: Agricultural Engineer Qualifications: BE (Agr.) Hons Address: Mundigo Pty Ltd, Private Bag 2, Bordertown SA 5268 Telephone: 1800 100 820 Mobile: 0427 230 350 Fax: (08) 8752 0999 E-mail: mike@mundigo.com.au Website: www.mundigo.com.au Specific interests: Building design; ventilation, air quality, effluent management, sustainability. Australian distributor for AP Systems (USA). Australian distributor for Weda liquid feeding systems and Biogas equipment. Antonio, Brett Position: Managing Director Qualifications: BBus (Mgt)/LLB, GAICD Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd, 50 & 66 Antimony St, Carole Park, QLD 4300. PO Box 475, Goodna QLD 4300 Telephone: (07) 3723 9875 Fax: (07) 3271 3080 Mobile: 0427 035 443 E-mail: b.antonio@becfeedsolutions.com.au Auld, Malcolm Position: Regional Technical Services Manager, Western Australia Address: PIC Australia, PO Box 39, Grong Grong NSW 2652 Telephone: (02) 6956 2105 Fax: (02) 6956 2203 Mobile: 0427 086 931 E-mail: mauld@picaustralia.com.au Website: www.picaustralia.com.au Banhazi, Thomas Position: Associate Professor Qualifications: BAgSc, Grad Dip Ag, PhD Address: National Centre for Engineering in Agriculture (NCEA) Faculty of Engineering and Surveying, University of Southern Queensland (USQ), West Street, Toowoomba QLD 4350 Telephone: +61 7 4631 1191 Fax: +61 7 4631 1870 Mobile: 0402 890 120 E-mail: thomas.banhazi@usq.edu.au Website: www.ncea.org.au Barugh, Ian Position: Senior Consultant Qualifications: BAgSc, DipSc Address: IFNHH, PN 454, Massey University, Private Bag 11 222, Palmerston North, NZ Telephone: +64 6 350 5308 Fax: +64 6 350 5684 E-mail: I.W.Barugh@massey.ac.nz Specific interests: General aspects of pork production and management economics; pork industry training; nutrition; marketing; environmental issues; technical bulletins and technology transfer Bauer, Mark Michael Position: Unit Manager Qualifications: BAppSc (Rural technology) Address: c/- Piggery, University of Queensland, Gatton Campus, Lawes QLD 4343 Telephone: (07) 5460 1413 Fax: (07) 5460 1413 Mobile: 0439 675 115 E-mail: m.bauer@usq.edu.au Specific interests: Pig genetics and general husbandry. Biddle, Robert Richard Position: General Manager Qualifications: BVSc, MVSt, MACVSc, MRCVS, FAICD Address: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry Australia,
GPO Box 858, Barton ACT 2601 Telephone: (02) 6272 5364 Mobile: 0419 273 391 Fax: (02) 6272 3150 E-mail: bob.biddle@daff.gov.au Website: www.daff.gov.au Specific interests: Animal health and veterinary public health and international standards. Black, John L Position: Director Qualifications: BAg, DipEd, PhD, AM, FTSE, FAIAST Address: John L Black Consulting, PO Box 4021, Warrimoo NSW 2774 Telephone: (02) 4753 6231 Fax: (02) 4753 6295 Mobile: 0419 493 567 E-mail: jblack@pnc.com.au Specific interests: Research management consultant; AUSPIG development and application; co-ordinator of the national premium grains for livestock program, now commercialised through the Pork CRC; IB Sub Program Manager for the Pork CRC. Blake, Steve Position: Sales Representative Qualifications: B.App Sc Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd, 50 & 66 Antimony St, Carole Park, Qld 4300. PO Box 475, Goodna Qld 4300 Telephone: (07) 3723 9830 Fax: (07) 3271 3080 Mobile: 0428 520 038 E-mail: s.blake@becfeedsolutions.com.au Bradford, Dawson Position: Vice President, West Australian Pork Producers’ Association Address: ‘Hillcroft Farms’, Popanyinning WA 6309 Telephone: (08) 9887 7029 Mobile: 0427 877 055 Fax: (08) 9887 7059 E-mail: 1.bradford@esat.net.au Bradshaw, Wayne Position: Manager Director Address: Jefo Australia Pty Ltd, PO Box 8146, Toowoomba MC Qld 4352 Telephone: (07) 4630 1500 Mobile: 0429 301 500 Fax: (07) 4630 1200 E-mail: wbradshaw@jefo.com Website: www.jefo.com Specific interests: Pan Pacific Pork Expo: benefits of microencapsulated acidifiers in livestock feeds and improvements in FCR. Brown, Lucinda Position: Technical Officer Address: PIC Australia, PO Box 39, Grong Grong NSW 2652 Telephone: (02) 6956 2105 Fax: (02) 6956 2203 E-mail: lbrown@picaustralia.com.au Website: www.picaustralia.com.au Bunter, Kim Position: Senior Research Fellow Qualifications: BRurSc (Hons), MRurSc, PhD Address: Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit, University of New England, Armidale NSW 2351 Telephone: (02) 6773 2055 Direct: (02) 6773 3788 Fax: (02) 6773 3266 E-mail: kbunter2@une.edu.au Website: http://agbu.une.edu.au Specific interests: Pig breeding programs, across herd genetic evaluation; sow reproductive traits; mate selection; inbreeding; PIGBLUP; physiological indicators of performance Cadogan, David Position: Technical Services Manager Qualifications: BAgriSc, MRurSc, PhD Address: Feedworks Pty Ltd, PO Box 369, Romsey VIC 3435 Telephone: (03) 5429 6458 Mobile: 0409 049 793 Fax: (03) 5429 5327 E-mail: david.cadogan@feedworks.com.au Website: www.feedworks.com.au Cameron, Chris Position: Nutritionist Address: Ace Livestock Consulting, PO Box 108, Cockatoo Valley SA 5351 Telephone: (08) 8524 6082 Mobile: 0408 505 236 Fax: (08) 8524 6890 E-mail: chris@acelive.com.au Cameron, Ranald David Alan Position: Honorary Research Consultant, School of Veterinary Science, University of Queensland Qualifications: BVSc, MVSc, PhD Address: 17/8 Sandford St, St Lucia, Brisbane Qld 4067 Telephone: (07) 3876 8403 Fax: (07) 3876 8403
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E-mail: ramacam@mooball.com Specific interests: Pig diseases and reproduction, boar fertility and AI, embryo cryopreservation, culture and transfer in pigs. Campbell, Ted Position: Managing Director Address: BE Campbell, PO Box 7042, Wetherill Park NSW Phone: (02) 9725 2233 Fax: (02) 9756 1336 E-mail: tcampbell@becampbell.com.au Website: www.becampbell.com.au Cant, Brendon Position: Managing Director Qualifications: Journalism and marketing Address: Brendon Cant & Associates, PO Box 368, Donnybrook WA 6239 Telephone: (08) 9731 6739 Mobile: 0417 930 536 E-mail: brendon@iinet.net.au Specific interests: Advancement of the Australian pig and pigmeat industry via professional communications Carter, Richard (Rick) Position: Technical Manager Pacific Region Qualifications: BAgSc, MSc, PhD Address: Kemin Pacific Region, 6-7, 694 Pacific Highway, Killara NSW 2071 Telephone: (02) 9844 5700 Mobile: 0412 888 485 Fax: (02) 9418 2544 E-mail: rick.carter@kemin.com Website: www.kemin.com Specific interests: Weaner pigs, nutrition and health, enzyme applications. Channon, Heather Position: Manager, Processing and Product Innovation Qualifications: BAgrSc (Hons), MAgrSc Address: Australian Pork Limited, 10-12 York St, South Melbourne VIC 3205 Telephone: (03) 9645 9189 Mobile: 0423 056 045 Fax: (03) 9699 3602 Email: heather.channon@australianpork.com.au Website: www.australianpork.com.au Chenoweth, Vaughan Position: Territory Manager Address: Ridley AgriProducts, Mary Terrace, Murray Bridge SA 5253 Telephone: 0428 662 238 Fax: (08) 8532 6656 Email : vchenoweth@ridley.com.au Specific interests: Phase feeding in batch farrowing operations. Specialising in straw based production. Chuah, Bernard Position: Supply Chain & Administration Manager Qualifications: BSc, MBA Address: Biomin Australia Pty Ltd, PO Box 2344, Carlingford NSW 2118 Telephone: (02) 9872 6324 Fax: (02) 9872 5139 Mobile: 0414 610 889 Email: bernard.chuah@biomin.net Website: www.biomin.net Clark, Christine Position: Sales Manager – Southern Region Address: Auspac Ingredients, Unit 1, 84-92 Barnes Street, Tamworth, NSW 2340 Telephone: (02) 6762 7708 Mobile: 0429 662 519 Fax: (02) 6762 7709 Email: christine@auspacingredients.com.au Clement, Frances Position: Policy and Issues Manager Qualifications: B Tech (Hons) MCA Address: New Zealand Pork, PO Box 4048, Wellington, New Zealand Telephone: +64 4 917 4750 Direct: +64 4 917 4756 Fax: +64 4 385 8522 Mobile: +64 21 422 301 Email: frances.clement@pork.co.nz Website: www.pork.co.nz Specific interests: Animal welfare, food safety, biosecurity, environmental issues. Clohesy, Steven Position: Regional Manager, Vic, WA, Southern NSW Address: Stockyard Industries, 54 King St, Clifton Qld 4361 Telephone: (07) 4697 3344 Mobile: 0427 733 141 Email: steven@stockyardindustries.com Colenso, Paul Position: Regional Manager, Qld, NSW Qualifications: BAppSc (Rural Technology) Address: Stockyard Industries, 54 King St, Clifton Qld 4361 Telephone: (07) 4697 3344 Mobile: 0427 583 997 Email: paul@stockyardindustries.com Collins, Ben Position: Managing Editor Qualifications: BBus Dip Mgt Address: Collins Media, PO Box 387, Cleveland Qld 4163
Telephone: (07) 3286 1833 Fax: (07) 3821 2637 E-mail: bnbmedia@bigpond.net.au Specific interests: Pig industry communication and promotion Collman, Gary Position: Extension Oficer Qualifications: QCAH Address: Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, PO Box 102, Toowoomba Qld 4350 Telephone: (07) 4688 1518 Mobile: 0418 781 702 Fax: (07) 4688 1192 Email: gary.collman@dpi.qld.gov.au Website: www.dpi.qld.gov.au/ILEM Specific interests: Environmental and production research and extension. Cook, Peter William Position: Production Analyst Qualifications: BAppSc (Rural Technology) Address: 21 Alice St, Dalby Qld 4405 Telephone: (07) 4662 4726 Mobile: 0417 600 053 Fax: (07) 4662 4267 E-mail: Peter@chmalliance.com.au Specific interests: Decision support system development. Cox, Russell Position: Executive Officer, West Australian Pork Producers’ Association Address: 13 Camden Street, Belmont WA 6104 PO Box 687, Belmont WA 6104 Telephone: (08) 9479 7315 Mobile: 0428 293 095 Fax: (08) 9479 7317 E-mail: russell@wappa.com.au Website: www.wappa.com.au Crawford, Ken Position: Science Writer Qualifications: MSustAg (USyd) BA (Earth Science), HDA (Hons) Address: ‘Gowrie’, 12811 Kamilaroi Highway, Boggabri NSW 2382 Telephone: (02) 6743 4792 Mobile: 0428 665 691 E-mail: kscrawford@bigpond.com Specific interests: Australian pork industry. Recycling waste nutrients using natural zeolites as a food additive in animal diets. Future development of Castle Mountain Zeolites Red Roc Booster in creating environmentally friendly animal feed. Cronin, Greg Position: Senior Lecturer in Animal Behaviour and Welfare Science Address: Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney, Private Bag 4003, Narellan NSW 2567 Telephone: +61 2 9351 1629 Fax: +61 2 9351 1693 E-mail: greg.cronin@sydney.edu.au Cuff, Phil Position: Animal Proteins Manager Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd, 50 & 66 Antimony St, Carole Park, Qld 4300, PO Box 475, Goodna Qld 4300 Telephone: (07) 3723 9840 Fax: (07) 3271 3080 Mobile: 0428 520 035 E-mail: p.cuff@becfeedsolutions.com.au Custodio, Sam Position: Technical Sales Manager – Southern Australia Qualifications: BSc, MBA Address: Biomin Australia Pty Ltd, PO Box 2344, Carlingford NSW 2118 Telephone: (02) 9872 6324 Fax: (02) 9872 5139 Mobile: 0425 055 684 Email: sam.custodio@biomin.net Website: www.biomin.net Cutler, Ross S Position: Principal Qualifications: BVSc, PhD Address: Ross Cutler & Associates, 140 The Parade, Ocean Grove Vic 3226 Telephone: (03) 5255 5614 Mobile: 0411 033 746 Fax: (03) 5255 5613 E-mail: rosscutler@optusnet.com.au Specific interests: Veterinary medicine, international aid, teaching. Daykin, Shane Position: Regional Manager, South Australia Address: Stockyard Industries, 54 King Street, Clifton QLD 4361 Telephone: (07) 4697 3344 Mobile: 0427 164 705 Email: shane@stockyardindustries.com De Greef, Dr Sarah Position: Swine Veterinarian Address: Country Vet, 45 Piper Lane, Bendigo East Vic 3550 Telephone: (03) 5442 6142 Fax: (03) 5443 3829 Mobile: 0429 049 708 E-mail: sarah@countryvet.com.au Website: www.chrisrichards.com.au
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Dickson, Cassie Position: Graduate Nutritionist Qualifications: BSc Animal Science Address: Lienert Australia Pty Ltd, 8 Roseworthy Rd, Roseworthy, SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150 E-mail: cassie.dickson@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Doubleday, Jonothon Position: Director Address: Auspac Ingredients, Unit 1, 84-92 Barnes Street, Tamworth, NSW 2340 Telephone: (02) 6762 7708 Mobile: 0428 662 510 Fax: (02) 6762 7709 Email: jonothon@auspacingredients.com.au D’Souza, Darryl Dr Position: General Manager, Research & Innovation Qualifications: BSc (Hons), PhD Address: Australian Pork Limited, PO Box 4746, Kingston ACT 2604 Telephone: (02) 6270 8888 Fax: (02) 6285 2288 Email: darryl.d’souza@australianpork.com.au Website: www.australianpork.com.au Dunlop, Dr Hugo Position: Pig Veterinary Consultant Qualifications: BVMS, MSc, PhD Address: 144 Murphy Street, Bendigo Vic 3550 Telephone: (03) 5442 6142 Fax: (03) 5443 3829 Mobile: 0428 129 053 E-mail: hugo@countryvet.com.au Specific interests: Herd health programs, disease investigations, health monitoring. On-farm quality assurance, disease eradication, food-safety. Eamens, Graeme John Position: Principal Research Scientist Qualifications: BVSc, PhD Address: Industry & Investment NSW/Primary Industries, Elizabeth Macarthur Agricultural Institute, PMB 4008, Narellan NSW 2567 Telephone: (02) 4640 6333 Direct: (02) 4640 6358 Fax: (02) 4640 6384 E-mail: graeme.eamens@industry.nsw.gov.au Specific interests: Development and application of protective vaccines and diagnostic tests for enzootic pneumonia and pleuropneumonia; immune responses of pigs to respiratory pathogens; improved vaccine delivery systems for pigs; swine erysipelas; investigation of production and carcase composition effects of swine respiratory disease. Eccles, Rob Position: National Sales and Development Manager Qualifications: B.App. Sc (Ag) Address: 122 Station Street, PO Box 54, Quirindi NSW 2343 Telephone: (02) 6746 3555 Mobile: 0429 722 341 E-mail: rob@cmzeolites.com.au Website: www.castlemountainzeolites.com.au Specific interests: Feed additives using the mineral zeolite to improve animal performance and to reduce odors. Effluent usage combining zeolite and micro-organisms to delier more nutrient per unit of waste to agricultural applications. The zeolite also has applications in water filtration, bedding and many environmental applications. Edwards, A C (Tony) Position: Consultant Animal Nutritionist Qualifications: BRurSc (Hons) Address: Ace Livestock Consulting Pty Ltd, PO Box 108, Cockatoo Valley SA 5351 Telephone: (08) 8524 6082 Mobile: 0408 505 194 Fax: (08) 8524 6890 E-mail: acelive@ihug.com.au Specific interests: Commercial livestock nutrition, feed milling, feedstuff evaluation, technical training Edwards, Megan Position: Nutritionist Address: Ace Livestock Consulting Pty Ltd, PO Box 108, Cockatoo Valley SA 5351 Telephone: (08) 8524 6082 Mobile: 0408 505 911 Fax: (08) 8524 6890 E-mail: megan@acelive.com.au Evison, Richard Position: President, West Australian Pork Producers’ Association Production Manager, Westpork Qualifications: Diploma in Agriculture Address: Unit 1, 7 Foundry Street, Maylands WA 6051 Telephone: (08) 9271 2844 Mobile: 0417 172 153 E-mail: richard.westpork@iinet.net.au Fahy, V A (Tony) Position: Specialist Pig Veterinarian Qualifications: BVSc (Hons), PhD Address: Arrow Animal Health Advisory, PO Box 42 Epsom VIC 3551 Telephone: (03) 5448 3268
Mobile: +61 409 335 707 Email: tony.fahy@dpi.vic.gov.au Email: tony@thefahygroup.com Specific interests: Control of respiratory and enteric diseases, E.coli scours, reduction of sucker and weaner mortality, autogenous vaccines, disease eradication, the economics and logistics of total and Swiss depopulation, batch farrowing. Fisher, Lynell Position: Technical Manager Qualifications: B.App Sc (Equine Studies), Cert. Vet Nurse (Hons) Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd, 50 & 66 Antimony St, Carole Park Qld 4300 Telephone: (07) 3723 9875 Mobile: 0418 782 866 E-mail: l.fisher@becfeedsolutions.com.au Francis, Wayne Position: Regional Salesl Manager Address: Novus Nutrition Pty Ltd, 103 Victoria Rd, Drummoyne NSW 2047 Telephone: (02) 9719 1466 Fax: (02) 9719 1463 Mobile: 0417 317 963 E-mail: wayne.francis@novisint.com Fraser, Rob Position: Vegetable Proteins Trader Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd, 50 & 66 Antimony St, Carole Park, Qld 4300, PO Box 475, Goodna Qld 4300 Telephone: (07) 3723 9845 Fax: (07) 3271 3080 Mobile: 0423 426 764 E-mail: r.fraser@becfeedsolutions.com.au Frey, Barb Position: Veterinary Consultant Qualifications: DVM (Guelph) Address: PO Box 6901, East Perth, WA 6892 Telephone: (08) 9225 4564 Mobile: 0400 298 258 Fax: (08) 9221 9051 E-mail: barb@consistentpork.com.au Specific interests: Epiggery, PrimePulse, farm software, growing herd performance analysis, marketing efficiency, staff training, Prohand. Gannon, Kate Position: Veterinarian Qualifications: BVMS Address: Portec Veterinary Services, PO Box 2112, Carlisle North WA 6101 Telephone: (08) 9361 5550 Mobile: 0407 082 934 Fax: (08) 9361 5558 E-mail: kate@portec.com.au Website: www.portec.com.au Specific interests: Pig and poultry herd health, welfare and management, food safety, tertiary education and stockperson training. Gannon, Neil Joseph Position: Chief Operating Officer Qualifications: BScAg (Hons), PhD Address: Biomin Australia Pty Ltd, PO Box 2419, Toowoomba QLD 4350 Telephone: (02) 9872 6324 Fax: (02) 9872 5139 Mobile: 0458 634 554 Email: neil.gannon@biomin.net Website: www.biomin.net Gartrell, Frances Position: WA Pork Industry Training Officer Address: Pork Industry Training (WA), 277 Great Eastern Highway, Belmont WA 6104 Telephone: (08) 9479 7311 Fax: (08) 9479 7317 E-mail: training@wappa.com.au Specific interests: Training, promotion of careers in the pig industry Gleeson, Dr Bernie Position: Swine Veterinarian Qualifications: BVSc Address: Country Vet, 144 Murphy St, Bendigo VIC 3550 Telephone: (03) 5442 6142 Mobile: 0428 270 091 Fax: (03) 5443 3829 E-mail: Bernie@countryvet.com.au Gourlay, Charlie Position: Technical Sales Associate, Northern Region Address: PIC Australia, PO Box 39, Grong Grong NSW 2652 Telephone: (02) 6956 2105 Mobile: 0429 030 091 Fax: (02) 6956 2203 E-mail: cgourlay@picaustralia.com.au Website: www.picaustralia.com.au
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Grech, Tina Position: Animal Nutritionist Qualifications: B App Sci (Ag) Address: Lienert Australia Pty Ltd, 8 Roseworthy Rd, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8521 0623 Mobile: 0407 608 179 E-mail: tina.grech@lienerts.com.au Groves, Lynda Position: Sales Manager – Export Address: Rivalea, (Australia) Pty Ltd, PO Box 78, Corowa NSW 2646 Telephone: (02) 6033 8237 Mobile: 0417 256 907 Fax: (02) 6033 8257 Email: LGroves@rivalea.com.au Website: www.rivalea.com.au Hamann, Rod Position: Managing Director/CEO, Australian Pork Farms Group; Directorships in Auspork, Pork CRC, Big River Pork Abattoir Address: PO Box 792, Stirling SA 5152 Telephone: (08) 8339 9700 E-mail: rod@austporkfarms.com.au Hampson, David John Position: Professor of Veterinary Microbiology Qualifications: BVetMed, PhD, DSc, FASM, FAAM, FRCPath, FRCVS, Address: School of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences, Murdoch University, Murdoch WA 6150 Telephone: (08) 9360 2287 Fax: (08) 9310 4144 E-mail: D.Hampson@murdoch.edu.au Specific interests: Swine dysentery, intestinal spirochaetosis, postweaning diarrhoea; other infectious diseases; reference laboratory for swine dysentery; dietary control of swine dysentery and postweaning diarrhoea; vaccines for swine dysentery and intestinal spirochaetosis. Hansen, Chris Position: Manager Workplace Programs Qualifications: DipHortSc, Dip Training & Assessment Systems Address: Rivalea (Australia) Pty Ltd, PO Box 78, Corowa NSW 2646 Telephone: (02) 6033 8260 Mobile: 0418 624 596 Fax: (02) 6038 8513 E-mail: chansen@rivalea.com.au. Specific interests: Pork industry training, employee relations. Harnwell, Warwick Position: Managing Director Address: Ausrichter Pty Ltd, 2/21 Chester Street, Camperdown NSW 2050 Telephone: (02) 9517 1166 Mobile: 0407 271 697 Fax: (02) 9516 5810 E-mail: ausrichter@bigpond.com Harrison, David Position: Contracting Manager Qualifications: CertAppSci (Animal Technician), Grad Dip (Environmental Mgmt), Grad Cert (Manufacturing Mgmt) Address: Rivalea Australia Pty Ltd, PO Box 78, Corowa NSW 2646 Telephone: (02) 6052 5001 E-mail: dharrison@rivalea.com.au Website: www.rivalea.com.au Specific interests: Pig production Hartmann, Peter Edwin Position: Professor Qualifications: BRurSc, PhD Address: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology School of Biomedical, Biomolecular and Chemical Sciences M310 University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley WA 6009 Telephone: (08) 6488 3327 Fax: (08) 6488 1148 E-mail: hartmanp@cyllene.uwa.edu.au Specific interests: Lactation; farrowing; piglet development. Hassan, George Position: Gene Centre Manager, Cefn Genetics Pty Ltd Address: Murray Bridge, South Australia Telephone: (08) 8531 0307 Mobile: 0427 567 722 Email: sagen@cefn.com.au Haydon, Peter Position: General Manager, Marketing Address: Australian Pork Limited, PO Box 4746, Kingston ACT 2604 Telephone: (02) 6285 2200 Fax: (02) 6285 2288 E-mail: peter.haydon@australianpork.com.au Healey, Kevin Position: Research and Development Manager Qualifications: BSc, Dipl.FDA, M App Sc, MSc (Biotech) Address: IAH Sales Pty Ltd, 18 Healey Circuit, Huntingwood NSW 2148 Telephone: (02) 9672 7944 Mobile: 0417 269 193 Fax: (02) 9672 7988 E-mail: khealey@iahp.com.au Website: www.iahp.com.au Specific interests: Probiotics for pigs and poultry, feed additives, premixes, coccidiostats, disinfectants.
Hemsworth, Paul Hamilton Position: Director Qualifications: BAgSc, PhD Address: Animal Welfare Science Centre, Melbourne School of Land and Environment, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC 3010 Telephone: (03) 8344 8383 Mobile: 0418 360 284 Fax: (03) 8344 5037 E-mail: phh@unimelb.edu.au Specific interests: Human/animal interactions; stress, welfare; sexual behaviour Henry, Matt Position: Country Manager Australia Address: Kemin AgriFoods Asia, Suite 6-7 694 Pacific Highway, Killara NSW 2071 Telephone: (02) 9844 5700 Mobile: 0439 136 602 Fax: (02) 9418 2544 E-mail: matthew.henry@kemin.com Website www.kemin.com.au Hermesch, Susanne Position: Pig Genetics Co-ordinator Qualifications: DipIngAg, PhD Address: Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit, University of New England, Armidale NSW 2351 Telephone: (02) 6773 2055 Direct: (02) 6773 3787 Fax: (02) 6773 3266 E-mail: Susanne.Hermesch@une.edu.au Website: http://agbu.une.edu.au Specific interests: Healthy robust pig genotypes, use of haemoglobin in pig breeding programs; selection for imptoved carcase market value; PIGBLUP, adoption and knowledge transfer. Hirst, Andrew Nicholas Position: General Manager Address: Windridge Pig Farm, P O Box 50, Young, NSW 2594 Telephone: (02) 6382 1311 Mobile: 0417 434 778 Fax: (02) 6382 4280 E-mail: WindridgePigFarm@bigpond.com Holyoake, Dr Patricia Kaye (Trish) Position: Senior Veterinary Officer – Pigs Qualifications: BVSc PhD CMAVA Address: DPI, Charles Sturt University, Victoria Bendigo Telephone: (03) 5430 4412 Mobile: 0419 231 534 Fax: (03) 5430 4490 E-mail: trish.holyoake@dpi.vic.gov.au Hovers, Ton Position: Chief Operations Officer Qualifications: MSc Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd, 50 & 66 Antimony St, Carole Park, Qld 4300 PO Box 475, Goodna Qld 4300 Telephone: (07) 3723 9829 Mobile: 0457 786 228 Fax: (07) 3271 3080 E-mail: t.hovers@bedfeedsolutions.com.au Hughes, Paul Position: Program Leader, Intensive Livestock Production Systems Qualifications: BSc, PhD Address: Pig and Poultry Production Institute SARDI Livestock Systems, Roseworthy Campus, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8303 7603 Mobile: 0422 001 286 Fax: (08) 8303 7689 E-mail: paul.hughes2@sa.gov.au Website: www.sardi.sa.gov.au Specific interests: Pig reproduction and nutrition. Training and education for the pig industry. Ireland, Greg Position: Veterinarian Qualifications: BSc, (Hons) BVSc (Hons) Address: 106 Brisbane Street, Tamworth NSW 2340 Telephone: (02) 6766 3988 Fax: (02) 6766 4259 E-mail: gireland@mpx.com.au Website: www.tamworthvet.com.au Specific interests: Herd health and production programs. Isaac, David Position: Nutritionist/Technical Officer Qualifications: DVM MRCVS Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd 50 & 66 Antimony St, Carole Park, Qld 4300, PO Box 475, Goodna Qld 4300 Telephone: (07) 3723 9844 Fax: (07) 3271 3080 Mobile: 0400 603 483 E-mail: D.ISAAC@becfeedsolutions.com.au Jabloncikova, Babora Position: Account Manager Qualifications: MAnSc Address: DSM Nutritional Products, PO Box 2279, Wagga Wagga 2650 Telephone: (03) 5248 0213 Fax: (03) 5248 0973 Mobile: 0418 262 566 E-mail: babora.jablocnikova@dsm.com Website: www.dsmnutritionalproducts.com
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Jamieson, Lisa Position: ANZ Monogastric Business Unit Manager Qualifications: B App Sc (Animal Production) Address: Elanco Animal Health, 112 Wharf Road, West Ryde NSW 2114 Telephone: +61 2 9878 7757 Fax: +61 2 9878 7720 Mobile: 0447 456 308 E-mail: jamiesonli@elanco.com Jervois, Bridget Position: Operations Manager, Pork Storks Australia Qualifications: Bachelor Agricultural Science Address: 3140 Midland Highway, Lethbridge VIC 3332 Telephone: (03) 5281 7546 Mobile: 0408 855 875 Fax: (03) 5281 7547 E-mail: bridget@porkstorks.com.au Website: www.porkstorks.com.au Specific interests: Semen production and analysis, boar stud management, customer liaison, QA, distribution. Johnston, Noel E Position: Technical Director Qualifications: BVSc, MSc, PhD Address: Aitex International, 25 Eley Road, Blackburn South Vic 3130 Telephone: (03) 9012 5364 Mobile: 0425 768 083 Fax: (03) 9808 3611 Email: noel.johnston@aitex.com.au Specific interests: Water sanitation, biosecurity, sale of educational materials to pig industry Johnston, Robert Position: PIC Operations Manager Address: PIC Australia, PO Box 39, Grong Grong NSW 2652 Telephone: (02) 6956 2105 Fax: (02) 6956 2203 E-mail: rjohnston@picaustralia.com.au Website: www.picaustralia.com.au Jones, Andrew Position: General Manager Production – CEFN Pty Ltd Address: 54 King Street, Clifton Qld 4361 Telephone: (07) 4697 3344 Mobile: 0429 471 497 Fax: (07) 4697 3532 Jones, Marcus Position: Director of Sales, Stockyard Industries, CEFN Genetics Address: CEFN Pty Ltd, 54 King Street, Clifton Qld 4361 Telephone: (07) 4697 3344 Mobile: 0427 601 605 E-mail: marcusj@cefn.com.au Karaconji, Branislav Position: Technical Services Manager Qualifications: Dipl. Vet.Med (DVM), MAHM (Master of Avian Health and Medicine) Address: Pfizer Animal Health, 38-42 Wharf Rd, West Ryde NSW 2114 Telephone: (02) 9850 995 Fax: (02) 9850 3399 Mobile: 0448 055 159 Email: branislav.karaconji@pfizer.com Kelly, Damien Position: Southern Sales Manager Address: Lienert Australia, 8 Maynard Drive, Bendigo VIC 3551 Telephone: (03) 5448 5740 Mobile: 0417 700 666 E-mail: damien.kelly@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Kemp, Will Position: Marketing Co-ordinator Qualifications: BBus (Mgt) Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd 50 & 66 Antimony St, Carole Park, Qld 4300, PO Box 475, Goodna Qld 4300 Telephone: (07) 3723 9855 Fax: (07) 3271 3080 E-mail: W.Kemp@becfeedsolutions.com.au Keniry, Dr John Position: Chairman, Pork CRC Address: PO Box 466, Willaston SA 5118 Telephone: (08) 8303 7683 Fax: (08) 8303 7686 Mobile: 0428 672 694 Kim, Jae Cheol Position: Research Officer Qualifications: BScAg, MSc, PhD, RAnNutr Address: WA Department of Agriculture and Food, Locked Bag No 4, Bentley Delivery Centre WA 6983 Telephone: (08) 9368 3322 Mobile: 0412 828 357 Fax: (08) 9368 3750 E-mail: jae.kim@agric.wa.gov.au Specific interests: Carbohydrate nutrition, amino acid nutrition, feedstuff evaluation, carbohydrate-protein/gut health interaction, weaner pig nutrition, use of antibiotic free diets, immunity of weaner pigs.
King, Ray Position: Science Consultant Qualifications: B.Ag Sc, PhD Address: RHK Consulting Pty Ltd, 30 Hedderwick St, Essendon VIC 3040 Telephone: (03) 9337 8615 Mobile: 0412 322 047 E-mail: r.h.king@bigpond.net.au Specific interests: Pig nutrition; sow reproduction and lactation, project management. Knowles, Craig Position: Site Supervisor, Glencoe GTC Address: Porkstorks Australia, 336 Glencoe Gowrie Road, Glencoe Qld 4352 Telephone: (07) 4699 3055 Mobile: 0400 672 418 Fax: (07) 4699 3832 E-mail: craig@porkstorks.com.au Website: www.porkstorks.com.au Specific interests: Semen production and analysis, semen delivery. Kopinski, John S Dr Position: Senior Research Nutritionist Qualifications: B Sc (Hons), PhD Address: DEEDI, Animal Research Institute, Locked Mail Bag 4 Moorooka Qld 4105 Telephone: (07) 3362 9404 Fax: (07) 3362 9429 E-mail: john.kopinski@daff.qld.gov.au Website: www.dpi.qld.gov.au/pigs Specific interests: Ergot sorghum, alternative feeds, pig digestion, vitamin and minerals, biotin, digestible energy, gastric ulcers, mycotoxins. Kruger, Ian Position: Environmental Engineer (Intensive Livestock) Qualifications: BEng (Agric), Cert IV Assessment & Workplace Training Address: Industry & Investment NSW, 4 Marsden Park Rd, Calala NSW 2340 Telephone: (02) 6763 1100 Fax: (02) 6763 1222 E-mail: ian.kruger@dpi.nsw.gov.au Specific interests: Environmental information, training and advice on: piggery developments and upgrades, treatment systems, effluent and manure re-use, regulations and guidelines, sustainable production. Lahm, Matt Position: Sales Representative Address: Lienert Australia Pty Ltd, 8 Maynard Drive Bendigo VIC 3551 Telephone: (03) 5448 5740 Mobile: 0437 056 369 Email: matt.lahm@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Lakin, Ron Position: Managing Director Address: Bio Bowser Tecnnologies Pty Ltd, 89 Pinjarra Rd, Pinjarra Hills, Qld 4069 Mobile: 0422 872 586 Email: ronl@biobowser.com.au Specific interests: Renewable energy Lambeth, Philip Position: Director Address: Auspac Ingredients Pty Ltd, Unit 1, 84-92 Barnes Street, Tamworth, NSW 2340 Telephone: (02) 6762 7708 Mobile: 0428 662 512 Fax: (02) 6762 7709 Email: philip@auspacingredients.com.au Laucke, Condor Position: Managing Director Address: Laucke Mills, PO Box 11, Greenock SA 5360 Telephone: (08) 8562 8140 Fax: (08) 8562 8302 E-mail: condor.laucke@lauckemills.com.au Specific interests: Commercial animal nutrition for a broad range of species Lawlor, Chris Position: Director – IAH Sales Pty Ltd Address: 18 Healey Circuit, Huntingwood NSW 2148 Telephone: (02) 9672 7944 Fax: (02) 9672 7988 E-mail: clawlor@iahp.com.au Website: www.iahp.com.au Specific interests: Probiotics for pigs and poultry, feed additives, premixes, coccidiostats, disinfectants. Lawton, David Position: Director, Porkanon (NZ) Ltd Qualifications: BVSc MVS PhD MACVS Address: Porkanon (NZ) Ltd, 45 Kentucky Way Palmerston North, New Zealand Telephone: (027) 279 1220 Fax: (06) 357 2200 E-mail: porkanon@xtra.co.nz
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Lewis, Craig Position: Custom Genetic Improvement Officer Qualifications: PhD Address: PIC North America, 100 Bluegrass Commons Blvd, Suite 2200 Hebdersonville, TN 37075 Telephone: 615-265-2800 E-mail: craig.lewis@genuspic.com Lienert, Nick Position: Managing Director Qualifications: BBus, As DipAg Address: Lienert Australia Pty Ltd, PO Box 65, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150 Fax: (08) 8524 8001 Mobile: 0407 836 908 E-mail: nick.lienert@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Lloyd, Barry Raymond Position: Veterinary consultant Qualifications: BVSc (Hons) Address: PO Box 654, Gawler SA 5118 Telephone/Fax: (08) 8522 5504 Mobile: 0418 825 010 E-mail: barryvet8@bigpond.com Specific interests: Herd health management, implementation of modern pig flow techniques, real time ultrasound services Loots, Corné Position: Business Unit Manager, Companion & Swine Qualifications: BVSc, MVSc, MBA Address: MSD Animal Health, 54-68 Ferndell St, Sth Granville, NSW 2142 Mobile: 0429 811 266 E-mail: corne.loots@merck.com Loudon, Emalyn Position: Manager Technology Transfer & Adoption, Research & Innovation Qualifications: B.Agribus Address: Australian Pork Limited, PO Box 4746 Kingston ACT 2604 Telephone: (02) 6270 8888 Fax: (02) 6285 2288 Mobile: 0421 635 738 Email: emalyn.loudon@australianpork.com.au Specific interests: Training, promotion of careers in the pork industry. Lu, Jason Position: Nutritionist Qualifications: BSc, MAppSC MEd Address: Riverina Australia, 25 Donkin St, West End Brisbane Qld 4101 Telephone: (07) 3007 6807 Mobile: 0428 457 524 Fax: (07) 3846 0684 E-mail: jlu@riverina.com.au Luxford, Brian Position: General Manager Research & Innovation Qualifications: PhD Address: Rivalea Australia Pty Ltd, PO Box 78, Corowa NSW 2646 Telephone: (02) 6033 8333 Mobile: 0418 261 844 Fax: (02) 6033 8320 E-mail: bluxford@rivalea.com Specific interests: Genetics & mating management. McCann, Craig Position: Feed Medication Manager Qualifications: GDipAgribus, MBus Address: Pfizer Animal Health Australia Pty Limited, 38-42 Wharf Road, West Ryde NSW 2114 Telephone: (02) 9850 3966 Fax: (02) 9850 3399 Mobile: 0419 031 161 E-mail: craig.mccann@pfizer.com MacDonald, Peter Position: General Manager Qualifications: BCom, CA, CMA Address: PIC New Zealand, 21 Jipcho Road, PO Box 348, Christchurch 8140 New Zealand Telephone: +64 3 341 0220 Direct: +64 3 341 4891 Mobile: +64 275 497 017 E-mail: Peter.MacDonald@picnz.co.nz Website: www.picnz.co.nz McFarlane, Rob Position: General Manager Address: Alltech (NZ) Ltd, 70 Mihini Road, Waitakere 654, New Zealand Telephone: +64 9 837 3243 Fax: +64 9 837 3243 Mobile: +64 27 667 7744 Email: rmcfarlane@alltech.com M’Gee, Denis Position: Technical Sales Manager – Northern Australia Qualifications: BSc, MAgSC Address: Biomin Australia Pty Ltd, PO Box 453, Ramsgate NSW 2217 Telephone: (02) 9872 6324 Mobile: 0400 722 260 Fax: (02) 9872 5139 E-mail: denis.mgee@biomin.net Website: www.biomin.net
McGillivray, Alex Position: General Manager - Sales & Marketing Qualifications: BAgSc Address: Rivalea (Australia) Pty Ltd, PO Box 78, Corowa NSW 2646 Telephone: (02) 6033 8333 Fax: (02) 6033 8257 Mobile: 0418 578 433 E-mail: amcgillivray@rivalea.com.au Specific interests: Domestic and export sale of pigmeat. McKenna, Martin Position: Director – Clear Span Shelters Address: Clear Span Shelters, 1999 Baynton Road, Kyneton Vic 3444 Telephone: (03) 5423 7144 Fax: (03) 5423 7145 Macgugan, Simon Position: Consultant Qualifications: Dip Agri Sc, Cert IV workplace training Address: 3 Petrel Close, Torquay, Vic 3228 Telephone: (03) 5261 5782 Fax: (03) 5261 5782 E-mail: smacgugan@bigpond.com Specific interests: Outdoor production, piggery management, staff training. Mackintosh, Emily Position: General Manager, Communication Address: Australian Pork Limited, PO Box 4746, Kingston, ACT 2604 Telephone: (02) 6285 2200 Fax: (02) 6285 2288 E-mail: apl@australianpork.com.au Malloy, Michael D Position: National Sales and Marketing Address: Sarus Pty Ltd, PO Box 499, Forbes NSW 2871 Telephone: (02) 6851 1747 Mobile: 0412 905 720 Fax: (02) 6851 2134 E-mail: info@sarus.com.au Website: www.sarus.com Specific interests: Feed conveying and animal husbandry equipment and disinfectants. Martin, Paul Position: Sales Representative Southern Region Address: Auspac Ingredients Pty Ltd, Unit 1, 84-92 Barnes Street, Tamworth, NSW 2340 Telephone: (02) 6762 7708 Mobile: 0417 259 908 Fax: (02) 6762 7709 Email: paul@auspacingredients.com.au Matthews, Dr Beren Position: Swine Veterinarian Qualifications: BVSc (Hons) Address: Country Vet, 45 Piper Lane, East Bendigo VIC 3550 Telephone: (03) 5442 6142 Mobile: 0457 742 352 Fax: (03) 5443 3829 E-mail: beren@countryvet.com.au Meads, Nigel Position: Corporate Accounts Manager Address: Alltech (NZ) Ltd, PO Box 69-170 Glendene, Waitakere 0645, New Zealand Telephone: +64 9 837 3243 Fax: +64 9 837 3214 Email: nmeads@alltech.com Specific interests: All aspects of pig nutrition; antibiotic lternatives; application of biotech products to improve pig performance Meaney, Bruce Position: Nutritionist Address: Lienert Australia Pty Ltd, 8 Roseworthy Rd, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8521 0603 Fax: (08) 8524 8001 Mobile: 0400 800 978 Email: bruce.meaney@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Meaney, Darryl Position: National Sales Manager Address: Pfizer Animal Health Australia Pty Limited, 38-42 Wharf Road, West Ryde NSW 2114 Telephone: (02) 9850 3966 Fax: (02) 9850 3399 Mobile: 0419 594 922 Email: darryl.meaney@pfizer.com Mendeleil, Ilia Position: Manager, Australia and New Zealand Health & Nutrition – feed additives Address: Evonik Australia Pty Ltd, Suite 33, 1 Ricketts Rd, (PO Box 656) Mt Waverley, VIC 3149 Telephone: +61 3 8581 8406 Fax: +61 3 9544 5002 Mobile: 0400 173 812 Email: ilia.mendeleil@evonik.com
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Miles, Dick Position: Manager - Miles/Brakke Consulting Address: PO Box 365, St Ives, NSW 2075 Telephone: (02) 9448 6879 Fax: (02) 9449 6159 E-mail: dhmiles@bigpond.net.au Website: www.brakkeconsulting.com Specific interests: Animal health consulting, market research and executive search. Miller, Kym Position: Business Manager Address: National Feed Solutions, Po Box 6370, Wetherill Park B/C NSW 2164 Mobile: 0439 066 006 Fax: (02) 9609 7923 Email: kym@nationalfeedsolutions.com.au Website: www.nationalfeedsolutions.com.au Miller, Scott Position: Technical Sales Representative Address: Stockyard Industries, 54 King Street, Clifton QLD 4361 Telephone: (07) 4697 3344 Mobile: 0448 026 956 Email: scotty@stockyardindustries.com Miller, Dr Yvette Position: Veterinarian Qualifications: BVSc, PhD Address: Portec Australia, Unit 1, 8 Tomlinson Road, Welshpool WA 6106. PO Box 2112, arlisle North WA 6101. Telephone: (08) 9361 5550 Mobile: 0428 479 000 Fax: (08) 9361 5558 E-mail: yvette@portec.com.au Website: www.portec.com.au Specific interests: Pig and poultry health, welfare and management, training, research. Mills, Greg Position: Livestock Officer – Industry Development Address: Intensive Livestock Industry Development Unit, Industry & Investment NSW, 87-89 Frome Street, PO Box 209 Moree NSW 2400 Telephone: (02) 6750 6312 Mobile: 0488 491 648 Fax: (02) 6752 4859 E-mail: greg.mills@industry.nsw.gov.au Website: www.industry.nsw.gov.au Specific interests: Farm business management, desision support tools development, agricultural extension. Mingay, Mark Position: Project Manager Qualifications: B.App Sci (Ag) Address: Stockyard Industries, 54 King St, Clifton QLD 4361 Telephone: (07) 4697 3344 Mobile: 0417 168 548 Fax: (07) 4697 3532 E-mail: mark@stockyardindustries.com Website: www.stockyardindustries.com Mitchell, Patricia Position: R&I Manager (Health, Housing & Welfare) Address: Australian Pork Limited c/o 3068 Prairie-Rochester Rd, Prairie VIC 3572 Telephone: (03) 5488 2306 Mobile: 0402 794 912 Fax: (03) 5488 2304 E-mail: pat.mitchell@australianpork.com.au Website: www.australianpork.com.au Specific interests: Animal welfare, health, production, reproduction, pig industry students, biosecurity, zoonotics, food safety. Modra,Vin Position: Sales Representative SA Address: Lienert Australia, PO Box 65, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150 Mobile: 0407 723 679 Fax: (08) 8524 8001 E-mail: vin.modra@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Moore, Karen Position: Research Officer Qualifications: BSc (Agriculture) Hons Address: Department of Agriculture and Food WA, Locked Bag No 4 Bentley Delivery Centre WA 6983 Telephone: (08) 9368 3636 Fax: (08) 9368 3570 E-mail: karen.moore@agric.wa.gov.au Specific interests: Environmental extension, meat quality, nutrtion. Moore, Michael Position: Policy Project Officer Qualifications: RDA Address: GPO Box 1671, Adelaide SA 5001
Telephone: (08) 8207 7962 Mobile: 0401 122 096 Fax: (08) 8207 7852 E-mail: michael.moore@sa.gov.au Specific interests: Pork industry development in SA; health; management and production: marketing; welfare; QA. Moran, Chris Position: Professor – Animal Genetics Qualifications: BSc, PhD Address: Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney, NSW 2006 Telephone: (02) 9351 2222 Indial: (02) 9351 3553 Fax: (02) 9351 2114 E-mail: Chris.Moran@vetsci.usyd.edu.au Website: www.usyd.edu.au/vetfac/reprogen/ Specific interests: Application of molecular biology to genetic improvement; porcine biodiversity; porcine endogenous retroviruses; xenotransplantation Morel, Patrick C H Position: Professor for Animal Science, Director Animal Nutrition Qualifications: Dip IngAg, Dr Sc.Tech (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) Address: Institute of Food Nutrition & Human Health, Massey University, Private Bag 11-222, Palmerston North New Zealand Telephone: +64 6 350 5338 Fax: +64 6 350 5684 E-mail: P.C.Morel@massey.ac.nz Specific interests: Pig nutrition; meat quality; animal breeding; growth modelling; feed evaluation. Morgan, Jayce Position: Livestock Officer Pigs Qualifications: Dipp Appl Sc (Agric), Grad Dip Sus Ag, MRSc Address: Tamworth Agricultural Research Institute 4 Marsden Park Road, Calala NSW 2340 Telephone: (02) 6763 1100 Fax: (02) 6763 1222 Mobile: 0428 416 518 E-mail: jayce.morgan@industry.nsw.gov.au Specific interests: Pigs in general, small scale pig farming, outdoor pig nutrition. Morris, Dr Andrew Position: Swine Veterinarian Qualifications: BVSc, MACVS Address: Country Vet, 144 Murphy St, Bendigo VIC 3550 Telephone: (03) 5442 6142 Mobile: 0437 011 818 Fax: (03) 5443 3829 E-mail: andrew.morris@countryvet.com.au Morris, Peter Position: Sales Engineer Address: Hurll Nu-Way Pty Ltd, 14 Aristoc Road, Glen Waverley VIC 3150 Telephone: (03) 8561 1600 Direct: (03) 8561 1625 Mobile: 0408 974 069 Fax: (03) 9560 8992 E-mail: peter.morris@hnw.com.au Website: www.hnw.com.au Specific interests: Gas livestock & commercial heating, ventilation and environmental housing. Morris, Roger Stewart Position: Managing Director MorVet Limited and Emeritus Professor, Massey University Qualifications: BVSc (Hons), MVSc, PhD, FACVSc, FAmerCE, FRSNZ, CNZM Address: 1 Homebush Road, Masterton 5885 New Zealand Telephone: +64 6 370 8235 Mobile: 021 638 945 Fax: +64 6 370 8238 E-mail: roger.morris@morvet.co.nz Specific interests: Pig health and productivity, risk analysis, epidemiology, food safety, pig software Mortimer, Iain Position: Elanco Veterinary Consultant (Swine and Poultry) Address: Elanco Animal Health, Level 5, Avaya House 123 Epping Road, Macquarie Park NSW 2113 Mobile: 0429 659 112 Email: mortimer.Iain@lilly.com Mottram, Malcolm Position: Managing Partner Qualifications: BAg. Sci, Address: Feedworks Pty Ltd, PO Box 369, Romsey VIC 3435 Telephone: (03) 5429 6458 Mobile: 0407 366 118 Fax: (03) 5429 5327 E-mail: mal.mottram@feedworks.com.au Website: www.feedworks.com.au Mullan, Bruce Position: Senior Research Officer Qualifications: BScAg, PhD, RAn NUTR Address: WA Department of Agriculture and Food, Locked Bag No 4, Bentley Delivery Centre WA 6983 Telephone: (08) 9368 3578 Mobile: 0428 279 551 Fax: (08) 9474 1295 E-mail: bmullan@agric.wa.gov.au Specific interests: Auspig; environment/nutrition interaction; lactation; feedstuff evaluation; nutritional effects on meat quality.
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Nairn, Kim Alexander Position: Veterinarian Qualifications: BVMS Address: Portec Veterinary Services, PO Box 2112, Carlisle North WA 6101 Telephone: (08) 9361 5550 Mobile: 0429 960 051 Fax: (08) 9361 5558 E-mail: kim@portec.com.au Website: www.portec.com.au Specific interests: Pig and poultry herd health, welfare and management, food safety, tertiary education and stockperson training. Naylor, Adam Position: General Manager Address: Alltech Biotechnology Pty Ltd, 64-70 Nissan Drive, Dandeonong South Vic 3175 Telephone: (03) 9767 2800 Mobile: 0417 177 237 Fax: (03) 9791 6423 E-mail: anaylor@alltech.com Website: www.alltech.com Nettle, Nick Position: Sales Director Address: Novus Nutrition Pty Ltd, PO Box 1028, Dubbo NSW 2830 Telephone: (02) 6882 4324 Mobile: 0438 153 105 E-mail: nick.nettle@novusint.com Website: www.novusint.com Specific interests: Gut enhancers for swine, organic mineral nutrition, improving sow feed intakes. Nicholls, Rob Position: Breeding & Technical Manager, Cefn Genetics Pty Ltd Address: PO Box 37, Strathfieldsaye VIC 3551 Telephone: (03) 5439 4233 Mobile: 0428 753 880 Email: rob@cefn.com.au Nicholson, Shane Position: Northern Sales Manager – Monogastic Address: Lienert Australia Pty Ltd, PO Box 6489, Toowoomba West, Qld 4350 Mobile: 0427 200 262 Email: shane.nicholson@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Nietschke, Lisa Position: Nutritionist Address: Lienert Australia, PO Box 65, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150 Fax: (02) 8524 8001 Mobile: 0428 848 249 Email: lisa.nietschke@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Nilon, Shem Position: Area Manager NSW Address: Stockyard Industries, 54 King St, Clifton Qld 4361 Telephone: (07) 4697 3344 Mobile: 0448 026 956 Email: shem@stockyardindustries.com Noone, Paul Position: Regional Manager, Northern Region Address: PIC Australia, PO Box 39, Grong Grong NSW 2652 Telephone: (02) 6956 2105 Fax: (02) 6956 2203 Mobile: 0408 717 727 E-mail: pnoone@picaustralia.com.au Website: www.picaustralia.com.au North, Raymond Position: Managing Director Qualifications: BA Address: Coneximan Pty Ltd, 93 Connell’s Point Rd, South Hurstville NSW 2221 Telephone: (02) 9547 1126 Mobile: 0407 104 384 Fax: (02) 9547 3995 E-mail: ray@coneximan.com.au Website: www.coneximan.com.au Specific interests: Agribusiness and energy supply O’Brien, Nathan Position: National Sales Manager Address: Lienert Australia Pty Ltd, 28 Durham St, Forbes NSW 2871 Mobile: 0427 772 575 E-mail: nathan.obrien@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Odell, Nathan Position: Group Supply Chain Manager Address: BE Campbell, PO Box 7042, Wetherill Park NSW Phone: (02) 9725 2233, (02) 9612 1461 Mobile: 0412 821 358 Fax: (02) 9756 1336 E-mail: nodell@becampbell.com.au Website: www.becampbell.com.au
O’Leary, Paul D Position: Chief Executive Officer Address: PIC Australia, PO Box 39, Grong Grong NSW 2652 Telephone: (02) 6956 2105 Fax: (02) 6956 2203 E-mail: poleary@picaustralia.com.au Website: www.picaustralia.com.au Olley, Mark Position: Regional Director Address: Biomin (Australia) Pty Ltd, PO Box 5233, Maroochydore QLD 4558 Telephone: (02) 9872 6324 Fax: (02) 9872 5139 Mobile: 0437 076 615 E-mail: mark.olley@biomin.net Website: www.biomin.net Pattison, Paul Position: Managing Director Rivalea (Australia) Qualifications: DipAgSc (Dookie) Address: Rivalea (Australia) Pty Ltd, PO Box 78, Corowa NSW 2646 Telephone: (02) 6033 8333 Fax: (02) 6033 8283 Mobile: 0418 578 049 Email: ppattison@rivalea.com.au Specific interests: Pig industry - its credibility and reputation. Peebles, Mark Position: General Manager Qualifications: B.Appl. Sc (Rural Tech) Address: Lienert Australia Pty Ltd, 8 Roseworthy Rd, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150 Mobile: 0400 174 722 Email: mark.peebles@lienerts.com.au Specific interests: Livestock nutrition, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, animal health products. Pena, Jorge Position: Technical Sales Manager Address: Alltech Biotechnology Pty Ltd, 64-70 Nissan Drive, Dandeonong South Vic 3175 Telephone: (03) 9767 2800 Mobile: 0418 791 270 Fax: (03) 9791 6423 E-mail: jpena@alltech.com Website: www.alltech.com Plant, David Position: General Manager – Australian Natural Pork Pty Ltd Address: 103-105 Welshpool Road, Welshpool WA 6106 Telephone: (08) 9351 0700 Fax: (08) 9351 0705 E-mail: plantd@milne.com.au Specific interests: Outdoor pig production systems Plowman, Kathleen Position: General Manager – Policy Address: Australian Pork Limited, PO Box 4746, Kingston ACT 2604 Telephone: (02) 6270 8888 Fax: (02) 6285 2288 Email: kathleen.plowman@australianpork.com.au Website: www.australianpork.com.au Specific interests: APL’s policy division covers a wide range of policy and regulatory work involving animal health and animal welfare, environment, trade and market access, food safety and quality and labour and industrial relations. Pluske, John Position: Professor and Associate Dean – Research Qualifications: BScAgric (Hons), PhD Address: School of Veterinary & Life Sciences, Murdoch University, Murdoch WA 6150 Telephone: (08) 9360 2012 Fax: (08) 9360 6628 E-mail: J.Pluske@murdoch.edu.au Website: www.murdoch.edu.au Specific interests: Digestive physiology, piglet nutrition, feedstuff evaluation, comparative monogastric nutrition Pollock, Geoff Position: Business Manager Qualifications: B.App.Sci (Rural Technology) Address: Westvet Wholesale Pty Ltd, PO Box 2112, Carlisle North WA 6101 Telephone: 1800 791 270 Mobile: 0488 242 001 Fax: (08) 9361 5575 E-mail: geoff.westvet.com.au Website: www.westvet.com.au Specific interests: Products for pig and poultry production; production, management and training; herd recording and data analysis. Pope, Graeme J Position: Consultant: Graeme Pope Consulting Qualifications: RDA; RGDA; ADWM Address: Graeme Pope Consulting, PO Box 1095, Nuriootpa SA 5355 Telephone: (08) 8562 3531 Mobile: 0438 423 900 E-mail: graemepopeconsulting@bigpond.com.au Specific interests: Piggery industry training, technology transfer, student mentoring and industry promotion, APIQ auditing, AI auditing and pig welfare auditing.
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Price, Janine Position: Manager (Environmental) Address: Australian Pork Limited, PO Box 4746, Kingston, ACT 2604 Telephone: (02) 6270 8888 Fax: (02) 6285 2288 E-mail: janine.price@australianpork.com.au Website: www.australianpork.com.au Pritchard, Michael Position: Manager Biosecurity Qualifications: MBT, MRIPHH Address: 70 Kissing Point Road, Turramurra NSW 2074 Telephone: (02) 9144 4574 Mobile: 0407 764 850 Fax: (02) 9144 4574 E-mail: Michael.Pritchard@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Proudman, Fiona Position: Nutritionist Qaulifications: B Ag Sc Address: Lienert Australia, PO Box 65, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150 Fax: (08) 8524 8001 E-mail: fiona.proudman@liernerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Quick, Christine Position: General Manager, Finance & Administration Address: Australian Pork Limited, PO Box 4746, Kingston, ACT 2604 Telephone: (02) 6270 8888 Fax: (02) 6285 2288 Email: christine.quick@australianpork.com.au Ramsey, Jill Position: Sales Representative – SA Address: Lienert Australia, 8 Roseworthy Road, Roseworthy SA 5371 PO Box 65, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8750 Fax: (08) 8524 8001 Mobile: 0427 400 899 E-mail: jill.ramsey@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Ray, Barry Position: Manager Academic Programs Qualifications: Dip App Sci Ag, B App Sci Ag Address: Longerenong College, 229 Longerenong Rd, Longerenong, VIC 3401 Telephone: (03) 5362 2222 Direct: (03) 5362 2214 Mobile: 0427 943 712 Fax: (03) 5362 2259 Email: bray@longy.com.au Specific interests: Providing pig industry training to agricultural students. Reeves, John Position: Marketing Manager Address: Pfizer Animal Health Australia Pty Limited, 38-42 Wharf Rd, West Ryde NSW 2114 Telephone: (02) 9850 3966 Fax: (02) 9850 3399 Mobile: 0412 264 497 Email: john.reeves@pfizer.com Reu, David Position: Managing Director Qualifications: 11 years of pig farming Address: APS & Vaucluse, Chapman Rd, Inglewood, SA 5133 Telephone: (08) 8380 5672 Fax: (08) 8380 5176 Email: davidreu@vaucluse-aps.com.au Website: www.vaucluse-aps.com.au Specific interests: Ultrasonography, breeding. Richards, Dr Christopher I Position: Veterinary consultant Qualifications: BVSc, BSc Address: 45 Piper Lane, East Bendigo Vic 3550 Telephone: (03) 5442 6142 Mobile: 0429 843 184 Fax: (03) 5443 3829 E-mail: chris@countryvet.com.au Website: chrisrichards.com.au Specific interests: veterinary consultant; disease eradication; quality assurance; multi-site production, artificial insemination, semen analysis. Richards, Dr Kirsty Position: Swine Veterinary Consultant Qualifications: BVSc, Address: 45 Piper Lane East Bendigo Vic 3550 Telephone: (03) 5442 6142 Mobile: 0407 282 592 Fax: (03) 5443 3829 E-mail: kirsty@countryvet.com.au Website: chrisrichards.com.au Rikard-Bell, Charles Position: Account Manager - Intensive Livestock Qualifications: BSc Agr, MSc
Address: Elanco Animal Health, PO Box 101, Mallala SA 5502 Telephone: (08) 8527 2337 Mobile: 0427 267 734 Fax: (08) 8527 2044 E-mail: c.rikardbell@lilly.com Roberts, David John (Dave) Position: Director/Sales & Marketing Manager Qualifications: DipAgrSci (LAC) Address: Think Livestock Pty Ltd, 16 Grevillea Road, Huntly Vic 3551 Telephone: (03) 5448 8942 Mobile: 0417 127 321 Fax: (03) 5448 8943 E-mail: daveroberts@thinklivestock.com Website: www.thinklivestock.com Specific interests: Vaccination and water medication technologies. Roberts, Kylie Position: Marketing National Food Service Manager Address: Australian Pork Limited, Level 7, 179 Elizabeth St, Sydney NSW 2000 Mobile: 0400 832 382 Email: kylie.roberts@australianpork.com.au Website: www.australianpork.com.au Roberts, Kim Position: Partner Bundawarrah Bred Free Range Pork, Trainor and Assessor, Riverina Community College Address: Ganowlea, Bundawarrah Rd, Temora NSW 2666 Mobile: 0429 774 929 Email: kim.m.roberts@bigpond.com Specific interests: Outdoor production, pork eating quality and flavour and industry stock person training. Roberts, Stephen Position: Owner/Manager Bundawarrah Bred Free Range Pork – Born and Bred Free Range Address: Ganowlea, Bundawarrah Rd, Temora NSW 2666 Telephone: (02) 6978 0129 Mobile: 0428 780 129 Fax: (02) 6977 4929 Email: bundawarrahpork@bigpond.com Website: www.bundawarrahpork.com.au Specific interests: Development different systems for outdoor units as a viable alternative, marketing and improving the taste of pork. Robertson, Ian Position: Associate Professor Veterinary Epidemiology Qualifications: BVSc, PhD, MACVSc Address: School of Veterinary & Biomedical Sciences, Murdoch University, Murdoch WA 6150 Telephone: (08) 9360 2459 Fax: (08) 9310 4144 Email: I.Robertson@murdoch.edu.au Specific interests: Streptococcus suis type II swine dysentery; zoonotic diseases of pigs/pig farmers and gastric ulcers. Roe, Brad Position: Livestock Manager Address: BE Campbell, PO Box 7042, Wetherill Park NSW Phone: (02) 9725 2233, (02) 9612 1491 Mobile: 0437 392 816 Fax: (02) 9756 1336 E-mail: broe@becampbell.com.au Website: www.becampbell.com.au Rylands, Peter Position: Manager – RyBio Products Qualifications: BScAg, BBus, MComm Address: “Curraweena”, Kings Highway, Braidwood NSW 2622 Telephone/Fax: (02) 4842 2800 Email: peter.rylands@bigpond.com Specific interests: Supplier of high quality galvanised and stainless steel products at very competitive prices. Sammons, Neil Position: Technical and Site Manager Qualifications: BSc (Hons) Address: MSD Animal Health Pty Ltd, 91-105 Harpin Street, Bendigo East, Vic 3550 Telephone: (03) 5440 9833 Mobile: 0418 571 667 Fax: (03) 5442 3162 E-mail: neil.sammons@merck.com Specific interests: Development of pig vaccines, regulatory and quarantine issues concerning vaccine manufacture. Scammel, Deborah Position: Sales Representative Address: Lienert Australia Pty Ltd, 8 Roseworthy Rd, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150 Mobile: 0400 515 182 E-mail: deborah.scammel@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au
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Schulz, Thomas (Tom) Position: General Secretary – Bacon Factories Union of Employees, Qld Qualifications: BBus (Ind Rel) JP (C DEC) Address: 391 Tingal Road, Wynnum North Qld 4178 Telephone: (07) 3393 5133 Mobile: 0407 596 811 Fax: (07) 3393 3491 E-mail: bfue@powerup.com.au Specific interests: Improving industrial relations in the meat processing industry, banning/limiting use of imported pork, improving OH&S. Developing export opportunities, new technology in meat processing/food manufacture Schwarz, Herbert Position: Director – AgInvest Pty Ltd Qualifications: M Ag Bus Address: PO Box 422, Angaston SA 5353 Telephone: (08) 8564 3411 Mobile: 0427 643 411 Fax: (08) 8564 3611 E-mail: AGINVEST@BIGPOND.COM Schwenke, Fred Position: Business Unit Director – Intensive Monogastric Qualifications: BAgSc, MBA Address: Pfizer Animal Health Australia Pty Ltd, 38-42 Wharf Road, West Ryde NSW 2114 Mobile: 0417 844 231 E-mail: fred.schwenke@pfizer.com Website: www.pfizeraustralia.com.au Specific interests: Meat quality, pig health and nutrition Scotts, Linda Position: Sales Representative – NSW Address: Lienert Australia, PO Box 194, Forbes NSW 2871 Telephone: 1800 649 231 Fax: 1800 649 336 Mobile: 0428 972 599 Email: linda.scotts@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Selle, Peter Position: Honorary Associate Qualifications: BVSc, PhD, MRCVS Address: Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney, 425 Werombi Road, Camden NSW 2570 Telephone: (02) 9351 1697 Mobile: 0419 442 780 E-mail: sellep@camden.usyd.edu.au Specific interests: Feed enzymes (phytase, xylanase etc); Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA); consulting as ‘Yardbird Nutrition’. Sergeant, Mike Position: Director Qualifications: BA, MBA Address: Axon Machinery Pty Ltd, 9 Beauty Drive, Avalon NSW 2107 Telephone: (02) 9974 2704 Mobile: 0428 637 717 Fax: (02) 9974 2705 E-mail: axonmach@bigpond.com Website: www.gtbunning.co.uk Specific interests: Slurry and manure handling equipment Sharrock, Alan Position: Veterinarian Qualifications: BVSc, MACVSc Address: Lachlan Valley Veterinary Clinic, 50 Sherriff Street, Forbes NSW 2871 Telephone: (02) 6851 1100 Fax: (02) 6851 1505 E-mail: sharrock@westserv.net.au Specific interests: Herd health, management and production, nutrition, new projects, benchmarking Shaw, Rod Position: Sales Manager – Southern Region Qualifications: Livestock Officer Certificate Address: CCD Animal Health, Unit 2, 84-92 Barnes Street, Tamworth NSW 2340 Telephone: 1300 791 009 Mobile: 0418 170 573 Fax: 1300 798 005 E-mail: rod@ccdanimalhealth.com.au Website: www.ccdanimalhealth.com.au Sherwood, David Position: Sales Manager Qualifications: BApp Sc (Agriculture) Address: CCD Animal Health, Unit 2, 84-92 Barnes Street, Tamworth NSW 2340 Telephone: 1300 791 009 Fax: 1300 798 005
Mobile: 0487 777 089 E-mail: david@ccdanimalhealth.com.au Website: www.ccdanimalhealth.com.au Simmons, Martin Position: Managing Director – OEC Qualifications: Environmental engineer Address: Outback Environmental Controls Pty Ltd, 2/32 Billabong Street, Stafford Qld 4053 Telephone: (07) 3352 6677 Email: martin@oec.biz Specific interests: Automatic computer controls, cooling and ventilation systems, feeding and drinking systems Skerman, Alan Position: Principal Environmental Engineer Address: Queensland Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (Qld) PO Box 102, (203 Tor St) Toowoomba Qld 4350 Telephone: (07) 4688 1247 Mobile 0407 462 529 Fax: (07) 4688 1192 E-mail: alan.skerman@daff.qld.gov.au Website: www.daff.qld.gov.au Specific interests: Effluent management and biogas research and extension. Skuse, Jeremy M Position: Executive Officer Qualifications: B Sc (Hons), Ag. Sc. Leeds Address: Animal Welfare Science Centre Department of Land & Food Systems, University of Melbourne, Vic 3010 Telephone: (03) 8344 8933 Mobile 0402 091 685 Fax: (03) 8344 5037 E-mail: jskuse@unimelb.edu.au Website: www.animalwelfare.net.au Specific interests: Environmental and human effects on the welfare and productivity of farm animals. Slater, Michael Position: Regional Manager, Southern Region Address: PIC Australia, PO Box 39, Grong Grong NSW 2652 Telephone: (02) 6956 2105 Fax: (02) 6956 2203 Mobile: 0418 575 101 E-mail: mslater@picaustralia.com.au Website: www.picaustralia.com.au Smith, Craig Position: Queensland State Manger APL Address: PO Box 775, Springwood Qld 4127 Telephone: (07) 3387 7702 Mobile: 0417 756 133 Fax: (07) 3387 7762 Email: craig.smith@australianpork.com.au Website: www.australianpork.com.au Smith, Matthew Position: Director Asia Pacific Address: Alltech Biotechnologies Pty Ltd PO Box 69, 170 Glendene , Waitakere 654 New Zealand Telephone: +64 9 837 3243 Fax: +64 9 837 3214 Mobile: +64 21 681 388 Email: msmith@alltech.com Smits, Robert Position: Research Manager Qualifications: BScAg (Hons), MSc (Agriculture) Address: Rivalea (Australai), PO Box 78, Corowa NSW 2646 Telephone: (02) 6033 1200 Direct: (02) 6033 8204 Fax: (02) 6033 8224 E-mail: rsmits@rivalea.com.au Specific interests: Research management, AUSPIG, reproduction, growth and nutritiion, contract research and development; Aims are to provide scientific and technical advice to QAF Meat Industries to improve cost-effective production of pigs Sokolinski, Rolf Position: Technical Manager Address: PIC Australia, PO Box 39, Grong Grong NSW 2652 Telephone: (02) 6956 2105 Fax: (02) 6956 2203 Mobile: 0459 100 995 E-mail: rsokolinski@picaustralia.com.au Website: www.picaustralia.com.au Spencer, Andrew Position: CEO Australian Pork Limited Address: PO Box 4746, Kingston ACT 2604 Telephone: (02) 6270 8888 Fax: (02) 6285 2288 Email: apl@australianpork.com.au Email: www.australianpork.com.au Spencer, R Alison Position: Principal Extension Officer Qualifications: BAppSc (RurTech) Hons; GDipRurSysMan Address: Queensland Primary Industries & Fisheries, Dept of Employment, Economic Development & Innovatio, PO Box 327, Cleveland Qld 4163 Telephone: (07) 3284 9509 Fax: (07) 3286 3094 Mobile: 0417 005 291 E-mail: Alison.Spencer@deedi.qld.gov.au Website: www.deedi.qld.gov.au Specific interests: Improving information delivery; increasing communication, knowledge and skills in the industry.
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Spragg, John Position: Executive Officer Address: Stockfeed Manufacturers’ Council of Australia PO Box 383, Beaconsfield VIC 3807 Telephone: (03) 9769 7170 Mobile: 0402 831 843 E-mail: jspragg@sfmca.com.au Spragge, Andres Position: Sales Representative Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd, 50 & 66 Antimony St, Carole Park, Qld 4300, PO Box 475, Goodna Qld 4300 Telephone: (07) 3723 9835 Fax: (07) 3271 3080 Mobile: 0427 152 412 E-mail: a.spragge@becfeedsolutions.com.au Steinborner, Luke Position: National Sales Manager Address: National Feed Solutions, PO Box 6370, Wetherill Park B/C NSW 2164 Mobile: 0439 066 006 Fax: (02) 9609 7923 E-mail: luke.steinborner@nationalfeedsolutions.com.au Website: www.nationalfeedsolutions.com.au Stewart, Darryl Position: Consultant – owner of 240 sow breeder multiplication unit Qualifications: QDAH, Dip Meat Tech (Dist) Address: Qld Agricultural Consultants, MS 411, River Road, Mungar Qld 4650 Telephone: (07) 4129 6190 Fax: (07) 4129 6290 Email: stewartd@bigpond.com Specific interests: All aspects of pig and pig meat production, especially management efficiency, nutrition, computer recording, marketing, general consultancy to the pig industry Tapping, Sandra Position: Director Address: Vereyken Bros Pty Ltd, PO Box 421, Grafton NSW 2460 Telephone: (02) 6644 6065 Fax: (02) 6644 7568 Mobile: 0429 796 555 E-mail: vereyken@bigpond.com Specific interests: Piggery equipment. Taverner, Michael R (Mike) Position: Freelance Qualifications: BAgSc, MAgSc, PhD Address: 38 Froggatt Street, Turner ACT 2612 Telephone: (02) 6248 0364 Mobile: 0418 646 397 Fax: (02) 6247 8866 E-mail: tav-mind@netspeed.com.au Specific interests: Strategic analysis of technical industry issues; Feed grains; pork eating quality; post graduate training. Tensen, Melina Position: Scientific Officer – Farm Animals RSPCA Address: PO Box 265, Deakin West ACT 2600 Telephone: (02) 6282 8300 E-mail: mtensen@rspca.org.au Website: www.rspca.org.au Tippett, Julie Position: Financial Controller Qualifications: Degree – Business of Commerce (Accounting) Address: 144 Murphy St, Bendigo Vic 3550 Telephone: (03) 5442 6142 Fax: (03) 5443 3829 E-mail: julie@countryvet.com.au Website: www.chrisrichards.com.au Trezona-Murray, Megan Position: Research Officer Qualifications: BSc (Agriculture), MSc(Agriculture) PhD (Animal Growth & Development) Address: Department of Agriculture Locked Bag No 4, Bentley Delivery Centre, WA 6983 Telephone: (08) 9368 3606 Fax: (08) 9368 3570 E-mail: megan.trezona@agric.wa.gov.au Specific interests: Carcass quality, carcass variation, meat quality, nutrition. Tritton, Sally Position: Nutritionist Qualifications: BAgSc, MSc Address: Lienert Australia, 8 Roseworthy Road, Roseworthy SA 5371
Telephone: (08) 8254 8150 Fax: (08) 8254 8001 Mobile: 0417 149 715 E-mail: sally.tritton@lienerts.com.au Specific interests: Pig nutrition Tucker, Robyn Position: Principal Consultant - FSA Consulting Qualifications: BAppSci (Rural Tech), MBA (Envt Mgt) Cert Prof Soil Scientist, Cert Prac Agriculturist. Address: FSA Consulting, Private Bag 260, Horsham Vic 3401 Telephone: (03) 5381 0709 Mobile: 0419 787 137 Fax: (03) 5381 0719 E-mail: Robyn.Tucker@fsaconsulting.net Website: www.fsaconsulting.net Specific interests: Environmental impact statements, environmental management plans, sustainable effluent re-use, MEDLI modelling, piggery site selection, piggery environmental training and research. Turni, Conny Position: Research Fellow Qualifications: PhD Address: Ecosciences Precinct, GPO Box 267, Brisbane Qld 4001 Telephone: (07) 3255 4296 Mobile: 0432 548 199 E-mail: c.turni1@deedi.qld.gov.au Website: www.uq.edu.au Specific interests: Glässer’s disease, respiratory bacterial pathogens van Barneveld, Marnie Position: Commercial Development Manager Qualifications: B App Sci (Rur Tech), Grad Dip Bus Stud Address: Country Vet Wholesaling Pty Ltd, 144 Murphy Street, Bendigo VIC 3550 Telephone: (03) 5442 6118 Mobile: 0418 977 056 Fax: (03) 5442 6119 E-mail: marnie@countryvet.com.au van Barneveld, Robert John Position: Consultant Research Scientist (Nutrition) Qualifications: B Agr Sc (Hons), PhD, RAnNutr, FAICD Address: Barneveld Nutrition Pty Ltd, Unit 7, Riverland Central, 16-18 Riverland Drive, Loganholme, Qld 4129 PO Box 4477, Loganholme DC 4129 Telephone: (07) 3806 0671 Mobile: 0418 802 462 Fax: (07) 3806 4993 E-mail: rob@barneveld.com.au Specific interests: Nutrition and pork production, innovation in pork production research, technologies for feed evaluation (specifically NIR), role of the Australian pork industry in sustainable food production. Vardanega, Amanda Position: National Swine Specialist Address: MSD Animal Health, 91-105 Harpin St, Bendigo East Vic 3550 Mobile: 0427 011 579 E-mail: amanda.vardanega@merck.com Vella, Joseph Position: Manager – Protective Fabrications Address: 1045 Silverdale Road, Werombi NSW 2570 Telephone: (02) 4653 1293 Mobile: 0418 965 369 Fax: (02) 4653 1130 E-mail: profab@optusnet.com.au Specific interests: Manufacture/supply/design/installation of winchable curtain systems for pig shedding; automatic or manual; dam liners; grain covers etc Vereyken, Richard Position: Director Address: Vereyken Bros Pty Ltd, PO Box 421, Grafton NSW 2460 Telephone: (02) 6644 6065 Fax: (02) 6644 7568 Mobile: 0437 431 901 E-mail: vereyken@bigpond.com Specific interests: Piggery equipment. Watts, Peter Jeffrey Position: Managing Director Qualifications: BE (Agr), PhD, RPEQ CPENG Address: FSA Consulting, PO Box 2175, Toowoomba Qld 4350 Telephone: (07) 4632 8230 Mobile: 0409 623 590 Fax: (07) 4632 8057 E-mail: peter.watts@fsaconsulting.net Website: www.fsaconsulting.net Specific interests: Environmental impact statements (Rural), sustainable disposal of effluent, irrigation system design, MEDLI modelling, piggery site selection, environmental management plans, waste management research; odour modelling
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Weare, Jason Position: Sales Representative Qualifications: BScAg Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd 50 & 66 Antimony St, Carole Park, Qld 4300, PO Box 475, Goodna Qld 4300 Telephone: (07) 3723 9896 Fax: (07) 3271 3080 Mobile: 0400 696 163 E-mail: J.Weare@becfeedsolutions.com.au Welch, Bruce Position: Veterinarian/Consultant Qualificaions: BVSc, MRCVS Address: PVS Limited, 83 Broadhaven Ave, Queenspark, Christchurch, New Zealand Telephone: +64 3 383 8138 Mobile: +64 275 999 186 Fax: +64 3 383 1834 Email: bruce.welch@xtra.co.nz Specific interests: Pig production management and efficiency, production recording, disease control, facility design and operation, genetics, reproduction, staff training. Wilhelm, Kym Position: Corporate Business Manager Address: Lienert Australia, PO Box 65, Roseworthy, SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150 Fax: (08) 8524 8001 Mobile: 0409 600 377 E-mail: kymwilhelm@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Williams, Rob Position: Business Development Consultant Address: Biomin Australia Pty Ltd, 1506 Old Cleveland Rd, Belmont, QLD 4153 Telephone: (07) 9872 6324 Fax: (07) 9872 5139 Mobile: 0458 782 866 Email: rob.williams@biomin.net Website: www.biomin.net Willis, Sara Position: Senior Extension Officer Qualifications: BAppSc (Rural Technology) Address: Agri-Science Queensland, Dept of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, 203 Tor Street, Toowoomba QLD 4350 PO Box 102, Toowoomba Qld 4350 Telephone: (07) 4688 1214 Mobile: 0423 027 053 Fax: (07) 4688 1192 E-mail: sara.willis@daff.qld.gov.au Website: www.deedi.qld.gov.au Call centre: 13 25 23 Specific interests: The practical application of Auspig, applied pig nutrition, feed formulation, feed quality, feeding systems. Wilson, Rob Position: Consultant – Production, R&D Management, Commercialisation Manager Pork CRC Qualifications: BSc, DipSciAgric, MBA, PhD Address: Rob Wilson Consulting, 5 Beagle Close, Mosman Park, Perth WA 6012 Telephone: (08) 9384 9758 Mobile: 0418 486 141 Email: rob@robwilsonconsulting.com.au Specific Interests: General on-farm production and management; nutrition, environment and welfare systems; research management and application, commercialisation and adoption. Wright, Cameron Position: Premix Supervisor/Nutritionist Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd 50 & 66 Antimony St, Carole Park, Qld 4300, PO Box 475, Goodna Qld 4300 Telephone: (07) 3723 9825 Fax: (07) 3271 3080 Mobile: 0418 491 124 E-mail: C.Wright@becfeedsolutions.com.au Wright, Chas Michael Position: Purchasing and Trading Manager Address: Lienert Australia, PO Box 65, Roseworthy, SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150 Fax: (08) 8524 8001 Mobile: 0438 889 012 E-mail: chas.wright@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Wundke, Rohan Position: Technical Manager Qualifications: B App Sc (Ag) Address: Lienert Australia, PO Box 65, Roseworthy, SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150 Fax: (08) 8524 8001 Mobile: 0409 087 908 E-mail: rohan.wundke@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au
The second and third tranches of the same amount are due to be implemented in two-year intervals thereafter on the same date in 2014 and 2016. KPIs derived from expectations of the increased expenditure made possible by the levy increase have been adjusted in line with the new levy increase arrangements. Secondly, the past few years of initiatives under core objective three – ‘Efficient Value Chains’ – has shown that our engagement with the supply chain is more difficult than just with the production base, due to their different drivers and motivators. This has compromised some of the outcomes of the planned programs and projects, to the point where we have put activities under this core objective on hold. This in no way represents any diminishing of the perceived importance of Core Objective 3, or any change to our longer-term aspirations to work hand in glove with this part of the industry. There remain projects involving the supply chain, but in our forward plans these have been captured in core objectives other than three. Our five-year strategic planning cycle dictates that we will need a new “Strategic Plan 2015–20” by mid 2014. The development of such a plan is normally allocated a full year of consultations with producers and deliberations with the Board. The process to develop this plan will therefore be kicking off at the start of financial year 2013–14. Levy increase after 18 years At APL, we have been proud of our ability over the years to continue to provide a high level of services into the industry through productivity improvements whilst our real income was decreasing. We recognised a few years ago that eventually our services would have to be compromised if resource limitations were not addressed. With the support of the Board, we embarked on an initiative to work with industry to increase the levy payable under the ‘Marketing’ category for the first time since 1994. Our consultation around the proposal to increase the marketing levy was highlighted through our producer meetings around the country. This was a great opportunity to discuss with those producers present the marketing initiatives that we undertake on their behalf and the results we measure for the industry overall. It is never easy to ask producers to pay more through their compulsory levies, but in the end, we were very appreciative of the support we received through the process. This included the eventual levy vote, where around 73% of the industry (on a production volume basis) supported the reasoning to increase the levy in three separate tranches as described above. The vote result was, of course, not unanimous, and we see this as a challenge to not only continue to create value for the industry, but also to demonstrate better that value. We also recognise a significant difference between larger and smaller producers in terms of what they know about APL, how engaged they are in APL activities and whether they see APL as effective for their business. Producer confidence and support for our activities is important for us in being an effective representative body, so we see still some work to do in this area. Progress on ‘Shaping Our Future’ Pig production in Australia is now going through significant change, much of it due to our initiative to phase out voluntarily the use of sow stalls. The historic resolution at the 2010 Annual General Meeting of APL committed producers to significant CONTINUED ON PAGE 30 w
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AUSTRALIAN COMPANIES SUPPLIERS GUIDE The following companies are suppliers of goods and services to the pig industry
ALLTECH BIOTECHNOLOGY PTY LTD See our advertisements page 25 64-70 Nissan Drive, Dandenong South VIC 3175 Tel (03) 9767 2800 Fax (03) 9791 6423 Email: alltechaustralia@alltech.com Website: www.alltech.com AUSPAC INGREDIENTS See advertisement pages 24 Unit 1, 84-92 Barnes Street, Tamworth NSW 2340 Tel (02) 6762 7708 Fax (02) 6762 7709 E-mail: sales@auspacingredients.com.au AUSTRALIAN FEEDING SYSTEMS See advertisement page 27 21 Martins Lane, Piallamore NSW 2340 PO Box 4009, Nemingha NSW 2340 Tel (02) 6760 9611 Fax (02) 6760 9616 E-mail: afs@activ8.net.au Website: www.afsystems.com.au BIOMIN (AUSTRALIA) PTY LTD See advertisement page 26 PO Box 2344, Carlingford NSW 2118 Tel: (02) 9872 6324 Fax: (02) 9872 5139 Email: office.australia@biomin.net Website: www.biomin.net CCD ANIMAL HEALTH See advertisement page 24 Tel 1300 791 009 Fax 1300 798 005 Email: ccdsales@ccdanimalhealth.com.au Website: www.ccdanimalhealth.com.au
CHRIS RICHARDS AND ASSOCIATES See advertisement page 24 PO Box 2388, Bendigo Delivery Centre VIC 3550 Tel (03) 5442 6142 Fax (03) 5443 3829 Website: www.chrisrichards.com.au COUNTRY VET WHOLESALING PTY LTD See advertisement page 24 PO BOX 2388, Bendigo Delivery Centre VIC 3550 Tel 1800 426 142 Fax (03) 5442 6119 Email: orders@countryvet.com.au Website: www.countryvet.com.au CRAIG MOSTYN & CO PTY LTD See advertisement page 29 Level 1, 63 Stead Street, South Melbourne VIC 3205 PO Box 2199, Melbourne VIC 3001 Tel (03) 9695 4116 Fax (03) 9699 5283 E-mail: wlaycock@craigmostyn.com.au Web: www.craigmostyn.com.au www.cmaqua.com.au DSM NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS See advertisement page 29 41 Edison Rd, Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 PO Box 2279, Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 Tel (02) 6922 7015 Fax (02) 6922 7381 Mobile: 0418 262 7015 Email: babora.jabloncikova@dsm.com www.dsmnutritionalproducts.com DUMAC DISTRIBUTORS PTY LTD See advertisement page 29 F 6/13 Gatwick Road, Bayswater North VIC 3153 PO Box 262, Bayswater VIC 3153 Tel (03) 9761 5115 Fax (03) 9761 5114
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EVONIK AUSTRALIA PTY LTD See our advertisement page 26 Suite 33, 1 Ricketts Rd, (PO Box 656) Mt Waverley VIC 3149 Tel (03) 8581 8406 Fax (03) 9544 5002 Email: iliamendeleil@evonik.com Website: www.evonik.com.au FEEDWORKS See advertisement page 27 PO Box 369, Romsey Vic 3434 Tel (03) 5429 6458 Fax (03) 5429 5327 Email: mal.mottram@feedworks.com.au Website: www.feedworks.com.au Qld: P) 82 Enkelmanns Rd, Alberton QLD 4207 Tel 0408 735 185 Fax (07) 3299 1048 Email: david.cadogan@feedworks.com.au JEFO AUSTRALIA PTY LTD See advertisement page 26 PO Box 8146, Toowoomba Mail Centre, QLD 4352 Tel (07) 4630 1500 Fax (07) 4630 1200 Mobile 0429 301 500 E-mail: wbradshaw@jefo.com Website: www.jefo.com KEMIN (AUST.) PTY LTD See advertisement page 26 Suite 6-7, 694 Pacific Highway, Killara, NSW 2071 Tel (02) 9844 5700 Fax (02) 9418 2544 Web: www.kemin.com LIENERT AUSTRALIA PTY LTD See advertisement page 28 8 Roseworthy Rd, Roseworthy SA 5371 Tel (08) 8524 8150 Fax (08) 8524 8001 Email: admin@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au MSD ANIMAL HEALTH See advertisement OBC and 24 91-105 Harpin Street, Bendigo East VIC 3550 Box 2800 Bendigo Delivery Centre VIC 3554 Free Call 1800 033 461 Website: msd-animal-health.com.au
NATIONAL FEED SOLUTIONS PTY LTD See advertisement page 27 PO Box 6370, Wetherill Park BC, NSW 2164 Ph: (02) 9609 7922 Mobile: 0439 066 054 Email: kym.miller@nationalfeedsolutions.com.au Website: www.nationalfeedsolutions.com.au PIC AUSTRALIA See advertisement page 25 PO Box 39, Grong Grong NSW 2652 Tel (02) 6956 2105 Fax (02) 6956 2203 Freecall: 1800 622 660 E-mail: info@picaustralia.com.au Website: www.picaustralia.com.au Qld/Nth NSW: Paul Noone 0408 717 727 Charlie Gourlay 0429 030 091 Sth NSW/Vic/TAS/SA: Michael Slater 0418 575 101 WA: Mal Auld 0427 086 931 POLYTEx See advertisement page 27 28-30 Massey Ave Leeton, NSW 2705 PO Box 860 Leeton NSW 2705 Tel 1300 059 003 Fax 1300 858 626 Email: info@polytex.net.au Web: www.polytex.net.au PORKSTORKS AUSTRALIA See advertisement page 25 Lethbridge, Victoria Freecall: 1800 647 744 Tel: (03) 5281 7546 Fax: (03) 5281 7547 Email: lethbridge@porkstorks.com.au Manager: Bridget Jervois. Mobile: 0408 855 875 Email: bridget@porkstorks.com.au Glencoe GTC, Queensland Tel: (07) 4699 3055/ (07) 4699 3055 Fax: (07) 4699 3832 Email: glencoe@porkstorks.com.au Site Supervisor: Craig Knowles Mobile: 0400 672 418 Email: craig@porkstorks.com.au 2013 PIG INDUSTRY YEARBOOK
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PUNJAB STUD See advertisement page 25 Coolamon Scenic Dr, Bangalow NSW 2479 PO Box 450, Bangalow NSW 2479 Tel (02) 6687 2300 Fax (02) 6687 2380 Mobile 0418 662 781 SARUS PTY LTD See advertisement page 27 Wongajong Rd, Forbes NSW 2871 PO Box 499 Forbes NSW 2871 Tel (02) 6851 1747 Fax (02) 6851 2134 Email: info@sarus.com.au Website: www.sarus.com.au SKIOLD & VACUUM MILLING SOLUTIONS See advertisement IBC PO Box 952, Jimboomba QLD 4280 Tel (07) 5547 7588 Fax (07) 5547 7677 Email: martin@vacmillsolutions.com.au Website: www.vacmillsolutions.com.au STOCKYARD INDUSTRIES See advertisement page 28 54 King Street, Clifton QLD 4361 Tel (07) 4697 3344 Fax (07) 4697 3532 Email: marcusj@cefn.com.au Website: www.stockyardindustries.com VAUCLUSE LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT & ANIMAL PRODUCTION SERVICES See advertisements pages 24 & 28 Chapman Road, Inglewood SA 5133 Tel (08) 8380 5672 Fax (08) 8380 5176 E-mail: davidreu@vaucluse-aps.com.au Website: www.vaucluse-aps.com.au VEREYKEN BROS PTY LTD See advertisement page 28 2 Clark Road, Trenayr Industrial Estate Grafton NSW 2460 Tel (02) 6644 6065 Fax (02) 6644 7568 Mobile: 0437 431 901 Email: vereyken@bigpond.com
ZINPRO PERFORMANCE MINERALS See advertisement page 23 PO Box 125, Chermside South Qld 4032 Tel (07) 3256 3770 Fax (07) 3256 3771 Website: www.zinpro.com
OVERSEAS COMPANIES SUPPLIERS GUIDE ALLTECH (NZ) LIMITED See advertisement page 25 70 Mihini Road, Swanson, Waitakere 0645 New Zealand FreePhone 0800 822 322 Tel +64 9 837 3243 Fax +64 9 837 3243 E-mail: alltechnewzealand@alltech.com Website: www.alltech.com BIG DUTCHMAN PIG EQUIPMENT GMBH See advertisement IFC Representatives for New Zealand: Stephen Cadwallader Tel +64 9 422 3476 Fax +64 9 422 3475 Mobile +61 417 005 462 (Australia) + 64 2152 5942 (New Zealand) E-mail: scadwallader@bigdutchman.com Mike McNaught, 86a Hastings Rd, Mairangi Bay 0630 North Shore Auckland Tel +64 2 189 3333 E-mail: mikemc@bigdutchman.com Landmore Agri Ltd 4 Ranfurly Street, Otorohanga 3900 Tel +64 7 873 8900 Fax +64 7 873 8905 E-mail: johnm@landmore.co.nz Malaysia: BD Agriculture (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd No. 20, Lorong Keluli 1B Kawasan Perindustrian Bukit Raja Seksyen 7, 40000 Shah Alam Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia Tel +60 3 3361 5555 Fax +60 3 3342 2866 E-mail: bdasia@bigdutchman.com Website: www.bigdutchman.com DSM NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS See advertisement page 29 New Zealand: Tel 0800 954 512 Fax: (03) 684 7632
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AUSPAC INGREDIENTS CCD ANIMAL HEALTH CHRIS RICHARDS & ASSOCIATES MSD ANIMAL HEALTH AusPac Ingredients Pty Ltd Unit 1, 84-92 Barnes Street Tamworth NSW 2340 Tel: 02 6762 7708 Fax: 02
MSD Animal Health Pig Range
Your reliable vaccine supplier. For all your pig health requirements:
Dr Chris Richards Dr Hugo'U +XJR 'XQORS Dunlop Dr Bernie Gleeson 'U %HUQLH *OHHVRQ Dr Kirsty Richards Dr Sarah DeGreef 'U .LUVW\ 5LFKDUGV Dr Andrew Morris 'U 6DUDK 'H*UHHI Dr Beren Matthews Dr Sarah Jenkin 'U $QGUHZ 0RUULV Marnie van Barneveld Greg Tuckett 'U %HUHQ 0DWWKHZV Siew Woon
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t 1PSDJMJT "11WBD t 3FQSPEVDUJWF Solutions t .+1"$ t 3FTQJSBUPSZ t 1-&WBc Disease t &$0WBD-& Solutions t &$0WBc Contact us: Customer Service Amanda Vardanega Merideth Howard CornĂŠ Loots
1800 033 461 0427 011 579 0427 288 796 0429 811 266
Chris Richards and Associates &KULV 5LFKDUGV DQG $VVRFLDWHV 6ZLQH 9HWHULQDU\ &RQVXOWDQWV Swine Veterinary Consultants +HDOWK 3URGXFWLRQ 4$ $GYLFH Health, production & QA advice. 'LVHDVH (UDGLFDWLRQ DQG 5HSRSXODWLRQV Disease eradication and Repopulations 6HUYLFLQJ DOO DUHDV RI $XVWUDOLD Servicing all areas of Australia 3K Ph: 03 5442 6142 )D[ Fax: 03 5443 3829
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Ph: (08) 8380 5672 Fax: (08) 8380 5176
Website: www.vaucluse-aps.com.au E-mail: davidreu@vaucluse-aps.com.au
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Lethbridge, Victoria:
Freecall: 1800 647 744 Phone: (03) 5281 7546 Fax: (03) 5281 7547 Manager Mobile: 0408 855 875 Email: bridget@porkstorks.com.au Suppliers of quality semen and AI consumables throughout Victoria, SA and southern NSW.
Glencoe, Queensland:
Phone: (07) 4699 3011 Fax: (07) 4699 3832 Manager Mobile: 0418 717 727 Email: glencoe@porkstorks.com.au Suppliers of quality semen and AI consumables throughout Queensland and northern NSW.
Piggery : (02) 6687 2300 After Hours : (02) 6684 7466 Fax : (02) 6687 2380 Mobile : 0418 662 781 Postal Address : PO Box 450, Bangalow, NSW 2749
FEED INGREDIENTS Delivering animal health and performance through nutrition in the pig industry
Alltech Biotechnology Pty Ltd 64-70 Nissan Drive, Dandenong South, Victoria 3175 Tel: (03) 9767 2800 E: alltechaustralia@alltech.com • www.alltech.com/australia
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BIOMIN Australia Pty Ltd, Tel: 02-9872 6324; (PDLO RIÂżFH DXVWUDOLD#ELRPLQ QHW, www.biomin.net Naturally ahead
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For further information please contact:
Kemin (Aust.) Pty Ltd Suite 6-7, 694 Highway Killara NSW 2071 Tel: (02) 9844 5700 Fax: (02) 9418 2544 Web: www.kemin.com
feeding animals for health and growth
PJ Yearkbook 2013:PJ Yearkbook09 9/01/13 10:16 AM Page 27
(betaine) ECOCELL
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(o rganic selenium) (organic
Doug Pearson Pearson Ph. Ph. 0408 735 185 Doug .feed .f eedworks.com.au www www.feedworks.com.au
Australian Feeding Systems
Complete systems, spare parts & accessories
Flat Chain 60mm to 125mm Flex Auger 60mm & 100mm Falcon Chain/Disk 38 & 50mm Cablevey Cable/Disk
100mm & 150mm Cablevey Industrial Conveyors
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Tel 02 6760 9611 Fax 02 6760 9616 Email: afs@activ8.net.au
Supplying the Piggery Industry with tarpaulin s 3HELTER COVERS s "LINDS s ,INERS s 4HERMAL #OVERS Phone: 1300 059 003 Fax: 1300 858 626 Email: info@polyte info@polytex.net.au x.net.au www.polytex.net.au www .polytex.net.au
SARUS PTY. lImITED A.C.N. 001 745 295
• AZA FEED CONVEYING SYSTEMS • STONE - PIG PRODUCTS • TPE STAINLESS STEEL DRINKERS Ph: (02) 6851 1747 Fax: (02) 6851 2134 Mobile: 0412 905 720 Email: info@sarus.com.au
PJ Yearkbook 2013:PJ Yearkbook09 9/01/13 10:16 AM Page 28
“Your one stop shop for quality service and products and all your piggery needs” • GLOBES & HEATING • DRINKERS & FEEDERS • TATTOO EQUIPMENT • EAR TAGS & SPRAY MARKERS • HUSBANDRY TOOLS • ANIMAL HEALTH PRODUCTS • VACCINES, NEEDLES & SYRINGES • DISINFECTANTS • PEST & RODENT CONTROL • CLOTHING & SAFETY EQUIPMENT VAUCLUSE LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT & A.P.S Chapman Rd, Inglewood SA 5133 Ph: (08) 8380 5672 Fax: (08) 8380 5176 Website: www.vaucluse-aps.com.au E-mail: davidreu@vaucluse-aps.com.au
VEREYKEN BROS PTY LTD PIGGERY EQUIPMENT Super Clean Self Support Hot Dipped Galvanised Triangle Flooring for farrowing & weaner crates and dry feeders. Plus farrowing and weaner crates dry sow and boar stalls.
Concrete Slats all sizes to 2.4 metres
VEREYKEN BROS PTY LTD ACN 003543548 ABN 11003543548
2 Clark Rd, Trenayr Industrial Estate Grafton NSW 2460
Phone (02) 6644 6065 Fax: (02) 6644 7568 Mobile: 0437 431 901
Stockyard Industries Pty Ltd 54 King Street Clifton, QLD 4361 Phone: 07 4697 3344 Eamil: sales@stockyardindustries.com
Stockyard Industries, your complete turn-key supplier of all your pig farming equipment needs. We can assist you with all aspects of Design, Construction and internal equipment supply to suit your specific requirements.
PO Box 571, Hurstbridge VIC 3099 13 Lucknow Cres, Thomastown 3074 Ph: (03) 9462 4266 Mobile: 0418 388 842 Fax: (03) 9462 4866
• Vitamin & Mineral Premixes • Animal Health & Biosecurity • Custom Premix Manufacturing • Feed Formulations • Total Nutrition Management • Quality Accreditation (HACCP, Feedsafe, GMP) PH: 1800 649 231 FAX: 1800 649 336 EMAIL: admin@lienerts.com.au
PJ Yearkbook 2013:PJ Yearkbook09 9/01/13 10:16 AM Page 29
Manufacturers of high quality Vitamins, Enzymes, Eubiotics
• Custom-made premixes
DUMAC DISTRIBUTORS PTY LTD DUMAC FILTER-CUT AND RUFFY PUMPS DUMAC - THE PUMP FOR PIG MANURE Ring, write or call and ask for Andrew Hoult PO Box 262, Bayswater, Vic 3153
• Rovimix® • Rovimix Hy•Dl®
Tel (03) 9761 5115 Fax (03) 9761 5114
• Vevomins Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn ENZYMES
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• Nutritional advice • Technical support Wagga Office:
Tel: 02 6922 7015 Fax: 02 6922 7381
DSM Nutritional Products
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v APL YEAR IN REVIEW CONTINUED FROM PAGE 19 iestment and a difficult transition in production arrangements. It is arguable that the most powerful driver of the shift away from sow stalls is, however, the market itself where the two major retailers are demanding sow stall free pork for the future – whether it comes from overseas for processed product or from domestic producers. The challenge we have faced over the past year is going to remain for future years – that is to maximise the value of this initiative to the industry through the differentiation power it gives us for the brand ‘Australian Pork’. We have already seen some benefits coming back to the industry as a result of our stand on sow stalls, such as retailer commitments to standards for all pork supplies, increased pressure on smallgoods processors to support the Australian industry, improved government relations as a result of their seeing us in a leadership role on welfare and credit coming from welfare agencies such as the RSPCA. There is a lot more to be done before our job is complete around ‘Shaping Our Future’. What gives us leverage in gaining benefits from this commitment is the continued industry progress in meeting it. As of November (2012), an industry survey showed that 55% of Australia’s sow herd is operating under ‘sow stall free’ conditions, which is an impressive result after just twenty four months. We expect this type of progress to continue, which will certainly help us to demonstrate that the industry is walking the talk around looking after our animals. Carbon and the environment Our industry has also demonstrated its credentials over the past year in emissions and environmental management. We were successful in working with the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency in having the first methodology for a reduction in emissions approved under the Carbon Farming Initiative. We also led a consortium of livestock industries in applying for funding under the Carbon Farming Futures ‘Filling the Research Gap’ program, worth around $3 million over the next few years. I was privileged to be part of the launch, by Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change and Energy Efficiency , the Hon Mark Dreyfus QC MP, of Australia’s first carbon farming piggery, Blantyre Farms at Young NSW. Blantyre Farms was the first farm in Australia to be given the green light to earn
carbon credits from destroying methane generated by pig manure. I am aware there are a number of other piggeries also close to finalising work on this type of environmental initiative. We believe the pork industry has a lot to offer in terms of reducing emissions and good environmental practice and this also needs to be a recognised part of our brand ‘Australian Pork’. Government R&D Policy Statement The federal government has released its “Rural Research and Development Policy Statement” in response to the Productivity Commission inquiry into Rural Research and Development Corporations and the Rural Research and Development Council Investment Plan. We expect that the implementation of the policies within the statement will have some future implications for how APL, and the other rural R&D corporations, will work. We look forward to working with government as one of our most important investors and stakeholders in making the necessary changes to the way we operate, whilst retaining our core roles of delivery for industry in an efficient and effective manner. The fresh pork threat from afar As legal decisions currently stand in New Zealand, pig producers there could have fresh pork competition from imports within a matter of months. The decision to allow fresh pork imports seems to us unfathomable, considering the potential for the outbreak of exotic disease – in particular, Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) – which today exists in neither Australia nor New Zealand. The big pork exporting nations of the world – mainly Europe and North America – will see this as a win for their exporting objectives and we will be the next opportunity in their sights. The impact of a disease outbreak such as PRRS in Australia would be an absolute disaster for our industry, and we intend to defend the scientific basis for the present import protocols with all resources available to us. It is clear that the pork exporting nations of the world have no interest in our clean herd health status (in fact, for them, it is a competitive disadvantage) and they will be trying to get their product into our market for sale as fresh meat. APL Operations The year 2012 saw other achievements
on behalf of the industry, including the drafting of the APIQ Free Range standards, continued uptake of the APIQ system generally on farm and the continuation of our iconic ‘Get some pork on your fork’ TV and radio advertisements. We also moved offices in Canberra earlier in the year to manage costs and improve efficiency and staff amenities. More than 30 staff turn up at those APL offices each morning to do their work for our industry. Many of them will never be known to our producers. They do a great job, sometimes in very difficult circumstances, and without broader acknowledgement, in making our industry better, year by year. I would like to recognise and thank them for their efforts. There have been some changes to the APL Board with the appointment of Mr Geoff Starr as a Specialist Director for an initial three year term. Mr Starr has an impressive background in marketing and the food industry. His appointment followed the retirement of Professor Robert van Barneveld after eight years on the APL Board. Looking to the next twelve months we plan to keep challenging ourselves to find what it takes to keep the industry moving in a positive direction in the years to come.
v PORK CRC - DIFFERENT BY CHOICE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 19 and new information in a new R&D process for the Australian pork industry. It’s something I am certainly looking forward to. We held our first Stakeholders’ Meeting in conjunction with the Pork CRC AGM in Melbourne in November 2012. The meeting, attended by representatives from almost all participant organisations, was informed of the latest outcomes from the four R&D programs and where each is headed. We received excellent feedback on participant expectations and potential R&D priorities and how participants can contribute to the R&D and commercialisation outcomes of the Pork CRC. The event was very professionally facilitated by Professor Rob van Barneveld and will become part of our annual calendar. I wish all participants and everyone involved in Australia’s pork industry, especially producers, a happy, healthy, safe and prosperous 2013. Managing feed costs and maximising feed efficiency will be the secrets to success in 2013, while further differentiating Australian pork will help ensure better prices in 2013 and the sustainability of the industry. I look forward to working with everyone on both areas.
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Trust our comprehensive range of products. Trust our ongoing and committed service. Trust our consistency of supply.
Porcilis APPvac The broadest pleuropneumonia protection available in Australia, Porcilis APPvac will aid in the control of pleuropneumonia caused by Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae infection in grower pigs1.
A technologically advanced vaccine with high efficacy, high antibody titres, a decrease in lung lesion scores and coughing2, M+PAC offers fast acting, long lasting protection against M. hyopneumoniae 3,4, and the choice of a one or two dose regime.
Convenient and effective, PLEvac is the only 3-in-1 vaccine to protect pigs against Erysipelas and Leptospira pomona infections, and aid in the control of parvovirus.
An inactivated vaccine for sows and gilts, ECOvac protects against E. coli scours in neonatal piglets.
ECOvacLE is a 3-in-1 vaccine for sows and gilts that provides protection against E. coli scours in neonatal piglets, and Erysipelas and Leptospira pomona infections in sows and gilts.
The MSD range of reproduction pharmaceuticals will plan, organise and control your herd’s breeding cycle, to time and adapt production to suit your needs.*
Through a combination of vaccinations and injectable or in-feed antimicrobial medication, MSD Animal Health will assist in the control and management of Swine Respiratory disease.*
Breathe Better. Grow Better.
1. Data on file. 2. Eileen L. Thacker, DVM, PhD; Brad J. Thacker, DVM, PhD; Tamara B. Boettcher, DVM; H. Jayappa, MVSc, PhD. Comparison of antibody production, lymphocyte stimulation, and protection induced by four commercial Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae bacterins. Swine Health and Production. 1998: 6(3): 107-112. 3. Davis RG et al. Onset and Duration of Immunity of a single dose of M+PAC. Proc. Leman Swine Conference 2003. 4. Jayappa H et al. Evaluation of Stability and Duration of Immunity of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae bacterin. Proc. IPVS 2000: 165.
MSD Animal Health 91-105 Harpin Street, Bendigo East VIC 3550 Free Call: 1800 033 461 www.msd-animal-health.com.au
* Please seek veterinary advice for your optimal herd health program.