Primary Times Avon Christmas 2016

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in Avon Issue 201 8 December 2016-10 February 2017

Also Planning the big break Outdoors in winter Discover ‘Wow’ sports

What the

Dickens? Download the Primary Times app, free! Page 3

Mr Brunel meets the great author at the ss Great Britain this season and welcomes you aboard for a Very Victorian Christmas. Page 4.

Theatre • Arty Barty • Roundabout • Save money! 16 Avon cover Xmas 2016.indd 1

23/11/2016 11:02:16

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18/11/2016 10:51:20

As you tidy the wrapping paper away after Christmas Day you’ll already be thinking about the new year ahead. So we’ve taken a peek at the range of holidays available for families as the weather warms up. It may be a few months away, yet, but nothing fans the feelgood factor more than the thought of a good break, so check out our feature on page 27 for a few holiday ideas. Of course, tearing the kids away from the TV (or console) over the winter holidays is always a challenge. You might inspire them, though, with the idea of introducing them to some of the skills practiced by our screen action heroes in our “Wow” sports feature (P21). Go ahead and jump!

THEATRE P8 ROUNDABOUT P13 PINBOARD P23 ADVERTISING FEATURES P30 PUPILS’ PAGE P34 CLASSIFIEDS P37 CHILLY THRILLS P6 Tori Chubb discovers exciting outdoor activities for children this winter.

‘WOW’ SPORTS P21 Discover trampoline, climbing and parkour.

YOUR BIG BREAK P27 the editor

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Issue 201 2017 February 2016-10 8 December

Also s Summer dream in winter s Outdoors ” sport Discover “Wow

What the


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Theatre • Arty

Holiday ideas from beaches to glamping.


money! dabout • Save Barty • Roun

Primary Times in Avon

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Mike Gartside Tracie Simms 0117 934 3165 Caroline Stretton 0117 934 3737 Juliet Hobbs 01242 278053 Cath Evans, Mike Gartside Eric Blair Ellen White 0117 934 3000

Primary Times is independently published and distributed free in Primary, Junior, Infant and Middle Schools throughout the former Avon area, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire. It is also available by subscription at £10 per year. Its aims are to inform families and children of current educational issues, forthcoming events, courses and attractions, and to give teachers, pupils and parents the opportunity to participate in the magazine by adding to its contents or joining in the competitions which we run. It is NOT our intention to publish any racist, sexist or politically biased material whatsoever. We also undertake not to carry any advertising which we would consider to be offensive to young families or harmful to the best interests of young children. While we make every effort to ensure information published is accurate, readers are encouraged to check details of all events in advance and neither Trinity Mirror Ltd nor its contributors are liable for the consequences of any errors. Primary Times would like to thank all the schools in the counties for their assistance in distributing the magazine and their contributions to its contents. We would also like to thank all the advertisers who have supported this publication and therefore made it possible. Please support their endeavours when and where you can. The copyright on all written material, logos and advertising artwork produced by our studio remains with Trinity Mirror Ltd. Primary Times currently publishes more than two million copies per issue under franchise.


16 Avon contents Christmas 2016.indd 3

Find these amazing offers this issue!

Bristol Aquarium Kids go free with advert Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm – Free child entry with advert Farringtons Farm Park – Cowtastic Christmas Fun! Puxton Park – Visit Santa in his grotto and receive a present Woolacombe Sands Holiday Park – up to 25% off 2017 holidays CHRISTMAS 2016


23/11/2016 11:06:25


What the


For one weekend in December Brunel’s ss Great Britain is transformed into a Dickensian winter wonderland as visitors step into A Very Victorian Christmas to meet the ghosts of Christmas past.


For the personal touch, make Christmas cards for your closest friends and family at the fun Family Craft Workshops. Finally, visit the ss Great Britain’s Gift Shop for a treasure trove of seasonal gifts, stockingfillers and Victorian-style gift ideas from wooden toys to books and Bristol Blue glass.

t could be said that the Victorians invented Christmas as we know it today. Many of the traditions that are considered commonplace today were started in the 1800s. Tales like Charles Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol’ changed the Victorian attitude towards the festive season and made it the wonderful, family-oriented celebration it is today. The classic Christmas card scene will be brought to life at Brunel’s ss Great Britain this December with Victorian characters, traditional treats and, believe it or not, guaranteed snow! The dockyard will be dressed with authentic decorations, a 25ft tree and lashings of wintery atmosphere. Look out for the Victorian

kens at Mr Brunel meets Mr Dic as A Very Victorian Christm

Characters going about their daily lives in the hustle and bustle of a dockyard as 20 authenticallyattired “Victorians” tell their stories. Learn what life was like for the Ragged Victorians, living at the harsher end of the social spectrum, as they transport you back in time with their tales. You’ll almost certainly enjoy the Carol Singing, in association with Heart FM, in which children’s choirs battle it out in a competition running throughout December. The final is held at Brunel’s ss Great Britain on Saturday 17 December, where choirs compete head to head in front of the judges. Then there’s the The Goblins’ Gift Storytelling featuring the 4


16 Avon Features Xmas 2016.indd 2

man who made the era, as Charles Dickens regales families with his newest tale. In costume and in character, it doesn’t get more Dickensian than the great author himself! Mr. Brunel himself was not famed for celebrating Christmas and, indeed, might be considered rather Scrooge-like for working through the festivities. So, seek him out every day of the festival and make sure he remembers to get some seasonal cheer. Of course there’s festive food and drink at the Dockyard Café, which is stocked with festive flavours for the whole family. Mulled wine, hot chocolate, roasted chestnuts and spiced juices are also available from vendors on the dockside.

Remember that your ticket for Brunel’s ss Great Britain is valid for 12 months, so if you visited the ship this summer, dig out your ticket to experience the Christmas offer. To get into the Christmas spirit, what better way than to step into a living and breathing, Dickensian adventure at Brunel’s ss Great Britain from Saturday 17 to Monday 19 December?

There are great family offers from £37 for two adults and up to three children (see website for other deals) – all of the Christmas events are available for the price of admission.


23/11/2016 13:21:13

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18/11/2016 10:10:41

Don’t let the children stay cossetted indoors this winter, says Tori Chubb. There are lots of ways they can still have fun outside.

Chilly thrills


e’ve all been there. The family has eaten, the weather presenter has run out of adjectives for “chilly” and “wet” and it’s all too easy to curl up in front of the TV, letting the kids reach eagerly for their preferred brand of electronic tablet. Attempts to march the children out for a bracing walk are met with rebellious cries which would challenge the leadership skills of the most experienced sergeant major. But we shouldn’t let the winter keep us indoors for months on end. Children need outdoor activity as much as ever at this time of year. As the RSPB ‘Every Child Outdoors’ report points out, the amount of time and contact children have with nature is falling rapidly. A recent survey of UK parents by the Wildlife Trust found that three quarters of children spend less time outside than prison inmates, and that they are becoming increasingly disconnected from nature as a result. There’s a wealth of medical and behavioural evidence to suggest we should encourage children to enjoy the fresh air. The English Outdoor Council, for example, stresses the benefits of outdoor play, which include improved communication, enhanced mental health and the ability to assert personal control. The key to getting the children outdoors in winter is preparation. Remember the old adage, “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing”. Make sure you’ve planned enough activities to keep you all moving, but don’t overdo it. Layer up and remember the woollies and waterproof footwear. A warm drink helps: perhaps a flask of hot chocolate or mulled apple juice. Start with a short walk and engage children’s interest with a light hearted competition or 6


16 Avon Features Xmas 2016.indd 4

door pleasure you can Beachcombing is an out images Tori Chubb All r. yea of e tim any do

scavenger hunt. You can print out a ready-made trail or be creative with your own. Take a camera and let the kids record what interests them. Don’t underestimate your garden as a resource. Channel your inner caveperson and build a bonfire. Use a metal bin, or even a barbeque. Hand out the marshmallows, or pop some popcorn, making sure you have some heat-proof gloves to hand for holding the pot! A fire is always fun but, if in doubt, why not hone your safety skills with one of the increasingly popular forest schools throughout the region? Younger children could try the ‘My Wild Child’ sessions run by Avon Wildlife Trust. Den building is a classic activity, and a good way to introduce the use of simple tools. This can be immensely rewarding, building confidence and helping children to

understand risk assessment. There are many opportunities for den building, such as a special den building area in Leigh Woods, near Bristol, which is open to the public and even has a café on Saturdays. Westonbirt Arboretum in Gloucestershire also offers den building areas, although admission fees do apply. Outdoor activity needn’t exclude technology either. Geocaching remains popular and involves hunting via a GPS linked app for hidden boxes. Pokémon Go! remains a good way to get the most computer dependent child outside. Willsbridge Mill in Bristol has a lovely walk, a stream for paddling and a Pokémon gym. It’s also home to one of South Gloucestershire’s Audio Bat Trails. Members of Libraries West can hire a Bat Sonar pack from any South Gloucestershire Library and listen for bats as they fly over the river after dark. Download a star map app before you go and do a spot of star gazing. For a daytime app, try Avon Wildlife Trust’s 30 Days Wild app. Just click and you’ll be given a fresh idea for con-

necting with nature – they also have an app showing you your nearest nature reserve if you need inspiration on places to go. Orienteering increases confidence and decision making skills, as well as being a useful life skill. The Mendip Centre in North Somerset offers a reasonably priced trail plus advice on getting started, but once you’ve gained experience there are other free trails that you can try (search free orienteering trails). Further afield, beachcombing is an under rated winter activity. Storms turn up all sorts of treasures and artistic children might enjoy drawing a beach view from under a blanket. But what if your inner sergeant major has deserted you and you’re still struggling to get them out of the door? If all else fails, don’t be afraid to resort to bribery. The promise of cake in the café can be a salvation for everyone!

Avon Wildlife Trust W: www. English Outdoor Council W: RSPB ‘Every Child Outdoors’ W: pdf Leigh Woods W: The Mendip Centre in North Somerset W: PRIMARY TIMES

23/11/2016 11:14:56

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18/11/2016 10:11:40

FAMILY & CHILDREN’S SHOWS ★ BRISTOL, BATH, N. SOMERSET & SOUTH GLOS 427108, Alice in Wonderland Thu 4-Sun 8 Jan, 7.15pm plus 2pm Sat & Sun, £10 (adult)/£8 (child) • Bath Unity Players’ annual pantomime with the Curtis School of Dance. Follow Alice to Wonderland and meet the Cheshire Cat, Mad Hatter and many more.

Cinderella, The Hippodrome, Bristol, Sat 10 Dec-Sun 8 Jan, featuring Torvill (third from left) and Dean (fourth from right).

BATH THEATRE ROYAL (MAIN HOUSE) Theatre Royal, Sawclose, Bath BA1 1ET. 01225 448844, Aladdin Thu 8 Dec-Sun 8 Jan, see website for times, £9-£32 (family tickets available) • Climb aboard the magic carpet for this year’s pantomime starring CBBC’s Mark Rhodes as Aladdin and soap star Bill Ward as the evil Abanazar. The Play That Goes Wrong Tue 10-Sun 15 Jan, various prices & times, see website • The Cornley Polytechnic Drama Society are putting on a 1920s murder mystery but, as the title suggests, everything that can go wrong, does. Pride & Prejudice Tue 17-Sat 21 Jan, various prices & times, see website • Jane Austen’s classic tale of romance, wit and the folly of judging by first impressions. Follow the Bennett sisters in their pursuit of a suitable husband and discover whether Elizabeth Bennett can see beyond Mr Darcy’s apparent arrogance and find love. Swan Lake Mon 23-Wed 25 Jan, various prices & times, see website • Saint Petersburg Classic Ballet present the romantic story of the Prince and the Swan Princess, a tragic tale of love that triumphs over evil, set to Tchaikovsky’s iconic score. The Nutcracker Thu 26-Sat 28 Jan, various prices & times, see website • A second Tchaikovsky showcase from the Saint Petersburg Classic Ballet. A brand new version of the timeless story of Clara, who is whisked away on a fairy tale adventure by her Nutcracker Prince. THE EGG Theatre Royal, Sawclose, Bath BA1 1ET. 01225 448844, www. Robin Hood Thu 8 Dec-Sun 15

Jan, see website for times, £18 (adult)/£7.50 (child) • Written and directed by Greg Banks, this year’s Christmas show follows Robin and his Merry Men as they defeat the evil Sheriff of Nottingham and Robin woos Maid Marion. Expect fiendish escapes, spectacular swashbuckling and sword fights galore, with four Merry men and a ska band. The New Adventures of Snow Mouse Thu 15 Dec-Sun 22 Jan, see website for times, £8.50(adult)/£7.50(child) • Travelling Light return with a new story about the little white mouse’s adventures in the snow. Winter has arrived and a boy finds a sleeping mouse buried in the snow. Join the two new friends on their adventures in a magical forest full of play, puppetry and music. Neverland Sat 4-Sun 5 Feb, 10am, 11.15am, 1.30pm & 2.45pm, £16 per pair (1 adult, 1 child) • 360 degree projections inspired by JM Barrie’s world of Neverland, specially aimed at toddlers and their parents. Expect footage of real and animated scenes of nature, from forest canopies to seabeds, accompanied by an original score. BATH FORUM Bath Forum, 1a Forum Buildings, St James Parade, Bath BA1 1UG. 0844 888 9991, The Snowman Tue 22 Dec, 2.30pm, £18 (adult)/£12 (child) • Bath Philharmonia play Howard Blake’s music live to Raymond Briggs’ magical animated film in this annual festive performance. The orchestra will also perform a host of Christmas favourites including ‘The Night Before Christmas’ narrated by candlelight. Children are invited to wear their favourite festive costumes for a fancy dress parade and there may even be a visit from Father Christmas. KINGSWOOD SCHOOL THEATRE Lansdown Rd, Bath BA1 5RG. 01225

THE RONDO THEATRE St. Saviours Rd, Bath BA1 6RT. 01225 463362, Reindeer on the Roof Thu 8-Sun 18 Dec, various times, see website, £10-£12 • It’s Christmas morning … and Darcy wakes up to a sparkly tree, a stocking full of presents and a reindeer on the roof. Join Darcy on her adventure as she tries to get her new reindeer friend back to Lapland where he belongs and discovers the true meaning of Christmas along the way. The Christmassy Christmas Show of Christmassy Christmasness! Mon 19 Dec, 1pm & 4pm, £12-£14 • Squashbox Theatre presents a celebration of all things festive, from fir trees and fairy lights to snow, sleigh bells and presents. Expect puppets, songs, quizzes and comedy, all over-flowing with crazy characters, silly slapstick, tall tales and fantastic facts.

BRISTOL BRISTOL HIPPODROME St. Augustine’s Parade, Bristol BS1 4UZ. 0844 871 3012, Cinderella Sat 10 Dec-Sun 8 Jan, see website for times, £12-£42 • Torvill and Dean take to the stage as fairy godparents in this year’s pantomime. Expect a family extravaganza with glittering sets, big song and dance numbers, real Shetland ponies and jaw-dropping skating sequences. The Nutcracker Fri 20 Jan, 7.30pm, £19.90-£48.90 • The Russian State Ballet of Siberia perform one of the most famous seasonal ballets. Follow Clara’s adventures with the Nutcracker Prince as he prepares to do battle with the Mouse King, all set to Tchaikovsky’s iconic score. Swan Lake Sat 21 Jan, 2.30pm & 7.30pm, £19.90-£48.90 • A second Tchaikovsky classic from the Russian State Ballet of Siberia. The white swan Odette and black swan Odile compete to win the Prince’s heart. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Wed 25 Jan-Sat 4 Feb, see website for times, £20-£53.50 • The hit West

End musical about wacky inventor Potts and his magical flying car. Can he outwit Baron Bomburst and the wicked Childcatcher? THE BRISTOL OLD VIC King St, Bristol BS1 4ED. 0117 987 7877, The Snow Queen Fri 2 Dec-Sun 15 Jan, 2pm, 4pm & 7pm, £9.50-£34


Review: Kid Carpet’s Super Mega Rockin’ Rock Show

The Wardrobe Theatre, Bristol


hen the main character in a one man show bounces out in a high vis jacket, and starts telling you about the emergency exits, you know you’re in safe hands. We’re treated to a tonguein-cheek health and safety briefing before the rock star version of Kid Carpet emerges – looking strangely similar to his nerdy alter ego – to announce a dance contest that we’re all going to take part in. It turns out he’s more diplomat than rock star, though, as the frontman of a band consisting of four plastic animals, each with their own characters and egos to manage. These are displayed on a big screen with the ingenious use of web cam and a cardboard desk-top studio that Blue Peter clearly rejected. I’d like to say Mr Carpet manipulates these characters using ingenious puppetry techniques but really he just wiggles them in front of the camera, as most of the six-year-olds in the audience would do, which is much funnier. Through punky, dancey songs, off the cuff dialogue and a shower of ping pong balls we discover that the gorilla is a drummer with attitude (cue brilliant low tech recreation of the famous Cadbury’s advert) and that bears poo in the woods. The whole thing is rounded off by a children’s dance contest in which everyone goes utterly barmy – although probably not as barmy as the chap who brought us here in the first place. Kids aged 3 to 93 loved it and it all bodes well for Kid Carpet’s forthcoming Noisy Nativity shows at the Christmas Spiegeltent, Bristol, and Bay Theatre in Weston-superMare. (Mike Gartside)


16 Avon Theatre Xmas 2016.indd 8

23/11/2016 11:45:05







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18/11/2016 10:12:52



• The Old Vic’s version of Hans Christian Andersen’s tale. When Kai is stolen away by the Snow Queen, Gerda sets off on an ambitious and dangerous journey to save her best friend. On her way, a hodgepodge of mysterious characters – including a magpie, a garden of colourful flowers and a trusty reindeer – help her discover her true strength. COLSTON HALL Colston St, Bristol BS1 5AR. 0844 887 1500, Little Tim & the Brave Sea Captain Fri 2 Dec-Sun 8 Jan, 10.30am,11.30am,1.30pm & 3pm, £7.49-£13.50 • Bristol Old Vic sets sail to Colston Hall’s Lantern room and transforms it into a nautical playground. Tim has always wanted to become a sailor but he’s much too young. One day he accidentally-onpurpose stows away on a steam ship. The Noise Next Door Sun 12 Feb, 3pm, £9.68-£13.97 • An anarchic afternoon from the improvising group featuring outlandish characters, punchlines and songs. Suitable for ages 8+. KELVIN PLAYERS STUDIO THEATRE 253b Gloucester Rd, Bishopston, Bristol BS7 8NY. 0117 959 3636, Mr Gotalot’s Gotalot Shop: The Cheese Burglar Sun 8, 15 & 22 Jan, 10.30am, 1pm & 3.30pm, £7 • Sixth installment of the popular family theatrical sitcom. Someone has burgled Ms Barnet’s lovely golden cheese and she wants the criminal mastermind brought to justice. Can detective Shirley Lock deduce from a variety of mysterious clues just who the Cheese Burglar might be? Expect plenty of the usual shenanigans, puppetry and amusement. REDGRAVE THEATRE Percival Rd, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3LE. 0117 315 7000, The Redgrave has no permanent box office so please book directly with the visiting companies listed below. Treasure Island Fri 2-Sun 18 Dec, see website for times & to book tickets, £17 (adult)/£12 (child), www. • Bristol Old Vic Theatre School presents this action-packed adventure on the high seas as young hero Jim Hawkins pits his wits against Long John Silver and his pirate crew. The Nativity Sat 10 & Sat 17 Dec, 11am (Sat 10)/10am & 11.30am (Sat 17), £8, • Wise men (and not so wise men), talking sheep, angels, a shepherd family, camels, a horrible Herod and carols old and new go to make up a magical retelling of the story of the first Christmas. Santa Saves Christmas Tue 20 Dec, 11am & 1.30pm, £10 • Fairy Twinkle’s wand has stopped working and Cinderella’s glass slipper has broken. Christmas might have to be cancelled unless Father Christmas can help. Interactive, song-packed show followed by a festive meet and greet with Santa. The Stars of Magic Christmas Show Tue 27-Thu 29 Dec, 2pm & 7.30pm, £19.50 • Family-friendly show featuring six world-class magi10 CHRISTMAS 2016

16 Avon Theatre Xmas 2016.indd 10

cians. Expect everything from Las Vegas-style illusions to sleight-ofhand magic that must be seen to be believed. Jason & the Argonauts Sat 4 & Sat 11 Feb, 10.30am, £8, • Bristol Old Vic Theatre School presents the tale of Jason and his epic quest to find the Golden Fleece and promises a bold theatrical style, clear, accessible storytelling and live music. So You Think You Know About Dinosaurs? Fri 10 Feb, 7pm, £10.50 • Test your dinosaur knowledge against TV’s Ben Garrod and learn everything you ever wanted to know. Interactive show with the opportunity to ask questions. CHRISTMAS SPIEGELTENT Waterfront Sq, off Canons Way, Harbourside, Bristol BS1 5LL. 0117 287 2484, Father Christmas’s Magic Time Machine Sat 10 & 17 Dec & Mon 19-Sat 24 Dec, see website for times, £6 (child)/accompanying adult free • Step or slide into Father Christmas’s magical workshop for an interactive theatrical experience and learn how he beats the clock on Christmas Eve with his amazing time machine. Kid Carpet’s Noisy Nativity Wed 21-Sat 24 Dec, 11am & 2pm (Wed 2pm only), £10 (adult)/£8 (child) • Prepare for the Christmas story to be given a rather radical remix. Kid Carpet and his trusty band The Noisy Animals present a festive show packed full of big-beat songs, wonky carols, live special effects, puppetry and animation. (See Review). Christmas Tales With Grandad Tue 27-Fri 30 Dec, 11am & 2pm (Tue 2pm only), £12 (adult)/£10 (child) • Award-winning theatre company Pickled Image and their handmade puppets bring heart-warming storytelling to the tent. Hear Granddad’s merry feast of stories including tales of a pair of Christmas pants, the mystery of the snowflake necklace and the shenanigans of the Tomten. ST GEORGE’S BRISTOL Great George St, Bristol BS1 5RR. 0117 925 3333, Children’s Christmas Carnival Sun 18 Dec, 2pm & 4pm, £15/£5 for additional under-18s • Live music from ‘The Snowman’ plus plenty of audience participation in festive favourites including ‘Jingle Bells’ and ‘Sleigh Ride’. Young Artists Showcase Tue 31 Jan, 7pm, £5 (adult)/under-18 free • Young performers from Churchill Academy and Sixth Form and Bristol Cathedral Choir School. Soloists and ensembles, plus a concert finale performance of Bach’s Magnificat. TOBACCO FACTORY THEATRE Raleigh Rd, Bristol BS3 1TF. 0117 902 0060, Cinderella: A Fairy Tale Fri 2 DecSun 22 Jan, see website for times, £8.50-£60 (family ticket) • Since its premier in 2011, Sally Cookson’s ‘Cinderella’ has been seen by more than 60,000 people. It returns to where it all began – so expect original music and storytelling from the cast who brought you ‘101 Dalmatians’.

THE WARDROBE THEATRE The Old Market Assembly, 25 West St, Old Market, Bristol BS2 0DF. www. Mistletoes & Whiney Countdown to Christmas Sat 10 Dec-Sun 8 Jan, 11am & 2pm, tickets £7/under-3s free • Open Attic Company present a brand new family show just in time for Christmas. How far will Whiney dare to go to spice up her Christmas? And how long can Mistletoes play along before he is faced with the prospect of having to save Christmas Day itself? Snow Baby and The Owl & the Pussycat’s Treasury of Nonsense Sat 4 Feb, 11am (‘Snow Baby’), 2pm (‘Owl & the Pussycat’), £6 each/£10 for both • Soap Soup Theatre present a double bill of family shows as a fundraiser for their upcoming Easter production. Revolving around Doris and her Bear Man, ‘Snow Baby’ is a tale of family, love and loss, with puppetry, lots of music and confetti. Next meet the Owl, a poet writing his greatest masterpiece yet, whose friend the Pussycat, has a quite a different story-telling approach. Edward Lear-inspired unpredictability abounds. PILNING VILLAGE HALL Pilning, South Gloucestershire. 01454 633786/632813, Camelot, the Panto Wed 7-Sat 10 Dec, 7.30pm (weekdays)/1.30pm & 6pm (Sat), £6/£4 • Amateur production of the King Arthur-related yarn by The Village Players in association with Ben Crocker Pantomimes. OLYMPUS THEATRE Filton College Wise Campus, New Rd, Bristol BS34 8LP. 0117 956 7463, Cinderella Thu 8-Sun 11 Dec, 10am & 1pm (Thu-Fri)/7.30pm (Fri-Sat), 2pm (Sat-Sun), £6-£10 • This year’s pantomime featuring a fairy godmother, a glass slipper and two ugly sisters. Seussical: The Musical Sat 14-Sun 15 Jan, 12noon & 6.30pm (Sat)/11am & 2pm (Sun), ticket prices TBA • Musical based on the works of ‘The Cat in the Hat’ author Dr Seuss. THE SPACE Market Walk, Keynsham BS31 1FS. 01225 477422, Hansel & Gretel Sat 17 Dec, 10am, 12noon & 2pm, £8 (adult)/£5 (child) • Brave Bold Drama and BS13 Theatre Co put a spin on the classic Brothers Grimm story. THE BAY THEATRE Marine Parade, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset BS23 1BE. 01934 629829, Christmas Tales with Grandad Sat 3-Sun 4 Dec, 2pm plus 11am Sun, £6 (adult)/£5 (child) • Festive stories from Pickled Image including a special pair of Christmas pants, the mystery of the snowflake necklace and the mischievous shenanigans of a feisty gnome. The Christmassy Christmas Show Sun 11 Dec, 2pm, £6 (adult)/£5 (child) • Squashbox Theatre’s new show celebrating all things Christmassy, from fir trees, fairy lights and sleigh

Mistletoes & Whiney Countdown to Christmas, The Wardrobe Theatre, Bristol, Sat 10 Dec-Sun 8 Jan

bells to crackers, carols, presents and puddings. The Noisy Nativity Sun 18-Mon 19 Dec, 2pm, £6 (adult)/£5 (child) • The traditional Christmas story gets a radical remix courtesy of Kid Carpet and his big-beat songs, wonky carols, live special effects, puppetry and animation. (See Review). Nutty Noah Fri 30 Dec, 1pm, £6 (adult)/£5 (child) • Back by popular demand: expect a unique blend of magic, music and mayhem. Beneath the Blizzard Fri 13-Sat 14 Jan, 7pm plus 2pm Sat, £5 • Awardwinning theatre company and band Fine Chisel breathe life into a fantastical troupe of rogues and rebels on the eve of their biggest adventure yet. Suitable for ages 8+. BLAKEHAY THEATRE Wadham St, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset BS23 1JZ. 01934 645493, Babes in the Wood Wed 7-Thu 8 Dec, 7pm, £10 (adult)/£8 (child) • Weston College students present the tale of the two titular babes, sent to the forest by their evil uncle and rescued by Robin Hood and Maid Marion. Expect traditional pantomime song and dance and lots of colourful characters. THE PLAYHOUSE THEATRE High St, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset BS23 1HP. 01934 645544, Beauty & the Beast Sat 10 DecSun 1 Jan, see website for times, £14.95-£20.95 • This is the first time this tale has been performed as the Playhouse’s yearly pantomime. Follow the adventures of a Prince who’s turned into a Beast, the beautiful heroine, a madcap inventor and a bonkers Dame. That’ll be the Day Christmas Show Wed 14 Dec, 7.30pm, £26.50 (adult)/£17.50 (child) • Special festive version of the rock ‘n’ roll variety show. Expect Christmas classics from the 50s, 60s and 70s, plus plenty of hilarious comedy. So You Think You Know About Dinosaurs? Fri 3 Feb, 6pm, £16 • Test your knowledge against TV’s Ben Garrod and learn everything you ever wanted to know about dinosaurs with the help of film footage and photos from his own palaeontogical digs. Interactive show with the opportunity to ask questions. Sleeping Beauty Sat 4 Feb, 4pm, £18 (adult)/£15 (child) • Bristol Russian Ballet School perform Perrault’s fairy tale of the enchanted sleeping princess with music by Tchaikovsky. PRIMARY TIMES

23/11/2016 11:43:18




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18/11/2016 10:15:23


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18/11/2016 10:18:53

ROUNDABOUT Your ultimate family diary of what’s on, where & when

Deadlines: List your school’s events in Primary Times for free. We work a half-term in advance so we’re now collecting information for February, March and April: deadline Friday 6 January. If your event is to raise funds for a school, a charity or your community, and is open to the public, we are keen to list it here. Please send all your events information and news/feature ideas to the editor at: PLEASE CHECK BEFORE YOU TRAVEL While we make every effort to ensure these listings are accurate and up to date, event information can sometimes change after we’ve gone to press. Please check with the venue or organiser before you set off to an event to make sure it’s going ahead as planned . . . and tell them you saw it in Primary Times!

DECEMBER UNTIL SUN 11 DEC A GEORGIAN CHRISTMAS No.1 Royal Crescent Museum, Bath BA1 2LR. 01225 428126, www., 10.30am5.30pm, included in standard admission prices • Discover how the Georgians celebrated Christmas on a seasonal trail through the house. Expect a different festive theme in each room and Christmas floral displays. Also special late openings until 8pm Thu 8-Sat 10 Dec. UNTIL SUN 11 DEC BATH CHRISTMAS MARKET Bath City Centre, Bath, BA1 1LY, 0906 7112000,, 10am-7pm (Mon-Wed)/10am-8.30pm (ThuSat)/10am-6pm (Sun), free • Traditional wooden chalets selling

everything from felt decorations to wooden toys, local food and drink, leather goods, jewellery and more. UNTIL MON 12 DEC AUTUMN IN THE GREENHOUSE At-Bristol, Anchor Rd, Harbourside, Bristol BS1 5DB. 0117 915 1000,, 10am-5pm, included in standard admission prices • Find out what’s sprouting in the indoor greenhouse, learn about the nutrient nitrogen and plant your own ‘green manure’ to take home. UNTIL MON 12 DEC AUTUMN KITCHEN At-Bristol, Anchor Rd, Harbourside, Bristol BS1 5DB. 0117 915 1000,, 10am-5pm, included in standard admission prices • Celebrate harvest time and taste the benefits of the summer growing season. There are regular cook-alongs and tastealongs, including what to do with sunflower heads and how to turn oats into a high-energy treat. WEEKLY UNTIL WED 21 DEC CHRISTMAS FOOD PRODUCERS’ MARKET St Nicholas Market, Corn St, Bristol, BS1 1QJ. 0117 922 4014, www., 9.30am2.30pm, free • A variety of food available from local producers selling seasonal supplies. Plus street food vendors offering hot and cold food to enjoy whilst visiting the Enchanted Winter Market. UNTIL THU 22 DEC CHRISTMAS AT DYRHAM – A WYNTER SEASON Dyrham Park, Dyrham SN14 8ER. 0117 937 2501, www.nationaltrust., 10am-4pm, standard admission prices apply • Learn about what Christmas was like in the 17th century. Please note that Father Christmas will not be at the park this year, but expect an outdoor deer trail and plenty of festive family activities instead. UNTIL FRI 23 DEC FESTIVE POP-UP SHOP The Architecture Centre, 16 Narrow Quay, Bristol BS1 4QA. 0117 922 1540, www.architecturecentre., 10am-6pm (closed Mon), free • Collaboration with Made in Bristol transforming the gallery into a seasonal shopping hub. Items for sale include artwork, jewellery, toys, ceramics, clothing and home accessories. You can also meet the makers and learn about their creative process.

Winter Wonderland, The Mall, Cribbs Causeway, Bristol, Until Wed 4 Jan


16 Avon Roundabout Xmas 2016.indd 13

Wildlife Photographer of the Year, City Museum & Art Gallery, Bristol, until Sun 5 Mar. Pic: Sam Hobson/Wildlife Photographer of the Year

UNTIL FRI 23 DEC SANTA’S GROTTO Bristol Zoo, College Rd, Bristol, BS8 3HA, 0117 974 7300, www., 3.30pm5.30pm, general admission plus £5 per child, two adults free per paying child • See the real reindeer and animal shaped lights before meeting Santa in his magical grotto and receive a special gift. UNTIL FRI 23 DEC SOUNDING CITY: A MUSICAL MAPPING OF BRISTOL The Architecture Centre, 16 Narrow Quay, Bristol BS1 4QA. 0117 922 1540,, 10am-6pm (closed Mon), free • Discover how architecture and place can be explored through sound. Read the stories and sketches that inspired the compositions by local musicians and listen to their musical musings, as recorded live. UNTIL SAT 24 DEC ENCHANTED WINTER MARKET St Nicholas Market, Corn St, Bristol, BS1 1QJ. 0117 922 4014,, 9.30am-5pm/to 7pm (Thu)/ to 6pm (Sat)/11am-5pm (Sun), free • Discover the illuminated willow animal sculptures, plus live music, children’s wishing tree and a variety of artisan Christmas gifts with festive food and drink. UNTIL MON 2 JAN BEHIND THE SCENES Fashion Museum, Assembly Rooms, Bennett St, Bath BA1 2QH. 01225 477789,, 10.30am-5pm, included in standard admission prices • A century of women’s fashions, from a white muslin Regency dress to a drill uniform from the Second World War, on display against a backdrop of the stored collection for a rare behind-the-scenes look.

UNTIL TUE 3 JAN MILLENIUM SQUARE ICE RINK At-Bristol, Anchor Rd, Harbourside, Bristol BS1 5DB. 0117 915 1000,, 1pm-8pm (Mon-Fri)/10am-8pm (Sat)/10am-6pm(Sun), £9.50 (adult)/£7.50 (child) • Whether you fancy yourself as the next Torvill or Dean, or you just want to have a laugh with friends and family, give skating a whirl on real ice under the giant bauble that is the At-Bristol Planetarium. UNTIL TUE 3 JAN BATH ON ICE Royal Pavilion, Royal Victoria Park, Marlborough Lane, Bath BA1 2NQ. 0749 605 3136, www., 10am-9pm, golf from £4.50 per person, ice skating from £7.25 per person • Outdoor ice rink and glow-inthe-dark mini-golf. Take a spin on the ice then enjoy mulled wine and wood-fired pizza in the café. UNTIL TUE 3 JAN SANTA’S INVENTION WORKSHOP At-Bristol, Anchor Rd, Harbourside, Bristol BS1 5DB. 0117 915 1000,, 10am-5pm, included in standard admission prices • Join in some festive crafts in the Tinkering Space and create your own Christmas decorations. UNTIL WED 4 JAN WINTER WONDERLAND The Mall, Cribbs Causeway, Bristol, BS34 5DG, 0117 903 0303,, see website for times, skating £5.50/£8 (adult)/£4.50/£6 (child), enchanted ice castle £5 • The return of the South West’s largest outdoor ice rink. You can also meet Santa in his castle until Christmas Eve and enjoy a Christmas train ride inside the Mall. CHRISTMAS 2016



23/11/2016 11:47:34


UNTIL SAT 21 JAN FAIRYTALE SOS At Bristol, Anchor Rd, Harbourside, Bristol, BS1 5DB, 0117 915 1000, uk, check show times on arrival, included in standard admission • One call sends the Fairytale SOS helpline operator on a quest to turn base metals to gold and secure a seat on the next flight to Fairytale land – with wicked queens, dragons, and a scary fairy, expect nail biting action and science demonstrations.

experience space in 3D. Suitable for ages 6+.

UNTIL FEB FROST LAB At-Bristol, Anchor Rd, Harbourside, Bristol BS1 5DB. 0117 915 1000,, 10am-5pm, included in standard admission prices • Wrap up warm and explore the seasonal science of all things chilly.

THU 8 DEC BRING YOUR BABY TOUR Arnolfini, 16 Narrow Quay, Bristol BS1 4QA. 0117 917 2300, www., 11am-11.45am, £3 • Special gallery tour designed for parents and carers. Join Jane Porter to hear about current exhibition ‘Daphne Wright: Emotional Archaeology’ in a baby-friendly environment.

UNTIL SUN 5 MAR WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR M-Shed, Princes Wharf, Wapping Rd, Bristol BS1 4RN. 0117 352 6600, www.bristolmuseums., 10am-5pm (Tue-Fri)/10am-6pm (Sat-Sun), £5 (adult)/under-16 free • 100 images of fascinating animal behaviour and wild landscapes from photographers of all ages. Categories include underwater, urban wildlife, mammals and birds. Wildlife Photographer of the Year is developed and produced by the Natural History Museum, London. UNTIL MON 6 MAR WINTER STARGAZING At-Bristol, Anchor Rd, Harbourside, Bristol BS1 5DB. 0117 915 1000,, regular daily shows, £3.50 plus standard admission prices • Discover the stars you can see from your back garden this winter. Find out about famous constellations including Orion the Hunter and Taurus the Bull and



16 Avon Roundabout Xmas 2016.indd 14

Santas on the Run, Sun 11 Dec

FRI 2 DEC ALMONDSBURY CHRISTMAS FAIR Almondsbury School, Sundays Hill, Lower Almondsbury BS32 4DS. 01454 612517, 6pm-8pm, free • Festive stalls plus chocolate tombola, games, children’s crafts, raffle, ‘Gift Room’ festive refreshments, Christmas trees for sale and even an appearance from Father Christmas.

THU 8 DEC SMILEY COYOTES American Museum in Britain, Claverton Manor, Claverton, Bath BA2 7BD. 01225 460503, www., 10.30am12noon, £8 per family • Join Noeline Beasley for engaging craft activities for parents/carers as well as children – all inspired by items from the museum’s collection. Enjoy forest school activities in the grounds, singing, storytelling and refreshments. THU 8 DEC MY WILD CHILD PLAY SESSION: THE BOMMIE The Bommie, Northern Slopes, next to 105 Wedmore Vale, Bristol BS3 5HX. 0117 917 7270,, 1pm-2.30pm, free • Local, green-space play session for ages 2 to 4 including mud painting, mini-beast quests, wild songs and stories, plus take-home nature crafts. THU 8 DEC UNDER-5S MAKE A MESS Children’s Scrapstore, The Scrap Store, Sevier St, Bristol BS2 9LB. 0117 908 5644,, 10.15am-11.45am, £5 child/£3.50 additional sibling, must be booked in advance • Messy play sessions for little ones including painting and den making – with no mess to clean up at home. FRI 9 & SAT 10 DEC TYNTESFIELD ALL AGLOW Tyntesfield, Wraxall, Bristol BS48 1NX. 01275 461900,, 5-8pm, last admission 7pm, £5 (adult)/ under-16 free • Discover the estate in a whole new light with partially lit paths, illuminated trees and external details of the house – all highlighted after dark. Bring a good torch as there will be minimal lighting on the paths.

Saturday Art Club, Holburne Museum, Bath, Sat 7 Jan.


FRI 9 & WED 14 DEC THE HOUSE AT NIGHT Tyntesfield, Wraxall, Bristol BS48 1NX. 01275 461900, www.national-

Bath on Ice, Royal Victoria Park, Bath, Until Sun 3 Jan, 5pm-8pm, £10(adult)/£6(child) • See a different side to the house at night and explore with the help of Tyntesfield volunteers. Bring a torch as there is minimal lighting on some paths. SAT 10 DEC SUPER SATURDAY SESSIONS Children’s Scrapstore, The Scrap Store, Sevier St, Bristol BS2 9LB. 0117 908 5644,, drop-in 10.30am2pm, free • Family arts and craft sessions: experiment with materials and techniques plus craft demonstrations. SAT 10 DEC CHRISTMAS NATIVITY Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm, Clevedon Rd, Wraxall, Bristol BS48 1PG. 01275 852606,, 12noon & 2pm, standard admission prices apply • Traditional Nativity performed by The Redcliffe Brownies and Cubs featuring real live animals and classic sing-a-long carols. SAT 10 DEC CHRISTMAS CAROL EVENING Yate Heritage Centre, Church Rd, Yate, Bristol BS37 5BG. 01454 862200,, 6.30pm-8pm, free • Annual carol evening on St Mary’s Green: get in the festive spirit and enjoy mince pies and mulled wine in the heritage centre afterwards. Visitors are invited to attend the Christmas Tree Festival in St Mary’s Church beforehand. SAT 10-SUN 11 DEC SANTA’S GROTTO Marine Parade, Weston-superMare, North Somerset BS23 1AL. 01934 646155, www.grandpier., from 11am, £5 per child • Santa and his helpers have arrived at their winter wonderland for the festive season: follow the snowy footprints along the Grand Pier and meet Santa’s reindeers and elves on the way to the grotto.

SAT 10-SUN 11 DEC MEET FATHER CHRISTMAS Stourhead, Stourton BA12 6QF. 01747 841152, www.nationaltrust., 10.30am-2pm, standard admission prices apply plus £5 per child • There are presents for every child in the magical grotto, plus a special story from the jolly man in red. Families can make Christmas crafts, write letters to Father Christmas and make festive decorations together while local choirs sing carols. SAT 10 & SAT 17 DEC AN INVITATION TO THE GIBBS FAMILY HOME AT CHRISTMAS Tyntesfield, Wraxall, Bristol BS48 1NX. 01275 461900, www., 5pm-8pm, £12 (adult)/£8 (child) • It’s the Gibbs family’s annual Christmas ball and you’re invited. An immersive, walkingtheatre experience with stories of Christmases past along with lashings of mystery, fun, games, dancing, music and a Golden Goose. SUN 11 DEC SANTAS ON THE RUN Harbourside, Bristol BS1 5LL. 01271 325270, uk, 1pm, £12 (adult)/£6 (child) • Thousands of Santas take to the streets across the South West in this 2k festive fun run. These runs are not about speed or fitness so adults, children and even family pets are all invited to take part. MON 12 DEC PLAYTIME The Southville Centre, Beauley Rd, Bedminster, Bristol BS3 1QG. 0117 953 4043, www.eventbrite., 10.30am, £6.50 per child • Themed imaginative play sessions for 2- to 4-year-olds led by drama facilitators from Big Bold Drama. Expect simple prop making, music, poems, stories, dressing up and lots of let’s pretend.



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18/11/2016 10:20:11


FROM TUE 13 DEC WINTER IN THE KITCHEN At-Bristol, Anchor Rd, Harbourside, Bristol BS1 5DB. 0117 915 1000,, 10am-5pm, included in standard admission prices • Unravel the chemistry of winter feasts in the seasonal science kitchen, take part in cookalongs and taste the delicious results. WED 14 DEC MY WILD CHILD PLAY SESSION: FISHPONDS Fishponds Park, Manor Rd, Bristol BS16. 0117 917 7270,, 9.30am-11am, free • Special play sessions for ages 2 to 4 including mud painting, minibeast quests, wild songs, stories and take-home nature crafts. WED 14 DEC MY WILD CHILD PLAY SESSION: ST GEORGE St. George Park, Church Rd, St George, Bristol BS5 7AA. 0117 917 7270, uk, 1pm-2.30pm, free • Special play sessions for ages 2 to 4 including mud painting, mini-beast quests, wild songs, stories and take-home nature crafts. WED 14-THU 15 DEC TYNTETOTS: CHRISTMAS NUTCRACKER Tyntesfield, Wraxall, Bristol BS48 1NX. 01275 461900,, 10am12noon £7 (child)/£3 (adult) • Walk to the house and sit around the Christmas tree to hear the story of the Nutcracker. See the beautiful decorations and make a Christmas craft to take home. TUE 15 DEC SMILEY COYOTES American Museum in Britain, Claverton Manor, Claverton, Bath BA2 7BD. 01225 460503, www., 10,30am12noon, £8 family • Join Noeline Beasley for engaging craft activities for parents / carers as well as children – all inspired by items from the museum’s collection. Enjoy forest school activities in the grounds, singing, storytelling and refreshments. THU 15 DEC UNDER-5S MAKE A MESS Children’s Scrapstore, The Scrap

Baby Disko, the Christmas Spiegeltent, Bristol, Sat 17 Dec



16 Avon Roundabout Xmas 2016.indd 16

Store, Sevier St, Bristol BS2 9LB. 0117 908 5644,, 10.15-11.45am, £5 child/£3.50 per additional sibling, must be booked in advance • Messy play sessions for little ones including painting and den making – with no mess to clean up at home. THU 15 DEC MY WILD CHILD PLAY SESSION: BENNETT’S PATCH Bennett’s Patch & White’s Paddock, Portway, Bristol BS9 1RQ. 0117 917 7270, www., 10am11.30am, free • Special play sessions for ages 2 to 4 including mud painting, mini-beast quests, wild songs, stories and takehome nature crafts. FRI 16-SUN 18 DEC ENCHANTED CHRISTMAS Bristol Zoo, College Rd, Bristol, BS8 3HA, 0117 974 7300, www., 5.30pm9.30pm, all tickets £20 • Calling all Arctic explorers - journey to the North Pole and meet a whole host of characters at the transformed Seal and Penguin Coast, then solve a mystery and learn about how arctic animals help Santa prepare for Christmas. Plus grab a night sky map and find the characters hidden around the zoo, hear storytelling from the Snow Queen Christmas choir, reindeer, Santa on stage and much more. SAT 17 DEC BABY DISKO Christmas Spiegeltent, Waterfront Sq, off Canons Way, Harbourside, Bristol BS1 5LL. 0117 287 2484,, 2-4pm, £8 • Grab your dancing shoes and get down to the tent for a special disco for those aged 5 and under. Expect soundtrack sing-alongs, old-skool classics and the pick of the pop charts, plus Rose Popay leads interactive games and other silly fun. SAT 17 DEC MINI MESSIAH FAMILY CONCERT Colston Hall, Colston St, Bristol BS1 5AR. 0844 8871500, www., 4.30pm, £7.53

PLEASE CHECK BEFORE YOU TRAVEL . . . AND TELL THEM YOU SAW THE EVENT IN PRIMARY TIMES! (adult)/child free • Bristol Choral Society and the Corelli Orchestra present family-friendly Handel conducted by Hilary Campbell.

Christmas Holiday Fun, Bristol Aquarium, Sat 17 Dec-Mon 2 Jan

SAT 17 DEC ROCK NATIVITY Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm, Clevedon Rd, Wraxall, Bristol BS48 1PG. 01275 852606, www., 12noon/1.30pm/3pm, standard admission prices apply • Local group The Rock Project for aspiring 11- to 18-year-old musicians will be performing an alternative and dynamic take on the Nativity story for visitors to enjoy. Expect classic rock and pop music hits. SAT 17 DEC CHRISTMAS DISCO Puxton Park, Cowslip Lane, Hewish BS24 6AH. 01934 523500,, 11am-12noon/1-2pm, included in standard admission prices • Festive disco in the indoor soft play barn. Expect plenty of Christmas tunes to get you in the mood. SAT 17-SUN 18 DEC MEET FATHER CHRISTMAS Stourhead, Stourton, BA12 6QF. 01747 841152, www.nationaltrust., 10.30am-2pm, standard admission prices apply plus £5 per child • With presents for every child in the magical grotto and a special story from the jolly man in red. Families can make Christmas crafts, write letters to Father Christmas and make festive decorations together while local choirs sing carols. SAT 17-SUN 18 DEC RAGGED VICTORIANS ss Great Britain, Great Western Dockyard, Gas Ferry Rd, Bristol BS1 6TY. 0117 926 0680, www., 10am-4.30pm, included in standard admission prices • Experience the hustle and bustle of a 19th-century dockside as 20 Victorian characters go about their lives and tell their stories. See feature on p.4. SAT 17-MON 19 DEC VICTORIAN CHRISTMAS WEEKEND ss Great Britain, Great Western Dockyard, Gas Ferry Rd, Bristol BS1 6TY, 0117 926 0680, www., 10am-4.30pm, included in standard admission prices • Step back in time to meet the ghosts of Christmas past as Brunel’s ship is transformed into a Dickensian winter scene complete with decorated dockyard, Victorian characters and falling snow. Plus family workshops, storytelling from Dickens himself, festive food and drink and carols from The Cosmos and Big Friendly Choirs on Sat and Mon. See feature on p.4. SAT 17-SAT 24 DEC SANTA’S GROTTO Puxton Park, Cowslip Lane, Hewish BS24 6AH. 01934 523500,, 9am-5.30pm,

£6 per child including present • Visit Santa in his Christmas home at the park and receive a special gift. SAT 17 DEC-MON 2 JAN CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY FUN Bristol Aquarium, Anchor Rd, Bristol BS1 5TT. 0117 929 8929,, 10am5pm, standard admission prices apply • Join the fish and staff over the festive holidays for family fun. See website for updates. SUN 18 DEC SPARKLE Fashion Museum, Assembly Rooms, Bennett St, Bath BA1 2QH. 01225 477789,, 1pm-4.30pm, included in standard admission prices • Be inspired by some of the sparkly designs on display, then make a sparkle decoration to take home. SUN 18 DEC HOLIDAY HOMECOMING American Museum in Britain, Claverton Manor, Claverton, Bath BA2 7BD. 01225 460503, www., 1pm-4pm, included in gardens-only admission • Help the museum celebrate a magical end to their Christmas season with festive carols, Christmas crafts and Santa Claus. MON 19-FRI 23 DEC SUPPER WITH SANTA Puxton Park, Cowslip Lane, Hewish BS24 6AH. 01934 523500,, from 6pm, £12.50 (child)/£5 (adult) • Festive party fun. Enjoy a buffet dinner, receive a gift, then join the disco and party with Santa himself. FRI 23 DEC CHRISTMAS CONCERTS: OWLS OF PILL Tyntesfield, Wraxall, Bristol BS48 1NX. 01275 461900, www., 4-5pm/6.30-7.30pm, £15 (adult)/£10 (child) • All-male choir dressed in traditional Dickensian costume carol their



23/11/2016 11:50:08

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For more information visit or call 01454 660075 Holiday clubs | Parties | High Ropes Schools | Stag & Hen Parties | Fitness Corporate Teambuilding


18/11/2016 10:39:41



way through a festive hour. Meet up to 45 mins before the performance to enjoy a festive drink and mince pie. 6.30pm performance for ages 12+. MON 26-TUE 27 & FRI 30-SAT 31 DEC SHERRY & MINCE PIE SPECIALS Avon Valley Railway, Bath Rd, Bristol BS30 6HD. 0117 932 5538, www.avonvalleyrailway. org, various times, see website, £9 (adult)/£7 (child)/under-5 free • After the indulgence of Christmas, why not take the family for a relaxing trip and enjoy a glass of sherry and a mince pie on one of the steam trains? FROM TUE 27 DEC WINTER IN THE GREENHOUSE At-Bristol, Anchor Rd, Harbourside, Bristol BS1 5DB. 0117 915 1000,, 10am-5pm, included in standard admission prices • Find out what’s happening in the greenhouse during nature’s sleepy season – it isn’t all about hibernation! You’ll be able to get hands-on in the seasonal greenhouse. WED 28 DEC STICK UP THE NEW YEAR Roman Baths, Stall St, Bath BA1 1LZ. 01225 477785,, 11am-3pm, included in standard admission prices • Welcome in the New Year and make fridge magnets using an image from the Roman Baths. FRI 30 DEC WARRIOR ACTIVITY DAY Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, Queens Rd, Bristol BS8 1RL. 0117 922 3571, www.bristolmuseums., 11.30am-3pm, under-16 free/£1 off entry fee for adult with accompanying child • Discover more about the Anglo Saxons by handling replica artefacts, enjoyEnjoy mince pies and sherry on Avon Valley Railway, Mon 26-Tue 27 & Fri 30-Sat 31 Dec

a family of detectives to discover what’s in the mysterious bags. A museum volunteer is on hand with more information and details of your mission with 10 to complete in all. Explore the museum and be hands on with artefacts from motoring past and present.

ONGOING EVENTS Chinese New Year at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, Fri 3-Sun 5 Feb

ing themed activities and listening to thrilling tales of warrior battles around the campfire.

JANUARY SUN 1 JAN NEW YEAR’S DAY WALK Stourhead, Stourton BA12 6QF. 01747 841152, www.nationaltrust., 11am-1pm, £10 (adult)/£5 (child) • Join head ranger Kim and garden/estate manager Alan for a walk through the ancient woods and parkland. Discover how the historic estate is looked after and finish with warming mulled wine and mince pies. TUE 3-THU 5 JAN PUXTON’S ELVES Puxton Park, Cowslip Lane, Hewish BS24 6AH. 01934 523500,, 9am-5.30pm, included in standard admission prices • Festive elves will be on hand to help children write their ‘thank you’ letters to Santa. SAT 7 JAN SATURDAY ART CLUB Holburne Museum, Great Pulteney St, Bath BA2 4DB. 01225 388572,, 10.30am12.30pm, £10 per child • This session’s theme is 3D landscapes so you’ll explore the museum’s collection of Dutch landscapes in order to design and make your own pop-up stage set. SAT 7-SUN 8 JAN, SAT 14-SUN 15, SAT 21 & SUN 22, SAT 28-SUN 29 JAN & SAT 4-SUN 5 FEB WINTER WARMER WEEKENDS Stourhead, Stourton BA12 6QF. 01747 841152, www.nationaltrust., 11am-3pm, free • Pop into the entrance hall of the house to enjoy a warming log fire, traditional board games and dressing up. Get to know the Hoare family through their portraits and take a look at the inner hall which is usually closed to visitors. WED 18-SUN 22 JAN SLAPSTICK FESTIVAL Various venues across Bristol including Colston Hall, 0844 8871500,,



16 Avon Roundabout Xmas 2016.indd 18

see website for prices & times • Five days, 24 events and lots of special guests. The Bristol festival returns to celebrate silent film and physical comedy. Expect film screenings, stand-up comedy and lots more. SAT 21 JAN DISCOVERING WILDLIFE IN BRISTOL M-Shed, Princes Wharf, Wapping Rd, Bristol BS1 4RN. 0117 352 6600, uk/m-shed, 11am-12noon, £10 (adult)/£8 (conc) • Award-winning wildlife photographer Sam Hobson will talk about his experiences of photographing Bristol’s urban wildlife and offer tips on how to discover nature in your own neighbourhood.

FEBRUARY FRI 3-SUN 5 FEB WINDOW WANDERLAND Various streets around Bishopston, Bristol, BS7, www., 5.30pm9pm, free • The Bishopston neighbourhood transforms into an outdoor gallery as residents, local businesses and community groups light up their windows and gardens. SAT 4-SUN 5 FEB CHINESE NEW YEAR: ROOSTER Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, Queens Rd, Briatol, BS8 1RL, 0117 922 3571, www.bristolmuseums., 11am-4pm, free • Usher in the Year of the Rooster with a packed weekend of special events including lion dancing performances, martial arts demonstrations, Chinese dancing, dressing up and live music. Also arts and crafts activities including mask making, paper folding, storytelling and dance classes. MON 13-FRI 17 FEB KIDS’ DISCOVERY WEEK Haynes International Motor Museum, Yeovil, Somerset, BA22 7LH, 01963 440804,, 10.30am3.30pm, standard admission prices apply • Work together as

ROMAN BATHS TRAIL Roman Baths, Stall St, Bath BA1 1LZ. 01225 477785, • Pick up an activity sheet from reception and follow one of two trails around the Baths: the Roman Bath trail (for over-7s) or Meet The Romans trail (for younger children). JUNGLE TOTS Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm, Clevedon Rd, Wraxall, Bristol. 01275 852 606, 10.30am-12noon, free for season ticket holders or £10 for one adult & up to two children, additional adult £5/child £3 • Every Monday and Thursday morning during term time, Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm hosts a parent and toddler group. Prices include free play in the Jungle Den soft play area and the chance to meet an animal. SMILEY COYOTES (EVERY THU) American Museum in Britain, Claverton Manor, Bath BA2 7BD. 01225 460503,, 10.30am-12noon, £8 per session (pay in advance) • Weekly term-time sessions for parents and children aged up to five. Craft activities inspired by the museum’s collections, plus forest school activities in the grounds, singing, storytelling and refreshments. STONE AGE TO IRON AGE Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, Queens Rd, Bristol BS8 1RL. 0117 922 3571, www.bristolmuseums., 10am-5pm, pay what you think • Specially created exhibition to help deliver the KS2 Stone Age to Iron Age curriculum. Discover the sites that prehistoric people left behind and objects including 300,000-year-old stone tools, Bronze Age swords and Iron Age jewellery. PRIOR PARK LANDSCAPE GARDEN Ralph Allen Drive, Bath BA2 5AH. 01225 833422,, general admission applies • Parents can enjoy the gorgeous surroundings while kids can get stuck into the National Trust’s ‘50 things to do before you’re 11 3/4’ initiative.


23/11/2016 11:51:46


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Right care

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p19.indd 3


22/11/2016 10:31:03



christmas shop high Quality, Fresh cut local christmas trees 14 artisan businesses


p20.indd 2



18/11/2016 12:14:12

Ellen Whit ed s o f u n t h e y i s c o v e r s a ra n g e o f sp don’t feel l i k e e x e rc i s o r t s e. Skate ns atio t c e p te’s x e pus Ska

at Cam dence lessons child the confi ery g in d r a v r Skatebok can give you . Lessons run e m, The Par ls to get going ime from 4.30p and skil during term t actice time. Monday session, inc. pr : 01454 501014 £15 per s Skatepark Campu .campusskate W: www


way to Cheerleading is a greatild confibu burn off energy and re Centre dence. Hengrove Leisu formaoffers classes teaching s with the tions, stunts and tumble ility and chance to develop flexib core strength. re Centre Hengrove Park Leisu 00 02 7 T: 0117 93 om W: www.leisurecentre.c

Water walking

Things that make you go

If water sports ar try paddle boardi e your scene, why not Beginner lessons ng on the River Avon? hours and you’ll leare £30 per child for two board and paddle arn all about the paddle ing to standing up, how to move from kneelfew games. All eq , turns, tricks and even a uipm and buoyancy aids ent including wetsuits is can’t promise yo provided, but they Adventure SUP u won’t get wet! T: W: www.adventur07865202600

Wow! Learn spider skills!

Learn to leap from walls, to floor, to ceiling (safely, of course) with Freedog’s parkour classes. Parkour improves many skills including strength, balance, spatial awareness and agility. Above all, it’s fun! Sessions offer full instruction from an experienced team member and cost £10 per child for one hour. Freedog Bristol T: 0117 203 4888 W:

Total bounce

AirHop contains no few 135 interconnected tra er than mpolines which cover not only the floor but the walls as well, for a tru ly unique bouncing experience. Further facilities include two do courts, five slam dunk dgeball lanes, five foam pit lanes, battle be a ‘Total Wipeout’ zone ams and you to tailor a jump to allowing your needs. AirHop is open 10am-9p Fridays), 9am-10pm Sa m (10pm turday and 9am-8pm Sunday. AirHop Bristol T: 0330 W: www.airhop-bristol. 223 3333 com


16 Avon Features Xmas 2016.indd 7

o! Discoglf and frisbteoea,

een g osiscs in s betwyers hurl dthrows as p ket s o r c a A olf pl 13 bas s few Disc G basket in aurt offers a e basket l n i meta Ashton Co duced a n mer, persible. e and intro e this sum cours ners’ cours players. hton begin r younger Court As ristol, o n B f , o fect olf Asht g Ashton : www. Disc GEstate, Lon22 521214 W Court9JN T: 074 BS41 ldiscgolf.o bristo See over for more sport fun!



23/11/2016 11:18:48

Bloc party Things that make you go



ns o i t i b m a g n i t l u a V

xibility lance, fle aving lots a b e v o r eh Imp astic ngth whil and stre Majestic’s gymn floor, t e a h t n e us of fu r Children classes. ult, trampette bals, il a k v s , k e c v tra to impro 0 per and beamstart from £27.5 Courses : 0795 term. astics Tticn m y G Majestic W: www.majes gymnast

Swim together

With 1,200 square metres of climbing wall and colour coded circuits for all abilities, Bristol’s Bloc Climbing Centre challenges both beginners and experienced climbers. The centre boasts the family friendly Clip ‘n’ Climb, suitable for children aged 4+. Described as, “climbing walls meets theme park”, it offers healthy, challenging family fun. Clip ‘n’ Climb is open 3pm-10pm weekdays and 10am-6pm, weekends. Sessions start from £10. Bloc Climbing open 12pm-10pm & 10am-6pm at weekends, with sessions starting at £3. Bloc Climbing/Clip ‘n’ Climb T: 0117 955 8508 W:,

Why not give sync ming a go? Great hronised swimalready enjoying fun for those back stroke and brfront crawl, it’s great for team east stroke, dence. Filton Leis work and confi12 week starter seure Centre runs out the year at £6 ssions through5 per co Filton Leisure Ce urse. ntre T: 01454 866686 W: www.filtonleisu recentre.

Mojo motivation

ts and swing Test your head for heigh rickety ss cro , es tre the through in the sky ds an isl bridges, climb to pipes, all an org the on ce and balan und. gro the e while 3 to 5m abov offers e urs Co s pe Ro h Hig The Mojo high e nc rie pe ex a unique climbing ild. ch r pe £10 for es tre among the for s fit ne be the e “We definitely se de,” tsi ou e y’r the en wh children ell. “They’re says Mojo’s Jo McConn outdoors can really motivated. Being too.” There’s enhance indoor learningthe centre plenty more on offer atmbing and too, from archery to cliery day from water sports. Open ev 10am-5pm. t Farm, Over Mojo Active Over Courol, BS32 4DF ist Br Ln, Almondsbury, w.mojoacT: 01454 660075 W: ww

H old y our nerf

Shoot t o thrill


Despite the name offer Nerf Dart Tathis is definitely not just for boys bruises or mess. g, a high-energy, paintball-style , Boys’ Toys Parties and crawl tunnel Games include battle zones, base game without the and a large ranges for younger players, as well as als, flags, barricades l sa of Nerf guns to pl ay with. Parties fo fety equipment r 12 players cost fr om £17 per Boys Toys Partie s held in various person. co South West T: 07 412 797900 W: w mmunity centres around the ww.boystoyspart



16 Avon Features Xmas 2016.indd 8

The play high-tec ground favourit in a purp h twist, Laser Fu e ‘tag’ with a ers, turreose built arena wsion is played and statets, ramps, maze ith castle toweffects. P of the art soun s, swirling fog or in a te lay games solo d and lighting , a sports. O m for a modern ‘all against all’ twist on n e g am son, ope n 10-10pme costs £5.95 pe group r perLaser Fu every da y s Bristol, B ion Silver St, Bro(9pm Sun). S1 2 adm W: www.lAG T: 0117 92936 ead, aserfusio 9 9


23/11/2016 11:22:27


d r a o b n i P Keep on running At Colston’s Lower School, children are encouraged to be fit, active and enjoy life. The staff also embrace this message and have recently been leading by example by deciding to support the work of Ben Smith. Ben ran 401 marathons to raise funds for Kidscape and Stonewall, two charities working to combat bullying in the UK. Admittedly, the staff are not going for the full 401 marathons, but the school’s Mr Kerry, Mr George, Mr Green, Mrs Melling, Mrs Nowack and Mrs Fitzpatrick did run full and half marathons on Sunday 13 November. Mr Kerry has pledged to give his medal from the run to the pupil who raises the most in donations. Colston’s pupils have been collecting donations from family members and completing extra chores at home to raise money for the cause. The whole school community is very proud of the staff and pupils who have contributed to this fundraising initiative. Ffi: Colston’s T: 0117 965 5207 W:

A cowtastic Christmas!

Parents’ & teachers’

news, education & contacts

Discovering music

Kyra Firth is an independent music professional in high demand with over 20 years’ experience in professional vocals, live performance and songwriting. Accomplished in piano and guitar and holding a Bachelor of Arts degree in professional musicianship/teaching, Kyra’s portfolio career includes: instrument and vocal coaching, artist development/mentor, television performance, session singing, single and album release, talent scout, music event organiser and presenter, to name a few. She also teaches music to her 7-year-old son. “To inspire and encourage students, young and mature, to move forward in their music is extremely rewarding. As a teacher, I have the added bonus of being able to build a friendly, trustworthy teacher-student relationship. Drawing from an active 20 year career in the music industry, I am privileged to be able to guide and enhance a student’s personal and musical skills, confidence and most of all, help students have faith in their own ability.” Ffi: KyraFirth:Music Studio T: 07884 453955 E: W:

Wonderful Woolacombe

Festively fishy From Saturday 17 December to Monday 2 January, Bristol Aquarium is offering you the chance to enjoy a very merry ‘Fish-mas’. You can meet Santa Claws’ moults, take on a crab cracker trail and make a crafty starfish to put on your Christmas tree at home. Festively dressed, giant, cuddly costume character Charlie the Clownfish will be on hand and there’ll be thousands of sea creatures waiting for their festive meal so you can help feed them their Brussels sprouts! It’s a chance to discover the wonders of the deep in the heart of the city and explore more than 40 naturally themed displays that are home to thousands of amazing aquatic creatures, including tropical sharks, rays, seahorses, puffer fish, piranhas and much more. Bristol Aquarium also features a giant botanical house, known as the Urban Jungle, showcasing hundreds of exotic plant and tree species from around the world. Ffi: Bristol Aquarium W:

Father Christmas is in the Playbarn at Farrington’s Farm Park for a magical breakfast experience this December. It costs £12.50 per child and includes breakfast with the man himself, an hour’s play in the Playbarn, a homemade gingerbread man and a gift. Booking is essential for this experience, which is available on Sat 10, Sat 17, Wed 21, Thur 22 and Fri 23 December. Call the Playbarn reception team on 01761 452266 ext 3 for more details and booking. The bright, air-conditioned Playbarn is open throughout the holidays and is the perfect place to bring the children to let off some steam after all the Christmas excitement. You’ll also find beautiful children’s toys and clothing in Berry Barn and Mini Moos, or you can book a festive craft workshop with Keepers Preloved. Farrington’s Farm Shop stocks hundreds of Christmas goodies and homemade gifts too. See the website for more information and Christmas opening hours.

Boasting simply stunning views, Woolacombe Sands is a third-generation family-run holiday park situated on the side of Woolacombe Valley. It offers a great choice of accommodation to suit all budgets – all with breathtaking ocean or countryside views. Whether it is swimming in the indoor or outdoor swimming pools, a round of crazy golf, enjoying the arcades and bowling or just relaxing in the club house with nightly live entertainment, Woolacombe Sands Holiday Park has so much to offer that you will never be short of things to do come rain or shine. Take a look at the website for more information.

Wear A Hat Day takes place on Friday 31 March 2017 and is the UK’s premier brain tumour awareness event. Brain tumours kill more children and adults under 40 than any other cancer, yet just 1% of the national spend on cancer research is allocated to the disease. Brain Tumour Research is the only national UK charity that invests its funds in long-term research. Wear A Hat Day is a great way for schools and families to show support and raise money for this research by taking part in hat-filled fundraising events. Schoolchildren maximize their fundraising by selling exclusive hat-shaped pin badges: with new designs each year, they have become collector’s items. To get involved, register at www. and start planning your event. Event ideas and fundraising tips can also be found on the website. Many schoolchildren make hats, have hat competitions, parades, fashion shows etc and the charity publishes the best photos on social media.

Ffi: Farrington’s Farm Park W:

Ffi: Woolacombe Sands Holiday Park W:

Ffi: Wear A Hat Day W:


16 Avon Pinboard Xmas 2016.indd 23

Get ahead, get a hat


23/11/2016 11:53:44

Mobile phones & kids With Christmas coming

many children will have the latest mobile phone on their wish list. But should they get one? Many parents think that giving their child a phone is a safety precaution. If they miss the bus, or feel scared, or threatened, then they can call home for help. Well, yes, in theory. And perhaps if you give your child a phone which is just a phone (yes, you can still get them) it will enhance their safety. For younger children and Tweens (8-12 year olds approximately) basic old-style mobile phones are probably the best idea. However, what most children want is a smart phone. The problem with giving your child a smart phone is that you are giving them access to the internet and social media. While many mobile phone carriers will put in place settings that limit access to various sites, free Wi-Fi, which is widely available, will override those settings. With a smart phone your child will never be more than a few clicks away from content that is not age appropriate. It is essential that you discuss this with your child before giving them access to the internet. And it is essential that it is an ongoing conversation. Most social media don’t allow children to sign up but this does not stop them. There are several aspects of social media that can be troubling for both children and parents. First, if all of your child’s friends are on a particular social media site there is a certain degree of peer pressure for them to also join. Once part of social media peer pressure can become even more potent. We’ve all heard stories of ‘Cyber bullying’ and quite a lot of that occurs via social media. As a parent you need to know what sites your child is on and you need to be able to access their accounts to see what is being discussed or said. Many Tweens and teens (and indeed many adults) live their lives on and through social media. Parents need to discuss the disconnect with what people are posting and what is, in fact, real. A lot of distress can come from children thinking that their lives are boring or insignificant compared to the grandiose boasts



16 Avon Features Xmas 2016.indd 10

and pictures posted by their pals. And for any parent who has read the ‘reader comment’ section in a daily newspaper, you know just how quickly things can turn when people post online. Sexting has also been in the news a lot as it can lead directly to cyber bullying. Before you let your child loose with access to the internet you must impress upon them one thing above all others. Once they hit the send button – be it a text, a social media post, a picture, an email, once it enters the cyber sphere, they have lost all control over it. Once something enters the cyber world although it may subsequently be deleted – there will always be traces and they’re there for good. Ask your children do they really want naked pictures of themselves floating around the internet for their teachers, friends, neighbours and Grannies to see? It’s the same with offensive comments and language. Things that are done ‘in fun’ can come back with serious repercussions. For everyone, parents and children, there are two things that need to be remembered before posting anything. One, once it’s online it’s ‘out there’ FOREVER. Second, do not post something that you would not say or do in public. Another consequence of your child being on social media is what is generally now referred to as ‘FOMO’ (Fear of Missing Out, something that affects adults as much as children). A recent survey by DAUK (Digital Awareness UK) revealed that youngsters as young as 9 checked their mobile phones up to ten times a night. In the same survey half of 11-18 year olds admitted to checking social media on their phone when they were supposed to be asleep. Obviously if your child is losing sleep checking social media there is a knock-on effect the following day and 68% of participants said that subsequent tiredness affected their school work. Another thing parents about to equip their child with a mobile phone need to think seriously about is cost as usually they will be the ones paying the bill.

Things to consider before buying your child a mobile phone.


Agree a budget. If it is a PAYG (Pay as you go) plan, ensure that your child knows in advance that if they use up all their minutes you will not replace them. Similarly, if they lose the phone or ‘lend’ it to someone else then you are not going to replace it.

2 3

For Tweens and younger teens agree who they can call and when.

Impress upon your child the importance of not answering calls from unknown numbers and not to ‘friend’ or communicate online with people they don’t know in real life.


Smart phones are often targeted for theft. Warn your child to be smart about their smart phone.


To ensure that everyone gets a good night’s sleep ban phones from the bedroom. Some people recommend a ‘digital detox’ where all mobile devices are switched off 90 minutes before bedtime. (This applies to parents as well as children. You really can’t preach one thing and practice another.)


Keep the conversation about internet safety going.

For further information see See also Internet Matters – tech-guide/mobile-phones/ for more information about kids and mobiles including reviews of ‘age-appropriate’ phones.

Anne Marie Scanlon for Primary Times


23/11/2016 11:27:37


d r a o b n i P Art for all After-school art clubs are really taking off across the region and you can make sure your child is enjoying their creativity by signing them up to one of South West Art Workshops after-school clubs. From Chinese calligraphy to willow weaving, South West Art Workshops supply every kind of workshop you can imagine – and even some you can’t. The company is passionate about art and wants to inspire the next generation to stretch their imaginations and have fun. Run by two mums in Gloucestershire, South West Art Workshops supply artists and tutors to schools for after-school art clubs and specialist arts weeks across the South West. They handle everything on the school’s behalf and the club is run from the school so there are no rushed trips in the car. Phone or email to discuss what they can offer your school. Ffi: South West Art Workshops T: 01453 799270 E:

Trading places Bristol’s ever popular St Nicholas Market has something for all the family this festive season. Take a magical journey through an enchanted winter market, filled with wonderful illuminated willow animal sculptures, live music, children’s wishing tree and a fantastic variety of artisan Christmas gifts, food and drink. With more than 60 stalls and hundreds of gift ideas, the traditional indoor market will also be open for people to pick up their festive treats seven days a week in the lead-up to Christmas. St Nicholas Market has been the traditional centre of Bristol market activity since 1743. The permanent indoor market buildings and outdoor stalls are home to the largest collection of independent retailers in the city offering a variety of quality crafts, giftware and food. The Enchanted Winter Market at St Nick’s is open from 10am-5pm until 24 Dec. The indoor market is open: Mon-Fri 9.30am-5pm (7pm on Thur from 8 Dec); Sat 9.30am-6pm; Sun 11am-5pm. Ffi: Enchanted Winter Market, St Nicholas Market, Corn Street, Bristol W:


16 Avon Pinboard Xmas 2016.indd 25

Spreading the Christmas spirit The Carmel Christian Centre in Bristol is launching its annual Christmas Hamper Project which aims to help poor and marginalized families around the city. Last year the project distributed 1,600 hampers and this year it aims to send out 1,800, with the potential to help some 6,000 individuals in Bristol who are struggling to make ends meet. To achieve this goal, the Christmas Hamper Project needs to raise a total of £18,000. The project is run by members of the Carmel Leadership Academy, who work as volunteers to coordinate and oversee every aspect of it. Any help that you can offer the project would be greatly appreciated, as would any financial donations, no matter how small. Cheques made payable to Carmel Christian Centre with ‘Christmas hamper’ written on the back can be sent to the centre at the address below. Ffi: Carmel Christian Centre 817A Bath Road, Brislington, Bristol, BS4 5NL W:

Get the right care, first time Don’t know your minor injuries unit from your walk-in centre? If you need help caring for a poorly child this winter but you’re not sure where to turn, don’t forget that there is lots of advice and guidance for parents on your local NHS Bristol, South Gloucestershire and North Somerset websites. The sites have all the information you need to get the right care, first time, for your child, with help on diagnosing and looking after common childhood illnesses and guidance on local services to use if your need is more urgent. The information is also available in the ‘Right Care, First Time’ booklet which you can pick up from GPs and pharmacies. Ffi: NHS W:,,

Parents’ & teachers’

news, education & contacts

Perform potential Perform is a unique type of children’s drama school. Focusing on child development, it uses a specially formulated mix of drama, dance and singing to bring out every child’s potential. Small class sizes ensure lots of individual attention by the experienced actor-teachers, who focus on developing the 4 Cs – confidence, communication, coordination and concentration – and having the best fun of the week. The Perform curriculum mixes energetic games, catchy songs and funky dances. All class materials have a different theme each term to keep young imaginations buzzing. Next term Perform 4-7s will be exploring the ‘Fairytale Forest’, where classic fairytales are mixed with the latest moves and grooves, while Perform 7-12s will be taking on ‘Outlaw’ – a witty and energetic adaptation of ‘Robin Hood’ with a pumping glitterball disco finale. Perform offers a no-obligation, free trial session and there are venues to choose from across Bristol (Clifton, Stoke Bishop, Redland and Westbury-onTrym), Bath (Larkhall, Lansdown) and Weston-super-Mare. Ffi: Perform T: 020 7255 9120 E: W:

Piratical pursuits If you’re looking for great entertainment for your child’s fifth or sixth birthday party, then Bristolbased Pirate Attack is guaranteed to deliver 90 minutes of actionpacked, swashbuckling fun. Extremely popular with both boys and girls, Pirate Attack takes away the stress of managing a large group of children so you can relax and enjoy the party. Led by Captain Rocky Cliff and his first mate, your little buccaneers will enjoy pirate dodgeball, making pirate hats or spy-glasses, walking the plank, skittles, quoits, sword-fighting, storytelling and a treasure hunt. You can even hire a pirate bouncy castle and slide. Parents have commented: “Such a hit with the children and the parents”; “best party ever”; “fantastic and entertaining”; “great value for money” and “The party was just brilliant!” Pirate Attack parties are suitable for most indoor halls. Ffi: Pirate Attack T: 0117 939 4311 W:


23/11/2016 13:34:37


p26.indd 2



22/11/2016 12:09:53

The summer might seem a long way off, but winter’s the best time to start planning for your holidays. Eric Blair looks at the options. Polurian Bay

Your big


hether it’s lying on the beach all day, visiting bustling cities, trekking through the great outdoors or speeding around on rollercoasters, everyone’s got their own ideas about what makes for a perfect summer holiday. These days, there’s more choice than ever – and not just in terms of destinations. There are many types of accommodation and activities, too. The good old package holiday remains popular, of course, but the rise of the internet and the proliferation of cheap air flights mean that it’s even easier – and sometimes cheaper – to build a bespoke holiday for yourself. With all this in mind, here are a few of the options available to families looking to plan their big summer break. CAMPING Once you’ve invested in all the gubbins, camping is probably the cheapest and most flexible option when it comes to holiday accommodation. Campsites

Center Parcs


16 Avon Features Xmas 2016.indd 13


Swimming at Fowey Hall

something to do, no matter what the great British summer might be doing weather-wise. Ffi:

Why not try a Balkan holiday in Sozo pol?

across the UK charge as little as £5 a night for a pitch – although, of course, the lower the price, the more basic the facilities on offer are likely to be. And if you do have all the gear yourself, you’re pretty much free to go where you please as and when you want to. It’s a great way to enjoy – and introduce your kids to – the great outdoors and you’ll find campsites a-plenty by the seaside or in areas of great natural beauty. On the downside, of course, you’re at the mercy of the elements and, if you’re doing it yourself, there’s all that gear to deal with, tents to put up and down, meals to cook over the gas stove etc. Alternatively, many campsites offer the option of hiring a tent

or chalet on site, while glamping offers a seriously upmarket variant complete with yurts and luxury facilities. Ffi: www.pitchup. com, HOLIDAY PARKS They’ve been around for donkey’s years and if they once had a reputation for being a bit old-fashioned in a ‘Hi-de-Hi’ kind of way, holiday parks have undergone a renaissance of late, with the likes of Center Parcs and old favourites like Pontins and Butlins upping the ante in terms of accommodation, catering and activities. Woolacombe Sands, for example, is a family-run park on the North Devon coast which offers a range of accommodation in modern on-site caravans and chalets (although you can bring your own caravan or tent if you prefer). As well as its great location close to Exmoor and only a short walk from the beach, the park also boasts indoor and outdoor swimming pools, a children’s park, crazy golf, arcades, bowling, a daily kids’ club and a clubhouse offering nightly entertainment – so there’s always

PACKAGE HOLIDAYS When it comes to a summer holiday, there’s a lot to be said for letting someone else do all the hard work for you. Package holidays to continental Europe first really started taking off in the 1960s and many of the resorts which first attracted British holidaymakers remain at the top of the list – especially when it comes to beach holidays. Spain and Greece, for example, are still firm favourites, but it’s also worth considering other destinations. While it’s hardly a secret any more, Bulgaria’s Black Sea coast offers everything that you’d expect of a beach holiday and if you steer clear of the bigger and often overcrowded resorts – like the notorious Sunny Beach – you can still find places that work to a less frenetic pace, especially if you look to the north and south of the main Burgas-Varna ‘strip’. Prices are reasonable and, once there, you’ll find that your money goes a little further than it does in more frequented European holiday resorts. The eastern coast of the Adriatic is also growing in popularity and 2017 might well be the year to discover some of the further flung islands of Croatia or the relatively unspoilt beaches of southern Albania before everyone else does. Ffi: B’N’B As the guesthouses and B’n’Bs along the seafront at Westonsuper-Mare and Tenby attest, staying in small, family-run accommodation remains a popular option. The rise of Air B’n’B CHRISTMAS 2016



23/11/2016 11:31:27

Your big continued from P27 has also opened up all sorts of opportunities for relatively cheap and cheerful accommodation. You can obviously find somewhere to stay for a whole week or a fortnight, but there’s also the possibility of making it up as you go along. It’s not a cheap option, necessarily, but the likes of mean that it’s possible to balance the different demands of your family members – the one who likes beaches, the one who likes museums, the one who likes chilling out in a spa – by piecing together a holiday around B’n’Bs in the places that you’d each like to go. The Youth Hostel Association, too, is well worth joining if you fancy this kind of peripatetic holiday – you’ll find hundreds of family-friendly places to stay in the UK (and across Europe, for that matter) via their website. Ffi:,, FARM STAYS Spending your holiday down on the farm doesn’t just mean soaking up the peace and quiet of the countryside. Many farm stay holidays offer all sorts of family-friendly activities too, from feeding the animals to quad and mountain biking. Farm Stay UK,

n Ecotourism can support Orang-uta conservation projects in Borneo



16 Avon Features Xmas 2016.indd 14

break is Glamping (this photo and top left) increasingly popular with families

for instance, has just launched a series of holidays which feature tractor-related experiences for children and adults alike. Farms across the country are offering the chance to get hands-on with this classic piece of farm machinery as part of a self-catering or B’n’B break. Ffi: THE LAP OF LUXURY When it comes to holiday accommodation, the words ‘family’ and ‘luxury’ haven’t always been readily associated with each other, but that’s no longer the case and there are now many top-notch hotels which welcome children so that the whole family can spoil themselves rotten. Very often, too, these high-end hotels aren’t so far from home. Both Fowey Hall and the Polurrian Bay Hotel in Mullion – both on the south Cornish coast – appear in TripAdvisor’s top ten luxury family hotels in England. A wee bit further

afield, meanwhile, Coillabus Eco Luxury Lodges on the Isle of Islay in Scotland add green credentials into the mix, giving families the chance to stay in a turf-roofed guest cottage in a location that offers magnificent views across to Kintyre and Ireland. Ffi: www.,,

Driving a tractor at one of the grow ing number of farm stay holidays

gap-year days of travelling with little more than a few changes of clothes and a rucksack. Again thanks to the internet, it’s becoming increasingly easy to turn completely DIY when it comes to going on holiday and seek out those parts of Europe (or of other continents, for that matter) which you might not otherwise visit. Interrail tickets, after all, aren’t just for students and the go-anywhere deals they offer on Europe’s rail network are now more flexible than ever, making it possible to fly out to somewhere like Prague or Venice and then spend a couple of weeks travelling in one or more specified countries or across Europe as a whole. It’s more than possible with children too – and can in fact resolve that age-old problem where every member of the family wants something different from their holiday because you can mix and match beaches, cities, mountains etc as you see fit. The Man in Seat 61 website shows just how easy it can be. Ffi:

ECOTOURISM Although it might sound a bit ‘worthy’, ecotourism covers some of the most exciting and adventurous family-friendly holidays on offer. These range from spending time with initiatives like the Samboja Lestari Orang-utan Volunteer Project in Borneo or Routes Kilimanjaro in the Serengeti in Kenya and Tanzania to staying in a tree house in Norfolk which runs on almost 100% renewable energy. Such experiences, of course, don’t come cheap, but if you’re after a summer holiday that will also have the makings of being the experience of a lifetime, ecotourism could well be the word you need to drop into your Google search. Ffi: SLOW TRAVEL If time isn’t of the essence, then the summer holidays can be an opportunity to turn modern-day explorer and relive those heady PRIMARY TIMES

23/11/2016 11:35:14

“An unmissable Christmas treat for families far and wide” SoGlos

Written and Directed by Ben Crocker

Sat 3 Dec - Sat 7 Jan Tickets: £13 - £25

bury’s Tewkes y nal famil traditio ’s it ime pantom it eed to h guarant rk! the ma

TWEEDY’S LOST PROPERTY SUN 9 APRIL A comedy about a clown who gives in to society and gets a real job...

TUESDAY 12 - SATURDAY 23 JULY Starring: Lucy O’Byrne Box Office: 01242 572573 PRIMARY TIMES

p29.indd 3


22/11/2016 10:40:07

Adver tising Featu re

Get interactive this winter • At-Bristol Science Centre has even more interactive exhibits on offer this winter. The hundreds of different hands-on activities start with Frost Lab (from 3 Nov onwards), which takes a look at the science of all things icy. Speaking of which, the ever-popular ice rink will be back in Millennium Square for anyone wanting to enjoy Pic: Simon Galloway Photography a spot of skating with their science. Back inside, green-fingered fanatics can swap their knitted gloves for the gardening kind in the At-Bristol greenhouse. For winter the activities focus on the importance of nitrogen and include the chance to take home some green manure ... Don’t worry, it’s just a plant! For those looking for an alternative to the traditional festive panto, ‘Fairytale SOS’ brings a scientific twist to some much-loved stories. See how chemistry and physics can save fabled characters in this entertaining and occasionally explosive show. In addition to new 3D planetarium shows and its innovative exhibition ‘The Tinkering Space’, At-Bristol will also be unveiling ‘The Box’ this winter. This daring new initiative sees the science centre offering up an experimental space to explore the ideas and areas where art and science meet. The first exhibition in ‘The Box’ will be a series of kinetic light sculptures by award-winning artist and physicist Paul Friedlander. You’ll find details of forthcoming events and activities on the science centre’s website. Ffi: At-Bristol T: 0117 915 1000 W:

Adver tising Featu re

GOLD FROM THE TIME OF STONEHENGE See 500,000 years of Wiltshire’s Story Just 2 minutes from the Market Place

41 Long Street Devizes, SN10 1NS T: 01380 727369

Seasonal variations in opening times - please contact us or check our website before travelling


15 Avon advertising features Xmas 2016.indd 26

Clip ‘n climb confidence • Clip ‘n Climb Bristol is a unique and fun climbing centre in St Werburghs, Bristol, easily accessible from the M4 and M32. With on-site parking, it offers exciting climbing activities for children aged 4 upwards. The individually designed walls offer your children the opportunity to build confidence and improve agility while having fun. The Jungle Gym is great for net climbing and tests children’s co-ordination and core strength, remaining exceptionally good fun. If your children love scrambling, Jungle Gym is for them. According to the website 365 Bristol, “It’s always a good sign when the kids are asking to go back before they’ve even left the building. We will definitely be paying Clip ‘n Climb another visit soon.” For the brave-hearted, the ‘Leap of Faith’ is an amazing test of courage as your child, safely harnessed, jumps from a raised platform to try to reach a suspended grab bag - a winner with competitive adults as well! The centre uses the very best safety equipment in the form of auto belay systems, with high levels of supervision from the well-trained, friendly staff. Clip ‘n Climb welcomes families, school groups, clubs and party groups. Don’t worry if your children require extra help or attention. The staff will adapt to their needs, allowing you to relax with a coffee or join in the fun. Ffi: Clip ‘n Climb Unit 3, New Gatton Road, St Werburghs, Bristol, BS2 9SH W:


23/11/2016 12:00:30

Adver tising Feature

Win tickets to see Santa! • For a most magical Christmas, why not pay Santa a visit at Puxton Park? He will be in his grotto every weekend in December as well as the week leading up to the 25th itself. Tickets are just £6 and include a gift, while to stay and play in the park all day is only another Santa’s visit to Puxton in a previous £4. Santa will also be year hosting Puxton Park’s ‘Supper with Santa’ meals in Meadows Restaurant in the evenings from 19-23 December. Ticket prices for that are £12.50 per child and a further £5 for each accompanying adult. The event includes a meal with Santa himself, followed by a disco in Puxton’s three-storey play barn. Puxton Park is open 362 days a year and has a new, indoor animal discovery barn to house its reindeer, donkeys and sheep – perfect for a Christmas nativity! Call on 01934 523500 to book your place now. Puxton Park is giving away four tickets for Santa’s grotto running on 3-4, 10-11 and 17-24 December. To be in with a chance of winning, email with the words PRIMARY TIMES COMP in the subject header. Then include your name, address including your postcode and a preferred contact within the email. Winners will be picked at random and announced on 16 December. Terms and conditions apply: please see for pricing, directions and rules of admission. Ffi: Puxton Park, Cowslip Lane, Hewish BS24 6AH T: 01934 523500 W:

Adver tising Feature

Unleash your child’s potential • Everyone knows the importance of maths and English. It has been widely shown, for instance, that young people with better literacy and numeracy skills are far more likely to succeed in gaining good employment and fulfilling their potential later in life. In the run-up to the start of a new school term, parents will be thinking about how they can support their child’s learning. At study centres across the country, Kumon offers individualised maths and English study programmes tailored to all ages and abilities. Established for more than 50 years, Kumon programmes enable children to develop their independent study skills and confidently tackle advanced work beyond the international standard for their age. Before enrolling, each child can benefit from a free assessment. This will determine where on the programmes they will begin and will ensure that their Kumon study is individualised to their needs from the outset. In addition to developing academic ability, Kumon study fosters in students the mind-set and skills for self-learning. Kumon is an independent study programme, but students are never alone. Instructors provide the guidance students need to take their learning into their own hands, increasing their motivation to succeed and achieve. Kumon students complete daily worksheets at home and visit the centre up to twice a week. The school holidays are therefore the ideal time to settle into this new routine so students can get off to a flying start in the new term. Ffi: Kumon T: 0800 854 714 W:


15 Avon advertising features Xmas 2016.indd 27

; Strong Traditional Maths and English ; Investigative and Exploratory Science ; Confidence building Individual Programmes ; Affordable Provision, Small Class Sizes OPENDAY DAYSATURDAY SATURDAY 4TH 16thFEBRUARY JANUARY 1-4pm OPEN 1-3PM Now Registered for Children 5-16 years Dyslexia Screening and Support Tutoring for 7-16 Years in English, Maths, Science and 11+ Please ask us about our 2015 2016 results 01452 380808 ©LW


23/11/2016 12:01:36

Awesome Birthday Parties!

Adver tising Featu re

Confidence thrives at Stagecoach

Indoor Segway ©LW

Start your visit to the Cotswolds here! Fosse Way, Northleach, Gloucestershire GL54 3JH

• Eight-year-old Jamie is a lively girl and sings and dances around her bedroom, but when she’s out and about she used to be more reserved and shy – until she joined Stagecoach Performing Arts. “I couldn’t believe it,” her mum Vicki says. “After only a few sessions at Stagecoach I felt Jamie was so much more confident and happier in herself. She laughs and talks to people much more now and she expresses herself with so much energy!” Principal Heidi Hollis says: “Children like Jamie really benefit from our thriving, nurturing, supportive and inspirational environment. Our classes make a huge difference in their lives.” Managing director Sarah Kelly says: “At Stagecoach we teach our students so much more than how to sing, dance and act. We help them blossom into well-rounded individuals, ready to embrace life and all its opportunities. We delight in seeing our students have fun, make friends, learn new skills and discover hidden talents. We encourage them to take ‘safe risks’ through rehearsals and performance, which brings out a willingness to take on challenges.” Today’s children need to be resilient, brave and self-assured. Stagecoach provides a relaxed, friendly atmosphere where children’s confidence can grow, where they can enjoy being themselves and not be afraid to try new and exciting things. Local classes run during school term time across the greater Bristol area for youngsters aged four to 18. New students are welcome to start with a two-week trial to try before they commit. Contact your local branch or visit the website to find out more. Ffi: Stagecoach Performing Arts W:

Adver tising Featu re

For more INFO or to book your space please Contact us: Michelle: 07794 204446 Candice: 07956 749506

All set for a Mojo adventure

m y G l o o h c Pre -S Stay and play - from walking to school age or crawling to 2 years old. Come and play in our themed gym sessions and enjoy free play, sensory activities, action songs and trampolining. No need to book just turn up.

Structured gymnastics - For 2-3 year olds (with parent) and 3-4 year olds (independently) . Our themed sessions incorporate gymnastic skill learning including gross and Þne motor skills, actions songs and sensory activities. These are term based courses and must be booked and paid for in advance! All our gymnasts on the structured sessions have the opportunity to work towards British gymnastics badges.

Baby Gym - Your babies will be introduced to the world of Gymnastics and set them up for a lifetime of enjoyment physical activity. Providing them with the framework for natural, physical and psychological development. Suitable for ages 8 weeks to walking.

For our full Pre-School programme timetable, please visit our website:

Majestic Gymnastics LTD, Unit 7 Aldermoor Way, Longwell Green, South Gloucestershire, BS30 7DA

• Mojo Active is one of Bristol’s largest outdoor activity centres and has more than 140 acres of private fields and woodland. Located close to Cribbs Causeway, off junction 17 on the M5, there’s plenty to do to keep children and families entertained. This Christmas you can book your kids into the actionpacked Mojo Active Holiday club for some fantastic outdoor adventures. With so much to do on site, including learning archery skills, scaling the climbing wall, battling across the assault course, conquering the tunnel maze and enjoying fun team games like zorb football and archery tag, the kids really will make the most of the great outdoors. There are also some special away days, including sessions at a local trampoline park, bowling, ice-skating and swimming. Choose from a standard day which runs from 9am to 4pm or take advantage of the extended day running from 8am until 6pm. There’s also a convenient pick-up and drop-off minibus service from the café on the Downs. Visit and click on holiday club for more information – but do book early to avoid disappointment. Mojo Active also runs active outdoor birthday parties for young and old. Recently Mojo have added nerf parties to their range of options. Kids will have an awesome time enjoying nonstop action playing Protect the Sniper, Capture the Flag, Down Pilot Secret Mission and Search & Destroy within the Mojo nerf bunker. Ffi: Mojo Active T: 01454 660075 W:



15 Avon advertising features Xmas 2016.indd 28


23/11/2016 12:02:44

Adver tising Feature

Ffi: Clearwell Caves W:

1 voucher per adult Voucher may only be used once and must be presented on admission. No cash alternative. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers. Cheapest ticket free.

• Father Christmas is safely installed in his real underground Christmas Grotto along with fantastic colourful displays at Clearwell Caves. Forget Lapland – the caves’ Christmas Fantasy is spectacular and really popular with children and adults alike. The wonderful seasonal scenes tell the story of ‘Evie’s Aeroplane’ – Evie finds a toy aeroplane in her Christmas stocking on Christmas Day and her imagination takes off … You can see Father Christmas, then walk through the amazing displays, which is just like walking through a life-size pop-up book. Halfway through the caves, underground Christmas stalls are selling gifts, decorations and stocking fillers and there is also an underground café for those in need of refreshment. Car and coach parking is free. The Christmas Fantasy runs until 24 December and after Christmas the displays re-open from 27 Dec to 3 Jan. It’s open daily from 10am to 4pm. Entry is £10 for adults or children and includes a quality gift for children between two and 14 years old. There is a magical lateevening opening every Friday until 8pm. Take a look at the website for more details and for booking.


Underground extravaganza

Adver tising Feature

Soothe operator • Parents have a new and safe strategy for treating children from 12 months with sore throats. The recently launched Throaty Soothe helps calm and curb sore throat symptoms. Available as a syrup or lozenges, it contains no paracetamol and offers a natural and effective solution for sore throats and, unlike most treatments, it is safe for children from the age of one. Throaty Soothe syrup – which is suitable for children from 12 months of age – and Throaty Soothe lozenges for children aged four and older contain a calming and caring combination of three proven soothers and cold fighters – Icelandic moss, mallow and zinc. The demulcent action of Throaty Soothe lozenges and syrup forms a protective film, creating a natural barrier directly on the mucous membranes in the mouth and throat. This soothes the irritated membranes in the throat, prevents other nasties from penetrating and calms coughs. Throaty Soothe syrup is a sugar-free formulation with a cherry flavor and is available in a 100ml bottle. Throaty Soothe lozenges are strawberry flavoured and are great to use on the go. They are available in packs of 24. Both syrup and lozenges deliver a dual action formula which soothes and protects, and because they physically target the site of soreness and contain no paracetamol, they are safe to use in combination with other medicines if needed. Throaty Soothe is available for £6.99 from Tesco stores, and Amazon. Ffi: Throaty Soothe W:


15 Avon advertising features Xmas 2016.indd 29


23/11/2016 12:04:15

Arty Barty

Hello Kids! I am so looking forward to the New Year and have lots of projects planned. Maybe you have some ideas about everything you’re looking forward to after Christmas. It’s given me an idea for my next competition. Children who send me pictures on the subject Things I want to do in 2017 could win a fabulous book from the editor’s overflowing cupboard. So get your crayons out and send me your pictures to: Arty Barty, Primary Times, 1 Temple Way, Bristol, BS2 0BY, or email high resolution jpegs to my editor at: mike.gartside@localworld.

I was so impressed by your pictures about My favourite thing at Cattle Country Adventure Park. It was so hard to choose a winner but well done to the lucky three, who win a family ticket to the Gloucestershire attraction. Keira Marchant, 8, Amesbury CofE School, Wiltshire Keira’s goat is so vibrant! The firework-style explosion behind him makes him really stand out. I love the shiny gold horns, too!

hool, Newent klenash Junior Scuntry is the Co Alexia Agnew, Pic ttle Ca at thing Alexia’s favourite e’s made sure to include all the . Sh magnificent castleshield above the door. Great work! details, even the

Don’t forget to give me your name, age, full home postal address and the name of your school. Deadline: Monday 9 January. Have fun!

Arty NB. Please see T&Cs at avon/home-intro/tcs

Josie Ellis, 6, Linden Primary School, Gloucester Josie says her favourite thing at Cattle Country is the exciting tractor ride to the witch’s house, and she’s represented it here beautifully. I love all the bright colours and the lollipops on the outside of the house.


ehool,lGloucester b a M Sc y ar im Pr 8, Gastrells

ure rcolours for her pict Mabel has used wate pi activity, guinea g showing her favourite his pink nose stands y handling. I like the wa k. ac bl e th t out agains nth, Harikesh Rajanika of 6, Fieldcourt C y, E Infant Academ Gloucester r Regular contributo us Harikesh has drawn listic a fantastically rea rite ou tractor for his fav n a eve thing. There’s and trailer on the backsome a horse enjoying s. lovely juicy apple


16 Avon Books & Arty Barty Christmas 2016.indd 34

Kasper Grzegorczyk, 7, Bridge Learning Campus, Bristol Kasper has drawn a wonderfully realistic guinea pig enjoying time in his cage. Really lifelike: well done!

Kate Davies, 9, Hillcrest Primary School, Bristol Kate’s fine line drawings of Cattle Country’s animals have great detail. I like how she’s used highlighter colours to really make the picture ‘pop’.


Primary Rada Grebenyuk, 8, Holy Trinity School, Bristol n in her I love all the animals Rada has draw sheep and picture - there’s a cow, chickens, a the sun is even a reindeer! The smiley face on a nice touch too.



Aurelia Mitchell, 8, Primary School, Stoke St Michaels Gifford, Bristol I absolutely love all the col used for her pens and penours Aurelia’s ture. “Drawing is my fav cils in this picit’s fun to do and I am reaourite because lly goo she says. We agree Aureliad at it,” !


23/11/2016 12:08:31

aels Bristol urelia’s his piccause at it,”

Primary Times reviews the new releases.

Animal Magic! A

ward-winning author Michael Morpurgo gathers his favourite animal stories from around the world in this rich collection, perfect for animal lovers. There are retellings of classics such as ‘The Ugly Duckling’ and ‘Puss in Boots’ alongside others the reader may not be familiar with, including ‘Anansi and the Antelope Baby’ and ‘How the Bear Lost His Tail’. Each story is accompanied by colourful illustrations from various artists and the many different styles are very appealing. The tales are reasonably short and the text isn’t too small, making them ideal for younger children to read alone, or for parents to read aloud as a bedtime story. At £14.99 it’s on the pricier side, but as a good quality hardback it’s very nicely produced and would make a lovely gift this Christmas. (Ellen White) Greatest Animal Stories Various authors, chosen by Michael Morpurgo, £14.99, Oxford University Press,

A right Christmas stink

Winnie rides again

A word of advice to John Dougherty’s Santa this Christmas: perhaps the badgers have been too naughty to get presents this year. Or any year for that matter. The idea that the jolly bearded one should deliver presents to the evil and wicked badgers while they are actually (a word that the author himself uses to great effect) in prison stretches credibility. But then, if he had taken my advice we wouldn’t have a right rollicking adventure, where Santa gets kidnapped and bagged up by the cunning badgers, meaning that our stinky siblings from Kerfuffle Island have to save the day – Christmas Day, no less. The theme that Santa gets in a pickle and needs helping out is a common one, repeated elsewhere on this page, but Dougherty deploys it with such slapstick fun and vigour that readers of all ages are sucked in quicker than a runaway sleigh spiralling to catastrophe. Before the crisis is resolved we tangle with supermarket trolleys, wobbly skiing trees and sardonically captioned mugs of tea. Ho Ho Ho, or, as the badgers would say, Hur, Hur, Hur! (Mike Gartside)

A jolly, bright and beautiful storybook, illustrated by the talented Korky Paul, this is a splendid Christmas present for fans and a lovely addition to their collection of Winnie books. The familiar characters and magic word “Abracadabra!” won’t disappoint. The pages are packed with amazing detailed drawings to delight and readers are in for a special treat with the fold-out letter to Santa and the spectacular pop-up on the last page. Winnie and Wilbur go an another adventure on the witch’s broomstick when they have the enormous pleasure of meeting Santa himself, as he gets stuck in their chimney on Christmas Eve. They join him on his sleigh to help him deliver all his presents to the children and end up having a magical Christmas night to remember. (Sarah Trevelyan)

Stinkbomb & Ketchup-Face and the Great Kerfuffle Christmas Kidnap John Dougherty, £6.99, Oxford University Press,

Winnie and Wilbur Meet Santa Valerie Thomas and Korky Paul, £12.99 Oxford University Press,

Loving the alien

All action heroes

Written for older children, this book bravely tackles the difficult topic of mental health, fear, isolation and how it affects family members. The main character is a young boy, Daniel, who has had to move house and secondary school, so his mother can take up a new job as head teacher. The story canters along at a good pace, keeping the attention of the reader as it reveals the history of his mother’s mental illness and the circumstances of his life. Author Gwyneth Rees, who worked as a doctor in psychiatry for a number of years, writes a convincing tale of how his mother’s mental illness comes back after his father goes abroad and she stops taking her medication, describing the impact it has on him and his younger sister. With his father away, Daniel gets scared as his mother starts to act as if she’s from another planet. The book deals with all the emotions Daniel goes through, from feeling worried and scared to feeling embarrassed, ridiculed and rejected if he goes back to school and others find out. This is a moving book that could help children understand mental illness, maybe helping to break the taboo connected to it. (Sarah Trevelyan)

This is the fifth in Peter Jay Black’s Urban Outlaws series and sees our five heroes plunged into ever greater danger. Hunted and on the run, Jack, Charlie, Obi, Slink and Wren are also in the grip of a deadly virus and they need the antidote, fast. Returning villain Del Sarto is to blame and, with London in lockdown, can the Outlaws save the city as well as themselves? Black delves straight into the action, picking up where the previous instalment left off with the aftermath of an explosion, so newcomers to the series may struggle to catch up with the wider plot. Having said that, there’s still a lot to enjoy as the teenagers use their combined technical knowledge and physical skills to bring down the enemy. Children are bound to find a favourite character amongst the five, and the modern Robin Hood angle as they steal from the rich to give to the poor is a nice twist. All in all, plenty to get stuck into with an exciting mix of action, James Bond style gadgets and a strong friendship between the group ensures this is not just gratuitous action: you care about the characters too. (Ellen White)

Earth to Daniel Gwyneth Rees £6.99, Bloomsbury, www.

Urban Outlaws: Shockwave Peter Jay Black, £6.99, Bloomsbury,


16 Avon Books & Arty Barty Christmas 2016.indd 35



23/11/2016 12:10:21

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18/11/2016 12:13:03

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18/11/2016 15:09:42




he Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) has launched a service which uses Apple iPads and 02 connectivity to provide accessible educational content to school pupils and college students with sight loss. RNIB Bookshare is making 250,000 educational resources available on iPads and other devices, including curriculum materials for blind or partially sighted, dyslexic or otherwise printdisabled young people. It aims to offer an independent learning experience and enable learners to read the same books at the same time as their classmates. “We are very excited to launch RNIB Bookshare,” says Steve Tyler, the RNIB’s head of strategy and accessibility. “We know that blind and partially sighted young people need access to books and textbooks at the same time as their peers. This can help with greater participation in lessons, research and homework.

S “We are really pleased to be partnering with O2 and DHL in the UK and Benetech in the US to be able to deliver this fantastic service to students with sight loss.” An RNIB Bookshare subscription includes a wide range of educational content provided by Benetech, a US not-for-profit organisation that creates technology solutions for communities with specific needs. You can find out more or register for RNIB Bookshare by visiting or by calling 0300 303 8313.



artwork and being replaced by atilda Cox Mills, a Year fantasy or sci-fi which distorts 5 pupil at Ashton Gate the man-made and living worlds Primary School in south but also generates original Bristol, has won this year’s Art thinking. According to Dr Cullen, of Technology competition. The the entries also showed “hypercompetition was open to children awareness” of brands such as of all ages from across England Facebook, Minecraft and Netflix and Wales, who were invited to and that children regard wi-fi as submit paintings and drawings being “elemental, omnipresent in response to the ever-changing and essential to human connecworld of technology. The entries tion and collaboration”. They also were judged by the popular chilindicated that children recognise dren’s illustrator Jonny Lambert, potential online dangers and know whose books include ‘The Great about internet safety boundaries Aaa-Ooo’ and ‘Little Why’. and etiquette even if their parents One reason for holding the don’t. competition was to find out what The Art of Technology competichildren think about the increastion was supported by the IT and ing reliance on technology in the service suppliers Stone Group. classroom and how they respond emotionally to the online world. Educational psychologist Dr Kairen winning entry Cullen analysed the Matilda’s artwork submitted and found that it showed evidence that the boundaries between the on- and offline worlds are blurring as children fail to distinguish between real and virtual life. She also found that features of the real or natural world are disappearing from children’s 38


16 Avon Features Xmas 2016.indd 16

chools can now make use of a free learning resource for teachers which aims to help raise awareness of adoption and make their classrooms more adoption-friendly. Created by Coram Life Education and Coram Adoptables and funded by The Queen’s Trust and the Department for Education, the Adoptables Toolkit includes films and lesson plans for both key stage two and key stage three pupils and aims to help them understand what being adopted is like, how families can come in different shapes and sizes and how to consider the feelings and perspectives of other young people with different types of families. The toolkit was piloted at a school in south London and is now available to schools across the country. The lessons are interactive and, as well as short films, include discussions and a question-

and-answer session, with the option of having a classroom visit from an Adoptables ambassador for key stage three children. Teachers also receive a comprehensive information pack which includes information about how and why children are adopted, potentially sensitive situations and subjects and further reading and resources. When evaluating the toolkit, 95% of pupils who participated in a session found it either “good” or “very good” while 100% of teachers strongly agreed that their pupils engaged well with the session and that the content was appropriate. The resource is delivered in the South West by Life Education Bristol and Life Education Wessex. Schools can register and download the full toolkit from the Coram Life Education website: http://



catering company serving schools in the Bristol and Westonsuper-Mare area has won an award at this year’s Foodservice Cateys. Pabulum, whose clients include Worle Community School and Backwell School, was named Education Caterer of the Year at the catering industry awards ceremony. “This is a truly exceptional award and a real honour,” says Janice Howells, operations manager at Pabulum. “It recognises the great work of each and every one in Pabulum and is the culmination of our vision to be at the forefront of improving the next generation’s health and wellbeing … We continue to work hard towards creating a food culture within local schools. It’s why all our meals are produced on site, from scratch, using fresh, nutritionally balanced ingredients.” The Foodservice Cateys were created to reward the individuals and teams in the catering industry whose businesses deliver an exceptional service day in, day out. Pabulum was selected by judges

and industry peers for several reasons, including its dedication to fresh ingredients. Judges were also impressed by innovations from Pabulum including its app for schools and its annual programme of rewards for local school catering staff. The caterer’s hands-on approach to business, which includes focus groups with local children, was also praised. Awards judge Linda Cregan of the Children’s Food Trust says: “Pabulum has made a great effort in delivering fresh food and a good food culture. It has excellent healthy eating initiatives and I love that the managing director holds focus groups with kids.” PRIMARY TIMES

23/11/2016 11:38:28


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18/11/2016 10:49:50

“...excellence in all it does within and beyond the classroom...” ISI Inspection Report, October 2015

Visit us to see our new 1532 Performing Arts Centre. Come and discover for yourself what makes BGS such an exciting and enjoyable place to learn, make friends and begin life’s adventure.

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Tuesday 10 January, 10.00am–12.00 noon Our Entrance Examinations and Assessments for September 2017 entry into Reception to Lower Sixth are taking place in January.

To request further information or to arrange a visit, please contact Hollie Matthews on 0117 933 9885 or e-mail

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Life changing PRIMARY TIMES

18/11/2016 10:50:33

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