Primary Times Avon Autumn 2016

Page 1

in Avon Issue 200 21 October-15 December 2016

Cinderella: A Fairytale


Also Anti-bullying Thinking festive Halloween plans

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Tobacco Factory Theatres’s Oliviernominated version of the Grimms’ fairy tale comes home to Bristol this Christmas. Page 4.

Theatre • Arty Barty • Roundabout • Save money! 16 Avon cover Autumn Half Term 2016.indd 1

04/10/2016 09:53:02

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30/09/2016 13:31:07


We’re all feeling the nip in the air as autumn approaches. In spite of the darkening evenings, it can be a joyful time, with Halloween, Bonfire Night and, of course, Christmas on the horizon. Our features this half term look at preparations for our great winter celebrations (Halloween, P. 31 and Christmas P.32). On a more sombre note, bullying is a perennial issue for some school children and anti-bullying week this November looks at measures parents and schools can take to prevent this behaviour (P6). It’s a painful experience to live through but there are effective ways to tackle bullying and, as our feature demonstrates, there can be a happy ending.


THE POWER FOR GOOD P6 One mother describes how her child beat the bullies as anti-bullying week approaches.

AWESOME AUTUMN P31 Fun things to do and make at Halloween.


Avon iin A Issue 200 2016 5 December 21 October-1

Helping parents plan Christmas.

e A Fairytal Cinderella:


Also Anti-bullying e Thinking festiv crafts Halloween

Download ry the Prima Times app, 3 free! Page


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PRIMARY TIMES IS NOW AVAILABLE AS AN APP Cover image: Cinderella: A Fairytale, 2011 production. Pic Farrows Creative

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Primary Times is independently published and distributed free in Primary, Junior, Infant and Middle Schools throughout the former Avon area, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire. It is also available by subscription at £10 per year. Its aims are to inform families and children of current educational issues, forthcoming events, courses and attractions, and to give teachers, pupils and parents the opportunity to participate in the magazine by adding to its contents or joining in the competitions which we run. It is NOT our intention to publish any racist, sexist or politically biased material whatsoever. We also undertake not to carry any advertising which we would consider to be offensive to young families or harmful to the best interests of young children. While we make every effort to ensure information published is accurate, readers are encouraged to check details of all events in advance and neither Trinity Mirror Ltd nor its contributors are liable for the consequences of any errors. Primary Times would like to thank all the schools in the counties for their assistance in distributing the magazine and their contributions to its contents. We would also like to thank all the advertisers who have supported this publication and therefore made it possible. Please support their endeavours when and where you can. The copyright on all written material, logos and advertising artwork produced by our studio remains with Trinity Mirror Ltd. Primary Times currently publishes more than two million copies per issue under franchise.


16 Avon contents Autumn Half Term 2016.indd 3



04/10/2016 13:14:32


Cinderella: A Fairytale


Live images from Cinder ella: A Fairytale, 2011 produc tion. Below: 2016 production image. All pics Farrows Creativ e

Since its premier at Bristol’s Tobacco Factory Theatres five years ago, Cinderella: A Fairytale has been performed at three other venues, seen by 60,000 people and nominated for an Olivier Award. The director bringing it back home, Chris Pirie, talks about this season’s production.


hen Ella’s mother dies she is brought up by her devoted and loving father who teaches her the names and calls of the woodland birds that surround their home. But when her father marries again, Ella’s peaceful life is turned upside down by a host of new and unpleasant relatives. It appears her only allies are the feathered friends who roost in the trees, but they are no ordinary birds… The dream team from Tobacco Factory Theatres and Travelling Light who created the smash-hit ‘101 Dalmatians’ for Christmas at Tobacco Factory Theatres in 2014, bring this classic tale of fortunes reversed startlingly and imaginatively to life. According to revival director, Chris Pirie, “This wonderful production has attained something 4


16 Avon Features Autumn Half Term 2016.indd 2

akin to iconic status in its short history. I have worked alongside the original director Sally Cookson on nine of her shows and each one has given me a unique view into her way of working. Sally’s plaudits are well-deserved and each production she has helmed benefitted from the clarity of her vision and a total commitment to teamwork. “This Christmas we will be bringing together a ‘cast of casts’ comprising performers and musicians from the original 2011 version and subsequent revivals in London and Birmingham. I am one of a small team of ‘constants’ who have been involved at each stage throughout the life of ‘Cinderella: A Fairytale’. In Sally’s absence, I will once again be ably supported by our wonderful team.” Pirie explains the challenges of taking the production around the country. “Each transfer of ‘Cinderella: A Fairytale’ has presented us with new challenges. The original Tobacco Factory Theatres show was presented in-the-round, whereas a West End transfer to St James Theatre in 2013 needed re-directing for audiences seated on three sides of the stage. “Subsequent transfers to the Unicorn Theatre, London, in 2014 and last year’s residency in Birmingham required further tweaks for a more traditional endon configuration, as well as modifi-

cations to stabilise four enormous trees that need to withstand being climbed on throughout the show. “Now we are heading back to Tobacco Factory Theatres, again in the round but with a completely upgraded seating layout. It might sound onerous to re-block all the onstage journeys but it is also an opportunity to keep things fresh for all concerned.” As Pirie points out, the name ‘Cinderella’ carries associations with other well-known incarnations such as pantomime and Disney, while this production aims to treat the subject matter very differently. “Our original creative team worked hard to entice audiences to its version of the story,” he explains. “The show was created for families with children aged 6 upwards and we wanted the original imagery to hint at something darker than your average seasonal show, yet not put anyone off. Sally and her writer Adam Peck chose the Grimms’ version as a springboard and they didn’t want to shy away from the essential themes of cruelty and bullying at the heart of the tale, nor dilute the violence (both threatened and actual) from their chosen source material. “Many rehearsal hours were then spent during the original creation process, discovering ways to stage some of these more hard-hitting moments. Ultimately,

the show employs a range of theatrical devices; sleight of hand, misdirection, puppetry and comic timing to deliver these extreme moments without driving sensitive audience members from their seats!” He insists audiences should join Tobacco Factory Theatres this Christmas, even if they may have seen the show before: “For anyone seeing this production for the first time; you’re in for a treat. ‘Cinderella: A Fairytale’ boasts a stellar cast of top-notch physical performers, an awesome live band and an original and beautifully crafted take on a well-loved story. “And for those thinking about seeing it again, consider it to be a dear friend who’s been away for a few years, played to tens of thousands of delighted audience members, won glowing press reviews and awards and is finally coming home, eager to see you again.” Cinderella: A Fairytale Fri 02 Dec– Sun 22 Jan. Tobacco Factory Theatres, Raleigh Road, Bristol, BS3 1TF. Tickets £8.50 - £20 (£8.50 - £15 conc.), family tickets £45-£60 (two adults and two children or one adult and three children). Running time: approx. two hours (inc interval). Times vary (contact Box Office or see website for details). Suitable for ages 6+ and their families. Box Office: 0117 902 0344. Book online: PRIMARY TIMES

04/10/2016 09:55:59


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30/09/2016 13:10:13

Picture posed by model

This year’s AntiBullying Week is a chance for children and schools to focus on an issue which affects many young people both onand offline, says Eric Blair

Harnessing the power for his paintings Nicholas Nikiforou with


hether name-calling or ostracisation, fighting or ganging up, bullying can have a devastating impact on a child’s wellbeing. The story of one West Country primary school pupil, Nicholas Nikiforou, typifies the experience of many. Born with a pre-cancerous birthmark on his face, Nicholas underwent eight operations in his early years, both to remove the mark and to reduce the impact of scarring. Sadly, some of his fellow pupils took a less than healthy interest in his appearance. Initial playground curiosity turned to mockery and physical abuse as he was regularly wrestled to floor in headlocks. “He was so distressed he couldn’t eat and I had to take him home at lunchtime,” says his mother Melanie Nikiforou. She says the first school he attended denied there was a problem. “I thought I was going to have to school him at home,” she adds. Sadly, Nicholas’s experience is far from unusual. Research conducted for Ofsted shows that 46% of all children and young people in the UK say they have experienced bullying at school. Increasing use of the internet also means that bullies now have many more ways to target and harass their victims beyond the playground. According to the Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA), bullying is “the repetitive intentional hurting of one person or group by another, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power”. National Anti-Bullying Week – which runs from the 14 to 18 November as part of a broader Anti-Bullying Month (from 30 6


16 Avon Features Autumn Half Term 2016.indd 4


October) – aims to help children, parents and teachers tackle it effectively. The theme this year is ‘Power for Good’, with the key messages of helping children and young people to take individual and collective action to stop bullying. It encourages parents, carers, teachers, school support staff and youth workers to help children create safe environments where they can thrive. Schools can get involved in Anti-Bullying Week by joining the free ABA school/college network, by sharing ideas and plans for activities and events online, by downloading or ordering resources including lesson plans, posters and stickers and by holding fundraising events – such as a dress-as-your-hero day – to support the campaign. Pupils can also nominate a teacher or other member of school staff for a Power for Good award while parents can buy a Power for Good superhero calendar produced by comic book website AP2HYC. Throughout Anti-Bullying Month, schools can also host a 60-minute anti-bullying roadshow by Weston-super-Marebased Actionwork, an educational theatre and film company. The roadshow incorporates films and interactive workshops, showcasing strategies for dealing with bullying while demonstrating ways children can empower themselves. “There is no one best way to deal with bullying, there are lots of ways,” says Actionwork’s director Andy Hickson. “Drama, performance, creative workshops and social theatre portray a multitude of strategies, ideas and solutions. It also, without preach-

ing, highlights the pitfalls, the bad choices and the lack of awareness around bullying and cyber-bullying, of rights and responsibilities. Students Children’s posters from show great previous anti-bullying strength and campaigns creativity in the workshops; they learn without thinking they’re learning.” Cyber-bullying can take many different forms, ranging from threatening or intimidating comments and messages to identity theft, account hacking and online impersonation. According to YouGov as many as one in five 13- to 18-year-olds have experienced some form of it, while 90% of children aged under 10 use the internet and 86% of them communicate with other people online. Nearly a third of 7- to 11-year-olds (31%) also say that comments from others have stopped them enjoying the time they spend online. Anti-Bullying Week’s Internet Matters website includes advice for parents who want to help their children stay safe online by, for example, agreeing boundaries and exploring the virtual world together. Meanwhile, Nicholas has shown how to escape bullying and take steps to prevent it. His mother withdrew him from his first school and discussed his situation with a new establishment, Locking Primary School in North

Somerset. “Before Nicholas joined, Locking showed its pupils a video about a child having treatment for a birthmark at Great Ormond Street Hospital,” says Melanie. “Class teachers explained that all people are different and we should not call each other nasty names. It made all the difference. He is doing very well and, now aged 9, has become an ambassador for The Diana Award anti-bullying initiative.” Indeed, Nicholas, who regularly contributes to Primary Times’s Arty Barty page, had one of his paintings accepted by chocolate manufacturer Kinder, as part of its competition “Make Your Little Ones Art Famous” and had his picture featured on a chocolate wrapper. “Nicholas and other inspirational individuals are proof that you have to embrace who you are and show people you are a special person,” Melanie says. Internet Matters W: Anti-Bullying Alliance W: Actionwork T: 01934 621890 W: PRIMARY TIMES

04/10/2016 09:57:58


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p7.indd 3


30/09/2016 13:12:31

FAMILY & CHILDREN’S SHOWS ★ BRISTOL, BATH, N. SOMERSET & SOUTH GLOS Little Frankenstein, The Egg, Bath, Tue 25-Wed 26 Oct

BATH THEATRE ROYAL Theatre Royal, Sawclose, Bath BA1 1ET. 01225 448844, Annie Tue 1-Sat 5 Nov, 7.30pm plus 2.30pm Wed & Sat, £15-£32 • ������������������������������� Bath Light Operatic Group present the adventures of the gutsy orphan and her stray dog Sandy, from Miss Hannigan’s ghastly orphanage to the house of billionaire Oliver Warbucks. Includes classic songs ‘Tomorrow’ and ‘It’s a Hard Knock Life’. Horrible Histories: Barmy Britain Tue 8-Sat 12 Nov, see website for times, £10.50-£24.50 • History comes to life using actors and 3D ‘Bogglevision’: meet historical figures including Queen Boudicca, Elizabeth I, Guy Fawkes, Dick Turpin and many more. Aladdin Thu 8 Dec-Sun 8 Jan, see website for times, £9-£32 (family tickets available) • Climb aboard the magic carpet for this year’s pantomime starring CBBC’s Mark Rhodes as Aladdin and soap star Bill Ward as the evil Abanazar. Expect a traditional show packed with comedy, slapstick, singing, dancing, beautiful costumes and plenty of participation. THE EGG Theatre Royal, Sawclose, Bath BA1 1ET. 01225 448844, www. At the End of Everything Sat 22-Sun 23 Oct, 11.30am & 3.30pm, £8.50 (adult)/£7.50 (child) • Join Icka on an adventure over land and sea to find her yellow bird best friend, Tito. Carbon-friendly performance using pedal power, with

Mark Rhodes is Aladdin, Thu 8 DecSun 8 Jan, Theatre Royal, Bath 8 AUTUMN HALF TERM 2016

16 Avon Theatre Autumn Half Term 2016.indd 8

their favourite festive costumes for a fancy dress parade and there may even be a visit from Father Christmas. THE RONDO THEATRE St. Saviours Rd, Bath BA1 6RT. 01225 463362, Reindeer on the Roof Thu 8-Sun 18 Dec, various times, see website, £10-£12 • It’s Christmas morning … and Darcy wakes up to a sparkly tree, a stocking full of presents and a reindeer on the roof. Join Darcy on her adventure to get her new reindeer friend back to Lapland where he belongs and discover the true meaning of Christmas along the way.

BRISTOL puppetry, animation, music and sound all powered by the energy of the team onstage. Little Frankenstein Tue 25-Wed 26 Oct, 11.30am & 3pm, £8.50 (adult)/£7.50 (child) • Puppeteer Frank Stein has had enough of his badly made puppets that keep falling apart. Inspired by Dr Frankenstein, he creates a puppet, Creature George, but Frank is so intent on his new show that he neglects to look after his new child. Sleep Crawling Thu 27-Sat 29 Oct, various times, all tickets £6 • Darkly charming puppet theatre production where objects tease and taunt and an odd baby mannequin interacts with a child’s musical toy. Suitable for ages 5+. Dans L’Atelier Sat 29-Sun 30 Oct, 2pm & 3pm, all tickets £6/£8.50 with workshop • The mishaps of a puppet under construction who decides to make a stab at finishing the job itself. It struggles with the elements, with the material, the objects and uses every opportunity to tyrannize its manipulators. Jack and the Beanstalk Thu 3 Nov, 10am & 11.15am, all tickets £3 • Jackie and Pooja from Dinkies Storytime bring the tale of Jack, the giant and the magic beans to life in a storytelling session for ages 18 months to 4 years. The Owl and the Pussycat Sat 5-Sun 6 Nov, 9.30am (11.30am & 3pm sold out), £8.50 (adult)/£7.50 (child) • ����������� Ballet taking a fresh and humorous look at the famous Edward Lear poem. An Elephant in the Garden Fri 11-Sun 13 Nov, 10am & 1pm (Fri)/11.30am & 3pm (Sat & Sun), £8.50 (adult)/£7.50 (child) • In Dresden, Germany in 1945, Lizzie, her mother and an elephant from

the zoo flee the Allied fire-bombing in the end-game of the Second World War. Simon Reade directs a new adaptation of Michael Morpurgo’s bestselling children’s novel. Alfie White: Space Explorer Fri 18-Sat 19 Nov, 10.30am & 1pm (Fri)/11.30am & 3pm (Sat), £8.50 (adult)/£7.50 (child) • Alfie White is crazy about space – and his dad is training to be the first man on the moon. At least that’s what Alfie tells his schoolmates. In fact, Alfie’s dad has disappeared without trace. Together with his best friend Meg, Alfie sets out on a daring mission to find him. But where on earth – or in space – is he? Robin Hood Thu 8 Dec-Sun 15 Jan, see website for times, £18 (adult)/£7.50 (child) • Written and directed by Greg Banks, this year’s Christmas show follows Robin and his Merry Men as he defeats the evil Sheriff of Nottingham and woos Maid Marion. Expect fiendish escapes, spectacular swashbuckling and sword fights galore – all performed by a versatile cast of four Merry men and a female ska band. BATH FORUM Bath Forum, 1a Forum Buildings, St James Parade, Bath BA1 1UG. 0844 888 9991, www.bathforum. The Snowman Tue 22 Dec, 2.30pm, £18 (adult)/£12 (child) • Bath Philharmonia play Howard Blake’s music live to Raymond Briggs’ magical animated film in this annual festive performance. The orchestra will also perform a host of Christmas favourites including ‘The Night Before Christmas’ narrated by candlelight. Children are invited to wear

BRISTOL HIPPODROME St. Augustine’s Parade, Bristol BS1 4UZ. 0844 871 3012, Billy Elliot Tue 25 Oct-Sat 26 Nov, see website for times, £25-£72 • After 10 years in London’s West End, the inspirational story of a young boy’s struggle against the odds to make his dream come true tours the UK and Ireland for the first time. Follow Billy’s journey as he stumbles out of the boxing ring and into a ballet class where he discovers a passion for dance that inspires his family and changes his life forever. Cinderella Sat 10 Dec-Sun 8 Jan, see website for times, £12-£42 • Torvill and Dean take to the stage as fairy godparents in this year’s pantomime. Expect a family extravaganza with glittering sets, big song and dance numbers, real Shetland ponies and jaw-dropping skating sequences. THE BRISTOL OLD VIC King St, Bristol BS1 4ED. 0117 987 7877, Peter Pan Wed 16 Nov–Mon 29 Dec, 1pm, 2pm & 7pm, £15-£60 • In JM Barrie’s much-loved tale Peter Pan, leader of the Lost Boys, loses his shadow during a visit to London. Headstrong Wendy (Madeleine Worrall) helps him reattach it. In return she is invited to Neverland – where Tinker Bell the fairy, Tiger Lily and the vengeful Captain Hook, played by Sophie Thompson (‘Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows’, ‘Four Weddings and a Funeral’) await. Director Sally Cookson promises a wondrously inventive version of the tale. The Snow Queen Fri 2 Dec-Sun 15 Jan, 2pm, 4pm & 7pm, £9.50£34 • The Old Vic’s version of



04/10/2016 10:06:08








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30/09/2016 13:13:18



Hans Christian Andersen’s tale. When Kai is stolen away by the Snow Queen, Gerda sets off on an ambitious and dangerous journey to save her best friend. On her way, a hodgepodge of mysterious characters – including a magpie, a garden of colourful flowers and a trusty reindeer – help her discover her true strength. COLSTON HALL Colston St, Bristol BS1 5AR. 0844 887 1500, Shlomo’s Beatbox Adventure For Kids Fri 28 Oct, 3pm, all tickets £10.75 incl. booking fee • Join the world record-breaking beatboxer who makes all kinds of music using just his mouth and a mic. Expect funny sounds, brilliant noises and cool music. Little Tim and the Brave Sea Captain Fri 2 Dec-Sun 8 Jan, 10.30am,11.30am,1.30pm & 3pm, £7.49-£13.50 • Bristol Old Vic sets sail to transform Colston Hall’s Lantern room into a nautical playground. Tim has always wanted to become a sailor. He knows all the knots, can name every boat and sing all their songs. But there’s one problem: he is much too young to be a sailor until one day he accidentally-on-purpose stows away on a steam ship. KING’S OAK ACADEMY Brook Rd, Kingswood, Bristol BS15 4JT. 0117 992 7127, Charity Concert Sat 26 Nov, 7.30pm, £6 (adult)/under-14s free • Longwell Green Orchestra perform a Last Night of the Proms concert in aid of local charity The Julian Trust and Kidney Research UK. REDGRAVE THEATRE Percival Rd, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3LE. 0117 315 7000. The Redgrave has no permanent box office so please book directly with the visiting companies listed below. Treasure Island Fri 2-Sun 18 Dec, see website for times & to book tickets, £17 (adult)/£12 (child) • Bristol Old Vic Theatre School presents this action-packed adventure on the high seas as young hero Jim Hawkins pits his wits against long John Silver and his pirate crew. The Nativity Sat 10 & Sat 17 Dec, 11am (Sat 10)/10am & 11.30am (Sat 17), £8 • Wise men (and not so wise men), talking sheep, angels, a shepherd family, camels, a horrible Herod and carols old and new go to make up a magical retelling of the story of the first Christmas. ST GEORGE’S BRISTOL Great George St, Bristol BS1 5RR. 0117 925 3333, Wild Words: Glorious Greeks Tue 25 Oct, 3.30pm, all tickets £6 • Modern take on the classic tale of Odysseus. Outwit greedy monsters, escape the savage Cyclops, survive the sweetsinging siren sisters and overcome vengeful gods to save the day with the cleverest Greek hero of all time. Followed by a 4.30pm playshop, free for ticket holders. 10 AUTUMN HALF TERM 2016

16 Avon Theatre Autumn Half Term 2016.indd 10

Tales of Terror, Tobacco Factory Theatres, Bristol, Wed 26-Thu 27 Oct.

MiniBeats: Petrifying Pianos Sun 30 Oct, 10.15am (ages 3-5), 12pm (ages 5-8) & 2pm (relaxed performance), £6 • Halloween fun, featuring monstrous Mussorgsky, spinechilling Saint-Saëns and ghastly Grieg! Dressing up is definitely allowed and there are prizes for the best costumes. Family Flight Day Sun 27 Nov, 11am-3pm, all tickets £6 • The hall transforms into a veritable aerodrome with hands-on installations from At-Bristol including a flight deck, wind tunnel and wind table, plus accompanying soundtrack from brass players on stage. Children’s Christmas Carnival Sun 18 Dec, 2pm & 4pm, £15/£5 for additional under-18s • Live music from ‘The Snowman’ plus plenty of audience participation in festive favourites including ‘Jingle Bells’ and ‘Sleigh Ride’.

the audience is split into two teams on a comedic ride that will test your skills. Kid Carpet’s Super Mega Rockin’ Rock Show Sat 22-Fri 28 Oct, 11am & 2pm, £7 • A guide to everything you need to rock out big time – join in with stories, games and songs as Kid Carpet performs hits from previous shows. There’ll also be the chance to play ping pong and take part in a grand dance contest. PILNING VILLAGE HALL Pilning, South Gloucestershire. 01454 633786/632813. Camelot, the Panto Wed 7-Sat 10 Dec, 7.30pm (weekdays)/1.30pm & 6pm (Sat), £6/£4 • Amateur production of the King Arthurrelated yarn by The Village Players in association with Ben Crocker Pantomimes. ST GEORGE’S CHURCH HALL Easton-in-Gordano, BS20 0PA. 01275 373232, www.thestorycellar. Whodunit? A Half Term Mystery Tue 25-Wed 26 Oct, 10am-4pm, £45 per course • Agatha Christie meets Sherlock Holmes meets Cluedo … Make a play in two days exploring the classic detective tales of our time. Sign up to be sent an exclusive character information pack, then choose a costume and get stuck in. Suitable for ages 6-11.

TOBACCO FACTORY THEATRE Raleigh Rd, Bristol BS3 1TF. 0117 902 0060, www.tobaccofactory. com Tales of Terror Wed 26-Thu 27 Oct, 10am-3.30pm, £20 for one day/£35 for both days • Spooky fun at the theatre including scary stories, workshops, creepy creations and hijinks. Shakespeare Schools Festival Mon 14-Wed 23 Nov, 7pm, £9 (adult)/£7 (child) • �������������� The UK’s largest youth drama festival features a series of unique performance from children from all over Bristol and Somerset. See website for a list of performances including versions of ‘Macbeth’, ‘Hamlet’ and ‘The Tempest’. Cinderella: A Fairy Tale Fri 2 DecSun 22 Jan, see website for times, £8.50-£60 (family ticket) • Since its premier in 2011, Sally Cookson’s version of ‘Cinderella’ has been seen by more than 60,000 people. It returns to where it all began – so expect original live music and storytelling from the cast who brought you ‘101 Dalmations’. See feature p.4.

THE SPACE Market Walk, Keynsham BS31 1FS. 01225 477422, Aladdin and the Imaginnies (preview) Fri 25 Nov, 6.30pm, free • Exclusive chance to see the latest family show from Big Bold Drama for free. Aladdin and the Imaginnies Sat 17 Dec, 10am, 12noon & 2pm, all tickets £4 • A new spin on the traditional tale with brand new songs, audience participation and playfulness underneath the magical roof of the story tent.

THE WARDROBE THEATRE The Old Market Assembly, 25 West St, Old Market, Bristol BS2 0DF. Squeezy Green’s Compendium of Games Sun 30 Oct & Sun 13 Nov, 2pm, pay what you think • A series of challenges and idiotic games as

THE BAY THEATRE Marine Parade, Weston-superMare, North Somerset BS23 1BE. 01934 629829, Christmas Tales with Grandad Sat 3-Sun 4 Dec, 2pm plus 11am Sun, £6 (adult)/£5 (child) • Festive

stories from Pickled Image including a special pair of Christmas pants, the mystery of the snowflake necklace and the mischievous shenanigans of a feisty gnome. The Christmassy Christmas Show Sun 11 Dec, 2pm, £6 (adult)/£5 (child) • Squashbox Theatre’s new show celebrating all things Christmassy, from fir trees, fairy lights and sleigh bells to crackers, carols, presents and puddings. The Noisy Nativity Sun 18-Mon 19 Dec, 2pm, £6 (adult)/£5 (child) • The traditional Christmas story gets a radical remix courtesy of Kid Carpet and his big-beat songs, wonky carols, live special effects, puppetry and animation. BLAKEHAY THEATRE Wadham St, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset BS23 1JZ. 01934 645493, www.blakehaytheatre. Seussical The Musical Junior Sun 20 Nov, 2pm & 5pm, £11 (adult)/£9.50 (child) • The Dance Company present their musical production based on the popular works of Dr Seuss. A Dickens of a Christmas Sun 4 Dec, 2.30pm & 7.30pm, £6-£12 • Sunshine Productions presents an evening of festive entertainment featuring readings, poems and songs from the pen of Charles Dickens and others. Babes in the Wood Wed 7-Thu 8 Dec, 7pm, £10 (adult)/£8 (child) • Weston College students present the tale of the two titular babes, sent to the forest by their evil uncle and rescued by Robin Hood and Maid Marion. Expect traditional pantomime singing and dancing and colourful characters. Christmas in the Air Concert Sun 11 Dec, 3pm, £10 • RAFA Concert Band bring their annual festive cheer with music and songs to get everyone in the Christmas spirit. THE PLAYHOUSE THEATRE High Street, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset BS23 1HP. 01934 645544, www.parkwoodtheatres. Gangsta Granny Wed 19-Sat 22 Oct, see website for times, £18 (adult)/£15.50 (child) • The producers behind Horrible Histories adapt David Walliams’ bestselling book. Follow Ben on the adventure of a lifetime with Granny, who has a few secrets up her sleeve. Viennese Strauss Christmas Gala Sun 27 Nov, 7.30pm, £24.50 (adult)/£16 (child) • Much Loved Productions Company presents Viennese, Strauss and Christmas music. Hear melodies by the Strauss family, Lehar, Kalman, Romberg, Stolz and Christmas music for everyone to join in with. Beauty and the Beast Sat 10 DecSun 1 Jan, see website for times, £14.95-£20.95 • The first time this tale has been performed as the Playhouse’s yearly pantomime. Follow the adventures of a Prince who’s turned into a Beast, the beautiful heroine, a madcap inventor and bonkers Dame. PRIMARY TIMES

04/10/2016 10:06:30

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30/09/2016 13:15:21

ROUNDABOUT Your ultimate family diary of what’s on, where & when

Deadlines: List your school’s events in Primary Times for free. We work a half-term in advance so we’re now collecting information for late December, January and February: deadline Monday 7 November. If your event is to raise funds for a school, a charity or your community, and is open to the public, we are keen to list it here. Please send all your events information and news/feature ideas to the editor at: mike.gartside@ PLEASE CHECK BEFORE YOU TRAVEL While we make every effort to ensure these listings are accurate and up to date, event information can sometimes change after we’ve gone to press. Please check with the venue or organiser before you set off to an event to make sure it’s going ahead as planned . . . and tell them you saw it in Primary Times!


OCTOBER UNTIL FRI 28 OCT (FRI ONLY) AWESOME AUTUMN Westonbirt Arboretum, Westonbirt, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8QS. 01666 880220, uk/westonbirt, 11am, included in standard admission prices • Weekly walks with volunteer guides discussing special aspects of autumn, from the landscape’s fruit and berries to the arboretum’s hidden historical gems. UNTIL SUN 30 OCT BRISTOL FAMILY ARTS FESTIVAL Venues throughout Bristol including Arnolfini, Bristol Museum and M Shed., see website for prices & times, • Monthlong celebration of family creativity, with a packed programme including music, theatre, storytelling, drawing and much more. Look out for listings marked BFAF. UNTIL SUN 30 OCT COWTASTIC FARM PARK Farrington’s Farm, Home Farm, Main St, Farrington Gurney, Bristol BS39 6UB. 01761 452266,, 9am-5pm, normal admission prices apply • Farmthemed play area with farm vehicle rides, grass sledges and fort, plus chances to meet the animals along the farm trail. UNTIL MON 31 OCT PICTURE BOOK TRAIL Various shops along Gloucester PRIMARY TIMES

16 Avon Roundabout Autumn Half Term 2016.indd 13

Rd, Bristol, BS7. www.bookisland., free • 13 independent businesses are displaying one Book Island picture book with a question to answer. Download the answer sheet and send your completed form to info@bookisland. before 1 Nov and you could win a £60 book voucher for you and your school. UNTIL WED 2 NOV LIVE LAB: INSIDE ME At-Bristol, Anchor Rd, Harbourside, Bristol BS1 5DB. 0117 915 1000,, 10am4pm/5pm (school holidays), included in standard admission prices • Get to grips with human biology and find out how bodies work, with hands-on experiments, dissections and more. UNTIL SUN 6 NOV GIANT LEGO BRICK ANIMALS Slimbridge Wetland Centre, Slimbridge, Gloucestershire GL2 7BT. 01453 891900, uk/wetland-centres/slimbridge, 9.30am-5.30pm, standard admission prices apply • Eleven Lego animals are hiding in Slimbridge, from a giant otter to a 12-times lifesize dragonfly: the challenge is to spot them all? UNTIL SUN 20 NOV THE LUMINOUS ROBOT CIRCUS At-Bristol, Anchor Rd, Harbourside, Bristol BS1 5DB. 0117 915 1000,, regular shows during weekends & school holidays, included in standard admission prices • Roll up and take part in the robot circus! Meet a cast of almost inconceivable luminous robot performers who each tell a story of how we might live alongside robots in the future. Part of the science centre’s ‘Robot Encounters’ season. UNTIL WED 30 NOV AUTUMN FAMILY TRAIL Westonbirt Arboretum, Westonbirt, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL8 8QS. 01666 880220, uk/westonbirt, 9am-5pm, included in standard admission prices • Discover the science behind autumn’s fantastic colours. Follow the trail around Silk Wood (dogfriendly) or the Old Arboretum (dog-free). UNTIL MON 12 DEC AUTUMN IN THE GREENHOUSE Anchor Rd, Harbourside, Bristol BS1 5DB. 0117 915 1000,, 10am-5pm, included in standard admission prices • Find out what’s sprouting in the indoor greenhouse, learn about the nutrient nitrogen and plant your own ‘green manure’ to take home.

UNTIL MON 12 DEC AUTUMN KITCHEN At-Bristol, Anchor Rd, Harbourside, Bristol BS1 5DB. 0117 915 1000,, 10am-5pm, included in standard admission prices • Celebrate harvest time and taste the benefits of the summer growing season. There are regular cook-alongs and taste-alongs, including what to do with sunflower heads and how to turn oats into a high energy treat. FRI 21 OCT BABY ART HOUR (BFAF) Spike Island, 133 Cumberland Rd, Bristol BS1 6UX. 0117 929 2266,, 10am11am, £3 for the first child/£1 per additional child • Play with colour, shape, texture and easy ways to get creative using simple methods and materials in this session for under-5s and their carers. SAT 22 OCT APPLE DAY Stourhead, Stourton BA12 6QF. 01747 841152, www.nationaltrust., 11am-5pm, free • Taste and buy more than 20 varieties of Somerset orchard apples along with local ciders and speciality cheeses. SAT 22 OCT THE BIG DRAW: WE DO MEAN BIG Victoria Art Gallery, Bridge St, Bath BA2 4AT. 01225 477233,, 10.30am12.30pm & 2-4pm, standard admission prices apply/free with Discovery card • Create a largerthan-life drawing of yourself in the gallery. Part of Museums Week. SAT 22 OCT BATH GEEK FEST American Museum in Britain, Claverton Manor, Claverton, Bath BA2 7BD. 01225 460503, www., 11am-5pm, included in gardens admission • A day of all things geeky in celebration of ‘An American Toy Story’. Guests, stalls, talks and lots more from the world of comics, TV, films, games, YouTube and toys. SAT 22 OCT MY WILD CHILD FAMILY FUN DAY Bennett’s Patch & White’s Paddock, Bristol,, 1-4pm, free • Urban wild play session with activities and special guest, wildlife TV presenter Nick Baker. SAT 22 OCT SUPER SATURDAY SAMPLE SESSION Children’s Scrapstore & Artrageous, Scrapstore House, 21 Sevier St, St Werburghs, Bristol BS2 9LB. 0117 908 5644,

Captain Barnacle returns to the Matthew, Bristol, Thu 27 Oct, 10.30am-2.30pm, free • Drop-in session for families to experiment with products and materials from on-site shop Artrageous. SAT 22-SAT 29 OCT CURIOSITY CHALLENGE Walcot St, Bath BA1. 01225 429694, MentoringPlusBathNESomerset, £1 per entry • The shops in Walcot Street each have an unusual item in their window, from the weird to the wonderful. Can you spot them all? Help local children’s charity Mentoring Plus by buying an entry form in their pop-up charity shop at 146 Walcot St. Hand back your completed form at the shop for chance of winning a family prize. SAT 22-SAT 29 OCT PHANTOM BOY Watershed, 1 Canon’s Rd, Bristol BS1 5TX. 0117 927 5100, www., see website for times, £6.50 (adult)/£4.50 (child) • An 11-year-old boy becomes an unlikely superhero when he discovers that he has the ability to leave his body and fly through walls in this animated adventure from the creators of ‘A Cat in Paris’. SAT 22-SUN 30 OCT MUSEUMS WEEK Various locations across Bath & North East Somerset, • The new name for Heritage Open Week which has been running for more than 30 years during the autumn half term. Holders of a Discovery card get free entry to a range of venues all week, including Bath Fashion Museum, Victoria Art Gallery, Sally Lunn’s House, Bath Abbey and many more. For more info about discovery cards go to AUTUMN HALF TERM 2016



04/10/2016 10:07:29


broomsticks and Bonfires YOUR HALLOWEEN AND GUY FAWKES NIGHT INFORMATION, ALL IN ONE PLACE petition, story trail, face painting, encounters with creepy crawlies and much more.

FRI 21-MON 31 OCT SPOOKLEY PUMPKIN FESTIVAL Farrington’s Farm, Home Farm, Main St, Farrington Gurney, Bristol BS39 6UB. 01761 452266,, 8am6pm/9am-4pm (Sun), free • Pick from thousands of homegrown pumpkins, carve Spookley shapes and try some seasonal pumpkin dishes. Or cosy up and listen to the heart-warming story of Spookley, the square-shaped pumpkin, and watch the Spookley film. SAT 22, MON 24, WED 26 & FRI 28 OCT PUMPKIN CARVING WORKSHOPS Tyntesfield, Wraxall, Bristol BS48 1NX. 01275 461900,, see website for times, £3 per pumpkin • Let your imagination run wild and carve your own scary pumpkin design. Suitable for children with adult supervision.


SAT 22-SUN 30 OCT OCTOBER HALF TERM ss Great Britain, Great Western Dockyard, Gas Ferry Rd, Bristol BS1 6TY. 0117 926 0680, www., 10am-5.30pm, included in standard admission prices • Daily spooky storytelling and crafts; make a scary rat mask before snapping photos around the ship. Suitable for ages 6+. SAT 22-SUN 30 OCT HALLOWEEN AT PRIOR PARK Prior Park, Ralph Allen Drive, Bath BA2 5AH. 01225 833977, www., 10am-4.30pm, standard admission prices apply plus £1 per trail • Discover which ghosts and ghouls are hiding in the garden this year with a family trail. SAT 22-SUN 30 OCT HALLOWEEN FESTIVAL Bristol Zoo, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3HA. 0117 974 7300,, 9am-5.30pm, adult £17/child £5 with any full paying adult • Spooky activities all week, including black cat trail, witching crafts, and wizard spell casting. Fancy dress encouraged.

SAT 22-SUN 30 OCT HALLOWEEN TRAIL Tyntesfield, Wraxall, Bristol BS48 1NX. 01275 461900, www., 10am-3pm, standard admission prices apply plus £2.50 per trail • Follow the frighteningly fun trail sheet around the grounds to win a spooky prize.

SAT 22-SUN 30 OCT VENOM … FACE YOUR FEARS Bristol Aquarium, Anchor Rd, Bristol BS1 5TT. 0117 929 8929, • Follow a Toxic Trail and enjoy close encounters with a host of creepy critters. You can also explore terrifying touch boxes, feed a shoal of piranhas, watch a foul fish dissection, go on a tantalising mini tour and make yourself a frightening fish face to take home.

SAT 22-SUN 30 OCT HALLOWEEN HARVEST Wild Place Project, Wild Place, Blackhorse Hill, Bristol BS10 7TP. 0117 980 7175, www.wildplace., 10am-5pm, children £5 with any full paying adult • Enjoy pumpkin carving, fancy dress com-

SAT 22 OCT & SAT 12 NOV GRAND PIER FIREWORKS AT SEA (PICTURED) Marine Parade, Weston-superMare, North Somerset BS23 1AL. 01934 646155, www.grandpier., doors open 5pm/show at 6.30pm, £7.50 • Great views of

SAT 22-SUN 30 OCT DRAW LIKE AN ARCHITECT Museum of Bath Architecture, The Countess of Huntingdon’s Chapel, The Paragon, The Vineyards, Bath BA1 5NA. 01225 333895,, 10.30am (Sat & Sun only)/2-5pm, closed Mon, included in standard admission prices • Discover how architects use drawing instruments to help them create their designs. See if you can reproduce some of the

famous buildings in Bath using a set square, protractor and other equipment.



16 Avon Roundabout Autumn Half Term 2016.indd 14

SAT 22-SUN 30 OCT MUSEUM TRAILS Museum of East Asian Art, 12 Bennett’s Rd, Bath BA1 2QJ. 01225 464640,, 10am-5pm, closed Mon, included in standard admission prices • Explore four new themes of the museum’s latest displays with the family trail around the collections,


the firework display from the Grand Pier itself. Enjoy unlimited rides included in the ticket price or pick up some fish and chips along the boardwalk. SUN 23 & SUN 30 OCT HALLOWEEN FAMILY FUN DAY The Helicopter Museum, Locking Moor Rd, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset BS24 8PP. 01934 635227,, 10am-5.30pm, £7 (adult)/£4.50 (child)/children in fancy dress free • Dare to climb aboard the haunted helicopter, walk through the ghostly graveyard, plus ‘hell-icopter’ flights, children’s games and competitions, stalls and more. MON 24-SAT 29 OCT OCTOBER HALF TERM Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm, Clevedon Rd, Wraxall BS48 1PG. 01275 852606, www.noahsarkzoofarm., 10.30am-5pm, standard admission prices apply • Pumpkins don’t have to be scary! Get down to the farm for a week of country and pumpkin-themed activities. TUE 25-THU 27 & SAT 29-SUN 30 OCT SPOOKY HALF-TERM TRAIN RIDES Avon Valley Railway, Bath Rd, Bristol BS30 6HD. 0117 932 5538,, 9am-5pm, standard admission prices apply • Expect ghoulish fun aboard the steam and diesel engines, plus free train rides for children in fancy dress. WED 26 OCT HOLIDAY FAMILY FUN: HALLOWEEN Blaise Castle House Museum, Henbury Rd, Bristol BS10 7QS. 0117 903 9818,, 11.30am-3.30pm, pay what you think • Make a Halloween mask and follow the pumpkin trail through the grounds to win a chocolate prize. THU 27 OCT HAPPY HALLOWEEN American Museum in Britain, Claverton Manor, Claverton, Bath BA2 7BD. 01225 460503, www., 1-4pm, included with gardens only admission • Join Wiltshire Scrapstore for an array of creepy crafts. Fancy dress welcome. spot decorations on objects with the fun animal trail or bring toddlers along for the shapes and colours trail. SUN 23 OCT THE WIZ & DISCO Watershed, 1 Canon’s Rd, Bristol BS1 5TX. 0117 927 5100, www., 11.30am, £6.50 (adult)/£4.50 (child) • Motown musical version of ‘The Wizard of Oz’ starring Diana Ross and Michael Jackson. Carry on the

THU 27-MON 31 OCT HALLOWEEN BAT LONG WEEKEND No.1 Royal Crescent Museum, Bath BA1 2LR. 01225 428126,, 10.30am-5.30pm, included in standard admission prices • Scary bats have taken over the historic kitchen: count them all to earn a Halloween treat. FRI 28 OCT SPOOKY TORCHLIT TOURS Bristol Aquarium, Anchor Rd, Bristol BS1 5TT. 0117 929 8929,, 6-8pm, prices TBA • Ghoulish guided tours: who knows what’s lurking in the dark as night falls? FRI 28-SUN 30 OCT SLIMBRIDGE SPOOKTACULAR Slimbridge Wetland Centre, Slimbridge, Gloucestershire GL2 7BT. 01453 891900, www. slimbridge, 9.30am-5.30pm, standard admission prices apply • Halloween-themed activities and events all weekend, with fun, frolics and perhaps the odd shriek. SAT 29-SUN 30 OCT THE RAGGED VICTORIANS ss Great Britain, Great Western Dockyard, Gas Ferry Rd, Bristol BS1 6TY. 0117 926 0680, www., 10am-5.30pm, included in standard admission prices • The dockyard comes alive with a cast of Victorian characters to add to the spooky atmosphere on board. Part of the ship’s Halloween half-term events. SAT 5 NOV FIREWORKS TO MUSIC Avon Valley Country Park, Pixash Lane, Bath Rd, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 1TP. 0117 986 4929, www., 5.30-9.30pm/ fireworks 7.30pm, £2 per person/£12.50 (with car parking) • Expect spectacular fireworks set to music, plus funfair, food stalls, bar and more. SAT 5 NOV FIREWORKS AT PUXTON PARK Puxton Park, Cowslip Lane, Hewish BS24 6AH. 01934 523500,, times & prices TBC • The park’s popular firework display returns and promises to be better than ever. party after the film with a free disco with more Motown classics. SUN 23, TUE 25, THU 27 & SAT 29 OCT LANTERN-MAKING WORKSHOPS Tyntesfield, Wraxall, Bristol BS48 1NX. 01275 461900,, drop in 2-4pm, £3 per lantern • Paper lantern making celebrates Tyntesfield ‘s historic installation of electric lighting.



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30/09/2016 16:18:14


MON 24 OCT FAMILY STORYTELLING Bristol Cathedral, College Green, Bristol BS1 5TJ., 10.30am-12noon, free • Join Mimi Thebo, author of ‘Dreaming the Bear’, for a morning of stories.


WED 26 OCT MONSTER TREASURE TRAILS American Museum in Britain, Claverton Manor, Claverton, Bath BA2 7BD. 01225 460503, www., 1-4pm, included with gardens only admission • Explore Dallas Pratt’s map collection, populated with terrifying beasts and monsters; then design your own map of the museum and grounds, filled with scary creatures of your own invention.

MON 24 OCT COLOUR IN THE CRYPT St John on the Wall, Broad St, Bristol BS1 2EZ. www.arnolfini., 11am-3pm, free • Discover the colours lost from the medieval crypt plus free craft activities including kaleidoscope and spin top making, dressing up and medieval toys. MON 24-FRI 28 OCT POP-UP TODDLER AREA At-Bristol, Anchor Rd, Harbourside, Bristol BS1 5DB. 0117 915 1000,, 10am-4pm, reduced entry fees apply • Food-themed activities especially for little ones. Explore food textures in At-Bristol’s popup toddler restaurant, shop in the toddler supermarket and create a tasty fruit and vegetable salad in the kitchen. MON 24-FRI 28 OCT THE BIG DRAW: EX LIBRIS The Roman Baths, Stall St, Bath BA1 1LZ. 01225 477785, www., 10am-1pm & 2-4pm, included in standard admission prices • Part of Museums Week: learn a bit of Latin and make a Roman bookmark to take home. TUE 25 OCT FALCONRY DEMONSTRATION American Museum in Britain, Claverton Manor, Claverton, Bath BA2 7BD. 01225 460503, www., 12.30-4pm, included in gardens admission • Join falconer Ray Prior and a wide selection of birds including owls, eagles, hawks and falcons. TUE 25 OCT HORRIBLE HISTORIES: MAKING REMEDIES WORKSHOP No.1 Royal Crescent Museum, Bath BA1 2LR. 01225 428126,, 11am-3.30pm, included in standard admission prices • Join Dr

Andrews and Professor Rogers to mix your own herbal remedies. Use a quill and coloured ink to take home your own fancy medicine label and discover what unusual cures and hidden killers lurked in the Georgian home. TUE 25 OCT MAGNIFICENT MOBILES RWA, Queens Rd, Bristol BS8 1PX. 0117 973 5129, uk, 11am-12 noon (ages 2-5) and 1-2pm (ages 6+), £5 • Make your own mobile inspired by Charles Eames’ twirling toys. TUE 25 OCT THE STEAM-POWERED BIG DRAW M Shed, Princes Wharf, Wapping Rd, Bristol BS1 4RN. 0117 352 6600, www.bristolmuseums., 11am-3pm, pay what you think • Be inspired by the historic exhibits and iconic cranes and let your imagination run riot. Can ����������������������� you build the highest tower, design a fantastical hat or make a working crane? TUE 25-THU 27 OCT THE BIG DRAW: LEG ROOM Fashion Museum, Assembly Rooms, Bennett St, Bath BA1 2QH. 01225 477789,, 1-3.30pm, included in standard admission prices/free with Discovery card • Create life-sized leggings with amazing patterns inspired by outfits on display. Part of Museums Week.

Bath Christmas Market, Thu 24 Nov-Sun 11 Dec

TUE 25-THU 27 OCT FAMILY ARCHIVE IN 5 (BFAF) ss Great Britain, Great Western Dockyard, Gas Ferry Rd, Bristol BS1 6TY. 0117 926 0680, www., 12.30-1.30pm, free • Get closer to history in the Brunel Institute as maritime curators and volunteers take you on a journey of discovery with items from the archive vault. Hear family-friendly stories from the ship’s history too. TUE 25 & THU 27 OCT AUTUMN FOREST DAY SCHOOL CAMP Tyntesfield, Wraxall, Bristol BS48 1NX. 01275 461900,, 10.30am2.30pm, £20 per child • Join the forest school leader and learn how to cook over an open fire, den building, woodworking, wild play and more. Suitable for ages 6-10. WED 26 OCT FAMILY FUN: RED CRAFTS Museum of East Asian Art, 12 Bennett’s Rd, Bath BA1 2QJ. 01225 464640, uk, 2-4pm, included in standard admission prices • Celebrate Museums Week and enjoy an afternoon of red-themed crafts. Learn about the Chinese symbols and make red lanterns, origami and papercuts. WED 26 OCT BEHIND THE SCENES IN THE GEOLOGY STORE Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, Queens Rd, Bristol BS8 1RL. 0117 922 3571, www.bristolmuseums., 11.30am, 12.30pm & 1.30pm, pay what you think • Family-friendly, curator-led guided tour of the Jurassic fossil treasures cared for behind the scenes. Discover ancient marine reptiles, ammonites, squid and more. WED 26 OCT THE BIG BEN PROJECT Museum of Bath Architecture, The Countess of Huntingdon’s Chapel, The Paragon, The Vineyards, Bath BA1 5NA. 01225 333895, www. uk, 2-4pm, included in standard admission prices • Help draw a huge version of London’s famous clock on the floor of the museum



16 Avon Roundabout Autumn Half Term 2016.indd 16

and try using the giant, metrelong compass and protractor.

WED 26 OCT CLAY GROTESQUES Yate Heritage Centre, Church Rd, Yate BS37 5BG. 01454 862200,, 10.30am12noon & 1.30-3pm, free • Make your own gargoyle-style clay faces in a fun workshop. WED 26 OCT 50 WAYS TO MAKE A DRAWING Arnolfini, 16 Narrow Quay, Bristol BS1 4QA. 0117 917 2300, www., 1-4pm, free • Experiment with as many different ways you can think of to make drawings – from giant depictions to tiny sketches. Fuel your imagination and see what wonderful creations you can make. WED 26 OCT PARCELS OF COMFORT: EXPLORING WWI Bristol Cathedral, College Green, Bristol BS1 5TJ., 10am-12noon, free • Activity morning inspired by the cathedral’s textile display and the packages and parcels sent to the trenches in 1914. Make your own parcels to add to the exhibition and enjoy music from the era. WED 26 OCT CHILDREN’S SCRAPSTORE: ART CLUB Children’s Scrapstore & Artrageous, Scrapstore House, 21 Sevier St, St Werburghs, Bristol BS2 9LB. 0117 908 5644,, 4-5.30pm, £7 per child • Play art club for 6- to 12-year-olds. Join playworkers, take inspiration from artists and experiment with different art forms. WED 26 OCT SEA SPRAY – THE BIG DRAW Bristol Aquarium, Anchor Rd, Bristol BS1 5TT. 0117 929 8929,, 10am5pm, standard admission prices apply • For one day only, help draw the biggest aquarium scene in Bristol. Sketch or scribble your favourite fish and colour in some water for it to swim in too. THU 27 OCT WEAVING Yate Heritage Centre, Church Rd, Yate BS37 5BG. 01454 862200,, 10.30am12noon & 1.30-3pm, free • Learn how to weave your own piece of clothing in a fun workshop. » PRIMARY TIMES

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30/09/2016 13:19:03


THU 27 OCT CAPTAIN BARNACLE The Matthew, Wapping Wharf, Bristol BS1 4RN. 0117 927 6868,, 12noon & 2pm, £7.50/£2 (ages 5 and under) • Pirate pantomime with the notorious Captain Barnacle. Expect pirate jokes, puppets and audience participation. Please note this is a static show. THU 27 OCT UNDER-5S MAKE A MESS Children’s Scrapstore & Artrageous, Scrapstore House, 21 Sevier St, St Werburghs, Bristol BS2 9LB. 0117 908 5644,, 10.15-11.45am, £5 per child/£3.50 for additional siblings • Messy play session for little ones: wear old clothes. Booking essential. THU 27 OCT THE BIG DRAW: ADELA BRETON (BFAF) Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, Queens Rd, Bristol BS8 1RL. 0117 922 3571, uk/bristol-museum-and-art-gallery, 11am-3pm, free • Grab a sketching pad and head upstairs to be inspired by Adela Breton’s watercolours of Mexico. THU 27 OCT MIXED MEDIA PRINT (BFAF) RWA, Queens Rd, Bristol BS8 1PX. 0117 973 5129,, 10.30am-12.30pm, £10 per child • Artist Sophie Rae leads a workshop to create multi-layered, mixed media prints. Add vivid background colours with a roller, then use different materials (such as bubble wrap, pencils and paintbrushes) to add marks and patterns. THU 27 OCT MUSEUMS AT NIGHT: LIGHTING THE GREAT BATH The Roman Baths, Stall St, Bath BA1 1LZ. 01225 477785, www., 6-8pm, included in standard admission prices • Enjoy late opening and see the Great Bath illuminated by torchlight, plus there’ll be an opportunity to make mini lights. THU 27 OCT BECOME A SHOPKEEPER No.1 Royal Crescent Museum, Bath BA1 2LR. 01225 428126, www., 11am3.30pm, standard admission prices apply • Dress up in costume to stamp books in the bookbindery, make sweets at the confectioners and enjoy other activities and workshops. FRI 28 OCT BLACK HISTORY MONTH: KWANZAA Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, Queens Rd, Bristol BS8 1RL. 0117 922 3571, www.bristolmuseums., 11am-3pm, pay what you think • Family fun day based on the African harvest festival. Participate in making a Kwanzaa Altar, including candles, traditional mat and cards, and learn more about African culture through quizzes and more. 18


16 Avon Roundabout Autumn Half Term 2016.indd 18


Victorian Christmas, Blaise Castle, Bristol, Sat 3 Dec

FRI 28 OCT MAKE A SUNDIAL The Herschel Museum of Astrology, 19 New King St, Bath BA1 2BL. 01225 446865, www.herschelmuseum., 1-3pm, included in standard admission prices • Find out more about the sundials on display and make your own to take home. FRI 28 OCT STAY & PLAY Children’s Scrapstore & Artrageous, Scrapstore House, 21 Sevier St, St Werburghs, Bristol BS2 9LB. 0117 908 5644,, 10.15-11.45am, £5 for first child/£3.50 for additional siblings • Children lead the session and their adults join in, with play workers on hand to help out. It doesn’t matter how much noise you make or if you mess up the carpet as long as you’re having fun. FRI 28 OCT ROSIE REVERE ENGINEER The Architecture Centre, 16 Narrow Quay, Bristol BS1 4QA. 0117 922 1540,, 10.30am-12noon, free • Join intrepid engineer Rosie and create your own mini engineering project. FRI 28 OCT THE BIG APPLE American Museum in Britain, Claverton Manor, Claverton, Bath BA2 7BD. 01225 460503, www., 1-4pm, included with gardens only admission • Autumnal apple celebration: press your own juice, hear the story of Johnny Appleseed and have fun with apple-inspired crafts. FRI 28 OCT FAMILY FILM FRIDAY Corinium Museum, Park St, Cirencester GL7 2BX. 01285 655611,, 11am, £5.20 (adult)/£2.50 (child) • Film screenings specifically aimed at families. Contact the museum for a list of films showing. SAT 29 OCT BLACK HISTORY MONTH: FAMILY FUN DAY M Shed, Princes Wharf, Wapping Rd, Bristol BS1 4RN. 0117 352 6600,, 11am-3pm, free • Celebrate Somali culture through craft activities, dressing up, creating your own

Somali name, plus see the museum’s new display on Somali culture and heritage. SAT 29 OCT SUPER SATURDAY SAMPLE SESSION Children’s Scrapstore & Artrageous, Scrapstore House, 21 Sevier St, St Werburghs, Bristol BS2 9LB. 0117 908 5644,, 10.30am-2.30pm, free • Drop-in session for families to experiment with products and materials from on-site shop Artrageous. SUN 30 OCT BRISTOL FAMILY ARTS FESTIVAL FINALE (BFAF) Arnolfini, 16 Narrow Quay, Bristol BS1 4QA. 0117 917 2300,, 1-4pm, free • Drop-in workshop in the auditorium offering a fun afternoon of creativity. Hosted by the Architecture Centre, Arnolfini, Bristol Doors Open Day, Watershed and Artrageous. SUN 30 OCT DAY OF THE DEAD FIESTA American Museum in Britain, Claverton Manor, Claverton, Bath BA2 7BD. 01225 460503, www., 1-4pm, included with gardens only admission • Celebrate the Mexican festival and remember loved ones with sugar skulls, dancing skeletons and plenty of marigolds. Enjoy music from the Mariachi Tequila band and leave an offering on the altar. SUN 30 OCT MEXICAN DAY OF THE DEAD Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, Queens Rd, Bristol BS8 1RL. 0117 922 3571, bristol-museum-and-art-gallery, 10am-4pm, pay what you think • Enjoy crafts, face painting and traditional Mexican dancing, add memories and photos of loved ones to the colourful shrine and take part in a puppet show.

NOVEMBER MON 31 OCT STAY & PLAY Bristol Children’s Playhouse, Berkeley Green Rd, Eastville, Bristol BS5 6LU. 0117 951 0037,, 1.30-3pm, free • Autumn-themed fun day in the centre’s two nursery rooms and brand new woodland play area. Outdoor cooking with a May Park Primary School forest leader, activities, yummy treats and storytelling. THU 3-SUN 13 NOV BATH FILM FESTIVAL Various venues around Bath. 01225 463362,, various prices & times, see website • Film screenings at venues across Bath including Bath City Farm, Little Theatre Cinema and Victoria Hall. Previews, documentary features, F-rated films (highlighting women in film, on and off screen) and Q&As with directors, producers and stars. FROM SUN 6 NOV GERMAN CHRISTMAS MARKET Broadmead, Bristol BS1 3DX. www. bristolgermanchristmasmarket., 10am-8pm, free • 38 traditional German-style chalets, giant advent calendar and Bavarian beer gardens to get you in the festive mood. German Christmas decorations, lights, nativity scenes and gifts for sale, including wooden toys, baskets, soaps, lamps and amber jewellery as well as festive food and drink. SUN 6 NOV FOOD & CRAFT MARKET Tyntesfield, Wraxall, Bristol BS48 1NX. 01275 461900,, 10am3pm, free • Seasonal treats for sale from freshly baked bread to fine cheese plus handmade jewellery, ceramics and more. THU 10 NOV ALL SAINTS: CHRISTMAS LIGHTS SWITCH ON The Mall, Cribbs Causeway, Bristol, BS34 5DG, 0117 903 0303, www., doors open 4pm, event approx. 5.45pm-7.30pm, suggested donation £2 • Chart stars All Saints will switch on the lights this year and perform a charity concert in aid of Children In Need. FROM SAT 12 NOV WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR M Shed, Princes Wharf, Wapping Rd, Bristol BS1 4RN. 0117 352 6600, www.bristolmuseums., 10am-5pm, £5 (adult)/under-16 free • The worldrenowned wildlife photography competition from the Natural History Museum returns, with 100 stunning images of everything from urban wildlife to fantastical landscapes. SAT 12 NOV FINDING DORY (BATH FILM FESTIVAL) Victoria Hall, Church Rd, Radstock BA3 3QG. 01225 463362, www., 4.30pm, £6 (adult)/£4 (child) • Pixar’s sequel to the highly successful ‘Finding Nemo’ follows the friendly but forgetful blue fish as



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30/09/2016 13:19:43

Family Fun at

Phantom Boy (PG) Sat 22 – Sat 29 Oct An 11-year-old boy becomes an unlikely superhero when he discovers that he has can leave his body and fly through walls in this marvellous animated adventure from the creators of A Cat in Paris.

Museums Week celebrates the unique collections and activities in our local museums in Bath & North East Somerset.

Tickets: £6.50 full (adult) / £4.50 child + concessions

Enjoy 9 days of events and activities and find out more about the wonderfully diverse and dynamic museums in the city of Bath World Heritage Site. Go out and about in North East Somerset by taking part in a free event during this special celebration of museums.

Plus don’t miss The Wiz + Disco Sun 23 Oct Get on down for the grooviest adaptation of The Wizard of Oz you’ll ever see! | 0117 927 5100 | 1 Canons Road BS1 5TX

Educational Promotion

FACTS • Almost half (48%) of children have difficulty eating anything when they have a sore throat 1 • A third (31%) of children struggle to take in fluids because of a sore throat 2 • Three out of five children miss school (58%) because of a sore throat 3 • More than a quarter {27%) of children cannot sleep when they have a sore throat 4 Sound familiar? You are not alone. Like many parents, you probably worry about the impact this is having on, not only your child’s wellbeing, but also their education.


just seconds and it comes in an easy to use spray format. The spray action of Children’s Chloraseptic means you can target the trouble-spot directly. Only one spray 5 is needed rather than getting your little one to gargle, swallow a tablet or suck on a lozenge.

Sat 17 September - Sun 6 November

Children’s Chloraseptic is sugar free and is available in a pleasant blackcurrant flavour. Available from Boots, Superdrug, all major supermarkets and independent pharmacies. Contains benzocaine; always read the label.

Book now for our Lego brick workshops

Looking for help? Children’s Chloraseptic, for kids 6 years and above, delivers fast and effective pain relief when your child is suffering from a sore throat. Children’s Chloraseptic numbs sore throat pain in

Slimbridge Wetland Centre

(1 - 4) OnePoll Omnibus survey of 1000 parents with children aged 6 to 18 conducted in summer 2016 (5) One spray for children aged 6-12. 3 sprays for teenagers and adults.

WWT reg. charity in England & Wales, no. 1030884 and Scotland, no. SC039410 ©LW


p20.indd 2



30/09/2016 13:21:24


Bath BA2 5AH. 01225 833977, www., 11am-3pm, included in standard admission prices • Sing some carols, make yourself a natural Christmas decoration and enjoy traditional folk music.

she finds her family and learns about friendship.

Creative workshops and fun, engaging activities and games for families.

MON 14 NOV PLAYTIME The Southville Centre, Beauley Rd, Bedminster, Bristol BS3 1QG. 0117 953 4043,, 10.30am, £6.50 per child • Themed imaginative play sessions for 2- to 4-year-olds led by drama facilitators from Big Bold Drama. Expect simple prop making, music, poems, stories, dressing up and lots of let’s pretend.

SAT 26-SUN 27 NOV SANTA SPECIAL Avon Valley Railway, Bath Rd, Bristol BS30 6HD. 0117 932 5538, www., see website for times, £10/£5 for ages one and under • An hour-long trip in a heritage carriage, with mince pies and festive biscuits, plus a special visit from Father Christmas and a present for each child.

TUE 15 NOV FAMILY STORYTELLING Arnolfini, 16 Narrow Quay, Bristol BS1 4QA. 0117 917 2300, www., 10.30am-11.30am, free • Storytellers bring exhibitions to life with amazing tales for under5s. Meet in the café-bar.

SAT 26-SUN 27 NOV CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR American Museum in Britain, Claverton Manor, Claverton, Bath BA2 7BD. 01225 460503, www., 11am4.30pm, free • Expect unique Christmas gifts from stalls selling everything from ceramics and textiles to jewellery and prints.

SAT 19-SUN 20 NOV REALLY WILD WEEKEND Slimbridge Wetland Centre, Slimbridge, Gloucestershire GL2 7BT. 01453 891900, uk/wetland-centres/slimbridge, 9.30am-5.30pm, standard admission prices apply • The Exotic Zoo provides a chance to get up close with animals including meerkats, crocodiles, snakes and mini beasts. SUN 20 NOV WINTER BOOK FAIR Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, Queens Rd, Bristol BS8 1RL. 0117 9223571, www.bristolmuseums. 10am-4pm, free • Snap up a bargain, with everything from children’s books to CDs and DVDs. THU 24 NOV-SUN 11 DEC BATH CHRISTMAS MARKET Stall St & surrounding areas, city centre, Bath BA1 1LZ., 10am-7pm (Mon-Wed)/8.30pm (Thu-Sat)/6pm (Sun), free • More than 170 decorated wooden chalets selling everything from local artwork to handmade Christmas decorations, festive food and drink, toys and gifts for pets. Plus carol singers, street theatre, musicians and winter food and local ales in the Christmas Lodge. SAT 26 NOV WE ARE FAMILY Arnolfini, 16 Narrow Quay, Bristol BS1 4QA. 0117 917 2300, www., 1pm-5pm, free • PRIMARY TIMES

16 Avon Roundabout Autumn Half Term 2016.indd 21


SAT 26 NOV-WED 21 DEC THE CHRISTMAS HOUSE Stourhead, Stourton BA12 6QF. 01747 841152, www.nationaltrust., 11am-3.30pm, included in standard admission • Discover how Stourhead heir Harry celebrated Christmas and find out about old and new traditions and inspiring ideas for your own home on a festive tour. MON 28 NOV-SUN 11 DEC A GEORGIAN CHRISTMAS No.1 Royal Crescent Museum, Bath BA1 2LR. 01225 428126,, 10.30am-5.30pm, included in standard admission prices • Discover how the Georgians celebrated Christmas on a seasonal trail through the house. Expect a different festive theme in each room and Christmas floral displays.


SAT 3 DEC VICTORIAN CHRISTMAS Blaise Castle House Museum, Henbury Rd, Bristol BS10 7QS. 0117 903 9818, uk/blaise-castle-house-museum, 11am-3.30pm, pay what you think • Traditional celebrations including music, storytelling and festive crafts. Travel back in time and learn how traditions evolved in the hollydecked house. SAT 3 DEC SANTA’S GROTTO GRAND OPENING Marine Parade, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset BS23 1AL. 01934 646155,, from 11am, £5 per child • Santa and his helpers have arrived at their winter wonderland for the festive season: follow the snowy footprints along the Grand Pier and meet Santa’s reindeers and elves on the way to the grotto. SAT 3-SUN 4 DEC CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR Stourhead, Stourton BA12 6QF. 01747 841152, www.nationaltrust., 10am-4.30pm, free • Find that perfect present at stalls selling everything from ceramics and jewellery to original art and local crafts. SAT 3-SUN 4 & SAT 10-SUN 11 DEC MEET FATHER CHRISTMAS Stourhead, Stourton BA12 6QF. 01747 841152, www.nationaltrust., 11am-2pm, £5 per child • Presents for all the children in the magical grotto, with a special story from Father Christmas. Families can make Christmas crafts, write letters to the North Pole and make festive decoration, plus there’ll be entertainment from local choirs. SAT 3-WED 21 DEC THE CHRISTMAS GOTHIC COTTAGE Stourhead, Stourton BA12 6QF. 01747 841152, www.nationaltrust., 11am-3pm, included in standard admission prices • Visit the festively adorned lakeside cottage in the winter garden. Expect a roaring fire and warming drinks.

SAT 3 DEC CAROLS & STEAM Avon Valley Railway, Bath Rd, Bristol BS30 6HD. 0117 932 5538, www., 7pm, prices TBA • Festive carols on board one of the station’s steam engines. Price includes tea or coffee and a mince pie. Must be booked in advance.

SUN 4 DEC SANTA’S GROTTO Marine Parade, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset BS23 1AL. 01934 646155,, from 11am, £5 per child • Santa and his helpers have arrived at their winter wonderland for the festive season: follow the snowy footprints along the Grand Pier and meet Santa’s reindeers and elves on the way to the grotto.

SAT 3 DEC CHRISTMAS AT PRIOR PARK Prior Park, Ralph Allen Drive,

MON 5-MON 19 DEC CHRISTMAS LUNCH Stourhead, Stourton BA12 6QF.

01747 841152, www.nationaltrust., 12-3pm, call 01747 842006 to book • Get into the Christmas spirit with a seasonal lunch. WED 7, FRI 9 & SAT 10 DEC TYNTESFIELD ALL AGLOW Tyntesfield, Wraxall, Bristol BS48 1NX. 01275 461900,, 5-8pm, last admission 7pm, £5 (adult)/ under-16 free • Discover the estate in a whole new light with partially lit paths, illuminated trees and external details of the house – all highlighted after dark. Bring a good torch as there will be minimal lighting on the paths. SAT 10-SUN 11 DEC SANTA’S GROTTO Marine Parade, Weston-superMare, North Somerset BS23 1AL. 01934 646155, www.grandpier., from 11am, £5 per child • Santa and his helpers have arrived at their winter wonderland for the festive season: follow the snowy footprints along the Grand Pier and meet Santa’s reindeers and elves on the way to the grotto. SAT 10 & FRI 16 DEC CHRISTMAS NATIVITY Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm, Clevedon Rd, Wraxall, Bristol BS48 1PG. 01275 852606, www.noahsarkzoofarm., £17 (adult)/£11 (child) • Enjoy a live action Nativity scene featuring live animals and real baby. SUN 11 DEC SANTAS ON THE RUN Harbourside, Bristol BS1 5LL. 01271 325270,, 1pm, £12 (adult)/£6 (child) • Thousands of Santas take to the streets across the South West in this 2k festive fun run. These runs are not about speed or fitness so adults, children and even family pets are all invited to take part. MON 12 DEC PLAYTIME The Southville Centre, Beauley Rd, Bedminster, Bristol BS3 1QG. 0117 953 4043,, 10.30am, £6.50 per child • Themed imaginative play sessions for 2- to 4-year-olds led by drama facilitators from Big Bold Drama. Expect simple prop making, music, stories and dressing up. TUE 13 DEC SLIMBRIDGE CYGNETS Slimbridge Wetland Centre, Slimbridge, Gloucestershire GL2 7BT. 01453 891900, uk/wetland-centres/slimbridge, 10.30am for 11am start, £1.50 per child • Make some Christmas crafts to decorate your tree in a special activity session for toddlers.




04/10/2016 10:17:50




(All events subject to change or cancellation without prior notice).

FREE train rides for children in fancy dress



Tel: 0117 932 5538 Bitton Railway Station, Bath Road, Bitton, Bristol BS30 6HD


Spookley Pumpkin Festival! Sat 15th and Sun 16th October Fri 21st to Mon 31st October Pick Your Own Pumpkin Carving and decorating Meet Spookley the square pumpkin Make a Spookley scarecrow Ride on the Pumpkin Express!

Run, jog, skip or walk our festive 2k fun run for all the family! Sunday 11 December • 1.00pm Bristol Harbourside • #CHSWSantas Registered Charity No 1003314

Open 7 days a week Just off the A362, Farrington Gurney For full details of all these events and more visit our website and social media pages ©LW


p22.indd 2



04/10/2016 10:39:09


d r a o b n Pi On the right lines Join the Avon Valley Railway this October half-term holiday for its spooky Halloween trains. You can take a ride in spookily decorated carriages and, on Saturday 29 October, enjoy craft activities on the train as well. Children who visit dressed up in spooky costume will also travel free – so why not go along and board the Spooky Halloween Express? Tickets are also now on sale for the railway’s popular Santa Steam Specials. Join them this festive season and make this Christmas one to remember. You’ll enjoy a train ride through the glorious Avon Valley, some time with Father Christmas as he greets each family in turn and a mince pie or festive biscuit. Tickets cost from just £10 and are available online from or via the booking office on 0117 932 5538. Ffi: Avon Valley Railway T: 0117 932 5538 W:

Scary monsters Over the October half term at Bristol Aquarium you can come face to face with a spine-tingling selection of some of the planet’s most feared creatures. ‘Venom … Face Your Fears!’ (22-30 Oct) lets you follow a Toxic Trail and enjoy close encounters with a host of creepy critters including electric eels and deadly poison dart frogs. You can also explore terrifying touch boxes, feed a shoal of giant vegetarian piranhas, watch a foul fish dissection, go on a tantalising mini tour and make yourself a frightening fish face to take home. There’ll be a family-friendly after-hours Spooky Torchlit Tour on Friday 28 October when a ghoul will guide you through the Harbourside attraction’s spookiest corners as twilight falls while for those brave souls who aren’t afraid of things that go bump in the night (and are aged 15+) there’s a Terrifying Torchlit Tour on Saturday 29 October (prebooking essential). Ffi: Bristol Aquarium W:


16 Avon Pinboard Autumn Half Term 2016.indd 23

Parents’ & teachers’

news, education & contacts

New York times Sailing into the future New York, New York – so good they named it twice – and Watershed in Bristol has two Big Apple-themed family films screenings coming up for half term. You can get your holiday off to a razzle-dazzle start with cult classic ‘The Wiz’ on Sun 23 Oct. This NY reimagining of ‘The Wizard of Oz’ features a great AfricanAmerican cast – with Diana Ross as Dorothy and Michael Jackson as The Scarecrow. Afterwards you can join a free dancing party inspired by the film’s Motown soundtrack. This half term you can also catch ‘Phantom Boy’ (Pictured), the new animated film from the makers of ‘A Cat in Paris’, which sees a super-powered boy help a wheelchair-bound policeman. Join the Watershed crew at other arts events as part of the Family Arts Festival in October. See for full details. Ffi: Watershed W:

Santa’s cause

Yachtswoman Claire Chapman, who joined Red Maids’ Junior School when it opened in 1986, returned there to talk about life at Red Maids’ and beyond. In the past 12 months, Claire has circumnavigated the globe as part of the GB crew in the Clipper Yacht Race. Speaking to the girls, she said: “I attribute my courage and sense of adventure to the experiences I enjoyed at this school.” Navigating into the future itself, the school merges with Redland High School for Girls to form Redmaids’ High, next year. Before both schools unite on its 12-acre Westbury-on-Trym site next September, two additional classrooms will be built at the Junior School in Grange Court Road. The playground is also going to be re-modelled with a variety of play, climbing and den areas. Headteacher Lisa Brown said: “This week we have celebrated our heritage and history, but we are also looking towards our future and ensuring we have the best possible facilities for our girls.” Ffi: Red Maids’ Junior School W:

The annual Santas on the Run 2k fun run is back in Bristol on Sunday 11 December. Grab your family and friends and take part in this extraordinary dash across the city dressed as Santa and raise vital funds for Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW). Last year more than 2,000 people of all ages descended on Bristol’s Harbourside dressed in their complimentary Santa suits to dance/walk/ jog/skip their way round the city. The event was a huge success and raised over £53,000 in sponsorship for CHSW’s Charlton Farm hospice, which supports approximately 200 families who have children with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions as well as more than 55 bereaved families. CHSW’s Emma McKeown: “Santas on the Run has become the ‘must-do’ event over the Christmas period. This year the charity is celebrating its 25th anniversary so you can also expect some silver surprises on the day!” Entry includes your Santa suit, medal and festive treats.

Wear A Hat Day takes place on Friday 31 March 2017 and is the UK’s premier brain tumour awareness event. Brain tumours kill more children and adults under 40 than any other cancer, yet just 1% of the national spend on cancer research is allocated to the disease. Brain Tumour Research is the only national UK charity that invests its funds in long-term research. Wear A Hat Day is a great way for schools and families to show support and raise money for this research by taking part in hat-filled fundraising events. Schoolchildren maximize their fundraising by selling exclusive hat-shaped pin badges: with new designs each year, they have become collector’s items. To get involved, register at www. and start planning your event. Event ideas and fundraising tips can also be found on the website. Many schoolchildren make hats, have hat competitions, parades, fashion shows etc and the charity publishes the best photos on social media.

Ffi: Children’s Hospice South West W:

Ffi: Wear A Hat Day W:

Get ahead, get a hat


04/10/2016 10:28:48

Presented by Bristol OldVic Theatre School at

RedgRave TheaTRe Percival Road, Clifton, Bristol BS8 3Le Box Office: through the Theatre School:

WHILE SHEPHERDS WATCHED – A NATIVITY PLAY Sat 10 Dec 2016 11.00am & Sat 17 Dec 2016 10.00am & 11.30am

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TREASURE ISLAND Fri 2 – Sun 18 December 2016 10.00am/ 2.00pm/ 7.00pm/ 6.00pm*

£17 full, £12 concession, £8 school groups* *Times and prices vary – please check when booking

JASON AND THE ARGONAUTS Sat 4 Feb 2017 & Sat 11 Feb 2017 10.30am

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0117 973 3955 | 24

p24.indd 2



30/09/2016 13:23:47


d r a o b n Pi Unlock their potential Eva Johnson, 12, and her brother Sam, 10, are now regulars at Stagecoach Performing Arts after initially attending a two-week trial a couple of years ago. Their mum Katie says: “They learn so much more than singing, dancing and drama. My son’s confidence levels have soared, and my daughter is outgoing and has been able to channel her energy into performing.” Performance at Stagecoach means students develop the creative courage to unlock their potential, to stand up and be heard. They become more self-assured, expressive, sociable and imaginative – skills that help them to tackle new situations with resilience and creativity. Local classes run during school term time across the greater Bristol area for youngsters aged four to 18. New students are welcome to start with a two-week trial. To find out more about the twoweek trial please call your local branch (see ad on p.5).

Parents’ & teachers’

news, education & contacts

Building excitement The onehour Lego workshops at Slimbridge are perfect for fans of the famous building bricks. Participants are divided into two teams and then race to complete three tasks before relaxing a little and building a model frog with the help of a teacher which you can then take home. The workshop ends with a “great animal escape”, in which you build a Lego brick car to transport your animals and test it on a ramp. Each class is for 20 people only so there’s lots of one-to-one support from the course leader, who’s been trained by Lego design company Bright Bricks. Sessions cost £8.95 and run three times a day at 11am, 1pm and 2.20pm on Saturdays and Sundays during term time (to Sun 6 Nov) and daily during half term (20-28 Oct). “Brilliant! We had a good time and really enjoyed ourselves,” said one participant. “Fab! Would love more like this.” Ffi: Lego brick workshops, Slimbridge W:

Ffi: Stagecoach Performing Arts W:

Sore no more Almost half of us (49%) have taken time off work because of a throat infection while three out of five children (58%) have been absent from school because of a sore throat. That is according to new research by Ultra Chloraseptic, which also confirms that the most troublesome symptoms are difficulty with swallowing (78%) and pain (67%). Ultra Chloraseptic’s spray contains a local anaesthetic (benzocaine), which works by numbing the pain of a sore throat. The swivel head applicator helps deliver the anaesthetic directly to the throat so it starts working on contact and doesn’t numb your whole mouth. For kids aged six years and above, Children’s Chloraseptic is great news for parents as there are very few over-the-counter medicine variants now on the market that children as young as six years can use. It’s available in a child-friendly flavour, blackcurrant, and only one spray is needed.

Ffi: Ultra Chloraseptic W:


16 Avon Pinboard Autumn Half Term 2016.indd 25

Wild things This October half term (22-30 October), Wild Place Project is hosting a Halloween Harvest. With child entry at only £5 with a paying adult and lots of onsite activities, it’s the perfect way to keep the kids entertained this half term. Snap a #ScarecrowSelfie with the scarecrows around the site and take part in the fancy dress and carved pumpkin competitions to win some amazing prizes. You can also follow the story trail to discover a different side to the classic ‘Three Little Pigs’ tale and explore the woodland with the Webb’s Brake trail. You can of course also visit the animal residents, including cheetahs, wolves, lemurs and the new gelada baboons. With talks and feeds happening throughout the day, you can learn all about the incredible creatures that can be found at Wild Place Project. Wild Place is just off junction 17 of the M5. Visit the website for more information and tickets. Ffi: Wild Place Project W:

Classics for Christmas Bath Philharmonia will be ‘walking in the air’ at its annual Christmas concert at The Forum in Bath on Thursday 22 December. The city’s professional orchestra will be performing Howard Blake’s score to Raymond Briggs’ ‘The Snowman’ while the famous animated film is projected on the big screen. And if that’s not enough to tempt you, Bath Philharmonia will also delight all ages with a first half packed with classical favourites: Tchaikovsky’s ‘The Nutcracker Suite’ and ‘The Sorcerer’s Apprentice’ by Dukas played live to a screening of the Disney film ‘Fantasia’. Music director Jason Thornton says: “It’s always a delight to see such a magical response to ‘The Snowman’ from young and old alike. The concert is totally relaxed and The Forum is full of people of all ages. It’s a brilliant way for young children to experience their first live orchestral concert.” The concert starts at 3.30pm and tickets cost £18 (adult) and £12 (child). Ffi: Bath Box Office T: 01225 463362 or Ticketline 0844 888 9991 W: or

Autumn roars Pumpkins, predators and fun are to be had at Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm in Bristol this October. During half term, the zoo’s introducing something new: ‘Jaws and Claws!’ – a week of themed activities celebrating the fearsome creatures at the zoo and including a fun educational trail around the 100-acre park with a series of challenges to test your knowledge of all things predatory. Family fundays on Friday 28 and Saturday 29 October will offer lots of seasonal entertainment: you’ll have the chance to carve your own “growling pumpkin”, enjoy wild animal face painting and make your own family “pawtrait” to take away. Themed animal enrichment sessions will also be taking place around the park so listen out for announcements on the day. You’ll also, of course, be able to take in the impressive range of animals, including African elephants, white rhinos, big cats and Spectacled bears. Ffi: Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm W:


04/10/2016 10:30:27

Maths + English + study skills = dream job Contact your local Kumon maths and English Study Centre to book your two-week Free Trial. Westbury on Trym 01173 293137

St. George 01173 770888

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TRIAL 8x7=

1 OCTOBER – 20 NOVEMBER Terms and conditions apply. Fees vary. Participating study centres only. Please refer to your local study centre. Subject to availability.

Adver tising Feature

It’s play time! • Bristol Old Vic Theatre School is taking to the high seas for an action-packed adventure this Christmas when it stages Robert Louis Stevenson’s ‘Treasure Island’ at Bristol’s Redgrave Theatre (2-18 December). Adapted by Philip Monks and directed by Jenny Stephens, this new version of the classic yarn follows young hero Jim Hawkins as he pits his wits against the sinister Long John Silver and his lively pirate crew. As the tale unfolds, expect plenty Jason and the Argonauts of mirth, music and mischief along the way. Christmas also sees BOV Theatre School performing Kim Durham’s ‘While Shepherds Watched – A Nativity Play’ (10 & 17 December). Complete with wise men (and not so wise men), talking sheep, angels, a shepherd family, camels, a horrible Herod and carols old and new, this magical retelling of the story of the first Christmas promises to be a seasonal treat. In February, meanwhile, the school returns to the Redgrave with ‘Jason and the Argonauts’ (4 & 11 February) – the story of the original Ancient Greek superheroes brought to life in a bold theatrical style by writer/director Toby Hulse. Expect clear, accessible storytelling and lots of live music in this dynamic new take on the tale of an epic quest. All three shows are suitable for anyone aged five and above. Tickets start from just £8 but prices and performance times do vary so please check when booking through the BOV Theatre School box office. Ffi: Bristol Old Vic Theatre School T: 0117 973 3955 W:

Adver tising Feature

A special event Looking for an exceptional local school? Look no further as we celebrate a significant rise of 8% in overall results from last year!

In the top 12% nationally for Value Added

Amazing students, very enthusiastic staff, feels very warm, welcoming and inclusive - love it - Prospective parent



16 Avon advertising features Autumn Half Term 2016.indd 26

• Five-a-side football centre Goals in Brislington, Bristol has ample room to cater for any event or function you may wish to hold. From weddings to birthdays, anniversaries or work parties and every milestone in between, they have the facilities and experience to make your event truly special. There is a large spacious room which holds 120 people seated and about 200 standing, as well as ample parking in a secure off-road site. With a stage for any live performances or DJs as well as an outdoor seating area, Goals can provide enough space for any facilities or events you may require to make your night special – such as buffets, bouncy castles or even a photo booth. Staff are all fully trained and the management are licensed and on duty: they will do whatever is necessary to make sure your event goes without a hitch. There is a fully stocked bar with various beers, wines, lagers, spirits and snacks as well as the option to order anything else that you require for your day. When booked, the function room can be decorated as you see fit: the possibilities are endless, and no matter how fanciful your ideas, staff will try to help make them happen. Call or email to make a booking. Ffi: Goals T: 0117 977 4455 (option 2) E: bristolsouth@goals W:


04/10/2016 13:16:20

Adver tising Feature

St Bernadette Catholic Secondary School

Witches and wizards wanted • This Halloween half term Bristol Zoo Gardens will be hosting some tricks and treats for your little ones to enjoy. From the 22-30 October you can enjoy a special price of £5 child entry with every paying adult – and expect to see witches, wizards and black cats galore! If you have been to the Halloween Festival at Bristol Zoo Gardens before, you will know they do it in style. The beautiful coloured trees and plants provide a wonderful autumnal experience for all the family to share. Fancy dress is of course welcomed, with witches and wizards taking centre stage this year. There will be plenty of crafty things to get up to in the activity centre to keep the kids busy. The black cat trail will get you all moving around the zoo, discovering things you may not have even noticed were there, with a little treat and no tricks at the end for your efforts! For all those budding young conservation enthusiasts out there, Bristol Zoo Gardens are also holding their conservation academy for children on 25 and 26 October. During the fun-packed academy, children will find out how to design an enclosure, what it takes to be an animal keeper and how they can get involved to help endangered species. Get tickets to both the Halloween Festival and the Conservation Academy by visiting Bristol Zoo’s website. Ffi: Bristol Zoo Gardens W:

‘An Outstanding Catholic School’

All Welcome St Bernadette’s is a vibrant and ambitious school which prides itself on being a community of faith and of learning, where everyone is valued and has a part to play.

• Academic Excellence • Inclusive Ethos • Traditional Values

• High Expectations • Good Behaviour • Strong Pastoral Care

A Successful Learning Community We serve families across South & East Bristol and welcome all those seeking a quality education within a caring Christian environment.Br iBS14 9S


Fossedale Avenue, Whitchurch, 0117 377 2050

Adver tising Feature

Culture of excellence • St Bernadette’s is a vibrant, successful and ambitious school in Whitchurch, Bristol. The school prides itself on being a community of faith and of learning, where everyone is valued and has a part to play. Strong relationships, high expectations, academic success and making the most of every opportunity are key features of the school. Every student is pushed to achieve excellence in line with their abilities and the school was delighted that 95% of students passed at least 8 GCSEs this summer and many achieved numerous top grades. Students are proud to belong to the school community and take an active part in all aspects of school life. The last Ofsted inspection judged the school to be good with outstanding features and last May a denominational inspection judged the school to be an outstanding Catholic school. Inspectors said that pupils are polite, personable, welcoming and considerate. They have positive attitudes to learning and achieve well. Inspectors also said that the school has high standards and a purposeful and respectful learning environment with strong leadership and teaching. “There is a sustained culture of excellence” and “pupils feel safe at school and are happy with their experience of school life. They like the fact that it is a small school and the staff are friendly and supportive. They enjoy their learning.” St Bernadette’s welcomes applications from those seeking a high-quality education for their children within a caring and supportive environment. Ffi: St Bernadette’s Catholic Secondary School W:


16 Avon advertising features Autumn Half Term 2016.indd 27

REGISTER FOR YEAR 7 2017 TASTER DAYS ARE TAKING PLACE NOW Scholarships & bursaries available | Entrance Exam: Saturday 14th January 2017 For further information visit Email: Telephone: 0117 965 5207


04/10/2016 12:34:56



Adver tising Feature

It’s spooktacular! • This October Cattle Country Adventure Park near Berkeley in Gloucestershire is promising to deliver its scariest Halloween half term yet. Perfect for children and adults, there’s something on offer for all ages. You can join a scary tractor and trailer ride to the fairy-tale wood to meet the friendly witch with her bag of treats or follow the Scarecrow Trail around the park and find all the hidden scarecrows to win a prize. And after all that you can then relax by the fire and toast marshmallows before carving your own pumpkin. Whatever the weather, the park will be open for some Halloween fun every day from Thursday 20th October until Sunday 30th October from 10am until 4pm. You can also enjoy all the usual park activities including the outdoor play areas, indoor play barns and the animal experience centre, as well as the brand new tower, bridge and slide on the Berkeley play castle. The café will be open during half term serving hot and cold food, drinks and snacks. You can book online to get a 10% discount on admission prices. You’ll find the park just off the M5 between J13 and J14.


an amazing world of birds & their Jurassic ancestors.

Penguin Feeds 11am & 2.30pm Rissington Road, Bourton-on-the-Water, Glos. GL54 2BN

T: 01451 820480 E:


Ffi: Cattle Country Adventure Park W:

Adver tising Feature

Dick Whittington Park

A week at the museums


• Running from 22-30 October, Museums Week is the new name for Heritage Open Week which has been running for more than 30 years during the autumn half term and celebrates the unique collections and activities in Bath and North East Somerset. Every year the programme changes and offers something new for residents to experience. From Bath Abbey and the Holburne Museum to the Museum of Bath at Work and No. 1 Royal Crescent, museums across the city will be open free of charge during the week to residents of Bath and North East Somerset when they produce a valid Discovery Card. Highlights this year include Big Draw family events at three major city centre museums: the Roman Baths, the Fashion Museum and Victoria Art Gallery. At the Victoria Art Gallery a host of events allow children to be creative including an Animal Art Trail; on Tue 25 and Thu 27 Oct, Trolltastic gives families the chance to create a troll picture or sculpture, while on Wed 26 Oct, Magnificent Masks allows children to turn themselves into a work of art. Finally, Plasticine Pets on Fri 28 Oct lets kids unleash their imaginations on their animal friends. You’ll find more information and a complete list of events on the Bath Museums Week website. Brochures will also be available at the tourist information centre, local libraries and the museums themselves.

MASSIVE PLAY BARN Little London, Longhope, Glos. GL17 0PH

Daily 10am - 5pm Special holiday events including pony grooming, pony rides, face painting and lots more! FOREST OF DEAN - Tourist Attraction of the year! Valid until 31st December 2016 not to be used in conjunction with any other offer

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16 Avon advertising features Autumn Half Term 2016.indd 28



Ffi: Museums Week W:,


04/10/2016 11:59:28

Adver tising Feature

• The magical Bristol Hippodrome family pantomime ‘Cinderella’ will star national icons Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean as the Fairy Godparents. Britain’s beloved sporting heroes bring their unique talents to the Hippodrome for the first time and will wow audiences with their amazing routines. “This will be our first visit to the Bristol Hippodrome and we are very much looking forward to performing in the city,” says Jayne. “We’re already working on some brand new choreography which we hope will bring a whole lot more excitement to the wonderful Cinderella story and we’re reworking some old favourites too.” Christopher adds: “We’re really looking forward to bringing Cinderella to life on skates and spending the festive season in Bristol. We can’t wait for Christmas now!” The Sarajevo 1984 Winter Olympics saw Torvill and Dean shoot to international fame as the pair became the highest scoring figure skaters of all time after skating to Ravel’s Bolero, creating one of the most memorable sporting and entertainment moments and earning them a gold medal. The classic rags-to-riches tale ‘Cinderella’ will be transformed into a breathtaking family extravaganza with glittering sets, gorgeous costumes, big song and dance numbers, bags of audience participation, real Shetland ponies and jaw-dropping skating sequences. So get your skates on and book your tickets now. Prices start at £12 and the show runs from Sat 10 Dec to Sun 8 Jan.

© National Trust Images/Sigute Barniskyte-Kidd. Registered Charity Number 205846.

Skate expectations

Half-term fun at Chedworth Roman Villa

being spooked

Sat 22 – Sun 30 October A new trail reveals the spookier side of the Roman Villa. You can have a go at seasonal craft activities and see the Roman doctor on some days. Members and under 5s go free.

01242 890256

Ffi: Bristol Hippodrome T: 0844 871 3012 W:

Adver tising Feature

Christmas comforts • There’s plenty of festive fun on offer at Lacock this Christmas and from 1-31 December you can … Make yourself comfy by the roaring fire in the beautifully decorated abbey Great Hall and help yourself to a tasty bonbon in front of the enormous Christmas tree, following a 200-year-old tradition begun by the Talbot family in the 1800s. Meet Mother and Father Christmas in their cosy Christmas kitchen, listen to a story and receive a gift (booking essential). Then see how many of their reindeer you can find in the abbey grounds and village on a fun family trail. Wander through the medieval cloister and vote for your favourite Christmas tree in Lacock’s annual Christmas tree festival. The trees are all decorated by local schools, charities and community groups. From 10 to 11 December, the National Trust pop-up Christmas shop in the Manger Barn is the perfect place to pick up some presents and decorations and to taste a sample of Frome-based Friary Vinters’ delicious alcoholic drinks. There’s so much to do, why not make Lacock one of your Christmas traditions? Lacock is near Chippenham and is open daily in December from 11am-4pm. The Abbey Great Hall is open Thursday-Sunday from 11.30am-3.30pm (last entry 3pm). Lacock is closed from 25-26 December and on 1 January 2017. National Trust members and under-5s go free. Ffi: Lacock Abbey, Lacock, Chippenham SN15 2LG T: 01249 730459 W:


16 Avon advertising features Autumn Half Term 2016.indd 29




Creative aCtivities




Cafe, Deli, Gift Shop, Arts, Crafts Events, Free Parking, Exhibitions

10% off Taurus Cafe & Gift Shop,with this advert (Sorry not on commission sales. Valid until 31/10/16 P.T.)

Lydney, GL15 6BU - 01594 844841 - Part of the Camphill Village Trust


04/10/2016 10:33:23

An audience with Father Christmas at Lacock Abbey Weekends in December

In their cosy Christmas kitchen, Mother Christmas will be telling a story and Father Christmas will be giving gifts and a tasty festive treat to every child. A cosy Christmas experience with no queues, booking essential.

To book visit Lacock is near Chippenham, SN15 2LG


p30.indd 2


Š National Trust Images/National Trust Images / Rob Stothard. Registered Charity Number 205846.

Father Christmas


04/10/2016 12:37:26

Ellen White has some quick and easy ideas for decorating your home and cooking up tasty treats for Halloween and Bonfire Night



eason of mists and mellow fruitfulness,” wrote the Romantic poet Keats in his ‘Ode to Autumn’, and with Halloween and Bonfire Night fast approaching, there’s plenty of fruitful – though not necessarily mellow – fun to be had during the misty season. From pumpkin carving and seasonal recipes to spooky crafts and colourful firework art, we’ve come up with some ideas to get you in the mood as the nights draw in. And, if you don’t have time to organise anything at home, see our pick of Halloween and bonfire events in your area (Page 14). There’s a whole host of inexpensive and easy ways to decorate your home for Halloween: homemade cobwebs can be made by pulling apart cotton wool balls and using hairspray to keep them in place or try simple paper chains in black and orange. Drape them over pictures frames, doorways and tables and add a few plastic spiders for effect. Food can be used to make a fun Halloween guessing game. Put things in a box with a hole cut out so children can reach in and guess what ghastly items are inside. Spaghetti makes great “worms”, jelly can be slime, peeled grapes can be used as eyeballs and so on. If you fancy something less gruesome, apple bobbing is great fun for all ages at Halloween or on Bonfire Night and all you need for that are some apples and a large bowl filled with water. Halloween wouldn’t be complete without a Jack-O-Lantern grinning in the window. Pick a pumpkin with a reasonably flat base to ensure it will stay upright and scoop out as much of the flesh as you can; the thinner the walls PRIMARY TIMES

16 Avon Features Autumn Half Term 2016.indd 7


of the pumpkin the easier it will be to carve a design. It can be messy, but it’s usually the bit children really get stuck in to. It’s worth saving all the delicious insides too as there are plenty of options for recipes from risotto to soup to pumpkin pie. If you’re worried about children using sharp knives or have particularly little ones, then painting a design onto a pumpkin can be just as effective. On the other hand, if you don’t fancy clearing up the mess at home, Tyntesfield is holding pumpkin-carving workshops on the 22, 24, 26 and 28 October, while Farrington’s Farm in Farrington Gurney is hosting its Spookley Pumpkin Festival from 21-31 October. You’ll also be able to practise your Halloween craft skills during half term at the Wild Place Project, the ss Great Britain, Bristol Zoo, the American Museum in Britain and Noah’s Ark. Bonfire Night can be a great source of inspiration, too, and fireworks make for a bright and colourful subject for paintings and collages to put up around the house before the big day. One particularly effective technique is to scribble all over a sheet of paper or card with lots of differently coloured crayons and then cover the whole lot with black crayon before using a lolly stick or similar to scrape away the top layer to create swirly firework shapes and reveal the colours beneath. You can get inventive in the kitchen, too, by making a bonfire cake using chocolate fingers for logs and lots of red and orange icing, while edible sparklers can be made very easily by dipping choccy fingers in hot water then dipping them in hundreds and thousands and leaving them to set.

scary Orange and black are

cakes colours to decorate cup

Ghostly grub T

ried and tested cupcake recipes can be given a spooky Halloween twist using simple food colouring. Try adding green to the sponge and orange or black to the icing – or piping spider web or skull designs on top. Frozen banana ‘ghosts’ are very easy to make as well. Cut the bananas in half and

push a lolly stick into the bottom of each one, melt some white chocolate over a bowl of hot water then roll the bananas in the melted chocolate before sprinkling them with desiccated coconut. Once set, add chocolate drops to make faces and pop in the freezer on a baking tray for at least four hours.




04/10/2016 09:59:52


is coming!

With the festive season fast approaching, Primary Times gives you the low down on Santa’s whereabouts, magical Christmas events and the best gifts for children this year.


hat with all the shopping to be done, the presents to buy and wrap and the decorations to put up, Christmas is busy for everyone. There’s one person, though, who’s especially busy this year and that, of course, is Santa Claus himself. The cheery chap with the red suit and white beard is certainly getting around in the run-up to the big day and there are lots of opportunities for children to pay him a visit and make sure he knows exactly what they want for Christmas this year. As always, of course, he’ll be setting up his grotto in big shopping centres like The Galleries and The Mall at Cribbs Causeway, but you can also track him down elsewhere. Towards the end of November, for example, Santa starts taking his regular rides on the Avon Valley Railway. Its hour-long steam-hauled Santa Specials begin on Sat 26 Nov and run at regular intervals every Saturday and Sunday right through until Christmas Eve itself. Santa will be on board handing out presents to every child and his little helpers will hand out mince pies and festive biscuits to munch on while you travel down the line in a vintage carriage. He’s also finding time to pop in to Tyntesfield, near Wraxall.




16 Avon Features Autumn Half Term 2016.indd 8

The historic house plays host to him and his entourage on the first weekend in December (Sat 3-Sun 4) when there’ll be festive cheer and presents all round. Tyntesfield, in fact, has a packed Christmas programme lined up, including concerts, its evening illuminations (Wed 7, Fri 9 & Sat 10 Dec) and the chance to make Victorian decorations and sing festive songs during its Christmas opening period. Father Christmas is visiting the seaside this year too. His grotto on the Grand Pier at Weston-superMare opens on Sat 3 Dec, where you can visit him at weekends and in the final week before Christmas. Snowy footprints will lead you along the Grand Pier to the grotto and you’ll meet Santa’s reindeers and elves along the way – not to mention a few polar bears and penguins in their winter wonderland to boot. Alternatively, of course, you could dress up as Santa yourself and take to the streets. Sunday 11 December sees the return of the Santas on the Run fun run in Bristol when thousands of people of all ages put on a Santa suit and dash (or walk, dance or jog) around the city. As well as spreading a bit of Christmas cheer, the event raises much-needed funds for the Children’s Hospice South West charity which supports around 200 families who have children with life-limiting or lifethreatening illnesses. For something a little more traditional than a pack of racing Santas, Blaise Castle House Museum in Bristol hosts a Victorian Christmas on Sat 3 Dec. With seasonal music, storytelling and festive crafts, it’s a chance to travel back in time and learn how our Christmas traditions evolved in the Victorian era. And Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without a Nativity scene as a little reminder of how it all started in the first place and perhaps one of the more unusual will be back at Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm this year – it comes complete with live animals

and even a real-life baby (Sat 10 & Fri 16 Dec). Avon Valley Railway W: Tyntesfield W: www.national Weston-super-Mare Pier Santas on the Run W: Blaise Castle House Museum W: blaise-castle-house-museum Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm W:

It’s a


If you’re stuck when it comes to buying presents for your little ’uns, here are some ideas which are bound to go down well on Christmas Day … 1. Selfie Mic Kids can bring out their inner pop star by creating their own music videos using this combined microphone and selfie stick with their mobile phone. £34.99, 2. Turbospoke You can make your push-bike look and sound like an actual motorbike with this bicycle exhaust system which fits all kinds of bike and doesn’t need batteries. £14.99,

2 3. TellTails From a fantastic fox to a dancing dino, a leaping leopard to a wicked wolf, you can transform yourself into your favourite animal with one of these handmade animal tails. £15-£20,


CONT. P.38




04/10/2016 10:02:30



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p33.indd 3


04/10/2016 10:41:56

Hello Kids! Cattle Country Adventure Park has very kindly donated the prizes to my next art competion. Children who send me pictures on the subject My Favourite Thing at Cattle Country could win one of three family tickets to the Gloucestershire attraction. If you haven’t been there, have a look at the park’s website to see its range of exciting activities. So get your crayons out and send me your pictures to: Arty Barty, Primary Times, 1 Temple Way, Bristol, BS2 0BY, or email high resolution jpegs to my editor at: mike.gartside@localworld.

Arty Barty The theme of animals and people obviously struck a chord with budding artists out there. Well done to the three winners who each receive a family ticket to Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm.

Don’t forget to give me your name, age, full home postal address and the name of your school. Deadline: Monday 7 November. Have fun!


Isaac Littlejohn, 5, Westbury on Trym CoE Academy, Bristol Isaac’s drawn himself bravely feeding a very fearsome lookingw crocodile. I love ho k sharp the teeth loo against the bold green.

Ruby Nunes, 9, Hillcrest Primary School, Bristol A fantastic Japanese ‘animestyle’ picture of a girl and her bigeyed husky. The bright blue of his eyes really stands out and I like the cold setting, complete with igloo.

Sophie Haycock, 5, Ellacombe Rd School, Longwell Green Sophie’s drawn a wonderfully vibrant ark. I love the huge waves towering on either side and the sun and rainbow in the corners.



Nicholas Nikiforou, 9, Locking Primary School, Weston-super-Mare Nicholas has drawn a fantastically detailed Victorian horse and carriage. He’s thought of everything from the wheel spokes to the driver’s top hat.

NB. Please see T&Cs at avon/home-intro/tcs


y, Bristol 6, Ashton Gate Primar his fiery mane are th wi n lio The long yellow me Joe has captured so . ed ct pi de ly ul tif au be ry ns, both on the hung great facial expressio juicy lunch, and on the d, lion as he eyes his re okeeper, with his hands zo e th of satisfied look on his hips.

Ashton Noah Green, 6, Bristol Gate Primary, and What a fantastic ah animated boy No his g has drawn, cuddlin a pig. ine happy, smiling gu d sunny A lovely, bright an picture. 34


16 Avon Books & Arty Barty Autumn Half Term 2016.indd 34

Olivia Haycock, 8, Ella com Rd School, Longwell Gre be en Olivia’s drawn us a whole of animals, with everythin range a skunk to a spider. The zoog from keeper’s ‘I love animals’ t-shirt is a nice added detail. Harikesh Rajanikanth, 6, Fieldcourt CoE Academy, Glo I love the imagination ucester beh ind this picture. Harikesh says it’s a gui showing the boy how nea pig on his wheel to run on a treadmill. The guinea pig looks ver y happy in his enormous cage.

Brandon Bohin, 10, The Meadows, Longwell Green y filling Wow, what an enormous ark! It’s nearlall the the whole page so there’s room forpeeping animals. I like the giraffes and lions out from the top.

Tilly Hogg, 5, The Meado ws, Longwell Green Lots of bright colours fro cially the toucan’s beak m Tilly, espewh vibrant and cheerful. Gre ich is really at weeping willow tree as well. PRIMARY TIMES

04/10/2016 10:25:18


Mike Gartside reviews the new releases.

Simply Marvel! E

mblazoned with the grimacing visage of The Hulk, presumably as he prepares to do battle with one of his many nemeses, this compendium of superheroes traces the myriad stories and characters developed by the US publisher, Marvel. Originally a publisher of escapist, good vs evil tales for children, printed in inky comics, Marvel has become a global brand, celebrated in television, film and, indeed, luxury hardback encylopedias like this. The fact that educational imprint Dorling Kindersley is behind this edition demonstrates how profoundly Marvel has shaped our culture. Ideal for nerds and would-be nerds, ‘Absolutely Everything . . .’ catalogues the storylines and vital statistics of the full stable of Marvel characters from Spiderman and The Hulk to less well-known players like Cyborg Rebecca Ryker or the Sinister Six. It’s a universe which mixes modern human imagination, personified by Captain America, with ancient legend, as Thor and Hercules are recruited to the super-heroes’ pantheon. Of course, the illustration is as dynamic, colourful and impelling as you’d expect from Marvel, while its stories spell out ever more outlandish sci-fi scenarios. It’s pricey, at £17.99 but could encourage tellyaddicts into the world of books, while acting as a useful reference for parents as they attempt to understand the Marvel world. Marvel: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know Adam Bray, Lorraine Cink, John Sazaklis, Sven Wilson, £17.99, Dorling Kindersley,

The eyes have it

Showing the way While the journey to school for most children in Avon and the West Country is a routine and unremarkable event - perhaps a short walk or a drive in the car - it can be a feat of endurance and courage for many in other parts of the world. This picture book, with its accessible and child-friendly text, shows the remarkable lengths to which some children go simply to set foot in the classroom. With images of children traversing rivers on bamboo rafts, walking through Tsunami-ruined towns or negotiating precipitous mountain paths on donkeys, ‘The Way to School’ opens our eyes to how dangerous and daunting some parts of the world can be for children. Year 2 children can read this unassisted and will learn of the hardships that poverty or natural disaster can inflict. The book also has the heartwarming message that the journey is worth it in the end.

Political cartoonist Chris Riddell, now also a celebrated children’s author and laureate, no less, brings us the latest in his Ottoline series, in which our heroine encounters a purple canine in the streets of Big City. As you’d expect, the story is enchantingly illustrated, complete with luxurious green and purple cover. Riddell maintains his keen observer’s eye creating a world where animals, humans and mythical creatures rub along happily, sorting through the quirky clutter that ends up in Ottoline’s flat. Children will be enchanted by the eccentricity of Ottoline’s life, although adults may tire of the rather slight tale - in places simple lists of oddball occurrences and objects. But Riddell’s visual instincts remain impeccable and his status as children’s fiction man-of-the-moment is largely well deserved. Hopefully this is a blip and his future offerings will beef up the story-telling quotient.

The Way to School Rosemary McCarney with Plan International, £9.99, Second Story Press,

Ottoline and the Purple Fox Chris Riddell, £10.99, MacMillan Children’s Books,


Try to find these autumn-related words: leaves, mist, chilly, brown, crisp, fireworks, halloween, squirrel, hibernate















16 Avon Books & Arty Barty Autumn Half Term 2016.indd 35

Horrible History As someone who flinches at the sight of, say, Poldark or his wife Demelza standing too close to the edge of a cliff, I’ve never been a huge fan of horror stories. Nonetheless, I have to acknowledge that the genre is hugely popular and that its characters – from Dracula to Jekyll and Hyde – form part of our collective consciousness. Love them or loath them, horror characters are introduced to children at an ever earlier age, be it at Halloween time, in comics or on any number of kids’ television series. So The Horror Handbook by Dutch author Paul van Loon, translated to English just this year (but first published in the 1990s), is a timely, quirky, yet unscary introduction for children to the history of these characters. Van Loon has a dry but tongue-in-cheek writing style which describes the journey of each villain as they’ve evolved through various retellings over the years, from the Brothers Grimm to Hollywood. It’s entertaining to kids and extremely useful for parents attempting to answer one of those difficult questions 6 to 10-yearolds occasionally hurl at you. Of course, the tome benefits hugely from the input of Axel Scheffler, the Gruffalo illustrator who’s had such a successful collaboration with Julia Donaldson. The pictures and words work together well to explain to children why us humans have conjured such ghastly creatures from our imaginations and may even prove handy for parents at the next Halloween pub quiz. The Horror Handbook Paul van Loon (Ill. Axel Scheffler), £7.99, Alma Books,



04/10/2016 13:17:19

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! l o o h c S

£10 Afterschool


Early Years


Join our pre-school club for 0-4 year olds – for free! Fantastic benefits include: • Midweek prices at weekends and school holidays for 0-4 year olds! • Free visit for your child’s birthday • 10% off café purchases • 20% off children’s parties

Is your child celebrating a birthday or just wanting to enjoy some fun with their friends? Enjoy our Afterschool Party, Monday - Friday term time for £10 per child! Even better – the Birthday child goes free!

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MASTERMIND Specialist Subject: Performing Arts Q. Which Performing Arts School can offer regular professional opportunities? Q. Which Performing Arts School only employs a teaching faculty still actively engaged in the professional theatre? Q. Which Performing Arts School can boast a vocal coach with over twelve years of West End experience - including two years as Eponine in Les Mis? Q. Which Performing Arts School can boast a West End Choreographer who includes in her C.V. the national tour of Annie? Q. Which Performing Arts School can boast a Musical Director with many years of experience of both West End and touring productions, plus twenty years as MD at London’s prestigious Italia Conte theatre school?? Q. Which Performing Arts School is directed by a professional Theatre Director, with well over forty years of involvement in the directing of Number One productions in both the West End and provinces? Q. Which Performing Arts School has access to the services of one of the leading technicians of the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon, plus a sound engineer who counts tours of Billy Elliot and Mary Poppins among his credits? Q. Which Performing Arts School can boast a 100% success rate in over 20 years of entering candidates for major drama and musical theatre examinations? Q. Which Performing Arts School can offer facilities which include an in-house theatre, a large professional wardrobe department, a student/parent coffee bar, and ample car parking? Q. Which Performing Arts School can offer additional classes in both one-to-one and group vocal training, RAD ballet and dance, piano lessons, West-End Workshops, plus regular visiting one-off workshops and performance opportunities?



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You don’t need to be a ‘Mastermind’ to know the answer BRISTOL SCHOOL OF PERFORMING ARTS of course Bristol’s oldest and most successful Performing Arts School and Centre for Musical Theatre


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04/10/2016 11:21:31

Classifieds Party Ideas


Party Ideas


Dial-a-Violin-lesson! on violin and recorder • Tuition offered for all ages (of any age) and more • Beginners advanced players are welcome. • I will visit if this is more convenient.

Music, Magic, Balloon modelling, Games The whole party package! Rockys Magic Parties

Would you like children to be having fun whilst learning? Book your childs party today to avoid disappointment!

call for details




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LEGO Parties

AT THE PARK CENTRE Sunday 30th October 2pm - 4pm Booking required

Children up to 11 years £2.50 per child ŠLW

3 great LEGO activities

T: 01454 862190

for ages 6-11

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Kingswood Foundation BS15 8DB

Kate Cullin Portbury 01275 371056

OctOber half-term fun sessiOns Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 10 - 3pm ÂŁ12 per day (sibling discounts available) Gymnastics, Trampolining, Airtrack, Bouncy castle Parachute and Disco games. Crafts. Call to book a space or just come along on the day

Martial Arts

Phone 0117 947 6449 e-mail: Visit our new website at


Can you handle our giant labyrinth or assemble a jigsaw without touching a thing?

(children must be accompanied by an adult) The Park Centre Kingswood High Street Kingswood BS15 4AR


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CHILDREN'S DRUM LESSONS Making swimming lessons fun for all ages & abilites

Clifton: &

Westbury-On-Trym: Junior Lifeguard Academy Limited period only

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From age 7 upwards Individual Lessons Experienced and qualified teacher Enhanced DBS clearance Musicians’ Union Member

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Riding Lessons for all ages and abilities

Spaces available so ring now to book a trial lesson! Full details on CLAIRE WHlTE - Phone 0117 9332983 Email;

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• Patient and friendly tuition • Good selection of horses and ponies available • All aspects of riding, horse care and stable management • BHSAI Qualified and Experienced Instructors • Floodlit outdoor riding arenas • Gift vouchers available

Piano, Sax, Guitar, Drums, Cello individual lessons and group workshops for children from 3 to adults Studios in central and north Bristol BRISTOL MUSIC SCHOOL


Register online: E-mail: Tel: 01454 228817 ŠLW


 ď €ď€Ąď€Łď ‰ď „ď ‡     ď€°ď€şď ‰ď ‡  ď€žď ‰ď€şď ƒď€Ľď ‡  ď€Žď ‹ď€Ľď€­ď€´ď€şď€żď ƒď€Ľď ˆ  ď †ď€şď ƒď€Ľď „ď ƒď€Ľď ˆ  ď€°ď€Łď€˝ď€Łď ‚ď ‰ď ƒď€Ľď ˆ  ď€ľď ‰ď „ď ‡  ď€°ď ‰ď€şď Šď „ď ‡ ď€Ąď€ťď€§ď€şď ˆď ƒď€Ľď€şď „ď ƒď ď ‹ ď †ď€˝ď€şď€Ś ď€Ąď€˛ď ‚ď ƒď€˝ď€˘ď ƒď€Ľď ˆ  ď€°ď€Łď€Ľď ‡ď „ď ‰ď ‚ď€¤ď „ď ƒď€Łď€Ľ

• Tuition on Acoustic and Electric Guitar • Beginners to advanced (any age welcome!) • Enhanced CRB/DBS clearance • Available to teach in school holidays • Discounts available for teaching small groups • Able to travel city wide

07412 797900

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Holiday Clubs



nerf gun parties




Unforgettable parties for ages 5+ at your local venue


Fabulous Jewellery Making Parties for Girls AT THE PARK CENTRE THURSDAY 27th OCTOBER 1pm – 2.30pm Up to 11 years old: £2.50 per child: Booking required (children must be accompanied by an adult) The Park Centre Kingswood High Street Kingswood BS15 4AR T: 01454 862190

(please quote Primary Times)

ď€¨ď€¨ď€¨ď€Ťď€żď ‰ď ‹ď ‹ď€Żď …ď€Łď€˝ď ƒď€˘ď€şď€Śď€¤ď€˝ď ‚ď€¸ď€Ťď€¤ď€Łď€§      

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Modern martial arts in a fun and friendly environment • Little Puma’s 4-6 yrs • Juniors 6-12 yrs • Cadets 12-16 yrs • Adults 16+ For information or to book TWO FREE trial classes contact instructor Ms Tiina Elise 07729 358691 or

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HANHAM & DOWNEND TAEKWON-DO Wapley Hill, Westerleigh, Bristol. BS37 8RJ 01454 321583 or 07860530199 AUTUMN HALF TERM 2016 37

30/09/2016 15:45:41





he Forestry Commission has released a guide to buying Christmas trees this autumn, which aims to encourage people to buy real trees from sustainable sources. The commission, which sells about 50,000 Christmas trees per year, has published an easy-to-use guide outlining the three main types of Christmas tree and its different qualities, including how easy it is to clean up the needles. The Norway spruce, for example is recommended for those who love the classic look and smell of Christmas, although the guide recommends buying it closer to Christmas, keeping it cool and watering it regularly to avoid undue needle loss. Meanwhile the Lodgehole Pine has the best needle retention of all and is “ideal for those who don’t want Christmas to end”. The commission says buying a

real tree helps the environment by using 10 times fewer materials and five times less energy than artificial trees. Its own trees are grown in the UK in a well-managed way so that more trees are planted each year than are harvested. This year, every tree bought from the Forestry Commission will come with a free sapling, allowing customers to plant their own. Meanwhile, the Forestry Commission’s Westonbirt Arboretum in Gloucestershire runs its Enchanted Christmas every Friday, Saturday and Sunday evening from 25 November to 18 December 2016. Ffi: Forestry Commission W:

Christmas is coming! CONTINUED from P.32 4. Adopt an Animal For something more unusual, why not adopt an animal on behalf of your child? Through WWT Slimbridge, you can adopt an otter, a duck or even a flamingo. From £5 per month. 5. WowWeeCHiP Robot Dog If the price doesn’t put you off, this

on’t let a myth prevent you from applying to become a foster carer. That’s the message from Bristol City Council as it faces a growing need for foster carers to provide loving and stable homes for the city’s children in care. Over 600 carers are needed in the South West this year, says the council, especially those with the skills to care for teenagers, sibling groups and children with disabilities. Common myths that prevent people from applying include: • “I don’t own my own home” – you don’t need to be a home owner to apply, says the council. • “My circumstances aren’t suitable – I’m old, not married or gay” – the council simply asks applicants if they’re over 21 and whether they have the energy and space in their lives to look after a child. • “I can’t afford to care for a child” - foster carers get an allowance to cover the costs of caring for a young person. “Bristol City Council also pays extra to more experienced carers who care for children with more complex needs,” says foster carer Mark Pennington-Field. • “People from my ethnic group don’t become foster carers” – the council emphasises

Foster carer Mark Pennington-Field

the importance of having carers from a diverse range of backgrounds. • “How can I foster when my children still live at home?” “Great!” says Rosie Fortune, care leaver and carer ambassador at Bristol City Council. “That means you know what it takes to give a child or young person the love and security they need to grow and flourish.” Bristol City Council holds regular information sessions on fostering throughout the year. Ffi: Bristol City Council Fostering & Adoption W: www.


could be the ‘must-have’ techie toy this Christmas: how you interact with it determines how your robot dog behaves. £199.00, 6. Gromit Unleashed Bristol Monopoly Bristol version of the famous board game themed around the Gromit Unleashed trail around the

5 city. And you’ll be supporting the Wallace & Gromit Grand Appeal when you buy it too. £19.95 www.wallaceandgromitcharity 7. Christmas Steps sketchbook This is one of the most popular gifts from Made in Bristol, which promotes the work of Bristol artists and artisans (see lots more of their handmade gifts at their fairs in the Colston Hall on Sat 26 Nov, Sat 3, Sat 10 & Sun 11 Dec). £10, 38


16 Avon Features Autumn Half Term 2016.indd 10



04/10/2016 10:04:04

Thursday 10 November at 6pm at The Mall at Cribbs Causeway

CHRISTMAS LIGHT SWITCH ON AND CHARITY CONCERT And opening of the Winter Wonderland with


CHARITY CONCERT In aid of BBC Children in Need

Suggested voluntary donation £2 per ticket Ticket only event: details of how to get your FREE ticket at © 2007. Registered charity England and Wales no. 802052 and Scotland no. SC039557.

The Joy of Christmas Shopping PRIMARY TIMES

p39.indd 3


30/09/2016 13:27:26

“...excellence in all it does within and beyond the classroom...” ISI Inspection Report, October 2015

Visit us to see our new 1532 Performing Arts Centre. Come and discover for yourself what makes BGS such an exciting and enjoyable place to learn, make friends and begin life’s adventure.

Whole School

Open Morning Thursday 10 November, 10.00am–12.00 noon re ntu e v Ad

Year 7 and Year 9 Creative and Performing Arts, and Sport

Scholarship Deadline Thursday 24 November, 12.00 noon All children who sit the Entrance Examinations in January are automatically considered for the Academic Scholarships.

s hip ds n ie Fr

To request further information or to arrange a visit, please call Hollie Matthews on 0117 933 9885 or e-mail


Infant and Junior School Prospectus

Life changing 30

p40.indd 2



30/09/2016 13:28:02

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