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Shopping guide Here you’ll find where
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Shopping guide
AAbrams & Chronicle Books 01235 759555 abramsandchronicle.co.uk Albion Bath Company 01255 831605 albionbathco.com Aldi 0800 042 0800 aldi.co.uk Alitex 01730 826900 alitex.co.uk Al-Murad Tiles 0113 322 8075 al-murad.co.uk Amara 0800 587 7645 amara.com Amazon 0800 279 7234 amazon.co.uk And So To Shop andsotoshop.com Annabel James 0345 548 0210 annabeljames.co.uk Annie Sloan 01865 713089 anniesloan.com Anthropologie 0800 0026 8476 anthropologie.com AO.com 0161 470 1200 ao.com Argos 0345 640 2020 argos.co.uk Arket arket.com Arlo & Jacob 03300 945 855 arloandjacob.com Asquiths asquithsbathrooms.com Artisanti 0345 259 1410 artisanti.com
BB&Q 0333 014 3357 diy.com
Bathrooms to Love
0800 877 8899 bathroomstolove.co.uk
Barker and Stonehouse
0333 010 2352 barkerandstonehouse.co.uk Beards & Daisies 0203 828 9600 beardsanddaisies.co.uk Beaumonde 01202 707770 beaumonde.co.uk Belling belling.co.uk Benjamin Moore 01753 575756 benjaminmoorepaint.co.uk
Big Bathroom Shop
bigbathroomshop.co.uk Bisley 0203 952 4000 bisley.com Bisque 020 7328 2225 bisque.co.uk Bombinate 020 3950 3532 bombinate.com Bosch 0344 892 8979 bosch-home.co.uk Bradstone 01530 254320 bradstone.com Britton 01322 473222 brittonbathrooms.com Brockway 01562 828200 brockway.co.uk Burlington 01322 473222 burlingtonbathrooms.com
CCaple 0117 938 1900 caple.co.uk Carpetright 0330 333 3444 carpetright.co.uk Chronicle Books 01235 759555 abramsandchronicle.co.uk Cielshop 01273 443837 cielshopinteriors.com CJ Wildlife 0800 731 2820 birdfood.co.uk Crosswater 0345 873 8840 crosswater.co.uk Crown Paints 0330 024 0309 crownpaints.co.uk Cuckooland 01305 231231 cuckooland.com Cuisinart 0370 240 6902 cuisinart.co.uk Cult Furniture 0208 185 6960 cultfurniture.com
DDaAl’s daals.co.uk där lighting 01295 672200 darlighting.co.uk Desenio 020 3318 2047 desenio.co.uk DFS 0808 149 3826 dfs.co.uk Dobbies dobbies.com Doughlicious doughlicious.co.uk Drayton 0333 6000 622 draytoncontrols.co.uk Dualit 01293 652500 dualit.com Dulux 0333 222 7171 dulux.co.uk Dunelm 0345 165 6565 dunelm.com
EeBay 0345 355 3229 ebay.co.uk
Elodie Details
elodiedetails.com Etsy etsy.com Everest everest.co.uk EZVIZ ezvizlife.com
FFarrow & Ball 01202 876141 farrow-ball.com Forest Garden 0333 321 3142 forestgarden.co.uk Furniture and Choice 0333 015 0000 furniturechoice.co.uk FYG 0208 914 7974 fyghome.com
GGarden Trading 01993 845559 gardentrading.co.uk Gascoines 01636 813245 gascoines.co George Foreman 0345 209 7461 georgeforeman.co.uk George Home 0800 952 0101 direct.asda.com
Getting Personal
gettingpersonal.co.uk Graham & Brown 0808 168 3795 grahambrown.com Graham and Green 01225 418200 grahamandgreen.co.uk Grohe 020 8283 2840 grohe.co.uk
HH&M Home 0344 736 9000 hm.com Habitat 0344 499 4686 habitat.co.uk Hansgrohe 01372 472 077 hansgrohe.co.uk Harris 01527 575441 harrisbrushes.com
Harrod Horticultural 0333 400 6400 harrodhorticultural.com Harvey Jones 0800 389 6938 harveyjones.com
Heather Burton Yorkshire
Artist 01430 431398 heatherburtonyorkshireartist.co.uk Hex and Ginger hexandginger.com Hisense 0113 395 6930 hisense.co.uk Homebase 0333 003 7084 homebase.co.uk Homesense 01923 473561 homesense.com Hoover 03444 995599 hoover.co.uk
IIconic Lights iconiclights.co.uk Ideal Standard 01543 413204 idealspec.co.uk IKEA 020 3645 0000 ikea.com/gb Imperial Bathroom 01922 743074 imperialbathroom.com Indesit 0344 8224 224 indesit.co.uk Industville 020 7971 7871 industville.co.uk Instant Pot 03331 230051 instantpot.co.uk
JJali 01227 833333 jali.co.uk
John Lewis & Partners
0345 610 0359 johnlewis.com Johnson Tiles 01782 524000 johnson-tiles.com
Juice Electrical Supplies
0333 456 7895 juiceelectricalsupplies.co.uk
KKaikoo 0208 904 8806 kaikoo.co.uk Kettler kettler.co.uk KitchenAid 0800 151 0908 kitchenaid.co.uk
LLakeland 015394 88100 lakeland.co.uk
Lakeland Furniture
0161 694 2790 lakeland-furniture.co.uk Lakes & Fells 07763 668184 lakesandfells.co.uk La Redoute 0330 303 0199 laredoute.co.uk Laura Ashley 0333 200 8009 lauraashley.com Lick lickhome.com
Lifestyle Kitchens
lifestylekitchens.com Lights & Lamps lightsandlamps.com Lights4fun 01423 816 040 lights4fun.co.uk Little Greene 0845 880 5855 littlegreene.com Loaf 0203 141 8300 loaf.com Lola Design 01904 675514 loladesignltd.com Love Radish 0117 924 7220 loveradish.co.uk Love Your Home 01483 410007
Where to buy everything in this issue
love-your-home.co.uk Lucy Tiffney 07580 346759 lucytiffneyshop.com
MM&Co 0333 202 0720 mandco.com M&L Paints 01730 779911 mandlpaints.com MADE 0845 557 6888 made.com Magnet 01325 744015 magnet.co.uk Maisons du Monde 0808 234 2172 maisonsdumonde.com Mamas & Papas mamasandpapas.com
Maple from Canada
maplefromcanada.co.uk Marks & Spencer 0333 014 8000 marksandspencer.com Martha Brook 020 3176 0900 marthabrook.com Matalan 0333 0044444 matalan.co.uk Methven 0800 195 1602 methven.com Microplane microplane.com Mint & May 020 3637 7969 mintandmay.co.uk Morphy Richards 0344 871 0944 morphyrichards.co.uk Mrs Robinson 020 8670 6818 mrsrobinsonshop.co.uk
NNational Trust Shop 0300 123 2025 shop.nationaltrust.org.uk Next 0333 777 8000 next.co.uk Ninja 0800 862 0453 ninjakitchen.co.uk Not Just Taps 01923 268843 notjusttaps.co.uk
Not on the High Street
0203 318 5115 notonthehighstreet.com
OOak Furnitureland 0800 440 2254 oakfurnitureland.co.uk OGGS loveoggs.com Oliver Bonas 020 8059 2414 oliverbonas.com
One of One Bathrooms
0330 124 6603 1of1bathrooms.co.uk
Online Home Shop
onlinehomeshop.com Onske 01273 921 522 onske.co.uk
Our Lovely Goods
ourlovelygoods.com OXO 0207 949 0115 oxouk.com

PPaint & Paper Library 0845 880 5844 paintandpaperlibrary.com Panasonic 0344 844 3899 panasonic.eu Papermash 07403 607051 papermash.co.uk Primark primark.com QQuarterpast quarterpast.com Quooker 0345 833 3555 quooker.co.uk
RRangemaster 01926 457628 rangemaster.co.uk Rex London 0208 746 2473 rexlondon.com
Ribble Valley Bathrooms
01200 440000 ribblevalleybathrooms.co.uk Riso Gallo risogallo.co.uk Rockett St George 01444 253391 rockettstgeorge.co.uk Roper Rhodes 01225 303 900 roperrhodes.co.uk Rose & Grey 0161 926 8763 roseandgrey.co.uk Rudy’s Pizza rudyspizza.co.uk Rug Vista 020 3808 9940 rugvista.com Russell Hobbs 0345 209 7461 uk.russellhobbs.com
SSainsbury’s Home 0800 636262 sainsburys.co.uk Sandtex 0330 024 0303 sandtex.co.uk Smith & Munson 01406 363234 smithandmunson.com Sofa.com 0345 400 2222 sofa.com Sofology 0800 140 4040 sofology.co.uk Solardome 023 8066 7890 solardome.co.uk Sophie Allport 01778 560256 sophieallport.com Stitched 0330 808 1787 stitched.co.uk Style Library 0203 4575 862 stylelibrary.com Susan Clark Interiors 020 8305 2299 susanclarkinteriors.com Swift Direct Blinds 0370 218 7042 swiftdirectblinds.co.uk Symphony Kitchens 01226 446000 symphony-group.co.uk
TTesco 0800 505555 tesco.com
Thames Valley Window
Company 0800 181 698 tvwindows.com The Contemporary Home tch.net The Den Kit Co. 01694 751733 thedenkitco.com The Find Store 0208 850 5210 thefindstore.co.uk The Lighting Superstore 01225 704442 thelightingsuperstore.co.uk The Needo theneedo.com
The Posh Shed Company
01544 387 101 theposhshedcompany.co.uk The Poster Club theposterclub.com The Range 0345 026 7598 therange.co.uk The Tastesmiths tastesmiths.com The Tofoo Co. tofoo.co.uk
The Window Film Company
01494 794477 windowfilm.co.uk Tikamoon 020 344 55 440 tikamoon.co.uk TK Maxx 01923 473 561 tkmax x.com Topps Tiles 0800 783 6262 toppstiles.co.uk Travis Perkins 0333 577 8811 travisperkins.co.uk Trend Interiors 0800 028 4466 trendinteriors.co.uk Triton 02476 372 222 tritonshowers.co.uk
UUtopia Bathrooms 01902 406402 utopiagroup.com
VValspar 0344 736 9174 valsparpaint.co.uk Verona 0113 244 4984 veronagroup.co.uk Very 0800 11 00 00 very.co.uk Victorian Plumbing 0345 862 2878 victorianplumbing.co.uk
WWaitrose & Partners 0800 188 884 waitrose.com
Walls and Floors
01536 314 730 wallsandfloors.co.uk
Wandsworth Electrical
01483 740384 wandsworthelectrical.com Wayfair 0800 7564357 wayfair.co.uk Weru 01253 341444 weru.uk West Elm 0800 404 9780 westelm.co.uk Wickes 0330 123 4123 wickes.co.uk
Wildflower Illustration Co.
07541 229383 wildflowerillustrationco.com Wilko 0800 032 9329 wilko.com Woodpecker Joinery 01889 562 610 woodpecker-joinery.co.uk
Wyse Wood Oak Floors
0117 230 6672 wysewoodflooring.co.uk
YYonder Living yonderliving.com