2 minute read
of cake Piece
ow drivers have turned the dial from blue to red on the aircon, it’s time assess where we’re at in the year. We’ve plundered through holidays galore of Easter and Anzac Day and now the fresh frost of winter is upon us.

For mechanics this brings a litany of new problems that befall their customers. Fading spark plugs or batteries meet their maker during the winter months, and parts battle the curse of corrosion. We may not have a cure for car cancer in this edition of Australian Car Mechanic, but we have a tonne of new and innovative items to make repairs much smoother.
While petrol engines still reign supreme, it’s hard to ignore the continuing rise of EVs, especially in urban areas. In this issue, we feature a few new products that help mechanics as they adjust to this brave new world of vehicles.
But it’s not all about the parts, and we have some delicious cars to feast your eyes on in this edition. Contributing writer Iain
On the cover
ACM Parts is one of Australia’s leading dealers in recycled parts. This industry is massive for mechanics as an alternative to sourcing more brand-new parts. ACM Parts deals in thousands of parts from vehicles that are no longer driveable, but have pieces that are in near-new condition ready for a new home. We look at ACM Parts’ array of offerings, both recycled and new, and their impact on the auto parts field.

Material deadlines
Curry takes us back to a romantic era of hot rods and police cars with his features on a beautiful red ’34 pickup and ’64 sky blue Studebaker.
Iain also details one of the more unique workshops in Australia: MaD Garage in Melbourne.
Its owners Dan and Molly are massive thrillseekers and revheads, with Molly a seasoned Dakar veteran.
Speaking of revving, the sound of the new Gen3 Supercar engines has well and truly resonated in the ears of fans by now. There’s nothing quite like the sound of muscle cars as they batter away at one another on the track.

We speak to a couple of the teams in this year’s Championship Series and get their thoughts on the new rides.
So grab a warm cuppa and break open this new edition already!
Harry Murtough – Editor
Jul/Aug 2023
Deadline Jun 7, 2023
Sep/Oct 2023
Deadline Aug 9, 2023
Nov/Dec 2023
Deadline Oct 11, 2023
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