Images: David Lachapelle
A year to act
Earth CelebrAction is promoting sustainability through photographer David LaChapelle’s artistic vision.
Lavazza’s 2020 calendar titled Earth CelebrAction is designed to champion sustainability by celebrating the planet and acting as a call to arms to fight for its future.
n September 2019, representatives from some of the largest coffee roasters and traders in the world converged in London for the International Coffee Organization CEO and Global Leaders Forum. The event addressed environmental and economic sustainability across the entire supply chain of the coffee industry. The forum led to overwhelming support for reform and many leading organisations, including Lavazza, signed a declaration of intent known as the London Declaration. The document acts as a pledge to take action on four themes: promoting competitive and sustainable production, fostering responsible and equitable growth, promoting responsible consumption, and promoting public-private dialogue regarding policy development. In addition to supporting the declaration, Lavazza is advocating for environmental awareness through the launch of its sustainability-themed 2020 calendar, Earth CelebrAction. “The 2020 edition of our calendar,
entitled Earth CelebrAction, reflects Lavazza’s focus on the issues of sustainability and the future of the planet, treated here in a poetic study of beauty, and an attempt to rediscover connection with the environment,” says Lavazza Group Board Member Francesca Lavazza. “The project seeks to celebrate the beauty of nature, but also act as a call for action, as every one of us has the ability to personally defend the environment.” Earth CelebrAction is designed to be visually engaging, bold, colourful, and inspiring. “In the calendar, we have explored the earth theme by offering up a symbolic story in which the classical elements of fire, water, earth, and air come together in the presence of humans to create enthralling natural scenarios,” Francesca says. Lavazza has created its CelebrAction Manifesto to accompany the visuals of the calendar. The manifesto comprises 12 themes, one for each month, to emphasise giving back to the earth. “The 12 months demonstrate the
thoughts of Earth CelebrAction’s manifesto and the idea of opening up to Earth, fully appreciating its importance, listening to its needs, respecting it as our mother, and taking care of it to take care of ourselves,” Francesca says. Each month is also expressed in verbs that relate to actions people should take to promote the environment. For example, Francesca says the word “celebrate” represents January, which refers to the manifesto’s stance that “we celebrate the Earth, because its thanks to her that we exist”. The full list of monthly themes includes celebrate, listen, realise, defend, care, sustain, honour, nourish, reconnect, breathe, respect, and change. For the calendar’s imagery, Lavazza hand-picked American commercial photographer David LaChapelle to spearhead the project, under the direction of advertising agency Armando Testa. “We saw David’s evolution towards the issues of sustainability and environmental protection running parallel to the