Cranes & Lifting April 2024

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Behind the scenes of

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Cranes and Lifting Magazine

cranes_and_lifting Cranes and Lifting

6 Johnson & Young Cranes

GM, Brett Horvath, discusses the imperative role the back-of-house team plays at JYC.

10 CICA CEO Report

Brandon Hitch reports on the challenges and opportunities Net Zero 2050 presents.

12 CICA Photograph of the Year winner

Universal Cranes take out photo of the year.

17 CICA Cranes in Wind Forum

A comprehensive look at the highly successful Cranes in Wind Forum.

Cranes in Wind features

20 Boom Logistics

An overview of the company’s extensive wind-farm services.

23 Borger Cranes Hire and Rigging Services

Borger’s renewable capabilities.


rane anager, tep en room eld, discusses the wind farm machinery o ers

29 Sany

Second Sany 1000 tonne capacity lattice boom all terrain delivered.

32 Empire Cranes and Liebherr

Empire Cranes takes quality used Liebherr telescopic crawler and deploys to a wind farm.

36 Advanced Cranes

Crane Lead, Ben Miller, provides details on a Queensland project.

39 Potain Cranes


Uplift Crane Hire has acquired a new XGTC100.

60 Tutt Bryant

Bridge Pro put HSC crawlers to good use on bridge build project.

63 Haywards take sixth Grove


Five new have been Potains chosen for a major infrastructure project.

42 Cranepower

Cranepower’s new way of powering towers cranes and hoists.

46 Game changing lifting technology Vita Load Navigator lands with rne afety

49 MCT Equipment

s lectric ranes ave o cially landed in the company’s depot.

51 Lawrence Engineering and The Crane Connection

Lawrence Engineering take a second Tidd from the Baden Davis rane onnection

55 Pace Cranes and Maeda’s Telescopic Crawler range

Continued success for Maeda’s Telescopic Crawler range.

Grove delivers 300t capacity all terrain to Haywards on the Apple Isle.

67 Franna and Boom Logistics

200th AT40 delivered to Boom.

70 UAA and Advanced Cranes

67 70

Advanced insurance solutions for Advanced Cranes.



The importance of teamwork in the construction sector.

74 Women in Industry


Boom Logistics’ Melira Lister discusses her career and open-heart surgery.

EWP features

78 Sinoboom

CEO Susan Xu discusses the company’s commitment to Down Under.

81 Niftylift

Reducing carbon footprints it iftylift

84 AlmaCrawler

JIBBI range wins major rental award.

88 Skyjack

The access equipment company discusses its latest innovations.

90 Lift of the Month

What our industry does best.



April 2024 CAL / 3 20

A new way to power cranes. Small power in – Huge power out.

440A output from a 32A input

Power cranes and hoists from a small supply

Utilise regenerative power for the next lift

Zero emission power for cranes

Plug and Play drop in solution

Eliminate diesel generators

Up to 200 tonnes of CO2 emissions reduction per year


Published by:


VALENTINE’S DAY SAW THE INAUGURAL CICA Cranes in Wind Forum address the world’s ambi ous plans to achieve Net Zero by 2050.

e idea for the forum was born nine months ago om a conversa on between Boom Logis cs’ Engineering Manager, Nick Morris, and CICA’s CEO, Brandon Hitch, where both agreed on the importance for the indus y to hold a non-commercial event and undertake abrasive, con on ng discussions about the levels of safe and risk being borne by crane hire companies in the cons uc on of wind farms.

e forum a acted 110 a endees represen ng crane hire company owners, general managers, heavy li supervisors, li engineers, safe professionals and wind farm developers. Liebherr Business Development Manager Hans Jörg Nothacker provided a harsh reali check around the prospects of achieving Net Zero by  2050.

To achieve Net Zero by 2050, the world will need to install an ex a two terawa s of wind power per year –meaning larger wind turbines, with larger hub heights. Hub heights have already exploded in size om 20m to 165m, and that upwards end isn’t going to stop. For example, designs om Danish renewables manufacturer Vestas show turbines reaching 199m tall and producing seven megawa s of  power.

e other key aspect explored was how terrains and environments di ered across geographical regions of the world, and how those features e ect not only the designs of the wind farms but how cranes engage in cons uc on and  maintenance.

Nick Morris and George Grasso, UAA’s Chief Claims O cer, then took the oor to re ect on notable crane incidents on wind farms. Bigger wind farms will need bigger cranes with heavier rigging, meaning all aspects of wind farm cons uc on and maintenance become much higher risk, due to the signi cantly decreased margin for error.

In lieu of the event, a comprehensive review of the CICA Cranes in Wind forum is included in this issue as well as a deep dive into the role cranes play in the renewables sector, on top of a range of stories discussing the key developments in the crane indus y.

As always, the team at Cranes and Li ng magazine has worked hard to bring you this issue of the magazine and we hope you enjoy the read.

379 Docklands Drive, Docklands VIC 3008

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April 2024 CAL / 5
Image: Borger Cranes


General Manager of Johnson and Young Cranes, Brett Horvath, discusses the back-of-house team that help JYC maintain its lofty standards.

PICTURED ARE JOHNSON AND YOUNG Cranes’ two LTM 1750-9.1 all-terrain mobile cranes working on the Mernda Road Duplica on, dual li ing beams into place to create a new bridge over Plen River in Melbourne’s north.

e photo captures the spectacular sight of cranes in ac on but, as General Manager Bre Horvath emphasises, it’s a team e ort om everyone at JYC that makes such li s  possible. Bre highlights the dedica on of the en re team, including owners Brent Young and Reece Johnson, in building a

culture that ensures every aspect of the job is executed awlessly. From the sales, engineering, opera ons, HSEQ, warehouse, and nance teams to the crane crews, uck drivers, and mechanics, everyone plays a crucial role in JYC’s success.

For JYC, the process of delivering a li begins with JYC’s dynamic sales team of Andrew Pi and Jackie Ryan who assess the job’s scope and presents JYC’s solu on to the client. ey are the rst point of contact and play a cri cal role in understanding client needs and expecta ons.

However, presen ng a li ing solu on requires signi cant input om JYC’s Engineering Team, headed by Brek Mans eld and ably supported by Dave, Georgia, Adrian, Oswaldo, Krystal and John. e seven-s ong engineering team me culously plans the li , considering all safe and e ciency aspects catering to the client’s requirements, using their exper se to design innova ve solu ons tailored to each project.

Once the client has accepted JYC’s solu on to the outlined li ing challenge,

UP FRONT / JYC 6 / CAL April 2024
The tandem lift on Mernda Road Duplication project. Image: JYC

the Opera ons Team – led by Jake Tuohey and supported by Emma, Jade and Taylah – ensures crews and resources are allocated e ciently. With the support of Stores and Yard Manager, Jack Helmers, who is charged with making sure the appropriate rigging equipment is serviceable, in test and available for the task at hand, the opera ons and yard teams coordinate the movement of equipment and personnel to and om the  site.

is is supported by a close collabora on between Opera ons, HSEQ, and stores who, together, drive the e cient alloca on of crews and resources. e HSEQ Team managed by Amanda Hermoso and bolstered by Chantelle Henley manage the client’s induc on needs, sending requested documents such as crew ckets, site speci c SWMS, and compliance paperwork for both cranes and suppor ng vehicles, ensuring JYC is compliant on all onts. HSEQ plays a crucial role in maintaining both a safe working environment and culture for everyone involved in the projects.

As a 24-hour crane hire company, JYC needs team members ready to take a call and mobilise at any second. is, for Bre , is evinced by JYC’s Crane Crews and Truck Drivers, who make themselves available at a moment’s no ce to mobilise equipment anywhere across Aus alia. According to Bre , their exper se and dedica on ensure that JYC’s equipment is delivered safely, on me, and all li s are executed as planned –regardless of the project loca on.

JYC elds an all-terrain eet of Liebherr cranes, Tadano crawler cranes and Franna pick and carry cranes; and, as Bre says, all of these brands are renowned for their reliabili . However, on the occasion that the crews have an issue with any equipment or when it is me for any servicing and maintenance ac vi es, JYC possesses a team of Mechanics and Field Technicians on standby to provide support, whenever needed, ensuring equipment is well maintained, compliant and safe for use. In tandem with the crane crews and uck drivers, the in-house team of mechanics and eld technicians of Ryan, Chris, John, Steve, Tom and Brodie are available 24 hours, seven days a week if required; as Bre outlines, their proac ve approach

helps prevent down me and ensures that equipment is always in great condi on.

JYC has a team of dedicated li ing supervisors who take over a project once it has been allocated to them, and their con ibu on goes a long way to ensuring that what the sales and opera ons teams have communicated to the client is achieved. Jaie, Ash, Cory and Dan are all onsite well before the crane has le the yard to establish that the site is ready for the mul tude of cranes, ucks, and crew, making sure that mobilisa on to site is smooth and e cient.

Once the team is setup for li ing, the li ing supervisors remain onsite to make any adjustments that may be required, before repea ng the process to ensure that the JYC team leaves site as they arrived: safely, and  e ciently.

Both during a project and on project comple on, the nance team, led by CFO Con Tsiolis and supported by Stacey, Carmen, Ti any, Belinda, Hayley, and Ashley, provides the pla orm that assures everyone that they will always be appropriately remunerated, suppliers paid

April 2024 CAL / 7
s ngineering eam o n ump ries, drian itoli, re ans eld, Oswaldo Pachon, David Saunders, Georgia Harkin. Image: Prime Creative Media. The Operations Team: (L-R) Jake Tuohey, Taylah Waldron, Jade Marshall, Emma Rusinek. Image: Prime Creative Media.

on me, and clients are invoiced correctly for the work that we perform for them.

e nance team play a crucial role in maintaining nancial stabili and ensuring the smooth opera on of the organisa on, condensing all the work that has anspired to ensure everyone receives what they need.

JYC’s modern eet that ranges om three-tonne Maedas to its two 800-tonne Liebherrs is a testament to the company’s commitment to excellence in the indus y. However, equally as important for JYC is to invest in its sta , con nuously aining and upskilling to ensure that the team is constantly growing and can tackle even the most complex projects with rela ve ease. Emblema c of the company’s commitment to growing its team in a socially progressive manner, JYC is commi ed to ensuring its team is as gender diverse as possible. With 67 per cent of its back of house sta female, JYC is placing itself at the fore ont of diversifying a adi onally male-dominated crane indus y and crea ng a safe, inclusive space for people to perform their best work  in.

As JYC con nues to grow and expand its opera ons, one thing remains constant: the commitment and dedica on of its team. When one sees an orange boom in the

air, it’s down to the back-of-house teams con ibu ng signi cantly to the “amazing” works that are achieved onsite every day as well as the crane and uck crews, according to Bre . e teams of sales, engineering, opera ons, HSEQ, warehouse, and nance to the crane crews, uck drivers, and mechanics, provide the backbone to the company, driving its success and ensuring that every project is completed to the highest standards. As Bre underscores, the o ce-based cons uc on workers are the ue unsung heroes of the spectacular onsite

sights of watching two Liebherr cranes dual li a bridge beam. Emphasising that every li – no ma er how rou ne – requires the same level of detailed planning and execu on om the en re team across all onts, Bre reinforces the collec ve e ort that enables JYC to deliver “excep onal” service to its clients, making it one of the most usted names in the  indus y.

Because, if it wasn’t for the e orts of the back of house team, photos such as the one on the ont cover, and projects such as Bridge Inn Road, don’t happen.

8 / CAL April 2024 UP FRONT / JYC
The Finance Team: (L-R) Hayley Smith, Carmen ollette, i any irepa, Con Tsiolis, Ashley McMahon, Belinda Violi, tacey alter mage rime reative edia ris elton, ec anic at JYC, and his freshly stickered eld service ute mage rime reative edia to yan ummerscales, o n ogal, om urns and rodie c aul


The Vita Load Navigator system detects load movement in real-time and adjusts the load with high-powered fans to eliminate spinning, rotations, and other problems that cause site damage or injuries.

The semi-autonomous propulsion-driven device connects below the hook of the crane and is remotely controlled. Measuring over 1,000 data points per second, the system detects load movement in real-time and adjusts the load with high-powered fans to eliminate spinning, rotations, and other problems that cause site damage or injuries.


•Holds load steady mitigating wind and weather delays.

•Reduces the need for taglines mitigating risk to crews.

•Precision control allows the crew to place the pick exactly where needed.

•Memory functionality records lift positions allowing repetitive lifts with the touch of a button.

The Vita Load Navigator comes in various models to meet the needs of all lifting challenges.

For more information contact Maria Maguire

0418 979 199 |


Welcome to the April 2024 issue of

THE PUSH TO NET ZERO BY 2050 presents opportuni and challenge in equal parts to our indus y, globally and close to home. On February 14 CICA held the inaugural Cranes in Wind forum in Melbourne, and I want to take this opportuni to re ect on the event. e goal om the beginning was to provide a space for honest, open dialogue about our indus y’s rela onship with wind farming – the reali , the risks, what can go wrong and how we can turn those missteps into ac onable learnings.

e breadth of knowledge shared was immense.

We looked at the perspec ve of manufacturers, the s uggles of nding a balance in engineering cranes tailored to wind farm cons uc on and maintenance when geographic loca on plays such a heavy part in determining what’s plausible – or possible. Flat plains, craggy mountains, narrow pathways, loose sand and packed rock. ere is no one single blueprint of what it looks like to work in wind.

Demand is growing, and it will keep growing. e ex emes of the turbines, the li s and the engineering needed to meet that call grow with it. Wind farms need cranes, and our indus y bene ts om that rela onship. Necessi breeds innova on, and we’ve seen some incredible machinery born om the quirks of working in wind. Narrow

ack crawler cranes to navigate roads that would otherwise be a nightmare, immense heavy-li ers capable of walking between towers while s ll rigged. Hub heights on turbines have shot upwards om 20 me es to 160, new designs are pushing 199, and

Crea ng an open dialogue isn’t just about showcasing success, but interroga ng mistakes.

We heard case studies of serious incidents, the mechanics of the failures and what came a er. Contextualising the rela onship between crane

throughout the day – li s that push the limits of our machines aren’t the danger. ere was a panel dedicated to e ec ve li planning on the agenda, mul ple case studies of impressive and innova ve li s. e li is me culously planned, right down to

10 / CAL April 2024
Brandon Hitch, CICA’s CEO. Image: CICA

the most exac ng detail. Reloca on is o en not; and presents catas ophic points of poten al failure.

e nature of con acts in the space is compe ve. Wind farming is highdemand, high-expecta on. e burden of risk is heavily weighted towards crane owners and operators. Lower rates, bigger promises, ques onable in as ucture and big machinery is not an easy mix. What can we do to share that burden of risk between the owners of the cranes and the owners of the farms? ere needs to be ansparency: what’s accomplishable, what’s realis c, what’s safe.

Acknowledging the threat doesn’t wash away the success.

We heard fantas c case studies of innova ve li s carrying immense

“We looked at the perspective of manufacturers, the struggles of cranes tailored to wind farm construction and maintenance when geographic location plays such a heavy part in .

weights, working in high wind, excitement about where the possibili es of renewable energy will take us, expert insight into engineering and safe , ground pressure and crane pads and everything in between.

To all our a endees, presenters, and panellists; thank you. Cranes in Wind was the beginning of a conversa on, not the end. e success of the day was proof of the need for noncommercialised, authen c forums to speak plainly with experts and peers alike, and it won’t be the last.

Brandon Hitch CICA CEO


Ben Pieyre – President

Marcus Ferrari – Vice President

Danny Adair – Director

Danny Black – Director

Andrew Esquilant – Director

David Solomon – Director

Karli Sutherland– Director


Brandon Hitch

ief ecutive cer

03 8320 0444 0428 228 048

Paul Arztenhofer

Membership Engagement/ Business Development Specialist 04 9093 9274

Alice Edwards

Road Technical Engineer

03 8320 0440

Patrick Cran

CraneSafe and CrewSafe Technical Advisor

0488 004 274

Damien Hense

CICA Road Policy Advisor 03 8320 0460 0488 007 575

Julie Turner

CICA Executive Assistant/ Board Secretariat

03 8320 0411

Kate Galloway

Traineeship Coordinator 0491 047 118

Shane Coupe

CraneSafe & CrewSafe dministrative ssistant cer 0491 047 134

Madeleine Flynn

Senior Marketing Communications cer

Justina Blackman

Member Events and Engagement 0403 717 626

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ce perations oordinator, 03 8320 0466

nit , e ia lace, Mulgrave Vic 3170

Phone: 03 9501 0078

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For information, please visit our website or call the CICA office.

April 2024 CAL / 11


Universal Cranes took out the coveted CICA photo of the Year for a complex lift of a Geodesic Dome Roof.

ON MARCH 29, 2023, UNIVERSAL Cranes installed a Geodesic Dome Roof for nine pe oleum tanks for a cons uc on engineering company.

e project arose om the necessi to replace the previous oa ng roof, which had succumbed to heavy downpours. To address the challenges of me cons aints and site layout in icacies, Universal Cranes engaged in preliminarily li planning. rough these proac ve measures, the Project and HL team developed a program

diameter with a height of 12m and featured 32 li points.

e Geodesic Dome Roof li required a total of 32 li points to ensure equalisa on throughout the rigging  arrangement.

e crane used for the project was a cross hired Liebherr LR1600/2 with suspended counterweight in a Main Boom con gura on. is pe of ou igged narrow ack machine provided favourable ground pressures.

e team suggested u lising 6 x 5m x

Op ng for a narrow ack con gura on meant that the crane couldn’t move with the necessary boom length for this li . erefore, the planned assembly loca on had to be revised to coincide with the nal li posi on, necessita ng a modi ca on to the ini al crane assembly approach. Upon revision, the main boom was put together with the nal sec on projec ng over the earth  bund.

Star ng on March 20 and con nuing over ve days, Universal Cranes mobilised to site and assembled the Liebherr LR1600. e rigging arrangement started with four primary slings a ached to a Rams horn hook block. e load was

12 / CAL April 2024
Universal Cranes wins CICA Photo of the Year

Image Universal Cranes

“The load was evenly distributed through equalising triangles to .

evenly dis ibuted through equalising iangles to slings, 16 ter ary sheeve slings, and nally to 32 li points. Rigging was preassembled on the ground with the team working in quadrants, and an assist crane was used to connect the rigging to each of the 32 li points on the dome.

Once the rigging was completed, Universal conducted a ial li as requested by the client, raising the dome to a height of 1m above its supports on March 27. e ial li proved successful with no post ial adjustments needed.

On March 29 the weather condi ons were con rmed to be suitable for work thus, under the supervision of the lead riggers, the dome was li ed into posi on. With two tag lines and six Universal Cranes Riggers, the dome was carefully li ed. e dome was then lowered to within 1m of nal posi on as it was stabilised. It hovered in posi on about 1m above

the supports as carbon steel connec on nodes were installed at six points.

Six welders then installed all connec on nodes supports required as per engineering drawings with these works competed in three hours. Once all the welding was completed, the rigging was disconnected.

Key assembly equipment u lised for the crane build included:

• 40t Franna (assist crane);

• Liebherr LTM1230-5.1 (assist crane);

• Liebherr LR1600/2-W; and


e 40t Franna and Liebherr LTM1230-5.1 assisted in assembly of the Liebherr LR1600/2-W on site. A boom shadow exclusion zone was required in line with the site requirement for the erec on of the main boom. A li assessment signo ensured that the load chart u lisa on did not exceed 80 per cent. e assembly of the crane was completed over a ve day period. Ini ally 33 li points were presented on

the supplier supplied drawings, however following discussions with the supplier, this was reduced to 32 points to allow for rigging to be designed using equalisa on for the full rigging design.

All 32 li points were equalised working om four slings o Rams horn hook block to 32 li ing nodes (four slings [Triangle] eight slings [sheeve] 16 slings [sheeve] 32 slings [Li Point]).

Equalising sheeves were used to ensure the correct equalisa ons loca ons om li points due to di erences in lengths. e top equalisa on u lised equalising   iangles.

Universal Cranes supplied and installed all rigging. e client supplied carpet protec on for the steel wire slings around the connec on nodes. is was needed due to the sharp edges of aluminium at each connec on point.

Longer lower capaci slings were u lised at the bo om of the rigging arrangement to assist with connec ng the rigging to the dome (lighter, longer slings are safer to ‘pull out’ om the cen e  loca on).

Due to the unusually long length required, low-capaci slings of large quan es of rigging was speci cally purchased for this li .

e rigging was preassembled on the ground. e assist crane helped the rigging team to connect to each li point. Rigging was completed in four groups of eight connec ons.

e rigging was connected to the crane and li ed to a height that ensured only the so sling contacted the dome. e bo om shackle was then connected to the wire sling.

Working om the rst to last connec on points, the rigging was connected to each node, ensuring each connec on point was to the correct rigging loca on.

Once all rigging was connected, the wire slings were inspected one by one to ensure they were correctly posi oned.

To complete the project successfully the team iden ed they needed early engagement with the client, so team members completed site visits, li planning and consulta ons beforehand.

April 2024 CAL / 13
PLAN YOUR ENTRY The Crane Industry Council of Australia (CICA) recognises excellence and innovation in the Australian crane industry with the CICA Lift Of The Year Awards. To enter the 2024 awards visit PROJECT OF THE YEAR INNOVATION OF THE YEAR LIFT OF THE YEAR –UNDER 20T LIFT OF THE YEAR –OVER 20T I T O T E EAR ORE T AN TONNE INNERWalz Group won for several Triple Crane Lifts completed to extract the 60m-long DN500 Jacketed Pipe Units at an alumina refinery. PROJECT OF THE YEAR INNER - John Holland for the Batemans Bay Bridge replacement project.

THE INNOVATION AWARD went to Bullivants for the ADAPTA Adjustable HMPE Lifting Sling.



TONNE INNER McMahon Services won for removal of the Heritage Listed Copper Kettle during demolition of the West End Brewery.

CICA PHOTO O T E EARUniversal Cranes won for a complex lift of a Geodesic Dome Roof.

The New GMK5150XL is the latest sibling of the GMK5150L-1, with longest boom (69m) and most versatile road weights in class

• Reach further with 69m boom and 30m hydraulic luffing fly

• 50t GVM with outriggers in situ for reduced cost legal travel in all Australian states and territories

• 10.2t counterweight in situ at 12t per axle

• Increased safety and flexibility with MAXbase variable outrigger positioning

• Faster, intuitive set-up with CCS (Crane Control System)

• Grove Connect Telematics

New GMK5150XL

• Capacity: 150t

• Main boom: 68.7m pinned*

• Maximum Jib: 30.2m (40O hyd luff)

• Maximum tip height: 99m


CICA held its non-commercial ‘Cranes in Wind’ forum at Melbourne’s Hyatt Place Hotel, bringing wind farm developers, safety bodies and crane hire companies together to address key issues in developing wind infrastructure.

ON FEBRUARY 14, IT WAS A BALMY, 20° day at Melbourne’s Essendon Fields.

Pulling up for the morning networking, a slight breeze rushed around the group of people gathering to discuss the future of s onger winds, and how it could be harnessed to help the world achieve Net Zero emissions by 2050. Around the room, crane hire company owners, general managers, heavy li supervisors, li engineers, safe professionals and wind farm developers came together to discuss the topic on everyone’s lips for the day: how can wind farm manufacturers make life easier for crane hire companies?

e day began with CICA CEO, Brandon Hitch, discussing the origins and inten ons of the event, performing the func on that an abs act does for a research

paper. Nine months ago, the idea for the ‘Cranes in Wind’ forum was born om a conversa on with Boom Logis cs’ Nick Morris, where they both agreed it was impera ve for the future of the indus y to hold a non-commercial event and undertake abrasive, con on ng discussions about the levels of safe and the levels of risk being borne by crane hire companies in cons uc ng wind farms. e rst speech did not disappoint: delivered by Liebherr Business Development Manager, Hans Jörg Nothacker, a harsh reali check was provided for the prospects of achieving Net Zero by 2050.

As Nothacker pointed out, to achieve Net Zero by 2050, the world will need to install an ex a two terawa s of wind power per year. at means larger wind

turbines, with larger hub heights. Hub heights have already exploded in size om 20m to 165m, and that upwards end isn’t going to stop. Designs om Danish renewables manufacturer, Vestas, show turbines reaching 199m tall and producing seven megawa s of power. e other key aspect explored was how terrains and environments di ered across geographical regions of the world, and how those features a ect not only the designs of the wind farms but how cranes engage in cons uc on and maintenance. In North America, for example, the terrain is at, easily nego ated, spacious and machinery can navigate it easily. South America poses hilly terrains with con ned opera ng environments – a nightmare for heavy machinery to navigate. In Aus alia, the

April 2024 CAL / 17
Image: Boom Logistics

climate is diverse, covering all the above, encapsula ng the key point contained within Nothacker’s speech: how can manufacturers be expected to design a worldwide windfarm crane that keeps pace with the rapid developments, when they themselves are so variable across the globe?

Following Nothacker’s speech was the delivery of more home uths. Nick Morris, Engineering Manager at Boom Logis cs, and George Grasso, UAA’s Chief Claims O cer, took the oor to re ect on notable crane incidents on wind farms, how they came about, the repercussions that followed and how they could be avoided.

e main premise of the two speeches revolved around one key fact: with bigger wind farms comes bigger cranes and heavier rigging, meaning that every move, by default, becomes much higher risk due to the signi cantly decreased margin for  error.

Morris addressed two incidents of note. He rst discussed a uniform road failure underneath a 500-tonne capaci crane that led to the machine being bogged down and needing to be towed out. en, he explored the rollover of a pick and carry crane due to ground failure during the crane’s ar cula on in an unspeci ed danger zone. Both issues highlighted the need for greater ansparency and communica on om wind farm teams to crane hire companies about road development, road maintenance and on-site speci ca ons to ensure that there are no surprises discovered when a heavy machine enters the ay. is was compounded by geotechnical engineer, Alan Johnson, who explored the importance of properly analysing a soil’s subgrade, knowing exactly what ground pressure is being exerted on what kind of surface, and ensuring everyone is on the same page.

e most con on ng images were saved un l Grasso’s speech: black and white images of two 800-tonne capaci cranes, cast on their sides. Grasso spoke over the photos, emphasising that it wasn’t about the colour of the crane involved, but the lessons we can learn – and the very real consequences of ignoring them.

ese incidents didn’t occur in a vacuum, and in discussing them the context of the

indus y they occurred in can’t be removed: the amount of risk being undertaken by crane hire companies in cons uc ng and maintaining wind farms is inequitable, and the urgency driven by compe veness and lower rates is driving crane hire companies to s etch the boundaries of what a crane can and can’t do.

Neither incident occurred during the li ing of wind turbine components; instead, they occurred when the crane was being ‘walked’ om turbine to turbine. Instead of being fully disassembled, the cranes would be slowly driven, par ally rigged, om site-to-site, in order to save me on the lengthy process of assembling and rigging an 800-tonne capaci crane. In both cases, mi ga ng ac ons could have been taken, but were not, hence one of the key take-aways being the importance of ensuring every worker has received the adequate amount of aining and is fully up to date on the necessary safe protocols required to ful l the task ahead of them.

At the very core of the issue, according to Grasso, however, were the risks iden ed in the con ac ng process; with companies that are adi onally sub-con actors, they are being asked to cut safe corners to meet s ict deadlines, keep costs down, and maintain their compe ve advantage.

is was a theme revisited in the ‘crane owners’ panel consis ng of Freo Group’s Carlo Francis, Boom’s Nick Morris, Borger Cranes’ Nathan Borger and BMS Heavy Cranes’ Anders Ekdal, when the panel was asked what the commonali es were between wind farm customers. First up to answer the ques on was Francis, who said, quite simply: “everybody wants more for less”. e panel s uggled to nd a di erent answer, highligh ng the di cul es crane hire companies are experiencing when being con acted to cons uct or maintain a wind farm. When quizzed on the highest risks of opera ng in windy environments, Borger and Ekdal’s answers further underscored the no ons brought forth by both Grasso and Morris: reloca on presented the biggest risk in the indus y, well ahead of the actual li s being undertaken. For the panel, li s are always me culously planned, and every detail is always followed to the nth degree; because

of this, safe parameters and procedures are in place. Reloca on, however, creates a space to cut corners and take risks, hence its posi on as the biggest threat to safe , as Ekdal said.

Across the event, the heavy discussions were broken up by presenta ons on some unique li s across the coun y. First up was Johnson and Young Cranes, with Li Engineer John Humphries ge ng up on stage and discussing the me culous road planning and liaising as well as the ex emely calculated li planning that led to the crane hire company successfully deploying two of its 800-tonne Liebherrs, equipped with their booms, on public road networks to replace faul components in the gearbox at 90 per cent capaci –the full story appearing in the October edi on of Cranes and Li ing. e second presenta on was conducted by Fleurieu Cranes’ Business Development Manager, Chris Leane, who discussed the complex rigging arrangements required to replace a burnt wind turbine’s rotor and blades. Going through the full in icacies of the job, the company showcased one of the many projects it has deployed its new, 700-tonne Liebherr on, the full-range being detailed in the February issue of Cranes and Li ing.

Finally, BMS Heavy Cranes’ Lead Project Engineer, Liam Edwards, discussed three projects om across the globe, where the global heavy li ing superpower completed mammoth li s u lising its range of Liebherr crawler cranes – inclusive of its LR11350 – to complete li s of over 500 tonnes to heights of over 150m in some  instances.

e elegance and magnitude of BMS’ li s provided the perfect bookend to a day that began with Hans Jörg Nothacker’s speech highligh ng that the biggest, newest cranes are already becoming obsolete due to the rapid rate of development. Despite their incredible civil engineering feats, these machines are at the top end of what cranes can actually do; and, with wind turbines set to get bigger in the push for Net Zero by 2050, the ques on loomed ominously over everyone as to how crane hire companies can safely, e ec vely and reasonably complete the work being asked of them by wind farm manufacturers.




Boom Logistics holds a lengthy history in wind farm construction and maintenance, throughout which it has customised and developed its options to wind farm customers to provide a holistic, all-encompassing service.

WITH MANY YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN the  cons uc on and maintenance of wind farms across Aus alia, publicly listed crane hire company, Boom Logis cs, has developed extensive capabili es in the wind farm and renewables sector. e company has a rich history of successful collabora ons with wind turbine OEMs Aus aliawide to provide crane and installa on packages in excess of 850MW of wind power to date.

Across the years, Boom has established its own dedicated, inhouse cons uc on division. is specialised division of the na onal crane hire company focuses on providing comprehensive wind farm cons uc on and maintenance services through

a service delivery model based on opera onal experience of key resources and t-for-purpose assets. What this entails for Boom Logis cs is in-house cons uc on teams that include the full package of cons uc on supervision, technical delivery and site-based health, safe , and quali roles working in tandem with a range of in-house services  provided.

With its diverse eet featuring two Liebherr LG1750’s purposed for the wind market, supported by a further three 800-tonne LTM1750-9.1 mobile cranes focusing on service works, Boom is showing no signs of slowing down its e orts to li Aus alia to carbon neu ali . rough its lengthy experience in the wind farm sector,

Boom possesses the capaci to draw all assets and equipment om within the Boom Logis cs eet, provide in-house engineering capabili es, provide a dedicated resource pool of mechanical technicians and elec ical personnel. Furthermore, throughout all its opera ons across Aus alia’s wind farms, OEMs can rest assured that Boom possesses signi cant inhouse capabili es and is appropriately cer ed, underscored by the provision of its own building licence with and through the Queensland authori es, as well as holding relevant state elec ical con actor cer ca ons. Boom’s mandate is to self-perform by retaining con ol on the quali and execu on s ategy, while providing dependency in delivery and program as expected within the demanding wind cons uc on sector.

roughout its history of working in wind farms, Boom has moved with the market to ensure its eet is aligned with the increasing service demands at height.

e crane eet is supported by its expanded services beyond cons uc on, with the company specialising in the removal and replacement of wind turbine components such as gearboxes, generators, main bearings, and blades.

Boom’s service does not just end there, however. Indica ve of its abili to go above and beyond what can normally be provided by a crane hire company, following the cons uc on of a wind farm, Boom Logis cs is able to deliver rou ne and periodic service as per the speci ca ons provided by the wind turbine OEMs, as well as liaising with wind turbine OEMs to develop, maintain, and amend opera onal


procedures to enhance site e ciency, safe , and produc vi . In tandem with its abili to provide full in-house engineering requirements, appropriately cer ed, skilled workers, and na onally spread equipment base, Boom is able to support OEMs and asset owners on both the East and West Coast of Aus alia.

Boom’s end-to-end wind farm cons uc on and maintenance capabili es have recently been on display with some of its recent projects, as seen in the accompanying photos. Possessing a range of 800-tonne capaci machines, Boom deploys its LG1750 and LTM1750-9.1 to aid in the cons uc on and maintenance of wind farms across the coun y.

With a maximum li ing capaci of 750 tonnes and unrivalled mobili between WTG’s, the LG1750 possesses the key capabili to perform at relevant hub heights across the coun y, making the crane one of the market’s ideal choices for fast wind farm cons uc on and erec on – and, due to increasing demand for capaci at height, will soon

dominate wind service and maintenance works. As one of ve crane hire companies in Aus alia to possess an LG1750, Boom is uniquely placed in the wind market.

e 800-tonne capaci LTM17509.1, on the other hand proves itself to be most adept at maintenance in the

“Possessing a range of 800-tonne capacity machines, Boom deploys its LG1750 and LTM1750-9.1 to aid in the construction and maintenance of wind farms across the country.”

current market, especially due to the crane’s detailed wind speed charts and key capabili es on the 80m-to-115m hub heights where signi cant market demand exists within Aus alia. With a maximum hoist height of 156m that is largely driven through crane jib a achments, the nine-axle mobile crane has proven to be a key con ibutor in wind turbine maintenance: a vision Boom forecast, posi oning itself with three iden cal cranes uniquely spaced na onally to provide maintenance services in alignment with market demands. As seen, Boom provides a focus on self-performance, which includes mobilisa on of their own ancillary support equipment, including cranes and heavy haulage to support their cons ic on and service works.

With its vast experience gained over the past years of helping to cons uct some of Aus alia’s most signi cant wind farms, Boom Logis cs has gained deep indus y nous and s eamlined its wind farm division to be able to deliver holis c services to its wind farm clients. Because of its all-encompassing service, the company’s abili to provide a comprehensive, high-quali , end-toend package posi ons it compe vely, earning the ust of customers seeking reliable solu ons based on BOOM’s proven ack record in successfully comple ng diverse projects.

April 2024 CAL / 21
Boom Logistics
1300 26 3666 OUR LOCATIONS VIC | WA | NSW | QLD | SA Empowering Industries. Building Futures. One lift at a time. Telecommunications Renewables Infrastructure Industrial Maintenance Mining & Resources Scan the QR code to find out more! Through wind farms, solar farms and hydrogen plants, we are transforming the way the world sees power. A trusted construction and maintenance solutions provider. INFRASTRUCTURE RENEWABLES RESOURCES


Borger Crane Hire and Rigging Services has been working in the renewables sector for well over a decade. Recently, the business took delivery of a second Liebherr LG1750 lattice boom mobile crane which is ideally suited for wind farm construction and maintenance. Borger Crane Hire and Rigging Services General Manager Shawn Borger explains more about Borger’s capabilities in the renewable sector.

“WE FIRST STARTED WORKING IN THE WIND farm sector over a decade ago and back then we were focused on the maintenance of the turbines. 2019 saw our rst installa on project of a new wind farm which was the Ca le Hill farm in Tasmania. at was quite a logis cal challenge for us, as we had to deploy our 500-tonne capaci all terrain and our 600-tonne Demag crawler with assist cranes to install 30 turbines,” said  Shawn.

“Over the last four to ve years the wind farm sector has become a signi cant focus for our business, and we have been engaged on a number of successful projects. As a result of this, we have invested in new equipment which has furthered our exper se and capabili es in this sector. is includes the purchase of two Liebherr LG 1750s which are ideal for the cons uc on of wind farms and large in as ucture projects,” he  said.

According to the manufacturer, the Liebherr LG 1750 combines the best of two worlds. e Liebherr LG 1750 la ce boom mobile crane has the exibili of a 750-tonne crawler crane combined with the mobili of a high-speed mobile crane. at means it combines the bene ts of these two crane pes in a single concept. is makes it the largest and s ongest la ce boom mobile crane in the world and unrivalled in the  market.

With a maximum hoist height of 193 me es, its high mobili and carrying capaci were decisive factors for Borger Crane Hire and Rigging Services in purchasing the LG 1750. Having the chassis of an all-terrain crane, the bo om part of the 8-axle crane is self-driving to any applica on site. Compared to a crawler crane, this reduces ansport vehicles, thereby saving

mes and costs. Its vehicle width of less than three me es is a great advantage. is chassis, combined with a s ong la ce boom of a crawler crane, makes the crane par cularly powerful. e components can also be ansported economically thanks to its ansport weight of less than 45 tonnes. at makes the compact la ce boom mobile crane ideal for fast erec on work for wind power, indus ial cons uc on or in as ucture work. ere is a large selec on of boom con gura ons for the LG 1750 which have been specially enhanced for deployment in the wind indus y. e latest genera on of wind turbines with hub heights of up to 170 me es can be erected using the SX system. For Borger Crane Hire and Rigging Services, the main areas of applica on for the new eight axle will be in the wind segment and also in as ucture  projects.

From an opera ons perspec ve, the wind farm sector is challenging the crane sector, said Shawn.

“ e remote loca ons of many of the wind farms make for a unique set of logis cal challenges for our business. We are con nually inves ng in dedicated support equipment for our crane eet, including ailers, and with hub heights increasing we have to be sure we are inves ng in the right cranes to keep up with our customers’ requirements. Today, cranes need to have large li ing capaci es at increasing heights, and so we meet regularly with our suppliers to ensure we are ordering the right equipment – which in some instances secures the project for our business.

“Mee ng regularly with the Crane OEMs also ensures we are across delivery mes which can be cri cal for our customers. We have kept pace with the changing demands

The Liebherr LG 1750 lattice boom mobile crane has the fle ibility of a tonne cra ler crane combined it t e mobility of a ig speed mobile crane mages orger rane ire

“The way we construct infrastructure projects is a good example, engineers are designing larger components and heavier loads to be lifted at greater heights and distances, therefore we need to ensure we have the equipment to service these requirements.”

of customers by being quick and nimble with our business, enabling us to react to the changing demands,” said Shawn.

Borgers recently took delivery of the second Liebherr LG 1750, another signi cant investment by the business. Shawn explains the reasons for the con nued investment in large capaci cranes.

“ e cons uc on indus y is changing and evolving all the me and we have to keep up with these changes. e way we cons uct in as ucture projects is a good example,

engineers are designing larger components and heavier loads to be li ed at greater heights and distances, therefore we need to ensure we have the equipment to service these requirements,” he said.

Shawn and his team have been impressed with the performance of the Liebherr LG  1750s.

“ e Liebherr LG 1750s have been a game changer as far as wind farms are concerned. We have successfully completed two projects and both LG 1750s will be onsite

in mid-April. But the cranes are also great all-rounders and will be available for all pes of cons uc on work. Although we primarily purchased them for windfarm work, we are looking to mobilise the Liebherr LG 1750 on a bridge cons uc on project in South East Queensland,” said Shawn.

e LG 1750s are another signi cant investment in the latest technology by Borger Crane Hire and Rigging Services, which con nues to invest in the eet, said Shawn.

“Our con nued investment in today’s crane technology is cri cal to our business. By inves ng in the latest technology, we are able to provide our clients with a complete package of cranage op ons. We see this as cri cal for our clients.

“We also invest in the latest and safest cranes for the bene t of our employees. Our operators and opera onal crews love the new equipment and always look a er the gear as if it were their own. Our investment s ategy also helps to a act new sta and retain exis ng crews,” said Shawn.

“With the new technology, our crews are con dent of comple ng the task safely because new equipment minimises breakdowns, elimina ng the us a ons of not nishing the job on me,” he con nued.

“Wherever possible, our crews take pride in delivering our projects on me and in  full.” IN FOCUS / BORGER CRANE HIRE
Borger Crane Hire continues to invest in the latest crane technology, such as support trailers including ‘Big Bird’ from TRT. The Liebherr LG 1750s have been a game changer as far as wind farms are concerned.
& Engineering
1800CRANES ron o ron o om au : an or ideos: ind to er se ment: p to t : lat orms it a les a ailable i n d o e r s t
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Construction Equipment
Ron o is our onl ustralian ut orised
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lade i ter: Rotor blade adapter lade i ter:Rotor blade on a modular semi-trailer


ACCORDING TO THE INTERNATIONAL Energy Agency, as of 2020, the world was adding 114 gigawa s of elec ici to the global supply of energy per year. To reach the target of Net Zero emissions by 2050 and keep global warming under 1.5 degrees Celsius, as agreed upon in the 2015 Paris Climate Accords, the world will need to be adding 350 gigawa s of elec ici powered by wind farms per year, ipling the current  demand.

To achieve these targets, wind farms must increase in size and wind turbines must get bigger and increase their output. Already, such plans are in place: global renewable energy company, Vestas, has released a wind turbine design that features a hub height of 199m and produces 7.2 megawa s of elec ici , making it the tallest wind turbine in the world, that will be available to the market by 2025.

With the need for bigger turbines comes the need for bigger machinery; and, with wind power output having increased dras cally in China, installing 328.48 gigawa s of windpower in 2021

alone, some of the world’s most wind farm-adept machinery is being produced on the East of the map to cope with the demand. Vestas’ 199m wind turbine is s ll to be in oduced – currently, the record for the largest wind turbine is the Fujian province’s 16-megawa Goldwind GWH252. According to XCMG’s ANZ Crane Manager, Stephen Broom eld, the mass of large wind turbines being produced

Rin China is re ec ve of the “bespoke” machinery being designed to accommodate “larger wind farms”.

“China has iden ed a gap in the market, and XCMG has moved quickly to act, ll that void, and develop machines that can take us to Net Zero by 2050,” he says.

“We’re designing our cranes in line with wind farm manufacturers to produce speci c cranes that align with the new wind

Images: XCMG

farm technology that is moving forward at a rapid rate.”

Evidence of this can be seen in the Chinese manufacturer’s design of a tower crane to accommodate larger wind farms. e elec ic-powered XGL1800 possesses a maximum li ing capaci of 138 tonnes, a maximum working range of 60m – at which it can li 11.5 tonnes –and a maximum ee-standing height of

114.5m. Addi onally, the wind farm tower crane holds a maximum load moment of 1800 tonne-me es, and has all vemegawa wind turbines covered, being spo ed carrying out installa ons at heights of  170m.

e bene ts of using the tower crane aren’t just limited to its specs, however: the machine, with its compact nature, exerts very minimal ground pressure that,

26 / CAL April 2024 IN FOCUS /XCMG
XCMG’s ANZ Crane Manager, Stephen CMG .
XCMG’s XGL1800, a tower crane custom-made for the wind farm industry, erects a turbine on the Yulin Shaanxi wind farm.

in tandem with its capaci to be powered elec ically, results in a much smaller environmental footprint. Furthermore, the XGL1800 can also be fully erected to its maximum height in 24 hours, while also only requiring 18 hours to dismantle the machine, making it easier and quicker to navigate a jobsite. With a reduced need for support ucks and personnel comes nancial savings and environmental bene ts, says Stephen.

“ e costs associated with powering a generator to then power a crane are minimal when compared to powering a crawler crane, or a mobile crane,” he says. “ ese tower cranes are bespoke machinery to accommodate the demand for taller turbines, and XCMG has delivered.” XCMG hasn’t just limited itself to producing tower cranes for wind farm cons uc on and maintenance, however. Two other such machines developed by the Chinese manufacturer that t the bill are the XCC2000 and XCC2600; narrow ack crawler cranes that don’t quite t the de ni on of a telescopic crawler crane, but possess telescopic booms and are driven on crawler acks. e XCC2000 is a machine designed by XCMG speci cally to be a wind power crane. Possessing a maximum main boom length of 81.4m and extensions providing the crane with a maximum hois ng height of 155m, the narrow ack

crawler crane is the largest telescopic wind power crane China has exported to date. U lising its wind tower jib extension, the crane can li over 130 tonnes at heights of 145m, while also possessing a narrow chassis of 4.5m.

e XCC2600, on the other hand, features a maximum rated capaci of 500 tonnes at a radius of three me es, a main telescopic boom of 81.4m, and a maximum hook height of 173m using its wind tower jib extension. Also possessing a narrow chassis of just 4.5m, Stephen says the cranes’ high li ing capaci es, long reach and compact dimensions mean the machines thrive in wind farm environments. Recently, this was evinced by the XCC2000’s

performance in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where it erected 20 wind turbines for an 84-megawa wind farm in Livno.

ere, the crane overcame challenging condi ons at 1500m above sea level during Bosnia’s winter – a period notorious for its s ong winds and unpredictable weather. For Stephen, the two bo om-slewing, telescopic crawler cranes are re ec ve of XCMG’s commitment to providing the market with alterna ve op ons.

“ e main goal is to con nue providing solu ons outside of the conven onal op ons,” he says.

“Rather than tell wind farm developers that it can’t be done, we want to ask them how high they need to go.”

The XCC2600 working on a wind farm in ina The narrow chassis of the XCC2600 and XCC2000 helps navigate tighter, more compact obsites
LIFTING YOU TO A HIGHER STANDARD To get in touch to discuss your next project, visit our website or call us anytime on (03) 8339 3300 Johnson & Young Cranes (JYC) provide mobile crane hire solutions Australia wide. Specialising in wind turbine maintenance projects, the JYC heavy lift division includes an All Terrain crane fleet ranging from 400t to 800t in capacity, which along with our extensive crawler crane fleet and an experienced team that are passionate and committed to servicing the renewable energy industry JYC is well positioned to undertake even the most complex of lifts on a wide variety of turbines. Email: | Head Office: 173-175 Northbourne Road Campbellfield | Sth East Depot: 70 Greens road Dandenong South



As the wind towers get taller and the blades get bigger, larger capacity cranes are required to erect them. The mobility of the all-terrain is also needed on wind farm sites. Images: Sany


Goldwind is the manufacturer of the wind turbines, blades, and towers, and they are also contracted to install and commission the wind towers – which led to Goldwind buying the Sany SCL10000s.


with Goldwind, the purchaser of the rst Sany SCL10000. ey purchased that crane for a wind farm project in Queensland and they recently purchased a second for a wind farm in Western Aus alia.

“ e Sany SCL10000 is quite a unique bit of kit, featuring an all-terrain carrier with a la ce boom upper works. With a li ing capaci of 1,000t it can be con gured with a maximum boom length of 171m, plus 12m of xed jib when opera ng in superli ,” said Simon.

“As the wind towers get taller and the blades get bigger, larger capaci cranes are required to erect them, and the mobili of the all-terrain is needed on the wind farm sites. is is because ul mately, wind farms do not have at, hard stand surfaces where a wind tower is going. It’s

normally undula ng ground condi ons and windy,”  he said.

e Sany SCL10000 is a beast of a crane, with a maximum li ing moment of 12,100 tonne-me es, and it can be con gured with a maximum boom length of 171m, plus 12m of xed jib when opera ng in superli .

e eight axle carrier was specially designed on a lightweight ame that has been op mised to an an -torsion box s ucture and powered by an 8-cylinder Mercedes-Benz 502 V- pe diesel engine. Its ZF automa c ansmission provides a wide range of speed ra os, with 12 forward and two reversing gears.

e upper works of the SCL10000 is driven by a Cummins Tier III (Tier IV op onal) engine, and it is based on the widely accepted SCC8000A crawler

crane, so operators would be familiar with the con ols inside the Porsche-designed cabin. Between the upper s ucture and the carrier are the X- pe two-stage telescopic  ou iggers.

In a further step towards decarbonisa on, the engines of the SCL10000 have been cleared to run on renewable diesel as a drop-in replacement fuel. Renewable diesel is Hydro eated Vegetable Oil (HVO) made om 100 per cent sustainably sourced raw materials such as used cooking oil and animal fat om food indus y waste. On a wheel-to-wheel basis, HVO is expected to result in as much as 75 to 95 per cent fewer greenhouse gas emissions over the fuel’s lifecycle, when compared with fossil diesel.

e Sany SCL10000 has approval for concessional Register of Approved Vehicles

“The Sany SCL10000 is a beast of a crane, with a maximum lifting moment of 12,100 tonne-
with a maximum boom length of operating in superlift.”

(RAV) en y, allowing it to be registered for road use in the relevant state or territory.

Goldwind is the manufacturer of the wind towers, turbines, blades and towers, and they are also con acted to install and commission the wind towers – which led to Goldwind buying the Sany SCL10000s.

“It’s not normally something that Goldwind does, they normally use con actors, but this me they have purchased their own cranes, and they selected the Sany SCL10000 because of the crane’s capabili es and the local support of Tu Bryant Equipment,” said Simon.

“ e lead me was excellent which was also an important factor. ere are not a lot of this size of crane made each year in the world and for this s le of crane, Sany is seen as one of the be er products in the market,” he said.


Borger Cranes is a family owned and operated crane hire and rigging business servicing New South Wales and Queensland.

Borger Cranes maintain a modern fleet of cranes and equipment and our fleet boasts two of the largest all terrain cranes on the east cost, the Liebherr 750 tonne and Liebherr 650 tonne all terrain.

With every job, our experienced and industry trained team delivers high quality performance and nothing but excellence.

Borger Cranes getting the job done for you.



40 Kilto Crescent, Glendenning NSW 2761

P: 02 9832 1044


209 Old Maitland Road

Hexham 2322

P: 02 4961 3002


8 Ainslie Close, Somersby NSW 2250

P: 02 4346 4262


10 Rosedale Close

McDougalls Hill NSW 2330

P: 02 5504 5525


119 Brownlee Street,

Pinkenba QLD 4008

P: 07 3333 5513


65 Enterprise Drive

Kunda Parl QLD 4556

P: 07 5445 4900


52 City Link Drive

Carrara QLD 4211

P: 5588 5158



Empire Cranes’ capabilities continue to expand with the recent arrival of a quality used Liebherr LTR1220, a 220t capacity telescopic crawler straight out of the German factory. Empire Cranes Owners and Directors Jarrod Belsey and Jared McDonald explain the reasons for the purchase.

“WE WERE IN DISCUSSIONS WITH LIEBHERR for months prior to y and nd the next addi on to our eet, we knew we wanted to move into larger crawler cranes and were delighted to hear that one was undergoing a refurb in Germany a er coming o a wind farm in Europe. We had to jump on it! We had been talking to some of our exis ng wind farm clients about

the Liebherr LTR 1220 and they were very keen to take it as soon as it arrived,” said  Jarrod.

“ e LTR 1220 is versa le and suited to a wide varie of project pes, om the renewable energy sector, like wind farms – where it is the ideal support crane, si ng under the larger crawlers and feeding them all day – to in as ucture and cons uc on and mining projects around Aus alia. e Liebherr LTR 1220 is the agship of our eet and it gives us a full range of telecrawler cranes om 5t to 220t,” he said.

With a maximum load capaci 220t, a telescopic boom of 60m, maximum hoist height of 101 m and maximum opera ng radius of 88m, the Liebherr LTR 1220 has class leading features. e LTR 1220 is the op mal model of the telescopic crawler class combining the features of a telescopic crane with those of a crawler crane. e crawler avel gear provides outstanding o -the-road handling as well as manoeuvrabili with excellent handling. e advantages of a telescopic crane include its short set-up mes, simpler ansport and the variabili of its boom system. e telescopic boom can be quickly extended and re acted to the required length with full automa on. Another posi ve point is that the crane can avel with a full load on the hook. ere is no need for an auxiliary crane on site as it is self-erec ng – a major nancial bene t.

Liebherr’s LICCON con ol system makes it possible to de ne the limits for the work area. is prevents the telescopic sec on om accidentally extending too far or the boom om lu ng up.

“Everyone’s very happy with the crane. e LTR 1220 is a good li er and a

great support crane to the large LG wind farm cranes. It is helping to assemble and disassemble the LGs and move between towers. If we were to move it away om the wind farm space, we’ve got a lot of interest om the likes of North East Link and Sydney Me o projects which are looking for heavy li cranes to support their large in as ucture jobs,” said  Jarrod.

Empire Cranes worked with Tom Grady, Liebherr’s Na onal Used Crane Manager who was able to source the telecrawler om Germany. Jared explains more about the rela onship with Tom and  his team.

“We know Tom well and our rela onship goes back over mul ple companies and many years. e rela onship with Tom and his team is excellent as it is with the Liebherr opera on. Liebherr is a very professional ou it with great product. You know what you are ge ng with Liebherr, and they don’t let you down,” he said.

“We spoke to Tom to let him know we were interested in a LTR 1220 and he was back to us quickly saying he could source one ex-Germany. It was one of those purchases where the stars aligned to make everything possible, and we could not pass up on the opportuni .

“ e rela onship with Tom works one of two ways. We’ve gone to him mul ple mes over the years asking him to nd a speci c crane, which he’s done. Other mes he’s come to us and said, “ is is a crane that you can’t pass up, boys.”

“With Tom you just know that the crane coming out of the Liebherr factory or coming out of Liebherr’s Sydney yard it’s going to be a great product. ey back

The LTR 1220 is versatile and suited to a wide variety of project types including wind farms.

With a maximum load capacity of 220t, a telescopic boom of 60m, maximum hoist height of 101m and maximum operating radius of 88m, the Liebherr LTR 1220 has class leading features.

Images: Empire Cranes.

April 2024 CAL / 33

their product with a warran and you know you are ge ng quali with the Liebherr brand,” said Jared.

“ ere were a couple of delays with the shipping which were no fault of Liebherr’s obviously. We took delivery of it preChristmas and were fortunate enough to get it out working s aight away, it s aight onto a wind farm and it’s been there ever since,” he said.

“ is is the fourth Liebherr crane we have purchased through Tom, which includes two all terrains. We also recently purchased a brand new 60t capaci telecrawler which is an excellent unit. It’s a great in as ucture crane and we’ve currently got that opera ng on one of the level crossing removal projects in Melbourne. It’s going s aight om there to another in as ucture project.

“Its versa li and manoeuvrabili also make the LTR 1060 ideal for jobs in the renewable sector. Its “pick & carry” mode is par cularly good as it enables us to carry loads of up to 20t,” said Jared.

With a li ing capaci of 60t and telescopic boom of 40m, the LTR 1060 design means the crawler can avel on site with a full load on the hook. e crawler chassis also makes it easy to master di cult terrain. In addi on to the 4.8 me e wide ack, the Liebherr LTR 1060 can also work safely on a ack width reduced to 3 me es using the crane con ol system.

In addition to the 4.8 metre wide track, the Liebherr LTR 1060 can also work safely on a track width reduced to 3 metres using the crane control system.

“ at is a major bene t on cons icted sites. We also appreciate the sensi ve con ol of the LTR 1060 when things are ght,” said Jared.

e crawler avel gear can be re acted to a width of 3 m for ansport. e low crane height of just 3.15 m ensures that economical standard semi low loaders can  be used.

e LTR 1060 weighs just 62.6 tonnes complete with turntable and cen al ballast. e axle loads for ansport are less than 12 tonnes for a 3-axle actor unit and

a 5-axle low loader. By removing ballast, the ansport weight can be reduced to the net weight of the basic 37.5 tonne machine. Axle loads of less than 12t can be achieved using a 3-axle actor unit and a 4-axle low  loader.

Once at the site, the crane can assemble both the cen al ballast and the slewing pla orm ballast itself without requiring an auxiliary crane.

“ e LTR 1060 is a fantas c crane, even as a 40 tonner without ballast, it is perfect for many jobs,” said Jared.

e Empire Crane eet has signi cantly expanded over the last couple of years, Jarrod explains why.

“We’ve rapidly expanded over the last couple of years, and we’ve grown not only the size of the eet, but the tonnage of the equipment. We are looking to con nue to do so especially in the telecrawler space.

“We’ll con nue to invest in quali second hand equipment om reputable sources like Tom and Liebherr, and we are also looking to purchase new equipment, our last four purchases have been new cranes,” said Jarrod. “Our focus is to y and reduce the age of our eet which will help reduce our internal repairs and maintenance costs and help us to o er our customers and even be er  product.”

Scan here to view our fleet ranging up to 800T Advanced Cranes aims to deliver services in a manner well above that of the industry standard throughout Australia. Melbourne 375 Fitzgerald Road, Derrimut Vic 3026 P: (03) 4333 0065 Ballarat 13 Villiers Drive, Wendouree Vic, 3355 P: (03) 4333 0065 Geelong 18-19 Hume Reserve Court, Bell Park Vic 3215 P: (03) 4333 0065


Advanced Cranes team member, Ben Miller, discusses how the business is evolving in the wind A .

WHEN BEN MILLER LEFT HIS CAREER AS a form worker in 2014, 150m-tall wind turbines and 800-tonne capaci cranes were not within the realm of what he expected himself to be doing come 2024.

Venturing back out to his home area in the west of Victoria, he joined thenedgling crane hire company, Advanced Cranes, as a rigger. Now, he’s progressed to being a lead in on-site opera ons at some of the company’s most integral projects at wind farms across Aus alia.

Ben’s career isn’t the only aspect of the business that’s grown either: when he began at Advanced Cranes, the company possessed a much smaller eet. Today, Advanced Cranes boasts one of the most diverse eets in Aus alia, with Director Adam Tuddenham expanding the company’s por olio to over 50 cranes ranging om its three-tonne Maeda through to its 800-tonne capaci LTM 1750-9.1. Since the LTM 1750-9.1 and its li le brother, the LTM 1650-8.1, arrived, the machines have been doing “a great deal of wind farm work”, with Ben spending a similar amount of his me with the machines.

Liebherr crane to the job site through three di erent states with di erent axleload limits on public roads.

To complete the lifts, the 800-tonne Liebherr as con gured in t e mode

Our interview pi ed the signi cant expansion Advanced Cranes has made in the wind farm sector. Talking to Ben as he’s out on another wind farm job, he discusses a maintenance project that took place in Queensland recently, requiring the major crane hire company to enact a complex, logis cal e ort to mobilise its LTM 1750-9.1 om depot to job site along with an auxiliary 120-tonne  Liebherr.

e scope of work for Advanced Cranes involved removing and replacing two gearboxes and one generator on three separate turbines. Located 200km north of Brisbane, the most di cult aspect of the job was anspor ng the 800-tonne

However, one of the s ongest features of the LTM 1750-9.1 is its roadabili : with easily removable parts and more axles than some of its counterparts, its load dis ibu on becomes much smaller, making the crane easier to move om point A to point B via public road  networks.

“We just needed to remove the crane’s ou iggers and telescopic boom,” says Ben. “To help save me, we precon gured the boom in the Y-guy se ng so that assembly could be completed as easily as possible.”

Once on site, the opera ons team deployed the 120-tonne Liebherr and Franna MAC25SL to fully con gure the LTM 1750-9.1. What sets Advanced

Cranes’ 800-tonne Liebherr apart om other cranes is its wind speed charts and wind farm con gura ons: op ng to put the machine in TYV2EN with 49m of Y-guyed main boom and 63m of jib a ached, the crane operated with a maximum hois ng height of 126.1m, falling well within the 153m maximum height that can be achieved. Because of its abili to reach such heights, the LTM 1750-9.1 is one of the ideal machines to perform maintenance and replacement works on wind turbines. e hub height of the wind turbine was 115m o the ground, with the tower cen e 32m away om the crane cabin, meaning the job fell well within the parameters of what the 800-tonne Liebherr is capable of. e gearboxes that Advanced Cranes needed to li weighed in at 27.2 tonnes, with the rigging providing an


Advanced Cranes deployed its LTM 1750-9.1 to a wind farm in Queensland to complete maintenance works for a client.

Images: Advanced Cranes

ex a two tonnes, meaning the crane needed to be equipped with 104 tonnes of counterweight – 100 tonnes short of what the crane can hold. For the gearbox li s, the cranes were opera ng at 86 per cent capaci , exemplifying Advanced Cranes’ abili to perform these li s op mally and at a safe working load. In all, Advanced Cranes needed to carry out maintenance works on three di erent turbines, e ciently anspor ng the crane by removing the counterweights but leaving the machine par ally rigged to cut down on reassembly me in a safe, considered  manner.

A key feature of all Advanced Cranes’ li s is its abili to generate li plans inhouse quickly and e ciently – and this one was no di erent, according to Ben. Describing his job as the “easy work”, he paid full tes mony to the e orts of the

li planners and engineers at the crane hire company and the e orts they went to ensure everything went as seamlessly as possible.

“Once we ansported everything to the site, things could not have gone be er,” he says. “Our back-of-house and adminis a on teams do an immaculate job in preparing the engineering side of things for us, and the whole e ort is a signi cant part of ensuring we can conduct our jobs e ciently and safely.”

Having sent its cranes to South Aus alia and now to Queensland, Advanced Cranes has demons ated its abili to send its bigger machines like the LTM 1750-9.1 and LTM 16508.1 all across Eastern and Cen al Aus alia. With the push to meet carbon neu ali by 2050 ramping up, the crane hire company is now building a lengthy resumé for its wind farm works, comple ng a host of wind farm maintenance projects across the coun y and demons a ng that loca on is a no obstacle for the Victorian crane hire  company.

April 2024 CAL / 37
T Y .
The hub height was 115m, and the crane needed to lift at a radius of 32m to complete the gearbox maintenance. XCMG New Zealand Limited • XCMG Construction/Mining Australia Stephen Broomfield +61 401 54 01 36 / +61 3 9796 3075
XCMG XGL1800 138t Construction Wind Power Luffing Tower Crane The XCMG XCC2600 masterfully dealt with the lifting of the 110-meter-high nacelle of the 6.7MW wind turbine and the heaviest component was the impeller with gross loads of 148 tonnes.

Tata has selected a combination of the MCT 565 A and MCT 385 A tower cranes to lead the project.


FIVE POTAIN TOWER CRANES HAVE BEEN selected to help cons uct India’s new Noida Interna onal Airport on the outskirts of New Delhi.

Brought in by cons uc on company Tata Projects, two Potain MCT 565 A topless tower cranes will cons uct a new terminal building, while three Potain MCT 385 A tower cranes have been rented to provide full coverage on the major in as ucture project. According to Depu General Manager of Plant and Machinery at Tata Projects, Alok Banik, the quali the company perceives in Potain is re ected by the “longstanding rela onship” Tata has held with Potain India.

“Over the years, we’ve had remarkable performance om our older Potain cranes,

some of which have been in opera on for more than 25 years without a breakdown,” he said. “ at speaks volumes for the quali and durabili of Potain cranes, and the MCT 565 A con nues that proud   adi on.”

All ve of the tower cranes will lead the cons uc on of the main terminal building, which is scheduled for comple on at the end of 2024. e Potain MCT 565 A cranes, an upgraded version of the MCT 565, o er a shorter minimum jib length, shorter minimum counter-jib length and be er load curves at short jibs. For the job, the MCT 565 A cranes have been con gured with a eestanding height under hook of 60.9m and an 85m main boom, scaled up by 5m a er Tata requested

Manitowoc Li Solu ons provide ex a coverage on the jobsite – a factor that heavily in uenced Tata’s decision to proceed with Potain’s tower cranes.

e MCT 385 A tower cranes, on the other hand, have been erected with a 75m jib length and a eestanding height of 61.4m under the hook to go with its 16-tonne maximum li ing capaci . With a rapidly approaching meline for cons uc on of the new airport, reliabili and crane speed were two must-haves for the team at Tata.

e Noida Interna onal Airport is set to become India’s largest and most important airport and is set to ansform avia on in as ucture in the coun y, according to Tata Projects.

IN FOCUS / POTAIN April 2024 CAL / 39

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T E C - OR S B B ERIN T E intermi ent peak loads pical of cranes and hoists, conver ng them into smaller, more manageable average loads (32A or less). is eliminates the need for large diesel generators or expensive ansformer installa ons on the cons uc on site. Engineered with the latest power conversion and ba ery technology, the CP-300 packs a serious punch with its 300kVA rated output, powerful enough to supply large tower cranes and personnel hoists. Packaged into a rugged, stainlesssteel enclosure with integrated l a on and IP65 ingress protec on, the CP300 is designed to survive the harshest

42 / CAL April 2024 IN FOCUS / CRANEPOWER’S CP-300
. E P .
A CP-300 has powered this uc land lu ng crane for mont s, eliminating a diesel generator mages ranepo er

cons uc on sites while supplying clean, silent, zero-emission power.

The CP-300 is a drop in, plug and play low CO


• CO2 reduc on of up to 200 tonnes per year, when replacing a pical diesel generator;

• Abili to be powered om renewable energy sources, either om the grid or generated on-site;

• Regenera ve power om cranes can be u lised to recharge the CP-300 ba ery, rather than being dumped as waste heat om the crane;

• No noise or air pollu on, improved working condi ons for sta and fewer complaints om neighbours;

• Being made om recyclable materials, with the CP-300 having a 20-year design life and a low environmental footprint; and

• No waste oil, lters, coolant or belts to dispose of during maintenance.


• Signi cant fuel savings when replacing a diesel generator;

• No costly down me om generator breakdowns or maintenance;

• Very low maintenance costs;

• Expensive and temporary ansformer installa ons no longer needed; and

• Long life, low maintenance asset, low total cost of ownership.


• e CP-300 is small and portable unit that is easy to install;

• Cables can be unplugged and moved around the site easily;

• Minimal footprint, reducing space required on-site;

• Tower Crane erec on does not have to wait for a ansformer to be installed;

• Power available 24/7 to power elec ical cabinet heaters and illuminated signage on the crane; and

• Loss of input supply warning, emergency reserve func on provides increased safe .

“Most of the time you are sitting there burning diesel and the crane isn’t lifting.I thought there had to be a much better way involving batteries, inverters and other battery related technology to store the energy and release it when required.”


• Up to 300kVA output om a 32A input;

• Input power can be limited if required,though 16A is o en enough for some installa ons; and

• Large diameter cable runs can be reduced, the CP-300 can be placed close to the crane.

e Cranepower CP-300 was developed om Elliot’s experience with diesel powered generators.

“I owned a company that imported and serviced diesel generators as well as some other machinery into New Zealand. We had diesel generators powering tower cranes, and we were remotely monitoring the data om the generators including the load pro le of the cranes,” said Elliot.

“I no ced that most of the me the generator was running, the load was close to zero, and it was only when the crane actually moves that you get a big spike in load. is immediately s uck me as a

very ine cient way to power an elec ic tower  crane.

“Most of the me you are si ng there burning diesel and the crane isn’t li ing.I thought there had to be a much be er way involving ba eries, inverters and other ba ery related technology to store the energy and release it when required,” said  Elliot.

“We then secured a project to build the power system for the Rocket Lab launch site down in Mahia. Rocket Lab is a company that builds rockets in New Zealand and launches small satellites into space. It’s the only private space port in the world, all the other space ports are owned by governments,” he said.

“It’s a good place for launching rockets, but it’s a bad place for having a connec on to the grid, there’s no power available out there at all. We had to design and build a super reliable power system for their launch site. And we put in diesel generators and a number of ba ery and

April 2024 CAL / 43
The CP-300 is a drop in, plug and play low CO2 Power solution t at o ers a range of bene ts

inverter systems which had mul layer redundancies, so it was virtually impossible for the power to go o during the launch,” said Elliot.

“While we were working on that project, it got me thinking about the problem of powering tower cranes and how could we design a product that makes this far more e cient. I calculated the average load om a tower crane is actually very low. It might be ve kilowa s, 10 kilowa s, even though the crane might need 300 KVA when it’s actually li ing. I sold that business and put all my resources into commercialising the Cranepower product,” said Elliot.

Cranepower designed and built proto pes and used them to prove the theory, and they worked amazingly well, Elliot says.

“Everyone was blown away by the fact that you can run a tower crane om a 32-amp plug and once we’d proven the concept, we launched into designing the CP-300.

“We completed vigorous tes ng on the proto pes, and went through several designs, un l we arrived at the model we are manufacturing now. Obviously, the CP-300 includes a lot of ‘smart ba ery technology’ and we assemble and test the units here in Auckland,” said Elliot.

Elliot explains how the New Zealand tower crane reacted to the Cranepower development.

“Ini ally there was scep cism, with people not believing a small unit could do the job, but as soon as you put the unit on site and it works, seeing is believing,” he  said.

Smith Cranes were Cranepower’s rst customer said Elliot.

“Tim Smith said, ‘I want to be the rst person to own one of these things,’ and he bought one. at’s been si ng on a site running since the day he bought it and it’s s ll on site today. e market has been a li le slow and cau ous, but once people have used the product, they’re never going to go back to using a generator,” he said.

e Cranepower CP-300 provides numerous opera onal bene ts on site.

Crane operators like the product because it gives them a more secure power supply, and it provides an emergency reserve func on so that a load is never stuck on the hook.

Crane owners like them because the ul a clean power protects the crane’s elec onics and having power available 24/7 increases safe and reduces failures as an -condensa on heaters and naviga on lights can keep running all  night.

Site managers like them because of the small footprint and that there is no noise or fumes – keeping neighbours and sta happy – and developers like them because they help reduce the carbon emissions of their project.

“It’s smaller, it’s quieter, it doesn’t run out of diesel, it doesn’t break down like a diesel generator and there are no fumes or emissions. ere are also nancial bene ts because it doesn’t require diesel and over the long run, the CP-300 is far more cost e ec ve than running a diesel generator.

“ e CP-300 is a real product with a ack record behind it. We have remote monitoring in place, and we have plen of case studies regarding the power usage on sites. We monitor the data remotely and our machines maintain pre close to 100 per cent ba ery level the whole me. Our unit can power any elec ic tower crane that is in produc on as well as many older models,” said Elliot.

“We are focused on growing our interna onal pro le, we will be talking to tower crane owners and also the tower crane OEMs because ul mately, our product will make elec ic tower cranes and hoists easier to use.

“Our product is making it easier for cons uc on companies to use these products. Right at the heart of the move to elec ic tower cranes and hoists are the pressures that are now coming for the cons uc on sector to lower carbon footprints. It doesn’t make environmental or commercial sense to con nue to power this equipment with diesel powered generators. Now there is alterna ve power supply,” said Elliot.

IN FOCUS / CRANEPOWER’S CP-300 44 / CAL April 2024
The CP-300 was setup on this site to only draw 8 amps from the general site power, keeping the crane powered 24/7.

P.A. Construction Equipment Pty Ltd (Pace Cranes) was established in 1987 to provide the construction industry with an independent Australian owned and operated crane sales, crane service and crane spare parts organisation.

For over 30 years Pace Cranes have offered premium quality equipment to the Australasian market with a dedicated and unrivalled service, supported by specialist technical advise across the full range of equipment sold. +61 2 9533 5411

The Vita Load Navigator detects load movement in real-time and adjusts the load with high-powered fans to eliminate spinning, rotations, and other problems that cause site damage or injuries. Images: Vita Load Navigator


WHEN VITA INCLINATA TECHNOLOGIES was founded in 2015, the primary stabilisa on method for hoist and load opera ons was a tagline - a simple rope held by a person on the ground. is method is not only outdated, but also imprecise, ine cient and unsafe.

Vita’s rst product was developed for the Aerospace indus y (the Vita Rescue System) to prevent the chao c mo on of rescue li ers under helicopters by designing load stabilisa on devices for the military’s Department of Defence.

Vita later expanded its focus and proprietary technology to other indus ies that experience similar challenges of stabilising loads, speci cally cons uc on and li ing opera ons with cranes.

e Vita Load Navigator is a semiautonomous propulsion-driven device that connects below the hook of a crane and is  remotely con olled.

Measuring over 1,000 data points per second, the system detects load movement in real- me and adjusts the load with high-powered fans to eliminate spinning,

rota ons and other problems that cause site damage or injuries.

By elimina ng spinning, the Vita Load Navigator holds loads of up to 40t steady, mi ga ng wind and weather delays, it keeps crews out of the danger zone and eliminates the need for taglines. e precision con ol allows the crew to place the pick exactly where they need it, and the u lisa on of the memory func onali records li posi ons, allowing the simpli ca on of repe ve li s with the touch of a bu on. All this allows the

46 / CAL April 2024 IN FOCUS / ERNE LIFTING T V L N . A E L V I .

crew to place the load with unparalleled precision om up to 182m away. e Vita Load Navigator comes in various models to meet the needs of all li ing challenges.

What the Australian Crane industry can expect from the VITA Load Navigator ere is always some hesita on in the cons uc on indus y when new technology is in oduced, or cons uc on companies feel they’ve already seen something similar. is has not been the case with the Vita Load Navigator. e Vita Load Navigator has seen immediate success in the UK and is being used in seven di erent coun is and has been welcomed by many companies simply by demons a ng the technology on project sites and le ng the crews y it out for  themselves.

e minute the tech is turned on and loads are li ed, there is an immediate “A-ha” moment. Also being able to show all the di erent applica ons/ pes of loads li ed and indus ies served immediately builds credibili . Crane hire companies and cons uc on companies that con nually s ive for safer sites and provide safe solu ons to stay on or ahead of schedule love the Vita Load Navigator across the UK – they know it’s proven around the world, and they see its bene ts rsthand on their own sites immediately.


a crane business

e Vita Load Navigator allows crane businesses to do more for their clients. ink about it – a con actor needs a mobile crane, or tower crane or other crane. e con actor gets pricing om their suppliers for such a crane. ey know crane A and crane B will produce similar results. Now, if crane A came with a Vita Load Navigator, it would be able to complete more picks each day than crane B.

Because the Vita Load Navigator can stabilise loads automa cally, even in adverse weather condi ons, this means Crane A would be able to work in days when crane B could not. Crane B would have to stop li ing because it would be too dangerous and hard to con ol loads

with taglines in some of these windy days. But not Crane A, with the Vita Load Navigator. If a crane business o ered Vita Load Navigators or included Vita Load Navigators as part of their crane services, they will help their con actors/ clients to complete their projects faster, safer and with reduced costs. Many of Vita’s successful dis ibutors happen to be crane  businesses.


a construction site

e bene ts can be realised as soon as a con actor starts using the Vita Load Navigator on their site. Training and onboarding workers is so simple that within a ma er of hours a worker will become an authorised user, suppor ng li ing opera ons on their site with this  technology.

Comple ng more li s or picks everyday with their cranes is a big win for some con actors increasing by up to 30% daily single crane u liza on whilst minimising risk to site workers and comple ng li s more safely. Reducing wind out days on site over the project dura on has helped con actors stay on schedule, with some of them nishing weeks to months in  advance. Some con actors that have experienced the me savings with the Vita Load Navigator already know they can bid their next jobs ghter, helping to increase their chance of winning more projects.

We all know there is limited skilled labour available in the market to complete projects as quickly as clients want. If this equipment can help con actors solve that challenge by using technology to support their current workers, making everyone safer or using their skilled workers smarter, it’s a win-win for all.

Originally Erne Li ing started dis ibu ng welding and safe gear to the cons uc on indus y. More recently, the business has focused on sourcing global cu ng-edge technologies to in oduce to the Aus alian Crane Indus y.

“We are most excited to showcase the Vita Load Navigator on Aus alian soil,” said Maria Maguire, Director of Erne  Li ing.

“We know two things for sure; this product is an absolute game changer for the Aus alian market. e coun y is going through a huge development era and the use of heavy indus ial equipment like cranes is one of the largest overheads that eat into this indus y’s pro t,” she said.

“We know this product will drama cally reduce costs but om a moral aspect, we believe in what we are bringing to the market because it reduces risk, keeping workers safe on site,” she con nued. “We have a close rela onship with MDM Li ing Solu ons, which will be on the ground with us for the launch of the Vita Load Navigator to the Aus alian  Market.”

April 2024 CAL / 47
The Vita Load Navigator has seen immediate success in the UK and has been welcomed by many companies simply by demonstrating the technology on project sites and letting the crews try it out for themselves.
INTRODUCING THE JMG MC250 ELECTRIC CRANE 08 6500 3460 50 Jessie Lee St, Henderson, WA, 6166 Specifically designed to meet your requirements, providing you with complete control while still allowing remote operation via radio remote control, with a 25,000kg capacity for heavy-duty tasks. Join The Green Revolution and Experience The Power of JMG Electric Cranes 8h Non-Stop Working Hours 0 Emissions for a Greener Operation 25 Fields of Applications Compact Pick and Carry Cranes Telemetry for Monitoring and Tracking Performance Non-Marking Tyres to Prevent Floor Markings Multiple Attachment Options Removable Counterweights Counter Rotation on Front Wheels


JMG Electric Cranes touch down in Australia as MCT Equipment reveals cutting-edge crane innovation.

IN AN ERA OF RAPID DECARBONISATION, the demand for sustainable, low-emission machinery is becoming impera ve for crane companies worldwide. In Aus alia, the desire for low-emission machinery has ansi oned into a necessi . Con actors, sub-con actors and all stakeholders in between are now incen vised to priori se high performance with minimal carbon footprint, as they are rewarded for environmentally conscious prac ces.

MCT Equipment has embraced a s ong approach to emissions reduc on. Instead of simply reducing emissions, the company is providing the op on to completely remove them. is innova ve ini a ve stems om its na onal dis ibutorship with Italian manufacturer JMG’s Elec ic Cranes, a partnership announced last year.

And, in another big boost for sustainable machinery Down Under, the rst of the elec ic cranes has o cially landed in MCT’s facili in Henderson, Western Aus alia.

With an unprecedented eight hours of opera onal me guaranteed, JMG’s ba erypowered Elec ic Cranes series rede nes the concept of a day’s work, making a substan al con ibu on to environmental conserva on with zero emissions and embodying a conscious shi towards a cleaner, greener future. An addi onal bene t of these cranes is the noise pollu on – or, more accurately, lack thereof, as they operate with signi cantly reduced noise emissions compared to their adi onal diesel counterparts. e versa li of these cranes is exempli ed by their seamless adapta on to 25 di erent elds, providing an e cient, capable and compact alterna ve to conven onal li ing solu ons. ese pickand-carry machines ful l both li ing and handling requirements with a high level of performance, precise movement, rapid setup mes and assured operator safe .

“MCT Equipment has embraced a strong approach to emissions reduction. Instead of simply reducing emissions, the company is providing the option to completely remove them. This innovative initiative stems from its national distributorship with Italian manufacturer JMG’s Electric Cranes, a partnership announced last year.”

JMG Elec ic Cranes’ full product range in oduces a series of Radio RemoteCon olled machines possessing capaci es om 2.5 tonnes through to 58 tonnes that are designed to thrive in narrow spaces, ensuring total safe of movements for  operators.

e Cabin-Cruise range, spanning om 8.5 tonnes to 70 tonnes, and Lige range, with capaci es om four tonnes through to 12 tonnes, o er direct con ol op ons and elec ic ba ery-operated pick-andcarry capabili es for agile and precise performances – even in con ned spaces.

JMG’s MC250, a 25-tonne capacity crane that can run o eig t ours of battery po er mage MCT Equipment



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e 10-tonne to 50-tonne capaci Carry Deck product line is designed to meet the need for agili and con ol, with an ar culated telescopic boom making them most suited for indus ial maintenance. Addi onally, the 12-tonne Telescopic Forkli range is compact, easy-to-handle and designed to integrate the eight-tonne hydraulic fork within the 12-tonne max capaci .

Comple ng JMG’s product line is the smaller, more nimble Li er range possessing 400kg-900kg li ing capaci , featuring an innova ve steering system providing agili , precision and simultaneous movements. Ex emely compact and easy to manoeuvre, these li er cranes are fully dismountable and, in turn, easy to ansport.

A standout om JMG’s product range is the JMG MC250, a 25-tonne capaci elec ic pick and carry crane. Fully opera onal for an en re eight hours, the machine possesses a maximum hook height of 10m, a maximum working radius of 7.7m, a telescopic boom providing a high degree of exibili , a comprehensive LMI system and ontwheel drive with counter rota on for manoeuvrabili .

“The collaboration between MCT and JMG provides an insight into what the future of machinery could look like regarding across various industrial sectors.”

Addi onal features for JMG’s comprehensive product range include mul ple a achment op ons such as a mechanic jib, hydraulic jib, hydraulic winch, hydraulic fork glass manipulator and vacuum. e en re product range features three se ngs on the boom head – 0, 40, and 80 degrees, radio-remote con ol opera ons, a high equency ba ery charger for quick recharging, teleme y for monitoring and acking performance, non-marking res to prevent oor markings, removable counterweights and counter rota on on its ont wheel including 180-degree rear steering.

Emblema c of the signi cant advancements in sustainable machinery opera ng across Aus alia, the collabora on between MCT and JMG provides an insight into what the future of machinery could look like regarding e ciency, sustainabili and adaptabili across various indus ial sectors, such as maintenance, engineering, mining and cons uc on, shipbuilding yards, food indus ies, ports and mari me.

As the indus y progresses forward into advanced, sustainable li ing technology, MCT Equipment an cipates the extensive u lisa on of these innova ve pick-and-carry cranes across various indus ies throughout Aus alia. IN FOCUS / MCT EQUIPMENT


Lawrence Engineering recently took delivery of a Tidd PC28-2 from Baden Davis Crane C . I T M

LAWRENCE ENGINEERING IS AN engineering company located in Broken Hill serving the mining indus y, water in as ucture, wind energy and rural sector with a range of services and a s ong focus on quali workmanship and customer sa sfac on.

“We bought our rst Tidd PC28 in 2019, it was the fourth PC28 machine to come o TRT’s produc on line in New Zealand. We’ve been pleased with the performance of the Tidd which has improved our produc vi as we’ve gone along. Recently we were in the market for a second pick and carry and we have been weighing up our op ons.

“We did consider buying the MAC 25 and we were very close to going down that path. But I was talking to Anthony

Davis at Crane Connec on, and we were invited to visit TRT’s factory, and take a tour of the facili .

“We were walked through the en re engineering and manufacturing process for the new Tidd PC28-2, and we were really impressed with what we saw. e visit le me far more educated about the Tidd machines and TRT’s approach to heavy engineering and manufacturing and in the end my decision was a nobrainer, we were going to get another Tidd,” said Nigel.

Leading om the ont, TRT con nues to enhance the overall Tidd crane operator experience and performance. e upgrades to the Tidd PC28-2 are driven through TRT’s focus on con nuous improvement,

D N L .

with considera on of indus y and operator  feedback.

TRT set out to make the Tidd PC28-2 the be er pick and carry crane experience. e new upgrades to the Tidd PC28-2 stem om TRT’s con nuous focus on innova on and ac vely exceeding expecta ons for its customers.

ese new upgrades deliver a be er allround experience for the life of the crane.

ere are four key areas of improvement in the upgraded Tidd PC28-2. Firstly, it features more powerful ont suspension cylinders. is new system o ers a greater li capaci when ar culated and working on a side slope, improving li capaci by up to 17 per cent.New steps have been added to improve li con ol. An addi onal

The upgrades to the Tidd PC28-2 are driven through TRT’s focus on continuous improvement, with consideration of industry and operator feedback. Image: Lawrence Engineering.

three steps on the Tidd PC28-2 load chart deliver signi cant improvement when the crane is ar cula ng. So, for the operator, this means that, as the crane ar culates, it reduces the rate of the load chart  decrease. e Robway Tidd crane opera ng so ware has been upgraded with improved func onali . is enables faster processing and greater con ol responsiveness for the Tidd PC282 operator. TRT has always focused on the people working with the Tidd when considering advancements in technology for the pick and carry crane. Finally, with operator and dogman comfort cen al to the design of the Tidd crane, this new model also features a re-engineered ROPS cabin. is has been tested with a measured reduc on in cabin noise levels by 8dBa at 80km/h when on the road. As well as these considerable upgrades, TRT has been focused on ensuring that Tidd customers and operators are fully supported for the life of the crane, om onboarding of operators to parts and service support Aus alia and New Zealand-wide.

Nigel is impressed with TRT’s approach to the upgrades in the Tidd  PC28-2.

“When I approached Anthony about ge ng a quote for the second machine, I asked him what sort of upgrades the new Tidd has seen. He gave me a list of improvements including the upgrade of the ontend suspension, joys ck con ol and other cosme c improvements including a new dash and much be er air

condi oning, all designed to improve the operator’s experience.

“As part of the deal, Anthony and his team agreed to upgrade the older machine including the suspension upgrade to give us that be er pick and carry on the ar cula on. We’ve completed these which have made the old machine a much

Anthony Davis from The Crane Connection hands over the new Tidd PC28-2. Image: Baden Davis Crane Connection. An additional three steps on the Tidd PC28-2 load c art deliver signi cant improvement en t e crane is articulating. Image: Lawrence Engineering.

be er crane, with capabili es comparable to the new Tidd PC28-2,” he said.

Nigel elaborates on the rela onship he has with Anthony and e Crane Connec on team.

“We’ve had a working rela onship with Anthony for almost ve years now and this is the third crane we have purchased om him. As I’ve said before, he and his team’s service are second to none, they really do care about their  customers.

“We have only just taken delivery of the PC28-2 and it pre much went s aight out to a mine site where we’ve got a shut down for the next week or so.

It did a couple of li le jobs beforehand, and worked well but this will be the rst me our boys will give the Tidd its rst real hit out.

“Anthony and his team have certainly looked a er us and we are happy with the levels of support we receive om Crane Connec on. Just the other week they came down om Sydney and re o ed the older machine with the upgrades.

ey didn’t leave un l we were happy, un l everything was completed and ironed out a few niggly li le things. When they le , everything was running smoothly. ey provide a great service,” he said.

“New steps have been added to improve lift control. An additional T PC improvement when the crane is articulating.”

• MCH175A: 10t max lift & 55m Jib Length

• MCH125A: 8t max lift & 50m Jib Length

• Standard 1.6m masts

• 2m masts up to 58.5m height

• Fast erection < 4 hours

• Reduced Out of Service radius at 10m

Manitowoc Australia Tel: 02 8822 4000 Mob: +61 409 757 451 New Zealand TRT NZ Tel: +64 7 849 4839


The Maeda brand is immediately recognised for its highly successful range of ‘spider cranes’. Michael Cawston, National Sales Manager at Pace Cranes, which is theNational Distributor for Maeda, explains how popular Maeda Telescopic Crawler Cranes are becoming.

“WE HAVE FOUR MODELS IN THE line-up where we start at three tonne capaci moving through to ve and six, nishing at eight tonne,” said Michael.

Maeda has been manufacturing Telescopic Crawlers for over 30 years and the s ength of the undercarriage is characteris c of this pe of crane. Over the years, Maeda has worked closely with cons uc on equipment manufacturer Komatsu and the robust nature of the acked undercarriage is testament to this  rela onship.

“ ey are well suited to really

ght sites such as underground applica ons and working on the side of roads. ey feature minimal tail swing when slewing, which makes them ideal for working underground, or in rail corridors where there is very li le space to pick and move with a load. e robust design of the undercarriage means they can operate in rough condi ons,” said Michael.

e Maeda crawler range starts with the CC423 3t capaci crane. It features a signi cant capaci of 2.93t at 1.5 me es and a maximum li height of 9.46 m, which is impressive for a small crane.

“Historically the most popular machine for us has been CC985 5t capaci machine. is seems to be the perfect mix of compact machine and capaci . It features a small footprint and large capaci to pick and carry. At 16.5m it features the highest li ing height

Michael Cawston, Pace Cranes National ales anager mages ace ranes

CC Series (L to R):

• CC423S 2.93t x 1.5m

• CC985S 4.9t x 2.1m

• CC1485S 6.0t x 2.6m

• CC1908S 8.1t x 2.8m

in its class, and you can increase this reach to 18.7m by using Maeda’s Searcher Hook. e Searcher Hook enables the crane operator right up and under where you want to li . You can literally be cen me es om the ceiling and s ll posi on the hook and complete the li which really maximises the capabili es of these small machines,” said Michael.

e next crawler in the range is the CC1485, which Michael said takes the 985 to the next level.

“It’s very compact and a similar size and design to the CC985, yet it’s capable of doubling the capaci through much of the li ing range,” he said.

“It has a similar maximum boom height of 16.7m and we nd that’s as much as you need on these smaller machines,” said Michael.

“But with the s onger boom and heavier counterweight we can get pre much double the capabili es of the smaller 5t machine.”

“It also has the op onal Searcher Hook as does the rest of the range. Maeda recently ed an op onal sheave to the Searcher Hook which enables the operator to run that Searcher Hook in single fall,” said  Michael.

Pace Cranes has sold Maeda Telescopic Crawlers to a broad range of customers over the years.

“ e Maeda Telescopic Crawlers have proven popular in underground cons uc on, the oil and gas indus y, glass installa on, tunnelling, roads cons uc on and rail cons uc on and maintenance,” said Michael.

“Technicians om the Japanese factory are regular visitors to Pace Cranes providing updates and aining for our service team and our service agents, we are well-supported by the manufacturer,’ he added

“We are blessed with the product in terms of the reliabili . Maeda manufacture an excellent product. We have a large stock of parts locally ensuring we always have the parts on hand – enabling us to provide the high levels of service and support our customers have come to expect,” he  said.

IN FOCUS / PACE CRANES 56 / CAL April 2024 . T CC . .
Great views of the crane from the air conditioned cab.
For more information contact the Franna team today: T: 1800 837 395 E: To keep your Franna in it’s best condition, scan the QR Code and book in your service or learn more THE BEST GIVE YOUR SERVICING YOU CAN RELY ON ⊲ Factory trained technicians ⊲ Latest diagnostic equipment to ensure fast and accurate repairs ⊲ Only original parts used ⊲ 3 months warranty on workmanship ⊲ Free 24/7 technical support ⊲ 12 months warranty on all new parts ⊲ Mobile field servicing Service Intervals: 100hr, 250hr , 500hr, 750hr, 1000hr, 1250hr, 1500hr, 1750hr, 2000hr Maximise your uptime and minimise your downtime with Franna servicing! Why Choose Franna Servicing:

(L-R) D&D Diesel Services owner David Kapahnke stands with Danny Simpson and Justin Hawthorne of Uplift Cranes, and XCMG’s Australia and New Zealand Crane Manager, Stephen room eld, at t e o cial handover of the XGTC100. Image: Prime Creative Media.


Queensland-based Uplift Cranes has bought a new 100-tonne telecrawler crane from XCMG after experiencing the machine before buying it. General Manager, Justin Hawthorne, elaborates on the reasons behind his purchase.


on the phone, it’s clear he is pressed for   me.

And, looking at some of the surface level stats, it’s not hard to see why; according to the Queensland Audit O ce, the State Government has commi ed $16.4 billion to major capital projects in the 23-24 nancial year – and where there’s major in as ucture projects, there’s demand for crane  services.

Upli Cranes was founded six years ago by Kris Maviglia, an Indigenous woman, to be er service the cons uc on, in as ucture, and general heavy li ing requirements in Aus alia’s East Coast. Opera ng out of depots in Brisbane and Gold Coast, the company owns a eet of 20 cranes, ranging om its ni three-tonne machine all the way through to its 220-tonne capaci all-terrain crane, with mobile, crawler and tower cranes consis ng of everything in between. Providing precision, reliabili and safe on its heavy li ing projects sits at the core of the service Upli Cranes o ers, according to Jus n. is, he says, is evidenced by the spate of recent projects the company has been involved in, requiring detailed plans, sound li ing and e cient cranage.

“Upli Cranes has been conduc ng business on the Cross River Rail project, the Bruce Highway Upgrade at the Decep on Bay Road Interchange, the Centenary Bridge Upgrade, Coomera Connector, Hope Island Sta on, and a whole host of other projects,” he says. “It’s been a really busy me for us lately, and we’ve got a large range of work coming up.”

With the greater uptake of its services came the need to invest more in its eet, and Upli Cranes has done just that with its latest purchase: a 100-tonne telescopic crawler crane om XCMG, the XGTC100. e XGTC100 possesses a li ing capaci of 100 tonnes and has a fully extended main boom length of 52m, which can reach hook heights of up to 69.5m with its la ce jib extension.

IN FOCUS / XCMG 58 / CAL April 2024

According to the manufacturer, the machine thrives in o -road, res icted applica ons, such as cons uc on site piling, bridge and tunnel cons uc on and mining terrains. For Jus n and the team at Upli Cranes, the versa li of the machine is something they intend to exploit in full.

“ is is the rst crane of its kind in our eet,” he says, “purchased to broaden the scope of work we can conduct for our clients.”

e XGTC100, as reported on in the November issue of Cranes and Li ing, was part of XCMG’s ‘ y-before-youbuy’ o ering, where the manufacturer made the cranes available for dry hire on a six-to-eight-week basis. Stephen Broom eld, XCMG’s Aus alia and New Zealand Crane Manager, spoke of his belief in the product, saying people would “experience the quali that we know is there” – and, in Jus n’s own experience with the brand, his statements are on the money.

“We ied this crane for the rst me in Muswellbrook, and we had absolutely no complaints,” says Jus n. “ e machine was very prac cal and not complex at all to operate, which es in with safe being our top priori .”

Akin to many in the crane world at the moment, issues such as in a on, rising costs of products coming out of Europe, increased shipping costs and lengthy wait mes were considera ons

at the fore ont of Upli Cranes’ decision to purchase its latest machine. Further aligning with Upli Cranes’ driving philosophy of delivering reliable and cost-e ec ve solu ons, says Jus n, was the a ordabili and availabili of the XGTC100.

“ e crane was immediately available for us a er we purchased it, which was one of the major selling points,” he says. “Addi onally, the a ordabili XCMG could provide us compared to other brands really stood out to us and, a er using the crane, we don’t feel as though quali has been forsaken for a ordabili .”

On top of supplying a reliable, high performing, a ordable product, XCMG has also rea rmed its commitment to supplying its clients with high quali post-sale service and support through West Coast dealer, Ronco, and East Coast dealer, D&D Diesel Services, through which the XGTC100 was purchased. With Ronco receiving a signi cant appraisal om Boom Logis cs’ West Coast Manager, Lester Fernandez, for its “outstanding” commitment to post-sale service and support, Jus n said the service received om D&D Diesel and owner David Kapahnke was parallel with Boom Logis cs’ experience, labelling the purchasing process as “very professional” a er being guided holis cally throughout

The XGTC100 is suited for a wide range of applications in various sectors, according to the manufacturer – a major reason behind Uplift’s decision to purchase the crane. Image: Prime Creative Media.

the process, addressing any poten al issues or concerns in full detail.

“We received a very good service,” he said, “ om a very responsive team that were nothing but easy to work  with.”


BridgePro Engineering’s Project Engineer for the Bridgewater Bridge project, Jarrod Thomas, discusses the company’s scope of work on Tasmania’s largest infrastructure project and the performance of the two HSC crawler cranes purchased through leading construction equipment distributor, Tutt Bryant.

WHETHER IT BE THROUGH ITS PHYSICAL work or its less-tangible ideological output, the cen al, guiding ethos of Tasmanian cons uc on and civil engineering company, BridgePro Engineering, is to cons uct for future genera ons.

For Project Engineer, Jarrod omas, this is par cularly evinced in the company’s involvement on the new Bridgewater Bridge project, the largest ansport in as ucture project in Tasmania’s history. Set to provide a link between the Brooker Highway and Midland Highway, the new bridge is emblema c of the work that BridgePro conducts, according to Jarrod.

“We want to leave the world in a be er place than when we found it,” he says. “When we’re cons uc ng these vital pieces of Tasmanian in as ucture, we want them to last well into the future.”

Cons uc ng long las ng, sustainable projects only represents one part of the equa on for BridgePro, however. To complete its scope of work, the company needed adequate machinery that could perform the work it was con acted to do in an e cient, sustainable manner; and, through leading cons uc on and heavy equipment dis ibutor, Tu Bryant Equipment, BridgePro found its answer –with two HSC SCX2800A-3C5 (SCX – 3) crawler cranes.

One of the two 275-tonne crawlers acquired by BridgePro Engineering for its works on the new Bridgewater Bridge. Images: BridgePro Engineering

BridgePro was con acted by resources, energy and in as ucture cons uc on company McConnell Dowell to design and cons uct temporary works alongside the new Bridgewater Bridge and, in conjunc on with a range of other con actors, deliver the new permanent bridge. e company was involved since before cons uc on began, allowing them to begin the plant procuring process and temporary works well ahead of schedule. For the temporary works, the company erected a 360m-long temporary

bridge that is currently facilita ng the cons uc on of the main, permanent bridge. Overall, BridgePro needed to lay down around 1,000 tonnes of steel girders for the temporary works; now, the two HSC crawler cranes are located at the North and South end of the bridge, pu ng piers into place at either end to cons uct the new bridge.

As discussed in the July issue of Cranes and Li ing last year, a er BridgePro acquired its rst crane and had just placed its order for the second one, Tu Bryant received the speci c request of the lowest emission crane available. e SCX – 3 crawler series is powered by a Cummins engine that features an advanced, ecoiendly technology: the Urea SCR system. e device works by ea ng exhaust gas

with urea uid a er it has been used, resul ng in the ni ous oxide gases breaking down into its original chemicals of ni ogen and hydrogen. Importantly, because of its advanced con ol system and a er eatment of ni ous oxide, the crane complies with Stage IV/Tier 4 regula ons that are present in upcoming changes to Aus alian Design Rule 80/03.

“ e crane is opera ng for around 50 hours each week, so it’s important to us that we procured environmentally iendly machinery,” says Jarrod.

“Addi onally, the crane possesses a really good chart across all radii, while the y jib and the auxiliary hook have provided ex a capaci and reach whenever we’ve needed  it.”

IN FOCUS / TUTT BRYANT 60 / CAL April 2024

e crane possesses a maximum boom length of 91.45m, a maximum boom and crane jib length of 70.10m + 36.55m, and a maximum opera ng radius of 96.7m at which it can li 1.8 tonnes. roughout the cranes’ me on the Bridgewater Bridge project, the largest se ng it has been con gured in was 51.8m of main boom and 12m of y jib, while the biggest li it has performed was on a 17m long, 35-tonne pier form and access tower. Perhaps the most clutch feature for BridgePro, according to Jarrod, is the abili to run two falls of winch wire on the auxiliary hook with the y jib installed. e two falls of wire doubled the capaci of the standard auxiliary sheave

om 13.5-tonne up to 27-tonne, allowing BridgePro to safely rotate and upend the 35-tonne pier form and pier reinforcing cages, elimina ng the requirement for any temporary works and mi ga ng the risks involved. Another standout feature on HSC’s SCX – 3 is the reduced counterweight speci ca on, allowing for greater exibili with opera ons across a more diverse range of worksites. With the provision of charts for ground bearing pressure exerted with reduced counterweight levels, a “heap of me” was able to be saved on the assembly and disassembly of the crane, says Jarrod.

“We were able to safely ack through low ground bearing pressure areas because

of the abili to operate with reduced counterweight,” he says. “Because of the reduced counterweight speci ca ons, we knew ahead of me what the cranes were going to be able to avel through safely, and we could plan accordingly.”

Just as important as the performance of the crane is the post-sale service and support received om its dis ibutor. When previously discussing the support around the arrival of its rst HSC SCX – 3, BridgePro praised the holis c service provided by Tu Bryant when it came to discussing all the details associated with the crane. For Jarrod,

nothing has changed, succinctly describing the service received om Tu Bryant Equipment’s Southern Crane BDM, Phil Chadwick, as “really awesome”, pi ed by Tu Bryant’s delivery of the crane s aight to the Bridgewater Bridge project and commissioning of the crane on site.

“Phil has always been really quick and always managed to get an answer to us about anything in a very short me ame,” says Jarrod. “We’ve got nothing but praise for Tu Bryant; the service has been excellent and the HSC crawler cranes have performed exactly how we hoped they would.”

April 2024 CAL / 61
The HSC SCX2800A-3C5 possesses a maximum main boom of 91.45m. The crane comes with optional charts for reduced counterweight speci cations, diversifying the crane’s capabilities in di erent work environments. 02 9672 1682 43 Holbeche Road, Arndell Park, NSW 2148 Australia Andrew Whyte | 0457 758 212 Anthony Davis | 0407 220 584 Leading the way in new and used crane sales Experience the difference We can offer any make or model by request Quality cranes from overseas and locally Registration preparation for all states In house painting services

Haywards operates six Grove all terrains with capacities starting at 55t and include a 60t, 130t, 150t, 250t and the new 300t. Images: Haywards.


Crisp Bros. & Haywards Pty Ltd. recently added a brand new Grove GMK6300L-1

CRISP BROS. & HAYWARDS PTY. LTD is a Tasmanian based steel fabrica on and cons uc on company which in 2023 proudly boasted a workforce of approximately 300 people, all based  locally.

Despite several ownership changes, the Haywards business has a deep sense of history, having operated con nuously since 1833 when John Williams established a small iron foundry in Launceston, which would become Johns Perry Cas ng. In recent history, it is

most recognised as Johns Perry and Boral Johns Perry Hayward.

“Crisp Bros. & Haywards merged in 1995 and we have con nued to grow since then. It was Johns Perry Hayward prior to that. We are not really a crane hire company and we mainly use our cranes to service our own business, including our workshop where we install the products they fabricate. Over the years we have con nued to upgrade the capabili es of our eet which has now grown to 18 mobile cranes,” said Ken.

e capaci es of the mobile crane eet start with a 2.4t Jekko mini crawler and range right up to the new 300t capaci Grove. Included in the eet are six Grove all terrains. e capaci es of the Grove start at 55t and include a 60t, 130t, 150t, 250t and the new 300t. With skilled site teams, the capabili es of the eet help posi on Haywards as a ‘one stop shop’ for any steel project.

e latest addi on to the eet, the Grove GMK6300-1, arrived just before Christmas 2023.


e Grove GMK6300L-1 is the de ni on of a 300t mobile crane. It con nues the success story of the GMK6300L and o ers even be er li ing capaci es on the long boom. e driveline with the 430 kW Euromot 5/ Tier 4 nal Mercedes engine and Allison fully automa c ansmission makes for a powerful and reliable crane. e GMK6300L-1 has interchangeable slabs that can be also used for the GMK51801, GMK5200-1, GMK 5250-1 and the  GMK5250XL-1.

e Grove GMK6300L-1 features an 80m seven sec on boom and op onal extension up to 37 m for a max p height of 120 m. At a maximum p height of 120m the crane is s ll capable of li ing 2.1t. Flexibili and logis cs are further enhanced thanks to an interchangeable self-rigging auxiliary hoist and a exible  counterweight.

e Grove GM6300L-1 is supported by GROVE CONNECT, the digital pla orm which enables

“We were impressed with the performance of the GMK6300L-1 on this project. The operator said it was excellent to operate and a very smooth machine through the lifts.”

The versatile GROVE CONNECT platform advances fleet management, boosts sustainability, streamlines service and maintenance for users.

The Grove GMK6300L-1 was quick to install the second stage of the University of Tasmania’s pedestrian bridge in the heart of Launceston.

remote monitoring through an appbased system that gives owners and technicians the abili to view real- me crane informa on, receive alerts and exchange  data.

e versa le GROVE CONNECT pla orm advances eet management, boosts sustainabili , s eamlines service and maintenance for users and improves connec vi to cranes with the easy-touse pla orm working across smartphones, tablets and laptops.

Ken goes on to explain what he and his teams like about Grove all terrains.

“Personally, I like the Groves because they’re a good all around machine, they are easy to operate and they’re versa le. But the number one factor for con nuing to buy Groves is the service and support we receive. Neil Hollingshead, Sales Director, Mobile Cranes Manitowoc Cranes Aus alia, is very good with his communica on and always delivers on

what he promises, and we work very closely with Danny Hall, our local Grove Service Technician.

“Danny is based in Carrick, which is only 15 minutes away, and it’s so reassuring to have an experienced service technician in the state that’s only a phone call away. If we have any issue with the cranes, nine mes out of 10 Danny will be within the hour. e performance of the Groves and the local support are the main reasons why we have con nued to purchase the brand,” said Ken.

e Grove GMK6300L-1 arrived just before Christmas and was quickly deployed to install the second stage of the Universi of Tasmania’s pedes ian bridge in the heart of Launceston.

e pedes ian bridge is a shared pedes ian and cyclist pathway aversing the North Esk River and is a simple and low linear form that sweeps over the river.

e external materiali of the horizontal

por on of the bridge is steel supported on tapered concrete piers. Steel cladding encases the bridge deck and s ucture providing a s eamlined con nuous casing.

e UTAS Bridge Project involved a pedes ian bridge fabricated, painted by Crisp Bros. & Haywards and installed with the Grove GMK6300L-1. e li s included two girders at 15t and two at 12t at a max of radius 37m.

“We were impressed with the performance of the GMK6300L-1 on this project. e operator said it was excellent to operate and a very smooth machine through the li s,” said Ken. “ ere is a signi cant amount of investment in Tasmania’s in as ucture sector and with the GMK6300L-1 we are ideally posi oned to service the expected demand for larger capaci cranes. We are already planning for a couple of reasonably sized projects in April and May so it looks as though this crane is going to be busy.”




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CR-130RV Compact and Versatile High Performance CITY RANGE Crane L : 7,465mm W : 1,995mm H : 2,870mm 13,815kg 13t x 1.7m (5.3m Boom) 5.3 ≈ 24.0m 3.6m, 5.5m (2 sections) 5˚ ≈ 60˚ 4.75m (5 sections) 55km/h MS-250A 0.8m 2 positions (high/low) BRISBANE | SYDNEY | MELBOURNE | ADELAIDE | PERTH 658 888 Peter Lawgall Daniel Avard 0411 256 388 0419 099 835 Philip Chadwick0457 510 097 Follow us on:


Boom Logistics CEO, Ben Pieyre, discusses the reputation of the Franna brand, its immersion in Australian crane culture, and the reasons behind why Boom has bought the 200th Franna AT40.

THE 80’S WAS A DECADE MARKED by  groundbreaking inven ons. Among them, the world saw the rst ansplant of an ar cial heart, MTV’s rst broadcast, the development of the rst ever CD player by Sony, the in oduc on of the internet, the development of mobile phones, and the widespread adop on of personal  computers.

However, two years prior to this era of innova on, the crane indus y witnessed engineer Dave Francis revolu onising the crane market and conceptualised the world’s rst pick and carry crane using old uck components. e crane, ini ally beginning as a humble eight tonne capaci model, has evolved to now become one of the most u lised machines in the Aus alian indus y, evidenced by Franna pick and carry cranes consis ng of at least

50 per cent of cranes being used on any given day.

roughout the 45 years since its incep on, the design of the Franna pick and carry crane has evolved, with the market now presented with the AT22, MAC25, and the AT40 that make up over 90 per cent of today’s pick and carry crane  market share.

e plaudits don’t stop there for the Aus alian manufacturer either because, due to their high level of reliabili and performance, Franna has achieved its latest milestone: selling its 200th ever AT40 to publicly listed crane hire company Boom  Logis cs.

“Pick and carry cranes such as Franna cranes are integral part of the Aus alian li ing culture,” says Boom’s CEO, Ben Pieyre. “ ey o er such a di erent service

to the crane market, and they are essen al for any crane eet.”

With about 20 years of experience in the crane hire indus y, Ben has seen his fair share of cranes. As the president of the Crane Indus y Council of Aus alia and the current CEO of ASX-listed company, Boom Logis cs, he says he’s never come across anything like the Franna pick and carry crane working in Aus alia, Europe, Asia and North America.

“Un l recently, the design is one that’s hardly been used overseas because of its Aus alian accepted prac ce and regula ons,” he says.

Speaking about his decision to purchase Boom Logis cs’ tenth AT40, Ben says the heavier capaci of the crane provides a unique point of di erence to Boom’s  opera ons.

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Franna’s cranes make up 50 per cent of the total cranes in use on any given day in Australia. Image: Boom Logistics.

“ e 40-tonne capaci is really helping us gain some ground; having the ex a tonnage available to us broadens the scope of work that we can achieve,” he says. “ e AT40 o ers a lot of ex a e ciencies in all our applica ons of mining, in as ucture, cons uc on, and  renewables.”

Since being launched in 2016 at the na onal CICA Conference, the AT40 has broadened the horizons of many a crane owner in the Aus alian crane indus y. e heaviest capaci pick and carry crane in the Franna por olio, the machine possesses a 19.8m maximum boom length, a 35-degree ar cula on on both sides, and a maximum opera ng radius of just under 16m at which it can li three tonnes. Featuring a three-axle design, the crane doesn’t need a removable counterweight, and the third axle can be raised independently when the machine is opera ng providing a similar turning circle to its smaller counterparts.

On the technology ont, the AT40 contains Franna’s Dynamic Load Moment Indicator (LMI), a system that provides the operator with live data and calcula on of the crane’s rated capaci that factors in boom con gura on, chassis ar cula on, pitch and roll, and forward and side stabili . For Ben, the biggest addi on to the safe of a Franna crane has been the 360-degree camera, labelling it as a “great add on to safe and the product o ering”.

e technology features a ten-inch screen with four cameras that are capable of providing a 360 or 270-degree realme view depending on the operator’s preference, elimina ng blind spots for the driver and enhancing the crane’s safe .

“By nature, as a pick and carry crane, the operator is avelling om place to place with heavy loads,” he says. “Having the 360-degree camera really enhances awareness for the operator, and it helps the operator understand where people are around the load.”

With a eet of over 300 cranes ranging om its three-tonne Maedas through to its 800-tonne capaci Liebherr, Boom Logis cs is in possession of a vast and diverse crane eet. As Ben alluded to, Franna’s pick and carry cranes making up a signi cant amount of the publicly listed crane hire company’s eet and, opera ng all across Aus alia, post-sale service and support is an integral aspect of purchasing and successfully opera ng a crane. Franna, through its four support workshops sta oned in Brisbane, Perth, Melbourne and Sydney, ensures that it can deliver any ex a equipment or spare parts that are necessary to its customers e ciently and e ec vely. On top of that, however, Ben says Franna is ex emely accommoda ng to unique, tailor-made requests that Boom sends to the Aus alian manufacturer to collaborate e ec vely on  innova ons.

“Franna has a really proac ve team,” he says. “We’re able to table whatever issues we’re having, or any poten al improvements that we want to suggest, and we know it will be fully received and  embraced.”

Franna’s customer-cen ic approach was something elaborated on in the March issue of Cranes and Li ing, with Design Engineer Mitchell Orupold discussing his ‘square-pegs into round-holes’ job of nding xes to custom requests. For Ben and the team at Boom, having a recep ve a tude om a manufacturer who understands the climate and coun y they are opera ng in is invaluable in providing a fast, e ec ve service.

“Ul mately, the product is an Aus alian built machine for the Aus alian market,” he says, “and Franna really understand the needs of the customers they’re working with.”

And so, along with MTV, the world’s rst ar cial heart, and the Sony CD player, the Franna pick and carry crane also stands with the other groundbreaking inven ons among the rich tapes y of the 1980s. Franna’s pick and carry crane emerged as a symbol of ongoing success and adaptabili , playing a crucial role in shaping the landscape of the Aus alian crane indus y.

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The 200th AT40 in the manufacturing process. Image: Prime Creative Media.


Advanced Cranes & Rigging CEO, Jonathan Goode, discusses the Victoria-based crane hire company’s relationship and experiences with leading mobile plant insurer, UAA.

VICTORIA-BASED ADVANCED CRANES & Rigging sends its machines out to all corners of Aus alia to supply necessary cranage to clients who require its  services.

With a varie of machines and equipment spo ed on wind farms in South Aus alia, New South Wales and Queensland, Victoria’s Big Build, and a range of domes c cons uc on jobs, the work conducted by the major crane hire company is constantly high stakes – and, with high stakes jobs comes the need for a high level of insurance.

“We’re very mindful of the risk associated with any job,” said Jonathan Goode, CEO of Advanced Cranes &  Rigging.

“It’s why we turn to UAA and its tailored coverage.”

Jonathan has been CEO of the major crane hire company for the past three years. His previous roles have included signi cant execu ve posi ons at one of Aus alia’s largest eight rail companies, Aurizon, and in the ports with Pa ick Corpora on and Svitzer Aus alasia. In short, his career has seen him consistently involved in logis cs, the ansporta on of bulk goods and heavy, expensive loads, providing him with an authorita ve basis to discuss insurance.

Advanced Cranes has been with UAA for over 12 years now and the Victoriabased crane hire company has stuck fast with the insurers thanks to the

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Jonathan Goode, CEO of Advanced Cranes & Rigging. Image: Prime Creative Media.
“No one can forecast potential problems popping up on site, and knowing that all our equipment and work is covered puts us at ease.”

comprehensive nature of UAA’s deals.

e degree of coverage Jonathan feels Advanced Cranes receives om UAA is second-to-none, as the all-encompassing aspect of its coverage provides a holis c service to Advanced Cranes.

“UAA is able to cover all our equipment, such as rigging equipment, ucks, ailers, li ing gear, workshop equipment, counterweights and, of course, our cranes,” he said. “With UAA, the comprehensive package is set up to understand the speci c needs of the crane indus y; with that comes tailored coverage perfectly suited to our needs.”

Among UAA’s packages for the crane indus y is the Indus ial Special Plant/

Mobile Plant and Machinery package that includes seven coverage sec ons in one comprehensive mobile plant and equipment insurance package, that UAA tailors to meet the needs of clients.

e seven sec ons comprise damage for owned mobile plant and equipment, breakdown of equipment, broad form liabili , coverage for hires in plant, nancial protec on to protect a business om nancial losses, and cover for third par proper damage. With so many moving parts in the cranes and li ing indus y and so many valuable loads or pieces of machinery involved at various points of a job, being covered so comprehensively takes an added

element of s ess out of the opera on for Advanced Cranes’ CEO.

“Our scope of work sees us conduct di cult, complex logis cal and li ing opera ons across some high-stakes sectors, such as civil in as ucture, wind farms, rail projects, hospitals, modules, and even back yard objects,” he said. “With UAA’s coverage, we’re able to specify exactly what it is that we want covered during each individual job.”

And so, despite it being a prophylac c measure, working in tandem with UAA, an insurer with over 30 years of experience and a global mobile plant insurance powerhouse, lets the team at Advanced Cranes & Rigging sleep easy at night, according to Jonathan.

“We’ve got a real peace of mind being insured by UAA,” he said. “No one can forecast poten al problems popping up on site, and knowing that we’re covered puts us at  ease.”

April 2024 CAL / 71
UAA has over 30 years of experience and one of the most highly respected mobile plant insurance companies. Image: Shutterstock


Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) Regional Manager Justin Boehm takes 1998 Chicago Bulls basketball coach Phil Jackson’s famous quote, “The strength of the team is each individual and the strength of each member is the team,” and draws parallels with the importance of working as a team in the construction sector.


1998 Chicago Bulls are etched into my mind as one of the greatest teams ever. I recently re-watched the Ne lix special “ e Last Dance”. Apart om being brilliant to watch, it not only rekindled the nostalgia of seeing greatness in ac on over their remarkable journey but highlighted that shared objec ves and teamwork will always get you to the end goal. Watching it, thinking I should just s ap up the old boots again, and seeing Michael Jordan, the Greatest of All Time (GOAT), lead the Bulls to that in-a-second three-peat highlighted what can be achieved when a group of individuals unite behind a common goal and s ive for greatness.

Michael Jordan was phenomenal. A superstar whose brilliance on the court was matched only by universal admira on o it – every basketball player has owned a pair of Jordans and I’m sure most remember the “I wanna be like Mike” Gatorade Ads. Yet, the ue s ength of the Bulls lay in their uni . Basketball is played with ve players on the court, and a maximum of seven on the bench, all con ibu ng to the  team’s success.

Each player, whether a star or a role player, had a speci c part to play. e Bulls’ dynas was not built on individual glory but on the collec ve e ort of all twelve players, each understanding and execu ng their role to perfec on.

Teamwork is one of the keys to success of the li ing equipment indus y. When you look upon a ci skyline, it’s the tower cranes that o en catch our eye, standing tall like the superstars of cons uc on.

ey are the “MJs” of the project, drawing a en on and awe.

LEEA’s Regional Manager Justin Boehm. Image Prime Creative.

IN FOCUS / LEEA 72 / CAL April 2024
“Just as the Bulls pushed each other to be their best, the lifting equipment industry thrives on the shared ambition of its members – Lifting and height safety industries which have eliminated accidents, injuries and fatalities.”

However, like the Chicago Bulls, the success of any cons uc on project is the result of collec ve team e ort. Every person on a site, om the engineers and operators to the safe inspectors and maintenance crews, plays a vital role in the seamless execu on of opera ons.

A local star, Luc Longley, the 7-foot2-inch Aus alian cen e for those 1998 Chicago Bulls, exempli es to me the unsung hero ethos I see re ected in our indus y. His career, though maligned, was crucial to the Bulls’ success. His abili to set up plays and assist his teammates, including Jordan, was invaluable. ey may not always receive the accolades, but their work is pivotal. Li ing Equipment Engineers Associa on (LEEA) members ensure that the equipment is safe and

reliable, delivered on me, with accuracy – se ng up the rest of the cons uc on indus y for success. Like the way Bulls Coach Phil Jackson drew up plays executed by the players, each move in the li ing indus y is carefully orches ated. With users of our equipment, relying on the ust, competence and coopera on ins lled in the team. It’s that ust in LEEA members, being expertly ain and given knowledge to perform the right task at the right moment, that helps the team succeed.

e pursuit of greatness is a collec ve endeavour. Just as the Bulls pushed each other to be their best, the li ing equipment indus y thrives on the shared ambi on of its members – Li ing and height safe indus ies which have eliminated accidents, injuries and fatali es.

It’s that commitment to excellence that drives us, a dedica on to not only meet but exceed the standards of safe and e ciency. e Li ing Equipment Indus y does not rest on its laurels expec ng to change but is relentless in the pursuit of innova on and improvement.

e story of the 1998 Chicago Bulls is more than just a tale of basketball iumph; it’s a narra ve that mirrors that of the li ing equipment indus y. It’s a reminder that while the stars may shine the brightest, it’s the collec ve e ort of the en re team that elevates it to greatness. As we con nue to build and shape the skylines of tomorrow, let’s remember the lessons of teamwork, uni , and the relentless pursuit of excellence that those 1998 Bulls showed  us all.

April 2024 CAL / 73
LiftEx 2024 will be held at the Event Centre, The Star, Gold Coast September 12 and 13, 2024.Image LEEA


With the launch of the 2024 Women in Industry Awards, Cranes and Lifting careers, their journeys and the importance of a more . I month’s edition, we talk to L N D

FROM FLIGHT CREW IN THE RAAF to Na onal Business Development Manager at Boom, Melira’s 14-year career in the crane and logis cs indus y has spanned mul ple roles, projects and sectors. Her abili and willingness to seek and drive change through stakeholder engagement as well as her diverse skillset has taken her om opera onal based roles to business development over me.

“My rst role in the indus y was in permi ng; I was told on my rst day that I would hate it and would last two weeks max,” she said. “From the moment I sat in the chair I knew it was for me, and I was determined to make my mark on indus y and prove that I could do it.”

Since then, Melira has led the logis cs opera ons on some of the coun y’s largest heavy li projects as well as driving change for the crane indus y in Queensland. For her con ibu on to indus y, Melira was named the 2022 ‘Trucking Woman of the Year’ for the leading of mul ple high pro le policy shi s in, to name a few, the removal of police escorts for oversize

a fully built 1200-tonne capaci Demag AC1000 all-terrain crane for use on the public road network for project purposes.

Yet, for Boom’s Business Development Manager, the focus and message to indus y is that an equitable workforce needs to be achieved in order to create diversi .

“I am always honest with people that the journey – especially in the crane indus y – has not been easy,”

throughout my career.”

Growing up with four brothers, one might be forgiven for thinking Melira had developed a ‘thick skin’. However, working in an indus y that comprises of only 13 per cent of women, the challenges for work/life balance and respect in the workplace are  heightened.

“Earlier in my career for the purpose of ensuring that I was seen to be doing just as good a job as the “boys”, I seemingly hid the fact I was a mother

M P R .
Melira Lister. Image: Boom Logistics

of 2 and took on the added pressure of ying to balance both worlds with nil exibili ,” she said. “I didn’t dare ask for me o for school events, the kids being sick etc. – I was so scared that this would all be seen as a weakness and an excuse as to why I, or a woman in general, wasn’t suitable for the role.”

As Melira states, whilst change needs to come om the top down in business, an equitable workforce also starts with people individually making a conscious commitment to remove the preconceived biases that impact our decisions, mindset and behaviours when it comes to women in this  indus y.

“Feeling as though you’ve got the right support network around you is impera ve,” she said, “especially when representa on of women in the indus y is s ll limited.”

Trailblazing in a adi onally maledominated indus y is not the only challenge Melira has had to overcome. Whilst her heart is in the game career wise, it was s uggling health wise.

“A doctor agged that they could hear something “funny” in my chest; unsure what it was, I was sent for a secondary opinion,” she said.

“Turns out that funny sound in my chest was blood leaking om my heart, and I was diagnosed with a heart condi on called aor c stenosis bicuspid aor c valve.”

A er missing several check-up appointments due to being “too busy with work”, it was the death of a colleague om a heart a ack that prompted her to see a doctor. e results were con on ng; her health, as a young, t, 36-year-old woman, was deteriora ng, and rapidly.

“It was caught just in the nick of me; I had always worried about my valve ge ng worse but never considered other parts of my heart failing as a result” she said. “I was at cri cal risk of aor c dissec on (aorta rupturing) and there was no coming back om that.”

On August 4, 2023, she was placed into a coma following major open-heart surgery. Melira is now one of around 500 people in the world to have a part of her heart 3D modelled and inserted into her cardiovascular system to replace her aorta. e journey since has been anything but easy – with Melira enduring seven hospitalisa ons, a collapsed lung, four bouts of lifethreatening infec ons and recurrent

Aus alian Bureau of Sta s cs’ Na onal Health Survey in 2022, 34 per cent of Aus alians are overweight; 31.7 per cent were recorded as being obese. Obesi was more prevalent in males aged 45 and over compared to those 44 and under, with the 65–74-year-old male demographic recording an 81.4 per cent obesi rate – a demographic that ts right in with the crane, hoist, and li indus y pro le that consists of 96 per cent men with a median age of 45 years old, according to Jobs and Skills Aus alia. According to the Aus alian Ins tute of Health and Welfare, 6.2 per cent of adults had one or more condi ons related to heart, s oke or vascular disease, while 25 per cent of all deaths in 2021 came om cardiovascular disease. In the report, the AIHW highlights the compounding role obesi , smoking, diabetes and high blood pressure play in increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Stats are just gures on a piece of paper, however; it’s stories such as Melira’s that really drive the point home to encourage people to lead healthier lifes les within the indus y, or else the devasta ng e ects of heart issues will maintain their prevalence.

“Feeling as though you’ve got the right support network around you is imperative,” she said, “especially when representation of women in the industry is still limited.”

heart issues. Her months of being in and out of hospital have made one thing absolutely, unequivocally, impera vely s aigh orward to her: if you feel like something’s wrong, get yourself checked out, and if you can make a healthy choice, make it.

“In an indus y such as ours,” she says, “where we’re always on the go and not necessarily looking a er ourselves, we need to pay ex a a en on to all the signs and symptoms, no ma er how small or ivial they are.”

e stats corroborate Mel’s plea to the wider indus y: according to the

Melira’s story is one of resilience and perseverance in the face of adversi , but not everyone comes out the other end to tell the tale. With a new lease on life ahead and the worst of her issues seemingly in the past, she’s now ready to build on her previous accolades and con nue forging a path that bucks the adi onal mould of the indus y to be more inclusive, accep ng, and healthy – but with an added warning to anyone considering bypassing their health.

“ is can happen to anyone,” she said. “If something doesn’t feel right, go and get checked out.”

April 2024 CAL / 75
The 3D printed part of Melira’s heart. Image: Melira Lister
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I D U Cranes and Lifting S CEO S ME P .

One of Sinoboom’s machines in action for valued customer Uphire.

Image: Uphire

IT TAKES SKILL, DEXTERITY, AND COURAGE to take a business om one corner of the map to a global superpower, and it takes even more to do it as a woman.

However, now the CEO of a company appearing in all con nents bar Antarc ca and the only female Asian Interna onal Powered Access Federa on (IPAF) Council member, Susan Xu’s career has consistently involved kicking down adi onal stereo pes; however, when quizzed about gender diversi , Susan is all business.

“ ere are obviously moments where it can get a li le bit tough, but that’s okay,” she said. “Gender diversi is a signi cant issue in many indus ies in the world, but I’ve never let it get in my way: for me, people are people, and should be eated on a case-bycase  basis.”

It’s a philosophy she’s carried with her throughout her en re working career, but especially with the incep on of global mobile elevated working pla orms (MEWP) company, Sinoboom.

Founded on February 28, 2008, in Changsha, China, by Susan and her husband Steven, Sinoboom’s story has seen it grow om being an aerial work pla orm supplier in China to now having its products found in over 80 coun ies across the globe and vigorously challenging the status quo in the AWP manufacturing game. According to Susan, Sinoboom’s growth has been built on learning om its past: a er all, a core value at Sinoboom is that science fosters progress – and a key part of science is observing what has happened previously before guring out what to do next.

“At the core of what we do is good produc on in tandem with good

IN FOCUS / SINOBOOM 78 / CAL April 2024

service,” she said. “We’ve invested in local companies who are close to the products on the ground and placed service support cen es where we need them most, so Sinoboom can ac vely support the markets it enters.”

Boas ng one of the most complete MEWP line ups in the world and featuring in the top 10 for global MEWP sales, Sinoboom knows that it needs to provide a comprehensive post-sale service and support network. Supplying the market with selfpropelled telescopic boom, ar cula ng boom, scissors and spiders ranging

om 4m to 58m in height, Sinoboom’s products are consistently spo ed across an array of indus ies, such as rental, mari me, energy, mining sites, civil in as ucture, and nonresiden al  cons uc on.

In tandem with its comprehensive product line is Sinoboom’s commitment to intelligent manufacturing. Giving the keynote speech at the IPAF summit earlier in 2023, Susan broadly discussed ar cial intelligence in the MEWP indus y, s essing that it was “not the enemy” of produc on. At Sinoboom, its assembly line consists of welding and assembly robots and cen es around intelligent design, produc on, and delivery, all in the name of enhancing produc vi as well as boos ng the safe of workers.

“Ar cial Intelligence is a change that the world needs to embrace, because the change is coming,” said Susan. “It doesn’t mean people necessarily losing their jobs; it just means realloca ng people to di erent areas of the business that are signi cantly less dangerous, thereby minimising the risk of workplace safe issues.”

Increasing market share across all indus ies and expanding its global reach is high on the agenda for Sinoboom, and Aus alia represents an integral piece of that plan. For Susan and the Sinoboom Aus alia team, it’s in the rental, cons uc on and mining indus ies where they can see a real opportuni for growth in market share.

“ e Aus alian market has become

signi cantly more important to Sinoboom’s global s ategy in recent years,” she said. “We’re paying more a en on to what the Aus alian markets need as we see this as a mature market.”

Headed up by General Manager Mitch Ely who has years of experience in the domes c Aus alian market as well as experience within interna onal MEWP markets, Sinoboom’s growth has doubled year on year since its subsidiary entered the Aus alian market in 2020.

e global manufacturer now operates sales and support loca ons in Melbourne and Sydney and plans to open a facili in Brisbane later this year, underscoring the company’s belief in the Aus alian market and commitment to supplying high-end equipment to the  coun y.

“ e market is buoyed in Aus alia at the moment, and it does not look like dropping for the next few years,” said Susan. “We’ve got a plan in place for our global expansion, and Aus alia shapes as a signi cant part of that plan to be executed well.”

And so, with an overwhelmingly comprehensive product line, a commitment to intelligent manufacturing, and a resounding commitment to the Aus alian market, Sinoboom, according to Susan, is primed for success Down Under.

“We’re paying more attention to what the Australian markets need as we see this as a mature market.”
April 2024 CAL / 79
Susan Xu and the Sinoboom Australia team. Image: Sinoboom Australia Global CEO of Sinoboom, Susan Xu. Image: Sinoboom Australia
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Power PLant for a EWP in 2017, Ni li ’s Design and Engineering Team con nued to examine ways of making the system more e cient. Today, these developments make up the HR 21 Hybrid MK2, which features a 21m boom and only weighs 6,500 kilograms.

“From developing the rst hybrid system for Elevated Work Pla orms we learned a lot of lessons, and in the ensuing years our Design and Engineering team set about redesigning the system to be even more e cient. e regen system now features a Stage V engine with elec ic boost which reduces fuel consump on by up to 50  per  cent.

“Today, this is really important, because job sites are now asking, ‘what is your carbon footprint?’. e Stage V diesel engine is under 19 kilowa s which doesn’t require par culate lters or diesel addi ves such as AdBlue, and it’s a lot quieter,” said John. ere are three stages of opera ng the machine. When the HR 21 Hybrid is running on diesel, whether that’s driving the machine or opera ng the boom, and not all power is being used, the system will automa cally turn the elec ic motor on and store the ex a energy in the ba eries.

“ e you have the boost mode, which is used when you are faced with really steep or boggy ground and you need ex a drive, the system will bring the elec ic motor in to back up the diesel engine, which it gives you a combined power of about 26 kilowa s. You can also operate the machine in elec ic mode which will give you 22 kilowa s of power,” said John.

e e ciency of the hybrid system is demons ated with the Ni li Standard Du Cycle (SDC), explains John.

“With the SDC we start with fully

charged ba eries and the SWL and the cage which is 250 kilos with the HR 21. We drive the machine 30 me es forward, 30 me es backwards, we take the boom all the way up, slew it through 90 degrees, bring it back down. at’s one cycle,” said John.

All cycles start with the machine in a fully charged state with the ba ery charger showing an indica on that the charge is complete. e full safe working load of the machine must be present in the cage throughout the test, and all machine func ons are operated at the maximum possible speed. e cycle is repeated un l the point at which the machine can no longer operate, or the ba ery display is showing zero per cent.

“ e indus y standard for a full day’s work is a minimum of 16 repe ons of our standard du cycle or an SDC ra ng of 16. Most new elec ic only Ni li s have an SDC ra ng of 32, which means they could comfortably perform two full working days

The regen system now features a Stage V engine with electric boost which reduces fuel consumption by up to 50%. Images Prime Creative.

of the HR-21 is 26 cycles at which point the ba eries are at. We then start the diesel engine and run the machine on diesel, but you are also ‘regening’ at the same me. With this combina on you are looking at around 67 cycles. We then run it back on elec ic again, receiving another 24 cycles. We then run the diesel engine again as a

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John King Niftylift’s Managing Director.

hybrid and regen for another 51 cycles. en back on elec ic the machine manages 18 cycles. So, with 33 li es of diesel and fully charged ba eries, we received 188 cycles om the machine. In terms of CO2, the machine runs at 458 grams of CO2 per cycle running on the diesel. All the informa on is there, and we can tell our customers exactly what’s happening with the machine and how they can best bene t om its e ciencies,”  said John.

Ni li uses Absorbent Glass Ma e (AGM) ba eries that are maintenance ee.

“We have found them to be really good ba eries. Everything on the elec ic machine is very similar to the other models in the range including the console layouts. Our booms now have the same console so once you’ve operated one Ni , you can get s aight onto the next one. It’s obvious how it all works,” said John.

“ e new elec ic machines have an SDC ra ng of 66 cycles which is the equivalent of four days’ work, probably more if you are realis c. ere’s no diesel consump on and the ba ery is fully recharged in 10 hours. All of our booms now feature telema cs which

enables a customer to monitor the machine om their computer or tablet, they can fault nd, understand when it was last charged, what the diesel consump on is, how much fuel is on board and how many mes the boom has been used… all the informa on is there,” he said.

e Ni li range also features an override system which enables the operator to override the safe system if there is an  emergency.

“If there is an emergency, the operator can override the cage weight management system which leaves the func on open to abuse,” said John.

“With the Ni li range there is an override bu on in the cage. If this is pushed a small elec ic motor will bring the boom down very slowly and a light will come on in the console and stay on. When that machine returns to the yard and management are happy that there was a problem and they weren’t abusing the machine, they can ring us and we will give them a one- me code to clear the warning light,” said John.

Ni li is commi ed to reducing its carbon footprint in all aspects of the business.

“We’re a very green company and we are constantly working on processes which enable us to be as green and as clean as we possibly can. Obviously, we make products that are lower in weight than compe ve brands. is is because we manufacture with higher quali steel which enables us to build our product with thinner steel.

“By using thinner steel, we don’t require so much counterweight which enables us to bring down the weight of the machines. We’re all talking about CO2 and carbon emissions. 1.85t of CO2 are produced for every tonne of steel used in a machine. Our machines weigh a lot less than compe ve models. When our machines reach 10 years, we refurbish and recycle the ailer mounts by sending them back to UK where they s ip them down, rebuild them and put them into the secondhand market,” said John.

“We y to cover every eventuali with our machines. e cons uc on sector is increasingly focused on reducing carbon footprints and carbon emissions. Ni li is leading the way in manufacturing and maintaining product in sectors where the environment is a priori ,” said John.

82 / CAL April 2024 IN FOCUS / NIFTYLIFT
Niftylift’s HR 21 Hybrid MK2 which features a 21m boom and only weighs 6,500 kilograms.


Skyjack’s vertical mast lifts with AC electric drive offer a quiet and versatile package with zero emissions.


AlmaCrawler continues to push the boundaries of what is possible, with its JIBBI 1890 PRiMO now recognised as the Hire and Rental Industry Association’s (HRIA) HIRE23 - Best New Product for Access Equipment.

THE AWARD, PRESENTED TO GENERAL Manager Bob Mules and CEO Andrea Artoni early in 2023, recognises ue excellence and innova on. It focuses on new o erings across the indus y with regards to modernising and enhancing technology, safe and performance. Judged by an expert panel and voted on by HRIA members, this accolade highlights the s engths of Almac’s s ategic approach to research and development to lead the advancement of access equipment.

“Our customer-cen ic approach ensures that our equipment is engineered based on real-world scenarios. Our customers provide us with invaluable knowledge for product and design innova on and it is their feedback that ensures our machines are excep onal in func onali , reliabili and durabili across diverse environments,” said Bob Mules, general manager, Almac Paci c.

Using 100 per cent Italian materials and technology, Almac stands ue to

The Hire and Rental Industry Association’s (HRIA) HIRE23 recognised the JIBBI 1890 PRiMO as the Best New Product for Access Equipment.

its reputa on for producing world-class access equipment that exceeds the required Aus alian and New Zealand standards. All machines are produced using Italian materials, in Italy, at Almac’s Viadana facili es in the province of Mantua. Constant research into new technologies and func ons allows Almac to surge forward with exclusively unique and highperformance machines for the indus y.

e JIBBI 1890 PRiMO (PRiMO) is a signi cant milestone for Almac as it in oduces its rst fully elec ic, selflevelling, acked telescopic boom with elec ic drive. is innova ve addi on to its product range was unveiled at the Hire and Rental Indus y Associa on’s HIRE23 event in Sydney in May last year and represents the evolu on of its renowned  JT-Line.

Cra ed to meet the demanding requirements of complex worksites, the PRiMO showcases an impressive 18-me e working height, enabling safe driving and automa c levelling at 14m on 15 degree lateral and longitudinal inclina ons. What sets this telescopic boom apart is its excep onal versa li , allowing it to operate e ec vely on heavy, sloping and slippery terrains. With a total weight of 5,900kg, it holds the dis nc on of being the lightest 18m telescopic boom in the  market.

is remarkable feat is made possible by its design, which allows levelling of the chassis up to 15 degrees laterally and longitudinally without the use of ou iggers. Moreover, the PRiMO features a generous 38cm ground clearance and low ground pressure, further enhancing its adaptabili . e ack width of 2.20m allows the machine to navigate with ease in narrow workspaces, providing exibili in diverse work environments.

e PRiMO comes equipped with a 1.8m wide basket as a standard feature, which can rotate plus or minus 70 degrees, o ering a maximum capaci of 250 kg. It presents two reach op ons: 9.9m in the 140kg working diagram and 8.3m in the 250kg working diagram. ese capabili es enable e cient and precise execu on of tasks at varying heights and weight  requirements.


The JIBBI range features a series of compact, tracked boom lifts renowned for their exceptional manoeuvrability and ability to work on inclines up to 15 degrees.

“Our customers provide us with invaluable knowledge for product and design innovation and it is their feedback that ensures our machines are exceptional in functionality, reliability and durability across diverse environments.”

Safe is a paramount concern at any worksite, and the PRiMO addresses this with its advanced safe features. e AnEn apment System is designed to prevent serious injuries by automa cally stopping the machine and ini a ng a reverse ajectory for 3-5 seconds when a crushing injury is imminent. is system acts as a crucial safeguard, providing vital protec on for operators and other personnel. In addi on, Ul asonic An -Collision Sensors

are s ategically placed to monitor the area above and below the basket, as well as the ont and back of the acks and the tail swing. is comprehensive sensor system ensures collisions are prevented, signi cantly reducing the risk of accidents.

e PRiMO o ers three ba ery pack op ons, which are en rely removable and replaceable. ese op ons include the ELC (Lead Acid 420Ah 48V), LTH 330 (Lithium 330Ah 48V), and LTH 440

(Lithium 440Ah 48V). is exibili allows users to select the ba ery pack that best suits their speci c needs and opera onal requirements.

To cater to evolving indus y demands, the PRiMO features a redesigned con oller with an An -En apment bar and comfortable joys cks, enhancing the user experience. is con oller s eamlines opera ons and ensures ease of use, making the PRiMO a user- iendly machine for operators of all levels of exper se.

Furthermore, the PRiMO incorporates an Automa c Tensioning System, which enables a zero-maintenance ack tensioning mechanism that is directly connected to and con olled by the main hydraulic system. is eliminates the need for manual adjustments, minimising down me and op mising produc vi .

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Addi onally, the inclusion of work lights on the ont and back undercarriage, as well as around the basket, further enhances safe during opera ons.

With its cu ng-edge technology and emphasis on safe , the PRiMO stands out as one of the most advanced and secure pieces of equipment available in the market. Almac has once again demons ated its commitment to innova on and customer sa sfac on by in oducing a telescopic boom that not only meets the complex demands of worksites, but also ensures the well-being of operators.

e JIBBI 1890 PRiMO is a testament to Almac’s dedica on to providing superior solu ons that push the boundaries of what is possible in the indus y.

Other products available om Almac includes the JIBBI range, Billennium (SpiderBoom) range, Athena range and Mul Loader range.

e JIBBI range features a series of compact, acked boom li s renowned for their excep onal manoeuvrabili and abili to work on inclines up to 15 degrees. ese machines are speci cally engineered for challenging terrains, ensuring accessibili and e ciency in cons uc on, maintenance and landscaping

projects. With advanced safe features and user- iendly con ols, the JIBBI range priori ses operator comfort and  produc vi .

e Billennium (SpiderBoom) range comprises versa le and agile spider li s, designed to navigate con ned spaces with ease. Equipped with advanced technology and a range of working heights, these machines excel in tasks requiring precise posi oning and accessibili . From cons uc on and building to maintenance works, the Billennium range o ers unmatched versa li and e ciency.

e Athena range includes selfpropelled scissor li s renowned for their robustness, reliabili and enhanced produc vi . ese li s are designed to withstand rigorous condi ons and provide elevated working heights for a wide range of applica ons. Featuring intelligent safe systems and ergonomic design, the Athena range ensures operator comfort and op mum performance capable of working on inclines up to 20 degrees.

e Mul Loader range o ers an array of compact and lightweight acked carriers, designed to tackle demanding tasks in various indus ies. ese versa le machines boast excep onal load capaci es

and ac on capabili es, making them ideal for anspor ng materials and equipment across challenging terrains where you would usually require a crane.

Almac has established a s ong and extensive dealership network, forming valuable partnerships with indus yleading companies such as United Forkli and Access Solu ons (AU), Youngman Richardson & Co Ltd (NZ), and Pace Cranes (Mul Loaders).

Bob Mules said these networks play a vital role in enabling Almac to deliver excep onal products and services to its  customers.

“Our partnerships are built on mutual ust, shared values, and a commitment to customer sa sfac on,” he said.

“Our dealers possess extensive indus y knowledge and exper se. ey amplify our abili to reach customers, o er customised solu ons, and provide ongoing support.”

Almac’s commitment to innova on, durabili , and customer sa sfac on is evident in its diverse range of equipment and well-established networks. Almac con nues to be a usted partner in delivering reliable and e cient solu ons for a wide range of applica ons. Contact Almac today on 0402 982 999.

The JIBBI 1890 PRiMO is a testament to Almac’s dedication to providing superior solutions that push the boundaries of what is possible in the industry.
Gen2 HYBRID 4X4 sustained involuntary operation prevention system Hybrid TechnologyOn-board DiagnosticsTelematics as Standard TO FIND OUT MORE: CALL 1300 4 NIFTY OR SALES @ NIFTYLIFT.COM.AU JOIN THE QUIET REVOLUTION Gen2 HYBRID 4X4 Digital Control System 250kg Safe Working Load Outstanding Safety Technology 41% Lower Fuel Consumption Technology


Global access equipment company Skyjack elaborates on the latest updates it has made to its machines to provide greater return on investment, cut down on emissions, .

Skyjack’s Vertical Masts are highly adaptable to a wide range of industries.

Images: Skyjack

IN ORDER TO KEEP UP WITH CLIENT requests and op mise the output of its access equipment, Skyjack has in oduced a ra of changes to ensure its machines perform as well as possible within current  regula ons.

Vertical Masts

Skyjack’s next genera on ver cal mast li s provide a quiet and versa le package with zero emissions. With a new mast design, direct AC elec ic drive, abili to be driven at full height and fewer hydraulic connec on points, the SJ12 E, SJ16 E and SJ20 E boast increased du cycle expecta ons. Excep onal manoeuvrabili and Skyjack’s unique aversing pla orm make the masts a top end choice for a wide range of indoor and outdoor cons uc on, maintenance and indus ial applica ons. e updated ver cal mast li s feature the new green ECO label accompanied by an ECO Ma ix, detailing sustainabili bene ts over previous models. Elec ic drive, signi ed by the “E” in the names, features a dual direct drive AC elec ic motor and gearbox combina on, providing up to 30 per cent improvement in du cycles. e newest line also o ers 15 per cent opera onal carbon savings when compared to the previous model.

Designed with an eye to reduced maintenance, such as the s ategic elimina on of wear items like chains and sheaves, and 70 per cent less hydraulic connec ons, low cost of ownership provides a compelling return on investment for rental houses. e con ol system is also updated to be CAN-enabled with an onboard diagnos c display in simple language readouts.

Like previous Skyjack ver cal masts, the Next Genera on models keep the telescopic mast at the rear which provides a totally unres icted view om the ont facing con ol box. is layout also moves the steering wheels away om the mast, which o ers excellent manoeuvrabili with zero inside steering radius.


Recognising the importance of booms for the rental indus y, Skyjack has updated its line with machine features that

IN FOCUS / SKYJACK 88 / CAL April 2024

combine durabili , quali , reliabili and serviceabili . Maximum up me is crucial, so as always, the Skyjack machines were designed to provide just that.

ese changes were driven by not only customer and user feedback, but also through data om the machines themselves.  e updated con ol system provides addi onal insights when machines are equipped with Skyjack’s telema cs solu on Elevate.

Taking this feedback and data into considera on, Skyjack recognised that some of its booms had room for further op misa on. e team came to two key conclusions; these models were employing larger engines that machines themselves were not taking full advantage of, and the power they did have available was not being fully u lised by operators.

Using op mised gearing and a simpli ed, high-e ciency hydraulics

package, machines can employ smaller engines with less complex a er eatment components to deliver similar on-site job performance as higher-powered units. With these changes, rental companies can quickly improve their return on investment, lowering maintenance and fuel  costs.

With this informa on in mind, Skyjack has updated its boom range to employ engines that deliver the same on-site job performance as higher-powered units.

e changes o er increased return for

“Skyjack has updated its line with machine features that combine durability, quality, reliability and serviceability.”

rental companies through less emission regula on components, reduced fuel usage through reduced engine size, no down me related to a er eatment components, no expensive Diesel Oxidisa on Catalyst or Diesel Par culate Filter maintenance or replacement, no reliance on ul a-low sulphur fuel to reduce cost of ownership and reduced OEM interven on in tandem with associated loss of up me.

e combina on of these bene ts means more up me and savings for rental companies, with li le to no impact on job site naviga on and opera on. According to Skyjack, the updates do not abandon its staple features such as: Easydrive, direc on sensing drive and steer con ols regardless of turret posi on over chassis; Axldrive, an axle-based drive system for excellent rough terrain ac on; and Skycoded, a colorcoded and numbered wiring system that makes oubleshoo ng and repair easier and more s aigh orward.

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The SJ45A+ The SJ12 E, one of the models with increased duty cycle expectations. The SJ45 T+



WHO: Joyce Krane.

PR OJECT: Bunbury Outer Ring Road, Yalinda Drive Overpass.

CL IENT: Main Roads WA.

CR ANE: Liebherr LTM 1750-9.1, TY con gura on.

LOAD: 180-tonne bridge beam, 36m in length and 2.2m in height.

DIF FICULTIES: Weight of the load, powerlines in the vicini that needed to be navigated.

90 / CAL April 2024
Image: Main Roads WA



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