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From the ASTT Secretary
Secretary’s Corner December 2021
New Members On behalf of the ASTT, I extend a warm welcome to the following new members.
Silver Corporate Members – Australia Barnabas Ilko from Golder. Ben Gair from BG Risk Solutions. Myles Brannelly from Pipe Tek. Lydia Grieve from Aqua Assets upgraded Individual to Silver Corporate.
Individual Members – Australia Pugalendhi Rajagopalan from Tunnelling Industry. Mirav Pambhar from GBA Consulting Engineers. Trevor Glasson from Trevor Glasson Consulting Services.
Young Professional Nicholas Stone from JJ Ryan Consulting.
2022 Membership Fee Payments In early December, the majority of the membership will be receiving your Tax Invoices for the 2022 membership renewals through our Wild Apricot new automated database system. Your Membership Fees will be emailed out to you and these fees will be due to be paid on or before January 1 of 2022. All members are now encouraged to use either PayPal or Direct Debit to pay your fees. The ASTT will still accept cheques as has been the practices in the past.
When making your payment, can you please either ensure that your company name or Invoice number is included as a reference as this ensures that your payment is allocated correctly?
Members from New Zealand, please note that the amounts shown on your Invoices are shown in Australian dollars.
Also as mentioned in the June 2021 edition of Trenchless Australasia, any member can request a change of membership category prior to payment of their fees as we now have several different categories to select from. Members are encouraged to request the changes preferably immediately you receive your Tax Invoice.
Conference discounts for ASTT Members When you become a financial member of the ASTT there are several benefits on offer to you. One of these is a 10% discount on the Conference Registration fee. So, if you are thinking of attending the next National Conference this March in Sydney, then as a Gold Corporate Member, you are entitled to the 10 per cent discount for any 10 people from your organisation which is a considerable saving.
Should you decide that a Silver Corporate Membership is more to your liking, then this entitles the organisation to send any 5 people to the Sydney Conference with a discount of 10 per cent per person or if you are only interested in being an Individual Member, then you alone are entitled to the 10% discount.
In order to claim these discounts all you are required to do is provide the Conference Organisers with your membership number and they will then run that past me for final verification.
More information on membership and the benefits are at page 60 of this magazine.
ASTT No-Dig Down Under - Sydney National Conference 2022 No-Dig Down Under 2021 will be held at the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre over 8 to 11 March 2022
It is full steam ahead with what promises to be another great Conference and Exhibition. I am thrilled to be able to inform all of you that the Exhibition was sold out in November which is a testament to the support we have from the trenchless industry yet again.
To find out more about program, delegate registration and training costs, please go to the website address of www.nodigdownunder. com where you can find all the relevant up to date information. You can also contact our conference organisers, Prime Creative Media by email: nodigdownunder@ primecreative.com.au or by phone on (03) 9690 8766 to find out even more. Get in early to avoid disappointment.
ASTT Web Forums As a member of the ASTT, you are able to participate in our Forums page through the ASTT website. Please take a moment to look at it and if you have comments to make or would like to create a topic for discussion, then please use this useful tool. Refer: https://astt.wildapricot.org/forum
ASTT Webinars With the COVID-19 issues still impacting on us, the ASTT held seven webinars all of which were extremely well attended. We are now looking for nominations for 2022, so if you are interested, please contact me so that a roster can be developed.
Members Directory A reminder to all members to review the information listed about you and your Company on the ASTT website. To view, go to the Members Directory area of the ASTT website, refer: https://astt.wildapricot.org/ directory If any changes are required, you can either amke them yourselves or you can send the changes to me and I will amend on your behalf.
Merry Christmas In closing, may I also take this opportunity to offer all of you on behalf of the ASTT, a very Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year.
Jeff Pace ASTT Secretary secretary@astt.com.au