CDN PUB Agreement # 40012883
Gelbvieh guide • Fall 2017 • Page 3
Page 4 • Fall 2017 • Gelbvieh guide
FALL 2017 • VOLUME 27 • ISSUE 3
In this issue...
President’s Report Office Memo Gelbvieh Association of AB/BC News Man/Sask Gelbvieh Assoc. News Show Results Coming Events Advertiser Index
8 9 10 11 30 38 39
Feature articles... Improvements in Respiratory Treatments Using The Tools to be the Best Farming & Fishing Katahdin View Farm
12 16 18 24
F Map all Past ur le G rove es at Gel bvie h
Advertising Deadlines/Publication Dates Spring - January 1 / February 1 - Herd Sire Issue Summer - May 1 / June 1 - Golden Pages Fall - September 1 / October 1 - Commercial Issue
The official publication of the CANADIAN
5160 Skyline Way N.E., Calgary, Alberta T2E 6V1 Phone: (403) 250-8640 Fax: (403) 291-5624 Email:
Provincial Association Representatives to the CGA Board of Directors Gelbvieh Association of Alberta/BC
President - Larry Fecho RR #2, Millet, AB T0C 1Z0 Phone: 780-718-5477
Man-Sask Gelbvieh Association
Lee Wirgau Box 25 Narcisse, MB R0C 2H0 Phone: 204-886-7588 Fax: 204-278-3255
Secretary: Lorna Okell Box 627, Duchess, AB T0J 0Z0 Phone: 403-378-4898
President - Ian Thackeray Box1002 Weyburn, SK S4H 2L2 Phone: 306-861-7687 Fax: 306-456-2554
Representative -Darcy Hrebeniuk Box 379 Hudson Bay, SK S0E 0Y0 Phone: 306-865-2929 Fax: 306-865-2860 Email:
Past President
Eastern Canadian Gelbvieh Association
Darcy Hrebeniuk Box 379, Hudson Bay, SK S0E 0Y0
Phone: 306-865-2929 Fax: 306-865-2860
Kert Ness
Representative -Jason Hurst 234439 Concession 2 WGR RR2, Durham. ON N0G 1R0 Phone: 519-881-7929
Secretary -Laurie Hurst 234439 Concession 2 WGR RR2, Durham. ON N0G 1R0 Phone: 519-369-1763
Box 8, Site 7, RR#1, Airdrie, AB T4B 2A3
Phone: 403-860-4634 Fax: 403-948-9236
Lon Carlson Box 86 Magrath, AB T0K 1J0 Phone: 403-894-3413
James Jasper Box 24 Hartney, MB R0M 0X0 Phone: 204-741-0763
Neil Overby Box 815 St. Ros Du Lac, MB R0L 1S0 Phone: 431-233-3505
Aaron Birch Box 97 Parkbeg, SK S0H 3K0 Phone: 403-485-5518
Don’t Miss Out!
Keep in touch by reading the official Gelbvieh Magazine. The Gelbvieh Guide magazine is mailed FREE OF CHARGE for five years to purchasers of registered Gelbvieh cattle when the registration certificate is transferred into the purchaser's name. Ask the seller of the animal for a registration certificate when you purchase a Gelbvieh animal. Note, according to the Animal Pedigree Act (Chapter 13, Section 64(j), no person shall sell a purebred animal without providing to the buyer, within six (6) months after the sale, the animal's duly transferred certificate of registration. If you are not a CGA member and wish to continue to receive the GELBVIEH GUIDE or know of someone who should be on our mailing list, please clip out and send in this coupon and remit $20.00 Canadian and send to the Canadian Gelbvieh Association office.. For out of country subscribers, please fill out the Subscription Form, remit $50.00 Canadian, and send to the Canadian Gelbvieh Association office.
Name: Address: City: Postal Code Mail to:
Ryan Sommerfeld Box 7 Medstead, SK S0M 1W0 Phone: 306-342-2136 306-342-7259 Page 6 • Fall 2017 • Gelbvieh guide
Prov/State Country
Canadian Gelbvieh Association 5160 Skyline Way NE T2E 6V1 Ph: (403) 250-8640 Fax: (403) 291-5624
❑ $21.00 Enclosed for Canadian subscription fee. ❑ $50.00 Enclosed for foreign subscription fee.
Gelbvieh guide • Fall 2017 • Page 7
Lee Wirgau 2017 Gelbvieh Feeder Calf Sales Wednesday, OcT. 25, 2017 Pre-sOrT Gelbvieh crOss calf sale Medicine Hat Feeding Company, Medicine Hat, AB To book calves or for further information on purchasing calves call 403-526-3129 OR 403-502-6417 Website:
Thursday, OcTOber 26, 2017 9:30 am Pre-sOrT Gelbvieh crOss saTelliTe calf sale Heartland Livestock Yards, Swift Current, SK
To book calves or for further information on purchasing calves call Lee Crowley 306-773-3174
N•O•T•I•C•E Canadian Gelbvieh Association Annual General Meeting Thursday, November 9, 2017 FarmFair International
Edmonton, AB 1. The CGA Constitution may be amended at any General meeting of the Association by affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present, but no amendment shall be valid until approved by the Minister of Agriculture of Canada and filed at the Department of Agriculture of Canada. 2. Notice of all proposed amendments shall be signed by two members in good standing and submitted to the Association at least forty five days in advance of a General Meeting and they shall be included in the Notice calling such meeting, otherwise the meeting shall have no power to deal with the same. 3. The Meeting has only power to deal with the Article and selection as stated in the Notice calling such Meeting. Members wishing to submit amendments to the Constitution are requested to forward some to the Association in accordance with the above. Please include addressed of mover and seconder. All amendments to the Constitution must reach the Association office by Sep. 25, 2017 in order to be included in the Notice of Meeting. Copies of the Constitution are available from the CGA office on request.
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Hope this finds everyone with a yard full of feed and pastures and yards full of those scale pushing Gelbvieh calves! During everyone's busy fall season, I urge our breeders and members to attend the many events coming up. These events provide you with not only new and renewed friendships, (my wife calls it her annual "family reunion"), but also the ability to network with current and future customers. The acquaintances made at our breed shows/sales/meetings are ones that are invaluable, in my opinion, and last a lifetime. While out and about this fall, or just speaking with fellow breeders or directors, do some brainstorming of ideas and direction our breed should be heading. We are on the precipice of change and well thought out questions and also well thought out answers are what will be needed going into the future. If you feel you have that positive energy within you needing to be released, share it. Share your thoughts. Share your answers. Share your time! All of these are what is needed to move Canadian Gelbvieh forward and continuing to be the ultimate cross in the beef industry. Three major shows where Gelbvieh will display an amazing line up of cattle are Manitoba Ag Ex, October 25-28, Farmfair, November 7-12, and Agribition, November 2025. Plan to attend the Annual General Meeting in Edmonton at Farmfair on November 9 at 1:30 pm. An association is only as strong as its members! So put your thoughts together, bring them out this fall and share them amongst us. If you or someone you know would like to be further involved and share your time and positive ideas and thoughts at the board level, to set the course for this great breed, let your name stand for nomination. We have a board full of unselfish, dedicated people that are working for you and your breed. Don't be shy and afraid of being one of them.
"Even if you're on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there". Will Rogers Hope to see you down the road this fall
Gaylene Groeneveld CEO
question often asked in the cattle business is what is the show ring for? “There always seems to be many different types, colors and sizes of cattle. You as Gelbvieh breeders, all raise beef cattle. Some are more stylish than others, some are purebreds, percentage cattle or Balancers. No matter what breed you cross Gelbvieh with, you all strive to raise the ultimate beef animal. Be it the purebred breeder whose purpose is to solely raise pedigreed seedstock or the commercial breeder whose purpose it is to raise feeder cattle, there is no great distinction. Their purpose is the same – but their breeding programs differ. Competition breeds good cattle. The show ring, in my opinion, hosts a mixture of purebred and commercial breeders from all breeds. Watching a show gives the breeder an evaluation of how his cattle at home (or at the show) compare with others in the industry. It is the only opportunity for breeders to take their cattle out and stand side by side in a ring with animals of similar age and show a true comparison of type and quality. It also gives spectators the opportunity to evaluate all the breeding programs presented before them in the ring. Unlike dairy cattle shows (which have a type standard for their cattle), beef cattle shows do not. There is no one type standard required and thank goodness for that. Cattle placed by a given judge, on a given day, at a given show, may vary in placings at another show a week later. This versatility is appreciated in all beef breeds. How many good herd bulls or top producing females are not a direct or indirect result of show ring cattle? Not a very large percentage. Semen may be offered from these winning bulls, and in most cases, upgrade the breeder’s herd considerably. After all, why would we want this semen for any other reason? Gelbvieh breeders are constantly striving to upgrade their product. If they didn’t care, old “Charlie the Bull” out in the pasture would do to service his cows, year after year, after year. A cattle show provides an opportunity for cattlemen of all breeds to visit and discuss the beef industry, the newest genetics and the price of feeder cattle in the Fall. Be it a large major all breed show, a local country fair, a breeder’s production sale, cattle people are still cattle people! Our grandfathers and fathers had a love for these beasts that is instilled in us today. I have noticed many times that crucial qualities such as correctness and soundness of feet and legs, udders that last, and overall fertility do not seem to be a priority to some breeders. What about the bull on range conditions that isn’t correct and sound, or the cow that has no milk or the extreme opposite and must be milked for two weeks, or the overall fertility of females – these are characteristics that will show up in their offspring down the road Purebred breeders have strived to exhibit these important qualities in their show cattle to constantly improve the beef industry. It’s the progressive cowboy that leans over the show ring fence that will realize these important factors will improve his purebred or com-
mercial herd. And believe me there are more good cowboys leaning over the fences than anyone realizes. The show ring is perhaps one of our biggest tools for displaying and marketing quality cattle. People are the main force behind marketing any cattle breed. We are fortunate to have nice people involved in Gelbvieh circles. They are helpful and friendly, and always trying to promote their breed. A common consensus of cattle shows is the promotion of the beef industry in general, and gives farmers and ranchers the opportunity to promote their operation. There are many dollars spent on promotion – so get out and enjoy a show. You will realize and appreciate the countless hours by numerous volunteers organizing these events. These people work for the love of the Gelbvieh breed and the good of all Gelbvieh breeders. The only thanks they receive is your presence at Gelbvieh events. “Opportunities in the beef industry have never been greater than they are today!” This may seem to be an incredible statement, given the present state of climate change, droughts, floods and the agricultural economy in general across our great country. While many agricultural products are having trouble surviving, beef remains an extremely viable commodity and the Fall of ’17 and Spring of ’18 look bright. Every Gelbvieh breeder’s ultimate goal is to raise the best beef possible – and the show ring DOES reflect the ULTIMATE in beef. See you at the next show.
Gelbvieh guide • Fall 2017 • Page 9
Association News By Larry Fecho, President, GAA/BC
his fall the combines in our area are going full force; some neighbours are done already, unlike last year’s harvest that didn’t finish for some until this spring. We have had adequate moisture this year, mostly at the beginning of the year though, and now our grass is quite brown. Some of the leaf color changes are due more to lack of moisture than the fall. Some areas have certainly had a struggle with moisture this year, so no complaints here. This summer I was able to take in the AB/BC Field Day hosted by Duane and Linda Nelson. Lynne and I enjoyed the wonderful hospitality, the amazing setting of the Nelson Ranch and certainly the fine Gelbvieh herd the Nelson’s have built up. The manager of Deseret Ranches, Ken Jensen, had an interesting presentation during one of the pasture stops during the tour. The bottom line in his talk, that I gathered, was that “Gelbvieh is the best kept secret”…but we need to get that secret out there…..a premise that I certainly agree with. The 2017 National Gelbvieh Show will be at Northlands on November 10 at 9 am with Judges Jill and Riley Mader. The CGA Annual General Meeting will be held the previous day, November 9 at 1:30. Come on out to take in all that Farmfair has to offer. The AB/BC board is looking for nominations for Breeder of the Year and Commercial Breeder of the Year. These nominations are to acknowledge breeders who do an outstanding job with the use of Gelbvieh genetics as well as helping promote the Gelbvieh breed. Should you have any thoughts on deserving operations, please pass on to Lorna Okell at: Our Association has been gearing up for this year’s Wish List Event at the Westerner Park on December 1-2 in Red Deer, AB. There are 38 lots, with some real opportunities to add some great Gelbvieh and Balancer genetics to ones herd. The host hotel is the Hampton’s Inn & Suites. Their room rate is $119 per night, which includes a hot breakfast. Contact them directly at 403-346-6688 and ask for the Gelbvieh Association of AB/BC block of rooms. They will be held until October 31/17. The weekend will kick off with a Christmas banquet with a great supper and entertainment by “The Travelling Mabel’s.” These three ladies can certainly harmonize and Ma Mabel has been entertaining
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for a few years, so she seems to know a joke or two. The evening will include a silent auction, perhaps a drink or two and a great time catching up with friends. Saturday will be a full day, starting off with the annual meeting, followed by an information session. We are hoping to have a session on index values and EPD’s. Included in the day will be a Bull Jackpot, Commercial heifer pen show, customer appreciation lunch followed by the 2017 Wish List Sale at 6 pm. The Wish List Weekend will also feature “Display Pens” which is a great way to highlight your breeding program. Breeders are able to display feature females and upcoming sale bulls. Not everyone is able to make it to the spring bull sales and this is a real opportunity to garner some interest in upcoming herd sire prospects and those “special” bulls. The AB/BC Association would like to encourage breeders to invite cattlemen friends and customers to the Customer Appreciation Lunch and afternoon pen shows. This is a real opportunity to get together and mingle while watching some great cattle being displayed. There also seems to be a growing “Table Hospitality” portion where hosts come up with some amazing snacks, refreshments and fantastic company. Kirk Hurlburt will assist prospective buyers if they are unable to attend the sale. The Board is also very willing to pick up any out of town attendees at the Edmonton or Calgary airports and help with arrangements for their stay. Please contact me or any other board member and we will be glad to help. This year’s Donation Heifer this has been kindly donated by Brad and Nicole Hollman (BNH Livestock). They are offering a choice between two heifers they are bringing out. If you would like to participate in the draw for one of these amazing females, please contact Nicole at: . Further information on the Wish List events will be updated through emails. If you have any suggestions or questions, please feel free to contact me or any of the AB/BC board members. Have a great fall.
Association News By Cynthia Wirgau
s I take a break and write this report, Fall has arrived and everyone is trying to finish harvesting and gear up for the Fall shows. Hopefully everyone had a great summer! The Man-Sask association extends a special thank you to Twisted T Gelbvieh (Trevor and Amber Burks) for hosting the Association Field Day and Junior Show. Thank you to everyone that supported the event. Now we bring herds home, pick out the fall show string and sale consignments. Be sure to mark Agribition (Nov 1925) and Ag-Ex (Oct 24-28) on your calendar. The Sweetheart Classic will take at Agribition during the show on Nov 22. The Agribition Sale is Nov 23. If anyone is interested in volunteering or sponsoring these events, please give me a call (204) 278-3255.
The Donation Heifer is donated by Twisted T Gelbvieh and will be raffled off at the sale. Thanks you Trevor & Amber for your support. The Man-Sask Gelbvieh Association AGM will be held in Moose Jaw on Dec 9/17. A Fun Auction will be held that evening prior to the Prairie Gelbvieh Alliance Sale. NEW at Agribition this year is an exhibitor draw. One ballot per Gelbvieh animal stalled. One exhibitor will go home with a Paysen Blue Steel calf tipping table (valued at $1700, donated by Wade Davidson/Gelbvieh Country. Thank you Wade - we appreciate your donation. Stay tuned for more information about a possible Junior show to held during Agribition. See you all this fall. Take care.
canadian Western agribition november 22, 2017 ...following the bull show
The Sweetheart Gelbvieh Classic is open to any age of Gelbvieh female entered in the regular Canadian Western Agribition Gelbvieh Show that is a minimum of 3/4 Gelbvieh. There will be one class with the top 4 females final. Futurity members may enter their females by contacting Cynthia or Trevor. Entries must be made by noon Nov. 19th. Entry fee is $100 per head. Each member will receive a token. Memberships to the futurity is $300.00 which entitles the member to judge (one ballot) the Sweetheart Classic - membership fee must be paid in full prior to voting. No proxy judging. Members will also be entered into a draw to win the proceeds from the sale of the Sweetheart Classic Champion or the Futurity, which ever is lesser. 50% of this prize will be given as cash and the remaining 50% will be a sale credit. The sale credit can be used at the 2017 Agribition Sale. The Peoples Choice judging the Sweetheart Gelbvieh Classic will take place immediately following the Gelbvieh bull show. The Female Gelbvieh show will commence upon the completion of this portion of the Futurity. At the end of the Gelbvieh show, the four finalists will be announced after the show and voted on that evening The Sweetheart Gelbvieh Classic Champion will be announced and auctioned as the feature lot. The exhibiting member of the Sweetheart Gelbvieh Classic will receive 79% of the heifer sale proceeds or the futurity pot, which ever is greater. The three runner-ups will each receive 7%. The exhibitor of the Sweetheart Classic Champion retains the right to one flush or six No.1 eggs, which ever is greater, from the female at the new owners convenience and the exhibitors expense. neW*** The 2nd place Sweetheart winner will receive a $500 Agribition 2017 Sale voucher. neW*** can’t be at agribition?.... vOTe On line!!
For more info contact: Cynthia Wirgau (204)278-3255 or
Trevor Burks (306) 715-7476 prior to November 10, 2016
Membership/Nomination Form
i (name)
Would like to be a part of The Sweetheart Gelbvieh Classic.
address ________________________________
______________________________________ Phone: ___________________Jacket size:______
enclosed is my $300.00 membership fee as a member would like to nominate the following females at $100.00 per animal. membership musT be paid prior to agribition. as a member would like to nominate the following females at $100 per animal.
1. _________________________________
2. _________________________________ Please send to : man/sask Gelbvieh assoc. box 25 narcisse, mb r0c 2h0
Gelbvieh guide • Fall 2017 • Page 11
f we analyze the most recent success cattlemen have had in reducing respiratory disease morbidity and mortality several things come to mind. Vaccines have improved and cover a broader range of respiratory pathogens. Currently there are about seven main viruses and bacteria vaccines can help prevent cattle against respiratory disease and new intranasal technology is helping to advance the protection we are giving our cattle. Reducing stress from soft or two stage weaning alone with good nutrition and parasite control help reduce the incidence even further. In the purebred herds weaning is done at home so helps reduce sickness. Especially in the large feedlots or when we gather mingle and transport cattle the macrolide antibiotics are a key component to reducing sickness and death from respiratory disease. The macrolide family of antibiotics are often used what we veterinarians call metaphylactically. This really means as a preventative when there is a good chance a high percentage of cattle are at risk of getting respiratory disease or have already been diagnosed with it. You are then administering antibiotics when you need them most. This family of antibiotics all have a very similar chemical structure and longer withdrawal times (as long as 49 days slaughter withdrawal) as they accumulate in the lungs and other tissues so it makes sense then that withdrawals are long. The four primary ones I will talk about are Micotil, Zactran, Draxxin and the very newest macrolide Zuprevo that just came out on the market four years ago. All of these antimicrobials
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are prescription products so must be purchased from a veterinarian and you need to have a working relationship with this veterinarian so they can advise where and when to give them and help you develop treatment protocols. Even though there can be cost involved bringing death loss in some of the medium sized feedlots in Canada to right around 1% or less is a huge improvement. These Macrolides in general have an affinity for respiratory tissue and with half-lives that in some cases are very long they stick around a long time in the lungs and lung excretions before being excreted. This can be as long as two to even four weeks depending on the product used and respiratory bacteria you are targeting. Cattle are assessed at home or on entry to the feedlot as low, moderate, high or ultrahigh risk. Once risk assessment is done an appropriate antibiotic is prescribed. Veterinarians will have their favorites based on effectiveness, price and various softer features such as dosage, route of administration, syringeability (important in cold Canadian winters) and even size of bottles. All these softer features may not be critical if you have a small herd but dosing 20,000 cattle could make a huge difference in the form of labor savings. All the macrolide antibiotics are quite syringeable. The risk group of the cattle being treated will be a major factor in their decision. Most cattle in Canada, co-mingled or auction market derived or transported long distances often are considered high risk (this applies to most cattle weaned and shipped through the auction system in
Canada). Even weaning in inclement weather such as rain or dry dusty conditions like this year may tip the scales from low risk to high-risk calves. The companies in most cases have manufactured a dosing syringe where the specific weight is dialed into the syringe. The setting can be changed on the fly to adjust for differing weights of individual calves. The use of the macrolides can allow you a window of time and allows cattle to settle in and get on feed before much observation is necessary. The macrolides last a long time in the lungs and fluid secretions in the lung that reduces labor in pulling sick cattle. Effectiveness against the bacteria varies but with some products effectiveness of almost a month has been demonstrated. Micotil had some issues with safety and self-injection earlier on but if you are practicing good beef quality assurance and watch how you inject insuring good restraint there you can avoid self-injection. There are many studies out there comparing morbidity and mortality and most veterinarians take these into account before prescribing the macrolide they do. Having these choices is good for the industry as it creates competition. It is also good if supply problems arise or we see resistance developing which is starting to happen. Over the last several years Macrolides have helped significantly drive down the death loss that in most situations respiratory deaths have become a rarer event. As we eliminate the primary respiratory causes with better vaccinations and antibiotic metaphylaxis death loss and treatment rates
for clinical respiratory disease are significantly reduced. Veterinarians and producers should also strive to implement management practices which further reduce respiratory disease such as preconditioning programs which could actually decrease the necessity for antibiotics over time In the meantime vaccinations, dewormings, stress reduction and metaphylactic antibiotics give us a pretty good insurance plan in today’s modern feedlots. Always speak with your veterinarian as often they have their own preference of which Macrolide antibiotics give them the best results. Again veterinarians may prescribe different macrolide antibiotics based primarily on the risk level of contracting respiratory disease. At today’s high prices one wants to save every calf possible. Macrolides in general reduce the morbidity and mortality of respiratory disease if they are used. This fall be sure and set up a vaccination deworming and if needed metaphylactic antibiotic regime with your farms herd veterinarian. The more we reduce morbidity or mortality from respiratory disease we profit more, cattle are in better shape from an animal welfare perspective and by not using treatment drugs as often we help keep antimicrobial resistance under control. I realize most breeders soft wean their cattle at home but this article is particularly appropriate if you purchase feeder cattle or purchase purebreds through other sales closer to the weaning period.
Gelbvieh guide • Fall 2017 • Page 13
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By: Sean McGrath
here has been quite a bit of conversation floating around over the last week or two regarding the quality of our Canadian beef product. Some of this was prompted by Saskatchewan premier Brad Wall discussing A&W, but perhaps a less noted discussion involves the current ongoing work of the Canada’s latest National Beef Quality Audit (NBQA). For more details visit If there is one thing that the quality audit shows over time is that we can make improvements, but that we need feedback
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down the chain from the consumer to the producer. It also clearly demonstrates that we need to measure various attributes of quality and act on them to make continued improvements. The one area that the NBQA project does not address directly is the fact that there are many different markets for beef. I would argue that ultimately that beef quality is in the eye of the beholder. While we can do a variety of important things to improve on injection site lesions, liver abscesses, hide quality and other basic quality characteristics, a big part of quality is getting
the right product to the right consumer. In other words, basic quality is only the first part of a positive consumer experience. Perhaps more important is determining what that expectation is in specific situations and then meeting that. In other words quality is defined by the user with each specific eating experience. A consumer enjoying a great steak at a high end steak house wants a different product than the person cooking a stew or the one grabbing a quick burger on the way to the rink. A lot of the efficiency and quality gains that are available to us in the industry do not involve major changes to production systems or even changes to the cattle. A lot of money is left on the table due to a lack of understanding of the product we have produced and in targeting the right product to the right market at the right time. This is where the tools we have available on the seedstock side of the equation have a lot to offer the industry at large. By knowing about the sires we send into the commercial marketplace, we can start to describe the genetics that will compose the calves of the future before they are conceived. This information comes from the data that seedstock suppliers collect. It may involve the use of tools such as ultrasound and DNA testing, but also involves other tools such as collecting weights and recording pedigree information. The reason I say “sires” is that most cowherds do not turn over very rapidly, and new sires represent most of the genetics moving forward through marketed calves and retained females. By better understanding the DNA input (sire) that is going into the product (calves) it becomes possible to better target those cattle to the right market. For example, some calves are better suited for backgrounding vs. heavy feeding at weaning. Some calves can target high marbling markets while others may be better suited for markets that reward lean yield. Marketing one type of calves into the other type of market can result in large discounts and unhappy players all through the chain. It also represents an incredible loss of efficiency. Currently many of our processors actually
process “extra” cattle in order to fulfill their orders. Imagine if they were able to provide “just in time” inventory or were able to market end product more specifically, knowing that supplies were available in a timely fashion. While there is a lot of coordination and communication that must occur in order for this change to occur in the industry on a wholesale basis, and while the seedstock industry is perhaps the farthest removed in the chain from the end consumer, it is the seedstock industry that is in the driver’s seat in many ways. It is seedstock material that provides the genetic blueprint for the product development in the first place, and describes the potential product and time frame for product availability. This puts seedstock suppliers in an interesting position with a very real need to be accountable to our customers and the industry. Since the seedstock side provides the upper potential for quality it is worthwhile reflecting on the investment made at the seedstock level. Some things that may already be used in your operation or may be worth investigating could include: • Performance Testing • DNA testing • Carcass Ultrasound • Understanding EPD, particularly carcass EPD • Working with customers to follow calves through to harvest It is an exciting time to be in the beef business and your association offers a lot of tools to help with some of the above suggestions. As new technologies come on stream, the industry seems to be changing further and faster than ever before, but it is the seedstock sector that provides the potential for happy end users of beef. What can your operation contribute to the quality equation?
Gelbvieh guide • Fall 2017 • Page 17
t the northwestern most end of Lake Ebb and Flow you will find Neil & Michelle Olafson. Located some 240 kilometres northwest of Winnipeg, Lake Ebb and Flow makes it’s way to Lake Manitoba and it is here where this agricultural couple has spent their lives raising a family, building a cowherd and facing waters few Canadians can imagine. Ebb and Flow Lake, Manitoba has been a popular fishing and hunting area for local First Nations and Metis people for hundreds of years. Like many areas of eastern Canada, the First Nations people and the French fur traders relied on mutually beneficial relationships to meet their needs. Later when more Europeans arrived, many of the Saulteaux First Nations people were impacted by Small Pox in 1780-1782. This area later became a part of Treaty Two in 1871 and is today home to Ebb and Flow First Nation. Still today, many local people have French- Canadian ancestry dating back to the voyageurs in the fur trade. This area has always been home for Neil who grew up on the family farm on the shores of the lake. As a youngster he helped out on the farm and also worked in his father’s commercial fishing business before also acquiring his own commercial fishing license. Neil’s dad fished for over 60 years alongside their farming operation. Michelle and her family moved to Ste. Rose when she was 12 where the family operated a clothing store. The two were married in 1979 and, like many people of the time, left the family farm to save some money in hopes of one day returning. Neil and Michelle found themselves in the mining community of Snow Lake several hours north of Ebb and Flow for three years before a local neighbour decided to disperse his small herd giving the young couple the opportunity they were waiting for. “We had the opportunity to purchase them and start our journey of farming Page 18 • Fall 2017 • Gelbvieh guide
and move back to the community where we wanted to raise our children,” shared Neil, “We moved home to the family farm and worked with my brother and parents.” Several years later, Neil’s parents retired from the farm and the couple was able to again expand their operation with the purchase of a neighbouring farm in 1991. Their children, Aaron and Jaimie, spent their childhoods here taking part in 4-H, curling and of course swimming in the nearby lake. Michelle was active as a 4-H leader and both Neil and Michelle served on the local curling board. The original 40 head cowherd has grown to approximately 200 females calving each spring. Primarily Hereford based females, the Olafson’s began using Charolais bulls in 1984 and had good results with the Char cross calves. The Olafson’s began keeping their own replacement heifers in the early days but then went to buying Red Angus based females to add to the program. The extra space and time required to background females became a challenge and they wanted to keep a cross in their females rather than moving to a Charolais based herd. Neil mentioned the performance they achieved in their calf crops using Charolais bulls but also shared how they began to run into some problems at calving. “We did have some problems with calving and calves sucking, so we decided to try Gelbvieh bulls. We bought our first Gelbvieh bulls from Overby Stock Farms of Ste. Rose several years ago. We were very pleased with the ease of calving and how aggressive the calves were at birth. We hardly ever worry about calves sucking. They are up quickly and ready to suck. They also seem to be very hardy.” “We believe the decision to go with Gelbvieh bulls was a good one since it has reduced the workload during calving.” Neil also mentioned the hopes of once again keeping their own replacement females sired by Gelbvieh bulls however the flood of 2011 has prevented that from happening yet. Similar to many parts of Manitoba, the Olafson’s typically receive significant levels of rainfall resulting in ample feed stores. Their area receives upward of 23 inches of rainfall on an average year on the low-lying, swampy landscape however this has been much higher in recent years. While many readers would appreciate this volume of moisture after recent drought conditions, it has proven detrimental to this farm family. With over five miles of lake front property, they are at extreme risk when it comes to rising waters. High levels of precipitation combined with a government water management error resulted in Neil & Michelle’s worst nightmare in 2011. “Our entire farm was flooded. As a result, we were evacuated for over three months, and our yard was reachable only by tractor. Our cattle were already on pasture and were forced onto high land and had to make due with what they could.
During the evacuation, Neil and Michelle lived with their daughter and son in law in Ste. Rose 30 miles away. They were able to get into the farm about once a week to check on what they could and feed the few remaining pets. The family was forced to put fence posts in to mark where the road once was to guide their path. “For me to walk from the house to shop, about 100 yards, wasn’t possible anymore. There were fish swimming around your feet. Entire trees around the yard flooded out and just fell over,” shared Neil and Michelle. The short term effects of the flood passed after several months however the long term aftermath continues to be felt. “We ended up with late calving cows and open cows because they were spread out in pockets wherever they could find dry ground. The hay meadows and pastures were devastated and are still affected to this day.” Another long term effect has been pools of water forming where they typically hadn’t. Ridges in the land kept water going back to the lake as water levels receded. With the higher than normal water table, the only option to get rid of this water is evaporation. Six years later and the Olafson’s are still working to reclaim land lost during the event. The dryer conditions across the prairie provinces in 2017 were actually welcome for many residents of Manitoba who were finally able to get into land areas they hadn’t in a number of years. Like so many cattle producers, family is at the root of all they do. Neil and Michelle say they are extremely fortunate to have Michelle’s brother spend a great deal of time at farm assisting with calving, haying and whatever else needs to be done. Both of their children reside in nearby Ste. Rose and help out when they can. Son, Aaron, works for Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation while daughter, Jaimie, is a ward clerk in the local hospital. She and her husband Steven have two daughters, Haylie and Ayva. Aaron comes to the farm when he can to help out. Also similar to countless farm families across the prairies, the Olafson’s aren’t sure what their operation might look like down the road with both children leading successful lives away from the farm and many farms in the area now being bought out by corporations or larger farmers from out of the province. “According to farm magazines, you can’t live off of 200 cows anymore. Young people can’t afford to buy the tractors they need at the price of equipment and repairs. Family farms, as far as I can see, are in trouble. I think the only way a young person can get started is to go work for a farmer willing to move toward a share basis. Slowly rent to buy if you can.” One thing is for sure at the Olafson farm. They are passionate about the lifestyle they live and the place they do it. “I’ll be 60 in a couple days so I don’t know where we will be in 10 years. We’d like to stay as long as we can.”
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Maternal Excellence
2017 Dam of Merit & Dam of Distinction Awards The Canadian Gelbvieh Association is proud to announce the Dams of Distinction and the The Canadian Gelbvieh Dams of Merit Award winners for 2017. These cows represent the very elite of the breed. The Canadian Gelbvieh Association applauds the owners and breeders of these outstanding females.
The Canadian Gelbvieh Association Honors E Superior Productive Cows
ach year the Canadian Gelbvieh Association recognizes those Gelbvieh females that have proven to have longevity and productivity. Maternal efficiency is a key economical trait for profitability in the beef industry and cows that calve as two-year-olds and have a healthy calf every year for ten to twelve years, have a greater lifetime efficiency than cows that must be culled at a younger age for various reasons. Longevity is essential. Cows that get their job done, year after year, with no problems, simply make more money. The Dam of Merit recognizes cows that meet strict selection criteria including early puberty and conception, regular calving intervals, and above-average weaning weights on at least three calves. A Dam of Distinction honour recognizes cows that meet the same high standards for superior, long-term productivity with at least eight calves.
In order for a cow to be recognized as a Dam of Merit she must: • All data must be submitted to the CGA office by August 31, 2017 • A Dam of Merit must have produced at least three (3) calves and a Dam of Distinction must have produced a minimum of eight (8) calves. • Age at first calving must not exceed 25 months • Produced a calf that was born between January 1, 2016 and March 1, 2017 • Possess a minimum average weaning weight ratio of 101 for all calves • Maintained a regular calving interval. Average calving interval must not exceed the value calculated using the following formula: (# of calving intervals x 365 days) + 30 days)/# of calving intervals - OR the female had her third calf before her fourth birthday and maintained a 365 day calving interval thereafter. Page 22 • Fall 2017 • Gelbvieh guide
The Canadian Gelbvieh Association recognizes the following members who rank in the top 20 for Owners of Gelbvieh Dams of Merit and Gelbvieh Dams of Distinction for 2017. Name DAVIDSON GELBVIEH WINDER'S GOLDEN GELBVIEH AARON BIRCH & JOE BARNETT DARRELL & DUANE NELSON
Dams of Merit
Dams of Distinction
1 2 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 0
12 10 9 11 8 8 6 6 7 7 5 3 4 5 5
13 12 11 11 9 8 7 7 7 7 6 5 5 5 5
Dams of Merit
5 9 3 2 2 2 0 1 0 1 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Dams of Distinction
25 18 13 13 11 9 11 7 8 6 6 6 3 6 6 5 5 5 5 3
30 27 16 15 13 11 11 8 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4
Gelbvieh guide • Fall 2017 • Page 23
By G. Fullerton
he Budd family and their Katahdin View Farm were honoured as Beef Producer of the Year 2016, by the New Brunswick Cattle Producers Association and received the well deserved recognition at the Annual Meeting of the Maritime Beef Council. Dr. Kevin and Patty Budd bought their farm, south of Woodstock, NB in 1993. The farm is situated only a very short distance from the United States border, with a stunning view of Mount Katahdin, the highest mountain in the State of Maine. Kevin Budd continues to practice veterinary medicine with the New Brunswick Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries, while Patty has shared farm and herd management along with home schooling of their eight children, and contributing to the local community. Gelbvieh cattle were introduced to their operation in 1994 after Kevin purchased three Gelbvieh heifers at a sale following Agribition. Again in 1995, Kevin purchased four more Gelbvieh heifers from the Doug Sanderson dispersal sale. “One of those heifers had been Grand Champion at Agribition, and the others were noted as very high quality females,” commented Kevin. The Gelbvieh were initially bred AI to build their cow numbers, and provided the opportunity to sell some purebred Gelbvieh bulls.
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T h e purebred Gelbvieh cows became one half of their breeding program focusing on producing high quality F1 heifers for their own operation and to offer for sale to other commercial breeders. Red Angus cattle were introduced into their operation to complete the other side of their F1 program. “Our program focuses on producing genetically uniform F1 heifers, with medium frames, good mothering instincts, calving ease and good milk production,” explained Patty. She continued by pointing out that cattle buyers want groups of similar aged, size and quality calves to go into feedlots. F1 heifers, mated with a genetically diverse bull (heterostyly) are the elements to move a commercial cow-calf operation to that goal. “Providing that genetic superiority and uniformity are significant marketing advantages that a commercial producer has when selling their calves,” she adds. Patty pointed out that purchasing F1 replacement heifers to build a commercial beef herd provides the producer with several
important advantages beyond genetic quality. Commercial producers who retain their own heifers are required to maintain and operate separate facilities and feeding regimes to raise the heifers. They also have to change bulls more often. “By purchasing F1 replacements, a producer can invest in superior bull genetics, and keep him in their operation for an extended period, which makes a significant economic impact on a commercial operation,” she pointed out. The top end of the Budd’s Gelbvieh cows are bred AI to Gelbvieh bulls to maintain their purebred base and the other half are bred to a terminal Red Angus sire to produce F1 calves. The Budd’s purebred Red Angus group of cows are similarly managed for a purebred base and the other half are bred with Black Limousin bulls for F1 calves. The current herd consists of 250 cows, and the Budd’s are investing in management strategies to streamline and improve labour inputs. Patty pointed to the recent installation of a cattle handling system (tube, chutes and head gate) which allows them to handle cattle efficiently and, “No one gets hurt,” pointed out Patty, adding that the handling system was supported by Growing
Forward 2 program which came about as a result of lobbying efforts of the NB Cattle Producers Association. Another management change for Katahdin View is moving to summer calving. Winter calving, Kevin pointed out, is too labour intensive, and is hard on cattle and their handlers. The Budd’s take advantage of the Maritime climate and its ability to support excellent grass growing capacity. Their herd is rotationally grazed on 350 acres of pasture. Additionally, some forage ground is rotationally grazed following harvest. Their forage program includes 400 acre of grass (owned, rented and traded), with clover and alfalfa for nitrogen fixing. The forages are stored as tube wrapped round bales. Between fifty and sixty acres of corn is chopped and stored in a silage bag. Another sixty acres of oats and barley is stored and ground on farm and fed as creep feed for calves to get them bunk ready, with some fed to bred heifers. Kevin and Patty Budd are honored with this prestigious award and contribute much of their success to Gelbvieh in their breeding program.
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SHOW RESULTS HDG 11D The Dude won Reserve Grand Champion Bull
DL 18D Jen-Ty Dynamite won Supreme Champion Bull, Grand Champion Bull and Bull Jack pot winner
RED DEER WESTERNER DAYS Hillsdown Gelbvieh had a great show at the Red Deer Westerner Days this summer. Thank you to Don and Lorna Okell of Jen-Ty Gelbvieh came to the show and a huge thank you to Kassidy Butler for being the handler of all the champions. Congratulations to you all! HDG 13C Candy Girl and HDG 5E EM and EM 5E won Reserve Grand Champion Female and Grand Champion Heifer Calf awards
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Ross and Tara Davidson, Lonesome Dove Ranch, a purebred and commercial Gelbvieh operation near Ponteix, SK, happily welcomed new son Flynn Allan Davidson to their family. Flynn was born on July 7, 2017 and weighed 8lb 2oz and measured 20.5" long. Big brothers Ash and Cameron and big sister Jaime are very proud of their new brother. Delighted grandparents are Vernon and Eileen Davidson.
Brody Barnett of the Old Wives 4-H Club and his heifer DRT Lonesome Bianca 40D. She was the Donation heifer at Agribition that Lonesome Dove Ranch donated and Brody and his sister won.
Logan Pancoast with his Gelbvieh cross steer "Gizmo" at the Medicine Hat and District 4-H Achievement Day held in June 10. Logan and Gizmo won Grand Champion in junior club and in club overall as well as 2nd place in club Junior Showmanship. This was Logan's 1st year in 4-H and he looks forward to participating again next year!
Kade Gavelin had a very successful regional show at Swift Current this summer. Both his winners are Gelbvieh cross females. His pair was Champion 3rd year Female , and they also won the overall futurity over the 3 years, which includes a $250 scholarship. His heifer was Reserve Champion Other Breeds heifer.
On Saturday September 9, 2017 TJ Milne son of Harold and Bev Milne was wed to Acacia Aspeslet. The ceremony held in the Milne pasture overlooking the mighty Peace River was blessed by perfect weather. The couple are living in the Grimshaw area and are raising quality performance Quarter Horses. Gelbvieh guide • Fall 2017 • Page 31
NEWS AND NOTES DAVIDSON GELBVIEH & LONESOME DOVE RANCH OPEN HOUSE & CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAY On Saturday, July 22, 2017 Davidson Gelbvieh and Lonesome Dove Ranch hosted their Annual Open House, Customer Appreciation Day and Pasture Tour in the Ponteix, Saskatchewan area. With the help of friends, cattle in several pastures were gathered for viewing. The good day included a beef supper, socializing and visiting, and was enjoyed by many!
GAA/BC FIELD DAY Nelson Gelbvieh hosted the GAA/BC Gelbvieh tour at their ranch near Glenwood, AB on August 12. The ranch is located on a very scenic part of the Belly River. Ken Jensen, manager of Desert Ranches, spoke to the group on their experiences using Gelbvieh sires in their program, which includes thousands of cows. He said, "Gelbvieh is the best kept secret" in the beef industry. A wonderful beef supper was served and many stories were told around the table well into the evening. Thanks Duane and Linda for your wonderful hospitality.
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Brooklyn Wirgau winning Interclub Champion Female with her Gelbvieh sired heifer at the Lundar 4-H Beef Show this summer.
NEWS AND NOTES MAN-SASK FIELD DAY Twisted T Gelbvieh, Trevor and Amber Burks, hosted the Man-Sask Field day on June 17. 67 people attended the rainy day event. Great food, great friends, great festivities with many breeders in attendance. They hosted a small junior Gelbvieh show with Isley Burks, Blake Fisk, Katelyn Thackeray, Mason Thackeray, Will Rosso, Nolan Thackeray and Dylan Thackeray participating. Thanks to Trevor and Amber for such a great day! Aggregate Champion (intermediate) - Mason Thackeray Second place (intermediate) - Will Rosso Third place (intermediate) - Katelyn Thackeray Aggregate Champion (senior) - Dylan Thackeray Second place (senior) - Nolan Thackeray
Gelbvieh guide • Fall 2017 • Page 33
NEWS AND NOTES JANSEN, Enid Marie October 14, 1922 – June 4, 2017 Enid Jansen passed away peacefully on June 4, 2017, with her SOS worker and friend, Sheri, at her side. Enid was predeceased by her husband, Ted, in 2015; as well as her parents, Edward and Margaret Blakey; and her brothers, Roy, Stan, and Harold. She is survived by sisters in-law, Eva Dykeman of Tofield, Alberta, and Louise Blakey of Edmonton, Alberta; as well as several nieces and nephews. In 1952, Enid married Ted Jansen, and in 1954 they both received pilot's licences. They later moved to New Zealand where Enid became the first woman in New Zealand to be appointed as Borough Inspector, and was later admitted as a member of the Royal Society of Health. She was thought to be the first woman who held both of these qualifications. Upon her return
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to Calgary, she received her B.A in Health. Ted and Enid were avid supporters and breeders of Gelbvieh cattle. They were some of the early pioneers in the breed with a membership number of 80. Their tattoo was TEJ. Ted was the CGA's President from 1978-1980 and Enid was their volunteer Secretary/Treasurer from 1984-1988. They were truly the glue that held the Association together during those tough years for the Gelbvieh Association. She and Ted enjoyed raising and showing their cattle at various shows across North America. They were dedicated Gelbvieh breeders. They were involved with the Calgary Stampede, SAIT, various hospitals, and were most interested in encouraging children to further their educations. After leaving their farm, Ted and Enid moved to Calgary and enjoyed many years supporting agriculture and the Gelbvieh breed. The Jansens donated $10,000 to establish the Canadian Junior Gelbvieh Association Scholarship Fund, of which a $500 scholarship is awarded each year to further a student's education. Our sincerest sympathy is extended to Enid's family on behalf of the Canadian Gelbvieh Association. May you Rest in Peace Enid. God Bless!
British Columbia
Barry & Robin Mader Tel: 250.577.3486
Fullblood • Purebred • Hybrid Bulls • Females
B. & R. Ranch
RR #1, 2108 Duck Range Rd. Pritchard, BC V0E 2P0 (1/2 hour east of Kamloops)
Email: b&
This could be your spot! Call the CGA today to book your Business Card Listing!
Brittain Farms Kelly & coleen brittain Gary & nicole Phone: 780-352-0676 Cell: 780-387-6446 RR #1, Falun, AB T0C 1H0
Purebred & Percentage cattle Cattle
This could be your spot! Call the CGA today to book your Business Card Listing!
Auctioneers / Sales Management
This could be your spot! Call the CGA today to book your Business Card Listing!
Darrell & Leila Hickman
RR#2, Vermilion, AB T9X 1Y7 Ph/Fax: 780-581-0077
United States Breeders
Gelbvieh guide • Fall 2017 • Page 35
Purebred Gelbvieh Ray & Anne Davisson
Box 764, Stettler, AB T0C 2L0
(403) 742-2524
Duane & Darrell Nelson Box 1144, Glenwood, Alberta T0K 2R0 Duane (403) 626-3279 • Darrell (403) 626-3643
“Raising Gelbvieh Cattle Since 1972!” Home of 18 Dams of Merit and 5 Dams of Distinction
Black & Tan Purebred & Commercial Gelbvieh
Larry, Lynne, Kate & Sarah FECHO
Don & Lorna Okell Box 627 Duchess, AB T0J 0Z0 403-378-4898 403-793-4549
Phone: (780) 954-2285 Fax: (780) 954-2671 Cell: (780) 307-4842 Box 53, Jarvie, AB T0G 1H0
RR #2 Millet, AB T0C 1Z0 Phone: (780) 986-9705 Cell: (780) 718-5477
PH (780)835-2645 (780) 835-0365
This could be your spot! Call the CGA today to book your Business Card Listing! Page 36 • Fall 2017 • Gelbvieh guide
Lon Carlson & Lorraine Beaudin 403.894.3413 • 403.795.1143 Box 86, Magrath, AB T0K 1J0
rOn & Gail andersOn Phone (780) 523-2116 Fax: (780) 523-3920
Box 1342 High Prairie, Alberta Canada , T0G 1E0
maple Grove Gelbvieh
mccoy cattle co. Thackeray Gelbvieh farms hurlburt livestock selin's Gelbvieh
(204) 278-3255
narcisse, mb
(306) 436-2086 milestone, sK (306) 456-2555 Weyburn, sK (306) 931-2551 saskatoon, sK (306) 793-4568 stockholm, sK
Chuck & Jennifer Williams
403-854-6270 403-854-0190
Raymond & Pauline Sommerfeld Ryan & Michelle Sommerfeld Medstead, SK Phone: 306.342.4490 Phone: 306.342.2136
Manitoba This could be your spot! Call the CGA today to book your Business Card Listing!
The Wirgau’s
Box 25, Narcisse, MB R0C 2H0
Neal & Christine Lee & Cynthia (204) 981-5996 (204) 278-3255 World Class Cattle - First Class Service
Knudson Farms Gelbvieh “Breeding for Quality Polled Gelbvieh With the Commercial Man in Mind”
c/o James Knudson Ph: 306-322-7158
Box 386, Archerwill, SK S0E 0B0
This could be your spot! Call the CGA today to book your Business Card Listing! Gelbvieh guide • Fall 2017 • Page 37
COMING EVENTS A Complimentary Service Provided by the Canadian Gelbvieh Association Oct. 25 - Pre-sort Gelbvieh Cross Calf Sale, Medicine Hat Feeding Company, Medicine Hat, AB
Mar. 3 - Davidson Gelbvieh & Lonesome Dove Annual Bull Sale, at the Ranch, Ponteix, SK
Oct. 26 - Pre-sort Gelbvieh Cross Satellite Sale, Heartland Livestock, Swift current, SK
Mar. 5 - Severtson Land & Cattle Annual Bull Sale, at the Ranch, Red Deer County, AB
Oct. 25-28 - Manitoba Livestock Expo, Brandon, MB
Mar. 6 - Gelbvieh Stock Exchange Sale, Medicine Hat Feeding Company, Medicine Hat, AB
Nov. 9 - CGA Annual General Meeting, 1:30 pm at Farmfair International, Edmonton, AB
Mar. 9 - Gelbvieh Advantage Bull Sale, Innisfail, AB
Nov. 10 - National Gelbvieh Show at 9 am at Farmfair International, Edmonton, AB Nov. 22-23 - People's Choice Gelbvieh Bull Futurity, Agribition, Regina, SK
Mar. 12 - Twin Bridge Farms & Twin View Farms Bull Sale, with guest consignors Keriness Cattle Company, Silver Sage Community Corral, Brooks, AB Mar. 14 - Fladeland Livestock 3rd Annual Bull Sale, Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK
Nov. 22-23 - Gelbvieh Show, Sweetheart Classic & People's Choice Gelbvieh Bull Futurity, Agribition, Regina, SK
Mar. 17 - Saskatoon Gelbvieh Bull Sale, Saskatoon, SK
Nov. 23 - Western Canadian Gelbvieh Sale, Agribition, Regina, SK
Mar. 24 - Nelson Gelbvieh Bull Sale, at the Ranch, Glenwood, AB
Dec. 1 - Photo contest deadline.
Mar. 25 - Best of the Breeds Bull Sale, consignor Goodview Gelbvieh, Yorkton, SK
Dec. 1-2 - GAA/BC Wish List Weekend
Apr. 4 - Milne's Better Beef Bull Sale, Fairview, AB
Dec. 1 - Christmas Party and Bull Pen Displays Dec. 2 - GAA/BC Annual Meeting, Customer Appreciation Day, Female Pen Show, Bull Jackpot Show and Wish List Sale
Apr. 14 - Cattle Capital Bull Sale, Ste. Rose Auction Market, Ste. Rose Du Lac, MB
Dec. 3 - "The Gathering" Sale, Olds Cow Palace, Olds, AB
May 1 - Deadline for the Summer issue of the Gelbvieh Guide magazine
Jul. 15 - Deadline application for the Canadian Junior Association Scholarship
Jan. 5 - Deadline for Winter Gelbvieh Guide magazine
Win a Free Ad! First Prize in Each Category
1/4 page advertisement in Summer 2018 Gelbvieh Guide 1. Cow/Calf 2. Scenic or Artistic
3. Bull(s) 4. Herd
1. Send or email unmarked colored print (3 1/2” X 5” or 4” X 6”) or digital file of each photograph entered. 2. All entries must be postmarked or emailed on or before Dec. 1/2017. Judging will take place before Jan. 15/2018. 3. Prizes must be accepted as awarded. 4. Winners will be notified and assistance given in setting up ads. Contest and prizes sponsored by the Canadian Gelbvieh Association
Please send only your best shots! The Canadian Gelbvieh Association reserves the right to use all photos entered in the contest Page 38 • Fall 2017 • Gelbvieh guide
Please send your photos to: Canadian Gelbvieh Association
5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary, AB T2E 6V1 or
Gathering Sale
Prairie Hills Gelbvieh
BNH Livestock
Gelbvieh World
RPS Gelbvieh
Bar GR
Goodview Gelbvieh
Rocky Top Gelbvieh
Beamish Land & Cattle
Hillsdown Ranch
25, 35
Royal Western Gelbvieh
Bow Valley Genetics Ltd.
Jen-Ty Gelbvieh
27, 36
Severtson Land & Cattle
Brittain Farms
24, 35
36 21, 36 IFC
Smithers Land & Livestock
Stockmans Insurance
Stone Gate Farm
Towerview Ranch
Knudson Farms
Davidson, Wade
LC Ranch
28, 37
Keriness Cattle Co.
Carlson Cattle Company
Davidson Gelbvieh
33, 36
Limestone Stock Farm
Lonesome Dove Ranch
Eyot Valley
Man-Sask Agribition Sale
Twin Bridge Farms
20, 37
Farmfair International
Maple Grove Gelbvieh
Twisted T Gelbvieh
37 36
Fir River Livestock Fladeland Livestock
Twin View Livestock
Dayspring Cattle
37, IBC
Milne’s Gelbvieh
Winders Golden Gelbvieh
4, 37
Nelson Gelbvieh
20, 36
Wish List Sale
Flatland Ranch
People’s Choice Futurity
Foursquare Gelbvieh
Prairie Gelbvieh Alliance
28, 37
Advertising Content The Gelbvieh Guide assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of submitted advertising copy, and has the right to refuse any ad copy or photos. Advertisers shall indemnify and hold harmless the Guide containing pedigrees or statements regarding performance must conform to records kept by the Canadian Gelbvieh Association. Copy deviating from official records may be changed as necessary without advertiser consent. Editorial Policy Opinions expressed are the writer’s and not necessarily those of Gelbvieh Guide or the Canadian Gelbvieh Association. Photographs are welcome, but no responsibility is assumed during transit or while in the office. Publisher’s Statement: All statements, including product claims, are those of the person or organization making the statement or claim. The publisher does not adopt any such statement or claim as its own, and any such statement or claim does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher.
Printed by: Westernlitho Printers Regina, SK, Canada Mailed under permit number 40012883 Postage paid at Calgary, AB Canadian Publication Agreement Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Canadian Gelbvieh Association 5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary AB T2E 6V1
Gaylene Groeneveld Phone: (403) 250-8640 Fax: (403) 291-5624 Email: (Gaylene)
Member Advertising Rates Please send ads and make cheques payable to :
The Canadian Gelbvieh Association Full Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $850.00 Half Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$500.00 Quarter Page . . . . . . . . . . . . $300.00 Business Card . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00 Classified (25 words) . . . . . . .$20.00 Contact the CGA to book advertising space or for rates on overruns, inserts, catalogues & mailing lists.
Electronic Composition
Kim Matthews Box 19, Site 5 RR#2, Olds, Alberta T4H 1P3
(403) 556-8836 (403) 556-8077 (Kim)
Gelbvieh guide • Fall 2017 • Page 39
Two Tier System LEVEL # 1 - $400 MEMBERSHIP LEVEL: This would provide members 1 voting card with the chance to win possession of the Futurity Champion Bull, and all draw down prizes. Note: This would provide breeders who do not want semen to be part of the event and have the chances of winning the Canadian Peoples Choice Champion Bull. LEVEL # 2 - $600 MEMBERSHIP LEVEL: Provides 1 bull entry, 10 units of semen from the Canadian People’s Choice Champion Bull, 1 voting card, a chance to win the bull and all draw down prizes. Also Level # 2 futurity members can purchase additional semen on the futurity champion for $40.00 per unit. Additional bull entry $200 - maximum 2 bulls per membership!
RULES - Eligible bulls must be born from January 1st from previous calendar year (2016) and all calendar year bulls. - Members entering bulls must be the registered owner of their futurity entries by August 1, 2017. - Bulls will only be allowed to enter once. - All bulls must be CGA or AGA registered PC88 or Purebred/Fullblood bulls. - All bulls must have complete parent verification on file with the CGA or AGA by Thursday November 16, 2017 to compete ( Futurity will guarantee results for all proper DNA samples submitted to CGA or AGA prior to October 1, 2017). All samples received after October 1, 2017 will not have guaranteed results. - All bulls must be Tattoo Checked, Weighed and Scrotal measured to compete. - All bulls will be videoed at the event facility previous to the start of futurity and made available on-line. - Exhibitor of the futurity champion will not be eligible to win their own bull. - Members receive 1 voting card per membership. - On-line voting will be available for members who are unable to attend the event, there will be no-proxy voting. - Clipping of futurity bulls is suggested and will be left at the discretion of each owner. The event will be a dry brush show, zero tolerance for glues and paints. - Futurity Champion will receive up to a $20,000 payout. - All breeders entering bulls will be required to sign futurity contracts stating that the bulls are virgin bulls (never bred cows or been collected). In the event their bull wins they are willing to give up ownership (full possession and ½ semen interest) to the futurity. - Futurity members will fill out and sign a semen use contract that states they can not re-sell the semen and they will have the right of refusal of semen from futurity champions that don’t meet their breeding programs needs. This contract will be sent out via e-mail to all members after the event and will be required to be sent in by January 15, 2018. Also any additional semen purchase must be made official at this time on the contract and paid for in full. - Futurity champion will first collect the required 10 units per membership and semen will be released on the same date. Additional semen requirements will be met later, once all additional semen orders are met, semen will be released. (Note all additional semen orders will be paid to the futurity and profit after collection fees, will be split 50/50 with the exhibitor of the futurity champion bull). - Futurity champion will have until September 1, 2018 to fill the membership 10 units. If the Futurity Champion is unable to collect and freeze due to any reason (death, sickness, injury or infertility) the required membership semen, only Futurity members who requested semen will be given a semen credit (10 units) that can be applied to their choice of the next two Futurity Champions. All additional semen purchased will be refunded in full.)
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For further information contact:
Aaron Birch Ph: 403-485-5518
- The Draw Down winner of the Futurity Champion/Purchaser in the sale will also need to sign bull usage agreement contract in regards to zero semen sales for 3 years. - Lot #1 in the Wish List sale will be reserved for the Futurity Champion if the draw down winner chooses to sell the bull. - The Futurity will supply stall cards that must be displayed, all additional promotional information such as picture displays, will be the responsibility and left to the discretion of each entry.
Membership Form Name of Farm ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Owner(s) Name __________________________________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ph: (
) ___________________________________________ Fax: (
) _______________________________________
Email __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______ Tier #1 - $400 Membership ___________________________________________________ $ __________________ ______ Tier #2 - $600 Membership ___________________________________________________ $ __________________ Additional Bull Entry- $200 __________________________________________________________ $__________________ Total Enclosed ……………………… $___________________ Mastercard VISA Card # _____________________________________ Exp: ______________________ Signature ________________________________
Gelbvieh guide • Fall 2017 • Page 41
Page 42 • Fall 2017 • Gelbvieh guide