CDN PUB Agreement # 40012883
Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2018 • Page 3
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In this issue...
President’s Report Office Memo Gelbvieh Association of AB/BC News Man/Sask Gelbvieh Assoc. News Sale Results Coming Events Advertiser Index
8 9 10 11 58 44 45
Feature articles... Basics of Bolt Horn & Face Flies in Cattle Keep or Cull? Membership Directory Canadian Junior Gelbvieh Assoc. Scholarship Essay The Seven Things Your Customers Want to Know About Genomics
12 14 16 18 31 34
Advertising Deadlines/Publication Dates Fall - September 1 / October 1 - Commercial Issue Spring - January 1 / February 1 - Herd Sire Issue Summer - May 1 / June 1 - Golden Pages
The official publication of the CANADIAN
Cows on Pa sture Heat Be at Fla delan ating the d Live stock
5160 Skyline Way N.E., Calgary, Alberta T2E 6V1 Phone: (403) 250-8640 Fax: (403) 291-5624 Email:
Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2018 • Page 5
Provincial Association Representatives to the CGA Board of Directors Gelbvieh Association of Alberta/BC
President - Jason Muhlbach Box 299, Botha, AB T0C 0N0 403-740-2526
Man-Sask Gelbvieh Association
Lee Wirgau Box 25 Narcisse, MB R0C 2H0 Phone: 204-886-7588 Fax: 204-278-3255
Secretary: Lorna Okell Box 627, Duchess, AB T0J 0Z0 Phone: 403-378-4898
President - Ian Thackeray Box1002 Weyburn, SK S4H 2L2 Phone: 306-861-7687 Fax: 306-456-2554
Representative -Cynthia Wirgau Box 25, Narcisse, MB R0C 2H0 204-886-7588
Vice President
Eastern Canadian Gelbvieh Association
Neil Overby Box 815 St. Ros Du Lac, MB R0L 1S0 Phone: 431-233-3505
James Jasper
Representative -Jason Hurst 234439 Concession 2 WGR RR2, Durham. ON N0G 1R0 Phone: 519-881-7929
Secretary -Laurie Hurst 234439 Concession 2 WGR RR2, Durham. ON N0G 1R0 Phone: 519-369-1763
Box 24 Hartney, MB R0M 0X0 Phone: 204-741-0763
Aaron Birch Box 97 Parkbeg, SK S0H 3K0 Phone: 403-485-5518
Ryan Sommerfeld Box 7 Medstead, SK S0M 1W0 Phone: 306-342-2136 306-342-7259
Don Okell Box 627 Duchess, AB T0J 0Z0 Phone: 403-378-4898 Fax: 403-378-4894
Trevor Burks Box 11 Parry, SK S0H 3L0 Phone: 306-715-7476
Don’t Miss Out!
Keep in touch by reading the official Gelbvieh Magazine. The Gelbvieh Guide magazine is mailed FREE OF CHARGE for four years to purchasers of registered Gelbvieh cattle when the registration certificate is transferred into the purchaser's name. Ask the seller of the animal for a registration certificate when you purchase a Gelbvieh animal. Note, according to the Animal Pedigree Act (Chapter 13, Section 64(j), no person shall sell a purebred animal without providing to the buyer, within six (6) months after the sale, the animal's duly transferred certificate of registration. If you are not a CGA member and wish to continue to receive the GELBVIEH GUIDE or know of someone who should be on our mailing list, please clip out and send in this coupon and remit $20.00 Canadian and send to the Canadian Gelbvieh Association office.. For out of country subscribers, please fill out the Subscription Form, remit $50.00 Canadian, and send to the Canadian Gelbvieh Association office.
Name: Address: City:
Postal Code Mail to:
Canadian Gelbvieh Association 5160 Skyline Way NE T2E 6V1 Ph: (403) 250-8640 Fax: (403) 291-5624
❑ $21.00 Enclosed for Canadian subscription fee. ❑ $50.00 Enclosed for foreign subscription fee. Page 6 • Summer 2018 • Gelbvieh guide
Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2018 • Page 7
Lee Wirgau
GA is at the precipice finally of the multi-year plan of moving this great breed to the top of the cattle industry. This journey has not been without challenges, but we have persevered. The journey has also met these challenges with well thought out, researched solutions that your board members are moving CGA forward with. The first issue we were dealing with was determining a direction for us to take with a registry system. The decision made was to go on our own contract with Digital Beef. This was made after many meetings and deliberations. This allows us full control of our current and future data. Secondly, along with this came the decision to retain IGS (International Genetic Solutions) to crunch and process our EPD’s. This system uses the newly released BOLT system of producing up to date, more accurate numbers. It also continues to allow our EPD’s to be directly comparable to Canadian and American Simmental, Canadian and American Limousin, Canadian and American Red Angus. Please explain and help your customers to understand and digest this concept for their future beef genetics purchases. Another box checked off on our important list! Thirdly, we were tasked with finding a new CEO, once the above two decisions were made. Hiring a new person is
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something CGA didn’t have to do for many years. Gaylene told the board awhile back of her interest in a well deserved retirement. While working on the shape and direction the registry system would take, we were speaking with our industry counterparts, collecting leads on candidates to fulfill the new position when Gaylene leaves. It will be similar in some ways, but also hopefully different in allowing this new person to be tasked with some research duties and more actively marketing Gelbvieh. With that, we are excited to tell everyone we have hired Sarah Van Schothorst, who joined our Gelbvieh team in June, after finishing her term position with the Canadian Hereford Association. She had a stellar reference from them in the time she was employed there. One of Sarah’s many strengths is her knowledge of operation of the GrowSafe system used to collect residual feed intake data. A direction we will be exploring in the future with her guidance. Gaylene will mentoring Sarah part time through the fall. Feel free to introduce yourself and welcome her to Gelbvieh! Along with this total revamp, the board felt it perfectly timed for a rebrand. Watch for this in the near future. As mentioned earlier, it has been an awesome two plus years journey, but I feel we have arrived ! Wishing everyone a bountiful summer and we will see you down the road
Gaylene Groeneveld CEO
ummer has arrived, calves have been processed and cows are out to pasture. Who knows what Mother Nature has planned for us this summer after such a crazy winter and short spring season. After a very successful bull sale season, cattlemen are thinking of rebuilding and upgrading their cow herds. If there is one thing that I have learned after years in the purebred cattle business, it's this, "It takes a great cow to produce great bulls!" I have said this before, "Don't screw up your cow herd!" That sounds like a fairly simple statement, but think about it for a moment. Great bulls come from dams that produce quality calves year after year. Seestock producers and commercial cattlemen alike have chosen Gelbvieh to take their cow herds to the next level, and they know that Gelbvieh is noted for producing superior docile females. Their bull calves carry on that docility trait and combine it with growth rate and the result is at the top end of the beef industry. The heifer calf portion of a calf crop exhibit the same docility, and now combine that trait with superior milk production and you have an ideal replacement female, but be cautious when selecting females you wish to retain in your herd, they are the core of your herd for years to come. Use tools that are available to you for making those decisions, EPDs, foot and leg structure and udder quality are a few things that are very heritable and could either positively or negatively affect your herd. Producing a great cow herd that will give you those top sell-
ing bulls and productive females sometimes takes years to achieve your goals. Cull hard this fall and only market those animals that meet your own high standards of quality - send the rest to the feedlot or your local sale barn
Saying farewell: It is with mixed emotions that I write my final 'Office Memo' in the Gelbvieh Guide magazine. When I started being the office assistant 17 years ago, I hardly thought that this job would become so contagious and important to me. As the CEO of the Canadian Gelbvieh Association for the past three and a half years, my appreciation for the Gelbvieh breed and friendships I have made with its members has been, to say the least, a truly humbling and rewarding life experience. It is said, that the only thing constant is 'change' and your Association is in 'change' mode this summer. We have our own CGA contract with Digital Beef (not renting our services from the AGA) as of August 1, 2018, and a new CEO, Sarah Van Schothorst, joined our team in June. Sarah and I will work together to year's end on CGA business and Kim at Prime Cut Publishing and I will continue to publish the Gelbvieh Guide three times a year. Our advertising committee is working on new advertising concepts as well as revamping our brand. More updates will be available in the fall issue of the Guide. Have a great summer everyone, see you down the trail!
Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2018 • Page 9
Association News By Jason Muhlbach, President, GAA/BC
hope this message finds everyone healthy and doing well. After what seemed like winter would never end, we turned a corner and now just a few weeks after the snow has melted it leaves us wanting rain in my neck of the woods. Congratulations to all who sold bulls this spring, I was able to get to a few sales - the quality was outstanding and the prices remain strong on the high quality bulls. The GAA/BC board is starting to ramp up the preparations for another Wish List sale that will again be held in Red Deer at the Westerner grounds the first weekend in December. We will be getting in contact with all of the past consignors and other breeders throughout the summer to see if they would like to consign to the sale or have display pens. If you have not been contacted by one of the organizing committee please feel free to contact any one of the board members to take part in the
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weekend events or sale, everyone is welcome. New this year, the board has decided to encourage the youth who are showing Gelbvieh or Gelbvieh influenced (25% or higher) females to show them off a bit more. If you are a Jr, send us a picture of you and your project at a 4-H show or any other Jr show, and you will have your name entered to win a sale credit to be used at the 2018 Wish List sale. Through generous sponsors we have already raised $1,600.00 (to date, but will hopefully increase) in a Wish List Sale credit. For any questions feel free to contact Jessica Pearson at 780-297-2352. Although no formal field day has been announced there might be a spur of the moment one planned at some point this summer or fall and we will try and spread the word to everyone via email. Till next edition take care and have a great summer.
Association News By Cynthia Wirgau
hope everyone had a successful calving season. Bull sales went well this past spring. Hopefully Mother Nature will dump us all with some moisture. The Man-Sask Gelbvieh Association is once again preparing for its upcoming year. The Association field day will be held at Twin View Livestock, Parkbeg, SK on August 4th. See their ad on page 3 for more details. Thank you to the Aaron and Joe for hosting this year’s field day. The upcoming show season will include Manitoba Livestock Expo in Brandon on October 25-28 and the National Gelbvieh Show at Agribition November 18-24. The Association will again be awarding one purebred/commercial breeder in Manitoba and one in Saskatchewan. Nominations must be submitted by September 30, 2018 to Secretary, Cynthia Wirgau, Box 25, Narcisse, MB R0C 2H0.
Tuesday, November 20, 2018 The CGA Constitution may be amended at any General meeting of the Association by affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present, but no amendment shall be valid until approved by the Minister of Agriculture of Canada and filed at the Department of Agriculture of Canada.
We will be looking for sponsors for Manitoba Livestock Expo and Agribition; please contact Cynthia Wirgau or Shayla Jasper if you are interested. Your support is greatly appreciated. Please let us know of any youth in 4-H are showing a Gelbvieh influenced calf. The Man-Sask Association will be giving each member a jacket. The Sweetheart Classic will continue to be open to calves and bred females, but all will be judged together. Please contact Cynthia Wirgau or Michelle Sommerfeld to get your membership. MEMBERSHIPS MUST BE PAID PRIOR TO VOTING. Have a great summer everyone.
Canadian Western Agribition
Regina, SK
Notice of all proposed amendments shall be signed by two members in good standing and submitted to the Association at least forty five days in advance of a General Meeting and they shall be included in the Notice calling such meeting, otherwise the meeting shall have no power to deal with the same.
The Meeting has only power to deal with the Article and selection as stated in the Notice calling such Meeting.
Members wishing to submit amendments to the Constitution are requested to forward some to the Association in accordance with the above. Please include addressed of mover and seconder. All amendments to the Constitution must reach the Association office by Oct. 7, 2018 in order to be included in the Notice of Meeting. Copies of the Constitution are available from the CGA office on request.
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Basics Before
ith the imminent release of single step evaluation through the new BOLT EPD system, I thought it might be worth considering some of the “presteps” to this process, to help appreciate the power of genetic selection and how we got where we are today. Firstly, people have measured and described things for a long period of time, including cattle. Various breeds at their point of origin had specific characteristics and descriptions. As we added more information such as weight we were able to do a better job at selecting within a cowherd. There are several challenges with this, with the first being the fact that no matter how good the cattle are, half of them are below herd average. The flip side of this coin, would be that no matter how poor the cowherd, ½ the cattle are above average. Another more difficult challenge emerges from this approach is that we don’t use all of the information and because of genetic relationships, using raw herd data may result in unforeseen changes. For example, it might be rare to select replacement heifers indexing below 100 for Weaning Weight, however
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selecting heifers with higher in herd indexes will, over time, tend to lead towards bigger cows. Another challenge that I hear about sometimes is that people must be lying on their weights, or using “enhanced management” to get in herd performance numbers like they have. It is not fair to compare raw performance across herds with very different management. These are some of the exact reasons that we started to produce EPD in the first place. An EPD evaluation is a way to use all available information to predict the DNA that an animal can pass on to its’ offspring, and to do so in such a way that results can be compared across herds and environments, regardless of management.
I also often hear that EPD are inaccurate or can change. This is true. As we learn about cattle we often have to be willing to change our opinion. This is not exclusive to EPD systems, but also occurs with raw weights. Anyone ever hear of the 80 pound birthweight bull that throws C sections on heifers? This is learning more about the bull, and likely changing our opinion. With EPD we start with the basic premise that a calf should get half of their DNA from mom and half from dad, basically an average of the parents. As we learn more information we may revise our estimate. Historically the first things we would learn about the calf are weights and maybe ultrasound. We would use these pieces of information to revise and enhance our estimate of what DNA that calf carries. As the calf matures and produces calves of its’ own we can start to see what DNA is passed on, and further revise our understanding of the animal. If the animal is used in different herds, under different management or can be compared with cattle from other sources (such as an AI sire) we can get a better prediction of what the genetic merit of that calf is in relation to the rest of the breed or other cattle in the evaluation. This is basically the point we are at now. The BOLT systems two biggest changes are the inclusion of DNA directly sourced from the animal and analysed in a lab, and the ability to run regular (weekly runs). In essence, BOLT is no different than past EPD systems in that it assesses information to rank the animal within the breed for a trait with the major exception that it can use the animal’s DNA results as a direct source of information to evaluate that animal. Because the system is highly automated, weekly runs are possible and thus we can rapidly revise our estimate of an animal’s merit as new
information comes in, rather than semi-annually. This may mean that we see some cattle change more rapidly and more often, however it also means that we are continually doing a better job of assessing the genetics of the Gelbvieh animals in the database. A better assessment of the animal can mean better decisions for breeders and/or their customers. You may notice with the new EPD that accuracies are slightly lower than you are used to. This is another change in the system. Accuracy is actually very difficult to calculate, and previous evaluations used an estimation technique to arrive at accuracy values. This technique tended to overstate the accuracy or confidence level of the EPD. BOLT now calculates accuracy directly (not estimated) and thus provides a truer picture of exactly how much information we have available to assess an animal’s DNA. EPD are a tool, however they can also lead us in the same direction as our earlier example of selecting the high weaning weight index heifers, resulting in bigger cows. Selecting strictly for larger EPD values may or may not improve a cow herd. EPD describe an animal’s characteristics for traits measured within a breed. It is up to the breeder to decide which characteristics they want more/less of and the goal of the cowherd. Sometimes average is plenty, and less is more. The new BOLT EPD will most certainly have some animals with EPD changes, and reassessing these animals will likely create some angst, however the new EPD will represent the best scientifically sound prediction of the merit of each animal in relation to the breed that has ever been made available for use. BOLT will be a powerful tool that will hopefully make it an exciting time to be a Gelbvieh breeder.
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wrote an article on Horn and Face flies over fifteen years ago. Still even today many producers don’t treat for them on pasture. The weight loss and irritation caused by these flies have not changed over the years but we now have a broader arsenal of products to combat them. This article will highlight the many options you have to combat these production-limiting insects. Horn flies are the ones we see over the cattle’s backs in the summer. They spend most of their time biting through the hide (20-40 times daily) and drawing blood. This makes quiet cattle nervous and as a result less milk is produced on cows such that weaning weights may be reduced up to 14% on their calves. The calves get a double whammy less milk to drink plus the flies also irritate and bite them as well. Face flies are always feeding on animal secretions such as eye discharge and are very bothersome to cattle resulting in up to one hour less grazing per day that is significant in itself. That alone leads to less weight gain and they are one of the causes of the spread of diseases such as pinkeye. Both flies’ life cycles involve eggs being laid in cattle manure and the entire life cycle is two to three weeks so lots of time for up to five life cycles through the summer in our northern climates. More than fifty face flies per animal are significant. Herd sires seem to be the ones to watch for flies becoming very numerous and we can scrape them off the backs of bulls by the handfuls when infestations get bad. In order to get the ten to thirty pounds gain that have been seen in yearlings strategic timing of fly control by various methods available is imperative.
With the increase in cattle genetics and their great propensity to gain today’s modern cattle could have even greater losses when grazing is disrupted. On top of everything else you do in cattle production please think about fly control anytime processing cattle in the summer or transporting to summer pasture. The families of products available will be described that will hopefully make it easier and get you the economic returns (weight gain, and less sickness such as pinkeye) that come from good fly control. Plus the cattle will be more content and healthier so that is a good feeling as well. There are several options available from insecticide ear tags that have been around since the eighties to the pour on Macrocyclic Lactones (ivermectin type products like Solmectin or Ivomec would be examples) to the pour on pyrethroid products like Saber, Boss or Cylence. Several years after the fly tags came out resistance was developing so different chemical compounds were developed. Now we can watch for the reoccurrence of flies and they should give almost 100 % protection from flies for the first few weeks. If this is not the case resistance may be developing and a switch may be necessary. Then there are the fly control products given by the cattle oilers mixed with mineral oil or canola oil. The cattle oiler options have been reduced as of late with the removal of Malathion and I would recommend if using cattle oilers to avoid mixing with diesel fuel. I have always wondered if diesel fuel should have a withdrawal and the smell lingers on the cattle so use the more natural mineral oils or oilseed oils. The cattle oiler product in Canada is a permethrin insecticide. One of the trade names is
Face flies are always feeding on animal secretions such as eye discharge and are very bothersome to cattle resulting in up to one hour less grazing per day. Page 14 • Summer 2018 • Gelbvieh guide
Ectiban but there are others and with insecticides we need to follow the label. Advantages of the oilers are there is continual treatment for flies, lice and mosquitoes are indicated as well. The one disadvantage is the hardware of the oilers as they require a large capital outlay and require yearly maintenance. Slaughter withdrawal in an oiler is only one day. The macrocyclic lactones (primarily the ivermectins) are the pour on products we are all familiar with. Still highly effective against lice and warbles. The effectiveness is waning against internal worms and many producers or veterinarians don’t think of them as a fly treatment even though they could be. They are on label for fly control for 35 days and because the product goes systemic and is excreted in the manure the fly larvae will be killed. Killing the larvae is a big benefit before they become flies. A longer slaughter withdrawal (49 days for most) but the ivermectin products have come down greatly in price over the years so are very economic to use. The broad spectrum of activity with an easy way to apply are also advantageous. One issue they do have is in addition to fly larvae they often kill the immature forms of the dung beetle. The pour-on pyrethroids are the next category of insecticides you producers and veterinarians have the option of using for fly control. These products generally have efficacy for both flies and lice. Some have efficacy for certain ticks as well. They require a small volume of material poured over the back. The products I am most familiar with are Saber, Boss and Cylence. All work about the same way and control lice both biting and sucking as well as have a few weeks duration against flies. Withdrawal times range up to a week, but slaughter dates rarely come
into play on pasture cattle. The fly tags available on the market have a longer duration of about three months but are very specific to fly control only. Longer duration leads to higher cost and of course more labour to take the old ones out and put in the new tags. There is also a product which is fed and comes out in the manure similar to the endectocides but is very specific for killing fly larvae. With more and more chemical compounds being pulled we must use these products judiciously at the right time so we have them in the future One must remember with a point in time treatment, the closer one can treat to when the fly season is upon us the greater benefit one gets. Any time you are running cattle through in later spring or over the summer fly control should be on your to do list. Most clinics should treat with any of the previous mentioned products when sick animals are being attended to or processed during the summer months. With multipurpose products the weight gains are generally cumulative with flies, lice, internal parasites and in some cases ticks all adding to decreased gains. By breaking the fly cycle and killing adults early we help to reduce the fly level for the entire season. In our neck of the woods July and August are the worst times for flies. Ask your veterinarian, or other health care representative about recommending a good fly control product/s. Apply it properly at the right dosage and reap the benefits of good quality fly control for your entire herd.
Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2018 • Page 15
Seedstock producers need to cull even harder than commercial cattlemen, to make sure that the animals they offer as breeding stock will be fertile and productive, to move commercial herds in the right direction for profitability.
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ash flow. Bottom line. The prices producers get for cattle periodically drop, yet many expenses keep going up. When cattle prices are low, ranchers often cull harder, selling more cows or heifers to try to generate enough income to pay the bills, yet those culling decisions are crucial to the future of the cow herd. Are we using these decisions to help shape and improve the herd (to more readily take advantage of better prices when they go back up again, with better-performing cattle)? When making culling decisions, it is important to have a plan, to make the best decisions for your own operation. The plan should include pregnancy testing and closely evaluating every cow. Seedstock producers need to cull even harder than commercial cattlemen, to make sure that the animals they offer as breeding stock will be fertile and productive, to move commercial herds in the right direction for profitability. Dr. Bart Lardner, (Research Scientist, Western Beef Development Center and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Animal and Poultry Science, University of Saskatchewan) says it is important to keep good records on breeding females, to know which ones are getting bred in their first cycle and calving early in the calving season. You don’t want cows that breed late and come up open the next year. “The only reason a cow is on your ranch is to give you a calf every calendar year. If she’s not doing that, for whatever reason, she should be culled. Gestation is about 283 days plus or minus a few days, so you only have about 82 days after calving to get her bred again on time. It takes about 40 days for involution of the uterus and that leaves only 42 days for her to start to recycle and then get bred again, to give you a calf every 365 days. When you start allowing cows to be bred in their second or third cycle or later (depending on length of your breeding season), your calving period is extended and some cows are giving you a calf every 400 to 430 days. This costs you money in terms of potential pounds of calf to sell, and those cows may breed late again. So this would be one reason to cull a cow, if she has a late calf,” he says. “There are four benchmarks to look at in terms of what we consider the GOLD standard. GOLD is the acronym for growth, open, length, and death loss. Growth is a benchmark producers can look at; weaning weight is a percentage of dam weight and if a cow brings back 43% or more of her mature weight in saleable calf, that’s acceptable. If she’s bringing less than 43% of her own weight she may be a larger-framed cow that is eating too much for what she is giving you back,” explains Lardner. She has to pay for her keep. “Another thing all producers should think about is pounds of calf weaned per cow exposed to the bull. This would be calculated based on performance records. Culling should be based on fertility (if the cow is open) and this can be ascertained by preg-checking. Some producers don’t bother to preg-check, saying that all the open ones will show up in the spring anyway, but you don’t want to spend money wintering a cow that isn’t going to give you a calf,” says Lardner. “In our herd here we look at a number of factors including feet and legs (we don’t want any issues in terms of lameness), udder structure and milking ability (a good sound udder with all four quarters functioning, and no teats too long or big for the newborn calf to get onto). We also look at disposition. We recently had an issue with a cow that had an aggressive attitude
the last couple years at calving, and this year she took after our ranch manager. Her disposition has put her on the cull list,” he says. Even if a cow raises a good calf, it’s not worth keeping her if she puts people at risk. You can’t afford to keep that kind of cow. “We want cows to be good mothers, but not overzealous to the point of being a safety risk. We also see some with lack of mothering--cows that simply abandon their calf or won’t let it suck. That’s another obvious reason to cull a cow,” says Lardner. “We also keep records on any cows that have a vaginal prolapse in late pregnancy. They should be culled because they will do it again the next year. If it happens once you might be able to sew her up, but you want to get those cows out of your herd because it will be a continuing problem.” Producers should never keep a daughter from a cow that prolapses because this weakness is hereditary. It’s also important to select for cows that are good at converting forage. “You want a cow that will get out there on the range, raise a good calf and be fertile on a forage-based program. We want to limit costly inputs like concentrate supplements. Cows that can do well on native range and maintain good body condition are the ones you should keep replacement heifers from,” he says. “As a side note to fertility there is the issue of cows having twins. This past spring we had 10 sets of twins. Twins can be ok (additional calves, and something to foster onto any cow that loses a calf) but they can also be a challenge, with extra labor. Is having twins a reason to cull a cow?” This depends on the situation and your operation. If she mothers and raises both of them, that’s great, but often you’ll find one twin not doing as well, or a cow that only wants one and abandons the other. Culling actually starts with your heifer program, keeping a certain number of heifers but only keeping the ones that conceive in their first cycle. “The heifer calves that are born in the first cycle will generally be the most productive, prolific cows throughout their lifetime. They will hopefully reach puberty sooner and conceive and raise a calf and have a long productive life (10 or more calves) in the herd. It boils down to what type of cow gives you that type of performance in terms of progeny, and repeatability,” he says. It pays to record information on each cow for every breeding season and calving season because this helps in making your culling decisions later. If a producer has a lot of cattle and doesn’t remember all the details about each individual cow, it pays to keep records. Notes from calving season could remind a person that a certain cow had a bad udder (such as big teats that the calf had a hard time getting onto without help) because her udder might not look that bad later in the year. Due to too much milk, or udder conformation, suckling might be a problem for her next calf, and her udder might get worse every year. These cows should not be kept (due to the extra labor involved or the risk that her calf might not be able to suckle if she calves somewhere that no one would find her in time to help it) even though they might raise a big calf after a little help. “The bigger the herd, the bigger the challenge to keep good records, but it is so important. You need some way to look back and check on a certain cow’s performance,” says Lardner. This could be a tie-breaker on some of those culling decisions. Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2018 • Page 17
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Abel Farm Murray Abel RR# 5 Lacombe, AB T4L 2N5 Phone: 403/782-1009, 403/872-0612 Email: Prefix: AFL Adams, David & Janice Adamsgreen Gelbvieh Box 2344 High Prairie, AB T0G 1E0 Phone: 780/524-5382 Email: Prefix: ADA
Anderson, laine & Krista Diamond A Farm Box 20, RR #2, Site 1 Millet, AB T0C 1Z0 Phone: 780/389-2460 Prefix: DA
Anderson, ron & Gail Bar GR Cattle Box 1342 High Prairie, AB T0G 1E0 Phone: 780/523-2116, 780/523-8509 Fax: 780/523-2116 Email: Prefix: GR
Andruchow, Art & Marie Limestone Stock Farms Box 386 Andrew, AB T0B 0C0 Phone: 780/896-2352 Email: Prefix: AM
bahrynowski, Peter Duke Cattle Company Box 486 Wildwood, AB T0E 2M0 Phone: 780/325-2611, 780/542-8500 Email: Prefix: DUKE
barnert, Jeremiah Pin To Point Gelbvieh Box 4, Site 1, RR# 1 Okotoks, AB T1S 1A1 Phone: 403/617-3985 Fax: 403/938-8168 Email: Prefix: JAB beattie, bruce West Hawk Farms Ltd. RR #2 Sundre, AB T0M 1X0 Phone: 403/638-3735 Fax: 403/638-3747 Email: birch, ron & Carol Twin Bridge Farms Ltd. Box 192 Lomond, AB T0L 1G0 Phone: 403/792-2123 Ron Cell: 403/485-5512 Fax: 403/792-2123 Email: Website: Prefix: SA
brittain, Kelly & Colleen Brittain Farms RR# 1 Falun, AB T0C 1H0 Phone: 780/352-0676, 780/387-6446 Fax: 780/352-0676 Email: Prefix: CK
Carlson, lon t. & lorraine beaudin Carlson Cattle Company Box 86 Magrath, AB T0K 1J0 Phone: 403/894-3413 Email: Website: Prefix: CCC
Congdon, Cody Rocky Top Gelbvieh Box 366 Bashaw, AB T0B 0H0 Phone: 403/350-5791 Email: Prefix: RTG
Davisson, ray & Anne LC Ranch Box 764 Stettler, AB T0C 2L0 Phone: 403/741-4488 Cell: 403/323-0233 Email: Email: Prefix: LCR
Dunford, Darren Dusty Rose Cattle Co. Box 22, Site 2, RR #1 Dapp, AB T0G 0S0 Phone: 780-206-5918 Email: Prefix: DR
Fecho, larry & lynne EYOT Valley Ranch RR# 2 Millet, AB T0C 1Z0 Phone: 780/986-9705, 780/718-5477 Fax: 780/986-9705 Email: Prefix: EV
Girling, Donald & Cody Triple G Ranch Gelbvieh 515 – 6th Avenue Dunmore, AB T1B 0J9 Phone: 403-526-2947 Email: Prefix: DCG
Grabler, Calvin & Shannon Janzen-Grabler RR #1 Site 3 Box 1 Cherhill, AB T0E 0J0 Phone: 780/674-2162 Fax: 780/674-2438 Email: Prefix: CS
Hickman, Darrell & leila Stone Gate Farm RR# 2 Vermilion, AB T9X 1Y7 Phone: 780/581-0077 Darrell Cell: 780/581-4510 Fax: 780/853-8704 Email: Prefix: STON Hoffman, ron Box 819 Carstairs, AB T0M 0N0 Prefix: RRR
Hollman, brad & Nicole BNH Livestock 35539 Rge Rd 270 Red Deer County, AB T4G 0M5 Phone: 403/352-0816, 403/896-8851 Fax: 403/886-2813 Email: Prefix: NGC
Hollman, rodney & tanya Royal Western Gelbvieh 35347 Rge Rd 270 Red Deer County, AB T4G 0C9 Phone: 403/754-5499, 403/588-8620 Fax: 403/886-2813 Email: Website: Prefix: RWG
Hollman, ryan c/o Royal Western Gelbvieh 35347 Rge Rd 270 Red Deer County, AB T4G 0C9 Phone: 403/588-8620 Fax: 403/886-2813 Email: Prefix: RJH
Janzen, Jason & Agatha Janzen Gelbvieh Box 1433 La Crete, AB T0H 2H0 Phone: 780/928-2044, 780/926-0156 Email: Prefix: JAJ
Keeping, tom Keeya Creek Farms Inc. Box 4733 Taber, AB T1G 2E1 Phone: 403/586-4944 Email: Prefix: KEE
Koziak, Olivia & Chad Koziak Land & Cattle RR #1 Star, AB T0B 4E0 Phone: 780/835-0264 Email: Prefix: KLC
Kulak, tom Hill Top Gelbvieh 4603 – 57 Avenue Stony Plain, AB T7Z 1C6 Phone: 780/722-2150 Email: Prefix: KFF
lightfoot, larry Triple L Gelbvieh 712037 Range Road 52 County of Grande Prairie NO.1, AB T8X 4A5 Phone: 780/532-6633, 780-402-9550 Email: Prefix: LL
litchfield, linden & randee Box 1828 Cardston, AB T0K 0K0 Phone: 403/653-3919, 403/317-4163 Email: Prefix: LCL
MacDonell, Drew MacDonell Farms Box 112 Chipman, AB T0B 0W0 Phone: 780/686-2716 Email: Prefix: MD
Marsman, Wanda Widowewa Holdings Ltd./Hillsdown Gelbvieh 25032 Twp Rd 374 Red Deer County, AB T0M 0V0 Phone: 403/749-3075, 403-373-3075 Fax: 403/749-3056 Email: Website: Prefix: HDG
Mason, Scott & Kristen M Anchor Gelbvieh Box 1686 Valleyview, AB T0H 3N0 Phone: 780/524-4304 Fax: 780/524-4339 Email: Prefix: SKM
Milne, Harold & bev Milne's Gelbvieh Box 1573 Fairview, AB T0H 1L0 Phone: 780/835-2645, 780/855-0365 Fax: 780/835-2645 Email: Website: Prefix: GCC
Milne, John & Jean Dunvegan Cattle Co. Ltd. Box 1209 Fairview, AB T0H 1L0 Phone: 780/835-4518 Fax: 780/835-4518 Email: Prefix: DCC
Muhlbach, Jason Jace Cattle Company Box 299 Botha, AB T0C 0N0 Phone: 403/740-2526 Fax: 403/574-2189 Email: Prefix: JM
Murphy, Andrew & Susan Crump Red Dawn Ranch Box 59, Site 5, RR #4 Lacombe, AB T4L 2N4 Phone: 403/782-4713 Fax: 403/782-4713 Email: Prefix: RDR
Nelson, Duane & linda Box 1144 Glenwood, AB T0K 2R0 Phone: 403/626-3279, 403/331-9086 Email: Prefix: DDN
Ness, Joe Jonus Cattle RR #1, Site #2, Box 31 Airdrie, AB T4B 2A3 Phone: 403/852-7332 Prefix: JOE
Ness, Kert & Joe Keriness Cattle Company Ltd. Box 8, Site 7, RR# 1 Airdrie, AB T4B 2A3 Phone: 403/948-3282, 403/860-4634 Fax: 403/948-2236 Email: Prefix: KCC
Nielsen, Adam 39020A Rge Rd 21 Lacombe County, AB T4E 2M8 Phone: 403/588-9281 Email: Prefix: AJN Nielsen, Dan & Marilyn Dayspring Cattle 39020A Rge Rd 21 Lacombe County, AB T4E 2MB Phone: 403/887-4971 Fax: 403/887-4971 Email: Website: Prefix: DSP
Okell, Don W. & lorna Jen-Ty Gelbvieh Box 627 Duchess, AB T0J 0Z0 Phone: 403/378-4898 Don Cell:403/793-4549 Lorna Cell: 403/501-1019 Fax: 403/378-4894 Email: Website: Prefix: DL
Pahl, Gary & Nolan Towerview Ranch Box 331 Medicine Hat, AB T1A 7G1 Phone: 403/548-7150 Gary’s Cell: 403/528-0886 Nolan’s Cell: 403/977-2057 Fax: 403/548-7139 Email: Website: Prefix: TVR
Pancoast, Vern & Vivienne V & V Farms Box 37 Redcliff, AB T0J 2P0 Phone: 403/548-6678, 403/580-9532 Fax: 403/548-6955 Email: Prefix: VV
Paulencu, Chris & Amber Green Acres Cattle Company 554079 RR 161 Lamont County, AB T0B 0C0 Phone: 780/932-1176 Email: Prefix: GAC
Pearson, Jessica & Duncan Pearson Farms Box 589 Calmar, AB T0C 0V0 Phone: 780/297-2352 Email: Prefix: JNA
radomske, Dan Valley Gelbvieh 26569 Twp. Rd. 350 Red Deer County, AB T4G 0M4 Phone: 403/505-2416 Fax: 403/227-1207 Prefix: VG
roy, Henry M. HMR Gelbvieh A-54319 HWY 748 N Yellowhead County, AB T7E 3N6 Phone: 780/723-2361, 780/712-1295 Prefix: HMR
Sayer, roger D. & Kim Foursquare Farms Box 15, Site 6, RR #2 Carstairs, AB T0M 0N0 Phone: 403/337-5847, 403/875-8418 Fax: 403/337-5847 Email: Prefix: FRSQ
Schiestel, Steve & lisa Silver Line Farm Box 371 Eckville, AB T0M 0X0 Phone: 403/358-8259, 403/318-7472 Email: Website: Prefix: SFL
Severtson, Scott & lisa Severtson Land & Cattle 29061 Twp. Rd.350 Red Deer County, AB T4G 0M6 Phone: 403/224-3756, 403/358-4676 Fax: 403/224-3756 Email: Website: Prefix: SLC
Smithers, Graydon Smithers Land & Livestock Box 1599, 250049 Twp. Rd. 314 Three Hills, AB T0M 2A0 Phone: 403/443-7737, 403/443-3303 Fax: 403/443-5280 Email: Prefix: SLL tarrant, Darcy & Koreen Kristy Creek Gelbvieh Box 1454 Lac La Biche, AB T0A 2C0 Phone: 780/623-1996 Cell: 780/623-0094 Email: Prefix: KCGe
thome, lorinda & rick RLT Farms Box 13, Site 3, RR# 1 Spirit River, AB T0H 3G0 Phone: 780/864-2961 Fax: 780/864-2785 Email: Website: Prefix: RLT
tuplin, Merv Henibrit Enterprises 4215 - 83rd Street NW Edmonton, AB T6K 1C8 Phone: 780/450-1280 Email: Prefix: MJT
Unger, loren & Karen Unger Land & Livestock Box 14, Site 13, RR #1 Olds, AB T4H 1P2 Phone: 403/556-6499, 403/994-1211 Fax: 403/556-6499 Email: Prefix: ULL
Unger, tim & Mallory Lost N Found Livestock Box 44, Site 11, RR 2 Thorsby, AB T0C 2P0 Phone: 780/387-1740 Email: Prefix: LNF
Vancuren, Darren Sunberry Valley Ranch Box 7, Site 16, RR# 2 Sundre, AB T0M 1X0 Phone: 403/638-4142, 403/507-5424 Email: Prefix: SUN
Vander Velden, emylene Rainbow’s Edge Gelbvieh Box 5384 Lacombe, AB T4L 1X1 Phone: 403-506-9693 Fax: 403-782-6213 Email: Prefix: EMY
Williams, Chuck & Jennifer Flatland Ranch Box 1086 Hanna, AB T0J 1P0 Phone: 403-854-6270 Email: Prefix: FLR
Winder, Con & Gail Winder's Golden Gelbvieh R.R.# 2 Camrose, AB T4V 2N1 Phone: 780/672-9950 Fax: 780/672-9950 Email: Prefix: WGG
briStiSH COlUMbiA
Hogberg, ralf & Glenn Hogberg Ranch Box 29, Site 904, RR #1 Progress, BC V0C 2E0 Phone: 250/843-7653 Fax: 250/843-7653 Email: Prefix: HG
Kelly, brenda 3400 Willowbrook Rd Oliver, BC V0H 1T5 Phone: 250/498-3432 Email: Prefix: BPK
Kuiper, rob Kuiper Ranch Gelbvieh 540 Hwy 8 Lower Nicola, BC V0K 1Y0 Phone: 250/315-5587 Email: Prefix: KRG
MacDougall, Steve & Ashley MacDougall Ranch Box 1333 Barriere, BC V0E 1E0 Phone: 250/672-9260 Email: Prefix: SAM Mader, barry & robin B & R Ranch RR #1, 2108 Duck Range Road Pritchard, BC V0E 2P0 Phone: 250/577-3486 Fax: 250/577-3486 Email: b& Prefix: BRM Palmer, larry & bee Box 426 Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0 Phone: 250-695-6361 Cell: 250-251-1874 Email: Prefix: BLP raven, Arne Raven Gelbvieh Box 344 Pritchard, BC V0E 2P0 Phone: 250/577-3486 Email: b& Prefix: ARN
Spence, Wayne & Charlotte Mountain Spring Farm 1636 Chase Falkland Road Chase, BC V0E 1M0 Phone: 250/679-3744 Fax: 250/679-3744 Email: Prefix: MSF
Stratuliak, brian Kiskatinaw Gelbvieh Site 13, Comp 16, RR #2 Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4E8 Phone: 250/759-4143 Fax: 250/759-4143 Email: Prefix: BES
tuchlinski, barbara Francois Lake Gelbvieh Box 1434 Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0 Phone: 250/695-6620 Fax: 250/695-6620 Email: Prefix: TL
bonchuk, Amy AJB Livestock Box 239 Rossburn, MB R0J 1V0 Phone: 204/773-6140 Fax: 204/842-3706 Email: Prefix: AJBG
Grose, Patrick Bluff Island Stock Farm Box 126 Inwood, MB R0C 1P0 Phone: 204/278-3308, 204/886-7950 Email: Prefix: BISF
Jasper, James & Shayla JSJ Livestock Box 24 Hartney, MB R0M 0X0 Phone: 204/858-2476, 204/741-0763 Email: Prefix: JSJ
Overby, Neil Overby Stock Farm Box 815 Ste. Rose Du Lac, MB R0L 1S0 Phone: 431/233-3505 Email: Prefix: OSF
richardson, Alan & Gail Johnson A & G Richardson Box 301 Elm Creek, MB R0G 0N0 Phone: 204/436-2655, 204/745-7718 Email: Prefix: AGR
Wirgau, lee & Neal Maple Grove Gelbvieh Box 25 Narcisse, MB R0C 2H0 Phone: 204/278-3255, 204/886-7588 Fax: 204/278-3255 Email: Prefix: MGF
Wirgau, Neal Box 317 Stony Mountain, MB R0C 3A0 Phone: Neal: 204/981-5996 Christine: 204/795-7936 Email: Prefix: NMGF
biggelaar, Jake Biggelaar Farms 82 Clayton Street Mitchell, ON N0K 1N0 Phone: 519/274-5262 Email:
Duffin, Jim, Doug or Darcy Triple D Farm Enterprises 20627 Fairview Rd., RR# 2 Thorndale, ON N0M 2P0 Phone: 519/461-1377 Fax: 519/461-0369 Email: Prefix: TDF
Klages, Mike KLAtown Stock Farms RR# 2, 056289 Con 12 Desboro, ON N0H 1K0 Phone: 519/363-6307, 519/379-4603 Email: Prefix: KLA linton, David & Susan Ward Killoran Creek Cattle Company RR# 1, 12135 County Road 45 Hastings, ON K0L 1Y0 Phone: 705/927-0373 Email: Prefix: KC Williamson, John Memory Farm Gelbvieh RR 1, 4145 Holmes Rd. Inverary, ON K0H 1X0 Phone: 613/353-7335 Cell: 613/539-2173 Fax: 613/353-7335 Email: Prefix: MFG
Whalen, ron O'Faelan Farms Inc. 165 Hermitage Road Vernon River, PE C0A 2E0 Phone: 902/651-2006 Email: Website: Prefix: OFI
budd, Kevin Katahdin View Gelbvieh 20 Ivey Road Limestone, NB E7N 2N2 Phone: 506/277-1082 Email: Prefix: KVG
Dufour, Serge et Gilles Ferme Dufour et Fils Enr. 226 St. Hermel Sud St. Alexis de’Matapedia, QC G0J 2E0 Phone: 418-299-1324 Fax: 418/299-3154 Email: Prefix: FDF
bentz, blair & lorie Goodview Gelbvieh Box 430 Punnichy, SK S0A 3C0 Phone: 306/835-2748, 306/746-8037 Fax: 306/835-2748 Email: Prefix: BLB
bilokreli, ron & Sons Vale Country Ranch Ltd. Box 14 Theodore, SK S0A 4C0 Phone: 306/647-2665, 306/521-2266 Fax: 306/647-2665 Email: Prefix: VCR
birch, Aaron & Joe barnett Twin View Livestock Box 97 Parkbeg, SK S0H 3K0 Phone: 403/485-5518 Email: Website: Prefix: AWB
blake, braylen Box 202 Glenworth, SK S0H 1V0 Phone: 306/640-2204 Email: Prefix: BBG
burks, trevor & Amber Twisted T Gelbvieh Box 11 Parry, SK S0H 3L0 Phone: 306-715-7476 Email: Prefix: TTG
Davidson, Angus & Marlene Box 385 Ponteix, SK S0N 1Z0 Phone: 306/785-4512 Prefix: AMD
Davidson, ross & tara Lonesome Dove Ranch Box 147 Ponteix, SK S0N 1Z0 Phone: 306/625-3513, 306/625-7045 Fax: 306/625-3782 Email: Website: Prefix: DRT
Davidson, Vernon & eileen Davidson Gelbvieh Box 681 Ponteix, SK S0N 1Z0 Phone: 306/625-3755, 306/625-7863 Fax: 306/625-3524 Email: Website: Prefix: DVE Davidson, Wade Box 385 Ponteix, SK S0N 1Z0 Phone: 306/785-4512 Cell: 306/625-7820 Fax: 306/785-4533 Email: Prefix: WDE
Davisson, barry & Chris Deroo-Davisson LC Cattle Company Box 1443 Unity, SK S0K 4L0 Phone: 306/228-3048, 306/228-7793 Email: Prefix: LCD egan, Phillip & Wendy P-W Gelbvieh Box 503 Moose Jaw, SK S6H 4P1 Phone: 306/693-6096 Email: Prefix: PW
Fladeland, Wayne, Delyle & Clinton Fladeland Livestock Box 70 Gladmar, SK S0C 1A0 Phone: 306/969-4829 Del Cell: 306/869-8123 Clint Cell: 306/861-5654 Fax: 306/969-4834 Email: Website: Prefix: FLAD
Gardiner, Simon G. Gardiner Gelbvieh Box 133 Quill Lake, SK S0A 3E0 Phone: 306/383-2736 Fax: 306/383-2736 Email: Prefix: SGG
Gavelin, David & Kim Deep Sands Livestock Box 149 Meyronne, SK S0H 3A0 Phone: 306/264-3635 Fax: 306/264-3665 Email: Prefix: DSL Gray, robert J Wascana Ridge Livestock Box 348 Pilot Butte, SK S0G 3Z0 Phone: 306/531-5088 Email: Prefix: WRL
Hansen, Jeff & Jodi Double J Land & Cattle Company Ltd. Box 529 Springside, SK S0A 3V0 Phone: 306/621-0405 Email: Prefix: JJH
Hrebeniuk, Darcy Fir River Livestock Box 379 Hudson Bay, SK S0E 0Y0 Phone: 306/865-2929, 306/865-7859 Fax: 306/865-2860 Email: Website: Prefix: FRL
Hurlburt, Kirk & leigh Ann Hurlburt Livestock Ltd. Box 3, Site 206, RR# 2 Saskatoon, SK S7K 3J5 Phone: 306/931-2551, 306/222-8210 Fax: 306/931-2827 Email: Prefix: HL
Johnson, Mark, levi & Garrett Last Mountain Livestock Box 368 Strasbourg, SK S0G 4V0 Phone: 306/725-4042 Prefix: LML
Knudson, James Knudson Farms Gelbvieh Box 386 Archerwill, SK S0E 0B0 Phone: 306/322-7158 Email: Prefix: KFG
lawes, James & Judy Double JL Gelbvieh Box 355 Dinsmore, SK S0L 0T0 Phone: 306/846-4733, 306/846-2052 Fax: 306/846-4733 Email: Prefix: JJL
lawes, Kevin & bonny Lawes Gelbvieh Box 176 Dinsmore, SK S0L 0T0 Kevin Cell: 306/831-7055 Bonny Cell: 306/867-7908 Email: Prefix: KJL
little, Glen & Kim Little’s Country Farm Box 116 Hazlet, SK S0N 1E0 Phone: 306/678-2044 Fax: 306/678/4532 Email: Prefix: LCF
little, Henry Box 143 Hazlet, SK S0N 1E0 Phone: 306/678-4918 Email: Prefix: HWL
Schick, lorne Broken Diamond Ranch Box 729 Martensville, SK S0K 2T0 Phone: 306/823-4355, 306/821-7561 Email: Refix: SLD Selin, Wayne r. & lois Selin's Gelbvieh Box 97 Stockholm, SK S0A 3Y0 Phone: 306/793-4568 Fax: 306/793-4568 Email: Prefix: WRS
Sommerfeld, raymond &ryan RPS Gelbvieh Box 7 Medstead, SK S0M 1W0 Raymond: Phone: 306/342-4490 Ryan: 306-342-2136 Ryan Cell: 306/342-7259 Fax: 306/342-4490 Email: Prefix: RPS
Spray, brett & brian Triple S Cattle Company Box 796 Preeceville, SK S0A 3B0 Phone: 306/547-2955, 306/614-9025 Fax: 306/325-4540 Email: Prefix: BJS
thackeray, ian Thackeray Land and Cattle Inc. Box 1002 Weyburn, SK S4H 2L2 Phone: 306/456-2555, 306/861-7687 Fax: 306/456-2554 Email: Prefix: TIP
Wick, Kendra-Shane Krazy Woman Ranch Box 133 Lake Alma, SK S0C 1M0 Phone: 306/869-6927 Email: Prefix: KWR
Williams, bill & Janine Kopanko Wilko Farms Inc. Box 281 Spiritwood, SK S0J 2M0 Phone: 306/883-3678 Fax: 306/883-3678 Email: Prefix: WK
Zalinko, ryan & Grant Diamond Z Livestock Box 216 Rouleau, SK S0G 4H0 Phone: 306/776-2425 Email: Prefix: ZAL
UNiteD StAteS
Dockter, Dwight & Christina Golden Buckle Gelbvieh 4956 – 41 Street SE Medina, ND USA 58467 Phone: 701/486-3494 Email:
Adamsgreen Gelbvieh, David & Janice Green Abel Farm, Murray Abel A & G Richardson AJB Gelbvieh, Amy Bonchuck Adam Nielsen Zalinko, Ryan & Grant Zalinko Limestone Stock Farms, Art & Marie Andruchow Angus & Marlene Davidson Arne Raven Twin View Livestock, Aaron Birch & Joe Barnett Braylen Blake Kiskatinaw Gelbvieh, Brian Stratuliak Bluff Island Stock Farms, Patrick Grose & Terry Bruce Triple S Cattle Company, Brett & Brian Spray Goodview Gelbvieh, Blair & Lorie Bentz Larry& Bee Palmer Brenda Kelly B & R Ranch, Barry & Robin Mader Carlson Cattle Company, Lon Carlson T-Anchor Gelbvieh, Ted & Jo-Anne Cymbaluk Brittain Farms, Kelly & Colleen Brittain Calvin Grabler & Shannon Janzen-Grabler Dunvegan Cattle Co. Ltd., John Milne Triple G Ranch Gelbvieh, Don & Cody Girling Duane & Linda Nelson Jen-Ty Gelbvieh, Don & Lorna Okell Dusty Rose Cattle Co., Darren Dunford Lonesome Dove Ranch, Ross & Tara Davidson Deep Sands Gelbvieh, David & Kim Gavelin Dayspring Cattle, Dan & Marilyn Nielsen Duke Cattle Company, Peter & Lisl Bahrynowski Davidson Gelbvieh, Vernon & Eileen Davidson Rainbow’s Edge Gelbvieh, Emylene Vander Velden EYOT Valley Ranch, Larry & Lynne Fecho Ferme Dufour et Fils Enr., Serge et Gilles Dufour Fladeland Livestock, Wayne, Delyle & Clinton Fladeland Flatland Ranch, Chuck & Jennifer Williams Fir River Livestock, Darcy Hrebeniuk Foursquare Gelbvieh, Roger & Kim Sayer Green Acres Cattle Company, Chris & Amber Paulencu Milne’s Gelbvieh, Harold & Bev Milne Bar GR Cattle, Ron & Gail Anderson Widowewa Holdings Ltd./Hillsdown Gelbvieh, Wanda Marsman Hogberg Ranch, Glenn & Ralf Hogberg Hurlburt Livestock Ltd., Kirk & Leigh Ann Hurlburt HMR Gelbvieh, Henry M. Roy Henry Little Pin To Point Gelbvieh, Jeremiah Barnert Janzen Gelbvieh, Jason & Agatha Janzen Double J Land & Cattle Company, Jeff & Jodi Hansen Double JL Gelbvieh, James & Judy Lawes Jace Cattle Company, Jason Muhlbach Pearson Farms, Jessica & Duncan Pearson Jonus Cattle, Joe Ness JSJ Gelbvieh, James & Shayla Jasper Killoran Creek Cattle Company, David Linton & Susan Ward Keriness Cattle Company Ltd., Kert & Joe Ness Keeya Creek Farms Inc., Tom Keeping Hilltop Gelbvieh, Tom Kulak Knudson Farms Gelbvieh, James Knudson Lawes Gelbvieh, Kevin & Bonny Lawes
KLAtown Stock Farms, Mike Klages Koziak Land &Cattle, Olivia & Chad Koziak Kuiper Ranch Gelbvieh, Rob Kuiper Katahdin View Gelbvieh Krazy Woman Ranch, Kendra-Shane Wick LC Cattle Company, Barry Davisson & Chris Deroo-Davisson Little’s Country Farm, Glen & Kim Little Litchfield, Linden & Randee LC Ranch, Ray & Anne Davisson Triple L Gelbvieh, Larry Lightfoot Last Mountain Livestock, Mark & Levi & Garrett Johnson Lost N Found Livestock, Tim Unger Ferme Ludi, Luc et Diane Laroche MacDonell Farms, Drew MacDonell Memory Farm Gelbvieh, John Williamson Maple Grove Gelbvieh, Lee & Neal Wirgau Henibrit Enterprises, Merv Tuplin Mountain Spring Farm, Wayne & Charlotte Spence Morgan Tau Gelbvieh, Will Schrempp BNH Livestock, Brad & Nicole Hollman Neal Wirgau O'Faelan Farms Inc., Ron Whalen Koziak Land & Cattle, Olivia Milne & Chad Koziak Overby Stock Farms, Neil Overby P-W Gelbvieh, Phillip & Wendy Egan Red Dawn Ranch, Andrew Murphy & Susan Crump Hollman, Ryan RLT Farms, Lorinda & Rick Thome RPS Gelbvieh, Raymond & Pauline Sommerfeld Ron Hoffman Rocky Top Gelbvieh, Cody Congdon Royal Western Gelbvieh, Rodney & Tanya Hollman Twin Bridge Farms Ltd., Ron & Carol Birch MacDougall Ranch, Steve & Ashley MacDougall Silver Line Farm, Steve & Lisa Schiestel Gardiner Gelbvieh, Simon G. Gardiner M Anchor Gelbvieh, Scott & Kristen Mason Severtson Land & Cattle, Scott & Lisa Severtson Broken Diamond Ranch, Lorne Schick Smithers Land & Livestock, Graydon Smithers Stone Gate Farm, Darrell & Leila Hickman Sunberry Valley Ranch, Darren Vancuren Triple D Farm Enterprises, Jim, Doug or Darcy Duffin Thackeray Gelbvieh Farms, Ian Thackeray Francois Lake Gelbvieh, Barbara Tuchlinski Twisted T Gelbvieh, Trevor & Amber Burks Towerview Ranch, Gary & Nolan Pahl Unger Land & Livestock, Loren & Karen Unger Vale Country Ranch Ltd., Ron Bilokreli & Sons Valley Gelbvieh, Dan Radomske V & V Farms, Vern & Vivienne Pancoast Wade Davidson Winder’s Golden Gelbvieh, Con & Gail Winder Wilko Farms Inc., Bill Williams & Janine Kopanko, SK Wascana Ridge Livestock Selin’s Gelbvieh, Wayne R. & Lois Selin
The Canadian Gelbvieh Association invites you to be a part of the Association!
___________________________________________________________________________________ MEMBERSHIP NAME (Please Print)
Note: This is the name that will print on the registration certificates.
NAME OF OWNER(S):_________________________________________________________________________________________
________________________ PHONE
______________________________ ______________________________________________ FAX # EMAIL:
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STREET OR RURAL ADDRESS (Print) CITY/TOWN PROV. P-CODE I (We) hereby apply for: _______
ANNUAL ($125.00 + Tax) Note: Includes membership to applicable Provincial Gelbvieh Association.
JUNIOR (Under 21 years of age) Birth date: __________________ ($10.00 Annual Activity Fee + Tax )
Please allot HERD IDENTIFICATION LETTERS - (1st choice) _________ (2nd choice) _________ (3rd choice) _________ for tattooing Gelbvieh Cattle. Herd letters can be two, three or four letter combinations: ie AB, ABC or ABCD. The correct method for Tattooing: first - Herd letters “ABC”, second - unique ID number of animal “24”, and last, - year of birth letter “B”. eg. Complete tattoo - “ABC 24B”.
HERD NAME ($25.00 + Tax)
Please register, _____________________________________________ as the Herd Name, for the exclusive use of this membership when naming animals. Please Note: The Herd Name must be acceptable to the CGA.
I undersigned hereby applies for membership in the Canadian Gelbvieh Association, a non-profit corporation, with all rights and privileges and subject to the obligations thereof, as fully set forth in the By-Laws of the Association. I (We) agree to conform to the By-Laws and Regulations of the Canadian Gelbvieh Association. I (We) waive any claim against and grant an absolute release to the Canadian Gelbvieh Association, any member, employee or agent of the Association, for any act or omission in connection with the Association, including but not limited to, any enforcement of the rules and regulations presently in effect or hereafter adopted by the Association. I(We) further release any and all data submitted to the CGA for use in Breed Improvement Programs.
______I do not wish for the CGA to use my personal contact information for business purposes it deems necessary. _______________________________________________ Applicants Sign Here
________________________________________________ Applicants Sign Here
_______________________________________________ Print Name Here
________________________________________________ Print Name Here
This application must be signed by the individual, all members of the partnership or signing officer in the organization applying for membership.
Canadian Gelbvieh Association, 5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 6V1
Phone: (403) 250-8640 • Fax: (403) 291-5624 • email: •
Memberships are due on or before January 1st each year. Only memberships paid up as of April 1st are included in this directory.
Canadian Gelbvieh Association
5160 Skyline Way N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 6V1 Phone: (403) 250-8640 Fax: (403) 291-5624 email: Web Site:
became a member of the Canadian Junior Gelbvieh Association in 2015 starting with a heifer calf I purchased from Davidson Gelbvieh. My family has been running Gelbvieh bulls and keeping our home raised replacement heifers since 2003. My herd now consists of four pairs and four yearling heifers. I have been in 4-H for three years, and every year I have been in 4-H, I have taken a Gelbvieh influenced steer. This year I took a purebred Gelbvieh heifer calf. All of the steers I have taken for 4-H have been out of my cow herd. I take pride in promoting the Gelbvieh breed to commercial operations, by showing ranchers the value of having Gelbvieh on the cow side. I am taking Agricultural Management with a major in marketing to further promote the Gelbvieh breed locally and across Canada. This year I convinced my parents to use the Gelbvieh CCIA tags to promote the breed. When a buyer
sees the quality of the calves in the ring, they can link it to the orange button in their ear. When a steer gets put into a feedlot every input is traced. The efficiency of the pen of steers can then be traced back to their breed traits. In the three years I have been a member of the Canadian Junior Gelbvieh Association, I have looked to add quality, not quantity, to my herd. Consistency is key in cattle when they are sold in large groups, it is one of the traits cattle buyers look for, and this is what I’m trying to achieve with my herd. I am involved in the Gelbvieh breed because of their high rate of gain and a large quantity of milk, along with a gentle temperament.
Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2018 • Page 31
Two Tier System LEVEL # 1 - $400 MEMBERSHIP LEVEL: This would provide members 1 voting card with the chance to win possession of the Futurity Champion Bull, and all draw down prizes. Note: This would provide breeders who do not want semen to be part of the event and have the chances of winning the Canadian Peoples Choice Champion Bull. LEVEL # 2 - $600 MEMBERSHIP LEVEL: Provides 1 bull entry, 10 units of semen from the Canadian People’s Choice Champion Bull, 1 voting card, a chance to win the bull and all draw down prizes. Also Level # 2 futurity members can purchase additional semen on the futurity champion for $40.00 per unit. Additional bull entry $200 - maximum 2 bulls per membership!
RULES - Eligible bulls must be born from January 1st from previous calendar year (2017) and calendar year bulls. - Members entering bulls must be the registered owner of their futurity entries by August 1, 2018. - Bulls will only be allowed to enter once. - All bulls must be CGA or AGA registered PC88 or Purebred/Fullblood bulls. - All bulls must have complete parent verification on file with the CGA or AGA by Monday November 12, 2018 to compete ( Futurity will guarantee results for all proper DNA samples submitted to CGA or AGA prior to October 1, 2018). All samples received after October 1, 2018 will not have guaranteed results. - All bulls must be Tattoo Checked, Weighed and Scrotal measured to compete. - All bulls will be videoed at the event facility previous to the start of futurity and made available on-line. - Exhibitor of the futurity champion will not be eligible to win their own bull. - Members receive 1 voting card per membership. - On-line voting will be available for members who are unable to attend the event, there will be no proxy voting. - Futurity Champion will receive up to a $20,000 payout. - All breeders entering bulls will be required to sign futurity contracts stating that the bulls are virgin bulls (never bred cows or been collected). In the event their bull wins they are willing to give up ownership (full possession and ½ semen interest) to the futurity. - Futurity members will fill out and sign a semen use contract that states they can not re-sell the semen and they will have the right of refusal of semen from futurity champions that don’t meet their breeding programs needs. This contract will be sent out via e-mail to all members after the event and will be required to be sent in by January 15, 2019. Also any additional semen purchase must be made official at this time on the contract and paid for in full. - Futurity champion will first collect the required 10 units per membership and semen will be released on the same date. Additional semen requirements will be met later, once all additional semen orders are met, semen will be released. (Note all additional semen orders will be paid to the futurity and profit after collection fees, will be split 50/50 with the exhibitor of the futurity champion bull). - Futurity champion will have until September 1, 2019 to fill the membership 10 units. If the Futurity Champion is unable to collect and freeze due to any reason (death, sickness, injury or infertility) the required membership semen, only Futurity members who requested semen will be given a semen credit (10 units) that can be applied to their choice of the next two Futurity Champions. All additional semen purchased will be refunded in full.)
Page 32 • Summer 2018 • Gelbvieh guide
For further information contact:
Aaron Birch Ph: 403-485-5518
- The Draw Down winner of the Futurity Champion/Purchaser in the sale will also need to sign bull usage agreement contract in regards to zero semen sales for 3 years. - Lot #1 in the National Gelbvieh sale will be reserved for the Futurity Champion if the draw down winner chooses to sell the bull. - The Futurity will supply stall cards that must be displayed, all additional promotional information such as picture displays, will be the responsibility and left to the discretion of each entry.
Membership Form Name of Farm ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Owner(s) Name __________________________________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ph: (
) ___________________________________________ Fax: (
) _______________________________________
Email __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______ Tier #1 - $400 Membership ___________________________________________________ $ __________________ ______ Tier #2 - $600 Membership ___________________________________________________ $ __________________ Additional Bull Entry- $200 __________________________________________________________ $__________________ Total Enclosed ……………………… $___________________ Mastercard VISA Card # _____________________________________ Exp: ______________________ Signature ________________________________
Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2018 • Page 33
The seven Things your cusTomers wanT To know aBouT genomics
t’s that time of year again – bull sale season. Producers are out and looking for the next line to add to their bull battery. A successful breeding season doesn’t just happen, but is a result of finding the right fit for the herd. The Gelbvieh breed has much to offer both the purebred and commercial producer in terms of capitalizing on early maturity, fast growth, and the benefits of hybrid vigor in systematic crossbreeding programs. Technology and data are everywhere – making it difficult to know which are useful to us and to our buyers. Genomics is another tool available for the beef industry. As for communicating directly to your buyers, what information about genomics do they need to make informed choices, now? We’ve distilled down a ‘genomics overview’ into one page, that is free to use and distribute (see the next page). Overall, there are seven main messages for you and your customers to take home, and hopefully take to the bank: 1. Variations in DNA can be linked to heritable production and carcass traits. 2. Genotyping looks at specific regions in the DNA. The
locations are chosen based on research that link regions to expressed traits that are important for production and performance traits. 3. gEPDs (genomically enhanced EPDs) are interpreted in the exact same way as regular EPDs. The only difference is that gEPDs make use of known pedigree, performance and genomic information about an animal, its progeny and other relatives. It is the best estimate of an animal’s genetic worth as a parent. 4. When interpreting EPDs and gEPDs consider accuracies in your decision. Accuracies quickly tell you the status of an animal; and the higher the value, the more confidence you can place in getting the result. 5. DNA is only part of the story. The environment (e.g., heat or cold stress) and management (e.g., feed, vaccines, etc.) of your animals play large roles in performance and production. 6. Genomics can be used by commercial producers in all the same ways as for seedstock producers, including: parentage testing, controlling inbreeding / optimizing hybrid vigour, testing for lethal recessives, and more. 7. Does it work? Yes – genomics increases the accuracies of EPDs and allows you to assess traditionally hard-to-measure traits. Getting the information into the hands of your buyers is a powerful tool, but often difficult to achieve. There are layers of information to consider and there are historic methods that might seem to compete with the new technologies of today. In reality, the old and new technologies combine beautifully to give us a more defined picture of what we need to see. In 2018, why not give your customers the gift of ‘HD’ – genomics as the high definition of information – a clear picture of what they are purchasing. And whether it’s your business on the line or theirs, information and accuracy are what count towards your bottom line. From Livestock Gentec, wishing you and your customers a happy and prosperous 2018!
By Dawn Trautman; Director of Knowledge Translation, Livestock Gentec, University of Alberta Page 34 • Summer 2018 • Gelbvieh guide
Genomics - How it works
Genomics is the study of an organism’s DNA sequence (i.e., the genome), and includes the analysis of the relationship between genetics and traits. Bovine DNA is approximately 99% identical from animal to animal. Small differences, known as ‘variants’ (aka, SNPs), make the bull, cow, or calf unique. Variations in the DNA sequences of animals can affect how they perform, develop diseases, respond to their environment (e.g., pathogens), and management (e.g., vaccines). DNA is passed from parents to offspring, and can be linked to certain heritable production and carcass traits, such as birth weight, lean meat yield, and more.
Tissue, blood, and hair roots all contain DNA, which is extracted and processed on a genotyping chip that reads thousands of variants in the bovine genome. Genotyping looks at specific regions in the DNA. The locations are chosen based on well-established research that link regions to expressed traits.
DNA is only part of the story
The environment and management of your animals play large roles in performance and production.
(heat, snow, etc)
(breed, pedigree, DNA)
(feed, vaccines, etc) variant (aka, SNP)
The results
With regular EPDs many offspring are needed before the accuracy of prediction is high enough to make strong breeding decisions. With genomics the accuracy can be higher much earlier in life, and genetic progress made more quickly.
Accuracies quickly tell you the status of an animal; and the higher the value, the more confidence you can place in getting the result. ‘% Rank’ tells you where the animal ranks per trait as compared to the breed average.
gEPDs (genomically enhanced EPDs) are interpreted in the exact same way as regular EPDs. The only difference is that gEPDs make use of known pedigree, performance and genomic information about an animal, its progeny and other relatives - it is the best estimate of an animal’s genetic worth as a parent. Genomics can be used by commercial producers in all the same ways as for seedstock producers, including: parentage testing, controlling inbreeding / optimizing hybrid vigour, testing for lethal recessives, and more.
If you’re interested in learning more about using gEPDs on your operation, contact your bull producer, the Canadian Gelbvieh Association, Delta Genomics ( / or Livestock Gentec ( /
Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2018 • Page 35
Page 36 • Summer 2018 • Gelbvieh guide
WeDNeSDAy, OCt. 24, 2018 Pre-SOrt GelbVieH CrOSS CAlF SAle Medicine Hat Feeding Company, Medicine Hat, Ab. 403 526 3129 403 502 6417
On January 27, DCC 32X gave birth to triplets. The Balancer calves where sired by Density 302A. Two bulls weighed 58 and 59 pounds respectively and the heifer calf weighed 61 lbs. All are doing well.
At the Wetaskiwin District 4-H Beef Show, the Falun East Beef Club did very well with 5 members showing Gelbvieh influenced calves. Hulaina Anderson won the steer and interclub intermediate showmanship and interclub reserve intermediate grooming with her replacement Gelbvieh cross steer "Molasses."
tHUrSDAy, OCtOber 25, 2018 9:30 AM Pre-SOrt GelbVieH CrOSS SAtellite SAle Heartland Livestock, Swift Current, Sk. 306 773 3174
She also won the Showmanship Showdown with her Gelbvieh heifer "Blaze." Chas Anderson kicked but with his steer "Mickey Man" placing 3rd overall junior & 3rd with his heifer "Peno."
Due to Canada wide rural address changes, Canada Post has changed several rural addresses. If your address has changed recently, and you wish to continue receiving the Gelbvieh Guide magazine, please email or call us with your old address along with your new address. Canadian Gelbvieh Association 403-250-8640
Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2018 • Page 37
SALE RESULTS BEST OF THE BREEDS BULL SALE MARCH 25, 2018 14 Yearling Bulls averaged $4886 Goodview Gelbvieh sold 14 bulls in the Best of the Breeds Bull Sale. The crowd was standing room only. The bulls sold to a very strong demand with the high seller, BLB Goodview PLD Easton, sired by PLD Wrocker 20W, selling to Sweatwater Ranch,
Jansen, SK for $7500. BLB Goodview PLD Excel, also a Wrocker son, sold to Evan Mann of Semans, SK for $6250, and BLB Goodview PLD Evander, sired by SLC Starbucks, sold for $6250 to Bluff Island Stock Farms, Inwood, MB. Thank you to all the bidders and buyers.
6 Long Yearling Bulls 16 Yearling Bulls Sale Average
A good crowd was on hand March 14, 2017, for the Third Annual Fladeland Livestock Bull Sale, held in Moose Jaw, SK. The high selling long yearling bull, FLAD Fladeland Lite 141D, was purchased by Martin McGrath of M-C Enterprises Ltd of Dodsland, SK, for $6500. M-C Enterprises Ltd picked up a second bull, FLAD Fladeland Duke 121D for $5750. Tim and Charlotte Tendler of Viceroy, SK, purchased FLAD Fladeland Drake 205D for $6200. Repeat buyer Art Wheat of T-bone Cattle Co.
bought the high selling yearling bull, FLAD Fladeland Ghost 48E, for $5500. Flad Fladeland Elmo 72E was purchased for $4750 by Laurel Cleveland of Bengough, SK. Volume buyers of the day were Tim and Charlotte Tendler from Viceroy, SK, with 3 bulls, Martin McGrath of M-C Enterprises Ltd from Dodsland, SK, Robert Gray of Wascana Ridge Livestock from Pilot Butte, SK, and long-time repeat buyers Harvey and Sharon Hlavka of Lazy HJ Land and Cattle Co from Minton, SK, who took home two bulls each. Fladeland Livestock would like to say thank you to all the buyers, bidders and all who attended.
Opening day for the Better Beef Bull sale saw both local cattlemen and purebred producers making their selections from the offering. Dayspring Cattle Co. selected a GCC Express 38E, a homo polled GCC Cletus son from the renowned Ribbon cow family. Hilltop Gelbvieh purchased GCC Easy Along 35E, a calving ease son of GCC A Mack Attack 5A. The day saw repeat customers Lillico Ventures, Shilo Bigam, and first time buyers Billy
Gaugler and Kurt Thielen all selecting son’s of Joe Third Edition. The 25th Anniversary draw for a $1000 dollar discount on your purchase was won by first time buyer David Lass , who choose one of our share calves from Koziak Land and Cattle, KLC 14E. The bulls not selected on opening day remain for sale at their catalogued price.
28 Bulls Average $5760 Saturday, February 24th was a great day as we were blessed with a window of good weather amidst our frigid winter! We also were very thankful for the continued support of our faithful customers who were in attendance that day! Thanks as well to the sale staff that did a great job for us! We sold 28 Bulls, all remaining in Alberta! Highlights of the sale include, high selling bull, Foursquare Detonator 145D, sold to Hillsdown Gelbvieh for $8500. Ewelme Colony was active in bidding and took home two pen standouts, Foursquare Emperor 67E as well as Foursquare Weatherby 7E. Volume buyer of the day was Calvin Walper taking Page 38 • Summer 2018 • Gelbvieh guide
home 5 great bulls. Flatland Ranch selected one of my personal favorite bulls in the pen to add to their bull battery, Foursquare Eaton 3E for $7500, a low birthweight bull packed with power and performance. Royal Western Gelbvieh and Nelson Gelbvieh teamed up on a premier calving ease bull Foursquare Extra Duty for $7000, a great bull going back to one of our best cow families. Dau Farms was again an active bidder and took home 3 more bulls to add to their program. Thanks again to all our return customers, as well as new firsttime buyers and all who came out to the sale to support us as a family. We really appreciate the relationships that we have built over the last 11 years and we look forward to supplying you with great Gelbvieh bulls that will work well for many years.
32 Bulls Average $5,576 Jen-Ty Gelbviehs would like to thank all our buyers and bidders who came out to support our 2018 bull sale, it was a huge success. Lot 2, Jen-Ty Chain Smoker 9E, sold to George Simpson for $10,500. The Schock Ranch from North Dakota bought Lot 3, Jen-Ty Drive Train 25E and Lot 5 Jen-Ty Hard Copy 1E for $20,000. Ewelme Colony purchased Lot 15, Jen-Ty Camo 52E for $8,500 and also Lot 20 Jen-Ty Excalibur 49E for $6,500
Lot 1, Jen-Ty Elmo 2E sold to Kristy Creek Ranches Lac La Biche, Alberta for $9,200. Cody Sprincheif bought Lot 9, Jen-Ty Rocket Man 38E, for $9,000. We would also like to give a big thank you to our volume buyer Dar-Lin Ranching who purchased 7 head for $35,500; they have been great supporters of our program for many years. Thank you to all the bidders and buyers who attended our sale and who bought over the phone, we are very grateful for all the support over the years.
INNISFAIL, AB Average $5146 $5660
27 Yearling bull 5 Long Yearling Bulls
A strong crowd was on hand for what started out as a nice sunny day that eventually turned into a treacherous drive home for some as the wind had blown snow onto hi-ways turning them into skating rinks. 32 bulls found new homes that day with the high selling bull
Lot 28, JM Excellerator 57E, selling to Davidson Gelbvieh for $18,000. Lot 29, JM Excalibur 58E, was the second high selling bull that is now walking the pasture at Jen-ty Gelbvieh for $8000. The high selling long yearling bull was NGC Done Right Peterbilt 10D, who sold to Smithers Land and Livestock for $7250. The volume buyer was repeat customer, Tanner Maschmeyer, who purchased 3 yearling bulls from Brittain Farms. Thank you to all of the bidders and buyers and everyone who came out to support us.
SASKATOON, SK Average $4388 $2050
Yearling Bulls Heifers
The Saskatoon Gelbvieh Bull and Female Sale had an excellent set of bulls and heifers again this year. New this year was an excellent set of Angus bulls that were well accepted. The high selling bull was lot 25, STON 11E, who sold to Joe Lancing for $8000. This exciting herd sire prospect was at the
side of the National Champion Female this past fall at Farmfair. The high selling Angus bull sold to Brent Westward for $4000. Brent Westward was also the volume buyer. The high selling heifer sold to Limestone Stock Farm for $2300. Many of the bulls and heifers sold to repeat customers. Bulls sold into all the prairie provinces and Ontario. The Saskatoon Gelbvieh Bull sale crew would like to thank all the bidders and buyers for there support.
LUNDAR BULL SALE APRIL 7, 2018 Gelbvieh bulls 31 Bulls
LUNDAR, MB Average $5170 $3,901
Maple Grove Gelbvieh consigned 5 bulls. Riley Wirgau sold the top seller HKY Destroyer 86D to Glen Price of Elm Creek for $6200. Second high seller of the day was MGF Eye Opener 101E sold to Thackeray Land and Cattle. 8 pens of heifers also sold in the sale. Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2018 • Page 39
Gross Yearling Bulls $ 125,150 Yearling Heifers $ 8,300 Semen Package $ 2,600
Average $ 4,635 $ 2,767 $ 2,600
AUCTIONEER: Don Savage SALE MANAGER: Don Savage Auctions With a number of repeat customers on hand on a soupy foggy day in early March in Brooks, AB, Twin Bridge Farms, Twin View Livestock and Kerriness Cattle Company held their 7th Annual Bull and Female Sale. Topping this year’s sale was AWB Twin View Bad Habit 47E, an SLC Touchdown 166W son out of a V V Yoicks sired dam that had many show credits from last fall’s campaign. This calf weighing in at 1,450 lbs. sold to Triple S Cattle Co – Preeceville, SK for $11,750. Bluff Island Stock Farm of Inwood, MB. selected AWB Twin View The Fighter 41E for $10,250 for their top purebred herd. 41E is a direct son of Fladeland DJW Rock M Sock M and out of a V V Yoicks sired dam.
Twin Bridge Farms of Lomond, AB selected AWB Twin View Crowfoot 59E for $9,500 to use on their select group of yearling heifers. 59E is a direct son of STON Crazy Bull 1C and out of their great V V Miss Truffle 66C female. First time buyer’s James and Jesse Sonntag – Goodsoil, SK, purchased AWB Twin View Night Rider 75E for $7,000. This black son of AWB Birch’s Bojangles 24C and out of a SA Birch’s Trixter sired dam weighed in at 1,495 lbs. Other high selling bulls were AWB Twin View Slapshot 94E for $5,400 to V & V Farms of Redcliff, AB.; KCC Endentured 31E for $5,400 to Diamond A Farm – Millet, AB; AWB Twin View Class Act 188E for $5,000 to Last Mountain Livestock – Strasbourg, SK; and SA Birch’s Harper 53E for $4,000 to repeat buyer Louis Bertschy of Milo, AB. The top selling heifer JOE Undefined 470E, a daughter of DRT Lonesome Stetson 60A and out of a Birch bred dam, sold for $4,000 to Tom Kulak of Stony Plain, AB. The semen package on AWB Birch’s The Boxer sold to Hillsdown Gelbvieh of Red Deer Country, AB, for $2,600.
DAVIDSON GELBVIEH & LONESOME DOVE RANCH 29TH ANNUAL BULL SALE MARCH 3RD, 2018 PONTEIX, SK. 89 Purebred Yearling Gelbvieh Bulls averaged $4725 Davidson Gelbvieh, Vernon & Eileen Davidson & Lonesome Dove Ranch, Ross & Tara, Ash, Cameron, Jaime & Flynn Davidson hosted their 29th Annual Bull Sale at their bull yards south of Ponteix, Saskatchewan, Canada on Saturday, March 3, 2018. Weather and storm warnings for a vast area of the Western Provinces and Northern United States brought much needed precipitation over the weekend...perhaps not ideal weather for a bull sale, but the moisture was very welcome for the large area that anticipated it! Both new buyers and repeat buyers were in the stands, on the phones, and logged on the internet to bid on and purchase the bulls they wanted. Many bulls sold locally, within a 60 mile radius, as well as across six provinces and three states.
A Big Thank you to Everyone who assisted with the sale, attended, and inquired about the bulls or viewed the sale offering on videos, catalogs and websites. To our Many Repeat Buyers, we couldn't get it done without you! To our New Buyers, thank you for entrusting us with your new herd bull purchases!
11 Gelbvieh and Balancer bulls averaged $4586 High Sellers OSF New Day 18D (BA75) purchased by Dunning Farms, McPage 40 • Summer 2018 • Gelbvieh guide
Creary, MB for $6500 OSF Bringer of Rain 20D (PB94) purchased by Rob Nicoll, Rossendale, MB for $5750
British Columbia This could be your spot! Call the CGA today to book your Business Card Listing!
This could be your spot! Call the CGA today to book your Business Card Listing!
Brittain Farms Kelly & Coleen brittain Gary & Nicole Phone: 780-352-0676 Cell: 780-387-6446 RR #1, Falun, AB T0C 1H0
Purebred & Percentage
Gelbvieh Cattle Cattle
This could be your spot! Call the CGA today to book your Business Card Listing!
Auctioneers / Sales Management
This could be your spot! Call the CGA today to book your Business Card Listing!
Darrell & Leila Hickman
RR#2, Vermilion, AB T9X 1Y7 Ph/Fax: 780-581-0077
United States Breeders
Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2018 • Page 41
Purebred Gelbvieh Ray & Anne Davisson
Box 764, Stettler, AB T0C 2L0
403.741.4488 • 403.323.0233
Duane & Darrell Nelson Box 1144, Glenwood, Alberta T0K 2R0 Duane (403) 626-3279 • Darrell (403) 626-3643
“Raising Gelbvieh Cattle Since 1972!” Home of 18 Dams of Merit and 5 Dams of Distinction
Larry, Lynne, Kate & Sarah FECHO
Don & Lorna Okell Box 627 Duchess, AB T0J 0Z0 403-378-4898 403-793-4549
RR #2 Millet, AB T0C 1Z0 Phone: (780) 986-9705 Cell: (780) 718-5477
PH (780)835-2645 (780) 835-0365
This could be your spot! Call the CGA today to book your Business Card Listing! Page 42 • Summer 2018 • Gelbvieh guide
Lon Carlson & Lorraine Beaudin 403.894.3413 • 403.795.1143 Box 86, Magrath, AB T0K 1J0
rON & GAil ANDerSON Phone (780) 523-2116 Fax: (780) 523-3920
Box 1342 High Prairie, Alberta Canada , T0G 1E0
Maple Grove Gelbvieh thackeray Gelbvieh Farms Hurlburt livestock Selin's Gelbvieh
(204) 278-3255 Narcisse, Mb (306) 456-2555 Weyburn, SK (306) 931-2551 Saskatoon, SK (306) 793-4568 Stockholm, SK
Chuck & Jennifer Williams
403-854-6270 403-854-0190
Manitoba the Wirgau’s
Box 25, Narcisse, MB R0C 2H0
Neal & Christine Lee & Cynthia (204) 981-5996 (204) 278-3255 World Class Cattle - First Class Service
Knudson Farms Gelbvieh “Breeding for Quality Polled Gelbvieh With the Commercial Man in Mind”
c/o James Knudson Ph: 306-322-7158
Box 386, Archerwill, SK S0E 0B0
This could be your spot! Call the CGA today to book your Business Card Listing! Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2018 • Page 43
COMING EVENTS A Complimentary Service Provided by the Canadian Gelbvieh Association Jul. 15 - Deadline for Canadian Junior Gelbvieh Association Scholarship
Nov. 12 - All People's Choice Futurity Bulls must have complete parent verification on file
Jul. 28 - Davidson Gelbvieh & Lonesome Dove Ranch Summer Pasture Tour & Open House, at the ranch, Ponteix, SK
Nov. 19-24 - Canadian Western Agribition, Regina, SK
Aug. 4 - Man-Sask Field Day, Twin View Livestock, Parkbeg, SK
Nov. 21 - National Gelbvieh Show at noon, Sweetheart Classic, Agribition, Regina, SK
Sep. 1 - Deadline for Fall Gelbvieh Guide magazine
Nov. 21-22 - People's Choice Bull Futurity, Agribition, Regina, SK
Oct. 1 - Final day for People's Choice Bull Futurity to send in parent verification on bulls
Nov. 22 - National Gelbvieh Sale at noon, Agribition, Regina, SK
Oct. 7 - Deadline for Amendments to the Constitution for AGM in Regina, SK Oct. 24 - Pre-sort Gelbvieh cross calf sale, Medicine Hat Feeding Company, Medicine Hat, AB Oct. 25 - Pre-sort Gelbvieh Cross Satellite Sale, Heartland Livestock, Swift Current, SK Oct. 25-28 - Manitoba Livestock Expo, Brandon, MB Nov. 6-10 - Farmfair International, Edmonton, AB Nov. 8 - Gelbvieh Show at 9 am at Farmfair International, Edmonton, AB
Nov. 20 - First Lady Classic & President's Classic shows, Agribition, Regina, SK
Nov. 30 - Dec. 1 - GAA/BC Wish List Weekend, Red Deer, AB Dec. 1 - 2018 Photo contest deadline. Dec. 2 - The Gathering Gelbvieh Sale, Olds, AB
2019 Jan. 6 - Deadline for Spring Gelbvieh Guide magazine Mar. 1 - Davidson Gelbvieh & Lonesome Dove Ranch 30th Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Ponteix, SK
Win a Free Ad! First Prize in Each Category
1/4 page advertisement in Summer 2019 Gelbvieh Guide 1. Cow/Calf 2. Scenic or Artistic
3. Bull(s) 4. Herd
1. Send or email unmarked colored print (3 1/2” X 5” or 4” X 6”) or digital file of each photograph entered. 2. All entries must be postmarked or emailed on or before Dec. 1/2018. Judging will take place before Jan. 15/2019. 3. Prizes must be accepted as awarded. 4. Winners will be notified and assistance given in setting up ads. Contest and prizes sponsored by the Canadian Gelbvieh Association
Please send only your best shots! The Canadian Gelbvieh Association reserves the right to use all photos entered in the contest Page 44 • Summer 2018 • Gelbvieh guide
Please send your photos to: Canadian Gelbvieh Association
5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary, AB T2E 6V1 or
Gelbvieh World
Prairie Hills Gelbvieh
B&R Ranch
Goodview Gelbvieh
RPS Gelbvieh
Bar GR
Hillsdown Ranch
Rocky Top Gelbvieh
Bow Valley Genetics Ltd.
Jen-Ty Gelbvieh
Royal Western Gelbvieh
Brittain Farms
Keriness Cattle Co.
Silver Line Cattle Company
Carlson Cattle Company
Knudson Farms
Severtson Land & Cattle
Davidson, Wade
LC Ranch
Smithers Land & Livestock
Limestone Stock Farm
Stockmans Insurance
Stone Gate Farm
Davidson Gelbvieh
7, 42
Dayspring Cattle
Lonesome Dove Ranch
Eyot Valley
Maple Grove Gelbvieh
Twin View Livestock
3, 43
Fir River Livestock
43, IBC
Milne’s Gelbvieh
Twin Bridge Farms
12, 43
Fladeland Livestock
10, 43
Nelson Gelbvieh
Twisted T Gelbvieh
Flatland Ranch
People’s Choice Futurity
Winders Golden Gelbvieh
Foursquare Gelbvieh
Prairie Gelbvieh Alliance
Wish List Sale
Advertising Content The Gelbvieh Guide assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of submitted advertising copy, and has the right to refuse any ad copy or photos. Advertisers shall indemnify and hold harmless the Guide containing pedigrees or statements regarding performance must conform to records kept by the Canadian Gelbvieh Association. Copy deviating from official records may be changed as necessary without advertiser consent. Editorial Policy Opinions expressed are the writer’s and not necessarily those of Gelbvieh Guide or the Canadian Gelbvieh Association. Photographs are welcome, but no responsibility is assumed during transit or while in the office. Publisher’s Statement: All statements, including product claims, are those of the person or organization making the statement or claim. The publisher does not adopt any such statement or claim as its own, and any such statement or claim does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher.
Printed by: Houghton Boston Sskatoon, SK, Canada Mailed under permit number 40012883 Postage paid at Calgary, AB Canadian Publication Agreement Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Canadian Gelbvieh Association 5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary AB T2E 6V1
Gaylene Groeneveld Phone: (403) 250-8640 Fax: (403) 291-5624 Email: (Gaylene)
Member Advertising Rates Please send ads and make cheques payable to :
The Canadian Gelbvieh Association Full Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $850.00 Half Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$500.00 Quarter Page . . . . . . . . . . . . $300.00 Business Card . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00 Classified (25 words) . . . . . . .$20.00 Contact the CGA to book advertising space or for rates on overruns, inserts, catalogues & mailing lists.
Electronic Composition
Kim Matthews Box 19, Site 5 RR#2, Olds, Alberta T4H 1P3
(403) 556-8836 (403) 556-8077 (Kim)
Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2018 • Page 45
Canadian Junior Gelbvieh Association Scholarship
All eligible juniors are encouraged to apply for the $500 Scholarship. Please complete the Scholarship Application Form and include a one page essay describing your involvement in the Gelbvieh breed. Please submit your application form and essay to the CGA office by email (, fax (403-291-5624), or mail (5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary, Alberta T2E 6V1). The deadline to apply is July 15, 2018. To be eligible you must be a current or previous member of the Canadian Junior Gelbvieh Association between the ages fifteen (15) and twenty five (25) as of January 1st of the current calendar year. Juniors are eligible to receive the award more than once. Scholarship recipients will be presented with a cheque upon proof of enrollment. Send an official class enrollment form or receipt of tuition payment to the Canadian Gelbvieh Association office no later than October 1, 2018. In the event that a circumstance arises that prevents the recipient from enrolling in the school of choice by the above deadline, the scholarship will be forfeited. To retain scholarship, the recipient must complete at least one semester of full enrollment. If the semester is not completed, money awarded must be refunded to the Canadian Junior Gelbvieh Association. Full Name:___________________________________________________________________________
Full Address:__________________________________________________________________________
Birth Date: _______________________________Place of Birth:__________________________________ Sex
Social Insurance Number:_____________________________________
Parent or Guardian Name(s):___________________________________________________________ Parent or Guardian Address:_______________________________________________________
High School Name:____________________________________________________________ High School Address:________________________________________________________ Graduation Date: _____________ Grade Point Average: ___________(example 3.5/4.0)
Estimated Percentage of Tuition Paid by Scholarships or grants during you last semester of post secondary education or for the upcoming semester?______________________
List any scholarships you have bee awarded:_________________________________
Career Goal:__________________________________________________________
If you are currently attending a Post Secondary Education facility, please complete the following: Name of Post Secondary Education Facility you have previously or are currently attending: ____________________________________________________________________
Major:_______________________________ Grade Point Average:_______________
If you are a graduating high school senior, please complete the following: Post Secondary education Facility you plan to attend: ____________________________________________________________________
Anticipated Major______________________________________________________
________________________________ Signature of Applicant Date Page 46 • Summer 2018 • Gelbvieh guide
________________________________ Signature of Parent/ Guardian Date
Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2018 • Page 47