CDN PUB Agreement # 40012883
Gelbvieh guide • Spring 2021 • Page 3
Page 4 • Spring 2021 • Gelbvieh guide
In this issue...
President’s Report Office Memo Gelbvieh Association of AB/BC News Man/Sask Gelbvieh Assoc. News Show Results Sale Results Coming Events Advertiser Index
8 9 10 13 42 43 48 49
Feature articles... NSAID’s at Calving Time Cold Stress in New Born Calves The Chromosome of Difference Meet Your 2021 CGA Directors
16 20 23 28
Advertising Deadlines/ Publication Dates Summer - May 1 / June 1 - Member Directory Fall - September 1 / October 1 - Commercial Issue Spring - January 1 / February 1 - Herd Sire Issue
Ready for warmer days at Twin View Livestock
The official publication of the
CANADIAN GELBVIEH ASSOCIATION 5160 Skyline Way N.E., Calgary, Alberta T2E 6V1 Phone: (403) 250-8640 Fax: (403) 291-5624 Email:
Provincial Association Representatives to the CGA Board of Directors Gelbvieh Association of Alberta/BC
per formance production profit
President - Jessica Pearson Box 589, Calmar, AB T0C 0V0 780-297-2352
Secretary: Lorna Okell Box 627, Duchess, AB T0J 0Z0 Phone: 403-378-4898
Aaron Birch Box 97 Parkbeg, SK S0H 3K0 Phone: 403-485-5518 Vice President
Bev Milne
Man-Sask Gelbvieh Association Representative - Cynthia Wirgau Box 25 Narcisse, MB R0C 2H0 204.278.3255
President - Ian Thackeray Box 1002 Weyburn, SK S4H 2L0 306-861-7687
Box 1573 Fairview, AB Phone: 780-835-2645
James Jasper Box 24 Hartney, MB R0M 0X0 Phone: 431-740-5443
Ryan Sommerfeld Box 7 Medstead, SK S0M 1W0 Phone: 306-342-2136 306-342-7259
Don Okell Box 627 Duchess, AB T0J 0Z0 Phone: 403-378-4898 Fax: 403-378-4894
Eddie Marsman 25032 Twp. Rd. 274, Red Deer County, AB T0M 0V0 403-588-1400 eddie@
Cody Congdon Box 366, Bashaw, AB T0B 0H0 403-350-5791
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Don’t Miss Out!
Keep in touch by reading the official Gelbvieh Magazine. The Gelbvieh Guide magazine is mailed FREE OF CHARGE for four years to purchasers of registered Gelbvieh cattle when the registration certificate is transferred into the purchaser's name. Ask the seller of the animal for a registration certificate when you purchase a Gelbvieh animal. Note, according to the Animal Pedigree Act (Chapter 13, Section 64(j), no person shall sell a purebred animal without providing to the buyer, within six (6) months after the sale, the animal's duly transferred certificate of registration. If you are not a CGA member and wish to continue to receive the GELBVIEH GUIDE or know of someone who should be on our mailing list, please clip out and send in this coupon and remit $26.25 Canadian and send to the Canadian Gelbvieh Association office.. For out of country subscribers, please fill out the Subscription Form, remit $50.00 Canadian, and send to the Canadian Gelbvieh Association office.
Name: Address: City:
Postal Code Mail to:
Canadian Gelbvieh Association 5160 Skyline Way NE T2E 6V1 Ph: (403) 250-8640 Fax: (403) 291-5624
$26.25 Enclosed for Canadian subscription fee. $50.00 Enclosed for foreign subscription fee.
Gelbvieh guide • Spring 2021 • Page 7
Aaron Birch
I would like to start this report by expressing my gratitude to those who have made big contributions to the Gelbvieh breed over the last year. Thank you Neil Overby for doing an exceptional job as President the last two years, Sarah Van Schothorst for going above and beyond as our CEO, the Gelbvieh Association of AB/BC thank you for hosting the CGA AGM. Finally, thank you to the other CGA board members as well as our new directors for stepping up and giving your time to the breed. Now that 2020 has come to a close I think those of us in the cattle industry can look back and count ourselves lucky. Although the last year dealt some major challenges cattle markets, for the most part, remained strong and the demand for good Gelbvieh genetics was evident. I know the restrictions we had this year forced many of us to push comfort zones and adopt new ways of promoting our cattle. As we look forward to 2021 there are some exciting new and continuing programs offered by the CGA. The orange back RFID buttons continue to be the best way to identify your Gelbvieh calves. Our breed is often not given the credit it deserves because they are not identified as being Gelbvieh.
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As your calves continue down the production chain using the orange back button is the only way to guarantee that they get the recognition they deserve. The CGA, in coordination with Olds College, has started a heifer development project. This is a great way to collect data and showcase the Gelbvieh breed. There has been a great uptake in the 100k for $30 research project, the 400 available tests were spoken for far quicker than expected. These tests will not only give genetic merit information on the participants, but also the increase in 100k testing will increase the accuracy of 100k tests for the Gelbvieh breed in the future. Plans are well under way for the 50th anniversary of the CGA next year. Along with events, the committee is working to create a history book. Please make sure to get your farm or families history in it. Whether you are new to the breed or you have been raising Gelbvieh since the start, your story is important. I wish everyone a good calving season and successful bull sales. Hopefully 2021 brings us less uncertainty and more opportunities to get together.
Sarah Van Schothorst
Happy New Year everyone! Thank you to everyone who was able to make it online for the 2020 CGA AGM in November. Although we have faced some uncertain times in 2020, all Gelbvieh events had great participation and were well attended. A reminder that the year end for CGA is December 31st (as voted on at the 2019 AGM). Part of that amendment was that the CGA will be sending the year end financials to all members, by email, by March 31st, 2021. If you would like a paper copy mailed to you, they are available upon request, please contact the office. Looking forward to 2021, we have some exciting projects ahead. HEIFER PERFORMANCE PROJECT The CGA is excited to announce that we are organizing our first heifer development project at Olds College, AB. This project is set to start the week of February 15th and end around April 27th. The purpose of this project is to collect performance, docility, and reproductive efficiency data on 80 Gelbvieh and Gelbvieh influenced heifers, with the information to be used for marketing the breed. Deliverables of the project: • Weight performance using GrowSafe Beef scales & routine chute weights • Temperament assessment, looking to develop an index • AI services (if requested) • Olds College to market the project through their website/social media accounts with possible student involvement There are still some spots left. If you have any questions or are interested in participating please contact the office. The pen space will be on a first come first serve basis. There is no minimum or maximum number of head that each producer would have to bring. Participants can be members or nonmembers of the CGA. RESIDUAL FEED INTAKE (RFI) TEST The CGA is participating in another spring RFI test for bulls at Olds College, AB. Participants will receive the growth data, feed intake data, as well as GrowSafe multi-breed DMI, RFI, and ADG EPDs. The drop off period for this test will be mid-March. The test will start in April and end at the end of May. This test period is for March, April, and May born calves. If you are interested in sending bulls please contact the office. COOP ADVERTISING INITIATIVE The CGA organized another Co-op ad for the Canadian Cattlemen. Be sure to check out the February issue for those Gelbvieh events. The CGA also organized free Coop ads in the Gelbvieh World for fall 2020 events and spring 2021 events. Read the February issue of the Gelbvieh World for these events.
50TH ANNIVERSARY HISTORY BOOK The CGA is looking forward to collecting and compiling the history of Gelbvieh in Canada for the past 50 years. 2022 will mark the CGA’s 50th anniversary. We have decided to put together a history book. Later in this issue you will find a questionnaire that is meant to work as a guide to get you started in writing your history. If you have any questions or know of someone who may not be a current member but should contribute a history, please contact the office. TO DO LIST • March 1st – Deadline for Herd Assessment to be completed – if you have over 30 cows half will be billed at time of completion and the other half will be billed July 1st. If you have under 30 cows then the full balance is due upon completion. • May 1st – Book your ad for the Summer Gelbvieh Guide • July 1st – Herd Assessment second half due • September 1st – Book your ad for the Fall Gelbvieh Guide DNA – Neogen Canada has an estimated turnaround time of 21 days. However, this does not allow time for failed samples to be re-tested or time for any error. Please allow yourself 6 weeks to have DNA done in case you have to repeat testing. This is not a common occurrence but can be frustrating if it does happen. CGA WEBSITE A reminder to please use the CGA website as a resource for information and instructions on registry work, DNA, and programs. Under the membership tab you can find the member handbook which has information as well as screen shot step by step instructions on completing registry work. Under the DNA tab you will also find video resources from taking the sample, to selecting the test types, to mailing the sample. Thank you to Twin View Livestock for hosting the video! You can also use the CGA website as a tool for marketing your program via the banner ads. The banner ads are $250 for the year. You can change it as many times as you like through the year at no additional cost. The viewers can click on the banner ad and it will connect them to a website/social media page/ or catalog of your choice. You can also have your sale catalog put up under the marketing tab. If you would like to put your catalog on the website without putting up a banner ad you can do so for $25. All the best in 2021, take care.
Gelbvieh guide • Spring 2021 • Page 9
Association News
By Jessica Pearson, President
Well with all the uncertainty that was 2020, I want to start off by saying thank you to everyone who supported this year's edition of the Wish List. It was a tremendous event! The board put so much effort into it and it was so well received. I know I cannot wait until next year when hopefully we can go all out planning the event without the added pressure of COVID restrictions, impending lock downs, and gathering limits. The Stettler Ag Society grounds turned out to be the perfect venue for the event and the staff and group of volunteers there were amazing to work with. Mark your calendars for next year's Wish List weekend - Dec 3 & 4, 2021! If you are interested in consigning or have further questions, don't hesitate to contact anyone on the board! Keep the Wish List in mind this spring when you start getting some dynamite calves on the ground or single out a bred heifer you think has a lot to offer - we'd love to have you join our sale! This year we had 20 kids enter the junior futurity draw. Colby Hollman was the lucky winner of the $1000 sale credit! He took home a heifer from the sale that I'm sure was at the top of a lot of people's lists. He's got himself quite a little Gelbvieh herd started and we can't wait to see it grow and develop! Congrats again Colby! Carson Kassian won the runner up prize - a really neat cow model donated by Dan & Marilyn Neilsen. Thank you for that! The contributors this year were $500 - Jonus Cattle Co, $100 Jace Cattle Co., BNH Livestock, Limestone Stock Farm, Pearson Farms, and Hilltop Gelbvieh - without this support this draw wouldn't be possible. Thank you! Juniors and 4-H members - here is your reminder to make sure you get photos of you and your Gelbvieh projects for the 2021 draw! Further details to come. Thank you to everyone who supported the 2021 Gelbvieh Association of AB/BC calendar project. The end result was absolutely beautiful and a wonderful way to highlight the breed. A huge thank you to Lorna Okell and Jason Muhlbach who spear headed the project, and to Angela Morasch who went above and beyond to design it for us. If you did not buy yours yet and are still looking to purchase some, please let me know. They can be purchased for $10 each. They make wonderful gifts for bull and female customers and feature a gestation table which is pretty much the handiest thing ever to have up on the wall - especially come breeding season. I'm going to start my campaign early so that everyone has time to consider this opportunity. We will be looking for a number of new board members come December. If you are interested or have any further questions about what is involved in being a board member, please let me know. We are looking for creative, driven individuals who are going to help promote this breed. I hope you all have had a great holiday season. Here's to a much better year ahead! Happy calving!
L-R; Jason Muhlbach, Past President; Nicole Hollman, Treasurer; Darren Dunford; Lorna Okell, Secretary; Joe Ness; Jessica Pearson, President; Tom Kulak; Darrell Hickman, Vice President.
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Purebred Breeder of the Year...
PEARSON FARMS Pearson Farms is located near Calmar, AB and runs a 2,000 acre grain operation along with a herd of purebred Simmental and Gelbvieh cattle. Duncan is rather new to the Gelbvieh breed, while Jessica has been involved pretty much all her life. Her parents run Limestone Stock Farm near Andrew, AB and have shown and sold Gelbvieh for years. Duncan and Jessica have two kids, Avry and Greta, who are very involved in the day-to-day operations. Jessica also works off the farm as a Registered Nurse. The Gelbvieh herd may be small at Pearson Farms, but they hope to start slow and raise high quality Gelbvieh breeding stock. Their goal is to raise cattle that are powerful, yet productive and easy keeping. Jessica was the Canadian Junior Gelbvieh Association President many years ago and now currently holds the position of President on the Gelbvieh Association of AB/BC board. Her hope is that as a board, they can continue to move the breed forward and continue to come up with new and exciting ways to promote Gelbvieh.
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Association News I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. 2020 was definitely a year of uncertainty. As many events got cancelled, we did witness some alternative ways of accomplishing tasks. More sales were held online, virtual shows and AGMs. Parades were held for some of our juniors/4-H members that graduated, as well as at Christmas and to bring cheer to a community. Thank you to Ross Davidson and Wade Davidson for their past 6 years on the board. Also thank you to Joe Barnett for your term on the board and being President for the last two years. We have accomplished a lot in the past year, getting more advertising happening in the auction marts across Manitoba and Saskatchewan. We would like to welcome to the board; Braylen Blake, Eileen Davidson and Ian Thackeray (President). They are joining directors Shayla Jasper (Vice President), Cynthia Wirgau (Sec/Treas), Dean Hurlburt, Courtney Bentz, and Brett Spray. Agribition held a virtual show, with 9 exhibitors and 33 entries. AWB Twin View Sugar 26F, and her Twin View Crowfoot heifer calf were the Champion Female. Heifer calf, AWB Twin View Baha 1H from Twin View Livestock and Classic Cattle Co. was the Reserve Champion Female. The Champion Bull also came from Twin View Livestock; KHR Grizzly Red 39F and Reserve Champion Bull was Fladeland Hawkeye 2H from Fladeland Livestock.
The champion percentage female was exhibited by Diamond Acres and Twin View Livestock AWB Twin View Astrid 42H and the Reserve Champion Percentage Female was from Triple S Cattle, Fladeland Gracyn 17G. This year the Donation heifer was donated by Twin View Livestock The heifer calf was won by Don Girling of Dunmore, AB and $10,950 was raised for the Man/SK Association. Thank you to Twin View Livestock for generously donating this heifer, and making sure the fundraiser still happened this year, as tickets were auctioned off at the Function and Finesse sale. Congratulations to Thackeray Land and Cattle on receiving the Purebred Breeder of the Year award, and Danny & Treena Blake and family on receiving Commercial Breeder of the Year Award. Read more information about these breeders in the Gelbvieh Guide. Due to Covid-19 regulations our field day is postponed to 2021. Spray Cattle Co. will be hosting this event in the summer. Watch for more information at a later date. We wish everyone all the best in 2021. Thank you to all the members for their support in 2020. Good luck calving and stay healthy!
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ith pain medication there may be adjunct treatment with antibiotics but often times the antibiotics may be unnecessary. If your veterinarian prescribes NSAIDs for pain he/she may choose the one they do based on label claim, past experience in the field, price per treatment or per 100 pounds, duration of activity, ease of administration, advice of associates or slaughter withdrawal. Lots of things to consideration but hopefully this article and discussion with your veterinarian will make the decision that much easier in the future for you. With hard calving’s for years the clinic I was associated with would give calves flunixine IV thinking swelling and soreness on the legs and potentially ribs were greatly reduced, and I believe they were. Calves on IV fluids for scours as long as being treated for the dehydration NSAIDs were given routinely and now proven that appetite is increased. With calving season approaching let’s talk about the cow. After calving treatment with NSAIDs should lead to less obturator paralysis, quicker recovery from vaginal contusions and all other pain and soreness with calving should be diminished. Appetite is not lost so milk production is maintained. I realize c-sections and real hard pulls are becoming a thing of the past but even cows that take too long calving get very sore and stressed. If one follows the beef codes of practice major surgical procedures such as C-sections usage of NSAIds at the time of delivery or actually just at the beginning of surgery is now the accepted practice. I know from experience the recovery to C-sections is much more rapid and they don’t spend the first day moping around. I have used injectable products, oral meloxicam and now the Banamine TD all with great success. The later two have a greater ease of administration which makes them both desirable around the calving cows. Most vets are prescribing NSAIDs for all the prolapses they deal with including a prolapsed uterus. Again, if recovery is quicker milk production is better so never a bad thing. With calving one needs to have your parameters based of a hard, medium or light pull. Light being able to pull by hand with no other assistance . Stages medium or hard is when a calf puller may be applied. One also knows pulling with the cows contractions and going slow and methodical and applying lots of lubricant can avert a tough calving. One must recognize the type of skill level you have and treat accordingly. Was there a tear created, did you pull too fast, was the calf slow to get breathing, did you hear any unusual pops or snaps indicating tension or a slipped ileosacral joint popping (this is where the spine runs through the pelvis. Did the cow end up with a little obturator paralysis? All these are little clues the pull may have been too hard. From better milking to increasing appetite, quicker to mother up and potentially being quicker to rebreed are all possibilities NSAIDs can help with when given to cows after a pull. Even though we seldom have hard pulls manipulation for malpresentations, torsions, breech births etc. all cause at least irritation to the vagina or rushing the cow and pulling too quick also causes irritation and potential ripping in the vagina. This is especially true if you Page 16 • Spring 2021 • Gelbvieh guide
need to give time for the vulval lips to dilate. A lot of producers now have painkillers prescribed for the season and have them close to the chute so they can easily be given. Keep in mind no labels have “pain control at calving” on them but those changes will come with more research I feel. Therefore, because prescription drugs veterinarians prescribe them for extra label ways. I think most veterinarians would agree with me and probably prescribe something like dexamethasone for the cows you find down from a difficult calving. The very potent effect of this steroid seems quicker and effective if given early in cows with obturator paralysis. The negative effects are its immunosuppressive effects so often antibiotics may be prescribed concurrently. I personally wouldn’t prescribe steroids for anything other than the down cow. The NSAIDs are the way to go most times as mentioned either with or without antibiotics depending on the condition. There is no doubt the use of NSAIDs as an ancillary treatment or a stand-alone treatment at calving goes a long way towards a quicker recovery. That is for both (Cow & calf). If feel the calf needs a NSAIDs think of the cow. If think the cow needs a NSAID think of the calf. A tighter pull affects both the cow and the calf so think of treatments for both next time a difficult calving arises. These days a number of hard pulls are caused simply by an insufficient relaxing of the vulval lips. This is where patience to stretch the area and lots of lubricant combined with NSAIDs go a long way to insuring delivery of a live calf. There are many choices you and your veterinarian can work out. It is also very good for the public to know you as producers give painkillers for difficult birthing’s to both cow and calf. Cattle have been looked after and observed closely at calving, so these pain killers add another tool in the tool box to improve welfare of the Canadian cattle herd. Get familiar with the various painkillers out there including their dosage and withdrawal dates. A horse NSAID called phenylbutazone or “Butazone” should Never ever be used in cattle production and is a banned product. Hopefully calving season goes well, and you have very few even moderate to tough pulls but if you do it is nice to know NSAIDs can increase the comfort of both cow and calf and could shorten rebreeding time.
Gelbvieh guide • Spring 2021 • Page 17
Purebred Breeder of the Year...
Thackeray Gelbvieh The Man-Sask Gelbvieh Association is pleased to award 2020 Purebred Breeders of the Year to Thackeray Land and Cattle of Weyburn, Saskatchewan. Ian and Sheila Thackeray, along with their family, have been raising Gelbvieh cattle for years. They have promoted the Gelbvieh breed with enthusiasm in their communities, their province, and beyond. Ian has served on the Man-Sask Gelbvieh Association board as well as the Canadian Gelbvieh Association board, having been president for each organization at different times. Thackerays have made the effort to show at many livestock exhibitions including Canadian Western Agribition, Farmfair International, Weyburn, Brandon, Moose Jaw, and many others. This year would have been the Thackeray family’s 50th year of exhibiting at Agribition, something not many can claim. Thackeray’s were also founding partners of the PGA Sale Group, a successful sale that has been running for twenty years now. The entire family has participated in promoting Gelbvieh cattle, through 4H as well as provincial and national junior programs. The family is active in all aspects of their livestock and cattle farm, well beyond the showring. Congratulations to the Thackeray family!
Commercial Breeder of the Year...
The Blake Family The Man-Sask Gelbvieh Association is pleased to award 2020 Commercial Breeders of the Year to Danny and Treena Blake of Glentworth, Saskatchewan. Danny and Treena, along with their three kids Braylen, Aspen, and Kohan, have been using Gelbvieh bulls on their commercial cow herd since 2002. They have appreciated the breed’s ability to add power while leaving birth weights reasonably low and improve milk while adding extra rib eye. The Blake family has been selling commercial Gelbvieh-cross steers each fall, and also sell some heifers in the spring, keeping top end replacements for their own herd. They have also marketed Gelbvieh-cross bred heifers. More recently, the family has been choosing high quality 4H steers from the commercial Gelbvieh herd. With a recent addition of Angus genetics to complement their Gelbvieh, they have been pleased with the resulting Balancer cross. The kids are active junior Gelbvieh enthusiasts, and the entire family is active in their community, being involved in 4H and other activities. Congratulations to the Blake family! Page 18 • Spring 2021 • Gelbvieh guide
Gelbvieh guide • Spring 2021 • Page 19
by Heather Smith Thomas
alves born in cold weather may suffer adverse effects if they don’t get right up and nurse before they chill. As stated by Dr. Robert Callan, Colorado State University, the first thing to understand about body temperature in newborn calves is that they start out with a high temperature right after birth—about 103 degrees (39.5 Celsius). Their temperature will start to fall to 101.5 to 102 degrees (38.6 to 38.8)—which is “normal” for cattle”--within a few hours. “But if a newborn calf ’s temperature drops below l01 (38 degrees Celsius) and definitely if it drops below 100 (37.7 Cesius), this means the calf is not able to thermo-regulate and keep himself warm,” says Callan. If calves are born in cold weather with a wind blowing, their temperature will drop faster.
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“A normal calf has a tremendous ability to thermo-regulate, especially if the cow licks him off quickly and helps him get dry,” says Callan. A wet calf will continue to chill, however, (especially in a breeze) due to poor body insulation, evaporation of moisture and more rapid heat loss. “High risk calves will also chill quickly. These include calves that suffered prolonged birth or any dystocia, twins, calves born to sick cows or cows of poor body condition,” says Callan. “Cows that have been deficient in energy and protein during pregnancy may give birth to weak calves that don’t have much reserve, and their colostrum will also have less energy calories and fewer antibodies.” The time it takes for calves to burn through their glucose reserve, glycogen and fat reserves varies greatly between calves born to well-nourished cows versus calves born to cows that had inadequate nutrition.
“If a calf does not nurse quickly—to obtain the energy he needs for generating body heat--he will start depleting his blood glucose within 30 to 60 minutes. His body will try to replenish this from liver glycogen stores but these can be used up within 4 to 6 hours, after which the calf becomes hypoglycemic and weak. Finally, if calves fail to receive proper nutrition, they will deplete their brown fat reserves in 1 to 6 days and are starving,” he says. “In cold weather a calf requires more energy to keep warm, above the normal maintenance requirements. The calf needs extra energy but if the cow is in poor condition she isn’t producing as much colostrum or milk and the calf doesn’t get the extra energy he needs,” says Callan. “A crucial factor for calves born in cold weather is whether and how soon they nurse, since colostrum gives them the energy to maintain their body temperature. When it is really cold or stormy (windy/wet) they may chill before they can nurse,” he says. The calf ’s mouth gets cold and his tongue is not as agile, and he can’t grab the teat and suckle. Then he doesn’t have the energy to keep going and it’s a downhill spiral. “Any calf with a temperature below 100 degrees (37.7 degrees Celsius) needs assistance and warming. First and foremost the calf needs milk for energy, to produce his own body heat. Provide the milk by bottle or tube, whether it is milk or colostrum directly from the cow, warm calf milk replacer or warm homogenized milk. Feed at least a quart. If he’s too cold to suck, give it by tube. The calf needs the energy, or he will continue to chill and become weaker,” explains Callan. The next step is to see what you can do to warm the calf externally. “There are two different thoughts about this. Some people like to use a warm water bath (because it warms the calf ’s extremities and body surface quickly), but this is really hard to do out in a big pasture far from the house or barn.” This only works if you are set up for winter calving and are bringing the cows near shelter for calving and the newborn calves are close to a heated room with access to warm water. Hot water warming is labor intensive because you also have to get the calf completely dry afterward. Warm water on freezing feet/legs, tail and ears will warm these extremities more quickly than using warm air, but getting warm air into the lungs is beneficial for getting a calf ’s core temperature warming faster. “What I like best, since it’s easier to do than using hot water (and you don’t have to dry them afterward), is to use a warming box. You still need electricity, but a small ceramic electric heater in a small, enclosed crate—where you can regulate the heat and temperature— works very well. You are not only warming the cold extremities and body surface but also the calf is breathing warm air into the lungs, which helps raise his core temperature. All his blood is going through the lungs, so if he can breathe warm air, this helps a lot. Using a warming crate can be very beneficial for hypothermic calves,” says Callan. “If you don’t have anything like that and are out in a big pasture, other than getting the calf out of the wind/wet weather and drying him as much as possible, the best thing is to feed some warm milk. Without the milk the calf doesn’t have any energy source and will keep going downhill. Recheck a cold calf every few hours to make sure his temperature is rising. The energy provided by one feeding can be used up in 4 to 6 hours and the calf will need some more,” he says.
CAUTIONS FOR WARMING A CALF IN HOT WATER The quickest way to thaw a frozen calf is in warm water, but if you use this method, make sure the water is not too hot. If it is very much above normal body temperature, it may damage the skin—which is already compromised if it’s been frostbitten. Rapid thaw at moderate temperature (100 to 105 degrees, or 37.7 to 40 degrees Celsius) is best. Heat injury is always a risk if the water is above 115 degrees (46 degrees Celsius). Monitor rectal temperature to determine when the calf ’s temperature comes up to normal, and make sure you don’t overheat the calf. There have been some reports of extremely cold calves going into shock and dying when put into hot water. The sudden change may stop the heart. If you do warm a calf in a tub of warm water, make sure you get him completely dry before he goes back outside to cold temperatures. If he’s wet he will chill again. Also make sure you don’t completely wash all the amniotic fluid off a newborn calf. If he’s perfectly clean and dry when you take him back to mama, she may not recognize his smell and refuse to believe that it’s her calf! Gelbvieh guide • Spring 2021 • Page 21
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Sean McGrath, P.Ag
hile EPD have been around for several decades there is still a lot of confusion about where they come from and their use. A lot of comments I hear relate to the confusion between actual performance of a seedstock animal and the EPD for said animal. So, let’s go back to the beginning. An EPD is an Expected Progeny Difference and it uses all the available information we have to describe an animal’s
DNA for a specific trait. The EPD uses the animal’s own performance in its’ calculation but it is not the performance of the animal, it reflects the predicted performance differences of the OFFSPRING. Let’s look at the following example. We know that DNA is arranged in chromosomes and that chromosomes come in pairs. (Cows have 30 pairs or 60 chromosomes total). For this example, let’s simplify and only look at one chromosome.
In this example, we can see full sib calves (Calf 1 and Calf 2), that wind up with completely different chromosomes from the parents, and thus they could have completely different DNA for various traits. A good example of this in the real world is bulls and heifers. We know that bull calves get an X and a Y chromosome at pair number 30 and heifers receive 2 X chromosomes. We could have full sib calves, but a heifer and a bull have fairly obvious differences caused by having a completely different chromosome.
To further complicate things, when the sire and dam are replicating their DNA, parts of the various chromosomes can swap places. If we to use our example, we could end up with a calf that looks like Calf 3. The multitude of potential combinations runs into the billions, even if we are talking about a single sire/dam mating. This is the reason that we need EPD. On average a calf is somewhere in the middle of the sire and dam, however obtaining more information allows us to better predict what DNA that calf is carrying and thus can pass on to their offspring.
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As we add information, we can do a better job of predicting differences between cattle, and also more sure of the results. We express the amount of information included in an EPD in terms of accuracy. Since an EPD is a reflection of DNA that can be passed on to progeny, measuring progeny is the ultimate information, but measuring the actual animal is a good first step. As we add progeny measures, the impact of pedigree, DNA and the animal’s own performance declines in overall importance.
So, to back up a step, each animal is the result of the DNA they receive/contain, interacting with their environment. We call the actual performance/appearance of the animal the phenotype. Initially we know pedigree information on each bull. If we take performance measurements of phenotype we can determine their performance relative to other animals that are managed in the same way (the same environment.
This same environment is what we refer to as a management group. A contemporary group is a further refinement. It includes animals of the same sex, of roughly the same age and raised in the same environment. If the environment is the same, then a lot of the differences we see between phenotypes are due to genetics or differences in DNA. This is why performance data can create dramatic changes in an animal’s EPD that are predicted from pedigree alone. Once we know the genetic component of those performance differences, we can compare these differences across herds by using pedigree ties. We can now further refine this, by looking at DNA directly using a genomic panel. This obviously also tells us a lot of information about what DNA the animal received from its’ parents and thus can change the EPD significantly as well. Finally, since the EPD are “Expected Progeny Differences” once an animal becomes a sire/dam and passes on its DNA,
we can measure the offspring and see what differences are expressed in the progeny. Let’s go back to Calf 1, 2 and 3 again. From their pedigree we would predict that they would have identical EPD, but we can see that they have different DNA. For a second let’s assume that they were in the same herd, are all bull calves, born in 2020 and were raised together. They are a contemporary group. Their weaning information is shown in Table 1. Based on the weaning information we would predict that Calf 1 has DNA that is superior for growth from either Calf 2 or 3, and that Calf 2 has a genetic combination that is even lower for growth. A DNA test may further confirm this and provide more accuracy or certainty to that prediction. This is shown the example in Table 2. for these three calves.
Table 1. Weaning Weight Performance of Calf 1, 2 and 3
Table 2. Weaning Weight EPD and Accuracy () of Calf 1, 2 and 3 as information is added to their profile
Weaning Weight
61 (0.15)
70 (0.30)
70 (0.50)
61 (0.15)
54 (0.30)
50 (0.50)
61 (0.15)
61 (0.30)
62 (0.50)
If these calves were to become sires, then we could measure performance of their progeny and further refine our knowl-
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Information in the EPD
edge of their DNA.
Starting point. Accuracy of 0.10 to 0.15
Individual Performance within Contemporary Group
Provides a good indication of the genetics of the animal. Accuracy of 0.15 to 0.35 depending on the trait
DNA Markers
Contributes a lot of accuracy to young animals (animals without progeny records) Accuracy of 0.30 to 0.60 depending on the trait.
Progeny/Daughter Records
Provides a true measure of progeny differences. Accuracy of 0.30 to 0.99 depending on number of progeny
WHERE TO FROM HERE? A Bull cannot pass on their own performance. The performance of an individual is merely an indication of what DNA they might be carrying that they can pass on to their offspring. While individual performance is useful, management will dictate the expression of genetics, so performance alone can be somewhat misleading. We are really interested in what DNA the animal possesses that it can pass on to offspring. I have heard the statement made that order buyers don’t pay for EPD, and this is correct. Since we are not expecting progeny from our steer calves or market animals, we care about their performance since that is what we are paid on. In
the same vein, we are not paid for the performance of a sire, we are paid for the expression of his DNA in those market offspring or retained females. EPD can’t help us with every trait of interest or importance, but they can provide us some insight into the DNA that each animal possesses and will pass on to their offspring. Describing DNA does not necessarily tell us what DNA to buy or use in our own situations. This will be tackled in future articles.
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Age Verification Frequently Asked Questions
ge verification is the association of a Birth Date with an animal that was born on your farm and identified with an approved Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA) tag/indicator and then reported to the Canadian Livestock Tracking System (CLTS) database. When an animal is bought or sold there is a streamlined process for the purchaser to easily verify the age of the animal eliminating any unnecessary back and forth between parties and supporting a fully functioning traceability system. Here are a few Frequently Asked Questions to help you better understand how Age Verification works as a function of the CLTS. 1. Why would I want to age verify when I can already record the Birth Date as part of my management process? Age Verification (AV) provides an effective and internationally recognized Age Verification Process. Producers can enter and store Birth Date information and have it readily available for domestic and export markets. This Birth Date information then moves with the animal as it goes through the supply chain and reporting Age Verification (Birth Date tied to a tag number) in the CLTS is an important piece of data which allows for traceback within the traceability system. 2. Who can report a Birth Date? A Birth Date can only be reported by the herd of origin of the account where the tag was issued to and not by any subsequent custodian of the animal. The herd of origin account holder is responsible for verifying Birth Date information is accurate. 3. Is Age Verification mandatory? Age Verification is not mandatory in Canada. Alberta regulation that required Age Verification of cattle has was repealed in 2020. Even though AV is not mandatory regulated information producers are encouraged to record this information in the CLTS as part of building a world-class traceability system. 4. Who is allowed to make a request for a Birth Date change? In Alberta where Age Verification was regulated and supported by Alberta Agriculture and Forestry (AF), Alberta regulated parties who believe an error has been made can
continue to contact the Ag Info Centre. AF will then take the necessary measures to contact the source account and ask them to correct the error or receive permission to administer the change on behalf of the source account. The “requestor” is never informed of who the source account is. If the source account is unreachable, or unresponsive to the situation, then no change is made. If the requestor is not the source account and is located outside of Alberta then unfortunately, CCIA is unable to assist in making the change in Birth Date request as this is not mandatory/regulated data. 5. What happens if there is a mistake like an incorrect Birth Date? Some export markets require that animals/carcasses be under a certain age. When the tag is read at the abattoir, the Birth Date attached to that tag becomes part of the information that will follow the carcass. If the Birth Date is wrong, it may disqualify the carcass for the targeted market, leading to lower prices or a downgrade. You can prevent Age Verification issues by checking the animal’s Birth Date prior to purchasing. Age can be verified directly through the CLTS, by physically asking a producer to see a Birth Certificate or by looking up a Birth Date number from an RFID tag/indicator within the CLTS. There are multiple ways for a buyer to verify a Birth Date. Any potential issues can be addressed with the seller at that time. 6. How can a Birth Date be modified? The account holder has the ability to change or delete from any of the CLTS applications including CLTS MOBO. However, a Birth Date change can only be made by the herd of origin account holder. 7. How do I enter Birth Dates for my animals? If you have bought CCIA approved tags in the past you already have a CLTS account. If you have never logged in to your account you will need to contact CCIA to set your user name and password. You can enter Birth Date events online by logging in to your account on the CLTS. A detailed, step-by-step user guide is available to help you navigate through a Birth Date submission on at or, the Client Support Representatives can provide instructions over the phone at 1.877.909.2333. | 1-877-909-2333 Gelbvieh guide • Spring 2021 • Page 27
BEV MILNE Vice President
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My name is Aaron Birch and I am proud to serve the membership as President of the Canadian Gelbvieh Association. Together with my partner, Joe Barnett, we own and operate Twin View Livestock near Parkbeg, SK. This will be my sixth year on the Canadian Gelbvieh Association board. I have also served two terms on the Gelbvieh Association of AB/BC board and was a director on the Junior Gelbvieh Association. Growing up, I participated in both beef and horse 4-H and tried to take full advantage of the program. Highlights were trips won to the NILE in Billings and to Toronto. I attended Olds College earning a Diploma in Agriculture Production and Management before I returned to my family farm at Lomond, Alberta. My primary goal has always been to develop the best herd of Gelbvieh cattle possible. In 2015 Joe became a big part of advancing the herd especially on the promotional side. In 2017 we relocated to Saskatchewan and created Twin View Livestock. The name is a combination of the operations we came from, Twin Bridge Farms and City View Simmentals. We currently run 130 cows on the edge of the Missouri Coteau hills, just off the Trans Canada highway. 2/3 of the cow herd are purebred Gelbvieh while the remaining unregistered cows are used as embryo recipients. Along with a strong embryo program we AI breed the entire herd in the first cycle to our own herd sires as well as proven sires and exciting new bulls. Our first priorities when breeding cattle are soundness and udder quality. After that we concentrate on balancing traits instead of focusing on a few. We do use the show ring to promote our program however making cattle that thrive in the commercial industry is our goal. Twin View Livestock focuses to advance not only our herd but the breed in general. We extensively utilize CGA initiatives such as orange tags and DNA to do this. Through our commitment to grow the breed, we created the Function and Finesse Female sale which we host each October. Along with a group of likeminded breeders we offer females developed and presented under the same conditions. The greatest accomplishment of Function and Finesse has been the number of new breeders who are using females purchased through the sale to start or grow their programs, the future of the breed. After marketing bulls off the farm and then through our bull sale in Brooks, AB we now work with Fladeland Livestock to sell bulls closer to home at Moose Jaw. We pride ourselves in having every bull offered from a strong, functional cow that we would be pleased to show off. Our 2021 sale will be held on March 17th. Being a seedstock producer is a responsibility I don’t take lightly. Every aspect of beef production relies on seedstock producers to create and supply the right genetics. Little progress can be made if the right genetics aren't available. I feel the Gelbvieh breed is currently underutilised and hope its merits will be increasingly recognised and contribute more to the success of the whole beef industry. Please feel free to contact me any time. I really do enjoy helping newer breeders in any way I can. If you have ideas for the CGA to promote and record our cattle or better support our breeders I would love to chat about it.
My name is Bev Milne, and along with my husband Harold, operate Milne Ranch in the majestic Peace River country of Northwest Alberta. Our operation includes 100 purebred females, with bulls being marketed via Private Treaty barn auction. A small number of select females are marketed annually at The Wish List Sale. In addition to the seedstock beef operation we have a Quarter Horse breeding program that concentrates on performance rope horses and ranch horses. To insure there is never a boring day, Harold and I also have a custom cowboy contract with a corporate ranch that currently has 1200 momma cows. I grew up in Northwest Saskatchewan and was involved with 4-H from the age of 7-21 as a member and then as a Junior and General Leader. I was first introduced to Gelbvieh while attending Fairview College in the Animal Health Technician program. Two instructors at the college raised Gelbvieh cattle: Harvey McLachlan and John Milne. I later met Harold, John’s son, and as they say the rest is history. Gelbvieh cattle have been an integral part of the Milne family for generations and I look forward to watching my grandchildren and their Gelbvieh cattle in the future.
My wife Shayla and I own and operate JSJ Livestock along with our three kids, near Hartney, MB. I am a sales consultant for Mazergroup, selling New Holland equipment. Shayla is a nurse and works at our local health center. We also sell Masterfeeds products off the farm. Shayla and I both came from commercial cattle backgrounds. In 2007 we decided to enter the purebred seedstock industry. There were several things that led to this decision, but the one that stands out the most was when Vern Pancoast, then CGA president, asked me to help him with his show string at Agribiton. I told him we were barely in the breed and green as grass when it came to showing cattle. He insisted, so I showed up. I had only led horses on a halter at that point in my life but Vern had me dawn the black vest and head into the biggest cattle show in the county with one of his heifers. I walked out of that ring with a ribbon and I was hooked. The people in the barn were so helpful and so fun, I knew I had to come back. Gelbvieh was an easy choice for our busy family. Calving ease, feed efficiency, excellent mothering and great temperament were the main traits that attracted us to the breed. We run 80 purebred Gelbvieh cows, a few Balancers and a commercial herd. We have always been impressed at how well Gelbvieh cattle cross with other breeds. We sell our bulls in an online sale and this will be our 7th year. Our sale is March 3-5 through DLMS Farm Gate Timed Auctions, and we market our females through Twin View Livestock's Function and Finesse Female sale in the fall, as well as private treaty off the farm. We are in the process of moving to fall calving to utilize better weather and a year round grazing program. We will still be calving this February, as we transition slowly, to ensure that we don't have a disruption in our bull sale. Going forward we will be marketing extra age bulls, that will cover more cows their first year. JSJ Livestock has enjoyed showing cattle at Ag Ex in Brandon and Agribition in Regina. We got involved in the breed for the cattle, but the people are one of the best things about it. I hope we can all get back to the in-person events soon. I have served terms on both the provincial and national boards and always look forward to helping members promote this great breed. Being on these boards has helped me better understand the amount of work that is required to keep a breed moving forward. I believe there has been many positive changes to how the CGA conducts business in recent years that benefits all of us. Sitting on the board has given me some great opportunities as well. I have had the pleasure of representing the CGA in Lincoln, NE, Wichita, KS and Nashville, TN, where I gained a lot of knowledge and several relationships with breeders south of the border. Sitting on the CGA board has not been without challenges. There’s been many tough decisions in the last four plus years that has caused some hair pulling and required some whiskey to calm the nerves, but I feel where we are headed is truly exciting. It is an excellent time to be a CGA member, with Sarah at the helm and a well-rounded group of individuals steering the ship, I look forward to what's next for Gelbvieh.
My wife Michelle and I operate RPS Gelbvieh which consists of 170 purebred and 50 commercial Gelbvieh cows We sell 35-40 bulls each year privately off the farm. I enjoy being on the CGA board and have previously been on the Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association, Saskatchewan Forage Council, and Western Beef's advisory committee. I take a lot of pride in the work I’ve put into these groups over the years to better the beef and forage industries. We also started Aerow Manufacturing Ltd. in 2020 with a friend to market our new field crop invention. The Aerow is a versatile swath aerator to be used in the field on hay, greenfeed and cereal grain crops in the fall to speed dry down. I grew up with commercial cattle, and my parents Raymond and Pauline, began using Gelbvieh in 2000, and quickly seeing their potential began buying purebred Gelbvieh sires. We try to select balanced EPD cattle with good maternal traits and natural thickness with good spring of rib. RPS Gelbvieh began selling females in the Function and Finesse Sale in 2020 and have marketed females through the PGA Sale for a number of years. This breed has treated us very well, from the females to bulls and steers, Gelbvieh cattle work for us.
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Hi everyone, I own and operate Jen-Ty Gelbviehs with my wife Lorna. We are located in Southern Alberta just west of Duchess. We have two grown children Jennifer (husband Rob) and Tyler (fiancée Tayler) who all reside close to us in Brooks and help on the ranch when needed. I also work off the farm 5 days a week as a Field Foreman for Lynx Energy. I have been in the oil field for over 36 years. Lorna and I got into the cattle business in 1989, as a hobby with just a few cows. We both worked off the farm, so we were needing a breed that was a bit easier calving with great dispositions. In 1990 Lorna’s Dad asked us to go to a local fair and that is where we were first introduced to Gelbvieh. We purchased or first bull and a few heifers through that consignor. After the first calving season we were hooked on them. Their maternal instincts and dispositions were a selling feature. Our Kids were in 4-H for many years and Lorna was the Heifer Project Leader for the John Ware Beef Club in the Duchess Area. In 1997 we started showing cattle at Agribition and the kids were in the junior show as well there. Now we do not do the big shows anymore but like to take part in the local Pen Shows in Medicine Hat as well as the Wish List weekend. It is hard to get away now with the kids having their own careers and lives. We run about 250 red and black cows, 150 purebreds and 100 commercials. We retain between 30 and 40 replacement heifers each year and have 50 bulls to market through our annual Jen-Ty Bull sale the first Tuesday of March at the Medicine Hat Feeding Company Auction. We also sell females in the Wish List Sale in December as well as Private Treaty off the farm. Our Gelbvieh cross steers last fall topped the sale at Calgary Stockyards. It is nice to see that Gelbvieh are starting to get recognized in our area. We strongly believe in DNA and test all the heifers and bulls every year with 50k and horn/polled testing. We started this program quite a few years ago. Our purebred herd is almost completely parent verified. When selecting for herd sires, it is important to utilize EPDs. That is why we focus on animals that have been parent verified so we have a more accurate EPD. This is my second term on the CGA board, the first term I was on the advertising committee and worked hard to get advertising trailers located along major highways in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Manitoba has been more of a challenge to find an advertising trailer rental spot, but I have not given up on it. After we placed the trailers, we could watch activity grow on the CGA web site. Happy with the response, it is visible 365 days a year. In my spare time I enjoy restoring and painting antique tractors as well as petal tractors. Time is limited now but my plan is to do this more when I retire from my day job, as well I would like tour more Gelbvieh operations.
I decided to join the Gelbvieh breed with the purchase of my first 4-H heifer at Twin Star Dispersal Sale held in Innisfail Alberta. Starting the herd from that initial heifer over the past 13 years, I now have a progressive herd just shy of 70 purebred and Balancer influenced cattle. Along with that, I also farm with my dad Dale in the grain operation and commercial cow herd. I truly appreciate the Gelbvieh influence, not only in the purebred program but how they make a great impact on a commercial cattleman’s program. I find the Gelbvieh genetics add the pounds and correct balance necessary for a productive F1 cross. The replacement females retained for the purebred program are selected with a strong emphasis of structural correctness, added rib shape, material characteristics and good reproduction traits paired with a touch of femininity to ensure they become well rounded cows that continue to advance the herd. Having great quality females in our program truly shows at the annual Draft Picks Bull Sale where we offer a great selection of bulls. I believe having great mentors is an important aspect within any association. Being a member of the Gelbvieh breed for the past 13 years, there has been several friendships built along the way. Being guided in a positive direction through the knowledge of fellow breeders has not only allowed me to grow to the success of where I am today in the Gelbvieh breed, but also gave me the courage to take on this role as a new director. I am honoured to be a part of the CGA Board of Directors.
Hello Gelbvieh enthusiasts. My name is Eddie Marsman and I am newly elected to the board of directors for the Canadian Gelbvieh Association. Together with my wife Wanda and our nephew Matthew we operate Hillsdown Gelbvieh in the Pine Lake area of Alberta. We calve out 70 purebred cows and 10 purebred heifers each year. Bulls, females, semen and in the future embryos, sell by private treaty, in addition to that we usually consign some females to the Gelbvieh Wish List Sale each year. We have enjoyed showing our Gelbvieh cattle at Farmfair since 2016 to further promote our product and see our cattle in the ring side by side with what is arguably the best in the breed. Despite the enormous amount of work that goes into this show endeavor, it has been very rewarding for us in terms of developing relations and friendships that will last the rest of our lives. Hillsdown Gelbvieh is located in the hilly country North of Pine Lake and East of Red Deer on a half section of mostly pasture. We grow about 30 acres of barley for silage, the rest is pasture, and in addition to this we rent another quarter section of pasture located nearby. 2020 marked 15 years in the Gelbvieh breed for us. We absolutely love this breed for their maternal capabilities and the ability of these cows to flat out produce, even in less favorable conditions such as droughts. The docility of these cows is amazing, yet they will run off a cougar to protect their calves. In addition to Hillsdown Gelbvieh, Wanda and I own and operate Hillsdown Contracting Ltd. (HDC for short). HDC dedicates itself to wellsite supervision and consulting services, specializing in the downhole operations on salt caverns used for storage of natural gas under high pressures in Alberta and Saskatchewan. I consider Saskatchewan my second home province due to the amount of time I spend there. My background and education are in dairy farming. I was born and raised in Holland and came to Alberta in 1987 as an exchange student working on a dairy farm North of Edmonton. I got there just in time to witness the damage left behind by the tornado that tore through Edmonton that year. In 1989 I emigrated to Canada as a permanent resident, and in 2007 I became a Canadian Citizen. I am honored to represent my fellow Gelbvieh breeders as a member of the board of directors, and hope that my life’s experiences will help in setting a course to serve and promote this breed and its breeders.
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Commercial Breeder of the Year...
Lance & Karyn Neilson We are Lance and Karyn Neilson, and along with their four kids, Anika, Reid, Jenna, & Blake, we operate a 200 cow/calf and an 800 head confined feeding facility near Stettler, Alberta. We offer the development of replacement females tailored to your operations needs. Whether it's bred heifers you purchase from our program or custom heifer development of your home raised females, we can help you achieve your herd goals. We work with Olds College Beef Technology Access Centre on continual research projects into developing longer lasting, less stressed, higher fertility females. We incorporate those findings into our custom development programs so you will have less open cows and an easier to handle cow herd from heifers that go through our program. New for the spring of 2021 is a weaned calf embryo program. We offer flushing and embryo implanting services into our recip cows. We will calve that cow in the following spring and raise the embryo calf through the summer with pictures, weights, vaccinations and reports along the way. At weaning a premium over steer price is charged for the embryo calf. Under our farm to plate brand, Neilson Signature Beef, we finish steers and non replacement quality heifers for direct sale to consumers. This gives us a complete view of our product from birth to pasture to feedlot to hanging on the rail to packaged for the consumer - we are able to follow them every step of the way and receive direct feedback. It is a highly responsive way to understand if your cow herd is doing the job. L-R: Anika, Blake, Jenna, Reid, Karyn and Lance Neilson We have found that Balancer females with their fertility, maternal traits, and more stretch make them a top choice for our program. We use a mix of Gelbvieh and Balancer bulls on our cow herd and we would love to have our program full of red and black Balancers each year. We are very excited to be flushing JM Henrietta 52H this spring to bring a new generation of females to our herd and our customers. Thank you Gelbvieh Association of AB/BC for this distinct award.
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s we reflect on the year 2020 it will not be soon forgotten. It now appears that the pandemic will continue deep into 2021 and we need to be prepared for this as an industry and in our daily lives. We tend to focus on the negative aspects of COVID and there are certainly a lot, but we also need to recognize the success in our industry where we have been fortunate. As we all remember the pandemic hit in the middle of the bull sale season. Producers adapted and complied with ever changing restrictions and uncertainty. Sales continued with prices being similar to the previous year which showed the strength of our producers and their steadfast resolve while facing adversity. Agriculture was designated an essential service which allowed our cattle sales to continue but it also allowed for uninterrupted trade with the USA, our largest trading partner. The exchange of beef, semen, embryos and live cattle with the US are critical to the stability of our market. There were many more successes through the year that we can be proud of as an industry and on personal levels.
As we look forward to 2021 there are several ongoing initiatives that will be important to the industry. We will need to be flexible and adjust our international market development program in response to changing market conditions due to the COVID pandemic. This is a collaborative effort across breed associations, livestock exporters, livestock exhibitions, agricultural service providers and breeders to promote and generate sales of beef genetics both internationally and at home in Canada. The disruption in our industry through the cancellation of our livestock events will have ripple effects and we will need to re-establish our connection with international buyers and government officials in foreign countries. It is likely that travel will still be restricted well into 2021, so we will need to continually improve and utilize our online and digital marketing programs in order to accomplish this. This will be one of the most important investments that our industry organizations and breeders can make at this time in order to showcase our genetics to the world. Continued on page 38 The Canadian Beef Improvement Network initiative is en-
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Continued from page 33 tering a new phase in its development. It is supported by the major breed associations and has participation from across the production and retail system. As a division of the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association and the hub for the seedstock sector, CBBC will serve as the incubator for CBIN to ensure its successful implementation. The next phase of CBIN will include increased advocacy efforts to industry stakeholders and development of its core foundation. A goal of CBIN is to build upon existing genetic improvement programs with a focus on the commercial cattle sector. The commercial cow/calf sector has always been an integral part of genetic improvement through bull selection but have never been actively included in the development programs offered by the seedstock sector. There is an opportunity through the CBIN platform to connect the industry with a made in Canada solution. For information on Canada-USA border crossing procedures for essential agriculture worker exemption status contact CBBC at or (403) 730-0350.
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he 2020 edition of Champions of the World proved exciting for Gelbvieh breeders around the world as the breed was recognized as Other Registered Breeds (ORB) World Champion for the first time; not once but twice! Twin View Livestock was honoured with the Champion of the World with KHR Grizzly Red 39F. Grizzly Red is a son of influential MCCA Cornhusker Red and was imported to Canada from the Kicking Horse Ranch in Montana. The Reserve Champion of the World Bull was a Boran from South Africa. After a dominant show career as a yearling, AWB Twin View Sugar 26F, also from Twin View Livestock, along with her heifer calf by Twin View Crowfoot 59E was selected by the panel of judges as Miss World. Twin View Sugar 26F is sired by past National Champion, AWB Birch’s The Boxer 21D. The Reserve Miss World Champion was also a Boran from South Africa. PJ Budler, creator of the competition, shared, “The Gelbvieh entries from both Canada and the USA were very popular with the 4 judges. Functional efficiency, muscle and softness, combined with extremely attractive phenotypes caught the attention of cattlemen from every continent.” This year’s judges for the Other Registered Breeds competition were from Ireland, Uruguay, New Zealand and Mexico. “That is what this initiative is designed to do - feature the best genetics the world has to offer and make sure that the world gets to see them. The ‘Champion of the World’ Competition was founded in 2012 to promote awareness, goodwill and trade between and within cattle producing countries around the world. Gelbvieh guide • Spring
In normal years, cattle qualify by winning their country's most prestigious shows. In 2020 entries were received from individual breeders and the official judges for each breed selected a bull and a female to represent each country. Over 1,800 entries from 85 countries representing 16 breeds took part in the competition. The next step for these World Champions comes in March when the "All Breeds World Supreme" is selected from the 32 (16 females and 16 bulls) world champions. This award is given at Farmfair International during the Alberta Supreme.
Canadian Junior Gelbvieh Association Scholarship All eligible juniors are encouraged to apply for the $500 Scholarship. Please complete the Scholarship Application Form and include a one page essay describing your involvement in the Gelbvieh breed. Please submit your application form and essay to the CGA office by email (, fax (403-291-5624), or mail (5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary, Alberta T2E 6V1). The deadline to apply is July 15, 2021. To be eligible you must be a current or previous member of the Canadian Junior Gelbvieh Association between the ages fifteen (15) and twenty five (25) as of January 1st of the current calendar year. Juniors are eligible to receive the award more than once. Scholarship recipients will be presented with a cheque upon proof of enrollment. Send an official class enrollment form or receipt of tuition payment to the Canadian Gelbvieh Association office no later than October 1, 2021. In the event that a circumstance arises that prevents the recipient from enrolling in the school of choice by the above deadline, the scholarship will be forfeited. To retain scholarship, the recipient must complete at least one semester of full enrollment. If the semester is not completed, money awarded must be refunded to the Canadian Junior Gelbvieh Association.
Full Name:___________________________________________________________________________ Full Address:__________________________________________________________________________ Birth Date: _______________________________Place of Birth:__________________________________ Sex
Social Insurance Number:_____________________________________
Parent or Guardian Name(s):___________________________________________________________ Parent or Guardian Address:_______________________________________________________ High School Name:____________________________________________________________ High School Address:________________________________________________________ Graduation Date: _____________ Grade Point Average: ___________(example 3.5/4.0) Estimated Percentage of Tuition Paid by Scholarships or grants during you last semester of post secondary education or for the upcoming semester?______________________ List any scholarships you have bee awarded:_________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Career Goal:__________________________________________________________ If you are currently attending a Post Secondary Education facility, please complete the following: Name of Post Secondary Education Facility you have previously or are currently attending: ____________________________________________________________________
Major:_______________________________ Grade Point Average:_______________ If you are a graduating high school senior, please complete the following: Post Secondary education Facility you plan to attend: ____________________________________________________________________ Anticipated Major______________________________________________________ ________________________________ Signature of Applicant Date Page 40 • Spring 2021 • Gelbvieh guide
________________________________ Signature of Parent/ Guardian Date
JUNIOR NEWS & NOTES Hi, my name is Colby Hollman, I am 12 years old and my family runs BNH Livestock. I would like to thank Jonus Cattle Co, Limestone Stock Farm, Pearson Farms, BNH Livestock, Hilltop Gelbvieh, and Jace Cattle Co. for sponsoring the 2020 $1000 GAA/BC Junior Incentive Program. The Junior Incentive Program helped me buy my second purebred Gelbvieh heifer, DL Jen-ty Hot Stuff 550H. I am trying to start a small herd of top quality, purebred Gelbvieh animals. I am excited to put her in 4-H and take her to jackpot shows in the summer. To the Juniors out there that are trying to start their own herd, the GAA/BC Junior Incentive Program is a good way to make it more affordable, so start sending in pictures of you showing off your projects to get entries into the Junior Incentive Program.
Carson Kassian was runner up for the Junior Incentive and was awarded a model of a cow donated by Dayspring Cattle Co.
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Bull Calf Champion Fladeland Hawkeye 2H, Fladeland Livestock, Gladmar, SK Reserve Bull Calf Champion AWB Twin View Valhalla 45H ET, Twin View Livestock, Parkbeg, SK Champion Yearling Bull JSLS Bonanza 929G, Diamond Z Livestock, Twin View Livestock, Ledgerwood Gelbvieh, Rouleau, SK Champion Senior Bull KHR Grizzly Red 39F, Twin View Livestock, Parkbeg, SK Grand Champion Bull KHR Grizzly Red 39F, Twin View Livestock, Parkbeg, SK
Grand Champion Bull KHR Grizzly Red 39F, Twin View Livestock, Parkbeg, SK
Reserve Champion Bull Fladeland Hawkeye 2H, Fladeland Livestock, Gladmar, SK
Reserve Champion Bull Fladeland Hawkeye 2H, Fladeland Livestock, Gladmar, SK Champion Heifer Calf AWB Twin View Baha 1H ET, Twin View Livestock, Parkbeg, SK Reserve Champion Heifer Calf AWB Twin View Disco 58H, Twin View Livestock, Parkbeg, SK Grand Champion Yearling Heifer CK Grace and Lace 36G, BNH Livestock, Red Deer County, AB Reserve Champion Yearling Heifer Fladeland Glitter 40G ET, Fladeland Livestock, Gladmar, SK Champion Two-Year-Old Female AWB Twin View Sugar 26F, Twin View Livestock, Parkbeg, SK Calf: AWB Twin View Sugar 56H Reserve Champion Two-Year-Old Female GCC Vixen 79F, Milne’s Gelbvieh, Fairview, AB Calf: GCC Headline 8H Champion Mature Female AWB Birch’s Disco 47X, Twin View Livestock, Parkbeg, SK Calf: AWB Twin View Disco 58H Grand Champion Female AWB Twin View Sugar 26F, Twin View Livestock, Parkbeg, SK Calf: AWB Twin View Sugar 56H Reserve Champion Female AWB Twin View Baha 1H ET, Twin View Livestock, Parkbeg, SK Grand Champion Balancer or Percentage Female AWB Twin View Astrid 42H, Twin View Livestock, Parkbeg, SK Reserve Champion Balancer or Percentage Female Fladeland Gracyn 17G, Triple S Cattle Company, Preeceville, SK
Page 42 • Spring 2021 • Gelbvieh guide
Grand Champion Female AWB Twin View Sugar 26F, Twin View Livestock, Parkbeg, SK Calf: AWB Twin View Sugar 56H Reserve Champion Female AWB Twin View Baha 1H ET, Twin View Livestock, Parkbeg, SK
Grand Champion Balancer or Percentage Female AWB Twin View Astrid 42H, Twin View Livestock, Parkbeg, SK
Reserve Champion Balancer or Percentage Female Fladeland Gracyn 17G, Triple S Cattle Company, Preeceville, SK
SHOW & SALE RESULTS CANADIAN JUNIOR VIRTUAL SHOW This year the Man-Sask Gelbvieh Association hosted the Canadian Gelbvieh Junior virtual show. 14 members participated: 2 Pee Wee, 11 Juniors and 1 Senior. Thank you to our major sponsor Davidson Gelbvieh. Other sponsors were Fir River Livestock, Day Spring Cattle, Dean Hurlburt, Maple Grove Gelbvieh and Twin View Livestock. Thank you for your support and to all the juniors that participated… you are all winners!! • Pee Wee - Photography, Marketing and Judging - 1st Jaime Davidson, 2nd Avry Pearson. • Junior - Photography 1st Kaden Hollman, 2nd Amber Spray
• Marketing 1st Amber Spray, 2nd Colby Hollman • Grooming 1st Dawson Fladeland 2nd Rylan and Brayden Fladeland tied. • Judging 1st Cam Davidson 2nd Brock Beaulia • Showmanship 1st Rylan Fladeland 2nd Dawson Fladeland • Confirmation Grand Champion, Colby Holman, • Confirmation Reserve Champion, Avary Hickman • Senior – Avary Hickman in all categories Congratulations to our Aggregate winners… Amber Spray (Jr) and Avary Hickman (Sr)
CANADIAN PEOPLE’S CHOICE BULL FUTURITY 2020 NOVEMBER 21, 2020 AT STETTLER, AB. There were 51 members in the Canadian People’s Choice Bull Futurity this year, 18 of which received a prize. Prizes included $500 and $1000 purchase credits, a VacBox donated by Milne Ranch, Gelbvieh Guide Ads, Gelbvieh RFID button credits, a TSU Sampling Kit, a gift certificate to the Gelbvieh EStore and a membership to next year's futurity. People's Choice Champion Bull was AWB Twin View Preak-
ness 14H ET from Twin View Livestock, Parkbeg, SK. They took home $2,500 and a belt buckle donated by Western Litho Printing. The draw winner who was able to select the bull they wanted to take home was Long Lane Cattle Company, Nolan and Cortney Pahl, Redcliff, AB. They selected HDG Hillsdown Bootmaker 4H from Hillsdown Gelbvieh who took home $14,000.
AWB Twin View Preakness 14H ET
HDG Hillsdown Bootmaker 4H
$5307 $4950
HIGH SELLING COW - Lot 1 Donor Dam AWB Birch’s Natalie 22Z sold to Diamond Z Livestock for $7,000 Lot 32 Choice to flush the 2019 Agribition Champions sold to Stone Gate Farms for $5,000. They chose to flush AWB Twin View Gayle 78E ET Lot 2 semen on JLSL Apollo sold for $100/straw to Braylen Blake Gelbvieh and Fir River Livestock
Lot 3 JLSL Idalia 9163G ET sold to Unger Land & Livestock for $9,400 Lot 5 KCC Samantha Is A Hottie 15H sold to JSJ Livestock for $4,750 BRED HEIFERS High selling bred heifer - Lot 21 JLSL Gina 946G sold to Keriness Cattle Company for $7,250 Lot 19 RPS Miss Stout sold to Jen-Ty Gelbvieh for $6,750 Lot 23 BLB Goodview Lona 23G sold to Twin View Livestock for $6,500
HEIFER CALVES High selling heifer calf, - Lot 4 AWB Twin View Baha 1H ET sold to Classic Cattle Company for $16,500 Gelbvieh guide • Spring 2021 • Page 43
As we get back into the swing after the sale, and all the sale lots find their new homes, we would like to extend a huge thank you to all of the new and returning buyers, bidders and supporters of The Gathering, as well as Bohrson Marketing. We appreciate all you do. As unpredictable as 2020 has been, we are so thankful for the support of those both within the breed and outside the breed. We have appreciated the slow down of the year and accomplished a few extra projects at the farm but have also missed the show family out on the road. Thank you to all those who supported the sale in one way or another.
Lot 1, RWG High-Five 0424 ET, sold for $10,500 and will be making his way down to Iowa, thank you to Loan Oak Cattle, Eric Ehresman. Congratulations to Nelson Gelbvieh for an incredible sale with 3 of 4 of the high sellers! Selling to Towerview Ranch (lot 24 @ $ 12,250), Royal Western Gelbvieh (lot 16 @ $11,500) and Davidson Gelbvieh (lot 11A @ $10,250), these bred heifers were highly sought after. We also look forward to progeny reports from the frozen genetics lots purchased by Jordan Williams, Williams Gelbvieh Farm, Kentucky and Cameron Cutler, Blantyre Gelbvieh Stud, Australia!
PRAIRIE GELBVIEH ALLIANCE 20TH ANNUAL SALE DECEMBER 12, 2020, MOOSE JAW, SK Auctioneer: Mike Fleury What a great weekend at the Prairie Gelbvieh Alliance Sale in Moose Jaw. It started out with great weather and a super set of Gelbvieh females. Before the sale we had a delicious steak supper prepared and served by the awesome staff at the Grant Hall. The sale had a slightly different look this year and we added the option for those that could not attend to bid online with Livestock Media Plus. Here are some of the highlights for the sale: Lot 7 TIP Miss Giselle 142G sold to Davidson Gelbvieh for $12,500. This own daughter of Foursquare Duchene was one of the great ones to sell in the Gelbvieh breed this year. TIP142G will fit in nicely at Davidson Gelbvieh, Ponteix, SK. Lot 27 FRL Fir River Summit 511G. This tremendous female sired by Fir River Dragon 104D was definitely a sale feature coming from the great herd at Fir River Livestock. On
her dam’s side, she goes back to one of the greatest cows in the Gelbvieh breed – ATC 96E. She is going to have a great future at Cowlick Ranch, Olds, AB. Selling for $6,750. Thanks Ryan. Lot 2 HL Miss Dana 28H. This black 75% Balancer was a crowd favorite. When the gavel fell this intriguing female sold to Severtson Land and Cattle, Red Deer County, AB for $5,000. They know her sire very well. Lot 21 Lonesome Regan 108H was certainly a strong entry in the sale from Ross & Tara Davidson. She is truly going to be a great one. This dark red female was a real eye catcher. LRT108H a daughter of TIP Epic 41E sold to Fir River Livestock, Hudson Bay, SK for $5,000. The PGA sale group was excited to have some new Gelbvieh breeders make first time purchases. And to all of those that participated in the sale, our bidders and buyers THANK YOU! Hope to see you all next December.
$4500 $4486 $3068
Pick of the 2020 born heifers offered by Brittain Farms was purchased by Pearson Farms for $4500. High selling bred heifer, DCC Talea 70G, was consigned by Milne Ranch and sold to Maple Grove Gelbvieh for $5250. The second highest selling bred heifer was FLR Page 44 • Spring 2021 • Gelbvieh guide
Groovy 51G consigned by Flatland Ranch and sold to Thackeray Land & Livestock for $5000. The high selling heifer calf was Jen-ty Hot Stuff 550H, consigned by Jen-ty Gelbvieh and purchased by Colby Hollman for $5750. The second-high selling heifer calf, JM Hot Lips 47H, consigned by Jace Cattle Company sold to Towerview Ranch for $5250. Thank you to all the bidders and buyers who took part in the sale.
British Columbia This could be your spot! Call the CGA today to book your Business Card Listing!
Kelly & Coleen Brittain, Gary & Nicole 780-387-6446 RR #1, Falun, AB T0C 1H0
Purebred & Percentage GELBVIEH CATTLE
This could be your spot! Call the CGA today to book your Business Card Listing!
This could be your spot! Call the CGA today to book your Business Card Listing!
Auctioneers / Sales Management Darrell & Leila Hickman RR 1, Sundre, AB T0M 1X0 Ph: 780-581-4510
This could be your spot! Call the CGA today to book your Business Card Listing!
United States Breeders
Gelbvieh guide • Spring 2021 • Page 45
LC RANCH Purebred Gelbvieh Ray & Anne Davisson Box 764, Stettler, AB T0C 2L0
403.741.4488 • 403.323.0233
NELSON GELBVIEH Duane & Linda Nelson
Box 1144, Glenwood, Alberta T0K 2R0
(403) 626-3279 “Raising Gelbvieh Cattle Since 1972!”
This could be your spot! Call the CGA today to book your Business Card Listing!
Don & Lorna Okell Box 627 Duchess, AB T0J 0Z0 403-378-4898 403-793-4549 HAROLD - 780.835.3065 BEV - 780.834.7704
Lon Carlson & Lorraine Beaudin 403.894.3413 • 403.795.1143 Box 86, Magrath, AB T0K 1J0
Page 46 • Spring 2021 • Gelbvieh guide
Bar GR Cattle
Larry, Lynne, Kate & Sarah FECHO
RON & GAIL ANDERSON Phone (780) 523-2116 Fax: (780) 523-3920
RR #2 Millet, AB T0C 1Z0 Phone: (780) 986-9705 Cell: (780) 718-5477
Box 1342 High Prairie, Alberta Canada , T0G 1E0
Chuck & Jennifer Williams
403-854-6270 403-854-0190 Hanna, AB
Saskatchewan This could be your spot! Call the CGA today to book your Business Card Listing!
c/o James Knudson Ph: 306-322-7158
“Breeding for Quality Polled Gelbvieh With the Commercial Man in Mind”
Knudson Farms Gelbvieh
Box 386, Archerwill, SK S0E 0B0
Ontario The Wirgau’s
Box 25, Narcisse, MB R0C 2H0 Neal & Christine Lee & Cynthia (204) 981-5996 (204) 278-3255 World Class Cattle - First Class Service
This could be your spot! Call the CGA today to book your Business Card Listing! Gelbvieh guide • Spring 2021 • Page 47
COMING EVENTS A Complimentary Service Provided by the Canadian Gelbvieh Association Feb. 1 – Green Acres Cattle Company private treaty bull sale, off the farm, Lamont County, AB
Mar. 12-13 – Gelbvieh Advantage Bull Sale, online via Farm Gate Auction DLMS, Innisfail, AB
Feb. 13 – Thackeray Land & Cattle Bull & Commercial Heifer Sale, Goodwater Hall, Goodwater, SK
Mar. 17 – Twin View Livestock & Fladeland Livestock Bull Sale, Moose Jaw, SK
Feb. 13 - Prairie Hills Gelbvieh Annual Bull Sale, at the ranch, Gladstone, ND
Mar. 26-27 – Nelson Gelbvieh & Pin to Point Gelbvieh Bull Sale, online via Farm Gate Auction DLMS, Glenwood, AB
Feb. 16 – Draft Picks 2021 Bull Sale, Royal Western Gelbvieh bull yard, Red Deer County, AB
Mar. 28 – Best of Breeds Bull Sale, consignor Goodview Gelbvieh, Yorkton, SK
Feb. 20 – Twisted T Gelbvieh 2020 Born Heifer & Bull Sale, Lloydminster Stockyards, Lloydminster, SK
Apr. 7 – Milne’s Better Beef Opening Day Private Treaty Bull Sale, at the ranch, Fairview, AB
Mar. 1 – Severtson Land & Cattle Bull Sale, Red Deer County, AB
Apr. 12 – Cattle Capital Bull Sale, consignor Overby Stock Farm, Ste. Rose du Lac, MB
Mar. 1 – Towerview Ranch Private Treaty Bull Sale, at the ranch, Medicine Hat, AB Mar. 2 – Jen-Ty Gelbviehs Annual Bull Sale, Medicine Hat Feeding Co., Medicine Hat, AB Mar. 3-5 – JSJ Livestock Online Bull Sale, Hartney, MB Mar. 5 – Davidson Gelbvieh & Lonesome Dove Ranch 32nd Annual Bull Sale, Ponteix, SK Mar. 6-7 – Jace Cattle & Associates First Annual Bull & Commercial Female Sale, Farm Gate Auction, Botha, AB
Page 48 • Spring 2021 • Gelbvieh guide
May 1 – Deadline for Summer issue of Gelbvieh Guide magazine July 15 – Deadline application for the Canadian Junior Association Scholarship Sept. 1 – Deadline for the Fall issue of the Gelbvieh Guide magazine Dec. 3-4 – Wish List Weekend, Stettler Ag Society, Stettler, AB
ADVERTISERS INDEX BNH Livestock Bar GR Brittain Farms Carlson Cattle Company Davidson Gelbvieh
11, 45
Hillsdown Ranch
Prairie Hills Gelbvieh
19, 45
Hilltop Gelbvieh
RPS Gelbvieh
38, 47
JSJ Livestock
Rocky Top Gelbvieh
Royal Western Gelbvieh
11, 45 46 OBC
Jen-Ty Gelbvieh
4, 46
Keriness Cattle Co.
Thackeray Gelbvieh
14 46
Davidson, Wade
Knudson Farms
Silver Line Cattle Company
Dayspring Cattle
Koziak Land & Cattle
Severtson Land & Cattle
Duke Cattle Co
LC Ranch
Smithers Land & Livestock
Eyot Valley Ranch
Lonesome Dove Ranch
Stone Gate Farm
Fir River Livestock
47, IBC
Maple Grove Gelbvieh
T Bar C Cattle Co
Fladeland Livestock
26, 47
Milne’s Gelbvieh
Triple S Cattle Co.
Flatland Ranch
33, 47
Nelson Gelbvieh
25, 46
Foursquare Gelbvieh
38, 45
Neogen Canada
Gelbvieh World Goodview Gelbvieh
45 13, 47
3, 47
Twisted T Gelbvieh
Overby Stock Farm
Pin To Point Gelbvieh
Winders Golden Gelbvieh
Advertising Content The Gelbvieh Guide assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of submitted advertising copy, and has the right to refuse any ad copy or photos. Advertisers shall indemnify and hold harmless the Guide containing pedigrees or statements regarding performance must conform to records kept by the Canadian Gelbvieh Association. Copy deviating from official records may be changed as necessary without advertiser consent. Editorial Policy Opinions expressed are the writer’s and not necessarily those of Gelbvieh Guide or the Canadian Gelbvieh Association. Photographs are welcome, but no responsibility is assumed during transit or while in the office.
Member Advertising Rates Please send ads and make cheques payable to :
The Canadian Gelbvieh Association Full Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$850.00
Editor/Sales/Field Rep.
Half Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$500.00
Gaylene Groeneveld
Quarter Page . . . . . . . . . . . .$300.00
Phone: (403) 333-4911 Fax: (403) 207-9543 Email:
Publisher’s Statement: All statements, including product claims, are those of the person or organization making the statement or claim. The publisher does not adopt any such statement or claim as its own, and any such statement or claim does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher. (Gaylene)
Printed by: Western Litho Printers
Box 19, Site 5 RR#2, Olds, Alberta T4H 1P3
Regina, SK, Canada Mailed under permit number 40012883 Canadian Publication Agreement Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Canadian Gelbvieh Association 5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary AB T2E 6V1
Twin View Livestock
Electronic Composition
Business Card . . . . . . . . . . . .$60.00 Classified (25 words) . . . . . . .$20.00 Contact the CGA to book advertising space or for rates on overruns, inserts, catalogues & mailing lists.
Kim Matthews (403) 556-8836 (403) 556-8077 (Kim)
Gelbvieh guide • Spring 2021 • Page 49
Photo Contest Winners
BULL WINNER B&H LIVESTOCK Page 50 • Spring 2021 • Gelbvieh guide