CDN PUB Agreement # 40012883
Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2014 • Page 3
Page 4 • Summer 2014 • Gelbvieh guide
In this issue...
President’s Report CGA Office Memo Gelbvieh Association of AB/BC News Man/Sask Gelbvieh Assoc. News Sale Results Coming Events Advertiser Index
Feature articles...
Lungworms People’s Choice Bull Futurity Pre-Genomics and Protein Folding CGA Membership Directory Tatalrose Ranch
8 9 12 13 33 40 41
11 14 16 17 28
Advertising Deadlines/Publication Dates Fall - September 1 / October 1 - Commercial Issue Spring - January 1 / February 1 - Herd Sire Issue Summer - May 1 / June 1 - Golden Pages
Aaron Birch captured their herd on summer pasture
The official publication of the CANADIAN
5160 Skyline Way N.E., Calgary, Alberta T2E 6V1 Phone: (403) 250-8640 Fax: (403) 291-5624 Email:
Provincial Association Representatives to the CGA Board of Directors Gelbvieh Association of Alberta/BC
President - Aaron Birch Box 192, Lomond, AB T0L 1G0 Phone: 403-485-5518 Email:
Man-Sask Gelbvieh Association
Darcy Hrebeniuk Box 379, Hudson Bay, SK S0E 0Y0
Phone: 306-865-2929 Fax: 306-865-2860 Past President
Secretary -Joyce Dawson Box 1616 Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A0 Phone: 250-567-5430 or 250-570-9179 Email:
President - Ian Thackeray Box1002 Weyburn, SK Phone: 306-861-7687 Fax: 306-456-2554
Representative -Darcy Hrebeniuk Box 379 Hudson Bay, SK S0E 0Y0 Phone: 306-865-2929 Fax: 306-865-2860 Email:
Darrell Hickman
Eastern Canadian Gelbvieh Association
RR# 2, Vermillion, AB T9X 1Y7
Phone: 780-581-4510 Fax: 780-853-4776
Romacordelia Cox P.O. Box 53, Tatla Lake, BC V0L 1V0
Representative -Jason Hurst 234439 Concession 2 WGR RR2, Durham. ON N0G 1R0 Phone: 519-504-6944
Secretary -Laurie Hurst 234439 Concession 2 WGR RR2, Durham. ON N0G 1R0 Phone: 519-369-1763
Phone: 250-476-1221 Fax: 250-476-1280
Kert Ness Box 8, Site 7, RR#1, Airdrie, AB T4B 2A3
Phone: 403-860-4634 Fax: 403-948-9236
Jason Hurst 234439 Concession 2 WGR RR2, Durham. ON N0G 1R0
Phone: 519-807-8776
Blair Bentz Box 430 Punnichy, SK S0A 3C0
Phone/Fax: 306-835-2748
Don’t Miss Out!
Keep in touch by reading the official Gelbvieh Magazine. The Gelbvieh Guide magazine is mailed FREE OF CHARGE for two years to purchasers of registered Gelbvieh cattle when the registration certificate is transferred into the purchaser's name. Ask the seller of the animal for a registration certificate when you purchase a Gelbvieh animal. Note, according to the Animal Pedigree Act (Chapter 13, Section 64(j), no person shall sell a purebred animal without providing to the buyer, within six (6) months after the sale, the animal's duly transferred certificate of registration. If you are not a CGA member and wish to continue to receive the GELBVIEH GUIDE or know of someone who should be on our mailing list, please clip out and send in this coupon and remit $20.00 Canadian and send to the Canadian Gelbvieh Association office.. For out of country subscribers, please fill out the Subscription Form, remit $50.00 Canadian, and send to the Canadian Gelbvieh Association office. Name:
Vern Pancoast Box 37 Redcliff, AB T0J 2P0 Phone: 403-548-6678 Fax: 403-548-6955
Address: City: Postal Code Mail to:
Lee Wirgau Box 25 Narcisse, MB R0C 2H0 Phone: 204-886-7588 Fax: 204-278-3255 Page 6 • Summer 2014 • Gelbvieh guide
Prov/State Country
Canadian Gelbvieh Association 5160 Skyline Way NE T2E 6V1 Ph: (403) 250-8640 Fax: (403) 291-5624
❑ $21.00 Enclosed for Canadian subscription fee. ❑ $50.00 Enclosed for foreign subscription fee.
Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2014 • Page 7
Darcy Hrebeniuk
ith a successful bull sale season and a long drawn out winter behind us, everyone turns there attention to getting cattle out to grass and seeding preparations completed. The cattle we raise and the product we produce is the result of an entire year’s work. This year has brought on a new change with the mandatory “All Inclusive Fee” program. By completing your whole herd assessments the CGA board has a known financial input that enables us as to better plan our operations on a yearly basis. With this change, the board is better equipped to run the association more efficiently and effectively. Thank you for completing your herd assessments. With the beef industry in the upswing the number of enquires about Gelbvieh cattle are up from a year ago. This is our opportunity to educate and promote the advantages of Gelbvieh genetics. Also this year we have seen
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an increase in new customers. With the transfer of the registration paper, the new customer receives a subscription to the Gelbvieh Guide. So to keep these new customers please transfer the registration paper. Till next time, good luck and be safe this summer.
Wendy Belcher
hile it took its time, summer just might have finally arrived. With cattle prices strong, it is a good time in the cattle industry. Summer Shows, Field Days, Educational Symposiums and Open House events are great venues to get together with fellow producers. Sometimes just for the social aspect of the business and other times to gain some knowledge on how to improve your operation. The Canadian Gelbvieh Association, through its partnership with the American Gelbvieh Associations, has been able to benefit from the progressive and forward thinking actions of the AGA Board of Directors which have positioned Gelbvieh to remain industry relevant today and in the future with cutting edge genetic evaluations. The newly formed synergy with International Genetic Solutions has simplified and added to the accuracy of the Gelbvieh and Balancer® genetic evaluation. Commercial producers like the fact that EPDs for primary traits can be directly com-
N•O•T•I•C•E Canadian Gelbvieh Association Annual General Meeting Wednesday, November 25, 2014 7 p.m. - Agribition Grounds
Regina, Saskatchewan 1. The CGA Constitution may be amended at any General meeting of the Association by affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present, but no amendment shall be valid until approved by the Minister of Agriculture of Canada and filed at the Department of Agriculture of Canada. 2. Notice of all proposed amendments shall be signed by two members in good standing and submitted to the Association at least forty five days in advance of a General Meeting and they shall be included in the Notice calling such meeting, otherwise the meeting shall have no power to deal with the same. 3. The Meeting has only power to deal with the Article and selection as stated in the Notice calling such Meeting. Members wishing to submit amendments to the Constitution are requested to forward some to the Association in accordance with the above. Please include addressed of mover and seconder. All amendments to the Constitution must reach the Association office by Oct. 10, 2014 in order to be included in the Notice of Meeting. Copies of the Constitution are available from the CGA office on request.
pared between those breeds involved. The new maternal index has been completed as a research index. Traits to measure feed efficiency and a feed efficiency index have also been completed. More information on these is available on the AGA Website,, under the EPD Research page. Prediction tools to measure docility, tenderness, and foot scoring are currently in development. All of these new breed improvement tools have been set forth in the AGA long range strategic plan, Impacting the Beef Business™. Members can look forward to a new, more user friendly, online registry system in the near future. The Canadian Gelbvieh Association’s move to a mandatory All Inclusive Fee (whole herd) Program starting in 2014 has made for a busy season here in the office. The All Inclusive Fee Program was introduced back in 1998 as a voluntary program with 40% of the members and 50% of the reported active cows enrolled. Even while acknowledging that there might be some negative feelings towards the change which would probably cost the association a few memberships, the membership present at the AGM in November passed the motion based on the ultimate positive value of the program. The mandatory All Inclusive Fee Program requires every member to complete the annual herd assessment forms which has cleaned up the data base and provided a more accurate active Gelbvieh cow inventory. We would like to thank the 80% of the Canadian Gelbvieh Association members who have completed their 2014 Annual Herd Assessments. Transfer the registration certificate on animals you sell to the new owner. If a person is willing to purchase livestock from you, be proud of your product and show it by submitting the transfer application to the CGA office. Take your customer service one step further by calling the buyer after they have had possession of the animal for a few weeks to see how everything is going. The International Year Code for 2014 is “B”. All 2014 born calves must have “B” in the tattoo.
Why Gelbvieh? ... Because a good bottom line starts with a great cow herd! Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2014 • Page 9
By Roy Lewis, DVM
very year in mid to later summer we see a few outbreaks with lungworms on pasture. This is especially true if the year has been wet where the life cycle of the lungworm can be completed. This year is starting out wet, but much like we see with Anthrax outbreaks, also drier years where cattle can now pasture low lying areas, we will see flare ups of this parasitic disease as well. The life cycle of the lungworm (dictyocaulus viviparous) starts with the animal picking up infective larvae off the grass. The larvae are then ingested and migrate through the intestine into the bloodstream and end up in the lungs as adults. They cause damage to the air sacs in the lungs and the adults live in the bronchial tubes. The adults produce a tremendous number of eggs which are coughed up and swallowed where they on passage through the intestinal tract change to larvae by the time they are passed in the manure. The entire cycle takes about one month. These larvae are one of the ways veterinarians can diagnose the condition by examining a manure sample. It takes a different test than looking for the intestinal worm eggs. The baerman technique is done on a handful of fresh manure and takes a few hours to run. We have samples arrive in the morning so we can give you an answer the same day. Most clinics are set up to run this test in house. The finding of even several larval lungworm is significant and necessitates deworming, so if worried have several samples checked as levels will vary. Other than checking manure samples cattle can be checked clinically or autopsies can be done if any have died. Clinically we may see cattle doing poorly in spite of good grass conditions. There is often a number with very prominent coughing. Some may have varying degrees of diarrhea. With herd involvement there is always great variation with some doing very poorly others just a bit rough haired and still others looking almost normal. Generally the younger cattle (calves and yearlings) are
most susceptible as any previous exposure yields some immunity. If we listen to the lungs there is often evidence of emphysema caused by the lungworm larvae damaging the air sacs. We may even get a secondary bacterial or viral pneumonia from the stress the lungs are under. Some of these lung changes if severe enough will not reverse so even if treatment is successful a poor doing animal with reduced lung capacity is the result. With autopsies an experienced vet will notice changes to the lungs and actual adult lungworms can be found in the bronchial tubes and trachea. It is very easy to see how lung capacity has been diminished. The lungworm can over-winter in our Canadian winters but most of the exposure comes from carrier cattle shedding the larvae on the pastures. Generally then you will get buildup by mid-summer in areas that are affected. Treatment with the endectocides, such as Dectomax or Ivomec, are somewhat effective, and as part of the routine treatment in the fall will treat the asymptomatic carrier animals. If a clinical diagnosis is made in the summer we sometimes have the dilemma of how to treat if cattle cannot be easily rounded up. The drug fenbendazole (safeguard) is very effective against lungworms. It comes as an oral suspension, crumble or concentrated feed additive. The product can either be mixed in grain and fed in feeders as a one-time treatment or fed in reduced amounts over three to six days. An example is feeding 1/3 the required
Continued on page 30 Page 10 • Summer 2014 • Gelbvieh guide
Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2014 • Page 11
Association News
By Aaron Birch, President, GAA/BC
he sun is finally shining and the grass is growing. It's a busy time of year for us in agriculture with seeding, breeding, fence fixing and brandings in full swing. It's also exciting to see the new set of calves developing. It's the time of year for 4-H achievement days. Make sure to make it out to these shows to encourage the next generation of cattlemen and women. 4-H is a tremendous asset to our industry teaching not only animal husbandry but leadership skills as well. Don't forget that those members who show Gelbvieh influenced projects can get an award from the Gelbvieh Association of AB/BC. It's something new every year. Just send me their names and contact information to and I will get it to them. We are still looking for someone to host the summer field day. It is a great way to promote your program and genetics. Shows and sales may give customers a look at a few of your animals but this is a great way to showcase your whole herd. I know in the past there have been sales made directly because of a field day. It is also sponsored by the GAA/BC association. There will be once again a Maternal Edge Female Sale this fall. It will be a great place for producers to market as well as purchase Gelbvieh influenced females and females bred Gelbvieh. Make sure to let your commercial customers know about the sale. For more information contact Larry Fecho at 780986-9705. The board is excited to once again be hosting the Gelbvieh Wish List Weekend. This year it will be December 5th and 6th in Red Deer. It will include the Canadian People's Choice Bull Futurity, Commercial Heifer Pen Show, our Annual General Meeting and the Wish List Sale. After such an amazing turn out last year we are confident the Canadian People's Choice Bull Futurity will be a hit again this year. It is a great way to show off the best you have to a large audience. More information will be included in this issue. The Commercial Heifer Pen Show is open to any pen of three Gelbvieh influenced (not purebred) calendar year heifer
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calves. They are judged on quality and uniformity. The entry fee is only $100 and the top prize is $1000 and $500 for second. Consider sponsoring one of your bull customers, it would be a great way to promote both your programs and keep them excited about the breed (especially if they win $1000). If you or a commercial customer is interested contact Cody Congdon or Roger Sayer. This year's donation heifer will be from Milne Ranch. They are planning an interesting way to choose the heifer. Anyone that visits the Milne Ranch website ( will be able to vote for their choice of the heifers they have on their website after June 15. Photos and pedigrees will be posted on their website and anyone can vote by sending them an email. There will be two rounds of voting starting with six heifers. They will enter the #1 choice in the Wish List Sale and donate the #2 heifer with proceeds going to the GAA/BC. The Wish List Sale will have a few changes this year. Due to a scheduling conflict the sale management from last year was not able to do the sale on our regular date. After much thought and conversation the board decided the best option was for the board to manage the sale. Sale consultants are currently being selected to ensure sale animals will be promoted and represented professionally. One major difference is that we will not have mandatory selection of sale cattle. However, if you would like assistance in selecting your sale entry we will have someone that will be able to do so. Keep in mind however that this will continue to be an elite sale. Last year there were a large number of producers viewing the sale cattle at the event and online. I encourage you to only consign cattle that you want to represent your operation well. To nominate cattle for the sale contact Joe Ness or Roger Sayer. I hope everyone has a great summer. I look forward to catching up with many of you at the events in coming months.
Association News By Cynthia Wirgau
other Nature has finally started to cooperate and we see nice green pastures for our livestock. What a cold, long winter it has been. The Man-Sask Gelbvieh Association is once again preparing for its upcoming year. Manitoba Livestock Expo in Brandon will be held November 6-8. Canadian Western Agribition will be held November 23-29. The Gelbvieh show will take place on November 26 with the National Sale and Sweetheart Classic following the next day. T Bar C will be in contact for sale consignments, or if you wish to sell an animal in the National Sale, please contact them early in the summer. The CGA annual meeting will be held at Agribition on November 25 at 7 pm. The Sweetheart Classic will continue to be open to heifer calves and bred females, but all will be judged together. Please contact Del or Trevor to get your membership. This year the association will be awarding one purebred/commercial breeder in Manitoba and one in Saskatchewan. Nomina-
tions must be submitted by September 1, 2014 to Secretary, Cynthia Wirgau, Box 25, Narcisse, MB R0C 2H0. We will be looking for sponsors for Manitoba Livestock Expo and Agribition. Please contact Del Fladeland, James Jasper or Trevor Burks if you are interested. Your support is greatly appreciated. Please let us know of any youth in 4-H that is showing a Gelbvieh influenced calf. The Association will be giving each member a token. This year the Man-Sask Gelbvieh Association will be providing sponsorship to class winners and champions in the Prospect show. Check show information for details. If any members are interested in hosting a field day, please get in touch with one if the board members. Until next time, have a great summer.
Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2014 • Page 13
Two Tier System LEVEL # 1 - $400 MEMBERSHIP LEVEL: This would provide members 1 voting card with the chance to win possession of the Futurity Champion Bull, and all draw down prizes, including WISH LIST sale credits. Note: This would provide breeders who do not want semen to be part of the event and have the chances of winning sale credits or the Canadian Peoples Choice Champion Bull. LEVEL # 2 - $600 MEMBERSHIP LEVEL: Provides 1 bull entry, 10 units of semen from the Canadian People’s Choice Champion Bull, 1 voting card, a chance to win the bull and all draw down prizes. Also Level # 2 futurity members can purchase additional semen on the futurity champion for $40.00 per unit. Additional bull entry $200 - maximum 2 bulls per membership!
RULES - Eligible bulls must be born from April 1st from previous calendar year (2013) and all calendar year bulls. - Members entering bulls must be the registered owner of their futurity entries by August 1, 2014. - All bulls must be CGA or AGA registered PC88 or Purebred/Fullblood bulls. - All bulls must have complete parent verification on file with the CGA or AGA by Wednesday December 3, 2014 to compete ( Futurity will guarantee results for all proper DNA samples submitted to CGA or AGA prior to October 20, 2014). All samples received after October 20, 2014 will not have guaranteed results. - All bulls must be Tattoo Checked, Weighed and Scrotal measured to compete. - All bulls will be videoed at the event facility previous to the start of futurity and made available on-line. - Exhibitor of the futurity champion will not be eligible to win their own bull. - Members receive 1 voting card per membership. - On-line voting will be available for members who are unable to attend the event, there will be no-proxy voting. - All bulls must be quiet and easy to handle, but do not need to be halter broke! (Although it is suggested as wash facilities require animals to be properly halter broke.) - All bulls must be free from infectious diseases, such as lice, ring worm, etc. - Clipping of futurity bulls is suggested and will be left at the discretion of each owner. The event will be a dry brush show, zero tolerance for glues and paints. - Futurity draw down prizes will include Wish List sale credits. - Futurity Champion will receive a $15,000 minimum payout. - All breeders entering bulls will be required to sign futurity contracts stating that the bulls are virgin bulls (never bred cows or been collected). In the event their bull wins they are willing to give up ownership (full possession and ½ semen interest) to the futurity. - Futurity members will fill out and sign a semen use contract that states they can not re-sell the semen and they will have the right of refusal of semen from futurity champions that don’t meet their breeding programs needs. This contract will be sent out via e-mail to all members after the event and will be required to be sent in by January 15, 2015. Also any additional semen purchase must be made official at this time on the contract and paid for in full. Page 14 • Summer 2014 • Gelbvieh guide
$15,000.00 Prize Money to the Exhibitor of the Canadian People’s Choice Champion Bull!!! December 5 & 6, 2014, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada In conjunction with the Wish List Sale, the GAA/BC Annual Meeting & Banquet
- Futurity champion will first collect the required 10 units per membership and semen will be released on the same date. Additional semen requirements will be met later, once all additional semen orders are met, semen will be released. (Note all additional semen orders will be paid to the futurity and profit after collection fees, will be split 50/50 with the exhibitor of the futurity champion bull). - Futurity champion will have until September 1, 2015 to fill the membership 10 units. If the Futurity Champion is unable to collect and freeze due to any reason (death, sickness, injury or infertility) the required membership semen, only Futurity members who requested semen will be given a semen credit (10 units) that can be applied to their choice of the next two Futurity Champions. All additional semen purchased will be refunded in full.) - The Draw Down winner of the Futurity Champion/Purchaser in the sale will also need to sign bull usage agreement contract in regards to zero semen sales for 3 years. - Lot #1 in the Wish List sale will be reserved for the Futurity Champion if the draw down winner chooses to sell the bull. - GAA/BC will supply stall cards that must be displayed, all additional promotional information such as picture displays, will be the responsibility and left to the discretion of each entry. - Memberships will be limited after this year, with 2014 members having the first chance to renew in 2015 and only open spots will be made available after that.
Membership Form Name of Farm ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Owner(s) Name __________________________________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ph: (
) ___________________________________________ Fax: (
) _______________________________________
Email __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______ Tier #1 - $400 Membership ___________________________________________________ $ __________________ ______ Tier #2 - $600 Membership ___________________________________________________ $ __________________ Additional Bull Entry _______________________________________________________________ $___________________ Total Enclosed ……………………… $___________________ Signature ________________________________
For further information contact: Rodney Hollman • Ph: 403-588-8620 • Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2014 • Page 15
here is a lot of coverage of genomics of late and how DNA can be applied to selecting seedstock. It is useful to understand a bit about what DNA actually does in terms of an animal and why we would select specific pieces or changes to an animal’s DNA. DNA is the animal’s blueprint to make amino acids. Individual amino acid molecules then combine to form various proteins and the resulting structures such as muscle, bone and organs. These building blocks also form the basis for different hormones that can impact animal functions. DNA is made of 4 bases that we designate with the letters A, G, C and T. By rearranging the order of the various letters we can code for different amino acids and different proteins. In other words, each specific sequence of DNA results in a different building block. The DNA is arranged in long strings of these letters, but only certain regions will code for amino acids (or a series of amino acids resulting in a protein). An example is shown below. Example: A DNA string showing several base pairs. A G C T T T G C C AT T TA ATA C C G C AT T C G C G ATA ATTATCGCGGGTAC In the example, the red letters indicate a codon or region that creates a building block. In this case CAT results in a protein called Histidine. If the C in CAT were switched or mutated to become a G, then a completely different amino acid called Asparagine would be created. This single change in an amino acid could make a protein with a simple change like bending/folding in a different direction or pattern. A single change could result in increased expression of a growth hormone, or it could be the difference between polled or horned. This is a very simplified version of events, but in essence it is what we are looking at when we run a SNP DNA test. A SNP is a single nucleotide polymorphism or a change in a single piece of DNA. The SNP in the example above would be the C changing to a G. Let’s say that in this example the change from C to G or Histidine changing to Asparagine results in an increase in ribeye muscle area of 1 square inch. If we were to look at the problem from the other way around assuming that we did not know what DNA was impacting the change, we might look at several animals with differences in rib-eye area and search through their DNA. If we look in great detail we would see that every time we run across a bigger rib-eye we are hitting a GAT in the middle of the string of letters, instead of CAT. The C to G change at the 21st position in our string
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is an “informative SNP”. In this case it is the actual gene coding the amino acid, but it can sometimes be just a nearby piece of DNA that is tied to the mutation we are interested in. This same process is applied to genetic defects, horned/polled, red/black, disease resistant/not resistant, fertile/infertile, etc. This reverse process of working from data is how we discover SNPs. If SNPs are associated with a trait in a breed (provide some information) then we can use these newly discovered SNP’s and test unknown animals to see which combinations of DNA they possess, thus predicting with greater accuracy their performance, but also the performance of their offspring (who will receive their parents’ DNA). Our example is greatly simplified and it is likely and common for many traits to have multiple genes in control of the trait. For example, an animal may have 3 pieces of DNA to add a 2 pounds of weaning weight each and 2 pieces that lower weaning weight by 1 and 2 pounds respectively. As well, we don’t always know every gene and its’ impact in a given environment or how genes may interact. However by looking at the DNA directly through SNP technology and comparing it with animals in the same breed we can more accurately assess the genetic merit of animals before they become proven sires and dams. Even though our example is simple, it also serves to point out that it is extremely vital that we continue to collect information on phenotypes so that we can find the predictive DNA pieces we are interested in. In other words, if we want to find DNA to help us assess fertility at an early age, we need breeding and production records on cows over time. If we are interested in carcass traits, we need carcass and ultrasound records in order to find the DNA that is making an impact on those traits. When you add it all together, more accurate selection at a younger age is possible with DNA, but it is vital to have a plan and a direction as many traits are antagonistic. Also, while measuring DNA directly allows us to change rapidly, so we need to ensure we have a plan in place and a target to know if we are making progress or “just changing”. We need to continue to measure phenotypes to monitor that progress and continue to track the DNA that is creating the differences on the ground. Hopefully this sheds a bit of light on the basics behind the scenes of DNA technology.
ALBERTA Abel Farm Murray Abel RR# 5 Lacombe, AB T4L 2N5 Phone: 403/782-1009, 403/872-0612 Email: Prefix: AFL
Beamish, Calvin & Donna Beamish Land & Cattle Box 53 Jarvie, AB T0G 1H0 Phone: 780/954-2285, 780/307-4842 Fax: 780/954-2671 Email: Prefix: BLC Birch, Aaron Box 192 Lomond, AB T0L 1G0 Phone: 403/485-5518 Email: Prefix: AWB
Adams, David & Janice Adamsgreen Gelbvieh Box 2344 High Prairie, AB T0G 1E0 Phone: 780/524-5382 Email: Prefix: ADA Anderson, Ron & Gail Bar GR Cattle Box 1342 High Prairie, AB T0G 1E0 Phone: 780/523-2116, 780/523-8509 Fax: 780/523-2116 Email: Prefix: GR
Birch, Ron & Carol Twin Bridge Farms Ltd. Box 192 Lomond, AB T0L 1G0 Phone: 403/792-2123 Fax: 403/792-2123 Email: Website: Prefix: SA
Andruchow, Art & Marie Limestone Stock Farms Box 386 Andrew, AB T0B 0C0 Phone: 780/896-2352 Email: Prefix: AM
Brittain, Kelly & Colleen RR# 1 Falun, AB T0C 1H0 Phone: 780/352-0676, 780/387-6446 Fax: 780/352-0676 Email: Prefix: CK
Andruchow, Jessica Box 386 Andrew, AB T0B 0C0 Phone: 780/297-2352 Email: Prefix: JNA
Carlson, Lon T. Carlson Farms Gelbvieh Box 86 Magrath, AB T0K 1J0 Phone: 403/894-3413 Email: Website: Prefix: CCC
Bahrynowski, Peter Duke Cattle Company Box 486 Wildwood, AB T0E 2M0 Phone: 780/325-2611, 780/542-8500 Email: Prefix: DUKE Barnert, Jeremiah Pin To Point Gelbvieh Box 4, Site 1, RR# 1 Okotoks, AB T1S 1A1 Phone: 403/617-3985 Fax: 403/938-8168 Email: Prefix: JAB
Congdon, Cody Rocky Top Gelbvieh Box 366 Bashaw, AB T0B 0H0 Phone: 403/350-5791 Email: Prefix: RTG
Page 18 Canadian Gelbvieh Association Membership Directory
Cymbaluk, Ted & Jo-Anne T-Anchor Gelbvieh Box 2148 Valleyview, AB T0H 3N0 Phone: 780/524-4667 Prefix: CFC Davisson, Ray & Anne LC Ranch Box 764 Stettler, AB T0C 2L0 Phone: 403/323-0233, 403/742-4427 Email: Prefix: LCR Dunford, Darren Dusty Rose Cattle Co. Box 22, Site 2, RR# 1 Dapp, AB T0G 0S0 Phone: 780/206-5918 Email: Prefix: DR Fecho, Larry & Lynne EYOT Valley Ranch RR# 2 Millet, AB T0C 1Z0 Phone: 780/986-9705, 780/718-5477 Fax: 780/986-9705 Email: Prefix: EV Gibson, Dr. Dale, Gail Bower & Ryder Bower Ryder Ridge Cattle Company 50260 RR 234 Leduc County, AB T4X 0L6 Phone: 780/504-9267 Email: Prefix: RRCC Hickman, Darrell & Leila Stone Gate Farm RR# 2 Vermilion, AB T9X 1Y7 Phone: 780/581-0077, 780/581-4510 Fax: 780/853-8704 Prefix: STON Hoffman, Ron Box 819 Carstairs, AB T0M 0N0 Prefix: RRR
Hollman, Brad & Nicole BNH Livestock 35539 Rge Rd 270 Red Deer County, AB T4G 0M5 Phone: 403/352-0816, 403/896-8851 Fax: 403/886-2813 Email: Prefix: NGC
Scott & Kristen Mason M Anchor Gelbvieh Box 1686 Valleyview, AB T0H 3N0 Phone: 780/524-4304 Fax: 780/524-4339 Email: Prefix: SKM
Hollman, Rodney & Tanya Royal Western Gelbvieh 35347 Rge Rd 270 Red Deer County, AB T4G 0C9 Phone: 403/754-5499, 403/588-8620 Fax: 403/886-2813 Email: Prefix: RWG
Milne, Harold & Bev. Milne's Gelbvieh Box 1573 Fairview, AB T0H 1L0 Phone: 780/835-2645, 780/855-0365 Fax: 780/835-2645 Email: Website: Prefix: GCC
Janzen, Jason & Agatha Janzen Gelbvieh Box 1433 LaCrete, AB T0H 2H0 Phone: 780/928-2044, 780/926-0156 Email: Prefix: JAJ Keeping, Tom Keeya Creek Farms Inc. Site 16, Comp. 24, RR# 1 Didsbury, AB T0M 0W0 Phone: 403/335-4041, 403/586-4944 Email: Prefix: KEE Lightfoot, Larry Triple L Gelbvieh 712037 Range Road 52 County of Grande Prairie NO.1, AB T8X 4A5 Phone: 780/532-6633, 780-402-9550 Email: Prefix: LL Marsman, Wanda Widowewa Holdings Ltd./Hillsdown Gelbvieh RR# 1 Delburne, AB T0M 0V0 Phone: 403/749-3075, 403-373-3075 Fax: 403/749-3056 Email: Prefix: HDG
Milne, John & Jean Dunvegan Cattle Co. Ltd. Box 1209 Fairview, AB T0H 1L0 Phone: 780/835-4518 Fax: 780/835-4518 Email: Prefix: DCC Muhlbach, Jason Jace Cattle Company Box 299 Botha, AB T0C 0N0 Phone: 403/740-2526 Fax: 403/574-2189 Email: Prefix: JM Murphy, Andrew & Susan Crump Red Dawn Ranch Box 59, Site 5, RR #4 Lacombe, AB T4L 2N4 Phone: 403/782-4713 Fax: 403/782-4713 Email: Prefix: RDR Nelson, Darrell & Duane Box 1144 Glenwood, AB T0K 2R0 Phone: 403/626-3279, 403/331-9086 Fax: 403/626-3036 Email: Prefix: DDN
Ness, Joe Jonus Cattle #74, 115 Bergen Rd. NW Calgary, AB T3K 1P2 Phone: 403/274-1684, 403/852-7332 Prefix: JOE Ness, Kert & Joe Keriness Cattle Company Ltd. Box 8, Site 7, RR# 1 Airdrie, AB T4B 2A3 Phone: 403/948-3282, 403/860-4634 Fax: 403/948-2236 Email: Prefix: KCC Nielsen, Adam RR #1, Site 2, Box 20 Sylvan Lake, AB T4S 1X6 Phone: 403/887-4971, 403/588-9281 Email: Prefix: AJN Nielsen, Dan & Marilyn Dayspring Cattle RR #1, Site 2, Box 20 Sylvan Lake, AB T4S 1X6 Phone: 403/887-4971 Fax: 403/887-4971 Email: Website: Prefix: DSP Okell, Don W. & Lorna Jen-Ty Gelbvieh Box 627 Duchess, AB T0J 0Z0 Phone: 403/378-4898, 403/793-4549 Fax: 403/378-4894 Email: Website: Prefix: DL Pahl, Gary & Judy Towerview Ranch Box 331 Medicine Hat, AB T1A 7G1 Phone: 403/548-7150, 403-528-0886 Fax: 403/548-7139 Email: Website: Prefix: TVR
Canadian Gelbvieh Association Membership Directory Page 19
Pancoast, Vern & Vivienne V & V Farms Box 37 Redcliff, AB T0J 2P0 Phone: 403/548-6678, 403/580-9532 Fax: 403/548-6955 Email: Prefix: VV Radomske, Dan Valley Gelbvieh 26569 Twp. Rd. 350 Red Deer County, AB T4G 0M4 Phone: 403/227-2105 Fax: 403/227-1207 Prefix: VG Roy, Henry M. HMR Gelbvieh A-54319 HWY 748 N Yellowhead County, AB T7E 3N6 Phone: 780/723-2361, 780/712-1295 Prefix: HMR Sayer, Roger D. & Kim Foursquare Gelbvieh RR# 2, Box 15, Site 6 Carstairs, AB T0M 0N0 Phone: 403/337-5847, 403/875-8418 Fax: 403/337-5847 Email: Prefix: FRSQ Schiestel, Steve & Lisa Silver Line Farm Box 371 Eckville, AB T0M 0X0 Phone: 403/358-8259, 403/318-7472 Email: Website: Prefix: SFL Severtson, Scott & Lisa Severtson Land & Cattle 29061 Twp. Rd.350 Red Deer County, AB T4G 0M6 Phone: 403/224-3756, 403/358-4676 Fax: 403/224-3756 Email: Website: Prefix: SLC
Smithers, Graydon Smithers Land & Livestock Box 1599, 250049 Twp. Rd. 314 Three Hills, AB T0M 2A0 Phone: 403/443-7737, 403/443-3303 Fax: 403/443-5280 Email: Prefix: SLL Thome, Lorinda & Rick RLT Farms Box 13, Site 3, RR# 1 Spirit River, AB T0H 3G0 Phone: 780/864-2961 Fax: 780/864-2785 Email: Website: Prefix: RLT
Watson, Wade & Jolene Watson Cattle Company - Double U Gelbvieh Box 635, Stn. Main Medicine Hat, AB T1A 7G6 Phone: 403/528-7456 Fax: 403/529-2293 Email: Website: Prefix: WJW Williams, Chuck & Jennifer Flatland Ranch Box 1086 Hanna, AB T0J 1P0 Phone: 403-854-6270 Email: Prefix: FLR
Tuplin, Merv Henibrit Enterprises 4215 - 83rd Street NW Edmonton, AB T6K 1C8 Phone: 780/450-1280 Email: Prefix: MJT
Williams, Wade & Lorna WL Farms Box 1384 Hanna, AB T0J 1P0 Phone: 403/854-2474 Fax: 403/854-2437 Email: Prefix: WL
Unger, Loren & Karen Unger Land & Livestock RR 1, Site 13, Box 14 Olds, AB T4H 1P2 Phone: 403/556-6499, 403/994-1211 Fax: 403/556-6499 Email: Prefix: ULL
Winder, Con & Gail Winder's Golden Gelbvieh R.R.# 2 Camrose, AB T4V 2N1 Phone: 780/672-9950 Fax: 780/672-9950 Email: Prefix: WGG
Vancuren, Darren Sunberry Valley Ranch Box 7, Site 16, RR# 2 Sundre, AB T0M 1X0 Phone: 403/638-4142, 403/507-5424 Prefix: SUN
Vander Velden, Emylene Rainbow’s Edge Gelbvieh Box 5384 Lacombe, AB T4L 1X1 Phone: 403-506-9693 Fax: 403-782-6213 Email: Prefix: EMY
Page 20 Canadian Gelbvieh Association Membership Directory
Cox, Dale or Romacordelia Dane Ranch Box 53 Tatla Lake, BC V0L 1V0 Phone: 250/476-1221, 250/709-8625 Fax: 250/476-1280 Email: Prefix: COX Cox, Romacordelia RAC Gelbvieh P.O. Box 11 Tatla Lake, BC V0L 1V0 Phone: 250/476-1221, 250/709-8625 Fax: 250/476-1280 Email: Prefix: RAC
Dawson, Joyce Gold Bar Gelbvieh Box 1616 Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A0 Phone: 250/567-5430, 250/570-9179 Fax: 250/567-5430 Email: Prefix: JLD
Tuchlinski, Barbara Francois Lake Gelbvieh Box 1434, 24192 Trout Creek Rd. Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0 Phone: 250/695-6620 Fax: 250/695-6620 Email: Prefix: TL
Richardson, Alan & Gail Johnson A & G Richardson Box 301 Elm Creek, MB R0G 0N0 Phone: 204/436-2655, 204/745-7718 Email: Prefix: AGR
MANITOBA Hogberg, Ralf & Glenn Hogberg Ranch RR 1, Site 904, Box 29 Progress, BC V0C 2E0 Phone: 250/843-7653 Fax: 250/843-7653 Email: Prefix: HG Kelly, Brenda 3400 Willowbrook Rd Oliver, BC V0H 1T5 Phone: 250/498-3432 Prefix: BPK Mader, Barry & Robin B & R Ranch RR #1, 2108 Duck Range Road Pritchard, BC V0E 2P0 Phone: 250/577-3486 Fax: 250/577-3486 Email: b& Prefix: BRM Raven, Arne Box 344 Pritchard, BC V0E 2P0 Phone: 250/577-3486 Email: b& Prefix: ARN Spence, Wayne & Charlotte Mountain Spring Farm 1636 Chase Falkland Road Chase, BC V0E 1M0 Phone: 250/679-3744 Fax: 250/679-3744 Email: Prefix: MSF Stratuliak, Brian Kiskatinaw Gelbvieh RR# 2, Site 13, Comp 16 Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4E8 Phone: 250/759-4143 Fax: 250/759-4143 Email: Prefix: BES
Bodin Bros Peter Bodin Box 248 Hartney, MB R0M 0X0 Phone: 204/858-2599 Prefix: BFL Bonchuck, Amy AJB Gelbvieh Box 239 Rossburn, MB R0J 1V0 Phone: 204/842-5231, 204/773-6140 Fax: 204/842-3706 Email: Prefix: AJBG Devonald, Matthew & Nikki Turtle River Gelbvieh Box 149 McCreary, MB R0J 1B0 Phone: 204/835-2467 Fax: 204/835-2467 Email: Prefix: DEV Gofflot, Camile Gofflot Bar 2 Ranch Box 293, R.R.# 1 Pipestone, MB R0M 1T0 Phone: 204/854-2530 Prefix: GCG Grose, Patrick Bluff Island Stock Farm Box 126 Inwood, MB R0C 1P0 Phone: 204/278-3308, 204/886-7950 Email: Prefix: BISF Jasper, James & Shayla JSJ Gelbvieh Box 24 Hartney, MB R0M 0X0 Phone: 204/858-2476 Email: Prefix: JSJ
Overby, Neil Overby Stock Farm Box 180 St. Ros Du Lac, MB R0L 1S0 Phone: 204/447-5552 Email: Prefix: OSF
Wiens, Barry & Vanessa Crest View Farms Box 55 Pansy, MB R0A 1J0 Phone: 204/434-9412, 204/434-6110 Fax: 204/434-9412 Email: Prefix: CVF Wirgau, Lee & Neal Maple Grove Gelbvieh Box 25 Narcisse, MB R0C 2H0 Phone: 204/278-3255, 204/886-7588 Fax: 204/278-3255 Email: Prefix: MGF ONTARIO Duffin, Jim, Doug or Darcy Triple D Farm Enterprises 20627 Fairview Rd., RR# 2 Thorndale, ON N0M 2P0 Phone: 519/461-1377 Fax: 519/461-0369 Email: Prefix: TDF Hurst, Jason RR #2 234439 Concession 2 WGR Durham, ON N0G 1R0 Phone: 519/807-8776 Email: Prefix: JPH
Canadian Gelbvieh Association Membership Directory Page 21
Klages, Mike KLAtown Stock Farms RR# 2, 056289 Con 12 Desboro, ON N0H 1K0 Phone: 519/363-6307, 519/357-6390 Email: Prefix: KLA Linton, David & Susan Ward Killoran Creek Cattle Company RR# 1, 12135 County Road 45 Hastings, ON K0L 1Y0 Phone: 705/927-0373 Prefix: KC Ward, David & Valda Davalda Gelbvieh Box 95 Roseneath, ON K0K 2X0 Phone: 905/352-2317 Prefix: DVW Waterton, Glynn GSW Gelbvieh RR# 8, 557733 Con. 4 Owen Sound, ON N4K 5W4 Phone: 519/376-8413 Email: Prefix: GSW Wattie, Ellery Soperton Gelbvieh Farm RR# 1, 275 County Rd. 42 Delta, ON K0E 1G0 Phone: 613/924-2307 Email: Prefix: EW West, Ray & Jean Windy Ridge Farm Gelbvieh RR #2, 2231 County Road 22 Bath, ON K0H 1G0 Phone: 613/352-9916 Fax: 613/352-4175 Email: Prefix: RJW PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Whalen, Ron O'Faelan Farms Inc. Avondale Cattle Company 165 Hermitage Road Vernon River, PE C0A 2E0 Phone: 902/651-2006 Email: Website: Prefix: OFI
QUEBEC Laroche, Luc et Diane Ferme Ludi 2001, Rang Roberge Chesterville, QC G0P 1J0 Phone: 819/382-2679 Fax: 819/382-2679 Email: Prefix: LUDI
Davidson, Vernon & Eileen Davidson Gelbvieh Box 681 Ponteix, SK S0N 1Z0 Phone: 306/625-3755, 306/625-7863 Fax: 306/625-3524 Email: Website: Prefix: DVE
SASKATCHEWAN Bentz, Blair & Lorie Goodview Gelbvieh Box 430 Punnichy, SK S0A 3C0 Phone: 306/835-2748, 306/746-8037 Fax: 306/835-2748 Email: Prefix: BLB Bilokreli, Ron & Sons Vale Country Ranch Ltd. Box 14 Theodore, SK S0A 4C0 Phone: 306/647-2665, 306/521-2266 Fax: 306/647-2665 Email: Prefix: VCR Burks, Trevor & Amber Twisted T Gelbvieh Box 329 Asquith, SK S0K 0J0 Phone: 306-715-7476 Email: Prefix: TTG Davidson, Angus & Marlene Box 385 Ponteix, SK S0N 1Z0 Phone: 306/785-4512 Prefix: AMD Davidson, Ross & Tara Lonesome Dove Ranch Box 147 Ponteix, SK S0N 1Z0 Phone: 306/625-3513, 306/625-7045 Fax: 306/625-3782 Email: Website: Prefix: DRT
Page 22 Canadian Gelbvieh Association Membership Directory
Davidson, Wade Box 385 Ponteix, SK S0N 1Z0 Phone: 306/785-4512 Fax: 306/785-4533 Email: Prefix: WDE Davisson, Barry & Chris Deroo-Davisson LC Cattle Company Box 1443 Unity, SK S0K 4L0 Phone: 306/228-3048, 306/228-7193 Prefix: LCD Egan, Phillip & Wendy P-W Gelbvieh Box 503 Moose Jaw, SK S6H 4P1 Phone: 306/693-6096 Email: Prefix: PW Fladeland, Wayne, Delyle & Clinton Fladeland Livestock Box 70 Gladmar, SK S0C 1A0 Phone: 306/969-4829, 306/809-8123 Fax: 306/969-4834 Email: Website: Prefix: FLAD Gardiner, Simon G. Gardiner Gelbvieh Box 133 Quill Lake, SK S0A 3E0 Phone: 306/383-2736 Fax: 306/383-2736 Email: Prefix: SGG
Gavelin, David & Kim Deep Sands Livestock Box 149 Meyronne, SK S0H 3A0 Phone: 306/264-3635 Fax: 306/264-3665 Email: Prefix: DSL
Lawes, James & Judy Double JL Gelbvieh Box 355 Dinsmore, SK S0L 0T0 Phone: 306/846-4733, 306/846-2052 Fax: 306/846-4733 Email: Prefix: JJL
Selin, Wayne R. & Lois Selin's Gelbvieh Box 97 Stockholm, SK S0A 3Y0 Phone: 306/793-4568 Fax: 306/793-4568 Email: Prefix: WRS
Gray, Robert Wascana Ridge Livestock Box 136 Vibank, SK S0G 4Y0 Phone: 306/531-5088 Prefix: WRL
Lawes, Jason & Kristie Box 83 Dinsmore, SK S0L 0T0 Phone: 306/846-2043 Fax: 306/846-4200 Email: Prefix: JKL
Sommerfeld, Raymond & Pauline RPS Gelbvieh Box 7 Medstead, SK S0M 1W0 Phone: 306/342-4490, 306/342-7259 Fax: 306/342-4490 Email: , Prefix: RPS
Hansen, Jeff & Jodi Double J Land & Cattle Company Box 529 Springside, SK S0A 3V0 Phone: 306/792-2042 Fax: 306/792-2042 Email: Prefix: JJH Hrebeniuk, Darcy Fir River Livestock Box 379 Hudson Bay, SK S0E 0Y0 Phone: 306/865-2929, 306/865-7859 Fax: 306/865-2860 Email: Website: Prefix: FRL Hurlburt, Kirk & Leigh Ann Hurlburt Livestock Ltd. Box 3, Site 206, RR# 2 Saskatoon, SK S7K 3J5 Phone: 306/931-2551, 306/222-8210 Fax: 306-931-2827 Email: Prefix: HL Knudson, James Knudson Farms Gelbvieh Box 386 Archerwill, SK S0E 0B0 Phone: 306/332-4682 Fax: 306/332-4682 Prefix: KFG
Lawes, Kevin & Bonny Lawes Gelbvieh Box 176 Dinsmore, SK S0L 0T0 Phone: 306/357-2099, 306/831-7055 Fax: 306846-4733 Email: Prefix: KJL Nicholas, Gary J. & Chad McCoy Cattle Company Ltd. Box 479 Milestone, SK S0G 3L0 Phone: 306/436-2086, 306/436-7300 Fax: 306/436-4613 Email: Website: Prefix: ZTM Schrempp, Will Morgan Tau Gelbvieh RR# 1, Box 44 Melville, SK S0A 2P0 Phone: 701/509-3737 Email: Prefix: MTG
Spray, Brett, Shane, Brian & Karen Triple S Cattle Company Box 796 Preeceville, SK S0A 3B0 Phone: 306/325-4515 Fax: 306/325-4540 Email: Prefix: BJS Thackeray, Ian Thackeray Gelbvieh Farms Box 1002 Weyburn, SK S4H 2L2 Phone: 306/456-2555, 306/861-7687 Fax: 306/456-2554 Email: Prefix: TIP Wick, Kendra-Shane Krazy Woman Ranch Box 133 Lake Alma, SK S0C 1M0 Phone: 306/447-4403, 306/869-6927 Email: Prefix: KWR
Seidle, Cameron J. & Cyndi Rocking Arrow Gelbvieh Box 119 Medstead, SK S0M 1W0 Phone: 306/342-4670 Fax: 306/342-4333 Email: c.seidle@littleloon,ca Prefix: RA
Canadian Gelbvieh Association Membership Directory Page 23
Adamsgreen Gelbvieh, David & Janice Green Abel Farm, Murray Abel A & G Richardson AJB Gelbvieh, Amy Bonchuck Adam Nielsen Limestone Stock Farms, Art & Marie Andruchow Angus & Marlene Davidson Arne Raven Aaron Birch Kiskatinaw Gelbvieh, Brian Stratuliak Bodin Bros., Peter Bodin Bluff Island Stock Farms, Patrick Grose & Terry Bruce Triple S Cattle Co., Brett, Shane, Brian & Karen Spray Goodview Gelbvieh, Blair & Lorie Bentz Beamish Land & Cattle, Calvin & Donna Beamish Brenda Kelly B & R Ranch, Barry & Robin Mader Carlson Cattle Company, Lon Carlson T-Anchor Gelbvieh, Ted & Jo-Anne Cymbaluk Brittain Farms, Kelly & Colleen Brittain Dane Ranch, Dale Cox or Romacordelia Cox Crest View Farms, Barry & Vanessa Wiens Dunvegan Cattle Co. Ltd., John Milne Darrell & Duane Nelson Turtle River Gelbvieh, Matthew & Nikki Devonald Jen-Ty Gelbvieh, Don & Lorna Okell Dusty Rose Cattle Co., Darren Dunford Lonesome Dove Ranch, Ross & Tara Davidson Deep Sands Gelbvieh, David & Kim Gavelin Dayspring Cattle, Dan & Marilyn Nielsen Duke Cattle Company, Peter Bahrynowski Davidson Gelbvieh, Vernon & Eileen Davidson Davalda Gelbvieh, David & Valda Ward Rainbow’s Edge Gelbvieh, Emylene Vander Velden EYOT Valley Ranch, Larry & Lynne Fecho Soperton Gelbvieh Farm, Ellery Wattie Fladeland Livestock, Wayne, Delyle & Clinton Fladeland Flatland Ranch, Chuck & Jennifer Williams Fir River Livestock, Darcy Hrebeniuk Foursquare Gelbvieh, Roger & Kim Sayer Milne’s Gelbvieh, Harold & Bev Milne Gofflot Bar 2 Ranch, Camile Gofflot Bar GR Cattle, Ron & Gail Anderson GSW Gelbvieh, Glynn Waterton Widowewa Holdings/Hillsdown Gelbvieh, Wanda Marsman Hogberg Ranch, Glenn & Ralf Hogberg Hurlburt Livestock Ltd., Kirk & Leigh Ann Hurlburt HMR Gelbvieh, Henry M. Roy Pin To Point Gelbvieh, Jeremiah Barnert Janzen Gelbvieh, Jason & Agatha Janzen Double J Land & Cattle Company, Jeff & Jodi Hansen Double JL Gelbvieh, James & Judy Lawes Jason & Kristie Lawes Gold Bar Gelbvieh, Joyce Dawson Jace Cattle Company, Jason Muhlbach Jessica Andruchow Jonus Cattle, Joe Ness
Page 24 Canadian Gelbvieh Association Membership Directory
Jason Hurst ON JSJ Gelbvieh, James & Shayla Jasper MB Killoran Creek Cattle Company, David Linton & Susan Ward ON Keriness Cattle Company Ltd., Kert & Joe Ness AB Keeya Creek Farms Inc., Tom Keeping AB Knudson Farms Gelbvieh, James Knudson SK Lawes Gelbvieh, Kevin & Bonny Lawes SK KLAtown Stock Farms, Mike Klages ON Krazy Woman Ranch, Kendra-Shane Wick SK LC Cattle Company, Barry Davisson & Chris Deroo-DavissonSK LC Ranch, Ray & Anne Davisson AB Triple L Gelbvieh, Larry Lightfoot AB Ferme Ludi, Luc et Diane Laroche QC Maple Grove Gelbvieh, Lee & Neal Wirgau MB Henibrit Enterprises, Merv Tuplin AB Mountain Spring Farm, Wayne & Charlotte Spence BC Morgan Tau Gelbvieh, Will Schrempp SK BNH Livestock, Brad & Nicole Hollman AB O'Faelan Farms Inc., Ron Whalen PE Overby Stock Farms, Neil Overby MB P-W Gelbvieh, Phillip & Wendy Egan SK Rocking Arrow Gelbvieh, Cameron J. & Cindi Seidle SK RAC Gelbvieh, Romacordelia Cox BC Red Dawn Ranch, Andrew Murphy & Susan Crump AB Windy Ridge Farm Gelbvieh, Ray & Jean West ON RLT Farms, Lorinda & Rick Thome AB RPS Gelbvieh, Raymond & Pauline Sommerfeld SK Ryder Ridge Cattle Company, Dr. Dale Gibson, Gail Bower & Ryder Bower AB RRR Ron Hoffman AB RTG Rocky Top Gelbvieh, Cody Congdon AB RWG Royal Western Gelbvieh, Rodney & Tanya Hollman AB SA Twin Bridge Farms Ltd., Ron & Carol Birch AB SFL Silver Line Farm, Steve & Lisa Schiestel AB SGG Gardiner Gelbvieh, Simon G. Gardiner SK SKM M Anchor Gelbvieh, Scott & Kristen Mason AB SLC Severtson Land & Cattle, Scott & Lisa Severtson AB SLL Smithers Land & Livestock, Graydon Smithers AB STON Stone Gate Farm, Darrell & Leila Hickman AB SUN Sunberry Valley Ranch, Darren Vancuren AB TDF Triple D Farm Enterprises, Jim, Doug or Darcy Duffin ON TIP Thackeray Gelbvieh Farms, Ian Thackeray SK TL Francois Lake Gelbvieh, Barbara Tuchlinski BC TTG Twisted T Gelbvieh, Trevor & Amber Burks SK TVR Towerview Ranch, Gary & Judy Pahl AB ULL Unger Land & Livestock, Loren & Karen Unger AB VCR Vale Country Ranch Ltd., Ron Bilokreli & Sons SK VG Valley Gelbvieh, Dan Radomske AB VV V & V Farms, Vern & Vivienne Pancoast AB WDE Wade Davidson SK WGG Winder’s Golden Gelbvieh, Con & Gail Winder AB WJW Watson Cattle Company, Wade & Jolene AB WL WL Farms, Wade & Lorna Williams AB WRL Wascana Ridge Gelbvieh, Robert Gray SK WRS Selin’s Gelbvieh, Wayne R. & Lois Selin SK ZTM McCoy Cattle Company Ltd., Gary J. & Chad Nicholas SK
APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP The Canadian Gelbvieh Association invites you to be a part of the Association! ___________________________________________________________________________________ MEMBERSHIP NAME (Please Print)
Note: This is the name that will print on the registration certificates.
NAME OF OWNER(S):_________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________ PHONE #
______________________________ FAX #
______________________________________________ EMAIL:
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STREET OR RURAL ADDRESS (Print) CITY/TOWN PROV. P-CODE I (We) hereby apply for: _______ ANNUAL ($125.00 + Tax) Note: Includes membership to applicable Provincial Gelbvieh Association. _______ JUNIOR (Under 21 years of age) Birth date: __________________ ($10.00 Annual Activity Fee + Tax ) _______ HERD IDENTIFICATION LETTERS ($30.00 + Tax) Please allot HERD IDENTIFICATION LETTERS - (1st choice) _________ (2nd choice) _________ (3rd choice) _________ for tattooing Gelbvieh Cattle. Herd letters can be two, three or four letter combinations: ie AB, ABC or ABCD. The correct method for Tattooing: first - Herd letters “ABC”, second - unique ID number of animal “24”, and last, - year of birth letter “B”. eg. Complete tattoo - “ABC 24B”. _______ HERD NAME ($25.00 + Tax) Please register, _____________________________________________ as the Herd Name, for the exclusive use of this membership when naming animals. Please Note: The Herd Name must be acceptable to the CGA. I undersigned hereby applies for membership in the Canadian Gelbvieh Association, a non-profit corporation, with all rights and privileges and subject to the obligations thereof, as fully set forth in the By-Laws of the Association. I (We) agree to conform to the By-Laws and Regulations of the Canadian Gelbvieh Association. I (We) waive any claim against and grant an absolute release to the Canadian Gelbvieh Association, any member, employee or agent of the Association, for any act or omission in connection with the Association, including but not limited to, any enforcement of the rules and regulations presently in effect or hereafter adopted by the Association. I(We) further release any and all data submitted to the CGA for use in Breed Improvement Programs. _______ I do not wish for the CGA to use my personal contact information for business purposes it deems necessary.
_______________________________________________ Applicants Sign Here
________________________________________________ Applicants Sign Here
_______________________________________________ Print Name Here
________________________________________________ Print Name Here
This application must be signed by the individual, all members of the partnership or signing officer in the organization applying for membership.
Canadian Gelbvieh Association, 5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 6V1 Phone: (403) 250-8640 • Fax: (403) 291-5624 • email: •
Canadian Gelbvieh Association Membership Directory Page 25
Memberships are due on or before January 1st each year. Only memberships paid up as of April 1st are included in this directory.
Canadian Gelbvieh Association 5160 Skyline Way N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 6V1 Phone: (403) 250-8640 Fax: (403) 291-5624 email: Web Site:
Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2014 • Page 27
f you drive British Columbia’s Highway 16 to the town of Burns Lake, and head south, an inland ferry that runs hourly between 5:30 am and 11 pm will bring you to Tatalrose Ranch. In a land of trees, hills, and Crown grazing range, Jon and Cya Solecki and their four children live and work their commercial beef operation, raising Gelbvieh-Angus cross cattle. Jon Solecki dreamed of ranching from a young age; however, his story is unlike that of many Canadian cattle producers. Solecki grew up in Vancouver. “It’s just what I always wanted to do. I took agriculture at (the University of British Columbia) and I’ve worked for some really good guys, and that helped me a lot to get started,” says Solecki. He put himself through university by logging on B.C.’s coast in the summers, and graduated in 1977. As there was money to be made in logging at that time, Solecki “worked a while longer than that, got myself some money to travel around the world for a year, then came back and put another five years in and was able to get enough money to buy a ranch.” That first ranch was near Merritt, B.C. Solecki says they were really lucky to buy the property, which was a bit run down, and make it a productive ranch. As time went on, the building of the Coquihalla Highway in B.C. during the late 1980s increased real estate values in the Merritt area. “ T h a t place was a
little small, so we wanted to get something bigger. We were able to sell that and buy a bigger place up here,” he says. “Essentially, if you want to get bigger and you don’t have millions of dollars in your pocket, you have to go somewhere more isolated.” Tatalrose Ranch was originally set up in the 1980s and was meant to be a 1,200-head feedlot. The Soleckis moved to the ranch in 1999, and were able to get a larger grazing area thanks to the cooperation of the B.C. Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations. The Ministry’s Range Program “allocates and administers hay cutting and grazing agreements and grazing leases on Crown range across the Province,” according to their website. As there wasn’t a grazing permit for the ranch, the Soleckis asked the previous owners to give up the grazing permit to another property, and then they worked with the Ministry to get a bigger grazing area. As both could be met, they bought the property. “So we ended up with this land that we own, plus a big grazing area, which is really what you need in B.C.,” says Solecki. “Almost all ranches in B.C. work on a Crown grazing — that’s where our cows go to summer.” Solecki began using Gelbvieh genetics in the 1990s, buying their first Gelbvieh from two breeders in the Fort MacLeod, Alberta area. “They’re really a maternal breed. The fertility is there, they’re good milkers, and they’ve got really good temperaments,” he said. “I’m not trying to knock Limousin, but we used to have Limousin bulls, and any time you’d go to work them, it would just be a mess. They’d be wrecking something — there was always something to repair after we’d work with those bulls, and with Gelbvieh it’s not like that at all.”
Branding 2013 with friends and family
Jon at branding time Page 28 • Summer 2014 • Gelbvieh guide
By Piper Whelan
Corrals and feedlot setup
Currently, Tatalrose Ranch is home to a 250-head herd, and the Soleckis use Gelbvieh and Black Angus bulls in their breeding program. Instead of selling calves, they sell their cattle as yearlings, with steers going to market in late August and heifers usually sold in November. Though there are few Gelbvieh breeders in B.C., the Soleckis are set up for the future of the beef industry, especially if their children decide to pursue ranching. “We’re pretty set up for that now. We’ve put a scale in our squeeze (chute) set-up, so we are weighing every cow. We’ve got RFID readers, so it helps with our record keeping and also we can have a better idea of how each individual cow is performing with that kind of set up. As long as we use the thing and use the information.” Of the four Solecki children, Chris and Owen have expressed interest in ranching in the future. They both work on the ranch during the summer, and Chris is studying natural resource management at Thompson Rivers University. All four children spent their spare time playing sports, and especially excelled in hockey. In addition to ranching, the forests of B.C. played a role in how the family made a living. Cya recently retired from the Ministry of Forests department. The family also had a woodlot on the property for extra income. “It worked out for us that when the big wave of mountain pine beetle came through here, we took that money and put an irrigation pivot into this place,” Solecki says. “It covers 230 acres, and that’s really the backbone of our forage production here now, because we can more or less guarantee a certain amount of production because we can make it rain if we need to.” Looking to the future of the ranch, Solecki says he plans on building hay sheds for the ranch and continuing the long process of fencing off their grazing range. He is also interested in finishing cattle on grass. “That’s the reason we went to selling yearlings instead of calves,” he explains. “I think that the future of cattle is more forage-based than grain-based.” As for the place the Gelbvieh breed will hold in the future of the Canadian cattle industry, Solecki believes it’s up to the breeders to “stay in the conversation.”
L-R: Owen 19, Chris 22, Jon, Cya, Matt 24 and Lauren 15 “The Gelbvieh breeders themselves advertise that it’s a good breed to use as a cross, so that’s where the future is,” he says. “Its future is in promoting the traits that are their best features, and that’s fertility, milk, and docility.” Solecki pursued his dream of becoming a rancher, working hard to get to where he and his family are today. He remains enthusiastic and motivated about raising cattle, working to build a foundation for his family’s future in ranching. “The thing about ranching in general is it’s the idea of setting a plan and making it work — that’s the challenge of it,” he says. “So far in my life it’s just been getting everything started and going. I’m not at the point where a lot of ranchers are — they’re established so they’re fine tuning things. We’re still building instruments.” “When I got into (ranching), anybody I knew told me it was a stupid idea, and I’m still trying to prove them wrong. And I like it. I really enjoy it. I love it.”
Next two generations, Chris and his daughter Darci
Feeding cows prior to calving Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2014 • Page 29
Continued from page 10 amount in grain for three days in a row. This ensures most of the cattle will get it. A technique we have found successful is veterinarians scripting the concentrate into the trace minerals. This requires a veterinary prescription as it is not an approved method for administration. Most cattle young or old consume minerals at their leisure. This product if put out just before maximum exposure to lungworm, (that appears to be around July first in northern Alberta), goes a long way to reducing the incidence. The safeguard is mixed in with many assumptions. We assume adult cattle will eat 30 to 60 grams of mineral per day and that all cattle will eat minerals at least every couple days. Some cattle get over treated but at least there is a very good likelihood most cattle will get treated and reduce contamination for the rest or subsequent animals that may get reintroduced. On average 80-90 percent of the cattle get enough to clear the lungworms. Again to go in the minerals you need a veterinary prescription. The added benefit here is by treating for lungworms you are also treating for other internal parasitic worms, so both gains and feed efficiency improve as well. When treating clinical cases the symptoms such as coughing or respiratory problems will actually increase for a few days after treatment. This is because all the dead worms need to be coughed up and swallowed. The killing of all the adult worms may cause a reaction but the animal must be dewormed so you have to treat. Any pneumonia complications may need to be treated with antibiotics at this time. Pastures that have had previous problems on are the ones we really concentrate on.
Over a few years the treatment possibly can be phased out but always be on the lookout for the clinical signs reappearing. Bison are very susceptible to lungworms and the same safeguard can be used but under a veterinary prescription. The endectocides if given are used at the same rate as cattle. Horses can get the cattle lungworms as well but all you will see is clinical evidence as they are a dead end host so no larvae will be shed in the manure. Any time cattle are coughing have them checked because if at pasture in the summer lungworms are a real possibility and often get overlooked. Anytime a postmortem is done, especially at pasture, have the lungs checked. The lungs will often look overinflated yet still quite pink and they often have areas of emphysema in them. If doing any butchering we always want to check the internal organs as I know of several instances where butchers alerted the farmers to evidence of lungworms in their herds even though there may have been very clinical evidence of it. Bring several manure samples into your veterinarian if you suspect it and follow their recommendations for treatment if it is diagnosed. You then know that pasture has lungworm and treatment in subsequent years is generally highly recommended by your veterinarian if continuing to utilize that pasture. By being diligent and checking manure samples if suspicious we can go a long way to keeping lungworms out of our herds.
Neil Overby Selected for the CYL Mentorship Program
eil Overby of Ste. Rose du Lac, Manitoba, was recently selected as one of 16 recipients of the Cattlemen's Young Leaders Mentorship pro-
gram. CCA President, Dave Solverson was among the Canadian beef cattle industry representatives to take part in the CYL Spring Forum. He identified the CYL Program as a premier program that the CCA is very proud of, stating that the industry is in good hands. "With the CYL Program I am confident that Canada will continue to produce some of the best beef in the world for years to come," Solverson said. The CYL Development Program provides industry-specific training and mentorship opportunities to young producers. CYL participants have the opportunity to explore a potential career choice or involvement with a provincial/national producer organization, while gaining the expertise and business acumen necessary to sustain the cattle industry into the future.
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Funding for the CYL Program is made available through its foundation partners, UFA Co-operative Ltd., the Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency (ALMA), Cargill and MNP. The program also receives support from gold sponsors Farm Credit Canada and New Holland.
Neil and fiancee Deanne
Wayne and Charlotte Spence of Mountain Spring Farm, Chase B.C. are happy to announce the birth of Derek Hilton Spence to Jeff and Jara Spence of Calgary, AB on December 4, 2013. The bouncing baby boy weighed in at 8 lb. 2 oz. Proud big brother is Davin Paul Spence.
Wayne and Charlotte Spence of Mountain Spring Farm, Chase, B.C. are pleased to announce the birth of Wyatt Alexander Albert Spence, September 1, 2013 at 9lb 12 oz. He was born to Alexandria Burroughs and Jamie Spence of Kamloops, B.C.
Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2014 • Page 31
Canadian Junior Gelbvieh Association Scholarship
All eligible juniors are encouraged to apply for the $500 Scholarship. Please complete the Scholarship Application Form and include a one page essay describing your involvement in the Gelbvieh breed. Please submit your application form and essay to Wendy Belcher by email (, fax (403-291-5624), or mail (5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary, Alberta T2E 6V1). The deadline to apply is June 30, 2014. To be eligible you must be a current or previous member of the Canadian Junior Gelbvieh Association between the ages fifteen (15) and twenty five (25) as of January 1st of the current calendar year. Juniors are eligible to receive the award more than once. Scholarship recipients will be presented with a cheque upon proof of enrollment. Send an official class enrollment form or receipt of tuition payment to the Canadian Gelbvieh Association office no later than October 1, 2014. In the event that a circumstance arises that prevents the recipient from enrolling in the school of choice by the above deadline, the scholarship will be forfeited. To retain scholarship, the recipient must complete at least one semester of full enrollment. If the semester is not completed, money awarded must be refunded to the Canadian Junior Gelbvieh Association. Full Name:___________________________________________________________________________
Full Address:__________________________________________________________________________
Birth Date: _______________________________Place of Birth:__________________________________ Sex
Social Insurance Number:_____________________________________
Parent or Guardian Name(s):___________________________________________________________ Parent or Guardian Address:_______________________________________________________
High School Name:____________________________________________________________ High School Address:________________________________________________________ Graduation Date: _____________ Grade Point Average: ___________(example 3.5/4.0)
Estimated Percentage of Tuition Paid by Scholarships or grants during you last semester of post secondary education or for the upcoming semester?______________________
List any scholarships you have bee awarded:_________________________________
Career Goal:__________________________________________________________
If you are currently attending a Post Secondary Education facility, please complete the following: Name of Post Secondary Education Facility you have previously or are currently attending: ____________________________________________________________________
Major:_______________________________ Grade Point Average:_______________
If you are a graduating high school senior, please complete the following: Post Secondary education Facility you plan to attend: ____________________________________________________________________
Anticipated Major______________________________________________________
________________________________ Signature of Applicant Date Page 32 • Summer 2014 • Gelbvieh guide
________________________________ Signature of Parent/ Guardian Date
Averaged $4120
The 21st Annual Severtson Land & Cattle bull sale was held on March 3 at their ranch at Innisfail, Alberta. The high selling bull was SLC Touchdown 144Z who sold to Hurlburt Livestock for $7500. SLC Touchdown 215Z sold to Fladeland Livestock
for $7250. Volume buyers included Center Fork Ranch of Rockglen, Saskatchewan with 21 bulls. Ed Monical of 100 Mile House, BC purchased 9 bulls. A good crowd was on hand to enjoy their western hospitality.
BECK FARMS & MCCOY CATTLE CO. BULL SALE FEBRUARY 22, 2014, REGINA, SK Yearling Gelbvieh Bulls Yearling Hereford Bulls Yearling Charolais Bulls Two year old Charolais Bulls
Averaged $3594 $3944 $3391 $3250
87 Bulls
grossed $314,550
High Selling Yearling Gelbvieh Bull was Lot 14 - ZTM McCoy 66W Gateway 164A sired by VV Western Chronicle 66W, half interest and full possession was purchased by Cancee Rock Ranch, Wapella, SK for $8,25
Average $4,515 $1,917
Sale manager: Mitchell Marketing Service Prairie Hills Gelbvieh held their annual Power on the Prairie bull sale on February 15 at the ranch, north of Dickinson, N.D. The sale featured an outstanding selection of Gelbvieh bulls and a few elite replacement heifers. Cattle sold to buyers across the Midwest and Canada. The top selling bull was Lot 2, PHG Prairie Ablaze A01. He is a Homozygous polled, Homozygous black, purebred Gelbvieh bull born February 13, 2013. He was sired by DVE Davidson Payday 59W and out of a PHG Fighting Irish dam. At the end of active bidding, Davidson Gelbvieh of Ponteix, SK took home this true herd sire prospect for $9,000. Prairie Hill’s black entry in the Breeder’s Choice Gelbvieh Bull Futurity sold as Lot 1 and was the second high seller at $8,000. PHG Prairie Allstar A27 is a February 24, 2013, double polled, double black, purebred Gelbvieh bull that was also sired by DVE Davidson Payday 59W. Stone Gate Farms of Vermillion, AB was the winning bidder. Lot 18, PHG Ace of Spades A61, sold for $7,500 to Dennison Ranch of Sidney, Montana. This March 8, 2013, double polled, black, purebred Gelbvieh bull was sired by NGC X Rated 84X. In the female offering, the top seller was Lot 44, PHG Arcadia A93. This 75 percent Balancer, double polled, double black, open heifer was born April 17, 2013 and was sired by SINK 101Y and out of a JCB Lazy TV Beech Jet dam. McCarty Cattle Company of Parachute, Colorado, purchased this young female for $3,250.
Lot 1
Lot 2 Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2014 • Page 33
Grossed $ 133,550 $ 28,450
Average $ 4,047 $ 2,371
Twin Bridge Farms & Guests hosted a very successful Bull & Female Sale on a beautiful St. Patrick’s Day with a good crowd in attendance. The bidders were active throughout the sale on both the bulls and females. Guest considers were Carlson Cattle Company and Keriness Cattle Company.
Auctioneer: Don Savage Sale Manager: Don Savage Auctions Lot 9 13 14 16 20 23 34 58 HEIFERS 49 51 59
BULLS SA Birch’s Bull Dozer SA 81A S A Birch’s Wrangler SA 58A AWB Birch’s Black Magic AWB 69A SA Birch’s Bandit SA 114A SA Birch’s Monopoly SA 168A SA Birch’s Card Shark SA 62A CCC Gold Star Alistair CCC 24A KCC Keriness Superior KCC 111A
Towerview Ranch (Pahls) Medicine Hat, AB V & V Farms (V & V Pancoast) Red Cliff, AB Roy Lucas Lomond, AB Scherer Livestock Ltd. (Andres) Blackie, AB Lomond Grazing Association Lomond, AB Gunter & Ailsa Kotke Fort McLeod, AB Lorne & Sandi Zentner Consul, SK Lawes Gelbvieh Dinsmore, SK
$7,000 $7,000 $5,000 $5,100 $6,600 $5,000 $5,300 $5,000
CCC Gold Star Annabelle CCC 15A CCC Gold Star Alexa CCC 59A KCC Keriness Erhart Lady KCC 81A
Twin Bridge Farms Ltd. Lomond, AB Wascana Ridge Livestock (Gray) Vibank, SK Carlson Cattle Company Cardston, AB
$3,900 $3,000 $3,000
Grossed $ 138,150 $ 12,250
Auctioneer: Don Savage Sale Manager: Don Savage Auctions Lot 4 5 9 11 14
BULLS STON Action Figure STON 10A STON Ambush STON 17A STON Aristrocrat STON 12A FRL Fir River Crosby FRL 806A FRL Fir River Stamkos FRL 879A
19 20 34 38 48
50 52 55
Average $ 4,063 $ 2,042
Fir River Livestock, Stone Gate Farm and the Davidson Family hosted another top offering of quality genetics at the 14th Annual Saskatoon Gelbvieh Bull & Female Sale. Cattle sold into the three Prairie Provinces and Ontario.
FRL Fir River Kellel FRL 863A FRL Fir River Callahan FRL 867A FRL Fir River Garrison FRL 816A V V A Colateral Deal VV 20A ET WDE Davidson Dressler WDE 35A
Twin Bridge Farms Ltd. – Lomond, AB Gordon Claybert – Cold Lake, AB Brad & Brenda Rosin – Yorkton, SK Twin Bridge Farms Ltd. – Lomond, AB Severtson Land & Cattle – Innisfail, AB and Stone Gate Farm – Vermilion, AB Fladeland Livestock – Gladmar, SK V & V Farms – Redcliff, B Jon Schruder – Cobden, ON Fladeland Livestock – Gladmar, SK Barry Cloutier – Ponteix, SK
$6,000 $6,750 $6,500 $6,250 $10,000 $5,600
HEIFERS STON Miss Certain Glow STON 7A STON Miss Sue STON 43A V V Anita Kayla VV 82A
Normand Grenier – Duck Lake, SK Bluff Island Stock Farm – Inwood, MB Bluff Island Stock Farm – Inwood, MB
$2,500 $2,400 $2,500
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$5,750 $5,000 $6,250 $8,000
SALE RESULTS NELSON GELBVIEH & GUEST CONSIGNOR BEN NISH MARCH 22, 2014, GLENDALE, AB 35 yearling bulls averaged $3240. A cool but sunny day greeted a good crowd of repeat and new buyers for the annual Nelson Bull Sale. After a delicious roast beef meal the sale began shortly after 1 pm. High seller of the day was a RWG Fed-X son out of DDN 1146Y (VV Ubet daughter). DDN 19A was bought by Alvin and Joan Sinnema from Nobleford for $4200. DDN 19A had a 69 lb. birth weight, a weaning index of 130, 800 lb adj. ww and a 3.18 lb WPDA. Second high seller was out of a STON 5X Xplosive son and DDN 103X Iron Horse daughter. DDN 109A had a 78 lb. birth wt. and a WPDA of 2.95 lbs. He sold to Brian Monkman of
Monkman Cattle Company for $4100. KGJ 157A out of FLAD Dracula 57Y and KGJ 26X, another Iron Horse daughter with feed ADG of 3.34 lb and a WPDA of 3.43 lb sold to Darcy Barfuss for $4000. NSH 19A out of DDN 9112W Belly River Writer and DCJ 13P posted a 4.34 ADG and a WPDA of 3.53 lbs. He sold to Ron and Laurie Connor for $4000. Volume buyers of the day were Monkman Cattle Company with 5 bulls, Riverside Ranch with 4 bulls and Alvin & Joan Sinnema, GAF Farms, Dave Housnega, Coal Creek Ranching, and Bruce Wynder with 2 bulls each. The Nelson's and Nish's thank all who attended the sale and bought or bid on the bulls.
GELBVIEH ADVANTAGE BULL SALE MARCH 15, 2014, INNISFAIL, AB The 2014 Gelbvieh Advantage Bull Sale was held at Innisfail Auction Mart on March 15, 2014. We had a good crowd on hand with many repeat buyers and bidders who we regard as good friends. The sale went well with the sale averaging $3546. Special thanks to volume buyers Jim Fink of Flying F Ranch who took home four bulls averaging $3613, Darcy and Linda Lockhart of Dar-Lin Ranching purchased 3 bulls averaging $4033
and Tanner and Fiona Maschmeyer of Maschmeyer Cattle Company took home three bulls for an average of $3516. Thank you to Brian Stratuliak of Dawson Creek for purchasing CK Advantage 56A for $4700. Brittain Farms and Eyot Valley Ranch would like to thank all bidders and buyers for their support and we hope to see you all again next year at our 2015 sale.
PRAIRIE GELBVIEH ALLIANCE BULL SALE - FLADELAND APRIL 5, 2014, MOOSE JAW, SK A good crowd was on hand for the 12th annual Prarie Gelbvieh Allaince Bull Sale held in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan on April 6, 2014. JSJ Gelbvieh from Hartney MB, selected FLAD Fladeland All Clear 167A for $5000 and FLAD Fladeland Arbitrate 205A for $3600. The Paysens from Avonlea purchased FLAD Fladeland Anthem 47A for $4600. Garnet and Linda Schweitzer picked up FLAD Fladeland Addicted 3A for $4500. Long time Gelbvieh breeders V&V Farms took home FLAD Fladeland Menance 55A
for $4500. FLAD Fladeland Air Brake was bought by Gary Shaver for $4100. Volume buyers of the Fladeland Bulls are Jason and Lori-lee Petersen of Lake Alma, SK who took home 3 bulls. Bodin Bros. bought 2 bulls, Les Weibe selected 2 bulls, Harvey, Sharon and Josh and Vanessa bought 2 bulls and the Wheelers took home 2 bulls. Thanks to all to all buyers, bidders and all who attended.
WILLIAMS LAKE BC BULL SHOW AND SALE APRIL 17, 2014, WILLIAMS LAKE, BC The 77th Annual Williams Lake, BC Bull Show and Sale held on April 17, was a success for the Gelbvieh breed. B & R Ranch’s Lot #53, sired by VV Xcellent Logic 78X and out of ULL Samara 3U sold to Deer Creek Ranch for $5500. The Gelbvieh bulls were very well accepted and rolled to an average price of $4400.
Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2014 • Page 35
SALE RESULTS 25TH ANNIVERSARY DAVIDSON GELBVIEH & LONESOME DOVE RANCH BULL SALE MARCH 1, 2014, PONTEIX, SK The cold temperatures were no match for the warm camaraderie amongst cattlemen as Davidson Gelbvieh and Lonesome Dove Ranch sold a large selection of red and black purebred Gelbvieh bulls on Saturday, March 1, 2014 at their Bull Yards near Ponteix, Saskatchewan. A great crowd of buyers and bidders were on-site, with lots of auction action taking place on-line and on the phone. Bulls sold across Canada from British Columbia to Quebec, and several bulls will be making their new homes in the United States as well. Leading off the sale was DVE Davidson Willy 15A, a black polled Secret Weapon son, who sold to Smithers Land & Livestock of Alberta for $28,000. following an exciting bidding contest. DVE Davidson Brandt 64A, a homozygous polled, homozygous black DVE Davidson Moneyman 86Y son, was destined for North Dakota, selling to Arlan Anderson for $8,000. Top-selling red bull was DRT Lonesome Powerstroke 203A who sold to repeat buyer Joe Lansing of Lansing Land & Livestock, Alberta for $8,700. DVE Davidson Autry 35A, a homozygous black, homozygous polled bull out of a Leadtime female sold to repeat buyer Mike Ketterling of Ketterling Gelbvieh in North Dakota for $7,500. Also fetching $7,500 was DRT Lonesome Stetson 60A, a black DRT Lonesome Hall of Fame 38X son, who sold to repeat buyer Joe Ness of Jonus Cattle Co., Alberta. DVE Davidson Hank 155A, a red DVE Davidson Cowboy 20U son,
sold for $7,250 and was one of two bulls purchased by repeat clients of Belmar Farms, SK. Other repeat customers included Prairie Hills Gelbvieh, North Dakota, who purchased a new sire for their breeding program, taking home DVE Davidson Jackson 26A, a red DVE Davidson Trump 63U son, for $6,500, as well as the Mannville Colony who topped out their buying with DRT Lonesome Backroads 80A, a DRT Lonesome High Roller 55W son, at $6500. Long-time loyal buyers, Hillcrest Colony, of Saskatchewan were volume purchasers for 2014, investing in six bulls for their breeding program. Rutledge Ranching, also repeat clients, purchased four new sires including DVE Davidson Bing 113A, a son of Navaho, for $7500 for their herd. Walper Ranch of Alberta topped their three bull purchases with DVE Davidson Gill 128A, a DVE Davidson Moneyman 86Y son for $7000. The average price of the sale was $4,702. The crew at Davidson Gelbvieh and Lonesome Dove Ranch appreciate the tremendous help and support from neighbours, friends and family who assisted with the behind-the-scenes work, and also appreciate the special efforts made by their new and repeat customer base to participate in the sale. The 26th Annual Davidson Gelbvieh and Lonesome Dove Ranch Bull Sale will take place Saturday, March 7, 2015 at their sale facility at the Bull Yards.
BEST OF THE BREEDS 10TH ANNUAL BULL SALE MARCH 30, 2014, LEROSS, SK A large crowd was on hand for the 10th annual Best of the Breeds bull sale.This years sale had a lot of past and new buyers showing interst in our Gelbvieh bulls. BLB6A a black Outback son sold to RPS Gelbvieh for $6100. Runnerup bidder Justin Kerr selected BLB 35A another thick Outback son for $5300. McCoy Cattle Co. selected BLB 7A, another powerful and fancy son of Outback for $5400. Runner up bidder Kevin Rathgeber selected BLB 10A, a thick dark red son of Outback for $5400. Evan and Alicia Mann chose BLB 20A for $5200. Their first ever Gelbvieh Page 36 • Summer 2014 • Gelbvieh guide
bull. He is a powerful Outback son as well. Repeat customers, Cory and Jennifer Kruger, chose BLB 16A, another deep power son of Outback. Volume buyer of the sale was Rick and Jen Stettner who are also repeat customers. They chose BLB 18A and BLB 32A who was our show bull this fall. A big thank you goes out to all the buyers and bidders for their support to make this a very successful sale.
British Columbia
Cordy Cox
Po Box 53, Tatla Lake BC, V0L 1V0 ph 250 476-1221 cell 250 709-8625 email:
Barry & Robin Mader
Auctioneers / Sales Management
Tel: 250.577.3486
Fullblood • Purebred • Hybrid Bulls • Females
B. & R. Ranch
RR #1, 2108 Duck Range Rd. Pritchard, BC V0E 2P0 (1/2 hour east of Kamloops)
Email: b&
Alberta 108 Flett Drive Airdrie, Alberta T4B 1N2 Phone: 403/948-3520 Fax: 403/948-2917 email:
• Auctioneering • Sales Management
Brittain Farms Kelly & Coleen Brittain Gary & Nicole Phone: 780-352-0676 Cell: 780-387-6446 RR #1, Falun, AB T0C 1H0
Purebred & Percentage
Gelbvieh Cattle Cattle
Darrell & Leila Hickman
RR#2, Vermilion, AB T9X 1Y7 Ph/Fax: 780-581-0077
Heather Barr
Phone (403) 337-0052 Cell (780) 853-7067 Fax (403) 337-0052 Head Office: (780) 447-3276 Suite 302, 13220 St. Albert Trail, Edmonton, Alberta T5L 4W1 Transit Livestock Mortality Equine
British Columbia
roN & GAIL ANdErSoN Phone (780) 523-2116 Fax: (780) 523-3920
Box 1342 High Prairie, Alberta Canada , T0G 1E0
Commercial Cow/Calf Pine Hill ralph & Ulla Hogberg 21 Miles West of Dawson Creek on Hart Hwy. Ph: (250) 843-7230 2-1/4 Miles South on Rd. 259 Glenn, Ann, Jason, Progress, BC V0C 2E0 & Annette Hogberg E-mail: Canada Ph: (250) 843-7653
Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2014 • Page 37
BUSINESS DIRECTORY Alberta Gelbvieh Breeders
Commercial & Purebred
Vern & Vivienne Pancoast 403-548-6678
Box 37, Redcliff, AB T0J 2P0 Fax: 403-548-6955
Purebred Gelbvieh Ray & Anne Davisson
Box 764, Stettler, AB T0C 2L0
(403) 742-2524
Rodney & Tanya Hollman Site 8, Box 25, RR#4, Innisfail, AB T4G 1T9 PH:(403) 754-5499 Cell:(403) 588-8620 Fax:(403) 886-2813
Duane & Darrell Nelson Box 1144, Glenwood, Alberta T0K 2R0 Duane (403) 626-3279 • Darrell (403) 626-3643
“Raising Gelbvieh Cattle Since 1972!”
Home of 18 Dams of Merit and 5 Dams of Distinction
Black & Tan Purebred & Commercial Gelbvieh Cattle Larry, Lynne, Kate & Sarah FECHO
Don & Lorna Okell Box 627 Duchess, AB T0J 0Z0 403-378-4898 403-793-4549
Phone: (780) 954-2285 Fax: (780) 954-2671 Cell: (780) 307-4842 Box 67, Jarvie, AB T0G 1H0
RR #2 Millet, AB T0C 1Z0 Phone: (780) 986-9705 Cell: (780) 718-5477
PH (780)835-2645 (780) 835-0365
Lon Carlson & Lorraine Beaudin 403.894.3413 • 403.795.1143 Box 86, Magrath, AB T0K 1J0
Page 38 • Summer 2014 • Gelbvieh guide
Raymond & Pauline Sommerfeld Ryan & Michelle Sommerfeld Medstead, SK Phone: 306.342.4490 Phone: 306.342.2136
Fi r River Livestock
CoMMErCIAL GELBVIEH 3 PUrEBrEd year old ANd Purebred Gelbvieh bull, dArCy HrEBENIUK (306) 865-2929 performance tested, his prime dAVE HrEBENIUK (306)in 865-3698 Box and ready to go.379Open yearling HUdSoN BAy SK S0E 0y0 heifers, polled and horned, ready
Maple Grove Gelbvieh McCoy Cattle Co. Thackeray Gelbvieh Farms Hurlburt Livestock Selin's Gelbvieh
(204) 278-3255 Narcisse, MB (306) 436-2086 Milestone, SK (306) 456-2555 Weyburn, SK (306) 931-2551 Saskatoon, SK (306) 793-4568 Stockholm, SK
Manitoba The Wirgau’s
Box 25, Narcisse, MB R0C 2H0
Bulls & Females for Sale • Purebreds and Fullbloods
Wayne & Lois Selin
Box 97, Stockholm, Saskatchewan S0A 3Y0
(306) 793-4568
Neal & Christine Lee & Cynthia (204) 981-5996 (204) 278-3255 World Class Cattle - First Class Service
GOFFLOT BAR 2 RANCH Camile & Judy Gofflot
R.R. #1, Pipestone, MB, Ph: (204) 854-2530
Polled Fullblood & Purebred Gelbvieh Bulls & Purebred Gelbvieh Heifers For Sale!
Knudson Farms Gelbvieh “Breeding for Quality Polled Gelbvieh With the Commercial Man in Mind”
c/o James Knudson Ph/Fax: 306-322-4682
Box 386, Archerwill, SK S0E 0B0
Glynn Waterton R.R. #8, Owen Sound ON. N4K 5W4 Tel/Fax: (519) 376-8413
Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2014 • Page 39
COMING EVENTS A Complimentary Service Provided by the Canadian Gelbvieh Association Jun. 15 - Canadian Junior Gelbvieh Scholarship Application Deadline. Contact the CGA office for more details. Jun. 19 – 20 – UCVM Beef Cattle Conference 2014, “Pushing the Frontiers of Beef Cattle Health, Calgary, AB.
Nov. 6 – 8 – Manitoba Livestock Expo, Keystone Centre, Brandon, MB. Nov. 7 – 16 – Toronto Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, ON Nov. 24 – 29 – Canadian Western Agribition, Regina, SK Nov. 26 - Canadian National Gelbvieh Show, Canadian National Junior Gelbvieh Show, Canadian National Balancer® Show, Canadian Western Agribition, Regina, SK.
Jul. 1 - Canadian Western Agribition Scholarship Deadline. Jul. 9 – Beef 2014: International Livestock Conference, Calgary, AB Jul. 26 – Davidson Gelbvieh & Lonesome Dove Ranch Summer Pasture Tour, Customer Appreciation Day, Open House and Private Treaty Heifer Sale. Aug. 12 – 14 – Livestock Gentec Annual Conference and Field Day, “The Genomics of Profitability: Implications for Quality, Feed, Forage and Sustainability”. Edmonton, Alberta
Nov. 26 - Man-Sask Gelbvieh Sweetheart Classic, Canadian Western Agribition, Regina, SK. Nov. 27 – Canadian National Gelbvieh Sale, Canadian Western Agribition, Regina, SK. Dec.1 - Gelbvieh Guide Photo Contest Deadline. Dec. 5 - 6 - GAA/BC Wish List Weekend, Red Deer, AB.
Sep. 1 - Advertising Deadline for the Fall “Commercial” issue of the Gelbvieh Guide magazine.
Jan. 5, 2015 - Advertising Deadline for the Spring “Herd Sires” issue of the Gelbvieh Guide magazine.
Oct. 1 - Entry Deadline for Farmfair International, Edmonton, AB.
Jan. 10 – 25 – National Western Stock Show, Denver, Colorado
Oct. 15 - Entry Deadline for Canadian Gelbvieh Association Junior High Point Programs (4-H & Open). Nov. 3 - 9 - Farmfair International, Northlands Exhibition Park, Edmonton, AB.
Mar. 3 – 22 - Houston International Livestock Show and Rodeo, Houston, Texas. May 1 - Advertising Deadline for the Summer “Golden Pages” issue of the Gelbvieh Guide magazine.
Nov. 6 – Western Canadian Gelbvieh Show, Northlands Exhibition Park, Farmfair International, Edmonton, AB.
May 4 – 9 - Beef Australia 2015, Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia.
Win a Free Ad! First Prize in Each Category
1/4 page advertisement in Summer 2015 Gelbvieh Guide 1. Cow/Calf 2. Scenic or Artistic
3. Bull(s) 4. Herd
1. Send or email unmarked colored print (3 1/2” X 5” or 4” X 6”) or digital file of each photograph entered. 2. All entries must be postmarked or emailed on or before Dec. 1/2014. Judging will take place before Jan. 15/2015. 3. Prizes must be accepted as awarded. 4. Winners will be notified and assistance given in setting up ads. Contest and prizes sponsored by the Canadian Gelbvieh Association
Please send only your best shots! The Canadian Gelbvieh Association reserves the right to use all photos entered in the contest Page 40 • Summer 2014 • Gelbvieh guide
Please send your photos to: Canadian Gelbvieh Association
5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary, AB T2E 6V1 or
Goodview Gelbvieh
RPS Gelbvieh
Beamish Land & Cattle
GSW Gelbvieh
Rocky Top Gelbvieh
Bow Valley Genetics Ltd.
Hogberg Ranch
Royal Western Gelbvieh
Brittain Farms
Jen-Ty Gelbvieh
13, 38
Savage, Don
37 39
Canadian Farm Insurance Corp. 37
JSJ Gelbvieh
Selin’s Gelbvieh
Carlson Cattle Company
Keriness Cattle Co.
Severtson Land & Cattle
Dane Ranch
Knudson Farms
Smithers Land & Livestock
Stockmans Insurance
37 37
IFC 7, 38
Davidson Gelbvieh
LC Ranch
Dayspring Cattle
8, 37
Lonesome Dove Ranch
Stone Gate Farm
Duke Cattle
Mader, Barry & Robin
8, 37
T-C Cattle Co.
31, 37
Eyot Valley
Maple Grove Gelbvieh
Twin Bridge Farms
11, 38
3, 39
Twisted T Gelbvieh
McCoy Farms
Fir River Livestock
39, 42
Fladeland Livestock
4, 39
Milne’s Gelbvieh
V&V Farms.
Foursquare Gelbvieh
Nelson Gelbvieh
Winders Golden Gelbvieh
Gelbvieh World
Prairie Gelbvieh Alliance
Gofflot Bar 2 Ranch
Prairie Hills Gelbvieh
Advertising Content The Gelbvieh Guide assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of submitted advertising copy, and has the right to refuse any ad copy or photos. Advertisers shall indemnify and hold harmless the Guide containing pedigrees or statements regarding performance must conform to records kept by the Canadian Gelbvieh Association. Copy deviating from official records may be changed as necessary without advertiser consent. Editorial Policy Opinions expressed are the writer’s and not necessarily those of Gelbvieh Guide or the Canadian Gelbvieh Association. Photographs are welcome, but no responsibility is assumed during transit or while in the office.
Gaylene Groeneveld Phone: (403) 250-8640 Fax: (403) 291-5624 Email: (Gaylene)
Member Advertising Rates Please send ads and make cheques payable to :
The Canadian Gelbvieh Association Full Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$850.00 Half Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$500.00 Quarter Page . . . . . . . . . . . .$300.00 Business Card . . . . . . . . . . . .$50.00 Classified (25 words) . . . . . . .$20.00 Contact the CGA to book advertising space or for rates on overruns, inserts, catalogues & mailing lists.
Publisher’s Statement: All statements, including product claims, are those of the person or organization making the statement or claim. The publisher does not adopt any such statement or claim as its own, and any such statement or claim does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher.
Electronic Composition
Printed by: Westernlitho Printers
Kim Matthews
Regina, SK, Canada Mailed under permit number 40012883 Postage paid at Calgary, AB Canadian Publication Agreement Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Canadian Gelbvieh Association 5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary AB T2E 6V1
38, IBC
Box 19, Site 5 RR#2, Olds, Alberta T4H 1P3
(403) 556-8836 (403) 556-8077 (Kim)
Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2014 • Page 41
Page 42 • Summer 2014 • Gelbvieh guide