On behalf of all the consignors, we welcome you to the 2022 Wishlist Sale! The set of cattle are tremendous and are only outdone by the incredible folks who have offered them up for your consideration. This is our 50th Anniversary for Gelbvieh, and you will not find a better group of people to celebrate with! Please consider this as your invitation, come and join us in Stettler to celebrate and enjoy the hospitality! We are extremely excited to once again host the Canadian Bull Futurity alongside the events of the weekend. On offer are the best of the best, future herdsire options no matter what you are looking for!

The sale cattle have made it through a historic drought, so you know they are capable of making a living and contributing to your herd. Every animal has been selected to showcase the herd of origin, and this representation isn’t taken lightly! On offer you will find a sweet set of heifer calves, and the bred heifers are second to none! This sale offering is loaded with genetic pieces that will advance every herd and some that can win a few banners. We would like to thank Brittain Farms for their generous support of the donation heifer, CK Kasmira 37K. She is a beauty and will no doubt contribute to the lucky new owner’s herd! If you would like help in purchasing tickets ahead of time, don’t hesitate to let any of the sales staff or myself know and we will get those tickets purchased for you.
I would like to also give a HUGE shout out to the breeders for supporting the Junior Incentive Program. Every year, this program builds in number and awareness as you will see during the sale. The foresight this group had has given a glorious boost to the junior program and will ensure our amazing cow families are able to help build more young people and a continued interest in our future generations. We would also like to send a big thank you to Keriness Cattle Company for sponsoring the lunch on Saturday, just another fine example of the support given by some of the best people in the industry!
On a personal note, I would like to say thank you to our board for their teamwork and unending desire to ensure success. It is the people who make any organization what it is and believe me this group is some of the best to be found anywhere! I thank you for your effort, passion and belief in each other and this breed. I am proud to serve beside you!
Please have a look through the catalog, and join us in Stettler for some comradery and celebrations. The Gelbvieh people and evening entertainment of “Trailer Park Queens” will be worth the effort! If you find your schedule busy and unable to attend in person, we have you covered with online support from DLMS and multiple phones if that is your desire. Give any of us a call, we are happy to help!
Thank you and we hope to see you there!
Darrell HickmanNOVEMBER 18
Schedule of Events

AKS Gelbvieh
Alexander & Kaylin Schultz
780 878 8187 Hay Lakes, AB aksgelbvieh@gmail.com
BNH Livestock Brad & Nicole Hollman 403 896 8851 403 588 3916
Red Deer County, AB bnhollman@gmail.com
Brittain Farms
Kelly & Colleen Brittain 780 352 0676 • 780 387 6446 Falun, AB britt4@xplornet.com
Cowlick Ranch
Ryan & Dylana Kary Miles & Doris Kary 403 556 5508 Olds, AB cowlickranch121@gmail.com
Diamond A Farm Chas Anderson
780 312 4984 Millet, AB
Dusty Rose Cattle Co. Darren Dunford 780 206 5918 Dapp, AB dustyrosecc@xplornet.com
Flatland Ranch Chuck & Jennifer Williams 403 854 6270 Hanna, AB flatlandranching@gmail.com
Green Acres Cattle Company Chris & Amber Paulencu 780 932 1176 Andrew, AB apaulencu@shaw.ca
Jace Cattle Company Jason & Tamarra Muhlbach 403 740 2526
Cherryville B.C. jacecattle@hotmail.ca
Jen-Ty Gelbvieh Don & Lorna Okell 403 793 4549 • 403 378 4898 Duchess, AB jenty@eidnet.org
Jonus Cattle
Joe Ness 403 852 7332
RockyView County, AB jonuscattle@gmail.com
Keriness Cattle Co.
Kert & Joe Ness 403 860 4634 • 403 948 3282 Rocky View County, AB kertness@shaw.ca
Koziak Land & Cattle
Chad & Olivia Koziak
780 835 0264 Star, AB olivia.koziak@outlook.com
LCF Gelbvieh Livestock
Glen & Kim Little 306 678 2044 Hazlet, SK glkdl81@xplornet.ca
Henry Little 306 678 4918 Hazlet, SK
Limestone Stock Farms
Art & Marie Andruchow 780 896 2352 Andrew, AB
Long Lane Cattle Co Nolan & Cortney Pahl 403 977 2057 Redcliff, AB longlanecattle@outlook.com
Milne Ranch
Harold & Bev Milne Harold 780 835 0365 Bev 780 834 7704 Fairview, AB milneranch@live.ca
Silver Line Farm Steve Schiestel 403 318 7472 Red Deer, AB steve@summitstrategies.ca

Stone Gate Farm
Darrell & Leila Hickman 780 581 4510 Sundre, AB darrell.ddhickman@gmail.com
Towerview Ranch
Gary Pahl 403 528 0886 Medicine Hat, AB gwpahl@outlook.com
Triple G Ranch Gelbvieh
Donald & Cody Girling 403 594 1666 Dunmore, AB cgirling1983@gmail.com
Unger Land & Livestock
Loren & Karen Unger 403 994 1211 Olds, AB lorenunger@gmail.com
Sale Contacts
Auctioneer: Don Oberg 780-542-0123

Ring Staff: Andrew Reelder 403-848-1260 Robert Lind 780-542-0123
Consultant: Kirk Hurlburt 306-222-8210 Insurance: Flewelling Livestock Services 403-556-0515
AB/BC President: Darrell Hickman 780-581-4510
Host Hotel
Ramada Stettler (403) 742-6555

Terms & Conditions
All lots sell by the standard Terms & Conditions set out by the Canadian Gelbvieh Association. For a copy of these Terms & Conditions please contact the CGA office at 403 250 8640
Epd’s are known to be accurate as of October 11, 2022. Please note the EPD’s may change from the printing of the catalogue to the time the registration papers are transfered.
Real-Time Bidding
Real-Time bidding will be available. Live audio and live video will allow bidders to bid on animals just as if they were present at the sale.
Social Media
Follow the Gelbvieh Association of AB/BC on Facebook for updated sale information and highlights!

Sale Location
Stettler Exhibition Grounds, Stettler, AB 4516 52 St, Stettler, AB

Well here is a homozygous polled, stylish, attractive, feminine female that demands your attention as soon as you see her. A JEN Dragon H107 sired heifer that has all the true makings to be an amazing broody female. She is very moderate in her stature and carries a tremendous amount of thickness and depth to her rib. She has a sweet disposition that will attract you to her. Her dam TVR Alexa 722E has loads of thickness and awesome udder structure and has worked well in our program. You will be impressed by Sugar Cane’s EPD’s as well. This Cherry Red female is sure to go on and do great things in any program.

just a sweetheart, super quiet
Her presence and eye appeal are very striking
loves all the atten
the correctness of her body

reassuring she is going to make a tremendous broody female with loads of
She is extra-long sided with a great top line. Cricket’s dam Jen-Ty Eva
just one of those thick made females that you have to admire. Sired by TTG Fire Ball has proven to work very well with this girl. Make sure to check this dark red heifer out, she is a female you don’t want to miss.

very well balanced heifer stemming from a great purchase out of the Hillsdown sale, who shouldn’t be leaving. In an effort to offer our best red heifers, here she is as an op portunity! Cow families are what keeps us all in business, and this heifer will no doubt carry forward. She is a dark red, good haired, easy fleshing individual who will make a tremendous brood cow.

Sandy is a beautifully made, classy model who can definitely wear a halter. Her striking pattern and maternal design

make her a front pasture female you will ap

is a mid February calf who will catch your eye on sale day. She's dark red, extra hairy, and packed full of performance. She is out of our herd bull- AM Hummer 8H who has consistently stamped his calves cherry red and growthy. Kally's dam was purchased from the Birch's at the Wish List a few years ago. Good cows produce good cows- and we feel confident this will be the case here. If you're a numbers person- take a look at her EPDs. You will notice the vast majority of her traits are well above average. Here's one we're proud to consign.

dark red, very balanced female

a lot to offer, with huge foundation female

TVR Miss Ginny 4K has greatness and breed changing capabilities bred into her. She is no fluke. Have a very close look at her pedigree and you will notice why we make that statement. She has that extra look and design that elite donor prospects and foundation breeding females all possess. Ginny would make a nice junior proj ect as she is extremely quiet, and she loves the attention. She has that phenotype that would do well in the show ring. Miss Ginny 4K is destined to be a great one. And there’s no doubt about that.
Pick of the Heifer Calves

High Faluntin

The Fall of 2023 will be an exciting time for the breeder with the highest bid at Wishlist 2022. Towerview Ranch is opening the gates to allow that breeder to have their pick from the heifer calf crop that is expected to be outstanding. We have done our homework and have mated the cows accordingly to some great proven sires: VV Zake, DLW Alumni 7513A and COLB Xavier x812 and 2 excellent upand-comers in Twin View Preakness 14HET which was the People’s Choice Futurity winner as well as an all-round excellent bull, Foursquare Judge 365 and which was the high seller at the Foursquare Bull Sale 2021. Combine these genetics with those of our elite cow herd and you have the makings of some seri ous cow power! You can find TVR prefixed females in herds throughout Canada and they are all living up to their potential. Selection must be made before September 2023.

Fancy Heifer Calves

At Milne’s Gelbvieh we believe in offering our latest genetics to the public. GCC Val 1K offers you the combination of GCC VAL 5H a SLC VIPER daughter and GCC HEADLINE 8H a son of HDG HILLSDOWN FINNEGAN the record setting $70,000.00 bull at the Hillsdown dispersal. When we were outlining our matings we bred GCC HEADLINE 8H to all our VIPER daughters and have we ever been pleased. These calves were all born with ease and the udders on the VIPER daughters are beautiful. With GCC VAL1K you will be investing in the latest genetics backed by one of the most prominent cow families in our herd. DNA tested Homo Polled.

DCC Val 5H with GCC
of 2020 Harold and I went
herd sires.

the Wishlist

muscling to his progeny while
an ET son of the well
wanted he
that abundance of muscle in
Udder quality should be a given with this heifer. DNA tested Homo Polled.
CK Kiara 1K is a female that we think very highly of and is one of those that has all the pieces to become a breed changer. She is a very eye appealing dark red, fancy made female with impressive length of spine and depth of rib. Kiara 1K is out of CK Dynasty 23D who is a half sibling to the famous CK Xanadu 71X, a cow that Severtson Land and Cattle own and have had incredible success, both in the show ring and as a donor female. Dynasty 23D has done great things at Brittain Farms as well, with 2 impressive retained daughters in our herd as well as being the dam of 2 of the top breeding bulls that were sold at Gelbvieh Advan tage Bull sales in the past few years. Kiara 1K’s sire- Foursquare Gung Ho 42G is also making a name for him self at Brittain Farms. He has produced long spined, thick made females such as the 2022 National Jr Gelbvieh Percentage/Balancer Champion Female, CK Justified Vintage 11J. With a stacked pedigree like this and im pressive overall phenotype, CK Kiara 1K may just be the next breed changer!

10K is

are super pleased to offer LCF Kit Kat 47K into the 2022 Wishlist sale. When we purchased Kit Kats dam Twisted T Fancy, from Twisted T’s dispersal sale we knew she was destined to do great things for us, and that she’s already done. We kept her first calf for ourselves, we decided even though a hard decision that we can’t keep them all and wanted to see this heifer go into someone else’s purebred program. Her sire is our long time herd sire Davidson Roy 175C, who really gave us many great replacements over his time. The hair on this female is definitely appreciated and her fine but thick fea tures are one thing that stick out to us.

Fancy Heifer Calves
FLR Kendra is a fancy, eye appealing feminine heifer with a deep red coat. She has length of spine and a good solid foot under her. Quiet and easy to work with, put up nicely and structurally sound. She comes from a great cow family that we just can’t get enough of. She also happens to come with some impressive EPDS. Her mother has a perfect udder and great temperament. Homo Polled.
Kazoo is an attractive female that is put together just right. Structurally correct, strong footed, with a nice hip and backed by strong genetics. Every time we went out to the field this fancy girl managed to grab our attention. We have been using her dam’s full sibling, FLR EZ Money 20E as a senior herd sire on our heifers and love the results. This girl is going to give you calving ease, big milk, and longevity. Homo Polled.



Hey folks…yes, I’m finally consigning to the Wishlist Sale! We’re excited to have se lected ULL 10K from the top of our replacements and it just so happens to be out of our top cow family as well. The Miss Pretty line has near flawless udders, super quiet tem peraments and are good producing, eye appealing cattle. 10K is very dark red, homo polled and will be a lot like her dam 126G. Grand dam 50B is in the donor program this year. Add to the mix her sire FRL Hellfire, whose pedigree speaks for itself, and this recipe turned out “pretty” darn good. We’re proud to offer this heifer and hope you’ll be proud to own her.

Fancy Heifer Calves

were thrilled and honoured to add HDG Bootmaker 5H to our herd, an original son of the great HDG Finnegan 4F who sold to the USA for $70,000. We were confident HDG Bootmaker 5H was going to produce desirable animals just like his dad and he did not disappoint. Just take a look at this sweet girl. She is a little broody, and a little fancy all mixed together. She is smooth shouldered, long bodied and has good ribs in the middle. She has traits that make her ideal as a working female. Top 1% for PG30 and top 10% for CED. Born at 80 lbs and weaned out at 700 lbs. If you are looking for a female that will go to work for you. LLC 4K Head over Boots BTM is the one for you. We are confident she will produce calves that will have no limits, and that will be amazing from the pen to the ring.

Sometimes you have to search for “the one”, sometimes you just know. We are very ex cited about this Treasure! She’s possibly the widest top, most solid made heifer that we’ve ever raised. Out of our newest herdsire, High Road, who in turn is sired by the 2016 Farmfair champion SLC Roadtrip. We used High Road only lightly his first year and all his calves quickly became favored. Treasure’s dam is a beautiful uddered daugh ter out of Ally, purchased here at Wishlist and sired by CK Triple X. We believe that our treasure can be a gem in any future

Fancy Heifer Calves
KLC Kiwi 159K is one of those heifer calves you get excited about while you watch them grow and right from the start, Kiwi has been a favourite. Sired by AWB Ground Zero 65G purchased from Twin View Livestock and Dam, KLC 12E is a daughter of the Milne’s Gelbvieh, A Mack At tack 5A bull that has proven to be a top-notch female producer, which is proven when you look at this pair. If you want a female that will be a constant producer, Kiwi has the pedigree to support her. Granddam GCC 12C was our pick of the herd as a wedding gift from Mom & Dad, she has been a Dam of Merit for the past 4 years running, with Dam Ellie 12E joining that rank this year. Kiwi is homozygous polled with a nice birthweight of 87 lbs. When you include her pedigree and genotype you can’t deny the possibilities with her in your herd.


is our first ever consignment at the wishlist sale and we are very excited to be part of the sale and to be able to offer this special heifer. She’s a beautiful homo polled, dark cherry red female who is very stylish and structurally correct. Her sire, SLC Viper 59G, who we own together with Unger Land & Livestock gave us a phenomenal first set of calves this past year. The females from him are some of the best we have raised. Her Dam, CLR Gertrude

is one of our favorite cows around Cowlick Ranch. She’s young but we already know she is going to be a key part of our program. She’s a fancy, easy fleshing cow with excellent feet and a beautiful udder. We are confident her daughter will live up to the same

Fancy Heifer Calves

When this calf turned her head and looked up during photos we all screamed “Yes!” and that says some thing about this female. Let’s start with the fun stuff in her pedigree, yes folks, that’s an AMGV cow out of the highly utilized Chief Justice C205. Miss Fortune, Carolina leverage, Lazy Tv Sam, Astro and Eclipse on the bottom side and on the top side we’ve got Boxer, Mayweather, Natalie, Macy, Tennessee Cat to name a few. Once again, this is a calf that will add a little genotype to your phenotype and help you move that nee dle a little farther above breed average on most traits. Take a peek at the Marbling score and her carcass values, not to mention an adjusted ww of 712#, this is a calf I absolutely did not want to bring to town, but we wanted to give folks the opportunity to try something familiar, yet different, and get eyes on a calf that really does a good job of displaying our hopes and dreams in blending some of the best bloodlines in both countries and hoping they compliment each other ap propriately. You get to be the judge come sale day and this is one I will definitely be tracking well after she’s left the farm
was selected by Longlane Cattle at the Peoples Choice Bull Futurity and this Bootmaker female is one that we’ve had on the keep list, and then the sale list a few times back and forth. Kelley has a nar rower skull shape and a nicely refined neck that prove her calving ease coming from Pop a Top lineage to be accurate. If you’re looking at improving genotype, this is a female that can do it with 13 traits at or above breed average. On top of that, Kelley comes from a very moderate 1250# mature female from the Rain bows Edge program that I selected for her functional efficiency. Considering Kelley’s mom was under 700# as a yearling and Kelley’s adjusted WW came out to 638# you can see that this is a combination that works and will help you raise those ani mals that you love at a price you can afford. Kelley’s pedigree is stacked with names like Finnegan, Mr Xavier, Pop a Top, Red Chili and Black Mack and she is one that will help add some calving ease while not sacrificing the growth potential we all enjoy with our Gelbvieh cattle. Read her reg#, put her in the progeny calculator with a bull of your choice and consider what spin you can put on this calf to bring her back as a winning pair next year, I believe the sky is the limit here.

Kate has been a favourite for us this year. 642D sired a female that sold two years ago to Flat land Ranch at Wishlist and this time we bred her to Blue Collar. Blue Collar has an impressive pedigree with names like Boxer, Mayweather, Natalie and Macy, all names that you will see on banners from years past. On top of that, you will appreciate the balance in her epd profile and her exceptional carcass numbers. This is a female that has a mother that’s never thrown us a bad one and is maintaining her condition on the southern hard grass she is expected to perform on. Personality and docility are Kate’s strengths, she’s instantly loveable and Amanda did a great job breaking her in about ten minutes this fall. Docility, growth, moderate milk and 11 EPD traits on the right side of breed average means she’s able to be an asset to many programs and breeders and if you’re looking for a pretty hetero black female, Kate offers a ton of flexibility and a person ality that I’m sure will be admired come sale day.

Fancy Heifer Calves
Kamikaze is a heifer who is extremely hard to part with. She is the first female we are offering from JM FREEFALL a heifer I purchased with my Junior credit at Wishlist from Jace Cattle. Kamikaze is a good representation of the capacity, long bodiness & width I like to see in the Gelbvieh breed. This heifer has the maternal genetics to develop into a front pasture female and will raise some good calves for the purebred or commercial breeder.

a prime example of a Hamilton calf out of a first calf heifer who's dam is a four time Dam of Merit recipient. Fertility is number one in our business and with a Grand-dam who calves on a 364 day interval or less every year, she is sure to have what's needed for a long and bright future raising seedstock cattle.


bred heifer

in that
in size, easy doing,
make her a front pasture cow for years to come.
KT Ranches
their 2022
Crown Royal
the right
bred June 12th

red female
a proven cow family with her dam achiev ing her second Dam of Merit award in 2022. Sired by our Sr herdsire Dice, she packs all the performance for a stellar


A big leap for Cindy Ness on selling this bred, ‘KCC Cindy Lou Jewel 70J’ is kind of arm candy to the herd and admired by many. KCC 70J is broody that going to make bull calves in to bulls, having a wide top line, lots of capacity she is just bold. With the good fixing on the top half, she also has some good teat and udder showing, can’t say fat as her brisket is medium size. If calving cows in January isn’t your thing the Ness’s will calf her out, because we are excited to see what ‘KCC Cindy Lou Jewel 70J’ will do with our new herd sire JNA Gung Ho 609J that was in the final round at the Gelbvieh Peoples Choice Bull Futurity of 2021

Stylish Bred Heifers

So picking Breds for the Wishlist Sale we will admit KCC 67J & KCC 70J are two very simi lar breds that Keriness has in this sale, maybe both are
pair must pick up mid March 2023.
Choice Bull

a set of twins, we have retained the other twin heifer in our herd.

are so perfectly
A bigger framed, well put

100J is homozygous polled and is bred to calve the middle of February to a very exciting new addition to our herd, JSJ Julio 33J. Julio was purchased from James & Shayla Jasper at JSJ Livestock this past spring. We are very excited for the qualities he will bring to the herd, including this pairing. This red beauty will surely deliver an excel lent calf and establish herself as a consistent producer of marketable qualities. Her sire AWB Ground Zero 65G has produced many top-grade calves, and she is no exception. Josie is one to be on your “wish list” for this year’s sale.
Stylish Bred Heifers



Georgia’s Jem is exactly what we
that will have
clean fronted,
focus heavily on proper foot and udder.
dam Georgia G10
a near perfect udder and great feet she has done nothing but impress, but when you look into her qual ity pedigree you’ll know why. We only have a few females out of these cow lines but they’re our best which made offering up J34 extremely difficult.

Anyone would be lucky to own a heifer like this. One person is going to be lucky enough to WIN her!

We would like to present to you the 2022 Gelbvieh Association of AB/BC donation heifer- CK Kas mira 37K. She is homo polled, dark cherry red, and flat out good!
is brought to you by the incredibly generous people at Brittain Farms. A huge thank you going out to Kelly & Colleen! The quality of heifers Gelbvieh breeders have donated to help generate funds to move this breed forward is absolutely incredible and unmatched in the purebred business.
Terms & Conditions
The terms of the sale are cash or cheque, payable at par at the sale location. The right of property shall not pass until after settlement has been made; no invoicing on buyers in attendance unless previous arrangements have been made. Every an imal sells to the highest bidder and in cases of disputes, the auctioneer’s decision will be final. Announcements from the auction block will take precedence over the printed matter in the catalogue. Current exchange rates will be announced sale day. All monies are in Canadian funds.
Each purebred animal will carry papers issued by the Gelbvieh Association of Canada. A certificate of registry duly transferred will be furnished to the buyer for each animal after payment has been made.
All animals in the sale have met all necessary health requirements.
Each animal becomes the purchaser’s risk immediately after the animal is sold. All animals in this sale will be sold under the terms and guarantees set forth by the Canadian Gelbvieh Association with regard to health, freedom from defects and from both reproductive and specific genetic unsoundness.
All serviceable age females have been pregnancy examined by an accredited veterinarian, giving an estimated length of gestation. This estimated gestation period shall be use only as a guideline to calving and is not a guarantee of actual service.
will be sold at the start of the 2022 Wish List Sale!
purchase tickets ahead of time- please contact Nicole Hollman (403) 896-8851

All persons attend the sale at their own risk. The seller, facility owner and sale consultant assume no liability legal or otherwise, for any accidents that occur. It is understood that The Gelbvieh Association of AB/BC is acting only as a medium between buyer and seller and is not responsible for any failure on the part of either party to live up to his obligations. Neither does The Gelbvieh As sociation of AB/BC assume any financial obligations to collect or enforce collec tion of any monies between parties and any legal action that may in exceptional cases be taken must be between the buyer and the seller. The Gelbvieh Association of AB/BC assumes no responsibility for any credit extended by the seller to the buyer. The buyer must look to the seller for fulfillment of all guarantees and representations made hereunder.
Every assistance will be given in getting your purchases home. Each animal be comes the risk of the purchaser as soon as sold.
Bidders unable to attend the sale may phone, wire or mail their bids and instructions to the sale manager, auctioneer or special representatives. Bids must be re ceived in sufficient time prior to the sale.
We strongly recommend that insurance is purchased for full value.
All announcements at sale time, written or oral, supersede any written material in the catalogue
Junior Program
Thank you to those juniors and 4-H members who worked hard to promote Gelbvieh this year! Draw to take place Nov 16 at 7pm on Facebook Live via the Gelbvieh Association of AB/BC Facebook page. Some lucky juniors are going to have some HUGE sale credits to spend at the Wish List sale.
2021 Winner... Brayden Fladeland
Hi! My name is Brayden Fladeland. I am 12 years old and I live on a farm at Gladmar, SK, where I work with my family at Fladeland Livestock. I really enjoy working with cattle at home and at shows.
Last year I was lucky enough to win a sale credit from the junior incentive program from the Wish List Sale. The female I chose was CK Jazz 18J. She is the first Gelbvieh heifer that I own by myself.

I would like to thank all the sponsors for making this great incentive program possible. Me and my two brothers showed Gelbvieh influenced steers and heifers in 4H shows and junior shows this year. We learned lots and had fun.

Good luck to all junior members in this years draw!
Grand Prize "Breeder's Purse" $2050 Sale Credit 2021 Contributors: Jonus Cattle Co, Towerview Ranch, Hilltop Gelbvieh, Pearson Farms, Limestone Stock Farm, Brittain Farms, BNH Livestock, Jace Cattle Co, Dusty Rose Cattle Co, Milne's Gelbvieh, Koziak Land & Cattle
2021 Runner-Up Winner - Raleigh Little
My name is Raleigh Little and last year I got a $1000 sale credit for the wishlist sale. Last year when I heard that I got the sale credit I was so excited because I didn't have a heifer picked out yet for 4-h. It would be a great opportunity to buy heifer. We were going to the wishlist with are calves for the first time so i would have time to look at them in person but as soon as i got the catalog i kept looking and looking and thought i picked one but then when i actually got to see them in person i picked a different one that I just felt like i had a good feeling about her. When it came to sale I kept waiting and finally after a couple bids I got her. I was so excited. Her name is TVR Lady yvonne 11J but i called her midnight we took her home and immediately started working with her. I took her to lots of shows and won grand champion female with her. I was so lucky to have such a great purchase from Towerview Ranch. And I appreciate all the support I’ve had from Gary and Kerri with her. Thankyou!
$1000 credit sponsored by the Gelbvieh Association of AB/BC- Raleigh Little
2021 Cow Model - Mira Labrenz & Aspen Blake
Sponsored by Dayspring Cattle

Did you show a Gelbvieh project in 4-H or at a junior show this year? Its not too late to enter the 2022 draw! Contact Jessica Pearson for more informationjessica.andruchow@yahoo.ca or (780) 297-2352

Provides the member with one voting card, the chance to win their pick of the Futurity Bulls and draw down prizes. Draw down prizes will include but will not be limited to cash value vouchers to purchase animals from any Bull Futurity Member either privately or from a sale.
AKS Ranch
Alexander & Kaylin Schultz
780 878 8187
Hay Lakes, AB aksgelbvieh@gmail.com
Classic Cattle Co. Edwards Family 613 646 7934 Cobden, ON
Diamond Z Livestock Ryan & Grant Zalinko 306 536 6057 Rouleau, SK grantz@sasktel.net
Dusty Rose Cattle Co. Darren Dunford
780 206 5918 Dapp, AB dustyrosecc@xplornet.com

Goodview Gelbvieh Blair & Lorie Bentz 306 746 8037
Punnichy, SK blbentz@sasktel.net
Only Futurity Members are eligible to enter bulls.
Green Acres Cattle Company
Chris & Amber Paulencu
780 932 1176 Andrew, AB apaulencu@shaw.ca
JSJ Livestock
James & Shayla Jasper 431 740 5443 Hartney, MB jsjlivestock@xplornet.com
Jen-Ty Gelbvieh
Don & Lorna Okell
403 793 4549 • 403 378 4898 Duchess, AB jenty@eidnet.org
Jonus Cattle
Joe Ness 403 852 7332
RockyView County, AB jonuscattle@gmail.com
MacDonell Farms
Drew MacDonell
780 686 2716 Chipman, AB drewmacdonell@gmail.com
Milne Ranch
Harold & Bev Milne
Harold 780 835 0365 Bev 780 834 7704
Fairview, AB milneranch@live.ca
Stone Gate Farm
Darrell & Leila Hickman
780 581 4510 Sundre, AB darrell.ddhickman@gmail.com
Triple S Cattle Company
Brett & Krystal Spray
Amber Spray
306 614 9049
Preeceville, SK spray3scattle@sasktel.net
TwinView Livestock
Aaron Birch & Joe Barnett 403 485 5518
Parkbeg, SK aaron@tbfarms.ca
• Futurity Entries must be born on or after January 1st of the previous year (2021).
• Bulls will only be allowed to enter the Futurity once.
• Futurity Member must be the registered owner of their Futurity Entries by August 1 of the current year.
• All entries must be CGA or AGA registered PC88, Purebred or Fullblood

• All Futurity Entries must be virgin bulls and not have had semen collected.
• All entries must have a minimum of complete SNP parent verification on file (both parents) with the CGA or AGA by Monday November 14th, 2022. 100K, polled and color DNA testing is up to the discretion of the Futurity Member but is recommended.
• All bulls will be tattoo checked and weighed at the event.
• All bulls must have videos taken before the Futurity that can be made available on-line."
• The Bull Futurity Entries may be cataloged in conjunction with the Wish List Sale catalog. Entry deadline to be included in the catalog is October 1st. Late entries and substitutions can be made up until November 14th.
• The Bull Futurity will provide a stall card that must be displayed. All other promotional signage is at the discretion of the Futurity Members.
• On-Line voting will be available for Futurity Members who are unable to attend the event, there will be no proxy voting.
• The Futurity Entry that receives the most votes will be named the Bull Futurity Champion.
• The last name to be drawn will be the Draw Winner and have their choice of the Futurity Entries. This bull will be the Selected Futurity Bull.
• The Draw Winner is not eligible to choose their own bull.
• The Bull Futurity Committee has the discretion to assign pay out amounts to each of the winners and other prizes.
• Full ownership of the Selected Futurity Bull is assumed by the Draw Winner and the prize money paid to the owner of the Selected Futurity Bull when the bull passes a breeding soundness evaluation or if the Draw Winner chooses to take ownership before that. Until ownership is assumed the care of the Selected Futurity Bull is the responsibility of the owner.
• The owner of the Selected Futurity Bull Champion may draw in herd semen. They may not sell this semen or use it to breed cows they do not own.
• Purchase of insurance of the Selected Futurity Bull is up to the discretion and/or responsibility of either the owner of the Selected Futurity Bull or the Draw Winner.
• The Draw Winner has the option to sell the Selected Futurity Bull any time after they take ownership.
People’s Choice Futurity Bulls

We wanted to participate in the Breeders Futurity because we believe it is a great place to showcase your breeding program to a very captive audience. Koaltrain 32K is a son of DVE Taylormade 14H the leadoff bull at Davidson’s 2021 Bull Sale and his dam is a daughter of RWG Yeager a bull we selected out of Royal Western’s stall at Agribition. This May 15th born calf has an abundance of top with a well sprung set of ribs leading into a deep barrel. Structurally correct and eye appealing. He is heterozygous black and homozygous polled. We realize it will be difficult to compare him with many of the other bulls in the futurity but are confident the discerning cattleman will be able to see his genetic value. With an actual weight of 560 lbs. at 4 month of age he and his mother are show ing their ability to perform.

write this I’m staring at a 5 month old bull calf. But on that April morning when GAC K99 Knighthawk arrived and stood for the first time I knew he was going to be some thing special. K99 in our eyes is the full package. He’s

People’s Choice Futurity Bulls

Wolf. Complex and Legendary. Strength and power.
think the name is well suited for our 2022 futurity offering. Maternal grand dam is Marni 930W, a matriarch in our herd who remains youthful and an udder that is the envy of any that see her. Wolf’s sire, High Road was a purchase in his dam, ULL Ms Ozark 50W, who is recognized for some of her past progeny such as the Deception 41D bull. High Road’s sire, the 2016 Farmfair champion SLC Roadtrip 103B, has been described by some as far under rated in our breed. Wolf is a bit younger but can be ad mired for his balance, style and expected longevity. He’s howlin good!


purpose bull with calving ease built into him. He comes out of FLAD Gracyn 17G, off of FLAD Gunpowder, a remarkable balancer female that re ally built this calf well. RPS Harvey
a gem of a calving ease bull we purchased from the RPS Gelbvieh program and a direct son of their stand out herdsire

Huck Finn.
is from his first breeding season that was strong and consistent. Putting a more moderate frame on this calf and what really stands out about this calf is his strong top
depth of body. He is just overall a moderate bull that has lots to offer and a ton of
People’s Choice Futurity Bulls

son of AWB Birch’s Natalie 22Z has been a stand out since day one! Of the five Natalie ET bull calves that hit the ground this year, Kryptonite was the only JLSL Apollo 759E sired calf and what a cross it turned out to be! When we purchased Natalie from Function and Finesse 2.0 we knew she would do great things for our program. In her first IVF flush we were able to get 47 good oocytes and created two crosses that will stop you in your tracks! He’s got a lot going for him with perfect feet, deep bodied, and a beautiful dark red hair coat. There’s only one thing that can take superman down… wouldn’t you want that power?! When you make your choice, choose Kryptonite, he won’t let you down!
Knockout 245K is a stylish moderate framed red bull with a wide stance and a lot of rib shape. He is also a descendant of the BlackMagic family. His young Exact Combination sired dam BLB 12G has done a very good job raising Knockout. She is also a maternal sib to our 2 previous Futurity entries BLB Helix 5H and BLB Jumpstart 107J. Knockout is sired by our new herd sire BLB Hitch 23H who we have used on both heifers and ma ture cows. His first calf crop is very impressive. Look for Knockout to sire moderate mater nal females and stout sons. Knockout has an impressive EPD profile with a 80 lb BW and ADJ 205 of 758 lbs. Homo polled


our first venture into the Futurity but we felt there wasn't a better way to get out and display to everyone what we're raising. This calf consistently caught my attention on pasture this summer so we thought we'd better bring him to town. Knockout is an excellent example of what we're working towards in our breeding program. With the length and performance from Dice and the calving ease from his no-miss Bucaneer dam, he is set up to sire calves with all the critical beef-producing traits we're looking for.
Boone 15K is a tremendous
herdsire prospect! Boone comes

People’s Choice Futurity Bulls

AWB Twin View Classic 78K represents the best and brightest in calving ease genetics without com promising maternal merit, cow power and performance. Beginning at just 68 pounds and ranking in the top 2% for calving ease and birthweight, he also boasts an adjusted weaning weight of 745 pounds! He ranks in the top 35% for performance values! Classic is smooth made and sports a perfect foot and ideal disposition which is consistent among the Crowfoot progeny. His mother is a unique creature within our breed! She is a past Function and Finesse high seller with show and production records to prove her worth! A direct daughter of the great Baha donor, she too entered our donor pen as a yearling. Classic will show at her side this fall and they will be competitive! Classic is truly compli mentary to any program and he could be yours! Together with the Edwards family at Classic Cattle Company of Ontario, Twin View Classic is certainly worthy of your consideration!
Red bull calf has been a stand out from the minute he hit the ground. He is homozygous polled, Gunner sired and is sure to impress. He expresses

thickness, great extension
Back comes out of a
has had many stand
can have
well as being very smooth
the best

People’s Choice Futurity Bulls

Twin View Bold Ruler 20K ET could be the bull our breed has been waiting for! Added soft ness, increased look, expressive shape, improved hair and colour. Bold Ruler is all of those things and more! He is attractive and sound all in a dark, hairy package with massive volume. His pedi gree reads like maternal dream with exceptional mother cows like Gayle, Baha, Wruffle and Toasty. His sire, Preakness, is no stranger to the Canadian Bull Futurity after being selected as champion in 2020. Preakness did a tremendous job of consistently stamping his progeny and creating huge per formance. Bold Ruler, along with a maternal brother, will be part of our show string with their beauti ful Mama cow standing beside them. She is an elite female who has already created results beyond herself with four front running sons in her first year of production. Bold Ruler will make his mark!

comes to black cattle at Goodview
just the two cow families ,one of those is the BlackMagic family. The BlackMagic family
been our top producing family by far. Moderate females that out produce
24B just happens to have
year after year.
5H and Jumpstart
Now his Dam
up with a rip of her own. 222K is a perfect example of the BlackMagic
is a powerful long spined meat machine with a moderate BW
an ADJ. 205 of 766

Make sure to take a look at Knights standout EPD’s. Homo polled and Homo Black.

People’s Choice Futurity Bulls

It is important for us in our inaugural trip to the Wishlist and the Bull Futurity to bring our best and most potent future herdsire. MD Memphis exemplifies those values and has a great deal to offer the Gelbvieh breed! He is extremely powerful, stout made and developed the look of a herd bull from just days of age. His mother was the high selling female in Function and Finesse 3.0 who went on to be named Champion Female at Farmfair and then Reserve National Champion Female in 2021.
was carrying the service to ORB World Champion, Grizzly Red when we purchased her and Memphis is the result. He ranks in the top 10% of the breed for weaning and yearling EPDs and is backed by an outstanding maternal cow family filled with highly fertile donor females. In her maiden flush as a two year old, his dam produced 19 transferable embryos! Memphis is a powerhouse who combines elite genotype with functional phenotype. He will show alongside his elite mother this fall and we look forward to sharing them with you in Stettler!


People’s Choice
bull calf
including Fladeland Sparks
With RWG Xtreme Traction as the sire along with

with the power
and SLC
my top 4 bull calf’s

cows with
at just 68 lbs, this guy grew hard and fast to make the bull pen. He is stylish and

plenty of substance for a true calving ease bull.
of the breed for
calving ease, 30 day pregnancies and calving ease in his daughters. This bull will fill the replacement pen year after year. Homo polled and hetero black.