12/14/22, 12:50 PM
Finding Inspiration When You Feel Like Giving Up - Prince A. Sanders | Prince of the City
a Finding Inspiration When You Feel Like Giving Up by Prince A. Sanders | Mar 21, 2022 | Blog, Prince A Sanders
You’re trying to write an important paper, but you just can’t seem to get started. You need to create an innovative business plan, but you can’t come up with anything original. You feel discouraged by the quality of work you’re producing, and you’re starting to doubt your worth and capabilities. When you’re lacking inspiration, it can feel like the only option is to give in and give up. Inspiration is fickle–it comes and goes unexpectedly, and getting it back can feel impossible. Allow me to share some ideas for how to find inspiration when you feel like giving up. Distract Yourself Sitting down and trying to find inspiration is often fruitless. Sometimes, the best way to find inspiration is to stop looking for it. Take a mental break and spend time enjoying a hobby. Bake something, read a book, do a craft, exercise, whatever activity you find enjoyable and relaxing. You’ll feel like you accomplished something with your time, you’ll https://princeasanders.com/finding-inspiration-when-you-feel-like-giving-up/